#Erik Kirby
thena0315 · 2 years
Jurassic Kids
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ghostie-luther · 1 month
Okay jurassic Park was my all time favourite series as a child (and is still a huge hyperfixation), but as a child JP3 was my all time favourite for some reason. But carrying on;
Headcanon that after 8 and a half weeks spent on isla sorna, after he was rescued, Eric Kirby turned into a total adrenaline junkie.
Of course, nothing compares to the feeling of running away from velociraptors, spinos, rexes, but he does his best to replicate the feeling.
Adrenaline can keep you alive even when your body is on the brink of exhaustion. How many times had Eric had to start running when out on a supply run? Or if he was asleep and the slightest noise made him wake up, afraid that there was a dinosaur outside trying to get in? Add sleep deprivation onto malnutrition, and adrenaline is a pretty handy friend to have.
In my hc, when he was finally home safe, he was more afraid of the absence of adrenaline than having it. So he started to do things to make his heart race. He picked fights, climbed the highest trees he could find, jumped out of his window in the middle of the night and raced through the streets, pretending there was a pack of velociraptors after him, (which worked a little too well, and an early worker found him crouched behind a dumpster at 6am having a PTSD attack). Even petty theft once, to have the security guard chase him. (Never again, his mom started crying. But he was desperate).
Anyway, Billy who was still in contact with the kirbys, heard all about it. His solution? Rock climbing. Base jumping. Bungee jumping. Anything, you name it. And when Eric is feeling a bit too ansty in the middle of the night, Billy will be there with his motorcycle, to take him on a joyride. It normally helps when Billy practically flies down residential streets. Eric argued that yeah, motorways are good in theory, but there are less things to dodge, which Billy just nodded to while thinking 'fuck this Kid needs a new therapist'.
(When Eric turns sixteen, Billy will buy him a dirt bike. And Amanda and Paul will drop to their knees in anguish, because that look in their sons eyes is downright devious).
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amberxfreeman · 1 year
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behindthescreamz · 6 months
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promotional photoshoot with the cast of “scream 4” (2011)
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icarus-star · 3 months
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Rogue/Magneto was something Marvel really seemed prepared to go all in on back in the day. It looked like something Claremont was toying with before he left, and might've got more focus if he'd stayed, but once he was gone and Jim Lee took full control the focus quickly shifted to Rogue/Gambit.
Age of Apocalypse then gave it new life, giving us a Magneto and Rogue who were happily married and with a son. The massive success of that arc no doubt encouraged the writers to keep the Rogue/Magneto dance going, which is how we ended up with Joseph, a character originally introduced as an amnesiac, younger looking Magneto. Very quickly he was pulled into a love triangle with Rogue and Gambit, only for the writers to then reveal he was a clone of Magneto and then died.
I'm fairly sure that was never the original plan, I believe Joseph was meant to be the real Magneto, but the editor insisted Magneto be a villain rather than a redeemed hero and that was the best idea the writers came up with. By that point, though, Rogue/Gambit had become more popular thanks to X-Men: The Animated Series, and Rogue/Magneto soon faded away accept in an Age of Apocalypse revisits.
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reluctantscribe · 4 months
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"To me, my X-Men."
Hey, all! So, the trailer for, "X-Men '97," came out four days ago, and for some reason, the trailer sparked controversy in the fandom. The main controversy surrounded Morph, who in the revival will be nonbinary. Which just makes sense for their character, honestly. Of course a character whose gender is fluid because of their ability to shapeshift wouldn't conform to one of the binary genders. But the controversy came from conservative X-Men fans, which in itself is an oxymoron. There are no conservative X-Men fans. At least, not real ones. Because fans of these characters and their stories would understand that they have always been stand-ins for oppressed minority groups fighting for equality. The metaphors may be a bit dated in our modern world, but still, when used well, they are still effective.
I don't understand how you can watch or read any story in the X-Men's history and not understand, let alone SEE the themes in play. Humans calling Mutants slurs, throwing things at them in public, calling for them to be hanged hearkens back to the Civil Rights movement of the 60s. Bobby Drake's parents asking him, "Have you tried not being a mutant?" in, "X-Men 2," is similar to parents asking their gay children, "Have you tried not being gay?" some of it is subtext, but most of it is hammered over your head, "THIS IS AN ALLEGORY." Not subtext. Just text.
The other controversy stemmed from someone on Twitter stating that, "Cyclops would have a Blue Lives Matter," sticker plastered on his bumper." And um. NO. Scott Summers is lot of things. Bootlicker is not one of those things. Scott is as anti-cop as they come.
To end this little rant, I'll just post some of my favorite Cyclops moments from comics!
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"Cyclops was right."
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evilhorse · 4 months
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I can play with your fears as I please!!
(Captain America Annual #4)
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“I would be one with the dark-bright night / When sparkling skies and the lightning wed / Walking on with the vicious wind / By roads whence even the dogs have fled,” (Vachel Lindsay, “The Traveller-Heart”).
The Toad was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. (Although ownership of this character is one of the most fiercely contested in the discourse of Marvel Comics.)
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lovepollution · 1 year
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Luke Kirby photographed by Erik Tanner at the Tribeca Film Festival - 21st April 2018
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ghostie-luther · 1 month
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continuing my Jurassic park brainrot
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samasmith23 · 8 months
You know, as much as I defend Stan Lee’s original Silver Age run on the X-Men, I don’t think he quite understood how Magneto’s powers (or magnetism in general) were supposed to work...
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Lol! I had no idea magnetism allows you to create psychic astral projections of yourself or to hypnotize others into obeying your every command!
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thiefbracket · 1 year
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amberxfreeman · 7 months
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ghiessa · 1 year
He is so cute
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