xinyuehui · 4 months
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Introduce me to Baijie won't you?
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01432853 · 4 months
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#stargazing romantically together be like
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fighting-naturalist · 11 months
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Daniel in 4.17 "Absolute Power"
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kerubimcrepin · 5 months
Episode 17 - Toothache
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These look like various different armours. Interesting.
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One of the very, very rare times Kerubim says "Jojo", and not "Joris" or "my Jojo".
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Considering how fast he came, chances are he was outside, listening in to Kerubim searching for the tooth. He is so real for that.
Joris gets a pass for not being normal about Kerubim and his stories because he's 7. I won't make fun of him. He's baby.
(Kerubim doesn't get a pass for not being normal about Joris because he's like 60-80, and should go to therapy, instead of compensating for his fail orphanage childhood and divorce. It's equality. To me.)
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Yes, his spine always hurts. Yes, he's also still very good at acrobatics and parkour, as all adventurers should be. He contains multitudes.
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Peace and love in the World of Twelve. Also, Kerubim's fruity stance here...
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He loves sharing things that make him happy with Joris. It's very cute. But also Joris is like 7, so I don't know what he's expecting.
Maybe he's trying to raise him with a love for selling things to people, so that one day he will continue the family business.
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Bad news: Joris's main interest as an adult, while manning the store, is Bullying The Customers. Bullying them until they start to cry or call him slurs.
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And are these... "assistants" in the room with us, right now?
Also: Kerubim knits, as can be gauged from the yarn balls with the knitting needles in them. At least he is putting that yarn ball addiction that has been alluded in the first episodes (before Simone cleaned up) and which will be fully revealed in episode 49, The Jellivision, to a good use.
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I just know that before coming out, they had a talk that went something like:
"And then, when I clap, my Jojo, you will jump onto the counter, with milk! Imagine how happy it would make the customer."
"Yay papycha!"
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Yet again, everyone in this household loves to jump onto tables. This will not change in even 600 years. Manlets. Littlefellas. Shortguys.
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Joris is more won-over by Keke's customer tactics than the customer. A likely thing for Joris to be.
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I want to point out that, at literally no point during the series, except for the racing episode, do we see Kerubim actually go to Brakmar, or really explore the Sidimote Moors.
I wonder if he has something to hide.
(Atcham. I am yet again talking about Atcham.)
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Despite wanting to act like he's cool and lucky, Kerubim does actually put in the time to research what waits him where he's going. Especially when he knows it's going to be dangerous. It's an interesting contrast to the way he was in the Unikron episode.
I suppose it's very likely that that story happened before this one, and he's matured.
(Though it doesn't mean he isn't wrong about things sometimes.)
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Truly, he is the male version of Lina Inverse.
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Food moment: I am not describing all of them, but man, those sure are fruits and veggies.
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This implies that Kerubim has used the tooth for cleaning before, either cleaning the house, or cleaning himself. No wonder he's so beautiful.
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I will be real, if I was Kerubim I would like. Do unspeakable evils upon Simone. I would make her tea with salt for a week. He is more patient than all of us.
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Yeah, not even being the best and the prettiest can save this. It's over.
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telluriandigits · 1 year
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Why is she so relatable though?
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Zedaph: I am a money maker making money
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gifgifk · 1 year
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The paper given by master lee to maidservant kim was blank cos even he wants jang gang to do nothing and get lost!!
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itsshowtimeprecure · 11 months
“Can you recall a single instance where a hostage didn’t talk after I asked the questions? I’m sorry to say, this isn’t gonna be very pretty.”
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mangosimoothie · 2 years
The Bachelorette: Episode 17 - The Same Language
On her final hometown date, Aja goes with Ryan to his beautiful island hometown in Hawaii where they spend an exciting day with an important family member. Meanwhile, the boys back at the Bachelorette Mansion are getting up to some trouble of their own. Only one day away from the elimination that will bring us to our top three, the stakes are higher than ever.  [soundtrack]
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"Dude, get the fuck off me." "No way. Bring it in, bro."
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Ryan: Eric, this is Aja. Aja, this court jester is my twin, Eric. Aja: I didn't know you have a TWIN! That's so cool!!! Ryan: It's alright. Eric: Ryan's just being modest. Having me as a twin RULES and he loves me very much.
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After introductions were over everyone heads to a secluded beach that, per Ryan and Eric's request, we won't be revealing the location of. Eric: The haoles haven't found this one yet, so it's still a really cool spot.
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Eric: Aja, welcome to Kama'āina Wale Nō! Ryan: Which translates to Locals Only. But obviously I’d make an exception for you.  Aja: Wow, what an honor!
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[soundtrack] Ryan and Eric complain that the waves today were pretty weak, but Ryan’s still able to show off his skills, and it gives Aja a good opportunity to get a mini lesson.
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To Aja's surprise, it doesn’t take too much convincing from Ryan's brother to get him to do some cliff jumping. They explain that they'd been coming here since they were kids, and since then there'd only been ONE broken ankle, so it's pretty safe.
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Ryan and Eric share stories of their antics growing up. Aja: So, I'm guessing Ryan you were “good” one? Very well behaved and all that? Eric: Are you kidding?? Ryan is Dark Mode. I'M the good one. I had to cut my hair so I'd stop getting in trouble for his school pranks. Ryan: Wow, ok. In my defense, you happily took credit for some of my BEST work. And I wear the long hair better than you do.
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After the beach, they hit a local bar for some drinks. Aja notices that Ryan and Eric can't help but crack each other up wherever they go. She doesn’t feel like a third wheel though, especially since it’s so entertaining. Ryan warns Aja not to get any drinks with pineapple in them. Ryan: Rookie mistake here. It tastes like a juice box, so you'll get WAY too fucked up. I think they do it just to fuck with tourists. Aja: Aw but they have little umbrellas...ok, fine.
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Eric: Not gonna lie, I definitely gave Ryan a lot of shit for going on a reality show, but he seems...really happy. It's kinda weird. Aja: Honestly, he hasn't really been this animated! Maybe he was a little homesick? I think he's excited to see you. Eric: Awww, you think he missed me?? I'm gonna take your word for it, cuz he'd never say that out loud. Also I'm gonna get two more of those pineapple things, you want? Aja: Didn't Ryan say nobody gets those?" Eric: Ryan's no fun since he left the island! The Kato family alcohol tolerance is top tier, I'll be good.
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After a few too many drinks on Eric's part, Ryan decides it was time to wind down at home. "He calls me Dark Mode but he's always the one that blacks out..."
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Aja: Is he gonna be ok? Ryan: He's slept off worse under my influence. He'll be good. Aja: Sorry if it's a sore subject, but do your parents not live here on the island? I was hoping I'd get to meet them! Ryan: They split up a while ago. Dad moved back to Japan, mom’s off gallivanting somewhere and hard to keep track of. To tell the truth I haven't spoken to them in a few years now. We're kind of...estranged, I guess. It's complicated. Aja: I get it. You know, me and my mom are the same way. She left when I was little. I'm not even sure what city she lives in. But she always sends me a birthday gift though, which is nice I guess... Ryan: Ahhh the classic “I'm gonna send you a gift instead of an apology!” I used to get those! Aja: Works like a charm, right? Ryan: I don’t let it eat me up too much. I’ve got Eric, and he’s been my rock since literally day one. We speak the same language, you know? He’s always been able to snap me out of it when I’m kind of spiraling. I think you just need that person that gets you. Um, so thanks for getting me to vent a little. Even though I guess it’s not like, the romantic vibe we’re supposed to be going for. [soundtrack] 
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Aja: You know what? It kinda is. I like getting to know you know you. I'm really glad you're opening up to me, Ryan. I can't believe I almost sent you home. Ryan: You did?? Aja: I guess I shouldn't have said that, but yeah. You're hard to read! It's confusing! But now that you're letting me in I can tell how sweet you actually are. Atticus kinda saved your ass sending himself home. Ryan: Yeah, I guess he did...but there is something I really have to tell you. Aja: What is it? Ryan: ...Uh...well...actually, nevermind. Aja: Oh come on. Ryan: I...think I'm about to crash. That’s what I wanted to say. Been a long night. But, Aja, I'm really glad I'm still here.
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"Feels a little cryptic but ok. I'm glad you're here too."
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"Who knew prickly Ryan was actually such a softie? It's really cute. I'm glad he's got Eric to bring this fun, open side of him out a little. Hopefully I get to see more of that. Also, tell him to wear his hair down more. It’s super hot."
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Meanwhile back at the Bachelorette mansion, Cooper's heading downstairs for a midnight snack when he spots Bastien having what seems like a lighthearted conversation (we can only assume, since we don't have anyone to translate French) on the phone
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After a little bit of hesitation, Cooper decides to confront Bastien! Whatever he says in French, it’s super heated! Bastien: I do not understand Canadian. What are you talking about? Cooper: I'm literally speaking French; you KNOW what I'm saying! And I know what YOU were saying! How could you do that?! There's no way you're gonna get away with this; I'm telling Aja. Bastien: Perhaps there is a language barrier issue, because I truthfully still do not understand. Cooper: It's the same language!!
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Bastien: Ahh...I see what you're doing. Well played. I'm surprised; I didn't think you'd be the tricky one. I assumed Ryan would be the snake, but he's actually quite likable. Cooper: What are you talking about? Bastien: You're trying to make me the villain. It's smart. You are the only other person that (technically) speaks French so if you pretend you heard me saying something that would send me home, you think everyone would take your word over mine. Sweet, non-threatening, fan favorite, underdog Cooper versus arrogant, wildcard, too good to be true, superstar Bastien. So you interrupt me talking with my agent about my upcoming tour and decide to make up something else to say that I said to make me look bad and get Aja to send me away. Cooper: What? No! That's what YOU’RE doing! You're making that up.
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Cooper: Why are you laughing?? Stop it! Bastien: Because this is a dumb plan! You realize if you go to Aja with more lies you're sending yourself home, no? Aja does not trust you. She knows me. Cooper: I don't care if I lose, as long as you don't win. Bastien: I always win. You'd really risk being eliminated from such a foolish move? Cooper: It's the right thing to do.
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"Very noble. I can see you're very committed to this act. Bonne nuit, Coopet! I guess we’ll meet again at the reunion episode."
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"I need to talk to Aja the SECOND she gets off that plane." What the hell is going on? Who of the four will be sent home in the elimination?? Will Cooper's revelation (or trick??) influence the decision?? And what was up with Ryan's whole "I need to tell you something - actually nevermind" thing??? And are French and Canadian French the same language???? Guess we'll have to wait until the next episode to find out!
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xinyuehui · 3 months
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The elephant cat in the room
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01432853 · 2 years
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When you were with Lu Yao in Hua County it was Yangyang who took care of me. You don't have to meddle. [..] Yangyang is more obedient and sensible. If she meets a fine man in the future it will be his family's blessing to marry her.
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johannepetereric · 2 years
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I just LOVE the CGI/3D art of this. Showing is where the barriers are and how he’s getting through them—to show us Exactly how amazing it’s going, exactly where we’re headed, where Kirio DIDN’T put stuff—among other things
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w-chan00 · 2 years
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Best Match 🤣🤭
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shaguagua · 1 year
He is your grand master's old friend.
莫逆 is used for very close friends, it has many variation to use, 莫逆之友,莫逆之心,莫逆之間,etc. It describes deep friendship. That they don't care if their word would offend another, anyway they would say anything in their heart.
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This phrase came from 莊子 內篇 第6篇, 大宗師 (Zhuangzi Inner-chapter 6, dà zōng shī; the greatest teacher). Where 孔子(Confucius)'s 4 disciples, 子祀(zǐ sì), 子輿(zǐ yú), 子犁(zǐ lí), 子來(zǐ lái), discussed about philosophical riddles.
孰能以無爲首 以生爲脊 以死爲尻
Who dare to define, naught as the head, life as the spine, death as the tail?
孰知死生存亡之一體者 吾與之友矣
Who knows the life and the death; the same, the rise and the fall; the same.
四人相視而笑 莫逆於心 遂相與爲友
Four people had lookd at each other smiling then became friends.
Here 莫逆 the literal meaning is that without clogging. It's just so difficult to explain in english as they don't use much of indeterminate forms for emphasis. It's chinese literary characteristics that there are often multiple negative praises. Sometime the meaning gets complicated that it causes many different interpretations.
Well 莊子 itself is famous being metaphorical that no one would know what it actually means and what was the intention of the author. There are many words which are still used in general life, 莫逆 is one of them. 莊子 contains legends and fairytales of the old china, the book is not that difficult to read but the meaning cab be very philosophical. Poeple say 莊子(Zhuang zi) was a disciple of 孔子(Confucius), I have my timid suspicion about that.
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Anyway, 容雀(Long que) was a very close friend of 秦懷章(Qín huái zhāng). Well I wouldn't know their actual story but it seems how Long que has met his wife through Qin huaizhang. 太師父 to grand master is just so hilarious suddenly all nuance became star wars. 🥲
I'm guessing that Zhou zishu being a noble, He must had read 十三經 or at least 四書; 論語 孟子 大學 中庸. Then why is he keep quoting from other than those? Did he like to read? Or is that the influence from Qin huaizhang? ༼༎ຶ෴༎ຶ༽ Is it only me? Zhou zishu clothes look like Max Mara.
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hanna-water · 2 years
and the last snippet from ep 17 😊. Another beautiful view. Vegard looks a little bit lost, holding up that flag tho 😅. I bet someone from the production told him to hold it up for a while, so its noticable in the drone-shots.  And his “the coordinates were right” killed me. 😂
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