#Chronic Pain Management
audhd-space · 10 months
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Currently exploring Time Tree calendar app to track the pain scale for my migraine. I LOVE love the part where I can edit the Label List and shift it as my pain scale label and arrange them according to colours + level.
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the best part of this app is that I can create separate calendars; one shared with housemates, one for work, one personal AND have notification sets at variety of timings.
And then you can also set for other people who are in the shared calendar as you. So if we have to remind our housemates about not being around, we will just enter the thing in the calendar and then have it pop in their notifications as reminder.
If you have ADHD or struggle with executive dysfunctions, it shifts the responsibility alone on you to others to help remind you as well as you with others.
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cryptcatz · 10 months
someone should make fingerless skeleton compression gloves for chronic pain. those would fuck so hard….
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smilechiales · 7 months
So I have a question:
I think I'm prone to having migraines but I'm not exactly sure.
Like there are days when the only thing I can do is darken my room as much as possible, climb under covers and pray to an entity which I don't believe in that the pain will go away soon. I experience nausea and extreme dizziness where walking into walls is extremely common for me - also fatigue but actually being unable to sleep because of the pain. Sometimes I loose the ability to see completely with black dots having a rave in my vision and of course, I'm very sensitive to bright lights and high sounds (depends on the day actually but light sensitivity is always there).
Anyways, I'm currently in a different country and I want to go home to seek treatment for my migraines (I still don't believe I have them but I will let it get checked out) and my question is: Do some of you who experience migraines have a focus point on their right eye? I'm sure the pain is coming from mine and If I apply pressure, the pain will actually cease a little but I'm scared I have a tumor behind my eye.
It would be amazing to know If someone with migraines shares that experience or If that actually is common!
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queer-ghosts · 6 days
ive been unable to sleep today because my legs literally feel like they're broken in every place, so i got up and got a microwavable pillow to warm it because that helps and then i was like
"dang, i wish there was something warmed that I could comfortably use in bed, that doesn't get cold after a few minutes and can cover all of my legs. shame that's impossible"
a few minutes later i remembered i have a heated blanket
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havegaysex · 10 months
hi, this was from a bit ago, but i saw on a post you mention you need dry needling to manage pain. i have a condition where that is one of the possible treatments (though id probably have to pay out of pocket) so id love to hear your experiences with that if possible
So firstly assuming you are American I recently learned that at independent clinics dry needling is often not covered as part of physical therapy but in the hospital system it can be covered as part of physical therapy treatment and not bill it as a separate item (which is what leads to us having to pay out of pocket).
Secondly as long as you work with someone who knows what they're doing and will listen to you it can be a pretty good treatment. And I say that as someone who has a lot of sensory challenges with needles.
There's some different methods which can enable them to either activate the muscle or release the tension in the muscle. A normal session for me with the PT I'm seeing for pain management looks like me coming into her office, we talk about what I've been feeling in the past two weeks in regards to my hips and then she tells me what she wants to do with the needles and I tell her that that sounds like a good plan to me. She has me get on the massage table and then she does dry needling with electrical stimulation which can be weird at first but I would compare it to a TENS machine just further in the muscle then the pads that stick on your skin can get. Oftentimes after she's done needling she'll have me do stuff specifically to use the muscles she's just targeted and to get blood flowing. Dry needling can take a lot out of you like a really intense massage, it's best to drink water and rest afterwards and if you're going to be active try to do physical therapy stretches / exercises to help with the effectiveness of the needling
For me personally going every other week or so for an over an hour drive away to get the dry needling with my pelvic PT has reduced the amount of drugs I need to rely on to manage my hip pain and made me feel like I have more control over the pain than I've ever had in my life.
(note I used speech to text for this post so if there is any words that are just not right try saying them out loud because often you can hear the word I meant talk to type to capture)
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drgolberg · 1 year
Where can I find PRP for ongoing pain management near me?
Dr. Alexander Golberg’s Wellness and Functional Medicine helps you with handling chronic pain and reduce their debilitating effects.
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seenapharmacy · 2 years
Things People Wouldn’t Understand About Your Chronic Pain
Living with chronic pain, you are familiar with sudden pain that troubles you. Although you wish to stay calm, the thought of pains and aches keeps you awake. The bigger problem of chronic pain is that loved ones and people around you won't understand your experience. Sometimes they misidentify your symptoms as other diseases, which makes you more frustrated than ever. While nobody can understand the trouble you have been through or give you an instant cure to the symptom, you need to learn how to deal with it. Here are four things people wouldn't understand about your pain.
Scared of waking up in pain
Sometimes you experience good days without much pain and want to give full attention to enjoyment. There may not be any alarming signs in your body for the day, but you also know that the temporary cure won't last long. You become paranoid about facing the pain when it comes back sooner than later. Therefore, going to bed with a smile is a little harder for you. Waking up early just because you could not get sound sleep is the worst nightmare for someone tired of fighting against all odds.
Suggestions that don't work
The most annoying thing you feel about living with chronic pain is getting stupid suggestions from loved ones. People would tell you to do something you have already tried and didn't work at all. Some might suggest a specific type of food, while others give you a long list of exercises and meditation things to do. According to them, you are too lazy or ignorant to follow a healthy lifestyle. Although they mean no harm to you, their poor execution is something you can't stand.
Relying on painkillers
Every time you take painkillers to treat pain, you slowly face the drug's consequences. Although you are aware of the side effects caused by these drugs, you can't stop relying on them. Painkillers become a savior when exercise and meditation fail to deliver positive results. If you don't want to become wasted living on addictive substances, look for detox methods that require natural remedies. Consult a therapist or visit a wellness club that teaches you to change your lifestyle by adjusting to your underlying conditions.
Pain is a part of your life
All this time, you have some so far with agony, and it seems you can't get some rest when you have a burden of thoughts. Those painful events affect everything from personal matters to people who care about you. When the condition hinders your life, you don't have any other option than to accept it. Find a therapist who helps you adopt a chronic pain management program that works on your condition.
Instead of confronting misunderstood people, focus on the pattern of episodes and adopt a method that helps you from time to time.
Author's Bio - The writer is an avid online blogger. This article is about chronic pain management.
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Beurer EM 27 Ankle TENS
Beurer EM 27 Ankle TENS can provide quick relief from ankle pain. It comes with four pre-programmed applications that give a break to your ankle. The cuff should not be too tight, but the moist integral skin electrodes must maintain contact with the skin to enable TENS treatment, ensure the controller is connected to the cuff, and switch the TENS on.
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How to Choose the Best Neuropathy Clinic for Your Needs
Living with neuropathy can be a daily challenge. The chronic pain, numbness, and tingling in the hands and feet can significantly affect your quality of life. Finding the right neuropathy clinic houston to address your neuropathy symptoms is crucial. With a variety of treatment options available, such as Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy, it's essential to choose a clinic that meets your specific needs. Here's a guide to help you make an informed decision.
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audhd-space · 10 months
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So if you’re like who always have to wait maybe once a month to go to physiotherapy or occupational therapy at public hospital, you know it isn’t much help for your fluctuating chronic pain.
In my currency it costs nearly 200, it may be cheaper in US currency though. Probably around $36 to $40 if you’re looking at Amazon.
Anyways, I usually had the electrodes placed on both of my hands at the doctor’s but at home I’ve also tried placing it on my stiff neck and shoulders to help with my migraine symptoms.
There are 5 different modes you can choose with different strengths, as long as the time limit. I would usually just run in for 15-20 minutes. It comes with mini manual book which is easy to follow as well. So far reducing my stiff neck and shoulder pain symptoms actually help reduce the intensity/frequency of my migraine attack.
Sharing because before this I’ve always been in and out of hospital for this, I didn’t know it’s something you can purchase! I thought it’s something you need a license for to use. Silly me.
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jr2882070 · 7 days
Recover Your Active Lifestyle Through Spine Surgery In Boca Raton FL
Boca Raton Orthopaedic Group provides comprehensive diagnosis & spine treatment options to patients suffering from most spinal conditions that affect their life. They provide the Best Spine Surgery In Boca Raton FL. For more information visit brog.com.
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somethingnubian · 24 days
Streamline Your Laundry Routine: Gentle Washing Techniques for Chronic Pain Sufferers or those Who feel Laundry is a Pain
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5 Reasons Why Regenerative Medicine Is the Future of Healthcare
In the realm of healthcare, innovation is not merely an option but a necessity. The quest for advanced treatments that promise not just symptom management but true healing has led to the rise of regenerative medicine houston. This cutting-edge approach offers a beacon of hope for patients grappling with chronic conditions, injuries, and degenerative diseases. Among the myriad regenerative therapies emerging, Platelet Rich Plasma Houston stands out as a game-changer. Today, we delve into the reasons why regenerative medicine, particularly PRP therapy, is poised to revolutionize healthcare as we know it.
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