#Eddie munson death
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alohastyles-x · 2 years
Chasing you - e.m.
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Chasing you - e.m. 
Summary: Eddies death left you a ghost of your former self, struggling with life without him... that is until and unhealthy vice wills you to see him.
Warnings: HEAVY FIC; drug usage, overdose, death, depression, mentions of ED/ unhealthy weight loss, angst. 
!! Important !! 
This story contains drug usage and overdosing. Reader consumes Ketamine multiple times and overdoses. Not recommended for people struggling with addiction, or sensitive to this topic. 
This story also contains mentions of ED / unhealthy weight loss. Please know that I know this struggle is hard personally, and am here if you need any advice or an ear to listen to.
I do not condone to abuse of drugs, nor do I glorify it. theres a hard reality that comes with dealing with grief, and sadly one of those is turning to unhealthy vices. Please, if you find yourself relating to the reader in this fic, or turning to unhealthy vices, reach out to a professional or a guardian/close person you trust. please reach out of any of this triggers you unknowingly, or if you need help. I will gladly help you find resources in your city/country, and can be an ear to listen to if you need to vent. 
Note: I apologize in advance for the tears that will flow reading this fic. I have struggled with death the last couple of months, losing a childhood friend of mine in the beginning of summer. This idea kinda sprung from that as well as struggling myself with unhealthy vices in the past. 
Word count: 4k oops
For the full effect: I recommend listening to this playlist while reading or this depending on your music taste.
Ok no on with the story <3 
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The months after Eddie’s death had not been kind to you. A disease plagued your mind, replaying the moments of his death every time you closed your eyes. Because of this, you didn’t get any sleep. You were absolutely exhausted, and the bags under your eyes only grew larger and darker. Food lost its appeal, and you quickly went from a healthy weight to a very unhealthy weight.
Your friends mourned not just for Eddie but for you as well. They watched you fall into this whole, becoming a walking skeleton, a ghost of your former self, and they knew they had to do something… but what could they do?
They hadn’t even realized you had picked up a new vice, until one day it was almost too late.
Shortly after Eddie’s death, you had snuck into his trailer while his uncle was at work, and found his little black box. When you opened it, you were disappointed to find that his weed stash was gone, in its place: a white flakey substance in a tiny bag. You picked it up, flicking it between two fingers.
Hmm, you thought to yourself. Eddie never used this before…
Hearing the sound of tires on gravel made you panic enough to shove it back into the black box, and shove the box into Eddie’s jacket pocket you were wearing, before sliding his window open. You had one foot out the window when something caught your eye.
It was a black knit blanket, the very one he used to cover the two of you up with when having movie nights. A tear rolled down your cheek as you thought back on your favorite memories with Eddie surrounding that blanket. You quickly slid your foot back in, snagging the blanket off the bed, and heading back out the window.
Later that night, when Hopper was snoring loudly from the room across from yours, and El was sound asleep in the bed next to you, you had grabbed the black box, opening it quietly, and pulling out the tiny bag with the mysterious white substance in it.
You still weren’t sure what it was- or how to utilize it- but something in your soul told you to take it however you could. Suddenly, you remember Eddie talking about snorting something with some buddies one night, and decided to try that.
Getting out of bed, you went into the bathroom and locked the door. Dumping the contents of the small bag onto the counter, you pinched it into a line.
The powder burned your nose as you inhaled deeply, until most of the line was gone. You threw your head back, stumbling silently into the wall behind you, and slid down it.
A euphoric feeling took over your mind, and suddenly you felt like stardust sitting on a dingy bathroom floor.
“Woah…” you giggled, mesmerized by how light your body felt.
You were lost in the abundance of feelings running through your mind, when a familiar voice suddenly spoke from beside you.
“Y/N…” it trailed off. You turned to look in the direction it came from, and your eyes grew wide. There, in the corner, sat a boy with curly long hair. He wore a pained and concerned expression as he looked from the residue on the counter, back to you. “What have you done?” He whispered.
“Eddie…?” Tears formed in your eyes, as you reached out to him. “Is, is it really you?”
“Yes it’s me. What did you do?” This time, it was louder, harsher, as he came and knelt in front of you. Your high wasn’t wearing off just yet, and you couldn’t help the giggle that escaped when two of his cold fingers came to rest on the side of your neck, checking for a pulse. It was there, just faint. Eddie cursed under his breath. He wasn’t sure what called him to you, but he had assumed it was your death, the only logical explanation he had.
“I miss you,” you whispered, placing a hand delicately on his cheek. He couldn’t resist leaning into it, pressing a soft kiss to your palm.
“I miss you too,” he responded. He moved to sit beside you, placing one of his arms around your shoulder. As you snuggled in, a faint waft of his cologne hit your nose, making you smile.
The two of you sat like that for a while, reminiscing on  favorite memories, whisper laughing in the soft glow of the bathroom.
When your high wore off, you slowly drifted to sleep that night in Eddie’s arms. When you woke, he was gone, but the residue sat on the counter still. There was a knock on the bathroom door, and Hoppers voice seeped through the cracks, asking if you were in there. Quickly you stood, wiping the white power back into the bag.
“Just a minute,” you called out. Once you got it all back in the bag, you shoved it into the elastic waistband of your pants, wiped your nose, and unlocked the door.
“Woah, are you alright?” Hopper asked, seeing your disheveled state.
“No, I was in the bathroom all night puking,” you lied. “I must have fallen asleep at some point.”
“Why don’t you stay home today,” he offered, helping you back into your room, and into your bed. You nodded, and got under the cool comforter on your bed. El was already awake, looking concerned.
You gave her a small smile, before turning to face the wall.
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At school, El found Steve Harrington in the hall talking to Robin Buckley, and tapped his shoulder. The two of them- Robin and Steve- had been your best friends for the last two years, after you had saved the world from evil Russians under the Starcort Mall.
“Hey, El, is everything okay?” Due to the ferocity that El had used to tap his shoulder, he assumed something was wrong. He was right.
“She needs your help.” El said. She didn’t have to elaborate. Steve knew who she meant.
“What happened?” He asked, his voice dropping several octaves in worry.
“She won’t eat still, and she’s so small. Last night, she said she was in the bathroom all night puking, but I never heard her. I found this though, on her bed,” she shoved Eddie’s black tin box into Steve’s hands. He turned it over, inspecting it, before popping open the lid.
“Jesus.” He quickly shut it at the sight of the contents, nearly dropping it, and glanced around the hallway making sure no administration was near. He handed it to Robin, who, surprisingly, opened it more gracefully. Her eyes grew wide at the sight, and she shut it carefully.
“She is not okay.” El said, right as the bell rang. Hesitantly, she left, putting her trust in your two friends to help you.
It took them a while to figure out what exactly was the best way to help you, but they figured having the box was a good start- it cut off your supply.
Back at home, after Hopper had left for his shift, you were tearing your room apart in search of the box.
“Shit, shit, SHIT!” You yelled, tossing the covers off your bed, and the books off your night stand. Angry tears formed in your eyes, as your efforts turned up empty. You sat down, letting yourself cry over the missing box.
But you still had the remnants from last night. Grabbing the baggie out of the waistband of your pants, you headed to the bathroom, and repeated actions from the night before.
As the familiar euphoric feeling flooded your body, you let your eyes close for a moment. Only for a moment. When the room felt heavier, you snapped them open to see Eddie leaning against the wall. He was angry, his face said it all. You looked up at him sheepishly.
“I had to see you again.” That was your explanation. His face softened.
“I know this is hard for you, y/n, but this isn’t okay. That stuff is dangerous, you shouldn’t be using it.”
“Then why were you selling it?“ The question caught him off guard, making him stumble back a few steps.
“You were selling this.. to Chrissy, to others. If it’s so horrible… then why sell it to them?” Your voice was hot with anger. Angry that he had the audacity to tell you this wasn’t okay, as he was willing to let others use it. Angry that he didn’t want you to see him, at least, that's what your mind told you was his reasoning.
“That… that was different. Look at you! You’re wasting away, I don’t even recognize you anymore!“ his voice was just as hot, upset with your unhealthy coping mechanisms since his passing.
You tried holding back the tears, you didn’t want to let him see you cry, but you couldn’t help it. His words hit you like a train, knocking the breath out of you. The tears flowed uncontrollably down your face.
At first, he just stood there, uncertain what to do. He wanted to rush to comfort you, but he also knew you needed to realize how serious this was.
As your sobs grew heavier, he finally moved to your side, taking you into his arms. He rubbed your back, kissing your hair as you continued to weep.
“I’m sorry… I just miss you,” you choked out in between sobs.
“I know.”
It was silent for a long moment, as your crying came to silent tears, and his hand stilled on your back.
“Please promise me you won’t do this again,” he asked. He sounded broken, hurt, and betrayed.
“But… what if I really want to see-“
“No.” He cut you off before you could finish. “Don’t do this to me again.”
“Eddie…” you trailed off.
“I won’t come next time.”
“What….?” Now you were the one sounding betrayed.
“I can’t let you do this to yourself, love. It’s not right.”  
The two of you stared at each other, before you finally agreed.
“Alright. I won’t do it anymore. Please, just stay a little longer,” you pleaded. But you already felt the high wearing off. He didn’t even get to tell you goodbye, before he was fading out of view, and you felt yourself floating back down to reality.
Anger replaced any euphoric feeling you felt moments before, as you screamed out in agony. You punched the mirror, breaking it to shards, and then turned your first to the door. You couldn’t stop yourself. Before you could register what was happening, you had tore the bathroom apart. Traces of blood from your knuckles were scattered around the various places you had punched.
Too tired to clean it up, you grabbed the little baggie from the counter, and slowly walked back into your room.
Your stomach grumbled, but you didn’t feel like eating. Ignoring it, you slowly got yourself into bed, and snuggled up under the covers.
Later that day, when El got home from school, she saw the state of the bathroom, saw the white powder on the counter. She quietly walked into your room, seeing you wrapped up in the blanket you had stolen from Eddies trailer. There was dried blood on your knuckles, running down your arm.
She walked back into the bathroom, raising her hand. In an instant, the bathroom was back to normal, the mirror as one, and the door no longer splintered.
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A month had passed since your last contact with Eddie. Hopper had convinced you to slowly start eating again, just little snacks here and there, but it helped you. He threatened  hospitalization if you didn’t start eating, which quickly motivated you. That, and the fact that you’d need your strength to bike to Reefer Ricks house to get more of the white powder.
It was a hot summer day, the sun beating down through the trees, casting lanky shadows on the living room floor. Hopper had left early in the morning for his shift, and El was sitting next to you on the couch, eating out of a bag of chips, watching Miami Vice. You hadn’t thanked her for cleaning up the bathroom for you, too embarrassed she even had to see it in that state.
“Dad’s going to be mad you’re watching this without him,” you say, chuckling lightly.
El just smirked, shoving a handful of chips in her mouth.
A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door. It was Mike Wheeler, Nancy’s brother, and El’s boyfriend.
“Hey, El. We were going over to the arcade today. Did you want to come?” Mike asked loudly, making sure you heard him ask. El looked to you for an answer.
“That’s fine,” you said, smiling at how happy that made her.
As soon as they left, you got up from the couch, turning the TV off and heading to your room. You got dressed and slipped some shoes on, and made your way to the shed where you had stored your old bike.
Reefer Rick lived a ways away, too far to walk, so you decided a bike ride would be not only easier, but a good excuse to get out of the house too. The pedals were a little rusty, making an awful noise as you moved them forward, but eventually it faded into the background as you raced down the hill.
It took about twenty minutes to bike to Reefer Rick’s house from yours. When you got there, you dropped your bike with a loud clatter on the gravel. Walking up the steps, you knocked lightly on the door.
You had never done this before, nor did you know how much this would cost. You had stolen a couple of twenty’s out of Hopper's savings this morning, hoping he wouldn’t notice before you could replace it.
The door opened slightly, and a gangly looking guy stuck his head out. He had shaggy hair that fell into his eyes, and was shorter than you expected him to be with all the rumors that spread around town about him. He brushed the hair out of his eyes to get a better view of you.
“Yes?” He asked, impatiently. A second later though, he recognized you.
“Oh shit man, you’re Eddie’s girl?” The sound of his name hit you like a ton of bricks, and you had to turn your head to the side to avoid crying. Rick sensed this, and sighed pitifully.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, tapping his fingers on the door. “But what can I do for you?”
“Eddie… he had this black tin where he kept his stash. In it, he had a white baggy with white powder. Do… Do you know what it is, and could I get more of it?” You asked. He looked at you skeptically, knowing damn well Eddie would kick his ass for selling to you. You mistook this for confusion, and pulled the small baggie out of your pocket. It had the tiniest bit of residue left in it. You handed it over, and he took it, looking at it closely.
“Ketamine, by the looks of it. I can get you some more, but I don’t have a lot left at the moment. Eddie’s death kind of screwed me over with my dealer-“ he paused, realizing what he had just said. He looked at you apologetically, before opening the door wider for you to come in.
His place was dingey, but in a homey kind of way. He went over to the couch, and lifted the cushion, pulling out a large box. He opened the top, and pulled out a bigger baggie full of smaller baggies.
“I can give you three, is that alright?” You nodded. It would be plenty for now.
“Alright, $60.” You handed him the three twenty dollar bills you had, and headed out the door.
Back at your house, you had gone into the bathroom, closing the door behind you, and dumping the contents of one of the baggies on the counter. You leaned over, huffing greatly once you reached the line.
Once more, you felt like stardust, only this time it was radiating off of you. The air was full of tiny little shimmers like snow. You swirled, trying to catch them on your tongue.
That’s when two hands grabbed your waist and turned you around. It was Eddie, only this time he didn’t look pissed. He had a dazzling smile on his face, leaning down to kiss you. His hands placed firmly on your waist, moving you to some silent melody that radiated off of the air. His hair tickled your cheeks, as he moved you from side to side. You giggled loudly, enthralled with your lover before you.
It felt like a dream.
And that’s exactly what it was.
You woke, hours later to the sun setting. It wasn’t your Eddie, only a figment of him from the depths of your imagination.
“No… no!” You screamed. He had held up his promise: he wouldn’t visit you. You cried, and took both of the other baggies, dumping the contents out on the counter, inhaling it.
You knew it was too much, the second you inhaled, but you didn’t care. This high felt different, it felt more anxious, as you desperately looked around, looking for him. Your mind called out for him, longing to see him in front of you.
“Eddie!” You called out, sounding completely broken. Your voice was hoarse, choked by the tears falling down your face.
You called his name once more, desperate for his response. The air around you felt thick as your tears filled your vision. Anger continued rushing through you, as you continued to call out his name, each time sounding more desperate and broken then before.
Finally, out of the corner of your eye, you caught him. His long, dark, curly hair was unmistakable against the sparkling lights in the air. There was this golden haze around him, making him appear angelic. It was almost laughable.
“Eddie!” You yelled out, but he was already in front of you. You realize he had run from where he was to you, a concerned look on his face. He was scared… scared of what though?
“Y/N?! I thought I told you to stop doing this to yourself, why did you continue?” He was gripping your shoulders tightly, shaking you as he talked.
“You are literally killing yourself, please snap out of it,” he yelled the last few words, but you couldn’t hear him.  
“No, no, no, you’re not going anywhere,” he whispered, sitting you down on the floor next to him.
“You didn’t show,” you mumbled, your heartbeat slowing. He held you tighter, regretting his decision. He thought you would have actually listened to him… how stupid of him.
There was a knock on the front door. It would have made you jump, had you not already been bordering on the line of consciousness. The euphoric feeling you once felt was now pain, coursing through your body. It hurt, and you wanted to call out, but a bubbly feeling over took you as you heard the knock at the door reverberate off the walls of the bathroom.
“Who is it?” You mumbled, loud enough for only Eddie to hear. He looked over to you, his mind racing anxiously. You were slipping through his fingers. He had to do something, he couldn’t let you down too. He couldn’t let you slip into the afterlife because of him.
“C’mon, y/n, wake up!” He slapped your cheek lightly. Your mouth fell open, an eerie sight to say the least. Tears fell from his eyes as he knew what he had to do. The knocking grew louder, more impatient.
“y/n… you have to let me go.” He slipped out from behind you, laying your limp body down on the cool tile floor. He traced his fingers along your cheeks, as wiping away the tears of his that splashed onto your pale skin.
He leaned over, placing a gentle kiss to your forehead, to your cheeks, to your lips. Taking your hand in his, he squeezed tightly. When you squeezed back, he began to sob. It was the hardest thing he had to do. It felt like a thousand knives stabbing in his back, but he himself was the culprit.
“Let me go!” He yelled, desperation evident in his voice.
“Let me go, let me go, let me GO!”
Your hand went limp in his.
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The door burst open, Steve standing on the other side, his foot slightly raised.
“Hopper’s going to kill you,” Robin whispered, as they cautiously moved inside the cabin in search of you. The second she stepped over the threshold, the air changed. It was heavier, more dramatic than the crisp autumn air outside. There was a faint whisper in her ear that made Robin stop dead in her tracks.
“Steve,” she whispered, hesitantly pointing towards the closed bathroom door. The light in the bathroom illuminated the edges of the door, creating an angelic glow in the hallway. As the two crept forward, an urgency to open the door rose up in Robin. She flung forward, throwing open the door…
… and gasped at the sight.
You were on the floor, vomit all in your hair and on your shirt. You had just thrown up, your body attempting to reject the ketamine in your system. As Robin froze, Steve rushed forward, directing her to call the emergency number.
Steve turned you over, so you wouldn’t choke if you threw up again. He placed two fingers on your neck, checking for a pulse. He sighed in relief when he felt the faint beating under your flushed skin.
“y/n, please… wake up,” he whispered gingerly, his fingers running through your hair, carefully avoiding the vomit. He picked up your body, settling you against him, hoping the warmth of his body would reflect onto yours, helping guide you into consciousness.
Hours later, you awoke to a faint beeping coming from your left. A sharp prick shot up through your arm. It took everything in you to flutter your eyes open, instantly recognizing the hospital room laid out before you.
Steve was settled in the chair next to you on your right. He was holding your hand while his head rested on the edge of the bed, hunched over in his chair. Robin was curled up on the couch adjacent to Steve, a book propped up on her chest that was slowly rising and falling, her eyes shut tight.  To your left was Hopper, snoring quietly in the chair, his sheriff’s hat resting in front of his face.
It must be late at night, you thought to yourself, attempting to find a clock on the wall. 1:11 AM.
You closed your eyes, but quickly popped them open at the flash of something in the corner. A silver chain caught your eye, and you followed it up, seeing the familiar belt it was hooked on, up to the familiar shirt, the familiar hair, and finally.. The familiar eyes.
Eddie? You thought, unable to speak from how weak you felt. He moved into the light, his dark brown hair illuminating softly under it.
“I’m here, I’m with you… sober this time,” he chuckled, reaching out to grab your hand.
But… how?
“I’m not sure… I just felt that you needed me again, so I rushed to that feeling.” He explained, sitting gently on the bed next to you. It didn’t dip… he was a ghost of your lover.
I hope you stay.
“I do too.”
He leaned over, kissing your head gently, lingering his soft lips on your skin, imprinting the feeling into your mind. You leaned further in, until you were tangled in his arms, gripping onto him tightly.
“I… I love you,” you muttered out weakly, before drifting back to sleep.
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padf00ts-l0ver · 2 years
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𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥. [𝐞.𝐦]
𝐭𝐰- 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤, 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝, 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
(𝐧𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞)
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the mattress bounced on impact as your back landed on it, saving your fall.
taking only a second to catch your breath, you took dustin’s hand that was held out for you as he helped you off of it. you ruffled his hair in thanks which he quickly brushed off, ‘not the hair y/n’ he complained.
now, waiting eagerly for your boyfriend to join you both and be back in your arms once more, in desperate need for the comfort of your eddie after the intense fright you’d all just experienced.
but when you looked up through the portal, you saw eddie stop his climb halfway through.
“ed?” you called out in confusion, “you gotta hurry up babe”
he held still and looked over to where the bats were still trying their absolute hardest to break through. you see his chest move as he takes a deep breath, and he slid off the rope.
your eyes widened, and you felt your heart stop immediately, knowing him long enough to realise what thoughts were rushing through his head at this moment.
“eddie- eddie stop it!” you pleaded, voice on the edge of breaking in a panic.
eddie looked up at you through the portal, smiling softly. “i’m buying you some more time angel, use it.” he told you, as he pulled out his pocket knife and quickly slit the rope, the only thing keeping both worlds, the upside down and regular hawkins, together.
or in other words.. the only thing keeping you and him together.
“eddie! i swear i’m gonna kill you, get back up here” you sounded helpless and small, you hated it, but in this moment you were feeling every single thing crashing down on you all at once.
“this wasn’t the plan ed- we have to follow the plan eddie, please!” you shouted desperately.
“eddie, c’mon man what’re you doing?!” dustin seemed to be feeling similar, as he called out for his friend, unbelieving of what was happening right in front of him.
“it’s gonna be fine” eddie shouted back up to you both, his eyes caught your frantic ones, “angel- baby listen to me.. look at me, okay?” his voice was calm, you don’t know how, as dustin and yourself were obviously as panicked as ever, but he seemed at ease somehow.
“honey, it’s okay, alright-it’s okay” he placed one of his hands on his chest, the opposite side to where his heart actually was, but you didn’t think he knew that.
the sound of the bats was becoming louder and louder, their screeches were deafening and the sound of their nails scratching onto every possible surface was making you cringe.
you shook your head fast, frantic to get your boyfriend back to you. “eddie please-“ you didn’t realise you were crying, but eddie did.
“wipe your tears angel it’s okay, everything gonna be fine” he tried to soothe you, as best as he could being a whole dimension away from you.
“i gotta go now though okay” he sighed, the bats weren’t stopping and he knew he had to stall as much time as he could for you, if anything- all he hoped was to keep you safe, who cares about the world ending if his little love isn’t safe first, right?
he looked up at you and dustin once more, “you better take care of my girl henderson.. be safe, i love you” he nodded to himself, smiling at you, eyes shining with something unrecognisable to you at this moment.. probably because your own eyes were brimming with tears and obstructing your vision.
you felt your heart stop all at once when eddie left your sights all together, unable to even reply to his last sentiment in time.
“hey-hey here c’mon” you felt dustin pull you out of whatever trance you’d got yourself stuck into, he pulled you along by your hand across the room.
“wait- what’re you doing?” the immense confusion you felt was lifted when he picked up a chair and quickly went to place it directly under the portal, kicking the mattress out of the way.
“ladies first?” you looked at him, to the chair and up to the roof where the one chance you have to get eddie back was..
“let’s get him back.” was all you said in response, and climbed onto the chair.
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once both of you had made it though to the upside down, dustin breaking his ankle in the process.. you’d ran out as fast as you could through the door of the trailer.
it looked completely dead outside, gloomy, dull and scary, god you hated it here.
the last time you were here, which happened to only be 15 minutes earlier.. eddie was here to protect you, to hold you close to him when you felt yourself being overwhelmed by fear.
now you were alone, and so was eddie.. you needed to get to him as fast as you could.
you needed your eddie.
you felt like the darkness of the place was practically seeping through you.
“eddie!” you heard dustin begin to shout, your head whipped toward him, seeing if he’d found anything.
“eddie! eddie! where are you?!” you screamed.. as loud as you could, hoping- praying to anyone that would listen .. that somehow eddie would hear you.
dustin’s screams became more urgent and you looked over to him, seeing his eyes wide in terror and you stopped, following his line of eyesight.
and suddenly..
you felt your world completely shatter beneath you.
“eddie!” you shrieked, sprinting over as fast as your legs would take you.
because there was eddie.. but eddie didn’t even look like your eddie anymore.
there was blood everywhere on him, his previously white shirt could now be passed as red fabric and you thought you could throw up right here and now.
as soon as you got to him, your legs dropped beneath you. kneeling next to him, and bringing his head into your soft lap instead of the cold hard ground- tears blocking your vision as you manically tried to put pressure on anything you could, to stop all the blood.. but it wouldn’t stop- it just kept coming out.
“angel, hey” he coughed out a smile, moving his shaking hand into your own.
you felt dustin drop down beside you, hearing his cries.
“eds- why did you do th- how could you do that?” you sobbed, your eyes frantically moving from all his wounds to his face and back again.
“had t-to honey” he stuttered out, his breathing becoming more laboured, his thumb circling your hand as best as he could.
you were physically unable to speak- nothing other than wails and cries would release when you opened your mouth to talk.
eddie looked over to dustin next to you, he grimaced a smile, “hey bud- you take care of all those little sheep, okay?” he croaked out, barely intelligible.
“no-no eddie you’ll take care of ‘em, you’ve just gotta hold on so we can get you to a hospital or something, okay?” he urged, his voice breaking.
eddie huffed out a laugh, “y’know i told you this’d be my year, right?” dustin made a sound in the back of his throat, “my year, ‘n i’ll graduate and-“ a cough broke through.
your hands brushed through his hair, untamed and curly.. just like always.
“shh, it’s okay, it’s okay you don’t have to talk” you weeped out.
his eyes found their way back up to yours, both glazed with tears, “i love you y/n angel, always have- always will” he smiled at you, and a new round of tears found their way down your cheeks.
“i love you eddie” you cried, “more than anything”
this was the most horrible moment in your life. 
you knew right here and now, that no matter what happens, nothing will ever top the immense amount of pain you’re feeling right at this very moment.
 you couldn’t believe it.. your eddie, dying right in front of your eyes.
“yo-you promise me.. that you’ll never forget me?” he asked you, words coming out jumbled.
“oh eddie-“ your breathing stuttered, “i could never ever forget you. never” your head shook, one of your hands cupped his face, as you gently leant down to kiss your eddie once more, both of your lips trembling.
as you pulled back up, you saw him smile, and you heard his breathing falter.
you froze.
your own breathing stumbled, and you made a noise of disbelief in the back of your throat- “eddie?”
but this time, you didn’t get a response.
he was silent.
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do i like how this is written at all? hm, no!
did i cry while writing this because.. eddie? .. yes!
this isn’t proof read/edited oops- just needed to get a quick eddie fic done and written because we all need something to cry to after recent events have occurred.. still very much not over it!! will never be over it!! rip eddie my love, i will always love u </3
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saffloure · 2 years
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blueywrites · 1 year
Congratulations on 1k friend!! Happy to see you thriving on here and you & your works getting the love they deserve! 🖤🐈‍⬛
Steve x Reader - angst
"He's dead, again."
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he's dead, again
prompt: angst, steve x fem!reader, "he's dead, again"
you know how sometimes inspiration takes you to a place you wish you'd never gone? yeah. that's this blurb.
please read the tags. this pained me and I am not proofing it because I refuse.
you said you wanted to help broaden my horizons with a very different prompt, and by golly, you succeeded beb haha
additional tags: major character death - twice. heavy angst. mentions of blood. grief. non-graphic depictions of death. no happy ending.
Bluey's Bird Blurbs 1k Celebration | blurb two: he's dead, again (2k)
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Your heart had been with Eddie before. And it would want to be with him now, even after everything. So what else was Steve to do?
He told himself it was to save you. That he’d do anything for you— anything to keep from seeing you broken like you were that day, slumped over Munson’s limp body, wailing like a wounded animal into the shreds of his homemade t-shirt. Your face was smeared with his blood when Steve finally managed to pull you away, contorted almost grotesquely with the force of your anguish. You didn’t seem to notice how much of Eddie’s life clung to your skin; Steve stretched the hem of his shirt to soak it up, to try and cleanse you of it, but you batted away his attempts and curled up into yourself, closed away in the bathroom of that ruined trailer back in the warm light of true Hawkins. Steve coughed up flakes of the decaying fungus he’d inhaled molotoving Vecna as he listened to you whimper and moan on the other side of that wooden door, unresponsive to pleas for you to unlock it. Each one of them tried, and each one of them failed, and eventually, they wandered home to check on loved ones and assess the damage the Upside Down had done to their lives. 
Steve stayed. 
He didn’t have anyone to go back to, not the way the rest of them did— Robin to her mother, Nancy to her siblings, the kids to all their parents. Eventually, he tried one last time, scratching a dirty fingernail along the varnish of the plywood door. “It’s just me,” he croaked. “I’m still here.”
There was a beat of silence, and then another, and Steve’s bones began to numb as you became just the latest in a long line of people who didn’t need him once he stopped being Mr. Mom.
But then you cracked the door. And though the tears had washed Eddie’s blood in unnerving tracks of bare skin down to your chin, like your face was made of him and your skin was just the leakage of your sorrow, Steve still held you on the Munsons’ filthy trailer floor when you collapsed into his arms. He didn’t really know what to say— he never felt good at finding the right words in these types of situations—  but it didn’t much matter anyway. Because all you could do is keep sobbing his name over and over again, little tremulous whispers of yearning and disbelief and pure, unadulterated agony. 
Steve could swear that sometimes he still hears the sound of Eddie’s hollow name on your lips behind that wooden door echoing in his ears, like the wailing of some ghost he still can’t quite shake even now, months after the incident.
Steve was there to put you back together again in those weeks following Eddie’s death. You’d clung to him, the only semblance of solace you could find, and he’d held you, dirty and aching, as you mourned for the boy you’d lost. He knew there’d been something between you, something still tentative and not fully explored, weak but nonetheless precious. Something that surely would have grown into the purest kind of love, tended by calloused palms and soft fingers working in tandem to prune and water and coax that preciousness to full bloom. But calloused palms lay limp, face up on asphalt, never to feel the sweet caress of your lips, or to lift and cradle your cheek, or to dip tremulously to the juncture of your thighs and feel the heat they’ve coaxed inside you.
Eddie could have known the touch of your lips and cheek and inner thighs, but he’s dead. So, now, Steve is the one you kiss and nuzzle and burn for.
Such is the way of things.
It’s why he had to do it. It’s as simple as that: the way of things. Right and wrong. Natural and unnatural. 
How things are and how they’re supposed to be, and what a person can do to make them so again.
Steve stitched you back together after Munson had died. He’d been the one to shush you when the nightmares came to tear you from sleep; to watch over you in the day and night while you existed, limp and listless; to hold you even when the musk of your hair belied how mustering the motivation to cleanse it had become a struggle. You needed Steve, and he gave himself to you. Every ounce of strength he had, every drop of patience, every last shred of virtue within him, he devoted to you. 
And after months of brokenness, the fruits of his labor paid off. No longer did he wake to hear you whimpering Eddie’s name in your sleep. No longer did you float listless and limp through your daily life. You worked. You took care of yourself. You smiled, and you even laughed. 
And most of all, you let Steve love you. And he thinks— he thought— you loved him back. That was the way of things. He’d brought you back, and you loved him for it. It was right. It was natural. It was how things are supposed to be.
He just had to make them so again.
At first, Steve hadn’t known why, when you’d thrown the door to his parents’ house open before he’d even reached it, you looked like you were positively glowing from the inside. When you smiled at him, eyes big and wide and soft, he thought you were just happy it was finally summertime. But when you pulled him inside, fingers wrapped around his thumb to drag him stumbling up the stairs toward his bedroom, he thought— he thought— that maybe it was because you just wanted him. Fully and unabashedly, so much so that you couldn’t wait to peel his Family Video vest from his shoulders before pushing him against his wooden door and pouncing on him to demonstrate the depth of your deep and abiding love.
Instead, you led him to his bedroom, but you didn’t push him up against the wall. No, instead, you let his thumb drop as he stood frozen in the doorway at the sight of Eddie Munson, pale and trembling, dark eyes sunken but alert, calloused palms no longer limp on asphalt but folded in his lap as he sat on the corner of Steve’s bed, staining the comforter with deep, rich dirt.
“Steve,” you whispered, your beloved voice like reverence incarnate. “Look. It’s Eddie.”
No, Steve thought. It’s not Eddie. That thing might look like Eddie; it might have his nose and lips, his lanky limbs and bedraggled hair and cheap tattoos; but the pallor of its skin and the deep ruby red of its eyes belied the creature it truly was. After all, Steve has experiences in such matters.
But of all the things he told himself— that he had no other choice; that it was to save you from more heartache and pain; that it was a matter of right and wrong, natural and unnatural; that he had to put things back the way they were supposed to be— Steve couldn’t quite convince himself that, when you leaned your temple against his dirty curls and traced your fingers over the cluster of bats in his inner elbow, the person you were holding wasn’t Eddie Munson.
He couldn’t quite convince himself, but that wasn’t enough to stop him.
Steve feigned a relieved laugh, folding his arms leaning casually against the doorframe. “Shit, Munson, are you okay?” he asked, succeeding in sounding sincere. “I never thought I’d see you again.”
Eddie’s lips tilt in a lopsided smile, though it’s half a grimace. His voice is husky, creaky with disuse, but still brash and warm like Steve remembers it. “Yeah,” he sighs, “me neither. I’m…” he chuckles weakly. “I’ve been better.” 
Steve could’ve sworn he saw Eddie’s eye’s flash, but maybe it was just something else he told himself after the fact to make the explanation easier. 
“I’ll bet,” Steve said companionably. “Hey, sweetheart—” He didn’t miss the flicker that passed from Eddie’s expression onto yours, as if bouncing from one heart to the next. “—why don’t you go get the first aid kit from the bathroom? I bet Munson here could use some fixing up.”
Steve watched as you lifted your head from Eddie’s shoulder and gazed at him for one short moment— a moment filled with eyes all big and wide and soft, the eyes he’d seen on you at the front door— before you withdrew your arm from his and rose from the bed. “Okay,” you said, smiling at Steve again, face so smooth with innocent trust as you floated by him into the hallway.
The wooden door closed behind you with a soft snap.
You find the first aid kit under the bathroom sink, next to a can of Lysol and a spare box of tissues. You’ve just straightened to your knees when the hairs on the back of your neck raise on end, and that’s the only warning you have before you’re hit with a wave of acute nausea, viscous as it squeezes your gut like a vice. Faintly, as if down the hall, there’s a hoarse cry and then the sound of something heavy falling over, like a giant sack of potatoes thudding in a great, limp heap upon the floorboards.
And then all is silent. 
The wave of nausea passes and the prickles on your skin ease. You rise to your feet, plastic handle clasped in your hand as your knees knock with the residual shock of that fleeting but intense sensation. The physical illness is gone, but a familiar sense of doom lingers— heavy and stifling, like that vest of denim and pins you’d worn every day before Steve draped it to rest at the makeshift grave you and Dustin had dug in the corner of the cemetery. Distantly, as you pad over the carpet of the hallway towards that familiar white-paneled door, you wonder whether it’ll still be there if want to return it to its rightful owner.
You reach the door, but when you jiggle the golden handle, it’s locked. “Eddie?” you call, brows scrunched with confusion. “Steve?” 
A chill shivers down your spine when you hear another thump, lighter than before but similar in sound, like the slump of some other root vegetable. A smaller one. Maybe some carrots.
There is no answer, so you call again. “Eddie? Steve? What’s going on?” You tap your fingernail against the paint of the wooden door. “It’s just me,” you say, wondering if they’ve also become wary of that heavy thump you’d heard. “I have the first aid kit.”
There is a beat of silence, and then another, and that feeling of doom is deepening now— ringing in your ears, louder and louder, until it begins to sound like a ghostly cry, the howling of a familiar name in an equally familiar voice.
But then the door flies open. Steve is standing there: chest heaving, hazel eyes wide, typically-golden face pale and stained with deep red that streaks like teardrops down to his chin. You don’t look at the bat hanging loosely from his broad fist, the one covered with jagged nails that he still keeps under his bed just in case. You don’t look at the dark-clad legs spread in a sickening splay on the floor where they’d fallen, one dirty white Reebok turned out as if in comfortable, lazy sleep. You keep your eyes on Steve’s face— the face of the man whose palms you kissed, whom you let cradle your cheek, whose hands sought the heat between your legs, even as you wished they were another’s. 
His name falls from your lips now as you whisper, “W-where’s Eddie?”
There will be much Steve says later to justify the way he has chosen to make things right, but now, he answers your question with simply this:
“He’s dead, again.”
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greengoblinswifey · 2 years
idk if you find this weird but sinclair!fem!reader cockwarming eddie during a campaign without the rest knowing because hes under the table is so fucking hot to me and im begging for smt like this
Eddie Munson x Sinclair!Reader
"Baby," Eddie greeted, kissing your neck and wrapping his arms around you, "you came."
"Well of course I did, had to drop off Erica and Lucas," you giggled.
Erica rolled her eyes, “please be civilized and not all over each other for once.”
Not so lucky for her, you weren’t going to be particularly civilized. Eddie took your hand and led you over to his little throne where he sat down and pulled you on top of him. The other boys began to file in and Eddie began rambling on but you didn’t pay attention to what he said, too busy playing with the rings on his fingers.
Your legs and Eddie’s hands were hidden under the table and you shivered as he slowly began making his way up to your heat. 
“Eds- what-”
“Shhh,” he said, cutting you off, “relax.”
He continued talking with everyone as his finger slipped abruptly into your panties. You held back a gasp and he rubbed your pussy, spreading your dripping arousal all over.
Eddie,” you whined, throwing your head back on his shoulder.
His jeans easily opened and he pulled out hiss hard cock, surprising you.
“Shhh baby. Be my good girl and lemme keep my dick warm inside you,” he whispered, making you shiver.
He lifted you subtly and impaled you on his hard, thick cock, filling you to the brim. 
For the rest of the night, you writhed and held back your little whines. You could feel him pulsing inside you, you could feel every inch and vein of him. You could feel how thick he was.
It was just as hard for Eddie too and it took everything out of him not to fuck you right then and there. His cock twitched as your arousal coated his cock and trailed down the base of his cock. He could feel the heat inside you. He could feel your slimy walls tightening around him.
“You’re doing so well for my sweetheart. Keep my cock warm, keep it deep inside your tight, pretty pussy.”
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moonlightsolo · 2 years
the hero
summary: dustin, eddie, and you fight off demo-bats in the upside down.
pairing: eddie munson x reader
warnings: major volume 2 spoilers, major character death, gore, blood, mention of suicide, mourning of character.
note: i’m so sorry. the alternate ending one will be out soon.
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each thump of the bat’s slamming into the exterior of the trailer makes your body jump. the horrid screeches makes your blood run cold, unable to control the feeling of terror flowing through your nerve-endings.
nancy’s plan is definitely working. they’re taking the bait, which is you, eddie, and dustin. after eddie’s amazing performance, the three of you are standing inside the fortified trailer with your backs against each other. each of your weapons in hand and ready to attack at any given second.
suddenly, their snarling fades away and the sound of them attempting to break in goes silent.
“hey dipshits!” dustin screams loudly, chest heaving from the force of his voice, “give up that easy, huh?”
“shh!” you and eddie shush him in unison, “is that really necessary?” the man next to you questions him.
the sound of nails clattering on the roof, makes all three of your heads fly to stare at the vine covered ceiling. “they’re on the roof.” eddie comments.
“no shit sherlock.” you mock his statement, making his round eyes glare at you in annoyance.
the lightning flashes red outside the windows as the three of you slowly tip-toe while you follow the sound, “shit. shit. shit. shit. shit.” dustin hisses out under his breath.
your makeshift spear is pointed at the ceiling, slightly wavering in stability from your trembling hands. sweat is pooling on your brows, quickened heartbeat thumping in your ears. you breath is sharp and quivering, chest heaving with each puff of air.
the swarm of bats trill as they crawl, nails scraping ear-numbingly against the metal roof. the vent in the ceiling is obviously the bats point of interest. the silhouette of their bodies creating shadows as they rustle on top of it.
“they can’t get in through there, can they?” dustin whispers, eyes glued to circular vent in the ceiling.
almost as if they were listening, one of their slimy heads pop through. sending the plastic piece spiraling to the ground, then another bat joins in attempt to enter the trailer. each of you jump as they open their mouths and let out a horrible shriek, multiple sharp teeth in full view.
in unison, dustin and eddie let out a warrior yell and begin stabbing the bat with their weapons. slicing through their deathly grey skin. you join in, jabbing the serrated blade at the bats faces.
munson stumbles back, eyes wide with fear as you and dustin continue to slash at the bats. it seems like your repeated attack doesn’t phase them, only making them stronger somehow.
“eddie! we need you!” you wail, muscles burning from the repeated movements.
objects clatter behind you as eddie grabs something from the ground, “get out of the way! get out of the way!” he screams as he steps between you both and slams the makeshift shield into the hole.
the nail filled garbage bin lid completely seals the hole from the bats. you fall backwards with dustin, the room filled with heavy breathing and pants.
“holy shit. holy shit.” eddie puffs out as he turns to look at you both. his usual soft expression is filled with terror and adrenaline.
“nice.” henderson compliments his quick thinking, “thanks.” eddie nods with a soft relieved breath as they high five.
you lean back against the vine ridden furniture, taking deep breaths in attempt to control your anxiety.
“is there any other vents?” dustin’s breathing goes silent as he looks up at eddie.
your eyes fly open, reaching for your discarded weapon. you know eddie’s trailer like the back of your hand, and there’s definitely one in his room, “oh fuck.”
“oh shit.” munson breathes in defeat, jumping over discarded things on the ground to run back towards his bedroom. “shit, shit, shit!”
you and dustin follow him, the chittering of the animals gets louder as you grow closer. as soon as the trio barges into the room, multiple bats explode from the vent in the corner and swarm you.
the sounds pierce your ears, their wings flapping wildly around you. instinctively, your mouth opens to scream as the wind kicks up into your face from the force of their bodies flying.
two strong arms wrap around your waist from the back to swiftly tug you out of the room, the door slamming shut behind you both. eddie continues to drag you down the hallway, muttering obscenities under his breath.
the wooden door cracks with each hard hit of the demo-bats attempt to escape. eddie shoves you behind him towards the rope hanging from the ceiling. you feet carry you to dustin, making sure he’s behind your body.
“that’s not gonna hold!” dustin shouts in a panic.
“let’s go! let’s go!” eddie screams, voice raspy as he shoos dustin up the rope. you give the boy a boost, helping him fall onto the mattress, “go! eddie go!” you scream, banging your fist on his back to get him to turn around.
“no! you go! come on! quickly!” his round eyes turn towards you, terror evident on his face.
your hands grip the fabric to hoist yourself up as fast as possible, grunting with each pull. once you’re in far enough, gravity takes over and suctions you in.
you land on the stained mattress with a yelp, your body bouncing from the tension of the springs. you quickly roll off, looking up into the ceiling through the gate.
“eddie, come on!” dustin shouts at him. the man tosses his weapons to the side to be able to hoist himself up.
munson’s efforts halt as he stares at the splintering door, the shrieking of the angry bats gets louder.
“eddie, come on! let’s go!” you cry out for him.
dustin’s terrified voice screams out, “eddie! you’re so close! eddie let’s go!” the sound makes your ears ring.
eddie hops down from the rope, staring up at you two as if he just had a life-altering epiphany. “eddie? what are you doing?” your voice bellows out through the gate.
the next few moments seems like they roll by in slow motion. your breath gets caught in your chest, the sound of your heartbeat pounds throughout every vein. your expression drops in terror from realization of what he’s about to do.
“eddie no!” dustin screams out as the man reaches for his weapon and slices the rope into two with a yell. the tied limp fabric falls into dustin’s hands, “eddie?!” you scream out.
tears are now freely falling from your eyes, “eddie, what the fuck are you doing? don’t do this! i need you!” you wail out to him as he pushes the upside down mattress away from the gate.
“i’m buying more time, baby. i love you.” he gulps evidently, staring up at you. dustin continues to scream his name and pleads for him to stop as he runs out of view.
“dustin. we need to go help him.” your eyes are wide as you look around for anything to aid in climbing back in.
henderson grabs a chair, but you step forward to clear off everything from the surface of the table. plates and papers clatter to the floor as you drag the table underneath the gate, “i’ll give you a boost.”
dustin climbs from the chair onto the rickety table, situating his shoe into your hand. “on three? one, two, three!” you grunt and dustin lets out a yell as you lift him up with all your might.
the boy falls through, not landing so gracefully. a loud crack and another pained scream emits from the boy, “fuck! henderson, are you okay?!”
��i think i broke my leg! shit!” he whimpers, sitting up to tend to it. you powerfully launch yourself upwards, jumping just high enough to be able to grip the edges of the gate.
“jesus… christ!” you struggle, legs hanging and kicking. a yelp falls from your lips as you pull yourself through, landing directly on your hands and knees. you wince from the pain but continue to push through.
there’s no other thought in the world except for saving eddie. you can’t let him sacrifice himself for this hateful town.
you crawl over to dustin, slinging his arm around your shoulders to hoist him up. “come on, we gotta go find him. we have to, dustin. we have to.” a sob wracks through your body, sniffling as you try to hold in your emotions.
you slowly open the door to the trailer, crimson flashes in the dark sky of the alternate dimension. you and dustin hobble down the steps, eyes searching the area for any sign of life, “oh my god, baby. where could you be?” you call out desperately. “eddie!” dustin let’s out another intense scream.
the sound of screeches catch your attention, the bright lightning illuminates the circling swarm. it almost resembles a tornado. “eddie!” you screech, quickening your pace as you practically drag dustin to the swarm.
you pray to whatever god is up there, and call out to the universe to keep him safe. “please, baby! please.”you cry out, debating if you should drop dustin to run to him.
the bats let out a horrible screech in unison, dropping to the ground like flies. their wings flap helplessly on the pavement, pitiful whines leaving their mouths. oh my god, it worked.
laying on the ground in the middle of the lifeless creatures, is your boyfriend. “eddie!” a guttural scream wracks through your body. dustin pulls his body away from yours to give you the opportunity to run to him.
your legs instinctively sprint, feet skidding against the ground once you’re close enough. you drop to your knees, ignoring the sting of the pavement scraping open your skin.
“no no no no!” your hands pull his head into your lap, hot tears tracking through the scum on your face. your eyes quickly glance at his wounds, stomach flipping in your abdomen from the amount of blood covering him.
bile rises up into your throat, but you quickly swallow it down for his sake. the crimson blood seeps out of his mouth, the sputtering sounds of him struggling to breathe pains you.
his round watery eyes find you in the darkness, “bad, huh?” his voice shutters.
“eddie, baby…” you shake your head at him, hands caressing his sticky cheeks. not caring if his blood gets all over you.
dustin drops to his knees on the other side of him, “he’s gonna be fine. we gotta get you to a hospital okay?” dustin attempts to lift him with you, but eddie gasps in pain.
“i think… i think i just.. i think i just need a second okay!” his pained voice raises at you two, making you slowly lay him back to the ground. you can feel his body shaking against you, twitching from the shock.
“okay. okay, baby...” your voice shutters, bottom lip uncontrollably quivering. a pained smile turns up on eddie’s bloodied expression, choking out his words as he talks, “i didn’t run away this time, right?”
another sob wracks through your body as dustin cries inconsolably next to you.
“no, baby. no, you didn’t run.” you shake your head, smiling through your tears at him. your thumb gently swipes against his cheekbone for comfort, hand cupping his face.
eddie winces as his eyes glance over at dustin, “you’re gonna have to look after those little sheep for me, okay?” the fear in eddie’s eyes squeezes your heart, shattering it into millions of pieces, “make sure you look after my girl too…” he trails off with a hoarse cough, a tiny whimper falls from his lips from the pain.
“no, you’re gonna do that yourself!” dustin cries out, gripping one of his hands. eddie holds onto the boy so tightly, his other hand occupied by yours.
“nah, man.” his voice shakes, tears pooling in the corners of his eyes. “say you’re going to look after them.” his hoarse breathing rumbles against your legs, you can feel every slow breath he takes.
“say it…” he demands softly, sternly looking at dustin as the boy sobs above him, “i’m… gonna look after them.”
“good… ‘cause i’m actually gonna graduate.” eddie looks back over at you, giving you one of his infamous smirks, chuckling weakly. liquid gurgles in his lungs as he breathes, “i think it’s my year, baby.” his voice struggles to stay stable, “i think it’s… finally my year.” he gasps for air as his body trembles. you nod in agreement, giving him a weak smile.
“i love you guys.” his voice is quiet, glancing between you two. “i love you so much, my love. so fucking much.” you lean down, pressing your forehead against his.
eddie musters up enough energy to bring one of his trembling hands up to cup your cheek, his uneven breath puffs against your face. your senses are overloaded with the smell of iron, making you queasy from the overwhelming scent.
the sound of him choking makes your eyes fly open, “eddie?” you call out but receive no answer from him. his body jerks as he struggles to breathe, eyebrows furrowing and eyes staring off into the dark sky above.
“eddie!” you scream out once his limp arm falls away from your face and to the ground.
the fear in his eyes makes you wail for him again, uncontrollable sobs tumble past your lips as you watch the life slowly drain from his eyes.
in the last moments, eddie realizes he’ll never see a sunrise again, never will be able to feel his lips against yours, or hug you again.
haltering wet breaths sputter from eddie’s bloody lips, his entire body goes rigid in your arms as he struggles.
“eddie…” dustin sobs, hand resting over his chest. slowly the sound of his gasping fades away, the feeling of his body against yours gets heavier as he goes limp in your arms.
“baby, please!” your loud voice strains. dustin wails in anguish for him alongside you, gripping his leather jacket desperately.
heartache travels through your body, the pain ripping through your chest like a gunshot. an irrepressible scream releases from your throat, voice cracking from the agony. the sound echoes throughout the area, red flashing in the sky as you mourn for him.
your arms lift his body to you as you embrace his cold body, unable to catch your breath. “i can’t lose you, my sweet boy. please come back.” you shakily whisper into his ear. dustin hugs you from behind, resting on your back as he tries to soothe you, his own crying being deafened by your tortured sobs.
it seems like you’re laying there, rocking with eddie’s body for an eternity. loud footsteps pound against the rubble behind you. dustin pulls away from you to look at the intruders, “oh my god…” nancy whispers in shock.
“steve!” dustin wails as he runs up to the man, almost tackling him with a hug. the boy sobs into his chest as harrington attempts to comfort him.
hands softly slide onto your shoulders, “we have to go, y/n.” nancy urges you to let go, making you pull away from her efforts.
“i’m not fucking leaving him.” you spit out, looking back at her with pure fury in your eyes. she glances back at steve and robin. everyone’s eyes are on you, staring at you in horror.
the crimson color stains the front of your shirt, blood is smeared on your cheek where eddie once laid his hand on your skin.
you turn back around to him, gripping his lifeless body as your body quivers from the horrific shock of what just unfolded in front of you.
someone’s arms wrap around you from behind, rubbing soft comforting circles into your bicep. “hey…” steve attempts to get your attention, “if we don’t leave now, we’re all going to die and we’re not leaving you down here.”
“i don’t care. i can’t go back without him, steve!” you sob, “i know, i know.” he breathes out, unable to look down at munson’s body in your arms.
“go.” he says to the rest of the group, “but- steve!” nancy protests, but he raises his hand to silence her. “just go. i’ll be right behind you.”
nancy and robin lead dustin back into the trailer to go back through the gate.
“look, either you come with me, or i stay here with you,” he plops down on the ground next to you, “there’s no in between.” you can’t let steve get hurt because of your irrational thinking.
you look down at your boyfriend, bringing your hand up to his face to close his eyes. “i’ll see you in another lifetime, baby.” you press a kiss against his cool forehead, before gently laying his body down on the pavement.
you slowly stand up, keeping your eyes on eddie for a moment before looking back at steve. harrington is now on his feet, hand outstretched for you to take. once you slide your hand into his, he tugs you into a hug.
silent cries weep into his chest as he holds onto you, “i’m so sorry.” he breathes out shakily, his own emotions getting the best of him. the ground rumbles as an earthquake wracks through the upside down, making steve run with you towards the trailer.
the earthquake you felt wasn’t like any other. the gates split the earth open, making the dimensions merge into two. thankfully, the five of you made it out of the trailer park before everything went to shit.
throughout all the chaos, and inter-dimensional bullshit, you and wayne munson planned a funeral for eddie. of course, the town of hawkins still believe eddie is the murderer, no matter how hard you tried to change their minds.
everyone you invited showed up, the hellfire club members, nancy, robin, and somehow eleven, jonathan and will were in town from california. the funeral was beautifully heart-wrenching.
some mornings, dustin and steve, and sometimes robin will come over to have breakfast with you. but sometimes they’re all busy, so you’re left alone sorting through eddie’s things you stole.
his electric guitar sits idle in the corner of your room. of course, you had to take it before leaving, along with some other memorabilia from his room. his shirts comforted you, helped you fall asleep even if you drenched them in your endless tears. the ones that smell like him, you refuse to wash.
as time went by, waking up got easier, and your tears slowly dried. hanging out with the kids and your friends helped a lot, but nothing can ever console you enough to get over him.
some nights, you’d go to the diner you had your first date at, and order his favorite meal to go. you’d sit in the booth where eddie carved your initials into the tables surface, fingers tracing the wood consistently. you imagine him sitting in front of you making a stupid joke, his contagious laugh echoing in your head. the familiar sound makes you smile softly to yourself.
eddie munson, the man you fell so deeply in love with, enamored by his very existence. he may be gone physically, but he will forever live on in your heart.
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his-strange-eyes · 7 months
Steve keeping Eddie’s battle vest hidden in the back of his closet all Brokeback Mountain style.
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drivergemini · 2 years
forever yours, eddie munson :: e.m.
summary: eddie munson followed the footsteps of max mayfield and wrote letters to the people he cares most about ‘just in case’. except the only person who received a letter was his best friend. 
content warnings: takes place after vol. 2, major major angst, no happy endings here, talks about death, vol 2 spoilers, reader is gen neutral. (NOT BETA READ)
word count: 652
after a shift with disaster relief, y/n didn’t expect to come home to a letter sitting on their dresser. they didn’t expect to see a their name plastered in big sloppy letters on the front of the envelope, and they definitely didn’t expect what was inside. 
my dearest y/n
that’s how it started. it was unmistakable, eddie munson. they could tell just from the way the m’s were just slightly bigger than every other letter. 
this isn’t the way i wanted this to go. this isn’t how i wanted to do this. i had hoped that this could’ve happened in a better way. maybe i asked you to prom, maybe i asked you to go to enzo’s, or maybe i kissed you underneath the bleachers. but i never did any of those things. so now here i am writing this letter to you. i hope you understand where i’m going with this. do you remember when you brought me inside your house after some football player kicked my ass into the next week? i wish i had just kissed you. something about you just makes my heart twist and turn.
eddie sat on their kitchen counter holding a cup of hot chocolate. his face was busted and bruised.
“hot chocolate in august. mmmmm my favorite.” he gave a thin lipped smile towards the other person.
“you know munson i can just put you back on the street if you’re going to insult me.” y/n scoffed.
“but you won’t because i’m your favorite.” he reached out to boop his finger on their nose. 
i hope you know i have made peace with my soon to be death. i’m not a hero y/n, i’m not even brave enough to be a side kick. shit i couldn’t even tell you i loved you myself and i put it into a stupid letter. but i know what happens to people like me. i know that i will go through that portal and never come back.
“eddie come on climb up faster. your butt is in my face.” y/n made a face of fake disgust. 
“oh hush i’m not very thrilled to be entering this shithole so just give me a moment.”
i’m sorry. for spilling this all even though i know it’s not going to mean anything. i’m sorry i couldn’t take you to prom, or to enzo’s, or that i didn’t kiss you. but god i’m sorry for leaving you. i don’t know how important i am to you y/n but you’re a fuck ton of important to me. 
y/n’s heart barred in their chest. they remembered every moment like it was happening in front of them. the sounds of dustin’s screams as he begged eddie not to be stupid. they didn’t even know who was screaming louder, them or dustin.
so please listen to me when i tell you that i know you will be okay without me. i know that your life will move on and you’re going to meet someone amazing who will love you more than i ever could. hey, i heard harrington has eyes for you. who knows? but i knew that no matter what i could never be okay without you. if i let something happen to you, i know i would never be able to live with myself.
please think of me during every sunset and when you drink hot chocolate. hell, even if you’re sucking faces with harrington, just know i’m supporting you from wherever the hell i am. it’s okay if you forget about me, but just know that with my last breath i will be thinking of you. i hope somewhere in this universe there’s a version of me and you where i kissed you that night. or a version of us that never got caught up in this mess and just ran away together. i’ll miss you my dearest y/n.
forever yours,
eddie munson.
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iliaclwrites · 2 years
glad you’re with me (here at the end of all things)
summary: reader is there with dustin as eddie dies. 
You kissed into him the curly haired kids you’d dreamed about, the long nights, the baby-sized fists wrapped around a guitar fretboard. How you’d repair his shirts and read out loud to him before he went to sleep, how he’d wake you slow and gentle in the morning, how you’d go together into the world, him leading and you following because that’s all you ever wanted to do. 
warnings: death! angst! crying! blood!
“Eddie,” you whisper, your hands fluttering around from his face to his neck to his stomach. “Eddie, baby, fuck. Don’t do this. Come on.” 
He grinned at you, teeth red. You wanted to vomit. “Hey, princess,” he managed, and you smiled back at him weakly. “What’s with the cryin’, sweet thing? You watch Dumbo without me again?” 
You huffed a laugh, tangling your fingers with his and pressing them to your mouth. “You did so good, Eds,” you said, Dustin nodding enthusiastically beside you. “That was metal as hell, baby. You were so brave.” 
Eddie snorted, before groaning at the effort. “Yeah, well,” he said. “I always had it in me.” He looked up at the sky, before squeezing his eyes shut. “Babygirl, do me a favour?” 
“Anything,” you said instantly, and he cocked one eye open to shoot you an unimpressed look. “Absolutely anything, Eddie.” 
He wriggled his hand out of your grip, and pulled off one of the rings, handing it to you. “Managed to get it all the way to Mount Doom,” he said to Dustin, and you let out what was supposed to be a laugh before it was overrun by a sob. “Now, listen, princess. You’re gonna go back, okay?” 
You nodded. 
“You’re gonna go back to the Shire, and you’re gonna, fuck, I dunno. Marry Rosie Cotton and become mayor of the Shire four times and have like a million cute hobbit children.” You were laughing again, the hot tears curling into your mouth. “And you’re gonna tell everybody that you knew the most metal man that ever existed.” 
You nodded again. He beamed at you, the same way he always did. “Raise ‘em on rock and roll and the Rings,” you agreed, and let him slide his ring onto your finger. It was sticky with blood, but you pressed your mouth to it, smiling around the band. “This what I think it is, Edward Munson? You wanna marry me?” 
He winked. “I do. Got a witness and everything,” he said, waving at Dustin. “I know it’s not exactly how you might’ve pictured it, but–” 
“It’s perfect,” Dustin said quickly. “It’s perfect.” You found yourself nodding at Eddie again, watching as he stared at the way the ring sat on you. “You may, uh, kiss the bride, I guess.” 
You launched yourself toward Eddie’s mouth, ignoring the blood, and tried to tell him everything you’d always wanted to say. You kissed into him the curly haired kids you’d dreamed about, the long nights, the baby-sized fists wrapped around a guitar fretboard. How you’d repair his shirts and read out loud to him before he went to sleep, how he’d wake you slow and gentle in the morning, how you’d go together into the world, him leading and you following because that’s all you ever wanted to do. 
“Dreamed of this moment,” you mumbled against his mouth, and his breath hitched. “Maybe not exactly like this. But Dustin was there.” 
“Kinky,” Eddie muttered back, and you laughed again, pulling yourself away. “I love you, princess. You know that.” 
“I do,” you responded, and pressed another kiss to his mouth, pulling your jacket off to wrap around him. “I’ll come back for you,” you found yourself saying, as Dustin started to pull you away. “Sam comes back for Frodo. To the undying lands. He sails back and they see each other again.” 
He grinned at you, smiling through the tears. “I’d like that.” Eddie looked at Dustin seriously. “Get her out of here, Henderson. I want to see my girl all in one piece, when I do see her.” 
“You will,” you promised, Dustin dragging you backward. “Eddie, you will, I swear. Eddie, please, god, Dustin fuck off, Eddie–” You were struggling as Dustin continued to pull you, and your boyfriend smiled at you. “Eddie, please, Eddie, I love you.” 
“I’ll see you soon,” he promised weakly. “I don’t wanna keep my pretty wife waiting.”
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Eddie Munson is getting ready for Senior Ditch Day for the third year in a row- and oh no, he died *splat*
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Stranger Things Master List
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My collection of the men from Stranger Things that I would just let wreck my life since they already have ❤️‍🔥
All stories are listed as Mature (Minors DNI), warnings are posted before the start of each story please read with caution as some involve violence, SA, and other strong themes along with sexualy explicit content.
Thanks for reading!
Little Hargrove - Billy Hargrove X F!Reader
Eddie “The Savior” Munson - Eddie Munson X F!Reader
Dirty Mouth - Billy Hargrove X F!Reader
Just A Flicker - Eddie Munson X F!Reader
Late Night Rescue - Eddie Munson X F!Reader
All About Bad Timing - Billy Hargrove F F!Reader
For all of my other stories please refer to:
The Complete Collection: Apollyon’s Master List.
Apollo 💜
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They killed my hubby... Just like that...
He died, girls... Eddie actually died for a town that hates him but above all, for his friends... Like a hero...
Alexa,play "Only Loce Can Hurt Like This"... Today is sadness, there is no victory
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heartspiked · 2 years
that’s not how you pray | eddie munson
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summary: eddie wants you to know he’s not guilty
content warning: cursing, crying obvi, mentions of blood, angst
songs that inspired this: hey lover by the daughter of eve + do you want to die together by stars
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you hadn’t seen your boyfriend in weeks and it was tearing you apart for more than one reason. you so desperately needed to talk to him and you know he needed you too. it was hard dating a high schooler who flunked more than once and attend college a couple hours away from the sleepy little town of hawkins. arriving in hawkins made your stomach churn in all the wrong ways. there wasn’t kids riding their bikes around town and even a curfew had been implemented. you didn’t even attempt to visit his trailer in fear the police would question you and slow you down in your search for your “murderer satanic” boyfriend. you really needed to talk to him. to sort things out.
you knew he was chicken hearted and wouldn’t hurt a fly. literally, he asked you to step on spiders and those furry worms that stung you if you touched them. he learned his lesson and visited the hospital convinced he was dying. from then on you became designated bug killer. gripping your steering wheel and clenching your jaw you made your way from house to house of eddie’s known friends and associates. they were all dead ends completely fucking useless. his so called band members had no idea where he was and you just wanted to hear his voice to make you feel better. you hoped he wasn’t alone somewhere by himself. when three days went by you decided to risk going to visit his trailer.
it was late and you were speeding but the police, if you could even call them that, were far too understaffed and useless. you sped into the trailer park past the police tape and swerved into an bad parking job not even bothering to turn the engine off. the lights were on! they were on! you threw the door of his trailer open to see one of the little lost lambs dirty and scared. he turned to you in pure shock and you never felt more relieved.
“it’s eddie! he… hee stayed! we need to get him!” it was then you noticed the unmissable massive fucking hole in the ceiling. you didn’t even know what to say you couldn’t stop smiling that you were so close to seeing eddie. you were massively freaked as you watched dustin dash and jump up a chair and onto the roof and you followed him. you didn’t know why his friends were so weird dressed in a homemade medieval knight outfit but you’d make sure to question him. “we don’t have time hurry up, (y/n)!”
you grunted and pulled yourself halfway up the hole before dustin lifted you up and you both were sprinting out the trailer door. unfortunately for you dustin was limping behind and you couldn’t even begin to process what you were seeing. it looked like pure hell and it scared you oh god did it scare you. you didn’t think the crazy conspiracy theorists were right when they said there was hell in hawkins. you laughed it off but holy shit you’d never seen more red in your lifetime. hawkins looked like a deserted town filled with ugly thick vines and dead trees and the hoard of crazy killer bats?
oh my god. it’s eddie. it’s eddie! “eddie! dustin i see him!” your screamed was terribly loud. he’s hurt. you hurried over to him as fast as your legs could take you. they felt crazy numb as your knees skidded on the ground and hurt terribly. “eddie baby my love! you’re okay you’re okay.” you cooed and ran your hand through his tangled hair. eddie gave a gigantic smile,”you’re here… i’m so glad i can see you.” he said weekly and with his cute little laugh he did when he was nervous. you put your hands on his wound. you knew that in all the movies it was best to keep pressure on wounds you knew that. “i wanted you to know i’m sorry for running away i didn’t kill chrissy… i didn’t.” you shook your head tears in your eyes. “eddie shut up i believe you! i never doubted you for a second babe.” you cried out as he placed his hand in yours.
he weakly slipped one of his rings on your finger and you shook your head,”keep it you’ll thinking you lost it babe..” you dug your face into his neck and sobbed as you tried to pull him or pick him up with dustin’s help. eddie started slipping off as he spoke to dustin and you couldn’t let him, no you couldn’t. you two had a life ahead of you. he’d finally graduate. he would you knew it. you slapped his face gently, “baby! seriously baby! you can’t slip off right now you’re gonna be fine!” eddie looked at the curly haired boy sitting on his other side and they both had sympathetic looks. you hated it. he said i love you to his underling and supposed acolyte.
his eyes began to be swallowed by darkness and you couldn’t take it any longer. “please baby! eddie.. edward baby i’m pregnant.. i’m pregnant! it’s our baby..” eddie’s tears began to flow as he grabbed your stomach weakly. “you need to be here for the baby!” you sobbed hitting his chest. he smiled this big fucking shit eating grin that you loved so much. being raised in a religious house you felt like this was punishment how dare the lord how dare god take the love of your life. how dare he. you did all your hail marys and all your confessions on sundays every week since you were young. “stay alive… if not for me for the baby!” you pleaded your sobs deafening.
your throat was raw and burning painfully,“i love you and our unborn baby. i know you’ll be the best mom i love you. find steve okay?” you shook your head as you watched the love of your life take his last few breaths. you kissed his face erratically. “i don’t want steve i want you baby..” you sobbed uncontrollably as dustin tried to pull you away from the munson boy. you wanted to die there and then you wanted to go with him so bad, so fucking bad. you cried into your cold lovers chest for what seemed like hours. you left the body of the man you loved behind. your unconditional love in a place you didn’t understand could exist. you knew he’d never want to be alone ever.
you knew him better than anybody and you had planned a joking little argument for when you’d find him but you’d never play fight with him again and it killed you to see him bloody and surrounded by fucking hideous demon bats. you knew no one would ever know his innocence or his personality and how he was heaven on earth. how your baby would never know how good their daddy was at guitar or hear his band preform live or teach them how to play dungeons and dragons. you knew he wanted a baby girl. you talked about it when you’d get high in his van when you’d meet each other half way from your college on nights he didn’t have his club. you knew he’d want to take care of his baby.
you felt like the earth swallowed him silently the day he died.
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3ternalreal1ty · 2 years
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why is no one talking about the foreshadowing??
The bats and “master of puppets”
I hate you, duffer brothers.
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greengoblinswifey · 2 years
You Should’ve Run
Pairings: Eddie Munson x Black!Reader, Dustin Henderson x Black!Reader(platonic).
Summary: Spoilers ST4 Vol2. Eddie should’ve run. 
Warnings: Spoilers ST4 Vol2(and im using some of the dialogue), Death, Blood, Angst.
With your arm around Dustin, you ran with him towards an unmoving Eddie with the bats also unmoving surrounding him.
“Eddie!” you both shouted.
“Bad, huh?” Eddie said.
It really was bad.
“No. You’re gonna be fine, just gotta get you to a hospital ok?” Dustin reassured, frantically.
“Ed, you’re gonna be ok,” you cried.
You wanted to believe that. You really did, but deep down, you knew he wasn’t going to survive. 
“I didn’t run away this time, right?”
“No, you didn’t run,” Dustin answered him.
“You didn’t,” you said, “but you should’ve. Baby, you should’ve.”
You felt your heart slowly breaking to pieces as you held onto Eddie’s hand, zoning out as he talked to Dustin. This was it.
“Say it,” Eddie said.
“I’m- I’m gonna look after them,” Dustin repeated, tearfully.
“G-good. And say you’re gonna look after her. Say you’re gonna look after Y/N,” he pleaded. 
You wanted to protest. Dustin wanted too. You both wanted to say that it was his job and he was going to be here to take care of you. You wanted so bad to tell your boyfriend to shut the fuck up and he would be here to take care of you. But you knew, it was bullshit.
“I’m gonna look after her,” Dustin sobbed. 
“I love you man. And I love you sweetheart, so much. You made me the luckiest man in Hawkins.”
“I love you too,” Dustin cried.
“I love you too Ed.” By now, you were sobbing.
“T-the polaroid pictures in my pocket, of you, of us, take them. Take them baby,” Ed pleaded. He sounded like he was on his last breath.
“No Ed. I want you to have something to look at when you wake up in the hospital,” you smiled tearfully, taking his hand and placing it on your cheek.
Dustin did the same and Eddie started choking and then; he had that lifeless look in his eyes. He stopped talking and moving. That was when your heart shattered completely. 
“Eddie? Eddie. Come on! Eddie!” Dustin wailed.
You tried shaking him, pleading with him to stop the jokes. But it was no use. He was gone. The love of your life was gone.
You took the polaroid photos from his pocket, just like he wanted.
“Baby, see. I took them, I have the photos now. Please wake up, say something!” you sobbed.
You looked down at the photo at the front. The last photo you had together that was taken that night in his trailer. You were smiling while he kissed your cheek. 
Dustin rested his head on your chest and you hugged him, still holding onto Eddie’s cold hands.
“You should’ve run. You should’ve run Eddie,” you wailed.
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