#Driver Signalling and Merging
traffictutors · 2 years
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jessescatorccio · 3 months
i face sexism when driving my old vw bug deadass. bc it’s a “girly” car men in large trucks/sedans will frequently zoom past me to cut me off, prevent me from passing them, or try to race me at stoplights. like it might seem ridiculous but i truly think ppl see my car and are like “there’s a stupid bitch driving” and it smells like misogyny idc idc
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witchcraftingboop · 10 months
If this does not end up being PMS, I will have to put myself on trial because we have much explaining to do otherwise
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kurokoros · 2 years
Quick I need tips for driving on the interstate!
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lecsainz · 8 months
could you please write a smut of carlos? i don’t have any ideas other than the smooth operator song being included and like a “smooth opera-te me” type of joke.
parings: carlos sainz x girlfriend!reader
authors note: I'm not entirely sure if this is what you were after, but hope you dig it!
warnings: (+18) smut, minors dni!
☆. . . masterlist !
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Having a boyfriend who was a Formula One driver was something Y/N always adored, not because he was famous or wealthy – far from it. She and Carlos had known each other since school, and from the first year of elementary school, Carlos knew he would one day call Y/N his girlfriend, and that's exactly what happened. Y/N could confidently say that what she loved most about dating the Ferrari driver was that Carlos had a penchant for speed, and it reflected in all their encounters.
It wasn't that Carlos was rough or anything, but she loved the ideas he brought to the bedroom, and he was always open to hers. So, for her, dating an F1 driver was amazing.
Then, like every night after a long day of training at the gym, Carlos entered the apartment he shared with his girlfriend. However, as soon as he stepped into the apartment, he found it unusually quiet, with no lights on.
"Y/N?" Carlos dropped his gym bag on the shelf next to the door. "Cariño?"
With no response, Carlos decided to call Y/N, but just as he was about to dial her number, he heard a noise coming from the bathroom. "Hmmm." He was certain it was Y/N.
Carlos approached and leaned against the slightly ajar door, finding his girlfriend with a vibrator in her hands.
"Oh, my God..." he moaned softly at the sight.
Carlos had nothing against Y/N satisfying herself, especially since he spent a lot of time away from home due to his commitments with Ferrari. He thought he might climax just from watching his girl find pleasure.
Carlos moved closer to the door, and then, as if it were meant to happen, he fell to the floor with a thud.
"MY GOD!" Y/N tossed the vibrator aside and rushed out of the bathtub to help her boyfriend on the floor. "Carlos Vázquez de Castro, what the hell was that?" She tried to hold back a laugh at the boy on the floor who had a pained expression.
"Do you want help?" she asked and received a mumble in response.
"I think it's better if you don't get too close unless you put on some clothes because this sight is too tempting, and I have a strong desire to fuck you right there in that bathtub." As soon as he said that, Y/N could feel her entire body tense up, and she got slight shivers just imagining Carlos taking her in the bathtub.
"Do this," Y/N leaned in and took the opportunity to sit on her boyfriend, who was lying on the floor. "Smooth opera-te me." she whispered in Carlos's ear, and he could swear he would never find anyone more perfect than the girl in his lap.
As if that served as a response, Y/N felt her boyfriend's member harden beneath her. "Make me climax like you always do, mi amore..."
Without any prior warning, Carlos got up, taking her along. "Is this a challenge?" he asked, raising an arched eyebrow.
"Who knows?" she replied, and Carlos playfully slapped her on the behind.
He pressed her torso against his with increasing desire, feeling her respond in the same way, as if they wanted to merge their bodies into one. When Y/N's lips were starting to ache from the pressure against Carlos's, she decided to start pulling up Carlos's gym shirt as she explored her boyfriend's muscular body with her hands. Her legs unconsciously tightened around Carlos's hips, lifting her up, and he took advantage of this to sit on the edge of the bathtub. He continued to escalate his touches until he found Y/N's breasts, which he cupped with his hands, releasing a muffled groan against her lips. Y/N allowed him to enjoy for a while, and then she broke the kiss with a bite to his lower lip, signaling for him to remove Carlos's shirt.
Carlos quickly moved, letting out a frustrated groan at being apart from her. He removed his shirt and hurriedly took off his sweatpants. When Y/N realized her boyfriend was without underwear, she let out a low moan.
"Carlos..." She hugged Carlos from behind.
"I-I know, mi amore," he replied, tossing his pants aside and returning to kiss Y/N. Carlos broke the kiss calmly and somehow managed to get into the bathtub, bringing Y/N with him. She lifted herself until they found the right position. Carlos placed his hands on her waist gently, as if to encourage her, and Y/N took him inside her slowly. She felt him grip her waist tighter as she reached the limit.
To find some stability in the small bathtub space, Y/N held onto her boyfriend's shoulders, trembling, and let all those new sensations wash over her. The couple stopped kissing and opened their eyes, staring deeply into each other. The connection through their gazes was so intense it could almost be touched.
Carlos closed his eyes, furrowing his brow slightly and sliding his hands down to her hips, while Y/N resumed the kiss, feeling pleasure growing monstrously and suddenly inside her. She wrapped her arms around Carlos's neck, tangling her fingers in his damp, sweaty brown hair, and began moving over him, accelerating with each passing second. Soon, Carlos was moaning again, as was she, and it was becoming almost impossible for both of them to kiss to muffle their moans and not disturb the neighbors.
"I-I'm close," Y/N gasped.
Carlos adjusted the angle and helped her go faster, intensifying each thrust and drawing a loud moan from her. "Shhhh, we have to be quiet, cariño."
Their faces remained close, intensifying the warm mix of their breaths until Sainz hit a sensitive spot in Y/N, bringing her to climax, followed by him.
She allowed her body to rest against his, unable to determine which of them was more breathless. She buried her face in the curve of Carlos's neck, letting his scent calm her, and after a few seconds, she felt his arms wrap around her waist, pulling her even closer to his chest. She closed her eyes, embracing him around the waist as well, and could hear him chuckle softly.
"I love it when we do something different," he said.
Even without much breath left, she couldn't help but let his soft laughter infect her. Carlos laughed along with the girl in his arms and kissed her head.
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sirfrogsworth · 5 months
I'm moving out of the city and I'm going to have to learn to drive. Any advice for someone (reluctantly) looking into cars for the first time?
Sorry for the late response, but I really wanted to answer this because I think I have some relevant advice.
I started driving the very day I was allowed to get my learner's permit. I took it very seriously. My dad was a mechanic, my brother literally built a car when he was 16. They were car guys and I was the goofy comedian they didn't really understand. So I wanted to be a really good driver to impress them.
I practiced every chance I got. I took driver's ed in school and got a 100% in the class. And I got a perfect score on my written driver's test and only got dinged for 1 thing on the main exam (it was bullshit, but apparently there is no way to protest a near perfect score).
But then I got sick and it didn't make sense to pay for car insurance and maintain a vehicle. So I didn't drive for roughly 15 years.
Then both my parents got sick and they became dangerous drivers and so I had to figure out how to drive again. And at first I was nervous, but after about a week of driving, I was nearly as good of a driver as when I was younger.
The reason?
Muscle memory.
Muscle memory will save your life over just about anything. The less you have to concentrate on the physical actions and habits required to drive, the more you can concentrate on situational awareness. If you don't have to think about turning the wheel, or braking, or even activating the turn signals, you can use all of that brain power to pay attention to all of the dumb fucks they let drive cars.
So my biggest piece of advice would be to break down all of the physical actions required to operate a vehicle. Even the tiny stuff like switching the station on the radio or turning down the fan on the A/C. Then find a way to practice these things over and over and over until you have that muscle memory embedded into your brain. My muscle memory was so deeply ingrained that it lasted through 15 years of not driving and a batch of mind-wiping electroshock treatments.
Find a safe place to practice and just repeat things until they feel like second nature. Especially checking your blind spots. If you can get checking blind spots to the point where you do it without even thinking about it, you will increase your safety substantially.
Other tips...
Small cheap cars are best first cars. Big cars can make you feel disconnected from the road. Almost like you are piloting the vehicle in a video game. I started on my grandma's 1987 Chevy Cavalier. It was tiny. It had no power. It was free. But I could feel everything I was doing. I could feel the turns. I could feel the road. I could feel braking and acceleration. And it really helped me understand the relationship between driver and vehicle. It was like a big go-kart but I think having that as my first car really helped me develop my driving skills.
And my last tip is to learn gradient braking and acceleration. It's mostly for the comfort of your passengers. It gives them a smoother experience but it also makes them feel safer driving with you. Basically you want to figure out how to apply pressure to the pedals in such a way that almost no G-force is felt. So you start with very light pressure and gradually transition into the max pressure you need. And you need to do it quick enough to stop and accelerate at the proper rate. If you don't transition fast enough you might not stop in time or be able to merge onto the highway. And if you transition too fast people will be lurching back and forth in their seat. But, again, practice makes perfect.
My brother is horrible at this, though mostly on purpose. He likes driving like everything is a race. And with his muscle cars, that can be fun at times. But when you are just going to the store it can make one a little nauseous. I find myself just grabbing the "oh shit" handles and never letting go.
But if you can smooth out your acceleration and braking to the point it is barely felt, all of your passengers will thank you for it.
Hopefully that helps. And maybe other folks can reply with additional advice. And if you have any more specific concerns feel free to ask. I wasn't sure if you were more worried about driving or picking out a car, so hopefully we can collectively cover both.
I wish you luck and hope you learn to love driving. It is pretty cool once you get the hang of it.
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the birthday party -
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pairing: matty healy x f!reader
content: friends to lovers, explicit consent, george is a good friend, matty eats pussy, safe sex, denise, p in v sex
wordcount: 6787
this blog is 18+. minors, do not interact. this blog is a safe space. no hate or disrespect of any kind will be tolerated. all work is my own. do not reupload my work on any other site without my consent.
a/n: matty healy, you will always be famous <3
maybe it shouldn't bother him as much as it does. after all, it's just another day.
but it's his birthday. it's his fucking birthday, and there are no messages from you lighting up his phone.
at first, matty tried to convince himself that it was nothing. he had woken up and expected an all-caps message, only to be met with the god-awful time of 5:00 am. but it was okay - it was early, so you probably just want to wait - to ensure that he's awake to see your message. 
so he waited.
he waited through bleary eyes - surrounded by his concrete walls and his white comforter - until his alarm sounded and jerked him awake.
a rush of disappointment shattered his bones when there was no message from you. no ‘happy birthday,’ no ‘good morning,’ not even a ‘hey.’
but still, it's okay. matty went about his morning, taking phone call after phone call from family members he hadn’t heard from since last year, pretending there wasn’t a hole in his heart where you left a dent. his mom texted him once; something about going over for a party and celebrating his birthday there with his family and bandmates, and that was it.
he spends the rest of the day picking at the pancakes george made him and tries desperately to ignore your silence.
so yeah, it hurts that you didn't text him, and he's starting to think that maybe it's not okay. because you're his best friend, and you didn't even have the decency to wish him a happy birthday.
there's always been something between the two of you; dotted lines that make it hard to walk or see straight whenever you're together, usually bickering about god knows what.
george says you love him. matty flicks his forehead until he drops it.
because how could someone who loves him forget his birthday?
he feels selfish - feels like shit wishing for something other than the health and clarity he was brought up to be thankful for on his birthday. 
and you still don't text him. 
it's only a couple of hours later when george's air conditioning hits his face with full power, eyes watering slightly with the artificial wind blowing right into his cornea. they’re on the way to his mother’s house, and matty is bracing himself for the onslaught of aunts with their strong perfume and uncles with their disapproving looks. beside him, george hums from the driver’s seat, a clear indication he can sense matty's heedlessness.
"alright, that's it," george says, turning down the music dial until barely audible guitar strums resonate in the car. “you’ve been moping all day. what gives?”
matty shrugs. "nothing, mate."
george’s eyes are switching between watching the road and glaring daggers into matty's.
“it’s your birthday, and you’re acting as if someone just killed your snake. so i ask again,” george mutters as he flicks on his turn signal, pulling off the freeway to evacuate the sanctum of subdued car horns and merge into the exit lane. “what gives, matty?”
"it’s not a big deal,” he starts, interrupted by the forced chuckle that resounds beside him. he continues when the light turns green, george slowly letting off the breaks as they near his mom's house.
“i mean, i guess it's just, like, i dunno. i thought that—” he cuts himself off, lost in his head. matty stumbles over his words, a mess of broken syllables as he runs a nervous hand through his hair, messing up the mop of curls.
“she hasn’t texted me today.”
it’s rushed, a lick of shame and embarrassment crawling up his spine as the frigidity of the air conditioning meets his neck. the car is cold, chilling matty's bones with gentle fragility until they freeze and shatter like glass. he bleeds shame, every ounce of blood in his body tainted with the reminder that you forgot.
george's breath hitches, and he clears his throat with a fist over his hand as the other one turns them into a familiar street.
his mother’s house appears in his peripheral vision, the front porch light emitting a timbre, yellow glow, and he can see shadows through the large kitchen window.
matty picks at his nails, messing with his fingers as george parks the car. he can feel watchful eyes on him when he stares down at his lap.
george turns in his seat so they’re forced to face each other. “she didn’t text you at all?”
“not since last night.”
he unbuckles his seatbelt and places a hand on the door handle. he's stopped, a tug to his arm keeping him in place and not permitting him to leave the car—leave the conversation.
“hey,” george starts, voice low and with a lilt of concern tracing the lone syllable. “i’m sure she’s got a good reason. she wouldn’t just forget your birthday.”
matty scoffs, shaking his head until strands of dark hair fall in his face, blowing upwards so he can see again. “what reason?”
“i don't know,” he says, all one breath and fidgety when he unbuckles his seat belt. “but whatever it is, i’m sure she has a good excuse.”
there’s a squeeze to his shoulder, warm fingers emitting heat where they touch his skin through smooth cotton.
“you’re too young to be going through a midlife crisis over the girl you love not texting you for twenty-four hours.”
matty doesn’t have the energy to argue, not when he knows that his friend is right.
so instead of arguing, he smiles and punches george in the arm for good measure before they head down the paved walkway to his childhood home.
his mother greets him first, halfway through his third knock because she expected them over earlier. despite the squint in her eyes, she pulls her son into a tight hug, rubbing comforting circles into his back.
“happy birthday, dear,” she sings, muffled by his chest as she stands nearly half a foot shorter than him.
“thanks, mum.” he smiles, moving aside so george can get engulfed in a hug.
he’s missed it here, the warmth that bubbles in his stomach when he’s around his family, a house full of love and people that he grew up with. it’s almost enough to make him forget about a certain someone who still lingers in the back of his mind like day-old leftovers.
“so!” his mother beams, stepping back and allowing the boys to remove their shoes and step deeper into the house. “everyone is already here, and they can’t wait to sing you 'happy birthday'.”
matty’s led down the hallway, following his mom into the kitchen. a rumble of deep-set voices and squeals call his name, and his head turns to watch distant relatives scramble to pull him into tight hugs.
he kisses his grandparents on the cheeks, hugs his aunt and uncles and tells his cousins that he missed them. they pass him presents like he’s five again, smaller gifts to unwrap now that he’s an adult and no longer asks for life-sized action figures. george joins him, staying close with a timid smile on his face as he mingles with matty’s family. the whole scene coaxes a content sigh to escape his lips, and he relaxes when his mom gives him another hug.
“i got you something too,” she whispers when they pull apart, leading them into the living room and passing him a glass of wine. they sit, lively music wafting through the speakers, and he smiles as he watches george twirl his cousins around. “it’s not here yet though, i’m afraid. you’ll have to wait a little longer.”
“you didn’t have to get me anything, mum,” he says through the bitter taste of merlot. 
she waves her hand dismissively. “oh stop it. you’ll love it, i promise.”
he tries to enjoy the party—really, he does. but thoughts of how much better it could be if you were here to enjoy it with him linger in the back of his mind. it’s tough to decide whether he should miss you or be mad at you. maybe he should forget you all together right now but he can’t. not when his brain is growing fuzzy and his cheeks feel warm, patches of crimson surely paint his face, thanks to the glass he downed in one go.
“matty, come do a shot with me!” 
with a huff, matty makes his way toward his friend who holds a shot glass nearly overfilled with clear liquid.
george’s grin melts away when he sees him, eyes filled with concern as he hesitantly passes the shot to matty.
“you okay, mate?”
matty clears his throat and mumbles something about allergies and how it’s stuffy in here as cool liquor spills over his fingers. george doesn’t seem to buy it, but he shrugs anyways.
he shakes off the mist clouding his brain and smirks, self-indulgence taking over his dark eyes. he clinks the glass to his friend’s, liquid sloshing off the sides before he tips it back. it burns when it runs down his throat, leaves his tongue dry in a desert of twisted intoxication he knows he’ll regret in the morning.
“shit,” george hisses through his teeth. “‘ forgot that i fuckin’ hate vodka.”
matty laughs, and there’s silence between them for a moment, then, “mate, are you sure you’re okay? ‘cause, not to be an arse, but you look fuckin’ horrible.”
exasperated, matty runs his hands through his already mussed hair.
“i’m gonna go get another drink.”
a calloused hand wraps around his wrist and stops him from pulling away. “maybe you should ease up on the booze,” george says.
“aren’t you the one that was just begging me to do shots with you?”
“that was before you turned into a sad drunk. here,” he shuffles around for a water bottle, “drink this and go get some air—maybe a smoke, too, while you’re at it.”
grinning, matty takes the water from george’ hand with a simple “thanks.” 
he sneaks away to the back porch where crickets chirp quietly in the grass—a change from the loud commotion of music and chatter.
lithe fingers bring a cigarette to chapped lips, thumb slipping on the lighter to invoke a small flicker of flames that burn the end of the bud.
with an inhale, matty wonders if his room looks the same as it did that last time he was here; if his brother had claimed any of his clothes or knick-knacks he’d left when he moved out. he wonders if you would find his room childish.
with an exhale, he wonders how his thoughts always seem to trace back to you.
“what have i told you about smoking, matthew?”
“i have a good reason.”
his mom wanders her way next to matty, leaning against the fencepost next to him. “and what might that reason be, love?”
“her,” matty breathes, the smoke from his lungs floating into the distant air. “fuck, mum. it’s always her.” he pauses to take another drag. “she hasn’t texted me all day, and i’m worried about her getting hurt or somethin’.”
denise smiles, and from the corner of his eye, he sees her turn back to the door of the house. he doesn’t follow her motions.
“i’m sure she’s fine, sweetheart,” she says, turning back. “you’ll hear from her soon.”
she elbows matty’s side. “no ‘buts’. now, i think you should put that out and come back inside, okay? that stuff is bad for you.”
“soon,” he says, completely ignoring her request, and she sighs, giving her son a final nudge before stepping back inside. matty doesn’t spare her a glance, opting to keep his eyes trained on a black, starless sky.
the familiar buzz of red wine floats through his bloodstream, and he draws another hit into his lungs, filling the void of sadness with grey smoke. he almost thinks he’s hearing things when someone speaks from behind him.
“she’s right, y’know.”
the exhale of smoke comes out in a choked gasp, and his heart stutters, chest tightening. 
matty’s scared to turn around. scared to face the cause of his well-being, because there’s no way this can be real. his lip is worried between his teeth, hair falling into his face as he stares at the cigarette laced between his thumb and index finger.
the open wound you left in his heart this morning is sealed by the resound of your voice that echoes through the air.
he doesn’t turn around. you do it for him.
matty’s forced to face you with a pull on his arm, skin tingling where your hand rests. the cigarette is plucked from his fingers seconds after, the stub dropping to the ground where you step on it to put it out.
“hi,” you say, completely and utterly exhausted. “happy birthday.”
the closeness is suffocating.
you’re standing too close but somehow too far away, and matty would pull you into him if it weren’t for the frozen state of his bones. 
“hi,” matty breathes, eyes glossy with unshed tears as he stares down at you.
it’s surreal—standing here with the lingering taste of tobacco and merlot heavy on his tongue—the gentle breeze blowing tufts of your hair.
“what are you—w-when did—” matty stutters, mind running a mile a minute, intoxicated brain took over with perplexion. he stops, takes a deep breath, and collects his thoughts. “how are you here?”
“well,” you drawl, shuffling closer to the stunned man in front of you. “your parents bought me a ticket to fly out for your birthday—per george’s request. after that, all i had to do was keep it a secret, hop on a plane, and here i am.”
“here you are?” he repeats. “you had me worried sick. you didn’t text or call—hell, you didn’t even wish me a happy birthday! you can’t—you can’t just waltz in here and pretend that everything is fine when you put me through—”
“matty,” you interrupt, grabbing his hands. “calm down for me, yeah? breathe.”
“no—what? don’t just-”
he pulls away and leans back against the fence. his hands run through his hair, fingers desperately wishing they were holding a cigarette.
“breathe, matty.” you sigh patiently. “how about you give me a tour?”
“can we just … stay here for a while?” he asks, and if there’s tension in the air, it’s ignored. “i just want to make sure i’m not dreaming, or something.”
“you dream about me?’ you tease, crossing your arms to try and shield yourself from the breeze.
dark eyes slowly meet yours.
“all the time.”
he pushes himself off the fence and steps closer to you. the boots he’s wearing give him some height, so he’s looking down at you as his hands move to push your hair back.
“tell me,” you whisper. “tell me what you dream about.”
it’s the urgent tone of your hushed voice that has matty caving—hesitancy swept away with the wind as he gives in, letting his hands trace the sides of your face.
“everything,” he admits, voice quiet and shy. “fuck, love, i dream about doing everything with you. anything and everything you’d want me to.”
you’re silent.
you’re silent, and matty is losing his mind, brain pounding against his skull. he can feel bitter bile rise up his throat, nauseous when he looks back at you—just standing there—lips parted and leaving matty to lie in the grandeur of his own self-destruction.
there’s already an apology forming on his tongue, the fingers that were wound through your hair curling away.
but you step closer and grab his hands, stopping their retreat.
“i dream about it too.”
the words take matty by surprise, the tenderness that coats the revelation alleviating the shake in his hands. he looks at you—really looks at you—and scrutinizes the expression on your face.
he finds no hint of a lie; no hint of cruel duplicity, or fraud. the truth of your words really sinks in when you drop his hands in favour of running the pad of your thumbs under charcoal eyes, ridding him of the hint of tears that start to seep from puffy eyelids.
“c’mon, matty. you can’t possibly be surprised. i mean really, i dropped everything just to see you.” your tone is gentle, but a laugh sneaks its way out of your mouth and curls around matty’s head, leaving him feeling warm.
he rolls his eyes; courage slowly washes over his bones and makes his hands move to pull you in by the waist.
“shut up and kiss me.”
you surge forward, capturing his lips on your own as your hands move from his cheeks to his hair; threading them through unruly curls. 
matty drinks in every noise you make, welcoming them as they leave him desperate. the taste of stale alcohol still lingers on his lips, but underneath the bitterness is you; sweet and human. 
he would like to pretend that he hears fireworks when your lips part, a mess of bright, colourful explosions littering the sky as he softly licks into your mouth—but that doesn’t happen.
and it’s alright. it’s completely okay because instead of the headache-inducing light and noise, there’s the muffled laughter of his friends and family, the gentle chirp of crickets, and you.
you; gasping into the kiss.
you; your hands tugging gently at his hair.
you; flush against his chest. so close that matty can feel your heartbeat melding with his.
you; jerking away so abruptly his eyes shoot open, flickering over your—now beet-red—face.
the creak of the back door had pulled you away from him, and the sight of george standing atop the welcome mat made you flush.
“um,” he says, shuffling awkwardly. “i just wanted to say ‘hi’, but i think you welcomed her home enough for the both of us.”
matty clears his throat and grins sheepishly at a very shocked george. his cheeks burn red at being caught, but he can’t really bring himself to care—not when you’re finally next to him.
george scoffs, exasperated by his love-sick friends. 
“come inside,” he urges, nodding in the direction of the house. “everyone’s excited to see her.”
matty watches as you turn back to him and give a little shrug, worrying your bottom lip between your teeth—and it’s then that he decides that he’s not done kissing you yet.
“yeah. we’ll uh—we’ll follow you.”
he leads you into the house with a hand on the small of your back, and shuts the door behind him, blocking out the sounds of lingering traffic. cheerful voices seep through the walls, and the irony of how he walked in here just a couple hours ago, saddened and heavy because of the girl who’s now looking up at him with only adoration in her eyes is not lost on matty. 
“okay, denise is in there laughing about how we all tricked you into thinking the worst, so prepare to be humiliated.”
matty hums in response, staring only at the back of your head as you follow george toward the kitchen. he reaches a hand out, grabs your arm and gently tugs you back with a finger over his lips and a wink.
“mhm,” he sings, leading you slowly towards the stairs. “sounds like fun.”
he doesn’t get the chance to watch as george turns around, already halfway up the stairs with you latched onto his arm.
“you’ve got to be fuckin’ kidding me.” george’s exasperated voice is the last thing he hears before he’s crowding you against the wall at the top of the stairs.
his lips are on yours before you get a second to breathe, a bruising hold on your waist as he pushes you into solid plaster. he keeps one hand on you while the other presses the wall beside your head, arm shaky as he leans his weight onto you.
there’s a light push to his chest, and you gasp under him as you pull back. matty has to refrain from groaning at the loss of pressure on his lips.
“my bags,” you pant, “i forgot them outside.”
a breath of laughter ghosts over your lips. “we can get them after.”
“but my clothes are gonna get wet—matty, the grass was wet.”
your words render useless as he leans down to plant open-mouthed kisses on your neck.
“then you can borrow some of mine,” matty mumbles, trailing his way up to your jaw to suck purple bruises into tender flesh.
at the thought of drowning in his clothes, you go lax against matty’s lips; giving in to his desperate mouth.
“okay,” you agree, and that’s all it takes for matty to recapture your mouth and let his hands wander. 
calloused, gentle hands trace the curve of your body as lithe hips press into yours. he manages to tear a hand away from you to feel for the cool metal of the familiar doorknob, twisting until the door falls open.
he tugs you in with sweet urgency, his old bedroom cast in soft light, the only luminosity coming from the moon where it seeps through the blinds.
maybe it’s just the heat of the moment, or maybe you don’t care—but matty’s grateful you don’t comment on the bowie posters that grace his walls as he pushes you into the middle of his bed.
you land with a light bounce and prop yourself up onto your elbows, a cocky grin making its way onto your face. “i’ve been here for barely twenty minutes,” you breathe, gasping when matty situates himself between your legs and pushes you higher onto the mattress. “and you already wanna tear my clothes off.”
the brunet dips his fingers under the hem of your shirt, hiking it up just a sliver to catch a glimpse of soft, smooth skin. “wanted to for a while now.”
he brings the hem of the shirt up to your lips. “bite,” he whispers, voice husky.
with the new expanse of skin exposed, matty's practically left breathless. he takes tender flesh between his teeth, laps his tongue at bare and unmarred skin, and sucks until he feels you arch your back and lean into his mouth. his hands trail the expanse of your ribs, feeling the delicate bones under his touch.
marks upon marks are added to your lower stomach, matty desperately trying to leave reminders on your abdomen. his lips work on their own accord, sucking bite after bite up your torso until he lands at the base of your bra. he looks up at you, eyes questioning. laughing softly, you sit up, gently pushing him back onto his knees. dark eyes trace your body, watching as you undo your bra, slipping it off and letting it fall to the floor, along with your shirt. 
the man in front of you sits in awe, and lets out a long sigh. “fuckin’ gorgeous.”
you’re not sure if the words were meant for you to hear, but you blush anyways, leaning back and letting your elbows hold your weight.
“do your worst, birthday boy.”
matty laughs, the happy—and somewhat shocked—noise echoes through the small bedroom and causes you to grin. he doesn’t hesitate to drop his head; lips meeting your warm skin, teeth leaving trails of bruises. 
you gasp out breathy pleas when matty flicks his tongue over the peak of your breast. “y-your—shit,” you whine, hands landing in the man’s hair, tugging at the curls harshly. “your family is downstairs, matty. what if they—ah!—hear us?"
“don’t care,” he responds, biting softly at the pink bud and rolling the other between his index and his thumb. “want this. want you.”
”fuck. i—okay, okay. you have me, matty,” you moan, pleasure dripping from your lips. “you have me.”
he surges up to kiss you again, newfound fervour in the brush of your lips as he tilts his head to lick into your mouth. you still taste sweet, everything matty could ever ask for. 
“you’re gonna have to be quiet,” he whispers, leaning back on his knees and tracing patterns over your stomach, dipping his fingers into the bruised marks just to hear the masochistic whines you let out at the pain. “as pretty as you sound, i don’t want anyone hearing us.”
hearing his words over, matty backtracks, his hand stuttering over your torso.
“i mean, not that we need to like, do anything—i’m not—i don’t wanna force you into—”
your fingers wrap around his wrist, halting his ministrations to give a comforting squeeze to his skin.
“i want to,” you breathe, using your grip around his wrist to drag his hand down your stomach to rest on your belt. “i want this.”
at your words, matty rushes to tug at the buckle, effortlessly removing your belt and tossing it to the side. 
your jeans are off your hips in a second’s time, but he takes his time sliding them over your ankles, bending down to leave firm kisses on your inner thighs.
you preen under his touch, and your chest heaves as you breathe, a glistening trail of spit drying on your nipples. when the jeans are discarded and messily thrown in a pile somewhere across the tiny room, matty notices the soaked bottom of your underwear.
tracing a finger up the fabric just to watch you writhe, matty tuts. “and you thought i was eager.”
your hips jerk up in response, surprised by the soft touch. your hands fly to his hair, gripping the curls so tight that he grunts against your neck. 
“sorry! ‘m sorry,” you sob. you manage to relax your fingers, but matty shakes his head.
“don’t stop on my account.” 
you feel his fingers slide across your damp underwear, moving to mindlessly palm your thighs as he leaves burning kisses up to where you need him most. your hips rut up, chasing his hand desperately, but matty’s not having it. 
“matty, please,” you huff, tugging at his hair to try and get him where you want him.
“stop whining,” he hushes. “‘wanna take my time.”
your soft gasps and whimpers start to get to him though, and he pushes his knuckles against your pussy, forcing a shocked moan out of you. 
matty shushes you because while he is completely enamoured by each noise that escapes your lips, he isn’t too keen on one of his family members walking in to see him take you apart.
you relent, and worry your bottom lip between your teeth, while matty returns to the task at hand.
“pretty,” he mumbles, slipping calloused fingers beneath the elastic band of your underwear. 
he pulls to gradually reveal your soaked folds and his breath catches in his throat. at the sight, he speeds up his movements and practically rips the cloth off your legs. the material joins the jeans on the floor, and finally, he gets to see you in all your splendour.
“can i taste you?” he whispers, voice shaking. you nod, already out of it as you take the liberty of collecting all of his hair away from his face, holding it back as he works his mouth against you.
“matty, you—” you start, a hand flying from his hair to his sheets. they smell like him, but you’re trying not to think about that—trying not to think about how loopy it’s making you feel—because matty’s holding your hips up, nose bumping against your swollen clit as he tongues at your hole.
“you—” you start again, but the thought gets lost somewhere. disappears as matty does something with his tongue that makes you gasp. “jesus christ—” you huff, chest rising and falling quickly.
you get your words out before you can forget. 
“fuck,” you sigh, arching your hips into his face and tightening your fist in his hair, “you look good like this.”
the praise goes straight to his head, and he’s groaning. nodding his head into you, hitting a sweet spot and almost immediately, the hand in his hair pulls him up.
“i don’t wanna cum yet,” you say, quiet because you have to be—taking account of the people downstairs. “so just, go easy on me, okay? you’re surprisingly good at this.”
“surprisingly?” matty retorts, raising an eyebrow. 
you don’t have time to respond before he runs his teeth against your clit, and chides, “brat,” before tightening the grip his fingers have on your thighs, pushing the digits into your skin before shaking his head from side to side. you see black, your eyes clenched closed as you try and pull your thighs together, but matty pushes them open, desperately lapping at you.
his jaw aches as his mouth moves, but your pleasure is all he knows. even though you asked so nicely for matty to not yet make you cum—the question is nothing but a distant memory in the back of his mind.
he flattens his tongue and guides it up, sliding across your slit before enveloping your clit in his mouth and sucking—forcing a strong, white current to wash over you. your hands shoot up to cover your mouth as you arch into his mouth, breathlessly stuttering his name as you come.
can’t talk, can’t speak.
the feeling is too overwhelming, too all-consuming before the come down eventually starts and words are coming out, your body shaking with the effort to stay quiet; muffled whimpers sounding behind tight fingers.
you hitch your hips up, and matty’s moving with them, basically getting onto his knees to keep you close. “holy fuck,” you breathe, looking down between your tits to where he’s kissing away your slick, only letting go when you shove your hands down between your thighs, nerves shot and sensitive.
“mmh,” you whimper, clamping your thighs together, trying to calm yourself down. 
“you with me?” he asks, tucking his damp curls behind his ears. you have to laugh. have to laugh all of this pent-up emotion out as you brush stray hairs from your face.
“yeah,” you nod breathlessly. matty kisses you with a smile and you taste yourself on him. his features go goofy when he raises a brow and asks, “good?” 
“fucking amazing.”
“good,” he says again, then rolls onto his back beside you. he’s unbuttoning his shirt, saying, “i aim to please,” when you’re crawling your body up his chest and kissing the shock away from his face.
“oh fuck,” he curses, fumbling to grab a hold of you. you slide your fingers onto the side of his head and taste yourself, mixed with the feel of his swollen, curving lips as he smiles against you. desperation sweeps over you, and you cup a hand over the bulge in his pants, grinding your palm down, and matty has to focus really hard to not give into your touch.
regrettably, he pries your hand away, bringing it to his mouth and kissing each one of your fingers with sentimental ease. “wanna fuck you,” he mutters, playfully biting at your ring finger until you laugh and pull your hand away.
“come on,” you drawl, moving to sit directly on his bulge. “it’s your birthday. don’t you want me to blow you?”
you have a point, matty supposes. his birthday is supposed to be the one day of the year when he gets to be selfish, and what kind of person would he be if he passed up the opportunity to feel your lips around him? 
but you’re his gift. tasting you and making you cum from his mouth alone is a better present than he could have ever asked for, and matty thinks he can afford to be greedy tonight.
but to him, being greedy isn’t fucking your throat until pretty tears fall down your cheeks—he can do that another time. greedy, to matty, is taking another orgasm from you, just so he can hear the way his name sounds when curled around your tongue.
he makes quick work of slipping off the mattress and taking off the white button-up and trousers, leaving him in only his boxers.
“i’m not lettin’ you suck me off.” he smirks.
“what? why not?” you move to the edge of the bed, a look of confusion dancing on your features as you run a finger up matty’s exposed thigh. “don’t you want me to?”
it’s hard not to give in when you tease the waistband of his boxers, the light chatter rumbling from downstairs a distant memory as he loses himself in the feeling of cold fingers slipping under the elastic band. leaning forward, you press leisurely kisses against the brunet’s torso.
he allows you to mouth at his abdomen, welcomes the gentle bite when you pull skin between your teeth; a swirl of possessiveness ravishing deep in his bones when he realizes that you’re is trying to match the heart-shaped hickeys that taint your own body.
matty breaks out of his trance when you roll his boxers down until the cloth lies in a pile around his ankles. goosebumps rise to his skin and he can feel his legs begin to tremble.
before you have the chance to take his cock into your mouth, matty takes hold of your hair, and gently pulls you back.
“i said you’re not blowin’ me,” he mutters, leaning over your body until you’re forced to lay flat on the mattress, legs dangling off the edge and chest heaving at the proximity. “i know what i want for my birthday, and it’s not that.”
with a fluid movement, he flips your positions and settles against the headboard, letting you settle on his lap. his hands explore your body, nails occasionally scratching you—making you shiver.
“i want you. i want you as mine, and i want you to ride me, right here.”
matty laughs at your wide eyes, brushes sweaty hair out of your face, and relishes in the feeling of your bodies pressed against each other. he’s painfully hard, and every time you shift just a fraction of an inch, it tugs a shaky breath from his throat.
“alright,” you say, pressing a chaste kiss to matty’s lips. “do you have any condoms then?”
his hand reaches out to his bedside table. “in the drawer.”
you lean to grab it for him, and matty’s kissing you the entire time. over your chest, collarbones, shoulders, and neck as you push around his drawer, saying “you have so much shit in here.”
he turns to look. turns back to your neck. “in the back,” and he’s kissing you again, palming your ass. he slides his hands lower and bumps them against your sensitive clit, making you gasp, clutching onto the wood.
matty fucking laughs.
you shake your head. “you’re an arse.”
“you’re very distracting,” he admits.
you finally find the box, and with a packet in hand, you look down to where matty’s cock lays on his stomach, a bead of precum leaking onto his abdomen. “shit, you’re big.”
matty smirks, cocky. “think you can take it?”
huffing, you slide the condom down onto him slower than necessary. his cocky smirk dies immediately when you suck your cheeks together and allow a pool of spit to spill from your lips.
“gonna try,” you say, slicking up matty’s cock with a thick coat of saliva still partially strung to your lips, the friction slow enough for him to buck his hips and try to fuck your fist to get needed stimulation. 
“tease,” he manages to choke out before you sink down onto him, hips flexing back so he slides all the way in. as soon as you bottom out, matty groans long and hard, and his head falls into the crook of your shoulder.
you don’t let him know when you’re ready, only lifting yourself up so matty can feel the drag of his cock along your insides, gasping as pleasure clouds your mind. shaky limbs help you in slamming back down, the legs of the bed creaking with the force of your bodies colliding.
”fuck,” matty moans, hands scrambling to find purchase on your waist. you sound fucked out already, blissful sighs breathed into matty’s hair. “you okay?”
you sit up again, the tip of matty’s cock catching on your folds before you lower yourself again, stuttered curses leaving your mouth.
“mhm, m’fine. y-you’re just,” you sob, trailing off and rolling your hips forward, letting matty’s cock grind against your sensitive bundle of nerves. you swallow, the sound resonating in matty’s ears as he aids your movements with a firm grip on your waist. “big.”
matty’s ego swells and he pulls you down hard on his dick, making you feel just how big he can be. it causes you to shake your head quickly.
“fuck! n-not so fast, please.”
“oh baby,” he soothes, palms sliding to grip your ass, and he uses his hold on you to fuck up into you, keeping a simple rhythm—cock hitting a part of you that makes you sob. makes you collapse against his chest, and you stuff your head into his neck and just take it.
“there?” matty asks with a twinge of something sadistic. “want me to fuck you there?”
“yeah, yeah, please—close, matty, ‘m so close.”
to try and lessen the noise, matty grabs your face and pulls you down into a bruising kiss. he swallows every sound, loving the way you struggle to kiss him back as your legs tremble.
“close already, huh?” he whispers against your lips, drinking in every soft moan that escapes your throat.
and it’s meant to be playful, something that he can tease you about later—but with the way his name is repeated in a fucked out voice, he’s sure he’ll forget to do that later.
so he relents, fucking into you with calculated thrusts, hitting your sweet spot over and over again.
your thighs ache, and the edge is so close all you can do is take what he’s giving you and whine his name pathetically.
it hits you all at once.
a white-hot heat reaches up and grabs you and you clench so fucking tight around his cock that matty falters.
he’s losing his goddamn mind. head tilted back against the headboard, he’s trying to hold back pathetic whimpers, but when your eyes roll to the back of your head and your lashes flutter shut, matty lets out a sob as he comes, rutting his hips into you as your body shakes.
your body shakes with overstimulation as matty moves you against him, milking his orgasm and running sharp nails down your sweat-ridden back. 
after the comedown, you breathe out a sigh. matty’s kissing your neck. gently pecking at the hot skin, before spreading his kisses over your jaw, towards your mouth. 
“how was that?” he asks, tracing a calloused finger over the marks that litter your body. they turn a deeper shade of purple when his touch lingers for too long, and he grins as you squirm in his grasp.
“i think you already know,” you quip, frowning.
“maybe. but i wanna hear you say it.”
you don’t dignify him with a response, instead shaking your head and lifting yourself off his cock, wincing at the sudden emptiness.
“cold?” matty asks. you nod and curl into yourself as he gets up to rummage through his old closet.
once you’re fully dressed, in clothes albeit a bit big on you, matty helps you stand from the bed and pulls you into a hug—your first proper embrace since you’ve been here—and rests his chin atop your knotted hair.
you hum into his chest, wrapping your fingers behind his back and trace swirls over his bare skin. 
“i’m glad you’re here,” he says, pressing a kiss to your crown and pulling back to find his pants. “i don’t know if i actually told you that, yet.”
“i kinda figured you were—what with how fast you stopped crying when you saw me.”
“hey,” matty points an accusatory finger at you, but there’s no malice behind it. “you can’t blame me for bein’ upset, i thought you forgot my birthday.”
together, you fix the pillows and smooth over crumpled sheets, returning the room to the way it was before the kisses, the sex, and you.
“matty, when have i ever forgotten your birthday?” 
before leaving the room, you try to smooth out your hair, carding a hand through matty’s as well so it isn’t too obvious what you’ve been doing for the last hour—though you’re sure george has a hunch.
the minute you step into the kitchen, with matty close behind, you see george down the rest of his beer and make his way over to you. 
“so,” he drawls, a shit-eating grin spread across his face as he eyes you two up and down. “what have you guys been doin’?”
© 2023 justlikemebutsixfootthree - all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, modify, or claim as yours
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sexhaver · 16 days
Boston driving tips:
if you're making an unprotected left at a stoplight and are the first one in line when the light turns green, your job is to gun it and make that left turn before any oncoming traffic has an opportunity to move. otherwise you will sit there throughout that entire fucking light, forcing everyone behind you who wants to go straight to merge to the right (which of course gums up both lanes), until it turns red again and you awkwardly finish up your turn while the entire intersection glares daggers at you. if you pull this shit on a one-lane road, then congratulations, you made it so you were the only one to make it through on that light cycle, and the drivers behind you are not only allowed but actively encouraged to pit manuever you off the road if they can catch up.
for optimal performance, you should be looking at the signal for the cross street + the walk signal. once you see the cross signal turn red, hold down your brake with your left foot to free up your right foot to hover over the gas pedal. that way, when your light turns green, you can simultaneously lift your left foot while dropping your right to instantly start moving. this maneuver has many names depending on where you learn it. i learned it as the "Worcester left" but ive also heard it referred to as a "Lexington left".
if you're in the left lane and one person passes you on your right, there's a 50/50 shot on which one of you is the asshole (you for driving too slow in the passing lane, or the passer for being a speed demon)
if two people pass you on your right, you are the asshole and need to merge right at the soonest opportunity to avoid further embarrassment
if THREE (or, god forbid, more) people pass you on your right, pull over to the nearest breakdown lane at your earliest convenience and commit seppuku with a tire iron
become intimately familiar with the exact size of your car and how close you can get to stuff without hitting it. this proprioception is helpful when parallel parking but is mostly for those times when someone is trying to turn left from a single-lane road, and they pull off as far to the left as they can without going into oncoming traffic to let people around them, and then the person behind them spends a few seconds trying to fit their 6-foot-wide car through a 9-foot-wide gap before concluding that this maneuver is sadly impossible. don't be that fucking guy
learn how to parallel park. yes i know it's stereotypically scary but there is a method you can learn and it will save your ass so many times. just line up your car's side mirror with the side mirror of the car in front of the spot you want, cut the wheel all the way towards the curb, move for a bit, stop, cut the wheel all the way the other way, resume, wham bam thank you ma'am
you can ignore like 80% of all "no parking" signs because they all say NO PARKING in huge bold letters and then under that in 8pt font they add "every second Tuesday of every month during lobster season on odd sides of the street only from 7-9pm". or it's "reserved" parking for an event that already happened or hasn't happened yet (they put the effective dates right there on the sign)
turning right on red is technically legal at a state level in MA, but most intersections in Boston will have a cheeky little "no turn on red" sign hidden somewhere as a fun Eye-Spy-type game for kids to play on road trips. if you don't see one of these signs, it's a coinflip whether you just missed it or if you can actually turn right
are you moving into Boston for college? you should definitely rent a moving van for your stuff and then follow your GPS directions that take you down Storrow Drive. nothing bad has ever happened to moving vans on Storrow Drive
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turttastic · 1 year
Was just struck by the overwhelming urge to rate Stormlight characters on their driving ability. I have no evidence I'm going off of vibes alone. Here they are in no particular order:
Dalinar- I think he's generally a fine driver now, though still prone to bouts of road rage when someone won't let him merge. Very bad driver in his youth. 5/10
Jasnah- I think she would be a shockingly bad driver. She seems like the kind of person that believes the rules of the road apply to everyone other than her. The type to run a red light because the meeting she's going to is important. Never uses her turn signals because if shes in the left lane it should be obvious shes making a left turn. Despite her lack of care she always arrives safely and without a ticket, somehow. Would fit right in in Northern Virginia. Also the worst backseat driver ever. 3/10
Sadeas- Good driver but employs bad practices. When traffic is heavy he uses the shoulder of the road as his own personal lane. Only person capable of surviving New York traffic. 6/10
Kaladin- Fantastic driver but kind of slow. Won't make a left turn unless there is literally no other car on the road. Always follows the speed limit and uses his turn indicators. Also the type to yell at everyone to shut the fuck up and let him drive when he's in heavy traffic. 8/10
Syl- Cannot be allowed to drive under any circumstances. Bridge 4 let her drive once and she backed the car into a mailbox. 0/10
Shallan- Shes a bad driver but better than Jasnah. Her following distance is atrocious and she frequently rear ends people, but she does at least try to follow the rules of the road. 4/10
Veil- Worse than Shallan but says she's better. Will take a turn at 60 to try and make the car drift. 2/10
Radiant- Fantastic driver who follows the ruled perfectly. Not great at responding to unexpected situations though. 8/10
Venli- Drives like a psychopath. Weaves in and out of lanes to get there 30 seconds faster. If traffic is bad she will dead ass make a U turn in the middle of the road over a double yellow to leave. 1/10
Rock- Great driver, but hates driving. Not much more to say. 8/10
Sigzil- Best driver in bridge 4, only slightly held back by the fact that he knows every obscure rule and expects everyone else driving does also. 9/10
Moash- Believes the rules of the road are stupid and there to hold him back. The kind of guy who will not let you merge in front of him like his life depends on it. Would go 100 in a school zone for fun. 2/10
The Lopen- The guy that tells you he's a great driver but starts playing pokemon go while behind the wheel because he can absolutely do both. 4/10
Szeth- Mediocre driver prone to shocking episodes of road rage. The kind of guy who would slam the brakes to make the car behind him rear end him out of spite if they were following too close. 5/10
Navani- Fantastic driver. Always has the newest lane correcting tech and such installed on her vehicle. 10/10
Adolin- Cannot stay focused on the road. Type of guy who will look over his shoulder for like 15 seconds to carry on a conversation until Shallan yells at him to look at the road. Horrible speeder. Usually manages to avoid crashing though. 3/10
Wit- Shockingly competent driver. I mean he had all that experience with Wax, so... 10/10
Gavilar- The kind of douche who lifts his truck and has his mufflers removed so he can rev his obnoxious engine whole going through neighborhoods. 1/10
Renarin- He's a good driver in small towns and on winding, narrow country roads, but cannot handle big city traffic. Luckily he knows and readily admits this. 7/10
Rlain- I feel like he's just a typical good driver. Follows the rules as best he can, goes a few miles over the speed limit on the freeway, but nothing crazy. 8/10
Kelsier- It's a miracle he's survived this long with the way he drives. He would make a left on red without hesitation. Vin screamed the first time she rode with him. 1/10
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kookslastbutton · 10 months
Too Late to Dream ༓ jjk (m) l ch. VI
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✑ Summary: You did it. You married your college professor. You even bought a house together. Against all odds, everything had fallen into place. But after two years of marriage, you begin feeling something was missing. You want a baby but your husband can’t say the same.
Pairing: economics professor!jungkook x fem!artist!reader
AU/Genre: angst, smut, fluff, marriage au, age gap, series
Rating: M, 18+
Word Count: 6,192
Warnings: 8-year age gap, mentions of professor-student relationship (oc was a Masters student), kook gets pissed, jk mother is asdhjf!, mommy issues, lots of family drama/in-laws, fighting, manipulative parent, pent-up issues/desires, jk has daddy issues, jk being good hubby to oc, mild sexting, sexual content
Sexual warnings: bl*wj*b, jk c*mes on her t*tt*es, d*rty talk
Now Playing: Make It Right, Tryna Be, Infinity, It Will Rain, Heaven+
A/N: um so this got over 6k which i know isn't amazing but for me its big deal okay?! haha! Anyway Part VI here we go! No flashbacks in this chapter because of ch.V buuut, I have a little gift for you and me. Hope you enjoy!! 💞 also pls vote if youd be so kind 😙
<< ch. V ༓ ch. VII >> | series masterlist
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Living in the country for over thirty years, the Jeons were known to be excruciatingly slow and cautious drivers. The town was tiny, roads were narrow, and no one was ever in a rush to get anywhere apart from maybe the farmers market.
Once when Jungkook first got his license he took one hand off the steering wheel and his mother almost had a heart attack, saying it was “reckless of him to put them in danger”. It was from that moment forward that Jungkook always made sure to drive at 10 and 2 or 9 and 3 when his mother was in the car. His father on the other hand didn’t care what he did as long as he didn’t go above 30 mph.
Jungkook was counting his lucky stars when he finally got his own car and the chance to move to the city where he could drive how he damn well pleased–responsibly of course. He had recently finished his Master’s studies and was offered a job as an economist in a major medical corporation. The only catch was that he’d have to relocate to Seoul which ended up being more than fine with him.
His parents moaned and groaned that he wasn’t sticking around but his mind was made up. He moved out of his parent’s tiny town one late June and headed to the city where life moved to a whole new beat.
Ten years later, Jungkook finds himself gripping the steering wheel with two sweaty hands again. Kudos to his parents who have been telling him which way to turn and how fast or slow to go for the past fifteen minutes. He honestly should have picked a brunch spot closer to home to avoid all the madness. Walking would have done them good.
“I’ll never get used to how you drive down here,” Mrs. Jeon grumbles from the back seat. “All these sharp turns and six lanes of traffic going 50-plus miles an hour. It’s a wonder you haven’t all gotten in an accident yet. It’s like I always say, the slower the better. You city folks just don’t get it.”
Jungkook peers in his rearview mirror before signaling to switch lanes. “We can’t afford to go too slow out here Mom. This is a highway and dropping down in speed will cause a safety hazard just as bad, if not worse. Environments are different out here than in the woods.”
As Jungkook merges to the right, Mr. Jeon watches the surrounding cars from the back seat window. “Ah son, son, son!” He hollers and reaches for the ceiling handle.
“What? What happened?” Jungkook asks with panic. He flickers his eyes to the mirror again to spot his father's distress.
Mr. Jeon slowly releases the handle and lets out a lengthy sigh. “It's okay now, we’re good. You did good son. You moved over with so little space I thought you were going to hit the car now behind us."
"I told you it's a mad house out here!" Mrs. Jeon adds, tone thick. Jungkook puts his eyes back on the road in front of him and does his best to ignore the irritation bubbling within him.
"I know what I'm doing," he says. "I've lived here for ten years so can you guys please trust me? And stop with the driving advice and yelling every time I do something."
"We're just trying to help Kookie."
"Well, you're not alright?" The snap in his voice has Jungkook's parents sulking back in their seats in silence. "I want us to get to the restaurant safely and I can't do that when you're both shouting at me! So please just let me do the driving. Thank you."
God, if one more person calls him Kookie in that condescending tone he's going to lose it! Kookie was his childhood nickname but for some reason, it stuck to him like glue until he was friggin' 22 years old. He absolutely hates it and the only person remotely allowed to call him by it is his wife because she makes anything sound like honey to his ears.
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The next five minutes are nothing but awkward silence and the sound of tires running on hard cement. Jungkook checks his phone—there's still a good ten minutes left according to the GPS. He moves to turn the radio on to break the eeriness of the drive when an incoming call pops on his car screen.
"Who's that? Who's calling?" Mr. Jeon pipes up.
"It's __." Jungkook hits the answer button. "Hey honey! You're on speaker." He smiles a big, wide grin that says nothing less than he misses you.
"Hi! I'm on my lunch break and thought I'd give you guys a call. I'm stopping at the grocery store tonight, after work. Anything you need?"
“Some booze would be nice!” Mr. Jeon echos and looks at his wife who merely shakes her head. He hasn’t had a drink in twenty years due to his high blood pressure, yet he’s still making the same damn jokes. “Got any Soju? Or maybe Bokbunja?” He chuckles at Mrs. Jeon’s sour face.
Jungkook pays his dad no mind and replies to you. “Uhm….we're low on milk again. I drank the last one yesterday.”
"You went through all those gallon jugs in a week?!" You'd think you'd be used to the amount of dairy your husband packs away but every time, it shocks you as much as the first. You married a milk-lovin’ machine.
Jungkook chuckles. "I'm sorry. I can get them for you if you want. We're on our way to get brunch, then hitting the bookstore for Dad, and after we'll swoop back home. I can pick it up along the way.”
“No need, I’m already going out later so I’ll get it. Anything else?”
“There’s nothing else I can think of. How’s work going?” He’s hoping it’s not hectic given the fact that last week was an absolute sandstorm. He distinctively remembers you coming home with nothing more than tired feet and dark circles under your eyes. He drew you a bath that night.
“Eh, so-so. I have a meeting with my boss later but besides that, it’s the usual. I wish I could have come to brunch with you guys. I feel bad I’m missing it.” Well, you do and you don’t. If Jungkook was planning on talking to his mom about the happenings of last night you wanted to be around for support but it was also a matter that should be between a mother and her son.
“Us too, but we’ll see you ton–shit!” Jungkook slams on the break when he sees he’s about to crash into a black SUV. Everyone’s seatbelts lock at the sudden jerk. “Sorry, sorry!” He checks the mirror to find his parents clinging to their seatbelts.
“Are you guys okay?! Jungkook?!”
He scans all around him to find rows and rows of cars all trying to merge into each other’s lanes. Some are coming from the exit nearby whereas others are trying to squeeze through people in hopes to get ahead.
Dammit, Jungook cruses to himself.
“Yeah, we’re good honey. Everything’s okay but we’ve hit a traffic jam. I’m not sure why since it’s literally 11:40 a.m on a Wednesday but looks like we’re going to be stuck here for a bit.”
“We’d never have this problem at home.” Jungkook hears his mother mumbling under her breath to which his father replies with a nodding of his head. “If it weren’t for all this nonsense we’d be there by now.”
“Absolutely. We’d be there fifteen minutes ago,” his father adds with his hands in the air. “Isn’t there some kind of way you can get around this son, like a shortcut?”
Ah yes, shortcuts on the highway. Why didn’t he think of that? Let him just push the button that says flight mode and–no! Having enough, Jungkook holds his foot on the break and twists his body around to face his parents.
“Alright listen to me right now. This is not Tiny Town where there are a million dirt roads that pop from anywhere and all seem to lead to one other. Everyone drives at least seventy out here and that’s just the way it is because this..." He gestures outside the windshield. "This is what happens! We all get stuck in this congested funnel! But if you two can think of a way to get out of here that doesn’t involve attempting to bulldoze other cars, I’m all ears. Until then we’re going to sit here and talk about the weather because there's nothing else we can do!"
Jungkook looks back and forth between his parents. Mrs. Jeon simply stares outside her window while his dad gives a slow nod in understanding.
"Is it really that bad?"
Jungkook relaxes his body back to face the front when he hears your voice. "Yeah, it's pretty bad __." He lets out a long, exasperated sigh. This is going to be a very long day.
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"Nice out today. Mind if I roll down the window?" The traffic hasn't got any better and it was starting to get stuffy in the car. Mr. Jeon desperately needed some fresh air in his face.
"Mhm yeah, go ahead."
"How about some music? Find out what's on the radio will you." He sticks his arm out the window, letting the gentle breeze hit his skin. When the first song blares through the speakers, Jungkook's mother breaks her deafening silence.
"Dear god! What music is this?"
Mr. Jeon immediately perks up. "It's PSY! Turn it up! Turn it up, boy!" Jungkook appeases his father's wishes and turns the knob a few more notches. "Oppa Gangnam Style! Eae eae eae e, sexy lady!"
Hearing his dad singing at the top of his lungs has Jungkook rubbing the side of his head. It's not that he sounded bad but he was singing so loud that everyone around them started pointing, laughing, or rolling up their own windows. "Dad, people are going to get annoyed. Take it down a little."
Deeply immersed in the song, Mr. Jeon continues singing regardless of his son's request. "Op, op, op, op, oppa Gangnam Style!" He starts rocking in his seat which causes a few middle schoolers in the car next to them to pop out their phones.
"Dad!" Jungkook hollers when he notices the kids taking pictures. If doesn't put an end to this now, his father's face is going to be trending all over the internet with god knows what filter.
"Op, op, op, op, on on on on!"
"Dad stop!" He tries again, this time turning the music down. Mrs. Jeon attempts to calm her husband down too, placing a hand on one of his arms but it doesn't take much for it to be ripped out of her grasp. Mr. Jeon ends up nearly whacking his wife in the face due to all his energetic dancing.
"Erotic sexy lady! Oppa Gangnam Sty–hey! Song wasn't done yet!" Jungkook's dad never looked so offended in his life. If he had adjusted his gaze just a few inches to the left he'd see the group of kids, the ones taking photos earlier, giggling to one another. But he was too pissed at his son for crashing his party that it went to the wayside.
"Honey, you were causing a disturbance," Mrs. Jeon says.
"A disturbance? In this traffic jam, I'm the disturbance?" He refuses to believe he's the annoyance when they've been in the middle of a highway, moving at 5 mph for the last hour. PSY has recently become his favorite singer and not enjoying himself would have been an absolute tragedy in his opinion. "It's all of you who should be thanking me for offering some shred of entertainment at times like these."
"The entire population of South Korea is going to be thanking you then." Jungkook creeps forward as soon as the car in front of him moves up a ways. Finally moving again, he hums.
"Hey!" An abrupt voice calls from a slight distance. Two teenage boys pull up in a Jaguar, greasy grins on their faces. "Great singing Grandpa! Really know how to move!" The one in the passenger seat flashes his phone playing a video of Jungkook's dad online.
"Wha–how–What?! You delete that right now!" Mr. Jeon is stunned, tripping over his words at the shock of himself actually being the center of the internet. The video is unexpectedly clear.
"Just ignore them, Dad." Jungkook rolls up all the windows in the car and inches up the best he can to get the teenagers out of direct sight.
"But-but how did they do that so fast? It hasn't even been five minutes yet!"
"It only takes seconds, honey," Mrs. Jeon sighs, realizing her husband has become famous over a re-rendition of a PSY song. Of all things, it had to be that.
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"I'm starving."
"Me too."
Jungkook glances at the time–2:40p.m. It's now been three hours of sitting in traffic and they've only moved about ten miles. What on earth is congesting the highway this much?
"Maybe we should take one of these exits." His dad scrolls through the map on his phone. "Says there are a few restaurants down exit 6A."
Jungkook considers the idea. He wants to get off the highway, yes, but so does everyone else. The exit his dad is talking about is off the far right lane which means he's going to need to shove in front of everyone's way.
"You sure it's a good place? Wherever it is you're looking?" The reason why he asks is that his dad is notorious for leading them into the most ruin down places. The last time he was in charge of directions, they ended up in front of an abandoned pizza shop.
Mrs. Jeon takes the phone from her husband's hand and swipes through the photos of a quaint restaurant. "It's not bad," she concludes. "And if it means we can get out of this mess, then I'm with your father on this one."
Two against one. Jungkook turns his signal on and waits for someone to let him over. He earns a few honks when he manages to squeeze his nose over but does his best to give an apologetic wave.
After a few more lane changes he gets in the exit lane. He isn't the only one planning to take exit 6B though, being that there are at least twenty other cars waiting in line.
"Maybe we were better off back where we were. All these people want to get off the same place. If we keep going there's bound to be another exit with far less traffic."
Really? Jungkook feels himself ticking again. After all that shoving to get over here and this is what he gets? No, he's not moving back over. They're going to wait in this stupid lane until it gets them to where they originally agreed.
"We just got here and we're not moving back anywhere. This lane should clear up in less time than it would take to go back on the main highway," Jungkook says. "Also, I probably don't need to clarify this but, we're not going to make it to that bookstore you wanted, Dad."
"It's fine, son. We'll go another day."
Which means tomorrow, Jungkook half grumbles to himself. His parents are here for another day after all and he knows his father well enough to know that "another day" really means the closest day possible.
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Despite its size, the restaurant his parents choose is charming with its floor-to-ceiling wood paneling and giant, bay windows. The odd hanging plant is spread throughout the open dining space as well, perfectly setting the mood of serenity.
The restaurant only seems to hold about a dozen people inside, however. So thinking it is best to avoid sitting in an overly crowded space, Jungkook asks for one of the tables outside.
“Oh now this is lovely,” his mother praises, pulling her chair up to the table. Jungkook can’t describe how relieved he is to finally hear something positive after hours of nonstop grumbling.
Mr. Jeon takes a seat next to his wife and across from his son. “I just saw someone get Samgyeopsal and it was huge! Let’s get that to share.”
His enthusiasm is short-lived when the scrunched-up face from his wife says she's not a fan. “That's too much food! We still have to be hungry for dinner so we can eat with __."
"Mom's right," Jungkook agrees reluctantly. "__'s stopping at the grocery store after work so we can prep for dinner tonight. I know traffic slowed us down so we're eating at a weird time but it's better we go with something light."
"Oh well, we can always take some to go! Surely __ will enjoy some beautifully grilled pork!" Jungkook's father is adamant. He wants nothing more than a heavy meal after being stuck in the car all morning.
"__ doesn't like pork Dad. And we all know as soon as we get a whiff of it cooking there's not going to be any leftovers."
"Alright, alright," his dad concedes. "I guess I'll try their bibimbap. What are you having hon?"
Jungkook checks his phone messages while his parents make small talk over the menu. You texted him earlier to see how traffic was holding up and he only able to get back to you minutes ago.
Wifey ❤️ : So I'm guessing you haven't talked to your mom yet?
Jungkook: No, haven't brought it up. She seems fine though with the way she's been acting. It doesn't take much for her to go back to her usual self
Wifey ❤️: Her usual self being...?
Jungkook: You know, really particular.
Wifey ❤️: So she's complaining again. I'm sorry 😞
Jungkook: When I was talking with her on the phone before we left, she was much more careful about what she was saying. I expected it to still be that way now. Must have been a mood.
Wifey ❤️: Sounds like she wasn't sure how you'd be reacting after what happened last night. Maybe she's just reverting to back what she's used to because she's unsure what else to do or say. I'd still try finding a way to talk to her. Does it seem tense?
Jungkook: Yeah, you have a point. But Mom's also had a good way of sweeping things under the rug. It's not tense but it's just uncomfortably normal?
Wifey ❤️: Hmm, strange. And your dad's fine?
Jungkook: Honey...have you been on any social media in the last half hour?
Wifey ❤️: No, why?
Jungkook: Might wanna check. We had a little incident while in traffic. I'm still in shock honestly 😅
Jungkook waits for you to find the video of his dad. He already had the guys blowing up his phone from it so he's surprised none of them at least forwarded it to you.
Wifey ❤️: oh my god! Jungkook what happened?! 😂 I hope you're prepared for your students to be all over this
Jungkook: oh shit, that didn't even cross my mind 😩 also it's not funny honey! Listening to my dad singing eae e sexy lady was traumatizing enough. Now I have to see and hear it every time I pop open my phone or some teen punks show it to me!
Wifey ❤️: Aw Kookie, they're just being kids...try not to overthink. And you know those videos come and go. Your dad will be at the bottom of the chain by next week. Until then keep him away from PSY 😅 But I'm sorry you're having a day, I love you 🥺
Jungkook: I MISS YOU SO MUCH 😭
Wifey ❤️: [sent an image]
Fuck! Jungkook chokes on his spit when he sees a blurry close up of your cleavage. Thankfully his parents are still too occupied by the menu that they didn't notice.
Jungkook: sexy af but this isn't the time to be sexting me baby!
He nearly saves the photo if it weren't for the fact that he already had an album dedicated to very sensual *ahem erotic* photos of you. You had let him take them himself —best motherfuckin' birthday ever.
Wifey ❤️: oh adhjjhj, sorry!! That was an accident. I'm such a klutz. This is what I meant... [sent an image]
"What's going on over there?" Jungkook merely glimpses at the new image before whipping his head up, hearing his mother's, sharp tone.
"It's just __. She's asking about groceries again."
With slightly narrowed eyes, Mrs. Jeon continues. "We're about to order if you're ready."
Dammit. He'll have to reply to you later. Jungkook swiftly pockets the phone. "Okay yeah I'm good to go."
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"This is delicious," Mr. Jeon says, patting his mouth with a napkin. "Best bibimbap I've had in a long time."
"That's great Dad." Jungkook stirs his noodles.
"Ah, where's the restroom around here?" He asks the waitress as she walks by. She tells him it's in the restaurant, all the way to the back. Mr. Jeon pushes his chair from the table and excuses himself. "All that broth has me needing to go."
"Yes yes, just go." Why his father needed to explain himself every time he needed to use the restroom is beyond him. Jungkook peers at his mother, taking her time eating her own bowl of noodles–they ended up ordering the same thing. "How is it?" he asks.
"It's good."
"Not too spicy?"
"No, it's mild."
Jungkook gathers more noodles on his chopstick. He freezes halfway when he sees his mother eyeing him intensely. "Everything okay?"
Mrs. Jeon folds her hands in her lap. "It's occurred to me that we still have an elephant in the room. I was hoping we'd be able to talk about it while your father browsed the bookstore. But plans changed."
And here he thought his mother had been playing down last night when really she was biding her time. "You know Dad's gonna be back in like ten minutes right?"
Mrs. Jeon nods. "I know it's not the most convenient of times or places, but I'm afraid if we delay it won't get discussed."
"Okay." Jungkook sets his chopsticks down. "Well...where do you want to start?"
"An apology would be nice." Her voice is mellow but the words are a clear demand rather than an offer. Of course, he wants to apologize to her for all the things he accused her of last night. But he wasn't expecting her to be this forward with it, especially since she was guilty of plenty herself. "I'm waiting Kookie," she coos, taking a sip of water.
Jungkook knits his eyebrows in response, unsure of what he's hearing. His mother looks far too relaxed about this whole thing. He decides to give her the benefit of the doubt. "You're right," he starts. "I'm sorry for what I said last night. I shouldn't have spoken that way and I'm sorry for making you leave. I think you and Dad showing up all a sudden threw me off and I reacted poorly."
Mrs. Jeon cracks a tight smile and reaches for her son's hand. "Thank you, Jungkook. I accept your apology." She gives his hand a squeeze before moving to pick up her chopsticks. "Now that we got that settled let's talk about the reunion. I'm thinking about talking to–"
What....the fuck? His mom did not just glide over this whole issue. She did not just put everything on him. And she did not just bring up that damn reunion again, which he's made very clear he wants nothing a part of. "Is that all you wanted? For me to make my amends with you?"
"What else would there be Kookie?" She scoffs, eyes wide.
"Goddamn it." He struggles to maintain a hushed voice. "Can you please stop calling me that? And what the hell do you mean 'what else would there be'? I'm not trying to put the blame on you but there's a good amount you should be saying to me too."
"What things are you referring to? Don't tell me this is about the reunion again. Look, whatever it is that I said was because I just want to see you more. And no more swearing. You know I don't like that kind of language."
"How can you be like this?" Jungkook can't stop himself. He figured his mom and he would have a better, heart-to-heart than this. It makes his skin crawl that his mother continues to play the victim. "It's genuinely shocking me how....do you even love me?"
Mrs. Jeon pauses at that. "Of course, I love you Jungkook. Why–why would you ask that?" She blinks back the slightest hint of tears forming along the edge of her eyes. Never in a million years did she think her son would doubt something this crucial.
"I feel like–"
"Feel what? What is it?"
"I feel like you care more about what I can do for you than you do me, as your son." Jungkook sniffs. This is a lot harder for him to say than he imagined. "There's been so many times that you've–"
"Don't say this honey! I care about you very much!" She reaches for his hand again but he yanks it away. "What are you trying to tell me?" His mother waits for him to form the rest of the sentence.
Jungkook hesitates to look at her straight on because behind what appears to be concerned eyes is disbelief. She isn't taking any of this seriously. It's written all over her face, tone, and all the way down to the way she's focusing on an answer rather than his inability to comfortably talk to her.
"What have I done so many times?"
"Honestly at this point, what haven't you done?" With an icy glare, Jungkook can't hold himself back anymore. The pot that's been brewing, deep in the darkest parts of him is finally overflowing and it's not going to be pretty to behold. "Do you realize how many times you chose your job, your status, and even your friends over me? And you make Dad go along with literally anything! Is it so horrible for someone to say no to you?!"
The couple next to them shoot uncomfortable looks his way, whispering to each other. Jungkook ignores it and starts counting with his fingers.
"Never once have you ever taken responsibility for showing up uninvited, nagging me about this that, and the other thing, making backhanded comments about my life choice, and most of all pretending our relationship is peachy fine. Well, I'm sorry mom, I'm thirty-four years old and I don't need to live by your rules! Our relationship is barely hanging by a thread and being quite real, it's __ and Dad who are the ones clinging to that thread, making sure it doesn't completely snap."
Mrs. Jeon opens her mouth to interject but Jungkook doesn't allow it to happen. It's not exactly intentional that he's pouring out so much in the middle of people's lunch. Still, he's been shoved over a steep cliff, head first.
"I'm sorry mom, I don't know how many times I need to say it. I don't enjoy any bit of this. It's just been a long stretch of–"
"That's enough! I don't want to hear any more." Mrs. Jeon immediately grabs her purse and twists her neck every which way. "Where's your father? I want to leave."
"Mom I'm trying to talk to you! Why won't you let me talk?"
His mother doesn't reply. She doesn't look at him. It's the silent treatment, Jungkook concludes–it's fucking irritating. "I'm not trying to be hurtful," he says, forcing himself to calm down. "Mom look at me."
She doesn't move.
It only takes seconds for their waitress to near her way up to the table with anxious steps. "I'm sorry to be doing this but unfortunately, we've received a few complaints of a disturbance out here." The young girl clasps her hands. "To ensure all our guests are comfortable we're going to need to ask you to take your conversation elsewhere. I'm really sorry."
Fuck. How embarrassing. Jungkook clears his throat and stands up from his seat. "We understand and are genuinely sorry for the commotion. We'll pay at the front and be on our way. Thank you for waiting our table."
The young girl gives a nervous smile and retreats inside the restaurant. Jungkook makes a note to give her a generous tip.
"Hey, what's going on out here?" Mr. Jeon rushes over, hair blowing over due to the breeze. "I heard there was some inconsiderate party out here airing out their dirty laundry for all to see. I tell you, people these days don't know what privacy means anymore!" He shakes his head and takes a seat.
"Get up Dad we're leaving."
"But I'm not done my–––oh shit." Mr. Jeon clenches his teeth. "You two?"
Mrs. Jeon gets up from her chair, still wordless, and walks towards the parking lot. "I'll get this Dad." Jungkook stops his father from pulling out his wallet. "It is best if you go try to ease Mom. I don't think she'll be talking to me for a while."
Mr. Jeon puts a hand on his son's shoulder. It's his way of offering comfort. "You're mother has made things difficult for you, Jungkook. I'll try getting through to her. In the meantime don't let this eat you up. It's been a long time coming."
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Jungkook doesn't get home until quarter past six. The drive home was better than the drive to the restaurant, but hitting the notorious five o'clock traffic slowed them down once more. He also had to drop his parents at their hotel which was no easy task. His mother barely gave him a glance before hopping out of the car. The amount of guilt settling in his gut isn't going away any time soon.
"Hey." Jungkook finds you searching through the kitchen cupboard. "I hope you're okay with spice tonight! I got this really awesome–oh baby what's wrong?" You stop what you're doing when you see your husband come up behind you with sunken eyes. He wraps his larger arms around you, desperately needing your scent.
"I blew it," he croaks. "She's so mad at me."
"I'm sorry Jungkook. I'm sorry I couldn't be there." You turn in his arms to pull him into a full embrace. His nose tickles the side of your neck but you don't laugh. "You wanna tell me?"
Jungkook takes your hand and sits you both on the couch in the living room. "The morning started out rough with three hours of traffic and the two of them in the back seat, telling me where and how I should drive. Then my dad got unexpectedly famous off a PSY song. We finally got to some restaurant about half an hour west of here before 3pm. Everything was going okay until dad went to the bathroom."
"Okay," you say, scooting closer beside him. You rub small circles on his upper back as he leans forward on his spread-apart knees. "What happened?"
"Mom suggested we talk about last night so I said sure." You watch as Jungkook fiddles with his hands. "But she didn't actually care about a conversation or what I had to say. All she wanted, all she expected, was for me to apologize to her so we'd be okay again. It all came out after that and I feel so horrible about it. We ended up getting kicked out of the restaurant too."
"I tried __. I wanted to be patient and to be a good son but she can't even look at me right now." He falls back on the couch, staring at the blank wall in front. "Dad's convinced it was bound to happen."
"You are a good son, Jungkook." You comb a few strands of his soft, ebony hair. He closes his eyes as you do. "You're mom's the one who needs to readjust her view."
"I never thought I'd yell at my mom about all that stuff. And certainly not in public where everyone is trying to have a pleasant lunch. I'm a grown-ass adult and I should have had better control of myself."
You settle into his inner shoulder, laying a hand on his chest. "Even grown adults have limits and your mom's far surpassed those limits. Don't blame yourself for this."
"Dad said the same thing."
"Well, that's two against one."
Jungkook smiles. Two against one, that's where he got that from. Not that you're the first person to use the phrase but he never used it as regularly until you moved in together.
"I missed you so much today. I don't deserve you."
You cock your head up as quick as the words fly from his mouth. "Don't you dare say things like that! You're a good man despite how awful your mother treats you." You lean your face near his, eyes wandering deep into his dark brown ones. "If you're not otherwise too tired, I'm going to show you how much I love you."
Jungkook opens his lids at that–apparently not too tired. You smirk and get off the couch.
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"Here?" His classic doe-eyes peer down at your kneeled position. Seeing you settle this perfectly between his muscular thighs triggers an intense blood rush that goes straight to his dick. Jungkook didn't think he was going to get horny tonight but here he was with his half-harden length in your hands in the middle of the living room.
"Mhm." You position yourself just enough for him to have a clear view of your tits. You had taken both your shirt and bra off before starting. You know how your husband likes it. "That okay with you?"
Jungkook groans when you grip his cock harder, gliding it from the base to the tip in repeated motions. "Fuck yeah. It's more than okay." You giggle at how quickly your husband gets in the mood. He thinks you're the bitch in the bedroom? You quicken your movements.
"Oh shit this feels so good." He grips the couch cushion, keeping his focus on you. "Need that gorgeous mouth wrapped around me baby, please. Shit–"
You honor your husband's requests and trace your tongue from the base of his cock all the way up to his tip. Once there, you suck lightly before taking him in whole.
"That's it. Take my cock, fuck." Jungkook goes on to praise you as you bottom out. You gag a little at first being that you haven't done this in what....weeks? Damn. Whatever happened to the days when you'd literally go down on each other every day?
"We need to get you reacquainted with my cock honey," he teases, bucking his hips forward to push himself further into your mouth. "All these weeks without my cock in your mouth has you gagging all over me. Been it's been too long hasn't it?"
"Mm," is the only thing you reply with, the weight of his thick length dragging back and forth on your tongue. By now your pussy is pulsating like crazy and you're tempted to just get up and fuck yourself on him. But tonight was about your husband–you're going to make sure of it. And Jungkook loves nothing more than getting head with your bare tits in full view, obviously.
A few sucks later and Jungkook starts fucking himself into your mouth. They began as soft, needy bucks of his hips but now they're rough, full-force thrusts. His length shoves to the back of your throat and you moan desperately around him. "Did you miss my cock baby? I bet you did. My sexy wife....you're mine and you're gonna make me come, aren't you? Fuck yeah, you are."
Your eyes water as you continue to take him, hallowing your cheeks the best you can. Jungkook has his eyes screwed shut and sweat dripping from his forehead. Your panties are so fucking soaked right now and your nipples are defiantly hard from sheer arsousal.
"God I'm so close baby. You're mouth is---fuck I don't even have the words. It's fucking magic! And your tits are so hot from this angle. Kinda reminds me of what you sent to me earlier. Can I come on them? I'm so close." Jungkook takes your broken moans as a yes and starts ramming into you two more times before pullout and covering your breasts with warm liquid. "Fuck fuck fuck," he grunts, spilling himself on you.
What a mess. You look down at yourself. What a motherfuckin' mess and you love it. Jungkook pulls you into a passionate kiss, tongue rolling with yours in heavenly harmony. "Thank you for this," he says between kisses. "I'll help you wash up, I promise."
"Mm Jungkook," you pant. "I think I need you inside me."
Hey, he got his dick sucked and he creamed your tits–it's mama's turn now, or excuse you–wifey.
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A/N: this got nasty whoops. not sorry. Anyway LMK what you think, thanks for reading! 💞 also pls vote if youd be so kind
@frieschan @oldermenluverrr @tatamicc @kookswifesblog @llallaaa @sunnybyeol @namtaeh @exactlygreatcoffee @whipwhoops @yoongisducky @ktnj91 @junecat18 @thvlover7 @yoongiworshiper @ellesalazar @monbebe234-blog @parkinglot-nights @borahaexoxo @hobiswhore @kimseokjinbangtan @jjk97091 @mk-id @blueberry711 @givemethemaknaes16 @iammartian07 @jjkluver7 @itsdingdong @jiminshi20 @sweet-sourhotcoco @lubtou @lovingkoalaface @starsinsky1999 @rockstarrgyu @chaconnelatte @kaithezaftig @skzthinkr @babystarcandykookie @glossyyyymin @siudema @justanotherkpopstanlol @sh1nedreamsm1le7
P.S. I'm sorry but I'm not sure if I'm able to tag all of you!
no reposting, copying, or translating my work– © kookslastbutton
572 notes · View notes
chaotickryptonitetree · 5 months
grant me easiness and i'll give you everything (it's only fair) | jeremy swayman
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what I feel about him is alarming and frighting and yap yap yap. hope you like!
Whoever claimed to enjoy airports had clearly never been an Uber driver. 
Sure; the money was significantly better than a normal ride—but the traffic? And the poor temperament? And the confusing lanes? It made you question if it was even worth the money. 
But there were bills to pay, so you added tonight to the list of nights you ended up at the rideshare terminal of the airport. 
You knew by now that flights usually got in on the 10s (7:10, 8:10, etc), so people would have collected their luggage and made their way to ride shares by the 35s (give or take). Glancing at the dash cam, you read 9:32. As if on cue, your phone pinged with a few alerts. 
Typically, you’d choose the one that offered the most money. But it had been a long night, with a lot of rides, and had made enough to finish a bit early. So you picked the one that would put you closest to home. And it happened to be Jeremy, who wanted to end up at a brownstone around 7 minutes from your building. 
And you waited. 
Just for a minute or two before a knock on the back window stirred you from completely zoning out. Instinctively, you unlocked the car and a body slid into the back seat. 
“Jeremy?” You confirmed, not bothering to look back. 
“How do you know that?” A cheery voice forced your hand, made you make eye contact with him in the mirror. Mistake. 
“Are you Jeremy or not?” You were paid to drive, not indulge lazy jokes. Still, his kind eyes didn’t waver. 
“Just messin,” he looked out the window and mockingly placed a light touch to the window. Despite yourself, you tracked the movement, watching his hands (his large, large hands). Mistake. “Driver, take me home.” He sighed a wistful sigh, and even though you didn’t want to, a small smile found its way to your face. Putting on the turn signal, you merged into the departure lane and turned up the stereo. 
Checking your blindspot, you pulled onto the freeway—traffic was awful so it would be a long ride despite the short mileage. 
“Temperature okay?” You asked politely, following your script. 
“Just right!” You could hear the smile in his voice, even though you refused to look at him again. 
“Music alright?” 
“My favorite!” You raised an eyebrow at his response—top 40 radio was no one’s favorite. But that was your last question that usually made riders feel heard enough to give 5 stars. Slightly relieved (as always), you settled in for the drive. 
Usually you spent the time working through a problem in your head, really getting into the whys and hows of something that was bothering you. One of your friends was being distant, so you started there. She had started this behavior about a month ago, so that could mean that—
“I flew in from Alaska,” that cheery voice interrupted your internal monologue completely. 
“That’s nice,” your reply was non-committal. You didn’t usually talk to riders that much. Didn’t plan on making it a habit. 
“Yup!” He popped the p sound. “I’m from there, and I was visiting my family. It was awesome—I really miss them when I’m here for a long time.” 
“Nice.” You were out of practice making small talk with a new person (to put it lightly). He just nodded—the only indication being the sound of fabric moving around his neck as he did so. 
“So, where are you from?” He leaned forward in his seat, as if genuinely interested—as if knowing where this stranger grew up was a seriously important part of his night. 
“I don’t have to talk to riders just because,” you cringed at how mean you sounded. He didn’t even deflate a little, just leaned back and laughed a slightly weird laugh. 
“Fair enough,” his tone made you wonder if he was always this happy, this unphased. 
And then the music filled the space as much as your stale air freshener did—even if the air was tinged with a bit of guilt on your part. 
“I can feel you looking at me,” your eyes darted to him again in the mirror. Brown eyes forgiving and kind and very, very cute. 
“Not tryna hide it.” It could’ve been taken as flirting, but you had the impression that he was just like this with everyone. Still, it warmed your cheeks just a little bit. “I’ve just never had such a pretty Uber driver,” and then a moment later, “well, a pretty one that’s my age, I mean.” 
You laughed, despite yourself. “Pining after older women are ya?” He smiled easily, and it definitely was for him—easy. 
“Look at this face and tell me I’m not a cougar's dream,” he laughed loudly. You didn’t look back for safety reasons (and convinced yourself that was the only reason). He leaned forward again. “I like it though,” his words felt like an admission, even if he didn’t lower his voice. Everything about him just felt—genuine? In a way that made every breath feel like a secret. “Makes me feel like I have a hot girlfriend who likes me enough to pick me up at the airport.” 
You scoffed. If he wanted a hot girlfriend, it definitely wouldn’t be hard—not with his easy charm and pretty face. “I’m only here because I’m being paid.” You hesitated. “And there’s no way you don’t have someone who likes you enough to brave the traffic.” 
You could sense his delight through your headrest. “Oh yeah I do,” he looked out the window again, “I have the best friends in the entire world. They were just busy tonight.” He sighed as if the idea of his friends was as good as having them in the seat next to him. It was quiet for a moment. “But no girlfriend, if that’s what you’re asking.” 
“I wasn’t asking,” your tone was blunt, but you couldn’t help but smile. He laughed his weird, goofy laugh.
“Call me a romantic,” he addressed you by name—something you typically didn’t like from patrons in your backseat—but it felt different with him. “But I want that—someone who wants to be the first person to see you when you get back, who can’t even wait to kiss you even if it’s in front of a whole terminal.” 
“Sounds like you’ve been watching too many rom coms,” but that suddenly felt unkind to such a gentle man, so then a moment later, “I hope you find that.” 
“I will,” he seemed absolutely sure. “Oh shoot,” he raised his fists to the sky mockingly. “My phone died. Curses!” 
“I have a charger,” you looked around for the cord while still keeping an eye on the road. He stayed quiet for a moment, considering. 
“No, I have an android,” he quickly put his phone in his front pocket, eyes squinting with trouble. Trouble that made you think that he definitely didn’t have an android. “Oh wait! I have an idea!” He completely over-sold his facial expressions, making you question where he was going with this little scheme. 
“And what would that be?” your tone was dry, eyes still on the road as you took the exit off the freeway, only a few minutes from his destination. 
“So I can give you your rightfully earned tip!” He reasoned, “you can give me your phone number so I can send you money once I get my phone charged.” You could feel his hopeful gaze on you, like his plan was the most logical course of action ever spoken. 
Logistically, it made no sense. You could tip an Uber days after your ride. “And what—you’ll just remember my number until then?” For some reason that was the first question you asked.
He nodded, serious as you’d seen him. “Of course,” he said incredulously, “I remember important stuff.” 
And it didn’t make any sense. And you could’ve said no. And this was probably against some sort of employer code. And he was definitely this charming with everyone. But he looked so endearing and hopeful and there was something very good about him. Something right. 
So you rattled off your number, and he mouthed each number after you said it. And you believed him that he would remember it. 
And you believed him as he opened the door to leave, wishing you a good night. And you believed him as he waved from the top step. And as he opened the door and turned around for one more look, mouthing goodbye. 
Despite yourself, you believed him. 
Your bed was heaven after a long stint in the car. Practically asleep before your head hit the covers, a notification sounded from your phone. 
A message from an unrecognized number was the last thing you saw before sleep. 
From: unknown 
Sent $50 
And then a moment later, after you saved his contact. 
From: Jeremy 
Any interest in meeting me at Dunkin on Tuesday morning? 
You went to sleep smiling. He remembered. 
You agreed to meet him early—you typically liked to start driving before 11 and he had morning skate. 
The sun had just risen as you walked to a Dunkin about halfway between you and him, bundled up in a puffer jacket and a toque. The bell jingled above the door as you entered, blowing warm air into your hands. It was freezing out. 
You didn’t even have time to glance around and look for him before a tall, broad body in a black coat walked up to you and held out his arms for a hug. And then you weren’t freezing anymore. Not even a little bit. 
He released you with a smile, linking your arms together and pulling you into line. “What do you usually get?” You asked, convincing yourself that you certainly were not leaning into his side. Definitely not. 
He peered down at you, tucked into his side, nose red from the cold. “Whatever looks good,” he admitted, “usually the thing with the most cream and sugar.” 
You laughed—even if you didn’t really know him, the idea that he didn’t have an order, that he just let himself enjoy whatever he wanted (even if it had a ton of sugar), that seemed very him. 
“I’ll get that too,” you definitely snuggled into his side more, but maybe it was so you didn’t have to face his genuine smile so head on. Maybe? 
And so he ordered for you both, but not before complimenting the teenage cashier’s pride pin and asking what his favorite donut was. 
“Dunno,” the kid had braces and posture that seemed to shrink in on itself, and was clearly not used to anything beyond what can I get for you, “sprinkle looks pretty good today.” 
“Then two of those too,” he put the spare change (and a five) in the glass tip jar. “Thanks brother,” he put out his knuckles for a fist bump. The kid tapped his fist lightly to Jeremy’s, completely won over. 
Like a puppy, he quickly found something else to entertain himself with while you waited. “We almost have matching jackets!” He gestured to his black north face and your navy one. You pulled a face—how could he find such delight in everything? 
“I guess?” You pinched your face together. He didn’t mind. 
“Very couple-y of us,” he put his hands up at the look you shot him. “I had to say it,” He shook his head like it was obvious. And it was so cute you didn’t give him a hard time about it. 
“Thanks for paying,” you directed the subject elsewhere, “you didn’t have to do that.” He shrugged, eyes fixed on your drinks as the barista (are they called baristas at Dunkin??) set down two identically light and sweet drinks. 
“My pleasure,” he grabbed the bag with two sprinkle donuts inside. 
“I’ll send you my share,” you made to grab your phone from your pocket. His hand over yours stilled the movement entirely, warmth emanating from his palm. 
“You got it next time,” he shrugged—like obviously there would be a next time. And you believed him, hand now interlaced with his. 
“I know it’s bad for me,” he groaned as he took a sip, “but it’s actually the best thing I’ve ever tasted.” A completely innocent line, but it felt dirty as he said it. Or maybe you were just losing it over how his thumb moved over yours. 
“Oh,” you responded quietly, taking a sip of yours. Total sugar bomb. “Well you’ll work it off anyways in practice I’m sure,” you fumbled over your words just a little bit. He seemed amused. “Like, looking at you, I’d never guess you have a sweet tooth,” you said, even though there was absolutely no reason to keep talking. He titled his head in delight. “Because you look totally in shape—you look, great. Yeah.” A true example of vocal mastery was on display tonight. 
He took a bite of donut, his white teeth a sight so intimate it made you blush. He hummed while chewing, nodding. “Oh yeah? I’m not sure why you mean…should we keep talking about how hot I look?” He joked before pulling a very embarrassed you into his side and out into the chilly air. It didn’t feel as cold with his hand around yours though. 
You laughed an embarrassed laugh. “Easy, you big dope, I was trying to be nice.” He laughed into your toque, head on top of yours. 
“I know, I know.” And then he went into talking about how he wasn’t a fan of Dunkin before moving to New England and now he was addicted. And you just listened, toasty from humiliation and content as he walked you home, hand covering yours. 
You offered to pick him up from practice later in the week (he had asked you to come to a home game, but you weren’t quite ready for that yet). He was right on time, waving an animated wave as he walked out the door with a few teammates. 
You waved back (a bit more timid in the presence of his friends), and turned to que up your next song. He knocked lightly on the window, and you rolled it down. He was bent over, face in the window as he glanced toward the backseat. 
“Want to meet my friends?” He asked politely, clearly excited. 
You hesitated, which made him continue. “No pressure at all. If you don’t want to, I can hop in the backseat and we can pretend you’re my Uber driver again,” he smiled a grin that was so genuinely happy it made you less nervous. You turned off the engine. 
“No way,” you unbuckled your seatbelt. “I wanna meet ‘em.” You opened the door and shut it softly behind you, wrapping your arms around yourself instinctively. He pumped his fist. 
“Let’s go!” He seemed overjoyed. It was quite possibly the sweetest reaction to such a nothing event. You rolled your eyes, but let him pull you in front of him, large hands rested on your shoulders, steering you to face his two teammates. 
He introduced you to them both (they were sweet, but there was something on their face that made you unsure if they were making fun of you or jeremy–or both–or no one). But listening to them banter back and forth while you stood pressed to the front of him made you realize that they just joked around like that. 
Jeremy was usually the punchline–but he didn’t mind. He was easy to laugh, easier to smile, and made a point of pulling you impossibly closer to him. If his friends noticed, they didn’t say anything. 
But then the fact that they didn’t say anything made you wonder just how many people he had introduced to his friends. Maybe they were having a non-reaction because they were so used to it? You stiffened slightly under his hands. 
And he must’ve felt it, because he placed a feather-light kiss to your hair–which did pull a reaction from his boys. 
“If you’re around on new year’s, we’re throwing something and you are obviously invited,” one of them nodded towards you, eyes a little wide. 
“Obviously?” You questioned, but felt far more comfortable than a moment ago. The taller one laughed, eyes flickering to Jeremy’s briefly. 
“Obviously,” he confirmed. “You think this is our first time hearing about you?” He shook his head, clapping the shorter one on the back. “Sway here wouldn’t shut up about you. If you didn’t respond to his text he was going to make us call every Uber in Boston until one of us got you as a driver.” 
You hit his chest as you turned around. “You goof,” you meant to say–but the words died on your tongue when your eyes met his–so full of genuine enjoyment and content that it warmed you from the inside out. You turned toward them again, waving goodbye. 
“I’ll see you on new year’s then.” 
“Nice to meet you,” they parroted, smirking at Jeremy. “We’ll see ya sway.” He waved and let you pull him into the passenger seat. 
“I like your friends,” you rubbed your hands together and blew on them. He smiled a radiant smile. 
“You’ll love the rest of the guys,” he pulled your free hand into his lap, both palms wrapped around it, warming you right up. You drove the rest of the way home with one hand so he could keep a grip on you. He gave you a play-by-play of practice (which drills he did best on, what made him laugh the most, what he wanted to focus on for the next game), only coming up for air once. 
“I really like you,” he said earnestly, as matter-of-factly as when he spoke about drills. It made you shake your head. 
“Obviously I like you too,” the words felt good to be out–like you didn’t realize how true they were until you said them aloud. 
He brought your hand to his lips and pressed a chaste kiss to your knuckles. “Obviously?” You could feel his smile on the back of your hand. 
“It's, like, impossible not to.” You pulled in front of his building, putting the car in park. Meaning to pull your hand back from him–a little embarrassed–but didn’t even make it over the console before he crushed you in a hug over the center console. The steering wheel dug into your side, nose crushed into his chest, hair static-y all over his puffer. But you couldn’t bring yourself to back out of it–arms rubbing circles against the back of his coat. 
You had no idea how much time had passed when he pulled back, grabbed his bag from the trunk, and walked up to the front door. It was probably the longest he had gone without talking around you. But you didn’t mind. You liked him when he talked, when he didn’t, when he smiled, when he breathed. 
You smiled all the way home. 
You agreed to walk to the new year’s eve party together. It was just far enough away for you to prepare to meet more of the people from his world and hear about his last couple road games. Just hearing him talk made your nerves melt away. 
He insisted on meeting on your doorstep, however, even though it added 10 minutes to his walk. He texted when he was on his way.
From: J
Be there in a few!
From: you
You need my address?
From: J
Course not.
And then.
I remember important stuff.
You went in for a hug as you opened the door–a new part of your routine. 
“Hey,” your greeting was muffled into his puffer. His navy?? Puffer. One identical to your own. You thumbed the material and glanced up at him. “Nice coat?” You raised your eyebrows. 
He laughed loudly, tipping his head back. “I wanted to match.” The way he said it made it feel obvious–tone like a noncommittal shrug. Like why wouldn’t he want to match? 
The ease of the gesture was lovely. He was lovely. “Well then,” you linked your arm with his, setting off down the stairs and onto the sidewalk, “it is an honor to match with you tonight.” 
He let a grin brighten his face. “You smell really good,” he breathed into your hair. “Like you always do. And I like the glitter you have–” He ghosted a thumb over your brow bone, “here.” 
And the loveliness haunted you the entire walk over, conversation easy and light. He was so open, so kind, in a way that eased openness and kindness from you as well. 
So the night was much better than you had expected. It felt natural to meet his friends, his teammates, their wives, their kids. It didn’t feel like being thrust into a brand new world. It just felt like natural–like getting another piece of Jeremy was a privilege. 
And you didn’t feel out of place with how enamored you were with him–everyone here clearly was. He was the heartbeat of this group of people–and you felt lucky to watch him light up the room. And a little part of you felt proud that you were here with him. 
The one who everyone wanted to be around–he wanted to be here with you. 
“You’re too nice for him,” another new face laughed as he clapped Jeremy on the shoulder, looking down at you. 
“Too nice?” You glanced at the palm resting over your stomach. Possibly the most gentle, kind touch you had experienced. How could anyone be too nice for that? “For him?” Your voice raised with confusion.
The young guy in front of you raised his eyebrows at the man behind you. “He didn’t tell you?” His smile was all trouble. “Our boy Sway likes to be a little roughed up,” he laughed at your blush, hidden by you turning around to gape at Jeremy. To wait for a rebuttal.
But it never came. He just laughed good-naturedly and hugged you into his chest. “Hey now, don’t scare her away!” He looked down at you, squeezed tight against his chest. “Lucky to have her here at all.” His smile was just for you. 
And so you smiled and let yourself half forget about that comment. Met some more people. Drank some more wine. Smiled a lot. 
But you couldn’t forget it entirely. 
Some time later, he beckoned you over to where he sat on the couch. You finished up chatting with some of the women and made your way to him. 
“Hey,” you stood in between his legs before he pulled you down to sit on one of his thighs with a thud. You felt him sigh into your hair as you leaned back so your head rested on his shoulder, hands reaching around the play with his fingers. He was solid and warm. 
“Hey,” if you had to put money on it–you’d bet he was smiling. “Thanks for being a champ about this–they can be a lot.” You traced a nail over the outline of his hand. “But they’re important to me, so it makes me happy that they get to meet you.” 
As intimate as a secret, spoken lowly in your ear. As secure as a fact, warming your chest. 
“I like them,” you thought for a moment. “Even if they think I’m too nice.” 
He rolled his eyes. “They’re just giving you a hard time. It’s a long story.” 
You raised your eyebrows. “You can tell me if you want.” You could feel his chest rise and fall under your back.
“When I first signed, I showed up to practice all beat up once. Bruises, all that nonsense.” His eyes shone as he retold the story–like the emotions were just as fresh as they had been.  “Told everyone I walked into a doorway–or something stupid like that. In the locker room later, everyone saw the marks this girl had left all over me.” He indicated scratch marks over where you lay on his chest. “All on my back and my neck and stuff. Never heard the end of it–how doors are really fighting back now and all that.” You just listened. “So yeah, they give me a hard time about it. But it’s no big deal–I didn’t want them to scare you or anything. If you’re not into that, don’t worry.” 
He ducked his head into the crook of your shoulder, kissing behind your ear. You shivered, trying not to wiggle too much over his lap. Tilting your head towards him, you let your voice drop so only he could hear. “I’m into that.” His eyes went wide. “And I’m into you, so I can still be nice.” 
He gulped audibly, making you smirk. “Like, I can be nice and tell you that you’re so good.” His face was as serious as you’d seen him. “Makes me wonder if you’d be so good for me.” 
He nodded before he knew what he was nodding at, grip tight around you. “I would be.” His voice was clipped. “I’d be so good for you.” 
You nodded back, chest on fire. You believed him. 
You let your cheek rest against his sweater, eyes peering up at him–slightly flushed from the party and eyes a little tired. It had to be close to midnight. 
As if on cue, the countdown began from the tv. Every voice in the room chanted along…10, 9, 8…but you almost didn’t hear them. Too busy looking at Jeremy. 7, 6, 5. You turned so your legs swung off the couch, sideways in his lap. 
“I’ve never had a New Year’s kiss,” he whispered, holding you upright against him. “Like a real one. Not just a friend or something.” 4, 3. You pulled him so close you could see the shine of his lip from his drink, feel the sweat on the back of his neck from his sweater. 
2. 1. “Glad to be your first or something,” you grinned into the kiss, teeth knocking against his. He laughed a breathy laugh into your mouth, free hand palming the back of your head. His chest rose and fell next to yours, making you pull back. 
“I’m so happy it’s you,” he admitted–probably the most embarrassed you’d seen him. You ran your hands through his hair, settling against his chest so he could put his chin atop your head.
You believed him.
happy new year! Love ya
160 notes · View notes
barelytolerabled · 6 months
Speeding Hearts part 1
lando norris x fem!driverReader
summary: you and your best friend, Pierre Gasly, had the same dream. but now that you’re living it together you start to want something else, someone else.
WC: 3k272
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From the moment you and Pierre Gasly met, you were inseparable. Growing up in the same small town, your shared passion for racing forged a bond that was unbreakable. As kids, you'd race each other on bicycles, then go-karts, and eventually in more powerful machines. Your dreams of Formula One burned brightly in your hearts.
The two of you made a pact, one that would echo through the years of your friendship: if you were ever fortunate enough to find a team in Formula One, it would be together or not at all.
Together, you endured the struggles and sacrifices that came with pursuing a career in motorsport. You celebrated each other's victories, consoled each other in defeat, and trained relentlessly to reach your shared goal. In the eyes of your friends and family, you were a package deal, a dynamic duo who stood as the epitome of friendship and teamwork.
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As Alpine Racing welcomed both you and Pierre into its fold, the excitement was palpable. The realization of your childhood dream had become a reality. The gleaming Formula One cars stood before you, a testament to your perseverance and shared determination.
One crisp morning, the two of you found yourselves at a secluded test track. The air was charged with anticipation as you both prepared to unleash the power of the Alpine machine. Strapped into your respective cockpits, you exchanged a knowing glance that spoke volumes, this was a moment you'd both been waiting for.
The engines roared to life, and as you navigated the twists and turns of the track, the years seemed to peel away. The hum of the tires and the rush of wind brought you back to the days of karting on dusty circuits, chasing each other with unbridled joy. The camaraderie and competition were as alive as ever.
In a moment of complicity, Pierre signaled to you on the team radio. "Remember the karting days? Let's show them what we're made of." A grin spread across your face as you pushed the limits, mirroring the synchronized dance you'd perfected as kids.
As you tackled each corner, the memories flowed freely. The shared victories, the defeats that only fueled your determination, and the unspoken language you'd developed over the years.
The track became a canvas where your friendship was painted with every acceleration, every brake, and every perfectly executed maneuver. The thrill of speed merged seamlessly with the nostalgia of simpler times, creating a moment of complicity that transcended the confines of a Formula One test session.
For a fleeting instant, you and Pierre weren't just drivers for Alpine; you were the kids who once dreamed of this very moment, now living it together in the pinnacle of motorsport. The bond forged in those karting days had matured into something unbreakable, carrying you through the twists and turns of life and racing alike.
The checkered flag waved, signaling the end of the test session. As you and Pierre brought your Alpine monoplace to a smooth stop, a sense of accomplishment washed over you. The thrill of the track lingered, echoing in the air like a sweet melody.
With helmets in hand, you both stepped out of your respective cockpits, faces flushed with exhilaration and joy. A shared look passed between you, a silent acknowledgment of the journey that had led to this moment. The echoes of laughter from your karting days seemed to resonate in the pit area.
Unable to contain the elation, Pierre enveloped you in a spontaneous, tight embrace. The camaraderie and friendship that had weathered the years manifested in that simple yet profound gesture. The pit crew, observing the genuine connection between you two, couldn't help but share in the infectious joy.
Pierre grinned, his eyes reflecting the shared memories and dreams that had brought you both to this pinnacle. "We did it," he exclaimed, a mix of pride and excitement in his voice. You reciprocated the sentiment, "Together, just like we always said."
As the pit crew joined in the celebration, cheers and congratulations filled the air. It was a victory not just for Alpine Racing but for the enduring friendship that had withstood the test of time and trials.
The euphoria of the track still lingering, Pierre and you made your way to the first press meeting as Alpine drivers. The anticipation in the room was palpable as journalists gathered, eager to capture the essence of the new dynamic duo. With intertwined fingers under the table, a silent reassurance passed between you.
As the questions began, the room buzzed with curiosity. The first question, directed at you, cut straight to the heart of your connections. "A lot of people know your teammates thanks to his close friendship with Charles Leclerc. Are you also close to him?" The gaze between you and Pierre conveyed volumes. You took a moment, a smile playing on your lips, "Charles is a dear friend, and we've grown up together. But Pierre..." You glanced at him, a twinkle in your eye, "Pierre is my best friend. We share a connection that goes beyond the track."
The next question delved into the challenges of maintaining your friendship amidst the competitive world of Formula One. The room fell into a hush as the journalist asked, "Don't you think that your friendship could be destroyed by the sport, due to, for example, the rivalry?" Pierre and you exchanged a glance, a silent understanding passing between you. Pierre spoke with conviction, "We promised each other from the beginning that we'd do this together, and we meant it. No rivalry or competition will ever come between us. We're in this journey as one."
Then came the inevitable question, a sigh escaping the journalist's lips, "There are already rumors about you two being more than friends. What do you have to say?" The room seemed to hold its breath as you responded, "It's unfortunate that our friendship is questioned just because I'm a woman. Pierre and Charles have never faced such scrutiny. We're teammates, friends, and nothing more. The focus should be on our achievements on the track, not baseless rumors."
The room absorbed your words, and you and Pierre exchanged a knowing look. The unspoken promise echoed once more: no matter the challenges, your friendship would endure, unyielding against the backdrop of rumors and speculation.
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The first practice session loomed, and the paddock buzzed with the energy of a thousand stories waiting to unfold. Cameras clicked and rolled, capturing the essence of the moment. You wander toward the bustling paddock, the echoes of conversations and the smell of rubber filling the air.
As you strolled through the maze of team motorhomes, a familiar figure caught your eye. Charles Leclerc, a smile lighting up his face, stood amidst the Ferrari team's setup. The two of you shared a brief but warm conversation, reminiscing about the times you spent together growing up. The camaraderie between you and Charles was evident, a connection that went beyond the competitive boundaries of the track.
Just as the conversation began to deepen, Pierre appeared on the scene, greeting Charles with a friendly nod. "Hey, Charles, good to see you," Pierre said, a sense of camaraderie evident in his tone. He turned to you, "Come on, let's head to the garage. We've got some work to do."
As Pierre guided you toward the Alpine garage, the whir of engines and the hum of activity filled the air. He led you to your designated spot, his focus on the task at hand.
Unbeknownst to you, the eyes of fellow drivers lingered. Some curious, some contemplative. The presence of a woman in the midst of Formula One, especially one closely associated with Pierre, had not gone unnoticed. The scrutiny, subtle yet palpable, escaped your attention as you familiarized yourself with the surroundings.
As the practice session approached, the noise intensified, drowning out the whispers of curiosity. The cameras continued to document every movement, focusing on Alpine's new dynamic duo. Little did you know, the world of Formula One was watching, captivated by the unfolding story that went beyond the confines of the racetrack.
In the heart of the bustling Alpine garage, the moment of focus and preparation had arrived. Pierre and you donned your racing suits, the familiar feel of the material a reassuring embrace. The air hummed with anticipation as the team worked swiftly around you, ensuring every detail was in place.
As you adjusted your gloves, Pierre caught your eye. There was a shared understanding between you two, a connection that transcended the spoken word. It was time for the pre-practice ritual.
Stepping closer, Pierre gently lifted his helmet visor, his eyes meeting yours. The world around you seemed to fade as you leaned in, pressing a brief but significant kiss on his helmet. It was a silent exchange, a gesture that spoke of shared determination and unspoken camaraderie.
The cameras, ever vigilant, captured the moment, freezing it in time for the world to see. The intimacy of the ritual wasn't lost on those observing from the sidelines. The team's photographer snapped candid shots, and rival teams' cameras discreetly recorded the exchange, curious eyes dissecting the dynamic between Alpine's inseparable duo.
With the ritual complete, Pierre enveloped you in a tight hug. The familiar scent of racing fuel lingered in the air as you embraced, drawing strength from each other. It was a ritual born from years of friendship and shared dreams.
A last exchanged look conveyed a silent understanding, this was the moment they had prepared for, the culmination of years of hard work and unwavering friendship. With a nod, you and Pierre headed toward the awaiting Alpine monoplace, leaving the garage behind.
The cameras continued to roll, capturing the start of a new chapter in your Formula One journey. The whispers of intrigue echoed through the paddock, but for Pierre and you, the only focus was the track ahead. As the engines roared to life, the world of Formula One awaited the unfolding story of Alpine's inseparable duo.
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The thrill of the first free practice was still coursing through your veins as you faced a barrage of questions from journalists. Microphones and cameras surrounded you, capturing the essence of the moment.
A journalist inquired, "So, how was your first free practice?" A wide smile adorned your face as you responded, "It was beyond incredible. To finally be out there, on the track, living my dream alongside my best friend—there are no words to describe the feeling. I loved every moment of it."
"After this first try, who in the grid takes your interest?" A thoughtful expression crossed your face, and you replied, "That's a tough one. There are so many incredibly talented drivers on the grid. Lewis Hamilton, of course, is a legend, and the way he approaches each race is truly admirable."
You took a moment, considering the question further. "And then there's Lando Norris. His style of driving has fascinated me. There's a certain flair, a uniqueness to the way he tackles the track. It's inspiring to see a fellow driver bring such individuality to their performance."
As the questions continued, you shared insights into the challenges of the circuit and the exhilaration of being part of the Alpine team. The journalists, keen on unraveling the narrative behind Alpine's newest addition, hung onto your every word.
In the midst of the interview, a familiar presence approached. Pierre wrapped his arms around your waist, eliciting a giggle from you. "Sorry to interrupt," he grinned, "but the team is waiting for us. They want to film some content, heard about iced bath and whatnot. You ready for it?"
The unexpected interruption added a playful touch to the moment, and you nodded, "Absolutely, let's go." As you and Pierre made your way toward the waiting team, the journalists couldn't help but capture the candid scene—Alpine's inseparable duo, sharing laughter and camaraderie amidst the intense atmosphere of the paddock.
The team cameras were rolling as you and Pierre approached the iced baths, ready for the team's fun challenge. The atmosphere was light-hearted, and the paddock buzzed with anticipation as fans eagerly awaited a glimpse into the behind-the-scenes camaraderie of the Alpine team.
Pierre, sporting shorts, and you, in a two pieces bathing suit, exchanged playful banter, knowing what awaited. As the cameras zoomed in, you both shared a grin, playfully acknowledging the impending icy dip.
But as you hesitated near the iced bath, Pierre couldn't resist teasing, "Hey, remember when we used to take baths together as kids? You always made the water boiling!" You playfully retaliated, "What are you talking about? You were the one who poured only iced water!" The banter continued, each of you laughing as you relived childhood bath-time antics.
Ever watchful, Pierre stepped in front of you, wrapping his arms around you protectively. It was a spontaneous and genuine gesture, shielding you from the exposure to the cameras. Nestling against his shoulder, your shared understanding spoke volumes, conveying the comfort of an enduring friendship.
The fans caught your reaction, the laughter, the friendly bickering, adding a warm and familiar touch to the content. The rapport between you and Pierre was evident, showcasing the camaraderie that defined your partnership beyond the racetrack.
Encouraged by Pierre's support, you finally took a brave step into the iced bath. Pierre remained in front, still shielding you, until you were comfortably settled. With a nod and a smile, you acknowledged his support, feeling grateful for the friend who always had your back.
Fully immersed in the challenge, Pierre, with a playful grin, joined you in the iced bath. Laughter and playful arguments about the water's temperature ensued, each of you enjoying the icy challenge and the chance to share a moment of camaraderie beyond the intense world of Formula One. The team cameras captured these shared moments, providing fans with a glimpse into the authentic and light-hearted relationship that defined Alpine's inseparable duo.
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As you relaxed on the bed, enjoying a moment of quiet, Pierre's phone buzzed, signaling an incoming call. Answering with a casual "Hello," Pierre's expression shifted as he listened intently. After a brief conversation, he hung up, a smile playing on his lips.
"Guess what?" Pierre exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "There's a dinner tonight, a celebration for the start of the season. All the drivers will be there."
Your eyes widened at the news, a mixture of surprise and anticipation. "Really? That sounds amazing," you replied, the prospect of meeting fellow drivers adding an extra layer of excitement to the already eventful day.
Pierre continued, "It's a great opportunity to mingle with everyone. Plus, they're hosting it to welcome you into the Formula One family officially. You need to know other drivers than just me and Charles."
As you considered the invitation, Pierre reassured you, "Don't worry, you'll love it. And besides, you've got me by your side. Let's celebrate the beginning of an incredible season together."
Emerging from the bathroom, you were dressed for the dinner in an outfit that reflected both elegance and comfort, a balance you hoped would fit the occasion. As you stepped into the room, Pierre turned from where he had been getting ready, a smile forming on his face.
"Wow," he exclaimed, appreciatively taking in your appearance. "You look absolutely wonderful."
A touch of uncertainty lingered, and you couldn't help but ask, "You think it's not too much, or maybe it's just ugly?"
Pierre stepped closer, "Not at all. You look fantastic. Elegant, confident, and perfect for the occasion. Trust me, you're going to turn heads tonight, and for all the right reasons."
His genuine compliment eased any lingering doubt, and a sense of confidence washed over you. With a grateful smile, you nodded, "Thanks, Pierre. I appreciate your honesty."
Together, you made your way to the venue of the dinner, the anticipation building with every step. The energy of the bustling paddock now transformed into a more relaxed, celebratory atmosphere as drivers, teams, and Formula One personalities gathered to mark the beginning of a new season.
You gracefully navigated the room, exchanging greetings and smiles with fellow drivers. Charles , standing nearby, caught your eye. With a familiar warmth, you said hello, and soon, a conversation unfolded, providing a comforting anchor amidst the sea of new faces.
As you engaged in a conversation with Charles, the ambiance of the room echoed with laughter and the hum of animated discussions. The camaraderie within the Formula One family was palpable, making the experience feel like a reunion of old friends.
However, the moment arrived when you were called to gather around the table. Pierre, of course, had reserved a seat for you right beside him. As you took your place, a sense of familiarity and comfort enveloped you. To your surprise and delight, on the other side of you was none other than Lando Norris.
"Hey there," Lando greeted with a friendly smile. "Excited for the season?"
You nodded, "Absolutely. It's a dream come true to be part of all this."
Pierre, leaning over from his seat, chimed in, "And having the best company, of course."
As the night wore on and the festivities continued, a sense of exhaustion began to weigh on you. The adrenaline that fueled the day now transitioned into a yearning for the comfort of the hotel bed. Sensing your fatigue, you turned to Pierre, "I think I'm going to head back to the hotel early. It's been a long day."
Pierre nodded and started to get up, ready to accompany you. However, you insisted, "No, stay and celebrate. I'll be fine. I just need some rest."
Pierre began to argue back, concerned about leaving you alone, but before he could protest further, Lando interjected. "Mate, I'm knackered too. I can walk her back if you want."
Pierre looked torn for a moment, torn between the desire to celebrate with friends and the instinct to ensure your well-being. After a moment's contemplation, he relented, "Alright, thanks, Lando. Just send me a message when you arrive, okay?"
Grateful for the compromise, you smiled at Pierre and kiss his cheek slightly, "I promise. Enjoy the rest of the evening. I'll catch up on all the stories tomorrow."
As you and Lando made your way out, the night air providing a refreshing contrast to the lively atmosphere inside, you exchanged a few words of gratitude. Lando, being the gentleman he was, assured you, "No worries. And don't forget to send that message to Pierre, else he'll be panicking."
Outside the hotel room, as you bid goodnight to Lando, he seemed to fidget nervously. "Hey, um, I heard you talking earlier about finding my driving fascinating to the journalists. Is that true?"
You chuckled at his genuine curiosity, "Yeah, absolutely. Your style on the track caught my attention. It's like watching an artist at work."
Lando blushed slightly, "Really? I mean, I just drive how I feel, you know?"
"Exactly," you reassured him, "That's what makes it fascinating. It's authentic, and it adds a unique flair to the races."
He grinned, "Thanks for saying that. It's just... I never thought people would describe my driving like that."
"Well, get used to it. You're making an impression out there," you replied, offering encouragement. "Now, get some rest, and I'll see you on the track tomorrow."
Just as you were about to close the door, Lando hesitated for a moment before asking, "Hey, would you be up for grabbing breakfast tomorrow before the second free practice? It could be a good chance to chat more about racing and stuff."
You smiled at the invitation, appreciating the camaraderie, "Sure, sounds like a plan. Text me the details, and I'll meet you in the morning."
With a final nod, Lando gave a friendly wave and headed down the hallway. Closing the door, you couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth from the connections formed in just one day.
Safe in bed, bonne nuit Pierre💗
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Road Hazard (dp x dc)
Cassie looked to the side at the boy sitting next to her in the small waiting room.
"You nervous?" she asked and he looked up from whatever he was doing with his phone to answer.
"Eh." The guy answered with a vague hand motion and Cassie had to squash the need to pat his head kindly. Though he had to be at least sixteen if he was taking driving lessons, he looked way younger. With his messy black hair and big blue eyes he made her think of a disgruntled kitten that had been scruffed abruptly.
"I'm sure you'll do great!" Cassie couldn't help but want to encourage him. She herself had only just started taking the classes since she'd never found the time before.
But her words seemed to have the opposite effect as she wanted as the kid seemed to deflate at her words. "It's going to go terrible," he bemoaned.
"Don't say that," the demigoddess chided. "We're still learning this stuff. It's normal to have some issues still." She pointed to herself. "I can't seem to park, like, at all."
"It's not the same," the guy said. "Bad driving is in my blood. I'm literally destined to be awful at this. I had to take classes two hours away from my hometown because they didn't want to let me behind the wheel."
"Look," there Cassie paused, realizing she didn't know his name. "Danny," the kid provided helpfully after the short silence. "Cassie," she introduced herself.
"It's just a joint practice," she said. "So you won't be evaluated today. Nobody's expecting miracles here. So don't worry so much, ok?"
The kid exhaled audibly and let himself sag. "Yeah," Danny said. "Yeah, ok."
"Let's just do our best and have fun!" Cassie gave him a smile she hoped was encouraging and his own lips tugged upwards in response.
"Cassie Sandmark and Danny Fenton?" called the voice of the receptionist. The two stood up and were directed towards a man looking to be in his forties holding car keys.
"Who wants to start us off?" the man said.
Cassie looked to Danny. "Want to start?"
The kid heaved a breath. "Sure," he said, trying to sound resolute.
"Let's go," said the instructor, giving the keys to Danny before guiding them towards the car.
Danny got in the driver's seat, and Cassie looked on as he went through the steps of rearranging the seat and mirrors, putting on his belt. Then, the instructor gave the go ahead and Danny switched from park to reverse. He took off the hand brake before twisting around. He started reversing the car jerkily.
"Easy," the instructor said, then after a moment spoke up again. "Alright now you can go forward and merge with traffic."
Danny put the car to drive and took a deep breath as he signaled with the blinking light his next move. So far so good, thought Cassie.
And as if the universe had heard her, that was the moment Danny went full throttle on the gas pedal, propulsion the three of them onto the street, narrowly missing getting rear ended by the truck behind them. Cassie's yelp was drowned out by the cacophony of honks that sounded just behind her.
"Easy, easy, easy, easy!" the instructor was repeating which, to his credit, did seem to get Danny to slow down a bit, but then the traffic light in front turned yellow and the car once again roared to life as they dashed forward. This time the instructor yelped as well as one straggling pedestrian had to jump out of the way of the moving car.
So maybe, Danny hadn't been exaggerating after all.
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arcaneacolyte · 9 months
@batcadillac and I were talking about which Ghouls we think know how to drive a car/drive during a road trip and this is what we came up with lol
Swiss: Can drive. He's pretty chill and smooth driver, but he doesn't ever signal, and somehow never gets hit. Takes really convoluted back ways to get places because he claims that, 'I know a way that's faster'. It has yet to be determined whether or not these 'shortcuts' are actually faster. Picks obnoxious radio stations when it's his turn that makes everyone groan, but he puts it on full blast because he thinks it's funny.
Rain: Cannot drive. He vehemently denies that it's because he's a little bit of a klutz, it's more that there are plenty of others in the pack who can, and why should he have to learn if he doesn't want to? He is a passenger princess and will not help with navigation or anything. More than likely he is asleep with his own little travel neck pillow and sleep mask.
Dew: Does not drive. He gets road rage on the driver's behalf, so the idea of him actually driving is too scary of a thought for the others to comprehend. One time he threatened to disembowel another driver for cutting them off. Actually incredibly good at navigation though, so he's usually riding shotgun. The others aren't even sure he actually knows how to drive, and whether he does or not is a moot point, because even if he can't, he's going to pretend like he can. Cumulus: Can drive but doesn't. She gets too much anxiety over it and will 100% cry about it. She almost had a full breakdown trying to merge onto a highway once, so she doesn't have to drive ever. She's is perfectly content in singing along to the radio or playing car games and is really good at heightening the groups morale when it comes to long car rides. Cirrus: Cannot drive. She never really bothered to learn since like Rain, she noticed that there are at least several others in the pack who can and actually like to drive, so what's the point? Unlike Rain though, she's not a passenger princess. She's a master at organization and timing. There's never a missed bathroom break or forgotten item on her watch. Sunshine: Can drive, but she is the most terrifying behind the wheel. Just because she can, doesn't mean she should. She is a speed demon and wants to see how fast she can go. She weaves in and out of traffic because, 'it's fine, I'm not gonna hit anyone'. She has driven Copia exactly once because he almost had a heart attack. Mountain: Can drive. One of the only Ghouls who isn't Multi that can drive a car with ease. Due to his abilities on the drums, the multi-tasking of driving a car is fairly easy in comparison. He is the safest driver and drives calmly and obeys all of the traffic laws. The only unfortunate thing is that he can get physically uncomfortable pretty fast since it's difficult to find a car that fits his height well. Aether: Can drive, but he's not a huge fan. Being a Quintessence Ghoul, with a lot of cars on the road, it can be hard to block out the Quintessence energy coming off of everything, so he has to concentrate really hard to be able to drive as safely as he wants to. Still will drive in a pinch if someone is too tired, but he's really tense and it can lead him into getting a migraine if he does it for too long. Unfortunately there can't be any music or really any conversation over quiet talking, because he might actually implode from sensory overload. Aurora: Can drive. She may be tiny and have to pull the seat all the way forward, but she's one of the best drivers in the pack. Even with her small stature, she loves driving big cars when she gets the chance. She loves being able to see everything, and the actual feeling of driving is pleasant for her. More often than not, besides Mountain, she's the pick for first driver. She will drive until Cirrus tells her that she needs to take a break, but she usually will be the one to volunteer for a second driving shift. Phantom/Aeon: Can't drive. He's the youngest in the pack, so it really isn't expected of him? He also gets too excited about all of the things they pass by, so his distractibility isn't really wanted when it comes to driving. However, he is the keeper of the snacks and drinks and he loves that job. Rations everything out perfectly, and knows what snacks go best together. He is the best at any of the car games and loves to play them with Cumulus.
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manicplank · 3 months
Eating your headcannons up like a last meal PLEASE YOU ARE AWESOME (don’t know how I wasn’t following you before, must have been a mistake 😤✨)
Anyways um….how are they all at driving? (I’m so excited to ask this- 😂)
Peppino: He's a good driver, but he speeds a lot to make sure he delivers the pizzas on time.
Gustavo: He's a model citizen. Always uses his turn signals, comes to a complete stop at stop signs, etc.
Mr. Stick: A bit of an asshole driver. Will tailgate people if they're not driving quick enough.
Pepperman: Absolute asshole. Speeds, cuts people off, thinks he owns the road.
The Vigilante: Too short to drive. (He'd be a good driver, though.)
The Noise: A bit of an asshole. Speeds EVERYWHERE. Has gotten a lot of tickets. Rolls through stop signs.
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Fake Peppino: Can't drive. Has trouble fitting in the car.
Pizzahead: Absolute fuckwad. Breaks all the rules of the road. Thinks everyone is a shit driver except for him.
Pillar John: He's a considerate driver. Always lets people merge. Drives the speed limit. Just a good dude.
Gerome: An okay driver. Sometimes forgets his turn signal. Rolls through stop signs.
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possibilistfanfiction · 5 months
Prompt for your little Hallmark AU: Christmas market (You know, those markets where there are booths who sell Glühwein and Punsch, Im not sure how to correctly translate it in English in Austria we call it Christkindlmarkt)
it’s grey outside, the clouds heavy but not quite snowing yet; it’s warmer than it’s been on clearer days, still cold but almost pleasant, and quiet.
you make sure to give yourself extra time to do your stretches in the morning after you go to camila’s to get breakfast. the atmospheric pressure of the incoming storm is, unsurprisingly, causing your back to ache, but that’s not new and it doesn’t really faze you at this point. if things get bad enough — and they do, sometimes — you just reschedule your plans and take pain meds and muscle relaxers from dr salvius after you do your physical therapy exercises. but your hands don’t ache and you don’t have any numbness in your feet, your temperature is normal, and so you go through your routine and feel better by the end of it.
beatrice picks you up at eleven on the dot, as she confirmed twice over text the evening before with perfect punctuation that made you feel a little bit like you were in trouble but was charming anyway. 
‘hey stranger,’ you say when she knocks on your door, and she blushes and smiles and you’re delighted by the effect you have on her, almost immediately — this exceedingly smart and competent person stumbling over herself the second you smile. it makes you feel powerful and it also makes you want to treat her kindly, to make her laugh.
‘good morning, ava.’ she fidgets, for a moment, and you’re curious why you’re not just going to her truck, but then she takes a hand out of the pocket of her peacoat and opens her palm. ‘i, uh, i noticed your cane was getting stuck in the snow.’
‘oh.’ your first instinct is to be embarrassed, eleven years of abuse rearing its ugly, awful head, but then you look at what she’s actually holding.
‘i already had it,’ she explains, slightly rushed like she’s trying to make sure you’re not upset, like it was just a thoughtful aside of hers. ‘i tore my acl a few years ago and used both on my crutches, and so, i just figured, well… if it doesn’t work, that’s fine, but maybe worth a try?’
you take the winter cane tip attachment from her outstretched hand and it really does feel like some kind of offering for a moment. it’s nice, the crampon itself retractable, and easy enough to put on your cane. when you try it outside the door on the way to her truck, you can’t help but smile, remember a little bit of the joy that first came with movement as you started receiving proper care and accessibility and mobility aids. you don’t take healing for granted, even now. ’thank you,’ you tell her as she unlocks her truck and goes around to the driver’s side. 
she nods. ‘like i said, i already had it sitting around. not a problem at all.’
‘still,’ you say, climbing up and twisting around to greet a suddenly very excited theo in her kennel strapped into the backseat. ‘not many people have been particularly thoughtful in my life, especially not at this.’
she frowns at your admission, her jaw clenching, her face stormy. she’s handsome in her rich maroon scarf and camel wool coat, careful hands on the wheel.
‘anyway,’ you say, a little overcome, ‘how’d you tear your acl?’
she immediately reddens, pulling out of the driveway and trying to act like she’s concentrating very hard on her turn signal to merge onto the completely empty road. 
‘bea, please.’
she sighs, refusing to look at you even at the red light. ‘i was training with theo,’ she says.
‘that’s not horribly embarrassing on its own.’ you grin. ‘there’s got to be more to it.’
‘fine,’ she says, mostly just to humor you, you’re pretty sure. ‘she was small, and we were both learning how to herd. i, well — i tripped over one of the sheep.’
you wait a beat to picture it and then laugh, not unkindly but without any remorse. ‘thank you truly so much for telling me.’
she rolls her eyes. ‘you’re so welcome,’ she says flatly, and you laugh again.
you’re confused if your little outing to the christmas market is a date or not for the two minutes it takes for beatrice to park the car, get the small pack holding treats that she carries around for theo buckled around her waist — a little nerdy and totally adorable — and then letting theo out of the kennel. she’s in a little green coat, the same as the other day, and it kind of makes you feel like you’re going to scream, she’s so cute. she greets you fully now, with happy little wiggles, and then situates herself at beatrice’s side. she has a leash connected to her harness, the other half slung over beatrice’s shoulder and across her chest so her hands are free; you think theo doesn’t need it at all, but beatrice explains, ‘in crowded public access areas, it’s appropriate.’ theo, for her part, is busy sniffing a few treats beatrice scattered around her feet in the snow, and then she smiles at you and gestures to head inside.
you’re confused no longer when you see camila’s booth, advertising hot chocolate, apple cider, and egg nog, and she whistles. ‘beatrice, you look so nice with your fancy jacket.’
beatrice glares. 
camila turns to face you fully, a smirk on her face. ‘she never wears that unless it’s a special occasion.’
you can’t help yourself: ‘well, i am a special occasion, if i do say so myself.’
’no one else is saying it,’ lilith grumbles from her seat behind camila, and beatrice fights a laugh while you pout.
‘you look nice too, ava,’ camila says, keeping the peace as you’ve quickly figured out she always does. 
you preen a little, just for the fun of it. ‘why thank you. i love your sweater.’
camila looks down at her jesus was palestinian sweater. ‘’tis the season and all that.’ she beams at you, then beatrice. ‘well, what can i get you both on this romantic outing?’
beatrice sighs in defeat but you grin and look at the menu. ‘well, i’m on vacation and bea picked me up—‘ camila perks up even more at this— ‘so i’m going to do your bailey’s hot chocolate.’
‘i’ll have a cider,’ bea says, and you shoo away her attempt to pay for things, which brings a blush back to her cheeks when you tap your card with a pointed flourish. 
you go through the market with your warm drinks, your cane not sinking into the snow as it had been the past few days, making everything easier, simpler, less nervous with every step. once you have half of your hot chocolate, you lean into beatrice with a smile, and she offers her arm, all clove and pine and her soft scarf. there are booths with ornaments, knitted coasters; you convince her to buy a pretty wreath for the front door of her cabin, which you kind of hope she’ll invite you to see.
it starts to snow when you’re about to leave, the sky darkening early, and she feed theo a few treats before she situates her in the kennel. 
it’s quiet when she starts the truck, and she seems nervous, her hands white knuckled around the steering wheel. ‘i apologize if i was presumptuous.’
you soften. ‘that was a really wonderful date, bea. you can be as presumptuous as you want.’
her smile is shy, bathed in the waning light. ‘well, in that case, would you like to come to my house for dinner?’
‘yes, obviously.’
 she laughs. ‘alright then.’
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