#Die with the socks in the flip-flops
yridenergyridenergy · 5 months
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knight-of-skyloft · 2 years
Alright, I'm getting my big Stormlight 5 predictions down now.
Contest of champions
Dalinar (Honor) vs. Renarin (Odium) fakeout. The actual contest will be Adolin (Honor) vs. Taln (Odium). I don't know who's gonna win but honestly I don't think it's gonna matter, there's definitely going to be some kind of crazy twist that changes everything.
Radiant Oaths
4th Bondsmith ideal will be something about letting go of power. Dalinar will fail to swear it at a crucial moment and die.
An Enlightened Truthwatcher ideal will be something like "I will not hide the truth of who I am, I will not make myself small to please others" and it's going to be about Glys living outside Renarin's chest.
5th Windrunner ideal will be "I will protect myself" and Kaladin is gonna swear it and I'm gonna cry like a baby.
4th ideal Szeth pls and thank you.
Character deaths
Dalinar (we all know it), Moash (I'm sorry everyone I don't want him to die I just think he's gonna). If Adolin and Kaladin don't live through this one I will eat my socks.
Misc. other stuff
-The Stormfather's next Bondsmith is going to be a singer but I don't think that will necessarily happen in book 5.
-Adolin and Maya do a reverse Radiant bond. Adolin and Shallan move to Shadesmar, setting the stage for worldhopper Shallan in later books. Renarin becomes Kholin highprince. (This is what the "he must pick it up, the fallen title" death rattle is predicting.)
-I flip-flop between two death rattles for Kaladin's fifth ideal ("I stand over the body of a brother", "He has won. Oh, he has beaten us") but right now I'm feeling like it's the first one.
-Renarin and Rlain are going to start researching fabrials that don't trap spren, based off of the Listener method for growing crops
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pbandjesse · 2 months
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I felt kind of down today. It wasn't a bad day! It was full of beautiful moments. But I felt down inside. I tried very hard to fight against it but it was tough. I'm just a little to hot and a little to tired. But I enjoyed being with my James. And it was a beautiful day, even if it was just a little but to warm.
I had some pretty serious and intense dreams. I woke up and had to wake James up to make sure they were okay. They seemed really concerned about how upset I was. But I was able to go back to sleep and have more intense dreams. So it wasn't the most restful sleep.
When I woke up for real I was so hot. We will have to figure out an ac unit soon for our bedroom. But it's not a huge deal. I will survive, even if I'm just a little uncomfy.
James would come up and see what I wanted to have for breakfast. I decided on a grilled peanut butter and jelly. And got dressed and loved how my hair dried. I washed it last night and let it air dry and while I have heard recently it can be bad to do that I actually think I'm going to go back to it because I was just so please today. I felt really pretty.
We would hang out in the living room. James made an appointment for our polio vaccines and said we could walk to the CVS at 1030. So that is just what we did. I struggled with shoe choices. I have raw spots from my docs so I thought I would wear my tevas but they also hit my sore spots so I tried socks and wanted to die from being to warm so I switched to some old flip flops and I would end up hating them by the time we got to the cvs. It isn't like I need new shoes but I do need to finally replace my flip flops from highschool that finally fell apart last year. I'll have to figure that out soon. Maybe tomorrow after work I'll go search.
We got over to the CVS. James was being really cute. And was really excited about the weather and how beautiful it was. I was a little to hot and was realizing how I should have worn sun screen. But I was having a nice time with James.
We got to the CVS and they were like. You don't have an appointment? Because it turns out we were at the wrong CVS. Oops. So we had to quickly walk home and drive to harbor east. Which would make us a few minutes late. I was pretty stressed. James would stay behind to pay for parking so I could go over the next block to get there. But then I didn't know where to go. It wasn't the pharmacy even though the sign said that was where vaccines were. It was actually the minute clinic. And then I didn't know what my confirmation number was and was a little frazzled.
James would come and we sorted it out. And the woman who worked there, who I Believe is a nurse?, was just so lovely. She told me I was totally fine and to not worry about being late. Which did make me feel better. But I was also a little stressed about the whole thing.
She wasn't sure if insurance was going to cover this but it actually did so that was good. And she was very good and it didn't hurt much. It hurts a little now but only like a small bruise. I asked if me and James would get medicine from the same vial and she said yes and I was like. Oh that's very romantic. And she thought it was very funny that me and James go to so many appointments together. She said her and her husband have never done that in 10 years together. Which I thought was pretty interesting. But maybe when you work in the medical field it's a different feeling.
James's appointment wasn't for an hour but she let James come early so we didn't have to wait. James got a COVID vaccine too but I had one recently so I didn't need it. James was very brave and got one in each arm.
While James was waiting their 15 minutes after their shots I went to get the dish soap we needed. It was locked up so I had to call for staff and the girl that came to do it was super complimentary about my tattoos and kept saying how cool I was. Which made me feel very cool.
We paid and left and James took me home to change my shoes. We got a water bottle and we headed to the park to enjoy the day. I was a little miserable. I changed into better shoes but I was still not feeling the best. And being to hot didn't help but it was beautiful out.
We walked around. We were going to go find the swings but they had that area all roped off for construction. Ah well. We sat on a bench and enjoyed watching people with their babies. And watching the inch worm try to climb on James's arm hair. It was very silly.
I decided I would like falafel for lunch. James found a Yemeni place! I didn't know that they would have falafel but it was good! I liked the size of it. I would have preferred it with a dipping sauce but I really enjoyed the half I had. We saved the other half for lunch tomorrow. The best part of the experience was that they brought us a sauce and a salad and a soup we didn't even order and it was good! I was having a great time.
We walked to the thrift store next. And I was so excited to find this little house. I swear I had a mini version of this same house that I used to play with so much that it fell apart. I was trying very hard to find the joyful moments today, so this find was really good. And if was only $5.
We would go get ice cream next. And that was fun. We decided to cool off in their AC and I am glad we did. James got red velvet and I got the dirty grasshopper again and I tried the cannoli flavor. It was fun and I was feeling a little more positive. Even if I was tired still.
We tried to walk in the shade on the way home as much as possible. We talked and laughed and it was just really nice being together. Even if I was still just a little sad.
When we got home I would hang out on the couch for a bit. James put the screen door in and that was nice. But I was pretty sun tired. So I would go lay down upstairs. I felt bad because we were going to work on wall paper today but I just really didn't have it in me.
James would set up a fan for me and I got changed and I fell asleep pretty quickly. I woke up very hot but I was able to keep sleeping.
I woke up at 630. And I was not having a great time. James brought me water and I laid and sipped. My stomach hurts but I was alright.
James would go record their podcast and I hung out on the couch. And eventually James was done podcast and they came and made us a late dinner.
I decided I wanted spaghetti but I wanted the pasta to be dry, no pasta water left. And James thought that was weird but it was exactly what I wanted. They even baked some mozzarella for the top. I was so happy.
And now we are just hanging out. I am so tired. But it is almost bed time.
Tomorrow I think I have two different field trips at camp. But that's alright. It should be a very good day. Not as hot, but still beautiful. And lots of shade.
I hope you all have a good night tonight. And take care of yourself tomorrow. I love you all. Goodnight!!
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florianniss · 10 months
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From Chapter 14:
"It may be twenty outside," his breath tickles the front of Steve's neck, "but it's ninety-eight-point-six inside."
Steve can't help but grin too. He turns his mouth to meet Eddie's and finds himself being devoured one nibble at a time. His cheek, the corner of his mouth. His lower lip next, and then the top. 
"Come on, Baby," Eddie mumbles, coaxing Steve's mouth open with words. "Slip inside my sleeping bag."
And Steve laughs.
(s m u t under the cut)
"Ha ha ha!"
"What?" Eddie pulls back, his face unreadable. The flashlight is still in the door well, and there are shadows over everything.
Steve hums the ridiculous song out loud.
"Slip inside my sleeping bag!"
Eddie growls at him for laughing. "It's not supposed to be funny."
"I know!" Steve snorts, feeling warm and silly and unable to contain it. "I know, but –"
His friend's shoulders hunch again and Eddie turns away. He fishes the flashlight out and shines it directly in Steve's face.
"Ow! All right! I'll stop! I'll stop!"
"You better," Eddie grumbles, huffing a little and not hiding one bit that his feelings have been hurt. Steve blinks the brightness away, forces the silliness away and takes a deep breath.
The back of the van is cooler than the cab, even though the vehicle hasn't been off for very long. Steve pulls his shirt over his head and shivers as it slides off one bare arm, then the other. The boots are next, and he realizes too late that they should have been first. They've made the carpet wet, his knees too. Steve lets them fall into the door space with a clunk and pulls off his socks, too.
Steve glances up and catches Eddie staring open-mouthed at his hairy chest. It's always been the main difference between them: Steve's hairy hardness and Eddie's soft – well, softness.
The beam of light on the ceiling slowly tilts to the side, runs down the length of the curtain. Eddie continues to stare like he's that deer in the headlights.
Steve smirks and gets up on his knees again to unzip his jeans. Things have settled down and he's not as ramped up as he was before. But Eddie's gaze drops from his chest to his drawers, the bulge of his tighty-whities inside the useless underwear flap. It spurs him on, heats his cheeks and makes his stomach flip-flop into somersaults.
It's awkward trying to slide out of jeans with so little space. Steve accidentally kicks Eddie, and he jerks a little, shifts to get out of the way. All the while stunned into silence as he watches Steve undress.
They haven't done this before.
The jeans finally come off in a heap, inside out and rolled up and completely fucked. Steve pushes them to the side with the rest of his clothes and finds the opening to the connected sleeping bags. He looks up at Eddie and slips a hand inside.
It's fucking freezing. Steve clenches his teeth and unfolds his legs to shove both feet inside. Like plunging into cold water, he figures it's best to make it fast. He wiggles and shrugs into the frigid space, gasps as his bare stomach touches the sheer fabric. And before he curls into the fetal position to warm himself, he turns his face to look at Eddie.
"You coming or what?"
Eddie has never moved so fast. The flashlight clunks to the floor and he rips his shirt off, flashing tattoos and bare skin, elbows frantic, fingers scrabbling to take down his own jeans. He's so quick, in fact, that Steve barely has three seconds to make out the substantial thickness of him, the extra-largeness of him. But it's there, and it's real, and Steve thinks he might die if they were to –
"Sh-shit." Eddie shivers violently as he crawls in beside Steve. A heel pokes into Steve's gut, and an elbow catches his jaw. But it doesn't hurt. It feels wonderful, in fact. Especially once Eddie's completely undercover and his arm comes up over Steve's, and Steve gets his elbow under Eddie's head and pulls him close.
It's a sigh heaved in unison as skin presses up against skin, and Steve laughs again. This time, Eddie doesn't get offended. He rolls a bit and tucks his chin into the space at Steve's neck. His knee slides between Steve's, fucking warm as hell. And Steve doesn't even feel the outside air leaking in at his back.
"Fuck," Eddie sighs, mouthing the point of Steve's shoulder. He pushes up on one elbow and his hair falls over his face. "I forgot the flashlight."
Steve snorts another laugh as Eddie scrambles halfway out of the sleeping bag-for-two to fetch the light. His hip juts against Steve's armpit and he gets a glimpse of the smooth firmness of Eddie's taut back.
"Oh ho ho," Eddie whines as he returns to Steve's side. He snakes himself around, one arm and leg under, one over. The flashlight lies at his head, aimed at the curtain behind them. There's just enough light to see the highlights in Eddie's hair, the ink on his shoulder, the curve of his spine. And it's so wonderfully, amazingly warm.
"You gonna turn that light off?" Steve hums into Eddie's hair. He smells so good, slightly sweaty, slightly smoky. 
"You wanna go to sleep already?"
Sleep is the last thing Steve has on his mind. He pulls Eddie in even closer. He can do that now. There's nothing and nobody to stop him.
"Didn't think so," Eddie says, triumphant. As if he's the one who's got everything he's ever wanted, wrapped up nice and tight in the bare skin Steve's been dreaming about for months.
They're silent for a long time. Steve goes a little crazy with Eddie's hair in his face, warm, smooth chest against his own. There's a hand on his neck, and another in the middle of his back, fingers spread wide, just holding him close. Wanting him. Needing him. Him and only him.
Even the silence is warm. Steve gets lost in Eddie's breathing, the gentle lifting of one chest against the other. He thinks if he listens closely enough, he can hear Eddie smiling. And it makes him so, so happy.
"Think you can handle one last surprise?" Eddie whispers over Steve's shoulder. It's so soft, so gentle, that it sends shivers down his spine. He thinks he knows what Eddie is asking.
"I dunno. Can I?"
Eddie pushes Steve on his back to be able to see his face. His hand is flat on Steve's chest, big brown eyes looking down on him, his hair in curtains over his face.
Something is different. His mouth falls open and his chin quivers as if he's about to speak, but doesn't. His forehead wrinkles like he's worried, and his eyes go all soft and wide. Steve's never noticed how red his lips are.
"I dunno," Eddie repeats back to him and his gaze intensifies. "Can I?"
Steve catches the tensing of Eddie's abs somewhere inside the sleeping bag, but can't make himself focus on it. There's something intoxicating in the way Eddie's looking at him.
And Steve finally gets it. Finally, he understands what Eddie's asking in not-so-many words. It's a thing they've been working towards in frustratingly slowness. Something Eddie's been controlling the pace of. Until Steve turned eighteen.
Steve remembers Eddie's words the night they parted.
"But slow, OK? We talk about things. You gotta go easy on me, cuz I've never done this kind of thing before."  
It takes Steve's breath away, and he struggles to put a sound behind his answer.
"Yeah, you can."
Eddie's whole body visibly relaxes, as if he'd gone rigid with anticipation. He curls his fingers in Steve's chest hair and tugs gently, then wets his lower lip.
"Thank you."
Steve doesn't know what to say, so he doesn't speak. He doesn't move; he doesn't breathe. He only feels the slow, torturous slide of Eddie's hand down the center of his chest.
Eddie's exhale when he reaches Steve's navel is reverent, adoring. There's nothing to see; the sleeping bag hides his downward progress. But his eyes follow as if there's nothing there, as if he's drinking in Steve with sight as well as touch.
Those lashes flicker as his fingers run gently underneath the elastic band, and Steve has to close his eyes. It's so damn good, the delicious way Eddie is enjoying him. There's so much of that enjoyment between them Steve can practically taste it on the back of his tongue.
Steve lets out a surprised grunt as Eddie closes fingers over his dick, finds the full swell of him, wraps his hand around and tugs. Their eyes meet. Eddie's mouth forms an 'oh.' Fire rushes to Steve's gut and he can feel himself clench in excitement.
"Oh, Baby," Eddie breathes and squeezes strong fingers around the glans of Steve's penis. And god damn, if that doesn't make Steve want to rise up and meet his hand for more pressure. He's never been touched so boldly, so explicitly needy before. Eddie's got a hold of him in such a way that needs no direction, no instruction. Because Eddie knows how to pleasure a cock. He knows exactly what it's like.
"Can I?" he says again, with fingernails digging in now. All Steve can do is nod; if he speaks, he'll beg. And he doesn't want to give away that he's losing his mind, that he doesn't have control, that he's practically crawling out of his own skin at the thought of Eddie's warm hand on his dick.
"Jeezus," Eddie sighs and breaks eye contact to flatten his hand on Steve's stomach. He slides his fingers under the band, cups his smooth hand against the hot flesh of Steve's erection. Licks that damn puffy lower lip and swears again. "Jeezus Fuck."
It's hot, the way Eddie stretches the underwear out of the way with his other hand, drags it under his balls, knuckles grazing against his taint. Steve gasps and tenses, surprised at himself and how eager his body responds to the faintest of touches. 
There's a quick movement of Eddie's hand, and he's grasping Steve's whole cock now. Fingers wrapped around it, tugging as he squeezes the damn life out of him. He pulls upward and the foreskin follows along. It stretches from the pucker of his asshole while he twitches involuntarily. Like putty in Eddie's hand, Steve can only clench his fists and jaw and butt cheeks and go along for the ride.
And what a ride it is. When he reaches the tip and finds wetness there, Eddie sucks in a breath. He catches Steve's eyes and brings the other hand to his mouth, licks the palm and reaches back inside the sleeping bag. The double fisting with saliva sends Steve's head back and his torso arching into the air.
"Fuck, Baby," Eddie growls, pushing him back down again without losing hold of his dick. "You're so expressive it hurts."
Steve knows the feeling. The pressure building somewhere behind his navel is half heated pleasure, half painful stinging. He wants badly to finish, to come and come and come all over himself and their cocoon of blankets. But he also wants the hurt to go on forever. He doesn't want this first time to end.
Eddie seems to get that. He strokes with deliberation but also with care. He wets his hand twice, three times, transfers it to the super sensitive head of Steve's cock. Holds the top with his palm flat, then circles it over the tip, teasing the slit open, wider.
"Oh, fuck," Steve calls, and Eddie smiles his response. But it's more smug, like he understands how good it feels, how crazy intense it is. Like he knows he's a bastard by dragging things out. Teasing Steve to the edge.
Steve untangles one hand from where Eddie's sitting on it, realizing he's holding him down, keeping him from touching too. He finds the meat of Eddie's thigh and sinks his fingers in, searching for the package he knows lies between those lean, muscled legs. And Eddie gently pushes him away.
"I'm almost done. I promise."
Steve feels the whine at the back of his throat before it escapes. 
"Please," he begs, even though he doesn't mean to. Even though he doesn't know what he's begging for. He wants to touch Eddie, wants to find out how big he really is. Wants to hold him between his fingers and feel the width and length of him. Slide his thumb up the side of the bulging vein there, slip it into his slit, and press hard.
Just thinking about it while Eddie's teasing his cock head is enough to make the heated pressure increase substantially. His brain kicks into gear, imagining Eddie's mouth on him, sucking him dry. Imagines his fingers in his ass, pressing on whatever that sinful thing inside is.
"Oh fuck, I'm gonna come." And Steve means it. He's too far gone now to hold back.
Eddie licks his hand one more time and wraps it just under the tip. He finds the fucking button and pushes it, rubs his slippery thumb over and over it, hums and whispers and encourages Steve to come.
It's with a shout that he does, that his orgasm spikes and strikes and causes his body to go tense with it. He comes into Eddie's palm, quickly placed over the slit. Gasping with eyes tightly shut, cock pulsing as the warmth washes out of him. Feeling Eddie's hand wet with his spunk, pressed firmly into his gut, a warm, reassuring, grounding thing.
Steve's body fucking vibrates with it, the strength of the orgasm. He opens his eyes to Eddie looking at him with an expression that's absolutely wrecked. As if he was the one to experience the pleasure, as if he was the one who blew his load into their makeshift bed.
"God," Steve moans while Eddie grabs a fist full of chest hair with his other hand. "Holy fucking hell!" It's all he can think to say.
Eddie smiles, purses his mouth and fucking tsks.
"Wow, Harrington. Such a potty mouth on you. Wonder if it's good for anything else."
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charlenasaxen · 4 months
Favorite Quotes - Summer Sons by Lee Mandelo
“The image of Eddie’s corpse, emptied out and dolled up, remained stuck”
“in the gold afternoon light, the black chrome and black detailing and cherry-red rims struck him”
“banging his head and his pride on the roof of the car”
“chances he took without his usual second-in-command on site”
“a guitar and a battered amp in the closet that used to be Andrew’s and were once again”
“Andrew had sprawled over his center console to reach out his passenger window and flip off a smirking Eddie, who had his shades pushed up”
“No part of Andrew could conceive of the room as a goodbye offering. It was too much a welcome”
“Five months of separation that had stretched into eight over the summer, and now would never end”
“Every moment of his life that followed would take him further from Eddie, no matter his efforts”
“It’s your house, stand all afternoon if you want to. I was being polite.”
“The alerts went on and on with the phone balanced on Riley’s palm like a snake that might bite”
“Thirty-seven unread messages, eight missed calls. Six voicemails. Also, a software update”
“Who am I supposed to be calling?”
“I’m assuming whoever left you all those messages,”
“In the better version of their lives that he didn’t get to have, Eddie would’ve been getting the other boot, or throwing up over the porch railing. He missed him with fierce pain.”
“With no attempt to delay for propriety’s sake, West responded immediately”
“his unknowing response: keep it together I’ll be there soon”
“streaked with pale washout dye that had already disappeared by his funeral a month later”
“Eddie’s next text just said cmere, followed by Andrew’s response, would if I could asshole”
“Home was where Eddie was; home was nowhere, now”
“even if Andrew swallowed the suggestion that he’d been abandoned, Eddie wouldn’t disrespect him so completely”
“a handful of unremarkable young men who could all use each other’s IDs in a pinch”
“it shattered with a burst of flame and glass. The crowd roared.”
“but apparently he’d left that shit up to interpretation”
“It reminded him of his own habitual match with Eddie, first and last no matter what happened between—until now.”
“terror and delight and the promise of risk bringing him to life.
Smashing forward into motion was as natural as breathing”
“his blood leapt desperately toward another person, the only other person who carried it, too far away—Eddie’s final coherent thought was, help me.”
“Eddie hadn’t wanted to die—Eddie tried to save himself. If Andrew had come home sooner—if he’d been there”
“it seems like it fucking killed him, so tell me again how I owe you something?”
“to approximately dick-level. He had to admire the lack of dissembling”
“When he was around he was king of the castle, and it made me forget to ask where the fuck he was the rest of the time”
“Andrew, in his briefs and socks, eating applesauce directly from the container in front of the fridge, had the option to either stand his ground or flee”
“He wanted to believe that, if their positions were reversed, Eddie would have already drowned the necessary parties in the ocean”
“I asked to see where, after they brought him back and called his parents”
“letters he presumed Halse had left, the only other man to visit Eddie’s resting place”
“someone else was there. Another set of hands arranging the stiff corpse.”
“Violence hadn’t found Eddie here in the forest, not at this resting place, quiet and green”
“The soil had so little spilled blood to give as offering to Andrew when he came for his inheritance”
“The desperation of Eddie reaching out to him at the end”
“tracing the initials one more time. Days after he had died, Sam had stood here and carved a spot to remember Eddie by.”
“He didn’t have the sense god gave a dog”
“you meet them, you like them, you get to spending time with them”
“Ed did that with us before you even showed up, so we have to help you out for his sake.”
“all big eyes and flopping around like a sexy rag doll,” Riley noted.
The tips of Andrew’s ears went hot”
“that Eddie still wanted him in his final moment”
“Edward’s ring,” she said. “I found it, after”
“not addressing the fact that he’d been with Sam in the first place.”
“I remember his excitement about some recent discovery he’d made, but I never had a chance to find out what.”
“heart pounding in his chest. The phantom image of Eddie kissing him in his sleep.”
“No one else had been there with him in the cavern for hours spread across days, freezing, terrified of encroaching death”
“a seventy-five percent tip on West’s dime.”
“He had gotten used to their curse and what it could do in the years since, and that had made him complacent”
with an electric blue sticky note on top that said “eat these Andrew.”
“took his phone from between his teeth.”
“He owned the land across that invisible line. He wondered if he’d recognize the moment he stepped across the divide.”
“Blood for blood, offered to the earth—wasn’t that a familiar story”
“families and land and sacrifice. And the things that had happened in the cavern—”
“The land’s hungry, and it gets its due, one way or another.”
“Except the tale belonged to him, the scion of a cursed house”
“He’d found some other record of the curse to hunt down in his final days.”
“In case you missed it, the last person doing the research you just asked him to do is dead.”
“I broke my ankle, he concussed himself. We couldn’t climb out. I broke all my fingernails trying to get up.”
“he was the sole living person who knew the tale. After he told it, he wouldn’t be alone.”
“No light at all…crawling through the pooled, brackish water, pawing at slick stones”
“When the blood touched Eddie’s hair his neck turned, an unnatural jerk”
“Troth knew her husband wasn’t going to see through another winter, and he felt a kinship with her over that—Eddie wouldn’t be seeing snow either”
“to avoid eavesdropping on their goodbyes”
“Not real surprised she’s excited about a weird death curse; that library felt like it’d seen a few of its own”
“Faded photos of two tanned boys, summer sons, gazed into the family camera”
“Shock and rage exploded across Andrew��s body in a blistering wash, propelling him forward.”
“Literally anyone who talked to Eddie in that last week.”
“A different hunger, one that would remain unsated. He was about to turn twenty-three, and Eddie wasn’t going to see it happen.”
“Andrew lifted his tattoo to his mouth for a good-luck kiss”
“he and Eddie had gotten kicked out of four bars in succession and ended up unconscious in a stranger’s yard”
“growing past the static moment in time the revenant would always be trapped inside.”
“the force that drove dogs to waste to death on their masters’ graves”
“as an apology to the friend he’d loved or a reminder of his responsibility to him”
“Go to class, hold down the fort, and don’t draw her attention”
“The golden, sun-scattered kitchen was homey. Nothing cast a real shadow.”
“to keep from charging straight up the staircase to drag a dying man out of his bed”
“I’m surprised to see you’re not still wearing his ring, Andrew.”
“Still?” he asked with a swoop in his stomach
“He’d come full circle, back to the kid trapped in a cavern with a broken ankle, waiting to die”
“drag Sam along with him, unwilling but dedicated, repeating the cycle of his inheritance”
“With him settled, she pecked a kiss on her husband’s forehead”
“there are few limits on what I’d do to save him.”
“Sorry,” Mark contributed with an unnecessarily chipper tone
“I saw you two in the newspaper, and I wondered”
“Recognition rocked him at the sight. That edge had bit through Eddie’s flesh first.”
“You thought you were hunting me, but you were being herded along.”
“Do you understand?”
“Fuck you,” he said.
“I expected as much,”
“Rope creaked. Andrew’s blood pooled”
“He had become a passenger in his flesh, one half of a whole, as he’d thought of himself for so long.”
“Their inheritance was strong—not Andrew’s thought, though it occupied his head”
“She drove her thumbs into the meat of his arms; he shrieked again. One of the horses whinnied in empathetic distress.”
“the rush of death beat through the room like a hundred pairs of wings. Mark had gone limp.”
“Driven by the recollection of Eddie’s pain”
“the welcome reminder of his belonging. Their alternate perspectives notched like puzzle pieces,”
“Eddie, bound to this chair, flinging their gift to Andrew in hopes that he’d catch”
“Your eye,” he whispered.
“It hurts,” Sam said, voice so small
“And Eddie, my god. Oh my god.”
“The haunt chittered sympathetic nothingness at him and took clumsy control to maneuver him to the car”
“As boys they’d been happy here, together, and he felt scraps of the lifelong yearning Eddie had dragged to his grave.”
“To be fair, Eddie’s dismembered voice coming out of Andrew’s body wasn’t Andrew’s favorite thing, either.”
“Fire wouldn’t cleanse the history from that earth, but maybe it could put the bones to rest.”
despite its unwillingness to abandon him.
“This is yours,” he whispered.
Come on. I love you, but this is no life. His acquired memories slithered free with a mournful pang.
“Goodbye,” he said.
“to preserve the memory of Eddie as he’d really been, rather than what he’d become”
“Eddie had left him this, also: a future to see through.”
“Tonight they were celebrating. The review committee had accepted Riley’s thesis proposal, revised to adapt Eddie’s unfinished work”
“Possibilities swirled in the smell of gasoline and the crisp October night”
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primaviva · 7 months
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30 you a fool for this one
Gu-Gucci flip flops, fuck it, hit your bitch in my socks
This a big watch, diamond drippin' off of the clock
Pull the 6 out, wintertime, droppin' the top
Give it to they pussy ass, turn the shit up a notch
Gucci flip flops (fuck it), make it kick rocks (bust it)
This a big clock, check the wrist watch (check it)
Gucci flip flops, fuck it, hit your bitch in my socks (bust it)
This a big watch, diamond drippin' off of the clock (off the clock)
Bhad Bhabie got these bitches bustin' for cash (cash)
Do the dash, try to play me, bitch, I'm bustin' yo' ass (bustin' yo')
Lotta gun sounds, Rollie, bust down, know why these bitches mad
'Cause they trash and they fuckin' for cash (cash)
Too official, blow the whistle, bitch, I'm fly as a bird (brrr)
Take a picture, get ya' issue, bitch will die on my word (on my word)
Walk in the bank, fuck it up, pokin' that bitch with a shank, fuck it up (fuck it up)
I bought the lil' bitch a bag, make it double back and clear up her tab (yah)
Gu-Gucci flip flops, fuck it, hit your bitch in my socks
This a big watch, diamond drippin' off of the clock
Pull the 6 out, wintertime, droppin' the top
Give it to they pussy ass, turn the shit up a notch
Gucci flip flops (fuck it), make it kick rocks (bust it)
This a big clock, check the wrist watch (check it)
Gucci flip flops, fuck it, hit your bitch in my socks (bust it)
This a big watch (Lil Boat), diamond drippin' off of the clock (off of the clock)
I got big guap, pussy, yeah, I'm real rich (yeah)
Six cars, two houses and I'm still rich, uh (uh)
Think it's sweet? One call, hit the Killswitch (boom)
Boo, be cool, I ain't worried 'bout yo' lil bitch, nigga
That lil' chain that you rockin', that's so little to me
Talkin' shit but want a verse? That's a riddle to me
Can't fuck the bitch if she got her virginity (whoo, yeah)
'Cause then she gon' really be into me (whoo, yeah)
.223 shots, I might run for the enemies (ah)
Put a few holes in his kidney (whoo, Lil Boat)
Gu-Gucci flip flops, fuck it, hit your bitch in my socks
This a big watch, diamond drippin' off of the clock
Pull the 6 out, wintertime, droppin' the top
Give it to they pussy ass, turn the shit up a notch
Gucci flip flops (fuck it), make it kick rocks (bust it)
This a big clock, check the wrist watch (check it)
Gucci flip flops, fuck it, hit your bitch in my socks (bust it)
This a big watch, diamond drippin' off of the clock (off of the clock)
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ariadnes-subthread · 2 years
When your stylistic influences all come from the Ancient Mediterranean but you wear cheap-ass modern clothing, some things that are very challenging to shop for:
-sunglasses (i just try to find ones that look the most like bezel-set gold jewelry as much as possible. if I found a pair with faux granulation I'd probably die of happiness)
-cold weather and rain gear (i live in Oregon so it's non-negotiable lol. my fave currently is a cloth shower curtain i found at the thrift store and wear himation-sty·e, but it's pretty unwieldy)
-closed-toe shoes (the lacing is always positioned wrong!!! also soles tend to be too prominent, though admittedly I love flatform 'gladiator sandals')
-socks (easier now that 'flip-flop socks' are becoming a thing. I also wear a lot of toeless/legwarmer designs)
-bags/purses (i usually wear fanny pack/belt bag/hip bag kinda designs, anything that can easily be attached to a rope or chain belt, but it'd be nice to have a big shoulder bag or two that meshes well with my style)
-hair hoops(modern mass produced tiaras are all openwork/filigree, it's actually easier to buy and reshape collar necklaces for diadems)
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cksmart-world · 6 months
The Completely Unnecessary News Analysis
By Christopher Smart
December 12, 2023
10. Guns — Be sure to declare the 2nd Amendment is sacred.
9. Abortion — Always say we're protecting pre-born people (never say zygote).
8. Gay marriage — Keep repeating, God said marriage is between a man and a woman. (Extra-marital affairs don't count, especially oral sex.)
7. Donald Trump — Focus on his leadership skills, such as insults and bullying. And emphasize his business acumen, feign ignorance about his fraud trial and sex assault.
6. Biden didn't win — You must say Trump won or you're toast. Say this: There were voting irregularities and there's plenty of proof.
5. All Muslims are terrorists — Play to white fears. Remember, Santa and Jesus are white. Maybe the workforce is a bit thin, but do you want your daughter to marry a terrorist.
4. Climate Change is B.S. — Another liberal ploy to sell electric cars and deadly windmills that kill whales. Your shares of Shell Oil could go in the dumper, do you want that.
3. Dictatorships aren't that bad — And look, it just for the one day. Don't listen to Steve Bannon, Trump is not following the play book of Benito Mussolini — well, not exactly.
2. Taxing the rich — Just say redistribution of wealth is a communist, welfare ploy. The rich are job creators and everyone wants a job except Democrats.
Taylor Swift — The libs are weaponizing mega-star Taylor Swift. She's on the cover of Time magazine, dances around in those sparkly, sequined swimsuits and she tells her fans to vote. How bad can it get.
The House Committee of Inquisition convened in a special session to determine if student terrorists were spreading propaganda regarding the presence of Popsicles on elite campuses where leftists have made life sticky for normal white people. With brutal questioning, Rep. Elise Stephanic, R-N.Y., demanded to know whether “Fat Albert” Saturday morning cartoons violated school policies. “It all depends,” answered Dean Nomee Nadda of Who Dat University. Stephanik warned the dean that she was under oath. Universities should be forums for free inquiry, Nadda replied, except when they're not. That's a yes or no question, Stephanic snapped, and I don't like your attitude. We're trying to score political points up here, she said, and we don't want actual answers. The Who Dat dean offered a clarification: Popsicles are protected by the Constitution. Rep. Burgess Owens, R-Utah, jumped in wondering aloud why elite universities teach Critical Race Theory and if it along with diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives were linked to rising levels of anti-Popsicleism. Well congressman, Nadda said, I just want to convey whatever I need to say about Popsicles so I won't get fired for defending free speech.
Alright Wilson, The Washington Post has thrown down the gauntlet with its feature, “7 Ways to Live Healthier This Winter.” For example, number four on their list is “Groom the Dog,” because they bring in dust and mites. Mites! Yikes! Number seven is “Upgrade Your Footwear,” which is a no-brainer, but some folks don't have much between their ears, let alone their toes. Not to be outdone, the staff here at Smart Bomb put together our list for a better winter. 1 – Stock up at the liquor store. This saves trips on dangerous icy roads where Utah drivers could slide into you. 2 – Join AAA because your battery is gonna die at least half a dozen times and you don't have jumper cables. 3 – Buy jumper cables. 4 – Get electric socks. Eliminate this step if you are one of those people who wear flip-flops all winter — in which case, call your therapist. 5 – Keep a plastic urinal under the driver's seat for when Foothill Blvd. turns into a parking lot on snowy days at rush hour or when you're just not going to make it home in time from Happy Hour. 6 – Do not get wasted in the hot tub, it could lead to drowning. Ignore this if you want to get rid of a significant other. 7 – And to guarantee a winter wonderland, sign up for the new illustrated Kama Sutra newsletter for a more... spiritual season.
Post script — That's going to do it for another super-duper week here at Smart Bomb where we keep track of free speech so you don't have to. In the now famous words of Rep. Elise Stephanic, R-New York, to former University of Pennsylvania President Liz Magill, who resigned under pressure, Why haven't you stopped students from calling for the genocide of Jews? Meanwhile, Elon Musk restored the account of Alex Jones to X (Twitter). The radio host conspiracy theorist has said many times that the murders of 20 six- and seven-year-olds and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary was a hoax. During his four years as president, The Washington Post catalogued more than 38,000 of Trump's false and misleading statements. Trump has targeted Muslims, Mexicans, Syrian refugees, Africans, congresswomen of color and Black athletes, among others. Recently, Trump called for the execution of Gen. Mark Milley, the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. During all this the only thing coming from Ms. Stephanic was the sound of her lips smacking Trump's rosy-red German ass.
Speaking of winter, Wilson (clever segue), it's going to be cold and snowy, but if folks focus on Smart Bomb's “7 Ways to Live Better This Winter” it will be much more enjoyable. So we know you and the guys in the band have something that's going to put us in the mood — so hit it, Wilson:
And when God gave out rhythm He sure was good to you You can add, subtract, multiply and divide By two I know today's your birthday And I did not buy no rose But I wrote this song instead and I call it "Popsicle Toes" Popsicle toes Popsicle toes are always froze Popsicle toes You're so brave to expose all those popsicle toes You must have been Miss Pennsylvania With all this pulchritude How come you always load your Pentax When I'm in the nude? You got the nicest North America This sailor ever saw I'd like to feel your warm Brazil And touch your Panama But your Tierra del Fuegos Are nearly always froze We gotta see saw Until we unthaw those Popsicle toes Popsicle toes Popsicle toes are always froze Popsicle toes You're so brave to expose all those popsicle toes
(Popsicle Toes — Michael Franks)
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What NOT to wear at the office
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One would think that the following information would be so common sense – however I have found that common sense ain’t always that common. So here are a few questions with answers to address this topic of what NOT to wear to the office… as if you wouldn’t know already!
Q + A’s
Q1 What are your top 3 banned items of clothing for office wear?
Because this relates specifically to items of clothing – it is not possible to generalise on this question.  I will give you three items for women, and three for men.
Women: (1)  any item that exposes too much flesh ie midriff tops, low cut blouses/shirts, very short skirts, and anything that exposes bum-crack when seated. (2) flip-flops and insignificant strappy sandles. (3) very casual apparel ie  jeans/cargos, tank tops, and anything that would easily fit in with relaxed weekend activities. For some unknown reason – there are women who don’t know this, or just don’t care enough about their positions at work to care. They are either not conventionally ambitious, or ignorant of the opportunities they’ve lost for their career development. They don’t last long in an organisation where visual communication is as important as other mediums of communication.
Men: (1) An obvious casual shirt worn with a suit and tie (2)  too casual a shoe ie boat shoes/or relaxed loafers (3) silly ‘party/cartoon’ ties and socks
Q.2 What mistakes do people often make when dressing for work?
Generic: (1) Over-exposure – too much flesh showing. (2) As above for women.  
For men: (1) Short sleaved shirts &/or shirts not long enough (resulting in the hanging-out look) (2) Pants worn half-mast (somebody die?) (3) Open neck shirts especially when undone past the first 2 buttons….. hmmmm (4) Wearing ‘down-market’ clothes. This certainly won’t communicate to those with plenty of   ‘clout’ in the organisation that they are ambitious and want to be taken seriously. (5) Poor grooming e.g. the daily ‘bad-hair day’ syndrome; clothing that needs attention &/or cleaning; unpolished shoes and poorly groomed nails (Women: include nasty chipped polish). Basically not enough attention to detail – which tells those decision-makers that this person could cut corners in other areas as well. (6)  Men:  Obvious gold neck chains, bracelets and even facial piercings are not seen as particularly pleasing in most professional organisations.  A person can limit their career   opportunities with superfluous adornment such as these.
Q.3  What clothing advice can you offer someone who wants to make a good impression at the office?
Whatever a person wears – or carries in business, must be appropriate for their role and industry. Business apparel should also reflect current trends. Note: Trends when introduced stay current over a 4-5 year time-frame. Fashion by contrast is an ‘in this year – out the next’ situation and these fashion items are useful to add ‘life’ and interest to the basic wardrobe items.
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lifesamarize · 1 year
"Sake for men", sagte die nasse Socke
07.04. bis 08.04.2023 - Japan, Kyoto - Uji - Kyoto [Tobi]:
Ein Tag mit Regen. Bisher sind wir mit dem Wetter sehr gut durchgekommen. Heute gab es dann auch mal einen Regentag. Und was für einen. Es regnete den ganzen Tag durch. Das war erstmal nicht schlimm, da wir einen Termin hatten und den Mittag über planten drinnen zu bleiben. Zudem hatten wir die letzten Tage extra mit Blick auf die Wettervorhersage die Draußen-Aktivitäten mit Sonne durchgeprügelt. Aber am heutigen Zeitplan hätten wir eh nichts ändern können. Wie gesagt wir hatten Termine.
Es ging nach Uji. Einer kleinen Randstadt von Kyoto, hinter Fushimi und auf halbem Weg nach Nara. Die Strecke kennen wir also bereits blind. Auch in Uji regnete es erbarmungslos. Bis zu unserem Termin besuchten wir noch den Tempel Byōdō-in, welcher die 10 Yen-Münze schmückt. Nur war auf dem Weg dorthin Samas Outfit nicht wirklich Wetterfest. Sonst hatten wir in den letzten Monaten immer nur den tropischen Regen und somit die "Wasserfesten" Flip-Flops getragen, waren wir nun an unsere Turnschuhe gebunden. Da Sama bereits wusste, dass ihre Schuhe leckten, packte sie ihre Füße zu Hause noch in eine Tüte, um dann damit in die Schuhe zu schlüpfen. Dadurch wurden zwar die Schuhe durchnässt, die Socken aber sollten trocken bleiben. Laut Sama eine sehr effektive Methode. Schon zig mal angewandt.
Doch es kam anders als gedacht. Schon auf dem Weg zur Bahnstation in Kyoto waren sowohl Schuhe aus auch Socken durchgeweicht. In Uji angekommen bastelte sie sich im Warteraum einer Bank nun aus Regenschirm-Einpacktüten kleine Plastiksöckchen, zum Schutz ihrer noch trockenen Ersatzsocken. Ihre vorherige Konstruktion aus Kyoto war nämlich fehlerhaft gewesen und wies Löcher auf. Doch auch das prophylaktische Ersatzpaar Socken wurde auf dem Weg zum Tempel nass. Die Plastikfolien waren einfach zu dünn und sind weiter eingerissen.
Im Tempel angekommen, war dieser kleiner als erwartet, hatte aber einen kleinen See drum herum mit einer süßen Parkanlage. Doch im Regen war das nicht so sehr zu genießen.
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Es ging weiter. Kurzer Stopp im Supermarkt, um neue Plastiktüten für Sama aus der Gemüseabteilung zu holen. Über eine Brücke mit toller Aussicht auf die Regenwolken behangenen Hügel hinter der Stadt machten wir uns zum Uji Experience Center auf.
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Wirklich toller Ausblick, trotz Regen
Dort fand unser lang erwarteter Termin statt. Uji selbst ist die bekannteste Tee-Region Japans. Der qualitativ hochwertigste grüne Tee der Welt kommt aus diesem kleinen Örtchen. Uji steht seit Jahrhunderten für Tee und lebt es auch so weiter. Im Center gibt es genau deswegen viele Erlebniskurse rund um das Thema. Von Teedosen gestalten, über Tee pflügen, bis hin zum Matcha-Pulver mahlen und die Teezeremonie selbst natürlich.
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Das Experience Center
Wir waren aber wegen eines anderen Kurses hier. In Fushimi trafen wir einen Holzschnitzer in seiner kleinen Werkstatt am Hang des Berges. Er ist der lokal berühmte Bildhauer Narutotaki und lud uns in seiner Werkstatt für seinen Workshop hierhin ein. Ein Workshop um seine eigene kleine Chanoki Kokeshi Puppe zu bemalen. Diese Puppen werden von ihm in alter Tradition aus alten Teebaum-Ästen geschnitzt. Ich fand sie schon vor sechs Jahren besonders toll, aber Preise für ein traditionelles Handwerk sind in Japan nunmal extrem hoch. Aber die Chance eine Puppe selber unter Anleitung des Künstlers zu bemalen, und diese dann auch noch für einen Bruchteil des Preises wie für eine fertige Puppe bekommen, ließen wir uns nicht nehmen. Besonders war es ja auch noch auf Einladung, wer kann denn da nein sagen. Bis zum Kurs hatten wir noch etwas Zeit. Im Center konnten wir noch eine kleine Nudelsuppe essen und viel wichtiger noch: Samas Socken trocknen. Als ich meinen leckeren Matcha-Latte schlürfte, verbrachte sie Minuten damit, am Handtrockner im Klo die Socken zu trocknen. Der Kurs selbst fand in Hausschlappen statt. Also beste Voraussetzungen auch die Schuhe noch einigermaßen trocken zu kriegen.
Zuerst mussten wir feststellen, dass ausschließlich wir beide an dem Kurs teilnehmen würden. Sehr schade, denn nun ist die volle Konzentration des Meisters auf unsere Hände gerichtet und wir dürfen uns keine Fehltritte erlauben. Er spricht sehr gutes Englisch und war auch sehr nachsichtig. Immerhin haben wir versucht, seiner Anleitung ganz genau folge zu leisten. Aus einer Kiste mit kleinen Rohlingen durfte sich jeder sein Kunstwerk aussuchen, um es dann strikt nach Vorgabe in traditioneller Weise zu bemalen. Die Figürchen stellten kleine Teepflückerinnen dar. Beide hatten einen Korb vor dem Bauch angedeutet. Gut eine Stunde pinselten wir nach Anleitung herum und waren mit unseren Ergebnissen sehr zufrieden. Ich hoffe, der Meister war es ebenfalls. Zumindest wollte er mit uns und unseren Püppchen Fotos machen.
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So sieht die Figurenausstellung vom Meister aus. Teepflückerinnen auf der Teeplantage
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Die Figur vorne rechts gehört Sama, vorne links ist meine
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Der Meister und sein Schüler
Wir waren auf jeden Fall überglücklich mit unserem Ergebnis und durften uns sogar noch eine Kleine als Geschenk aussuchen. Und weil er uns nicht einfach so gehen lassen wollte, schenkte er uns noch eine Flasche besonders leckeren Grünen Tee aus dem regionalen Laden im Center. Den werden wir uns für einen besonderen Abend aufheben und die Flasche hoffentlich heil mit nach Deutschland bringen. Wunderschön ist sie, mit dem Tierkreiszeichen 2023, dem Hasen bedruckt.
Mit so viel Freude über die Gastfreundschaft des Künstlers und unseren selbst bemalten Chanoki Püppchen, ging es schnellen Schrittes zum Bahnhof. Ein letztes Mal wurde die Plastiktütentechnik angewandt, in der Hoffnung die Socken trocken durch den Regen zu bringen. Und das klappte auch ganz gut, bis wir merkten, dass wir uns etwas sputen mussten, um unseren Zug noch zu erwischen. Der nächste Termin wartete bereits. Ach und ich darf nicht unterschlagen, dass wir sogar Regenschirme dabei hatten. Jedes Hotel und jede Unterkunft bot immer kostenfreie Nutzung von Regenschirmen an. Deswegen hatten wir auch zwei dabei. Half nur leider nichts an den dünnen Schuhen. Die waren durch die Sprintaktion wieder nass geworden.
Mit dem Zug also zurück nach Kyoto. Denn dort wartete mein Schulfreund Thede bereits auf uns. Er war beruflich für eine Woche in Kobe, einer nicht weit entfernten Stadt gewesen und konnte an seinem letzten Tag noch schnell Kyoto besichtigen. Leider beim schlechtesten Wetter. So war er bereits, trotz Schirm, komplett durchnässt und dementsprechend gut gelaunt. Aber das änderten wir schnell. Wir schauten uns gemeinsam den großen Higashi Hongan-ji Tempel direkt in Bahnhofsnähe an. Eigentlich ging ich davon aus, Thede einen typischen Tempel Kyotos zeigen zu können, doch was wir hier vorfanden war selbst für uns neu. Zwei große Gebetshallen thronten auf dem Grundstück, das voller Zelte und Stühle war. Anscheinend gab es hier eine Großveranstaltung. Immerhin konnten wir uns die Gebäude ansehen und auch einer privaten Zeremonie beiwohnen. Barfuß mussten wir durch die Gebäude, obwohl sie nur durch einen überdachten Holzsteg verbunden waren. Sehr lustig, weil jeder von uns dabei nasse Fußstapfen auf dem Holzboden hinterließ. So war das wohl nicht gedacht gewesen.
Den gigantischen Eindruck des Tempels bestätigte uns auch die Informationstafel. Er ist eines der größten Holzgebäude der Welt.
Nach einer Weile machten wir uns nassen Fußes auf nach Gion. Thede wollte das authentische Kyoto sehen. Das historische Viertel Gion war meiner Meinung nach dafür ein schönes Aushängeschild. Natürlich streiften hier Unmengen von Touristen umher, aber zur späten Abendstunde und vorallem bei diesem Wetter verlief sich das etwas und wir konnten entspannt spazieren gehen.
Spontan hielten wir an einem japanischen Grill-Restaurant und entschieden uns hier den Abend zu versacken. Die Preise sahen bezahlbar aus, was bei Fleisch in Japan eher selten der Fall ist. So bestellten wir die nächsten Stunden die Karte rauf und runter, ließen uns Empfehlungen geben und verköstigten Bier und verschiedene Sake Arten. Leider machte Sama den Fehler, selbst nach Sake zu fragen, weswegen die nette Bedienung natürlich entsprechend den ganz leichten Sake, ja schon fast Weißweinschorle brachte. Bei der zweiten Runde bestand Sama auf stärkeren Sake. Nach kurzer Überlegung kam die Dame wieder und präsentierte einen. Dazu sagte sie, dass er besonders gut bei den Gästinnen ankomme. Japan ist da noch etwas anders eingestellt und gibt Frauen nur leichten Alkohol. Sama lehnte sofort ab und bestand auf "Sake for men". Am Ende kam sie mit einer etwas stärkeren Variante, die für unseren Geschmack aber immer noch zu leicht im Abgang war. Das Fleisch wurde nacheinander serviert. Wir bestellten Reis, Kimchi und anderes Beilagen dazu. Nachdem die Kellnerin sah, dass wir drei nach den Bieren und dem servierten Sake immer noch Gerade standen, kam sie sogar selbst mit einer Sake Empfehlung auf uns zu. Dieser Sake war zwar nicht stark, aber total interessant, denn er wurde in einem Bierglas serviert und hatte eine milchige Konsistenz (höchstwahrscheinlich war es Amanze). Sehr lecker. So hatten wir einen echt tollen Abend mit Thede zusammen und quatschten über Gott und die Welt, bis wir ihn zurück zum Kyoto Hauptbahnhof brachten.
Auf dem Weg zum Bahnhof kamen wir noch an einer Paschinko Halle (Glücksspielhalle) vorbei. Zufällig. Doch anders als Anfang der Woche mit Gamze, wollten wir es diesmal selbst probieren. Wir drei quetschten uns an einen Automaten und sind beim Geldeinwerfen schon kläglich gescheitert. Personal kam immerhin sofort und zeigte uns ohne ein Wort Englisch zu sprechen, wo denn das Geld rein gehörte. Von wegen Münzeinwurf, der nahm hier nur Scheine. Damit war das Limit aber auch direkt gesetzt. Einen Tausender nahm ich raus und stopfte ihn in das Gerät. Das gab uns nun dutzende Metallkügelchen frei. Joar und das war auch schon fast das Erlebnis. Nun konnte man zwar mit einem Steuerrad diese Kügelchen durch die Maschine schießen und versuchen genau die richtige Bewegung zu machen, damit die Kugeln wieder raus kamen, aber ansonsten waren sie weg und für das Spiel verloren. Zumindest erklärten wir uns das so. Schneller als wir es wirklich verstanden hatten, waren Geld und Kugeln futsch und wir ohne Spaß. Glücksspiel eben.
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Am Bahnhof fuhr Thede wieder zurück nach Kobe und wir nach Hause. Dachten wir zumindest. Aus Gewohnheit stiegen wir nämlich in die Bahn, die nach Fushimi/Uji/Nara fährt. Die komplett andere Richtung. Und wir Deppen hatten fast zwanzig Minuten auf die Abfahrt gewartet. Dann nochmal fünfzehn Minuten für den zurück fahrenden Zug und dann noch für den Richtigen.
Dummerweise war Sama aber auf dem letzten Stück mit Thede mit dem Fuß umgeknickt und konnte zunehmend schwieriger laufen. Oh, das war echt unpassend. An unserer Heimstation konnte sie nur noch mit den Regenschirmen als Krücke humpeln. Wir lachten aber trotzdem über die Situation und die Absurdität des Abends. Geregnet hat es zum Glück nicht mehr. Ich lief schnell nach Hause und holte ein Fahrrad, um sie auf dem Gepäckträger heim zu fahren. Sama konnte es aber nicht lassen und humpelte weiter und weiter, um mir entgegenzukommen. Das dumme dabei war nur… in die falsche Richtung. Also fuhr ich die ganze Strecke zurück zum Bahnhof und konnte sie einfach nicht finden. Ich suchte alles dazwischen ab, bis ich sie an einer ganz anderen Straße im Laternenschein humpeln sah. Sie hatte eine Abzweigung nicht genommen und humpelte immer weiter von dem Apartment weg. Hätte sie den richtigen Weg genommen, wäre sie längst daheim gewesen. Wäre sie stehen geblieben, wäre sie das vor 10 Minuten bereits mit mir gewesen. Mit dem Fahrrad brauchten wir noch 3 Minuten und waren dann endlich zu Hause angekommen. Tatsächlich ist mir das selbe auch Mal in Alicante, Spanien passiert. Mittags ungeknickt und am Abend konnte ich nur noch unter Schmerzen den geschwollenen Knöchel ansehen. Bewegen ging nicht. Aber durch Zauberhand war am nächsten Morgen alles wieder komplett geheilt und kein Schmerz mehr da gewesen. Also Daumen drücken.
Und ich weiß jetzt ganz genau, was ihr denkt. Man könnte meinen, dass wir Sturz besoffen waren und der "Sake for men" uns ziemlich zugesetzt hat. Dem war aber tatsächlich nicht so. Wir waren komplett nüchtern. Auch wenn man es bei so viel Doofheit nicht denken mag.
Der nächste Tag:
Leider ist es nur etwas besser mit Samas Knöchel geworden. Immerhin kann sie sich im Zimmer wieder sicher bewegen und auftreten. Und anstelle unseren letzten Tag in Kyoto noch mit vollem Programm zu füllen, blieben wir daheim. Ich war auch etwas schlapp und kränklich und begrüßte den Tag Zwangspause sehr. Sama verschlief den halben Tag und ich schrieb am Blog, wusch die Wäsche und kaufte Mittagessen im 7 Eleven. Mehr gab es nicht zu berichten. Hoffen wir mal, dass Sama morgen reisefähig ist. Mit der Bahn geht es weiter. Zum Wandern…
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Twst headcanons by yours truly
Only I will have no mercy on these boys
-rook is an avid "boots at the beach" wearer. Like he'll wear his everyday shoes at the beach, and puts them on without socks when he's gonna go home. Vil absolutely hates it and bought him sandals for his birthday. Rook will keep wearing his everyday shoes at the beach nonetheless
-vil on the other hand wears those white girl flip-flops with an ankle strap
-leona is afraid of heights but would rather die than admit that
-Jack goes on jogs when he's stressed out about exams, and always gives people the advice to do the same when they're stressed
-Jack's phone backgrounr used to be a really cheesy "rise n grind" over a picture of a buff dude with a greyscale slapped on it, until Ace found out and clowned on him like relentlessly. Now it's just a grey default background
-floyd always says he has a different name when he orders a Starbucks to "switch things up" but then forgets his impromptu new name and complains to staff when he's waiting for his order too long, but they already finished his drink and didn't realise they called out "his" name already
-jade is never really impulsive but he does impulsively buy house plants that look pretty, and Floyd is so tired cuz their entire dorm is like a jungle
-riddle n Jack both have a bedtime and its like 21:30, and both suck at staying up late. Jack is always the first one asleep at sleepovers
-trey is a mod on lots of very small and niche hobby subreddits, like basketweaving or bookbinding or smt. Reddit is also the only social media he actually uses often, though he does have an a private Insta account with like 4 pictures from 2 years ago
-ace wears these pants
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I think that was all for now but I sure do have more
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space-b33 · 3 years
Random thoughts mostly sent to me from @mandaloeyan , our after midnight texts are responsible for at least an hours worth of sleep
Imagine Tech awkwardly walking around the mess hall with his tray of food, looking for the others like “o_o”
Imagine Hunter trying to brush his hair but it keeps getting snagged so he gets mad and hits the brush against his head before throwing it at the wall
Wrecker putting on his socks before anything else
Echo smelling like crayons
Tech being the guy who holds the door for people but he always does it kinda early so the other person has to do that little jog to hurry and walk through
Wrecker saying “Check it out guys 😃” and putting on a bald cap
Imagine Hunter getting mad and storming out but he’s wearing flip flops
Tech saying “Hold me back 😡” but then no one does
Hunter just sitting there not knowing what to do with his hands as he’s sung happy birthday
Crosshair slipping in the shower and knocking himself out so he’s just laying there naked with the water running until someone finds him
Wrecker saying, “Liar lair pants for hire” and no one ever corrects him
Someone replacing Crosshairs toothpicks with some nasty flavored ones, like glue, but then plot twist, he likes it
Imagine any of the BB in the bathroom and when someone knocks, them having to say “occupied”
Wrecker owning a comb even tho he’s bald
Crosshairs resting bitch face
Echo stirring his coffee with his twirly scomp link hand
Imagine Wrecker going in for a high-five with you but he accidentally smacks your face. You die
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cthulhuliet · 3 years
Hi hi ~~ big fan of your Lawlight work * chef kiss * So, if it serves to inspire you I got this little idea! NSFW A huge hc of mine is that Light loves L reading for him with that hot British accent of his, like come on, L`s dubbed voice with a brit accent??*agressive chef kiss* SOO imagine Light resting his head on L`s lap while L is reading to him and things get lewd in the novel :D maybe things coul get lewd in reality too 👀👀 oh, and another hc of mine is that Light rides D like a pro so ... maybe something with both? if you'd like 👉👈 No pressure at all tho!
Thank you so much for your kind words :') I am a fan of your Lawlight work as well, and even though it took a two weeks or so (my bad) I really hope you enjoy! (it also, as always, turned out to be a lot longer than I meant it).
close your eyes and imagine it
3.1k words | AO3 Link | warnings: explicit content, general kink, you know the drill
Most of the dreams were incomprehensible nonsense, and L had just about given up on the month of April when he saw a long entry that made him pause. His eyes widened at the contents. “Huh.”
Light shifted a little bit to make himself more comfortable, eyes only half open, “Hmm? Find something interesting?”
“I am in this one. Did you frequently dream about me?”
There was a beat, and Light responded coolly, “I cannot remember specifics. Hence, the journal.”
L hummed, a small smirk Light could not see grew on his face, “Well then, I will read this one out loud for your benefit.
The one where Light discovers a dream journal he had written during the Kira investigation and can't help but be embarrassed by L's role in his fantasies. L, of course, does not mind. -
“A dream journal?” L questioned. He closed his laptop and Light smirked, raising an eyebrow, holding the notebook in his hands. L crossed the room and took the journal from Light, “Where did you find this?”
Light shrugged, “On my bookshelf with a lot of my other textbooks and such.”
“How old is this?”
“Was in my late teens, I suspect.”
L flipped through the book idly, Light’s neat handwriting was pleasant and clean compared to L’s own scrawled and messy penmanship. The pages slightly stuck together, as the old notebook seemed to have not been touched in years. L stopped at a page and briefly read the contents and looked at the date, before his own eyes widened.
“Hang on, this is during-”
“The Kira investigation? Yeah.” Light’s slight smirk turned into a large cheshire. “I figured you might be interested in reading what I wrote.”
L bit his bottom lip, looking up at Light, one eyebrow raised, “Does the Death Note still give you nightmares to this day?”
Shrugging, Light came up to L and looked over his shoulder at the notebook, “I mean, sometimes? But I also believe that having nightmares is just a part of being a person.”
“Or you have become so numb to your own murderous tendencies the nightmares do not affect you that much anymore.” L muttered, just loud enough for Light to hear.
He did hear him, of course, and he retaliated by shoving L hard enough for him to fall backwards onto their bed. Light socked L on the arm when he flopped down onto his back as well as L went to read Light’s journal to himself.
“Leave me alone, Light, can’t you see I am busy?” L teased, which earned him another hit on his arm, “You are being bothersome.”
Light crossed his arms, now sitting next to L laying down on the bed, “Those are my dreams, you are not reading without me, obviously.”
“Well then lie down so I can read them to you.” Light was the most frustrating man that L had ever been with. He wouldn’t have him any other way.
L sat up and rested his back against the headboard. Light assumed his usual position and rested his head on L’s lap. L idly put his hands through Light soft brown locks, twirling his soft hair through his fingers.
This was not an unusual position to find the pair in. Light often requests that L read to him, the other man finding the restrained but smooth baritone of L’s voice to be incredibly attractive, but also incredibly calming to listen to. It is not the first time his voice has been complimented, and it certainly will not be the last. Sayu has told L multiple times that he should become a voice over actor. He politely declined. The rest of the people do not matter, really. The only praise he needs is when Light humbly hands him a book he reads before bed, and falls asleep to L’s voice quicker than any amount reading on his own.
“‘ April 1st, 2004: I was present for class at To-Oh university, however we were all forced to give a presentation about when we believe all of our classmates will die and why. This was a horribly dark and drab lecture hall, and I had forgotten my cue cards about why Sakurano Mari was going to die due to dementia .’  This is not exactly a fun read.”
“It was not exactly fun to think about either.”
“I am going to find a different one.”
L used one hand to run his fingers through Light’s hair and the other to flip through the journal, skimming through the contents. Most of the recounts were incomprehensible nonsense, though there is no judgement to be had there. Whenever L does sleep, most of his dreams are disconnected fragments of stories -- feelings and emotions rather than a complete narrative.
L had just about given up on the month of April when he saw a long entry that made him pause. His eyes widened at the contents.
Light shifted a little bit to make himself more comfortable, eyes only half open, “Hmm? Find something interesting?”
“I am in this one.”
“Are you?”
“Did you frequently dream about me?”
There was a beat, and Light responded coolly, “I cannot remember specifics. Hence, the journal.”
L hummed, a small smirk Light could not see grew on his face, “Well then, I will read this one out loud for your benefit:
“‘ Damn that Ryuzaki. He is plaguing my thoughts not only during the day, but I cannot even escape the damn bastard in my dreams’, I love you too, dearest ,” L sardonically snided. Light pinched his thigh , “ ‘Last night's events were particularly egregious, as this is not the first time something like this has happened, but I feel mortified even writing this down. Though, maybe if I recount what happened (like with the nightmares) these dreams will go down in their numbers.
“‘Ryuzaki and myself were in the library studying next to one another. I was eating a biscotti with tea. As it was in my mouth, Ryuzaki came up and bit off the end of my biscotti and just chuckled at me. I wasn’t sure what to do or say, but I just know I felt really hot an -’”
“L…” Light gripped his thigh dangerously, “What are you doing.” It was phrased as a question, but Light said it as a command. He ignored him. Light was never the one to give out commands anyway.
“‘ I cannot remember much but the next moment Ryuzaki’s lips were on my neck. Everything was fuzzy, but I could feel him biting marks into me and was teasing me by grinding against my di- ’”
Light growled, “I’m taking this away from you. Now.” He moved to sit up, but L’s hand was still in his hair. L gripped his roots harshly and shoved him back down. Light whined at the action, swallowing hard.
“You are not going anywhere.” That was a command, and Light took it as such.
“This is mortifying…” Light muttered against the mattress, his speech breathy.
L hummed and pulled Light’s hair up, forcing him to look at him, “I disagree.” He lied. “You are going to be good and listen to me read this whole thing.”
Light laughed, cocky, though his eyes were glassy with flushed cheeks, “Oh yeah? Or what?”
“Or how about I get to come and you don’t, hmm?” Light opened his mouth and closed it again, face flushed with shame. L let go of his hair and Light buried his head in L’s lap. L smirked and chuckled, “You are so adorable, all blushy and embarrassed…” Light whined at that, running his fingernail down the inside of L’s thigh.
“‘ This is not the first time this has happened, though I have to admit, it was the best incident. Even hazy, I had never felt that sensitive and stimulated. I just wanted to stay like that forever.’” L had one hand on the book, the other held a distracted, but firm, grip in Light’s hair, who was presently biting his lip and running soft strokes over L’s cock. “‘It was even better when I got to put my mouth on Ryuzaki. I have never sucked a dick before, so my brain could only supply what it imagines it feels like, but it was not even that that made it so good. Ryuzaki would hold my hair tight and look down at me while I was on my knees. He kept telling me that I was a slut, but that I was doing such a good job for him. Even before this I thought Ryuzaki had such a nice voice, I wish I could hear him more…’ You think my voice is nice, huh?” L asked, keeping his voice level, as Light’s feather touches became firm palming.
He groaned again, “Tch, shut up.”
“No.” L pulled him by his hair, forcing Light to look him in the eye, “I think it is time you shut up.” In only a few seconds, L manhandled Light and dropped him to his knees on the floor at the edge of the bed. L sat at the end, grabbing the journal with one hand and undoing his jeans with the other. “How many times have you sucked dick since writing this? Hundreds?” Light finished the job of removing L’s pants and underwear, his cock standing erect in front of him, “C’mon cock-slut, show me what you got.”
Light eagerly took L in his mouth, expertly utilizing his tongue on his head. L closed his eyes and tried to not become overwhelmed by the sensation. He opened his eyes to see Light’s cocky doe-eyes staring back up at him.
“What was it that you dreamed of? My hand tight in your hair, fucking your mouth, telling you you’re being a good slut, right?” L asked, rhetorically as he returned his hand to harshly grip Light’s locks. He slowly moved Light’s head up and down, spit dribbled out of the corners of his mouth. Light’s face was blood red with humiliation and lust, it was perfect.
L bit his lip as Light took him all the way down his throat, refusing to be the one to break first. He picked up the journal again, eyes focusing and unfocusing on the work in front of him. “‘ Ryuzaki kept calling me good boy, telling me I was taking him so well, and never had anyone ever made him feel as good as I was. I felt so overwhelmed. I had never felt such extreme desire for anyone, but I think at that moment I would do anything for him.’ Do you still want to hear all that? Still want me to call you a good boy, and tell you you are taking me so well?”
Light groaned around L’s cock, the vibrations from his throat sent a shiver up his spine and L suppressed a needy whine on his end. After years of doing this, Light knows exactly how to push him to the very edge-- to give him so much and yet not enough.
“‘ My memory gets a little fuzzy here, but Ryuzaki laid down on the desk, and he grabbed me by the thighs so hard I think I would have had bruises in reality. I grabbed him by the throat and rode him on the desk. A part of me was worried, because the conference room in the library was all glass, but also my head was so hazy and it felt so good.’” L pressed a thumb against his lips, “Had Light fucked himself on toys at this point?”
He pulled off of L, slowly stroking him as he thought about it, “I think at that time I had. I only realized I was not straight shortly after high school, and my sexual drive moved pretty fast after that.”
“‘Shortly after high school’, shortly after meeting me, right?” L smirked. Light opened his mouth to attempt a retort, but just narrowed his eyes.
“Such an egomaniac you are,” Light scoffed, “Not everything is about you.”
“No, not everything. But this is.” L reached under their bed and pulled out a box of toys and lube. He casually tossed the bottle and a large blue dildo in front of Light, “Stretch yourself open with that. I want to see you.”
“You don’t want to do it yourself?”
“Like you have earned that privilege yet.” L leaned forward (careful to not fall off the edge) and grabbed Light by the chin, forcing him to look L in the eye, “You’re going to open yourself up on that cock, and when your slutty hole is ready for me, you can ride me like in your fantasies.”
He could almost see the blood rushing to Light’s ears-- being literally talked down to-- condescended and scolded like a child. And yet, his pupils were blown all the way out, L barely seeing the amber color of Light’s eyes, and his jeans and underwear were, of course, already halfway to his ankles.
Light took the tip of the toy and fucked his mouth in and out with it, eyes never leaving L’s. He was already 3 fingers deep inside of himself, lewdly moaning around the cock very intentionally.
“This is a good look for you,” L remarked, breathily, slowly stroking his own cock.
Light suctioned the dick to the hardwood, and hovered over it, teasing his hole with the tip, “Well, if you are going to keep calling me a slut- fuck… I might as well lean into it.” Light bottomed out on the toy, one hand running through his hair, another sucking on two fingers as he slowly moved. Light, flushed and fucked out and using himself, was the pinnacle of sex and desire-- L began to question his decision about who exactly this was a punishment for.
“Ngh, this cock is so big , L… But it doesn’t feel nearly as good as yours.” Light dragged his teeth across the bottom of his lip, pointed looking at L’s cock, now leaking precum. Light knew he was getting to L. He knew exactly how he looked and exactly what L was thinking.
Fucker. Two can play at that.
L slowed down his own movements, raising an eyebrow at Light, “A common whore like yourself would be satisfied with any cock inside of him. You want mine so bad? Close your eyes, think…” L held the book open with one hand, “‘ I feel like I am going crazy. I am supposed to want this stupid bastard dead. And yet all I want right now are my hands on him and his on mine-’” Light groaned, finally touching his neglected aching cock, “‘-and it is so hard to focus on bringing him down, when the entire time I am dreaming about Ryuzaki’s voice in my ear, and my hands around his throat, and his tongue and mouth on me everywhere . I may just have to take care of him so I stop feeling this way... ’ My my, Kira... ” Light groaned at the name, “I thought you would be a bit more careful than to let your inner thoughts so out in the open like this. What would have happened if someone had gotten a hold of this?”
“I- Fuck- Academic rivalries are not uncommon....”
“I wanted to sentence you to death and you still could not stop thinking about me inside of you-”
“Oh shit L…”
“-or my hands on your cock or my fingers stretching you wide open. You still want me to whisper in your ear and moan , telling you what a good boy you are, right?”
“Yes… yes I want that L…”
L tutted, “And yet you aren’t a good boy. Desperate and begging… Writing down naughty thoughts and fantasies about someone who you wanted to die?” L shook his head, casually tossing the book aside. He reached for his own cock again, slowly stroking it watching Light fall apart, giving himself dual sensations, “Kira needs to make up his mind about what he wants. Because I don’t think he is good at all.”
“ L please…”
“Please, what?”
“Please let me on your cock.”
“Why would I allow that?”
Light stopped his movements on the dildo, only slowly stroking his cock at the same speed as L was his own, “I am not a good boy, I am a cock-slut for you, and only ever you. Fuck me please,” Light begged, broken and desperate.
L stood up and grabbed Light’s hands, pulling him off of the toy. He brushed the hair out of Light’s eyes and pulled Light on top of him, “So good, Kira. You don’t have to be a good boy for me, you can just be my good slut.”
He kissed L, hard, biting his bottom lip as he lined himself up on L’s dick and sunk down on him.
“ Fuck, you feel so much better than that cheap plastic,” Light straddled L properly, pressing his hands against L’s chest as he rode him, not wasting anytime picking up speed.
“Such a good whore for me, Kira,” L said, kissing his wrist, “You really do ride cock like you get paid to do it.”
“I know,” Light said, breathy and fucked.
L huffed, “A bit cocky, aren-”
“Now it’s your turn to shut up,” Light said, pressing down on L’s pressure points, his fingertips pushing hard enough into his throat it will surely leave marks against his pale skin.
L’s eyes rolled in the back of his head and Light moved his hips faster, L snapping back up to meet his thrusts, which quickly became sloppy as black dots began dancing in the corners of his eyes and his lungs started burning. His eyes welled up with tears and his entire body was on fire, his limbs going limp. He felt the white, hot edge so close and tangible. Every thrust felt like a rattle of electricity hitting every nerve and every part of his consciousness so closely and he just needed more -- Light relented, moving his hands away from his throat. L eyes snapped open wide and he coughed, taking heavy breaths. Tears fell from the corners of his eyes, and he dug his fingertips into Light’s waist, harshly grabbing him by the hips.
“L? I’m sorry, you told me you would tap out if-”
“Kira, more-- again-- now.” L commanded, and Light did not hesitate. He grabbed him by the throat and put his fingers in L’s mouth for good measure. Light was riding him with expert pace and precision, his lower body strength and years of running paying off. L’s legs trembled, and he used the last bit of his unfucked mind to dig his nails into Light’s hips and rock him faster and faster on his cock, reaching that beautiful and terrible and intense edge.
“ Ah- L! ” Light comes only a few seconds before L himself, moaning around Light’s fingers as he loosened his grip, but still only letting a fraction of the air healthy for the human brain into his head.
Light did not move himself off of L immediately. He moved his hand away from his throat, but kept small pressure on his neck with one of his thumbs.
“What are you doing?” L muttered. Light said nothing. L opened his eyes, tapping him. “Light?”
Light blinked, looking back, “Sorry, was feeling your pulse.”
“Wanted to make sure I didn’t kill you.”
L smiled softly, “Don’t want me dead anymore?”
“Sometimes. Certainly not like this, it’s too personal.”
“What, killing me while my cock is in your ass is too close for comfort?”
“Something like.” Light smirked and pressed a soft kiss against L’s lips.
After cleaning up, Light told L he wanted to burn the dream journal to prevent further embarrassment.
“Over my dead body.” L said, holding the notebook just out of reach.
Light smirked, “I have no problem arranging that.”
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bunkernine · 4 years
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the camp store is technically called the demi mart but no one calls it that. originally, the stolls sauntered in and stuffed everything under their clothes to make a run for it, but quickly learned miranda was a track and field star :0
(DR for drachma. i’m not sure anyone at chb knows how their money system works in the slightest)
[image description under the cut ‘cause it’s long]
[Image Description: A fake receipt with the title of the store being DEMI MART in block letters wrapped in a connecting string around each of the letters. The address is: Camp Half-Blood, Half-Blood Hill, Farm Road 3.141, Long Island, New York 11954.
Following that is a line break composed of black stars.
The items purchased go as follow:
1 order of Sprite for 1.25
1 order of a Hermes Bobble Head for 7.99 
6 orders of Medium CHB Shirts for 60.00
12 orders of Cool Ranch Doritos for 6.00
1 order of Nectar 2′ Go for 3 DR
3 orders of a 12 pack of Poison Darts for 14.99
1 order of a CHB Sweatshirt for 27.00
1 order of Flip Flops for 1 DR
1 order of an Enchanted Guitar for 16 DR
1 order of a Mythomagic Base Pack for 2 DR
2 orders of Seashell Fortunes for 16.00
1 order of Colgate Toothpaste for 2.73
1 order of a Plastic Toothbrush for .50
2 orders of a 2 pack of Elastic Hair Ties for 4.50
41 orders of Unicorn Spit Balls for 34 DR
5 orders of 12 pack of Powdered Donuts for 20.00
1 order of a CHB Map for FREE
2 orders of Dryad Repellent for 14.79
1 order of a 24 pack of Ramen Noodles for 2 DR
2 orders of Pheonix Feathers for 43 DR
1 order of a Beginner Lock pick Set for 17.99
With 86 Items, the bill totaled up to $193.47 and 101 DR. After a dotted line break, it reads PAID WITH: IOU LAUNDRY, 6 MONTHS. Underneath that is the Signature lined, with Travis Stoll and Connor Stoll scribbled in blue ink. 
Beneath that is the words: Your Cashier was: Miranda G.
Then there are 3 deals following that, reading:
Buy one, get one free, all weapon cleaner, this summer only!
ANTI-FORTUNE cookies are 15% off all year!
Buy a pair, get one 50% off on all socks in store. Offer expires in winter session.
The receipt ends with HAVE A GOOD SUMMER! :) TRY NOT TO DIE! in bold.
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poisonouswritings · 2 years
Balsam only ever wears crocs
Sage only wears the same best up sport shoes
Balsam wears chaklas or chappals
Elowen likes platform boots and I'll die by this
Tulsi wears the comfy slip-ons (tulsi wearing bunny slippers....)
-dumb bitch anon
You're right tho
Balsam has one of those shoes organizers that hang off the back of the door so it's hooked to his bedroom door and it's just,, a rainbow of colors. He has tennis shoes but they're also Crocs. Sandals but they Crocs. Boots but they Crocs. During winter he gets the Crocs with fur in them. Elowen hates this with a passion and keeps threatening to set them on fire. He doesn't even like Crocs that much he just likes pissing everyone off
Sage just has this one pair of beat up Converse or something but like he owns other shoes,,, Tulsi gets him shoes,,, he just only likes his Converse. They look best. Plus he doesn't wanna have to tie his shoes every time. Eventually they get holes in the soles and Tulsi makes him throw them out, so then he just pics another pair to only ever use. The cycle is vicious
Balsam has chappals but still only Crocs
Elowen does like platform boots!! Just towers over everyone while looking kick ass. Love her. She could step on you and you'd thank her
Tulsi in bunny slippers,, Tulsi in those furry slippers boots,,, mismatched slippers,,, slide-ons and socks,,, a babe
Lucan would go barefoot if he could but since he can't he wears a lot of flip flops. Sometimes he'll just take his shoes off in public tho. Like he'll be with Elowen in the market and she'll look down and be like 'where the fuck are your shoes' and he left them like seven aisles down and Elowen is just like 'wtf is wrong with you'
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noraleedoes · 3 years
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Casual Friday - Matching Short-shorts for Johnny & V
Been teasing this as a WIP for a while, but it’s finally here! Short-shorts for everyone’s favorite brain parasite and a handful of assorted footwear, plus shorts for your V to match. There really are a bunch of moving parts on this one, so I’m going to put the full write-out below a cut. 
As usual, download links will be in the notes. And a big shoutout to @theoverly for the ‘Clap Clap’ shorts suggestion and to @the-delicate-disaster for ‘Let Them Eat Cake’. Also as usual, please feel free to tag me in your screenshots! <3
Shorts for Johnny - Styles/Versions:
Part A: Legs
basegame_JS_Shorts_Legs_Full(S) : Johnny's legs, feet included. For use with the flip-flops or slides. Replaces his shoes.
basegame_JS_Shorts_Legs_Truncated(S) : Johnny's legs, without feet. For use with the hightops, cowboy boots, socks, or slides w/ socks. Replaces his shoes.
Part B: Pants
basegame_JS_Shorts_Shorts_CCShorts(P) : Shorts that say "Clap Clap" on the rear, for Johnny. Replaces his pants.
basegame_JS_Shorts_Shorts_DenimShorts(P) : Denim shorts for Johnny. Replaces his pants.
basegame_JS_Shorts_Shorts_EotSShorts(P) : Shorts that read "Enemy of the State" on the back, for Johnny. Replaces his pants.
basegame_JS_Shorts_Shorts_GWLMDShorts(P) : Shorts that say "God Won't Let Me Die" on the butt, for Johnny. Replaces his pants.
basegame_JS_Shorts_Shorts_VWLMDShorts(P) : Shorts that say "God Won't Let Me Die" on the butt, however the word 'god' has been scribbled out and written over with "V". For Johnny. Replaces his pants.
Part C: Footwear
basegame_JS_Shorts_Shoes_CowboyBoots(AH) : Cowboy boots for Johnny, yeehaw. Replaces his armpit hair mesh.
basegame_JS_Shorts_Shoes_FlipFlops(AH) : Flip-flops for Johnny. Replaces his armpit hair mesh.
basegame_JS_Shorts_Shoes_Hightops(AH) : Hightop sneakers for Johnny. Replaces his armpit hair mesh.
basegame_JS_Shorts_Shoes_Slides(AH) : Slides for Johnny. Replaces his armpit hair mesh.
basegame_JS_Shorts_Shoes_SlideswSocks(AH) : Slides with sock for Johnny. Replaces his armpit hair mesh.
basegame_JS_Shorts_Shoes_Socks(AH) : Slightly stained socks for Johnny. Replaces his armpit hair mesh.
Shorts for Johnny - Installation:
Pick one file each from Part A and Part B. This is mandatory. I would also recommend picking a file from Part C, or else Johnny will be left without footwear. You may swap files at any time, but you cannot have more than one file from each section installed at once.
Drop the appropriate .archive files into your mod folder. It should be located at Cyberpunk 2077/archive/pc/mod . If you don't have this folder, you can just go ahead and make one.
Shorts for V - Styles/Versions:
All versions of the shorts for V are available as a replacer for either the small shorts [Use console command Game.AddToInventory("Items.Shorts_02_old_02",1)] or Johnny's pants. This is indicated by either a (SS) or (JP) at the end of the filename, respectively.
basegame_V_Shorts_Shorts_EotSShorts(__) : Shorts that say "Enemy of the State" on the butt, for V.
basegame_V_Shorts_Shorts_GWLMDShorts(__) : Shorts that read "God Won't Let Me Die" on the rear, for V.
basegame_V_Shorts_Shorts_JWLMDShorts(__) : Shorts that read "God Won't Let Me Die" on the back, however the word 'god' has been scribbled out and been written over with 'Johnny'. For V.
basegame_V_Shorts_Shorts_LTECShorts(__) : Shorts that say "Let Them Eat Cake" on the butt, for V.
Shorts for V - Installation:
Pick one set of shorts. You can swap the files at any time without issues, but you can only have one installed at once. This includes multiple slots - having shorts that replace the small shorts and shorts that replace Johnny's pants for V in your game at the same time may flatline it due to how the file architecture is set up. Just pick one set of shorts for V at a time.
Drop the appropriate .archive file into your mod folder. It should be located at Cyberpunk 2077/archive/pc/mod . If you don't have this folder, you can just go ahead and make one.
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