#Craft Fail
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This is wrong in so many ways- is it food safe? There are so many places to harbor bacteria, and it’s not a smooth cutting surface. $150 for some wood, stones and glue. 
via that’s it, I’m craft shaming
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grankyjams · 10 months
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Tried to embroider a pikmin on a shirt pocket but mistakes were made.
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firespirited · 1 year
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Mermaze eyes attempts part 3?
Slightly better results from sanding down the eyes to fit the tiny wells slit top and bottom but the small irises, even perfectly aligned like on purple Harmonique or navy Nera are not it.
The bigger irises, seen on pink Harmonique have a more cartoony look that is cute but needs swapping for whiter eyes.
Orra (light blue) is now just a bag of hair after the dremel bounced on the vinyl (I didn’t think of an eyepatch until after the deed was done) and Nera unexpectedly shed blue dye during a boil and I think it came not from her hair but her tinsel!
So 3 remain: Navy Nera who has a couple of face scratches and needs reblushing, purple Harmonique and pink Harmonique, all with eyewells removed. The problem here is that opening the head can damage the hair that is woven in so I’m going to try some very delicate maneuvering through the neck and through the eye holes to place better sized eyes: the hard vinyl and scale make this tedious and yet, I feel like there are really cute dolls to be unlocked... just a matter of getting the eyes right.
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cedigcrafts · 9 months
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I have had my first fail of the year.
After the success of the green lacy tie-tront bolero, I set out to make another one in a different yarn, and it's been nothing but trouble.
A while ago I posted about how I got the gauge incredibly wrong and had to frog back about two thirds of what I'd done, and a couple of weeks ago I got to the point where I had the back and two front sides completed, and it had gone wrong again because the increases were too much and the two sides that I wanted to tie together were so long that they could tie at the back instead.
I decided to frog back one of the sides and try increasing every other row instead of every row, but I found that I wasn't as enthused by the project any more, and it had become a chore rather than something I was enjoying. And from past experience, I knew that if I didn't enjoy making the item, I won't wear it because it doesn't spark joy.
So I admitted defeat and frogged the whole thing, and now I have all of this rainbow yarn (I think it's about 800g or more) to make other things with. And I will worry about what to make with it all another time because I have a small pile of WIPs already and want to get them worked on!
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summerfoxcrafts · 3 months
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🛑 Craft Fail Alert! 🛑
We all have those moments when our crafting experiments don't quite go as planned, right? Well, here's a little peek into one of mine! 👀
This bar of soap didn't turn out quite like I envisioned. But you know what? That's perfectly okay! Crafting isn't always about perfection!
(But if anyone knows what on earth happened to cause these weird little bubbles, please let me know! I've never seen this before!)
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performing-personhood · 4 months
What WikiHow told me paper stars should look like:
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How my painstakingly-followed-every-instruction paper stars actually look after five tries:
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cinder-says · 2 years
Blaugust 2022 - 11 - Complete Failure
There's a reason why I hate New Year's resolutions, and why the word 'goals' sends shivers down my spine.
There’s a reason why I hate New Year’s resolutions, and why the word ‘goals’ sends shivers down my spine. It’s because I am yet to ever successfully complete one. It seems as soon as I say them out loud the universe starts giggling at me. This time is no different Those who checked out my walk through of my bullet journal earlier this month may have noticed a goals section, and in it I had…
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conceptofjoy · 4 months
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cheese-water · 10 months
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This is why I write.
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starscelly · 1 month
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text: sax rohmer #1 by the mountain goats // dal@vgk postgame: pete deboer photos: elías valverde ii, the dallas morning news / icon sportswire, getty images / dallas stars, twitter / smiley n. pool, the dallas morning news // ethan miller, getty images // smiley n. pool, the dallas morning news / dallas stars, twitter / dallas stars, twitter / nicholas cotsonika, nhl // smiley n. pool, the dallas morning news
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xx-vergil-xx · 4 months
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hello saw (2004) community
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Crafters Going Crazy Dept.: WTH? I don’t understand.
via that’s it, I’m craft shaming
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ratten-man · 3 months
Not every diy project has to or needs to look good
Especially bc of social media there can be pressure to make every diy project look professional. But thats not necessary! Things can look ugly! Utility and having fun making it is more important than it looking nice.
These are some of the diys of mine that are ugly (or obviously handmade lol)
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The belt bag is a project im proud of but its obv not professional quality, my hemming is atrocious and my pin cushion? Ugliest thing ive ever made
And thats perfectly okay!
I use these things everyday, and i had fun sewing them. Nitpicking each flaw wouldve ruined it and made me not wanna sew
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lotus-pear · 7 months
HI UHM HELLO… [taps mic] is this thing on….?? ………ok! [leans in] writer mutuals! i’m in dire need of assistance rn. how do you write a story. i have to write a plot for english and it’s due next thursday and i’m not sure where to start. are there any rules i should be following. plot points that are crucial outside of the basic exposition/rising action/climax/falling action/resolution??? how to format your individual chapters?? how to develop the story and where to get inspo??? how do some of you get inspo??? PLS HELP ME
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lewiscarrolatemybrain · 6 months
One more time
A Positive Change Arc -- often called a Hero's Journey -- is one possible shape a story can take. It is not the only or the best character arc, it's just one option. In a Positive Change Arc, the protagonist begins the story believing the Thematic Lie, and must learn and embrace the Thematic Truth over the course of their journey.
TGCF and MDZS are not Positive-Change Arcs. They are Flat Arcs.
(I have not read SVSSS)
A Flat-Arc is a story where the protagonist begins already knowing the Thematic Truth, while the world around them believes the lie. In a Flat Arc, the protagonist will have their knowledge of the Truth challenged and tested, they will be tempted by the Lie, and they will ultimately use their conviction to inspire the world around them to also embrace the Truth.
Flat Arc characters do not need to learn the Thematic Truth. They already know it. They may be seduced by the lie, they may falter, but they will always rally back to the Truth in the end.
(If they ARE successfully converted to the lie, then that isn't a Flat Arc anymore, it's a Corruption Arc, and it's usually a tragedy.)
"But Xie Lian and Wei Wuxian learned--" Nothing they learned impacted the Thematic Truth. Did they learn things? Yes! That's how Being A Person works. Both of them DID change and grow as people from the start of the series to the end. But neither of them learned anything that impacted the Thematic Truth. Because they already knew it.
Xie Lian was already kind, he already wanted to help people, he already believed that common people should be protected and uplifted. His suffering at the hands of BWX did not teach him any deep or important lessons. He already knew the Truth. BWX tried to tempt him to embrace the lie -- that people are undeserving, that you should never do anything for anyone who won't grovel with gratitude, that caring for other people is a waste -- and failed, because Xie Lian knew the truth and even when he was at his lowest he was searching for confirmation that he was right. Xie Lian only needed one single act of kindness to reassure himself that he was right and BWX was wrong. He did not learn anything new, he reaffirmed what he already knew and understood.
Wei Wuxian is good, and righteous, and morally upright. He is a character who does the right thing regardless of the consequences he might face. The sects collectively wanted to destroy him because he refused to bow to them, not because he ever at any point actually did anything wrong. Even the vengefulness he showed while actively at war is narratively justified, and it's key that the sects did not care about the desecration of bodies while it served them. He did not learn any valuable or important lessons when the Sects raided the Burial Mounds. The fact that Lan Sizhui exists at all is proof for us as the audience that everything Wei Wuxian did was worth it. All of it mattered, and all of it was the right choice, because a-Yuan is alive. He doesn't come back to life having learned anything new, he already understood the Truth.
Obviously neither of them are Omnipotent. They learn that there's dudes in love with them, they solve the mysteries of their respective true Big Bads, they uncover some other stuff. But the Thematic Truth, the core theme of the story, is not a lesson either of them needs to learn. It is a lesson they teach others by refusing to bend to the Lie the rest of the world believes.
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diorstarr · 1 month
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