#since people like to spell his name wrong in tags
kikitakite · 19 hours
I saw your callout in the Gale tag for that one user (no comment on them, tho ty for the callout bc i'd seen them in the notes of my fics) and was curious if you could elaborate on some of the Mystra incidents you described towards the end of the post? I'm new to the lore of the setting and find it hard to research (which makes sense given its importance to dnd), so I've heard a lot of conflicting things about Mystra's portrayal in the wider series. No pressure, obviously!
No problem! And yea, I've seen her arguing in the posts of a few people I follow or just Gale-related posts I find interesting. Usually I don't get involved in stuff like this, but I noticed a constant pattern and then all the homophobic shit so I went off a little.
Unfortunately it's hard to find exact examples of the Mystra lore because certain modules aren't very popular or even free to access, but if you're interested the best way to learn about her is by reading the Elminster novels. There's twelve total, dating all the way back to 1994, and they detail Elminster's adventures. I'll be honest though, some of them are a hard read and written through the lens of a man who's admitted very creative, but also has a lot of problematic ideas.
In the first book Elminster is a child. His entire town gets wiped out by mages, thereby making him hostile toward magic. He sneaks into Mystra's temple to deface her statue one night, but she appears before him and basically gaslights him into learning magic and becoming her rare Chosen. He becomes a wizard and cleric basically overnight, until eventually he multiclasses into pretty much every class type in DnD. As you can imagine a lot of players aren't too fond of Elminster, as he's a well known self-insert of the author and pretty annoying to run into during campaigns. None of my dungeon masters like him anyway.
He also becomes one of Mystra's most loyal followers, but she fucks with him over and over, turning him into a woman to teach him a lesson and SLEEPING with him in that form, berating him when he struggles with the torture he endures when he gets stuck in the hells, making him reproduce without his knowledge and getting jealous when he gives his partners more attention. Because she's a very jealous goddess, which I think the game vaguely touches on but not really.
I wish I had the time to flip through all the novels and give exact citations but the best I can do is suggest them, because they're so eye opening. She's considered a neutral good goddess, but neutral gods often do terrible things for the sake of their domain. I think it needs to be noted that Mystra, as with all gods in the pantheon, only cares about her portfolio. She isn't wrong for that, but it doesn't mean she's blameless when she messes with people's lives. She's done a lot of good but she's also made horrible decisions, especially where her followers are concerned.
For example, Elminster having children he doesn't know about. He has a daughter named Narnra. Her conception was... pretty fucked up. Basically a song dragon named Ammaratha Cyndusk was an occasional lover of Elminster's (he has a lot of those because of course he does) and she wanted to bear his child, but since he's a Chosen of Mystra he can control his fertility. Magic birth control, basically. He didn't want a kid so Ammaratha went behind his back to learn a counterspell that would make him fertile during sex. The man she asked refused to teach her because...duh that's messed up, but then Mystra intervened and told him to teach her the spell because she wanted Elminster's "seed to spread". Ammaratha never told him and neither did Mystra. No matter what the reasons, that was NOT consensual on Elminster's part, and it happened two more times, resulting in two more daughters with different women. If I remember correctly Elminster did eventually find out waaaaay later when they were all adults, but it never amounted to anything.
The sisters I was taking about are the Seven Sisters, Mystra's "daughters". And I put "daughters" in quotations because Mystra possessed the body of a woman named Elué and impregnated her without her consent. She slept with the woman's husband (again, while possessing her body) and made them sire seven children. This of course lead to Elué's death because the constant flow of magic in her body was too much for her to handle. Her grieving husband broke after she died and eventually left, abandoning his daughters and earning Mystra's scorn...as if he was in the wrong. The sisters were then orphaned and raised by foster families.
That said, most of the awful things anyone can say about Mystra were the doings of her previous incarnations so ultimately it doesn't apply to the Mystra of BG3. In fact, this third Mystra is supposed to be a new and improved goddess who's nicer to her followers. So her portrayal in BG3 annoyed a lot of DnD fans. I should also point out that Mystra has two types of fans: ones who will defend everything she does, even when it's fucked up beyond all comprehension, and the ones who will tell you she's a true neutral goddess capable of good and bad. I'm the latter. There are plenty examples of Mystra sticking her neck out for innocents, but there's also examples of her doing the most horrendous shit imaginable.
A lot of veteran players, at least the ones I know, are upset with the portrayal of Mystra in BG3 because her plan to end the Absolute is, quite frankly, stupid. Your party is the best chance anyone has of ending the threat, but she asks Gale to nuke himself and possibly tens of thousands, which makes no sense because she could've just sent her mages/clerics to deal with the problem. And there was no guarantee the bomb would've worked anyway. She put all the responsibility on one man and it DEFINITELY comes off as vindictive. That isn't out if character for her but she's not SUPPOSED to be that bad anymore. For a lot of DnD players it felt like she was reverting back to her old habits.
I think there's also a part in the game where you can directly ask Gale why she doesn't just blip the Absolute out of existence and he says something like, "She could but Ao won't allow it." That was also really strange for a lot of veteran players to hear because Gale drops Ao's name like it's nothing. Most people (especially if they're new to the franchise) wouldn't know this but most people in Faerûn don't know who Ao is! Because he wiped people's memories of his existence! I suppose it does make sense for Gale to know that name, since Mystra probably explained the pantheon to him, but it's VERY unlikely tav would know it. So during that conversation all I could picture was tav tilting their head like, "Huh? Who? Whaaa?"
And on top of that......Ao absolutely WOULD allow it because the Absolute effects the Weave and every other god! It had the potential to ruin the balance of the universe, which makes Ao a very angry boy. Balance is one of the ONLY things he cares about. The Dead Three were stealing souls and worshippers, which gods needs to survive, and dying gods disrupts the balance. It's a whole circle of chaos. So the only conclusion left for me to extrapolate is this: Mystra just really, really wanted Gale to kill himself to prove his devotion to her. Which...isn't great. Bad look for her.
It's kind of like how Raphael thinks the Crown of Karsus is going to help him end the Blood War and take over the hells. DnD players laughed during his epilogue because...no it won't lol. He doesn't stand a chance even with the crown. He's arrogant and he's gonna get slapped by his daddy and all the other archdevils, the same way Gale gets slapped by Mystra if he ascends. Even the Absolute ending of the game wouldn't last long because the gods would go to war with the Dead Three, wipe them out and rebuild Faerûn, which has happened many times in past DnD campaigns. Mystra alone has torn worlds apart and glued them back together. The main crisis of BG3 is saving the world you live in or everybody dies. For the gods it's just a Tuesday. I mean look at how Withers owns the Dead Three with a wave of his hand at the end of the game. Mystra COULD'VE killed the Absolute, just as she could've removed the orb from Gale's chest the moment it happened. She just didn't WANT to. She wanted him to die. She wanted him to chastise himself. She wanted him to suffer and come crawling back to her as an obedient follower. She wanted him to learn a harsh and honestly unfair lesson, which is a terrible throwback to her previous incarnations.
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ghostie-luther · 1 month
Okay jurassic Park was my all time favourite series as a child (and is still a huge hyperfixation), but as a child JP3 was my all time favourite for some reason. But carrying on;
Headcanon that after 8 and a half weeks spent on isla sorna, after he was rescued, Eric Kirby turned into a total adrenaline junkie.
Of course, nothing compares to the feeling of running away from velociraptors, spinos, rexes, but he does his best to replicate the feeling.
Adrenaline can keep you alive even when your body is on the brink of exhaustion. How many times had Eric had to start running when out on a supply run? Or if he was asleep and the slightest noise made him wake up, afraid that there was a dinosaur outside trying to get in? Add sleep deprivation onto malnutrition, and adrenaline is a pretty handy friend to have.
In my hc, when he was finally home safe, he was more afraid of the absence of adrenaline than having it. So he started to do things to make his heart race. He picked fights, climbed the highest trees he could find, jumped out of his window in the middle of the night and raced through the streets, pretending there was a pack of velociraptors after him, (which worked a little too well, and an early worker found him crouched behind a dumpster at 6am having a PTSD attack). Even petty theft once, to have the security guard chase him. (Never again, his mom started crying. But he was desperate).
Anyway, Billy who was still in contact with the kirbys, heard all about it. His solution? Rock climbing. Base jumping. Bungee jumping. Anything, you name it. And when Eric is feeling a bit too ansty in the middle of the night, Billy will be there with his motorcycle, to take him on a joyride. It normally helps when Billy practically flies down residential streets. Eric argued that yeah, motorways are good in theory, but there are less things to dodge, which Billy just nodded to while thinking 'fuck this Kid needs a new therapist'.
(When Eric turns sixteen, Billy will buy him a dirt bike. And Amanda and Paul will drop to their knees in anguish, because that look in their sons eyes is downright devious).
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marvelobsessed134 · 6 months
Bunny’s first Christmas
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This is part of my 12 days of fics
Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Bunny hybrid!Reader
Warnings: rough sex, strap on (r receiving), talks of breeding, pet/owner dynamics, mommy kink, squirting.
Summary: In which you spend your first Christmas with your mommy
Being a bunny hybrid can be hard. But not when you’re owned by Wanda Maximoff. Or mommy as you call her. Mommy takes very good care of her bunny. She spoils you with gifts and love. And she fucks you hard anywhere around the house.
You always walk around in the prettiest little dresses, the light pink collar with tags of your name and her name underneath with a phone number in case you get lost. You love wearing the collar. Gives you contentment that you have an owner. Lots of bunnies don’t have one. And if they do, they’re usually neglected and only are used for sex. While that’s usually why someone would buy a hybrid, they still need to be treated with love and care.
Your ears, long and brown, always standing up and on high alert. Which is why you could hear Christmas Dreaming by Laufey playing in the kitchen.
Curiously, you walked towards the kitchen to find the witch making Christmas cookies. Your nose twitched at the smell and you ran over to her.
“Hi, bunny.” She chirped, scratching behind your ears the way you like it. You hummed.
“Hi mommy.” You responded, “what are you doing?”
“Oh, mommy’s just making some cookies for Christmas. You wanna try one?”
“Yes please.” Gosh, always so polite. Such a good girl. Wanda gave you a cookie and you nibbled on it for a bit. See, you’ve never experienced Christmas before. Being in that god awful hybrid shelter. Sometimes people would donate gifts for the homeless hybrids but that was about it.
“Mmm it’s s’good, mommy.” You moaned.
“Glad you like it, bunny.” Wanda couldn’t help but get turned on at the sounds you were making. And poor you, unaware of what you were doing to your mommy.
But the redhead knew she shouldn’t fuck you right now, since she needs to bake more cookies for Tony’s stupid Christmas party. She’s never resented the billionaire more in her life.
How dare he keep her away from fucking her precious bunny when he’s not even here! She groaned in frustration which caught your ears.
“Mommy…what’s wrong?” You asked timidly, placing the cookie back down on the tray.
“Sorry baby but I’m just so stressed right now. That’s all.”
“Is there something I can do to help?”
Fuck it, Wanda thought, Starks cookies can wait.
“Yeah, actually.” She replied, “Bend over the counter.” You were taken back by her sudden demand, her voice deep and harsh. You quickly bent over the counter, you knew what was going to happen and it made you weak with arousal.
The witch roughly lifted your dress up and pulled your cotton panties down before unbuckling her belt pulling her strap out.
She tapped it against your wet folds, collecting your slick before pounding into you with no warning.
You squealed, holding onto the edge of the counter. Wanda grabbed your hips firmly as she fucked into you. “Holy fuck, you feel so good.” She was proud she was able to come up with a spell that allowed her to feel everything with the strap. She felt your sweet walls clenching around her cock.
“Mommy! Oh so good!” You moaned.
“Fuck, you’re so beautiful, pet. Gonna breed you so good one day.” Wanda smacked your ass.
“Ahh- oh fuck-“ you cried.
Wanda tugged on your little bushy cottontail which made you moan.
“Oh fuck honey, go ahead and cum for me.” She hissed.
You clenched around her cock, squirting out your release. She groaned, coming to her own orgasm.
Finally, the witch pulled out of you and put your panties back on. And as you stood up she fixed your dress for you.
You turned around and pressed a kiss to her lips.
“Mmm merry Christmas bunny.”
“Merry Christmas, mommy.”
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lunamochii · 1 year
Caelus — x fox!freader
contents; overstimulation, ooc Caelus(i think), grammatical error, wrong spelling… etc,,
reblog with tags and feedback are highly appreciated!
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Dubbed as one of the people who saved your planet to danger, it was amusing on seeing him enter the establishment you’re working for.
“My my, why is a person like you in such places?”
You approach him, fingers trailing on his arms, your tail brushing past by his thigh. You heard him chuckle and look at you with his golden eyes
“To meet you, ofcourse.”
The smile on his lips that he have showned you was the start of your taking a liking to him, day after day he would come and ask for your company only. Men are known to come here everyday to seek company to different girls, yes, you work in a brothel. It was quite hidden so it was quite a schock seeing Caelus lingering around that day.
“Don’t you get bored with my company? There are other girls who are quite more entertaining..”
You ask. It’s not like you hate being with him but you just can’t help but wonder why, that day was your first time meeting with him. So, him saying ‘to meet you’ it is as if that he have met you before
Caelus look at you and bring you closer to him, arms wrapping around your waist as he began to kiss your ears. Blushing at what his doing, you decided to peak at him and his eyes is already looking at you
“With you is where I feel comfortable. I knew that when I saw you being gentle with the kids.”
You blink at him and remembered you once played with some kids on the streets, they were homeless and were always wandering. Then one day, one of the children told you that they found a place for them to stay. That a man payed for them.
“Caelus you…”
The man before you just smile and gave you a kiss on the cheeks
“It nearly cost me all of my savings just to get them say your whereabouts.”
You can feel your tail swaying softly on the back, you look at him and place your hands above his chest
“And? Were you disappointed when you saw it was a brothel?”
The only time he felt anger was the thought of someone touching you aside him.
“No, more like I want to take you out of this place. Say, why not? Come with me for a night and you can decide.”
His playing with your hair and you immediately agreed, it’s not like you have something to lose. Caelus smiled brightly and quickly carried you. You were telling him to put you down but he won’t budge. Both of you went out the building with you on his arms, you were basically hiding your face. Too embarrassed to let the people see you.
“Wow! I can see the stars from here! Oh my, your place is beautiful!”
Caelus watch you in happiness and his so glad that he found this place, he knew you like watching the stars. Plus, your eyes shine brighter when you’re happy.
“Really? I got some help from Himeko on acquiring this place though, she told me she would deduct my salary.”
You turn to look at him, a woman’s name. There’s still so much of Caelus that you don’t know.
Your voice so low that Caelus is glad he has a good hearing skill. Maybe he should thank March 7th since he adjusted to her screaming voice when it’s early in the morning.
“She’s like a person who takes care of me. You jealous?”
He smirk at you and you were a blushing mess
“Jealous?! Me?! O-Ofcourse not..”
You covered half of your face and he only just laugh as he sat down on a sofa, he extended his arms out while looking at you
“Won’t you want to be the only person who would take care of me? Hm?”
You bit your lower lip and went to him. Getting in between his legs, his one hand slip inside your robe, as he use his other to bring your face close to his as you both shared a heated kiss.
You opened your eyes as soon the kiss ended and you let out a moan when he trail his kisses from your neck down to the center of your chest.
“I want everything of you.”
Caelus, ever since he was brought to this world the first thing he did was fight. Up until he arrived at your planet, meeting you was a refresh from him. Is this desire that Dan Heng told him? If so, he desires for you, he desire for you to touch him, kiss him, love him, leash him. He just wants to be with you. Every second and minute.
He push you down on the sofa and quickly loom over you. He have this dark blush as he continue to shower your neck with kisses
“Taste so good…”
His fingers are working miracle as he rub and pinch your clit, your voice is uncontrollably loud. Pulling your robe down, he can finally see the two beads he wants to see. Pulling his one hand away from your clit, your breast was covered with your wetness as he began kneading them at the same time.
“C-Caelus— hnng~ to think I was right about you wanting it rough…”
He look at you before sucking both of your nipples and that almost made you lose your mind, not that he cares, he wants you to go crazy for him. Reading those magazines on the brothel is paying off.
“Caelus! Caelus! Haahh~ hnng~”
“Chant my name. Moan my name.”
“Yes master! Eek! Cumming! I’m gonna cum!”
He suck hard and your body shudder at the feeling of letting your release, but he wants you to go crazy for him, right? He immediately slid his fingers inside your pussy and finger fuck you. Grabbing on the sofa, you were trying to scurry away but he won’t let you.
“Caelus! There are rules! You mustn’t— mhhm!”
“Rules are meant to be broken, right? Also, we won’t know if my cock will fit inside you.”
His right. You gave him a blowjob once and his cock is big. Thick. But this is making you crazy, you grab on to his coat and came for the second time, Caelus lick your nipples before throwing your robe on the floor, taking off his coat and his shirt. All of it are on the floor now, he wants to move on the bed but he can’t. He must fuck you right here, right now.
“Turn around”
He commanded and you obeyed, you felt him staring at your pussy that is dripping wet, then his eyes went to look at your tail that is swaying softly
“Does a fox feel something when their tail are being played?”
You felt your heart jump and before you can say anything he started to rub your tail, his rubbing it like how he rub his own cock. Tears start form on your eyes as you moan loudly, his playing with your tail while toying with your pussy.
“N-No more— I— this— hnngg~ mmhhhmm..~”
“Look at you, can’t even speak properly.”
Caelus smiles warmly before leaning in to capture your lips to share a passionate kiss with you. He didn’t stop rubbing your tail and to add more his already playing with your ears too
“Too much— aahhh not my ears! Caelus! Haahhh~”
He let go of your ear and you felt him unbuckle his pants and you can feel the tip of his cock poking at your entrance.
“So hard for you, my fox. There’s a saying ‘sly fox, dumb bunny’ but look at us! It’s more like you’re a dumb fox.”
With that he thrust his cock in and it made your whole world spin, he let go of your tail and grab on your waist as he move in a fast pace, he never knew this is how it feels. He only heard from Dan Heng on how good it is to be inside a woman, his good friend sometimes shares his escapades with him. Leading him to know a lot of sexual activities. Well, whenever he comes across Dan Heng’s room back in the train, he would hear moaning.
“Your mind is wandering..”
Caelus snap back to reality when he heard you voice, he look down at you and saw your pouting lips that he couldn’t help but lean down and kiss you.
“Sorry, just thinking about another girl.”
He laugh and kisses you once more before thrusting his hips back again, sooner after you were a mess again. He loves teasing you, he likes to hear your voice lace with annoyance.
“Such a dumb fox, going dumb just because of my cock drilling inside you.”
You huff and moan his name loudly as he let you cum for once again, you’ve lost count and Caelus seems to be not stopping anytime soon. His right, you’re a dumb fox and his a sly bunny. He laid you sideways, placing your right leg on his chest as he thrust his cock again. You’re glad he change the position, it was beginning to tire you out.
Seeing his body, he has some scars and it might be because of the monsters he have been fighting. He also let out low grunts whenever you tighten yourself. He keeps on kissing your leg and time to time he would grope your breast.
“Done checking me out? Don’t worry, you’re the only one who’s allowed to touch me.”
“I know. You’re also the only one who can touch me.”
Caelus smiled and change the position once again and you are laying flat on your stomach with your both legs trap between his legs, arms pin at your back, he thrust his cock back inside you slowly as he let out a groan
“It’s so fucking good to be inside you. Oh fuuuck…”
He will be sure to taste you after you guys take a bath.
“Gonna move now, baby.”
He let go of your arms and move at a inhumane pace as if his chasing something, you let yourself go and just moan his name just like he wants to,
“Cumming! Caelus!”
“Me too! Ugh fuck, come here.”
He let you turn your head slightly so you guys can share a kiss as the both of you came undone. His cum filling you up, hot and thick and you’re sure it’s oozing out from your hole, he came too much. He suck your tongue once more before pulling away from the kiss and leaning back as he kiss your tail before removing his cock, he jerk his cock a bit and covered your back with his cum.
Caelus looks proud at what he has done. He told you stay put as he got up to bring some tissue so he can clean your back before carrying you inside the bathroom.
You watch him clean you and you can tell that your days ahead with him won’t be boring.
“I love you, Cae.”
He looks at you with full of love and adoration. He leans forward and kisses you on the forehead before carrying you.
“I love you too, Y/N.”
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syyskirjat · 3 months
Sueños de piedra (ch1)
Okay, I promised (to myself) to check out whatever media won the ultimate obscure blorbo tournament ( @who-do-i-know-this-man (I wasn't sure whether to tag you or not but in the end I figured I might as well, hope you don't mind I guess))
Turns out that it's a guy from a 2015 Spanish YA fantasy book
And turns out there's a free sample available! Which is lucky for me because I'm currently very broke
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Sueños de piedra by Iria G. Parente and Selene M. Pascual
I don't speak Spanish so I'm gonna rely on the translator quite a lot lmao (well I understand some Spanish actually, but definitely not enough to read a whole book)
The title translates to something like "Dreams of Stone" I think?
Once upon a time in a kingdom far, far away, a prince rewarded a wizard for helping rescue a young girl in trouble. Charming. Too bad none of this is true. In reality, the prince dreams of glory and revenge; the magician, with her spells not always being a disaster and the young woman in trouble, with fleeing from a past that torments her... and from the memory of the man she has killed. Once upon a time...
(Yes this is just Google Translate, sorry)
Okay so, prince, magician and a damsel in distress? Prince wants revenge for something, who knows what, magician is having trouble doing the magic, and the damsel is in fact a killer? Ok ok
The dedication goes as follows:
To all those who embark on a direct journey towards their dreams every day. May you always reach your destination.
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Okay so Marabilia is a place? That's apparently also the name of this book series. Is this like the kingdom then? So it consists of three islands, two small ones and one big? Or is it supposed to be a continent? It definitely seems too small to be a continent
I know the blorbo is called Arthmael de Silfos so I'm guessing he's from the Silfos area in the north of the big island then. I can see what's probably a city called Duan and a forest called "Merlon Forest". We also have different towers around the big island, one of which seems to be called the Tower of Black Magic. (I didn't even need to use the translator for those yay xD)
Okay the first chapter is called Arthmael so I guess we're meeting our blorbo already, which is nice
— Let me make it clear: are you going to give my crown to a bastard?
Okay..... the very first line and I already think Arthmael might be a bit of a spoiled brat (I assume he's in fact the prince)
Apparently Arthmael just found out that he has an illegitimate older brother but I guess this brother's mother is noble anyway so it's legit? I dunno yet. Arthmael thinks this guy is blackmailing his father somehow and is already considering poison as a solution
And anyway, what kind of a name is Jacques for a king?
lmao, so much shade to all the kings called Jacques
Okay so Jacques's family is very powerful and loved by the people of Silfos and the king fears a civil war if he disrespects his claim to the throne. Alright. Kinda weird since based on Arthmael's thoughts, this society has a similar attitude to bastards as in European history, but okay then. I wonder if Jacques is even actually the king's son or is this some kind of a ruse?
Arthmael is very cheeky and even references his dad's love life directly to his face, his dad is not very happy
The king tells him to just be a good boy and hopefully they'll find him some crown princess to marry so he'll get a kingdom that way
I guess these different areas on the map are kingdoms then, that makes sense. They look like very small kingdoms but this is a small place in general.
Arthmael doesn't seem to mind this idea except that there's only one possible princess like that in Marabilia and that's Ivy de Dione. Not sure what's wrong with her.
Well, who knows? Maybe, if I wait a few moons, some other bastard, in Verves or Idyll, will come out from under a rock and come offer me her hand.
Somebody's very snarky, that's cute
Arthmael is very haughty about how the people have always known him as the crown prince and accepted him as such, Jacques laughs and asks what has he even done for the people. He's like well he hasn't really done much yet because he was planning to do things once he became king, but he's been supporting the local business (taverns) and employing servants (lmao). Also apparently there are some girls he's seeing...
Apparently Jacques's family are big traders and business people (despite being noblemen) and create lots of jobs, and also big on charity, so everybody loves them
Arthmael is jealous of how proud his dad looks when Jacques says this, and how he's never looked at him like that
Well, I guess you're kind of a little shit so it makes sense, Arthmael
— If the smartest thing is to become the idol of a few starving people in order to be king, I can do it too.
Oh my god, this little brat
He declares that he's going to be a hero, to overshadow the charity of Jacques' family, because heroes are remembered by history while philanthropist aren't
So he plans to become a storybook Prince Charming, saving damsels in distress etc.
Jacques finds this understandably hilarious, the king is not amused
Once Jacques leaves, the king again offers to arrange a marriage to Arthmael, specifically with the princess of Dione
I'm almost tempted. I have never been to Dione, but they say that their ships are the lightest and fastest, and that sailors come to their shores from the other side of the sea, speaking strange languages that only they understand. Who come from lands where women wear short dresses, if they wear anything at all. Places where war is so normal that, as soon as a child is strong enough to pick up a sword, they push him to the front lines.
Alright then, I see what he fixates on
Was there anything wrong with the princess then or?
Barbarians. I remove the thought from my mind.
Oh okay. What a charming young man /s
Dione is like right next to Silfos according to the map btw, is this like one of those neighbourly feuds?
Okay he says it's because he doesn't want a foreign kingdom, he wants to keep his home, which is fair I guess
The king is like what do you want me to do, kill Jacques and his pregnant wife? And Arthmael is just like yeah great idea, because he's a dumbass. The king is like wtf
Apparently Jacques' family is from that Duan city that I noted earlier, and his mother died a few days ago and apparently "her loss is greatly felt"
The king regrets spoiling Arthmael too much, and talks about how Arthmael doesn't understand anything about suffering or anything and only cares about girls
Arthmael is already considering faking his death to make them all feel sorry, because of course he is, he's exactly that kind of guy
He says he doesn't want to go try to charm the princess, he'd rather just go off on his own (also there's a whole bit about how only a man can rule Dione or something and the king of Dione won't accept his daughter to become a ruler)
His dad tells him no, just stay here and be a good boy, don't make everybody gossip about drama in the royal family
Arthmael is like hey you managed to hide your bastard son for years, you can hide my disappearance
They fight a bit more but then Arthmael just storms out, grabs a few things from his room and leaves
a change of clothes, a bag of coins, my sword, and my favourite cloak. I do not need anything else.
Okay then, good luck I guess
To be a hero you only need a brave heart. Or so they say.
I feel like you also need to not be a selfish prick but maybe that's optional
Okay end of first chapter!
Our blorbo seems like a real brat!
But I guess the point is probably that he needs to learn some lessons along the way, or something like that, idk. I'm sure there's a reason for why whoever entered him into the tournament likes him so much
I'm guessing the damsel in distress is not the princess? Probably? She wasn't called a princess anyway. TBH she's the character I'm currently the most curious about. The next chapter is from the point of view of someone called Lynne and I hope that's her. Could be the magician too though I guess? No wait, I think the magician is a guy. Altho idk maybe Lynne could be a guy's name, I don't fucking know.
I'm guessing that Arthmael will try to rescue the damsel so he can be a hero, because that's what heroes are supposed to do, but then it'll go wrong somehow? And then the magician will get involved somehow, I have no clue.
That's all my predictions I suppose. Altho I'm guessing that Jacques might turn out to be a villain somehow, I didn't get the vibe that he was particularly great either, just not as much of a brat as Arthmael, and it would then be something for Arthmael to do when he gets back home. Then again maybe the book will surprise me, who knows. To be honest, it would feel a bit like a cop out if it turns out that the guy he hates actually is evil, but it could be handled well, and it's not like I like Jacques either so far. He seems extremely sus too
No guesses as to what the title refers to yet, it could be anything
Idk, like I said, the damsel's storyline is the one that interests me the most rn, it might actually get me to read further (good job, blurb, you got me)
I still have a surprisingly good amount of the free sample left, there's actually nine chapters here, so idk, maybe I'll keep going? We'll see
I'm pretty happy with how much I was able to follow the text even on my own, altho I definitely had to rely on the translator. I would not have had the patience to try to translate all of this myself. But I definitely understood multiple full sentences! Yaaay xD
Apologies to fans of this book series, I hope I didn't seem too rude
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elenauaurs · 2 months
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Name: Amin Adel Al-Farooq
Grade/Class: Freshmen/Class B (No. 11)
Birthday: October 24rd
Age: 16
Height: 165 cm
Dominant hand: Right
Homeland: Scalding Sands
Club: Magic Shift/Spell Drive
Best Subject: Astrology
Hobbies: Taking care of virtual pets
Pet Peeves: Invasion of personal/Having to repeat himself
Favorite food: Kibbeh
Least favorite food: Crustaceans
Likes: Cats, Stars, Good people
Dislike: Delinquents, ghosts, teasing
Talent: Combat
. . .
Amin is a student from Scarabia who is always accompanying Kalim and Jamil. His distant attitude makes him strange in the eyes of many.
The mysterious and distant boy actually hides a secret: He she's a woman and Amin isn't even her real name. (She isn't trans. In the universe of my ocs NRC remains a school just for boys, but the reason for adopting a male identity comes from her backstory)
Amin is a person who always has a closed or tired face. Most of the time, Amin is stuck in his thoughts instead of interacting with others.
When Amin tries to start a conversation with someone he doesn't know, 99% of the time the conversation can turn into something really awkward or quite edgy(depends on the mood lol)
Although he isn't very good at talking and is a little shy/embarrassed, Amin is not afraid to show his thoughts and fight for them. This attitude of his makes him get into several fights, which has earned him a reputation as a troublemaker.
Despite acting this way and having a short temper, Amin hates delinquents who break the rules. Whenever he can, Amin punishes anyone he considers a deliquent to 'save' them
With people close to him, Amin reveals himself to be a courageous, agitated, stubborn, playful, teasing and loyal person. But of course, that's not how he feels at all.
In fact, Amin is a pessimist and a person who has struggled with grief for a long time. He sees himself as an impostor who doesn't deserve happiness and has no reason to live other than to continue someone else's legacy. Amin constantly blames himself for the past and has a huge inferiority complex, but he refuses to demonstrate his weakness and the truth to others.
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Amin is twisted from the guards from Aladdin
He has incredible swordsmanship
Despite his small appearance, Amin is strong and agile
He knows parkour
Amin has combat magic that is far advanced compared to other freshmen, however his general magic (like levitating things, cleaning magic, coloring magic, etc.) IS REALLY BAD
By having such poor magic and almost failing many classes, Amin makes up for his lack of skill in written or physical activities (or combat)
Amin is banned from Mostro lounge
The headband he wears is a gift from Kalim
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Amin has short, dark hair with bangs. His skin is dark and his eyes are dark brown
He always wears clothes much larger than his size and always wears a headband
Most of the time, he wears bandages around his hands that go up to his elbow.
. . .
Note: Since Aladdin is a racist film, I tried to do some research to avoid something that would be hurtful to people from the Middle East. If you know the Middle East well and noticed that there is something wrong with this post, please let me know and I will review it immediately, thank you!
Tag: @cyanide-latte @theleechyskrunkly @thehollowwriter @distant-velleity @tixdixl @rainesol @oya-oya-okay @boopshoops @br3adtoasty
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jungle-angel · 3 months
As The Water Rises (Bob Floyd x Reader)
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Summary: Ancient Rome AU where you take care of Bob after a long day
Notes: This is for the lovely @bradshawsbaby, my friend I've been reading SVAA lately and I LOVE IT!!!! I wanted to surprise you with this because it's all I had been thinking about for a while (lol). I do apologize for any spelling mishaps too my friend, I'm terrible with it sometimes.
Warnings: SMUT, sex, references to slavery etc. (ft. Coyote, Roman name Latranis and others)
Tagging: @bradshawsbaby @floydsmuse
You were eager to go and meet Hrodebert, just as you always had, every day when the meetings at The Forum ended. You bid farewell to Sabina and Phoenix, walking with purpose through the marketplace, saying hello to some of the shopkeepers and statesmen who often found their way through there.
Your sandals flapped on the cobbled path that ran through the alleys until you came to those huge, imposing steps and the equally imposing façade of the building, held up by pillars as though they were the arms of Atlas himself......The Forum.
You found Hrodebert sitting on the steps, a grimace on his face and his head in his hand. You knew he hadn't been himself lately, but this clearly wasn't himself at all.
"Hrodebert?" you queried, tentatively sitting beside him.
He looked up at you with his soft blue eyes, a pained expression on his face. "M'so tired," he mumbled.
You scooted closer to him as he put his arms around you, letting his cheek rest on the crown of your head. You only realized how tired he truly was when you heard the gurgling of his belly, a sign that he must not have eaten anything since waking up.
"You didn't eat anything today, did you?" you asked him.
He shook his head.
You kissed his lips, uncaring of who saw you or who had chosen to make faces at the two of you. "Come on now," you said, helping him to his feet. "Lets go get something to eat and then we'll relax. I'm sure the bathhouses are open."
You led Hrodebert to one of the places, a little hole-in-the-wall thermopolium that sold hot food day and night. You and Hrodebert were starving, the smells of all the barbecuing meat, fish and spices wafting from the kitchens.
Your old friend, Latranis, the owner of the place, came and brought you everything you needed, letting you know it was on the house. The two of you ate your fill but left him a little something anyways, knowing that these days, good business was often hard to come by.
Off to the bathhouses you went, knowing that Latranis would probably be dropping by again later. Even after having come here for so long, you had forgotten how steamy, humid and sticky it could really be in here. But oh was it heaven after a long day.
You helped Hrodebert strip off his toga, his whole body aching, as you hung the cloth up on the hooks in the little niche. You yourself, stripped off your clothes and hung them with his, the both of you storing your sandals in a safe place for when you were done.
"You're too good to me," he mumbled, taking your hand in his.
You kissed his cheek, making him go red from his face all the way down to his chest. "You took care of me my love," you said, the pad of your thumb gently brushing his chin. "And now it's my turn."
Hrodebert gently pulled you towards a little tunnel into the halls that led to the caldariums. No one really batted an eyelash, thinking you were merely the slave girl to the son of a high ranking senator. Of course they hadn't really been wrong. It had started out that way when you and Hrodebert first met. You had been a mere girl taken from your tribe in Gaul, nearly sold to an old whorring wretch who would have surely had his way with you had it not been for Iosephus, Hrodebert's father. He too had known what it was like to be a slave, a Germanic general taken from his own people and forced to fight in the Coliseum for the sole entertainment of others. He had fought for his freedom.......fought and won.....the same as he had done for you and for his freeborn sons and daughters.
In you went with him, amazed at the sight of the room that lay before you with all its beautifully carved statues in the wall niches, the bathing pools and the cascades of vines and climbing flowers that made the place worthy enough for the gods themselves to enter.
Hrodebert lay right down on a towel laden wood table, his head resting on the tops of his hands while you straddled his towel covered butt. You could almost feel the aches and pains in the soft ripples of his muscles, strong but tired. Into your hands from one of the jars, you poured a coin sized drop of the Balm Of Gilead, an ointment you had bartered numerous times for in the markets for Gallus and Carnifex to use after a fight. You rubbed it right into his muscles, putting your palms and the balls of your hands into it to get those wretched kinks out.
"Oooooh right there my sweet......right there....." he moaned happily. "Ooooh fuck......feels so fuckin good....."
You chuckled a little as you kept rubbing it in, delighting in his happy little moans. You bent your head to kiss the freckles on his back, no doubt the marks of the sun from his days as a child and teenager, running around the streets of Alexandria with his brothers and sisters.
You were a little nervous as you braced yourself against one of the pillars, digging into his back with the heels of your feet and hearing his pleasurable groans as he told you everything about his day. God, you were both in heaven.....sheer, utter heaven.
Right into the steaming baths you went, floating about and relaxing on the brick steps that led down into the pool. You kissed your fiance's lips, rubbing your noses together, happy and content in your surroundings with just the two of you.
"Methinks you're gonna need a haircut soon," you chuckled.
"Oh am I now?" he said, smiling wryly into the kiss.
You laughed a little as your kissing deepened, slow at first, but growing more desperate and needy as Hrodebert tried to slip his tongue over your lips. He drew a moan from your mouth as he gently pulled you onto his lap, the water doing most of the work. Your fingers tangled in his wet hair at the nape of his neck, gently brushing against the shell of his ear.
Hrodebert sighed into your mouth as he trailed from your lips all along your jaw, his fingertips gently brushing against the black armband tattoo on your bicep, the ink all connected in swirls and knots, a mark of the tribe you had once belonged to.
You moaned as you felt his arousal growing between your legs, his big hands firmly and steadily gripping your hips to keep you from floating away. You reveled in the feeling of his hot breath going down your sternum and all along your naked breasts, his tongue swirling around your nipples that had grown hard and pointed.
"So fuckin gorgeous," he mumbled in between kisses. "Can't wait to make you my wife.....see all those bitchy matrons get all jealous....."
You clenched your legs around him as you felt his cock stiffening inside you, your hips and his rocking together in a steady rhythm as he guided you up and down on his cock.
"C'mon sweetheart....." he urged. "C'mon......come for me.....c'mon, I know you have it in you....."
You felt his hips stuttering against yours, your head falling back and Hrodebert's hands firmly gripping you as you both came at the same time. Whether it was the steam or the relaxing hot water, your head fell against his shoulder, the two of you panting from the effort.
"My love you're amazing," he said with a sleepy smile, kissing your lips sweetly.
You smiled, gently brushing your fingertip against his button nose, tracing over his lips before returning the kiss.
"AW YEAH!!!!! GET IT!!!! GET IT!!!!!"
You and Hrodebert jumped at the sudden yelling, the hoots and hollers of three of your friends emitting from behind the pillars. Gallus, Carnifex and Latranis showed themselves a moment later with only a white towel around each of their waists, laughing, hollering and making lewd hip thrusts.
"Look at you making babies before you're married!" Latranis exclaimed.
"Didn't think you had it in you my man!" Carnifex laughed.
"I'm gonna have to try that now," Gallus remarked.
"OUT!!!!!! OUT!! YOU SLIMY, SKEEVY BASTARDS!!!!" Hrodebert thundered, chucking one of his sandals at them.
"Ow, fuck you!" Gallus laughed when the sandal slapped against his arm.
"Already did you sick pig!" Hrodebert retorted. "Gods! I can't believe you fucking idiots were watching us!"
"We heard you both coming down the halls," Carnifex told him.
Hrodebert groaned in annoyance but he couldn't ignore the laughing look on your face. "What?" he queried, giving you the side eye.
"I'm not saying anything," you giggled.
Hrodebert kissed you again, littering your cheek with his sweet pecks. "Don't worry my sweet," you told him. "If anything they'll get what's coming when they drop by the house for dinner."
"What'd you do?" he asked.
"Lets just say, I left your mother an extra basket of dried prunes to be stewed and served at dinner," you answered, wiggling your eyebrows.
Hrodebert laughed a little, knowing the three morons would be in for it later and if they ever dared do it again, they'd be served the same dish at your wedding.
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samijami · 9 months
New pinned post!
Hi! I'm a MINOR! 15 years old!
My name(s) are Samuil (Sami for short), or Arco. My YouTube channel is Sami Jane, go sub! (I can and will block rude people </3)
I make a lot of Undertale stuff, and AUs of a lot of games..mainly Undertale. Please roleplay with me and ask me questions! Feel free to also do asks for my OCs!
Here's a list of my OCs! (This will lead you to a Google document with a list of my OCs).
I will be posting random reblogs, a lot of them.
I'm nonbinary, and aro/ace. My pronouns are: they/them, he/him, vi/vir, ze/zir, and fae/faer. You can feel free to use any neopronouns you want on me though! (My most preffered pronouns are vi/vir).
Sideblogs and parody blogs: @the-official-jk-rowling @steve-bannon-official @official-lorie-smith // @ai-generated-responses @things-i-tell-my-cats @out-of-context-shit-ive-said
I realise I will spell things wrong (purposefully) and will frequently change from British to English writing, but I assure you that's normal, and not the worst I can do.
Like 20 people are telling me not to share my diagnosis, but I'm the AuDHD with them DPDRs guy and I EVEN POST ABOUT IT-
Ask for my socials if you're a friend.
I'm supposed to be learning Indonesian, but I'm lazy so that's on halt at the moment. And..I'm taking a guitar class in school.
Don't pummel me with religious stuffs </3
I may post vents (tags + post cuts), or political things. But most of the political things won't be controversial to people with any braincells. (Since I only reblog things pro-human rights like trans and gey stuffz).
If you're here to hate on me, welcome 1 in a 1,000, you are very special.
It is in my honest opinion that aslong as nobody is being harmed, then to leave them alone.
(Changed pinned post due to criticism regarding personal privacy. Though I feel I'm allowed to share whatever I wish to, I'm tired of people telling me to change it).
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farfromstrange · 1 year
Pointless | m.m
A Foreigner's God One-shot.
no name used.
FG masterlist
Summary: A glimpse into how much she truly means to him.
Warnings: none, fluff
a/n: I was listening to Pointless by Lewis Capaldi (because I'm gonna see him in concert in March and I love the song) and I instantly thought of them. I only did it with the first part of the thing because there are details I’ve already written about. Maybe I’ll do the second part at a later time. Who knows. Do with this as you will.
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I bring her coffee in the morning.
Love is one of the strongest emotions the human soul is capable of concocting. Sometimes, we fall in love fast and hard and often without warning, and that love goes over just as fast. And then there are times when we fall in love so deeply, chances are we will never fall out of love with that person again. 
Matt could count down the times he’s been in love on one hand. The first time was the worst one because he fell in love with the wrong person. He fell in love for the first time with someone who was sent to turn him into something he was not, and while she fell for him too, loving her made him feel the most worthless he ever had. 
There was Elektra and then there was her.
The woman he met that one summer night on the roof of one of Hell’s Kitchen’s most organic butcher shops. Even throughout the stench of death, pearled meat, and blood, all he could smell was her. She put him under a spell the second he first picked up on her heartbeat, the vanilla and unique scent of her sensitive body wash going with the wind and brushing through the tiny hairs in his nose where the receptors responsible for his sense of smell lay. 
He had only sneered at her attempts to attack him, but she was stronger than he anticipated and he got his ass handed to him for the first time since college. At that moment he knew that he needed to see her again. He fell in love without knowing right away. The more time he spent with her, the clearer the fact got and when he finally acknowledged it, she was too deep in her own state of denial to return his feelings. 
It took far too long for them to find together, too many tears shed and too many sleepless nights spent next to each other before she left and took his heart with her. And then she almost died and he felt empty all over again. She pushed him away with the cruelest things to say and that should have been the last straw. It should have been the last straw with Elektra, so it should have been with her as well. He should have listened to his common sense. He deserved better. She was toxic for him, as were all the people he had ever felt anything resembling love toward - except Foggy because in that case, Matt was the toxic one. His relationship were doomed to fail, he realized that, so his twisted, conscious response was to hold on tighter before she forced him to let go. 
And even then he came climbing back up the ragged edges of the cliff to crawl back home to her on bloodied knees, more than willing to do whatever she told him it would take to make her love him. He didn’t need much, he only wanted her, no matter the capacity. 
But all of his kneeling at God’s feet proved fruitful. She came back. Against all odds, she fell in love with him too, and not because she lost at a game or failed the mission. She fell in love with him because of him. There was no catch, although he feared that every time he woke up next to her in bed, listening to her even breathing heartbeat and he struggled to fall asleep again.
What if she slipped away again? He asked himself the same question over and over again, and over and over again he woke up with her still beside him, either curled into his chest or tangled in his sheets and pillow, sleeping like a princess. She was the most innocent like that, and nothing could hurt her when he was next to her. Perhaps if he kept reminding himself that she was still alive and right next to him by running his hand down her bare back, he could start telling himself that his love no longer remained unrequited. He could tell himself that war was over, finally, and that he had nothing more to worry about. She was his and she swore she wouldn’t leave. That had to count for something because her heartbeat told the truth, and he knew she would never lie to him. She hadn’t done so before, so she surely wouldn’t start now that they were both recovering and starting to fall into a rhythm that fit for the both of them. 
Matt was so in love with her that it hurt. But it wasn’t bad pain, realized. The pain reminded him that their love was real, at least, and he wasn’t imagining or dreaming. 
The world around him was so loud all the time, though the streets suddenly went quiet every time he woke up in her arms. He made it a tradition to bring her coffee for breakfast because he was often the first one awake, especially with her nightmares lulling her mind into an exhausted fog only early in the morning. 
“Why do you keep doing that?” She asked him out of the blue one morning and he frowned, not quite sure what she meant, and his heart jumped at the uncertainty – maybe he had done something, messed up, and didn’t realize it because he had been told the same thing many times before.
She was something he didn’t want to screw up. Her love was too valuable to lose, and she was by far the greatest and most understanding person he had ever met who was more than okay with who he was.
Peaceful, he believed, was the word he searched for. She was peaceful and it made him feel more at ease with who he was, the noise and the smell of the world mattered less. They were never fully gone, but with her around he had something else to focus on, and she was patient enough to take her time and take care of him when he needed it. 
Fiddling with the mug, his eyebrows furrowed and unclenched, his lip tilting into an awkward smile as he tried his best to point his sightless gaze in her direction. He was getting better every day, anticipating the position of her eyes and her face just by listening to her breath, but his eyes more often than not missed the mark because he couldn’t tell where exactly he was pointing them. She often turned his head, knowing he wanted nothing more than to give her a sense of normality, even though she told him countless times that she didn’t even notice – this was something that couldn’t go unnoticed, and yet to her, it was normal. She didn’t care, but he still felt the need to adjust just a little, even if it was just for his personal satisfaction. 
“Do what?” he asked right back.
Her finger traced the brim of the mug, playing with the condensed air from the hot coffee. The water slid over her fingertips and into the lines on her palm, soaking into the skin. 
“Make me coffee every morning,” she said. “You do that every day, but you never let me do it. Why?”
The answer sounded quite simple. “Because I love you,” he stated. But it wasn’t exactly simple. 
Love means different things to different people. For Matt, the word had a deeper meaning, and the way he felt about her ran even further than that. He made her coffee because she brought him peace and loving her made him feel the desperate need to serve. His love language was touch paired with acts of service, especially those he wanted to make seem as casual as possible – their relationship was far from normal, their lives even more so; doing something as domestic as making his girlfriend coffee in the morning offered a certain escape from the world of pain they resided in. Together, the weight of the world became more bearable. He needed the peace as much as she did, and if brewing a kettle of coffee before breakfast and waking her up with gentle kisses could offer some of that, he would do just that. It was the least he could do and the least she deserved. 
Matt noticed a lot about her throughout their relationship. Every little thing, he noted. Every little thing made him fall only deeper in love with her. 
She brings me inner peace. 
I take her to fancy restaurants. She takes the sadness out of me.
If there was one thing she hated it had to be those expensive restaurants on the upper east side that Tony often took her to. It reminded her of different times, times before her life went to hell, and she didn’t want to go back there ever again. 
She was happy with what little money they had, and if going on a dinner date at a cheap diner was what it took, then she would gladly do it. 
Though every once in a while, Matt liked to treat his girl. He wanted to treat her right. So he grabbed whatever gift he had picked up and took her to one of the restaurants in Manhattan that he could barely afford, but saved up to make her feel special. She put on a fancy dress and he put on a tuxedo and together, they ate the most expensive food known to man, but it was good and it felt normal. 
They laughed all evening, spending the entire walk home just chatting and laughing and he could be carefree, finally, because there was not a city that needed him but the love of his life by his side, removing all the terrible thoughts from his mind and filling him with the utmost joy. He couldn’t ask for anything better. 
I love it when her mind wanders,
And she loves it when I stay at home.
I know when she's lost and she knows when I feel alone.
And whenever he cried, she would be there to hold him. Always. She would ask him to dance or sing to him and the world would feel a little less terrible. In exchange, he did the same for her. But the nights they spent tangled in the kitchen, cookies in the oven and dancing to some song she found on Spotify that was not meant for slow dancing, but they did it anyway because they belonged together and everything could be what they wanted it to. There were not limits as long as they were together. 
I make her cards on her birthday,
She makes me a better man.
Matt loved her. He loved her so much, it hurt. For her, he wanted to try all the things good boyfriends to - make breakfast in bed, take her out to dinner or lunch, buy her flowers every day, make random gifts or cook, and she ate it up every time. Every little thing he did, she was thankful for, he could tell, and she gave back just as generously. She read him like an open book. Nothing went past her. She would do whatever it took to make him feel better than he did, and in exchange, he turned from the selfish man he thought he was into someone else. The catholic guilt barely mattered anymore. He found his faith again because he found her and their lives were better together. It was normal, domestic, and he wanted to marry her so desperately, he wasn’t sure how long he could hold it off. 
I take her water when she's thirsty,
She takes me as I am.
There was nothing that could have possibly separated them.
Without her, nothing was the name, and his life seemed a little less worth it. He needed her like he needed air. He prayed for her to stay, that she would never leave him. There was no point to living if she wasn’t with him. He needed to hold onto that, the little sliver of happiness, no more fear or pushing away, just them for all eternity.
He needed her and she needed him and together, they could survive anything that life might throw their way.
From all my airs and graces,
To the little things I do;
Everything is pointless without you.
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fastlikealambo · 2 years
The Girlfriend: Modern rockstar! Eddie Munson x Black Reader Angst Drabble
Summary:Your relationship with rockstar Eddie Munson goes public and you’re not prepared for what happens next.
Trigger Warnings:bullying, mentions of depression, some gaslighting (not eddie), panic attacks
Minors, dni.
Act One: A list. 
10 Celebrities You Didn’t Know Had Non-Famous Significant Others
A blurry shot of you and Eddie at some restaurant, your name spelled wrong.  You laughed it off, made jokes about calling your agent sitting on Eddie’s lap while he worked on a new song.  Things were good, you had gotten a good job in LA, Corroded Coffin had finished their first big tour.
You only had a few friends on social media then, Eddie, the band, a few family members.  You had a shitty phone so half your posts were out of focus anyway. 
But you were happy and that’s all that mattered.
Act two: A viral moment.
“Smile princess!” Eddie yelled over the roar of the crowd, a curtain away.  You smiled shyly at his phone, the flash in your eyes as you kissed Eddie on the cheek.
“Knock em dead babe.” You whispered in his ear playfully pushing him on stage.
You woke up in Eddie’s arms the next morning to your phone nearly vibrating off the table. It had to be an emergency so you climbed over your sleepy boyfriend in a rush, praying it wasn’t.  Instead of a dire text from your parents, you had over 2,0000 notifications. No wonder your phone felt like it was gonna burst into flames.
The first one you clicked on led you to a tagged post of Eddie’s own photo of you both from the previous night but it wasn’t on his instagram or the band’s, just a random account.
“Baby?” You asked the rocker who had finally fully woken up beside you stretching.
“What’s up princess, you want to grab breakfast before I go to the studio?” Eddie asked, a lazy arm pulling you back into bed.
“Did you post that picture of us last night?” You asked, handing him your phone.
“No, I forgot. Did I send it to you?” He asked, hands in his hair.
Eddie’s team is there twenty minutes later, talking around you, coming to the conclusion that Eddie’s phone had been hacked or that someone had taken a picture of you two taking the photo, whatever it was you weren’t really listening.
You were going through every single notification, your sudden influx of new followers,  scrolling through the comments on what looked like a fan run account for Eddie. You can’t help but look at the comments, most are sweet, remarking about how cute you two looked, how happy you must be, but one comment sticks out first.
corrodedfan45 she’s not that pretty.
Eddie’s face appears in front of you, hand on your thigh.
“You okay? I know it’s a lot at once but  it’ll die down after a few days. If it doesn’t, I’ll take care of it, I’ll take care of you, I promise.” Eddie said, pulling you close. Suddenly exhausted, you gave him a small smile, your head on his shoulder.
“I bet it’ll be old news by tomorrow morning.” You said, hopefully, more for Eddie’s benefit than your own but the comment floats through your brain.
She’s not that pretty.
Act Three: A video. 
“Storytime guys: I met Eddie Munson’s girlfriend yesterday and let me tell you, she was not worth the hype!  I tried to ask her for a photo and get this: she said no and tried to take my phone. Tried to grab it out of  my hand, can you believe it? Who does she think she is?  Does she not know her job is on google? We know how to handle her, don’t we?  If this blows up, I’ll do a part 2-”
The video cuts off and your hands are shaking.
munsongrl9000849: source? 
starbyy7873333333: i believe it, her vibes are RANCID
unorvrse69: 🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢
hawkins86: yall see the google reviews, im cackling
rightsideup: he’s a 10 but he’s dating an ugly bitch
You’ve never seen that person in the video in your life, you’ve been working from home for the past two months since too many people kept parking outside your job waiting for you to come out.
Eddie’s on the European leg of his tour, sends you pictures every day, calls you every night but his absence is felt as his pr team talks around you again with your boss included in the conversation.
“I think it might be best if she didn’t work for a while, their finances are good, think of it as a vacation.”
“ The gallery will issue a statement condemning bullying of any kind, it’s being drafted as we speak, she should repost it to her socials tomorrow.”
“Why?” You asked quietly.  The team looks up at you as if noticing that you’re there for the first time.
“Why what, hun?”  Eddie’s PR manager parrots your question.
“Why do I have to leave my job? I’m good at it, I enjoy working, why do I have to leave?”
“Our business rating has gone down to 1 star overnight, we need to think of the gallery.” Your boss concludes.
“You understand, don’t you?  We need to protect Corroded Coffin, Eddie’s brand is on the line here.”
“But who’s protecting me? I have to leave my job, people are lying about me, people are watching me, who in this room right now is looking after me?”
“Oh you poor thing.” Eddie’s PR manager pats your leg in what he thinks passes as sympathy. 
“ Are you still taking your meds? The last thing the brand needs is a rehab stint, sweetie. Oh and it’s best if I take that too, we haven’t finished the plan to announce your engagement yet.” 
Before you can say another word, your engagement ring is in a baggie, never to be seen again.
“ I can’t wait to take you with me next time, you would love Dublin sweetheart.” Eddie said, spinning the phone around so you can see the view behind him.
“It looks amazing baby, I’m so proud of you.” You said, trying to smile.
“ You alright angel? Did you eat today? You look like you’re coming down with something.”
“ I’m fine baby, don’t worry, just missing you is all. Have a good show tonight.” You said, mustering up a big smile but Eddie’s concerned face doesn’t waver.
“You’d tell me if something was wrong, wouldn’t you?”
“ I would.”
Act Four: A deluge.
ccoffin_56: where’s his fucking gf? why isn’t she supporting him?
vecnasbitch: eddie’s such a sweet bby he needs to listen to us about her
pulluptotheaddy777: #dumpthatbitch
“ That’s it, I’m coming home.”  Eddie said the moment you came into view on FaceTime.
“Eddie no, you can’t leave the band like that. Your manager turned off all my socials, I’m fine now.”
“Baby, you’re not fine. Your mom called me, she’s worried about you, I’m worried about you.  I’m sorry, I  shouldn’t have waited this long, I’m on the next flight out of Barcelona.”
“Your manager already released a statement-
“Fuck my manager, I care about you. None of this means shit without you, the tour is done.”
“But-” You don’t finish, as your throat tightens and the tears begin to fall.
“Sweetheart? Come on baby, talk to me.”
“It’s never gonna stop, is it? If you end the tour, they’ll blame me. I can’t go back to work,  I can’t leave the house, somebody followed my sister and her kids home the other day, my phone’s basically a brick and I can’t even wear my ring. I don’t blame you, it’s not your fault, but I’m tired and I’m scared, I’m so scared all the time Eddie.” You’re struggling to breathe now, choking on sobs as it all comes out.
“Breathe with me baby, I’m right here. I know you’re scared but you gotta breathe, you’re scaring me angel.” You can hear commotion behind him, bags being zipped up. You take a few deep breaths, trying to get your breathing under control but it’s not working.
“ Sweetheart? Are you still there, answer me!” There’s panic in his voice and you manage to get a few deep breaths in and turn the camera back on you.
“I’m here, I’m okay baby, look don’t leave tour just yet, I’ll think of something, I’ll-”
“The only thing I want you to do is turn off your phone and get some rest. I’ll call you before soundcheck, okay?”
“Okay. I love you Eddie, no matter what.”
“I love you too baby, get some rest.”
You fire off a quick text to your mom and sister, letting them know you’re okay before turning your phone off.
Act Five: A stand.
You’re out of it most of the next day, alternating between sleeping and just laying on the couch with the tv on mute. You must have dozed off again because the next thing you feel is Eddie’s lips on your cheek and hand against your forehead.
“Eddie?” Your eyes fluttered open to see Eddie standing there.
“Hey gorgeous, I missed you.”  
“ But what about the tour?”
“You are more important than any tour baby.”
You all but jump into his arms, feeling safe for the first time in a long time. You’re so wrapped up in him you don’t notice at first that’s  he’s crying.
“Eddie, what’s wrong?”
“On the ride home, I looked up everything: the comments, the dms, the hate pages, that stupid fucking video. All this time, I thought my team was doing right by me, right by you, but they didn’t do shit. This has been going on since that picture leaked and I left you alone to deal with it. I promised to take care of you, to protect you from this shit, and I didn’t.”
“Eddie, it’s not your fault.”
“ Baby, you’ve been suffering, actually fucking suffering and when I looked into your eyes yesterday, I saw the possibility of losing you to this shit and it fucking terrified me.  So this stops, right here and right now.”
“Eddie, what are you doing?”
“What I should have done a long time ago.”
Eddie turns his phone on, slipping it onto the tripod and standing in front of it. 
“Hi everyone, it’s me. You’ve probably noticed by now I did not play the Barcelona show today and for that I am sorry. I am also sorry to announce that for me, The Cult of Vecna European Tour has come to an end. No, I have not left the band, there is no drama between any band members and myself, however there is something I need to share. 
For the past year and half, my fiancee and her family have become the target of harassment both online and in person. She was left unprotected, her torment swept under the rug in favor of boosting my image on the behalf of my as of right fucking now, former management.  If you’re a fan of Corroded Coffin, you know we talk about taking care of each other so how can I get on that fucking stage and say that shit when the love of my life is going through shit nobody should ever have to go through? “
Your phone is blowing up but you don’t take your eyes off Eddie.
“ If you love and respect the band, then you respect our boundaries.  Every night we promise you a safe show so in return, you will value our safety and the safety of those we care about or you can simply, get fucked. I know my real fans understand this but if you call yourself a fan of Corroded Coffin and engage in this bullshit, know that you mean nothing to me or the band.
I will be taking a break from music as of right now, please direct any questions to my lawyer Erica Sinclair who will be investigating the harassment of my wife but also the pending charges of fraud performed by my former management. Long story short: leave me and my girl the fuck alone. Eddie out.”
You’re crying so hard you feel Eddie pick you up before you see him, carrying you back to the couch, tightening his hold on you as you allow yourself to fully expel everything that’s been going on with you.
“I’m right here baby and I’m not going anywhere.” Eddie said softly before producing your engagement ring from his pocket and sliding it back on your finger.
Your name trends on Twitter but you don’t see it.
Your face is on the news but you don’t watch it.
It’s just you and him, no noise, just love.
And for right now, that’s enough.
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sege-h · 8 months
Ashen "Sharp" the Wolf
Another @sonic-oc-showdown bracket means it's time for a new pinned where I ramble about my OC!
I do have a "Sharp" tag on my blog so check that out if you want, but here's where I'll be answering some questions about him in case you don't wanna dig through tagged shitposts and art with little context!
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(Second pic is an edit of the Sonic issue #50 cover)
Bellow the cut I will be answering a bunch of OC questions, so it could get rather long!
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
Which one? 😂 He actually has 3 names--
Delan- his birth name. Nowadays only his romantic partner knows that name. That one popped into my brain so there's no special story behind it.
Ashen- The name he gave himself. I tried to think up a name an angry teen might come up with since that was where he was at when he gave himself the name. One idea for a name like that was 'Fenix'- a play on how he would've wanted the name for a creature that rises from the ashes, but with the wrong spelling since he didn't know how to spell 'Phoenix' properly. But that didn't quite fit in my mind, so he got named after the ashes a phoenix might rise from.
Sharp- originally it was his temporary name since I needed to call him SOMETHING while coming up with a name. But then I grew attached to it and kept it. In-universe it's his nickname because the resistance-not knowing his name- found it easier to refer to him by a nickname to warn people that he's coming rather than 'HEY THAT GUY WITH THE SHARP METAL CLAWS IS COMING'. It saves time SHGDHS
🌼 - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
It depends on which part of the story things take place (I have a few aus where things diverged at specific points in his life)
While he was still a runaway living outside he was 11-15
While still working with Eggman he was 16-18
And after he ran from there, or 'present' time he's 18-20 depending on how early or late in the story it is
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?
Yes! Percy- who belongs to @hesfromsomewhere
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Sharp and him went from enemies (one sided on Sharp's end) to secretly hanging out since Percy works for the resistance. Up until Percy got captured by Eggman, and Sharp chose to rescue him and run away to take him to the resistance. Initially Sharp was just going to leave him with them, but then he got captured by them a day or two later. Percy then very slowly built a bridge of trust between Sharp and the resistance faction he was a part of- though even if that hadn't happened they were determined to stay by each other's side. Things eventually developed into romance after that.
🍕 - What is their favorite food?
Pie! Any kind of pie, really. Sharp loves homemade foods in general. But there's just something about baked goods, and especially pie, that strikes him as The homemade meal that he always wanted to try, and then eventually got to
💼 - What do they do for a living?
His initial job really Was for a living, working under Eggman. He really took that up because it'd provide him with a roof over his head and steady meals. To him the bonus was that Eggman is the type of person that wouldn't pretend like he Isn't disposable. There would be no attempts at fake friendships there.
Nowadays he works with the restoration, trying his best to get used to being around people and helping out. Down the line the faction he's in will split off from the restoration, and become more like a group of mercenaries akin to the original Diamond Cutters
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
He likes playing video games! Initially they served as something to get his frustrations out on. The still kinda serve that purpose, but he also plays them when he's relaxed, and he's learning to play more games with friends.
🎯 -What do they do best?
If he was asked he'd answer that he's the best at fighting. It's what he's had to do most of his life, and he's kind of out of his element once he joins the resistance where he doesn't really have to do that as much anymore. Especially since even when he Does fight he'll get asked to retreat all because the people there care whether he lives or dies.
He's pretty hard on himself in other aspects. He's pretty good at cooking, but he does best when doing so over an open fire. So he views his learning attempts at using a stove as failures.
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
Loves: Playing video games, spending time with loved ones, eating good homemade food, walks in the rain, seeing peoples faces whenever he proves he's more than they think of him. Also dancing but don't tell anyone.
Hates: Being around too many people, getting ordered around, backing down or retreating in general, having to confront people taller than him, being Perceived
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
The night he realized that despite everything, someone did come for him and took him in. Just not the way he expected.
Him and Percy weren't romantically involved yet, but they slept in the same bed anyway. It'd become a habit after Percy's stay in the infirmary. And after they got to go off in their separate rooms, Sharp found he was too anxious to sleep on his own after everything, in a place full of people he didn't know and that he believed hated him (and to be fair, some did)
He woke up one night with Percy clinging to him. And it kind of hit him that he finally had someone that cared about what happened to him. And someone that felt like home. Both things he'd pretty much given up on ever having at that point in his life, but he'd gotten them anyway.
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
Ashen has a Lot of bad memories but the one that really haunts him nowadays is when Eggman captured Percy. He was locked up in a pod, intended to be used as a living battery since he's a being made of Chaos Energy. Sharp waited to see if anyone from the resistance would show up to save him (he still views this as a big mistake on his part)
But once the machine was activated, the decision to make a move and defy Eggman was pretty much made for him. He still has nightmares about hearing Percy scream and watching his form start to shift thanks to the energy getting sapped from him.
🧊 - Is their current design the first one?
Kind of!
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His design has stayed relatively the same, it just got more refined. I got the hang of drawing his hair, and his ears are a darker color now instead of being the same as his main fur color. He's also gotten beefier. He also lost the cheek markings bellow the eye pretty fast, I think I got rid of them after the first 2 drawings of him.
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
Honestly I just wanted to go back to my roots and make a wolf character. Other than that, me and my friend wanted to make some OCs that worked on opposing sides during Forces thatd end up being together by the end.
🌂 - What genre do they belong in?
I said this last time too but I don't really slot my OCs into genres SHDGSH. I guess just. Sonic? Adventure with a side of shonen? Sharp kinda fits the shonen anime vibe, with his strongest asset being his willpower, making him get up every time he gets knocked down.
💚 - What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
He's a cis man, and he's probably demisexual/demiromantic, though he labels himself as gay. He just doesn't have/know the words for demi, but he knows what gay is, and he's always fallen for boys and masc presenting people. Though the few times Percy goes for a more femme presenting form, he's noted there's no lack of attraction there. But it hasn't really spurred him on to investigate if there's any other label he could apply to himself. He just thinks 'I'm in love with Percy. And no matter what for he takes he's still Percy, and that's who I'm in love with'
🙌 - How many sibling does your OC have?
He never had any biological siblings! But later on him and Riley (also belonging to @hesfromsomewhere) adopt each other as brothers
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He's a chinchilla that's also part of the resistance. And he was a runaway, so he very much understands what Sharp has gone through in life.
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
Absolutely horrid. They're dead to him, even if he's unsure if they're actually dead. He sure hopes they are.
They're why he's mostly thrown away his birth name. They gave it to him. He doesn't belong to them, and he saw taking up a new name as a show that he only belongs to himself.
They really only had him to insure they had a heir that'd take up their business one day. They were very strict, and were pretty much never pleased with Ashen. Everything he did had to be flawless- and that's impossible. They're a big reason for him running away from home.
Once he joined Eggman and was allowed to unleash legions of badniks to attack as he pleased, one of the first things he did was lead a raid to his old hometown. He saw to it that the house he grew up in was burned to ashes. He never caught sight of his parents so he doesn't know what actually became of them, but he doesn't care.
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
I like how silly he can get. His short temper can be both a source of drama, but also of silly moments. Because sometimes he gets so caught off guard that he doesn't know how to react other than with frustration.
And I just like his type of character. Someone kind of jaded that has to deal with wanting to become a better person, and the softness that comes out of those efforts.
✏️ - How often do you draw/write about the OC?
Very often! He's on my mind a lot, and I have several AUs with him. He's one of the characters I draw and write about the most other than Storm and Atos
💎 - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
Nnno I get too sad at things like that HSGDHS
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
Despite his love of rain, he gets really stressed out and scared when it comes to really bad storms, with loud thunder and especially with strong winds. The winds stress him out more than the thunder and he hates the sound of it. His fear was more evident when he was younger. He's gotten good at hiding it, but someone that knows him well can notice the way he's tensed up while a storm like that is happening.
🍩 -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
His (one sided) arch-nemesis/rival WAS Percy, until they became friends.
An antagonist that pops up here and there in their story is Echo (owned by @hesfromsomewhere )
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He's a tasmanian devil, and a hacker that lost everything to the war with the Eggman Empire. Once he finds out Sharp works for it, he attempts to kill him. Their paths cross again later, and even though Sharp no longer works for Eggman, that doesn't matter to Echo.
🎓 - How long have you had the OC?
I think I've had him since 2019, if not late 2018!
🍥 - What age were you when you created the OC?
Thank you for reading!
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demonichikikomori · 1 year
My Queen’s Command
Yan!S!Vil x Yan!M!Fem!Reader Word Count: 2.7k+
Art is by MAKA on Pixiv!
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I apologize severely to my sweetest @raven-tales ! This is a late birthday gift with some Vil lovin'! I did mark reader as a Yandere, but... She's more just super obsessed in this versus Vil who is... You'll see... Please forgive me for such a long wait, and I hope you had a Hellishly Happy Birthday!
It was pathetic, sickening even… How desperate you were for Vil to give you the smallest sliver of attention. You even went as far as to dig in the garbage for failed tests to beg him to tutor you. And tutor you he did.
Tags: Reader is an M/Also She's Super Pathetic/But In A Yandere Way/Slight Choking/The D in Devil is For Dark Content
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The voice was powerful, elegant, and always placed you beneath its spell. You stood in the doorway to Vil’s bedroom, gripping tightly to a small stack of papers with a pale purple coat of paint on your fingernails. Dressed in the smallest, pleated denim skirt you owned, the thinnest white blouse with puffy mesh sleeves you owned, the fluffiest pair of white bunny slippers you owned, and the tiniest pair of silk purple panties you owned, you prepared to enact your desperate plan for Vil to spare you a single glance. 
In your hands were old tests you had stolen from the trash after classes had ended for the day. But the man sitting at his large and extravagant vanity had no idea. By erasing the names on top to replace them with your own, he had no reason to look over it further. After all, the tests in your hands were all flunked. Large red marker ink circled numbers below forty percent, some of the grades didn’t even make it into the double digits. “Um-“ A pale, perfectly manicured finger was lifted. Instructing you to stop speaking before you had the chance to even start. “Come in. Close the door.” He commanded again, not even honoring your existence with his sharp amethyst gaze. His blond hair was wrapped up in a braided bun as he looked himself over in the large mirror. Seeking out imperfections that no one else could see but him. 
You did as he asked. Obedient as always to please him in any way possible. People always referred to Rook as obsessive, but you were far worse. 
You had come to this world from your own, and once your presence was graced with that of Vil Schoenheit... You had changed. You abandoned Ramshackle and its inhabitants, pleading and begging to be transferred to Pomefiore without Grim tagging along. You changed the way you dressed based on the fashion magazines you found when raiding his room. You begged Crowley to adjust your schedule so you could attend all of the classes Vil took. You memorized his daily routine, his lifestyle, his habits. You knew everything about him. He knew this. And he was absolutely ecstatic to see your dedication to your queen. No matter how poorly he treated you, you were like putty in his beautiful hands. It amused him how desperate for his attention you were. He enabled your pathetic behaviors, and you always crawled back for more.
From an outside perspective, you were like a filthy stray who followed him around in hopes of being pet. And when Vil was in the mood? You were given what you craved. 
“You’re disturbing me. What is it that you need that requires you to come to me directly? Is Rook not in the dorm?” He demanded an answer, sounding agitated by your mere existence. You were swift to give the answer he needed as you looked down at the flooring tiles. You could feel your inner thighs becoming wet from excitement. “Rook is watching Leona right now. And since he’s not here… I was hoping you could tell me where I went wrong on these papers? I guess… I failed.” You struggled to remain calm, your heart was throbbing as things continued going according to plan. You knew where Rook was because you had orchestrated this entire situation. You informed Rook of Leona’s location, knowing he would head there immediately to admire the royal beast. 
You needed him out of your way for a while. He was too close to Vil too often for your liking. 
Vil glanced at you through the glass of his vanity mirror. His expression was stone, and he didn’t look at you longer than two seconds. But anything from the Housewarden was enough. “Kneel.” He commanded and slowly stood from his fluffy stool. You sank quickly to your knees and fought back your overjoyed smile. He sauntered up to you slowly and you could feel your face becoming hot, your heart threatening to explode in your ribcage. His apple red heels clicked against the floor, and he sighed in annoyance with his arms crossed over his firm chest. A white silk shirt, black dress pants… Even the plainest of clothes looked amazing on him. You kept your eyes lowered to the floor as he stopped in front of you. The tips of his rounded heels only inches away from your knees. He tapped his heel against the floor impatiently as you raised your arms to show him the failed scores. 
You swallowed excitedly as he took them carefully, shuffling through the papers with a disappointed hum. “Honestly… Trying to fool me like this? Are you testing my intellect? Or was this an honest attempt to get a rise out of me? Perhaps you’re looking into comedy?” He asked teasingly as the papers went fluttering carelessly into the air. Vil didn’t buy it. You had a feeling he wouldn’t. But no one can say you weren’t creative for trying. “What is this about? Wasting my time with this prank?” He asked, demanding another answer as you nervously looked up at him. Your eyes met his, and his gaze was far more lustful than you expected. 
But that was the relationship you both had built the longer you followed him day-in and day-out. The humiliator and the humiliated. And neither of you would prefer to have it any other way. 
Before you could speak, his heeled foot pressed into your chest. Rough and hard. You were now pinned to the bedroom door with a ‘thud’ that knocked the air from your lungs. “I asked for an answer, I didn’t say you could look at me.” He snapped, even more agitated by your behavior as a smirk appeared on his face. Your cheeks burned as you looked down at the shiny red heel digging into the center of your chest cavity. Your reflection revealed your pathetic expression and the smile spreading across your burning face. “I wanted to see you… I haven’t been in your room since last month.” You admitted sheepishly as he pushed harder into your chest. Like you were an insect he was trying to crush. “So, instead of being honest about what you want… You dug in the trash like some heathen and brought me random test papers? Thinking you could fool me into believing you're this idiotic to score a seven percent in Magic Pharmacology? Someone, rescue me from second-hand embarrassment.” He scoffed with a laugh following. 
You made him laugh, he thought your idea was laughable. “This was your most pathetic attempt yet. I’ll give you a three out of five for trying. The two points are docked simply because you assumed I would be dumb enough to believe the class I am best in, you’ve failed.” Vil’s voice smoothed out as he pulled his heel from your chest. “I suppose I have time for you since Rook is busy.” The Vil Schoenheit had time for you today. And you couldn’t be more grateful. “Hands and knees, and follow me.” Vil instructed gently as you quickly got to your hands and knees. “What do you say?” He asked as you looked down at the test paper in front of you. A small face was drawn in the corner beside a heart and a small cartoon crab holding a basketball. 
It represented someone who’s name you couldn’t be bothered to remember before erasing. “Thank you Vil for paying attention to me. I’m very grateful!” You barked with your eyes now watching his red heels. The blond chuckled in amusement as he walked slowly around the room. He looked back to watch you crawl after him on your hands and knees. The Housewarden could only compare you to a lowly animal in heat. Your skin scraping against the carpet and the floor as he hummed with his arms crossed. “Such a good pet you are. Do you like following me around like this? Do you like when I give you attention?” He asked and you nodded vigorously, your panties growing wet and soaked with arousal the longer you followed after him. Wishing that he would speak to you more. To give you more and more of his attention. “I love following you! I love when you pay attention to me!” You chirped, nearing a state of breathless excitement as he sat on the edge of his expensive chaise longue. His legs were spread as you awaited the next set of instructions. “Is that the skirt from one of my magazines?” Vil asked and you nodded, feeling your chest flutter knowing he remembered. “It fits wonderfully on you.” He complimented as you squeezed your thighs tightly together. Attention and praise? You must’ve seriously amused him with your idea. 
“I’ll allow you to ride me today. Don’t bother undressing, once we’re finished, you are excused. Do you understand me?” Vil watched your face grow redder and redder in shade as you nodded happily. “Yes Vil, thank you Vil.” He was so kind and thoughtful towards you. Maybe he would cum inside this time if you asked? You wouldn’t mind walking back to your room with his cum deep inside of you, keeping you warm and filled with a reminder that he still cared for your existence in his tight knit orbit. “Stand.” The blond commanded and you were swift to respond. You looked down at him patiently with your hands curled into fists at your side. You couldn’t keep your thighs from rubbing together, your body was starved for affection. Vil’s affection. 
You could see how hard he was, how much the both of you really wanted one another. With his hands tugging you closer with his hips and your hands relaxing against his shoulders, you felt truly rewarded with the skin on skin contact. Your bunny slippers dangled from your feet as you sat in his lap, your knees dug into the expensive velvet of the imported chair. Shyly looking up at Vil, you unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. You were trained well, no need to look down for this part. One of Vil’s hands left your hip to relax around your throat once you pulled his member free and began slowly stroking him. “Who do you love the most? Speak.” He instructed as you refused to break your gaze from his. He was finally looking into your eyes. “I love Vil Schoenheit the most.” You whispered honestly as he tilted his head, his eyes shifting as he accepted your response. The purple in his eyes seemed to darken as he asked you another question. “And your friends?” He spoke softly, curiously, as always he was demanding an answer as you blinked in surprise. “What friends?” You asked with honesty, curious as to what he meant. What answer were you supposed to give? You didn’t have friends. No one ever stood out to you enough to care about. None of them were Vil.
His hand squeezed your neck experimentally as he smiled. “That’s right. ‘What friends?’ is the answer.” Vil cooed happily as you felt your lungs grow tight from the new restriction to your airflow. You loved it. “You have no one but me. No one will ever love you more than me. Isn’t that right?” He whispered your name as if it was the name of his favorite candy. You nodded, carefully bobbing your head as your hands stroked his throbbing cock with a slowed rhythm. “Good. Very good. Now, up on your knees. You may ride me until I cum. When I’m finished,” Vil’s grip tightened suddenly. The lack of air led to blood rushing to your brain as his lips grazed yours. “get out of my sight. And I don’t want to see you for the rest of the week. A little punishment for your stunt today.” His voice was graveled as your heart stuttered in your chest. You won’t be allowed to show your face around him for a few days… But after that you could admire him once again. 
He was so fair when it came to discipline. 
You pressed your knees into the expensive chair, tugging your panties to the side as your thighs trembled. His hand relaxed around your throat as he looked up at you, watching your face twist with struggle as you rubbed the mushroom shaped tip of his cock against your hardened clit. He didn’t say you couldn’t. And the way his hips jerked upwards told you the feeling wasn’t unwelcomed. As you rested your hands on his shoulders, you slowly sank down on his length. Your expression twisted with pain from the intrusion and you gasped from the fullness you felt. Without any real preparation, it was a painful struggle you forced yourself to endure. All for the sake of feeling Vil inside of you. For pleasing him. For pleasing yourself. You held back the sounds that threatened to escape your lips as his member throbbed and pulsed deep inside of you. The rounded tip bumping into a soft and spongy bundle of nerves that he hit each time you had sex. Even after a month of no attention, he was always a perfect fit for your body. Your walls constricted and convulsed around his cock as you shook from the stretching. You couldn’t move, your body was already too sensitive. 
“What are you waiting for? Do you need me to give you instructions for everything?” Vil asked as he grew annoyed from your lack of action. “If I needed a cockwarmer, I would’ve said that. What did I tell you to do?” He asked and you struggled to form a sentence. You felt like you might cum already. “You… You said…” You trailed off, a whine slipping out of your mouth as he rolled his hips into yours, rough and quick as his hand on your hip tightened. “Clearly you are useless without my guidance. This is why you cannot live without me. You would die on your own. Am I wrong?” Vil snapped as your fingers clutched the fabric of his shirt tightly. Your brain turned off as you struggled to answer. Nothing coherent came up anyway. 
His hands left you for a moment before he hugged you against his body. His hold so crushing you were forced to sob and moan against the sensitive skin of his ear as he snapped his hips up into yours. The wet smacks and lewd sounds of your pussy sucking him deeper and deeper inside of you made you cry out with pleasure. Vil was giving you the attention you wanted. The attention you worked hard to earn. When the crown of his cock smacked into your cervix a choked sound left your throat as you shook your head and thrashed. If he hits it again you would cum. And you knew he wouldn’t stop until he came next. “Is that how you thank me, whore? Apologize and I’ll spare you.” He growled as his thrusts stopped. You let out a weak string of apologies for him to allow you to hang on a little longer. For the sex to last longer. To feel him against your body longer. 
“Pathetic. You can do better.” He whispered and rammed his hips into yours. Your cervix was hit again as tears spilled down your cheeks from the pain you loved. Vil did it again. And again. And again. You gushed around him, crying out and whimpering for him to ‘stop’ and ‘slow down’ but you never used the safe-word. Because you loved the painful feeling of overstimulation. How he used your body to feel good, how he moaned and grunted in your ear from the pleasure your body gave him. The rhythm Vil held soon grew erratic and with a familiar hiss, he slowed to a stop as your pussy was filled with thick cum. Hot, sticky, and messy, the semen trickled out of you as you fell limp against Vil’s chest. He held you tightly to keep you from falling over with a soft sigh.“Next time… Just see me when Rook isn’t busy. You’re ridiculous.” He scoffed in your ear as you smiled. Coming up with excuses was way more fun.
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Tagged Accounts: @fortunatelyburningaphrodisiac @spiritanimals64-blog @raven-tales
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stayarmytinyzenmoa-l · 8 months
Again, why not?
Mischief Managed [Pt. 2]
TW: Language, Ghosts, dead bodies, gun use, break-in-and-enter Genre: Comedy Pairing: Liu Yangyang x Reader YN Pronouns: Not specified Word Count: 0.6K Prompt: “Who says I can’t be a sexy ghost?”
[NCT Masterlist] | [NCT Spooky Season Masterlist] | [Part 1]
Notes: I just really like Yangyang Disclaimer: Please remember that this is an AU and a work of fiction, obviously the idols mentioned/written about in this story would never partake in these actions. The idols mentioned in this work are meant to be seen more as face claims rather than the actual idols themselves.
Feedback is greatly appreciated!! Thank you for reading!
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Needless to say, your jaw was on the floor. Quite literally, you'd landed face-first when Yangyang shoved you over before getting killed himself, but that's beside the point. You stood next to Dejun with your mouth open in shock and Yangyang literally matched your expression. You both looked at each other, at Dejun, at your dead bodies, then back to each other again, what the hell did he just say?!
Now Dejun was pacing around your apartment, muttering incoherent things to himself while you and Yangyang regrouped behind him.
"Dude... I thought he was your friend!" You half whispered/half yelled, and Yangyang shook his head.
"Shit, so did I," Yangyang grimaces.
"What did you do?"
"What do you mean 'what did you do?!' How am I supposed to know?!" Yangyang throws his hands toward Dejun.
"Oh my god... oh my god," you pull at your hair, "okay, okay, what are we going to do?"
"What do you mean 'what are we going to do?'"
"What are we going to do?! We just found out Dejun wanted to kill you! That's murder, right?"
"It is! First-degree murder!"
"Okay, lawyer, what can we do? We're dead! Not to mention we can't leave either!"
"No, we can't, but since we got shot I'm pretty sure the police will be here soon, we can find a way to communicate with them!"
And so, the police came, and so you and Yangyang put your ghostly heads together to get Dejun imprisoned.
"I got this, ghosts always did this in the movies," you cracked your knuckles and grabbed your lipstick first, writing on the mirror that Xiao Dejun was behind the deaths, but instead the police just took pictures of it and hummed. "Oh my god, they're just like the movies too!"
"I got this, (Y/N)," Yangyang floats back to his body and dips its hand into the bullet wound.
"Ewwww," you cringed.
"Shh!" Yangyang traces out Dejun's name on the floor.
"Wait, almost done."
"Yang, you spelled Dejun's name wrong."
"I did?" Yangyang stands up and looks at his work. Dejan. "Shit."
"Oh my god..." You buried your face in your hands and you floated over to where Dejun was being questioned by the cops. You slipped his wallet out of his bag and pulled his ID out before slipping it into your dead body's hand. "This should be more than enough." You watched the police loom over your body.
"Look! This one's holding the ID card! This must be the killer!" The police pulls the ID out. "Oh, Dejun, man, you dropped your ID card."
"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Your shout sent a red hue through your ghostly form and Yangyang's turned blue for a second before your color returned. "These people are hopeless!"
"Maybe I can possess one of them!" Yangyang floats behind a policeman with a rather weak constitution. "Whelp, here goes!" He dives into the policeman and you watch him freeze for a second, getting used to the body before shaking his head, he turns to you with a thumbs up and a wide smile.
"It was him! He has to be the killer!" Yangyang announces, pointing to Dejun.
"Mark! Pipe down! You're an unpaid intern getting college credit!" The larger policeman says.
"Yes, sir, sorry, sir," Yangyang separated himself from the body and you groaned.
"What the hell was that?!"
"I got scared!"
"Oh my god... we're never getting justice."
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General Tag List: @stopeatread @bat-shark-repellant @raeincitizen @umbralhelwolf @yangsrose @kazooms @sadcoffeecritic 
NCT Tag List: @cherrylovr @minjiville 
If you want to be added to either tag list or removed just send me a reply to this post, and ask, or a DM and I’ll add you as soon as possible!
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coolseabird · 3 months
BG3 Tav Backstory Bash by Kelandrin
This is a challenge to help people flesh out their Tav’s backstory by exploring their past. It is organized into four sections with seven prompts. You can treat this as a monthly challenge or a general project. You can write headcanons, fics, or share art based on the prompts! You can interpret the prompts however you want. If you want to share use the tag #bg3backstorybash
I was tagged by @grenanigans <3
I tag @upturninginkpots and @quantum-dragon No pressure at all though!
I actually finally made a Tav with a backstory recently so this is good timing. Forgive me for getting any Githyanki lore wrong. I'm very new to the Forgotten Realms.
This is Ga'rak (though who knows what his actual name is)
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Yes I just stole his name from Garak. XD I initially took to calling him this half-jokingly since he reminded me of the DS9 character and it sorta just stuck. (Tbh though he is almost more similar to Odo)
Age: 45-50 years old
Gender: Male
Childhood: Born into a typical Githyanki creche, his childhood was far from typical. Early on, he was singled out for his psionic potential, leading to his separation from the other Githyanki children so he never had any friends his age. His training emphasized not just physical combat but also the mental manipulation of others. High-ranking Githyanki, part of a coalition of commanders open to unconventional strategies, decided to use him as a spy to learn about Faerunian society in an effort to learn their weaknesses.
Teenager/Pre-Game: During his teenage years, he embraced the role of an Arcane Trickster and Lore Bard, atypical classes for a Githyanki. He was dispatched to the Sword Coast under the guise of a socialite, With the aid of spells like Disguise Self (to not appear Githyanki), etiquette lessons from a human teacher his Creche had kidnapped, and a generous flow of gold from Githyanki raids, he seamlessly infiltrated the upper echelons of Neverwinter's society. (I imagine his cover persona was a lot like Jay Gatsby) He's never been in love and I don't know if he will ever fall in love in the future to be honest. (At least none of the romance options in this game really make sense to me for him. Maybe Minthara? But eh.)
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Here is his half-elf disguise. He used it to trick the Tieflings holding Lae'zel captive. His name when he used this form as a spy was Garret or something like that XD.
His primary objective was espionage, identifying weaknesses for a future invasion and subtly undermining the government. As he immersed himself in the local culture, he encountered lifestyles that were very different from his oppressive upbringing. This exposure "corrupted him" and made him realize over the decades how unhappy he was in this role thrust upon him and how he didn't at all believe in the mission. He is also very cynical about the Githyanki government and doubts that Vlaakith is actually a god worth worshipping but he is too complacent to do anything about it. He is jaded and has resigned himself to this life. After all, revealing his doubts would only get him killed and he had no other paths available to him. That is, until he was tadpoled...
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Meeting Shadowheart
The tadpole's effect caused his Disguise Self spell to be inactive when initially meeting the others, preventing him from concealing his species from this group. As he thought his mission being revealed could endanger him, even to other Githyanki, he concocted a half-truth, telling his companions he was in Faerun as a Githyanki scout, masking his true goals. (Lae'zel doubts his story due to his rustiness and unfamiliarity with Githyanki culture and customs)
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Freeing Gale
Having been isolated from other Githyanki for most of his life with his only contacts being his Githyanki handlers, he feels doubly estranged from both his own culture and the broader society of Faerun. (I was very inspired by stories of undercover agents having trouble re-integrating back into their home countries.)
He views others primarily as sources of information. While his main goal is to get rid of the tadpole, he also sees this time as an opportunity to gather more "sources." The tadpole gang becomes his targets, valued only as potential assets (particularly Wyll), yet he ultimately regards them as expendable.
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Making Conversation
Even though he can come off as affable and charming, his true personality is almost frighteningly calm and detached, traits that initially put him at odds with Astarion and Karlach, who he views as a loose cannons.
Since he is Gith he is skilled with a blade but he prefers not to get blood on his hands. He is a huge germaphobe. (This makes the tadpole even worse for him. Not to mention camping in the woods every night.)
I think he'll likely get along well with Wyll and the Emperor. He can relate to the Emperor's longing for freedom and level headedness, he also appreciates Wyll's impeccable manners and potential high value as a tool. He and Shadowheart would have a mutual respect despite his being a Githyanki, he and Minthara would be cordial, and he and Gale would enjoy discussing illusion magic together. I also think he has a bit of a soft spot for my friend @upturninginkpots's Tav and will eventually come to see her as something of a little sister, he'll give her advice on questioning her own beliefs.
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Here he is with @upturninginkpots's Tav, I'll allow her to introduce her. :)
Lae'zel's aggressive demeanor initially repels him, not least because of his own complicated relationship with Githyanki culture, and due to what he perceives as her "bull in a china shop" personality. She initially thinks he is a puny example of a Githyanki and she finds his cynical attitude to be blasphemous. He sees her as naive and foolish. They may eventually start to realize they have more in common than they think though and he will hopefully become something of a mentor to her in the future.
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Githyanki Reunion
Upon discovering more about Vlaakith's plans, I think he will fully commit to defection. I think at this point he would also tell the other companions his true mission. (I know I can't actually do this in the game but it will happen in my head haha) The challenging thing is whether he is willing to put aside his complacency to help free other Githyanki from her grip, potentially betraying the Emperor and risking his own life in the process. Another consideration is whether a certain headstrong Githyanki warrior will start to question her beliefs and defect as well.
Thank you for reading and thanks for the tag @grenanigans ! If anyone sees this post and you end up making your own Tav post please tag me! I'd love to see it. :)
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whatislovevavy · 10 months
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WC: 4.4k
Synopsis: An exploration of why Bucky decided to cut his hair
AN: This has been in my Google Drive for about two years and finally got around/had the motivation to finish this. This piece was technically my first ever piece of fanfiction I ever wrote. My writing mostly pertains to Top Gun and Top Gun Maverick so this was a nice little brain break from that. I thought I'd include the original author's note I put together, having never written fanfiction at the time, just for nostalgic sake and if anyone wants to know just how new to this I was lol. Also this divider is not mine and I was unable to tag the account that made it since it was deleted. This work will be posted on my side blog @sophs-writing-nook.
Original Author’s Note: Hello everyone :) This is the first fanfiction I’ve ever written and I really hope you guys like it because I’m a bit nervous about it. I’ve had this idea since I saw the first promotions for the Falcon and Winter Soldier series and didn't really do anything about it for a variety of reasons. I haven’t seen a lot of fics exploring this concept so I decided to write this on a camping trip in my notes app where I didn’t have reception so I apologize if there is bad grammar, spelling errors, etc. If there happens to be a similarity to another fic, it is purely coincidence and I don’t intend to plagiarize anyone. Please let me know if it does appear I have. I have a lot of respect for fanfic writers and don’t want to disrespect anyone and steal anyone’s work unintentionally. 
Warnings: Blood, Trauma (PTSD), sadness with some bittersweet moments sprinkled in, supportive Sam because that’s a warning in itself. 
None of these characters are mine. Read at your own discretion.
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Bucky had tried finding a routine after coming back: Get up by 7, go on a run make breakfast, try to keep in touch with his friends he had made since coming back, try a new recipe, maybe try online dating, catch up on what he missed the past 70 years, try to forgive himself for all the atrocities he didn't have a choice in committing, make dinner, shower, and sleep by 9.
That's what his therapist, Darlene, told him to do at least.
She wanted him to write in a journal the names of the people and families he wanted to make amends with, things he wanted to explore and try out, and good things he remembered before he was the Winter Soldier.
Darlene had kept encouraging him to keep referring to the Winter Soldier as if he were his own separate person, and not affiliated with James Buchanan Barnes.
It helped a bit with passing the blame, but not by much. He, naturally, chose the last remnant of Steve he had- his journal- to hold these thoughts.
Steve saw the best in him when he couldn't. 
He made an effort to try and forgive himself for everything he did, for Steve’s sake. 
Why Steve had left him, he didn't fully understand. 
It didn't make the "forgiving himself" part any easier. 
If his lifelong friend, who had been with him through thick and thin, decided to leave him now in this time of his broken, mutilated life, what did that say about him? 
Was he wrong about him? 
Did he truly believe he was worth being fixed and forgiven? 
There were small moments of hope that he could be fixed, but they were few and far inbetween.
His nightmares had gotten worse.
If Darlene would ask, he’d tell her, “no, they haven't", "they've stopped", or "I haven't had one for a while.” Bullshit excuses that anybody who saw the dark circles under his eyes wouldn't believe. Darlene knew he was lying and would try to reassure him that their space was safe and it would help him to get his nightmares out in the open.
He didn't think so.
This woman didn't know what it was like to have the same horrific scenarios play out in his mind every time he went to sleep. 
To see himself killing innocent people like he was in the backseat of his mind. 
The blood. 
Their faces, some close friends and others strangers. 
Their pleas and calls for mercy were what always broke him. 
He was forced again and again to witness himself taking their lives and couldn't do anything to stop himself. Forced to use any part of himself for Hydra.
Nothing was spared.
He felt unforgivable, these nightmares were a sign of the Winter Soldier still being in his head, buried and ready if Hydra got their hands on him again. 
He was tired of fighting and worrying, only wanting lasting peace and a full night's rest.
He had started renting an apartment in downtown Brooklyn near where his family had lived during the 40's. It was near the church cemetery his mother, father and sister, Rebecca, were buried. They were placed in the row closest to the street behind the church his family frequented during his youth. 
His parents had passed from old age when he was imprisoned by Hydra. 
A small part of him was thankful for that. 
They never had to learn that their son had done such horrible things.
They lived with the good memories of him.
His sister had passed during the time half the population was gone, the Blip people called it, from Alzheimer's. He visited her once before, but she was in the late stages, and was a shell of who he remembered growing up. 
His little sister Rebecca, whom he protected, opened jars for, teased, and made sure the boys she liked would be good to her, was now unable to remember him. He was told she passed peacefully in her sleep a few months after he disappeared.
Darlene thought that buying an apartment so close to his family's resting place might be overwhelming for him, but he wanted to be close to them and the memories he had.
The apartment consisted of a basic floor plan; kitchen, bathroom with a shower and bath, living room, bedroom, closet. However, he only used the kitchen, bathroom, and living room.
He didn't have many things when he moved in, and didn't feel he needed all the space allotted to him.
He had invested in a modest tv set, a microwave, blender, and a camping mat, courtesy of Sam's encouragement. 
He had tried sleeping on a mattress, but he felt that he was going to sink through into the floor with how soft and marshmallow-like it felt. He always slept on the floor with a few blankets and sheets. 
Sam had the same experience when he came back from Afghanistan.
Sam had tried to help him adjust to things since coming back, and had done a lot for him, including to help him find his apartment and encourage him to try new things.
There were times he had trouble getting out of his headspace to return Sam's calls and initiate with his friend. Darlene had been saying that for a person who allegedly had no one left, he seemed to have a safety net in Sam. She pushed him to call someone other than her and initiate with him. It was another case where he felt she didn't fully understand how difficult it was for him to build relationships, and "get his nightmares out in the open" since coming back.
He had gotten home late that night from the store, buying ingredients to make a recipe Darlene recommended: chicken tikka masala, he thought she called it.
He was amazed at the amount of change he had missed, especially from a grocery store. His family would boil everything with what minimal spices were available, other than the usual salt and pepper. He found solace in trying new recipes and exposing himself to the technological wonders of the 21st century, including learning how to use a DVD player and the iPhone he recently bought. He tried online dating but found it was too overwhelming and made him feel like a fish out of water. Asking people on dates and seeking relationships came easily to him when he was younger before the war, but everything felt so different now. 
He felt so different and foreign to himself. His arm. His mind. He felt like a shell of the person he was before the Winter Soldier.
His groceries were unloaded into the fridge and he started to prepare his dinner. He placed a bowl on the counter for mixing chicken marinade and marinating the soon to be cooked slices of chicken. The chicken slices were placed into a pan on a low heat to begin cooking. They wouldn't take long since they only had to cook halfway through initially. He gathered the spices for the marinade.
The soft smells of turmeric, ginger, cumin, and garam masala reminded him of the evenings he spent helping his mother cook during the summer. His mother would rummage together some cash every once in a while to buy a few sachets of spices from the local grocery. It was an indulgence she took part in that, compared to now, seemed simple and less of an everyday luxury. 
Sure, the spices she would bring home were more mild and less "exotic" than what he had available to him now, but it was the familiar memory of being taught to cook and the soft smells of his mother's cooking.
His conscience told him to use the spices sparingly despite himself being confronted with a substantially sized grocery aisle complete with spices from almost every corner of the world a mere few hours ago.
Maybe it was his upbringing during the Great Depression and watching his parents worry about where the next paycheck would come from.
Or maybe it was his instinct telling him this small semblance of peace he had found in his Brooklyn apartment would be snatched away, and that he needed to savor every new experience in stride. 
Because if he let himself enjoy them too much, it would make the snatching that much more painful.
He couldn't decide.
He finished the marinade and would have to wait an hour or two to start the sauce and cook the chicken. He placed it in the fridge and made his way to the bathroom for a shower.
The warm water felt nice on his warped, scarred flesh around his arm on his left side. The area would often become sore and plagued by knots. Sam recommended warm showers, aloe vera, a massage and spa place nearby, and Advil. The thought of people he didn't know touching his scarred flesh made him feel nervous, so the rest of his suggestions were his go to. 
His scar tissue and long hair were the last physical mark of Hydra on him. 
He was thankful he didn't have to see the red star that had branded him for so many years when he looked in the mirror anymore, since leaving Wakanda.
But there was still his hair.
His hair that had blood, dirt and grime stained into it for his 70 years of service. No matter how many times he showered, he knew the blood would never leave his hair or his hands. His mind would drift through waves of hopelessness in quiet moments like these more often than not.
He dried himself off with a soft towel, changed into a pair of boxers, and began to gingerly apply aloe vera to the junction where his arm met his shoulder. His shoulder was still a bit sensitive after all these years despite the enhanced healing from the serum. Shuri theorized it was because the metal cavity of his arm continuously tore through the underlying tissue. She was able to remove the bits and pieces of metal embedded in his shoulder. His arm was in the healing process, but it would take a while after years of damage even with the serum. After he finished rubbing in the aloe vera, He put on a dark t-shirt and made his way back into the kitchen to finish the sauce.
He carefully prepared the onions, garlic, and spices for the sauce the way his mother taught him to. 
He couldn't help but think about how his parents and sister would have loved to have tried this recipe with him.
He could almost hear his mother's voice in his head telling him to "cut the onions a bit smaller" or "don't let the garlic and onions burn in the pan".
Rebecca's eagerness to try the sauce prematurely with a perfected pout and whines of protest when denied so.
His father's quiet yet strong presence at the kitchen table reading the daily paper and soft scolding of his sister.
Steve drawing in his journal at the dinner table on evenings when Sarah Rogers would be working late at the hospital.
The radio softly playing in the background as a soothing ambiance.
The kitchen window opened to let the aroma of the Barnes’ family dinner wander through the back alley of the apartment building, and let in the sounds of the neighbors' soft conversations, clothes oscillating in the wind on the clothes line, and car engines humming as people made their way home at dusk.
All qualities of his family's evening routine and upbringing he longed for, but took for granted in his youth.
The stark smell of overcooked onions brought him back to the task at hand, pulling him from his thoughts but leaving his buildup of emotions he felt were about to rupture. He added the heavy cream, spices, brown sugar, and let them stir with the marinated onions and garlic. He felt tears start to form in his eyes. Letting the sauce thicken, he turned the pan onto a low heat, and added the marinated chicken to finish cooking. 
He placed the spatula down on the counter top with a shaky hand, placing his hands on the counter to support himself as he let out a shaky breath, blinking away tears that formed in the corners of his eyes.
God, he wished they were here with him. Steve. His mom. His dad. Rebecca.
He wished he had somebody who knew him before the Winter Soldier that could help him to pick up the broken pieces of himself and to become the person he was again.
He wished he could have said goodbye to his parents, Rebecca, and that Steve hadn't left him.
He wished he could've held his parents one last time before they passed, met the man that Rebecca fell in love with and had a family with, and fought harder for Steve to stay with him and help pick up the pieces.
All things that he couldn't do anything about now.
He wiped his tears away and returned to stirring his chicken masala. Thoughts of his family blending with the thoughts of his recipe like the spices and heavy cream in his pan as a cope. Darlene had mentioned that the recipe goes best with garlic buttered rice or naan, so he had bought ingredients for both, but opted for the naan. He turned on the oven, placed some naan from the store on a baking sheet, and into the oven before returning to stirring the contents of the pan. 
He remembered Sam wanted to come over and check in on how he was settling into his apartment, sometime the next day. Maybe he would want to try some of his dish. 
"Initiate, take small steps to initiate". This counted as initiating, right? He hoped so.
His chicken masala was well blended and deemed done. His naan close behind. He placed a bowl and plate on the counter, served up his recipe and naan, and sat down at his two person dinner table, and prepared to eat. Darlene had told him that making a makeshift taco with the naan tasted good if he opted to not make the garlic butter rice. He took his first bite and let himself experience each incredible flavor. 
He would definitely be making this recipe again.
Maybe he could make a batch for Sam. 
It would be a small way to return the favor.
He made his way through his dinner, and would start heading to bed soon. It was almost 9 anyway. Shuri told him that consistent good sleep would also help him heal mentally along with his therapy and the treatment she provided.
He made a mental note to try making the garlic butter rice, thank Darlene for the recipe, and ask her if she had any more favorite recipes he should try during his next session.
He brought his dishes to the sink, moved to the bathroom to brush his teeth, and shed himself of his shirt. Sleeping shirtless was normal for him both during the war and after getting the serum, finding that he would warm up easily and end up tossing and turning in the night. 
His escalated body heat helped him to survive the frigid Siberian winters during his imprisonment, but not the mild to warm summer nights in Brooklyn.
Laying on the hardwood floor with the lights out left him with his thoughts. He remembered the nights he and Steve spent laying on couch cushions on the living room floor of his parents apartment. 
The nights he and his sister would read The Hobbit under the covers of his bed when they were younger, while their parents thought they were sleeping. 
He liked to sleep with the TV on at a low volume and the window opened so he wouldn't be lost in his thoughts for too long. 
He didn't have as much trouble falling asleep as before. Darlene told him to take deep breaths while resting his eyes and had gotten better at it since seeing her. 
Breathe in for 5 seconds, exhale for 10, and repeat till he felt calm enough to drift to sleep.
He steadily awoke hours later, feeling warm and groggy.
 It was quiet. 
The TV was off and the window was shut. 
He was none the wiser in his hindered state of being as he lifted himself off of the floor and trudged to the bathroom, the soft sound of his bare feet pattering on the wood floor like rain drops on a window, encompassing his apartment in a soft echo.
He turned on the soft bathroom light and twisted the cold faucet on, leaned down and scooped cold water in his hand, and poured it on his face. Supporting himself by his forearms, he closed his eyes and relished in the feeling of cold on his face and cascading down his neck. 
The water felt warmer now and had a distinct iron smell to it.
He opened his eyes and was met with his hands drenched in blood. Blood flowing into the sink from the tap. 
He slowly turned to meet his reflection. Met with the cold, dark, blank eyes of the Winter Soldier. The blood stained leather vest, black muzzle, and the long brunette hair stained black from blood falling over his face. 
He was there with him, as clear as day. 
He felt a stark and deep rooted sense of fear awaken and burrow itself in his chest as he quickly retreated from the sink, pressing himself against the opposing wall. Eyes wide and breathing heavy, he felt the walls of the bathroom constricting him.
The Winter Soldier reached out his metal arm, severing the separation between the mirror and his bathroom, and brought it down onto the counter top with a resounding crack, small remnants of the cheap countertop tumbling to the floor. He lunged for the door and twisted the knob but it wouldn't budge. Desperately, he tried to break down the door, knuckles bleeding and eyes teary. He could feel the Winter Soldier getting closer to him and was too terrified to turn back and face him. He broke through the door with a splitting crack, splinters in his hands. Awaiting on the other side was a long dimly lit corridor lined with bars and cold concrete walls. 
His heart stopped. 
He knew this corridor. 
He would always know this corridor. 
He didn't want to go forward, but he had no choice. Breaking into a sprint, not looking back and praying he didn't trip over himself, he felt a sudden, strong grip on his leg, pulling him backwards. Landing on the hard concrete with a groan and turning himself to face his captor: Two dark, army clad figures awaited him. He shuffled away from them as fast as he could but couldn't get to his feet fast enough to avoid being dragged to by his feet towards the bathroom. His screams echoing off the walls, and hands burning from friction against the cement floor at his attempts to escape their grasp.
He couldn't believe what was happening, he thought he was free from Hydra. 
Free from these corridors. 
Free from the chair.
He felt his nails fruitlessly catching on the small ridges of the cement floor as he was mercilessly dragged. The hallway enclosed in darkness behind him and the bathroom light ahead of him, serving as a beacon of pain and suffering. 
He was left on the bathroom floor, shaking and crying, accentuated by the sound of the slamming of a steel door. His teary eyes searched for the figures but found none. Instead, his eyes landed on the dull gleam of the worn metal frame in his bathtub, tinged with small droplets of blood, smoothed down edges, and strained leather straps.
If he wasn't sobbing before, he was now. He felt so trapped, his heart beating out of his chest; his lungs made of tin, unable to expand.
His shaking frame was folded on the floor by the bathroom door. A few moments of silence flooded by the drops of his sink tap and his attempts to catch his breath. 
Abruptly, a handful of his hair was grabbed, his body dragged to the chair as he let out seethes of pain and cries. 
He was held down in the chair as he was strapped in by faceless, dark army figures. Soft whispers and murmurs of pleas for mercy and forgiveness settled around him, originating from every vent and faucet in his bathroom, nestled their way to his ears. 
They grew louder and droned out the sound of leather going through buckles and the mechanical "wrrrrr" of the head plates assembling towards the top of the chair. 
He struggled and screamed, but it was no use. 
Trapped in the chair, no chance of escape; Limited by his mind and not his body. 
He anxiously waited and dreaded for the excruciating pain of electricity to course through his body, to hear the words Hydra spent so much time and care to drill into his mind.
But both never came.
He awoke with a startle, eyes wide, body and blanket soaked with sweat, lungs gasping for breath. 
His window open, letting in his neighbors everyday routine squeeze into his apartment. 
The TV on a low volume, playing auctions for nic-nacs and heirlooms people didn't find use for. All drowned out by his racing thoughts and attempts at breathing.
The blanket pooled around his waist as he shifted to lean against the wall, closing his eyes and trying to focus on his breathing. 
He needed his hair gone. 
Like a wounded animal, he made his way to the bathroom with shaky breaths and uneasy strides. He flipped the bathroom light on, feverishly opening and closing drawers to find what he needed most.
A pair of scissors.
A raspy sigh left his lips as his hands met the plastic frame of the twin bladed tool.
His eyes shifted from his reflection to his hold on the scissors. 
Carefully, he brought his metal hand to his hair, extending one of his many locks of hair.
His eyes drifted from the lock of hair to the metal blades that almost fully encased it. 
He watched as the lock frayed till it was severed completely, feeling the freed lock in his hand and watching it fall to the counter.
A sigh of relief left his lips as tears pricked his eyes as he met his reflection in the mirror. 
His tears were flowing fully down his cheeks as almost the entirety of his left side was covered in frayed, unevenly cut hair. 
He gingerly ran his flesh hand along his head, relishing in the short tufts of hair, and began repeating the same frenzied cutting on the other side of his head, and towards the back
If the tears weren’t flowing before, they were now. 
He placed the scissors onto the hair ridden counter with a clang, keeping his relieved gaze on himself, feeling his chest wrack with sobs, body slowly crumbling against the sink and to the floor.
He had never felt such relief in his life. 
His hands ran over the chopped hair, savoring the uneven patched of hair, his head laying back to rest against the wood cabinet below his sink,  eyes fluttering shut.
Muffled knocks softly rose his mind from the depths of sleep. 
He let his eyes adjust to the bathroom light, feeling his neck ache from how he slept against the drawers of the cabinet. 
He rose up to his feet with a groan, trudging to his front door.
His front door opened with a click.
“Hey, man-woah.”
He rose his eyes to meet Sam’s wide ones, giving him a small smile, “Hi, Sam.”
Sam swallowed.
“Late night hack job, huh?”
He gave Sam a tight-lipped smile, nodding. 
Sam’s lip quirked. 
“I, um, I made something for you if you’d like to try it.”
Sam watched as he rubbed the back of his neck with his flesh hand.
He moved from the door, leaving it open for Sam to come in.
Sam carefully stepped into his apartment, taking in the rumple of blankets on the livingroom floor. 
“It’s chicken tikka masala, my therapist recommended it.”
Sam took the plastic container he held out for him.
“Thanks for this…We should go get you a haircut. You can’t be walking around Brooklyn looking like you had a blender cut your hair.”
His lip quirked, nodding.
After a few minutes, he met him back at the front door in jeans, a t-shirt, and his bomber jacket, and glove.
“Ready to go?”
He wordlessly nodded, closing, and locking the door behind them. 
“Alright, what do you think?” 
The hairdresser adjusted his chair so he could see himself fully in the mirror. 
He could feel his eyes glaze over.
His previously poorly chopped locks were no where to be found, replaced by almost buzzed cut hair with a bit of length towards the top. Barely enough for anyone to get a good grip in.
“It’s perfect, thank you Melissa,” he muttered to the woman that gave him a kind smile in return. 
He tried to hand the man at the cashier station some cash, but Sam interjected with his card.
He looked at Sam with slight bewilderment.
“You’ll cover me next time.”
His lip quirked, as Sam nudged his shoulder as they made their way to the exit.
He stopped in front of a window for a store on the way back to his apartment, seeing his reflection in the storefront.
And for once, he didn’t have a deeprooted distaste or fear of what he saw. 
It almost made him cry.
He needed this.
His long hair gone. The last remnant of his time in Siberia, of the shackles that held his mind down under water like an anchor, gone. 
Out of sight. Out of mind.
Sam stopped a few paces ahead of him.
“You wanna stop in?”
Sam’s voice broke him from his trance.
He gave Sam a small smile.
“No, just taking it all in.”
Sam gave him a comforting smile as he caught up with him.
They continued on to his apartment to give Sam some of his chicken tikka masala, running his hand through his hair periodically with a smile on his face. 
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nobodysdaydreams · 4 months
Oh, well then, forget Hilbert’s family dying of radiation, Jacobi’s guilt over his failures, and Maxwell’s alienation from her family, THIS was the sad villain backstory the show was building up to. And Cutter is so serious about it too, y’all I can’t. 🤣
(Or my reaction to Wolf359’s Special Episode: Volte Face)
Hi Dear Readers. Gonna be doing some work during this one, but I hope you like the reaction regardless because I've put off enough, but I hope you enjoy it anyway. Here we go!
Tagging the mutuals who got me invested in this, and if you want to be tagged or untagged from these posts, lmk, or you can follow my blog or simply follow the tag "#bods wolf359 reactions". Anyone who has followed me for a while knows my updates are inconsistent, so I apologize in advance for that and for any spelling/grammar mistakes in my posts.
@sophieswundergarten @oflightningandstars @acollectionofcuriousreblogs @herawell @commsroom @lovelyladylavie
Special Episode: Volte Face
Huh. A few years before the start of the show. This should be interesting.
Oh ew Rachel.
Wait is this her origin story?
Enlil (yes I looked up the spelling this time, yes I was careful, and yes I did this after the reaction) is so cheery. Like Cutter if he was actually nice.
Wait. Why are they calling her “Miss. Nash”?
Oh. They tried to kill her at the hotel. And she seems to know they’d try to do this, is totally okay with it, and willingly getting on a plan with them? Okay?
Don’t like this David Clark fellow.
Nash is not nice Enlil. She’s not nice at all.
Does Cutter kill or hire all the reporters that come to his door? If so, I hope Minkowski’s husband is okay.
The safety video is on mute? That’s symbolic.
The AI is the only character I like.
Andrea Nash? Am I hearing this wrong, I swear that’s Rachel Young.
So Enlil got the job Hera wanted. Flying a fancy jet all day. Hera did say that’s what happens when you’re happy and do as you’re told.
Huh. Did not expect Cutter to be a Harry Potter fan.
Ew not Cutter doing the “welcome to Wolf359” I hate it.
Was Goddard the OG Marcus? Wright-Goddard? Interesting… let’s see… 40s, 50s, 60s… AI.
Renamed in 1974… so that’s significant. Also when Cutter says “things no monkey could do” why do I think he means humans?
1976. So that’s when he took control.
People? I don’t like the sound of that.
Change the world for the better? …no. I respectfully disagree.
Oh she’s not asking about certain things. Restraining bolt?
“where were we” “how you were gonna change the world for the better” 🤣 yeah. Right after he removes everyone’s free will, sure.
Are all these people that are being listed Cutter? That’s a lot of new people.
Right they all disappeared.
Do the names of the stars have a similar pattern that the fake names have?
What does she mean by “I have EVERYTHING”? What is everything? Like… everything everything?
Oh they got that restraining bolt.
David. I think Cutter might decide to give you the restraining bolt instead.
“The same reason you don’t hold this job for more than a decade” DANG!
Matthew Newman?
Oh that’s him isn’t it? The real him?
This escalated so quick.
Oh she got him. And Cutter took this so personally.
Come on Cutter. Drop the backstory. Oh Andrea Nash isn’t her name either.
Yep. Matthew Newman. Here he is.
Ah. A little high school student poking his nose where it didn’t belong. Oh so Cutter has been infatuated with aliens since he was a boy.
Wait. That’s it? The government took his telescope when he was 15 and he declared revenge? That’s his sad backstory? That’s the best he could do?
Oh and then he got fired when someone had to take the fall at the company. That too. But he still said he declared revenge when he was in high school? This is ridiculous. And further proof that science nerds who are also over dramatic theater kids cannot be trusted (expect for me because I’m special 🥰).
Oh so when Matthew left he gave the restructure order. I see… but then how did he get the new bodies?
He found Miranda Pryce. But how did she have the tech?
Maybe he used plastic surgery the first time around.
Oh. He was Miranda’s first test subject. And she wanted to manipulate the human body probably because of her blindness.
“Revenge is fun” “you can just steal one” “space exploration is only part of the bigger picture: progress. I want a better future” put those three statements together and tell me if you sound like a good guy, Cutter.
I see. So rather than stop him, Nash wants in so that she can have a hand in it. She’s just as gross as he is.
“No” *cuts to Andrea as Rachel head of special projects*
Cutter has seen Monsters Inc?
“More productive use” “Volte Face” okay this is the part where you should have brought a gun… oh the wave radiation. Good thing she’s knows that. I guess that’s enough to give Cutter the job. Rough day for you David.
Oh she has to reinvent herself. Rachel. Yep. So this is how she got here. I don’t like her. She knows what Cutter’s about, and her response is she wants in? Absolute worst.
“Goodbye Miss. Nash”
Well that was sort of a dark ending. You either willingly give up your humanity to join Pryce and Cutter or they take it. One way or another.
Anyway, now we know more about Rachel and Cutter. Gotta say, his sad backstory is funnier and lamer than I could have ever imagined. I was, bear minimum, expecting something like the board members who pushed him out of the company were close personal friends, or maybe his parents yelled at him and forced him to give up his space dreams or even a line about the kids at school laughing at him for being a high schooler who believed in aliens. But nope. He stumbled upon something, got his telescope stolen by the government and was like “you know what? I’m gonna spend the rest of my life and several more lifetimes getting revenge for this specifically.” The people who took the dang telescope aren’t even alive anymore! Look, I get they also ransacked his house and yelled at him, which is a lot for a teenager, but to respond by declaring revenge then and there and plotting world domination, I just…
I mean, I guess the moral of the story is don’t inconvenience a young science genius if they’re also a dramatic theater kid. Because they will immediately jump to world domination and change their name as part of that process and befriend(?) an evil woman who gives them next level tech. It’s happened too many times in too many of my fandoms (well two so far, show Curtain and Cutter. At least show Curtain’s sad thing was that his family left him. Still not an excuse considering his brother was also a kid at the time, but it’s better than a telescope).
I can see why you all hyped this up. It’s hilarious, but also shows how being affiliated with Cutter makes people slowly lose their humanity (again, one way or another) despite Cutter calling himself a “people person”.
Also if Rachel knows about the modified bodies, does that mean she has one? Or maybe she’s not old enough yet.
On a more serious note: Rachel’s character makes me sad. She could use her powers for good and expose so many bad people. And it sounds like she did for a while. But then she decided to sell out. Disappointing. What a waste. And since Rachel and Andrea were both fake names… we might never learn who she really is. Or maybe that doesn’t matter, since that person, who ever she was, no longer exists. Again, Cutter and Pryce do specialize in taking away other people’s humanity.
Well. Only 2 hours left. Not tonight, but later. When I have time to really sit and give a good listen. We’re in the endgame now dear readers. I hope y’all are ready!
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