#Dallas Jenkins
boycottthechosen · 3 months
Boycott the Chosen
We are a community of fans calling for likeminded others to boycott The Chosen as a result of the response (or lack thereof) to the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Palestine. We were all excited for the new season. Many of us were planning to attend theatre screenings of the premier. But we cannot support a show about the life of a revolutionary Palestinian man when its creators won't speak up for the Palestinian people. We are asking fans to
1. Boycott the series. This involves not attending theatre screenings, refunding tickets where possible, and not watching season four.
2. Delete The Chosen app
3. Donate to our fundraiser for Medical Aid Palestine. We are not expecting many donations, but every little helps
Simon Peter is fundraising for Medical Aid for Palestinians (justgiving.com)
Approximately 1,200 Israelis were killed on October 7th. Since then, approximately 25, 000 Palestinians have been killed. If you as a Christian were disturbed by the violence on October 7th you should also be appalled by the ongoing violence against the innocent civilians of Palestine. If Jesus were alive in Palestine today he would be in the middle of a warzone, facing displacement, famine, and death. It is unconscionable to profit from the life of a Jewish Palestinian while ignoring the ongoing violence.
Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.
Blessed are the meek,
for they will inherit the Earth.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be satisfied.
Blessed are the merciful,
for they will be shown mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they will see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called the Sons of God.
Follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/boycottchosen
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rambleonwithrosie · 2 months
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I'm gonna tell my kids this was Brutus and Cassius headed to the Senate today
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synfrst · 9 months
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more meme dump from the chosen 😘 (all created by me)
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doverstar · 3 months
Hey Doverstar. Fellow Christian here. :) What do you think about The Chosen? They just started releasing Season 4 eps in theaters this February in the United States. I really love this show. What about you? If you do...I think that would be groovy! If not...well. That would also be groovy too. ✌
Hi there! Woah, it's in theaters, that's crazy! Back in my day it was barely stream-able and we had to be in a specific person's living room to get it on the TV, how far we've come by matchbox twenty- I'm glad you asked, this will be long-ish!
I used to attend the church that the creator of the show had been attending at the time when we lived in IL (his name is Dallas, I think we had dinner with him? don't remember). That was before The Chosen was a thing. He had great ideas about what Christian media could be, but The Chosen in particular went downhill fast for me. I think it's an excellent show, but I also think that when you're using historical, real people in the content, you have to be very careful. Especially when it's biblical figures in history. Then you have to be insanely careful, and Dallas is not being as careful as one would hope. Because you don't want people who know nothing about Jesus to watch that show and have that expectation in their minds when they go to read the Bible. Jesus probably didn't talk like that, may not have looked like that, and may not have even smiled like that during His ministry here. But I've literally spoken with people who say things like if Jesus doesn't smile like Jonathan Roumie when they get to Heaven, "what's the point". That's dangerous. (And theologically the show is not sound.) I get taking creative liberties in order to make a television show more engaging for a modern audience, but not with the Bible. I get trying to make it easier to understand and follow for people who are just not brought up in the church and don't know the language. But I've decided for me, personally, not to continue watching The Chosen. For one thing, I don't want those actors/actresses in my head when I'm reading the Bible, and for another, I don't want to start being in a "fandom" for a show that's supposed to be portraying the events in the Bible. I don't want to start treating the Bible like it's fiction, like Peter's my blorbo (as the kids say), like it's just entertainment. It's not. It's real. It's all real, and I know me, and I know I have a tendency to over-romanticize the media I consume. I'm not going near that show with a 39-and-a-half foot pole anymore. It would be too easy to start thinking the wrong way about what I believe based on the way the show makes me feel. That, and I think the show is disrespectful and wrong. Great idea, good execution, went off the rails. And yeah, The Chosen is so good at making you feel things! I saw that first Season. I loved that first Season! Little ideas like having the Jesus-character laugh in bed while knowing exactly what the family of the lame man he cured is waking up to, literally able to see them rejoicing miles away? That's beautiful. When the Jesus-character cries with the woman at the well, and he tells her from now on it will all be about the heart, not about works? And she says "You promise?" And he cries and smiles and promises and she's so happy? That's beautiful. I cried too. And my favorite was the line when Mary says that before she met Jesus, "I was one way. And now I am completely different. And the thing that happened in between was Him." That's perfect. That's so good. That's what it's like, in three sentences. Excellent. Well done. Oh, and the music swelling at the end of each episode? Fantastic. Emotions everywhere. But like I said, I don't trust it. I got through about four episodes of Season 2 before I was like, okay, that's enough. This isn't good for me. Does that make sense? I could go into the discrepancies and how they often treat Jesus in the show as though He wasn't fully man and fully God (He was), and how they often make it seem like you can believe He was or He wasn't and it's all fine, when it's not all fine. But that would take a while! In a nutshell: I'm glad the creators had the right heart to start out with, and I'm pleased to see it proven that Christians can make excellent media, but not if it's like this, and I don't think the show should continue. If it does, I think they need to get their heads on straight and be super clear about the Truth, otherwise there's no point. I won't be watching it. Doesn't make you evil if you watch it! This is just what I think. Since you asked. Glad to hear from you! <3
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The Zealots: This year, we lost our dear friend, Simon Z
Simon Z: Quit telling everyone I'm dead!
The Zealots: Sometimes I can still hear his voice...
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lukaszmichal · 1 year
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Dallas Jenkins meticulously laying the ground for obliterating the fandom’s hearts with the Passion episode
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truthseeker-blogger · 3 months
If you're wondering if Dallas's parents are fans of the show, this pic of the new entryway of their home should answer your question.
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side-b-bumblebi · 2 years
He just means so much to me as a neurodivergent Christian. :)
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mbciredoughty · 10 months
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Loved this image from behind the scenes of The Chosen, Season 4 , so I just had to be #romancingthepixel! I can't wait to see the new season, currently being shot in Utah! #curiouscraftsman
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kittydeblair · 7 months
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accidental-spice · 1 year
Every once in a while, I remember Brett Dalton starred in a cheesy Christian movie
And that Dallas Jenkins directed it
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artist-issues · 7 months
Come on, Dallas Jenkins. You’re a movie-maker. You know that a good storyteller always has to decide what information is irrelevant to the audience. A good storyteller is always pruning and cutting away anything that could distract from what they want the story to say, so that the finished product is the clearest, most exact picture they can make.
And you think it’s a good idea to say of God, “hey, Inventor of Storytelling, remember when You told the Most Important Story in History? Yeah, you kind of left out some of the things that would make us humans receive the story better. It’s okay, I’ve got your back. I’ll show stuff like Jesus dropping a ball in a game of catch, and I’ll have Him preface His challenging sermons with words like maybe. I’ll fix it.”
Dangerous. Stupid. Disrespectful. Basically the height of folly. God wanted us to get the point; He told the story perfectly the first time, and He did it in History and in Recorded History, and if anything needs a reboot or a remake, it’s not the story of the life of the Son of God.
That’s what The Chosen is. It’s “Here God, let me update the Story You told, it’s getting kind of old. It wasn’t relatable enough the first time. It needs some redrafts. It needs some fine-tuning. It needs some deleted scenes put in.”
Stupid. Don’t watch The Chosen.
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beginnerblueglass · 1 year
“If He is the Anointed One, then He will not be killed.”
Hhmmmm I see what you’re doing there Dallas.
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luminouslumity · 11 months
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I only found out about this because the news was trending on Google, and yeah, just when I think I can't love this show more, I do! Happy Pride Month!
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The Chosen Season 3
I watch this show because of the great production and performances, but most of all it puts me in touch with my faith and helps me understand Jesus. I love Mass, I love my hour of prayer and study every morning, those things are a must. But watching this show brings what Jesus can do, why he is my Lord, to the screen in a relatable way. 
I was watching S3 E6 earlier today and just started wailing. I broke down wailing at Mass earlier today. But that was an I’m broken and struggling cry. But seeing a scene of a woman afraid to ask for his healing was different. She feels so unworthy and like she has walked with her pain so long that it’s inconsequential. Jesus asks her if she believes she can be healed. She does, she knows he can do it. He heals her. 
I am that woman. That’s what I needed to see today feeling loathsome and stuck and forgotten. And I broke down crying knowing Jesus is the only thing that can heal me, and he can. I know what I need to do. But all the therapy, and self care, and leisure, and health never gets me anywhere unless I surrender to his will and ask for healing. I need to want to be healed and not live in the dark comfort of discontent. I will never change if I don’t let him in. I’ve seen it work for me before. I just need a reminder. 
That’s why I watch The Chosen. To see someone like me accept God’s love. 
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I really would rather watch it at my own pace at home, but streaming has been delayed so who knows how long until i get another chance to see it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
plus the spoilers are getting harder to avoid...even the official social media is posting spoiler-y clips
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