#Clone trooper fives
omaano · 3 days
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The teams are set for the biannual venator-wide mousedroid races. The others don't stand a chance against team FivesWalker, everyone's knees and ankles will soon be in danger!
For Amina from @fanfictasia who asked for Anakin and Fives getting up to shenanigans for @vaderkin-is-a-lightning-rod 's Vaderkin 2024 Creative Exchange :3
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tattycoram · 2 days
Fives, writing: How I defeated Palpatine and saved the Jedi with the power of love Fives: Chapter 1: The Power of Love Fives: The first step on my journey was realising that it is impossible to beat Palpatine with the power of love Fives: Chapter 2: The Power of Incredible Violence
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fellthemarvelous · 1 month
I don't know what's funniest about this. The fact that Cody is clearly regretting putting Rex in charge, the fact that Rex was like LOL THIS IS GOING TO BE HILARIOUS, or that this is Domino Squad's first meeting with General Skywalker's second-in-command.
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phantasm-echo · 3 months
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Tired cat father Rex means so much to me you don’t even know
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arrothededushka · 5 days
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fluffyhales · 1 month
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Fuck that bitch.
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alitherandom · 2 months
Someone has probably already said this but I just realized it's exactly the same energy you cannot tell me otherwise
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tragicsiblings · 5 months
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FIVES & ECHO — THE CLONE WARS Season 3 ( Happy birthday @aka-lorterian 🎁🎉 )
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immagods · 5 months
Sometimes I sit down and realise how little we actually know about the clones in Canon and how much we just made up and decided was cannon.
Like the clone have never actually spoke Mando'a, Fives and Echo aren't really twins, Torrent never officially adopted Ahsoka into their aliit, Kote isn't really Cody's name, we know next to nothing about Fox and the Corries. I mean there isn't even a command batch, we don't actually know if Ponds, Cody, Wolffe, Bly and Fox were batchers that adopted Rex on Komino to save him from the long necks and Alpha-17 just had to live with it.
It's wild how much of what most people consider cannon was made up by fans, and it's amazing.
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wasn't gonna post these, but since it will be a while before I can draw for myself again, here's the coloured sketches of the next SW illustrations I'd prepped up, this time random moments set during the Clone Wars
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tattycoram · 3 months
Rex: Today I realised I'm old Cody: What happened? Rex: I fell in the mess hall and instead of laughing, Fives came running to see if I was ok Cody: Rex: I saw fear in his eyes
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baaaaaaaam · 2 months
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phantasm-echo · 9 days
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Cat dad captain Rex cat dad captain Rex—
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moreclonesplease · 7 months
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wantonlywindswept · 1 month
another trope inversion of GAR/Guard interactions:
the GAR is entirely aware that Coruscant is a shit posting.
they're not blind; they can see all the anti-clone sentiment when they're on leave. even when they're deployed, it's not like they're cut off from all news - they know how many times bills for clone rights have gone to the Senate floor and been ruthlessly voted down. they can see how even their Jedi are restrained by the Senate dragging its feet and making bad choices and handling the war like it's a game of dejarik since it will never affect them personally.
very few politicians have the respect of the clones.
but the Guard still have to work with the spoiled, self-centered bastards, and the GAR knows that they're not being treated well. but what can they do? they have no rights, the Jedi are as trapped under the Senate's thumb as they are, and it's not like they can get regular citizens to do anything.
so they offer their support as much as they can. any Guard, any Corrie who needs help, all they have to do is find one of their brothers and it will be offered without any questions.
you'd think that crime rate would go up when battle-traumatized soldiers are given leave on a city-planet like Coruscant, but it actually goes down.
way down.
the thing criminals come to realize is that if you are being chased by one of the Guard, if ANY other clone catches sight of you, it is ON SIGHT. clones in casual clothes carrying food and drinks have dropped everything to immediately join a Guard's hunt, throwing themselves into the pursuit with glee and an energy that the usually-exhausted Guards often lack. (some of them howl. those, the criminal underground agrees, are the worst.) 
and with hundreds or thousands of clones wandering around during battalions' leave, it's possible to run into one of them anywhere. and they usually travel in packs.
best just to lay low for a while.
when it leaks that the Guard regularly run low on supplies, all sorts of things start to go missing on the venators. just a box or a crate here or there, ration packs or bacta patches or cold-weather gear. there are millions of clones and thousands of ships; it's not like every little thing can be tracked by the quartermasters. 
(rex realizes that, for whatever reason, his battalion is always prioritized for resupply, and rarely any questions are asked about their requisitions. rex takes immediate and shameless advantage of this. rex manages, somehow, to lose two entire bacta tanks, along with the bacta to fill them.)
and ofc the idea that started this whole ramble - when a shiny Corrie stumbles somewhere where some of the 501st are shooting the shit, causing everything to immediately come to a halt. the kid is clutching his helmet and one of his pauldrons to his chest; his hair is mussed up and there are tears on his cheeks and bruises on his face and unadulterated panic in his eyes. 
there's an angry call in the corridor.
the shiny flinches.
fives grabs him, hears him squeak, snaps out orders. echo yanks off his bucket and his upper armor; jesse lunges for a blanket. they hustle the kid into a chair, drape the blanket over his lower body, hastily swap his upper armor and helmet for echo's. fives shoves the armor somewhere, doesn't matter, it's out of sight with the telltale red, and they all barely have enough time to drop themselves back into the chairs arranged around the table and pick up their cards before some natborn stomps into the room.
anything we can do for you, sir? sorry, no, the Guard didn't stop in here. we saw him head back down toward the rotunda, though. yes, sir. have a nice day, sir.
they close and lock the door. fives goes back to the shiny. fives was instantly prepared to help a fellow clone in need.
fives was not prepared for tears.
the kid gets snot all over the inside of echo's helmet. they take him back to Guard HQ. fox is painfully, desperately relieved to see him. fox looks too-thin and too-tired but there is a fresh GAR-issued bacta patch covering a slash across the side of his cheek. he thanks them for saving the shiny, like that's something that ever needs gratitude, but is swept away before any of them can say that. 
fives doesn't think that misplaced bacta and pilfered rations are enough support for the Guard anymore.
thankfully, rex and the rest of the GAR agree.
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sam4lmk · 3 days
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Twins still stay together
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