#David kay
unreliablesnake · 1 month
Untitled. Part one.
Summary: Deacon wants to introduce his girlfriend to his kids.
Note: Reader is a fashion model in her twenties. Deacon and Annie only have three kids. To be honest I like him and the reader together and I see potential. I mean, jealousy from Annie's side or her coming up with the idea that Deac is experiencing some midlife crisis, the kids hating/loving her, the team finding out they're together, she gets into trouble and he has to save our protect her...
Warning: age gap, afab!reader.
PS: I told you I can't stop.
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Danica, the lead makeup artist of the photo shoot came over to you with a wide grin on her face, quickly sending the others away so she could tell you an important piece of gossip. You returned her smile as you leaned closer to listen, expecting something about the model who caused some chaos by not showing up.
But she remained silent for a little too long, and you began to assume it was about something else. And just like that, your suspicion was proven right when she finally spoke up. “There's a handsome silver fox outside with a police badge and he's looking for you. Jack is trying to convince him to leave if it's not related to an investigation, though, so if he belongs to you…”
“Oh, yes, he's mine,” you were quick to say with a bright smile. “Thanks for the heads-up, I'll talk to Jack.”
She nodded before gently patting you on the shoulder, giving you the green light to leave. Your makeup was done, it was only your hair that they had to finish before you could stand in front of the camera. They could surely survive five minutes without you, so you rushed out of the building to find your boyfriend and hopefully tell the head of security that there was nothing to worry about.
When your eyes finally fell on Deacon, you couldn't help but gulp from the sight. He was wearing a suit, something you always pointed out looked good on him, and when he noticed you, his face immediately lit up. You had been together for three months now, so this was probably the honeymoon phase making you this happy around each other, but you truly hoped things would stay this way.
His marriage ended shortly before you met thanks to Chris, and back then he wasn't ready to make a move on someone. But months later you met again on a night out with the team and he finally made up his mind to ask for your number. Long story short, he swept you off your feet with ease, and even the age difference wasn't enough to stop you from being happy together.
“Jack, he's with me. Can you let him in?” you asked with a sweet smile.
The man let out a sigh then gestured to him that he was allowed to enter the premises under your watch. Deacon leaned down to kiss the top of your head, already knowing better than to ruin your makeup, then took your hand and led you a little further away from people.
“Don’t get me wrong, I'm glad you're here, but why did you come? Did something happen?” you asked worriedly.
He was quick to reassure you with a shake of his head. “I just wanted to see you. But there's a change in the plans. Annie called; something came along and I'll have the kids over tonight,” he told you.
If he had the kids over, it meant your planned date had to be canceled. It sucked, but you were okay with it. His kids would always come first, and you liked that about him. He loved them more than anything, and it was nice to see how well he and his ex got along after the divorce. Were you jealous of their relationship? Yes, some days it was hard, but you knew they had a history together. You can't delete so many years with a piece of paper that proved you weren't together anymore.
Deacon's smile returned as he watched you. “No. Come over tonight and meet the kids,” he suggested casually. You bit on your lower lip and avoided his gaze, showing the tell tale signs of your insecurity. “Hey, it's okay. I want them to finally meet you. Actually, I think Lila would love you. I was going through some photos of you the other day and there was this stunning picture of you wearing a purple gown. When she saw that, she said you looked like a princess and got all excited, saying she wanted to dress like that too.”
It was hard to hold back a laugh. You could imagine a young girl going nuts over the idea of wearing gowns every single day, and you could also imagine the way he was torn between smiling at his daughter and wishing she would just go to sleep.
Despite your good mood, you still didn't know if you were ready. Meeting the kids was a big step, one that he wanted to happen sooner than it would naturally occur. So you took a deep breath and stepped away, dragging him along as you walked back inside the building. Maybe if he began to focus on seeing you work, he would forget about this idea.
While Henry styled your hair, Deacon leaned against a table with his arms folded over his chest as he watched you. “You don't want to meet them,” he suddenly said. When you let out a sigh and tore your gaze away from him, he nodded. “At all or just yet?”
“It's too soon, Deac,” you admitted. “Look, we've only been together for a few months. I love you, you know that, but I don't think I'm ready for their questions. I need some time to figure out how to talk to kids first. I don't know anything about that, I don't have the experience, and–”
With a small smile on his face he came closer and signaled the hair stylist the step aside for a second. When you gave him a worried look, he just leaned down to place a light kiss on your temple. “Okay, okay, I get it. I love you too, no matter when you meet them. I can give you advice, don't worry, then we'll wait until you're ready,” he assured you.
“Lovebirds, I hate to interrupt, but if you're not ready in ten minutes, they will kill you,” Henry said, but then his eyes fell on Deacon's badge. “Not literally, of course.”
“Yeah, I assumed you meant it that way.”
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Omg I just accidently found your blog and I'm so freaking happy, cause there are not enough writer who writes for Deacon 😭 unfortunately I'm super obsessed with him, with an unhealthy amount of fic ideas in my brain xD so I give it a try and send you one of those, hopefully jot annoying you with this (or with my shitty English, it's not my first language, so I'm sorry).
Well buckle up for my request:
Reader is a new Swat member and instantly everybody loves her, with her bubbly friendly self. She's bonding great with her teammates and especially her and Deacon grow super close (they develop feelings for each other but don't want to tell the each other afraid to ruin their friendship, so their feelings stay hidden). When one day a case goes sideways and it leaves her injured (maybe a concussion or something like that) Deacon blames himself for her injury and the next days he distances himself from her, cause he thinks that it is unhealthy for him to have such deep feelings for her and him constantly worrying for her wellbeing. She notices his change of behavior and she's super sad. He starts to being unfriendly to her and being a little bit of an ass?! Even alerting the other members with his behavior. The whole situation is taking a toll on her and she is starting to effecting not only her poor heart but also her health. (so maybe she falls sick, but keep it from her teammates especially Deacon, cause she thinks that after her injury during a case he thinks of her as not capable or something like that). That is until one day she doesn't show up to work which very uncommon for her, cause she's always on time and the first one at the station. They're all worrried and Hondo tells Deacon that he has to drive to her apartment. Well he tries to refuse and send Stress but Hondo insists, so Deacon drives to her apartment. He finds her suffering from a very high fever..... So maybe with a happy ending like Deacon regrets his shitty behavior, she instantly cries when she recognizes him in her feverish state, asking him why he hates her suddenly, which is now breaking his heart. He cares for her and nurses her back to health, or at first tries to bring her fever down. Later he confesses why he was an asshole.
Soooorry it's so long. There's so pressure for you to write this. Maybe you just want to use some ideas? Well I would be so happy.
Please take care lovely
Here you go, hope you enjoy!
“Nice!” Luca exclaimed as the team watched you send rounds down range from your firearm.
With the increase in officer related shootings, LAPD had decided to provide each team a SWAT medic and you were the newest member of 20 squad. 
“Who knew girls can shoot?” You heard Deacon asked. You turned to playfully scowl at him and noticed him wink at you. 
“Better watch it, Kay, or I’ll show you just how good I really am.” 
You had been a part of the team for just over two months and they were the best guys you had ever worked with in your career. You truly became a part of their family – you had their backs and they had yours. There was one that was different though. 
David Kay. 
You had noticed him watching you on more than one occasion, stealing winks from you, sharing small, flirtatious smiles. You weren’t sure if your attraction to him was mutual or not, but if you had to guess, you would say yes. However, you didn’t want to complicate anything by dating one of your teammates and you didn’t want to ruin the friendship you had developed with Deacon. You assumed Deacon adopted the same mindset because he never brought it up either. 
However, that didn’t mean your flirting with each other fell on blind eyes. 
The entire team noticed it and often gave you both shit over it. 
You both were in the middle of denying another teasing round of friends with benefits accusations from your teammates when you were dispatched to a school shooting. 
The mood immediately sobered up as all of you put on your gear and grabbed your bags and firearms. The ride to the school in Black Betty was quiet minus updates from Hondo. 
“Stay liquid, guys,” He told the team as you pulled up on scene. 
There were multiple reports of injured children inside of the school. 
This call was all yours. 
It was going to be your job to go inside and assess each injured child to see how critically injured they were. It was your team’s job to protect you while you did that. You were going in without any knowledge of where the shooter was, but you knew if you had children, you would want someone to go in and save your baby. You swallowed your fear and prepared to do your job. 
You got out of the armored truck and took your spot in the middle of your team. You slowed your breathing down to get your heart rate under control and keep your emotions in check. 
Deacon made sure that he stayed close to you as you entered the school. He knew his teammates would have your back too, but he felt… differently about you. He cared about you a lot. He had quickly fallen for your smile and your personality. You didn’t let the team’s banter intimidate you one bit from the start. You were quick and witty with your playfulness with them. You were smart as hell when it came to medicine and you had proven to be a solid member of the SWAT team in training exercises and on calls you had run together. He wanted so badly to ask you out to dinner, but he wasn’t willing to change the dynamic of the team by adding a relationship to the mix. However, that didn’t mean he couldn’t be protective over you – whether you noticed it or not. 
That was why Deacon had taken it so personally when you were knelt down, applying a tourniquet to a fourth-grade student’s leg and got shot by the hidden gunman. His team covered him while he immediately turned to you to make sure you were okay. The round had struck your vest, but you knew it had broken ribs. The pain you felt in your side was unmistakable. Regardless, you threw your body over the child’s to protect her from the gunfire that ensued. Deacon and Luca dragged you both behind a desk behind a wall in a classroom. 
“Are you okay?” Deacon asked without taking his aim from the door way. 
“We’ve got to get her out of here.” You ignored his question as you continued to try and stop the little girl’s bleeding. 
Your voice was forced and you were breathy. 
“I asked if you were okay,” Deacon said angrily. 
“I’m fine.” You retorted. 
You soon heard Tan’s voice over the radio that the shooter had been neutralized. You didn’t know if there was more than one shooter, but didn’t see any signs of one so far. When you got the clear from Hondo, you radioed for another team to come in and get the girl out and get her to a hospital. Once she was safely removed, you resumed your formation in the middle of the team to continue to clear the school building. Deacon could tell you were injured because you didn’t shoulder your firearm correctly, but he didn’t see any blood so he let it go. He was pissed off at you for not stopping and going to get help yourself, but he was even more pissed off at himself for not seeing the gunman before he shot at you. 
It took two hours to clear the rest of the school and stabilize the remaining children. By the time you were done, you were visibly diaphoretic and short of breath. You could hardly manage three words without stopping to catch your breath. 
“20-David to command,” Deacon radioed, “We need an EMS unit to our location, we have a team member who needs to be checked out.” 
You were in pain, you couldn’t breathe, and you were pissed off that Deacon asked for EMS without consulting you first. 
“Why did you do that?!” You managed to asked through clenched teeth. “These children need those paramedics.” You took a few shallow breaths, “Not me! Cancel. Them.” 
If looks could kill, your sergeant would be the one who needed a medic unit, not you.
“Officer,” Deacon said sternly, “You look like hell and you cannot breathe.”
You started to open your mouth to cut him off, but he started speaking loudly again.
“Now, I suggest you shut up and listen to your sergeant. I am not the one who takes orders from you.” 
His harsh words hit you harder than the bullet hit your ballistic vest and left you just as speechless. David had never been so disrespectful to you. If the paramedics hadn’t arrived to assess you, you would have turned in your badge right there. You knew the rest of the team had noticed as well because they were all silent which pissed you off even more. Where was your support?
The paramedics tried helping you onto the stretcher, but you refused it. Despite not being able to speak for being short of breath. You held onto the stretcher for support and walked to the ambulance. By the time you finally made it outside to the ambulance, you were physically unable to get into the ambulance because you were hurting so bad and so short of breath. The EMS providers finally convinced you to get onto the stretcher and they were able to load you into the truck. 
When you arrived to the ER, you were taken to a trauma room due to the fact that you had technically been shot. Your chest x-ray revealed a collapsed lung due to the broken ribs. 
The rest of the team finished debriefing before being cleared to leave for the day. Hondo met Deacon in the quiet locker rooms since most of everyone else had already left. 
“Deac…” Hondo paused, knowing he needed to tread carefully, “What was up back at the school? I have never heard you speak to anyone like that – especially one of our teammates.” 
Deacon slammed his locker shut. 
“Hondo, now ain’t the time, brother.”
The lieutenant raised his hands in surrender. “Okay, I won’t press, but I do ask that you consider an apology. It was unwarranted today. We all performed immaculately given the circumstances.”
“No, Hondo. No. We did not all perform immaculately.” His tone was biting. 
Deacon walked passed Hondo and left the locker rooms. He left the station and threw his duffel bag in the backseat of his truck. He climbed in, started it, and drove to a nearby lake that off the road and would likely be deserted after dark on a week night. He parked in the dark and slammed his fists against the steering wheel in frustration. 
Tears filled his eyes as he mentally kicked himself in the ass for missing the shooter that injured you today. He didn’t fight the tears as they spilled down his cheeks. What had gotten into him? Why were you different? Why was he so upset? Why did you getting injured bother him so badly? You were okay and you were expected to make a full recovery according to Hicks. Where along the line had he developed feelings and why was he so afraid of talking to you about them?
You spent 6 days in the hospital, 4 of those with a chest tube before being discharged home. During your entire hospital stay, Deacon had not been by to see you once despite daily visits from the rest of your teammates. It made you mad, but most of all, it hurt your feelings. You really liked you sergeant – or you thought that you did. His actions since you had been injured spoke louder than any words that could have been said. 
Luca and Chris were there to take you home and help you get settled. They carried your bags in and Chris helped you unpack your things while Luca cooked supper for the three of you. Chris helped you remove your bra so you could put on a loose, comfy t-shirt. Being the only females on the squad left you two comfortable around each other. 
“That is one hell of a bruise, babe.” She said as she looked at your black and purple side. 
You had to agree – the entire left side of your torso was bruised. It looked awful. Thankfully, the doctors had been able to help manage your pain with narcotics. 
“I’m glad it finally looks worse than it feels… Which is saying a lot because it still hurts like hell.” 
You slipped on a pair of sleep shorts and made your way back into your kitchen with Chris. 
You took a pain pill and joined your teammates in your living room to eat the spaghetti that Luca made. 
“Thank you so much for taking care of me guys,” You said several hours later as you walked Luca and Chris to your door. 
“That’s what we’re here for, love,” Luca said, pulling you into a gentle hug. 
You kissed his cheek, “Supper was delicious, Dom. Thank you times a million.” 
He returned the kiss to your cheek and Chris pulled you in for a hug. 
“Call us if you need anything?” 
You smiled at her after the hug, “You know I will.” 
You settled onto your couch with a glass of wine. You knew the alcohol and narcotic wasn’t the smartest elixir, however, you needed to mask more than your physical pain. 
You couldn’t get Deacon off your mind and your heart had yet to stop hurting. Your emotional pain screamed much louder than your physical pain. 
“Dammit!” You heard through clouded consciousness. “What the fuck?” 
You felt yourself being picked up and carried to your bed. You recognized a familiar cologne but quickly disregarded the scent and winced at the pain in your ribs before drifting back off to sleep. 
You woke up the next morning nearly in tears again as you entered a coughing spell. You managed to get out of bed and make your way to the kitchen where your pain pills were, but you were scared shitless by a man sitting at your kitchen table. As soon as your heart began racing with fear, the fear subsided, realizing that it was Deacon sitting inside of your home. 
“Jesus Christ! What the fuck, David?” You held your chest with one hand and braced your broken ribs with the other. 
He didn’t answer you. 
You ignored his silence and took your morning pain medication. 
“Ya know… I said the same thing last night when I came over and found you unconscious on your couch. So, I can also say, what the fuck? What were you thinking?” Deacon’s voice grew steadily louder as he stood up and turned to you. “Pain pills and alcohol?”
You were angry. “Something to make this shit stop hurting,” You spat as you snatched up the side of your shirt to reveal your black and blue torso. 
You could tell the extent of your injuries caught Deacon off guard. His facial expression softened and he didn’t respond. 
You let go of your shirt, letting it fall back down to your waist and continued fixing yourself a glass of water to take your pain pill with. You took your medicine and continued to ignore your sergeant as you turned your back to him to get the milk out of your refrigerator to fix yourself a bowl of cereal. His hand stopped yours mid-air reaching for your cabinet. He gently held your wrist with one hand and you felt the edge of your shirt being lifted again. He let go of your hand, staring at the bruising that covered you. You could sense his demeanor soften. 
There was a long silence as he took in your injuries. 
“I’m so sorry…” He whispered. 
The tone in his voice felt like a hug to your soul. 
“Deacon-” You turned around to face him. 
“No, listen to me,” he interrupted you. “This…” He grazed his fingertip down your side, “is all my fault.”
The confusion was written all over your face. 
“I should have seen that bastard before he ever had a chance at you.” 
You began shaking your head but you weren’t quite sure what to say. 
“You’ve been an asshole to me ever since it happened, David, what the hell has changed now?” You were beginning to grow angry again. 
“Look, I am so, so sorry.” His voice was gentle. “I should have stopped that guy before he shot you. I shouldn’t have snapped at you like I did. I should have visited you in the hospital. You are a teammate and I failed you, but I really should have told you from the get-go that I have developed feelings for you.” He didn’t take a breath the entire time he spoke so you struggled to follow him, but his last sentence hit you like a ton of bricks. 
“Excuse me?” 
“Ever since you have been on the team with us, you have become more than just a teammate to me. Truthfully, I have liked you from the day that I met you and my attraction to you has only grown every single day. I like you so much more than just as a teammate. I would dare say that I am falling in love with you.” He slowly reached up to cradle your face with his hand, hesitant, wondering if you would allow him to touch you. 
You did. 
“I am so, so sorry that I have treated you so poorly this week – so wrong. It had nothing to do with you and everything to do with the fact that I hate myself for not being able to protect you like I should have. I’ve been so afraid to let you know how I feel about you. I’m sorry I was more afraid of affecting the team than I was giving you the honesty that you deserve. Please, please forgive me.” 
He looked into your eyes as he nervously chewed on his bottom lip. 
“Deacon…” You said quietly, leaning into his hand caressing your jaw. 
He took a deep breath and continued, “If you don’t feel the same way, I understand, but I came over here last night to apologize and tell you all of this. When I found you passed out on the couch, barely responsive, it frustrated me. So, I stayed here last night to make sure you were okay. Please don’t be mad.” 
Silence fell between you while you considered how to respond. Given the emotions that you had worked through over the past week, going from feelings for your partner, to physical and emotional hurt, to anger towards David for not visiting, texting or calling, resentment towards yourself for having feelings towards David despite how cruel he had been to you with his absence while you had been hospitalized, you struggled to find any words.
Deacon watched you suffer through a week’s worth of feelings as he watched your eyes. You took a deep breath. 
He decided that you were taken too long to respond and if he didn’t act now, he never would. 
He leaned down and softly pressed his lips on yours. 
You instinctively closed your eyes and allowed David to kiss you. When you didn’t pull away, he parted his lips just enough to run his tongue tenderly along your bottom lip. You opened your lips, allowing him to kiss you deeper. You began to return the kiss when David went to place his hands on your waist, forgetting about your injuries. You stopped kissing him and winced. 
“God, I’m so sorry,” he said.
“It’s okay.” You whispered, your voice shaky. 
Deacon noticed the tears that trickled down your cheeks. 
He wiped them away with his thumbs and began apologizing to you again. 
You interrupted him with another kiss. You reached up and intertwined your fingers behind his head, softly rubbing his neck with your fingertips. He moaned quietly into the kiss. He grabbed your arm and squeezed it, needing to touch you, but being mindful of your injuries. You enjoyed the feeling of his tall, muscular body, towering over yours. You felt protected. 
He pressed his forehead to yours, brushing a stand of hair behind your ear, “Mmhmm?”
“I love you.” 
"I love you too."
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fluentmoviequoter · 6 months
Confessions of a SWAT Team
Pairing: David 'Deacon' Kay x fem!SWAT!reader
Summary: You and Deacon fell in love with each other, but didn't tell anyone. When officers closer to your age begin flirting with you, Deacon grows distant and won't tell you why.
Warnings: angst, fluff, age gap (not specific but I imagined ~15-20 years, so reader would be late 20s?), Deacon is protective, some arguing, mentions of insecurity, reader is somewhat shy, I used the term "suicide bomber" once in passing. Luca, Street, and Hondo meddle. I think that's all!
Word Count: 2.9k+ words
Requested Here!
Picture from Pinterest
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Falling in love with Deacon Kay was easy. Telling anyone, including the man himself, is not so easy.
Deacon Kay never considered the idea of skydiving to be scary… until he found himself falling head over heels for you, the newest recruit. When you walked in on your first day, confident of your skills yet willing to learn your place in the team and receive feedback, he felt something new. You were quiet and reserved, willing to learn, and each time he complimented your skills or offered an idea to make something easier or for improvement, you opened up a bit more. More than attraction, there was a deep need to get to know you, to protect you, to stay close to you, and, later, to hide his biggest secret from you and everyone else. Deacon Kay was falling in love but knew it was wrong.
At the end of your probationary period, you and Deacon have a deep connection, secrets and all. His need to stay close and protect you has only strengthened with time, but every time he looks at you, sees your youth, and pictures the bright future you could have, he tries to silence his heart and listen to his mind. You’re too young and could do so much better, he thinks.
Two months into working with 20 David, you were trapped face-to-face with a suicide bomber. With no protection and no escape route, you maintained a brave act while hoping, praying, that your gear would keep you alive. With three seconds left on the detonator countdown, you feel someone wrap their arms around you as their shoulder blocks your face. The force of the explosion knocks you backward, twisting in your savior’s arms to land on top of Deacon. You feel the pressure build in your eyes as you yell at him never to do that again. He can never know, but his protectiveness scares you because it puts him directly in harm’s way.
After the bombing incident, Deacon gets closer. He puts himself between you and gunfire, taking several shots to his Kevlar while leading you to safety. During a raid with narcotics, a cartel leader jumps on top of you, and you struggle for the upper hand until Deacon hauls him off of you, finishing the fight on your behalf. After Deacon protects you, he always takes you back to the station, placing a gentle hand on the small of your back as he leads you somewhere private. He tends to your wounds and reminds you that he’s always there if you need to talk.
You want to talk to him more than anything, but Deacon is a Sergeant II, and he’s older than you, and, most importantly, he likely frowns upon inter-team relationships. So, you bottle everything up. Forever.
“You think he’ll ever tell her?” Street asks as Deacon walks out, close enough to you that your hands brush with every step.
“He hasn’t even told us,” Luca points out.
“Maybe we should do something.”
“Their relationship is theirs, guys,” Hondo interjects. “We shouldn’t interfere. Yet.”
Street and Luca smile at the thought of intervening in the future and seeing their teammates happy. They know Deacon is single-handedly responsible for breaking you out of your shell, but they’d like to see it go one step further.
“She’s gorgeous,” someone says.
Deacon’s brow furrows as he hears voices grow louder. He tries to focus on the computer before him, looking for blueprints for an entry raid.
“Care for a friendly bet?” a second voice asks.
Several young officers dressed in street clothes stop beside the door where Deacon is working. He can see them, but they haven’t noticed him yet. His focus wavers when he thinks he hears your name.
“Of course, we’re still talking about her,” the first guy answers.
Deacon’s focus shifts completely, turning to face them. They’re close to your age and attractive, but what bothers him most is how easily they discuss their attraction to you.
“If you suggest a ‘first one to get a date with her’ bet, I’m out.”
“I was thinking more we see whose pickup line lands better, then we let her choose. She’s not a prize, she’s a person.”
Yet you’re planning to use her as an object in a bet, Deacon thinks.
“Were you at the range yesterday afternoon? She was there. I can’t believe how good she is. 20 David is lucky.”
“For more reasons than one.”
Deacon clenches his jaw as they walk away, still comparing what they've seen of your shooting and fighting skills. He watches you in awe, too, but they have a shot to get close to you.
“Focus,” he whispers to himself, facing the computer.
“Hey, Deac,” you call as you enter. “Hondo wanted to know if you found the property record? Although, I’m still arguing that this is a waste of your talents.”
You stop beside him, leaning against the desk and smiling at him.
“Uh, yeah,” Deacon answers, trying to look anywhere but at your beautiful eyes. “I got it.”
“Are you okay?”
“I’m great. Let’s go.”
You nod slowly before following him out. Two men call your name, and you look over, tilting your head as they beckon you over.
“I’ll be right there, Deac,” you tell him, tapping his shoulder twice.
He nods, watching silently as you walk to them. They smile as they say something quiet enough that he can’t hear. There’s a small smile on your face, and Deacon thinks you’re introducing yourself.
Pointless, he thinks, they know more about you than they should. Not as much as me, though.
The thought catches Deacon off guard, and when he looks back up, the taller officer is openly flirting with you. You laugh and push a stray piece of hair behind your ear. Deacon missed his chance. He walks away while you continue smiling at them, seemingly enjoying their flirtations.
You’re uncomfortable; these officers are 1) flirting with you while you’re still working and 2) way too young and immature for you. Forcing a laugh and moving your hand to your hair nervously, you glance over and only see Deacon’s back as he leaves.
“Well, I’ve got to go,” you blurt out, interrupting the worst pickup line you’ve ever heard, “but it was nice to meet you.”
“Oh, okay. We’ll see you around?” one asks.
“I’m sure we will, we work in the same building,” you answer before realizing that it sounds a little too much like an invitation to come talk to you again.
Rushing to follow Deacon, you enter an office behind him, and Hondo immediately starts talking. You stand by Deacon, but he doesn’t look over and roll his eyes at Hondo’s bad analogies like usual. Fiddling with your fingers, you try to focus but wonder what happened. He could have a lot on his mind, or maybe you did something wrong. You decide to give it some time and hope that it passes.
20 David spends the afternoon training, and when you get in the ring with Deacon, you expect it to go as usual. Typically, you throw a few punches and have to beg Deacon to fight back and make it fair. However, today, Deacon has no problem immediately giving you a full-force hit. You step back and catch yourself before returning the hit. You lose the sparring round, and Deacon climbs out without a glance in your direction.
When you see him later while preparing to go home for the night, you stay quiet. Part of you hopes he’ll yell at you or something - anything to acknowledge you, but nothing happens.
“Goodnight,” you say as Deacon leaves the locker room.
He nods without looking at you. Your heart feels like it’s in pieces on the locker room floor, and you take a deep breath before gathering your things to go home.
“Heading out?” Luca asks as he walks in. You nod, and he adds, “We’re going out for a little bit, want to come?”
“No thanks,” you say quietly, closing your locker gently. “See you tomorrow.”
Street opens the door from the other side and holds it, his smile falling as you duck your head and rush past him.
“What happened?” he asks Luca.
“Deacon,” he answers.
“Want to tell me why Deacon is slamming doors?” Hondo asks when Luca and Street exit.
“Is it just Deacon?” Luca asks knowingly.
“Should we do something now? That distance isn’t safe in the field and if she’s nervous around him…” Street trails off.
“We may have to. She’s not the only emotional one, though. Deac looked a little green on his way out,” Hondo responds.
“What now?”
“Let’s see how tomorrow goes. We have the gala tomorrow night, so something needs to happen. And soon.”
 Sitting on your couch, you replay every event of the day. Obviously, you did something wrong, which is why Deacon is so eager for space between you. The only ‘bad’ thing that happened before he changed was the officers flirting with you, but you were still on time, so you didn’t do anything wrong.
If Deacon wants space, you’ll give it to him. It’s the least you can do.
The garment bag in your bathroom catches your attention, and you cross your fingers that the gala is enjoyable and not an evening spent avoiding and being avoided by the one man you’d like to dance with.
“Hey, brother, you clean up nice,” Hondo taunts as Deacon approaches.
“You don’t look half bad yourself,” Deacon replies, a small smile tugging at his lips. He glances around but doesn’t find what, or who, he’s looking for.
“She’s not here yet,” Street says.
Hondo shakes his head, and Street takes his cue, excusing himself to let Hondo and Deacon talk.
“What happened between you two?” he inquires.
“Me and Street?”
Hondo rolls his eyes before looking pointedly at Deacon. “You’re jealous.”
Deacon’s eyes stray from Hondo, locking on something behind him. Turning his head, Hondo laughs when he sees what is more worthy of his friend’s attention.
Stepping into the large ballroom, you barely have time for a full breath before the officers from earlier sidle up to you and begin talking. You smile politely and nod, not listening to what they’re saying, as you scan the venue for Deacon. When you find him, he’s standing beside Hondo. Hondo steps away, and Deacon’s eyes lock on yours, his brown eyes wide as his jaw clenches. The eye contact doesn’t last long; Deacon turns his back to you and disappears into the crowd. Your heart and smile fall, so the men surrounding you switch tactics, openly complimenting you, though most of it doesn’t affect you in the slightest.
“Excuse me,” you mutter quietly, pushing between them to follow Deacon.
You deserve an explanation, and you’re going to get one. It takes a few minutes, but you find Deacon standing in front of a fireplace in what appears to be a private office off the back hallway.
“Deac?” you ask, wringing your fingers in front of your stomach.
Deacon doesn’t turn around, but he can see you in his mind (not that you ever leave), with your hair styled beautifully, an outfit that flatters you in every way, and glassy eyes and glossy lips. No matter what you’re wearing, street clothes, your uniform, or formal wear for a police gala, you always look perfect to Deacon. Tonight, though, you’re practically begging to be kissed breathless, to be adored, and if he looks at you, he won’t be able to restrain himself.
“What did I do?”
The question presents your insecurity and shyness, which take Deacon back to your first month when you could barely look him in the eye, and your answers had a five-word maximum. He rubs his hand down his face, hearing you shift behind him.
“Please tell me what I did to make you do this,” you plead.
“You didn’t do anything, I’m just working through some things,” he answers carefully, his back to you. “No big deal.”
“If it’s not a big deal then why am I losing you over it?” you snap, your growing anger overpowering your sadness and nervousness.
“You’re not losing me,” Deacon says, sighing.
“It sure feels like it, David.”
You never use his first name, and the moment Deacon hears it, he turns around. He sees you and loses some of his jealousy and anger but says what he needs to anyway.
“I just needed some space to think,” he replies. “Is that wrong?”
“Needing space to think and avoiding me are two different things.”
“I wasn’t ignoring you-“
“Then why did you leave? Why haven’t you said more than fifteen words to me in the last two days?”
“Why didn’t you talk to me at first?” he asks, his voice rising slightly. He regrets the question immediately but can’t apologize before you speak again.
“If this is what talking to you is going to be like from now on, maybe I never should have started,” you admit, dropping your head as tears gather at your waterline.
“You don’t mean that,” Deacon says quietly.
“Just tell me why. Tell me the truth.”
Deacon doesn’t say anything, and you bite your bottom lip as you think. Deacon wants nothing more than to grab your face, tug your lip free, and kiss you until you don’t talk to him, not because he created a rift between you but because he steals your breath. You’re all he’s ever wanted and more, but the idea still terrifies him. The rejection alone could kill him, but having to see you at work would be worse.
“If you want me to join another team or something, tell me,” you demand. “But I deserve to know why you decided I wasn’t worth the lack of space.”
Deacon’s eyes race to find yours. “This is not about your worth,” he answers, anger spilling through. Not at you, though; at himself, at the situation he put you in, and at those officers who have a chance at what he craves most.
“Then why are you acting like you hate being near me?”
“Because I cannot lose another person I love!” he yells.
You freeze, unable to form a reply. Deacon takes a deep breath when he realizes what he confessed. Your silence is worse than yelling at him.
“I’m sorry,” he begins.
“I love you too,” you whisper, a single tear breaking free when you smile. “I’m in love with you.”
Deacon steps forward, closing the physical and emotional gap. Taking your left hand, he raises his to wipe your tears. His hand lingers by your face as you smile up at him.
“I was jealous,” he explains. “Those cops were flirting with you yesterday and you looked happy. They’re closer to your age and you have more in common. It made sense for you to go for them, not me.”
“Deacon, I was uncomfortable, not happy. I turned around to find you and you were gone and then you just kept getting further away. I want you, Deacon Kay. No one else.”
“Care to dance with me?” he asks quietly.
“I’d love to. I’ve been wanting to all week,” you answer.
His smile grows, drawing your attention to his eyes as he leads you back to the ballroom. You don’t see any members of your team as you walk onto the dance floor. Deacon leads, letting you lean on him again, something you missed in the short time it was gone. The song ends, and you straighten, preparing to pull away.
“I want you too,” Deacon says. “But I don’t want to hide it anymore.”
“Then don’t,” you encourage, smiling as you tap his hand twice.
Deacon smiles and pulls his hands from yours, cupping your face and kissing you without hesitation. You slide your hands up his chest to rest under his lapel. Deacon feels your heart race, his thumb against the pulse point below your jaw, but his beats steadily below your hand. With each of Deacon’s movements, more of your breath, more of your life, more of you becomes his.
“Aye, Deac!” Luca yells from the crowd. “Way to go!”
“About time!” Street adds, leading a round of applause from the entire LAPD.
Deacon pulls back from you, smiling when you hide your face against his neck. He sees the flirty cops from earlier awkwardly clapping with the crowd. His hand rubs up and down your back, glad that everyone, you included, knows that you’re his and he is yours.
“Told you,” Hondo teases as he walks to Deacon’s side. “Green ain’t your color.”
“He only means figuratively, you look good in everything,” you mumble against his skin.
“Want to get out of here?” Deacon asks, his hands still on your back as he holds you against him.
“Please,” you reply, tapping his chest twice.
He leads you out, stopping you after you’re outside.
“Why do you tap me twice?” Deacon asks gently, his arm around your waist and his jacket over your shoulders.
“It’s the only way I could tell you without actually saying it,” you say with a shrug.
“Say what?”
“That I love you.”
Deacon smiles, tapping your waist twice as he moves you to stand closer to him.
His lips meet yours again, and when your hands reach his jaw, you’re not sure where you end or Deacon begins, and it’s perfect. Deacon Kay was easy to fall in love with, easy to be in love with, and he was absolutely worth the wait.
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violetflowerswrites · 2 months
It’s Been A Long Day - David “Deacon” Kay 
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It’s Been A Long Day - SWAT x Reader Drabbles 
David “Deacon” Kay
Prompt: How does the team seek comfort after a difficult day on SWAT?
Pairing: Deacon x GN! Reader
Disclaimer: reader has children with Deacon, married couple. Vague mentions of police work, politics, fear of police. Reader and Deacon use gender neutral pet names (honey, sweetheart, etc.)
Word Count: 600
A/N: I am on Season 4 of SWAT which is full of complex and difficult topics like racism, Black Lives Matter, Blue Lives Matter, and more. I love the way the show handles modern day conflicts and struggles. I felt like it was fitting that Deacon would bring some of those thoughts home. He just needs to be comforted and supported!
The house was silent, save for the quiet crinkle of the page as you flipped through the book you were reading.
It was in this quiet that you heard the front door open and shut. Expecting footsteps to come upstairs to where you were, you continued to scan your eyes across the page.
After a few moments of hearing nothing however, you paused.
Why wasn’t David coming up to bed?
Concern furrowing your brow, you swung two feet out of bed and into your soft slippers, sliding a satin robe around your bare shoulders.
You stepped down as gently as you could, trying not to disturb your sleeping children, an action you’ve done a hundred times over.
In the same practiced whisper, you called out from the bottom step:
The still form on the couch stiffened, then the tension released from his shoulders as you laid a gentle, warm hand on his back.
“What do you need?”
Deacon leaned back to look at you with appreciation. He loved that you didn’t interrogate him, scold him, or even ignore him.
You simply offered your unconditional support.
That’s just who you were and he couldn’t help but fall for you a little more in that moment.
“I just need a minute to…” he trailed off, unsure how to finish the sentence.
“Can I sit with you?” You asked.
Your husband made space for you, and you cuddled into his strong side, hip to hip, head to his chest, hearing that comforting heartbeat steady under your ear.
David automatically wrapped his arms around you, the stress in his body already melting away from your warm embrace.
Sometimes, he just needed you near and that was comfort enough.
Eventually, he released his hold on you and you leaned back, gazing patiently into his warm brown eyes. Tonight though, those eyes were lined with worry.
He lifted up your left hand, rubbing a thumb across your wedding ring thoughtfully.
“You know, this ring, it’s a constant reminder of our love, and our commitment to each other.”
You reached over and lifted his left hand, pressing your lips to the cold metal of his ring in silent acknowledgement of what he said.
“In the same way, my badge, it’s a symbol of my loyalty to the force, to my fellow policemen. And my dedication to protect and serve the citizens of LA.”
David leaned back and rubbed a hand over his tired face.
“But to some, this badge is a symbol of power. A power to exploit for their politics, or a power to fear of being targeted.”
He looked at you now.
“That’s not why I decided to be a cop.”
“I know.”
“It’s just, it feels like just being a good cop isn’t enough anymore.”
“Life isn’t black and white. It’s messy and complicated and full of the unexpected.”
“I know…I’m just tired of trying to defend myself. Protecting what I think is right.”
“You are a good cop. And an even greater man. I trust that you’ll do what’s right. Always.”
David pressed a kiss to your hair, but you saw that he didn’t quite believe what you said for himself.
“And if you don’t, if you make a mistake, you know I am here. Your team is here. You aren’t alone in this, David.”
At that, the deep sigh that your husband exhaled seemed to take some of the burden off of his heavy shoulders.
“Yeah. You’re right sweetheart.”
“Aren’t I always?” You smiled.
He chuckled and lifted your chin, pressing the softest kiss to your lips.
“Thank you.”
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cloveroctobers · 1 month
HOLD UP — Roman Reigns x black! Reader
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A/N: not me attempting to write for this man and I’m supposed to be on a writing break?? I had a storyline in my head, heard this song from my girl (finally), and I’m about to go on a SWAT binge-watch once this season is over so that’s my excuse for all of this. Hope you have your popcorn ready!
WARNINGS: language, famous reader, slight cross-over with another show hence the tags, hint of toxicity, infidelity, crime, + me not knowing much about wrestling or S.W.A.T. but winging it! It’s only fiction!!! 😉
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“You know what? Fuck her and fuck you too!” You yelled, smacking the food that was already prepared right towards where Roman stood.
It didn’t have to be like this.
What could have been a great normal Saturday evening, turned for the worse all because a man, who was supposed to be your man turned around and played you. How? By sleeping with the “friend,” (turned assistant) he told you not to worry about. You were just getting into a pretty solid choreo to Beyonce’s, “Tyrant,” over a steaming pot with the headphones blasting into your ears when your phone started going off more than your version of usual.
It was to the point you were ready to put it on Do Not Disturb but your gut told you to get into it. Sure it could have been anybody: your family, your manager, publicist, or even some friends…in this case? It happened to be the whole damn universe.
The headlines is what really got you:
“Entrepreneur Tribal Chief Roman Reigns Sex-Tape Leaked!”
Along with the shady subtitles underneath: The multi-business owner’s intimate moments at what seems to be one of his places of business the casino half hotel: “The Medallion,” have been leaked! By the looks of it, it doesn’t appear that the woman in the video shares any resemblance to girlfriend and actress…but does look a whole lot like his personal assistant Celosia “Losi,” Darlington. Perhaps they aren’t as secure in their relationship as actress…claims! See below for the steamy video.
At first you didn’t want to believe it, firmly wanting for your girl delulu to kick in but unfortunately you knew this time you could believe the headlines. The declined calls you had to keep hitting as you took a breath to just play the video. You had to see with your own eyes what had been done, it’s always about actions more than word of mouth and Roman showed you exactly who he was.
A no good piece of shit.
You met him back in ‘13 after taking on an action role, which would be filmed at the newly built casino: The Medallion. That same place of business that always got him into some shit—yet he always knew how to polish everything up so nicely regardless of any heat that went his way. Of course there was some attraction that formed over the six months of filming although he didn’t have a major role on screen versus behind it, his presence was surely felt. It took two years after that at the premiere of another film of yours for any relationship besides professional to form and sometimes you wished you would have stayed away.
This was one of those times.
To be in a relationship since mid 2015–minus the minor breakups just for it all to truly crumble now was the biggest punch in the face. And you may not be one of his Bloodline fighters but you were sure about to hand him one.
When he enters the house, not long after you’ve been going into a deep dive of everything from watching the video to various gossip websites and landing on Twitter of all places, you place the phone down face up as you rest your hands on the island counter. He pecks your cheek multiple times as he holds your hip, not picking up on the tension just yet before he takes a place on the other side of the island. Your jaw was set as you used the sleeve to wipe his kisses from your skin, eyes burning flames at the clueless man across from you.
“Smells good as hell in here. How was your day?” Is the first thing he says, finally looking up from his phone.
And you can’t help but to scoff at this, “it was going well baby, until I found out that you and your dick went swimming at The Medallion.”
Which lead to a heated stare from Roman, “…What’re you talking about?”
“Stop being stupid, Joe! Unless you can’t help it. Everybody knows including me! Y’all played in my face for who knows how long and you thought coming in here all regular was gonna be cool?” The pointer and thumb finger were jabbed right in his direction as you spoke before you were gripping the island so tight, it should have snapped but only quality was allowed in this house.
Roman kept his face straight as he clips, “I think you should start with watching your tone and talk to me with some sense.”
“Why? When you don’t have any?” Your head was tilted to the side, just begging for him not to continue to get smart with you because things will start to fly in a minute if he kept it up.
His big ass included.
Roman clenched his eyes shut in frustration before replying, “i honestly don’t know what you’re talking about, so please feel free to enlighten me.”
Humorless laughter bubbled past your lips as you decided to play this game just for a bit, “honestly, when’s the last time you saw Losi?”
His shoulders lifts, “a day or two ago. She’s taking personal time off, why?”
“Sure she is! Right on time for everything to unfold like the messy bitch that I told you she is.” You exclaim with your hands up in the air, “was this y’all plan all along? To humiliate me?”
As the silence filled the kitchen, it was shortly interrupted by the vibrating of your phone which rattled on the counter and finally the pinging from Roman’s own phone. A quick glance Roman sends to the device, it was a simple text from Losi herself which read: “I’m so sorry ro!”
He’s truthfully had a blind eye to what has been happening. Roman’s been back and forth between the casino and the ring along with a few meetings in between that he barely looked at his phone until he walked through his home’s front doors. There’s a furrow of his brows then at Losi’s text but it doesn’t take him long to figure it out when he thinks back to the accusations that you previously just thrown in his face combined with your attitude.
Your head was still tilted as you cooed with petty intent, “Uh oh…doesn’t look like there’s a smile on your face now when reading anything Losi says.”
Roman runs his hands down his face in exhaustion and guilt. When he opens his eyes, yours are still glaring at him. This conversation was going to be bad tonight whether he wanted to have it or not. He made this bed so now he had to lay in it.
“Na uh! Don’t start that shit now because you’ve been caught.” You held your hand up in the air, “Weren’t you the one who told me that you didn’t want to fuck her? Then you went and did it! When?!”
Roman runs his tongue over his bottom lip and bites down on it, “I don’t even—a few weeks ago? It didn’t mean shit though and I want you to know that. I don’t and won’t ever love her the way that I love you. I fucked up and i can admit that.”
If this was love then this man can keep that shit forever. Never did you ever think at this point in your relationship that the downfall would be Roman’s attention turning to another woman for a night.
“You can? Were you ever going to if this didn’t come out? You’ve been sitting on this for weeks and she’s been smiling in my face and more chatty—ohhh.” You knocked your finger into the air in realization, “she’s been plotting on this moment.”
Roman blinks with a shake of his head, “what? No.”
“You let the balloon stuffed booty fool you, baby.” You clapped, “along with the cute shy office siren thing she had going on the outside. I been knew she was feeling you and I couldn’t be mad at that! I knew what I had. As long as she didn’t try anything but it only took a year for you to fold right when everything was falling into place.”
He had another personal assistant who’s been working for him since The medallion began to stay consistent in flourishing, Ms. Charlene, who was older in her mid-fifties and actually good friends with your aunt. She was probably the best one Roman was ever going to get but she decided to retire early? And moved all the way out to Liberia but still did her original role as a tax preparer on the side but you didn’t hear that from me—your narrator.
“What do you mean?”
“Think about it, joe. The gym just had its successful grand opening after its bombing a month ago, you just announced that you were expanding the medallion to be worldwide with plans of doing the same for Bloodline. I’m hosting the Tony awards, you’re planning to propose, and Losi is trying to start her own business by creating some plant spa, which gives her just enough motive to leak the tape so she’s financially taken care of while we’re here looking dumb as fuck.” You deeply exhale while Roman pressed his tongue into his cheek in thought.
He didn’t want to believe that either but one thing about you? Your mind was always going and connecting the dots. He knew that there was something about Losi that you didn’t rock with and he didn’t see. When it came to his businesses he wanted to be the only one running things and sure he never wanted to make you uncomfortable yet he and Losi went way back and her resume was top notch. Overall Roman believed that the two of you could just coexist at some point, although Losi put in more effort to be friendly with you, you weren’t feeling it.
Ultimately you had to agree to disagree on the subject. It wasn’t a big problem until it unfortunately became one of course. He didn’t have the ring and it’s been in the works since last year but he knew what he wanted it to look like based on your preferences and kept the sketch secured and out of sight…so he thought.
He knew he wanted forever with you but he allowed himself to get stupefied by someone he thought was a friend and should have stayed in that place.
“Nah Lo’s not like that, she’s a good girl.”
Roman didn’t know if he believed that himself anymore but it still came out of his mouth.
You felt your eye twitch, “you keep telling yourself that and that’s probably what you praised her with when you were hitting it from behind too right?”
“Relax,” his stare is hard from underneath his eyelashes, as if he’s attempting to command you in doing so, “I didn’t know she was filming us, Alright?”
That much you could tell.
“Yeah okay, so that makes it better?!”
“No it doesn’t! And I’m aware of that. I want to marry you which you somehow know—
“Then why do this to me? To us?! We were doing so well and came so far just for you to ruin it all like this was for nothing.” You tried to focus on your breathing but from Roman’s stance he could see that it was more of a panting from you, to keep from crying.
The last thing you wanted was for him to comfort you but he did find himself reaching his hand out some over the island, just in case. He hated that this was happening, that he was causing you pain and not the fact that this was biting him in the ass, he knew what he had done and had to pay the price, he could take that but he didn’t like the twist in his chest at the sight of your anger, your pain, yet he didn’t really have a reason to justify this. There was no justifying the infidelity or the past gaslighting of your concerns you expressed once Losi came along. You had dreams and took that as a sign just as much of what you witnessed in person. Roman would always reassure that it was just your mind lying to you and being paranoid until he proved everything to be true.
“It’s not for nothing…we’ve been through so much shit together that we can get through this too.” Roman states with determination in his eyes, “I don’t know what exactly you want to hear from me but I’m telling you that choice I made that night meant nothing. It happened once, I was on one that night, should have known better than to let my guard down and I told her we won’t ever do that shit again because I’m in love with you. I need you.”
It was your turn to bite down on your lips and nod your head, “that sounds nice, really but there’s no way you expect me to just leap back into your arms just because you’re looking at me that and all the sweet nothings you hand over will magically make this okay when it most likely won’t be.”
He swallows, “What are you saying?”
“Look around! You can’t have that much trust in her to believe this wasn’t calculated can you? I mean you trusted her enough to not let your hot steamy night get out but look where that got you. A tape! You had that girl in my face, in this house, trying to get us to be besties long before and this is what y’all go and do? The disrespect is so real so…you know what? Fuck her and fuck you too!”
Roman dips in his head in understanding, even if he has to make a jump back from the plates of sides that are sent his way but that doesn’t mean he has to take it. “I get that you’re in your feelings but I’m telling you right now, I’m not gonna take any more of you talking crazy to me tonight. It’s been a long day.”
“Excuse me?!” Your brows are raised, “I’ll call you every name until the sun comes back if it makes me feel better—
“But that’s the thing, it won’t so why waste your breath?” His chin is raised in such arrogance.
It’s your turn to be wide eyed now. Did Roman expect you to just not react like he was good at doing? You studied him then, noticing how stoic he was but his eyes said different before he tightened his stare. He was letting his ego come out to play and that was a dangerous game.
“Hmm let’s see what will? Should I dump this gumbo right in your face? Mess your precious house up? Or get in touch with Jey to see if he has any insight to how quickly the success of Bloodline got back up and running. He’s been quiet since the grand opening and that’s not like our boy.” The smirk on your face was enough to get Roman to charge over to you and get in your face.
Jey was family, always would be no matter how ugly the business got. First it was his twin, Jimmy who Roman kicked out and you knew Jey was feeling not only a way about that but also Roman’s big headed authority. It was only a matter of time before Jey stepped down and you knew it was coming based on conversations you had. Roman also had a feeling that you knew more than what you were saying and withholding information was a huge negative, although you weren’t part of the business you would be if you took that title of being Roman’s wife.
You stared up at Roman sweetly while he pressed his forehead harshly into yours, “you don’t scare me and you don’t want to ever cross me, love of my life or not.”
Running your hands up Roman’s clenched torso and up over his biceps to grip his shoulders tightly you say, “well…this old love of your life, is about to show you just how much you’re gonna lose and I know how much you hate to lose.”
He squeezes your neck pulling you so that you’re nose to nose, “if that’s how you want to play, then you better not miss.”
“Great talk, baby. Now let go.” Her nails dig into his shoulder blades while it’s Roman’s turn to tighten his jaw.
Eventually he lets go, running a palm over his mouth as you get back to breathing although your insides want to ache but you numb it down. You crack your knuckles before reaching forward to wipe the crumbs off the counter into the sink and turn to leave but not without glancing at the contents on the floor.
“Hey, I think I would have loved being your wife but the world is always turning right? Better luck next time I guess.” You shrug your shoulders, “and you might want to clean that up before you get some ants that look like Losi. See you soon, Joe.” You explain with a cold wink that reminds the man to breathe after you leave the home for good.
Roman didn’t know what he was going to do just yet or what you had in mind but for right now, he had to sit on his loneliness over a meal that you prepared which he didn’t get to share with you at the end of the table this time around.
[2 weeks later…]
The saying April showers brings May flowers could apply here, depending on how you looked at it. It was difficult being back in your own space, once sharing it with the Cane Corso, “Atonga,” that Roman gifted to you last year for your birthday and what you sent back days after you left his house. You were ready to send everything back (or donate) but Roman wasnt having that, anything that got sent back to his place or his businesses he redirected most to your parents with the power for it not to be sent anywhere else.
As for Atonga, he was waiting for you on your doorstep one morning with a simple message attached: he’s closer to his mom.
The gift of Atonga was for protection and you built a strong bond with the dog, overall you’d be lying if you said you didn’t miss the boy so you didn’t put up much of a fight when it came to him. As for the outside noise? The paparazzi followed your every move even more so now, you didn’t keep your head down but you kept it on mute with every outing. You didn’t need the advice of your publicist on what to do because regardless you had your own media training due to previous work and would ultimately do what you felt.
You didn’t have to offer the world a damn thing.
Your relationship with Roman was one of the most trendiest relationships to talk about and it was killing them not to know much more of what was going on. However Roman gave some crumbs on the recent interview he was on and spoke some with the paps that followed him around but it was enough for people to speculate you have broken up again.
A relationship that had so many sides to it was stuck on being face up at this time.
Over these two weeks you weren’t cooped up in the house crying over this mess, you got to deep cleaning, self-care appointments: nails done, hair done, everything did, spent time in the gym mostly with a personal trainer that Roman never cared for but he mercilessly stopped responding to your meeting requests after the second day, which left you to train with the twins and Naomi instead, and being in the club with the widest of smiles.
After all that you were slowly getting back into work. Thankfully your manager agreed to put a pause on the work load until you were ready, where you got the outline on paper on how award shows were meant to run, then you would make the trip in a few weeks to see how the stage was in person.
“YO,” Jey calls out your name from downstairs, his voice echoing all throughout the house that you forgot he was even still here. Probably eating up all your food while watching ghetto ass Tubi or BMF—they were the same thing honestly.
Getting so wrapped up in the outline, you push yourself off your bed and head out into the hall and call back, “what I tell you about using your outside voice in my house, jey?!”
The barking that sounded as you got to the steps made you frown, actually making you put more speed in your steps as you went down them. When you peered up on the second to the last step, you spotted a familiar face standing at the front entrance of your home while Jey stood off to the side holding Atonga back.
There stood Miguel Alfaro, a ex-boyfriend of yours who sported his dark SWAT attire.
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“You got company,” Jey muttered as he eyed the pale buzzed hair guy.
Deeply exhaling you step down and make your way over to the men and fold your arms, “Miguel, what’re you doing here?”
“Can’t be anything good,” Jey adds while he continues holding Atonga by his collar.
Miguel blinks at him and then the dog, “Mind if you put him away so I can have a civil conversation?”
Jey sucked air between his teeth with a grin, “oh this little guy? He’s a sweetheart.”
Miguel raises his brows in disbelief, one hand that was resting on his waist moved to where his firearm was, which the two of you noticed. Jey met your eyes and with a nod of your head, he quickly pulls the dog away to one of the guest rooms for a moment before making his way back.
“You don’t look that happy to see me,” Miguel attempts to joke with a raise of his hands, “that kinda hurts my feelings.”
Lifting your shoulders you reply, “I can’t say the expression on my face would be any different if you didn’t have that monkey suit on but—
Jey snorts out a laugh, which he clears his throat afterwards once Miguel sends him a sharp look before Miguel turns his attention back to you.
Miguel shortly exhaled through his nostrils, “Right, this suit is actually doing you a favor so I’d be a little more thankful.”
“Whatchu mean by that?” Jey clasps his own hands in front of him, defense mode was activated now.
You exhale, “Miguel, I don’t have time for this push and pull shit you commonly like to do, so just spit it out so you can get out my house.”
“I see your attitude still hasn’t changed. I thought we squashed our beef and it was all love?” Miguel’s mockery was still there and highly irritating.
Tilting your head to the side you cackle, “was that before or after you trashed my character to the tabloids over a little relationship when we were what? Eighteen?”
Miguel frowns, “I wouldn’t call my first serious relationship of three years to be little. Which is why I said what I said, if things don’t benefit you then you couldn’t care less. Maybe that’s why Roman did what he did and you didn’t give enough.”
“You don’t know me you spineless bitch!” And you stepped to him but an arm goes right across your torso from Jey before he shields you completely from Miguel.
Jey shakes his head while Miguel breathed out a laugh as he pinches at his straight nose, “I think you should stop instigatin’ and just say what you need to say, bro.”
“That’s officer to you, bro.” Miguel clarifies with a sharp stare but Jey just mockingly nods his head back and forth.
“My fault, officer pig.”
You grip Jey’s wrist and move to stand beside him, meeting his eyes to show him that this was mainly your problem not his.
Miguel ran his tongue over his teeth in annoyance but to your surprise he takes the higher road, “you’re right, I apologize.” He starts but directs that apology mostly at you, “I didn’t come here to start shit, I truthfully came to tell you something that’ll benefit—that’ll be useful to you.”
Clapping your hands together you rolled your hands about, awaiting for him to just say what needed to be said since he first opened his mouth to you.
“It’s Roman.”
Both you and Jey felt your blood run cold at this.
Miguel flicks his eyes from the both of you as he says his next words, “He’s been out in Florida this past week and recently made a purchase on a building to potentially expand either The Medallion or Bloodline. Miami’s team been watching him since he’s touched down in their city but a major red flag went off after recent events.”
Both you and Jey shoot confused glances at each other.
“Don’t tell me you two aren’t aware that Celosia Darlington was found dead yesterday night off route 41?” He deeply scans their faces for any changes in their expressions, “It appears that she was in a hit and run accident, she was thrown from behind off her motorcycle and it’s being investigated by my team.”
Jey has his eyes in slits, “and you think Roman had something to do with it? You just said he was in Florida when this happened.”
“Correct, yet a vehicle registered to him was found on surveillance…which leaves us to believe that he knows what happened and who was driving his vehicle.” His eyes lingers on you for some time before carrying on, “Also the building he purchased in Miami belonged to Celosia’s step-brother, who has been missing since March.”
Massaging the space in between your brows you couldn’t believe what you were hearing. “What does Celosia’s step-brother have to do with Roman?”
“Roman loaned Celosia’s step-brother the funds to purchase that exact building back in January and her step-brother has a history of money-laundering.”
“Fuck.” Jey hisses.
This was bad, real bad.
Roman wouldn’t just loan a large amount of money without purpose, especially to someone he couldn’t trust. If he did this for Celosia’s step-brother, there had to be a reason and if he was missing? Then things really were turning to shit and it’s possible that Roman had something to do with it. However you and Jey both would never reveal that.
Miguel continues, “He’s been arrested and flown in to us. And I’m here to let you know that you’re also being suspected. The team will be here in the next fifteen so…that’s just a tip from me to you.”
“Why are you looking out for me?” You suddenly ask.
“Because believe it or not, I really loved you once upon a time,” Miguel disclosed with a soft sigh, “I want you to win and don’t want to see you get hurt any further. Especially if it’s at the cost of a grown ass business man who goes by: The tribal chief.”
“Aye, watch yourself. You’re not part of what we got going on, so you wouldn’t get it.” Jey warns while Miguel raises a hand in surrender, although he wants to laugh in the bronzed skinned man’s face, thrilled he could return the favor of striking a nerve.
Miguel looks at you one last time affirming, “fifteen minutes.”
“Fifteen minutes.” You dip your head, “Thanks, Miguel.”
“Ah, don’t mention it.” He winks, “but also don’t forget it.”
Which makes you roll your eyes although a small smile appears on your lips which Miguel mirrors with a crooked one. Jey breaks that up real quick, waving the swat member towards the door, followed by a forceful close of the door after Miguel takes his sweet time whistling along and eyeing the downstairs of the home.
Jey blows out a breath, “I see your type is assholes.”
“Jey, now is not the time.”
“I know sis.” Jey grips the back of his neck feeling some stress coming on, “I think I need to slide, hit up Jimmy, Sikoa and check on bloodlines where the rest of the family is most likely at.”
“Yeah you shouldn’t be here when they get here but please be careful…they’ll probably be on all of our asses now.”
Jey nods and steps forward to grip the side of your neck and place a kiss to your forehead while you hold your hand on top of his. “Can I take Atonga with me?”
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you’re trying to steal my dog.”
“What can I say? Everybody loves uncle Jey!” He pops his collar with a grin while you fan your hand at him as a signal for him to do so.
Fifteen minutes gives you enough time to set a timer, change from lounge clothes to another set, have a cup of raspberry lemonade, and have your bag near by ready to go once that knock came at your door. You kept offline because you’re sure anything you did up to the time swat came to your door, would be monitored.
You kept calm as those fifteen minutes came around quickly and took your time getting to the door once the harsh knocks sounded. Turning the tv down, you take some seconds before getting to your feet, remote still in hand as you head to the front door, eyes fixated on the tv as you pull the door open.
Turning to the familiar three faces you meet each of their eyes in faux surprise, “Hondo, Deacon, Tan? I’d say it’s good to see you but I’m sensing this isn’t a friendly visit.”
Hondo dips his head to confirm that as he says your name, “hey…we’re gonna need you to come with us.”
You blink, “okay…and it takes three of you to do that?”
“It’s a special situation,” Deacon tells, “involving your boyfriend—ex-boyfriend? Roman Reigns and his personal assistant Celosia Darlington who was murdered last night.”
They all watch your face at this news.
Sucking in your cheeks you answer, “Well…I guess you’re right then, it is a special situation.”
Tan and Deacon share a glance at your words.
“Target the people that had the most interactions with the deceased.” You nod.
Hondo tries to ease how this appears to make it sound better but he knows you’re smarter than to believe his attempt to smooth over the truth of your words.
Tan is the one to speak next, “You know it’s nothing personal and how this goes.”
You give a tight lipped smile, “right so…which one of you is going to watch me grab my bag or…do one of you want to grab it for me?”
How did you have ties to SWAT? Your father was part of a team out in Long Beach back where you grew up and did some work with the twenty division in his remaining years before a serious injury left him paralyzed ending his career. You ended up following in his footsteps at twenty-one, working for the LAPD and working your way into the S.W.A.T. field before you gave that up to…you guessed it! be a full-time actress once you caught your big break.
And sure they still liked to give you shit for “abandoning,” them but it was evident that’s not where your heart laid, although you proved how big of an asset you were for the short time you were part of S.W.A.T..
“You’re not being charged with anything so that’s not necessary.” Hondo states with a hand for you do so.
Tan mutters, “Yet.”
Which earns him a warning glance from Hondo while Deacon does in fact, keep his eyes on you. You’re turning off the tv, reaching for your bag, then heading back to the front door, and hold up a finger to step back and grab your keys off the side table by the door. They give you time to lock up your home before you follow them to the charger.
You’re quiet on the ride to headquarters and the men aren’t sure what to make of that but they decide to not press you on the ride.
There would be enough of that once you’re in the questioning room.
Holding onto the strap of your bag, your eyes are looking all around the building seeing how much has changed and what hasn’t. There’s mostly new faces that already made up their minds as they eye you on your way by.
When you see Roman in passing, in handcuffs being lead in the opposite direction by the commander, it feels like many films you shot before with this moment being in slow motion. Roman can’t take his eyes off you and you see just how everything was taking a toll on him. He may appear collected to everyone else but you saw the stress underneath his eyes, along with the longing for you in them and how his hair was left hanging instead of neatly slicked back into a bun.
You don’t owe him any comfort but you’re not sure if you want to see him suffer either. When you love someone, that means you open up your heart but what happens when you open it up too far and that person leaves it badly bruised?
Start looking out for yourself and hold your own, that’s what.
Shifting your head, you carry on as Roman is almost breaking his neck watching you leave from his sight yet again. He was waiting on his lawyer and had nothing else to say, which meant he was being sent right back to the holding cell while it was your turn to speak your peace.
“Colombian?” You quiz Tan who slides a mug your way with a plastic cup full of ice on the side.
Tan is half sarcastic and half joking, “only the best for our superstar.”
You snicker, knowing just how to get underneath his skin for simply existing before he leaves you alone with Hondo.
“Given the circumstances, you can already guess why you’re here.” He starts as he watches you carefully plunk the ice cubes into the mug before using your pinky finger to spin the contents together.
You sip at the homemade iced coffee, “Losi’s been murdered and the sex tape she made with my—Roman was leaked. Did anyone find out if she was behind it?”
“We can confirm that she was and was supposed to receive $25,000 for it but only received $10,000.” Hondo responds with his hands clasped on top of a folder.
You snort, “tough titties.”
“How so?”
“It’s evident that she was money hungry.” You notify, “I don’t get involved in Roman’s businesses but I know he had to be giving her a good amount since he didn’t have a separate assistant—that I know of—to take care of the gym business. Bloodline has much more value to him than the casino.”
“Right…because he comes from a family full of fighters except for his mother.”
“Yup.” You answer and add more sugar, stir, wipe your finger clean on a near by napkin and take another sip.
Hondo opens the folder and spins it to face you before spreading the crime scene photos along, “Was the money the last straw for you? Enough to make you so angry to chase Celosia down the freeway, run her down, get out the car, and finish her off with specific shots to the body: one to the Radial Artery as she pleaded for her life, one to the Aorta, and right to the head to end it all? Did it make you feel any better?”
You swallowed the coffee as you looked away from the photos to meet the bald man in front of you, “It’s real tiring, hearing how everyone dictates how I should feel or questioning how I am feeling because of some shit someone else did. I get by and no I wasn’t expecting to hear how tragically Losi’s life ended, yet I can’t say I’ll shed a tear for a snake.”
“A snake that also asked you for money over the phone after the tape got leaked and you laughed at her.”
You lifted your shoulders not bothered that they knew this information, “what else was I supposed to do? I didn’t owe that girl a damn thing after she slept with my man.”
“Then you killed her.”
You stare up at the ceiling in frustration thinking about how it was once upon a time on the other side, “I’ve played a criminal in a few movies, doesn’t mean I am one in real life.”
Hondo pushes his lips out with a shrug of his shoulders, “Sure but you’re also dating a crime boss.”
You laugh, “Hondo, are you forreal? No. Innocent until proven guilty.”
“You’re still covering for him.” Hondo sighed with disappointment, “we know that both the medallion and bloodline partly stands for some underground organized crime and if we can’t get Roman for the murder of Celosia then he’s going down for the disappearance and presumed murder of her step-brother. Along with drug-trafficking, aggravated assault, and conspiring to commit money laundering. When he goes down, so will everyone else involved with him.”
You nod, “that’s the thing…I’m not involved with him anymore and I don’t have any clue about any of what you just mentioned. I’m also innocent.”
“Bullshit!” Hondo slams his hands down on the table, “you know, I’d hate to see everything you worked so hard for go right in the trash because of someone like him. I thought you let go of Swat to have a different safe life but you’re in just as deep. On the wrong got damned side! Are you sure Roman ever loved you because if he did? You wouldn’t be sitting here.”
Those words had weight especially training underneath Hondo. It stung but one can’t forget, you were also part of this team not too long ago, so you would never show just how much it did.
“Hondo…are you charging me or am I free to go?”
Funny, Roman said the same thing pretty fast with the request to call a lawyer and they had more on him than on you.
“I think you should keep that seat warm a little longer and I’ll be back.” Hondo advises with a stern look before he scrapes his chair back to exit the room.
In the quiet you sit, one hand on the cup of coffee while the other rests on your lap. It’s parallel to Roman who sits in the cell, elbows buried in his knees as his wavy hair curtains his face. He couldn’t believe he was here, how everything was slowly crumbling all because of a screw up, although he’s had many voices tell him before that everything would catch up to him at some point.
He didn’t think he’d see the day, not when he was just getting started. It was just like you said, he wasn’t good at taking any loss and he hasn’t yet. If he had to lose it all then he was damn sure determined to build it back up again with his bare hands if he had to. And every king needed its queen no matter which way she decides to play her own cards.
Roman’s played defense before and his queen wanted to be offense. There became more than one head of the table (secretly) when he met you so perhaps now was the chance for you to make some shots, not all.
Lifting his head, he closes his eyes and cracks his neck before clasping his hands together.
And he waited.
The door behind you opens, revealing heavy footsteps that tap rather than clunk as they make their way around the table. A small smile forms on your lips at the rim of the mug as you swallow, lowering the cup back to the table.
The man in the tan suit chooses to sit on the edge of the table and sends you his award winning smile as he says your name in greeting.
“Rock,” you address the burly man, “what took you so fucking long?”
His body lifts in laughter, “I’m a busy man lady but I always make time for family.”
Which lets you know he’s made a visit to the bloodlines first. You didn’t call him but you knew who did.
“So how can I help?”
“Can you go back and make joe not stick his dick in Losi?”
Rock exhales, “wish I could but you and I both know that was a Roman move not Joe.”
Which you already had time to think over. You had your own stage name and persona you had to put out into the world. Except you didn’t do too much in the public where it’ll reflect badly on who you were behind closed doors.
“I know,” you breathe out reaching over to rest your hand right on top of Rock’s who turns his own to squeeze yours warmly, “doesn’t make it hurt any less though.”
He pats your hand with his other, “we’ll get through this, we always do. Just hold on.”
“Always do, my grip is vice.” You wink while Rock nods his head, getting back to his feet.
“So I’ve heard, and that’s why you’ll always classify as a bloodline and if you ever want a career change—
You snort, “ha! I think I’ll choose early retirement before I change anything else.”
“Hold up, what’re you?! Thirty-one? You’ve got more fight in you than you say, this I see. So c’mon and continue to give ‘em hell so that they’ll never underestimate what the vice is all about.” He rests a free hand on your shoulder, giving it a squeeze before the door is pushed open, revealing Hondo and Deacon.
Rock fixes his suit jacket, “my client and I are finished here.”
“Wait a minute, aren’t you going to stick around for further questions?” Deacon’s eyes are in slits, clearly finding this suspicious.
Rock sends them his beaming smile, “you must have forgotten how well she’s capable of handling herself. You have nothing on her and all of this is just theories. I give you the next thirty to forty-five minutes to release my client and if you’re not done by then, I’ll remove her myself.”
“You have no authority here.” Hondo bites.
Rock’s smile never falters although a brow threatens to arch, “ah, so you haven’t checked my credentials yet…huge error on your part don’t you think? Gentleman.” He bids his farewell and Deacon follows him out with a clenched jaw.
Hondo turns back to you, resting his hands on the cool table as he leans towards you, “the hell are you all playing at?”
Wiggling your fingers in the air you sit back against the chair, “I’m just an actress.”
“Yeah…well we’ll see how good of an actress you really are.” Hondo snaps as he begins pacing before folding his arms, “now start talking, from the point you found out about the tape.”
Rock got a head start away from Deacon, sneaking his way into the holding area which is empty besides the person he’s looking for. He’s whistling now, shades covering his eyes as he strolls through the quiet area. He knows he has to be quick but he also knows that Deacon has lost sight of him. Rock makes his way over to the cell, still whistling as he spins, pressing his elbow against the cell before tossing his arm back with a white slip in Roman’s direction.
“Uce,” is all rock says before he circles back around, still whistling and then exits back out of the area unseen…well that’s until they look at the cameras later.
Roman waits for Rock to leave his sight before he pushes up to his feet, walks to the space where the white paper is resting, covering it with his foot before he shuffles all the way back to the bench. Once seated, he bends an arm down to pick at the edge of paper underneath his shoe and carefully unravels it.
His eyes quickly peers over the words and a smirk appears on his lips.
Offense: 1
S.W.A.T.: 0
Defense: ?
₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚. ₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚. ₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚. ₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚. ₊˚ʚ ᗢ
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“Do you ever think…...”
“No, not really.”
“Let me finish….”
“You asked me!”
“Yeah, but I didn’t finish.”
“You don’t have to I already answered.”
“Not my question and maybe you should shut up and listen.”
You gasped loudly turning to look at him.
 “Did you just tell me to “shut up” Jimmy?”
“Yeah, I di……”
“That was not nice of you!” you commented.
“What wasn’t nice?” Asked Deacon as he caught the last part of the conversation between the two of you.
“Street just told me to shut up!” You answered very dramatically.
“You did what?” Deacon blinked twice looking at Street.
Street sigh “That’s not what happened….” He tried to explain his side, but you interrupted him.
“That exactly what happened you told me to shut up.”  You pointed at him.
“Whoa whoa whoa what’s going on in here?” Luca came in with Hondo.
“Street told her to “shut up”” Deacon informed them.
“That’s not what I said!” Street said loudly.
“Hey that’s rude dude” Luca told him.
“I agree with Luca you should apologize to them.” Hondo crossed his arms in front of his chest.
Street stood there with his mouth hang open “What the hell is going on in here?” he whispered to himself.
You turned to look at him with your eyebrow raise. “So apologize Jimmy.” You told him.
He looked at you then at the three men standing there waiting for him to say ‘sorry’.
“Absolutely not! I didn’t do anything wrong!” he stormed out.
They all looked at you “This is the last time we ever back you up when you two piker.” Deacon told you.
You smiled at him “Oh come on you love it when he looks so defeated.”
Luca put his arm around your shoulder “I really do love that look on him” he smiled down at you.
“Unbelievable.” Hondo shook his head chuckling.
*Gif is not mine*
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archive-folder · 1 year
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perfectlysunny02 · 5 days
Anyway, Deacon should adopt Buck if Bobby won’t.
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w00wzerz · 8 months
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“You and Nichele are going to mold this wonderful human being, and I can’t wait to meet her.”
S.W.A.T s6 ep 3
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samantha-chicago · 1 year
S.W.A.T Masterlist
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Over Work (Eddie Diaz x reader, James Street, Dominic Luca, S.W.A.T.)
91 notes · View notes
deaconkays · 2 years
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here we go..again.
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unreliablesnake · 2 months
Pairing: David “Deacon” Kay x f!reader
Note: I only saw like one season but goddammit... I had a brainrot and wrote a little something.
Warnings: age gap.
“Just wait until you hear the end of the story because it gets crazier, I swear,” you said with a laugh before taking a sip of your wine.
Deacon loved the idea of just sitting there in the small restaurant near the apartment complex you both lived in and listening to you telling him those funny stories from the hospital. During these moments you were full of life and it was obvious you loved your job more than anything, so he always encouraged you to talk to him about your day.
It would have been a lie if he said he wasn't catching feelings. Because he was. And boy, did he wish you were feeling the same. Every time he saw you smile at him he wanted to pull you into a kiss, just a quick nonchalant kiss that would make him forget every problem he had. But you never showed any romantic interest in him, which soon made him realize he was dumb to assume you would ever love a divorced man his age.
He had seen your boyfriends, the young and successful titans who were ready to give you whatever your heart desired. He remembered that surgeon you dated for a while around the time he moved away from his family, the man who always gave you a ride home in his fancy Aston Martin, and the man who once yelled at you in the hallway during a nasty fight. That was the day he checked his license plate to see who he was and if he got into trouble before.
“Okay, I'll shut up now,” you said with your hands held up.
“Please, don't.” But you shook your head and took a bite of your pizza. “What's wrong?”
“You always do this. You know, asking me about my day, then watching me with this weird smile on your face, as if you were listening to the village idiot telling some funny story.”
Deacon let out a laugh while he took the glass of wine from you. “Okay, no more alcohol for you. I watch you with a smile because I love to listen to your stories.”
It was strange how he couldn’t remember when he reached out to take your hand, but when he saw your gaze move down to your hand, he immediately pulled it back with an apologetic look on his face. He could have sworn you were disappointed by the lack of contact, but he dismissed this thought immediately. If anything, you must have been relieved that he decided not to force this.
“There’s something we might need to talk about,” you suddenly said, your voice serious all of a sudden.
He let out a questioning hum to assure you he was listening, but before you could say anything, a man near the entrance began to yell at the couple sitting by the window and even pointed a gun at them. Deacon’s immediate reaction was to pull you down on the floor so you would be out of sight, then he pulled out his own weapon and told the man to drop his gun. Instead of doing that, the man pulled the trigger with shaking hands and the bullet grazed the innocent man’s arm. The woman screamed and Deacon shot the attacker without hesitation.
While he made a call to report the incident and call an ambulance, you slowly stood up and looked over at the two injured men not far from you. Even though he wanted to stop you, you sprung into action and asked the staff if they had a medical kit in the restaurant. Being a doctor meant you were ready to save whoever you could, including the attacker who was slowly bleeding out on the hardwood floor.
“Let me help,” he tried when he stopped behind you.
You turned to him with an angry look on your face before returning your attention back to your patient. “You did enough damage, Deac,” you spat.
With a sigh, he moved over to the other man and helped to bandage the wound until the ambulance arrived. His eyes wandered to you every once in a while, seeing the way you did your best to save him with the help of a waiter. He knew what bothered you. He knew you swore to save people, while his job often came with taking the life of someone. Maybe for you there was no way to get past that, and seeing him actually hurt another human being opened your eyes and made you see this contrast.
The ambulance soon arrived and the paramedics took over, leaving you standing in front of the restaurant and watching the others do their jobs. Deacon bit on his lower lip nervously as he stepped behind you and wrapped an arm around your shoulder to pull you against his chest, his face buried in your hair as he kissed your head. “Are you okay?” he asked you quietly.
You didn’t turn to look at him, you didn’t even respond to his question, but within a matter of seconds you said, “I need to wash the blood off my hands.”
He took the hint and let you go, his eyes not leaving you while you went back to the restaurant. You never returned to his side, instead you stayed inside, sitting by a table to wait for the cops to arrive and take your statement. Since he didn’t want to push you now, he kept his distance, hoping you would change your mind and talk to him about what happened.
But then a week passed and he hadn’t seen you. He briefly considered visiting you at the hospital you worked in, but he was quick to dismiss the idea. So when Hondo told him someone was looking for him, and he found you standing in the hallway, he had no idea what to say. Should he apologize? Was this what you wanted?
To his luck, you knew exactly what you wanted to say. “I just wanted to say that I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to push you away. It’s just… I know you wanted to protect the people there, I know that man shot another before you pulled the trigger, but you need to understand that I’m not comfortable with this. I knew what you do for a living, I heard the stories, but I guess you always tried to shelter me by keeping these parts to yourself,” you told him.
“I’m sorry you had to see that,” was all he said to you.
You took a step closer, your eyes fixed on him as you got ready to speak up again. “There’s something I wanted to talk to you about before the shooting.” He nodded, encouraging you to go on. “Maybe I’m seeing more into things than I should and I need you to tell me whether I’m right or wrong. The way you’re looking at me and touching me makes me think that you might see me as more than a simple neighbor. Or friend.”
As he took a deep breath, Deacon carefully considered what to say. He didn’t want to risk losing you over feelings you might not even reciprocate, so he cleared his throat and decided to lie. “Look, I’m much older than you. I want to believe that you’re my friend and I want to make sure you’re safe. I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong impression.”
He nodded and heard a relieved sigh leave your lips. Or was it a sigh of relief? Because the next moment you muttered something under your breath, maybe an apology, then before he could ask you what you meant by that, you put a hand on the back of his neck and pulled him closer to kiss him. Your lips were soft as they moved in perfect sync with his, and his hands were resting on your waist when he moved you a little closer to him. Anything to close that almost nonexistent gap between you.
“I’m sorry to interrupt, lovebirds, but duty calls,” Hondo said with a laugh when he passed by.
“We will have to talk about this,” he told you, unable to hide his smile. This was exactly what he’d been dying to do ever since that day he had his first proper conversation with you. When you nodded with a shy smile, he gave you a last quick kiss and said, “I’ll call you later, okay?”
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My Girl 💕
“Dammit girl, I didn’t wear you out that good did I?”
You flipped Deacon the middle finger as you limped to the bathroom. Peeing was rather uncomfortable, but much less than the physical act of standing, sitting, and walking. Once you were done, you returned the bed next to your Sergeant. You snuggled into his side. He caught your chin with his index finger, pulling your face to his.
“You are amazing,” he breathed before kissing you. He continued to work his lips in sync with yours. When he eased his tongue forward, you allowed him access to your mouth. His finger left your chin and was quickly replaced by his hand pressed firmly, but gently against your throat. You smiled and moaned quietly.
You still had butterflies every time Deacon kissed you like this.
A few moments later, he stopped kissing you and pulled your head to his chest. He kissed your head as he wrapped his arms around you.
“I thought you were about to give me a repeat of last night,” you said, tracing your finger in patterns on his chest.
He chuckled, “After the way I just saw you walk? Baby, you wouldn’t enjoy any part of me repeating last night. I’m not doing anything to you that you couldn’t one hundred percent love.”
You groaned in agreement.
The two of you laid there, surrounded by silence and each other’s presence.
“You know?” You began again, “I have never, ever been left with a limp after a night of amazing sex.”
“I’m glad I could do that for you.”
You could hear the chuckle in his voice. “What do you say we spend today enjoying our new television, tinted bedroom windows, and blacked out bedroom? Oh, and recuperating.”
You looked up at Deacon and he winked at you.
“That sounds so perfect.”
The two of you had just blacked out your bedroom so that it was suitable for sleeping in during the day given your schedules and constantly disrupted circadian rhythm. You also had purchased a new, larger tv and you had been looking forward to getting to have a lazy day to enjoy it all.
Deacon pushed himself up so that he was leaning against the headboard and helped you position yourself between his legs, leaning back on his chest and torso. He kissed the top of your head as he channel surfed, looking for the perfect movie to watch.
You slept on and off through the first dumb comedy movie he picked. You never understood what he liked about them - you hated them. He was definitely going to repay you with a horror movie. He felt the same way about horror moves that you did about stupid comedy. And much as you loved him, you were slightly irritated when he began to speak, interrupting your movie.
“So, I was thinking….”
You huffed.
��Excuse me?”
You could hear the dominance in his tone and even as sore as you were, you couldn’t deny that it turned you on.
“I’m sorry, Deac. You know I love my horror movies.” You propped yourself up so you were looking at him.
He lifted the remote and paused the tv. “Better?” You could hear the softness return to his tone.
You giggled, “Thank you.”
“Back to what I was saying…”
“What do you think about us?”
“About us?” You were confused.
“Yeah. About our future.”
Deacon pulled you into his chest and you relaxed in his warm embrace.
“I’m confused by your question, but, I see myself with you forever.”
“I want to marry you.” Deacon said.
He caught you off guard by being so forward.
You giggled, “I’m glad we have the same end goals and that you are a man who knows what you want and how to express that forwardly.”
He kissed your forehead, “I want to ring shop with you so that when the time for me to propose comes, I will pick out something that you love and want to wear forever.”
“Baby, I would love anything you wanted to buy for me.” Your hand was cradling his neck and you were lazily rubbing your thumb against his jaw.
“I know that, but still.”
“I know what you mean, though. Baby, I would be more than happy to ring shop with you.”
You felt his arms squeeze you tightly. You kissed his neck, keeping your face snuggled close to his, enjoying the scent of his skin and cologne.
“I love you so much.” He spoke softly into your hair.
You pulled your face away from his neck and kissed his cheek. He turned his face enough so that he was able to kiss you. His lips, in the middle of his goatee, were soft and gentle against yours. You didn’t need any words to feel the love your boyfriend had for you.
The two of you laid in bed, watching movies, looking at rings, and sharing passionate kisses. When supper time came around, you decided to order in. Once your food arrived, you and Deacon were in the kitchen preparing your plates. Your spotify was playing on a romance list and Tennessee Whiskey came on. Deacon sat the plate down he was putting food on and grabbed your hand.
“May I?” He kissed your knuckles and raised his eyebrows at you.
You smiled and undoubtedly blushed, “You may.”
He pulled you into his arms. He was wearing your favorite pair of his sweatpants, but otherwise was unclothed. You were in your favorite fair of panties and one of Deacon’s t-shirts. His favorite one to see you in. Your hair was in a messy bun and Deacon’s, while short, definitely was not smoothly styled like he usually did. You loved his post-sex, lazy day look. It was so unkempt, quite the opposite of him. You wrapped one arm around Deacon’s torso, and held his hand with the other. He led you in swaying back and forth in the middle of your shared kitchen. He hummed along to the song as you to danced. Your head rested on his chest, listening to the low hum in his chest.
You closed your eyes, picturing yourself dancing with Deacon to this song at your wedding reception and smiled to yourself.
You had not noticed that Deacon wasn’t humming anymore when he interrupted your thoughts, “What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?”
“Hmm,” you hummed, “You…. Me…. Our Wedding…”
“And this song?”
You giggled.
You didn’t have to look at Deacon to know he was grinning.
“Oh yes.”
“You are going to be the most stunning bride.” He said.
“And you,” you took his left hand and kissed his ring finger, “are going to be the best husband.”
“Ooh,” he laughed, “You had to one-up me, huh?”
You pulled your head away from his chest and looked up at him.
“Well, Sergeant, I guess you’ll have to wait until we get married to see.”
He grabbed your chin and kissed you softly,
“You’re killin’ me, girl.”
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fluentmoviequoter · 6 months
Locked In
Day 7 of 12 Days of Ficmas
Pairing: David “Deacon” Kay x fem!wife!reader
Summary: You surprise Deacon and 20 David with Christmas cookies, but while you’re there, an active shooter enters the station. Deacon tries to concentrate, but can’t until he knows you’re safe.
Warnings: angst, fluff, parts could be viewed as a little suggestive but that wasn’t my intention (oops), David and Deacon are used interchangeably. (set in season 1 or 2; Jessica has a very small role in this)
Word Count: 2.3k+ words
A/N: We’re just pretending that Annie doesn’t exist lol. Jay Harrington as Deacon is the only reason I watch SWAT (not kidding; I don't even like the show, I just love him), so I am excited to try my hand writing for him! I’m open to a part 2 as I plan to keep writing for Deacon!! I hope you enjoy and please let me know what you think!
(Picture from Pinterest)
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You reach over, your eyelids fluttering open when you feel the cold sheets on David’s side of the bed. Your husband isn’t supposed to be at work yet, and he went to the gym last night, so you’re expecting him to be beside you when you wake up before your alarm goes off. Rubbing your eyes, you slip out of the bed and walk to the kitchen, wrapping your arms around yourself to stay warm.
“Hey,” you say quietly, walking through the kitchen, Christmas lights twinkling in the living room.
David looks up from a book, sending you a soft smile as you approach. He leans back in his seat, raising his hands to your hips as he leads you to stand between him and the table.
“Are you okay?” you ask, laying your hands on his arms.
“Yeah, just- just been thinking.”
He stays quiet, his eyes bouncing between yours.
“You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to, David.”
“I do, it’s just hard.”
“Hey, I get it. You’ve been through a lot in the last year. You can take the time and space you need.”
“I don’t want time or space from you. But I also don’t want to pile everything up on you. You’re my wife, not my therapist.”
You smile, stepping forward to straddle David’s lap as your arms wrap around his shoulders while his arms lay heavily on your waist.
“Why can’t I be both? You can tell me anything, you know that.”
“I do. Thank you.”
“I love you, David Kay,” you whisper.
“I love you, Mrs. Kay,” David replies, smiling as he leans up to kiss you.
“You have to go to work,” you mumble against his lips as his arms tighten around you.
“You’re my therapist, write me a note,” David replies, kissing your jaw between each word.
You laugh, which turns to a squeal when he stands, lifting you in his arms and carrying you back to the bedroom. He tosses you on the bed, laughing when you bounce on impact.
“What do you want for dinner?” you ask.
“Turning into a housewife?”
“What can I say? You have that effect on me,” you joke.
He pulls his uniform out of the closet, hanging it on a hook before approaching the bed.
“You’re distracting.”
“You’re easily distractible. But, I’ll let you go to work.”
You sigh as you stand, kissing David one last time as you walk by him to get ready.
“Have a great day.”
“I always do, when I know you’re waiting for me.”
After David leaves, you spend the morning wondering what could be weighing so heavily on his mind. You know that he puts on a brave face, but you don’t want him to have to be a rock around you - for you - all the time. Deciding that David could use a little Christmas cheer and a special visit at work today, you walk to the kitchen and start baking cookies. As you bake, you come to a realization of your own, and your first thought is that you need to talk to David about it. Every cookie recipe David has ever told you he enjoyed or eaten too many of is baked and decorated before you’re ready to visit him. You’re sure his team won’t mind the abundance of cookies.
Someone says your name when you enter, and you smile as Jessica approaches.
“Cookies for… the whole LAPD?” she guesses.
“It started as cookies for David, but I think I went a little overboard. Think anyone is interested?”
“Oh,” she pauses to laugh and wrap an arm around your shoulders. “The whole team is very interested.”
You let her steer you through the station, your smile growing when you hear David's voice.
“Guys, look what I found,” Jessica announces when you enter.
David says your name, his eyes wide as he walks to you.
“Are those cookies?” Street asks, standing on his tiptoes to see at the plate over Deacon’s shoulder.
“Figured everyone could use some holiday cheer,” you say, letting Deacon take the plate and set it on the table.
He points between Tan and Luca, demanding, “Do not eat them all.”
Hondo laughs, teasing them more as Deacon hugs you, keeping an arm around you as he reaches forward and takes two cookies.
“Man, you married up,” Hondo says around a cookie.
“Sure did,” David agrees.
“Can I get this recipe?” Chris asks, holding up a tender sugared-gingerbread hybrid cookie.
“No,” Deacon answers, while you nod and wink at her.
“Thank you so much,” Tan tells you.
“Yeah, you have no idea how much we needed these today, Mrs. Deac,” Luca adds, hugging you.
“Of course. Merry Christmas, guys,” you reply.
An alarm goes off, and you step back as the team crowds around the monitors. Deacon reads something, then looks over his shoulder, first at Jessica, who looks up from her phone, then at you.
“Get her somewhere safe,” Hondo commands. “Gear up!”
David takes your hand, and you wordlessly follow him, jogging alongside him as you travel through the station. He opens a door, pulling his sidearm out to clear the room before instructing you to sit. He kneels in front of you, holding your face as he speaks.
“There’s an active shooter,” he informs you gently. “I need you to stay here.”
You nod, but he shakes his head and adds, “I need you to tell me, promise me, that you are going to stay here and stay safe.”
“I promise, Deac,” you say, leaning into his hands.
He rocks forward onto his toes, kissing you quickly before standing. He sets a radio on the table beside you; he doesn’t tell you, but you know it’s in case you need him. A worst-case-scenario savior that he prays you won’t need.
“Go,” you whisper. “Be safe.”
He nods, slowly pulling his hand from your shoulder as he leaves, the door locking behind him.
“Keep him safe,” you whisper upwards.
After he leaves you, he joins Hondo and the rest of 20 David, but he barely registers Hondo’s direction as his mind stays on you.
“Deacon, Street, you’re with me,” Hondo finishes, looking directly at Deacon.
They navigate the hallways slowly until Hondo signals for them to stop. He pulls his phone from his pocket, reading a message before turning to Deacon and Street.
“Jessica and Hicks think the DA is the target. He’s holed up outside the armory. Rocker is with him now, but they need an escort,” Hondo relays the information to them quietly. “You two go get the DA, get him secure, then meet me.”
“You got it,” Deacon says as Street nods.
They move carefully, pausing at each corner. Just as they reach the DA and Rocker, a gunshot sounds in the distance. Deacon tenses, trying to deduce where the shot came from.
“Shooter located. Hallway southeast of the armory,” someone says over the radio.
Deacon releases a breath, his tension leaking out now that he knows the shooter is moving away from you. Street puts the DA between him and Deacon, allowing Deacon to lead the way. Deacon decides to move north, away from the shooter and closer to you. Street recommends the same room you’re in, and Deacon quickly agrees.
The door moves, and you grab the radio before moving against the wall. David comes in, and you step away from the wall, dropping the hand clutching the radio to your side. Two more people follow him into the room before they close the door and it locks.
Deacon tilts his head, silently asking you to sit down. You do, and he sits beside you, pulling his glasses off to look into your eyes. 
“Shooter moving toward you, 20 David. By our count, he should be running low on ammo,” Rocker radios.
“Go,” you whisper, seeing Deacon’s eyes widen at the idea of his team under attack.
He nods, but you stop him as he begins to stand. Raising your fingers to his jaw, you turn his face toward you.
“Promise me,” you say. “Promise me that you will focus. You have to be safe for yourself, for your team… for me.”
“I can’t just push you out of my mind like that,” he admits.
“Then remember and think about the version of me that can protect myself. But I can only do that if I know that you’re coming back to me.”
David nods, his eyes glassy as he whispers his promise. You know he means it, and you send a comforting smile to the DA, offering him cookies when the situation is clear.
“That- that would actually be really nice. I could use some cookies today,” the DA says, chuckling.
“Seems that most of us could,” you agree.
You hear two gunshots and thundering footsteps echo before the doorknob rattles.
“We’re comin’ in,” David says through the door.
“It’s okay, they’re SWAT,” you inform the DA, who’s backing into a corner. When he sees their uniforms, he relaxes and walks out to talk to Hicks and Cortez. 
David’s arms wrap around you, holding you tight against his chest. 
“It’s all clear. We got him,” David tells you as he leads you back to the team.
“Thank you for coming back to me,” you tell him.
“I always will,” he replies.
When you turn the corner, you see 20 David gathered around the table, looking no worse for the wear as they each grab another cookie. The previously full plate has dwindled to nearly nothing in the short time since you arrived.
“The DA said you offered him a cookie?” Chris asks, smiling as you walk in.
“He looked like he was going to cry,” you defend.
Deacon laughs as Jessica yells her agreement from outside. Deacon’s arm is still around you, and he pulls you closer as the team talks about the DA’s reaction to the situation. They silence suddenly, and you look over to see them staring at the last cookie.
“Can I have the last one?” Street asks you, smiling kindly.
“What? No, man. I’ve known her longer, I should get it,” Luca argues.
“I caught the shooter!” Tan adds incredulously.
They look to you, but Deacon speaks instead. “I’m married to her.”
Everyone else groans and looks up at the ceiling.
“Street, you can have the cookie,” you answer.
He cheers as Deacon looks down at you with wide puppy-dog eyes, an accusation of your betrayal ready.
“There’s more at home,” you whisper conspiratorially.
“You guys want to come to a Christmas party next weekend for more cookies?” Deacon asks; you’d be surprised at his willingness to share if you didn’t know him so well and love him for all the reasons he’s demonstrated today.
“We’ll be there,” Hondo answers, smiling as the rest of the team nods. “And thanks for the cookies today.”
Hondo walks around Luca and Tan, who are still arguing over the cookie, to stand beside you. “You’re pretty brave for a cookie elf,” he teases you.
“Have you ever had to try cookie recipes until you found one that David Kay liked enough to request again? Being a cookie elf is no simple task, Sergeant Harrelson,” you reply.
Hondo laughs, patting your shoulder as he walks by. David smiles at you and offers to walk you to your car. As you leave the room, he looks over his shoulder quickly.
“I’ll be home soon. My shift is ending,” David tells you as he opens your door.
“Okay. Thanks for protecting me, David.”
He kisses you quickly, leaning down to buckle your seatbelt.
“Um, David? Can we talk about something when you get home?” you ask, remembering your earlier thoughts.
His brows furrow even as he nods.
“It’s not important - I mean, it is important but nothing you need to worry about.”
“Of course.”
David gets home just a few minutes after you do. You meet him at the door, smiling and raising your arms for a hug as he walks to you. He laughs but humors you by pulling you close.
“Hondo let us leave a few minutes early,” David says into your shoulder.
You pull back to ask him how everyone is, but he doesn’t give you the chance before he kisses you. The kiss is the one you assume he wanted to have at the station after the shooter was captured; it says that he loves you, will always protect you, and will be by your side forever.
David’s arms wrap around your waist, tapping twice to signal you to jump up. You wrap your legs around him, smiling into the kiss as he hooks an arm under your hips and walks inside, kicking the door closed behind him. He carries you into the kitchen, setting you on the counter as the smell of cookies greets you. When you smell the cookies, you realize how prevalent the taste of ginger, brown sugar, and a faint undertone of chocolate is.
When you feel like you can’t catch your breath, you place a hand on David’s chest and lean back.
“You taste like cookies,” you accuse breathlessly.
“I ate the last one,” he whispers.
“Jim wanted it.”
David smiles, pinching your waist before kissing you again, reminding you who you’re supposed to make cookies for.
“Hey,” David interjects, pulling back again. “I know you said you wanted to talk about something, but can I go first?”
You nod, keeping your arms hooked over his shoulders as his fingers trace circles against the skin of your sides. 
“Our anniversary is coming up on the 23rd and I’ve been thinking that I want to do something special. Today made me realize that I was right, we do deserve something big. I think we should renew our vows.”
You smile, pulling yourself forward to hug David. 
“I love that idea. I wanted to ask the same thing,” you admit. “We’ve changed, our priorities have changed, but I’m still wholly devoted to you.”
“Really? We had the exact same idea?”
“Great minds.”
“And great cookies,” David adds, smiling as he leans in. “Merry Christmas to us.”
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ana-swritings · 2 years
Kinktober 2022 - Day 11
Day 11 of Kinktober
Kink: Thigh Riding
Fandom: S.W.A.T
Pairing: David "Deacon" Kay x OFC (Adeline)
Words: 1803
T.W.: N/A
Summary: Something different
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He had been sitting in his home office, surfing the internet, while on leave after being shot. David was getting bored and knew that he needed to do something, anything to prevent him from climbing up the walls. He was mostly healed, but still had to pass one final physical exam before returning to work. Until then, he was stuck at home.
Looking up from his laptop, he saw Adeline pull a strand of her brown hair behind her ear as she laid across the couch, reading a book. She had been with the team for six months now, after Hondo decided they needed an extra set of hands on the team. But now, she spent most days with him, making sure he was healing properly and not forcing himself past his own physical limits. 
What David didn’t expect was to be attracted to her as much as he was. They would flirt, but neither took the next step. Not that David didn’t want to, he just wasn’t sure if she did, plus they were on the same squad. But something had changed in the last few weeks, he wasn’t sure what it was, he only knew that she seemed more flirty than usual. They would be in the headquarter’s kitchen, for example, and she would brush herself against him. Or they would be sparring, and she would press herself against his body whenever he held her closer, making him as hard as a rock. David was one short moment away from forgetting his manners and just pin her down and do everything he could possibly think of to her.
Adeline must’ve been feeling watched, because she lifted her gaze towards David over her book and there was a flicker of something in her eyes that he couldn’t quite put a pin on. David saw her licking her lips and the thought of having her mouth around his cock crossed his mind so fast he almost became lightheaded.
He lowered his eyes back to his own screen, trying to find something to focus on other than all the thoughts that were running through his head. David heard her shuffle on the couch but forced himself to keep his eyes down. He didn’t want her to think he had anything in his mind, other than getting caught up with work.
Adeline walked up to him and he only noticed it because she had asked him something. He was so much in his own head he didn’t even listen.
- “What? I’m sorry, I was focused on something else.” – David said, hoping she wouldn’t notice how unfocused he really was.
- “I was asking if you’re up to date.” – Adeline asked, leaning over and placing a hand on his shoulder.
- “No, not yet.”
- “Let me show you something.” – Adeline quickly pulled him back a bit so she could sit on his thigh.
David hoped she couldn’t feel the effect she was having on him. That simple action, sitting on his thigh with her legs apart on each side, was enough for him to start to harden. He was praying to every god and deity he could think of that she wouldn’t feel it, or this would be embarrassing.
He felt her readjusting on his leg and a breath caught in his throat. If she moved back a few more inches, she would for sure feel just how hard he was. Adeline however didn’t seem bothered with the situation. She kept typing as if it was totally normal for her to be sitting on his thigh like that.
David wanted nothing more than to be able to have her right there over the table, but he knew he would probably get his ass kicked if he did. But the more she moved, the harder it was for him to think straight. So, taking a chance, he placed his hand on her waist, which up until then had been laying flat on the side of his chair.
He expected her to move uncomfortably, but she didn’t even flinch at his touch. If anything, she leaned on it, moving her hip slightly towards his hand. David decided to try something else, to see what her reaction would be. Squeezing her waist slightly, he waited. She pulled herself closer to him in response. When she did that, David was sure she had felt how hard he was, because she adjusted herself, so her thigh was pressing down on his cock.
He gave her another squeeze, waiting to see what she would do now. Adeline moved up and down his thigh once, rubbing herself on it, almost as if testing if he would be okay with it. David caught her reflection on the laptop screen and saw her smirking. It was now clear to him that she wanted him as much as he wanted her.
Squeezing again, this time a bit harder, he hoped she understood what he wanted. She seemed to understand, because she started moving as soon as he let up the squeeze, rubbing herself against his thigh.
Adeline smiled at the squeeze. She could tell that just having her sitting on his thigh was enough to get his blood going and she would be lying if she said that it did nothing to her. She had been having a hard time focusing on her book, simply because she was too turned on to focus on anything other than the man in front of her and how wet she was with all the images that would flash in her mind of all the things they could be doing to each other, instead of just hanging out as friends.
So, when she felt that harder squeeze on her waist, she knew he wanted it as bad as she did. Rubbing herself on his thigh was what she hoped was the beginning of something. She started out slow, half expecting him to stop her and being the gentleman he had always been from the first time they met. But he didn’t and that surprised her. Now she wanted to see how long it would take for him to actually do something.
Adeline stopped typing and grabbed the edge of the table to get a bit more traction. David was taller than her, so sitting on his thigh she was only reaching the floor with her toes, almost as if she were wearing heels. Gaining that much-needed traction was just what was necessary for her to start rubbing herself a little faster.
She could hear the breath hitching in his throat when she picked up the speed and she couldn’t help the soft moan that escaped her lips when she did so. Adeline could feel him tense up his thigh at that and smiled, feeling his cock twitch against her own thigh as well.
The feeling of his thigh rubbing her center was something Adeline had never felt before. She was never this forward when it came to sex, but it felt so good that she knew she would do it again in a heartbeat.
David didn’t know what to do. He knew he wanted her to keep going, no matter how much his cock was hurting from being restrained in his jeans, but at the same time he wanted to fuck her senseless. He decided to wait.
David still had one hand on her waist, now grabbing it tightly to help her keep her rhythm, the other he decided to place it on her thigh, rubbing it up and down following her own movement. Adeline had rested her back against his chest and was moaning so softly that David thought for a moment she had forgotten about him.
That is until she grabbed the hand that was on her thigh and brought it to her breasts, squeezing them with his hand under hers. David realized then that she was giving him permission to touch her and wasn’t going to let it go to waste.
Playing with her breasts, he fondled one while kissing her neck. She moaned his name and he barely held off from throwing her on the table. He wanted to see if she could make herself come simply by riding his thigh.
Sneaking his hand under her shirt, he pulled her bra aside and massaged her nipple, making her moan even more. He took hold of her breast in his hand, massaging, pinching, doing everything he could think of. Meanwhile, Adeline was rubbing herself harder and faster, telling him to keep going.
She let go of the table with one hand and placed it on his cock, pressing down gently. David moaned at the contact, grabbing her breast harshly without really thinking. He heard her hitch a breath before moaning out his name.
The pressure on his cock quickly became a rub and David knew what she was trying to do. She was trying to give him some release before she had her own. David didn’t stop her, he knew he wouldn’t be able to last long.
She rode his thigh faster, telling him that she was close. The faster she rode his thigh, the faster her hand rubbed his cock. He could feel he was close to and told her.
- “Come for me, Adeline. Come on. Let me see you come.”
- “Fuck David. I’m close, I’m so fucking close.”
- “Adeline, you’re gonna make me come. Come with me, baby girl. Come on.”
Adeline couldn’t answer. She hit her high and screamed his name when she did. He had to admit, hearing that was what made him come as well.
They were both panting, coming down from their collective high together. David smiled, he never thought she would do something like that, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t thoroughly enjoy it. He felt Adeline move and looked down at her. She was looking back at him with a somewhat worried expression in her eyes.
He was sure he knew what was worrying her. Leaning down he kissed her softly, reassuring her that everything was alright and that he enjoyed it. She smiled when they broke the kiss, her cheeks flushed, and stood up.
David didn’t know what she was going to do, if she was just going to leave or what, so when she grabbed his hand, making him stand up, he followed her. They stopped at his room door and she looked back at him waiting for an answer. He nodded and she opened the door, walking inside with him.
They spent the rest of the day in his bed, tracing every inch of each other’s body. It wasn’t until Hondo came knocking on his door, wanting to know how he was, that they broke free from each other and came out from his room. The rest? Well, as they say, the rest is history.
Hope you enjoyed it. :)
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littlewolfsthings · 2 years
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Victor : You should try one, Deac.
Deacon: No, no. I'm good, thank you. I... I'm still full from breakfast.
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