#Deacon is a officially a DILF now
teddybasmanov · 6 months
Orion: *tries to kill Deacon* Deacon, the moment he steps into Orion's living space: *goes full DAD criticising his home craft skills*
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haikuun · 2 years
holy fuck | j.jh
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“imagine what your dear father would say if he sees me fucking her precious little daughter?”
SYNOPSIS; being a pastor's daughter was difficult. putting up an innocent and holy figure in front of his members; and discarding the fact that one of his loyalest members, Jung Jaehyun was hot as hell.
PAIRINGS; jung jaehyun x fem!reader
GENRE; smut
INCLUDES; swearing , age gap (12 years) , (tiny) mentions of religion , cock riding , orgasm denial , oral (male receiving) , public sex , dilf!jaehyun , pastor's daughter!reader
WORD COUNT; 4.8k words
AUTHOR'S NOTE; PLEASE READ AT YOUR OWN RISK !!! this feels like it's straight from pornhub ;—;
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You've known Jaehyun throughout your whole life, while your father has known him ever since he was little. At the age of 5, you could vividly remember Jaehyun playing with you or taking care of you when your parents were away feeding the hungry. Playdates with him were persistent—being the only child—his attention was fully on you, and you only.
That until when you reached 7, he stopped coming by. His sudden disappearance didn't affect you a lot but that's the time when your father found out that Jaehyun had impregnated a fellow member of the church, the same age he is. So, at the early age of 19, Jaehyun became a father he never expected to be.
They were a happy little family. Although your father despise them for having sex before marriage, he let's you be around their one-year old daughter.
Fast-forward to 5 years, Jaehyun started showing up to your house again, but this time with his daughter. With you being 12 years old, you could never really understand the subject “divorce”. It was a foreign word to you that was never used in your household. The only thing you knew was that his six year old daughter was gullible.
If you could really pinpoint when this obsession with him blossomed you'd say it was when you were 17. The rain poured and gloommed the city. There was a knock on your door in the middle of the rain that piqued your interest. You opened the door to discover a Jung Jaehyun drenched in God's sweat.
Droplets of water were dripping from his hair. His shirt was soaked and it became see-through. It was hugging his torso so you could easily make out what he could look like topless. He was hot.
You swallowed hard before you could flash a small smile. “Hey, is your father home?” He asked, panting. Speechless, you could only nod and open the door further to let him in.
And that was the day you became obsessed over Jung Jaehyun. And it so happens that that was the day he and his wife were officially divorced.
Now—3 years later, while you're withering away in college; Jaehyun dedicated his time to the church. Helping your father with his missions, he became one of the deacons at church and being your father's right hand overall. You knew your father couldn't let Jaehyun stray away, he likes the kid even if he's flawed. It's the reason why he was praised by many because he could never hold a grudge.
Meanwhile in your college life; you were exposed to newer and badder things that were hidden from you until in high school. Your father wanted you to attend a Christian college, but you refused. You were adamant about a certain university you wanted to attend; not because you liked the curriculum or anything.
You just wanted a taste of freedom. A taste of what's outside the holy life, and damn it, it gave you more than what you begged for.
Your father couldn't resist you, so he let you attend the university you wanted. Which is probably one of the biggest mistakes he made as a father and maybe as a pastor.
The university was highly exposed to drugs, alcohol, parties that would last till dawn, and of course—sex. All of it was overwhelming for you, but it didn't stop you from trying something new.
You smoked weed, drank a bottle of whiskey, and partied after midnight. You tried everything but sex. Sure you made out with a few guys at your campus, but you were reserving your first time for a certain someone.
And you want that someone to expose you to that blissful pleasure.
Finals were right around the corner and you spent an hour before the test skimming through your textbooks. After the finals, you weren't able to ace it nor flunk it. You did however, maintain your title as the “average student” in the grading department.
You could already imagine the disappointment in your father's face when he sees your grades. From an ace student to an average student, so disappointing. But who gives a shit? College is hard.
Your first semester was over and they finally let you off the hook. A four week break for the holidays was rather long, but since you were already planning everything, it seemed so short. That until your father called. His ID name on your phone caught you off guard. Usually your mother would call instead of him. Without any further questions, you answered. “Hello?”
“Hey sweetie! It's been a while, how are you?” Your dad's voice echoes through your ears.
“I'm doing well,” you said with a tight smile. “Finals are over but don't get your hopes up on my grades.”
A chuckle from your father tickles your ear. Well, someone's in a good mood. “Care to join a week with us? Maybe two? Me and your mother miss you dearly, and besides the holidays are in a few weeks it would be great if you could celebrate with us.”
“I don't see why not,” you shrugged. Two weeks off from your plan isn't too much. “I'll come over tonight.”
“Great! Me and your mother will cook your favorite when you get home.” Without any further exchange, your father hangs up.
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The drive from your campus to your parents' house was rather quick. You didn't know if you were speeding the whole trip or if the music playing as you drove made it shorter. Whatever it was, you didn't expect Jaehyun to open the door for you.
“Hey kiddo,” Jaehyun beams. “Gosh, I haven't seen you in a while. Come here.” Still in a daze that Jaehyun opened the door for you, you suddenly find yourself in his arms. He was warm.
“Sweetie!” As much as you wanted to cling onto him, Jaehyun releases you from his embrace. Irked, you sloppily walk over to your father who has a big smile on his face and hugs you. “I missed you so much, shortcake.”
Unconsciously, the sides of your lips lifts up. Albeit, you were rebellious against him and you despise him for hiding you against the “unholy” world; he was still your father. Your father that loves you dearly.
“Where's mom?” You asked the moment you broke away from his grasp.
“She's at the grocery store, she left an hour ago. I don't know what's taking her so long but there's probably a long line. I'm surprised you're here though, wasn't the trip long?”
“Not at all,” you beam. Sparing a glance at your surroundings, you spot Jaehyun in the kitchen. With a brow raised you whispered, “what's Jaehyun doing here?” It's not like you were complaining—you were actually glad he's here. But then you realize that the longer he'll be here, the bigger your obsession will grow.
“Oh, Jaehyun's a close family friend! I don't see why we can't invite him, it's just a casual family dinner.” Your father answers nonchalantly. “And besides, I'm surprised as you are when he came this early.”
Your father gives you a quick peck on your forehead before he disappears in the kitchen. You proceed to retreat to your room. If you knew any better, you would've brought your lingerie set you had at your dorm; or brought the sexiest pair of clothes you could wear. Seducing Jaehyun with a T-shirt and pants wasn't exactly ideal, but you went with it.
I mean—who knows?
Meanwhile in the kitchen, as your father stirs up the saucepan, Jaehyun chops up the vegetables for your father's dish. “This is the first time you've seen her in two or three years, right?” Your father asks, gaze focused on the pan.
Jaehyun pursed his lips into a small smile. “Yeah, I can't believe it's been that long. She grew a lot—she actually has some uncanny features with Mrs. Yoon.”
“Of course she has, she's her daughter.” The two broke into a light chuckle. “Do you want to spend the holidays with us? It'll be your first time without your family; so that you won't be alone, you should join ours. You're like family to us anyway.”
Jaehyun looks over to your father with a faint smile. Your father still has his eyes locked on the pan so Jaehyun focuses back on his task and says, “I'd love to.”
When your father noticed that Jaehyun was done chopping up the vegetables, he urged him to go to the living room and catch up with you or relax—he was a guest after all.
The moment Jaehyun enters the living room, he was surprised to see you already at the couch typing something away on your phone. You on the other hand were frozen. You had no idea what to say or what to do. You looked over him from your phone and didn't expect to make eye contact.
To make things less weird and make it seem like you weren't drooling over him, you greet him casually with a small smile. “Hello, Mr. Jung.” Well that wasn't casual.
Jaehyun returns the smile and gives you a quick nod to acknowledge your greeting. Jaehyun snags the left edge of the couch while you sit still and tensed on the right.
You had no idea how to talk to him.
You realize now that the conversations you two had were very small. He'd toss a few questions and you'd answer politely then that's it—moving onto the next person. Now that you two are alone and there's no “next person”, you find yourself in a rather awkward position. And the fact that you're obsessed with him didn't make things easier.
While you were boggling your mind with what to do, Jaehyun didn't mind the silence. The two of you were never close to begin with, and trying to make conversation for the sake of it seemed a little desperate in his book. He wanted to keep things casual, just like he used to.
“So, how are you kiddo?” Jaehyun turns to you and you immediately sit up at the mention of your pet name he gave to you. You didn't like the pet name. You used to be fine with it, but now you hate it because it's giving you signs that he only sees you as a kid.
A kid who he used to care for, the kid who plays with his daughter, and the daughter of the pastor.
“College is killing me I guess,” you tried to mask the awkwardness in your tone. Thankfully Jaehyun didn't really notice it so he simply smiles, nodding to your answer before returning his attention to the TV.
You clutch on your phone, fanning away the tenseness you feel and fighting the urge to talk back to him. You felt so small and powerless near him, and you hated it. You hate how he affects you this much.
Before Jaehyun could make more small talk, your father's figure popped up by the doorway to check on you two. “I'm just gonna go to the grocery store to pick up your mom. She couldn't get a cab from the traffic so she asked me to pick her up.” Your father announces as he shakes the phone in his hand to indicate your mother was on the phone.
“Do you want me to come with—” Jaehyun was about to stand up when your father shook his head.
“No, no I can manage. Just keep her company for me will you?” Jaehyun simply nods and complies, sitting back down. “Be a good girl okay sweetie?”
That was your breaking point. Your eyebrow twitched and you accidentally snapped at your father. “Dad, I'm not a kid.” You remind him, pissed off that you have to remind him every time. You're probably more pissed because of the fact that Jaehyun was there.
Your father simply laughed off your remarks. “Okay, okay, I'm leaving!”
“Drive safe alright?” You and Jaehyun bid your father goodbyes. And right after you heard the front door shut, you and Jaehyun dropped your smiles and focused on your own things.
You were still a bit fuming from your father's words but it all disintegrated when you heard Jaehyun chuckle. “I see, you don't like being called ‘little girl’ anymore? I assume you're mad at me for calling you ‘kiddo’.”
“I mean, I'm not a kid. I have every right to be. I'm an adult—a grown woman who smoked weed, drank alcohol—” That wasn't supposed to slip out. Your hand immediately clasp your lips to stop anymore words from spilling out.
You look over to Jaehyun in hopes he didn't hear it but the smirk on his face says otherwise. “That doesn't sound like an adult.” Jaehyun remarks, fixing his gaze towards you. “That sounds like a girl who's making bad decisions.”
“Please don't tell dad!” You implore, unconsciously close to him. You grabbed his arm and looked directly at him with pleading eyes; which took Jaehyun aback. Your mind was blank, the only thing you were focusing on was the thought of your father knowing every sin you did. “I'll prove to you that I'm actually an adult!”
You got your head out of the gutters and actually heard what you said. It sounded like there were underlying tones in it, and you regret formulating that sentence. And Jaehyun seems to notice it.
With a smirk on his face, he leans back in his seat. Eyes still connected with yours. “You got my attention, so what's your intention?”
It all escalated too fast. One thing led to another, and it led you here. Straddling Jaehyun's legs, eyes shut and mouth open. As you kiss him, you are suddenly reminded of your father. How he would resent the both of you for doing such an act.
But you can't stop yourself. As much as you love your father, you love the way Jaehyun was circling his thumbs against your hips. How his tongue explores your mouth so thoroughly. What you two are doing is unorthodox but not a cardinal sin—well it is to your parents.
To make it worse, you already feel wet just by the thought of being caught by your dad. His trusted member and his daughter making out on their couch, now that's something.
Jaehyun breaks the kiss to catch his breath. He looks intently at you as he pants. His silence says a thousand words and the only thing you could do was stare back at him.
This was wrong—so wrong.
This time, you took the initiative to kiss him. You had doubts about doing it; afraid that he won't kiss you back but all of your worries dissolve when he kisses you back. His hand was able to find a way to get under your shirt and he massages your breast.
You let out a stifle moan, conscious of how pathetic you sound. Jaehyun urges you otherwise. “Sing for me—tell me how good I make you feel.” Jaehyun whispers in your ear before he starts nipping your earlobe.
Those words were enough for you to cry out your moans. You produced sounds you didn't even know you could do and sounds that you didn't know if it sounds pleasant or not. Whatever it is, Jaehyun was undoubtedly aroused.
He wasn't stupid, he knew this was wrong. He knew the consequences he would face if your father finds out. But the thrill of it all makes him want to continue with this more.
Speaking of more—you wanted more than a make out session. You wanted more than just touching. So once again, you took the initiative to delve deeper. You started grinding on his clothed crotch, a move he didn't expect you would make.
You were able to pull out a sharp inhale from him and you wanted to hear him more, so you continued. Jaehyun would grip on your breast every time you would press on him too hard, and it led you to press on him a lot harder.
Jaehyun groans when you go to the extremes of grabbing his crotch. Impatient, you start to unbuckle his belt and unzip his pants. As you start to unbutton his pants, he firmly holds your wrist to momentarily stop you. “Are you sure about this?” Jaehyun asks, looking at you with wary eyes.
“We made it this far, why stop now?” You continue to unbutton his pants and now pull his pants down to his knees.
You stand up to take off your pants and underwear while Jaehyun watches you attentively with heavy eyes. You go back to straddling him, aligning yourself to his member before slowly sinking onto him.
You both let out a moan. The stretch was painful and with how big he was, he was ripping you apart. Jaehyun on the other hand felt amazing. Your pussy engulfing him—clenching around him as you adjust to his size was something he never knew he wanted to feel.
Looks like he has found a new addiction.
His groans follow in suit while you churn out whimpers. The slower you were going, the slower you were going to get over this; but doing it otherwise was painful nonetheless. There was no easy way out of this.
That is until, Jaehyun started pressing his thumb against your clit in circular motions. He was able to fish out moan after another from you and it made you think about the pain less—until you have completely forgotten about it and focused on how his thumb felt against your clit.
When you adjusted, you started to slowly ride his cock. Once you feel more comfortable, you pick up your pace. Moan after moan erupts from your throat while Jaehyun's eyes shut as he feels how great your pussy felt.
You felt his thumb venturing once again to your clit and spinning it around. With you riding him and him destroying your clit, you felt overwhelmed with pleasure. “Imagine what your dear father would say if he sees me fucking her precious little daughter?” Jaehyun whispers, only tipping you over more.
You feel your orgasm building up and you come closer and closer to the edge. And it seems like Jaehyun felt the same. He started rutting into you mercilessly, chasing his own high. “M-Mister Jung, c-can I cum?” You ask promptly.
Jaehyun's hum was something you never realized you needed to hear and actually contributed to pushing you over the edge. His moan dropped an octave as he barely manages to utter, “fuck, that's so hot. Cum for me princess.”
With a few more thrusts, the knot in your stomach unravels and with a high-pitched moan; you came. You coated his dick in your fluids and it was also a breaking point to him.
Before he could have the opportunity to release his seed, you both hear a car pull-up at the driveway. Panicking, Jaehyun pushes you off him and you immediately fumble on the floor for your pants and underwear. Jaehyun felt a sharp pain when you left him. He was so close, but you both were also so close to getting caught. He couldn't risk it.
He tucks his member back in boxers and swiftly puts his pants back on. Contrarily, you hiked up your pants and sat back down at the other end of the couch.
“This—what just happened now, is only physical alright?” Jaehyun snaps his head at you to look at you warningly. “Purely, physical. As long as it is, we can do it again.”
You didn't know how to feel but somehow you felt sad. What did you expect? Tying the knot with him isn't a part of your plan. All you wanted was to fuck him, and now that you did he has nothing for you. No love—no feelings, just a good dick to get over your obsession with him.
But for some reason, you thought ripping your insides for him—even bleeding a little and giving him your virginity would make him think otherwise.
“We're home!” Your father announces as your mother shuts the door behind them. You both stand up on your feet to greet them at the front door; but your legs said otherwise. Your legs almost gave up on you and started trembling, luckily Jaehyun was quick enough to hold you in place.
“You okay?” Jaehyun stares at you worriedly, but you assure him with a nod and detach yourself from him before trudging to the front door.
“Hey, honey!” Your mother beams at you and gives you a tight squeeze. As she hugs you, she greets Jaehyun with a warm smile. “Hi Jae!” Your mother exclaims to which he smiles back and bow.
“How was the drive?” Jaehyun asks, turning to your father as he hangs his coat on the rack.
“Surprisingly fast. After I picked her up, the traffic just—disappeared! As if it's telling me to rush home at once.” Your father laughs while your mother joins him as she pulls you away. You and Jaehyun both smile tightly as he says,
“Hah, well. T-That's something.”
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It's been two days since your little intercourse with Jaehyun. It's been playing in your head vividly as you sleep or whenever you're doing nothing. It just pierces through your mind like it's purposely reminding you of what happened. And today wasn't different.
It was Sunday and during your father's preaching, you find yourself drifting back to said memory. You sometimes wonder when you two could do it again as he did imply you two can. And sometimes you think about why Jaehyun would divorce his wife or vice versa.
Was Jaehyun not good enough? He seems like a nice person, and he is. Or is his wife not good enough? You can never find answers to these questions and you constantly find yourself in a ditch. Why would you even think about it anyway?
Letting out a bothered sigh, you tell your mother—who was situated next to you— that you will pay a visit to the bathroom. She simply nods, attention completely to your father's preaching.
You walk into the hallway with three doors. If you go straight ahead, you will find yourself in the Janitor's closet. And the two doors a few inches away from the first door, lie the bathroom of the men and women's that's right across each other.
You often find yourself in the men's room, the one at the left, due to the lack of signage and because apparently your stupid and forgetful. But this time you went straight to the right door, the women's bathroom. After locking the door behind you, you made a beeline to the sink and opened the faucet.
You cup your hands below the faucet before starting to splash your face with it. This way, you hoped to forget about what happened just for today, and focus on the mass.
You close the faucet and wipe your face with the tissue provided at the side. After discarding it, you heard a knock on the door. Since you were about to leave, you didn't respond and instead opened the door to leave.
However, you were abruptly pushed back in. Before you could protest, you look up and see Jaehyun hovering over your figure as he locks the door behind him.
“Mr. Jung, w-what are you doing here?” You asked meekly.
“Please, drop the formality. We had sex. If you keep that up it's just weird.” Jaehyun fumbles with the clank of his belt and you simply watch. “I'm horny and I'm still bothered by the fact that I didn't cum last time. So let's keep this session quick and quiet. We're in a church bathroom and there might be people outside waiting.”
Jaehyun's pants drop to his knees and you're only left with him and his clothed erection. “Get down on your knees and suck me dry, okay princess?” Jaehyun cups your cheeks and brushes his thumb against. “Oh, and watch out for your teeth.”
You were taken aback with his demand. Not only were you inexperienced in the field of blow jobs, but you were also worried on how to fit him in your mouth. Nevertheless you were eager.
You got down on your knees and palm him through his boxers. Jaehyun threw his head back and sighed. “No time to tease, princess. Get on with it.”
You couldn't help but plant a small smile on your face. Now he's the one squirming under your touch. You pull out his member and start to pump him slowly. You pulled out strings of low moans out of him and you felt proud of how you make him feel like this.
With quick and short movements, you lick his throbbing tip and remove the accumulating precum. His moans filled up the room and before you knew it, he grabbed a ball of your hair. “I told you to stop being a tease.” Jaehyun sighs.
You make an attempt and take him in. Once the tip successfully enters your mouth, you suck on it carefully. Jaehyun's grip on your hair became tighter and his moans started to echo the bathroom more.
Curious, you look up at Jaehyun who was watching your every move. Unknowingly, you looked at him innocently as you sucked him off, and the sight of it can almost make him cum. He whips his head back and tug the bottom of his lip with his teeth. Getting more and more engrossed in the pleasure.
You make another attempt to fit him into your mouth. Midway, you find it more difficult to fit more of him in you. His tip starts to poke at your throat and your eyes start watering. Trying to control it, you push yourself deeper only to find yourself gagging.
A loud moan manages to slip past Jaehyun's lips despite being quiet. “Ah, shit... Do that again.”
In spite of the pain, you do as requested. You take him in again and try to suck off the very base but to no avail. You find yourself gagging once more and this time coughing. You pull him out of your mouth and let yourself breathe.
Jaehyun was a moaning mess during that, but once you pulled out he whined. “Suck me off again please, I think I'm close...” Jaehyun says in a low voice.
You start sucking him once more, but make sure to only take in what you could manage. Sure, he felt great but the pain was unbearable. You felt the precum from his tip drip down and onto your tongue. You tried to swallow it but obviously failed. This sensation sent shivers to his spine and he released another peculiar moan from the other ones he released.
You pick up your pace when you realize how long you two are taking. It seemed suspicious that both of you were out but others would overlook it as they deem it impossible that Jaehyun would fling around with you. But they were wrong.
Who knew you would find yourself in a predicament wherein you're sucking Jaehyun off at the church's bathroom.
Soon after, Jaehyun releases his seed in your throat. You had no option but to swallow it. You let out a few coughs while Jaehyun caresses your head. “You were so good, princess. I'll do you a favor next time.”
After planting a kiss on your head, Jaehyun starts to put on his pants. Simultaneously, you fix yourself in the mirror to look presentable later when you leave. As you fix yourself, you hear a knock on the door.
“Y/N, are you alright?” Panic filled both of your systems and you started formulating a plan to get out of the bathroom without them seeing Jaehyun.
Jaehyun pulls you close to him and whispers, “tell her to go get your mom.”
You nod and comply. “N-No... Not really. Is it alright if you can go fetch my mom?”
“Of course.” You heard loud footsteps then they slowly faded, indicating that the person left.
You peek out the door to see if the coast is clear and once it is, you push Jaehyun out of the bathroom. “Go, go in the men's bathroom!” You exclaim, shoving him into the bathroom across yours that was thankfully unoccupied.
A few minutes later you heard footsteps approach your door. “Honey, are you okay?” You heard your mom's voice on the other side. Before you could reply, you heard Jaehyun's voice followed by a door closing.
“What happened to Y/N?” Jaehyun asks, voice laced with concern as if he wasn't just sucked off bone dry.
You couldn't help but let out a quiet chuckle. All of their conversation seems to fade out as you find yourself stuck in your thoughts.
No matter how long you two would do this, no matter how wrong what you two are doing are, you look forward to your next session no matter what. The future of this seems blurry and how it would end up, but you stay optimistic about it.
Again, like the words of Jung Jaehyun, it's purely physical. But how long do you think you can keep it like this?
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