#Do I think they planned this out from the first episode? Doesnt matter I have CONNECTED THE DOTS
alatariel-galadriel · 10 months
Okay, I’m re-listening to the Murderous Mask and Peter’s “run away with me” monologue is recontextualized SO MUCH in light of recent events!
When Juno asks if Sasha/Dark Matters were in on the heist, Peter says no—“it pays to have powerful friends”. That struck me as odd up until recently, because we quickly learn that Peter…doesn’t have friends or allies or, well, anything, really. He works solo and burns through identities too quickly to make or maintain those kinds of connections. But now we know he’s in deep debt to a pharma corp, which are some of the most powerful forces in the solar system, even rivaling Dark Matters.
All well and good, except Peter also says “You can leave Hyperion City behind, I’ll leave my powerful friends behind. We’ll sell the mask and live a life of thrills and decadence across the galaxy, always running, never looking back.” And that…we know that’s wrong. We know Peter can’t leave Slip behind. So what gives?
I don’t think Peter ever actually thought Juno would leave Mars with him in the Murderous Mask. It’s why he left his name on a note in Juno’s couch (before he even makes the proposition) instead of just saying it. He knew Juno would say no. He was always planning on coming back, of course, but if Juno runs away with Peter, he could be used as more leverage against him. Another person for the corporation to balance Peter’s debts against. …but it’s a nice idea, right? Being able to finally leave behind the pressure of ever-growing debt and run off with the detective who he’s fallen for so quickly. Running away was a dream, and there’s no harm in keeping the fantasy alive because he knows Juno won’t leave Mars. I don’t think that ever really changed until the aftermath of Miasma—when he thought Juno had died and he lost everything again, only to miraculously recover it. Anything seems possible after that. But reality would’ve sunk in eventually, even if Juno hadn’t left that night. Let’s say they had run away together back then. It would be the same situation that made Peter leave in season 3: he’s still in ever-growing debt and Juno would be just new collateral for Peter’s creditors. It’s too dangerous, and Peter can’t bear to lose him again.
All this to say that I firmly believe that if Juno hadn’t left that night, Peter would’ve. Better to throw away something precious yourself than watch someone else shatter it because of you.
They were both always going to leave. Juno just reached his conclusion faster than Peter, is all.
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puhpandas · 10 months
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prompt from @kookyc
(891 words)
It was supposed to just be a silly marathon.
Gregory threw out the idea to Freddy, who mentioned wanting to learn more about the outside world. Which... he cant really do as only a head, despite Gregory and Vanessa having plans to get him a body.
Gregory just wanted to show him some of the world around him, nature and all that crap, from the comfort of Vanessa's apartment, by watching a nature documentary.
Gregory should have known letting the episode about bears play was a bad idea.
"Bears are extinct?!" Freddy cries, once again suprising Gregory with the suprising amount of emotion in his robotic voice.
Gregory sighs, and facepalms, pausing the TV. "Yeah. Went extinct a couple years back. Polar bears went first, and then they all just kinda dropped from there."
Freddy sputters, and looks at the grizzly bear on the TV with somehow shiny eyes. "B-But I thought humans were supposed to protect nature and the wild animals that inhabit it!"
Gregory frowns. "Yeah, they're supposed to. But things happened and not everything can be saved."
Freddy looks away from the TV and at him, LED eyes shining bright with emotion. "I am a bear. I am Freddy Fazbear. What does this mean for me?"
Gregory sighs. "Oh boy."
"If bears are all extinct, does that mean I am the last bear in the world?" Freddy starts, eyes staring blankly at the wall. "I am not a real bear, though. Does that mean I am apart of my own species? With the Pizzaplex closing down, will there be no more of me made? Am I the last of my kind?!"
Gregory pats Freddys head when he begins to sound frantic, and he grabs the remote, turning off the documentary and putting on YouTube. "Maybe we should watch something else. I dont think worrying over whether you can go extinct as a robot is good for your programming."
Freddy mimics taking a deep breath, like how Vanessa showed him how to do if Freddy ever malfunctions over Gregory being away. "You are right, Gregory. What would my ancestors think if I was wasting the life of the last bear on earth with worrying? They would want me to live it to the fullest!"
Gregory pauses. "Er... that's not what I meant--"
"Nonsense!" Freddy exclaims. "Put on some more information about nature, Superstar. I want to learn about those before me!"
Vanessa walks into the room before Gregory can respond, holding a bowl of popcorn. "I heard yelling. What happened?"
Gregory waves sporratically at the TV and then at Freddy. "Vanessa, tell Freddy that he isn't apart of a species and that he wont go extinct like bears did!"
Vanessa plops down on the couch, and she hums nonchalantly, in thought.
"Well... technically..."
Gregory stares at her. "Vanessa."
Gregory can see a slight twitch in her carefully neural expression, and he feels his blood boil. "Technically, Glamrock Freddys have gone extinct, since they wont be rebuilding another Pizzaplex."
Gregory stands up off the couch. "But he isnt even apart of a species to begin with! He cant even go extinct!"
Vanessa's stony expression finally breaks, and she bursts out laughing when Freddy cries out.
"So it is true!" Freddy exclaims, distraught. "I am the last Glamrock Freddy!"
Gregory shakes his head and sighs, sitting down. "Sure, I guess... but Freddy, you arent just a Glamrock Freddy," Gregory says, and sends Vanessa the stink eye when shes still laughing.
"You're one of a kind. And being so unique that there arent any more of you isnt a bad thing. How would you feel if there were two of me?"
Freddy hums, mulling over Gregory's words. "I cannot imagine there being two of you, Superstar, same with Vanessa, but..." He trails off. "You are not like me, Gregory. You were not created to entertain and inspire. You are just you, and I am me."
"That's right. You're you." Gregory counters. "It doesnt matter why we were created, it matters what we do with our lives while we live them."
Gregory sends Vanessa a meaningful look, and she just stares at them when her laughter dies down considerably, a serious expression on her face.
"Damn," Vanessa pokes him. "Why are you pulling out all of the existential wise words, squirt?"
Gregory shrugs. "I dunno. Freddy seems like he needs it."
Freddy rumbles a low sound, and Gregory recognizes it as thinking. "So..." Freddy begins. "you are saying that I am myself, and there is nobody else like me, therefore I cannot truly die?"
Gregory scratches behind his head. "Well, I didnt put it like that..." He says. "But yeah. I guess."
Freddy smiles. "That was very wise, Superstar." He praises. "I will keep this in mind next time I feel like I am in a jumble."
"...Jumble?" Gregory mutters, then shakes his head. "No problem, Freddy. I just don't want you to have an existential crisis again."
"How about we watch one of your, as you put it, 'vlogs', Superstar?" Freddy asks.
Gregory grins. "You dont even have to ask."
The video Gregory put on was only playing for a couple minutes when Vanessa spoke up suddenly, a quiet mumble.
"Well technically, a long line of Freddys have been fizzled out over decades and never used again, so Freddy can go extinct."
ao3 link
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How do you think Alastor will react to the realization that it is actually possible for Sinners to be redeemed if and/or when word of Pentious's ascension gets back to the Hotel? He seemed sincere in his desire to watch demons struggle and fail to better themselves when he first hired himself into the position of facility manager, but since S1 it seems more likely he's really only there to get his hooks into Charlie and doesn't actually care if the Hotel succeeds or fails as long as he gets what he wants out of the princess.
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"The world's a stage, and a stage is a world of entertainment" -Alastor
Hello my pal,
Pilot Alastor does seem more motivated by his whims and wanting entertainment. (I mean, if you have to all eternity...Things get mundane...) But with Amazon picking up the show, he clearly has more motives beside being at the hotel for funsies. I'm sure, he always meant to have a lot of plot around him before Amazon but we actually get content and episodes to feed us.
Side note: I love both versions of Alastor. But I like pilot slightly more. I think his voice is more fitting for the transatlantic radio host voice (no offence of the current one at all. He doing great and probably done a better job on delivery...I mean that Fuck you was perfect.) Also, I really miss Alastor boots/hoofs click clacking around the hotel when he walked. I wish they kept that sound effect.
I think his reaction would really depend on who he contracted to and what his real hidden objective is with the hotel. Like...is he chained to Lilith and he not there for the hotel but to protect and help Charlie?
Or is he there to make sure the hotel fails to prevent an uprising, and forcing Heavens hand?
Is he placed there to get close and keep on eye on things and trick Charlie?
Is he there to make sure it succeeds so Heaven foundations begin to crumble and plants seeds of doubt amongst other things.
Overall, I think Alastor believe redemption was a loss cause. Even, if he was told my his contractor that it was possible he always doubted it. He made his point in the pilot. Paraphrase: Sinners are past redemption. Their chance was the life they lived before, the punishment of their actions is Hell. I think Alastor truly believes that. Or at least wants it to be that way. We know Alastor was a serial killer with a weird moral code and killed people who deserved it. I think Alastor would hate the idea that his victims has a chance for a place in Heaven if he hadn't double dead them already. Alastor knows how terrible people can be...hes one of them. I think the idea sinners like him having a chance to share a space with his mother in heaven puts a foul taste in his mouth.
So when its proven Redemption is possible. I think he will be quite stunned and shocked. He'll act ecstatic for show and probably his generally happy for Charlie achieving her dream. But depending the reason why he there and how he owns him, he going to be strongly conflicted.
Possible panic/nervous if he failed his objective and had to deal with the person who owns his soul, as they will be very displeased with him because of that fact. Perhaps worried, because it furthers his master's objective *CoughCough Roo CoughCough* Which is something he personally against, but doesnt have a say in the matter. Or maybe he just painfully conflicted as he knows the playing field is nearly completed on being set up and the time to betray Charlie and the others is rapidly approaching. -He grew attached to them and he faltering on the idea to betray (destroy?) them. Panics as years of planning and effort to fulfilling his masters objective that would release him from his deal once completed...only to hesitate because of some fond feelings for naive weaklings? Afraid to incur his master wrath and lost of freedom if he failed because he was swayed by his pathetic feelings. Or maybe hes excited because his part of the deal is over...but still feel conflicted as it would place the hotel and its people in a bad and dangerous position.
This is why Alastor is such a fun character. He a wild card. He can go in any direction...Hell, he can go in all directions. He can rationally plan and think one way, his feelings going screw that and head in another direction, fulfilling his obligations as overlord and hotelier in another direction, and his chained soul can just flip off all the former force them to go in the direction directed by the master holding the chain.
I believe despite Alastor disbelieving in redemption in the beginning, or maybe slightly oppose it. He is slowly warming up (but still not even room temperature) to the idea as his fondness grows to the residents of the hotel. He observes how the residence became better. How some (Angel) gone through enough in Hell that perhaps his sins he committed in his short life has been overpaid. Eternity is long and can be harsh...as some sinners may already sin once to be damned for all of eternity.
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omegalomania · 1 year
hey gang what time is it its time for another joe trohman podcast. this actually came out like a month ago but i missed it until isa linked it to me and because i like doing these heres a highlights reel
the host says he appreciates that joe opened the book with the question of whether or not satan fucked his wife to which joe replies "well you know, when you have kids, sometimes you wonder that. you truly wonder what are these demons. i love my children btw they're phenomenal."
sometimes it does get tiring playing the same songs over and over. joe says that "thnks fr th mmrs" has a really good energy and tempo that keeps it exciting to play live
he talks about playing a really short iheartradio christmas show pre-pandemic and nobody in the crowd knew "sugar we're goin down" since they were only familiar with the more recent hits like "centuries" and "uma thurman" and joe said that it made him fall in love with sugar all over again in a weird way ldjfldkfd
he laments recently getting the chance to see wu-tang, nas, and busta rhymes at the hollywood bowl but he didn't go
his love language is giving gifts! he got his brother a custom drum set (which his mom attempted to throw out)
he reiterates that when writing the book he didn't want to be mean to any of his bandmates cause he likes them and thats not what the book is about! the host makes a joke: "like how you guys had that threesome with simple plan...i understand, you don't wanna get into that!" joe is offended that he clearly doesn't know how many guys are in simple plan. "there's more than three guys in there! the orgy was far larger than you give it credit!"
he doesnt remember any other names that the band could have been called but he does think fall out boy is a pretty terrible name for a band. "i can't believe i'm in a band called fall out boy."
discussions of the band origin and how joe funded it with his bar mitzvah money ("fall out boy, funded by judaism!") but when asked about financial gains from the band he says they all split everything evenly and it's one of the things that's helped them last this long
talking about scott ian and the damned things and he talks about how managing a supergroup is like herding cats because everyone is so busy with their respective groups. he says he'd LOVE to do a third damned things record though!
he talks about how weird it was to have this boy band aspect to them when they were at their peak pre-hiatus, because they were all hardcore kids and punk kids.
he recalls that around this time patrick asked their manager, with visible concern, "are we...the nsync to panic at the disco's backstreet boys?"
he's glad that they've outgrown that and kept pushing forward and looking forward, and by now they're no longer a boy band. "we're a man band!"
he thinks it's kind of neat to see the emo movement of the aughts become nostalgic and cool now ("it was not fucking cool when we were doing it [...] we stuck around for long enough to Not Be Lame"), but it's a big thing for fall out boy that they do not want to be a nostalgia act and they want to keep making new albums.
the host semi-jokingly says "so you and panic at the disco are not gonna go out on tour, is what you're saying." joe says "no" very flatly and i lose my shit.
he denies that fall out boy is working on any specific new music. he says they're just piecing things together organically and that no real album has coalesced. (note: this episode aired 11/12, ~2 weeks before the fob8 tribune ad)
he talks a bit about working with brian posehn on the axe and how much he loved doing it! he calls the whole story a metaphor for dealing with pain and trauma and the different ways there are to confront that stuff. he said the axe is coming out as a trade "soon" so people who don't have a subscription to heavy metal can read it
his first concert was tom petty and the heartbreakers when he was 10 or 11
he says the two things that matter most for a band's live show are the drummer and the singer. he then proceeds to be extremely sweet about patrick and andy.
"patrick, he's incredible, he's so gifted, and he's worked so hard with his voice lessons and figuring out how to sing from the diaphragm properly, and he really knows how to work through when he's sick and having real issues, so he's quite a trooper."
"and andy is just a great drummer. when he thinks he's had a bad day i'm like...yeah. sure. i don't think you know what that is."
he did not get laid in high school. first time was in a shared tour bus, listening to testament (a thrash metal band), when he was 19. (they never saw each other again)
since testament was the soundtrack the host asks if he ever gets a reaction whenever joe hears chuck billy (testament's lead vocalist). joe says without missing a beat, "when i see him i do, that's for sure."
he is an avid bowler. he has a wristguard and a spare ball and he used to take lessons. he calls it great stress relief!
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old-stoneface · 14 days
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my ship chart for the five main characters of camlann 😁 notes on the categories: best friends and romantic are self explanatory. for 'complicated' i just mean that they arent 100% sure how they feel abt each other, whether their current feelings are leaning towards positive or negative, thats just a blanket category for complex feelings. 'self recognition through the other' is about how the characters interact with each other; for example, morgan and gwen's conversation abt their trust in each other in episode 8, or perry and gwen both being obviously dedicated to keeping people safe in a very physical way. in the case of gwaine and gwen, their conversation in episode 9 makes me think that they have a lot to talk about when it comes to trust, because gwen doesnt trust other people enough to show her true feelings, and gwaine doesnt trust other people enough to form meaningful relationships, but they each have a tendency to be very clear about when theyre unhappy with how something is being handled. for gwaine and perry, this element goes hand-in-hand with how similar they are to their namesakes. perry is very honest and self righteous, always doing whats right as a matter of moral imperative, and while they do have a temper, its because they are angry at themself for being selfish or unfair. they put a lot of thought into being a good and fair person, very selfless, and because of that they build relationships with other people really easily. gwaine, on the other hand, comes across as very self centered and selfish. it is not easy for him to open up and rely on other people. he seems very isolated and always puts himself first, trying to build relationships with other people in order to gain security (making the feast and bringing all that food as an apology without actually saying sorry), only figuring out how to be selfless at the very end of season one. but their similarities are interesting too: the high temper, the self reliance, the protectiveness of their loved ones, etc, not to mention their shared affection for dai... i havent tried to put this all into words before but i think im phrasing this in an understandable way dfkghafh anyway the last category i should explain is the 'story connection' one. thats just to refer to the fact that their namesakes and the stories thereof draw them together and make them bounce off each other like magnets. the closeness and complexity of relationship is influenced by who they are named after - thus, the slight knightly rivalry of gwaine and perry, the complicated and intense familial love between morgan and dai, the messy connection and strong similarities from gwen to morgan and how morgan, as a magical figure, has so much more freedom than a queen would, no matter how much alike they truly are.. i have more thoughts on all of this, but this is already really long, and i didnt plan on writing this all out hfgsalkdhfskj hope u enjoy my light analysis! special mention to how much i love the romantic undertones between dai and perry in their friendship and how bad i want gwaine and perry to attack each other in a gay way
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withered--s0uls · 2 months
What are V and J's reactions to Cyn?
Assuming this is for the Dormant Absolute Solver AU soo
I just skimmed through the wip of the Ep6 re write I started for the DAS AU and
I actually didn't have V acknowledge her until they arrive above the labs, where V gestures at Cyn and asks if they're just going to take the child down there too (will need to go back and squeeze in some V reaction a little bit. The AU POV is Cyn and N centric with sometimes Uzi pov tho)
She honestly wouldn't trust her, seeing as she already doesn't trust Tessa during Ep6, I think bringing Cyn along would make it far more suspicious for V - like "how did you know the AS moved to this planet specifically? What do you mean Cyn doesnt remember major parts of what happened?" etc
She basically just finds the whole thing very suspicious, but they don't get much time to interact during the Ep6 plot due to Cyn sticking to N as if they're glued by the hip meaning Cyn is separated from V and Uzi and instead is with N and Tessa for most of the time before V sacrifices herself
With EP 7 dropping I'm still re writing parts of J and Tessa's relationship with Cyn but I can give the different concepts for J? I need to wait until Ep8 to confirm whether or not J knows about the whole Tessa situation
Under Cut Due to Episode 7 Spoilers
Regardless of the situation, J has "respawned" after Tessa died. Doesn't matter which of the AS, Cyn & Tessa situation I settle on out of the ones I have so far
J knows about the AS taking over Tessa and therefore knows of its plan to use Cyn as a tool to manipulate N
Option 1:
The AS was in contact with her, we do know that. Whether she knew it wasn't the company or not is up in the air (or the company is being controlled by the AS too bc "Tessas" Name Tag hm) -- if she knows it's the AS then she already knew about Cyn being there and wouldnt react much. [[If she doesn't know and thinks its actually the company, she might have gone into a defense (see her "prior hazard" reaction to the railgun) before "Tessa"/The AScalms her down -- however this wouldnt be in the version where she knows of Tessas death]]
She has no opinion on Cyn. Similarly to how she seemingly doesn't care for N really; she sees her as defect and will gladly take the opportunity of getting rid of her and possibly N too
Sorry J likers, I interpret her situation with N as her being abusive towards him, and seeing as this AU is Cyn and N centric that kinda puts J into a bad light in this AU bc its told from her victims POVs
Option 2:
J doesn't know about the AS controlling Tessa, genuinely believing it's her which results in her not knowing about Cyn
This would be the version where she doesn't know that it wasn't the company who sent her the missions
100% tried attacking Cyn when first meeting her, only to be stopped by "Tessa"/The AS
Shes kinda really weirded out that "Tessa" would keep Cyn around, let alone keep her safe from being disassembled and disposed of. Not to mention bringing her to Copper-8
Js is a HUGE WIP -- I'll need to wait if we get more info on Js situation and knowledge with and about the AS and company to properly set something up
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stedebonnit · 9 months
Ok i rewatched the trailer and I'm also looking at something Vico said at that convention about how the hardest episode for them to film (or most intense, something like that) was episode 2.
So, here's my poorly formed theory.
Episode 1 is lovelorn Stede and the establishment of Ed the wedding crasher Teach.
Episode 2, Stede is really good at tracking Ed down. Izzy has taken notice and is desperately trying to get Ed away from Stede because Izzy gets off to prefers kraken Ed
Usually, Ed is more astute and would notice the people trailing him, but whenever he isn't crashing weddings he's doing arts and crafts with wedding toppers so he's reeeally taking a backseat to captaining.
This is also why they sail head first into a storm, because Ed, who can usually predict the weather with near perfect accuracy, isn't bothering, and Izzy, as established, is a shit sailor and doesn't know the meaning of the clouds.
So, they're in a storm, a scene that I imagine was quite physically and emotionally intense to film (hence Vico saying it was intense, maybe there's even a moment of Jim thinking they won't see Olu again).
Ed is tuned out, but not as much as Izzy might think. He knew the storm was coming, at least within the last day, and he's already sick and tired of being the kraken.
So, he has a plan. They're sailing near the shore, and even in a storm, Ed is a strong swimmer. Or maybe he doesn't care much whether he makes it safely to land or not.
Either way, he's gotten everyone tied up against the ship and sailing her through the storm, he's not needed anymore, and if he were to mysteriously disappear during the storm, well, they'd all think he was dead. Whether he actually is isnt the point anymore.
The point is he doesn't have to be Blackbeard. He can be set free. He can live or die as Ed, and that's all he can ask for.
They hit a wave and Ed jumps ship, and washes up on the shore like we see in the trailer.
Izzy, for all his stupidity, doesn't believe that Blackbeard could fall off a ship in a storm. He underestimates Ed at every turn, but this time he doesn't believe it, not when believing it means he's lost his new favourite toy.
So, he let's Stede catch up with him. He decides it's time to make nice. Stede's tracked them down no matter how hard Izzy tried to drop him. They have the entire english navy after them and fucking Bonnet is the only one who made any headway in finding them.
Well, the truth is that its because Stede knows Ed, and Izzy isn't as good at losing people as he thinks, but that's for another day.
So, Izzy recruits Stede, he insists Ed isnt dead, but he's left, and Izzy needs him back. He asks if Stede has any leads on where Ed could be, and promises that he'll put up with Stede Bonnet's bizzare way of doing things if it means he can get Ed back.
Now, of course, Izzy doesn't actually plan to let this happen. The second that they find Ed he'll discreetly kill Stede and pretend like they never met. He'll do what he does best and take credit for things he hasn't done. But again, thats for another time.
The point is, Izzy asks Stede where Ed could possibly be going, and Stede has one answer.
And, of course, the moment Ed does wash up on that shore very much not dead, his thoughts go to exactly the same place. He realizes that, though his heart is broken, he would still rather be free and be Ed alone than spend another day as the kraken, and if Stede wouldn't come with him to China then he can damn well do it alone.
This brings us to what we see so much of in the trailer, the unlikely duo of Stede and Izzy both equally pretending not to despise one another as they sail under a common goal. Stede, who still doesnt like Izzy but is happy to work with him if it means he can forget Izzy exists the second he's back with Ed. And Izzy, who does in fact fully intend to murder and discreetly dispose of Stede the second Ed is in his sight.
Shennanigans ensue, and that brings us to episode 3 or 4.
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darknadaworld · 1 month
🎫 here's a gush pass ^^ feel free to gush about whichever f/o you want, however much you want, then send this ask to 3 other self shippers (optional) !
a- whole gush pass? all for little ol' me?????
*grabs papers*
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ok soooooo a whole essay about NOS4a2 and why he matters to me sm as a f/o ever
k so, starting off.
what makes him special design wise?
first of all, his whole design is sharp and edgy(literally.lotta edges). each end is pointy and sharp . lotta triangles used in his design. but despite that there's something interesting about how he has a cape (something usually made out of soft fabrics) as a cover, but even so the sharpness REMAINS. something else is how he has like two different eyes, which one of them is a monocle which is slay idk lol. also something else is how he's not like- he doesnt look strong physically at first sight even tho he's trully capable of being so . also fangs; LITERAL energy vampire, it's so cool as a concept.
ok personality wise:
most of the times he's on scene, it's always this very classic "muahahaha evil" kinda deal, he's silly af. geniunely enjoying it . he keeps on making stupid unfunny jokes all the time and he laughs at his own stupid jokes lol. idk i think it's cute and sillly waaaaaaaaaaaaa
BUT! he's capabe of being TRULY TERRIFYING (like half the robotic gore in BLOSC is caused by him lol, also his plan in ROTM was dark af)
it's even more interesting cuz his motivations are simply, yes being in charge as a SECOND need. the FIRST need is mainly to feed on robots. SENTIENT ROBOTS. LIKE HE D O E S WANT TO FEEL THE THRILL OF THE KILL. HE COULD JUST DRAIN from lifeless machines, but he'd rather HUNT and play with his food, if you will.
it's just very interesting.
now, SPECIFICALLY WHY do I like Nos and why is he so important to me?
so in general i was/still am a villain apologist ok? i always loved villains, no matter how evil they were. it sortz felt really comforting. but something about Nos specifically felt very special . possibly the fact that the first episode i watched in general was Revenge of the monsters (aka the climax of his character in everyway) .so basically my first impression was based on seeing him in his best if u know what i mean . like if it was any other episode things would've gone differently but that's not the case as you see. like ROTM is like this whole bigger climax yk? say, if it was another episode there's a high chance zurg could've been my fav character but boy he literally ran like a coward in ROTM so i just didnt care much cuz he wasnt in the ep as much as NOS.
like yea in an alternate reality it could've been Zurg but NUH UH . Nos it is.
also the fact that ROTM is like, as i said, sorta sums up his whole character in a great way . so when I watch that episode i IMMEDIATLY got attached especially when my introduction to the series is this. both his ultimate downfall and like .. the top of his character arc . like, INSTANT attachement.
another thing to note is how like … the whole episodes sorta focused on his turning every Z to an N .
ok here i might start explaining things a bit too personally here but ok it's an essay . ok so the circumstances of me watching the show for the first time were…something.
see i didn't have much friends back then as a kid. even the ones i had were pretty much SO different and can't understand me cuz im that shy, weird kid who goes on info dumping about my interests it might get annoying. but nobody understood those interests except ONE friend. whom just left and idk where he is till now. another thing to add, being the weird kid sorta let people exclude me and/or bully me soooo yeah .
so my putting that into prespective with the whole Ns all over the place thing in that specific episode sort of.. made me relate ya know? feel like it's specifically an episode for me . there was something nice and comforting about it.
the fact that it's the first letter of my name (which at the time was a big deal cuz all my favs didnt specifically put that fact into like, part of the story like Nos if u get me.) like, something about a villain i KNOW has the first same letter in their name as me, being all goofy yet menacing, also a vampire of sort -i am obsessed since day one idk) just felt right.
last part of this might sound silly or stupid but like . another reason WHY i felt this connection to Nos specifically till now :
people i know irl did NOT know what blosc was.
even the few who knew, don't remember it or specifically know who Nos was when i asked them.
so it's like "damn. all this epic character being so obscure and unknown despite everything they did?…sounds like me "
so until i went online and find more blosc mutuals (and till i went to Uni where people know it somewhat and still take show suggestions seriously from me) it just felt like this one character was specificaly made for me . like, this one character nobody knows except me . cuz i'm just as unknown and as unnoticed irl .
and to this day that still stands . Nos is still one of the turning points in my life in general. be it in art , in social life , or in general anyways. still my favourite fictional character of all time . my Top 1 fav and my main comfort character along Antasma and Zira for similar reasons.
thank you for coming to my cringe talk btw and reading all this lol.
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keeperofthebox · 10 months
@bittersweetresilience made the unfortunate mistake of inviting me to rant about something so HERE WE GO
a lot of this is extrapolated but (puffs my chest out) i think i know the characters pretty darn well so im confident that im on the right track with thinking this way
this is gonna be all over the place. but when am i not. so anyway:
obviously emilie and amelie's birth order matters because one of them was the curious and whimsical heiress and the other was the well-behaved and studious not-heiress.
however adrien and félix's birth order isn't outright stated, just implied. emilie used the peacock miraculous first (obviously). she also died from complications with the peacock brooch before colt fathom did ("you remember our shooting contests....sorry i didn't go to your dad's funeral" anyone?). so adrien must be a few days/weeks/months older than félix is
now the reason that this even slightly matters to me whatsoever is that watching s3-4 of miraculous, i wouldn't have guessed that at all. félix has the complete upper hand over adrien when it comes to knowledge of their situation. he manipulates adrien and leads him to do certain things to further his plan. he confronts gabriel without letting adrien in on anything whatsoever.
but. BUT.
emilie was the curious and whimsical older twin who couldn't help but want to help her sister when she was in trouble (everyone being mad at her for her fertility issues).
pair this with the fact that FÉLIX LOVES ADRIEN. FÉLIX LOVES ADRIEN SOOOO MUCH (as we learned in the s5 episode emotion). and suddenly the entire situation makes perfect sense to me
adrien, the impulsive airheaded curious whimsical OLDER twin, who's just. genuinely nice. félix's home life is TERRIBLE so of course he would latch onto someone like that. someone who goes out of his way to be kind to félix, and have shooting contests with him, and switch places with him just to prank their families and laugh about it afterwards. adrien was probably one of the only shining beacons of light, compassion and love that félix had other than his mother -
(which, side rant, that relationship is complicated by the fact that they both have the same abuser. canon doesn't outright say anything about amelie and colt i don't think but the way that amelie relies on félix and goes along with his plans reminds me a lot of the type of enmeshment that happens in mother-child relationships where both parties are victims. no offense amelie. plus just literally every single piece of information we have about colt fathom leads me to think he just sucks, so bad, generally. leaving adrien as one of the only... for lack of a better word, "pure" positive influences that félix might have had growing up) -
and thus of COURSE félix would deem it fit to become this conniving, cunning, mysterious person just to save adrien. félix went through hell because he's a senti so he doesnt want the same thing for his twin cousin. they're both constructs of the peacock miraculous. adrien is just like him, except too good for this world with how much he's willing to reach out and help lift others up. he's probably like, untainted in félix-vision. or like... félix's view is a bit warped even if his heart is in the right place.
so i guess what i mean is that adrien is like that trope of "he's so kind it makes him an idiot" and usually in narratives that type of character is "saved" by someone morally gray who idolizes and looks up to them... félix being the one in question. emphasis on looking up. because he's younger.
and. and. okay. also. okay. KAGAMI. RIGHT? here's the thing. emilie was the "heir", she's supposed to be the one who takes up the family mantle. but she didn't WANT IT. just like ADRIEN is supposed to be with kagami to uphold the family brand, but he doesn't WANT IT. HE WANTS TO GO LIVE THE BOHEMIAN LIFE WITH A TAILOR. it's félix who's actually suited to that role of being kagami's perfect trophy husband and who actually wants to be with her. JUST LIKE. AMELIE. IS. THE ONE WHO. (SCREAMS)
anyway considering all this no wonder félix thinks its okay to shield adrien from the truth. that's his perfect airhead older twin who was probably one of the only people who ever outstretched a hand to lift félix up. and félix probably decided that it's his turn to step up and be the shining beacon of light, compassion and love for adrien... he's just misguided about it because of his background. and so. (gestures vaguely). seasons 3-5 happened
SORRY IF THIS IS REPETITIVE i really dont know how to articulate it all that well
EDIT EDIT EDIT: I FORGOT TO SAY this also makes félix's reaction to adrien's friends video make sense in his self-titled episode. at first it seems like he just fucking hates adrien but actually what's happening is félix thinks that regular humans dont deserve to be given time with a senti, let alone one as kind as adrien
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upagainstthesunset · 3 days
Ive been quiet lately. Still resting up after recent life events, but im hoping to get back into the swing of things (ie hobbies) soon. With that in mind, here's a very loose OC thought for Heartbeat bc of course that's where my mind is going first. I dont think i can really work this into the story, but i want to jot it down just in case...
Okay i need to provide context first tho bc this is after arc three. So in that arc, Heartbeat died but Metron scienced a way to bring her back (selfishly), but in classic "came back wrong" fashion, shes not her usual self. Shes been touched by the source beyond what her connection to it had allowed. I think itd be cool to have a scene where this evil(?) version of her tears out her motherbox in front of metron and discards it bc she doesnt need it anymore, shes powered by the source itself. Anyway, ultimately she does a lot of stuff in anger, support women's wrongs, etc. Metron tries again and actually fucking succeeds in bringing the Heartbeat we're familiar with back. But its like... :| Metron did you think any of this through from a moral standpoint? No. He did not. She is given the motherbox in maybe a parallel to the very beginning of the story. Um and through some ordeal she ends up able to work with herself and get her to calm tf down. But the evil heartbeat (btw her name is heartbreak) decided its best to go their separate ways otherwise theyre liable to kill each other or worse. And then she becomes the black racer (or maybe had been for a while). This leaves heartbeat and metron to continue their story, and that's the end of arc three.
SO i did not plan to have a fourth arc. But i mean, i don't see any harm in spitballing here.
Alright, so now we're in a weird situation where there like isnt actually a Real™ Heartbeat bc the original returned to the source and the source works in mysterious ways (ie i dont gotta explain shit), then metron sort of forced a way to get two versions of her out. What does this mean about the source? What about life or souls or consciousnesses? Idfk. And here is where we get into real i-dont-think-this-fits-the-story territory, which is why im posting here instead of my actual story notes. Consider this a "what if".
What if.. it turned out the second heartbeat to emerge from the source (the one now acting as metrons companion) stops existing if metron stops believing in her. This is pulled from the concept that gods only exist bc people believe in them, which I actually personally hate so who knows why im running w this idea. Anyway, so he has no reason to think she doesnt or cant or shouldnt exist, so things are fine for a while. Maybe we do some more doctor who styled episodic shenanigans. Until something causes metron to have doubts. And it affects heartbeat. Eventually they figure out whats going on. Um idk what happens next, but ultimately theyd both come to understand that this is proof of how metron feels. I mean, god knows he isn't going to say in words how he feels about a thing. So even if they part ways, even if metron travels to other times and universes, as long as heartbeat exists we know that he wants her to exist.
And thats really the whole reason im toying with this idea. Its the concept of existing as evidence that you still matter to someone.
So it doesnt even have to be that he believes in her. It just needs to be some mechanism where he cannot bring himself to discard her. And I think between the source and the speedforce and metrons weird science, maybe something could fit. I want undeniable, irrefutable proof that how he felt when he made the deal w darkseid to harvest the motherbox from her is now quite the opposite.
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the-cat-and-the-birdie · 11 months
First off, hi! I love Hobie and Spiderverse in general, I've seen it twice and my favourites are Hobie, Pavitr, Mayday and Peter Parked Car! I have several headcanons that od love to share with you!
1) Hobie and Pavitr first bond over their mutual dislike for the British monarchy and government, but admit that the tea is really good.
2) Hobie is literally a Robin Hood to the people of Mumbhattan, particularly in the slums and poorer areas. He also helps May Auntie and he's one of the few people outside the immediate family that she trusts and respects.
3) Hobie and Pav come up with a plan to steal what Britain stole from the museum and to give it back. Its all sorted out; Mayday is the distraction and Peter Parked Car is the getaway vehicle. PPC has a booster seat specifically for Mayday.
4) Mayday has a toy called Spiderspider. He's a spider that was bitten by a radioactive spider and she refuses to sleep without him, even for naps.
5) Hobie is shortsighted and has half moon glasses for reading and sewing. He also loves to sew as a way to relax and he makes Mayday a battle jacket with acab in building blocks on the back
6) Hobie and Pav act like a couple and Mayday is their daughter. They do this without a hint of sarcasm and Miguel is both confused and not surprised.
I love all of these so much!! Especially the fact that you liked Peter Parked Car!!! (Honestly him and Lego-Spider-man are two of the good ones I trust them) and sdfdfkjdsf now I have headcanons of your headcanons!
I love tea and I love the idea that Hobie could be Pavi's 'tea plug'. He brings him all sorts of teas - English Breakfast would probably be something Pavi likes. They both probably have REALLY strong opinions when they learned Miles makes tea in the microwave and not the kettle (don't worry miles i do too)
OOOOOOOOO This is a good one!!! Especially since things are more drastic and somewhat hardcore in Hobie's universe, I could see him really really enjoying helping out in Mumbattan. Bonus points because Mumbattan is sunny. His patrols there probably put him in such a good mood - I bet Mumbattan is one of those universes that LOVE all Spider-people that come through
YOOOOOO THEM DOING THAT WOULD BE CRAZY Especially cause the news would be like 'how did these huge 2 ton statues from India disappear in 3 minutes'? And it's like easy, Hobie just picked one up and walked out. They're that strong that they can steal EVERYTHING back no matter how big. And it's like a modern mystery how like the entire West wing of the British Museum went missing in 15 minutes
SPIDERSPIDER SUPREMACY - I need a real spiderspider so the person it bites becomes Spiderspider-person lol
I love the idea of Hobie doing textile crafts so much because it makes so much since! I bet he does embroidery too, because it helps for patches. People probably think he doesnt wear his glasses out of embarrassment but in reality he probably would like them a lot and not want to damage them/lose them so he keeps them somewhere
HAVE YOU EVER SEEN THE EPISODE OF SPONGEBOB!! - yknow the one with the baby clam and Patrick and Spongebob!! I need something like that with them oh my goodness - like Pavi walking around with rollers in his hair (only coconut oil, my ass - LIES) and Mayday on his hip. Suddenly Hobie is wearing an all-black robe with patches (doing dad-style WAY more stylishly than Peter), they get super into it and Mayday probably thinks its hilarious
Honestly all of these are so cute!! Especially the Hobie in Mumbattan one I love carefree Hobie Brown. He deserves it so much
(also sorry this wasn't proofread because i am counting spoons today)
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reynie-muldoons · 2 years
'A Perilous Journey' liveblog!!!!
GOOD MORNINGGGG its season two timeee!!!
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I decided I'm watching episode 1 now, and episode 2 in a few hours. My shift starts weirdly late in the day so it works out.
As always, spoilers below the cut!!
Before I even get started I love how this episode is called a perilous journey. It's not quite the book title but damn near close 😂
1:27 dad!Milligan will never not make me cry
2:19 BLEASE tell me Kate is training rats
2:23 just kidding its Sticky
2:41 oh. She left a letter. That's not conspicuous at all 😂
2:59 Mystic is so tall now 🥺
3:17 I SEE A BARN THIS IS NOT A DRILL. Also that was fucking creative Kate but how strong is that boomerang to knock multiple full-grown apples off of the tree
3:34 MADGE NAME DROP!!! I have a confession to make related to Madge that I think is the funniest fucking thing ever. Remind me to tell y'all at some point
3:46 omfg are we about to watch the kidnapping??? how telling is it that I thought of Gert immediately LMAOOOO
3:55 they look adorable. Matching umbrellas, cute long coats... icons
4:06 is that supposed to be a time magazine dupe
4:06 I also think its hilarious that Curtain's original plan was to take credit for solving the emergency by just. mass brainwashing. good plan there bud, very sustainable
4:06 but like isnt he wanted now??? Isnt that a thing? In the books the government was actively looking for him so tf is this
4:14 "skip opening" how insulting. No
4:42 THE SHORTCUT!!!!!
4:50 who decided to make Constance's screen an arctic clown ship 😂😂
5:12 here's that unhinged interview from the trailer. I didnt think it would come this quickly
5:28 Constance just fucking staring at the TV as if she can intimidate him into stopping LMAO
5:39 WHAT??? So in S1 when he said he'd "share the spotlight" THIS is what he meant?? What a curveball. He's going to regret countering her
5:50 fucking god complex strikes again
6:01 he looks like he's wearing a straight jacket on that back cover. Probably appropriate considering he's uhhhh Like That
6:20 god I hate him. Stop being manipulative challenge (impossible)
6:26 YES ABSOLUTELY sadness, anger, frustration, anxiety, all of the shit makes happiness stand out. Without the struggle our lives would be shaded of grey because happiness wouldnt be distinguishable
6:43 why does this sound like homeopathic medicine
7:03 is this like a weird TV hypnosis thing. Is he doing the fake happiness thing on her without her consent
7:09 ohhhh I did NOT like the shift from looking at her to looking at the camera. Creepy
7:15 Rhonda as usually you look fucking fire
7:26 Dutch baby?? First of all, presentation is 10/10. Second of all it makes me very sad that they're the only two in the house because Mr. B and Number Two are already gone.
7:38 why the fuck did she answer in French 😂😂
8:13 that scream sounded like a fucking bird of prey HAHA
8:29 literally describing how it feels to travel with parents over a long period. I swear they are literally a fucking family
8:36 "just as much for him as it is the kids" oh absolutely it is, he's a mess when it comes to Nathaniel
9:24 "who's mocking me?" "Doesnt matter." They're banter is UNCHALLENGED. also his face is fucking funny HOLD UP
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9:37 calling Nathaniel "some guru with all this influence" REALLY makes him sound like he tries on makeup products and does skincare routines on youtube 😂
9:41 "we seem pretty safe" oh babygirl if that's not the nail in the coffin
10:05 they really nailed the "local man does something weird" vibes in this scene
10:17 dont tell me it already happened. Oh no
10:39 oh my gosh he's such a DADDD.
10:45 "a tiny go bag or gorp". I love him so much
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11:10 "it's my job to take care of you also. Additionally." He understands she's been on her own up until this point and acknowledges that she can handle herself, but also that she's a kid who needs help just like anyone else. CRYING.
11:15 she didn't even put it in the bucket, just her pocket 😂😂 she's so reluctant to accept
11:30 okay that truck is incredible LOL
11:40 .....why would you do that to a grapefruit. What did the grapefruit do to you huh
12:16 can I just say Miss Perumal is the queen of pastels
12:43 the reality of long-distance friends. My best friends from high school and college live SO far away and it's like this sometimes
12:50 acknowledging his feelings, giving him comfort, AND indulging him?? If the adoption papers arent signed already they really should be
13:19 stooooppp she's so cute
13:44 Reynie and Sticky had the sense to bring a suitcase, Kate
13:51 she's not wrong, they are taller 😂
14:01 this is a funny moment and all but Reynie desperately looking for affirmation anywhere he can find it makes me so sad for him
14:07 THE HIGH FIVES!!!! Cue everyone wincing
14:27 ohhhh Milligan looks nice
14:45 it looks like a minecraft golem, or the pokemon golett 😂
15:01 oh lord the news broke, that has to be it
15:15 dun dun DUNNNN
15:34 it's so cool that they planned check-ins like that. How smart
16:15 okay both of them switching between languages was fucking sick
16:18 and here it is, the kids have been told no, so they will find their own way
16:41 oh shit, they have a short timeframe then
16:47 I cant tell if this is manipulative or Constance not being able to contain herself. Like I doubt she would do this in front of the others but she's already shown she trusts everyone more than she lets on, soooo
17:09 is this Constance's room??
17:16 HAHA I KNEW IT she DID hug Rhonda to get something out of it
17:31 he sounded so offended 😂😂😂
18:09 she kills me. The line delivery is just on point
18:59 is this from the book? It's a dictionary, right?
19:14 HAHA he just fucking LEAVES
19:22 OH SHIT HELLO????
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20:13 "many sociopaths are unfailingly polite" that describes Nathaniel so fucking well
20:25 casual destruction of property
20:25 HOLD ON LMAOO how much did they have to pull on that thing for it to come out of the door at such a small tug???? Oh no I'm sad
20:33 AYYYY there it is, it's a dictionary
20:52 "last...time I checked" oh buddy hahahahah
21:14 "there is no system" the system is the organized chaos that every person with ADHD understands- it's a mess but a very specific mess
21:19 awwwww. He's trying to reach across 🥺
22:00 okay the nothingness club sounds like a cult
22:13 awwww there it issss. The dam is breaking
22:30 AND NOW ITS THE SAME WITH THE GIRLS. I love that they're ramping up the similarities between Reynie and Constance
22:45 awwww loneliness. They're so sad
22:59 "not dad. Roommate" okay girl you tell yourself that
23:40 needy dad is needy
23:54 hagagaga why does he keep looking at Constance like that
24:35 good job Kate!!!!
25:47 "does anyone feel like they've entered a trance" Constance 😂😂😂😂
26:12 "I feel uncleen" HAHAHAH
27:15 yeah Kate, everybody knows that. Gosh.
27:44 YES Reynie get the group's consent before doing something stupid
28:02 she's writing a fucking newsletter apparently
28:10 very subtle guys
28:19 okay the fact that Kate is left makes me think Milligan is going to come
28:24 okay, just kidding. Also I love the shoes
28:27 ayyy public transit
28:48 wow they didnt get any kind of head start, Rhonda's going to see they're gone immediately
29:12 ayyyyyy it's the Shortcut!!!
29:37 oh shit the adults have the tickets??? So what I'm hearing is the kids are sneaking on and the adults are using tickets
30:14 oh shit Sticky 😂 or should I say "oh ship"
30:20 HAHHAHA KATE "ha. stern" CRYING
30:42 NOOOOO its Boston tea party but without the tea
30:56 oh God why is he like that
31:03 he looks like he's about to star in a 80's dance video
31:27 please dear god let SQ walk in on this
31:30 not SQ but someone else
31:46 what the fuck just happened
32:16 I'm so glad he looks that stupid in his little cart thing. I cant wait to make fun of him
32:32 who are you calling "Associate" bitch
32:46 CULT
32:52 "elated" OH GOD OH NO OH FUCK
32:59 Milligan holding his hat like that is just too fucking endearing.
33:06 so are their tickets just. Null and void now 😂
33:12 did they really just ditch their shit 😂😂😂😂😂 the bags are just there in the open
33:18 parents. PARENTS. Also this kind of is like Reynie although Miss Perumal has never seen him in an active life and death situation like this
33:23 Rhonda is once again the voice of reason
33:27 "they believed us" AWWWWWW
33:45 shit is it already over??? Damn those are some long credits then
Wow, that was really good. The kids met back up, they had an awkward start but fell into that familiarity almost immediately. The parents were very parental. Although in hindsight, Sticky's were pretty much absent. What the fuck's up with that??
And the biggest tragedy is that there was no "roll credits" moment. They didn't namedrop the episode title 🙃 please bring that back in the test of the season I loved that so much
This took a lot longer to do than I thought, so I'm waiting to watch episode 2 until later tonight. I cant wait to talk about it with y'all!!!
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gildedmuse · 2 years
Hi I’ve been following you for a while, I love your work! Just wanted to say I hope you get well soon or at the very least you’re not in pain. It doesn’t matter to me what you post I’m just here to see the new content it’s all interesting/fun!
Ahh, so sweet. I got really, really sick for a while there guys - I haven't even seen any of the new episodes! - but I'm recovering nicely so hopefully I'll start post again in the next few weeks.
Let's see... Do you like All Hearts? I'm gonna assume most of the people following me are at least cool with the concept of Zoro as Law's first mate. Current obsession while in recovery: Taking fanart of the Heart Pirates doing just like, whatever, and turning it All Hearts-y.
For example:
[There used to be an image here, now there is not, because I suck.]
[This is where I got the image, and I am just going to hope that's the actual artist. Sometimes it's hard to tell on the internet. And if I'm wrong, someone should correct me so I can take it down or add proper credit. Also, they have no idea what's about to be inspired by their work, so, yeah, don't associate the poor artist with this.]
I tend to think Shachi and Law are the more cynical bastards and probably the more argumentive ones (specifically over plan details/minor analytical things), so I imagine they're in some deep, really impassioned Argument that is about something relatively innocent, maybe the best way to sneak past a navy blockade (Easy: submarine) And then sneak into the base unseen (less easy: pirates, all of whom are in jolly Roger marked uniforms, one of whom is a polar bear, another that uses three swords, and, oh, yeah, one with a WANTED POSTER showing off his VERY UNIQUE, EASILY IDENTIFIABLE DEATH TATTOOS) and they're ideas/debate is perfectability reasonable, but they do get very passionate about it. And it maybe doesnt always sound great.
Or at least, if you happen to not be listening to the whole thing because for some reason whenever you hear the words "... Highly effective plan so that our engagement with any actual Marines will be minimal and with no chance of any violent-" your brain just automatically starts tuning out
Or if you're just the kind of helpful pilot/officer who would help carry good from the kitchen as Hi-Ge finishes each dish to get it out at the table and so may have missed the bulk of the discussion
Then maybe parts of having Shachi and the caption passionately arguing about how, "this concern is over nothing, they're hardly his most recognizable tattoos"
"But they are the ones in the photos that were flown out to every Northern Island with your name splashed over them, captain. People are going to notice!"
"If you really think it's so much of a problem then we'll just get them a new photo of me to use. We just have to ensure these ones focus on drawing attention to my other, more eye catching markings."
"I'm sure if the posters promdominatly features those tattoos, not even the Marines would be looking at your hands, fair enough, but one week is hardly enough time to-"
"Are you doubting my ability to make so much trouble that quickly, my ability to force them into raising my bounty so soon, or that I can't guarantee the photos will contain said tattoos."
And Penguin KNOWS it's all innocent and it's just them hammering out details he just, well, Shachi never gets so worked up when THEY talk. Maybe because they never really argue? He's always happy to argue with Law though, even though Law is captain, And Shachi knows it's not arguing-arguing, obviously, since it's all about the plan and Law never gets, like, really bad either way though maybe it would be little nice if Law DID get upset some with Shachi every now and then for the arguments, just so maybe Shachi remembered how much nicer it is talking with someone who gets you and would never fight with him like that....
And Zoro - Zoro's mind has decided to jump back into the conversation because know he's wondering where and what those tattoos are that will take people's minds off Law's hands (he's not sure he believes it's possible, to be honest) and also how come Law seems to have no problem with SHACHI knowing all about them while Zoro is just left guessing and how come Law is trusting Shachi to come up with this plan? If he needs to get his bounty up, surely Zoro would be more help! not that Law really needs help finding or causing trouble, so then is the help he needs, does it involve these mystery secret tattoos and their a apparently very directing location and design? Shouldn't a first mate be told (and shown) these things?)
And so Penguin is standing there with the food bowl watching the two of them be all animated and smirking and plotting and wagging fingers wondering what's so great about it all anyway and Zoro is sitting there, head cocked, watching the same scene wondering why Law doesn't argue with HIM like that, the same way he takes Shachi seriously
And then finally looked Kit kind of coughs, mostly because just watching the two of them like that is getting embarrassing even if no one else has noticed because everyone is digging in while the food is still fresh (also, they definitely are going to START noticing since Penguin hasn't put down the new dish yet, and Kit doesn't wants to see Zoro get even more openly moony eyed over the captain when, like, he's just a kid and Law is a doctor (like Kit) and in his twenties (like Kit..... Will be in two and a half years) and doesn't really need Zoro mooning over him and as for Penguin, well, seeing him get all upset over something Shachi related if like when your sister cries because her "good guy friend" forgot it was their "special" hang out night. Like you know what it means but you don't want to have to think about it. Ever. At all.
It's just like the way Penguin is just standing there I immediately decided, oh, he MUST be thinking, "what if Shachi doesn't just, you know, respect the boss cause he's our captain. What if he like.... Likes him?" He just looks so left out, like he has no idea how to even insert himself into the debate.
The thought, ahh, of this was baby Zoro of COURSE he'd assume similar. Law got his wanted poster and Zoro wanted to kiss him and wasn't allowed, but he's happy boasting about the poster with Shachi, even planning the next one. Zoro is given the role of Vice Captain was like the most important office role right along with Navigator, but apparently it's really just like any other officer position. More importantly, it's doesn't suddenly make Zoro more important than Shachi, which isn't even what he wants because he likes Shachi, Shachi is cool (he just hadn't realized how much LAW liked Shachi, too)
Difference is I think Zoro eventually would, force himself into the conversation, after Kit catches their attention at least enough for Penguin to set the food down before like sliding into the seat next to Zoro, still just sort of staring (it's not his usual seat, he just kind of takes the nearest chair but after he does he figures it's probably a good thing, Law and Shachi are clearly, you know, preoccupied with their own discussion so it's good for Penguin to give them ro-
"I'm good with a den den mushi!" Zoro also knows that isn't Penguin's usual seat, because his usual seat is next to Shachi, and he imagines because Penguin is older and he knows all about like proper dates and stuff, he probably knows something like, uh, if two people who like each other are having a private conversation you give them room And don't interrupt so they can enjoy their time together. Penguin is usually right about that stuff so Zoro should probably do the same but, you know, they're talking about Law getting new wanted poster, right? Which will mean new photo - isn't like the the whole point? And it just so happens Zoro knows how to take den den images, and as vice captain obvious he needs to speak up so that they know this. For their plan.
And by speak up I mean almost shout it out, the way only an 15 year old with a crush who isn't paying attention to him really can; a way that makes everyone free,e, expect Eland who has to slap Bepo across the back to make sure he doesn't choke on the fish he'd been close to swallowing whole. Also, Puffin, who nearly sinks under the tableout of embarrassment by proxy before Marusa catches him to keep him still, and Hi-ge who peaks in from the kitchen.
Oh and Law and Shachi. They turn to look at him like everyone else but Shachi doesn't go completely still, first giving Zoro a confused look then tilts his head, giving Penguin a look that clearly means, "what, when did you start sitting all the way down there? Your seats not even taken, no one ever takes it because it's yours. What's going on, Guin? Are you being weird again? Could you at least tell me about what? It's not emotional, is it? You know I never get that stuff without your help...."
Where as Law just sort of looks at Zoro, then his eyes get all grey like a living storm - not a bad one, but one of the fun ones that sweeps you away in it, and his lips turns up in this half smirk-smile. Which admittedly isn't like a lot but has a lot of effects. Specifically on Zoro's stomach and also his mouth since words just sort of start flying out of it. "Back when I was a bounty hunter sometimes there were only these like two marine based around and if you just left the guy with them until some one further up the chain came along you'd never see a berry of that bounty, they wouldn't even buy you a skate why you waited. anyway, some older guy, he taught me this trick where you'd take a picture, you holding the wanted poster, and you sign it, then you'd get your guy -"
"Or girl," Beluxa tosses in like this is the time Zoro's trying to explain Law needs him to take the photo this is important!
"Or whatever holding that same poster, with your signature, and you'd catch a news coo and send it to the nearest big base they were gonna spend the guy for processing. So you could prove you caught h-them without having to find your way all the way to some hidden marine base.
Zoro's too in the moment too notice the various snorts and chuckles. Oh, no Northernern is naive enough not to believe the Marines have got some bases they're hiding up here, but they're also certain those kinds of bases aren't ones that just pay out bounties for some island outlaws some random unknown kid brings in.
Zoro is much more focused on how he is an idiot. He mentioned being a bounty hunter and he's always suspected that a lot of the crew didn't like that, now he's sure Law is one of them that doesn't because the second he mentioned that old guy who taught him this trick Law's smile slipped right away. But Zoro had already beaten them, and it's not like he really cared about keeping criminals out of the blue or getting a pat on the head from the Marines or whatever, but if he beat a guy shouldn't he get paid for it? "I needed the money and it worked so I bought this cheap image den den and figured out how to use it-"
"What? Like, pressing the button?" Shachi cuts in, chuckling as he mimics pressing down on the top of the shell. "Gee, good thing have an expert on board."
The remark might seem insulting but honestly, it's just sort of a joke, one Shachi is mostly telling Penguin, who doesn't look the leasf bit amused.
"He's just trying to help with the plan," Penguin answers, and he doesn't snap because Penguin doesn't really snap like that but it's close enough that quite a few looks are exchanged around the table. "He's an officer, too, it's normal he wants to be involved." Zoro actually sits himself up little straighter when Penguin mentions it, making sure he looks every one of his one hundred sixty eight cm.
"If you don't want any input or help, even from us other three," Penguin adds, not notifcing Zoro's posture shift of Shachis strange look, more focused on the small port window. "Why not save these discussions for Law's cabin? So we don't make the mistake again, and you two will be free to continue without even some minor, well meaning interruption to come between you two and your plan."
Zoro noticed none of it because Law has apparently decided to figure the whole bounty hunter thing because he's smiling again, elbows prompt on the table as he leans forward, like he's leaning in towards Zoro(!!) And smiling like that at him too (!!) He knew that Den Den trick would come in handy.Even though there is nearly a whole table between them, it really didn't feel like it when Law stared at him THAT way.
"Of course, Zoro-ya just wants to help." Law winks and Zoro's heart no his stomach no his throat - well somewhere in him something happens.
Winking! Winking is flirting! He knows it is! Lumikko told him himself and even Ikakaku agreed after a bit of disbelief (she apparently thought the guy's son at the junk yard they were scanvenging up for parts probably just got dust in his eyes and Lumikko was "messing with Zoro-kun, ad how many times do I have to tell you, just because YOUR easy doesn't mean that easy is considered fun by the rest of us." Then he did it again at the register, and did this weird thing where he asked Zoro his name a what he was doing on the Island - Ikkaku had been yelling his name plenty, was he not paying attention and seeing as he was carrying a box of used parts it's pretty obvious why he was here. Thought apparently according to Lumikko, the wink made them not stupid questions at all, more like riddles that Zoro had been MEANT to answer with, "Whatever you like, stranger," and "Oh, you know, taking in the locals, you wouldn't happen to know any worth taking would you?" Zoro still hadn't decided these.)
What Zoro DID understand was flirting meant winking, and since Law winked that meant!!
"Exactly, yeah, I just wanted to help - however you like stranger."
("Depths!" You could hear not only Ikkaku's hand connect with the back of Lumikko's head but also his ribs slamming up against the table with the force of if, and Ikkaku wasn't even bothering to whisper about see, see this is what happens when you're an idiot around Zoro-kun.)
Law doesn't seem to mind so Zoro doesn't really notice. (Oh, he definitely gives Zoro a look at the line but the chuckles and Law hardly ever like.... Laughs on any way so one of Zoro's various parts of maybe all of them this time do the thing again.) "Stranger? Is that what you're going to call me to the Marines when you're turning me over?"
Wait? Was that part of the plan? Zoro hadn't realized... Law is still smiling, and Zoro knows it's one of his honestly amused sort of grins so if he's still joking and flirting that means everything must be going according to the plan, or at least getting towards the plan at this stage, Zoro guesses. He just didn't remember when Law mentioned, "I wouldn't have expected such sneakiness for you, Bo-ya."
Zoro isn't sure what his captain means.
He doesn't notice, either, that Penguin is suddenly okay with Shachi, eyes wide as he makes a gesture for Shachi to please stop their boss before -
"Captain Roronoa Zoro has a fine ring to it, though. If nothing else I could not longer calm you Bo-ya, you would be more of a Tora-ya if-"
[Law honestly was just teasing Zoro, it's fine. I mean, he was a little suspicious of those older men going around teaching you tricks, but no he was just teasing you for your strange wording, that's all.... Not that it will stop Zoro from jumping to his feet and making this proclamation with all his heart.]
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was relistening to wolf 359 and that minisode where jacobi and kepler fight about what kepler kept from them and how that in jacobi's eyes led to maxwell's death in the first half of s4 struck me as such a doctor&companion conversation and it got me thinking about like
imagine youve got two companions who meet on the tardis. ideally from different planets and/or times, entirely different places. they werent friends before, could never have met if not for the doctor, but they become friends because of the doctor, because they happen to both get ensnared in the same alien shenanigans, or maybe not even the same, maybe one joins in episode one and the other in episode two, doesnt matter, point is theyre here now and they become really good friends
so youve got a season of the three of them, two companions who are besties and the doctor. and they listen to them, theyre loyal to them, but you also get the sense that their bond is a little tighter than either of theirs with the doctor. and thats fine! everyone's happy with the dynamic theres no friction
but then in the finale of that first series something goes wrong. the doctor makes a call and theyre unlucky. still lucky enough to save most of the day but one of the companions dies. doesnt like, heroically sacrifice themselves or anything either, just gets captured and killed. like bill, but it's just over. theyre just gone. no slow loss. theyre just dead and we move on doctor-style. hard choices little time we gotta go
but this other companion is like. this is your fault. you kept things from us and you always do but this time it went wrong and it's your fault my best friend is dead
JACOBI: Look. You tell me to blow something up, I blow something up. You tell me to blend in and gather intel, I blend in and gather intel– KEPLER: And when I tell you to drop something– JACOBI: – and I can do that, because I know that you’ve looked at everything. You’ve weighed the options, enjoyed feeling oh-so-clever, and called the play. KEPLER: You know how this works. That mission parameter was marked for Black Archive clearance. Need-to-know. And you didn’t need to know. JACOBI: You don’t get to say that! You only get to say that when everything goes according to frickin’ plan, when everything falls into place! You don’t get to say it when you lose; when people die. I needed to know, and she needed to know. KEPLER: What difference would it have– JACOBI: All the difference! You know what she was like! She was smarter than us combined– multiplied! She would have figured something out.
and thats where this finale ends. in this very uncomfortable spot. and maybe this companion doesnt have much home to go back to. maybe literally (planet blown up) maybe there just isnt much there for them. so they stick around. because they have nothing better. but also the doctor got their best friend killed. and they'd have honestly rather have got the opposite. that the doctor died instead.
so now youve got a season of a doctor with a companion whos full of grief and resentment and also not going to leave. i have no idea where that goes. i have no idea how that dynamic develops. but i think it'd be interesting to see
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sodascribbles · 10 months
yet more honor among thieves rambling. im watching a playthrough lol
WHAT does bentley throw at dr. m is it a sleep dart why does it explode WHY DOES HE THROW IT
"Sly, no! Hold on, Sly-- hold on!"
an elusive picture of slys mom (just her silhouette tho next to connors) and a picture of who i can only assume is connor, mcsweeney, and dr m...........
the cooky-steelin' plan (sobbing)
pls imagine something eloquent about the fact that we never see what connor really looks like in these "flashbacks"- presumably bc sly doesn't remember
slys leg pouch doesnt fully wrap around his leg ?? might just be the lighting tho.
i wonder abt their sources how DID they find out abt murray
i love that Octavio is the guy they call old. not bison. who is from the 1800s
im obsessed with just abt all the villain backstories
this playthrough doesnt have the hazard room and im deeply upset about it. as a matter of fact i might find one that DOES bc i love the banter wkfhhehd
...when DO you get to the hazard room? its before u start Opera isnt it ?? unclear
i will not find one w the hazard room unfortunately but i have switched to a 100% run out of curiosity
gotta be honest Italy is probably one of if not my favorite episode ever
you've got some FUZZY DICE to come round here
MAIN MAN MURRAY the way he says it is so good
AW WHAT THIS PLAYTHROUGH DOESNT DO ALL THE SILLY OPTIONS (i mean i understand why i just like the silly options)
i love that the captions capitalize Bro
fun fact if you take too long crawling around carmelita will just repeat the presentation bc she doesnt think they were paying attention lmao
i love the apes(?) insulting each other. "You look a lot better in the dark, Petro. Seriously, you are an ugly, ugly man."
why does dimitri have a cigarette in a jail cell
"keep your HANDS to YOURSELF leon."
in love with the way dimitri talks, as we all are.
whys he call murray a Plump Dog though that's uncalled for /j
she tells her men to grab him and Nobody Follows
theres a couple hitches that happen in between games that im incredibly curious about, e.i. murray becoming The Murray between 1 and 2 and inspector fox going from her little smile and "ill find you, cooper!" to "she grew up and stopped taking grief from guys like you" that happens between 2 and 3
"You can't keep running for the rest of your life!" WATCH ME
"Greetings, old-- iNSPECTOR FOX?!"
murray's spiritual outfit model is so fascinating to me
AUDGJAHDHS they make me feel emotions /pos
the venetian safehouse fascinates me the door opens straight to stairs and the actual safehouse part is on the top floor
"now as non-law operatives, we can take a more... head on approach. wE'RE GONNA BREAK IN--"
in love w them they're the best duo ever /hj
"hey, don't feel bad! those wall hooks were... kinda tricky!" "it was ALL supposed to be tricky!"
the ceiling of the hazard room is.... fascinating
theres always a certain level of. oh jeez what's the word. playfulness? between early game sly and bentley. it always kinda sounds like they're both smiling and joking around w each other and it warms my heart
this will not be the first time i talk about it
once more with the caption choices. on-line is hyphenated
bentley just kills a man.mp4
"Alright, smooth talker, try robbing this guy." see the above about their banter and their dynamic
though to be fair sly and bentley usually have a vague kind of playful/bantery vibe. it's just incredibly palpable during Italy, probably because they're the only two characters in the spotlight and therefore they get to be explored more
ok hold on im gonna get food b4 i continue
one food break later...
okay im back
"You're not gonna say 'I'm a lover, not a fighter,' are you?" "Well, not now." "Thought so."
in love w bentley just sending a man to murder sly
how DID they get all these guards into the hazard room. where is the hazard room
bentleys voice when he says "now give this guy the business" send post
AND HE GETS SO EXCITED WHEN HE TALKS ABOUT THE BOAT. and sly sounds just So amused with his "yeah?" hes so used to this bullshit
i hope you're ready for me to talk ceaselessly about sly and bentleys dynamic it's my favorite thing snfnebbfd
"Against sleeping guards, I'm like a Greek god! All fall before me!" hes so silly i love him
nerves of steel?? you have no nerves of steel you silly anxious goob
sly ALSO murders a man
bentleys wheelies heart emoji...
"There you go, Bentley, some wonderful pinups for our refrigerator." "They're lovely. High art!" "Seriously?" "No."
i love that murray shows up on the menu before you get him back that's so funny to me
huh. do you need all the upgrades for 100%? ill find out
"The Don is headed toward your position." "Great! Want me to take him?" "No!"
gotta be honest bentley i think killing him would also put an end to this nonsense
"Never thought we'd be helping out the cops." "Reaally? You always seem eager to aid Inspector Fox."
bentley and murray calling out slys crush on carmelita is my favorite thing wjfhwbdbwd
"I got a SHADOW, huh???"
octavio just bodychecked a dude lmao
i love how angry bentley gets about the fish tank especially he gets SO MAD i love him
"I- I can't believe it! He flooded that aquarium with tar! All those poor, dead fish! As much as I hate to see what heinous crime this fiend will do next, you should probably keep on his tail. Someday, the people will know the truth due to your pictures!"
"all those poor, dead fish!" LMAO
ok I've been on a ferris wheel exactly one (1) time but im like 95% sure the cart would tilt w/ sly hanging onto it
octavios captions are SO slow akdbhwhdbd
AND BENTLEY GETS SO MAD ABOUT THE FERRIS WHEEL. and then proceeds to call rewiring it "the dark side of electrical engineering"
bwa BWA <- the sly 3 job complete noise
i really hated Into the Depths on my first playthrough but that was mostly bc i was still bad at the game i think. it's really not so bad
what is it with the stupid 3d goggles WHY do they exist weve never seen them before and we never see them (w the exclusion of cutscenes and maybe one or two mentions) again
okay ive never messed up the doors in my life but im very glad bentley doesnt make fun of you for it i think id cry
also he does his idle animations while talking which means that sometimes he sneezes mid sentence and its really funny. bentleys idle animations are so good in general tho
bentleys and the ones from the safehouses
OKAY SO I DIDNT KNOW THIS UNTIL EARLIER TODAY BUT OCTAVIO CALLS 3 GUYS (mario, raphael, and julius) TO COME SEE HIM AND SAYS "if any of you catch these boys make a run for it [cat noise) shoot 'em in the back"
OH HE SAYS JULIUS MADE A RUN FOR IT. OKAY ("julius made a run for it, and eh... [unintelligible]") i cannot for the life of me figure out what else he says there oops. maybe ill go replay that mission later and find out for sure
i know that's not particularly groundbreaking all things considered but again i didnt know it until earlier today so
once more Bentley getting excited about murder
"Synchronize watches, and..." you fuckin nerd
"Just as long as you're enjoying yourself, that's the important thing." again w the affectionate sarcasm
sly and bentley are both very sarcastic usually as opposed to murray who's pretty heart on his sleeve straightforward kind of guy which is probably why this ep & the hazard room sticks out so much for the banter. again bc its JUST the two of them lol
"Sorry, Sly, I guess the dinosaur has teeth!"
i love knocking the pigeons into fire it's so much fun
you get to hear the same "Intruders!" line like 17 times
fuckin piano computer lookin ass
i wish bentley and murray (and the rest of the team, but bentley and murray especially) had a little bit more... idk. reasons to free roam? like with the options of them as playable characters you would assume there would be more things tailored to their unique skillsets but a lot of getting around the overworld is very sly-focused, which i guess i get, but it means theres really no reason to play as the others except for missions
bentleys such a fucking dork have i said that already i think we need to call more attention to him being a fucking dork
fun fact if you repeatedly tap □/r1 your gun will heat up slower BUT your finger WILL hurt by the end of it
haha they're cooper brother colored (blue, green, & pink/red)
though tbf most trios are if you think about it. but shh cooper brothers
"I hope you realize that by saving Carmelita, we're only making our operation here more difficult." "Maybe so, but what's the fun in stealing if there's nobody trying to catch you? Besides, she's helped us out in the past." "That, and you've got a thing for her." "...and I've got a thing for her. Look, I'll stash this boat, it might be useful for later. You stay out of trouble."
again, bentley and murray calling him out on his crush is priceless and i wish they did it more w bentley and penelope WLFJJWJDHE
okay funny story it's a few weeks later things happened anyway. going back to watching honor among thieves lol
ill probably split this post up into a few posts just so this one isnt 18 million years long
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malevolententity · 10 months
decided on giving myself a little treat these past few days and watched episode 9 while frogging this blanket i was fortunate enough to be gifted like fourth hand! i have some ideas on what i may do with this yarn but nothing is set in stone. the colors are lovely but hated the blanket so. harvest. its was for harvesting.
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also i hate frogging other peoples work. i hate how other people weave in their ends it is bad and awful and means i have to cut their work atleast twice per color to reball it and join it. the first few colors i did i had to cut like 5 times? and by the time i got to the final 3 i figured out how to only cut it twice and the last color i only had to cut once. but my god. hated unraveling and m so glad i gave myself the treat of episode 9 while doing this because it did take like 4 hours. especially with how much pausing i had to do to look at Just the work trying to frog it backwards at some points i just. i only got to watch 3 hours of aop since thats all i had left of the episode. HOWEVER! the timing worked out that when i was at the end of the last color it was the end of the episode as most of my pausing was in the very beginning.
be hold. a very angry photo at the blanket when i stopped the other day from frogging to give myself a rest. other crocheters should not be allowed to knot all their ends into normal stitches making it seemingly impossible to unravel their work. it is not a crime to have ur work be recycled by someone else >:I
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dudes what a fucking episode. i love getting to see more of the town and trying to figure out what the fuck is up. i am with the cast atm that the crystals healing you IS probably like the goo in the haunteds place that "heals" you but actually drains sanity. i am genuinely curious to see what happens to thaigo once they leave the town if his hearing goes away or if he stays repaired. m genuinely so curious to see how thats handled. i also. can not fucking believe. they were all told that fire bad. and thaigo then went 'cool so heres fire' bestie. what did you think was gonna happen? what the fuck was going thru ur brain.
ALSO HELLO DID THE MIST AND THE MAZE KILL THE HELPER??? HOW THE FUCK??? WAS HE WITH THEM AT THE FARM DURING COMBAT. WALK TO THE BLACKSMITHS. AND THEN WHEN THE DOOR OPENED HE WAS FOUND DEAD INSIDE. I WANNA KNOW WHAT THE MAZE WHISPER WAS SOOOO BAD WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO THE HELPER AND FELPS. WHAT DID HE DO TO MY LIL GUY HE WAS SO CUTE. justice for the helper. i got him for an episode and i want him back. if he doesnt come back ill be so sad even tho i knoooow he was clearly an npc that cell went "hey felps youd have fun as this limited time guy. come be a little guy for 3 hours" but like. i want justice for him he was so cute. bring him back to me.
i think i have my next project picked this blanket actually had all the yarn i needed sans 1 color! but m planning on this being a mock of the pattern to see if i can actually make it before going and buying the actual colors and weight that i want to do it in. so i might start that project sometime this week! m v v excited to see how much of the mock i can get done with this recycled yarn since i have No Idea how much of it i have. as i am. too lazy to figure out aprox how much yarn i have with math. i could figure out the grams/ounces and do worsted oz into yards but. no<3 self care<3 fuck it we ball<3 i have as much as i have and hope its enough<3 and if not oh well<3 its a mock so it Can get weird with the color switching if i need too<3
it also just. simply would not matter if i figured it out because my pattern doesnt tell me ANYTHING about how much yarn is needed for any colors it literally just says "lot of X colors and small amount of X colors" which is infuriating but. i guess thats just 2009 amigurumi blogspot patterns for ya
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