#Damnation The Gothic Game
raiyine · 2 years
GUEST POST: Frazer Lee
GUEST POST: Frazer Lee
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chainsawmascara · 2 months
Thank you for the tag @lewdisescariot
I tag: @angelosearch @beaubambabey and anyone who wants to participate!
Last book I read: “Merrick" by Anne Rice (i have not finished, it is a slog, I'll finish it eventually), a book chronicling the works of Boticelli, "Go Ask Ogre," I'm in the process of reading "The Rebel" by Camus for the fifth time.
Greatest literary inspirations: John Keats, my former spoken word mentor and activist Jared Paul, William Blake, Anne Rice, Jose Saramago, Albert Camus, insert any 18th and 19th century gothic horror writer here.
Things in my current fandom I want to read but I don't want to write: mutually toxic bloodweave, disgustingly toxic bloodweave, mutually obsessive and manipulative toxic bloodweave, i need them to be their worst selves, i need them to fuck nasty, i need them to take advantage of each other (not sexually but also sexually with consent or begrudging consent to get what they want DO YOU SEE THE VISION)
Things in my current fandoms I want to write but I think nobody would be interested in them but me: Let's focus on bg3. Disgustingly violent, manipulative psychosexual vellioth/cazador. Utter monsters. Twisted power hungry fiends destroying each other where love is too kind, obsession is too shallow, hatred is too soft. Modern aus of them being awful, wretched creatures. Canon compliant awful, wretched creatures. Dead dove do not eat, would get me ostracized, self indulgent horrors.
Modern aus of Astarion being a mess and a menace in every way possible. Everything is wrong with him. He lives with Shadowheart, I need them to be perpetual roommates, she's the only thing keeping him from complete self destruction. His coping skills are atrocious, he cannot be fixed, no one knows how he isn't dead yet. Gale is sometimes moderately better if he's there, they cannot fix each other, there is no magic happy ending. Nobody dies, but they probably should. It doesn't necessarily start as a dumpster fire. It may creep up on you until it's too late and the sunk-cost fallacy has set in. Surprise, it's trauma! It's not pretty trauma! It's not "love can save you" trauma!
Also: long, lyrical canon compliant (mostly) pieces of everyone's suffering, of redemption and damnation, of character studies, of heartwrenching beauty in the tragic fates they cannot escape - they never wanted, leitmotifs in phrasing, a chorus of chosen words, the agony of everything, the love they seek, endless run on sentences, unyielding prose, allegories, their characters boiled down to fever dreams. Symbolic, headspinning, pitiful, reverent, songs that aren't songs, poems that aren't poems, stories that tell themselves yet say nothing without scrutiny, you will leave in awe and madness and hell and hope. Slant rhymes everywhere. It's accidental, it's intentional, it's everything everywhere nowhere at once, it's a spiral, it's linear until it isn't. GOD.
You can recognise my writing by: Please see the above third paragraph.
My most controversial take (current fandom): This answer from my dear friend carries over - "You aren’t better than anyone for hating their favorite character or how they love them. Just let people live."
90% of the Astarion headcanons I see convince me we have not played the same game. He does not become a better person, he is better to you. Ascending him does not remove my sense of irl morality. You're thinking of Wyll, everything you project onto him is a part of Wyll. Astarion is an awful person, he's a mess, he's full of bitter hatred, he needs to kill, he wants everyone to suffer, I love him. Cowards.
Cazador is SO FUCKABLE. He's a horrid, monstrous, contemptible, vile, wicked creature and while i cannot fix him, I can indulge in hedonistic blood filled psychosexual madness and honestly that's close enough for me. Larian, please let him rail me. Cazador romance WHEN. Self preservation? WRONG. Dancing with death for a hellsent vampire.
Top three favourite tropes: "i hate you, i need you." They are suffering, but they are suffering together. "You are so far past saving, yet i will not leave." Bonus: psychosexual obsession, have you figured this out yet, have i made it clear, are we on the same page. DO YOU SEE THE VISION.
What’s your current writing mood (10 – super motivated and churning out words like crazy, 0 – in a complete rut): it's 10, but chronic fatigue/where do i start with this and how does it end, it has to end eventually, I GUESS.
We're working on it.
Share a fandom frustration: As per my last email, refer to the astarion hot take.
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vasiliquemort · 2 years
Someone from the Meiker community here, trying to use your Dneiper Gothic game without being insensitive to you and other Ukrainians. I’m not very knowledgeable on folklore from your country - where can I find out more and read some of the stories? If not in English, then can you point me to a translation service that works well for the language? Thanks!
Greetings! And thank you so much for your view, and time, and company, and shared tones of art, and everything else, too!<з
So! The point is - I don't think there is any way to be interested and find someone's culture and ways beautifull could be insensitive in any way. The way how my culture is shared and admired in some ways across the world had deep impact on me and my self-identification, and lots of inner tones, paths, creations and retentions all along, and I don't see the right way to shut this down because of polemics of "inaproppriate" perceptions.
Art is love, and the love is creational, uniting, it's light and simple, something that goes with you along always and everywhere, and there is no correct way to feel love - maybe to express it, but to embrace love is natural and relieving alltogether. Ukrainian culture is to be shared, I feel delight when know that someone amused, find joy in my creations, and it's my personal charge - to express this correctly, but your delights are just made to be just and trusting.
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Truth be told - long time ago I made some compilation of literature that I find expressive and personal, all of them - ukrainian authors of prose and poems, and I finded and shared it again for that specific moment of unity. I hope you shall find it in my recent posts - or you can seek at my place by tag "ask" and "ukrainian culture". With translations I cannot say that I can be of real use, and that's saddens me deeply - as there is some educational sites and books to buy, limited and strange for my sight, but I believe that there is a way, through machine translations is terrible in a bad way of word.
But! To find a language that is uniting, simple and expressive on shapes of various and bright is a task that is simple and delightful - as where is beauty and poetism, there is also music, and this is the way that I can share and express<ззз
It was a work both voracious and delightful, and I spend time that I loved deeply - but I made a brief and simple compilation of authors of music, as music is a language that is always international;зз There is no links, but shapeful and simple directions - and some revealed tones and my personal love for each of the points. I hope it can be shared, that this can be inspirational and actual and delightful for some of my beloveds and mutuals and simply everyone that can find their interest there.
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So there I was gone - three columns that are touches different tones of my love and soul, something that I adore and admire deeply, and have desire to share - for a time that is long and fullfilling, too<з
Jamala - 1944
The first tones of shade and mist - a song that, I believe, is knowed and shared, as it was a winner of 2016 year on Eurovision, but this interpretation, and new gloom and sharpness and movement was admired recently - shaped in a new, current way of our year. It's a song of Jamala, named 1944 - year of tatar's deportation from Krimea - a song of young and unshaped happiness, of unshared legacy, of century of the damnations. You shall find it easily, by the lady and the creation's name - official video that was maded five years ago is a tone of dark and gloomy unity, of a soft and unraveled will, of a misty seas and ashen air - tones of our home, our love and rue.
"I did not enjoy my youth I was not able to live in this place" - 1944
Khristyna Soloviy - Pod Oblachkom; Trimay Mene; Hto, yak ne ty?; Gore Dolom; Stezhechka; Holodno
My love and delight, Khrystyna Soloviy, is a western-ukrainian singer with tones that are both ethnical and lyrical in the most beautifull ways. Her tone are light and romantical, melodical, sensual and bird-like, as it goes so well with her delightful name (as Soloviy is a Nightinghale). Some of her songs are of Lemky's dialect and traditional culture - which is an beautifull remind and share of our beloved, gracious Mother, some of them are "Pod Oblachkom" (a folk song of a bewitched young man, his rue and obsession with his bride - accompaned with uncertain and dark, ravishing nature of his heart) and "Gore Dolom", lemky's folk song of lonely, leaved home, and a family that goes far away - the reminder of another tragedy, of a deported kin of western highlanders. One of it's earlier versions was sung together with the next author - Svyatoslav Vakarchuk, who was direct mentor and inspirationalist of Khrystyna, and his song, "Holodno", was also covered by her as an soundrack. "Stezhechka" was also a soundtrack, which is a sung poem of Ivan Franko, author that I pointed in previous compilation. "Hto, yak ne ty?" and "Trimay Mene" are songs of younger, but no less beautifull nature - of a love that is delightful and maddening, that is ravenous as khyzhak and sweet as a dove.
"Is that love was given by god? Was it whispered by a devil himself?" - Pod Oblachkom
"Don't you feel it - my fright, as I am in your palm?.. ..Give to me your torment, give it away with your hands - And heal, heal yourself with my lips" - Trimay Mene
"There is that path - where she walked, The one that took all the joy from my heart.. ..After her steps I posessed ran - Kissed them with my tears, drank from her feet. Alike to a drowned man - that holds his last straw My eyes grasped her sight, for a moment mere" - Stezhechka
Okean Elsy - "Misto Vesny" (together with Odyn v Kanoe); Sonce; Obiymy; Misto Mariyi; Bez Boyu; and lot's, lot's of others as I adore them endlessly>////<
Svyatoslav Vakarchuk, leader of group "Ocean Elzy" was a meaning and inspirationalist for a full generation of nowadays Ukrainian music. His voice, his poetism and visions, the delight and love to create in melodical and bird-like ukrainian had impact over perception of language, of unique music of our country, it's velvet-like, gorgeous expression, and his art itself raised and formed nowadays groups and musicians with their unique nature.
"Bez Boyu" and "Obiymy" was earlier works, more striking, rough but sensual, while "Misto Vesny" was the song that was written in a duet with "Odyn v Kanoe" right before invasion in 2022. It was the song in which they professed their love to their hometown, glorious and ancient city of Lviv, with gorgeous, simple and poetical tones in the video. The stone guardians of the city of Lions, the Cavyarnya's with delicate filizhanka's of coffee (ukrainian noblemans was also one of the earlier promoters of turkish kahve into Europe, and Lviv have personal, unique culture of that delight), the delicate architecture builded on invisible river (as Lviv vas also builded over river named Poltva, fully covering it with it's shape) - all of that is one tone of personal, nowaday's culture of western Ukraine.
After invasion there was "Misto Nadiyi", sacred to city of Mariupol and it's unbending warriors, a hymn of prideful sun. Not so long ago Okean Elsy also sang their old song, "Obiymy", standing at the ruins of Palac Prazy, in my dear homeland - Kharkiv.
"Why can't we forget about our downpours? Maybe for a heroes we were too delicate The walls and lions won't allow us to Scatter the ashes in which those dreams are still burn Those dreams in which I am once again Walking with you, at our dear Lviv, There is a smell of a spring, of the sun that is burning down Of the water, too, from river that has long been gone" - Misto Vesny
"Who are you? As you took my life and didn't return Who are you? You drank my blood and fall asleep inebriate Your eyes are calling, desiring me, they lead me to yourself, Who are you? And whoever you are - I shall not give up without a fight" - Bez Boyu
"None of warships gunpower Can ever destroy my dream As my heart shall never give away my faith And shall stand for the end of the days Glorious city of Mary As long as over prideful Azov sun shall rize" - Misto Mariyi
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There is another place that I'd endlessly reccomend for everyone that has desire to hear ukrainian music and see the most melodical creators of our people - the ukrainian "Golos" (Voice), that beside creation of artistic and poetical nature was also platform of recreation of national craft over the years. It has a very delicate and loving touch to the ukrainian language and folk details, of high and proudful image of nowadays creators - most of the most beautiful and astonishing singers, like Khrystyna Soloviy or Odyn v Kanoe, came out of that project.
The most personal and beautifull for me are duet and trio of Alexander Klimenko - "Tvoi Grihy" and "Dumy moyi, dumy moyi" - the first was work of Tina Karol, judge of the show and current ambassador of Ukraine, interpreted and sung together with her, the second - poem of Taras Shevchenko.
The true folk elements can be found, for example, in "Zasvit Vstaly Kozachenky", old traditional warrior's song that was sung by Cossack Siromaha, and, of course, "Plyne Kacha" sung by Inna Ishenko.
Oh - and my personal favorite that I listened without ends currently, "Ptashechka" by Vivienne Mort, which doesn't really touches any of this columns but, just gorgeous o////o
"The wind, that goes by your hand Is a sin, that you did not yet forgive So turn to me, as I embrace pain Of your eyes, so deeply lonely, of your lone depth eyes.
Now I am embraced, dissolved by your eyes You - are my madness, my love and delight at the same time." - Tvoi Grihy
"Oh, don't scowl over me, mother of mine Don't scowl when there happens a woeful time As I am mysef never knew how I shall die..
..How can I not be miserable? How can I not be? You, my son, once was beared under my heart, You laid over it" - Plyne Kacha
"No one heard my song. Nobody heard. My soul was full - of love, unknown for you And it was soul, not me, that was revealed. And only sky had heard the song, my One. I never had that ache before - it hadn't sing that way, for no one else. My One… I am by myself all day Asked for will all day, for freedom from you, or freedom of being yours
And you can't know how much I love you. You go to your bed and I will stay in mine, breathless until morning comes, Until that morning and until that dawn I am myself, Without you I am all by myself, myself, myself, myselfmyselfmyself Myself I am a moonless star" - Ptashechka
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mousterian-writes · 2 years
💌 📢 💬 for KT?
💌fluffy headcanon
I think he's tried unsucesfully to grow black lotuses for years. Presumably power scaling doesn't work the same as it does in game, so I think they would still be valuable. Also, he uses them to make his cologn so best to have a steady supply.
📢favorite thing about them in canon
His voice is hot. I like that he used social equality and access to magical instruction as recruitment tools (and delivered). Also, he likes animals.
💬favorite line they've said
Not many in game to pick from, his naxx encounter is somewhat limited. But that's ok, I have other sources:
"An ignorant opinion from an ignorant man." From Road to Damnation &
"Why doesn't Gothic come back as spectral Gothic? Come'on!"
"I hear the final boss is all powerful…and very handsome!" From hearthstone.
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rottenczar · 3 years
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the parting glass - So it falls that I should rise, and you should not It’s called: Freefall - (Rainbow Kitten Surprise)
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growth is inevitable - it is the only way Identity is a vector - (Lee Lozano) αρχω - I rule
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deep deep down in the rivers bed - (Marinetti) I have loved the stars too fondly -  do you love the color of the sky? - pretty skylines the flaming banner of the North - (Albert Laighton) aurora borealis a blanket made of stars - (The Chicks) the blue marble - earth selene - moon sol - sun swimming in chicken soup - (Kurt Vonnegut) ocean an ocean and then some - (Dan Egan) GREAT LAKES GANG
the new American gothic American gothic
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radramblog · 3 years
Full-Art Lands Pt.2
Hello internet persons, this is Rad from 2/9/21 speaking. I am tired from an early early shift at work, and also just got the first vaccine dose, so I’m going to be posting these words written on Monday when I anticipated exactly this level of exhaustion. This might defeat the purpose of “a blog post a day”, but its hardly the first time I’ve done it and also I think I have a pretty solid excuse.
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Anyway. This is a continuation of a discussion of every Full-Art Basic Land set in Magic: The Gathering, starting now with Modern Horizons. It counts!
Modern Horizons
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Kind of cheating, because technically the Snow-Covered Lands are different cards, but unless you’re building around them (or a card like Extraplanar Lens) then they’re functionally pretty much the same. These are also literally the only Full-Art Snows, so if you’re running those then this is basically your only pimp option.
Ultimately these are kind of held back by the fact that, well, everything has to be blanketed in snow. There’s some interesting blues going along with the Plains and Mountain, and there’s some fun sky colours, but the remainder is left a little bland.
I currently believe these are worth investing in, for what it’s worth. Both Full-Art Lands and Snow Basics always go up eventually, slowly, over time, and these are still less than a dollar each for now.
 Secret Lair: Artist Series: Seb McKinnon
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This one is kind of a special case, because there’s just a Swamp. And there are technically two of them, but one is just an older version of the art. So I wasn’t sure whether or not to count these.
Because of these limitations, it’s hard to recommend these unless you have a lot of money and also a mono-black deck. They look great, matching Seb’s excellent style from the other cards in the drop, but it’s a bit of an awkward one. That said, I just have these sitting around, seeing as I got this drop just for the Damnation, so…might as well, I guess?
 Theros: Beyond Death
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Much like Amonkhet/Hour of Devastation, this set has one full-art mixed in with several regular basics. The difference is that these are representative of Nyx, the world of Theros’s gods, with its symbolic and nebulaic art.
There’s no real getting over the part where these just look like the Basic Energy cards from the Pokemon Trading Card Game. Considering WoTC’s hand in designing that game, and that the two are equivalent because, well, WotC designed them that way, it’s a fair comparison. But I don’t think this is why these ones aren’t as good as other full-arts. I have two main issues with these lands, and the first is that, well, there’s no land on them. For a set themed around a specific plane, one would expect that plane to be represented in the art, and Nyx does have actual landscapes on it. I get the space-themed design, but they could have been up in the sky above an actual Mountain or whatnot.
The other is the missed opportunity of these being Nebulae. That’s a fine enough design choice, though the symbology is a bit hammered in, but like. In a set based on Ancient Greece and its astronomical focus, with Gods that look like and are represented by constellations, with a mechanic called Constellation, they probably should have just been constellations. It would have made for a more subtle, less, well, Pokemon look, as well.
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New Un-Set, new basics. These ones are kind of a hybrid between the Unglued and Unstable ones, with that golden frame and almost borderless design. I’m actually not sure how I feel about these, since while the frame looks nice, it’s also kind of pointless, and the texturing on the mana symbols is a little weird. I don’t like how smooth and reflective they are.
The art is at least still excellent. Not John Avon, but Adam Paquette does a great job distinguishing himself, less realistic but still believable places that feel fantasy. I actually feel like Unsanctioned was overall a miss, especially since each box came with like 2 of each of these basics, but that’s not something I’m holding against them.
 Secret Lair: The Godzilla Lands
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Secret Lair has been an opportunity for WotC’s designers to experiment a lot with card frames, though this set of basics doesn’t quite represent that. I’m not sure how well this one did, to be honest, though they did make future basic-only SLs, so fair enough I guess.
So, do you like Godzilla? Because he’s on all of these, along with some other Kaiju from the greater series canon. It’s kind of a little distracting, because the landscapes are otherwise gorgeous. Ironically, though, Godzilla himself is kind of being a scale-reptile in these pieces, giving a sense for just how big that mountain is, or how far away the “camera” is from the ground.
The only Island I see in that Island is Godzilla himself, though.
 Double Masters
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These are just a set of reprints from Unhinged and Battle for Zendikar, but in a more borderless style. I’m honestly not sure how I feel about the Unhinged arts being blown up like this. But this is a reprint set, and these are honestly kind of boring, so eh.
 Zendikar Rising
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Another Zendikar more lands etc. etc. you get the idea. Like the title suggests, this iteration of the plane has a lot of vertical exploration in its flavour, and the new basics reflect this. Especially  in the Plains, Islands, and Mountains, that sense of adventure and traversal is back from the first Zendikar set.
Interestingly, this one doesn’t have any reprinted arts, unlike Battle for Zendikar, even though there’s only 3 of each land here. There’s probably something to be said about distancing this set from BFZ- that set faced a fair bit of backlash, and it is thematically very different from ZNR. There’s also the conspicuous absence of the Hedrons, apparently having been replaced in art and in flavour by the Skyclaves. No, I still don’t know what those actually are supposed to be.
At the end of the day, these cards do end up making Zendikar feel like it’s lost its edge a little. They’re just a bit too bright and friendly for my liking, even with the inclement conditions in some of the images. I think it literally just might be the clear, bright skies in this one.
 Secret Lair: The Unfathomable Crushing Brutality of Basic Lands
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Yeah these are about as edgy as the name suggests. Monochromatic and striking, this set of basic’s iconography is much more evocative than literal, the mood of the colours in their themes, captured largely without them.
It does greatly amuse me that literally all of these arts contains skulls. Talk about gothic. I like these a lot better than the Theros: Beyond Death lands, despite the similarities- Particularly, that the mana symbols aren’t literally just the standard ones- arguably the Island is, but it at least is in the form of negative space.
I can’t get over how thematic these are. Plains embodies community with its weapons and runes and roots, and the human face on the Sun icon. Island represents the vastness of knowledge with its endless waters and starred skies. Swamp is death, skeletons mired in the depths of the surroundings. Mountain is fire, bold and unflinching, while Forest’s gnarled branches running through the skull shows the unflinching nature of, well, nature. They’re all so utterly sick.
 Innistrad: Midnight Hunt
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The most recent addition to this list, and one you actually can’t get yet. I think the frames on these being so thin is excellent, since it means they aren’t taking away from the spectacle of the art- not to mention the monochrome of the border and art.
These pieces are magnificent gothic landscapes, the kind you’d expect to see illustrated on the inside cover of Frankenstein or a Lovecraft story. Each and every one of them is ominous in its own special way, with the Swamp that’s a ruined river town to the rugged cliffside path of (presumably) Geier Reach. And the Island with the waves crashing across the cliffs is utterly gorgeous.
Obviously we haven’t seen these in paper quite yet. And the monochrome may make it difficult to tell them apart at a glance. But these are sacrifices I am willing to make for the sake of style.
This is the sum total of all the FABs. For now. Something I didn’t quite realise when writing this was the sheer number of options for this kind of pimping, and how much they’ve ramped up in production over the last few years. Much like with the increase in cards in general, I suppose, as well as premium product versions like the Secret Lairs. I would be genuinely shocked if the game ever exclusively started using Full-Arts, but I’d also not be surprised if we saw them yearly at the longest. 
Either way, I’m sticking with my BfZ lands, because those are the ones I already have!
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theshadowbastard · 4 years
The Top 8 Frankenstein Movies
8. Victor Frankenstein (2015)
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This movie got a pasting from critics upon release, but I couldn’t care less, because I had a ball watching this.  Mainly designed as a showcase for the stars Daniel Radcliffe and James McAvoy, the result isn’t exactly highbrow cinema but if you’re looking for a fun trip filled with hammy acting, overwrought (and overwritten) dialogue, and some pretty neat special effects, you could do a lot worse.
7. Son of Frankenstein (1939)
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Of the 7 movies made by Universal Studios featuring the Frankenstein monster between 1931 and 1948, only the first three are really worth your time, and of those the third film, Son of Frankenstein, is easily the weakest, but it’s not without its strengths, mostly in the form of the performances of Basil Rathbone as the titular sire and especially Bela Lugosi as the malignant Ygor.  The infamous star of Dracula is all but unrecognizable under a brilliant makeup design, and gives a magical performance that’s about as far removed from Dracula as anything he ever did.  The big downside of Son is the monster himself, who is barely in the film and spends most of it lying motionless on a table.  Boris Karloff turned 50 while shooting, and decided to never play the creature he made famous again after this flawed but fun film.
6. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (1994)
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As the title implies, this is a (fairly) faithful adaptation of Mary Shelley’s original novel, and while a lot of the subtext of the story is lost beneath the weight of director and star Kenneth Branaugh’s ego and abs, the movie has a captivating quality and is gorgeously shot, and Robert DeNiro turns in a surprisingly nuanced and emotional performance as Victor’s patchwork creation.  It’s a little oversexed and too self-consciously operatic at times, but it’s still one of the better stabs at bringing the actual text to the screen, even with the ridiculous electric eels.
5. Frankenstein Created Woman (1967)
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Hammer studios made a bunch of Frankenstein movies throughout the 50s, 60s and 70s, and while none of them ever quite managed to capture the spirit of their first, they came up with some clever ideas, and none more so than the bizarre, inspirational, ingenious and insane Frankenstein Created Woman, a film that dares to ask the question “So you figured out how to bring the dead back to life--what next?”  The answers this film explores are chilling, awe-inspiring, horrific and at times borderline blasphemous in their implications.  And while it’s not a perfect film (two minds/souls in the same body gets kind of confusing), it’s compelling ideas and strong performances more than compensate.
4. Young Frankenstein (1974)
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Mel Brooks’ loving tribute to the Universal Frankenstein films might be in it for the laughs (”SAID-A-GIVE?!”), but at it’s heart is a keen understanding of the themes of the Frankenstein story and why they’ve worked so well for so long.  The cast is perfect, with each character instantly hilarious and iconic, from Marty Feldman’s endlessly-quotable Igor to Gene Wilder’s over-the-top Frederick Fronkonsteen to Cloris Leechman’s masterclass in comedic timing as Frau Blucher, but the real standout is Peter Boyle as the monster, who is quite possibly second only to Boris Karloff as the most effective Frankenstein monster we’ve ever seen.  
3. Frankenstein (1931)
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It was not the first Frankenstein movie (there were a couple of silent shorts), but it was the first that mattered; the one that change the whole game.  Crackling electrical lab equipment, thunderstorms, grave robbing, grisly murders, blasphemous implications and truly inspired performances--audiences of the time had never seen anything like this, and the movie was a box office sensation that led to a whole slew of horror and gothic-themed movies in the early 1930s.  James Whale’s direction is clever, creative and just unusual enough to make the movie still a lot of fun to watch today.  Colin Clive as Henry Frankenstein is superb, giving us a nuanced and relatable Frankenstein that gets to speak what is arguably the most famous line in horror movie history (”IT’S ALIVE!”).  The sets and cinematography are stunning, cementing the “Hollywood Gothic” style that would dominate horror cinema for the next three decades, and the special effects were striking for their time.  But standing above it all was Boris Karloff’s shocking, heartbreaking, horrifying, unparalleled performance as the Monster.  Overnight the heretofore little-known actor became a star and, with the help of a once-in-a-generation makeup job from the legendary Jack Pierce, set in stone the image of the Frankenstein monster that would stick in the public consciousness for all time.
2. Curse of Frankenstein (1957)
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Legend has it that Universal Studios sent a letter to the heads of Hammer Films that essentially said, “If you do ANYTHING that even remotely resembles our Frankenstein movie, we’ll see you Brits in court.”  But Hammer had entirely different ambitions, choosing to ditch the look, style, and structure of the Universal movies entirely in favor of something much darker, more disturbing, and infinitely more violent.  While the classic Frankenstein movies of the 30s and 40s focused on the misadventures of the monster, Hammer chose to focus on the titular mad doctor.  This might have seemed like strange choice at the time, considering the rather bland parade of various Dr. Frankensteins we’d seen in the Universal films, but actor writer Jimmy Sangster, director Terrence Fischer, and especially actor Peter Cushing went for something completely different.  Cushing’s Victor Frankenstein is nothing less than a vile, contemptible bastard, remorselessly murdering people for spare parts for his pathetic monster; a monster who is killed and brought back to life several times over, and used by the villainous doctor as a tool to dispatch his enemies and those who threaten his work.  This film took the conventions of the Frankenstein story audiences were then used to and knifed them in the face, and the result was a spectacular success with people lining up around the block to see this new level of ghoulish and bloody horror.  Throw out everything you think you know about the Frankenstein story and give this one a spin, if you’ve got the stomach for it.
1. Bride of Frankenstein (1935)
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Seriously, what else was it gonna be? Let’s be honest here--horror sequels are usually crap.  Quickly churned out to make an even quicker buck, they’re rarely worth the film they’re shot on and very few are anywhere near as good as the original.  However, the only one that actually might be better that the original is the simply unique Bride of Frankenstein.  Whole books have been written about this movie, and to be honest there’s simply too much to talk about.  The themes of blasphemy.  The homosexual overtones.  The Faustian narrative about death and damnation.  The incredible performance of Ernest Thesiger as Doctor Pretorious.  The monster’s dialogue (”Friend...good!”)  The design of the titular Bride that kicked off a fashion craze.  Franz Waxman’s angelic soundtrack.  Any one of these topics is worth an essay all by themselves, but for me what really makes Bride a masterpiece is simply its heart.  No other film has explored the tragedy of the Frankenstein story as effectively as this, and no other film gets its moral message through as clearly: it’s the simpler things in life, like love and friendship that are truly important, and while the pursuit of knowledge may be a worth endeavor, those who pursue it to whatever evil and horrifying end are far more monstrous than any stitched-together being they shock into life.
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Name: Sofia Delgado Species: Human (Medium) Occupation: Bookmaker at The Stacked Deck Age: 33 Years Old Played By: Beck Face Claim: Úrsula Corberó
“Some monsters have voices in their head, urging them to kill; mine are begging me to stop.”
Sofia was pushed out of her mamá’s car at the age of ten with only a vague, finger-point indication of where she would spend the rest of her days. “White Crest, niña mala,” her mamá spat, “find your tita and let her handle you.” Sofia wore no shoes - she’d refused, ever since learning to walk - and carried only a small bag on her back. Inside, a spare pair of underwear, her childhood doll, and a switchblade she’d stolen from her tío’s garage.
The walk to town was as alarming as it was awakening; strange faces leering at her from behind tinted glass, the thick stench of life and loss oozing from conspicuous shopfronts. It was just a normal town, moderately abuzz with afternoon trade, but Sofia’s head felt heavy with a strange force tapping at her skull. As always, yet now more than ever, she hungered.
After questioning enough strangers, Sofia found her tita’s home and, inside, her tita. Cold, white and rigid on the kitchen floor. There was no blood; the kitchen was sterile and the scene, with the sun setting through netted curtains, soft. It wasn’t the first time Sofia had witnessed death, often peeking over the sofa to watch the news late at night, but it was the first time she’d been in the same room as it. Despite the deep-set look of horror carved into her tita’s features, there were no tears or screams, just an overwhelming sense of comfort. Peace. 
Sofia poked her tita’s corpse with the tip of her switchblade. When nothing happened, she shrugged, placed the blade back in her pocket, and went to the fridge to make herself a jam sandwich. The body remained on that same floor for three days, a curious ornament and silent guardian. It was only when the front door rattled with a concerned neighbour that Sofia recognised the urgency of the situation. With great difficulty, she attempted to drag her tita towards the pantry and stuff her between rusted tins and bags of rice, but her young arms were too weak and the neighbour – a middle aged man with small eyes and a drooping chin – had already battered down the backdoor.
“What have you done?” he hollered, rushing forward. Sofia’s answer of “nothing” was true, so she felt no fear in vocalising it. The accusations continued to flow, each more bizarre than the next. A monster, a demon, a sea witch. He cornered her against the kitchen cabinets and demanded she show him her true face; she obliged. Just a smile. A twitch of the lips, a dilation of the pupils. Her face was that of Sofia Delgado, human, female, barely a decade old. She pulled her blade from the pocket of her pinafore and stabbed him twelve times in the neck without uttering a word. Her chest blossomed with pride, the buzz in her head fading, the thirst in her throat sated.
It wasn’t hard to get away with murder. It took over an hour to heave the man’s lifeless body towards the overgrown weeds beyond her tita’s fence and, once settled, she left him to rot. Then she ran to the WC Police Department in tears. “Please,” she’d wailed, “I was dropped at my tita’s this morning, but she won’t wake up. Please!” The authorities confirmed her grandmother had died of natural causes and placed Sofia into care.
By the time the man’s body was found – a lonely conspiracy theorist who most mocked for his declarations of the supernatural – Sofia’s alibi, age and pleasant demeanour had secured her innocence. One being, however, would not let her rest. As she was left to settle in the tiny dormitory of the foster home, just outside of town, the buzz in Sofia’s mind began to harden, white noise becoming words: I know what you did, devil child, it said, Monster! Demon! Witch!
Sofia twisted around and was met with the melting face of her first kill. He followed her everywhere, oft screaming condemnations, sometimes pointing out others in the community whose existence aggravated him beyond death. Frank, the ghost, was tethered to the Earth – and to Sofia – through pure intent to rid White Crest of the supernatural.
Sofia remained in the foster home until she was sixteen, with families perturbed by her empty eyes, knowing smile and outward twitching when Frank’s would yell late into the night. The older she became, the more she understood the need for discretion. Though a pretty face and faux naivety could grant her some margin, she no longer had the defence of childhood.
Sofia didn’t kill again until she was approved to live alone, choosing a derelict bungalow dumped between The Bend and Gallows Grove. It was another middle-aged man, one who’d ogled at her legs as if he owned her. His spirit, worthless and weak, didn’t have the strength to haunt her. Better still, he was from out of town.
To this day, that’s how Sofia selects her victims. Taking a job at The Stacked Deck, she can pick out the immoral and insignificant, those without the souls to shame her in the afterlife. It doesn’t always work; she’s still shrouded with the screams of spirits – both victims of hers, and those who cling to her untrained aura. But the bloodshed calms the noise for just a moment, and the kill – only every couple of years, annually at most – keeps her sane. 
Rarely do White Crest’s inhabitants suspect the pretty little human female, which remains both a security blanket and a cause of annoyance for Sofia. Why must she be assumed the better sex, pious and polite; why must she be the better species, in control of her whims? The world is washed from state to state by tides of blood, the laws of the land designed by lesser men who are too cowardly to taste chaos at their own hands. Though Sofia doesn’t howl at the moon, she sees something in the beauty in an intrinsic desire to kill.
Character Facts: 
Personality: Aloof, deceptive, intimidating, impersonal, suave, self-reliant, composed, calculated, flirtatious
Sofia lives in a ramshackle bungalow on an off-street of Burns Road. She’s never had the money or the inclination to buy a car, so townsfolk will often see her walking home, barefoot, through precarious streets at a leisurely pace, humming to keep the ghosts at bay. The rubble and glass that graze her toes are a reminder of the solid ground beneath her feet, the pain proof that she’s in control of her body, the journey enough to exhaust the senses. With tired legs, a glass of whiskey and a strong spliff, she can pass out in seconds with their threats of damnation only whispers lulling her to sleep.
She has her own corner in The Stacked Deck, not an official table, rather a booth that regulars know not to occupy. There, she takes and delivers bets ranging from next week’s hockey game to more sinister odds, profiting off the misdeeds of others. Occasionally, she’ll be asked to cover the bar. Both are perfect places to mark and monitor her next victim, paying close attention to the scum of the streets with little tethering them to home. Her role sometimes means significant interaction with White Crest’s supernatural community, and she is no longer shocked by their existence.
Though her home is dilapidated and her work less than honest, she presents herself as stylish and suave. Sharp bangs, cute chokers and easy movements. She’s a single-salt whiskey, red-wine and nicotine kinda girl, the sort that suggests trouble but only the fun kind. In her line of work, and with her particular interests in mind, it’s safer to suggest trouble than claim purity.
Sofia prefers to use knives and will always bring her victims home, where it’s easier to hide the evidence. Whilst her kills are easy enough to hide – buried in Gallows Grove at the height of darkness – they’re not necessarily neat.
Not having a car means that she can privately request a chaperone for the walk home, though she’ll never accept a ride. When asked, she’ll explain that she has a fear of cars, a hang-up from her abandonment as a child. In truth, the parked car of a dead person outside her home would spark unwanted suspicion.
Sofia is an untrained medium with no guidance but experience. As her ability to see and hear spirits were provoked as a child, she has had time to adapt to their never-ending noise but cannot control their volume and presence beyond drinking and smoking to numb her senses. When accosted by a spirit of a victim, they’re physical, often bleeding and reminiscent of the moment she killed them. On the other hand, spirits with little connection to Sofia remain just voices in her mind, occasionally a wisp or shadow.  
Despite being somewhat reserved and off-putting, Sofia can socialise well. Her pleasant yet monotone voice, dark eyes and cool conduct promote mystery rather than murder. She will only say what she needs to dissuade suspicion and increase her standing upon Stacked Deck patrons. Gothic and aloof, there are some will be put-off by her presence in their town, whilst others will think her just another oddity.
She’s bisexual with a preference towards women, though does not date. Sofia enjoys sex as both a tool to her trade and a distraction from the ghosts that haunt her, though honest exploits (those safe from her claws), will always be kept away from her own bedroom.  
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lunafaeris-archive · 4 years
C𝙷𝙰𝚁𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙴𝚁 𝙸𝙽𝚃𝙴𝚁𝚅𝙸𝙴𝚆. ( repost, don’t reblog )
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NAME: Giorgiana Montanegra Luna Basquerville ALIAS: crossroads demon, dancing devil, soul collector AGE: 528 y/o (physically appears to be 27~ y/o) FAMILY: Anton Larklyn (adopted son), Gabriele Montanegra Lucca Basquerville (older brother), Guiliana Montanegra (maternal grandmother, deceased), Caterina Montanegra (mother, deceased), Pietro Montanegra ‘nee Bicchieri (father, deceased), Dimitri Amarsin-Montanegra (nephew), Alice Amarsin-Montanegra (niece) SIGNIFICANT OTHER: n/a (ship/verse dependent)
RELIGIOUS BELIEF: Demonology + various deistic pantheons scattered throughout the world. She doesn’t worship any of them per say, but she’s met a number of minor pagan gods and goddesses throughout her travels that, while their faiths and core belief systems may no longer be thriving in our modern society, she knows they still exist in some capacity. SINS: greed  /  gluttony  /  sloth  /  lust  /  pride  / envy  /  wrath VIRTUES: chastity /  charity  /  diligence /  humility  /  kindness  /  patience  / justice PRIMARY GOALS IN LIFE: Granting the wishes of sinners in exchange for selling her their immortal souls. KNOWN LANGUAGES: Italian, Spanish, Latin, English, French. SECRETS:
Of her three hellhounds, Archimedes and Phyrro are named after ancient Greek mathematicians and philosophers, while Magda is named after an abbreviated version of Mary Magdalene from the New Testament of the Bible.
Both her human name and the manner in which she died are closely guarded secrets. Her human name is something that she cast off centuries ago, but if spoken aloud could still hold power over her as a demon, while the grisly nature of her death she has been forced to relive countless times as a form of eternal punishment. She died as a human once she was brought to her knees and had a dagger skewered deep into her right eye, the pain and bloody humiliation of which still veritably haunts her to this day. Anytime that she feels the horrible sensation begin to come over her, she will do her damnedest to hole herself away from the outside world, preferably in the confines of her home and/or office space until the worst of her affliction passes.
Of all living creatures, she has a profoundly soft spot for dogs. She even sees human beings as beneath dogs in usefulness and stature, for dogs are as true to themselves as they are loyal to those that they deem worthy - which make hellhounds an ideal counterpart to her and her business enterprise. Also, fuck cats - she hates them with a fiery passion.
SAVVIES: Spanish ballet, ballroom dancing, long range shooting (predominantly with sniper and/or automated rifles), deep-woods hunting, high stakes gambling (for money, possessions, property and sometimes even human souls; the pot could potentially be anything as long as it makes the game more interesting)
BUILD: scrawny  / bony  /  slender /  fit  /  athletic  / curvy  /  herculean  /  pudgy  /  average HEIGHT: 6′0″ SCARS / MARKS: King Solomon’s seal of the fallen man, a variation of which has been inscribed onto the back of her left hand, forever marking her descent into damnation as a human turned demon. She also has a set of spiral black horns which she can physically retract with a protective glamour spell, so as to more easily blend into the human populace. ABILITIES / POWERS:
Erebokinesis: psychic manipulation of darkness and shadows (used in this case for ease of transport, fast travel to summoning locations, storing weapons and other important objects, etc...)
Pyrokinesis: psychic manipulation of fire, spontaneous combustion (demons have an increase in body temperature to help facilitate their pyrokinetic abilities, and are themselves fireproof)
Inhuman strength, speed
Heightened senses (in all but taste; demons who subsist entirely on human souls have no need of it)
Holy Water, Salt
Angelic Blades
Devil’s Trap
FOOD: Human souls, strong coffee, white-chocolate pecan crepes PIZZA TOPPING: Spinach, mushroom, tomato COLOR: Royal blue, gold MUSIC GENRE: Classical, Southern Gothic BOOK GENRE: Mystery, Detective novels MOVIE GENRE: Mystery, Psychological Horror, Historical Period Drama SEASON: Winter CURSE WORD: Fuck SCENT(S): Gun powder, the delicate, yellowed pages of an old book, soft earth after a fresh spring rain
BOTTOM OR TOP: She does see herself as taking on the more dominant role in the bedroom, especially with women; but with the right inclinations and the right partner, she can be swayed otherwise to let them take the lead. Essentially, she’s a dom-leaning switch. SINGS IN THE SHOWER: No singing, but one may find her humming the occasional tune here or there. LIKES BAD PUNS: Mostly with close friends that she knows can take the brunt of the joke. Her jokes can actually get fairly dirty once you get to know her better.
tagged by: @shikkotsunin​​​​ (ty bab ♥ ~!) tagging: @childrenxfthemoon​​​​ (Serena), @hariolor​​​​, @theworldio​​​​ / @bigveee​​​​, @zelotae​​​​, @xaallo​​​​, @hhemeraa​​​​ / @matteblackstars​​​​, @motylheir​​​​ / @niiveusx​​​​
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xlonelysoulxx · 5 years
What Type Of Vampire Are You?
The "Flying Heads" Vampire → Aquarius. (January 20 - February 18) : "Flying Heads" are kind of vampires from the Far East. They are witches who made a pact with the devil to acquire supernatural powers. During the day they look like normal women, but at night their heads come off and fly away, taking away part of the bowels, in search of human prey. These heads howl to terrorize their victims and bite them with their sharp teeth to suck their blood and eat their flesh. If, on his return from hunting, such a head can not find his body before sunrise, then it can not be attached to it and it will die quickly.
The Folk Vampire → Pisces. (February 19 - March 20) : In the beliefs and legends of Eastern Europe, the vampire raged in rural areas. This undead, straight out of the tomb, had a particularly repulsive appearance. Renowned for spreading plague and disease, the vampire attacked his family with violence. Slavic vampires fed on the blood of their prey with their sharp tongues.
The Aristocratic Vampire → Aries. (March 21 - April 19) : Just like Dracula, the literary vampire of the 18th century, Gothic and romantic, evolved into stories combining fantasy and horror. The vampire is described as an aristocrat who seduces his prey, often without remorse. He had a strong superiority complex over humans and had many supernatural powers.
The Nemrod → Taurus. (April 20 - May 20) : Unusual when talking about vampires, the Nemrods are a rebellious race despising their own species. Hating all vampires, they resolved to hunt down all of them to kill them and end their lives. Be careful, so don't cross their path... although they know how to hide and are difficult to spot.
The Ancient Vampire → Gemini. (May 21 - June 20) : The ancient Greek or Roman tales were peopled with mythological creatures, half human and half animal. Often associated with witchcraft, these hybrid creatures favored female prey and children. They sucked the blood of mortals and often devoured their flesh.
The Vegetarian → Cancer. (June 21 - July 22) : Just like the Cullen family in the Twilight saga, a vegetarian is a vampire who subsists on animal blood rather than human. Being a vegetarian allows vampires to live among humans with little or no detection, even though it can only be accomplished in regions with ample animal populations. By feeding on animals, they retain the ability to resist the urge to consume humans, and allows them to form bonds as close as a real family.
The Vulkod → Leo. (July 23 - August 22) : Tall and strong, with gray skin, the Vulkod are the real opposite of the elegant and discreet Ekon. They have a bestial look and a primitive behavior. Their long arms and their imposing stature could scare anyone facing them. With the help of their immense strength, they defend their territory by attacking those who dare to venture there at their own risk.
The Ekon → Virgo. (August 23 - September 22) : The Ekons are the first of the types of vampires you will encounter in the game. They have interfered with the daily lives of humans, using persuasion and mental manipulation to achieve their ends. You can often meet them in the streets of the English capital, accustomed to good taste and luxury. They don't mix with other vampires, having their own conservative club of old values, accepting, moreover, no feminine element.
The Half-Vampire → Libra. (September 23 - October 22) : In the legends of Eastern Europe, the half-vampire comes from a vampire father and a human mother. This hybrid being benefits from the strengths of vampires without suffering their weaknesses. Rejected by both races, he's generally hostile to vampires, whom he considers responsible for his loneliness and damnation.
The Skal → Scorpio. (October 23 - November 21) : In all works featuring fanciful creatures, we often find a social hierarchy separating aristocrats, strong, but also those yielding to their primary instincts or not having emerged in the good family, often kept apart. This is the case of Skals. The latter, whose name means "slave", are grouped together in the undergrounds of London where they live together, recluse and far from other vampires. Other species consider them degenerate, unorganized and not afraid to kill many humans.
The Lamie → Sagittarius. (November 22 - December 21) : In ancient times Lamia was a mortal who had been turned into a monster by the goddess Hera. It is often said that she had become a woman with a snake's tail, but Diodorus of Sicily only said that his face had become diformous. Deriving from its name, the Lamies were devouring demons of children. They were also scavengers haunting cemeteries, and encorcers seducing young men to eat or suck their blood (they are called "Empuses"), which brings them closer to classic vampires.
The Modern Vampire → Capricorn. (December 22 - January 19) : From the 80s, the vampire becomes more fierce. Unlike his predecessors, he has no trouble adapting to modern urban life. Vampires even organize themselves sometimes into a parallel society in the greatest secrecy. When they are angry or about to feed, they reveal their true face (monstrous features, prominent canines, inhuman eyes). They regard humans as food.
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magusofthefork · 5 years
Modern Werewolves
Back when the original Innistrad came out I was super excited. I love gothic horror and I particularly liked the werewolves in the set. My first real standard deck was Werewolves. I got a lot of play out of that deck and I was sad when it rotated out. Since then I’ve been wanting to play Werewolves in modern but it was always just a bit too weak, that was until M20 gave us Nightpack Ambusher..
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This card has made the deck playable. Not only is it a strong lord for the deck but having flash means you can pass the turn to flip your werewolves and still cast a strong spell that round. Its ability to generate tokens can often win games on its own too. Its not top tier, you won’t be beating decks like Tron or Whirza very often but its good enough to win a casual FNM. I can say that with confidence because that is exactly what I did yesterday. Was my first time trying this deck at FNM and I went 3-1 and came 1st (nobody went 4-0). The deck is a lot of fun too and probably my current favourite modern deck.
The list:
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Click to see details on the deck and my matches.
The general idea of the deck is to play some early wolves/werewolves in the early game, chipping in some damage here or there and then in the midgame pass without casting a spell to let them flip and cast Howlpack Resurgence or Nightpack Ambusher on the opponents turn and just overwhelm the opponent with a strong board.
I decided to go primarily green splashing red for immerwolf. This allows for the deck to have a consistent manabase without many nonbasics. One thing you may notice is I have 4 non-wolf/werewolf creatures in the deck, for the purposes of this deck these act like instants. The reason I am using them is because they allow me to run combat tricks and card draw that I can play in my turn without casting a spell letting me both do something and still transform my werewolves or get wolf tokens from my Nightpack Ambushers.
Moonlight Hunt is pretty much a murder 90% of the time, its very rare to see a creature that it doesn’t kill. Moonmist is the best combat trick in the deck causing a lot of blow outs against other creature based strategies.
It should be known that the deck isn’t optimised, it should absolutely be running 4 Nightpack Ambushers but I only own 3.
My sideboard is something I just threw together. Its not great but it could easily be improved. I would use Blood Moons and Veil of Summers in the sideboard if I had them. I mostly made the sideboard for control match ups since the deck already has a pretty good match up against aggro.
The Games
Round 1 vs Mono White 2-1
This match up felt pretty nostalgic for me. I was playing a deck based on my old Innistrad Werewolves standard deck and my opponent was playing a deck based on their old mono white humans deck with enchantments from the same standard (scars/innistrad). Game 1 they played a Mirran Crusader on turn 4 and proceded to voltron it up with enchantments. I could do nothing to stop it killing me in two turns. Game 2 I changed my game plan to be as aggressive as possible to beat them before they could voltron up and it worked. Game 3 went the same way. They managed to get a strong voltron threat out but were too low life to race at that point.
Round 2 vs GW Cats 2-0
Of course the most important round of the tournament, proving that dogs are better than cats (I’m joking of course, I love both cats and dogs). This match up was very in my favour, my wolves were just bigger than the cats.
Round 3 vs BW Eldrazi 2-0
This was a very interesting Eldrazi deck. It was built around reccuring Eternal Scourge which I really struggled to deal with in the early game. Game 1 I went to 1 life before stabalizing with Nightpack Ambusher. Once I had out both Nightpack and a Mayor generating 2 wolf tokens a turn I outpaced my opponents Scourges. Game 2 was similar, my opponent boarded in more removal but knowing how their deck worked I played around their cards a little better and ended up having an easier time. I did get lucky that they never drew their boarded in damnations though.
Round 4 vs Elves 1-2
This was a difficult match up for me. Game 1 I got down to low health but managed to stabalize with 2x Nightpack and a Howlpack and spammed the board with 5/5 wolf tokens. Game 2 the elves ramped out quickly into several lords and made a lot of elf warrior tokens, as bad as that sounds I was just about keeping up with my own tokens and lords until my oppponent played        Joraga Warcaller making all their tokens huge. Game 3 was more even but an early vivien kept blowing up my howlpack resurgences (I couldn’t get through any damage to vivien) preventing me from going on the offence. The game ended the same was a game 2 with a Joraga Warcaller acting like a budget craterhoof.
This deck is a lot of fun and worked quite well thanks to Nightpack Ambusher. I think just a little more support could push it into a top tier modern deck. Maybe from the next Innistrad set? We’ll see I guess.
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thenightling · 5 years
Re: Castlevania drama
So apparently Confessavia decided to block me because they “looked through” my blog and saw “anti-SJW content” (SJW = Social Justice Warriors, for the handful who don’t know what that means)  and the recent (and ironically 90% joking) feud with Cisphobia and I. 
Edit: You know, if you’re going to block someone without just cause, you probably should check to make sure the incidents you reference weren’t from an event from twelve hours after the blocking.  I and Cisphobia didn’t interact until after you blocked me and it ultimately ended in the meme equivalent of a playful dance off.  But nice effort in seeking reason to justify mistreating someone who never wronged you.  
The blocker also claimed that my response to their post was dramatic (that was the idea... It wasn’t an attack on them, it was just meant to be a little segway into a rant because of other crap I’ve dealt with here on Tumblr...) and they also said that there is... no one on Tumblr who calls Dracula Problematic.
There are Once upon a Time blogs that call Rumplestiltskin problematic, even now, even though the series finale literally had him ascend to Heaven! 
There are people on here who call The Shape of Water problematic.  And at least two people who called Daredevil problematic / Ableist (A blind character) for calling another character (who wanted to kill people) “Crazy.”  
This is Tumblr!  Don’t you know EVERYTHING is problematic on here?!
Ironic.  Funny how someone who doesn’t even know me leapt to such incredible conclusions about me as a person and was so swift to judge and condemn me...
My response to this:
Um….  okay….
Before you leap to conclusions about a person’s personality, you probably should have noticed Cisphobia and I were mostly just f–king around with each other and joking by the end of the “argument” and responding to each other with anime memes.   And I never actually disagreed with their intent.
However if you had searched my blog and searched under “Fred Saberhagen” or “The Dracula Tape” “Dracula” or even “Castlevania” there are most certainly conversations from people who called Dracula, and depictions of Dracula problematic.
How the Hell do you search my blog and NOT find me defending depictions of Dracula against people who bashed the character?!
Here is a response I was forced to give after someone went on a long rant against The Dracula tape (a novel by the late Fred Saberhagen) and The Dracula series by the late Fred Saberhagen.  This has happened at least three times but this was the first.
(And that was immediately after the late Fred Saberhagen’s widow joined Tumblr so she had to read people bashing her husband’s book series because the narrator was “problematic.”)
There’s another post (which I can’t seem to find right now) where someone bitched about how it must contain the “Sexism of the seventies” in Saberhagen’s The Dracula Tape (because it was published in 1976.  As if people forget when Interview with the vampire was first published...)
And at least one post talking about how “Creepy” it is he watches a teenage girl sleep in An Old Friend of the Family (also by Fred Saberhagen).  Umm...  He’s Dracula, it’s kind of supposed to be a little creepy.  Even if he is narrating and trying to make it sound romantic, you’re supposed to read between the lines because he’s most the most honest of narrators.
Also check out this Casltevania post where this poor person who wanted a fan fic of Dracula and Lisa reunited in the afterlife was told by other “fans’ that he is damned and it’s never gonna happen- they can never be reunited, ever.   They were bullied about it so I stepped in.
There are other Castlevania fans who were asked to mark their Dracula posts with “Child abuse” . There are people who headcanon that Dracula was a very abusive dad in Castlevania because there are some Alucard fans as protective of their cinnamon roll as Marvel Loki fans. (Yes, I once got a request to tag an Odin post as “child abuse... just for mentioning Odin...).    
Here’s my rant response I wrote in regard to some Youtube comments upset that Dracula in Marvel comics “is no longer straight.”
There’s a Mina RPer on here who bashes anyone who happens to like the 1992 film Bram Stoker’s Dracula because she hates the idea of Dracula and Mina as a couple and tries to shame everyone who likes it, even if they know it’s not in the novel.
There was also someone who joined my Gothic horror group on Facebook (A man I’ll call a white knight) who was very protective of Winona Ryder’s Mina to the point of diminishing the character’s agency to “protect” her and insisted the Gary Oldman version of Dracula “took advantage” of Mina and in his protective / defense of Mina went on rants that made her sound like an idiot and damsel who didn’t know what she was doing or under a spell for most of the film and needed a “Good” man to tell her what to do and think, it was offensive in its sexism disguised as feminism. 
Check out how many people comment on clips from the 1992 film or write essays about Dracula and how he’s going to Hell, completely ignoring the DVD commentary...
But sure, no one calls him problematic... ever... that never happens.  Nope.  (Sarcasm intended.) 
And back in 2011 I started to do online RP depictions of Dracula on IMVU and I, myself, dealt with people coming into the RP room with characters who can “sense who is damned and who is saved.”  Not only did I deal with people certain he would burn in eternal Hellfire but when I’d tell them that sort of power to sense eternal damnation or salvation was too extreme I’d get responses of “lol, he’s Dracula!  It’s not like Dracula can be saved.” Arguing with me when I mention that the idea of his soul being saved / him ascending to Heaven was actually an aspect of Stoker’s original novel as Mina talked about saving his soul which brought the other heroes to tears. And so they were relieved by the look of peace on his face when they killed him (in the novel).    
But okay…
Again, all this happened because I made the mistake of agreeing with the post on Confessionvania’s blog and going on a rant in my agreeing with them... Somehow they (and another person) drastically misunderstood I was being supportive in their stance.  There was ...nothing to disagree with...
You (person who blocked me) made a lot of false and wrongful judgements about me but I don’t have the will right now to defend myself. So have a good day.
PS, let it be known I am pro-Trans rights and am a member of the LGBT community (Pan romantic demi).  I’m a woman. I believe in true equality of the sexes as intended by Mary Wollstonecraft.  I’m somewhere between buddhist and Wiccan in my spiritual beliefs. I am what is considered legally blind (poor eyesight) and have no clue what my paternal racial background is.  But I really shouldn’t require a checklist to be considered a human being here on Tumblr. And yet here we are... again...
Funny how someone can read through my blog, decide I’m a bad person, and the reason for my rant was imaginary and miss all of that, as well as several posts that were in defense of Dracula...
Ah, well.  I don’t like defending myself against strangers but I also loathe misinformation.  So here’s the truth as I perceive it, for better or worse.  Take it or leave it. 
Edit: Note.  I just checked the time stamps.  The Castlevania Confessions blog blocked me BEFORE Cisphobia and I played our little trollish game.  So nice try in attempting to use that as the excuse for blocking someone who never wronged you...   I guess you searched my blog for justifications after the fact and didn’t check to see when things were posted when attempting to use them as righteous reasons to mistreat others.
That’s all right.  I have no interest in liars.  And now the world knows you to be one.  That’s justice enough.  
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nuclearblastuk · 5 years
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SYMPHONY X | announce UK tour dates in June!
New Jersey’s progressive metal masters SYMPHONY X are delighted to announce some UK tour dates, as part of a wider European tour which will take place throughout May and the beginning of June this year. The run will see the five piece hit eleven countries in one month – with the tour kicking off on May 7th in Lyon, France, culminating in Gelsenkirchen, Germany at the Rock Hard Festival.
"We are really excited about the upcoming tour! Can't wait to get back on the road and look forward to seeing everyone again very soon!", stated the band. 
Tickets are on sale now!
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Symphony X 2019 tour dates: 07/05     FR     Lyon                  Ninkasi Kao 08/05     CH     Pratteln             Z7 10/05     IT       Treviso              New Age 11/05     IT       Bologna             Estragon 12/05     IT       Rome                Orion 14/05     IT       Milan                 Alcatraz 15/05     DE     Munich              Backstage Halle 16/05     DE     Ludwigsburg     Rockfabrik 17/05     DE     Berlin                 Lido 18/05     DE     Hannover          Faust 19/05     DK     Copenhagen     Amager Bio 21/05     NO     Oslo                  Rockefeller 22/05     SE     Stockholm         Klubben 24/05     FI       Helsinki             Nosturi 26/05     SE     Gothenburg       Pustervik 28/05     DE     Hamburg           Knust 29/05     DE     Dresden            Beatpol 31/05     DE     Aschaffenburg    Colos-Saal 01/06     BE      Vosselaar         Biebob 02/06     NL      Nijmegen          Fortarock Festival 04/06     UK     Coventry           Empire 05/06     UK     Holmfirth           Picturedrome 06/06     UK     London             Electric Ballroom 07/06     FR      Paris                 La Machine du Moulin Rouge 08/06     DE      Gelsenkirchen    Rock Hard Festival 
Symphony X released their latest critically acclaimed studio album 'Underworld' in 2015, via Nuclear Blast. They triumphed in creating a panoramic 'album rock' experience in an era cursed with diminishing attention spans. Heavily inspired by the Italian poet Dante Alighieri, 'Underworld'  drew on the themes from the Divine Comedy, most notably the part on Inferno. As homage to Dante’s use of the number 3 and its multiples, the band utilised the motif in both lyrical and melodic context. The first song on the album is a three syllable, three note melodic phrase and in the verses there are three references to three songs on the bands third album, ‘The Divine Wings Of Tragedy’.
You can purchase "Underworld" here: https://amzn.to/2FnGfQa 
A distinct murmur went around the world in 1994 when a certain six-string guitarist from New Jersey named Michael Romeo of the prog band Gemini recorded ‘The Dark Chapter’ demo and sent it out to record labels. It seemed the new guitar messiah of the coming 21st Century had made himself known to the world and he’d soon launch a new band that would stir up the prog genre. With an innovative mixture of heavy metal, progressive rock and neo-classical sounds, Romeo and his men in SYMPHONY X recorded a debut album (released in Japan in ’94; released worldwide in 1995) that began their journey to create a blueprint for the young generation of prog metal bands to follow. "The Damnation Game" (1995) celebrated the debut of the band‘s second asset: the charismatic, deeply emotional and relentlessly aggressive vocals of Russell Allen. 
"The Divine Wings Of Tragedy" (1997) placed the emphasis on the band’s progressive approach and is considered one of SYMPHONY X’s biggest masterpieces. "Twilight In Olympus" (1998) livened up the band’s classical aspects with the instrumental ‘Sonata’ (which is based on the piano Sonata No. 8 ‘Pathétique’ by Ludwig van Beethoven). Via "V: The New Mythology Suite" (2000), the quintet delivered their first concept album at the turn of the millennium that dealt with the myth of Atlantis. "Live On The Edge Of Forever" (2001) was visual proof that the band could easily transpose their complex material onto the stage. Oriented towards the eponymous poem by English poet John Milton, the thrashing harshness of "The Odyssey" (2002) is said to be the band’s most aggressive album to date. "Paradise Lost" (2007) is the darkest and most gothic-like work in the band’s discography. With "Iconoclast" (2011) SYMPHONY X raised the bar even further, a commanding declaration of an inventive blend of classic rock, straightforward heavy metal and ambitious prog.
Latest videos: 'Kiss Of Fire': https://youtu.be/6uY6MNuMdUU 'Nevermore': https://youtu.be/_z3AHbjeb1U ‘Without You’:  https://youtu.be/xZe-Pmgq9DY 
More info: www.symphonyx.com www.facebook.com/symphonyx www.nuclearblast.de/symphonyx
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collectorscorner · 6 years
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getgamez · 5 years
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Game Overview A foul curse has fallen upon the land of Cvstodia and all its inhabitants – it is simply known as The Miracle. Play as The Penitent One – a sole survivor of the massacre of the ‘Silent Sorrow’. Trapped in an endless cycle of death and rebirth, it’s down to you to free the world from this terrible fate and reach the origin of your anguish. Explore this nightmarish world of twisted religion and discover its many secrets hidden deep inside. Use devastating combos and brutal executions to smite the hordes of grotesque monsters and titanic bosses, all ready to rip you limb from limb. Locate and equip relics, rosary beads and prayers that call on the powers of the heavens to aid you in your quest to break your eternal damnation. Explore a Non-Linear World: Overcome fearsome enemies and deadly traps as you venture through a variety of different landscapes, and search for redemption in the dark gothic world of Cvstodia. Brutal Combat: Release the power of Mea Culpa, a sword born from guilt itself, to slaughter your foes. Acquire devastating new combos and special moves as you purge all in your path. Executions: Unleash your wrath and relish in the gory dismemberment of your adversaries – all in beautifully rendered, pixel-perfect execution animations. Customise Your Build: Discover and equip Relics, Rosary Beads, Prayers and Sword Hearts to give you the new abilities and stat boosts you need to survive. Experiment with different combinations to suit your playstyle. Intense Boss Battles: Hordes of gigantic, twisted creatures stand between you and your goal. Learn how they move, survive their devastating attacks and emerge victorious. Unlock the Mysteries of Cvstodia: The world is full of tormented souls. Some offer you aid, some may ask for something in return. Uncover the stories and fates of these tortured characters to gain rewards and a deeper understanding of the dark world you inhabit. Screenshots for System Requirements MINIMUM: Requires a 64-bit processor and operating systemOS: Windows 7 64-bitProcessor: Intel Core2 Duo E8400 or AMD Phenom II x2 550Memory: 4 GB RAMGraphics: GeForce GTX 260 or Radeon HD 4850Storage: 4 GB available space RECOMMENDED: Requires a 64-bit processor and operating systemOS: Windows 10Processor: Intel Core i5-750 or AMD Phenom II x4 945Memory: 4 GB RAMGraphics: GeForce GTX 650 or Radeon HD 5770Storage: 4 GB available space Read the full article
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paintingpotato · 5 years
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I guess I started making Memento Mori when I finally hit my breaking point with High Fantasy. So many campaign settings are High Fantasy. Powerful wizards, noble knights, and marauding dragons. Nothing wrong with any of it, but let's face it, you can't eat the same meal every night.
I wanted something new. Something dark. Something different.
Memento Mori started as individual stories and snippets of Dungeons and Dragons games. Eventually I used many of the concepts in my own home games, and after a time realized just how starved some people were for what I presented. I took inspiration from dark fantasy, gothic fantasy, and sword and sorcery. It just worked so well.
For the last two years my home group and I have defined, built, and rebuilt the setting that would become Memento Mori. A dark gothic fantasy that takes place not in medieval times, but in the age of industry and exploration. Where firearms gave men courage, but the threat of monsters remains. Where lands long forsaken to old world horrors were finally being fought back against. A land where magic leads to damnation. A place where even fighting against this horror can lead one to their own destruction.
Memento Mori takes risks that most campaign settings won't. Steamships, zeppelins, and trains. Weird science, witchcraft, and seduction to the darkness. A unique mix of that I'm sure you will enjoy.
The creators of this project are very close friends of mine, and I really want their campaign to succeed and the game to get made. If anyone who’s interested could share this, that’d be fantastic, even if you don’t back the project financially!
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