#Every time when I want to draw Donnie Raph or Leo I end up drawing something sad with Mikey what's going on????
tapakah0 · 1 year
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"In our house the lights go out at 11. But we couldn't sleep, Uncle Michelangelo didn't sleep either. He showed us glowing insects and said they were butterflies! They were very beautiful, I would like to see the ones that were in his world"
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"Uncle Michelangelo misses Raph"
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For all of the “Raph raised himself AND his brothers” fans out there I bring this train wreck of a thought (I’m a lil sleepy so sorry if it doesn’t make sense or if I repeat myself a lot-)
We do not in fact have any actual evidence that splinter was neglectful to the boys when they were little. In fact, we have the opposite.
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All of these flashbacks indicate that Splinter acc spent a LOT of time with his boys-
With Mikey, he was obviously coached in his art, a smol child can’t paint like that no matter how talented they are so we can see that splinter put in the time/effort to get Mikey the supplies and teach him how to do it well. Which probably means he researched and learned it himself first, idk I just can’t really see Yoshi knowing how to paint/draw that well but that’s just a theory.
With raph and Leo, their lemonade stand is structurally sound: obviously not put together by an 8 year old, and there’s a lotta lemons lyin around that were probably a bit difficult to find, and just LOOK at their faces here they are definitely familiar with this kind of father/son shenaniganizing-also just LOOK at raph. That’s a happy child, one full of excitement and happiness, not a kid who had to grow up too fast. Also his dad is literally right there in the picture
And then with Donnie, I can’t really tell what he’s doing in the background (it’s a bomb) but what i take from that screenshot is that Donnie feels safe/loved enough to come to Splinter when he gets hurt. And Splinters taking care of him!! And, Donnie is wearing clothes, which shows that he went out and got clothes for them but also didn’t force the boys to wear them if they didn’t want to (see other screenshots lol) which also goes to show that he lets his boys choose who they wanna be and what they wanna do. At any point he could’ve forced all of them to train as ninja, at any point he could’ve made clothes mandatory, and at any point he could’ve forced them to drop things that made them happy like skating or science or art but nah. He was supportive every step of the way.
Now am I saying he was perfect? No. Am I saying he couldn’t have done anything better? No. What I’m saying is that Raph acc did not have to raise himself and his brothers. Splinter acc gave them a pretty good childhood, all things considered and it kinda makes me sad when ppl bash Rise Splinter or continue the neglectful parent trope. Again, I’m not saying he did everything right, he def could have spent more time with his kids on an individual basis and he should’ve been more present, but let’s cut him some slack bc he did a really good job at raising the boys. And he got so much better as the show progressed! But that’s another post lol. I’m also not trying to take away Raphs oldest sibling syndrome, he still def has that from being the leader and watching his bros while splinter was away-I’m just saying he didn’t have to do it ALL alone.
Look in the end he’s doing his best and his best was really good for what they had. He’s a good dad, he’s not neglectful.
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faith-forgxtten-land · 2 months
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Blush | Leonardo
this isn't me being modest or fishing for compliments, but i found writing this surprisingly difficult to write for some reason? and i'm not exactly ecstatic with how it ended up, but i've spent a while trying to edit and improve it (and of course tumblr decided to not save my edits, TWICE) and i honestly think this is as good as it's going to get because the more i edit and worry over it, the more difficult it becomes! with that said, i do hope you enjoy it!!
2007 universe!!
warnings: making out? there's not much honestly, leo being a little unhinged and possessive? she/her pronouns used once or twice, everyone is 18+!!
summary: leo likes it a little too much when you blush
word count: 1930 (honestly surprised by the length)
The first time you meet the turtles, you feel faint even after all the preparation you've done with April. She'd told you all about them, yet she hadn't mentioned how intimidating and handsome they were, and you stumble over your introductions, stuttering and blushing, feeling small and unimpressive, like you're back to being a schoolgirl with an unattainable crush.
You have to repeat your name, your shy mumbles too quiet even for their mutant hearing, and you flush as Leonardo smiles patiently at you and ignores Raphael’s eyeroll. Donatello is kind and tells you to not to take his brother’s grumpiness to heart, and Michelangelo talks so much that you don’t have to for the rest of the evening.
From then on, Leo makes an effort to be kind to you; he's always patiently listening to you even as you trip over words, especially on the days where you can barely glance in his direction without blushing, leaning close and bestowing you with an intense attention you're not sure you'll ever get used to. 
And maybe sometimes Leo plays up how soft-spoken you are. You are quiet, and you do have a tendency to mumble your words, yes, but he’s not deaf and he really doesn’t need to invade your personal space as often as he does. It’s just so cute the way you fluster without fail every time he leans in, his breath fanning against your face as he asks you to repeat yourself. 
His brothers and your aunt aren’t as oblivious as you; Donnie shoots him pointed looks that he pointedly ignores, Raph’s eyes are permanently rolling, and by now Mikey, who had initially been supportive, has begun to find it sickening, miming puking in the background each time Leo so much as looks in your direction. Even Splinter has joined in, completely unsubtle in his offhand mentioning of grandchildren whenever he sees the both of you, whether you’re alone or together. And April... well, she had cornered him in the dojo and promised that he'd be running back to the rainforest she found him in if he ever did you wrong. 
He had no intention of ever hurting you, or letting anyone else hurt you, for that matter. You’re just so endearing; so precious and shy, a snowflake that has yet to feel heat, and he so desperately wants to be the only one to light that fire within you and watch you melt.
Perhaps it's a little obsessive, but everything you do, usually unknowingly, draws him in like a moth to a flame. And it’s a little mean, maybe, the way he delights as you fluster and flush with only the tiniest hints of encouragement from him, but it sends a thrill through him each time. You’re so shy, so innocent and trusting, it’s impossible for him not to take advantage of that (even if April’s threats ring in his ears whenever he does).
So he invites you over, a movie night with just the two of you because of course Mikey is busy doing something silly and senseless that you won't be interested in, and you know Donnie's always busy doing something painfully nerdy that's way too boring to be fun, and Raph is busy doing something boneheaded with Casey that's far too dangerous.
It's just you and Leo.
You're both quiet for the most part, but keenly aware of each other's presence. It would be impossible for him to miss the way you practically stop breathing whenever his leg brushes oh-so lightly against yours, and he knows you're not paying much attention to the movie because he isn't either, and you're not exactly subtle with the way your eyes keep flicking away from the screen to sneak a peek when you think he isn't looking. 
The eleventh time you do this, he decides enough is enough, and lets his eyes catch yours.
He keeps eye contact for a little too long to be casual, heart racing at the way your eyes dart away awkwardly but seemingly can’t resist finding his again no matter how embarrassed you feel. God, you’re so cute, he wants to squish your cheeks and eat you alive. He must not be doing a very good job at hiding that desire because Donnie shoots him a warning look as he passes by to grab something from the kitchen, and Leo elects to ignore it, sticking his foot out suddenly and smiling innocently as his brother stumbles and glowers but continues his walk without comment.
He slides his arm casually over the back of the couch when he’s certain you’re alone again, unable to cover his smirk as you stiffen and your breath hitches. He’s not even touching you and he wants to laugh at how innocent you are; he feels like a wolf waiting to pounce on a lamb and it really shouldn’t excite him this much. The thought makes him shuffle just a little closer, disguising his movements as a casual adjustment in his seating. He flashes you a kind smile. “You okay?”
Your smile in return is tight and nervous, and you can’t bring yourself to make eye contact this time. You nod quickly, not trusting yourself to speak without humiliating yourself further. That, of course, is ruined as Leo drops his hand to the bare skin of your shoulder from where your shirt has slipped, rubbing your warm skin gently. You jump, a squeak slipping past your lips, and you feel your face grow even hotter.
Leo looks at you with feigned concern, lips rolled together to hide his grin, pushing an earnest façade to conceal his amusement. Your skin is so soft, he thinks, brushing his fingers over it again. “You sure?”
You swallow thickly as his palm flattens and trails towards your neck. “Y-yes.”
He’s even closer now, muscled thigh pressed against yours as he peers at you. “You’re looking a little flushed…”
You look up and meet his unfaltering stare; his eyes are dark, pupils eclipsing warm brown irises, and you feel like they’re swallowing you whole the longer you get lost in his gaze. His hand slides up and you shudder as he cups your jaw gently. There’s only an inch or so between your faces now, and you’re not sure when you got so close, but it’s hard to focus on anything other than the rush of blood in your ears as your heart beats erratically. “Leo,” you whisper uncertainly, and his eyes darken before he presses his lips to yours.
You’re still for a moment, frozen as butterflies flutter so violently in your stomach you think you might vomit – which would be the most mortifying thing to ever happen to you (and you’ve had a lot of mortifying things happen to you) and you might have to take a leaf out of Leo’s book and head to Central America and cut all contact with everyone you know.
You're not really sure what you're doing, and your actions feel delayed, like you're moving in slow motion or you're underwater and your movements are sluggish despite your best efforts, but you must be doing something right because he groans quietly against your mouth and the sound makes your abdomen clench. He pulls back and your lips are tingling as he catches his breath. 
He looks the way you feel; a mess, flushed with his chest heaving, and you feel a little smug even as you blush further when he smirks at you. He doesn’t say anything, just keeps smirking at you because he’s insufferable like that, and you realise he’s waiting for you to meet his eyes. 
It's a Herculean effort, but you manage to return his heated stare. 
“I want it all.” Leo is gazing into your eyes in complete seriousness and, as much as you want to look away and bury your face into your hands, something keeps you transfixed.
"All?" It's a miracle that you find your voice, even if it's the weakest it's ever sounded, wheezing and as soft as the skin under his calloused palms.
Leo's eyes somehow darken further. "This isn't just a game to me, or a one-time thing. I want everything with you."
You swallow the reticence that threatens to burst from your throat and lick your lips, the taste of his own a heavy weight against yours. His eyes follow the movement, the intensity of his stare making you feel dizzy. “I’ve never done this before,” you admit, heat crawling up your neck. “I’ve never even been in a relationship before."
Leo smiles at you, a knowing curve of his lips, crooked and tender with a hint of mirth, eyes dancing across every inch of your face with your admission as if he can’t decide which spot deserves his attention more. “I want to be your first and last,” he says honestly, voice a little uneven as if he hasn’t yet caught his breath after your kiss.
He’s nervous, you realise, cheeks darker than usual and inflicted with the same timidity that's nestled in your chest – not that he’ll admit to it. His eyes keep flitting about, not in a loving caress, but in a nervy flutter. You make him nervous. You can’t stop the giggle that leaves your lips and, almost instantly, Leo’s nervousness melts away as he raises a non-existent brow. “Something funny?”
Your face is flushed, and you can feel that shyness threatening to rear its head, but you push through and beam a little bashfully at him. “I want that too. I want it all. With you."
Leo blinks slowly and leans in close again. It takes everything within you not to pull away; your face is scorching, and you wonder if it’s actually possible to burn your skin from blushing so fiercely. “Can I kiss you?” His voice is lower than normal, soft and rough at once, deep and dark like it’s filtered through gravel and dripped in honey at the same time, and you kind of want to faint.
“Haven't you already?” you mumble, eyes dropping from his as another wave of heat rushes to your face, resolutely staring just beyond the turtle that’s practically on top of you.
Leo laughs softly, hand on your jaw once more and directing your embarrassed gaze to him. He’s smiling wide and then he’s kissing you again.
It’s still sloppy and tentative, you’re still entirely unsure of what you’re doing and it’s almost embarrassing enough to make you retreat, but then his tongue, long and thick, traces the seal of your lips in question and your brain shuts-down. Hesitantly, you answer, your own tongue shy as it brushes against his and easily forfeits the short fight for dominance, letting him lick your mouth with practiced ease. Any remnants of anxiety over your own inexperience dissipate with every flick of his skilled tongue, and you melt into his embrace.
“Oh my god, Leo’s eating her face.”
Leo pulls back and you squawk, mortified and covering your face as embers of confidence sputter, fleeing from you while Mikey dramatically projectile vomits his nunchucks across the room where they hit the wall with a thud. Your face is on fire, and you die a little on the inside as you realise that the glistening around Leo's mouth is mostly your spit. 
You die a little more and make a mental note to book a flight to Costa Rica when Splinter arrives to investigate the commotion, his son still pressed against you on the couch, and simply murmurs about grandchildren before winking at you.
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aealzx · 4 months
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“You know, I think if we had a competition for the most gnarly injury you’d win it every time,” Leo commented while he focused on properly cleaning the four definitely infected slashes across Donnie’s back. It had been tense at first, considering it had been way longer than Leo would have liked before the wounds were properly addressed. The others had tried to take care of them without him since he'd been with Splinter at Big Mama's place, but they just didn’t have his eye for the important things. And Shredder really did some damage this time. At least Donnie's battle shell had managed to take the brunt of the blow. “Raph would win on the sheer number of injuries, of course. He goes through band aids like personal sized pizza. But you definitely, somehow, always end up with the most complicated ones.”
Leo was making jokes. And while it was exasperating to listen to, it was also reassuring for Donnie to hear. It meant that while he still felt awful and kept a fistful of Splinter’s robe, Leo was confident he would be just fine. “...I think this is a competition I’d rather lose,” Donnie responded, voice muffled by the pillow his face was mostly smothered in. Leo was being as gentle as possible, but the sterile saline still caused his tissue to sting, earning hisses and flinches from him.
Leo could only chuckle in response, tenderly pressing Donnie’s shell so he could see inside the gash better. “Don’t worry pops. He’ll be just fine. I can already see improvement because of the antibiotics,” he assured when he noticed Splinter giving him a mildly frustrated look. “This isn’t even as bad as the one he got when he was a tot - oh, another piece of metal. Hang on.” His assurance broke off as he was able to confirm that there was a foreign material that needed to be removed from the wound, setting one of the many bottles of saline down in exchange for needle pointed tweezers. Donnie already knew the drill by now, and responded by sucking in a stiff breath and tightening his grip on his dad, Splinter returning the motion by holding him a little more firmly. He wasn’t looking forward to the stitches, but he was looking for the long nap he was going to take once Leo was finally done.
And at least Leo’s hands had gotten a lot more steady over the years.
Here, have a little side turtle thing unrelated to any of my existing projects |D Or well, mostly unrelated. I started drawing this like 2 weeks ago and then forgot why I wanted to draw it other than Mikey mentioning it in CDK. And sometimes I like to draw angst, but then I ran out of the super angst desire for this one and ended up making it a little lighter in the text?
I just really wanted to get something up after this long |D Even if I am more in a state of "why did I draw this again? e,e" atm X'D
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taffybear · 4 months
random list of my bay Leo headcanons ❤
working on Raph next! let's see how many ideas i get lol
also opening my inbox for writing (and perhaps even drawing) requests! feel free to drop me an ask <3
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literally loves mitski and mac demarco. he likes very indie hopeless romantic type music, it's literally hilarious to catch him just vibing in his feels
SECRETLY HAS PINTEREST BAHAHAHAHA but just for finding poetry and looking at bonsai trees. Mikey found out (like he doesn't have pinterest too??) and they all ended up making fun of him for it to the point where Leo debated deleting the app but ended up forgetting about it.
very specific but he has this unique type of love language where he'll ask you something and without any further questions he will go get or accomplish whatever he hinted at. for example, y'all will just be hanging out, and he'll go, "are you hungry?" and if you just as much nod your head hesitantly he will run to the kitchen and make you a 3 course meal. or, he'll just ask you if you're cold, and if you say yes he brings you a heater and a blanket. he doesn't ask things like, "can i get you a water?" he'll just ask if you're thirsty and go from there.
has the most gorgeous handwriting on the planet. this beautiful cursive print that is lowkey unreadable but so aesthetically pleasing. at first you were shocked but as you got to know him it made lots of sense, literally probably his biggest hobby is just remembering some random thing and then spending weeks straight perfecting it until it's natural for him. he loves to challenge himself to be perfect at literally anything, and his hand writing is one of those instances.
speaks fluent japanese OF COURSE but his brothers don't know it as well as he does (they all know a little at least) and he'll curse them out quietly in japanese behind their backs.
Leo wouldn't say he had a favorite brother of course but he definitely prefers Don's presense over the others. they always go to each other first when they have a problem or just want to rant, and they have a bunch of inside jokes.
after Donnie, Leo's the biggest insomniac. he gets nightmares a lot unfortunately, and most times when he wakes up he physically can't go back to sleep. literally Mikey will get up for a glass of water at 5:37 in the morning and Leo is up doing flips.
very random, but Leo is AWFUL at math. he meant to learn at some point but the time passed and he missed the boat. ofc math is Don's second language and Mikey and Raph couldn't care less (but somehow Mikey always guesses the right answers without doing the correct work??) but Leo is lowkey embarrassed that he struggles with it so much. he can do basic math and most things that come up in daily life like practical equations, but anything past times tables and division he is cannot understand. if you come over and need help on your math homework he will try his HARDEST to help you but ultimately he's completely clueless.
always takes bugs outside. if the creepy crawly is creepy enough or makes you screech, he'll whip it with his katana but normally he'll take the time to scoop it up in his hands (literally no fear) and walk it outside calmly.
literally LOVES doing chores. it's like a form of self care for him. folding laundry, sweeping, mopping, washing the dishes, organizing the dojo, he'll literally put on some music and go to town. when he visits you he will literally just start straightening things up and picking things off of the floor. he hates having nothing to do so he'll just ask for something he can clean while y'all chit chat.
incredibly flexible. he can bend every which way, sit comfortably in a split for hours, can bend over IN HALF and grab the back of his legs--he's literally maxed out on flexibility. but splits training is his private time so unless you sneak you won't catch a glance. but when you do, in between of sliding dojo doors, it is... something. like excuse me sir how tf doesn't that hurt your bAWLLS
smells like lavender. dead serious his signature scent is lavender. it's not like he wears cologne or anything, he just lights a lot of lavender incense and candles to the point where if someone even steps foot in his room they walk out aroma-fied.
everyone in the fandom has their personal opinion of who's the best cook and who's the worst cook of the four, and it is finally time for my hot take of the century. i think Leo is by far the best chef, and Raph is the one who can't even make toast right. a lot of people say Mikey is the chef of the family, which i agree with, he enjoys cooking and baking very much, but this doesn't mean the food he makes is good 💀💀💀 he trusts himself over any recipe and so he just throws in whatever he feels like. Leo can't stand being in the kitchen while Mikey is cooking, his ocd can't stand it. this said, you'd think this would mean the guys prefer Leo's cooking over Mikey's but fact is Leo is such a perfectionist he will spend hours working on a meal it's past 11 by the time he's done. and he doesn't take requests, he only makes what he wants and then on top of that the healthnut version. he makes sushi a lot and goes crazy when you bring him salmon.
IS SUCH A DORK BAHAHAHA if you even so much MENTION a book or a show he likes he will blabber for HOURS about it. he knows every single fact there is to know about star trek it is insane. you amuse him not because you're interested of course but he is just so damn adorable when he's talking about something he enjoys (which he rarely gets the chance to without being made fun of LMAO)
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wifeyifey · 1 year
Getting the boys to draw your tattoo TMNT x platonic!gn!reader
I will also be doing a romantic reader as well!!
Description: the boys are like family to you so you get the boys to draw something small not knowing you’re getting it tattooed on yourself
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You’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately. You’ve been thinking about how you don’t really have family nearby, not like you’re very close to them anyways, and you’ve been thinking about how the boys have been the best family you could’ve asked for. They took you in when you were going through tough times and they have been your best friends throughout your lifetime. You’ve been trying to show them how important they are to you and you saw a trend on tiktok where someone gets their family to draw a flower and get it tattooed on them. The reactions of the family members were so cute and honestly, what a better way to show your appreciation and love for your family. 
You went to Donnie’s lab and asked for a piece of paper and pen and immediately asked him to draw a flower on it. Donnie looked at you and then at the paper that was being shoved in his face by you. “Uhh, sure. Is there a particular flower you want me to draw?” You thought for a moment and just gave a small smile, “I’m sure you have a favorite one, why don’t you draw that?” Donnie smiled and said, “Of course I have one.” He took his time when it came to drawing a lotus flower and as he drew it, he rambled on about the meaning behind it and the medicinal purposes it had in the past. Every now and then, he would scrunch his nose at it not being perfect, but eventually he was pleased with the outcome and handed it over to you. You took a good look at it and felt yourself smile at how cute it looked. “Is it good enough?” he asked you. “Oh, it’s perfect, Don. Thank you!” you said and gave him a quick hug. One that was immediately returned. 
You were thinking of which one of the brothers would be the hardest to get them to draw a flower and your mind landed on Leo. Yeah, he's definitely going to be the last one on your list. You were about to go look for Raph when you’re suddenly picked up and your back is flush against their chest with a loud yell of your name and you start to giggle as Mikey spins. “You gotta watch out angel! I almost slammed into you,” Mikey says as he puts you down on his skateboard. You put the pieces together and realize you walked in his way. How convenient. “Come chill with me for a minute amigo(a),” he put his hands on your waist and guided you towards the couch as you tried to balance on the board. As soon as you got into the living room area you both sat down on the couch as Mikey started up a game that he wanted you to play with him. You ended up playing the game with him for a while before you remembered the original plan you had for the day. After losing the round you were in you gave a dramatic sigh after Mikey’s loud cheer. “If only, you could make it up to me for beating me in the first round,” you emphasized with an even longer, dragged out sigh as you lay across his lap to make sure you have his full attention. “Ok, ok! What can I do?” you handed him a piece of paper and a pen, “I would love a lil flower from my favorite ‘arteest’.” “Awww, yeah I can do that for you angelbaby.” You sit up with a big smile on your face and watch as he does a dahlia with great detail. You loved it so much, but you know the other two turtles aren’t going to be as professional. You didn’t say anything about it though because you love the fact that they’ll all be unique to them. “Is this good enough Y/N?” “Oh, Mikey. It’s perfect! Thank you so much!” You knocked him back from the force of your hug which made the both of you laugh and as Mikey sat you both up, he gave you a small peck on your forehead. Before he could ask why you wanted it, you were up and running to go find Raph.
You didn’t hear him moving around in the workout room so you headed to his room. You knocked on his door and before he could finish saying “come in” you practically kicked the door open and walked in to see him reading a comic. He sighed at how you barged in, but other than that, he didn’t look up from the pages he was reading. “Raph, you better move the comic,” you warned. “Oh yeah? Or else what shorty?” You closed the door and backed up against the door before leaning forward a bit as you were about to give yourself a head-start. He knew immediately what you were about to do and his eyes widened a bit, “Hey hey! Wait!” but it was too late you were already using the end of his bed to help you jump up as you were about to body slam him into the bed. He was quick enough to at least grab the pillow from next to him to place on his chest. You landed hard on his chest but it was much softer than what it would’ve been without the pillow. It helps when he also prevents you from bouncing off of him and landing on the ground instead because he wrapped his arm around you. Raph couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle after you let out a groan. “If only yuh thought that one through.” You just rested your head against his chest with a small, “noted”. He let out another chuckle as he started to gently rub your back with his thumb and looked back at his comic in his other hand. You nearly fell asleep until you turned your head to see what comic he was reading, only to see Poison Ivy. You are once again reminded of your mission. You place your chin on his chest as you look up to ask him your question. “Hey Raphie?” “Hmm” “Can I ask you a favor?” “Depends. Do I gotta get up?” You shook your head and he looked down at you with a small exhale from his nose, “Ight. What do I gotta do?” You moved onto the empty side of his bed and brought out the paper and pen. “All you gotta do is draw a flower and I’ll be outta your hair.” He grabbed the pen and paper and almost looked shy about it. “I ain’t as good of a drawer as Mikey.” “That’s ok! It can be a simple flower. It doesn’t have to be anything crazy.” He looked back down at the paper in his hand and then he let out a small sigh. “Ight,” he said as he started drawing a small sunflower. You smiled knowing you love sunflowers and that he decided to draw your favorite just because you asked him. It made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. He finished it up and handed it to you and you thanked him before giving him a big hug, “yeah yeah. Don’t mention it shorty.” You got up to head out before adding a small, “see ya at dinner!” before walking out and closing his door.
You were practically skipping your way to find Leo. You walked by his room and noticed he wasn’t there. You passed by Splinter’s meditation room and noticed he wasn’t there either. Next stop: dojo. You finally reached it and leaned your head into the doorway. Leo was training with his swords. He was in the middle of a flip when you walked in quietly and sat a safe distance away from him. Leo wrapped up the routine he was doing when he bowed and placed his swords back into their sheaths. He came up to you and patted your head before sitting down in front of you. “What’s up Y/N?” he asked as he was about to set you guys up for some small meditation. “Well I wanted to see how your day has been so far?” “And?” your smile fell a small bit. “Well it’s a small favor to ask, but I do wanna know how you’ve been. Don’t want you to think I’m just here for my silly little things.” He let out a small laugh, “No, I know you do Y/N. I know you have your silly little things, but I’m not upset with any of your silly ideas or things you bring to me.” You smiled big at that because you know you can get a little annoyed about things sometimes, but it gives you small moments together. You know that sometimes it helps him after tense moments because he tends to at least smile by the end of your conversation. You guys had some small talk when there was a small pause and he finally asked, “so what can I help you with?” You grabbed one of the last two papers left and handed it to him with the pen. “I was hoping you could draw a flower?” you asked softly, knowing he was about to ask why and you know you’re not good at hiding secrets from him. “I think you know what I’m about to ask,” you sighed a little before giving a small giggle, “Yeah, yeah. It’s just something I’m planning on doing. I don’t want to spoil the surprise though.” He raised a brow, “a surprise, huh?” He gave a small smile, “You know I’m not good at surprises and neither are you.” You grab your heart dramatically, “you wound me Leo.” He wasn’t wrong. Every time you have a surprise you get too excited and accidentally spoil it. He chuckled and then started to draw an orchid. He was actually drawing it pretty well. You lean in closer to watch him finish his drawing. “You’re doing really well, surprisingly.” “Surprisingly! Hey, I’m not that bad at these kinds of things.” You both laughed as he handed it to you and you nearly squealed in excitement because now you have your tattoo. You stood up quickly and kissed the top of his head and gave it a rub, “thanks Buddha!” and ran out before he could grab you. “Hey!”
Last, but not least, you had to get Master Splinter. He was the wisest and best father figure you've ever had. You would often go to him whenever you were struggling and he always gave the best advice. Heading towards the meditation room, you paused in front of the entrance. You were getting a bit emotional just thinking about his addition to your piece and had to close your eyes to keep the tears from spilling. It was so important to you that you added one from him. You take a deep breath before opening your eyes to be greeted by Master Splinter standing in front of you. You couldn't help the little jump you had and heard Splinter give a small chuckle. "My child, what can I do for you?" he asked calmly. "U-Uh, I was just wondering if we could have some tea together? I have a small question to ask," you said softly. Splinter stepped to the side and gestured to the cushions on the floor. You went to sit down and Splinter sat down in his spot and poured out the tea that he just brought in before you got there. You grab your cup and take a sip and feel the warmth of it going through your chest. "So, what's the question you have for me?" You look at him and give a small smile, "Master Splinter, I just have a rather, simple request." He gave a small hum waiting for you to continue. "I was going around and wanted to ask if you could draw a flower for me? It could be any flower you like, it's just I wanted, ya know, a small piece of everyone." You looked up to meet his eyes. "Hmm, it is a simple request," he gave a small smile making you smile as well, "so simple... that I can fulfill it." You smiled even bigger and grabbed your last piece of paper and handed it to him with the pen you had. He grabbed them from your hands and gave only of them a squeeze before he softly sketched a hydrangea. "You know, this flower symbolizes gratitude. It also grows so closely together, that some view it as a familial bond with it," you hold your breath a little taking in his words. "It is a beautiful flower, one that I love associating with my children," he smiled as he finished and handed the paper to you. "I hope you keep it close to your heart, the way that I do." You looked at the drawing and couldn't help the tears pooling in your eyes and you cleared your throat to hide the tremble in your voice. "I definitely will, Master Splinter," you said as you got up and bowed to him before quickly blurting out, "Thank you so much, I-I greatly appreciate you doing this for me." You turned and walked out of the room and out of the lair with haste so no one saw you cry.
You’re running back to the lair with so much excitement to show the boys the tattoo you got. It just finished healing and you can’t believe you managed to go two and a half weeks without spilling the beans. Finally making it through the main entrance, you yelled out “Guys!! Come to the kitchen!!” Thank goodness no one was asleep because you would’ve been met with fire. Once everyone was gathered in the kitchen and sitting in their seats, you decided to give the speech you planned out for them. “So. As you all know, I asked you guys to draw a flower for me. However, I didn’t tell you, guys, why. Well. I was thinking of how to show you guys how much you mean to me as a family and,” you pull up your sleeve to show them the artwork on the inside of your elbow, “I wanted to be able to have a piece of you guys with me. You guys are honestly the most important people in my life and I feel so much love for and from you guys.” You look up from the tattoo to look at the boys and you’re receiving mixed reactions. You suddenly get a little shy. What if they don’t feel like your family? However, Mikey stands up and walks in front of you and wraps his arms around you, and shoves his face into the crook of your neck. You’ve never heard him so quiet and before you could say anything, you hear him sniffling. You wrap your arms around him tightly and start tearing up yourself. Leo, Raph, and Donnie stand up and wrap themselves around you guys. You look up and see the other boys are also tearing up. You have to hold back from letting out a sob. You’re so happy the boys reacted so well. You all stand there for a while before the guys pull back from you. Each one of them wanted to see your tattoo, but Mikey was first. He grabs your arm and looks at the tattoo closely, “I can’t believe someone got my art on them permanently.” Raph comes up behind him and takes your arm from Mikey, “I can’t believe it either. Especially with my mediocre scribbles.” Raphael then gives your head a loving pat. Donnie comes up next, “man, they did a great job on it too. You’ve always been a part of our family, Y/N.” The boys back up a bit as Leo steps forward. He gingerly grabs your arm and says, “this… is the best surprise.” You smile real big and jump on him wrapping your arms and legs around him. “The best family ever!!” you yell. "Oh OH! Have you shown Master Splinter yet?" Mikey yelled out, "U-Uh no, not yet." "Let's go!" Mikey said dragging you towards the meditation room. He practically pushed you into the room making you stumble and almost fall. Thank goodness everyone has ninja skills in this place because you were caught instantly by Splinter. "Y/N, how nice of you to join me," he said as he stood you back on your feet. "Master Splinter! I'm so sorry!" "I'm assuming you have something you want to share with me, my child." "Yes, I do. Um. Remember how I asked you for the flower? I wanted to show you and the guys how much you mean to me as a family and.." you strayed off as you lifted your sleeve, "I now have a piece of you all with me." Splinter cradled your arm gently. He looked up at you and smiled, "I'm so glad to have you as family, Y/N. I hope you remember the meaning of my flower." You were about to say yes when Mikey nearly tackled your back with excitement about his dad welcoming you into the family making Splinter chuckle as the rest trickled into the room happy to have a new addition to their little family.
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Hey, could you do a rottmnt boys with a dragon yokai S/O who's roughly 8' foot, really tough scales, and is a bit of an older sister/mom friend.
Thanks, I love everything you do ❤️💙💜🧡
Thank you for the kind words :)
I've already done 2012 Leo with a dragon Reader, check it out if you want!
Raph, Leo, Donnie and Mikey x dragon yokai Reader
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★ Canonically Raph is six feet tall, so you are taller than him by two feet. The hight difference between the two of you makes him blush. He's not used to being around someone who is taller than him.
★ He's always had to be the responsible one in his family so giving someone to share that burden is a godsend. The first time you showed concern over him getting hurt he froze up because he didn't know what to do.
★ Don't even get me started on when you clean up after him. He feels really bad about making a mess but with his size it is unavoidable, it's something that you both know well.
★ I like the trope of dragons hoarding treasure but imagen your "treasure" being stuffed animals. Hear me out. Just think about him walking into your home expecting it to be full of treasure. Only to see a literal mountain of stuffies in front of him. He'd be smitten.
★ Mom friend head cannons! (Might have repeated some stuff)
★ Lord knows that this guy needs a mom friend to keep him in line. Remember the episode where he continuesly eats poison? When you found out you dragged him to his room by the tails of his mask and lectured him for about a hour.
★ He's a little scared of you, not gunna lie. Leo would never admit it though. If anyone in his family found out they all would start threatening to invite you over when he's back on his bullshit.
★ He pushes every button you have but it's worth it because he would give up anything for you. And you would do the same. The things you put up with in the name of love....
★ At first he hated it when you motherd him. He doesn't need to be babied! Honestly he only hates it because it's a blow to his bad boy image. Later when you start to date he can't get enough, just as long as his family isn't in the room.
★ He has a bad boy image to maintain, so don't try to dote on him in public. If you do you will get a death glare because he can't bring himself to push you away.
★ Similar to 2012 Leo you gotta hide your mystical valuables from him. But unlike Leo's 2012 counterpart he doesn't want to give them back two there original owner. He wants to study any/all mystical items you have.
★ Big lady! Please carry him when he doesn't want to get up. The only person who has been able to carry him in the past 5 years is Raphael. He does the grabby hands thing and everything to try and get you to pick him up.
★ The size difference between the two of you is great because you always end up being big spoon while cuddling. This includes making massive pillow forts in the lair to binge watch shows and have lazy days in.
★ He practices drawing dragons in a traditional Japanese art style (also known as ryu or tatsu). Your figure is really unique and it inspires him to draw more inhuman characters.
★ Although he loves it when you pick him up, it can be very scary when you fly high up with him. It takes him awhile to warm up to it, pretty funny considering his future self floats. (that's basically flying, right?)
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goosewriting · 2 years
Rise turtles with a gn!reader s/o who is very tall like 190 or 233 cm in height like some one piece characters bc if you watch it or read it yeah
My eyes are up here (pun intended) (rottmnt x reader)
summary: headcanons for the turtles with a very tall reader.
relationship: Rise Leo, Raph, Mikey, Donnie x tall GN reader (separate, established)
warnings: none!
word count: ~830
A/N: i’m assuming you meant a human reader, for which 233 cm is freaking massive so i went with 203 cm (6’8”). you can see the size comparison here (lmao splinter). i based the turtles’ heights on this chart; i’m fairly sure that’s the canon one. also sorry this one’s so short! i’m pretty short myself (pun not intended) so racking my brain to come up with these was particularly difficult sdjfhsdf
(english is not my first language. constructive criticism and grammar corrections are very appreciated!)
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🔵 Leo
Leo discovered how much he likes being the small spoon when he started cuddling with you.
Most times he wants to feel like the “protector”.
He is a ninja after all.
But when he really grasped your size and build, that perception shattered completely.
Loves it when you tower over him.
He is 100% smitten with you.
Has definitely misjudged a distance or depth so that you end up hitting your head or shoulder somewhere because he pushed/dragged you with him, convinced you’d fit.
When Leo’s feeling cocky, he’ll probably try to kabe-don you, but will get too flustered every time.
Has begged you a million times to do the Dirty Dancing move where he comes running and you lift him up, spinning.
Whether you feel like you can pull it off or not is up to you lol
🔴 Raph
Our big boy in red is delighted.
He’s usually the biggest/tallest one in the room.
So when April introduced you to the group he was all starry eyed.
You’re so tall!
After you got together, his favourite thing is when you hug him and rest your chin on his head.
Forehead kisses 🥺
You’re the only one who can do the thing to him where you hold something over his head and mock him about not being able to reach.
His shell doesn’t really allow him to be the small spoon (which makes him a bit sad).
So instead your favourite cuddling position is you on your back and Raph on top, with your legs at his side as he rests his face on your chest/stomach.
You can’t help but gently trace the edge of his shell and spikes on his shoulder, he looks so peaceful!
Raph may or may not have purred at this while asleep.
Your cheeks burn up every time you think about it.
🟠 Mikey
Mikey is shmol.
And that’s a fact.
How he managed to pull someone as tall as you, he has no idea.
You always call him “pocket size” to tease him, but you mean it endearingly, not in a mocking manner.
He lets you get away with it, but will use the “how’s the weather up there?” joke if he wants to tease you back.
Mikey loves getting piggy back rides.
You may or may not leave things up high on purpose so you can come up from behind, offering to help him reach it.
No matter your body type, Mikey will 100% ask you to pose for him so he can draw you.
He’s fascinated by how far your limbs can reach.
Will often hold out his hand over yours to compare sizes.
Or stretch out his legs when sitting next to you, seeing how when your hips are aligned, his feet don’t go much farther than your knees.
🟣 Donnie
The purple turtle doesn’t really care about what you look like.
He has his spider leg thingies so he can reach wherever.
But with your height, he’ll still try to take advantage of it by having you help out in his lab somehow.
Either by holding several things in place at the same time.
Or using you as a measuring instrument when he doesn’t have his measuring tape at hand.
“Hey Y/n, come here and stretch your arm along this panel please.”
He aligns the tips of your fingers to the metal panel and marks where it ends on your upper arm with a pen.
Then guides you towards a different panel to get the right length to cut them the same size.
Really he’s just using that as an excuse to touch you, but don’t point it out or he’ll stop doing it.
And you’re amused as well so why confront him about it.
Donnie has definitely used something along this line* against you when he was mad about something.
When he’s feeling especially vulnerable or blue, he’ll take off his battle shell and sit back with his soft shell against your chest so you hug him from behind. Your arms are long enough to completely engulf him.
*Transcription: “What was that? Sorry, I just thought somebody above the national average height said something. (Dry chuckle) You’re disgusting, tall man. Shrink.”
🐀 Splinter (platonic, friendly kid-in-law kinda relationship)
Be aware that if you offer him a ride on your shoulders once, he will not hesitate to ask you for them when out and about.
For example when exploring the Hidden City.
If you’re nearby and he wants to talk to Draxum and is trying to make a point, he may climb you up himself and sit on your shoulders to be more on eye level with him.
Doesn’t like it when he’s trying to reach for something high up and you pick it up for him.
Instead has no shame in asking you to pick him up and towards the high shelf so that he can reach for the thing himself.
🐥 taglist: [more info in my pinned post!] @hearteyedracoon, @koalaray, @maribatshipper, @whygz, @lovelylovelydreams
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mushtoons · 10 months
What is Ronin’s Relationship with the other turtles like?
okay okay so like!!! its complicated! info dumping time!!
so context it starts out rock, obviously since hes freshly dumped here in this new world every he loves is dead trauma ect ect,
then it starts getting a little steady (baby tots), they're toddlers at this point and ronin tries to fix everything he wished he could with his brothers example: "no donnie you DONT know everything" "raph you dont have to always be in control" "leo you dont have to hide everything to make your brothers feel better!" but it kinda backfires because they're kids man! and communication is lacking so while he thinks hes helping them they feel like he's taking away what makes them who they are and like overall targeted
so we go back to rocky, ronin starts to draw back in on himself again because its slowly setting in that they might be them but they arent HIS brothers and the relationships suffer because of it (the kids kinda feel at fault)
now they're healing and working out how their dynamics work with each other
so the relationship so far, we got:
ronin and leo get along silently, leo goes to ronin when he feels under pressure or needs somewhere to unwind its like an unspoken thing they do where leo gets overwhelmed and sits with ronin while ronin meditates or cooks and they just enjoy each other's company no words necessary (and!!! later on ronin helps her crack her egg, transfem leo, baybee!!)
ronin lets donnie info dump to him and takes him above surface to look for scrap and stuff for inventions, donnie also likes trying to pry any information from ronin about his past as he can as discreetly as he can and ronin likes to tease him "i was made by vampires" "im actually a human in a costume and the zipper got stuck" "i used to be able to fly" (one of these things is true lmaoo)
ronin and mikey's relationship is the most underdeveloped, while ronin loves them all subconsciously or not he ends up showing the others more attention and mikey obviously notices, but it doesn't mean they dont bond, mikey once confessed he wanted to learn to cook like ronin, much to ronin's delight, but mikey has...a particular food pallet and ronin tries to encourage him to make things properly but mikey likes to experiment in the kitchen...its sometimes edible lol
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More ROTTMNT headcanons: random shit part five million
Donnie would pour the milk before the cereal 
And then he would go on a five-minute tangent about how “this is the correct way to do it the internet has rotted your brains” 
Leo puts the cereal in first (you know like a normal person) and argues with Donnie every single morning about how much of a heathen he is 
The jokes on both of them they’re lactose intolerant (and they refuse to take their medicine)
Mikey eats his cereal with chocolate milk (but he still pours the cereal first cause he agrees with Leo (but he’d never tell Donnie that))
Raph just eats his cereal without milk
He will reach his hand into the box and eat it like granola and it disturbs the boys to no end 
One time he ate the cereal dry and had a glass of milk right next to him 
Just to piss the boys off 
The boys all sing in the shower 
Mikey has the highest voice (like I’m not kidding that boy gives Ariana a run for her money) 
Raph is an alto and when he sings you can feel it in your bones 
It reverberates throughout the house and you can hear it no matter what room you’re in
The twins sing both
Leo tends to favor soprano (though he is an excellent alto)
And Donnie tends to lean more towards alto (but he sometimes sings soprano (nothing feels better than hitting a crazy high note))
Leo and Mikey would lick the seasoning off of takis
Donnie and Raph would lick the frosting off pop tarts 
Leo would drink milk out of the carton 
When the twins are bored at 3 in the morning they dance together 
They’ve made whole ass runtiness that they’ve memorized 
They range from hip-hop to ballet (they love having range) 
They’ve memorized the dance from Tangled (cause my sister and I memorized that dance)
Sometimes when they’re in their feels (cause let’s face it 3 am depression hits us all) 
They’ll sit in Donnie’s lab (the only soundproofed room in the lair) and blast sad songs 
Raph knows how to crochet 
He’s made blankets, stuffed animals, and outfits 
(He’s the only person to finish a temperature blanket)
Mikey knows how to sew he’s made quilts, and outfits (he’s the only reason the boys have clothes)
His brothers have more blankets than they know what to do with 
And sometimes when Donnie isn’t busy he’ll make the boys stuff 
Like game consoles or random fidget toys 
Cause Leo can’t do any of that he wracked his brain trying to come up with ways to help his siblings 
Then he noticed
Mikey would draw for hours without taking a break
Donnie wears his battle shell unless he's sleeping
And Raph is just tense 24/7
So he decided that he wanted to come up with stretching regimens to meet their needs so they’re not in pain all the time
The fact that it releases endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin is just a little bonus 
The first time they stretched as a group it sounded like fireworks were going off
Leo was genuinely concerned and considered calling a doctor 
(this is your reminder to go stretch)
(Yes you!)
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unorthodoxx-page · 1 year
Twitter Prompt snippets
I got a few prompts on twitter and one of them was the Magical Girl AU for rottmnt (which is very fun and interesting and the art and lore are AMAZING.  created by  @atruedonaldist if you want to check it out!)  But I am a Precure fan and the new season is about to start soon.......... You can see where this is heading lol.  I went the Precure route 😂  
So without further ado, here are two snippets of Crack Treated Seriously (that’s an ao3 tag for people not familiar lol) I will be finishing this by the way.
Note: this one even pushes my envelop of crossover ideas lol.  It’s fun for me though!  Read at your own risk!
The floating dog actually isn’t odd enough to catch his attention.  They see a lot of weird things in the corners of New York nowadays.  They can’t exactly stop and investigate every flying mutant, yokai, alien…whatever that floats across the skyline.  They’d never sleep if they tried, but he knows his brother, and Mikey’s nothing if not a bleeding heart when it comes to animals.  
So Leo doesn’t say anything to the box turtle when he spots it.  He watches with a raised eye ridge as the small dog wobbles through the air and takes another bite of his pizza.  He lets his eyes slide to his left; Mikey hasn’t seen it yet.  Good.  He prays to all their ancestors that the dog thing disappears before his brother has the chance to notice it.
Geez, is it wrong to ask for one night without any weirdness?  He snags another slice and checks his phone.  They’re late.  The others were supposed to be here fifteen minutes ago.  He glances at the flying animal and scowls when it’s still visible.  Can it go any slower?  It’s like it wants to be seen. He shoots off another angry text.  He and Mikey are sitting high in the skeleton of an abandoned building that’s supposed to serve as their hangout for tonight.  Except that Raph and Donnie are late with April and the Casey’s.  We’re going to get caught in something stupid, he thinks, I just know it.  
Leo’s heart drops when a giant figure leaps onto the rooftops toward the flying dog. 
“Hey,” Mikey says and he curses.  “What’s that?”
“Hmm,” he says, “I don’t see anything.”
Leo flips his sword and falls into a deadly crouch next to Mikey.  He’s tired of the destruction.  He’s tired of the invasions, and he’s tired of the threat to his family.  “This ends now.”  They’re destroying this Monster if it’s the last thing they do.
There’s a snap.  A gasp, and a blinding light that swallows the entire construction site, but Leo’s eyes never leave the Monster despite the intensity.  The Monster flinches, metal arms coming up to protect its face, and that’s when they move, or they try to.  A ball of light stops Leo in his tracks.  It pulses against the dark of the sky before flickering into a pair of orange glasses.  Leo takes an involuntary step back.  What now?  Mikey stumbles as an identical blue pair appears before him.
“The legendary Vison Visors-pyu!”  Happy shouts.  “They’ve awakened!”
“What!” Leo shouts.  “can you please say something that makes sense?!  Please!”  Kingdoms, Negativity, Vision Visors.  He can’t take any more ridiculousness. 
“You must use them-pyu!” Happy continues, “they’re the only thing that can destroy the Monster-pyu!”
Leo shares a look with Mikey.  He’s not sure if they can trust this floating dog, but they might not have a choice.  They've beaten this monster into the ground at least ten times now, but it keeps getting up.  They can’t let it rampage through the city, not when there’s a chance to stop it.  Leo grabs the orange glasses.  They’re big, chunky things with rounded edges, but he can feel the power vibrating from them with a single touch.
“Hey, Leo,” Mikey says.  He holds up his blue pair with a small smile.  “You wanna switch?  Blue’s not really my color.”
I like the idea of their transformation devices being glasses/shades.  if only I could draw!
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tyo-mimt · 6 months
5/36. @tmnt-event-blog
Time is often better spent on compromise than arguing.
(a/n: tumblr. i need more colours. this was already a hard enough prompt to write /lighthearted)
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It's rare to see every single member of the Hamato Clan present and accounted for under the same lair. While the turtles and Splinter were always there, April had less time to visit, Sunita's visits relied heavily on April's presence, the Caseys were always off doing something in New York, and Draxum only ever visited whenever disaster struck or if he didn't have that tri-monthly lunch ladies' assemblage.
So naturally, it was difficult for everyone to be there for one big gathering.
But on the off chance that everyone could make it, it's only natual everyone would want to capitalise on it. April and Sunita brought the pizza (lots of it), the Caseys brought drinks (even more of it), and Draxum brought seating (who knew man-sized plants could make for such comfortable chairs? Learn something new every day). What could go wrong?
Well, maybe the fifteen minutes they had spent arguing about the same topic: which movie to watch.
"We've been over this, Jupiter Jim Sails The Seven Galaxies makes Mikey and Leo fight!" Sunita sighed.
"We'll promise to fight extra quiet for the ending," Mikey argued.
"Yeah! And at least we won't have Raph die of boredom and break another table via Jupiter Jim's Pluto Vacation IV!" Leo was quick to add.
"But it's a musical! It's the only worthwhile thing about the movie!" Draxum emphasised.
"I refuse to spend three hours watching the funny space man look for ice!" Cassandra asserted, squeezing the life out of her red cup.
"How about a Lou Jitsu movie instead?" Splinter brought up.
"Pops, don't take this the wrong way, but everyone and their mothers has seen every Lou Jitsu movie at least twice," Donnie deadpanned.
"Even already CJ's seen Punch Chowder three times! And those two times were in the apocalypse!" Raph mentioned.
"Then three times simply isn't enough!"
The entire room burst into a chorus of disagreement; the order they all once established was now chaos as the line-up of movies remained as limited as they always did.
Casey could understand; time's precious, and there wasn't always enough of it.
Back in the other timeline, disputes like this would've been resolved through compromise... The movie displayed was always determined by luck of the draw. Easy when their selections were always limited. Those movie screenings weren't mandatory, but Casey did attend every one... It was more time spent with loved ones, and he knew better than to let this argument drag on any longer.
He cleared his throat to grab everyone's attention. "How much time do you all have to fight over this?"
"I have tomorrow off," April answered.
"We're both free all the time," Cassandra added.
"It's a weekend, everyone's probably free tomorrow," Sunita said.
Casey sighed, exhaling in relief; they just gave him the answer, "Well, we have two movies we want to watch, and we all don't have somewhere to be tomorrow, so how about we watch both of them?"
Agreements rang through the air. As the tension in the air mellowed down from the prior polarising argument, everyone assumed their positions. The turtles took up a bulk of the floor in a pile, stacked onto each other.
The first movie started; Splinter was the first to inch towards the turtles, taking a seat on one side of Raph's shell. Then April and Sunita clambered onto the other side, claiming the spot as their own. Draxum even pulled a beanbag over to sit closer to the crowd. The second movie rolled in, and the pile turned upside down. Raph had gathered everyone sitting there into a sitting embrace; Cassandra grabbed Casey and pulled him over to join them all. Casey found himself nestled next to his mom-turned-sister and Raph's arm as he watched the movie play on.
But in the end, plagued with the drowsiness from too much pizza and the night creeping in, no one got to see the ending of Jupiter Jim Sails The Seven Galaxies.
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soursugxr · 5 months
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I went slightly insane during my history class
Separated AU? Kinda? Except all of them are completely different from their actual ROTTMNT iterations💀
I’m gonna be honest I’ve never loved drawing Donnie for whatever reason so of course I had to make him pretty so I would actually want to draw him.
Storyline below!!!
Essentially this entire AU is: would if Draxum’s lab exploded and it messed up the turts?
So the story I’ve formulated in my head is like:
Basically the same until like. The whole “Lou Jitsu destroys Draxum’s lab bc fuck that guy” thing. The lab very much explodes.
Raph, being the biggest, shields his siblings (specifically his twin) from the blast to the best of his ability, which absolutely massacres his shell. Leo is the only one who got away without any serious injuries, Donnie straight up lost his arm, and Mikey’s legs are permanently messed up.
Splinter (understandably) thinks Raph is just straight up dead after that (he is not), and takes the other three turts so he can get them help, gets mutated in the process.
Raph is (somehow) not dead, and (somehow) manages to survive on the streets of the Hidden City on his own. His shell is absolutely fucked, but thanks to growing up around magic, he can use it pretty well. He ends up meeting Sunita, who teaches him how to talk, and her family takes him in for a while, but he’s so used to being on his own that he doesn’t really adjust well to being part of a family.
Meanwhile, the other tots are (mostly) safe with Splinter.
Because of the whole “twintuition” thing, Leo has grown up being super anxious all the time. He barely has any memory of having a third sibling, but there is A Feeling that he can’t shake. They’re constantly feeling super guilty about not being injured in the lab explosion since her siblings were so badly injured and it effects them every single day, so he becomes the leader to protect them. She’s super serious about all the ninja stuff, simply because he doesn’t want his little siblings getting hurt again, and this entire time they’ve been holding on to a tiny piece of red fabric that he’s had since the Incident. They don’t know why, but they’re very attached to it.
Donnie, being the absolute genius he is, managed to build himself an entire high-tech prosthetic arm. Because of course he did, he’s Donnie. He doesn’t come out of the messy ass garage often, usually only for missions or when Splinter tells him to. He’s been working on something to help Mikey with his whole leg situation for the past god knows how long. He hates getting dirty until it’s his garage/lab, then he’ll go crazy and get covered in oil and grime.
Mikey’s situation is a lil unique. He can walk around on his own most of the time, but sometimes his legs Do The Thing (his words. it just means they feel weird and hurt a lot), so he’ll need a knee brace or crutches or something for a little while. He loves graffiti, which is how he met April, and he’s also the one who goes out on his own most often, despite Leo constantly worrying about him. He’s the one who found Raph :)
Sunita is honestly just The Best. She’s been Raph’s best friend since they met, and has tried to help him at every opportunity. When he left the hidden city after finding out about that Draxum is on the hunt for him, she was worried sick, and ended up sending Mayhem after him, just to make sure he was okay.
April has been The Red One for a long ass time, because she thought green was lame since “all of the turtles are green” (ignoring the fact that Donnie is a painted river terrapin and therefore not green) and she wanted to be cool. Leo never really liked that whole thing because of the Hey I’m Super Attached to This Red Fabric thing, but they got over it eventually. She’s very much a big sister to the turtles, even though she was slightly weirded out when she first came across Mikey.
Cassandra is the other reason April wanted to be The Red One, she just wanted to match her girlfriend. Casey’s honestly just The Gayest person on earth, and does she care? No. She can kick ass and kiss girls and that’s what matters. She’s aware of the turtles but doesn’t hang out with them super often, so most of what The Guys know about her is just from April gushing about her favorite person.
Splinter has been trying to dad this entire time :,) he’s riddled with guilt and severe trauma, but he’s trying and that’s what matters. Every so often he thinks about the fact that he just left Raph in the destroyed lab and he cries a little bit (a lot actually) because his train of thought is “I could have at least buried him.” Being a rat isn’t the greatest either, but again, he manages. He doesn’t have any “visible” injuries from the Incident, but mentally he’s absolutely fucked.
Draxum is a bastard piece of shit (in this au) and I hate him (in this au). He went into hiding for a lil while, but then came back with a whole “I want my creations back” thing going on, which drove Raph out of the Hidden City. Raph remembers the most about the Incident, oddly enough, and the mere thought of being put back in a test tube makes him physically ill. Drax kinda gets his redemption arc but it’s in that really awkward “why the hell would I ever forgive you?” sense, like an abusive parent who realized they fucked up and tried to apologize, but you’re never going to forgive them because of what they did.
Raph actually got a cloaking brooch so he could blend in on the surface, but kinda hated it because he felt out of place anyway (because people are judgmental of people with scars/visible disabilities). When Mikey found him, he was alone in the sewer with the brooch off, shenanigans ensue.
And by shenanigans I mean Donnie and April now owe Mikey so much money because they were betting on whether or not Leo’s whole “guys we have another sibling somewhere I swear” thing was true or not.
Raph is very unwilling to talk at first, but eventually he’s like “I mean this is my brother so I may as well talk to him yk?” But also doesn’t want to be found just yet.
Sibling bonding time :)
Raph is very concerned about Mikey’s legs giving out and tries to heal it with magic (it doesn’t work). Mikey is very concerned about Raph’s shell, but it’s healed now, just weakened and misshapen.
At some point Draxum’s bounty hunters find Raph, but unfortunately Mikey is there, so Raph’s first instinct is to protect him. Raph gets very injured, Mikey manages to escape the bounty hunters and drag Raph along with him.
Everyone is now freaking out
That’s all I got for now. So here’s some lil notes n stuff about The Guys
Alligator snapping turtle
The tallest and (technically) oldest
Leo’s (slightly older) twin. They’re from the same clutch of eggs
Doesn’t really care to define his gender identity or sexuality. Truthfully he doesn’t even care about what pronouns people use for him, but he just tells people he/him to keep it simple
Instead of sais or tonfas, he uses improvised brass knuckles
The team medic! He’s good at improvising if need be, and is very no-nonsense when it comes to his brothers’ taking care of themselves. This man singlehandedly improved Donnie’s abysmal sleep schedule
Still talks in third person sometimes, mostly when he’s having a bad day, a panic attack, or dissociating
Fight or flight is almost always on, he has a problem with hoarding food because of how he grew up
Never really learned any proper fighting techniques, he just goes for whatever opening he sees
Very quiet. He still has pretty bad anger issues, but he bottles it up until it’s too late and he gets a little silly in fights (Leo has called an ambulance for a Foot Clan soldier at least twice now)
Alligator snapping turtle
The second shortest, but also second oldest
Raph’s twin
He/they/she. They spent so long worrying about her siblings that he never stopped to figure out her gender. They don’t know what to call himself, but defaults to “man liker” because that’s the closest thing he can come up with
Classic two katanas(?) I don’t actually know what kind of swords Leo has outside of the odachi in Rise
So incredibly the leader. She takes it very seriously, since his siblings getting hurt is his biggest nightmare
Insanely anxious, constantly. If they hadn’t gone through so much meditation training they would be having nightly panic attacks
The last time they had a meltdown it was because Mikey’s chronic pain acted up so bad that he couldn’t walk for about a week, and Leo was terrified that he would never walk again
Makes the shittiest dad jokes to try and cope, but it doesn’t work. Humor is Mikey’s thing. Tries to distract herself with projects instead. Doesn’t work either, that’s Donnie’s thing. Meditating for hours and hours doesn’t work very well either. That’s Splinter’s thing. He can’t figure out what his coping mechanism is, and that just adds more stress to their life
Freaks out over the tiniest stuff
Hates eating mushrooms because of the texture
Painted river terrapin
Second tallest, only a few inches shorter than Raph
The middle child
He/him, much like Raph though, he doesn’t really care. Sometimes he calls himself “triple A” because he’s agender, asexual, and aromantic. He doesn’t care about relationships but thinks it’s kinda cute how happy April is when she talks about Cassandra.
High tech bo staph and his tech, specifically his prosthetic left arm
The smart one. He hoards bits of knowledge that are probably useless, but also ones that are very useful. His toolbox looks like a nightmare mess, but it’s actually perfectly organized in his mind
Very quiet and slightly antisocial
He’ll obsess over the tiniest detail of a project and then never finish it
His prosthetic arm actually has five fingers so he can better work with tinier objects. It also has an added bonus of any handprint-activated things made by/for him only working for him, so it keeps his siblings out of his stuff
Western painted turtle
Shortest. Tiny lil baby
Youngest and acts like it. His siblings know no peace
He/they. Turns out being stuck in bed because your legs hurt so much gives you a lot of time to think about your gender, and this lil fella figured out he was transmasc.
Still has his nunchucks, but now they’re bedazzled
Tries to walk even when his legs Do The Thing because “it only hurts after like 5 minutes guys I’m fine”
Sews patches onto the fabric parts of his knee braces, doodles on the plastic/metal parts
Tries to be super agile and do cool tricks while fighting, but leg pain is unfortunately a bitch
Very serious about safety when it comes to graffiti. He gets upset when April doesn’t wear a respirator mask when working with spray paint
I wanna get this writing right someone please tell me how chronic pain affects people I crave knowledge
That’s basically all I have so far. I’ll make lil notes like this for the non-turtle characters at some point
More stuff:
Ref sheets
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yanteetle · 1 year
This is my first time- but uh it's quite interesting to know if the Yan! Turtles kidnapped an artist reader, and knows karate (reader always end up being 6 feet deep in the lair 💀) , the reader draws violent images of them hurting the Yan! Turtles as a warning if they did not let them go, the turtles did not pay attention to it and shrug if off, but reader manage to hurt one of the turtles badly (and luckily) and manage to escape (temporarily..)
Nothing just an interesting thought 🥲
Ignore it if you want to, I just wanna share it haha 🤡🧑‍🦯
Can't help but think of this 🤨
thanks for sending in an ask! I know how daunting it can be trying to send one to a blog, but its a step in a new direction and I appreciate that a lot :)
Although, them kidnapping an artist reader that would draw horrifyingly violent image of the turtles being harmed? Its kind of morbid of y/n but I honestly love it! But when they do put their ideas into reality, the turtles realize they have to stop messing around and take y/n's threats seriously. ( I imagine that the only reason they escaped the first time would be because the turtles underestimated y/n's abilities)
After they regroup and the hurt family member is fully healed, they start looking to recapture y/n. But this time, not only are they doing it out of sick, twisted love, they are also doing it out of malice and vengeance. Mostly from the turtle that y/n hurt badly. And depending on which turtle it is, Y/n is either completely fucked or will have tighter restrictions enforced onto them after their recapture.
It goes in this order: Donnie, Mikey, Raph, Leo.
Donnie would obviously be the saltiest about being taken out, and y/n basically rubs salt into his wound knowing that their plans of recapturing them will be postponed solely due to him being unable to help create gadgets and tranquilizer darts for some time. He's very tempted to return y/n the favour in full, unbridled rage.
Mikey threw a building at the Kraang. He might not do the same for y/n, but he considers it for a moment (as a joke). He's just annoyed at the fact that he has to deal with the painful healing process, as well as Raph trying to play 'good nurse' and 'concerned mom' towards him whilst he heals. Maybe a broken leg or two will help calm him down, and this time, he gets to play 'good nurse' and 'concerned mom' to them as payback!
Raph would hesitate about hurting y/n during the recapturing process, but if y/n is an especially cocky and taunting person, he'd get all riled up and might end up injuring y/n beyond recognition. Poor y/n, all messed up in the turtle's medbay with their attacker tending to every injury they have.
Leo is the easiest to convince out of his vengeance, which is surprising really. But he's smart. He knows that hurting y/n will only lengthen the Stockholm syndrome's process. Instead, He'd encourage the others to harm y/n (covertly of course) and whilst they cower away from their touch, he gets to swoop in and act as their 'safe space' instead!
okay this got so long, but It was kind of fun, so enjoy!
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aealzx · 1 year
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It wasn’t conclusive data detailed in a graph and tables from abundant tests, but it was more than enough to solidify the idea in Leo’s head. Any doubt he may have had now fled, especially with the recent development he’d noticed the past few days. He couldn’t help the stunned look he was sharing with the rest of his present family, but that was slowly exchanged for a wide smile. “...We’re really twins?” he couldn’t help but ask.
“I would have to test it, but it is not out of the question of possibility,” Draxum confirmed as Splinter and Casey made their way into the area now as well.
“Oh, I didn’t know you guys hadn’t figured that out yet,” Casey mused aloud, having caught the tail end of the conversation.
There was a stretch of silence as the others processed Casey’s loose confirmation of tests Draxum hadn’t even begun to run, and then Mikey blurted his reaction first. “YOOOO Really?? You mean this whole time Donnie and Leo have been in each other’s brains?!?! Wow! That is so unfair!” Mikey’s outburst derailed Leo’s own thoughts slightly, and earned laughter from April and a chuckle from Raph.
“Awww don’t worry Mikey. At least you get private time for real instead of having someone always in your head,” April consoled.
“Yeah, that’s true,” Mikey hummed, instantly placated for now as he considered the difference it would actually make.
“Well you’re in luck, because all four of you are haunted,” Draxum abruptly announced, clapping his hands together. “So you can figure out for yourself what it’s like to have a companion all day every day.”
* slides this over to the public and pats it gently *
Sometimes I get stuff invading my brain like a plague until I type it out or draw it, and I actually have this whole headcanon timeline universe thingy that currently has 30 pages of scattered one shot drabble story bits relating to it. I wasn’t planning on posting anything obviously relating to it until after I finished the Better Genes comic, but that peepaw tournament that’s been going on has been making it hard for me to focus ‘cause I keep getting distracted by this other stuff. And then I ended up doodling out these images, and that first one I just finished now and really wanted to post it. Which means now instead of a proper intro everyone gets vague dustings of stuff. |DD
I’m calling it “Tethered Timeline”, and it’s pretty much a whirlwind brain barf that spilled out when I had the idea of Casey’s 4 dads the 4 boys from Casey’s timeline get yoinked back to the present time after the Krang are defeated and tethered on a 3 meter leash to their younger counter parts. And also no one living can see or hear them, and they can only physically affect things that are exclusively owned by their younger selves. Their current goal is to get one person from the living world to realize who they are.
The drawings are essentially concepts of Spirit Donnie, and the story clip is from a typed part I have where the younger boys (minus Donnie) learn that they have spirits tethered to them.
....... *wheezes* enjoy ;7;
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whoreadsnowadays · 2 years
Hi! Maybe you could do a fluffy ***PLATONIC***
X little brother reader? Like how they would interact and stuff? And maybe just general headcanons of them w/ a little brother. It can be either be 2012 or rise, I don't mind ^^
Take your time w/ this request ^^
Well I can certainly try my friend! Idk if u meant u wanted all four of the turtles but thats what I'm going with atm <3 apologies if they're a bit short, this is officially my first time writing for some of these guys <3
Rise Turtles with a little brother reader !
Little Bro
- Raph -
Oh get ready for Overbearing Mother Of The Year
Especially when you were really little, he needed to know where you were and what you were doing at all times
You, Leo, and Donnie had to beat the topic to death trying to convince Raph to even let you use the stove by yourself.
And Mikey ("You might burn yourself!!! You can't use the stove! Raph tell them they can't use the stove!") was not helping.
But when Raph isn't being the most helicopter mom you've ever had the misfortune of living with, he's really the best big brother you could ask for
Whenever you need advice or comfort or anything really, you always go to him
And even if he doesn't know what to do, he's good at giving you excuses that either make you laugh enough to keep your spirits up, or actually calm you down themselves.
He's really the best.
Now if only you could convince him to let you near the turtle tank.
- Leo -
Almost every second you're in sight he's showing off, like all the time
He really wants to be the Cool Older Brother to you and Mikey, and he's maybe trying a bit too hard
If you encourage him it will only escalate until he's doing dangerous stunts to impress you and get validation
And then Raph has to get involved and ruin his vibes :(
But if you tease him and (gently) make fun of him for showing off, he's gonna go "I dunno what youre talking about. Me?? Showing off??? Psh. No. I would never."
And then he'd sulk about it for an hour or two.
He just really wants you to think of him as your cool older brother who you can go to for cool advice.
- Donnie -
If you're up for it, and/or not too accident prone, you'll probably end up as his lab assistant.
Or at least he'll try to turn you into his lab assistant
And of course he pays you in brotherly affection. A pat on the head or a brief hug is your allowance for holding his things in place for him
And he also has a tendency to show you his inventions or gadgets first.
He'll finish something and turn to you with his mad scientist eyes and you have to hope and pray that his newest peice of tech doesn't involve something dangerous
He'd rather die than ever hurt you, but sometimes he just gets too excited to even realize he's waving around his dangerous weapons
Wear protective gear maybe.
- Mikey -
He's so excited to not be the baby of the family anymore you will not believe.
Though he has been 100% infected by the family bug, and is absolutely mother henning you almost as much as Raph.
You cook together really often, food is one of Mikey's love languages so cooking with him is one of your favorite activities
He lets you mix the ingredients and if you're baking he lets you lick the icing off the mixers
And he'll draw or play video games with you, literally indulge in almost any activity you want just to hang out with you
He'll absolutely crush you in almost every video game, and then proceed to beat you over and over under the pretense of "Oh its practice :)"
As much as it annoyed him when he was your age, he absolutely sides with Raph when he goes on his "You're too young!" Rants.
He's nodding along and occasionally adding in his own comments about how "you're just our baby brother you can't do that yet! You're too young! Too fragile!"
Also please dont think about all five of you sitting in a circle in front of Splinter's recliner, watching old Lou Jitsu and Jupiter Jim movies on repeat, just the five of you sitting in each other's company and relaxing for once. Yeah don't think about that.
(Reblogs > Likes)
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