#Deadass just don't talk about him if you hate him actually
the--firevenus · 1 month
God forbid when aang has emotions and act like his age, like seriously I can't with people. Like I'm sorry, a lot of you assume people that defend aang thought he's perfect that could never do anything wrong, like no bitch I love him DESPITE his flaw, because guess what?? When he act childish, and or do anything wrong in the show, his ACTION HAS CONSEQUENCES. and ya know what else?? DESPITE EVERYTHING HE'S STILL A VERY COMPASSIONATE CHARACTER WITH HEARTS AND LOVE SO BIG FOR THE WORLD THAT DONE NOTHING BUT GAVE HIM SO MUCH PAIN AND SUFFERING.
You people keep nick picking every single thing he had done as if it's the crime against humanity, it's not him who commit genocide and colonialism in the show now isn't!? I'm sick and tired many of y'all act like he's one dimensional as well. HE HAS DEPTH, WE LITERALLY WATCH THE SAME SHOW!?
Come on man, it's almost two decades of this same thing, I'm so tired, leave my boy alone for fuck sake oh my god
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ooffmlsorry · 6 months
OP Men When You're Injured
Context: I don't mean mortally injured, I'm talking something not too serious that kind of inhibits your movement like a broken bone or recovery from a surgery
Law, Kid, Ace, Luffy, Zoro, Sanji
A/N: can we get a little commotion for this gif tho?? Why is he so perfect?? 😭
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Law as a doctor is perfectly normal about your injury. He knows with some rest and eventual rehabilitation you'll be just fine. No big deal.
He makes sure you're healing well and comfortable, like he would with any patient
Law as your boyfriend is different.
In the case of an injury with no risk of infection, he'll press a kiss to it. Yes, like he's kissing your boo-boo 🥹
Law does not leave your side. He is your shadow. Where you go, he's right beside you or at the very least in the same room as you.
At first he deadass tries to convince you he's not lingering at all and he's the same as he always is.
But you both know he's lying. He practically moves his office wherever you decide to be for the day.
He can't help himself. What if you fall? What if you reinjure yourself? He's so pressed about the worst case scenarios, and given his past, can you blame him?
He quietly grumbles and pouts about his own "irrational" behavior because he knows in reality you can absolutely go about your day. You're a little slower but you're fine. But he just can't let you. As soon as you start to struggle, he's right beside you offering to help.
If you're aggravated by his hovering, he's twice as annoyed by it. He's literally so frustrated with himself lmao, you might end up having to comfort him instead.
Even if he complains (is it really complaining if he's actually happy lol) you're happy because all this extra time around you makes him extra affectionate. Law snuggles close to you, justifying his closeness by explaining how physical affection can lower cortisol levels.
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Oh Kid smh 😔he has no idea how to treat you so he just decides to behave like everything's normal lmao
Legitimately though, even if a inanimate object is what caused your injury, he's destroying it. Just out of pure fury that you were hurt.
He'll huff when you fall behind or have trouble doing something, but he just can't leave you to suffer
He's a man of action lol so he'll probably end up doing things for you just for efficiency sake. You're walking too slow? He picks you up. Can't grab or hold something? He'll do the whole thing for you and next time you try to do the same thing you find he's made something to make it a lot easier for you while you heal.
Anything you need to assist you he'll happily build.
If you have a cast or anything like that, he's gonna draw all over it (honestly, the whole crew will. You're gonna have the most bad ass cast ever)
He absolutely calls you a baby for wincing or complaining. He doesn't mean it...mostly.
If he's not keeping an eye on you than Killer is.
It's not like he's worried or anything! Fuck you for saying that!! He just doesn't want to hear or see you whining and complaining. It's annoying. Okay, sure Kid.
He genuinely hate seeing you in pain though, even if it's just wincing it reminds him of losing his arm and he never wants you to experience anything close to that.
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Ace is your little emotional support boyfriend...or maybe it's the other way around 🤭.
He'll curl up at your side while you recuperate and completely dozes off.
He takes looking after you very seriously and asks Marco lots of questions, even if there's not a whole lot he can do.
He doesn't pity you, but he does feel really bad. Even if it was just an accident, he hates seeing you limited in any way.
He might accidentally treat you like you're made of glass.
It's just because he cares a lot, and he really doesn't want anything else to happen to you.
Every single morning he wakes up and asks how you're feeling or if you're in any pain.
There's a lot of people on the Moby Dick and accidents happen all the time, so don't be surprised when he literally clears a way for you to traverse around the ship.
I'm not saying he's impatient buuuut he will definitely glare at whatever part of you is injured and say, "Jeez, can you heal up already?"
He gives you space, but only if you ask for it. He just doesn't want you to feel like you're ever in this alone.
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Luffy is neither patient nor gentle lol but he's extremely loyal
He'll goof off and continue to go on adventures, but he's not gone for long
Even his crew is surprised when tells them he's not going to get distracted because he knows you're back on the Sunny waiting for them.
He's always bringing cool things back to you since you can't do as much as you usually can. Just because you can't be right beside him doesn't mean you have to miss everything.
God bless him he's gonna try to bring you some meat so you'll heal faster 🤭.
He'll absolutely forget you're injured at some point and probably tackle hug you.
The last thing he'll let you do is stay cooped up in bed unless Chopper insists that you have to. Even if you need to rest you can do it right next to him on the head of the Sunny, right?
Exactly like Ace he's going to frown at whatever part of you is injured and say, "Jeez, can you heal up already?!"
He gets whatever you need and probably overdoes it. Need a glass of water? He just straight up brings you the whole barrel.
More is better! Besides, you need to hurry up and get better!
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He's not worried. He's so chill about it, actually. ...Until you start to move around.
The way he switches up is laugh worthy. He goes from nonchalant to overprotective in an instant.
He practically holds his breath as you make your way around the Sunny, watching you like a hawk.
Admittedly, he does tease you a little. He'll grab things for you, but hold them out of your reach or call you a little turtle if you move slower. He thinks it's very cute hehe.
For better or for worse, Zoro's not a hypocrite. He won't hound you to take it easy if you think you're up to a task. Even if Chopper really wishes he would.
He still won't leave you though, unless you're resting and stationary, he's by your side.
Zoro is your attack dog boyfriend. There's no way anyone (*ahem* Luffy) is fooling around too close to you. There's not going to be a chance you could get hurt more or reinjured.
When you're alone he checks in with you to make sure you're okay, not because he's shy about being soft in front of people but more so to protect your privacy.
He kind of likes doing extra things for you, he won't say it out loud but it makes him really happy when he can do things while you recover. He considers taking care of someone he loves to be such an honor.
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Unless whatever injured you is vitally important (e.g. the Sunny), he's kicking the shit out of it on principle because how dare anything even dare to hurt you lmao
Are you surprised that he dotes on you hand and foot? You shouldn't be.
I think it also goes without saying he is cooking you best meals.
They're gonna have to tie him down when it comes time for your rehabilitation because he wants to do everything for you.
He's such a sweet heart! He leaves you little messages like "you're doing great!" and "I love you!"
Literally this man lives with you on the ship and he still got you flowers, a get well card, and a little stuffed animal like he's not going to see you every single day
He loves carrying you (as long as it's Chopper approved). He's beaming down the sunny with you in his arms.
He makes the cutest little picnics so you can eat comfortably
Sanji's also an emotional support boyfriend lol. In between cooking for the crew and other duties, he's curled up right next to.
He might coddle you a little too much but it's just because he loves you so so so much
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
How they react to you telling them you're pregnant
Obligatory reader is afab but like most of my posts they're gn/gendered pronouns aren't used
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Cue the confusion
Surprised more than anything, he didnt think that he could get you pregnant considering you're both different species
And also he didnt think he was fertile; at least not in the normal sexual reproduction way
Kinda just
Accepts it
Now do I think he would be a good dad?
Maybe? He wouldn't be horrible or absent, but some human things are still foreign to him, including raising a child.. so hes probably going to need a decent amount of guidance
I feel like he'd also be a helicopter parent? He already watches you like a hawk, he'd probably start doing the same with his kid as they get older
"Hey (kid name) who's that tall white boy following you??" "Oh that's my dad"/j
Becomes more protective of you during the pregnancy and the weeks after
Takes it in stride tbh
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Before you start to worry he scoops you up
Also thought it wasnt possible, but is hyped when he finds out the news
He WILL pamper you... may also dip into overbearing territory, though
He just doesnt want you or the baby to get hurt
He says goodnight to the bump later on in the pregnancy tbh
Oh you know hes gonna be decorating their room and giving them loads of toys
Would be a good father but may dip into unhealthy habits
This dude struggles with toxic positivity imo, so that's definitely something that's gonna need to be addressed
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Laughing Jack;
Okay obviously ALL of them are probably going to be sat down and told the news, but Jack is gonna need the most talking to given that he probably doesn't grasp the gravity of it
He KNOWS what pregnancy is, he KNOWS what a baby is; but he doesn't know the intricacies of pregnancy if that makes sense
Like he doesnt know about the soreness, or cravings, or how fragile those tiny human beings actually are. Dude already struggles with being gentle with adults
So it's going to require a long and in depth talk about everything that's going to happen if you guys decide to keep the kid
Reaction wise, he takes it seriously. Kind of uncanny compared to his usual silly demeanor
Again, due to him being a lil dumb hes almost under reacting
As a parent I think...
Okay he'd probably kinda suck
He would love the kid but he would be so so so irresponsible I'm so sorry
Gives the kid candy for meals (bro cant cook)
Get that man into some parenting classes PLEASE
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Eyeless Jack;
Another "I'm surprised because I deadass thought I was infertile" one, given my whole lore/Hc for EJ
The most worried out of them all
"What if they're like me and are cursed? What if they hate me? What if they grow to hate me? What if-"
He baby proofs his cabin... before insisting that the baby stays at your place primarily (if you haven't moved in with him) because he's scared of his whole... eating people thing
Please give him loads and loads of reassurance, hes gonna need it
He'll work hard to be the best father he can be, though!
He takes the kid out for walks in the woods, teaches them different plants and bugs and tells them which are dangerous
"Oh I don't want to hold them, what if I hurt em?" *falls asleep while holding his baby after reading them a story*
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You gotta baby proof him and the house im sorry, hes feral
Another "you're gonna have to sit him down and lay down the rules" type deal
Hes already mellowed out around you but he needs to mellow out a touch more for an infant
Hard to gauge his reaction but he seems.... excited? Hard to tell when hes sitting still and wearing a mask
When the baby comes he, like slenderman, also watches them like a hawk
You will walk in on him sitting over their crib at 3am/hj
Surprisingly gentle when it comes to handling the kid, just casually walks around with them and shit
Great for looking after the kid during the night while you rest
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V similar to Masky but he's already naturally calm
Putting this here now before I forget but he would take his mask off to make faces at the baby to try to make them laugh
Mf doesn't take his mask off for you though ☝️🙄/hj
Surprisingly good at calming down screaming infants for some reason
Similar reaction as Masky; hard to read but way easy to guess its positive since he lightly boinks where his mouth would be under his mask to your cheek while papping your stomach
Hes a lil silly
But hes got the spirit
Good dad, me thinks
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
I do NOT think it's fair for Zutara shippers to hate Zukka for a chunk of the fandom popularizing bad tropes and being mean-spirited like sorry not sorry but you're calling EVERY Zukka shipper misogynistic racists and queerphobes as if you're not the ones who came up with 'Fire Lady Katara' and 'Momtara x Dadko' and mocked Aang for trying to emphasize with Katara's mom dying with her by comparing it to him and Appa being the only living beings from what happened to the Air Nomads and call him all sorts of vile appalling shit that should NEVER be said about a fucking 12 year old because he's feminine and silly and not the perfect love interest 24/7 and takes pride in his tibetan heritage AND stripped Katara of all her accomplishments and nonconformity and layers and anarchism because you see her as worthless if she's not Zuko's arm candy while also making degrading comments about her sex life because she had kids with a guy you don't like with added anti-biracial kids propaganda as a bonus AND are so unsympathetic to Mai because she's Zuko but a girl so you're not into her that you unironically think she's a wench plus don't even actually care about Mailee seeing as it has way more evidence than Zutara on every level yet you only see them as a sidedish to prove you don't hate women AND even Zuko dosen't get speared because mans deadass ended the series with everything he'd ever wanted INCLUDING being a better dad than Ozai was to him to AANG but none of it matters apperantly because he choose what was best for himself after 16 years straight of abuse instead of some random ass crush you THINK he had for not even technically a year.You do NOT get to talk shit about Zukka stans,they're just a normal noncanon mlm ship fanbase with a small side of bad eggs,Zutaras are an entire rotten eggs ile from a supermarket that's been abandoned for almost 20 years because it never actually opened but old people who complain about 'kids these days' keep thinking it'll open one day despite it being announced a million times it never would and saying it's elder abuse in response
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weebsinstash · 4 months
*strums guitar* you know who would be a total piece of shit, to be stuck up in Heaven fuckin FOREVER with
This douchebag! Gotta get some Adam content out before the finale drops and then I'm sure I'll be back for more then too!
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I was listening to "You Didn't Know" again and I HATE this man, and because I hate him and he's an asshole, I can then see his wretched character doing shitty and debauched things
Which then means he's conceptually fuckable and we must discuss
I was sitting and thinking about. Ok in the most dramatic fucking way possible can you imagine being in the courtroom with Charlie as a Sinner Representative because you're dope like that, and Adam just starts fucking beefing with you on sight and you give it right back to him because HOMIE BASICALLY INVENTED MISOGYNY, you're standing in HEAVEN while an ANGEL looks you dead in the eye and calls you a CUNT like I wouldn't fucking tolerate it I'd be screaming at him like a feral beast, "why don't you look at your FEMALE BOSS and say that again, you dickless loser?!"
But can you imagine just having this insane BEEF, you guys are having MUSICAL DIAGETIC SINGING BEEF, and then, like. Either there in court or later on in the plot, hey, everything is good now, Sinners/you can ascend or we can go from heaven and hell and visit our families and everything is good now, yaaay! Or your name was mispelled on a form and it's like oh shit you were supposed to be in Heaven all along our bad and ONLY you are cool to "go upstairs"
And you can't even be happy about it because it's literally "oh cool I DO belong in Heaven!">wait but my friends are in Hell > oh fuck THAT ANGEL THAT HATES ME IS HERE, and sure enough he's standing there at the pearly gates to personally welcome you into Heaven, grinning like the cat that ate the canary, making it EXTREMELY CLEAR that he's basically gonna be stalking you because he wants to personally witness you fuck up and get sent back to Hell where he can kill you himself
Homie is back at base posting photos of you all over the walls like an insane person, "look at this tricky fucking bitch, fucking scheming, fucking planning something, fucking bitch" and even Lute is standing there, ".... that's a photo of them eating a sandwich, sir" and she's like TRYING to see where he's coming from but these are photos of you like SLEEPING and the suspicion that you might act out becomes an excuse to stalk you as he gets progressively more unhinged and perverted and frustrated (in more ways than one)
Let's also just discuss some baseline ideas! Abso fucking lutely do I see him as some, frat boy piece of shit who is always at least vaguely hostile to women so we're discussing female Reader specific ideas. Like imagine he's trying to actually be friendly and be cool with you or maybe you guys even hang out on good terms or whatever, maybe you both play guitar and he likes how you can shred it, and, he's the kinda guy to invite you to hang out and not specify other people are gonna be there so you get there and he's with his buddies and they're all talking about, gross shit like the size of the tits on the girl they last fucked, "oh hey did you sleep with Stacey" "fuck yeah I slept with Stacey you know that slut takes anyone", like, Adam deadass expects you to stand next to him with your red solo cup as they all talk about "the massive cow tits on that bitch" and if you even mildly imply this isn't entertaining "you're just bein a prude babe!"
Like Adam has no self awareness, he'll be saying horrid shit about women and then one of his buddies makes the most MILD of comments about you, "yeah your friend is kinda fuckable" and Adam is like in a RAGE, "hey man, that's not fucking cool! Let's go, outside NOW, fuckin step up, bro!" and he's brawling dudes for shit he's said about their conquests PLENTY of times
Just picturing the idea of like idk Saint Peter or even Emily flying around and they see you sitting on a bench outside far far away from where other people are and they fly down to greet you with the biggest smile, "hiya, how are you?" and you um look at them with such a genuinely dead, depressed, empty expression that they like cannot even fathom it. You're??? Unhappy??? In HEAVEN??? they cannot even comprehend it.
The real kicker is if you started to CRY and look this angel or seraph directly in the eyes as you ask, "can i... go back to Hell? I'm allowed to leave, right?" and THAT'S what raises massive red flags and sends that angel straight to their fucking boss. Sera would be over here, "oh she's having problems with Adam oh that's unfortunate but they'll sort them out -- WAIT WHAT DO YOU M E A N SHE WANTS TO LEAVE????" And,, oh, NOW they suddenly care about how happy you are, NOW they're suddenly willing to help maybe mildly keep Adam away from you. Because why? Because now you're potentially going to damage Heaven's perfect track record, and, geez they can't have you running around DEPRESSED, with your face looking all... ICKY and SAD! What if you made the other darlin-- I mean other residents of heaven sad and they maybe wanted to leave their precious angel protectors too? Huh? Ever think of that?
I love how I was sitting over here "what if like the entire Spider Society was yandere for the Reader" and ever since then my brain is like a puppy chasing treats, "what if I made this entire community mentally unhinged"
Also. Carmilla Carmine and her family + Zestial protecting Reader from Adam or any other angels because 👏 we can have as many mommies or daddies or fake family members as we want down here and that's the facts on that 👏
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telail · 7 months
☆ Go Where? [Crazy 4u] | YEOSANG
pairing: ateez k.y.s. x fem!reader tags: yandere, psycho boyfriend, poc friendly, established relationship wc: 914 warnings: language, threatening, weapons, yeosang is insane.
🎧- Arson by j-hope
note: "If i cant have you, no one can!" faceass masterlist
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Yeosang was known for being quiet and calm. Never really being too keen on attention and always in his own world. You'd think he was harmless, his angelic face serving as a mask for his actual horrific thoughts and actions. He was far from what people who didn't know of him thought he was.
Yeosang had always made it clear that he was crazy since the beginning of your relationship without even having to say anything. His subtle actions and remarks definitely got a point across whether it was what he intended to do or not.
He was a man of his word and it was obvious that a lot of things he said he was deadass about. Yeosang was a blunt man with a very logical state of mind. He meant everything he said and at times it would scare you how he would just casually threaten you at times.
One night you and Yeosang had gotten into a heated argument, about him being overbearing at times and how you were tired of him intimidating anyone that got close to you. Which of course he retaliated against and one thing led to another and you were left packing your things as you cussed him out under your breath.
"You always tellin' me to fuckin' talk t'you and when I do this how you wanna act." You complained throwing anything you saw that was yours into the oversized suitcase. "TaLk T'mE anGeL" You mocked his previous words as you went into the bathroom to grab your tooth brush and a few other toiletries.
You were planning on staying at your best friend's place for a few days to give him a chance to get his shit together and for you to get some space and clear your head. Without him.
But the entire time you rambled on about the situation entirely Yeosang said nothing, having shut up the second he saw you start packing. He just stared blankly at the floor looking at nothing in particular seemingly zoned out or so you assumed.
His hands were placed between his legs as he leaned over and continued to stare at nothing.
"So you just gon' act like you don't hear me fuckin' talkin' to you? I hate when you do that shit-" Your ranting became background noise to him as he focused on your every move with his peripheral vision alone. Watching as you moved around the room knocking things over in the process in pure rage. Your words remained unheard until you decided you'd actually had enough of him tuning you out and made your way to the bedroom door.
"I should've been left your ass, you don't care about shit. I'll just go." You said sharply, your tone strong but he could hear the hurt in it.
You snatched your bags up and went to leave the bedroom going straight for the front door.
You grabbed your keys and went to reach for the doorknob before hearing a faint click noise from the bedroom.
You stilled completely your heart stopping as you literally froze in place, a million thoughts racing through your head as you tried to figure out if what you'd just heard was what you thought you just heard.
By the time you realized and decided to turn around Yeosang was already in front of you. Standing too close for comfort as he loomed over you, you looked up at him about to say something before the feeling of cold metal met the underside of your jaw.
His gun, the one he kept in the nightstand- the same gun he said he'd use to protect you is the one he's holding steadily under your chin right now, not saying a word as he silently threatened to end your shit.
"Go where?" he mumbled, his tone neutral as he stared holes into your soul. The subtle craze in his eyes hardly noticeable but there.
"Y-Yeo I-" You stuttered, genuinely scared for your life. You knew Yeosang was crazy but not this kind of crazy. This was an entire different ball game from what you thought he was like.
"Gonna leave me? Hmm?" He hummed, pushing the cold gun a little harder against your skin. "Take a single step out that fuckin' door and i'll blow your damn brains out." He whispered calmly, but his words sharp as he met your eyes before gently kissing your jawline and cheek as if he wasn't threatening your life.
"Unpack, and i'll run you a warm bath, calm your nerves a lil' yeah?" He said, a freak smirk making its way onto his face as he brushed a stray curl from your face with his gun.
You nodded, every word you had to say nowhere to be found as a single tear flowed down your cheek. You dropped your bags and let your arms hang limply on your sides as the tears began to flow one after another.
"Ssshh.. y'know how much I love you right? You can't just leave me angel.. nobody else is out there for you but me." Yeosang said, kissing the shell of your ear and wrapping his arms around you as he did so.
"Y-You're crazy." You choked out between tears, your head dropping into the crook of his neck.
He stayed silent, not responding to your remark immediately as he rubbed your back in comfort. After a few more seconds he finally spoke.
"Only when I need to be my love."
Excuse any mistakes. :P
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cult-of-the-eye · 8 months
Something horrifying occurred to me today. If my father was a fictional character, people would think of him in a similar way people see Jonathan Sims, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute. Here's why:
He has had So Much Shit happen to him. Like Jesus Christ. Like string of unfortunate deaths kind of shit. Like how is this man still functional kind of shit.
He's also had such an interesting childhood and life he's such a wildcard like my dad randomly telling us how he smuggled some guys over the border when he was like 19 is giving the same vibes as Jonathan Sims saying he knows what a meme is
That's not to say he's a huge badass or anything (he is but for the sake of this comparison) he was terrified out of his mind the whole time and did it cause he was feeling homesick and was like I know how these guys feel so I'm gonna help. Giving trademark Jonathan "gonna do it but gonna do it shaking like a wet dog" Sims
He's a skinny brown guy who's kinda quiet, supremely awkward and makes dorky jokes
I asked him if he would still love me if I were a worm and he deadass said only if you went to worm Cambridge. Tell me that's not a Jonathan Sims thing to say.
He's probably autistic (he won't talk to you unless you mention something specific and then you can't stop him talking about the geopolitical situation of Bangladesh)
He's so emotionally constipated. My dude has never heard of emotions ever. He once gave me the advice that the way to deal with negative emotions about our shitty situation is to just compare it to poor peoples' lives in Bangladesh and thank god we don't have it that bad. I think he's allergic to therapy.
He's always in some sort of pain. God hates him personally.
He's the most anxious man I've ever met in my life. I think he lies awake at night just planning how he's gonna get through the next day. Like all he does is overthink and eat his own curated mixed nuts snack
He indulges in a funny cat video once or twice
He hates dogs (growing up in Bangladesh will do that to you but also he's not good with the barking)
Saying that, has bonded with one crusty white dog, who he immediately picked up although i don't think he meant to do that, so we get a situation of quite a tall man holding a small dog but both of them looking Absolutely Terrified.
He's such a baby fiend. I've never seen someone so hell bent on being a grandfather. We went to a family party with him once and not even 5 minutes in, we found him holding a baby. I'm taking @lonelyslutavatar 's baby fever Jon as canon btw.
He's constantly in business casual. He'll be in bed wearing slacks. It's not cause he's fashionable but in fact only because those are pretty much the same clothes he's owned since 2005 and the only clothes he owns.
Nobody is quite sure what he does for a living. Like sure we know his job title (I had to look it up on LinkedIn) but his day to day activities? A mystery. Who actually knows what being a Head Archivist entails? Not me.
I rest my case. For now.
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slime-sandwhich-nom · 3 months
List of tawog hcs because I'm bored you guys
(processing that charlie is a bimbo now, this is how I cope)
• gumball fuckin hates being picked up, held, petted or just touched in general. He's one of those assholes cats who will kill you on the spot if you breathe the same air as them.
The closest one who got to even hug him or just touch him for more than 2 seconds was Darwin. Gumball's mom literally had to fight gumball as a toddler to pick him up
Penny though, penny gets the favorite person privilege and gumball lets her pick him up, kiss him, boop his nose, anything. Deadass the only one who can do it.
• speaking of gumball not liking to be picked up, penny, knowing she can, does it whenever she has to kiss him somewhere that isn't the forehead or the top of his head because this guy is so short.
He lets her too.
• Darwin can't pick shit up or hold anything because of his fins, so his handwriting is so bad he can't even read it. he always asks gumball to get notes in class because his brother can write better and nicer than him but gumball just sleeps through the classes. So.
• Anais did get her father's metabolism. She hates it.
• gumball does that thing where he speaks to the wall and stares at empty spaces like some cats do, Darwin is convinced gumball is possessed or someone lives again in the house without them knowing. (because gumball did that whenever rob moved around the basement and Darwin associates Gumball talking to the wall to another secret room with a dude living there again) he called an exorcist for the house before. Or for Gumball. He needs it anyway.
• Anais actually has to wear glasses to see well, and red especially. Gumball should wear glasses to see from a distance and he does have glasses for it, he just doesn't wear them. Darwin does does see pretty good, he just can't tell how far something is (he bumps into walls a lot for it.)
• deadass everyone in the family is colorblind, aside from maybe darwin. they think gumball and nicole are blue because it's all they see. they don't know it's the actual fur color.
• gumball's favorite color is orange, because of Darwin, he just doesn't call it orange. He says "whatever color Darwin is."
• Anais Is the only one who actually wears shoes, gumball is neutral on shoes as he also used to wear them but he just stopped, then Nicole and Richard just hate having shoes. (We don't count Darwin.)
• Darwin's only kind of flexible part are his legs. He's super envy of gumball's ability to fold like paper
• whenever someone in gumball's class talks about LGBTQ+ or anything about that topic they all just say "oh yeah I know that one!! Gumball is part of that club or something"
• penny was the first one to get that gumball is bisexual she just has no idea that it has a name so she just says that gumball is "gay but not all the way" but she loves him still for it
• Tobias actually did try to go for the guys to try and flirt, deadass only Leslie actually did give him a chance
• Alan is the one who is actually informed about things like lgbtq and all, he always tried to educate the others about it
• gumball has fights on Twitter Daily because he thinks it's funny. Alan says he's being mean (gumball gave him a side eyes for 10 minutes for it.)
• gumball vs dream actually did happen and it was peak drama at Elmore's jr. High for a while like it was for us (it was too iconic not to make it actually happen)
• masami only went with Alan because she wanted a bf because in middle school it's kind of a big deal about it- she actually likes girls.
• gumball is actually aware that he's a cartoon and that he's the main character, reasons why he doesn't hate rob and takes it more on the playful way, it's all a script anyway.
• tall strong girlfriend (can turn into a dragon and can kick your ass) & her small and weak as hell boyfriend (can't open a jar of pickles and has to ask her for it.) for gumball and penny
• my guy Darwin is into goths and emos. (Carrie)
• Anais also argues on social media whenever she can get access to it, but she actually writes down smart and true facts while gumball says directly "kys" to piss people off
• bobert tried to date a tv before (he had a crush on the computer in SpongeBob)
• ocho uses terms like "fr","lol","lmao" irl and everyone hates him for it
• gumball is the only one who knows the difference between geek and nerd. Or smart words or synonyms kids just don't use, and he always uses them whenever he has to convince someone to do something for him because he sounds smart but he's only saying bullshit in a smart way
• Darwin doesn't understand half of the things Gumball says so he just agrees.
• ms simian hates how much gumball yap. That's why she doesn't care if he falls asleep in class, because she gets some peace from him
• gumball is smart, he just has no care for school. Sometimes he pulls out actual good arguments and complains about society about things only Anais or his mom gets and Anais is Always surprised for it. (The more he yaps about stuff like this, which is everyday, the more she's convinced aliens are real and they replaced his brother)
• gumball is not a morning person, he actually is super pissy and snarky if he wakes up before noon. (Reasons why he just hates everybody at school constantly)
Darwin is a morning person, and he always talks a lot in the morning (gumball hates him for it. Did try to tape Darwin's mouth.)
• Anais Is also a morning person, she just isn't too happy about waking up this early like her brothers because of how young she is.
• Gumball can't eat chocolate, and like any cats he's lactose intolerant (he still can tolerate milk a little because he's a kitten), and he always gets extremely sick from chocolate or just- throws up with lactose. He still eats both.
same goes for the rest of the Watterson, gumball just forces himself to eat both. (And also uses it to his advantage to skip school)
They all have no idea why gumball keeps on getting himself sick from it.
Btw chocolate and lactose ain't good (chcolate is toxic for cats.) for bunnies and cats- and fishes!! That's why my guy reacts badly to it
• neither Nicole or gumball can taste sweets, or anything sweet really. Still, gumball's favorite food is chocolate (and cheese.) which is ironic because he loves to eat it but it's tasteless for him, and he gets sick from it. He's truly a creature.
He likes the texture of it though, that's only why he eats both.
• penny feels like non-sticky peanut butter. Gumball is always looking for a way to knead on her for it, because it's relaxing (and because kneading is also a cat's love language.)
• gumball always forms half a heart with his tail whenever he's talking near penny, or together with her, because normally cats form a heart when they walk side by side, but penny has no tail. So it's only half a heart.
• Darwin is a tryhard on sports, Anais is a tryhard on academics, gumball just likes to sleep because he avoids doing anything that he doesn't find necessary (like any cat, really.)
• Penny likes listening to rock, gumball just enjoys listening to anything he likes the melody of.
Carrie likes to hear stuff like mlp opening, Darwin is with penny on this one.
Anais Just likes daisy the donkey's opening, really.
• Gumball is an introvert and just hates people, Darwin is an extrovert, the little guy is just a little shy.
• you know gumball has a stupid plan in mind when he starts calling Darwin things like "my fishy friend" instead of buddy.
• Darwin always watches documentaries about animals, specifically cats and bunnies because he wants to know about his family more.
Once he tried to slow blink at gumball and the kitten was just confused as fuck, but appreciated the gesture. He only understood it because Darwin stared then really slow closed his eyes.
• gumball sometimes pulls those deep sleeps and Darwin always thinks his brother died. Anais has to comfort him for hours until gumball wakes up
• Nicole is always overworking herself because of trauma, and sometimes envies how laid back her eldest son is.
• gumball can actually draw really well, art is probably the only class he scores in.
• gumball and Nicole actually hear everything I'm the house and they hate it.
• gumball has a tendency of calling everyone nicknames because he can't remember anyone's name for shit.
• gumball uses at his advantage the fact that he's considered cute because he's a kitten. he gets free stuff from it.
• Darwin tried once to mimic gumball loafing, did not end up well.
• all of the videos, or most of them, of cats on Elmore's YouTube are about gumball. He's that one cat that is being constantly recorded doing shit like stealing people's food at restaurants, breaking in by accident, just randomly coming up to people, stare, then go away, accidentally falling from the ceiling. Anything a cat does, gumball does it and gets recorded.
This is one of the reasons why gumball specifically is known by ANYONE and either they love him because he looks cute, or they are terrified of what shit he can pull. (Depends on the day)
• Gumball gets free food because people like to pet him and hand him treats. He doesn't complain about it, even if he doesn't enjoy petting (which is the only thing he complains about, so he just moves his head and gets the treat.)
• when gumball was younger he had darker fur, and at night it looked like he was a black cat (same problem was for Nicole), so he was not allowed to go around alone on the streets, especially on Halloween because people tend to be aggressive or straight up kill black cats during halloween. The same rule was for Nicole, especially because she was also a girl.
• gumball just likes sleeping around, especially during the day. People need to look for blue shit around because it could be gumball.
• gumball fuckin HATES wool, he can't stand it. he'll go insane with wool, and it's texture and how it feels on his body. Darwin instead loves it, but doesn't wear it (he doesn't wear anything aside from shoes.)
• Nicole almost cried when gumball first sat on her lap to loaf. she's very emotional on the whole family thing. And also Gumball never does it to anyone, she feels loved, that's it.
• Richard's favorite kid is most definitely gumball, they both enjoy slacking around, it was their best bonding moment (and still is.)
• surprisingly gumball is better with kids, Darwin is not. Anais Just hates kids her age.
• Darwin is more of a people pleaser, gumball is just really firm on his own boundaries. And now he's also firm on Darwin's.
• gumball, when he was really small, just did not talk. he enjoyed meowing more (to his father) and thrill or mrrp to his mom. He only ever talked when he needed something and neither get what he wanted.
Then Darwin came and he started yapping constantly to the fish, who had a hard time talking because of his new features like feet, lungs and an actual voice.
gumball is those types of cats who yap a lot, Anais is just, silent (like bunnies that make no noise) and Darwin learned to be also a yapper, just a very bigger one than gumball.
• Darwin has the habit of eating fish food still, sometimes he just goes in the bathroom, fills the bath with water, puts fish food, gets himself in and eats.
• gumball drinks like actually cats do, Nicole does it as well.
• the Watterson deadass go to the vet, people like Leslie or Carmen go to arborists or generally people who know plants and take care of 'em. Like maybe 2% of Elmore's population goes to a doctor.
• gumball loves fireworks, but hates other loud noises like thunder. Anais HATES fireworks, but doesn't mind things like thunder.
• Leslie hates vegetarians and is almost glad gumball is a forced carnivore (gumball annoys Leslie with the fact his father and sister are technically "vegetarians".)
• gumball zoomies are almost nonexistent because of his shenanigans he pulls everyday, they always tire him out so he doesn't get zoomies.
• Gumball got accused of being the devil with how stupidly chaotic he is to the point he's the terrorizer of Elmore. Gumball is proud of it. His mother is very much not.
• nicole is the "man of the house", but this is because of cats being matriarchal. And Richard just will not go against his wife's words.
• Tobias feels like non sticky cotton candy, you could potentially stick you hand in there and find his actual body which is hidden under all that rainbow cotton candy thing.
• dude, gumball fuckin hates the boys in his class because they just don't care about hygiene and it just bothers him on another level. he's exactly like normal cats where he spends like half of the day cleaning themselves.
Regarding this, Darwin's only problem is that he constantly smells of fish (which he's self conscious about, and always worries about bothering gumball) but really gumball always tells him it's okay because he can't help it
(he forces the other classmates to take a shower though.)
• mr.small is just always high, there's no other explanation for whatever he's on.
• gumball talked so much about penny that Darwin had to tell him to shut the fuck up. (Gumball kept going)
• gumball has severe beef with Billy's mom to the point he's daily sabotaging her life just so she can move to another town and stop bothering gumball with her existence.
(Darwin is sick of gumball's bullshit)
• gumball swore once. (Reference to the video of gumballs VA saying "fuck") And when he got elected as school president once he won by saying "I will eliminate the middle class" (again gumball's VA saying it)
• gumball always tells rob "gay gay homosexual gay" to the point rob screams at him, like just yells at the top of his lungs and runs away crying
"I'LL SHIT IN YOUR FUCKING GARDEN" from south park but it's gumball and half of Elmore.
And I'll stop because I'm writing something longer than the bible
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kazumist · 1 year
masterpost / prev ep / next ep / timestamps don't matter
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scaramouche must have been crazy.
seriously? a date? it was the last thing you expected! however, if you were going to pretend to be a couple, going on dates is actually a given. and like you said in your message to him:
we both have to suck it up.
even if that means having your first date with the guy you hate.
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luckily enough, the awkward ride to the aquarium ended faster than you expected. but now that you’re here, how does one enjoy an aquarium date anyway? or what does one even talk about on their first date in general?
these were the questions running through both of your heads as you mindlessly wandered around.
“hey,” scaramouche starts.
“this fish looks a lot like childe for some reason.”
when you turned to look at what he was looking at, you seriously had to hold back a loud laugh. because why does the fish actually look like childe? “that’s a clownfish, right?” you ask him.
“you know about these things?”
“not really; i just watched finding nemo back then as a kid.”
“oh wait, here’s the description. yeah, it’s a clownfish, and it seems like even their description fits childe even more,” scaramouche says, pointing his head at a podium nearby with his hands inside his pockets.
“clownfish are active and territorial fish with an erratic swimming pattern who sometimes appear to be doing acrobatics while defending the area around their anemone," you read aloud. “see? it fits him perfectly.”
“are you saying childe seems to do acrobatics sometimes?”
“no, i’m saying that he’s way too hyper for his own good.”
“isn’t that supposed to be venti, though?”
“they’re practically the same kind; does it really matter who is who?”
you laugh at his response. 
maybe this isn’t so bad. just maybe.
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with the sun almost setting, your little trip to the aquarium ends, and you both decide to stop by a cafe on the way home.
but unfortunately, the awkward tension comes back.
what now? are you supposed to say, “hey, i had fun today,” and just move along? are you supposed to ask, “so how did the date go for you? did you have fun like i did?” you couldn’t find the right words to say, but you couldn’t stand this awkward atmosphere either.
“i… kinda had fun today.”
can this guy read minds or something?
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time flew by faster than you expected, and now you were walking out of the cafe with scaramouche. “thanks for today, even though i was kinda against it at first,” you said.
“i hope you realize that we have to do this often if we really want to be convincing.”
“yeah, yeah, i get it. give me a break. who would’ve thought that i would be going on a date with you, of all people?”
“why do you sound so icked by the thought of going out with me?” he rolled his eyes.
“because i am icked by it, smart ass.”
“says the one who equally enjoyed the day like i did?”
“sorry, my pride is too high to make me admit that i actually enjoyed your company.”
he shakes his head at your response. how very… likely of you to say such a thing.
“i guess this is goodbye, then?” scaramouche asks.
“yeah. why? do you not want the day to end?”
“don’t put words into my mouth.”
“you didn’t really deny it, you know.”
“why are you like this?” 
“why shouldn’t i be like this?”
from your peripheral vision, you could see a familiar sight of blue-ish white hair as well as a blonde walking nearby. since they didn’t really know that this wasn’t real, you acted out of impulse. but what did you do exactly?
you kissed scaramouche on the cheek and waved him goodbye, just like that.
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extra notes.
i didn't expect this chapter to be so long uhm idk im 50/50 on the narrations bc deadass it was hard 2 write for me ... OTL
theyre kinda getting close! emphasize on kinda though
more silly little romance in the next chapter haha pls stay tuned
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what happens when scaramouche, your rival since the first year of highschool, had some annoying admirers on his back? easy—he (fake) dates you to shoo them off. nothing can possibly go wrong with faking a relationship with the guy you hate, right?
spoiler: apparently, a lot can go wrong.
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taglist (open): @niiheng @yinyinggie @ilyuu @veekoko @motherscrustytoenailclippings @the-ghost-0f-t0m0 @akairaindrops @kichiyoshi @lxkeeeee @user11918163805279 @sketcheeee @yukiipc @kyouzki @quokkatss @ynverse @yuyumaru @danhenglovebot @sheep-from-rad @gekkow @aeongiies @scararaw @beriiov @thenightsflower @simpforsubmissivemen @sakurapeach @akxtagawaxryxn0sxke @naheana @supernova25 @mitsu-moshi @yelleloww @kiyomi-hoku @kazemiya @theblueblub @lazy-sanns
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blingblong55 · 5 months
Appreciation-141 & Konig
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Based on a request:
Hello! I had a question, could you perhaps do HCs with the 141/Konig and a AMAB GN! reader who has tics, but not Tourettes? Specifically, tics where they hit things? Thank you so much! I adore your writing! -Rai ---- AMAB!GN!Reader, tics, platonic!friendship, HC, fluff? ----
A/N: I just want to emphasise that I am not fully educated in how tics affect most people or how they look on those who have this so if this is in someway offensive or incorrect, please be kind, correct me and educate me in a kindly manner, let's not spread hate those trying to learn <3 And Rai, I hope you adore this one<33
he has gotten used to your sudden tic attacks, so much so that at some point when you say or do something he ignores it as if nothing is going on.
There are times when he gives people a cold glare when you begin to knock on the table in the meeting room.
"Mate, what are you doing?" A recruit tries to suppress a chuckle as the others glare at you with judging stares. "Leave them alone, soldier," Ghost replies with his cold and commanding voice.
Anywhere you go, he goes and this is to ensure you don't end up hurting yourself. For example, there are times when you knock things out, occasionally it's your cap when you hit your head and sometimes when it's bad, he is there to help you not harm yourself.
He sees you as his close friend. Soap could even argue that you are his only friend from all the times he has seen Ghost talk so much about you.
"Yeah, they are the best soldiers I've worked with. Your soldier is better? Maybe, but have you seen my soldier, they are way better."
The cute thing about him and you is that you are the one person who is allowed to touch his mask. In private, there was one time when you pulled on his mask and all he did was chuckle. "Trying to see my face, R/N?" he smiles and you fluster, unable to find the right words to apologise.
I feel like he would be so unserious with you. Like him, you have to at some point be separated in a meeting because you keep getting tics that make you hit him and sometimes all he can do is gasp and laugh.
But, I have to say that he is very much aware that if someone tries to mess with you, he would most likely be sent to Price's office afterwards.
There are times when your face grimaces and he won't acknowledge it and if there are people who call you out for it, he, like Ghost would stand up for you, which leads to a literal roast towards the soldier.
He is so unserious with you, as a coping mechanism to be honest, that he calls your tics 'tic tac toe' only because every time he does this, you and he get into a hysterical argument. Don't worry, you win but only after you say his head looks like a white tic tac.
The winning streak had gotten to a point that now in the common room, there is a wall dedicated to the wins and losses of Soap and you.
Gaz gives me Golden Retriever vibes and he is the most loyal person, so of course, his traits with you are similar to those of Ghost and Soap.
With him, it's a little different though, as he asks so many questions that you have a small window to actually and thoroughly answer the questions regarding your tics.
Sometimes, if someone dares to mention your tics but in a negative light, Gaz will deadass stop the person and like with Graves, he will not even dare shake the person's hand or be kind to them.
Because of you, not the helicopter, this man has lost and has had his caps destroyed from the many times that you have knocked them off his head that now you have a monthly gift for him.
I think there are times that he chuckles a little when you clap in a silent room when there are serious matters to be talked about, mainly when Graves talks and you interrupt him with clapping or knocking down something, usually an empty cup Gaz keeps around. He doesn't laugh at you but rather at how annoyed you've made Graves since you don't let him finish his 'All-American hero' speech.
This man is THE father figure when your tics go off. I can't explain any further but you know what I mean…I hope.
Like Ghost, he also brags and gives people a death stare when they dare to comment on your tics negatively.
I know for a fact this man is all about being so inclusive towards everyone like no one should be alone, it's mean and that won't happen on his watch. So when you were introduced and he found out you had tics, better believe this man read all there was to know about your syndrome and how to make an environment better for you.
Also, you better believe this man has a class in which not only does he teach the rude and disrespectful soldiers about manners but he also teaches those on how to be around you and make you feel at ease. And may I add that he is the first captain, at least on base, that in this class teaches others about LGBT+, social and racial problems, like this man is THE man when it comes to absolute kindness. (to those that work with him….so…fuck you Makarov, Shephard and Graves) König:
I think that because he has social anxiety and prefers to be more of a serious man to others, he is very calm and educated on your tics. -Since he is friends with you and has grown accustomed to your tics he knows how to keep things under control if they happen to be out of norm.
Because he is a colonel, everyone respects him and he has ensured that you, as his second in comment have the same level of respect. -He has yelled, like yelled and people who witnessed him get this angry were terrified. They saw him as a very stern and serious man on base so seeing this part of him when yelling to others to respect you and be able to keep in their rude comments towards your tics, they surely kept quiet.
I chose to believe this man likes his helmet more and more when you are around because you tend to knock his helmet off when one of your tics gets more… intense.
A/N: I don't know if this could be accurate but i hope i did okay with this request
@liyanahelena @hilmiponken @natashamea18 @demonic-grace @sans-chara @rougeripoff (didn't tag those on my list since I'm not sure they would be comfortable with this one)
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creepylittlelady · 7 months
Hello, sorry it took me so long to respond! I was quite busy today lol
I like Toby and EJ, so I have quite a bit on them! Sorry if you don't like them because they're not the most canon accurate, they're actually a bit more on the fanon side in some parts ;) I wanna give some more slice-of-life headcanons but if you want more serious ones I'll give them to you!
-So you know that 'Toby loves waffles :3" thing? Well in my AU it was a thing that happened but just not to that extreme. When he first moved into the mansion (Yes this is a Slendermansion AU), Waffles were his safe food and he ate them quite a lot, making the other residents at the time to make an inside joke about Toby loving waffles. These days he can't even look at a waffle without Jeff and Ben screaming "SAY THE LINE!" and staring at him until he says it.
It basically goes like:
Slender: What do you want for breakfast? Toby: *nervously fidgeting* Toby: *whispers* Waffles. Ben, from the other side of the room: DID I JUST HEAR SOMEONE SAY WAFFLES?? Ben and Jeff, in unison: SAY THE LINE TOBY! *UNCOMFORTABLE EYE CONTACT* Toby: *sighs* I love waffles. Ben: FUCK YEAH! Toby: I hate this stupid house.
-He's basically immune to Slender Sickness. Due to being around Slender so much he doesn't feel nauseous around him and gets really confused when newer residents get it when they first see him.
-He often has periods where he's really apathetic to most things and doesn't care, and then in the blink of an eye becomes an uncontrollable mess. He's got poor emotional regulation and when he gets irritated he goes into a RAGE about it.
-He secretly learnt Necromancy from a book in the Library and used it to try and bring back Lyra (is Lyra still a canon thing? Apparently she's her own character but I'm not sure at all). But Necromancy is a really difficult thing to accomplish so although he PARTIALLY brought her back she's more like a mindless zombie.
-Sometimes he'll visit his mother's house in the dead of night and leave presents for her. It's just something he does subconsciously that nobody knows about. On occasion Connie wakes up while he's doing it, but she just assumes that she's seeing things.
Every year on her birthday he breaks into her new house and places an inconspicuous birthday present on the dining table. She'll wake up the next morning incredibly confused on how it got there. Toby wishes that he and his mom can really meet again one day.
-Him and Natalie's relationship is...turbulent, to say the least. They've gotten together and broken up so much that nobody knows when they're dating anymore. They're really close regardless and hang out a lot, but they just hook up sometimes randomly, go on one date and break up again.
-His dad currently resides in the Underworld and Toby's met him several times. Due to his father being a sinner, the lowest of the low, Toby often beats him and stabs him with his axe every time he sees him. It's all perfectly legal.
-He frequently forgets random information about himself. Like at times he'll wake up and forget it's his birthday that day, he'll forget his age, sometimes he'll even forget his own name. Like deadass Masky will call his name like a million times and he'll be like "Man I hope this Toby fella answers soon".
-His closest friends are Masky, Hoodie, Kate and Natalie. He doesn't actually like Jeff all that much as he sees him as a dick, and he's pretty neutral towards most other people in the mansion. He HATES Ben and finds him scary, he won't even make eye contact. He prefers Eyeless Jack over the two of them however as he's Jeff and Ben's close friend he doesn't talk to him much.
-He actually secretly dislikes most of the mansion residents. Although he's pretty nice to everyone since he believes in yk not being a major bitch he doesn't care about most of them.
-MASSIVE PYROMANIAC, since he can't feel pain he doesn't really feel a sense of danger such as when there's a fire or when there's an enemy nearby.
-Okay, without delving too deep into my AU, he's one of the only ones who knows what's up 'going on' behind the scenes with Slenderman and Zalgo. He's somewhat aware of it so when an 'incident' happens he'll mainly be apathetic to it. Often times when Slenderman 'disappears', he'll cover for him.
-His mouth and jaw are incredibly numb so he can't really taste food, sometimes food will slip out of his mouth and he just won't know.
-When it comes to Sally and Lazari, he actually really likes them but sometimes when he's in his more irritable moods he finds them incredibly annoying and has snapped at Lazari a lot of times.
-When it comes to 'Missions' (like Proxy stuff), he's the only one that ever actually obeys Slender's orders. He has to remind Masky and Hoodie of what they're meant to be doing so much it tires him so he just lets them do what they think they're meant to do and laugh when they screw it up.
-He finds it funny with other people make mistakes, like he'll die of laughter when Laughing Jack hits his nose against a door.
-He owns a can of Pepper Spray that he'll use against Ben, Nina or the other ratchet Pastas when they get too crazy.
-Sometimes he'll act like fanon Toby, but more as a means of sarcasm. When Masky and Hoodie first met him they thought he was being serious so chocked him up as some incompetent loser, but he quickly let them know that he meant business.
-His love language is giving people random stuff. Like not even expensive stuff but if he likes you he'll hand you something random that he thinks you'll like. Or he'll give you a fun fact about a topic he knows you're interested in. He has a bunch of random Edgar Allen Poe or Drawing facts for Slender and Natalie. Once he gave Masky a black Sharpie he found lying in the woods for some reason.
-He's such a terrible singer on GOD but the thing is is that he loves singing so much that nobody can bring it up to him that he's shit at it.
-He has a lot of vocal tics, like he'll hum a random melody or yell "GOO GOOBIE!" randomly. Everyone's used to it. He's actually terrible at hiding from his victims because of this. He also has a tic where he throws WHATEVER is in his hands at that current moment right up into the air. Sometimes it's funny but other times it's concerning, especially when he's holding his own axe.
-Doesn't like video games because he finds them annoying and stressful.
-Once he got so mad at everyone that he checked himself into a Psych Ward under the name "Erin Rogers" and stayed there for a good six months. Everyone was so worried about him for a half of year and genuinely thought he was dead or in serious danger until one day he just waltzed back into the Labrinth unharmed and was like "Hey guys guess you've been wondering where I've been".
-He doesn't perceive the idea of people worrying about him so he does a lot of concerning things and doesn't realise that people genuinely worry for his safety sometimes.
-He's got no filter, or just has a really lax one. He'll say basically anything that comes to mind out loud, even if it's offensive to the person he's currently talking to.
-The kid goes missing A LOT. Slender actually had to file a Missing Persons Report for him because he disappeared for 4 months without contacting anyone. He comes back fine every time but he never tells anyone where he goes.
-Adding on to this, I kinda headcanon that he has a strange form of Amnesia where for months on end he'll forget who he is, anything about himself or his past, or even who anybody is around him. This causes him to run away frequently.
-He subconsciously uses himself as a human shield every time one of his friends is in danger. He'll throw himself in front of Masky and Hoodie if they're about to be shot by an Underworld General or something.
-Thinks that blood is really tasty and often will lick his own blood. This dude is NOT sanitary.
-Takes like one shower a year because he just forgets that he has a human body that gets dirty. Which is weird considering he's outside in the dirt and in a puddle of blood like every other day.
-He doesn't have a concept of boundaries so often time's he'll grab someone suddenly if he wants their attention. Usually it's harmless and the new Pastas get used to it eventually, but sometimes it's problematic when he grabs Lazari's horns or LJ's cone nose without their consent.
-Because in my AU Slenderman's Forest is a Labrinth where people don't age, although he's maybe in his 20s now he's still the exact same as he was when he was 17. He doesn't have a concept of time so this doesn't phase him as much as it phases EJ.
Eyeless Jack
-He's got demon ears, and a demon tail. Yes that's right EJ IS A FURRY!!! Just Kidding but he does have some characteristics of a demon.
-There's a slight different between a Half-Demon like Lazari and a transformed demon like EJ. For one EJ has WAY more demonic urges than Lazari does and whilst hers are manageable, EJs definitely aren't. If he wants to kill, he has to do it otherwise he'll harm everything in his way, including himself.
-He's tried to cannibalise himself out of frustration several times, and his arms are now just permanently in bandages. Toby hits him with the Pepper Spray everytime he sees him chewing on any body part at all.
-When he's not submitting to his Demonic Urges, he's a really chill and nice guy. He's way more sane than anybody else in the Mansion and thinks everyone's unique and likes to observe them. His dream was always to be a doctor to support his parents and help others, so often times he takes care of people when they're sick.
-His demon side isn't that scary since he won't harm anybody he's close to, only himself and random people he comes across. Of course, you'll be terrified when you first see him absolutely DEVOURING the dead corpse of some random girl, but he'll always tell you that he'll never hurt you, even when he's in his Demonic State.
-Although he's an incredibly nice guy, he suffers severely with trust issues, especially when it comes to Romantic Affairs. Upon realising that Sally and Lazari were shipping him with all sorts of people, he got incredibly angry and told them that it wasn't okay.
-He's uncomfortable with romance in general after what happened with Jenny and doesn't see anybody in the Mansion as a potential Romantic Partner, since he sees relationships as something that will always end terribly and he doesn't want to soil his friendships with anyone.
-He's very close to Jeff and Ben, often coming along on their strange adventures just to watch. He believes that they aren't as bad as Toby thinks they are, so he finds it fun to hang out with them.
-He and Jeff are jokingly (KEYWORD JOKINGLY) romantic towards each other after finding out that Lazari had written fanfiction about the two of them. Although he doesn't like being shipped, Jeff helped turn into more of a funny inside joke.
-Although he has an affinity for human organs in his Demonic State and still nonchalantly consumes Kidneys regularly, he doesn't actually like meat. He's not really Vegan or Vegetarian, but he'll choose a Salad over a Steak, if you get what I'm saying.
-He's a valuable asset to the house due to his medical knowledge, and because of this is quite close to Dr Smiley and Nurse Ann, and often helps assist them with more serious cases like Natalie's eye infection and Jeff's mouth...injuries.
-He's one of the few people in the Mansion that actually liked Nina when she came, since most hated her initially, EJ helped her settle in and get to know everybody. He helps her a lot, especially when it comes to drama with her and Jeff.
-He really likes rock music and can play Guitar really well. He's not a great singer but can play an Acoustic Arrangement for any song you request him to do.
-Him and Liu are very close friends and helps Liu with panic attacks and sleep paralysis.
-He has a strictly PLATONIC relationship with everyone in the Mansion and outright discourages dating between residents, and didn't really approve of Natalie and Toby's relationship. Because of this he has no problem touching people in any way or sleeping in the same bed as people.
-As I said earlier, he did disapprove of Natalie and Toby's former relationship and advised them to break things off early, but he didn't really want to outright sabotage them. However, his own former trust issues subconsciously make him sabotage any romance he sees. He even discourages people on having CRUSHES in the Mansion.
-His trust issues cause a lot of problems, actually. Although he has no problem touching people or getting in their personal boundaries, he'll be PISSED if anybody grabs him suddenly or tries to hold his hand or anything like that.
-He has a rivalry with Laughing Jack over who's the better Jack. So far they're both even. Eyeless Jack insists that one day he'll win and be the true Jack.
-Okay in all seriousness EJ has been through a lot of shit, especially when he turned into EJ. I remember when I was little I saw this Creepypasta named "EJ Returns" or something like that where he was tied up in some Demon Hunter's basement.
This has happened to him a lot of times. Sometimes when he suddenly turns back to normal after eating somebody he'll get caught and he's the least fortunate out of everyone in the sense that the people that he gets caught by are ALWAYS occultists.
-He often has nightmares about being in this situation and because of this HATES basements and never goes into the Mansions basement unless there's a rotting corpse in there that he wants to eat.
-He desperately misses his old life, more than most of the Pastas do. Since his family and old friends are still alive he makes it an unhealthy habit to stalk them and follow them around in real life.
-In my AU, Jack Nyras is still a missing person and his disappearance was so mysterious that his case is still talked about on True Crime Podcasts. It was a nasty shock when he turned on the radio one day to discover people creating conspiracy theories on what really happened to him.
-When he came to the Mansion, his reaction was similar to Pomni from TADC. He believed it wasn't real. He broke down and wouldn't leave his room for WEEKS, and it was actually Jeff who brought him out of his shell. Although most Pastas think Jeff is a stuck up asshole EJ does have a sort of appreciation for him.
-He's blind, and although has a walking stick knows his way around the Mansion well enough to not need a guide. His sense of smell and his hearing is incredibly good.
-There's a lot of Braille books in the Library, and the section for it is referred to as the "EJ Section".
-He really likes Harry Potter and watches the movies every year.
-Jeff actually found him right outside the Forest, desperately consuming the flesh of someone Jeff had killed a day prior.
-Jack's sexuality is unknown, but we do know that he is at least attracted to women. He's claimed to have found men hot before but we may never know if he was telling the truth.
-His tail only really comes out when he's in his Demonic State, and yanking on it will NOT get you a good reaction.
-He has a fascination with watching people sleep. Don't ask him why, because he wouldn't tell you the answer.
-Upon his knowledge of what's 'going on', he has an understanding due to Toby constantly covering for Slender and Zalgo's strange behaviour. Due to being uncontrollably violent at times himself, he's sympathetic to whatever's truly going on but doesn't want to get involved.
-He does jobs with the Proxies quite a lot to the point where he even gets a paycheck (The Proxies are not slaves in this AU).
-He's really good at video games and even buys Ben a new Majora's Mask cartridge every year on his birthday to celebrate. Ben sees EJ as one of his favourite people and because of this tells him a lot about what his life was like before Drowning, but EJ won't tell.
-He owns a possessed item. It's a stuffed rabbit named Judas whom he insists can talk, but only when there is nobody else nearby. Lucy read Judas' aura and concluded that whoever is possessing Judas is a malicious entity. Despite this, EJ hasn't gotten rid of him.
-He discovered Nina and Liu and were the ones to bring them to the mansion.
-Due to the Forest being a Labyrinth and preventing it’s residents from ageing, EJ is constantly having an existential crisis on how old he is. Is he 19? Is he 29? Is he 50? He has no idea and worries about it everyday
Well, these are just some of them to get the ball rolling! I hope you liked them! If you want some more AU backstory I'll be happy to give more details ;)
If you want any more of them, whether it be on a specific topic, serious or light-hearted, feel free to ask! This was fun to write, I hope you enjoy reading, please correct me if I say anything that's too out of canon :3
If you’d like to ask for any characters in specific, any AU lore or any questions in general about the world then go ahead I promise I’ll try my best to always respond!!!
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
Ultimately the reason Percabeth is such horrifically bad ship yet gets praised so much is that while Percy and Annabeth canonically love eachother,they also canonically don't like eachother LMAO.Percy's constantly wishing Annabeth was extremely different than who she actually is because he finds her unbearable and hard to be around and finds escapism in being around people who're unlike her with the biggest example being him having been in love with Rachel before they settled into still close exes
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There's also his friendships with the Grace Sibs,Thalia had infinitely better progress with him in TTC than Annabeth has in the entire saga and he admires her a lot more too and it's a running theme that Jason is Annabeth's opposite and Percy became instant best friends with him upon first meeting and all three of their first meetings are more charming and unique than Percy saying his type is princess-y girls in his narration but Annabeth hating being seen as one because she's gnc and 'You drool when you sleep'.I also think if anybody is Percy's cosmically intertwined soulmate it's not any s/os but Nico and Hazel and by that i mean in a found siblings with him also being their pseudo-parent way.All their dynamics are interesting and richen their characters and they're from different time periods which only adds to how special their bond is
And on Annabeth's end.......She kinda straight up hates his existense.She's always talking about how stupid he is and that he's useless without her and i get that Rick tried to sell it as affectionate teasing but she's angered by it so often it's obvious it's just Rick being a cishet nt white old man.She gets angered by finding him attractive too?????This trope can be good but Percy never actually does anything,he's literally just existing and that includes not actively pursuing her back since he dosen't want her even half as much as she thinks she wants him.It's rare compared to her mean-spirited comments he explicitly never consented to and finds unnecessary and one of the many thing's he wishes she wasn't and he never returns her physical assaults so 'they're demigods and it's normal!' excuse dosen't add up
Yeah,they're dating in canon and gonna get married.Percy's also gonna not only go to college but a demigod college when again and again and AGAIN he says he dosen't want to be a half-blood and he's only going so he can live out a traditional lifestyle with Annabeth so so much for 'his thether to his mortal side' i guess.Annabeth never got any shit from Poseidon like Percy did Athena or terrorizing like Aphrodite does everybody else she talks to and Percy was forced to narratively forgive Luke,again,only because of Annabeth when he groomed him for a bit and abused him tons too and it's so vile to gaslight us into thinking Luke was anything but a serial pedophile and beyond far right to Percy's lifelong outcasthood and anarchy and Annabeth as a direct victim of his sick sexual 'interests' in plausible deniability font due to being a pg series.Percabeth is the peak cishet romance norms taken up to 12 like the Olympians and it's embarrasingly obvious nobody saying they're t4t has ever been in a transmasc4transfem relathionship
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That's why this moment is so fucking depressing.She knows him and she dosen't like any of what he is and he dosen't say it outloud because he's scared of the truth,that he ended up with the wrong person,that he fucked up again and she's hollower whenever she's around him because she exists FOR him and for almost nothing else.They weren't eachother's choice,they were eachother's destiny decided by everyone but themselves.This fucks up my autistic ass so much man,no wonder i only ever liked that lesbian!Percabeth au with transfemme Percy and butch Annabeth that was popular when i was a kid,that's deadass the only way you can make it work,they'd need an entire rehaul but at this point i don't care to try because the shippers don't deserve it after how demonic they've been since the 2000s.Percabeth was never a good ship,you were just a tween
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izukuisbaby · 2 years
thinking about sukuna who’s only soft for his s/o saying
“are you crying? holy shit, i didn’t know that cookies meant that much to you!”
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℘. flora's notes : @doulyeah-the-simp and me were talking about the "I hate everyone but you" trope the other day and this satisfied my needs 😫. also I think I finally found the format between fics and headcanons and I think I love it 💀, it's perfect for me omg I'm so excited to do more of those !
℘. female, male, gn reader friendly !
m.list | comment or reblog if you enjoyed !
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⊹˚.⋆ he buys you a cookie
℘. "oi, i brought you a cookie, 'thought you'd like it" he says throwing the bag at you
℘. and you deadass started crying cuz that's just so not sukuna but so affectionate
℘. like he thought of you and bought that HOW CUTE
℘. and now you were sobbing
℘. "...kuna... thank you" and you're like 🥺🥲
℘. and you rush to hug his chest
℘. "damn i didn't know cookies meant that much to you. wait are you crying ? " he says putting his hand behind your head
℘. "it's not the cookie 'kuna, it's you." you look at him with lovesick teary eyes and kiss his cheek
℘. you think you saw his eyes sparkle a little and his cheeks redden slightly
℘. but very slightly okay
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⊹˚.⋆ you had a tiring day
℘. he had you on the phone and you sounded so worn out
℘. he couldn't help but feel his heart clench a little, you were his sunshine and he can't stand it when you don't smile
℘. (he has a picture of you smiling in his part of the closet, it's hidden so you can't see it he's not a simp tsk 🙄)
℘. "uraume, y/n is like- not as usual and i need them to smile. wtf do I do to fix that ?"
℘. uraume knew better than to judge sukuna for being a simp, they are always there to listen to him and give the best advice
℘. they suggested he runs you a bath and started getting the rituals candles out of the attic. "i will just scrape the blood and it will be perfect for a candle-lit bath, my lord"
℘. in the meantime, he went to the garden and picked a bunch of your favorite flowers, uraume told him once that offering flowers to your partner was never a bad idea
℘. you came home to a weird sukuna, he looked all sheepish and he was slouching
℘. "uh- uraume made something for you in the master bathroom... love" he muttered the last word but it was loud enough for you to hear
℘. uraume was like"bitch who the fuck 😐, it was your idea I just spent 30 minutes scraping your demon signs of off the candles"
℘. sukuna walked out of the room way too fast for it to be normal
℘. uraume accompanied you to the master bathroom and whispered in your ear "y/n, i do not mean to overstep so please keep that to yourself. lord sukuna actually made that for you, he wanted to make you feel better after your hard day"
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⊹˚.⋆ sitting on his lap
℘. sukuna couldn't resist your little form at the bottom of his throne
℘. just the fact that he gets down just to help you up is a sign that's he's a simp for you
℘. he kneels in front of you so you can climb on his chest and put your legs around him
℘. and he puts an arm on your back, another behind your head, pushing it close to his heart
℘. and you can hear his heartbeat is faster than usual
℘. he sits on his throne, you still koalaing him until he turns you around to sit on one of his knee
℘. he wraps a protective arm around your waist he's scared you might fall and pushes your back against his chest
℘. kisses your forehead when no one is watching
℘. and his fingers mindlessly rub your skin softly
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© izukuisbaby. comments appreciated ! although do not modify, translate, copy, claim as your own or repost on any app/platform/social media (this applies to all of my content)💓
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I remember you once wrote a post about snape not being written how JK rowling thought she did, can you elaborate on that please perhaps? I also heard he is so much more of a dick in the books (never read the books, only watched the movies some time ago xd)
Anon. Sit down. I have shit to SAY. Okay, so, Snape is 100% worse in the fucking books. He insults hermione so viciously that she permanently alters her appearance. He threatens to poison Neville's toad and actually punishes Gryffindor house when Hermione prevents that from happening. He constantly goes out of his way to insult, belittle, and embarrass Harry. There is no reason why an eleven year old boy should feel as though a teacher hates him. There's no reason why he should be right. Let's get one thing straight: Snape does not like Harry. He only protects Harry because of his love for Lily. He straight up admits it. Dumbledore asks him "You've grown to care for the boy?" and Snape says "for HIM???" Like. If Harry was not the son of lily, would Snape care about him at all? If Harry was the exact same boy (same personality, same everything), except that his mother was not lily, would Snape give a shit about him? No, right? So how can anyone say that Snape likes *Harry*? He doesn't! People will say that Snape had to be cruel to Harry to keep up his facade, but I call bullshit. Snape did not have to go as far as he did. When Snape catches Harry alone with the mauraders map, he insults Harry even though there is no one else alone. Tell me who he is putting on a show for? Harry already thinks Snape hates him, so why did Snape take that opportunity to viciously dig into him? Also, why does nobody talk about the fact that Snape chose to become a death eater in the first place? "He had to put on an act" Why join the play in the first place?? In my opinion, JKR gives him too many irredeemable characteristics and/or choices. Also wouldn't it have been a more sensible decision for him to be a good teacher to everyone? For someone who was trying to keep his secret identity under wraps, he does a poor job. Harry and his friends suspect him CONSTANTLY. Harry goes to Dumbledore multiple times about Snape still being in allegiance with the dark lord. If Snape's reasoning for being cruel to Harry and the non-Slytherins was so he would not draw suspicion to himself, he does an absolute shit job at it lmao.
Snape isn't an awful person as a facade. He's awful because that's who he genuinely is. Don't believe me? Well, we get a look at him outside of school, before he has any death eaters to impress. My beef with JKR is that we're supposed to forgive Snape after one chapter. The chapter "The Prince's Tale" is supposed to redeem Snape.
One. Singular. Chapter. In the final book of a 7 book series is supposed to undo every single thing we've seen so far. I'm not saying that's impossible, but I am saying it's not the chapter JKR seems to think it is. We're supposed to believe that Snape is so redeemed after this chapter that Harry deadass names his son after him. It absolutely KILLS me that in the chapter JKR uses to prove that Snape is a good person, he does more bad shit! It's not filled with cute Snape moments; it's filled with moments where he's a creepy ass young adult. He enters the potters' house after they die and you know what he does? He rips a photo containing Harry, James, and lily, and keeps the portion containing lily. That's fucking creepy! That photo could have been given to Harry, but no! Snape just had to keep the portion containing Lily.
When he's a teenager, he tells lily he won't "let" her do something (I forget exactly what it was). Lily accuses him of wanting to be a death eater and he not only doesn't deny it, but lily CALLS him out for not denying it. That is something that canonically happens. Snape DOES become a death eater! He is friends with people who do dark magic. He calles Lily a slur in front of a crowd of people. He's shown to have blood purist beliefs as a child; Lily asks him if her being muggleborn makes any difference and he hesitates before answering. It's clear he DOES think being a muggleborn makes someone less. I can forgive Snape for being a weirdo as a kid. Everything is more acceptable when you're a small child, but he never changes. In the chapter JKR uses to justify everything Snape has done so far, she shows him STILL being a bad person even outside of school!! She seems to think she wrote some tortured hero who was kind deep down, but she wrote a bully who was so obsessive over one woman that he didn't care about whether her husband and child died so long as she remained alive. Snape loved Harry? Snape was okay with him dying as a baby lmao. Once again, Snape only cared about Lily. JKR wrote Snape as obsessive when she clearly meant to write him as deeply in love. That's what I mean when I say she didn't write him how she seems to think.
Also, as an aside, I truly feel like Draco and Snape are kind of the same, but jkr HATES Draco, and that makes no sense to me lmao. Like, the series would have been better tied together if Draco was redeemed as well. I'm not saying Draco is a good person, but to call Snape a good person despite him being a cruel grown man, and in the same breath condemn Draco who is literally just a child who grew up in a racist family? What sense does that make.
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slime-sandwhich-nom · 9 months
Little details I love about dsmp charlie (that were obvious already but I love pointing them out for the 14757366 time I just need people to understand the potential of this dude.)
- he hates how humans eat. He just finds it disgusting HHSJAJS
He said it specifically in foolish stream that he hated how humans eat, chew and then swallow and let it sink down "a tube" (our throat) and he was really disgusted and weirded out by it.
Then if I remember right he also said that for him, that's not the case. He just puts things inside his slime and let's it absorb (which is less disgusting in his opinion.) < forgot if it was true or not for this small little part.
- he has no idea about sex or reproduction in general, heavily implying slimes reproduce asexually (asexual king 🙏‼️)
And that the others think of him as innocent despite him proving that he is not, he's just old as hell and NOT a human
Foolish tried to explain it as a joke to mess with him, with the "when two people love each other very much.." but everyone, especially Fundy and quackity, made foolish shut up because charlie shouldn't know yet (implying they think of him as innocent ^)
In my opinion charlie would either be disgusted by the actual process of reproduction or sex in general but if you explained it to him as "two people made a baby :D" he would think humans split like slimes HSHSOOAOSLAPSJ
- charlie probably thinks sleeping is the best thing ever.
Like, we know he likes sitting it place for a long time, and what's better than laying down for around 8h thinking? (As he can't sleep or close his eyes)
- he's so bitter and cold when angry dude, it's beautiful.
first of all, we saw how kind of everyone in the smp when angry always scream, cuss, or throw hands, but charlie is probably the only one who doesn't.
He's silent, he's calm, and he's collected. But the best part is how easy he kills.
Not because he takes such a short time, it's how easy he does it. We were basically shown from the start that charlie as a nihilistic, he did not care about death. Not because he didn't understood what it was or knew what it was, but because he didn't care about it.
he knows PERFECTLY that humans can and WILL die, and he doesn't care about it. He often always talked about how things don't matter because everyone will die at the end, and he finds it difficult to focus on such little things (like soccer or any sport) when it'll literally be over one day (because he finds them useless to watch and observe, so he just doesn't.) so he enjoys looking at the actual important things (apparently humans are one of them, but he probably watches everything as it dies and reborns again, so.)
He cares so little about death, that he can kill someone without remorse. Literally, when he understood that purpled ALSO manipulated him, he wasted no time in throwing purple off and kill him. And he just, went on with his day.
And not like you can make him feel bad by talking about how you don't wanna die or have so much to do, he. Will. Not. Care.
He will deadass answer "everyone will die in the end, I'm just speeding up the process"
His nihilistic mindset was something that I was always interested in.
- according to lore, as much fun it is when people draw charlie as a green dude walking around instead of a human looking guy, that is not the case.
in lore we've been told that slimes are able to shapeshift into anything and are great at it, they can perfectly copy something and it will difficult understand the difference, but that's because they use blocks, they don't talk, they don't do anything, of course it's hard. But this also means they can copy and recreate texture and looks perfectly.
And this means? This means that charlie was probably a very realistic human guy walking around. He canonically has the uncanny valley feeling. The only thing that throws him off is his odd behavior, (and poor lying skills.) And the fact that he has two slimes on his head and shoulder. (What charlie describes as "human bits")
We know this because of the slime lore we've been told and the skin. Charlie changes skin depending on what happened to the character (when he was dormant and in the finale he was more slime looking.) And considering that for most of his lore he was "human looking", the uncanny valley fits, I'm NOT CRAZY I SWEAR (love how people draw him as a green dude walking though, very silly.)
- this might be a stupid fact, but he literally steals people's bones. Like my man saw Jschlatt and went "holy shit, bones, sick" and took them.
- the fact that his slime hurts when hungry, or he was simply stating that he was hungry by trying to mimic how humans often say that their stomach hurts when hungry (or when it makes noises lol)
- he CAN split, he just can't leave it, so this makes me think that he can split and reform as he likes.
- he's possibly older than foolish. We know he's old, but according to quackity he's centuries old and he knows foolish "from a long time ago" (idk how old foolish is though.)
- I'm pretty sure it's not stupidity, but when he ate the pupper fish, he saw how it gave him nausea and all, but decided to eat it anyway, and I think it's because for him poison is not deadly but for humans it is.
He's not stupid come on, just silly.
(it was probably like eating something spicy.)
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ebonysplendor · 4 months
Mine Review📖
TL;DR: Keith is hot, but Damien is hotter. Damien isn't an option, so Keith kidnaps us. Oh, and we have some waffles. Ayyyyye~
!! Heads up! This one isn't free like the others I've reviewed !!
Game Link: https://yamie-es.itch.io/mine-find-the-story
Notable Features: Gender Neutral MC, Self-Insert, Nameable MC, Yandere LI, 18+ game Spiciness: 5/5 -- Literal sex scene. Nothing too crazy, though, but yeah, we get consensually banged LI Red Flags: 2.5/5 -- Has a temper, murdered someone, trauma boy
Wanna know more? Not if you aren't at least 18. Come on, you know the drill with this. Now, if you ARE at least 18, let's stop wasting time and get into it!
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All righty, so, I'm gonna expose myself a little bit here: Visual novels, especially the raunchy ones, are my guilty pleasure.
Granted, I don't go foaming at the mouth for any and every visual novel, but the gods damn it, if I don't go feral when it's about an unstable man with an ungodly obsession for me, and bless it, don't give me the option to buss it wide open for him in the most sinful way...
Anyways, I was telling you that to say that a really close friend of mine was telling me about this game she had gotten off of itch.io and how it said that it was released but didn't "feel" released. Coincidentally, I knew exactly what game she was talking about, but, not even gonna lie, I never actually played it because, I'm a cheap bitch. That being said, when I ran across it, I was like "Mmmm twelve dollas tho...?" and decided to pass on it. The reason I gravitate more towards the free stuff is because:
1. If I hate it, or it ends up being subpar to me, it doesn't feel like a waste 2. It's not like I'll return to it after playing it to completion. At least, not for a long while because it's not a rogue-lite or procedurally generated game or anything like that where the story is ever changing 3. It's honestly habit at this point for me to look for the free stuff and ignore the stuff I have to kick out cash for 4. Like I mentioned, and frankly, the whole of it is, I'm a cheap bitch
But yeah, so my friend essentially let me download it from her account and play it ... I immediately knew what she meant by it said that it was released but it didn't feel released. To answer your unsaid question, yes, I would've been pissed if I had paid for this game.
Now, that's not to say that the game was bad, because it wasn't, but to me, it was not worth $12, even remotely. At max, I'd say it's worth maybe -- and this is a huge maybe -- $5. Let me explain by giving you a synopsis and my thoughts on the game.
As typical, I'll tell you as much about the game as possible without actually ruining the game itself.
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So, boom.
We are a failed literature student. Lol already a rocky start, but anyways, we've always have had this thing with books, but because of circumstances, we can only read as a hobby now. So, as a book lover, where do we go? The bookstore. While in there, we get some help from the guy who works there; his name is Keith, and Keith is kinda cute.
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Like, yeah, eye bag game is strong, but the bags are Gucci so, what the hell, right? Anyways, everybody say "Suh" to the bae. Suh, bae.
Anyways, so Keith asks us out, and we're like "Sure" because we deadass have nothing better to do, and it's lit. He takes us to this cafe, then we have this cute little moment in the park, and he's just being really sweet and spitting his game. Typical date shenanigans.
Keith takes us home, and we go to bed. When we wake up, we have a splitting headache and...ah, hell no.
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This is not our room...
Naturally, we start panicking a little because...what is going on? One minute, everything was normal, and we went to sleep in our bed, the next, we're in some dank room with concrete floors, brick walls, and no windows. Keith then enters stage left.
He's giving us the whole "I'm doing what's best for you" speech that most yanderes give, and we're just like "Lol piss off", and he...actually respects that? Like, yeah, he got really pissed off about it and snatched us up a little, but like...he didn't really get violent. Like, he actually left us alone. I mean, this wasn't actually the best thing either, though, because now we're just left alone to cry and keep thinking about how we're definitely going to die here. Yep, totally pleasant and positive self-talk that isn't going to make us feel even more helpless and hopeless.
Anyways, Keith comes back, what is assumed to be, hours later. He brings us food, specifically waffles, and is essentially apologizing for losing his temper with us. He asks how we are, and we just tell him that we're tired. This time, he doesn't get upset, and he leaves us to "sleep"; in actuality, we just wanted to be left alone with our thoughts again, but we actually do end up falling asleep.
The next day comes along and so does Keith. He basically tells us that he has breakfast set up upstairs and to come join him. Not having much of a choice, we do, and he has a pretty sugary spread with, like, cinnamon rolls, chocolate chip cookies, and this fat jug of orange juice. How does any of this go together? No idea, but we eat, and Keith shows us around the house. We get to his room and...ick.
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In the screenshot, the room is fine, but first off, it smells a lot like the fragrance that we wear, and, apparently, there are pictures of us like...all over his bedroom. Like, if it wasn't obvious from the "all over the bedroom" part, there's so many pictures, it's like, physically uncomfortable. Whatever though, because Keith has a cat, and of course, we had to meet the cat.
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Okay, so I'm going to speed through this a little, so pay attention.
Keith goes to work
We make a gameplan
Gameplan ends up with Keith hurt
We're like "Damn it" because guilt
We help him out
We make "I'm sorry" breakfast for him
Keith goes to work again
He gets us flowers
Keith hits it in missionary
We get cockdrunk (or stockholm, most likely) and tell him that we love him
We walk in on him murdering someone in the middle of the night
What happens next depends on whatever choices we made
The end
Oop-- sorry, went too far lol. Let me back up a bit.
So, after we buss it open for him and slip up and tell this man that we love him, we fall asleep. We wake up in the middle of the night, but Keith is gone. Instead of just rolling over and going back to sleep or simply waiting for him to come back, for plot purposes, we go investigate in an attempt to find where he went. We walk down the hallway, and....yeah, we just kind've see him going ham on this dead body, and we are greeted with this:
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Oh...oh okay. Well, maybe we can just talk to him. I'm sure he has a perfectly rational reason for trying to dismember someone.
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Or not. The answer is very clearly not.
I can't explain the rest, obviously, because it's going to be super spoiler heavy, and I don't want to ruin it just in case you decide to play the game for yourself. Sorry, but it must be done lol. As the yanderes say: I'm doing what's best for you <3
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The game is pretty decent.
I say decent because, me, personally, whenever something costs money, I automatically put it at a higher standard. Not to mention, the fact that this game costs $12, and it's only "decent" is...not good lol. I also see what my friend meant by it's released, but it doesn't feel like it's released, because...it doesn't. It feels very "in development" or in that "Update 0.7" stage versus an actual complete and polished game.
I'm assuming the dev's first language isn't English, which is fine, of course, but once again, considering that it's a $12 game, there is a lot of grammatical errors and some of the sentences just don't flow. The game is pretty short, and there's only 3 endings, not to mention, it's extremely easy to get those 3 different endings. This is because the game itself isn't choice heavy nor does it provide any scenarios to really make choices for. The options that you pick honestly don't matter until the end when you're trying to escape. That, in itself, is not worth $12 to me.
The other reason why the game was giving "it's released, but it doesn't feel like it", is because of what is on the dev's page. Let me explain.
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So, let's just break it down piece by piece, bullet by bullet.
Nameable, gender neutral protag? Check. Five days? Check. Three endings? Check. Solid start.
Keith Voice. This was implemented. Great, but the VA is only for the first day. For $12, we only get one day voice acted? To me, at minimum, the voice acting should've been scattered throughout the entire game with a voice acted line here and a voice acted line there for emphasis or to set the mood or the tone or whatever.
NSFW Scenes and Options for NSFW scene. Somewhat seen because there was a NSFW scene, and it was marked so you could opt out, if you chose to do so. Now, admittedly, this could be me being an absolute degenerate and/or taking things too literal, but it said NSFW sceneS with an "s" and it said optionS, again, with an "s" -- I was under the assumption that there'd be multiple NSFW scenes; there was only one. Again, at minimum, 2 NSFW scenes for $12.
More mini-games, scenarios, and easter eggs. Guys, I have played this game up, down, left, right, and sideways. I have mixed and matched my responses. One of the mini games they're referring to, that I won't ruin, I did every possible way, but it ends up with the same results, which got confirmed by a comment on the page. As for the scenarios, what scenarios? There were very little choices to make, and the choices that you do make aren't really that hard to make because they very clearly point to a specific ending. I just...guys, for $12...?
Grammar errors. I'm not one to talk because I know that, as a native English speaker, my reviews are all over the place with petty grammar mistakes but .... they might need to revisit this point. It wasn't bad, but there was definitely some awkward sentences here and there and some minor to moderate grammar errors. That being said, quite frankly, the grammar errors being fixed shouldn't have been a future plan. That 1012% should've been a basic requirement and priority before releasing it for twelve dollars. I'm sorry, I know I mentioned the money thing like fifty times, but it's like, if you're going to charge people money, at least do the bare minimum of spell checking, correcting grammar, and having sentences that flow well. I totally understand that people are human and mistakes happen and English isn't everyone's first language ... but you're releasing it for people's money. The economy (in the U.S.) is literal shit, and someone spent $12 on a game where something like fixing grammar errors was an afterthought. That's just ... not okay to me.
Contrary to the bitching criticism, the game really is pretty solid. The concept is there, and I really like the animations that they implemented. Like, during the part that I didn't tell you about because it would've spoiled it, the animation really brought the scene together, and it paired well with the (I guess it could be considered a) mini game. That was honestly my favorite thing about it but...it still is not worth the money to me, at least not $12. $1 - $5? Sure, I could see that, but twelve? That's kind've steep for this game, especially when you don't even know who Damien is unless you go a specific route. Lol, yeah. He was mentioned in the TL;DR but you forgot about him, didn't you? I didn't. He just isn't present in the route that I was telling you about until the end, and he kinda just...randomly shows up. I mean, don't get me wrong, I think he's pretty hot, like look.
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See? Pretty damned attractive dude.
But in that specific route that I walked you through? He's literally just a random dude that we apparently knew for a long time; it just wasn't explained in that particular route. Again, for $12. Yeah, no... I'd give it like $2, maybe $3, but only because the animations were pretty solid, we got to tango in the sheets with Keith, and Damien is pretty damn cute.
Put it this way: Where Winter Crows Go wasn't choice heavy nor had too many choices to make, had few lines voice acted, and didn't have any animations. To me, it was significantly better than this VN, and the suggested price was $6. Again, that game was significantly better, and it was only $6. Technically, it was free! The dev was just suggesting a donation/price of $6. This one is charging $12. Wild.
Anyways, to finally wrap all of this up and to stop bitching about the price of the game, um...I honestly don't recommend it. I know I said I was going to stop bitching about the price, but just one more time! If the game was free, then yeah, I'd say still give it a shot, but unless you have the disposable income or are super unbothered to the point where it's like "Meh, it's only $12. It's okay if it's bad. It's not a big deal", I wouldn't suggest getting this game. I hate to say that it'd be a waste, but...it'd be a waste. The game, to me, is overpriced and is just not worth the money. It's a solid game, and it isn't bad by any means like Killswitch, but I definitely wouldn't have paid money for this.
Okay, for realsies this time, I think I've bitched enough about the price of this game and the quality for said price. If you'd still like to give this game a try, by all means, go for it! I'll even drop the link for the game right here! Drop a comment on the dev's page if you think that I was trippin', and I overly criticized this game! Give them that ever warm "Great job!" and provide them that reassurance to keep making games! Shit, I think they should keep making games, too! Like I said, it wasn't a bad game! Not the best game out there, but definitely not the worst, and I'd 100% recommend it if it was free! The dev definitely has the talent, I just feel that their craft has to be tweaked a bit more before they can charge $12 for it.
Okay, okay, all right, I know, I'm shutting up about the $12 now! I swear! That was the last time!
But kaykay! That's all from me this go around! Remember! Drink water, don't be dumb, and hope to see you around~!
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