#Christopher sturniolo imagine
bratzforchris · 2 days
Red Looks Good on You (Pt. 1)
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Summary: In which cutting your foot at the beach leads to an unexpected summer fling <3
Pairing: Lifeguard!Chris x feminine reader
(Series) Warnings: Smut, making out, hickeys, nipple play, shower/hot tub sex, p in v, fingering, exhibitionism/semi public sex if you squint, thigh riding, belly bulge, squirting, praise kink, non established relationship, mentions of blood
Word Count: 3k
A/N: First summer fic is here and ready for you, my loves 𓆉⋆。˚⋆❀ 🐚🫧𓇼 ˖° I hope you enjoy!! Part 2 will be out within the next twoish weeks! PLEASE SEND ME LIFEGUARD CHRIS THOUGHTS 𓅮 ✺ 👣 🀦 ͡ i ͡ ☼
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You smiled to yourself, hitching your beach bag further up your shoulder as you hiked over the white dunes. “What’s the chances that we’ll meet a summer fling while we’re here?” You looked over your shoulder at your friend, Tori, who was tugging the wagon that held your beach chairs. 
“Girl, we better. All this money and not meeting a single hot guy? I’ll be wanting a refund.” she laughed. 
To celebrate both of you receiving your associates’ degrees, the two of you had decided to take a girl’s trip to Hawaii. After almost a year of saving, you’d finally made it happen, and today was your first official day on the sandy beaches of Waikiki. Despite it only being just past ten am, the beach was already crowded with both a mixture of tourists and renowned surfers. You quickly found a spot and staked your umbrella, sitting down in the chairs beneath the shade. 
Your eyes were wide as you took in the scene around you, until Tori nudged your shoulder. “That lifeguard is hot as fuck. He’s your type, too.”
“Who?” You pushed your sunglasses up onto your head, looking around at all the lifeguard stands. “There’s like three within this radius, Tor. Be specific.”
Your friend not-so-subtly pointed to the brunette lifeguard sitting in the stand closest to you, aviator sunglasses on and twirling his whistle around his finger. You had to admit, he really was just your type. His brown curls fell softly around his ears, already damp with sweat despite the tropical breeze. You studied the boy for a moment, taking in his tanned skin and toned body, your eyes raking downwards towards the happy trail that dipped into the waistband of his red lifeguard trunks. 
“He’s working,” You stated after a moment, a blush creeping onto your cheeks. “I’m not gonna go bother him.”
“And suddenly, you don’t know how to swim!” Tori joked. 
You swatted her arm playfully, standing and removing your coverup. “Wanna go tan?”
Tori quickly nodded, ditching her own sundress and grabbing both of your towels. The two of you made your way closer to where the sand met the sea, laying your towels out in a secluded part of the warm, white sand. In just a glance of your head, you caught the cute lifeguard looking your way, lips tugged upward in a smirking smile. You shook your hair out as a way to release the sudden tension you felt in your tummy, silently telling yourself that he wasn’t looking at you. He was just watching every person on this part of the beach, just like all lifeguards were supposed to do. 
It wasn’t long until the sound of the waves pounding against the shore, the happy giggles of small children, and Tori’s incessant chattering pulled you away from all thoughts of the lifeguards. The tropical breeze ruffled the small tassels on your neon pink bikini, putting you completely at ease. Your mind had become floaty with happiness as you and Tori laid out on your towels, trying to garner a tan from the bright, early afternoon sun. 
“Now’s your chance,” Tori elbowed you suddenly, pulling you out of your trance. “He’s off the stand and he’s coming this way.”
You were thankful that your sunglasses disguised any movement of your eyes, because you immediately averted your gaze to see the boy walking along the beach, holding the yellow rescue buoy under his arm, red whistle in his mouth. 
“Hey,” he smiled nonchalantly as he walked past the two of you. “Everything okay?”
You found yourself cursing under your breath at the way your focus seemed to be more on how the whistle hanging from his plump, pink lips complimented his red swimsuit rather than the fact that he was actually talking to you. 
“We’re perfectly fine.” Tori spoke for you, a knowing glance cast your way at the word. 
The lifeguard smirked, sensing the vibes between the two of you. “Cool. Stay safe, mamas.”
As soon as he was out of earshot, your friend rolled her eyes. “Is he serious? Mamas? He’s totally your type.”
“I thought it was kind of cute, actually,” You hummed, not hiding the smile on your face this time. “But like I said, he’s working. I’m not gonna hit on him.”
You moved on from the topic of cute lifeguard, chatting about the end of the academic year and what your plans were for the fall. You planned to continue attending college to obtain your degree in English, hoping to teach at the high school you had graduated from. The silly part of you that had always loved to daydream, though, started to imagine what your life would be like if you lived here in Hawaii and hung out with the cute lifeguard every day. 
“You’re down bad already, aren’t you?” Tori asked. 
You nodded shyly, earning a goofy chuckle from your friend. “He’s cute.”
Your friend shook her head with a laugh, standing up and shaking out her towel. “I’m gonna go get ice cream, okay? I’ve been eyeing that shop down the block. Do you want anything?”
You shook your head no, bidding Tori a goodbye as she started the trek for ice cream. Laying back against your beach towel once more, you allowed the sand beneath you and the sun above you to warm your skin. This was already shaping up to be the perfect vacation, and you had been here for less than a day. 
As much as you wanted to lay and continue to tan, you had to admit that the clear, blue water of the ocean looked inviting, especially considering the fact that you were starting to sweat. You stood up, shaking your towel out and wrapping it around your neck, before walking down to the water, allowing the small, cresting waves to lap over your jade green pedicure. Feeling the warmth of the water, you walked further into the ocean, letting the water lap around your ankles. 
It wasn’t until you moved your foot that you felt a sudden, sharp pain course up your leg. You cursed, lifting your foot out of the water, examining the stinging wound. Sure enough, the cut was already dripping blood, puddling red with the clear water below. You turned your head back towards the beach, only to see that Tori had not yet returned. It looked like you were going to have to limp back up towards your bag and scavenge for a bandaid on your own. 
You turned back towards the beach, starting to limp your way to the shore. You were so caught up in the stinging pain of your foot that you didn’t even notice the same lifeguard from before approaching you, already opening his hip pack. 
“What happened?” he asked you gently, placing his large hand on your shoulder to steady you. 
“I cut my foot.” You hissed through the pain, jaw clenched. 
“I can get you a bandaid and get you all cleaned up, don’t worry,” the lifeguard smiled the same, goofy smile from before, and despite your pain, you found your heart fluttering. “Do you need me to carry you? I’m sure the water stings.”
“I don’t need you to carry me,” You chuckled. “I’ll be fine.”
“You sure?” the boy asked, eyes raking over how you were limping, almost refusing to put your foot in the water.
“I’m not going to let someone whose name I don’t even know carry me.” You hummed, suddenly shocked at the flirtatious nature that had come over you. 
“I’m Chris,” he smiled wider, rezipping his hip pack. “May I?” he gestured to your wobbly frame. 
You nodded shyly, your cheeks flaming as Chris carefully picked you up. His hold was strong and tactile, and if it weren’t for the fact that he was literally holding you, you would’ve wondered how often he did this. The brunette carried you to shore, earning several looks from other beachgoers. Once you had reached the lifeguard stand, Chris sat you down on a small wooden bench. 
“Wait here.” he murmured, rummaging around under the stand for the first aid box. 
“I dunno where you think I’m gonna go,” You retorted playfully. “If I did go somewhere, you could just follow the trail of blood down the beach.”
“Are you always sassy?” Chris asked as he gently wiped your foot off, examining the cut. “Or do I make you feel that way?”
Your jaw practically dropped at the lifeguard’s nonchalant flirting. “That’s for me to know and you to find out.”
Chris chuckled, carefully smearing some antibiotic cream on the cut and then placing a bandaid over the wound. You watched him as he worked, admiring the way he kneeled in the sand, tongue poking out of the corner of his mouth as he concentrated. The combination of his tanned, muscular back beneath the sun, his soft, beachy curls, and his kind demeanor had you thinking less about the pain in your foot and more about the sensation that was causing you to unconsciously clench your thighs. 
“All done!” Chris smiled as he finished the bandage to your foot one last time. “Should I kiss your booboo all better?”
You blushed, hoping the boy took it for the heat and not the way he was making you feel. “Not my foot.”
The blue-eyed boy smiled at your open-ended sentence, staring up at you from his spot in the sand. “I didn’t get your name.”
“It’s Y/N. Nice to meet you, Chris.” You smiled shyly. 
Before Chris could respond, Tori appeared beside you, looking both worried and confused. “What happened?”
“I cut my…”
“She cut her foot,” Chris interrupted you. “I cleaned it and put a bandaid on it. She’s good to go.”
Tori looked between you and Chris, a knowing smile on her face. “Thank you,” she nodded towards the lifeguard. “C’mon girl, I got you ice cream anyway.”
Chris smiled, standing up and brushing off his shorts. “See you around. Careful on that foot, okay?” he nodded towards you with a smirk as he began the climb back up the lifeguard stand. 
“I will.” You murmured, suddenly shy as Tori pulled you back towards your umbrella. 
“I left you alone for thirty minutes and suddenly I come back to you with a hurt foot and flirting with him? What did I miss?” Your friend asked as the two of you sat down in your chairs again, passing you the bowl of mango sorbet she’d brought you. 
“I tried to go for a swim, but I cut my foot on a shell and he helped me. That’s all you missed. And we weren’t flirting,” You insisted, spooning a bite of sorbet into your mouth. “He was being nice because I got hurt.”
“You missed your chance.” Tori sing-songed. 
“We’re here for another week. I’m sure he’ll be working again before we leave.” 
As you spoke, your eyes once again drifted over to where Chris was sitting. He had become more focused on the beach, most likely because your injury had shocked him back to reality, but you didn’t miss the way those oh-so-blue eyes strayed over to where you and Tori were sitting every now and then. 
𓆉⋆。˚⋆❀ 🐚🫧𓇼 ˖°
“Hey! You’re back! How’s the foot?”
You whipped around from where you were setting up the umbrella, only to see Chris standing next to you, once again in his guard uniform with his whistle in his mouth. Now that you were no longer in pain and he was this close up, you could see the constellation of freckles scattered across Chris’ tanned nose. It was endearing at best, annoying at worst, simply because it only added to his cute factor. 
“I’m back,” You stated confidently. “And the foot is just fine, thank you. A wonderful lifeguard fixed me right up. You wouldn’t happen to know him, would you?” You were surprised Chris had remembered you based off of just your first name and looks, which was adding to your confidence around him. 
Chris shook his head with a chuckle, brown curls bouncing. “Nope. I don’t. Where’s your friend?”
“Sleeping off a hangover.” You replied with a laugh. 
In order to give your foot time to heal without the sand and waves beating on it, you and Tori had taken a break from the beach yesterday. Instead, you two had decided to explore the wonderful shopping opportunities and restaurants Waikiki Beach had to offer, only to be roped into a party by a group of local surfers later that night. You’d refrained from drinking, but Tori had gotten absolutely hammered, hence why she had (grumpily) declined your offer to join you at the beach. 
“I mean that sucks, but hey, more for me,” Chris chattered on, not noticing your raised eyebrow at his statement. “I mean…I need to check on your foot, obviously.” he snorted. 
“Aren’t you on a break?” You asked, noting the lack of rescue buoy in his hands. 
Chris blushed at you pointing out his faulty lie, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. “Yeah.”
“Well, I did bring two beach chairs. Wanna sit until you’re done?” You asked, gesturing to the cart that held two chairs. 
“Only if you’ll get a shaved ice with me first. My treat. I do feel bad that you got hurt on my watch…” Chris looked genuinely sorry, and it made your heart clench for him; it wasn’t his fault that you’d cut your foot on a shell. 
However, that didn’t stop you from blushing at the idea of a possible date. “Why not?”
“May I?” Chris reached his hand out for your own, intertwining your fingers. 
You blushed as you followed him down to the beach, still not quite believing this was real. Less than a block later, the two of you came up to a small shaved ice shack, the line extending down the beach. 
“This place is popular, huh?” You chewed the inside of your lip, ignoring the way Chris’ hand in your own was making the butterflies in your stomach soar. 
“Best on the beach.” he winked. 
“So, Chris,” You smiled. “You’re holding my hand, but I barely know anything about you. Care to share?” You teased. 
“Well besides being super hot and funny and hilarious, I’m a lifeguard. I’m 20, y’know. Normal stuff.”
“Got a bit of an ego too, huh?” You smirked. 
“Hey, I’ve got you here. You actually got me off the stand the other day. Gotta keep up with you.” he smiled. 
You blushed again as the two of you stepped up to the counter, quickly ordering the cold treats. You went to pull your wallet from your beach bag until Chris grabbed your hand with a gentle look, the same, dopey smile as before on his lips. 
“My treat, remember?”
You said nothing else, allowing Chris to pay. You couldn’t believe how nice he was being to you. Part of it made you think that maybe he felt something towards you the way you felt something towards him. “Thank you.”
By the time the two of you had sat down on a small, wooden bench with your shaved ice, you had decided to make your move. You had spent the entirety of your first two years in college playing it safe when it came to boys, and you felt that now, with an adorable lifeguard, on vacation in Hawaii, was the perfect time to change that. 
“What time do you get off tonight?” You asked nonchalantly, spooning a bite into your mouth. 
“Eight. Why?” Chris asked shyly, looking at you with blue eyes akin to that of a puppy. 
“Would you wanna come over?” You smiled. “The house my friend and I are renting has a hot tub. I thought maybe we could chill?”
Chris’ cheeks and ears tinged pink, despite his tanned skin. “Really?”
“Why not? Unless you’re busy, of course.” You teased. 
The brunette immediately shook his head no, making way for the two of you to quickly exchange phone numbers and socials. You continued to talk for a while, until Chris checked his watch and cursed. 
“Fuck. I need to be back on the stand in five minutes. See you tonight?” he offered. 
“Tonight.” You smiled. 
You watched as Chris trekked back to the lifeguard stand down the beach, the sun illuminating his broad back. Part of you couldn’t believe you had invited a boy you had just met two days ago over, but the bigger part of you couldn’t wait to see what the night had in store. 
𓆉⋆。˚⋆❀ 🐚🫧𓇼 ˖°
You jumped off the couch where you heard a knock at the back door. With the way the beach house was set up, Chris had to walk up the back steps to get inside, scaring you slightly. Tori was still in bed, hangover raging, and you had been simply scrolling on your phone since you’d gotten back from the beach earlier in the day. 
“Hey!” You said happily, flinging open the door and stepping out onto the wooden deck. 
Chris ran his hands through his hair, eyes not-so-sneakily roaming over your scanty outfit. “Hey.”
“Do you want something to drink?” You asked, suddenly shy at the closeness between the two of you. 
The sun was now setting, lighting the sky up in a mixture of pinks, purples, and oranges. Unlike earlier in the day, there was a significant lack of tourists around, leaving just you and Chris on the deck, the only sound the gentle crashing of the waves in the distance and the far-off noises of people grilling out. 
“I brought Pepsi,” Chris grinned cheekily, pulling two cans from each pocket of his red guard shorts that he always seemed to be clad in. “Never leave home without them.”
For some reason unknown to you, you burst out laughing. You weren’t sure why you found him pulling Pepsi out of his trunks so hilarious, but you double over, snorting giggles leaving your mouth. Chris smiled to himself, starting to laugh too. 
“I’m sorry,” You wiped your eyes after a moment, standing up. “I just…who carries Pepsi in their swim trunks?”
“Me,” Chris grinned proudly. “So, are you trying to get in the hot tub or what?”
To be continued...
tags ˖°🌊🎐𓇼⋆🦪₊: @sturnlovr @matthewsturniologirly @pkfferoo @jetaimevous @blahbel668 @sturniolowhore @pepsiluvr0209 @calumsrockstar @ashley9282828 @starlace111 @luvr4miya @vividmemory @patscorner @bellasturn @thelittlelightwhenthetvisoff @ryli3sworld @urmomabby @pepsienthusiasts @faygo-frog
note ˖°🌊🎐𓇼⋆🦪₊: if you'd like to be added to my taglist, click here <3
487 notes · View notes
iluvmattsbeard · 1 month
what else can that mouth do? 🤔 just curious. he probably got flashbacks.
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worldlxvlys · 5 months
some of these are nsfw !! please don’t read if that makes you uncomfortable!
(❕ = nsfw)
(🤍= fluff)
(🌧️ = angst)
(👀= suggestive)
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texts w/ fwb! matt (p1)❕
texts w/ fwb! matt (p2) ❕
texts w/ boyfriend! matt (p1)❕
texts w/ boyfriend! matt (p2)❕
texts w/ boyfriend! matt (p3)❕
texts w/ boyfriend! matt (p4)❕
texts w/ boyfriend! matt (p5)❕
texts w/ boyfriend! matt (p6) ❕
texts w/ toxic! matt (p1)❕
texts w/ toxic! matt (p2) ❕
texts w/ toxic! matt (p3) ❕
snaps w/ boyfriend! matt (p1)❕
snaps w/ boyfriend! matt (p2)❕
snaps w/ boyfriend! matt (p3)❕
snaps w/ boyfriend! matt (p4)❕
snaps w/ boyfriend! matt (p5)❕
snaps w/ boyfriend! matt (p6)❕
snaps w/ boyfriend! chris + snaps w/boyfriend! matt❕
comfort 🤍
tough guy❕
ice ❕+ ice pt 2 ❕+ ice p3 ❕
princess 🤍❕
collide ❕
thinking of you ❕
vibe ❕
sweats ❕
breeding ❕
relax 🤍❕
drive you crazy ❕
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texts w/ fwb! chris(p1)❕
texts w/fwb! chris (p2)❕
texts w/fwb! chris (p3)❕
texts w/fwb! chris (p4)❕
texts w/fwb! chris (p5)❕
texts w/fwb! chris (p6)❕
texts w/ boyfriend! chris(p1)❕
texts w/ boyfriend! chris (p2)❕
texts w/ boyfriend! chris (p3)❕
texts w/boyfriend! chris (p4) 🤍
texts w/boyfriend! chris (p5)❕
texts w/boyfriend! chris (p6)❕
texts w/boyfriend! chris (p7) 🤍
texts w/ toxic! chris (p1)❕
texts w/ toxic! chris (p2)❕
texts w/ toxic! chris (p3)❕
texts w/ toxic! reader x chris 🌧️👀
texts w/ toxic! reader x chris (p2) 👀
texts w/ toxic! reader x chris (p3) 🌧️
texts w/ toxic! reader x chris (p4) 🤍
texts w/ toxic! reader x toxic! chris 👀
texts w/ toxic! reader x toxic! chris (p2) ❕
snaps w/ boyfriend! chris (p1)❕
snaps w/ boyfriend! chris (p2)❕
snaps w/ boyfriend! chris (p3) 🤍
snaps w/ boyfriend! chris (p4)❕
snaps w/ boyfriend! chris (p5)❕
snaps w/ boyfriend! chris (p6) 🤍
snaps w/ best friend! chris (p1) 👀
snaps w/ boyfriend! chris + snaps w/ boyfriend! matt❕
snaps + texts w/boyfriend! chris ❕
tense 🤍
armor 🤍
don’t stop❕
take it❕
the way i loved you 🤍
not alone 🤍
mine ❕
accessory ❕
slow down ❕
nails 🤍
show me ❕🤍
obsessed. ❕+ obsessed part 2. ❕
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snaps w/ platonic! nick (p1) 🤍
snaps w/ platonic! nick (p2) 🤍
snaps w/ platonic! nick (p3) 🤍
snaps w/ platonic! nick (p4) 🤍
snaps w/ platonic! nick (p5) 🤍
stand out 🤍
3K notes · View notes
sturniozo · 4 months
Snaps with Secret BF! Chris
These are my first snaps be kind :) kinda suggestive also lol
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TAGS: @bernardenjoyer @sturniolosreads @mbbsgf @xxsadlovexx @whicked-hazlatwhore @sturnsgirl @keira324 @stuniolobbg @timmyscomputer @meg-sturniolo @sturnioloenthusiast @nickdevora @hearts4chris @carolinalikesthings @mattscokewhore
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joeshiestyslover · 15 days
fuck it i love you- c. sturniolo
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pairing: fratboy!chris sturniolo x academicweapon!reader
summary: you and chris were on two completely opposite sides of the college spectrum. chris loves to party and hook up, and you love to stay in and do your homework. chris would never notice someone like you…right?
warnings: language, mentions of sex, angst, fluff, chris is lowkey an asshole at first but he gets better, reader is good at poker, some typos
lowercase intended
you were never one for parties or large social gatherings in general. you are an introvert and very much a homebody, spending most of your time doing schoolwork or just lying in bed. because of this, you never made many friends as a child, and you especially never had a boyfriend.
chris was the complete opposite. chris loves parties and being around people. he can’t stand being in his house and doing nothing. since chris got to college, he spent most of his time at frat parties or hooking up with random girls. another thing about chris is that he’s never been the relationship type of guy. there was always an insane amount of girls that wanted him, but he never gave in, opting for random hookups.
you’re a sophomore in college and the only actual friend you’ve managed to make is your roommate, jasmine. she understood your introverted tendencies and respected them, but she was never afraid to urge you to get out of your comfort zone once in a while. right now, she’s trying to get you to attend a party that one of the school’s fraternities is throwing.
“come on y/n! it’ll be so fun!” jasmine begs. “i don’t like parties. i’d rather stay here and watch bridgerton.” you retort. “you’re always home and it worries me. you need actual human interaction. come on, please! i promise i won’t ask you to do anything like this again if you don’t have fun.” “i don’t know, jas.” you say skeptically. she gives you a look and you know she won’t give up until you go, so you give in. “fine.” you tell her with a roll of your eyes. she smiles and clasps her hands together. “yay! now let’s find you something to wear. i doubt you have anything, so you can borrow something of mine.” jasmine heads towards her closet and digs through until she pulls out a skintight light pink minidress. your jaw drops. “absolutely not.” “you’re wearing this y/n. it’s gonna look so good on you.” she walks over to you and throws it on your bed.
you pick it up and hold it against your body. “oh my god jas. my ass is gonna be on display!” you tell her. “don’t worry girl you have a great ass and you should show it off.” she winks. “okay the party starts in twenty minutes and we still have to get ready so come on.” jasmine leads you into the bathroom and does your hair and makeup first. she spends about half an hour on it before she finishes. you look at yourself in the mirror and gasp. “wow i look so good.” you smile at your reflection. “you’re welcome. now go get dressed.” you walk over to your bed where the dress lays and you quickly undress and throw it on, along with some clear wedges you had stuffed in the back of your closet.
jasmine finishes getting ready and she walks out of the bathroom. you both compliment each other’s looks before grabbing your purses and walking out of your dorm and towards jasmine’s car. you both get in and jasmine puts the car into drive, making her way towards the frat house.
once you both get to the party and you can hear the music thumping from outside the house. you can feel your palms begin to become sweaty and your heartbeat quicken. “jas i don’t know about this. what if something bad happens?” you ask nervously. “everything’s gonna be fine. i promise i’ll stick with you as long as you want me to, okay?” she reassures you. you slowly nod you head. you both then get out of the car and walk into the frat house. the moment you walk in, you can smell the strong scent of weed, alcohol, and sweat.
you look around and notice some people you know from your classes, all of them stoned, drunk, or both. your eyes continue to wander until you lock eyes with him. chris sturniolo. he’s easily the biggest asshole you’ve ever met. he was in your english lit class last semester and the only thing he did was show up late and extremely hungover. you can see his eyes trail down to your body and back up to your face. you roll your eyes and turn to jasmine. “we should get drinks.” you yell over the music. she nods and you both walk into the kitchen, where a vast array of drinks sit on the counter. you grab a beer out of the ice filled bucket where they sit, twist the cap off and take a drink. you look to your left and see jasmine flirting with some guy you’ve never seen before. after a few seconds, she turns to you and asks: “do you think it would be okay if i went with him? it’s totally okay if you’re not comfortable being by yourself. i’ll let him down and stay with you if you want.” you can’t help but smile at her. “it’s okay jas, i’ll be fine. i think i saw some guys playing poker and you know how much i love texas hold ‘em.” she grins and turns back to the guy and he leads her away.
you walk out of the kitchen and walk over to the table where a bunch of guys are sitting, dealing out cards. “y’all got room for one more?” you ask them. “you play?” one of the guys retorts. you nod. “yep. been playing since middle school.” “i guess we could deal you in.” he motions to one of the empty chairs. you sit as the dealer hand you the cards. you take a peek at the cards and see pocket aces. your face remains stoic as you look around at all the guys, trying to read their faces. everyone around the table checks, and so do you. the dealer puts down one card. about half of the guys fold, and a few of them raise, and of course, you match their bets. once again, everyone checks, and the dealer puts down the rest of the cards. you all then turn over all your cards, with you obviously winning. you smirk and gather all the chips to your side of the table.
before you can start the next round, chris walks over to the table. he claps one of the guys on the shoulders before his eyes find yours. he then walks up to you and you once again roll your eyes at him. “hey, what’s your name?” you ignore him and deal out the cards since it’s your turn. “c’mon don’t be like that.” he presses as he sits down next to you. you sigh and turn to him. “if i were you, i wouldn’t even bother learning my name, especially if you didn’t care to learn it last semester.” chris looks confused. “do i know you from somewhere?” you shrug. “wait,” he begins. “you’re that girl from english. the one that always asked a bunch of questions.” “guess so. do you mind? i’m in the middle of something.” you flip over the cards in front of you. “damn okay i see how it is. i’ll catch you later though.” he stands up out of the seat and you flash him a fake smile. “i hope not.” you mutter before he walks away.
you continue to play for a little while longer, surprisingly having fun. you had to admit, tonight is going a lot better than you thought it would. after winning most of the hands, you decide it’s time to head out, so you get up and say bye to the guys you were playing with. you wander through the crowd, trying to find jasmine, but she’s nowhere to be found. she must have gone home with the guy she left with earlier, so you pull out your phone and order an uber. your feet begin to ache and you spot an empty seat on a sofa, so you take a seat. you scroll on your phone for a bit before feeling the couch dip next to you. you look up and see chris sitting directly to your right. you immediately look back down at your phone, desperately wanting to avoid another conversation with him.
“you know it’s dangerous for a pretty girl like yourself to be alone at a party like this. you never know what kinda creep will try and take advantage of you.” he smirks. “i think i can handle myself, thanks.” you say back, avoiding eye contact. “hey, i’m just looking out for you, ma.” you finally turn to look at him. “don’t call me that.” “well, you never gave me your name, so…” he trails off. “you don’t need to know my name.” you say coldly. “why not?” chris tilts his head. “i don’t know what you think you’re doing, but i’m not gonna sleep with you so find another girl to bother.” you snap. before he can respond, your phone goes off, signaling that your uber arrived at the house. without a word, you stand up from the couch and walk towards the front door, leaving behind a very shocked chris.
once you got back to your dorm, you took off your makeup and changed into comfy clothes. the moment you lied down, you fell asleep, but couldn’t help but think about the brunette boy that managed to get under your skin so much.
a week later, you’re at the campus coffee shop, where you work. today isn’t a very busy day, just a few tired college kids in desperate need of coffee. you’re cleaning the tables near the back when you hear the bell ring, signifying that someone had walked into the shop. “welcome in.” you say out of habit. when you look up, your eyes meet chris’ blue ones. you walk behind the counter and plaster on the fakest smile you could muster. “what can i get you?” you ask, trying to get him out as fast as possible. “hey it’s you.” he smirks. “yes it’s me.” you roll your eyes. “what do you want?” “well, y/n,” he reads your name tag, “i would like a cappuccino and your number.” you scoff at his request. “absolutely not. i made it very clear at the party that i’m not interested in being one of your casual hookups.” “i promise i’d make it worth your while.” chris leans in closer to you. “okay buddy.” you say, unconvinced. “come on, y/n-” “not interested chris, either pay for your coffee or get out.” you tell him sternly. now, he rolls his eyes at you. “fine how much?” he pulls out his wallet. “$4.25.” he hands you a $5 and says: “keep the change.” you nod and begin making his drink.
once you finish making the cappuccino, you put the lid on it and hand it to him. “i’ll pull you one day, you know.” he smirks as he takes his drink. “in your dreams.” you retort. “i’ll see you around, ma.” chris yells as he walks out of the coffee shop. you continue the rest of your shift, still not being able to believe the audacity that boy has.
over the next few weeks, chris has been coming to your work, trying to get you to give him your number, and you shut him down every time. “come on, ma, i’m begging you, just one chance, please.” he all but begs you. “no chris, now go away i have customers to deal with.” you walk toward the register, taking a customer’s order. “what do you have to lose?” he questions. “my sanity.” you say putting in the person’s order. “what time do you get off?” “5:30. why?” you raise an eyebrow at his question. “i’ll pick you up and take you to dinner.” you laugh a little, “sure you will.” chris doesn’t say anything and walks out of the store.
sure enough, 5:30 rolls around and as you’re packing up your things in the back, you hear the bell ring. you walk out to the front and see chris at the door. you freeze. you really didn’t think chris would actually show up. “what the hell are you doing here?” you ask. “well, you get off at 5:30 right? i told you i’d pick you up.” he smiles, but it’s not a cocky smile or smirk, it’s a genuine smile. you let out a breath, knowing you can’t get out of it now. “one date. that’s it. you fuck up, you don’t get another chance.” you tell him sternly. he raises his hands in surrender. “i can be nice when i want, you know.” “uh huh, i’m sure. where are we going?” you both begin to walk out the door and chris holds it open, you mutter a small “thank you.” “where do you wanna go?” “ummm” you think, “how about mcdonald’s or something lowkey?” you suggest. “sounds perfect.” he replies, leading you to his car and opening the passenger door for you.
the car ride is relatively quiet, a few comments being made here and there, but it was mostly silent. however, it wasn’t an awkward silence, it was actually quite comfortable. you both get to the nearest mcdonald’s and order your food. it comes time to pay and you begin to pull out your card. “don’t you even dare, y/n.” chris says before you can even get your wallet out of your bag. “chris it’s really not that big of a deal.” you try to reason with him. “no y/n. i’m paying. a gentleman doesn’t make the girl pay, especially not on the first date.” he explains. “okay fine.” you relent.
the rest of the night went much smoother than you thought it would have. chris was a total gentleman and you genuinely had fun with him. at the end of the night, he drove you back to your dorm, but before you left, he asked you out on another date and you immediately said yes.
of course, you still have your reserves because of chris’ reputation around campus, but you wanted to give him a chance. you walk into your room, and see jasmine sitting on her bed. “and where have you been?” she asks. “i was out… on a date.” you say sheepishly. “a date?! with who?!” she becomes interested. “ummm i was with chris actually.” you look down at your shoes. “chris sturniolo? don’t you hate him?” she tilts her head in a confused manner. “i did, but he surprisingly isn’t that bad.” i smile at her slightly. “okay girl just be careful with him. make sure his intentions with you are good before you get too attached.” jasmine warns and you nod at her words. “of course, jas.” you walk over to your bathroom to take off your makeup and get ready for bed.
over the next couple of weeks, you and chris have been hanging out constantly. you actually enjoy his company, and he enjoys yours. you’ve managed to learn more and more about each other. you now know that chris loves hockey, he’s a triplet with his two brothers matt and nick, and he has a dog back home named trevor. all of this new information made him seem like more of an actual person to you and not some asshole you shared one class with for a single semester.
you’re currently getting ready for a party that chris had invited you to. this was the first time you would show up to a gathering like this as a ‘couple’, and you’re a little nervous. you don’t know how people would react because you being with chris is probably the most unexpected thing to happen on campus.
just as you’re putting on your shoes, chris texts you that he’s outside. you say goodbye to jas, and as you’re walking out the door you hear her yell: “be safe! text me if you need me!” you walk over to chris’ car and see him in the driver’s seat. once you open the door, he looks over at you and his jaw drops a little. “whoa. you look amazing, y/n.” you blush a little. “thanks chris.” he smiles at you and begins to drive towards the party.
you get there and can already see drunk students stumbling out the front door, something leaning over to throw up in the bushes. chris puts the car in park and unbuckles his seatbelt. he then gets out and walks over to your side of the car, opening the door for you. he holds his hand out, and you take it. you stand up and before chris releases your hand, he leans down presses a light kiss to your knuckles. you giggle and begin to walk inside the party.
chris puts his hand on your waist and leads you over to the couch in the middle of the room. “i’m gonna grab us some drinks?” he yells over the music. “okay! i’ll be here!” you yell back, hoping he hears you. chris nods and turns to walk towards where you assume is the kitchen.
you wait for a few minutes, think it just takes a while to actually get to the drinks because of the large crowd of people in the house. you wait a little longer before deciding to go and find chris. you walk through the house and you can hear a group of male voices.
you turn the corner and see chris talking with his frat brothers, and you can’t help but listen in. “so how’s it going with that one girl you’re seeing, the smart one?” one of them asks. “her? there’s nothing going on with her. she’s just a hookup, nothing more. she means nothing to me.” he and his friends all laugh. you immediately lose your breath. you were so stupid to believe you actually meant something to chris. you should have listened to your gut, he’s just like all the rest.
you turn on your heels and walk out of the house, needing fresh air. the moment you walk outside, you break down, tears rolling down your cheeks one after another. you pull out your phone and call jasmine, knowing she’d come pick you up. the phone rings a few times before she answers, “hello?” “jas.” you say through your tears. “y/n? what’s wrong? what happened?” she immediately becomes worried. “can you come get me? i’ll explain everything to you later i just can’t be here any longer.” “of course. stay where you are, i’ll be there in a few.” you hang up the phone and look into the distance.
you then hear your name being called. you turn your head and see chris walking towards you. you look away, knowing that if you looked at him, you’d absolutely lose it. “y/n? are you okay? why’d you come out here?” he asks, completely unaware that you overheard his cruel words. “how could you chris?” he becomes confused now. “how could i what?” “do i really mean nothing to you? is getting into my pants the only thing you want from me?” you’re fighting the urge to sob. “of course not baby. who’s telling you that?” he steps closer to you and you step back, finally meeting his eyes. “you did! i heard you talking to your friends! about how i’m nothing but a hookup!” chris’ face drops. “baby no you got it all wrong. i didn’t mean any of those things i said.” “then why would you say it?! i can’t believe i trusted you! i really thought you were different, but you’re not! you’re just like all the other douchebags on this fucking campus!” you yell in his face. “y/n please i-” “save it.” you cut him off. you see jasmine’s car pull in out of the corner of your eye. “i never wanna see you again.” you tell him before walking to jasmine’s car and getting into the passenger’s seat. she swiftly pulls out and heads towards your dorm.
“what happened y/n? what’d he do to you?” she asks, worriedly. “i overheard him talking shit about me to his friends, about how i mean nothing to him.” you sniffle. “oh babe i’m so sorry. he’s such an asshole.” she reaches her right hand over to rub your back. “i should have known. i’m so fucking stupid.” you lean forwards and put your head in your hands. “no he’s stupid for not realizing what he had.” she reassures you. “i just wanna go home and go to bed.” you say. “of course, we’re almost there.” jasmine says as she continues driving.
once you get back home, you flop onto your bed, not bothering to take your makeup or clothes off. you just lie there and stare at the ceiling, thinking about chris. you thought about how sweet he could be, but it was all just a lie to get you into his bed. it’s bittersweet. you felt so humiliated, but you were glad you found out his true intentions before it was too late. you turn over and look at your phone. there are ten missed calls and about fifty text messages from chris. you shut your phone off, not wanting to deal with him right now.
the next few days, the world seems grey. you have almost no motivation to get out of bed. after a day or so, chris stopped texting you and calling you. you assumed he had given up, until he walked into your work holding a bouquet of your favorite flowers and a small teddy bear. you looked at him with sadness in your eyes, while chris’ eyes are filled with guilt and regret. “y/n,” he begins. “i’m so sorry for what i said. it was wrong and i promise i didn’t mean it. i just didn’t want them to shit on you for dating me. it’s okay if you don’t forgive me, but i just want you to know that i truly am sorry.” he hands you the flowers and bear. you take them hesitantly and say nothing. you nod and walk away, leaving chris behind looking broken.
chris fell in love with you the moment he laid eyes on you. not at the party, but the first day he walked into his english lit class. he quickly thought you were the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. he wanted to go up to you so bad, but based on the dirty glares you would shoot his way every time he walked into class late, he thought you wouldn’t be interested. when he saw you at the party, however, he couldn’t resist, he had to talk to you. he definitely expected you to turn him down, but he vowed that he wouldn’t give up until you agreed to go on at least one date with him. when you finally did, chris knew he was a goner. you were pretty, smart, and funny. you were perfect. the feelings that chris had for you scared him because he had never felt this way before. he didn’t know what to do. when his friends asked how you two were doing, he panicked. he knew you would get shit for dating him because you two are so different, so he told them you meant nothing, which was the furthest thing from the truth. however, he didn’t consider how those harsh words would affect you. the moment he walked outside and saw you crying, his heart broke. chris fucked up. badly. and he won’t stop until you know that he truly is sorry.
after your shift you go back to your dorm and set the teddy bear on your bed and put the flowers in a vase with water. suddenly, your phone dings, and it’s a text from chris: please let me explain what happened. i promise i’ll tell you everything. you stood there and thought about it before replying: meet me in front of the coffee shop in an hour. you shut your phone off and sit on your bed. you hold your head in your hands before you stand up to change into one of chris’ hoodies that you took and some sweats.
about 45 minutes go by before you’re grabbing your phone and keys and walking out of your dorm and towards the coffee shop. once you get there, you see chris standing outside. once he hears your footsteps, chris turns his head and watches you walk up to him. he smiles a bit seeing you in his hoodie, and his hopes raise just a little.
“y/n. hi.” he says nervously. you just nod at him, not knowing what to say. “look y/n, i know i fucked up. what i said was horrible and i can’t excuse that i just… you scare me.” your eyebrow raises “i scare you? why?” you question him, confused. “because you’re so perfect. you have your life together, you know what you want, and i’m just me.” he says desperately.” you’re still confused. “but that doesn’t make any sense.” chris sighs. “fuck it. y/n i’ve been in love with you for a long time, and i know i’ve never said that and maybe now isn’t the best time to tell you that, but it’s how i feel. i swear if you give me one more chance, i’ll do better. i’ll be better. just please let me prove it to you.” chris begs. you stand there, shifting your feet. you bite the inside of your cheek as you process what he just told you. “you love me? you aren’t just saying that?” you ask. chris steps towards you and cups your cheeks with his hands. “i love you, y/n. i love you so much it’s honestly terrifying, but all i want is to be with you.” he looks into your eyes and you know he’s being honest. “chris.” you begin. “yes?” he asks, hopefully. “kiss me.” chris grins and leans down to capture your lips with his, smiling into the kiss. you break away after a few seconds. “but if you ever pull some shit like this again, i’ll cut your dick off christopher.” he laughs out loud. “i wouldn’t expect anything less, ma.” he says before he leans down to kiss you once again.
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noellesturniolo · 3 months
hi love!! would you be able to write about a reader who’s a virgin and has only had her first kiss and hasn’t even experimented so the thought of having sex makes her nervous but she want to with matt. she’s shy and nervous the whole time and matt is sweet and respectful. maybe she doesn’t orgasm and feels embarrassed and upset.
something like that just a sweet fluffy comforting first time with matt
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐲/𝐧 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐞𝐱, 𝐨𝐟 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐠𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐢𝐭 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐩𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐭. 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐳𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐩𝐢𝐜 𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐮𝐩.
𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐫: 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭 𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐮𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐬𝐨 𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐢𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬 𝐢 𝐭𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟎 𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐚 𝟐.𝟖𝐦𝐠 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐬𝐨 𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐫𝐲 𝐢𝐟 𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐛𝐚𝐝
𝐄𝐝𝐢𝐭:.....𝐢 𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐤 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝟐𝟓 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐢 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐬𝐨 𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝐢𝐭 𝐟𝐞𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞....
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The stars were beautiful and bright, Matt laid next to me. “You know that’s orion’s belt, i’ve always loved it.” I look over at Matt. He’s already looking at me. He leans in, kissing me. Pulling back from me he grabs my face. “my beautiful girl.” he smiles.
“matt? can I ask you something?” I lay my head on his shoulder.
“of course my love.” he says looking down.
“have you thought about having sex with me?” I look up at him, cherry red blush creeps on my face.
“well yeah, but you know I assume your a virgin cause I mean you usually pull away from me when it starts to get heated.” he says with a hint of anxiousness in his voice.
“why?” he asks.
“I was just thinking about it, I mean it scares me but I mean I want to…”
“do you?” his head tilts keeping the eye contact with me.
“yeah, yeah I do want to.” I smile
he returns the smile, “with me?” I nod and he quickly kisses me before making his way down my body.
“matt, we are outside won’t we get caught??” he shakes his head and lets out a no baby before continuing the attack on my body leaving purple spots down my neck and breasts.
He looks up at me slightly tugging on my pants, “Can I take these off mama?” Desperately I nod my head, “words mama, words..”
“yes, Matt please. I'm begging.” he fully pulls my underwear and jeans down. “Look at this mama, all for me? For me?” his fingers linger over my thighs as the wetness and heat between my legs grew.
His finger slips down to my juicy clit slowly rotating his fingers, “mm that feel good?” I suppress my moans as electricity flows through my body. “Mhm,” I can barely speak, as he slips two fingers into my hole stretching me out. “Ohh Matt.” he speeds up the pace as the slickness increases around his long, veiny fingers. “look at my baby’s pussy, so wet..” his eyes meet mine as he slowly lowers down and his tongue meets my wet pussy
he groans and mumbles into my pussy as his wet slimy tounge laps over my slick clit, flicking against my hole and his tongue slowly enters my hole tongue fucking me as my white juices pour out onto his twitching tounge.
“mhm mama that’s a good girl..such..a good girl f’ me” his words begins to slowly mumble by each letter as he gets lost in the wetness. “matt i’m g-gonna” his pace quickens as he slowly enters my hole with his tongue and then quickly moving to clit and repeating the cycle. “Cum.” my body slowly tenses up when the tingles rush throughout my veins and my head is pointed towards the ceiling and my muscles twitch from the slow torture on my pussy.
“you ready mama?” his thumb finger rubbing medium paced circles of my clit as the overstimulation kicks in. his free hand undoing his belt and the bronze buttons on his baggy jeans. as soon as I hear the zip I look down and watch his pants fall to the floor and his underwear tightly against his long veiny length. “you like what you see sweet girl?” he taunts grabbing my chin and moving it to meet his eyes. “you ready?” I nod as he slightly pushed me back down to the bed and he begins to rub my clit again and he pulls his underwear down and quickly replaces the finger toying with my sensitive clit with his pink tip.
he starts to move his cock up and down before slowly pushing into my hole, the burn of his thick cock stretching my pussy “oh fuck..” he quickly stops pushing farther in, “babe? are you okay? do I need to stop?” his concern rising by every second left unanswered, “no baby please keep going” he nods as he continues to stretch my pussy until he finally hits my cervix and the burn starts to subside.
“move.” he smirks above me, “yes ma’am.” as his pace begins to quicken the pleasure flows throughout every crevice of my body. “holy shit-shiiiiiit.” the stare of matt is burning into my neck.”look at me.” my eyes look into his dark pupils after the stern command. “this pussy is so tight mama.”
“best i’ve ever had.”
“take it slut, yeah take that shit..”
degrading and praiseful remarks slip through his pink, soft lips, “you gonna cum for me?” his thumb returns to my clit as his dick consistently hits the spongy spot inside of my pussy. I can feel my pussy tighten and fully taking all 8 inches of his thick skinny cock. “yeah i’m cumming” matt feels one last squeeze and then I start shaking. “inside or out baby?”
“I-inside.” his pace quickens as my body is overwhelmed by the pleasure and stretch. “fuc-fuck gonna look so pretty with my cum.” his load shoots and covers your slick walls. his dick slowly pulls out of your pussy careful to not lose any drop of cum.
“well baby..” “how was it?” matt asks.
“amazing thank you” I lean over and kiss matt on his pink lips.
the stars still in the same place they were 15 minutes ago.
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lunarsturniolo · 6 months
Body Shots | Frat!Chris
Not in the same universe as Pillow Talk Chris. Just another Frat!Chris au lol
Thank you @querenciasturniolo for proofreading!! This is longer than most of my fics, and there was no way I'd be able to properly check for mistakes.
I nod slightly, my fingers fidgeting with the button of my pants, “You gotta stop moving,” he says, making me still. 
He hums a nod at my obedience, his mouth widening into a smile, “Look at you,” he says, “So pretty.” 
My hand starts twitching again, a sign of excitement. Chris gently takes my wrist with his free hand and holds it down at my side, “You gotta stop.”
My eyes widened slightly in surprise, and I nodded again. “Sorry,” I mumbled.
Chris nods, “It’s okay. Just stay still,” he teases.
Chris teaches Y/N how to take body shots (and it escalates)
Warnings: alcohol use, unprotected sex, oral sex (m and f receiving), praise kink if you squint, cnc if you don’t read carefully. MDNI
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“Hi,” I gave a sweet smile over the bar, “Can I please have another shot of tequila?”
Chris was working the bar today. After an overwhelming Wine Wednesday and a slightly unsuccessful mixer on Thursday, he didn’t want to go too overboard at the party his frat was hosting. So, there Chris was, working behind the makeshift bar, pouring shots and distributing Truly’s to the girls who were still there. 
It was nearing 3 am, and the crowd was beginning to die down. Chris overheard my request and nudged the other bartender, “Got it,” he said, effectively switching places with him. 
Chris leans over the bar, his left forearm resting in a few drops of alcohol as he leans closer to me, “You gonna let me take one with you?” 
I look up at him with an innocent smile, “It’s gonna cost you.” 
He barks a laugh in my direction, “You’re literally in my house,” he says. 
I nod, “I am.”
“So you should be giving me somethin’.”
I give Chris a long look and leave a pregnant pause, “I might be open to something.”
Chris pushes himself off the bar and disappears into the kitchen. I take the moment alone to look around the house. I spotted my friend Kylie, whom I lost to a group of girls about 10 minutes ago when No Hands started playing. With a bit of flair, I watch as the DJ starts to play Sexy Bitch, “How fitting,” Chris says, finding his way back to the counter. 
I roll my eyes with a small smile playing on my lips, “What do you want?” 
“Wanna do body shots?” he asks with a smirk playing on his lips. He holds up his right hand. He was still carrying the bottle of Jose Cuervo. But now, in the palm of his hand, I see a lime peeking out. 
My smile falters slightly, “I’ve never done a body shot.”
“Has anyone done one off of you?” He asks. 
I shake my head, Chris’s eyes widening with amusement. “First time for everything,” he mumbles. He reaches under the bar, producing a wild berry Truly and passing it to a girl behind me that I hadn’t noticed. 
“Who said I wanted to do a body shot?” I tease. 
Chris shrugs, “You want to do one. I know you.” 
I fold my lips in on themselves, “Okay. Teach me.”
He smiles victorious. “Do you wanna get on the counter?”
I look around once again. The room, by far, isn’t crowded, but there are people here you know you’re going to see again. 
“Do I have to?” I finally ask, “It’s kinda embarrassing.”
“Why would that be embarrassing?” Chris deadpans. 
“Because everyone can see me.”
“Who the fuck cares?” Chris says, “Now get on the counter, or I’ll spread you out myself.”
I decide it’s in my best interest to get on the counter. I step up into the kitchen before hoisting myself up onto the counter. Chris tells me to lie down, so I oblige. I can feel remnants of the bar from the night staining my bare skin and weighing down my hair. I cringe slightly at the thought before turning to look at Chris, my cheek resting on the cool surface of the bar. 
“So, there are two routes I could go,” Chris begins, “I could pour this into your belly button and take the shot out of there, or I could just use a shot glass and call it a day.” 
My eyes widened, “Yeah, can we do the second one?” 
With a chuckle, Chris nods in agreement. “Yeah, that’s what I was thinkin’, too.” 
He turns around and quarters the lime over the sink. He reaches across the bar, hovering a lime wedge over my face. He taps it gently against the parting of my lips, “Open up for me, yeah?”
I nod and widen my mouth, softly biting into the lime, a bit of juice rolling into the back of my throat, “Good girl,” he commends. 
I roll my eyes, a slight mumble emitting from the back of my throat due to the lime I’m holding, “Shut up,” I tell him.
Chris gently guides my hands down to my sides and nudges my hip, “Can I lift this up a little?” 
I hum a reply, the lime starting to become a proper hindrance. Chris gently tugs at my shirt, making me arch my back so he can lift it to my breasts. My hands itch at my side as he plants a series of wet kisses, making a line from right under my belly button to the waistband of my pants.
A blush forms on my cheeks as his nose nips under my pants, raising the waistband slightly and giving him a view of the black lace panties I had worn to the frat tonight. 
He reaches for the salt behind him, grabs a small pinch of it, and sprinkles it over the slight sheen of saliva that is left behind. “Squeeze my hand if you want to stop,” he tells me, putting my hand in his. 
Using his free hand, he grabs a small orange glass and flips it upright. He laxly pours a double shot of tequila into the glass, watching me wither under his gaze. 
My right hand landed on my stomach, tapping a pattern next to the line of salt, trying my best not to make a mess around me. The music is still going, and I’m sure Kylie is about to text me, telling me she found a guy to go home with. Chris is still distributing drinks to the girls who are coming up to the bar, and I’m sitting with a ball of anticipation in my stomach.
He returns to me with a shy smile, “Sorry, mama, I’m here for real.”
I nod slightly, my fingers fidgeting with the button of my pants, “You gotta stop moving,” he says, making me still. 
He hums a nod at my obedience, his mouth widening into a smile, “Look at you,” he says, “So pretty.” 
My hand starts twitching again, a sign of excitement. Chris gently takes my wrist with his free hand and holds it down at my side, “You gotta stop.”
My eyes widened slightly in surprise, and I nodded again. “Sorry,” I mumbled.
Chris nods, “It’s okay. Just stay still,” he teases. 
He gives me one last look before leaning down, his tongue making contact with my stomach. I flinch at the contact, slightly unexpecting, and Chris looks up at me through his eyelashes. 
I drink in the sight of him, remembering every detail as his hands push me down against the table. His hair has fallen over his eyes, the dark ringlets tickling my stomach with his painfully slow movements. 
Chris lets go of my left wrist, his hand taking hold of the shot he poured. My newly free hand moves without thought, entangling itself into his hair, tugging his further up my body in anticipation. 
He hums out a moan with a taunting smile on his face as his tongue dips into my belly button, lingering for an extra moment. The salt sticks to his tongue as he brings the shot glass up to his lips, wrapping them around the glass before quickly throwing his head back. His jaw flexes as he stretches his neck, and I watch as his Adams Apple moves as he swallows. 
Chris squeezes my hand as he swallows the bitter flavor, his lips coming down for mine to grab the lime. In a moment of weakness, I suck the lime further into my mouth so he has no choice but to graze my lips with his. 
As anticipated, Chris’s lips make lingering contact with mine. His tongue pokes out and wedges itself beneath my lip and into my mouth, grabbing the bottom of the lime and pushing it into his mouth. 
Moving back slightly, I keep him from moving any further with a hand in his hair. With hooded eyes, he looks at me as he bites into the lime, some of the juice falling into my mouth and some of it dripping down his chin in a sensual manner. 
He turns his head slightly, silently asking to move. I let go of his hair, and he turned his head, spitting the lime out of his mouth and onto the kitchen floor. He looks at me with a smile, “Do you still want your shot?” 
“Will it also be a body shot?”
“Whatever you want,” He tells me. 
I pull his hand in between us, guiding his ear to my lips, “What I want is to go to your bedroom.”
Chris looks at me, “Beg me.” 
“Please, Chris, I wanna go to your room.”
He smirks, “Again,” he tsks. 
I roll my eyes in annoyance, “I’m not begging.” 
“Then you’re not getting in my room,” he replies. 
I leave a long pause before letting out a big sigh, “Please, babe? Can you take me to your bedroom?”
He hums in acceptance, “What do you wanna do in the bedroom, mama?” 
I look at him and swallow harshly, “I want you to touch me.”
“But what do you want to do?”
My voice wavers into a whisper, “I want to take a shot off you,” I tell him. 
“Mmmm, that’s a good girl,” Chris says, “Always telling me what you want.” 
I blush, and Chris moves away to start cleaning up the kitchen. I see him gather a new shot glass, a lime, and some salt before helping me off the counter with a hand on the small of my back. 
Together, we walk towards the staircase that’s slightly blocked off- he keeps a hand on the small of my back, nodding a slight hello as we pass his friends. 
He lets me in front of him when we get to the stairs, watching my backside as I make my way up, stopping outside his room and waiting for him to unlock it. 
With a quick twist of his wrist, the key had unlocked his door, and he led me into his bedroom, sitting on his bed with his knees apart. I made my way closer to him, standing between his knees and giving him a shy smile.
“Can you take your shirt off?” I ask him. 
He nods, his hands falling to the hem of his henley, pulling it off in a swift motion, “Where do you want me?” he asks. 
I cock my head as I look at him contemplatively, “Maybe just lay down.” 
He nods and does as I say, “Can I, um-” 
“You want me naked?” he asks.
My cheeks turn hot at his words, “Can I take off your pants?” I ask him. 
He laughs at my shy demeanor, “You gotta get naked for me too, then, ma.” 
Without a second thought, I drop my hands to my jeans, fiddling with the button before allowing them to pool at my ankles. His hands find the hem of my shirt, this time, pulling it over my head gently. He rests his hands on my back before letting me unbuckle his belt.
“Chris,” I whine lightly.
Instead of replying, I push him down onto his bed. His head stayed propped up by some pillows, and he brought his hands behind his head so he could watch me. The two of us were naked, and I finally decided to let the looks of him sink in. 
His cock was sporting a healthy erection, just as arousal was beginning to pool between my legs- we were clearly both turned on. 
“C’mere,” he says, motioning for me to step towards him. “Wanna see if my baby’s worked up for me.” 
I happily make my way over to Chris’s head, legs spread slightly for him to feel my cunt. Without a moment's rest, the pads of his fingers made their way to my bare skin, feeling the warm, plush skin and rubbing my clit slightly to create some friction. I moan lightly at his touch before he pulls his fingers away and rests them on my bottom lip. 
“You wanna taste yourself for me, mama?” he asks. 
I dip my chin as a nod, his fingers now resting on the parting of my lips. My tongue darts out at his long digits, coating them lightly as I taste myself on his fingers, making Chris moan in appreciation. 
I hollow out my cheeks before taking his fingers out of my mouth, a small smile growing on my face. 
“Gonna use this on my stomach, okay?” he asks, referring to the fingers I had in my mouth seconds prior. 
Wordlessly, I nod as Chris drags his fingers down his happy trail- from the bottom of his belly button to the base of his cock- at an agonizingly slow pace. My eyes watch his fingers desperately as they mimic the exact path my tongue will take. 
I clear my throat, “Salt?” I ask. 
“Yeah, baby. Add some salt.” 
I took the metal salt shaker that made its way onto his nightstand and used it to disperse salt into a thin line along his body. Chris reaches under his bed and produces a bottle of tequila, “From my stash,” he informs me. 
I laugh, filling up a shot glass most of the way, feeling slightly overwhelmed at the thought of taking another double tonight.
I pick up a lime wedge and hand it to Chris. Dismissively, he sets it back on the table, “You won’t need that. Promise,” he tells me, a hand making its way into my hair and pulling me close to his mouth. 
I can feel his breath fanning on my face as I study his eyes up close for the millionth time tonight, “Okay,” I agree. 
Chris hums with satisfaction, “You’re such a good, obedient girl for me, baby. Always listening to me so well.” 
This time, I hum in reply, the praise making me feel extra warm. “I wanna listen to you, Chris,” I tell him. My lips pucker up slightly before placing a small, aromantic peck on his lips.
He smiles at me, “Good idea, baby.” He lets my hair go loosely, allowing me to lean back. “You’re gonna tell me if anything is too much, right?” he confirms. 
“Yeah, Chris. I’ll let you know. You get to use me until I say otherwise.” 
I watch as a satisfying grin spreads on his face, “You’ve always been my favorite girl, you know?” 
With a small laugh, I bring my face down to be level with his naval. He gathers my hair into a makeship ponytail in one hand and holds my shot glass for me in another, “I need to see you, mama.” 
I smile, my tongue darting out to lick my lips, “Okay.” 
Looking at Chris out of the corner of my eye, I bring my tongue to the beginning of the line of salt, licking slowly down to the base of his cock. My left-hand finds his balls, fondling with them lightly as I make my way down to his cock. 
He lets out a moan, “When you get there, keep your tongue out, baby. I wanna feed you your shot.” 
I turn my head towards him, giving him a slight nod, my tongue still working its way down his body. Giving the base of his cock a light kiss, I tilt my head up for Chris to pour the shot. 
Feeling the alcohol glide down my throat immediately, without the need to swallow or for a chase, made me gag lightly. I closed my mouth, savoring the flavor of salt on my tongue before Chris moved my head. 
Directing me down further to where his cock is, he rests my cheek on his left thigh. My tongue darts out, lapping around the base of his cock as my hand continues to play with his balls. 
“That’s right, baby,” he praises me, “You can get up on the bed if you want.” 
With a nod, I crawl up onto the bed, my mouth moving from the base to the tip. 
I begin slowly licking the tip, watching the precum develop, and swallowing it as it comes. With a keen fascination, I loosen my jaw and begin to put his cock into my mouth. 
Chris lets out a groan, “Fuck.” He reaches around his body, one hand finding my breasts. He rolls my nipple between his fingers and fondles my breasts, eliciting a soft moan from the back of my throat and around his tip.
I continue to push his cock into my mouth before I gag lightly and call it my limit. My hand jerks off what is left outside my mouth, and Chris begins to lose it. 
His hands are tugging at my hair, and he is gently pushing my head forward onto his cock, loving the way my throat closes around the tip when I gag. Chris was in a state of euphoria. 
“You good, mama?” he chokes out, pulling me off his cock slightly for reassurance. 
Instead of verbally answering, I push his cock further into my throat, humming a reply, sending vibrations up through his body. 
My tongue flatted against the underside of his cock, my head moving faster as I prompted Chris to fuck my mouth. His thrusts grew from wary to forceful as I began to gag, drool, and moan around him with each movement he made. 
Tears grew at the brim of my eyes from the intensity, “Do you like it when I’m rough with you, mama?” 
Unable to reply, I affectionately squeeze his thigh, “I know, baby. It feels so good to please me, huh?” he says. His hand leaves my nipple, entangling it into my head roughly so he has more control to ride out his orgasm.
With an especially deep thrust, I let out a long groan, my eyes rolling back slightly with satisfaction. Chris’s cock begins to twitch in my mouth, and I instinctively hollow out my cheeks, sucking harshly on his shaft. 
Chris looks down at me with a smile, “I’m close, mama, I promise. Then I’ll fuck you good as a thank you.”
I nod, my voice significantly hindered by his cock lodged in my throat. With a final few thrusts from Chris and a gargling noise that arose from my mouth, he emptied himself into my mouth with a loud, resonating moan. 
Giving me a minute to recover, he slid his cock out from my mouth and found a water bottle on his nightstand to feed me. 
With a smile, I look at him, “I love having your cock in my mouth.” 
With a small laugh, he rests his hand under my chin, wiping away some cum that didn’t quite make it into my mouth, “I love fucking your mouth, baby.” 
I bite my lip in excitement, allowing him to use me as he chooses one again. 
“Lie down, hmm?” he asks. 
I do as I'm told, taking his spot on the bed as he straddles my body. He leans down towards the mattress, his lips finding my cunt. I can feel his breath fan across my body as he begins to lap his tongue in a circular pattern, hitting each part of my cunt. 
Unceremoniously, his teeth begin to nip at my clit, creating the perfect amount of friction to make me moan out loud- probably loud enough to be heard over the music playing downstairs.
“Chris, please,” I beg.
“What, mama?” he asks, coming up for air with a small pant. His lips were wet and puffy from the time he spent attacking my clit, and I could see a bit of my arousal begin to make its way down his chin. 
“I need you inside me, please,” I whimper. 
Chris hums, sending my hips upward with a jolt. The action makes him laugh, which in turn does not help my squirming, “I’ll get inside ya,” he promises. 
With one last feathery kiss to my clit, he sends a series of kisses up from my naval to my lips. By the time he has reached my lips, there are drops of my cum trailing up my body as a result of my cum dripping off Chris’s chin. 
He leaves a few soft kisses on my lips before I bring his head to mine, holding it there while I nip at his bottom lip. He smiles, sliding his tongue into my mouth and allowing me to take control of the kiss as he adjusts himself against me. 
I feel the tip of his cock poking at my entrance before he slowly buries it into my cunt. I let out a gasp, my jaw falling slack as Chris’s tongue laps at the inside of my mouth, trying to regain my attention. 
“C’mon, mama, I know you can take me,” he tells me. 
“I can take you,” I parrot back. 
“Yeah, baby,” Chris agrees, “You’re doing so good.” 
He stills for a moment, and I look down between us to see his cock has filled me completely, and he’s allowing me a moment to adjust. I grind my hips against him, my clit rubbing against the base of his cock, making both of us groan. 
Looking back up at him, I give him a quick peck of encouragement to start thrusting again. He gently rolls his hips before slowly pulling out and roughly pushing back in. 
He began to make this a rhythmic approach, filling the silence between his skin and slapping on yours with a series of breathy moans and chants of both of your names filling the room. 
Chris kept his mouth atop mine and intertwined our fingers as he continued to fuck me.
My mouth fell open, and I felt my pussy begin to quiver around his large cock. My orgasm was blinding, leaving me gasping and moaning into Chris’s mouth, giving him ammunition to go faster and harder.
With his bed rocking underneath us and the sound of wet skin repeatedly hitting each other, Chris finally released into my tender pussy. 
Pulling out slowly, his hand brought mine to his mouth, leaving feathery kisses on each knuckle. 
“You okay, mama?” he asks, “Do you need me to get you anything?”
With a shrug, I reply, “Can I please have another shot of tequila?”
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byechristopher · 6 months
can you make a chris make up sex??? please
Make it up to me.
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Author's note: love me some good make-up sex – sorry I took so long to respond! Thank you for the request, dear. Hope you like this. Do not copy/steal my work. :)
Warnings: smut smut smut. Minors dni! Didn't proof-read!
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"I feel a little neglected lately." my voice is timid but I let a little sigh of relief leave my lips.
I am not used to speaking about my emotions loudly like this, expressing them so freely, let alone in front of Chris. He is my boyfriend but I've always had trouble doing that – it's something I've been trying to fix for a while now.
"Neglected?" he has a tone in his voice that I don't appreciate and I am already regretting my decision to speak my mind, "I don't have time to fucking rest, what are you talking about?" he scoffs and leans back, one of his hands still grab the steering wheel and he sighs, fluffing his hair up with his free hand.
"Just forget it." I roll my eyes, leaning back against the car seat as well, glancing out the window, "forget I even said anything."
"Don't play that card now." I can feel his eyes on me but I refuse look at him.
"I'm not playing any cards. Would you rather have me not telling you anything? Because you know damn well I can do that." I shrug, finally looking at him.
"No, I don't want that. But you're being irrational." his eyebrows are raised and so are his shoulders.
"And you're being rational?" I narrow my eyes, almost like challenging him, "I understand that you are busy but when I tell you I fucking feel neglected, I'm expecting.. I don't know.. maybe a little bit of affection?" I cross my arms, "or is that not possible? To ask that from my relationship?"
"Stop being like this. You just have to understand me! I just don't have time!" he tries to defend himself but every time, he just says something that pisses me off even more.
"Well, that's your fucking problem, Chris. Because I'm working a lot too, you know? But I always make time for you, no matter how exhausted I am. And that's what relationships are about! Making constant sacrifices for each other." I try to explain as much as possible, "and I do understand you, I've been patient for a long time but now it's your turn."
"Well I never fucking complained about you being busy!" he knows he's just saying irrarional bullshit now.
"You never had to! Because I've actually got my shit together. You never had the chance to feel neglected." I stare into his eyes, "oh and also, what I just did, was not complaining. It's called 'expressing my goddamn feelings', something that you're terrible at, even more than me."
And with that, I get out of the car, quickly taking out the keys so I can open our apartment door. He makes me so angry sometimes – he is the best boyfriend in the world, but sometimes, he just doesn't get it.
Hours pass by and we haven't said a single word to each other; I refuse to speak to him, until he understands that he has to make sacrifices too. I can't always just chase him around, taking a step back just to avoid conflict.
A knock on the door of our bedroom is what wakes me up from my own thoughts, "can I come in?"
"Yes, you can."
Chris opens the door and takes a careful glance of me – I am just laying on the bed, under the covers, I am only in my underwear and a t-shirt just to be comfortable. He sighs and lifts the covers so that he can lay beside me, cupping my cheek so gently, his touch is careful and timid.
"I needed some time to think about what you said. And I wanted to apologise." he whispers, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, "you're right. You're working a lot too, but you always make time for me and I am very grateful for that."
I don't say anything, I notice that he's still thinking, just waiting for him to continue.
"I don't want to make any excuses but I felt very overwhelmed lately because of work, and I didn't want to admit it. I haven't been able to sit down and actually try to manage my schedule but I promise to work on it immediately." he smiles apologetically.
"Baby, I know you didn't do it on purpose." I sigh, "but when I tell you how I'm feeling, I need you to try to understand before getting defensive."
"I know and you are right. It was the part of me that didn't want to admit that I'm actually so busy, so tired and so awful at trying to fit everything in my schedule. This is why I got defensive. Next time I will be better, though." he says and I nod, leaning into his touch, rubbing my cheek against his palm.
"I know you will. We all do mistakes. Thank you for taking your time to think about it." I grin and he wraps an arm around my waist – I waste no time, I immediately press my body against his.
"Of course, baby. I needed to be sure before I come and find you." he sighs and hugs me tightly, sneaking his leg in between mine. I smile and lean in to place a kiss on his lips.
He keeps talking but I am too focused on his lips, or the leg between my legs, or the hands that hold my waist. I listen to what he says but I can feel my arousal burning me. My thighs squeeze his leg and my lips rub themselves against his – I stick my tongue out to lick his bottom lip and that's when he takes the hint.
"What are you doing there, hm?" he hums, his fingers gripping my sides a little harder now.
"I think you need to make it up to me, no? For making me wait all this time while you were thinking." I murmur, my lips going from his lips to his cheek, to his chin and then finally his neck.
He groans and pulls his sweatpants down, not wanting to lose any time either. He places his leg between mine again and I press my clothed pussy against his thigh, making him feel my wetness as I start to rub myself against him.
"I'll make it up to you as many times as you want." he bites down his bottom lip as he slowly takes my shirt off. He's only wearing his boxers and I'm wearing my panties, we're still under the covers.
He grips my waist and I start to fully grind on him, rocking my hips, moving them back and forth on his thigh, "Chris. I want you." I whisper and he smiles.
"I can feel it." he whispers and leans in to take my earlobe in his mouth, sucking on it, moaning into my ear as he sneaks a finger between his thigh and my pussy, rubbing it while still putting pressure with his leg.
I almost whine at how much wetter he made me in just one second, and I travel my hand down his body to grab his clothed dick, taking it out to wrap my fingers around it, rubbing up and down his shaft.
He moans and I can feel his body shaking a little bit – he leans in and takes my nipple in his mouth, groaning around it and biting it gently. I gasp and tug on his hair. He grabs his own cock and brings it closer to my pussy, rubbing the tip of it against my panties, making it even wetter.
"Mmm, Chris.." moaning, I wrap my arms around him, trying to rub myself against his cock as much as possible.
With his fingers, he pushes my panties to the side and starts rubbing the tip of his wet cock against my clit, making sure to run it over my entrance, collecting my juices and then rubbing them all over my clit again.
"Please fuck me already, I am ready for you." I whine, I want to scream how much I want him right now.
He moans at my words and completely takes my panties off. He grabs my leg and hooks his arm under my knee, keep my leg lifted as he teases my pussy. He finally pushes inside of me and I lose it – I couldn't believe I could get any more wet, but apparently I can.
"Shit, baby.. you're so wet and warm." he moans, burying his face into my neck to press kisses all over my skin. His thrusts are gentle and slow as he fucks into me with love, while bruising my skin with kisses at the same time.
I moan and cup his cheeks, making him look at me before attacking his lips with passionate kisses. He grabs the leg that he's been lifting up again, making me wrap it around his waist as he rolls over to his back, making me get on top of him while still being inside of me.
"Fuck.. yes.. like this.." I whisper in his ear – I am completely laying on top of him, my breasts pressed against his chest, my legs on either side of him, my face buried in his neck and my hands grabbing his hair.
I can hear him moaning my name as he starts picking up the pace, fucking me a little harder this time – his hands are on my buttcheeks, squeezing them and spreading them as he pushes his cock in and out.
"Hell.. I don't think I can last any longer, baby girl.." he curses under his breath and moans into my ear softly, heavy breathing, placing a soft kiss on it.
"I'm gonna cum.." I warn, too, my pussy clenching around him as I feel him lifting my body up and down – I am at his mercy, completely.
"Mhmm, cum on my dick." he whispers and I let out a loud moan, tugging on his hair again. My body is trembling as he gives my butt a little smack and that's all it takes for me to cum with a loud moan of his name.
He groans and starts thrusting into me with a much faster pace, his fingers digging into the skin of my ass as he finally cums inside of me with a loud moan as well. I can feel him filling me up and my eyes roll to the back of my head.
We sit there in silence for quite a while, "I love make-up sex." I mumble against his shoulder and he laughs.
"I love you." he whispers, he hasn't moved an inch, still inside of me.
"Good, I love you too. Let me stay like this for a while."
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ssturniolo · 5 months
could u write something where reader is going through a sort of depressive episode where like trader just kinda feels hopeless and stuff and is pushing chris away and so he doesn’t understand why until matt like points it out and so chris then feels bad and comforts reader sorry if this is long😭
Everything’ll be alright
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𝔭𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤 - Chris x fem!reader
𝔰𝔲𝔪𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔶 - request <3
𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰 - mentions of depression, bad mental health, Chris being oblivious, not proofread
Everything in your life has just been going wrong. Or at least it’s felt that way. Simple everyday tasks have grown increasingly difficult to do and every waking moment is it’s own battle. You’ve had no contact with the outside world in who knows how long, not even your own boyfriend. It just seems as though nobody cares and that, along with everything else is slowly destroying you.
Only leaving your bed to use the bathroom and grab another bag of chips that will eventually be thrown to the side uneaten, has been how you’ve been living for awhile now. You’re filled with this overwhelming feeling of despair and it just won’t go away. At war with your own mind, and there doesn’t seem to be a light at the end of this tunnel. Just a dead end.
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** **
Chris lays on the couch, scrolling through Instagram while hoping that you’ll answer one of his million texts. He knows you’re pushing him away but he can’t figure out why. What did he do wrong? You’re his first girlfriend and he’s so afraid to loose you but he doesn’t know what’s wrong or what to do.
“Me and Nick are going to McDonald’s if you want to bring y/n,” Matt calls as he grabs his keys off the counter.
“No that’s ok, I don’t think she’d want to” Chris reply’s, not looking up from his phone.
“But I thought she loves McDonald’s? I haven’t heard from her in awhile, how’s she doing?” Matt asks, his voice laced with concern.
“I wouldn’t know” Chris mumbles, clearly hurt.
Every once in awhile you kind of disappear but you’ve never done it for this long, let along not talking to Chris at all.
“Did you guys break up?” Matt asks gently as he sits by Chris on the couch.
“No but she ghosted me” Chris starts, pressing his palms into his eyes. “She’s completely disappeared off of social media, and never answers my texts or calls even when it says she’s active.”
Worry is painted across Matt’s features as he watches his brother fight off tears.
“Chris I think you should go check up on her. Y/n wouldn’t do this without a really good reason and I think she’s really struggling right now. I’ll bring you on the way to McDonald’s ok?”
Chris never thought about that fact you might not be doing well, he was more concerned about you ignoring him.
“Ok, let’s go.”
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** **
You’ve been curled up on your bed, staring at the same spot on your wall for what’s seemed like forever. How long exactly? You have no clue. Your only telling of time was whether there was light peeking through the blinds, or if everything was just swallowed in darkness.
The creak of the door to your room opening startles you out of your dazed state, confused as you hadn’t heard anyone come into your apartment.
“Hey there princess” a familiar voice whispers as he shuts the door behind him.
Without another word, he climbs into your bed, snaking his arms around you, holding you close against his chest. And that’s all it took for you to burst into tears, wetting his t-shirt as you cry into his chest.
“I’m trapped Chris, I’m trapped” you manage to cry out in between sobs.
“I don’t know what to do”
“Everything will be alright baby, we’ll figure this out together, I’ve got you” he whispers soothingly into your hair.
There’s a terrible pressure on your chest, you feel everything and nothing at the same time, and your whole life seems to be crumbling down in front of you, but Chris is there. Right besides you through it all just like he’s always been. The world could be falling apart and he’d be there, ready to hold you in his arms and tell you everything will be alright.
Right now, all you need is Chris and he doesn’t plan on leaving anytime soon.
Thank you for the request my love 🫶🏻
XOXO - Zoe
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042502 · 1 month
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Welcome to the masterlist from Chris, it will be divided between Fanfictions, text messages and One Shots. Also between family content, content for adults. horror or suspense content.
It is recommended to read with a black background, the list will be constantly updated, you can save it and check the updates.
Every week a survey is published to find out the order of publication, participate!
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𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝘂𝗻𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗻 𝗿𝘂𝗹𝗲.
Everyone knows the rule, don't fall in love with your best friend's boyfriend.
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You go to watch the basketball game where your boyfriend Chris plays, after the new victory you go to rest at home and things get heated. (Content +18)
you're not home and Chris misses you, using a polaroid of you he pampers himself (content +18)
𝗪𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗯𝗼𝘆 𝗳𝘁. 𝗠𝗮𝘁𝘁
You seek to satisfy your sexual desires with your classmate matt, but he is so slow that you end up hooking up with chris. (content +18)
𝗜 𝘄𝗮𝗻𝘁 𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂, 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗯𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗯𝗲 𝘁𝘄𝗼 𝗳𝘁. 𝗠𝗮𝘁𝘁
You have sex with Matt and Chris secretly, neither of them know that you fuck the other. But one afternoon of studying you have a great fantasy of doing it with both of you at the same time. (Content +18)
𝗦𝗲𝘅 𝘀𝗰𝗲𝗻𝗲.
You and Chris are the protagonists of a movie inspired by a fanfiction. (content +18)
𝗜 𝘄𝗮𝗻𝘁 𝗶𝘁 𝗜 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗶𝘁.
She was upset because Chris didn't want to go with you on the school trip, you use all your weapons to convince him to go. (content +18)
You have a small feeling of jealousy after seeing your boyfriend give guitar lessons to a pretty girl, he will fuck you hard to give you security. (content +18)
You and Chris are two teenagers who started dating a few months ago, curiously beginning to experience new things together. (suggestive)
𝗖𝗹𝗲𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗰𝗮𝗯𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘁.
You cheated on your boyfriend with your neighbor and the next day you lost your virginity to him in the school cleaning closet. (content +18)
𝗙𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆.
Let's take this space to enjoy Chris's fucking hands and I think there is no doubt that this boy would know perfectly how to use them. Chris will give you a appreciated orgasm with his fingers inside you in the bathroom of a party they attended. (content +18)
𝗢𝗿𝗮𝗹 𝘀𝗲𝘅.
Do you really need me to tell you? You're sucking Chris Sturniolo's cock, enjoy bitch! (content +18)
𝗨𝗻𝗳𝗮𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗳𝘂𝗹 𝗴𝗶𝗿𝗹.
Your boyfriend couldn't make you orgasm this morning, but Chris will make you reach the damn climax that your stupid boyfriend couldn't make. (content +18)
𝗧𝘂𝗿𝗻 𝗼𝗳𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗹𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁𝘀.
You have an argument with your boyfriend after a failed attempt to lose your virginity with him, he ends up abandoning you and going to a party, don't worry, your neighbor Christopher will take good care of you in the bathroom at the party. (content +18)
𝗞𝗶𝘀𝘀 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗹𝗶𝗽𝘀.
Chris went out to party and finds you attractive, he brings out all his knowledge of being a gallant... (content +18)
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moments where you are chris sturniolo's girlfriend.
you are tiktokers and of course your boyfriend chris has to be part of this.
𝗗𝗮𝗱 𝗖𝗵𝗿𝗶𝘀 & 𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗲𝘀𝘀.
Some cute moments of Chris with his little princess.
𝗖𝗵𝗿𝗶𝘀 𝗶𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗸 𝗼𝗳 𝗯𝗳 𝘄𝗵𝗼.
Random situations of Chris being your boyfriend.
𝗜'𝗺 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲?
During a car trip, you and Chris give each other that kiss you've been waiting for so long.
𝗦𝗵𝗲 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲𝘀 𝗺𝗲?
Chris, a boy who is in his third year of high school, is deeply in love with a first-year girls and makes a tender declaration.
𝗔 𝘀𝗵𝗶𝘁𝘁𝘆 𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱.
you cheat on your boyfriend Chris with his best friend Nate. (Angst)
Chris was interviewed a few years ago and today he returns to the same program, they show him how he has changed since then.
𝗔𝗯𝘀𝘂𝗿𝗱 𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗰𝘂𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻.
you feel jealous of Chris's new model and you have a ridiculous argument about it.
𝗕𝗮𝗱 𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱𝘀.
Some conflicts with a person you thought was your friend brings you health problems, but your boyfriend Chris is there for you.
You record a video with your boyfriend Chris, making an Argentine chocotorta.
You think Chris doesn't like you, but a rainy afternoon together shows you the opposite.
You and Chris are studying at university... Oh I suck at this summaries thing.
𝗔 𝗷𝗼𝗶𝗻𝘁 𝘁𝗼𝗴𝗲𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿.
You hadn't seen Chris for a month, however you found time to see each other again and share time together, and a joint too.
𝗧𝗲𝗮 𝗮𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗲 𝗮𝗺.
Tea time with Chris, a little routine they had begun to get into together.
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Option 1 | Option 2 | Option 3 | Option 4 | Option 5 | Option 6
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𝗔𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿'𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲: Remember to like and share with your friends, thanks for reading!
Do you want to read about Matt? Click here!
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strniohoeee · 4 months
chris giving reader the princess treatment
My Baby
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Pairing: Chris Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Y/N is Chris’ baby, and he would do anything for her. Even if it means walking in the rain because he loves her🌱
Warnings⚠️: None but like this shit gave me butterflies and this isn’t even my man LORDDD😭😭 also it’s kinda short
Song for the imagine: So Into You- Tamia
I really like what you’ve done to me
I can’t really explain
I am so into you
I slid my socks on and grabbed my purse and phone, quickly spritzing myself with perfume as I shut the light and walked out my room.
Placing my phone and purse down my apartment door rattled with the knock of a fist. I slowly walked over to the door and opened it. Smiling as I saw Chris
“Hi baby” he said leaning down and pecking my lips
“Come in” I said moving out the way for him to walk in
I walked ahead of him and let him shut my door, turning around to be surprised with a bouquet of flowers.
“Chrissss” I said with an open mouth and bright eyes
“For my princess” he said winking at me
“Thank you my love” I said taking the flowers to the kitchen and placing them in a vase with water
“You’re welcome baby” he said leaning on the island as he watched me place them on the counter
“I just have to put my shoes on and then we can go” I said
I grabbed my purse and phone and walked over to the shoe rack, Chris tracking behind
I couldn’t slip my foot into my platform uggs, so I placed my hand out to balance myself when suddenly Chris grabbed my hand and helped me balance myself
“Thank you” I said looking up at him as I placed my other boot on and he nodded while smiling
He opened the door for me and let me walk out, shutting the door behind me and allowing me to lock it.
“Before we go to the mall, do you want to hit up Starbucks?” He asked me as we walked down the stairs
“Yes my love” I said looking back at him
When we got to his car (ik he can’t drive but shhhh) he opened the passenger door for me allowing me to get in before shutting the door
Hopping in he backed out and we made our way to my local Starbucks. Waiting in the drive thru line as we talked about what was new which wasn’t much because I saw him about everyday.
We ordered our drinks and he paid.
“Thank you but it should’ve been my treat” I said taking a sip of my coffee
“You pay? Don’t ever say no outlandish shit like that again” he said raising a brow at me
“Chris please” I said playfully smacking him
We opted for an outdoor outlet mall because it would be less crowded. Chris parked and came to my side opening the door and grabbing my hand to help me out
I was wearing leggings with no pockets and brought a small purse so I was struggling carrying my phone, coffee and bag.
Before crossing over to the street Chris’s grabbed my purse and held it for me
“I can hold it” I said laughing
“I got it, you’re struggling to hold everything” he said looking both ways so we could cross
“It was fine babe” I said walking across the street
Chris slowly came around me walking on the outside and keeping me close to the parked cars.
“And beat me looking this stylish holding your bag? I mean look at me I’m a babe” he said posing with the purse
“That is true, you do look cute” I said shrugging my shoulders
“Case settled” he said winking at me as we walked towards some stores
Chris and I were shopping for a bit, and anything I grabbed he took and got me. I appreciated it, but this boy was treating me too well.
“Christopherrrrr” I whined as he got on the line to check out
“Y/NNNNNN” he whined back looking at me
“Why are you buying me everything” I said huffing at him
“Because you’re my girl? And I want to spoil you” he said shrugging his shoulders
“But you always spoil me and plus I have those boots in black” I said pointing to the platform uggs I was currently wearing
“Okay and now you have them in blue duhh” he said smirking at me
It was a pointless argument because he would never tell me no. So I sucked it up and let him buy me my shoes.
We went to a few stores he liked and I was able to return the favor and get him some shoes and shirts that he liked.
The mall had a restaurant, so we decided to eat dinner and relax our feet.
“Thank you Chris for everything you do, I really appreciate it” I said taking a sip of my soda
“Of course baby I got you” he said nodding his head
“Want to spend the night?” I asked him
“Yes” he said almost instantly
“Good and then we can take a bubble bath and I’ll give you a back rub” I said smiling at him
“Ouuu you’re too good to me” he said caressing his heart
“And maybe even- but I was cut off my him
“Maybe even a dick rub?” He said laughing
“Christopher” I said bluntly giving him a glare
“I’m kiddingggg I’m just joking” he said laughing
“Yeah you better be or you can sleep on the couch” I said pointing my finger at him
Chris and I had finished our dinner and he decided to get a dessert. Our personal favorite. a warm brownie with vanilla ice cream.
“This is why I love you because you let me get dessert Nick and Matt never let me get one” he said frowning
“Aww my poor baby” I said pouting and rubbing his chin
The waiter came back with our dessert, but they only gave us one spoon. There was something so intimate about sharing a spoon. It seems corny, but the idea always gave me butterflies. To be so close and in love that sharing a spoon didn’t seem gross or weird.
Chris took the spoon and cut the brownie getting some ice cream with it and brought the spoon towards me. I opened my mouth and he put it in my mouth.
Being fed dessert by the love of my life was not on my bingo cards, but I’m glad it was happening.
We sat sharing the dessert, my eyes darting to him as he looked out the window licking the brownie off the spoon like it was nothing. It made my heart explode and my stomach flutter. I mean sharing a utensil is nothing compared to the things we’ve done, but it made me flustered….
Soon after we finished and when the check came he almost immediately snatched it from the table not letting me take a glance.
“I just wanted to look” I said
“Yeah right I know your trick your pretty eyes can’t fool me” he said looking at me over the checkbook
I playfully rolled my eyes and smirked.
After paying we grabbed our bags and walked outside and realized it was raining
“Oh shit” I said stepping back under the awning
“Give me the bags and I’ll go get the car” Chris said
“No it’s fine I’ll walk” I said looking at him
“Babe just give me the bags and I’ll be back” he said taking the bags from me
Chris quickly walked to the car across the street, smiling to myself at his actions.
About five minutes later he drove up to the restaurant putting his hazard lights on and getting out. Running over to me with a hoodie in his hand and placing it over my head as we ran to the car. He opened the passenger door for me allowing me to get in without barely getting wet
However Chris was soaked when he got in the driver seat.
“Aww Chris you’re all wet I feel bad” I said as he put the heat on and drove off
“It’s okay baby I’ll change at your house” he said looking at me and smiling
When we got back to the house we placed our stuff down and headed to the bathroom. Taking a warm bubble bath together to warm ourselves up. Chris shampooed my hair for me and me rubbing his back as we indulged in the warm water.
I was soo in love with him and all he does for me<3
The End
I’m just rolling these bad boys outttt. I hope you enjoyed this one. The rest of my stories are all Matt LMAOAOA😭😭 love yall 🥹🖤🖤
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iluvmattsbeard · 22 days
late at night (c.s)
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master list
warnings: none!
preview: you and the triplets decided to go rent out a cabin leaving the Los Angeles lifestyle for a little bit to take a breather. late at night, you were awaken by a sleepless Chris knocking on your door.
a/n: likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated! - L 🤍
you're in your room, packing your luggage as you talk on the phone, "how long are we staying there again?" you speak up, looking through your drawers. it was way too early in the morning. your mind needed some refreshing. "till Sunday." Nick replies shortly. he was also packing his things for the two day get away. you and the triplets decided to take this trip up the mountains to get peace and quiet. a change of scenery is always good. “is Matt and Chris ready?” you ask folding a few shirts. Nick scoffs, “Matt is still sleeping.” you look at the camera to face him. Nick looks back at you and freezes, “are you serious? how about Chris?” you ask with a straight face.
“let me see.” he says putting down what he had in his hands, walking towards his bedroom door. he opens it and shouts, “Chris!” you stare at the phone waiting for a response. “yeah?” Chris shouts back. “what are you doing?” Nick asks leaning against his door. Chris eventually walks into the room, “I just finished packing.” he says. he looks at the camera and sees you, causing him to smile a bit, “good morning Y/n.” he greets. “can you wake up Matt? I don’t want to be the one to drive up the mountain.” you ask with the same straight face, making Chris’s smile fade, “no good morning back?” he asks. Nick rolls his eyes before interrupting, “Chris, go do what she asked.” he pushes the younger brother out the door, shutting it.
“you and him need to get a license.” you let out, earning a scoff from him, “trust me, you don’t want me behind the wheel. especially if Matt and Chris are the passengers.” you laugh a bit shaking your head. you’ve witnessed his driving before, it’s not that he was terrible at it. he just stresses out too much. as you two finish packing, Chris knocks on Nick’s door before entering, “Matt’s getting ready now.” he says. “is he packed already?” Nick asks. “yeah. I guess he packed last night.” he responds getting on his phone. “that’s probably why he overslept.” you join in. Chris looks at you, “I still didn’t get a proper good morning.” he mutters. you ignore him, “okay Nick i’ll see you in a bit. I’ll stop by the store for a few items. just text me in the group chat.” Nick nods, as Chris sighs dramatically, “so now i’m being ignored?” he adds on making you laugh a bit.
“text in the group chat as well Chris. also, remind Matt to attach the snow chains onto the tires.” you state picking up your phone. “okay I will.” Nick guarantees you. you both say good bye and you start to carry your luggage.
meanwhile, the triplets start to pack the car, waiting for you to arrive. Chris texts you what he wants, including what his brothers want since the two were busy doing what you said earlier, attaching the snow chains.
‘be there soon’
you text Chris causing him to grin.
‘I hope you’re in a nicer mood when I see you 😄’
‘we’ll see’
after a bit, you arrived at their house, or as Chris states out dramatically, “finally! you took forever.” you place the bags on the counter looking at him, “maybe because someone, as in you, requested too many items.” you let out, handing him the bag with his requests. he takes it and smiles, “thank you.” you shake your head a bit, smiling slightly at his gratitude, “you’re welcome.”
your attention soon lands on Matt, “are you set to drive?” you ask. Matt nods, “yeah let’s go.” he responds. you all pile into the car with you sat in the back with Nick and Chris in the passenger seat. you were all now heading to the anticipated place, a cozy cabin that you all decided to split money on. the car ride was only 2 hours long. Nick knocked out during the whole ride, Matt was focused on the road, and you were resting your head on your fist, staring out the window. you admired the change of scenery. your thoughts were soon interrupted by Chris turning up his music. you lift your head to look at him. he was singing along loudly, “Chris! turn it down!” Matt shouts.
you laugh while Chris turns the music up louder. Nick gets woken up, “seriously?” he mumbles tiredly. “look, we’re here!” Chris says excitedly, pointing at the cabin. Matt parks the car as you all look at the building. it was perfect. you put on your beanie and head out the car with everyone else. the four of you carry everything out the car and head inside. Nick bends down and lifts the welcome mat, revealing a silver key. he picks it up and unlocks the door. as soon as everyone shuffled inside, you guys were instantly hit with a comforting scent. you guys look around and you couldn’t help but eye the fireplace. you were excited for this weekend. “let’s look at the rooms.” Matt suggests, walking towards the hallway. there was exactly four rooms.
you all pick out rooms and you guys settle in. Nick sits on your bed and looks around, “what is the plan for today?” he asks with a smile. you sit next to him, “I thought we were snowboarding?” you ask. Nick looks at you with an eyebrow raised, “do you think I know how?” he asks making you giggle, “how hard could it be?” you state.
you guys eventually did go snowboarding, “okay maybe I was quick to assume.” you say looking at Nick as you both were laying in the snow with visible irritation on his face. “I told you!” he lets out, causing you to laugh. “are you guys okay?” Chris asks lifting his goggles up. you look at him, “a little sore.” you respond. he smiles and puts his hand out. you look at his hand before grabbing it. he pulls you up. “okay help me now!” Nick shouts. you and Chris burst put into laughter.
when you guys head back to the cabin, you went straight to take a shower. your body was aching from all the tumbling you did also, from the tumbling Nick did into you. later on, you guys had pizza for dinner and you all ended up going to bed early. you were definitely drained from today, waking up early and absolutely failing at snowboarding. you didn’t hesitate to drift off to sleep.
suddenly, you were woken up by a knock on your door. you rub your eyes and get up wondering who it could be. you look at the clock on the bedside table and groan quietly. it was the middle of the night. you open the door and see Chris. you could tell from the look on his face that something was up, “what’s wrong?” you whisper tiredly. he looks at you and whispers back, “can I stay with you?” he asks catching you off guard. “what? why?” you ask confused because he usually goes to Matt. “please?” he adds on. you rub your forehead and sigh. you open the door wider, letting him in. he walks in and immediately lays in your bed. you shut the door and turn around, standing still.
you watch as Chris snuggles into your blanket, “why do you want to be in here?” you ask. “I had a bad dream.” he whispers.“then why didn’t you go to Matt or Nick?” you ask walking closer to the bed. he shuts his eyes, “I didn’t want to.” he responds. you shake your head a bit and eventually lay next to him. you lay on your hand facing him. Chris opens his eyes and looks at you. “do you want to tell me what happened in your dream?” you whisper. he just stays quiet as he continues to stare at you. “come on. you disturbed my sleep.” you add on. he shakes his head, “I don’t want to talk about it.” he says.
you sigh, “okay, try to get some more sleep then.” you say turning around. you lay on the opposite side as you look ahead of you. you then feel Chris’ get closer to you, making you turn around to face him. you both were looking at each other with a small distance in between. “I can’t sleep.” he whispers. “why not?” you ask with a slight groan. it was too late at night for this. you now understand why Matt wakes up grumpy. you analyze his face and still see the same look from earlier. you move the blanket and open your arms, indicating him to ‘come here’. he breaks the distance and lays his face in the crook of your neck.
you wrap your arms around him with one hand playing with his hair softly. Chris eventually relaxes in your arms. “Y/n?” he whispers with his eyes shut. “yes?” you respond. he let’s out a breath, “can we always be like this?” he asks with an unfamiliar tone. you pull away slightly to look at him but he hides his face. “Chris?” you say trying to move him so you could see his expression. “what’s wrong?” you ask with slight concern. as soon as your eyes met with his, you couldn’t help but notice tears roll down his cheeks. you widen your eyes, you’ve never seen him cry before, “Chris talk to me.” you add on.
“I feel like an idiot.” he says sitting up, causing you to sit up as well. you both sit there as you lift your hand to wipe his tears away. “tell me.” you whisper. his breath was shaky, “the dream I had…” he starts off but he shakes his head, “it’s stupid.” you shake your head, “Chris it’s okay just tell me.” you reassure him. he lets out a breath, “in the dream I told you how I felt about you and you didn’t feel the same way back. you ended up getting with someone else.” you sit there confused, “why would that bother you?” you ask. he shakes his head, “forget it.” you place your hand on his knee repeating the question, “why would that bother you?”
“this whole time i’ve felt this feeling. a strong feeling that i’ve tried to shake off. you know how I am, I don’t just feel these type of things. when you’re around, I feel this sudden urge of wanting to impress you or trying to get you to only look at me when i’m with my brothers.” he confesses making you sit there frozen. “when I had that dream, I woke up with my heart racing. that’s why I came here, to you. I don’t want it to be too late when it comes to me telling you how I feel.” he continues. “that’s why I asked if we could always be like this. it felt right to me.” he says talking about you both being in each other’s embrace.
Y/n’s POV
it was silent for a bit. I stared at him, continuing to analyze his face. I knew he was genuine about these feelings. looking back at it, I now realize his efforts. him coming to me now made me feel a knot in my stomach. deep down I did feel the same way, I just didn’t know if he felt it. Chris never acted this way. he’s never had a girlfriend or expressed his feelings to any girl utmost. so him telling me all of this left me speechless.
End of Y/n’s POV
he looks at you and waits for a response but nothing could come out of your mouth. Chris sighs, “i’m sorry if this was too much.” he moves about to get up but you grab his hand. you lay down pulling him back to how you both were before, with his face in the crook of your neck. “of course we can.” you whisper. he looks up at you with his mouth agape, “really?” he asks. you look at him and smile a bit, “yes really.” you reassure him. his eyes kept on you filled with admiration. you both smile and continue to be in each other’s arms. drifting off to sleep.
the next morning, you and Chris were on the sofa drinking hot chocolate. the fire place was lit and you both were under a shared blanket. you both talked about last night and how you both wanted to start off slow. as in not putting any labels on yet. he wanted to properly take you out first. you both agreed that when you both get back to LA that he would try for his license. you took his word for it. you sip your cocoa as he giggles a bit. you look at him with a raised eyebrow, “what you laughing at?” he smiles, “there’s something on your lip.” he says getting closer, leaving a small kiss on your lips.
“there we go.” he says licking his lips. “just whipped cream.” you sit there looking at him with pure shock. “what happened to slow and steady?” you ask. “I was just taking off the stuff from your lips.” he says with a sheepish smile. you put down your cocoa and pull him in for a proper kiss. he does the same and kisses back, resting his hands on your face. when you both pull away slowly, Chris speaks up, “I just had to kiss you. i’ve been waiting you know.” he whispers making you laugh softly. “okay but still. slow and steady.” you add on. he nods a bit, “it’s just kissing.” he says reattaching his lips onto yours.
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a/n: yeah i don’t know how i feel about this but, hope you enjoyed. LIKES AND REBLOGS ARE APPRECIATED. - L 🤍
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@jnkvivi @fuckshitslover @nickgetsmewetter @mwahsturns @jetaimevous @sturniolo-fann @etvar12 @hxnnah24
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worldlxvlys · 2 months
last time
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chris sturniolo x poc! reader
warnings: smutttt, p in v, cursing, unprotected sex, cream pie, choking, poc! reader, sexual jokes
a/n: writing for this friend group was so funnn
“wait, ok chris! let me get up!” i exclaimed, laughing as chris squeezed his arms around me tighter.
we were currently at the triplet’s house with his brothers, jake, johnnie, tara, larray, sam, and colby.
when the entire group agreed we were hungry, i offered to make us something.
“so, what’s on the menu?” colby asked, eyebrows raised as he clapped his hands together excitedly.
“nothing, if chris doesn’t let me get up to make it” i spoke, causing him to glare up at me and squeeze me even tighter.
upon hearing the words, the entire group yelled at chris to get off of me, the hunger beginning to make them cranky.
“fine” he grumbled as he let go of me, allowing me to stand up.
i began to make my way to the kitchen when tara spoke up, “wait! i’ll help you” she smiled as she walked over to me.
once we got to the kitchen, which happened to be just out of earshot from the couch that the rest of the group resided on, she began to speak.
“so, you and chris aren’t together, right?” she asked.
i raised my eyebrows at her suspiciously at the statement, squinting at her. “why?”
she lightly chuckled at that, “i just noticed you guys are really touchy, but i don’t wanna assume anything” she said, raising her hands in defense.
i laughed at the gesture, “no, you’re ok. i don’t know what we are, honestly. i mean, we’re really close, probably closer than friends should be. but, neither of us are ready for a relationship, you know?”
it was true, chris and i had done some questionable things for just being friends.
it’s not like we had sex often, we just happened to get caught up in the moment once or twice.
…and a few times after that…. and a few more after those times.
but other than that, we had a completely normal friendship.
we were both aware of each other’s feelings, but we were content with where our relationship was at.
why risk messing everything up when we’re both happy ?
“so you guys don’t want to be in a relationship, you just want to act like you’re in one?” she pointed out, “that logic seems a bit flawed to me”
“you do have a point, but honestly? change is scary, and i’m not willing to completely dismantle mine and chris’s relationship because i got greedy” i spoke.
she tilted her head, squinting her eyes, “is that not what you’re doing right now?” she deadpanned. “you’re not worried that fucking around will ruin your relationship first?”
my eyes widened at the statement, “when did i say we were fucking around?” i defended, taken aback at how quickly she was able to figure it out.
“so y’all are? i knew it!” larray joined in, suddenly appearing next to me.
i quickly shushed him, not wanting chris to hear the conversation from his spot on the couch.
“keep your voice down, he’s right there! and where did you even come from?” i asked.
i glanced over to chris to determine whether he had heard the conversation, only to be met with his eyes already on me.
“you think he knows we’re talking about him?” tara whispered to us, catching his gaze on me.
“i don’t know, but girl he’s eye fucking the shit out of you right now” larray told me.
my jaw dropped at his words, a light giggle falling from my lips.
“oh our girl’s getting dicked down tonight” tara joined in.
“y’all have to stop” i spoke, the two collectively laughing at my flustered state.
suddenly, chris got up from his spot, beginning to walk over to the kitchen.
“oh shit, he’s coming over” i whispered to them.
“okay girl, go get your pasta and lobster” larray spoke, beginning to walk away.
“you got this!” tara whispered, walking away with him.
before i knew it, chris stood in front of me, a light smirk growing on his face.
“you guys talkin about me?” he asked, his hands finding their way to my waist.
“no” i denied, despite of us both knowing it wasn’t true.
"mmhm, you tell them how good i make you feel?” he asked as his fingers ran over the skin under my t-shirt.
“chris” i spoke, swallowing harshly.
“how you act all innocent in front of everyone else, but in bed you’re a freak?” he whispered into my ear.
“chris!” i scolded him, lightly slapping his chest. “what’s gotten into you?”
“what do you think? you’re walking around in this skirt, showing off your thighs. all i can think about is shoving my head between them” he spoke, his hands running down my body.
just before they could make their way to my thighs, a voice made us pull away, “you guys are real cute and all, but i’m hungry! chris, please just let her make our food” jake yelled from his spot.
his words caused tara to smack him upside the head, his face contorting into a wince at the feeling.
“what are you making anyway? we have, like, no food in our fridge” matt spoke up.
“oh, i know. i was just gonna make pizza rolls” i answered.
“we don’t have any pizza rolls” nick spoke, brows furrowing in confusion.
“yeah, we do” chris spoke, pulling them out of the freezer, “i bought her some”
i smiled bashfully at the statement, mouthing a “thank you” to chris.
he lightly nudged me with his shoulder in response, a smile of his own growing on his face.
“you two make me sick” colby spoke, “don’t be jealous, it’s not my fault no one buys you pizza rolls” i defended.
his eyes widened at that, taking offense to the words.
“ok, but wait, you said you were cooking something. this entire time i thought you were actually making us a meal” nick said, the group making noises of agreement.
“listen, y’all ! i’m not, nor did i ever claim to be a chef. i don’t know what you thought, but you were wrong” i spoke playfully.
“and nick, you know there’s no food, this is your house. where did you think i was getting ingredients from?” i asked as i placed the pizza rolls on a sheet.
“girl i don’t know, but pizza rolls aren’t gonna fill anyone up, those are like appetizers”
“ok then don’t eat any” i shrugged as i finished emptying the package.
“y’all can order something if you want, i’m really just craving pizza rolls” with that the group began to have a conversation about what they wanted to order.
“i’ll have some of your pizza rolls” chris spoke from beside me.
“good” i smiled up at him, before grabbing the baking sheet to place in the oven.
i bent over, pulling the oven open to place the sheet on the rack.
when my skirt rose up slightly, chris didn’t waist a second in placing his hand on my ass.
he quickly dipped his fingers into my panties, rubbing my heat.
he used his free hand to pull my front half back up, quickly covering my mouth with the palm of his hand.
“hmphhh” i lightly moaned into his hands, as his fingers explored my wetness, collecting my arousal on his fingers.
before i knew it, his fingers left my body, as he turned me around to face him.
he placed his fingers, which were now coated in my juices, into his mouth.
i watched intently as his tongue swirled around each finger, lapping at them like a starved man.
“hm, just needed a taste” he spoke, smirking at my shocked state, “you should probably close that”
“close what?” i asked him as i blinked rapidly, attempting to recover from his actions.
he nodded towards the oven with his head, “i don’t know how well they’ll cook if you leave the door open” he raised his eyebrows at me.
he was having the time of his life right now.
“uh- yeah, yeah you’re right” i spoke as i quickly closed the oven door.
“need some help with that?” chris asked as he stared down at my thighs, which were involuntarily clenching together.
i was doing my best to hold it together, but his actions turned me on far more than i’d like to admit.
“i’m fine” i spoke quickly, hoping he wouldn’t point out the fact that i was obviously lying.
but he, being chris, would never give me the luxury of sparing me from his teasing.
“really? you don’t look fine. you look like you need to be ruined” he whispered into my ear.
“chris, i’m not gonna have sex with you with all of these people in the house”
“really? don’t think that’s stopped you before” he spoke cockily.
“we said that the last time was gonna be it, remember?” i reminded him, placing my hand on his chest.
“yeah, you’re right, we have to stop. so we’re done doing this” he nodded his head at me.
“yup, that’s it. it’s done”
well, it was done. until-
“fuck, chris! yes, yes, yes ! right fucking there, holy shit” i did my best to keep quiet, as chris pounded into me from behind.
“one last time, just one last time” he whispered to himself while he drove himself in and out of me like his life depended on it.
“if this is the last time, i’m gonna make sure you remember that no one else will ever fuck you like i do” he whispered into my ear, chest pressing against my back while my eyes rolled into the back of my head.
“ you got that? can you say it back to me, princess? “
“i- no one, no one will ever fuck me like you do” i heaved out, fisting his sheets as continued to push himself deep inside of me.
“damn right” he rasped, as he gave my ass a slap, eliciting a moan from me.
“god, what did i do to deserve you? you’re so fucking good for me, holy shit” his head fell back as he moaned out.
“you feel so good in me, chris. don’t want anyone else, just you” i spoke back to him.
“yeah? am i making you feel good, baby? that’s all i ever want, just want you to feel good” he whispered, his fingers digging into my waist.
“you always do, baby. always feel so good with you” i moaned back.
my mind grew fuzzy as he went from giving sharp, quick thrusts to slow and deep ones, allowing me to feel every inch of him.
“love fucking you hard, but i gotta show you how much i care bout you” he spoke before burying his nose into my neck.
he placed a sweet kiss to the skin, before pulling it between his lips.
he sucked on the skin until it became darker, making it known that he had been there.
his arms wrapped around my waist, holding me close to his body as his cock stretched out my pussy.
“i don’t- fuck chris, it’s so good” i choked out as he continued to leave kisses against my skin.
“love seeing you like this, all fucked out under me. you’re so fucking beautiful, can’t believe you’re even real” he whispered.
“all yours, chris. you’re the only one who gets to see me like this”
i pushed my hips back into him, grinding on his dick, as he wrapped a hand around my neck to choke me.
“god, oh my-” he whined out his dick twitching inside of me.
“you gonna cum for me, chris?” i asked as i felt myself on the brink of my own orgasm.
“yes, yes, please cum with me” he whispered, head dropping to the crook of my neck as he shot his seed inside of me.
he continued to thrust into me, the coil in my stomach snapping as i coated his cock in my pleasure.
coaxing me through my orgasm, he gave a few more sloppy thrusts, before gently pulling out of me.
“did so good for me” he mumbled, pressing a light kiss to my shoulder.
“was that good ? did i hurt you?” he asked as he went to lay down next to me.
“of course it was good, chris. and i’m okay” i told him, cupping his cheek.
“good, let me clean you up and we can cuddle?” he asked, a grin taking over his features.
“yeah, sounds good“ i spoke as i heard my phone vibrate on chris’s nightstand.
when i opened it up, i was met with unopened text messages:
matty b 💁🏻‍♂️ 9:01 pm
nick 👑 9:01 pm
oh great you guys pissed off mat
(i agree w him)
johnnie 🧛🏻 9:02 pm
i’m just waiting for my food
jake 🕸️ 9:10 pm
tara 👅 9:10 pm
larray 💅🏽 9:15 pm
🍝+ 🦞
if it’s not snowing she ain’t going y’all
sam 👻🌝 9:34 pm
update: we ate your pizza rolls
colby 👻🌚 9:34 pm
we’re still hungry hurry up
y/n ⭐️ 9:41 pm
chris 🦌 9:41 pm
my bad guys
nick 👑 9:42 pm
chris come do the walk of shame out here so i can beat your ass 🙂
TARA 🧚🏻‍♀️ 9:20 pm
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tag list: @lustfulslxt @flowerxbunnie @mattslolita @its-jennarose @sophssturn @bernardsleftbootycheek @sturnssx @queen161718 @cupidsword @imwetforyourmom @nickmillersn1gf @mattsneezing @chrisstankyleg @sturniolobltch @bethsturn @bernardenjoyer @mbbsgf @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @ssturniolo @blueeyedbesson @mxqdii @sturniolowhore @readerakayourname @defnotayonna @urmom2bitch @rootbeerworshiper @starsturniolo @hearts4chriss @theyluv-meee @carolinalikesthings @itzdarling @chrisstopherfilmed @judespoision @sstvrnioloo @littlebookworm803 @nicksdrpepper @chrisloyalgf @robins-scoop @fandomhopped @chr1sgirl4life @bbglmfao @55sturn @sturniolololover @meg-sturniolo @yamamasjumpercables @vanteguccir @ineedchriscock @junnniiieee07 @breeloveschris @luverboychris
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l34n · 6 days
Are they all ovulating or why is everyone suddenly writing about Chris and Matt being parents?
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sturnsbaebackup · 6 months
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i highly recommend reading part 1 first, which is linked here!
summary; after madi and nick set up their plan to make you and matt fall in love, you’re finally going over to their house to film for the first time… and the connection between you and matt only grows stronger
warnings: she/her pronouns used, mentions of gagging. purely fluff!!!
your car ride to the sturniolos apartment consists of nothing but a very happy madi in the passenger seat and severely shaky hands. so much that madi almost had to take your spot in the drivers seat a couple times because you haven’t been able to steer correctly.
when you arrive in the parking lot outside of their complex, you sit in the car for a minute to regain some control of your emotions. as deep breaths exit your nose, madi speaks up. “y/n, you’re going to be fine i promise. now can we go inside? i don’t want to keep them waiting any longer,” she begs. you exhale sharply, nodding your head as you grip the door handle.
before you can even realize it, you’re standing in front of their door as madi gently knocks on the door. you fully snap back into reality when you see matt’s face at the door, greeting you both with a big teethy grin. “hi guys! come on in!” he says, stepping aside for both you and madi.
their house isn’t necessarily the cleanest place you’ve ever seen, but you can tell that they put in somewhat of an effort to clean it for you guys. you smile at nick as he comes running to the door, pulling you into a tight hug. “y/n, hi! i’m so glad you came!” he smiles, making your heart swell with joy. even if you’re in shambles from your nerves, you’re still super joyous that you’ve been adapted into their lives so quickly.
“so before we start the video, we need to go to the grocery store. for some context, we’re doing a challenge where we all buy a few gross or weird foods of our choice, and line them up on the counter. we have an app that when you put a bunch of fingers on it, it randomly selects someone and whoever gets picked has to eat the next food item in the lineup,” nick explains.
“oh god, this sounds awful,” you groan, earning a laugh from a few people.
“this sounds fun y/n! lighten up,” matt teases, nudging your shoulder lightly as he does so. you blush a little and that pit from a few days ago immediately comes back.
“okay people we don’t have all the time in the world, so let’s go!” nick exclaims, pushing you and madi out the door. the five of you get into the car, driving to the closest grocery store. you all go in and make sure to separate so that you don’t spoil your items to one another. each person is supposed to buy 3 items so that the total will add up to 15 items. your items of choice are horse radish, sardines, and to be nice you decide to add unicorn pudding cups.
while you’re using the self checkout, you see chris appear in the line in your peripheral vision. you notice him trying to peak at your items, and you turn your head to him. “stop cheating chris!” you say sternly, making him roll his eyes.
“i wasn’t even looking at you y/n,” he lies, knowing damn well you both know he’s bluffing. you just chuckle to yourself and secretly place your items in your bag, making sure chris doesn’t see. eventually everyone finishes their quick shopping, and you all head back to the apartment to begin the video.
“hi guys! today we’re going to be playing disgusting food roulette, but we have a couple special guests with us! c’mere guys,” nick says, wrapping both his arms around you and madi to drag you both into frame.
“hi guys,” madi says softly with an awkward smile.
“and for those of you who don’t know who y/n is, she’s a great friend of madi’s, and one of our newest friends! her socials will be linked below, so go check out her stuff! she posts a lot on tiktok and instagram, so make sure to go follow her! you can expect to see her in a lot more videos,” nick says smiling at you. you smile back, truthfully unsure of what to say.
“yeah yeah okay we get it nick now stop kissing y/n’s ass and let’s reveal what foods we bought,” chris groans, making you flip him off.
“chris is just mad i caught him trying to look at my foods at self checkout,” you shrug. chris gasps and immediately throws his hands up in defense, “you’re just full of yourself! i was not looking at you,” he rolls his eyes playfully.
“okay chris, leave y/n alone,” matt chuckles, putting his bag of food on the counter. per usual, this sets off that feeling in your stomach once again, but not as bad as before. you’re starting to embrace the obvious feelings you have for matt, and you’re actually okay with that. once everyone reveals their items, it’s time to let the fun begin. “okay guys put your finger down on the phone screen! whoever’s finger gets the little white dot under it has to eat the food,” nick says as you all place your fingers on the phone screen.
the first couple of items on the counter aren’t very bad, but as you further along the line things start to get bad. unfortunately you get chosen to eat the horseradish. “clearly this is my karma for buying this,” you groan, hesitantly placing the spoon into the jar. you quickly shove it into your mouth and swallow, trying to forget about the fact you’re eating horseradish. the taste fills your throat and begins stinging your nostrils from the pungent smell. you start gagging a little, and everyone bursts out laughing.
“fuck oh my god! this is disgusting!” you say, leaning over onto the counter in disgust. you pray that you get the coconut water since it’s the next item, but unfortunately it goes to matt. he takes a sip and scrunches his face a little, and you groan at the gross taste in your mouth. nick and chris are arguing in the middle of the kitchen, while you and matt stand off in the corner. “do you want a sip of my coconut water?” he chuckles, and you accept it gratefully. even if it tastes nasty, you still drink a few big gulps to get the taste of your previous item out of your mouth.
eventually it gets to sriracha sauce, and you’re afraid of getting that as an item seeing as you don’t do good with spices. and of course with your luck, you do. “oh fuck me!” you groan, lifting the spoonful of it off of the counter. you take a deep breath before putting it in your mouth, groaning at the burning sensation on your tongue and lips. you have an overwhelming mix of different disgusting tastes and sensations in your mouth, making you fall to the ground out of disgust and discomfort. everyone laughs at your reaction, and matt lifts his hand out for you to take as a guide back on your feet.
thankfully along the way you get a few good items, but the next item is that stupid pepper chris bought. everyone is deathly afraid of getting it, but unfortunately matt is the one who gets chosen. “you’re joking, you’re actually fucking joking! i’ve gotten all of the worst items!” matt cries out while dragging his hands down his face.
“oh no poor matt,” madi laughs, and matt just groans. he takes a bite of the pepper, and immediately his eyes start watering. he falls to the floor and just curls into a ball while groaning in pain. you all let out a laugh, but after a few moments you guys start getting a bit concerned.
“matt are you okay?” nick asks. matt just looks up at everyone and pouts with little tears welling up in his eyes. you make a little frown at him while letting out a little chuckle. he gets to his feet and stumbles over towards you, pulling you into a hug. he isn’t necessarily thinking clearly, seeing as his mouth, throat, lips, and basically sinuses are all on fire. your eyes widen, but you hug him back gently. you let out a few chuckles, and nick hands him a glass of milk to try and subside the burning sensation in his mouth.
“i’m going to bed, goodnight everyone,” he sadly laughs, waking to his room. you all burst out laughing and end the video without matt.
“someone should go check on him, y/n can you go make sure he’s alive? we need to clean everything up,” nick asks while giving a look to madi. you roll your eyes at the two of them, “yeah sure,” you say in an annoyed tone. they’re making their plan so obvious that even chris is starting to pick up on it.
you softly knock on matt’s door and you hear a muffled voice telling you to come inside. you walk in and his room is surprisingly clean. the lights are off and he’s laying in his bed hugging a pillow, with the empty glass of milk on his bedside table. “i was tasked to come make sure you’re alive. you doing okay?” you ask.
“my mouth is on fire,” he groans and you laugh a little.
“do you want me to get you anything?”
“more milk, please,” he practically begs. you nod and take his empty cup to the kitchen. when you bring it back to him, he’s now sitting up in his bed with his phone in hand.
“fuck, thank you so much y/n,” he says before chugging the whole cup in under 5 seconds. you let out a giggle and he just smiles at you bashfully. he pats the end of his bed, signaling you to sit down on it. your heart rate begins to increase but you do as you’re told and sit down.
“y/n, i know we just met and this might seem a little quick… but i think you’re really pretty and sweet. i was wondering if you maybe wanted to grab food sometime? and i know it’s a little awkward since you just saw me crying from eating a pepper, but it’s the first time i’ve actually gotten the chance to ask you this,” he chuckles and you laugh at the end of his sentence.
“oh my gosh of course matt! i’d love to,” you blush, this time not even worried if he can see your cheeks turning pink. you both figure out a date and time, meanwhile madi chris and nick are all secretly standing outside the door listening in. you exit matt’s room and you see them not so slyly trying to pretend they weren’t listening.
“you guys suck, you know that?” you jokingly say, and they all just shrug.
“have fun at dinner with matt on saturday,” nick winks as you exit their apartment. you just roll your eyes with a smile, “yeah yeah whatever nick.”
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noellesturniolo · 6 months
you should write a fic where the reader asks chris (or matt) to try something new and he’s like “what do you have in mind?” and she asks him to titty fuck her, so he does and he cums on her boobs, all the way up to her mouth and face
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝟏 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐱 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐧𝐞𝐰. 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐬𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐫𝐲 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐰
𝐀/𝐧: 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐭 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭 😩😩
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Matt sat across from me, we were playing monopoly with Nick and Chris. I could feel Matt eye fucking me the whole time. When Nick ended up winning the game, and Chris and Nick went to their rooms. Matt wasted no time pulling me into his room and pinning me up against the wall.
“Your such a tease ma.” He says aggressively grabbing my neck and kissing my lips. His tongue intruding into my mouth, our tongues fighting for dominance. He pulls away smirking. “My fucking slut.” He starts attacking my neck with his lips.
“baby..I have a question.” I gasp, as Matt pulls away.
“Hm?” He looks slightly concerned, tilting his head but look into my eyes.
“Can we try something new?” I ask.
“What do you have in mind my love?”
I take control pushing Matt on the bed, his eyes widen and a smirk paints his face at the sudden dominance taking over me. I get on top of him, making out with him. Grabbing his jaw to further the kiss. Suddenly I pull away, Matt whines at the sudden loss.
“Fuck ma, what has gotten into you.”
I grind on his dick, throwing my head back in pleasure. “just wanna switch it up babyyy.”
“f-fuckkkk good girl baby good girl.”
I move down so my face is by his hard on, I pull his pants down. Slightly freeing his dick, fully freeing his dick by pulling his underwear down. “daddy your so big” I take my hand stroking his dick, licking from the base of his dick to the tip. “fuck baby don’t tease me” I take him into my mouth his dick hitting the back of my throat. “o-oh s-shit y/n baby holy fuck”
I speed up my pace hearing the moans fall out of his mouth, his hand grabbing my hair. I pull away, he whines at the sudden loss.
I spit on his dick taking my hand and stroking it, “what are you doing baby??” he asks confused panting. “You’ll see matty.” I push my boobs together taking him in between my tits moving up and down.
opening my mouth, sticking my tongue out letting spit fall onto his cock and I start moving faster, matt’s panting and moaning slipping out faster.
“ngh, fuck ma, i’m g-gonna”
his cum interrupts me, shooting onto my tongue and face and my tits. “holy shit ma, I love you.”
“Now it’s your turn ma.” he says flipping so he’s on top, kissing down my body tugging my pants down and spreading my legs open. He licks his lips before lapping and sucking on my clit.
Inserting two fingers at a fast pace, “oh my fucking god Matt” grabbing a fistful of his hair, grunting at the pressure. “yeah you fucking like that ma?” He says before going back to aggressively eating me out.
“fuck i’m gonna cum Matt, Matt fuck”
I release, as Matt pulls away sticking one finger down my throat. pulling one finger out and putting the other in his mouth.
“you taste so good ma.” he says kissing me.
i’m officially out of requests now 🤕 sorry it was so short I really want mac and cheese
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