#Danny has yet to find out that Wade killed an assasian seconds prior to meeting
kettlefire · 2 years
Phantom & The Merc
Danny was always a ghost. Just not in the sense that he was now. He was invisible. Always forgotten, or ignored, until he served a purpose.
Whether it was to help with an experiment, to let some anger out, or simply to have someone to listen to your problems.
Danny never felt seen.
Not until he found Phantom. He became Phantom.
He's world turned on it's head. A combination of never being seen and feeling like he was always under a microscope.
He wasn't sure which he prefered.
But he found a balance. Managed to walk the thin line between Fenton and Phantom. Never strayed that far after his first year.
He thought he had it all figured out. He's truly invisible half, and his half in the spot light.
Until the day the whole world was after him.
It happened so fast. In the span of two days, all eyes were on Fenton. Everyone knew. Nobody really cared about Phantom in that time. Everyone knew Fenton was Phantom.
Being on the run was taxing.
He was always in pain, always hungry, and never comfortable. Everywhere he went, someone would find him. Without fail.
His family turned on him. His friends couldn't help him. He wasn't going to let people get hurt or arrested because of him.
To the eyes of the government, he wasn't human. He wasn't alive.
All those 'enhanced human' laws didn't help him.
So the day he was met with the man in red and black. The mercenary everyone from the underground warned him about. He accepted his fate.
He knew Deadpool would be the one kill him, or capture him. The world wasn't picky on the reward.
Except he wasn't.
The man didn't kill him.
At first, Danny thought it was because of the way he folded the moment he was met with the armed killer.
The way he just dropped his head, and waited. He wasn't getting taken without a fight, but death was the better option. The less painful one.
It wasn't until Deadpool took him to a place nearby, fed him, and spoke to him. Actually spoke to him. Not just about him, or what he wanted from him.
Danny was being treated like a person again.
That was when he found out why the Merc was there in the first place. To help.
The rumors about the notorious Deadpool wasn't completely true. The man didn't just do anything for money. He has his own morals and rules.
Deadpool doesn't kill kids.
And for the first time, Danny didn't want to defend his age. He knows he looks younger than he is. He's always been the smallest in his family. In school.
He wasn't going to let his ego stop him from having a warm meal, and sleeping on a bed for the first time in a long while.
Danny felt safe.
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