#Everything Everything Band
fuckknowledgeandideas · 3 months
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What is a Mountainhead. It's Raw Data Feel seaso babyy
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dreamdancerdotfile · 10 months
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The actor
Edit: Fuck me for forgetting to add the song ffs
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halothanic · 3 months
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mock film poster to celebrate everything everything's mountainhead release this past friday! i could not be happier with the album and have listened to it countless times already. i feel like the mad stone is reminiscent of the themes of 2001: a space odyssey, so..!
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txttletale · 7 months
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i keep coming back to this lyric from the mad stone. i think it's pretty clear that whatever physical object or specific concept the mad stone might be, it's a false solution. the call-and-response of the versus has the narrator constantly ask questions and then propose the same answer -- "i can make it a business / i can sell you it". the singer is a mountainhead, a true believer (or -- "nothing quite so romantic" "what is that, a religion?" -- a cynical trend-following grifter, inviting the question, what is the difference?). the mad stone offers nothing real, only pictures of pictures of a double. the whole song is one big false promise layered in cynical salesmanship. whatever the mad stone offers people, it's not an alternative to the system, it's not a solution to their problems, it's a product and a business.
but "the mad stone is singing, can you say the same?" seems to say -- well, at least these people who have bought into it all, these mountainheads, they might live in a pit and slave away at the whims of a mad stone, they might have hollowed out every part of their life until they only see simulacrums of simulacrums and filled the hollows in with the new frontiers of financialization -- but they're satisfied with this. that's happiness, isn't it? wouldn't you rather be blissfully ignorant, a true believer with a cause, happy -- singing -- than refuse the mad stone, refuse to be sold to, refuse to get "wild in the aisles, son" and be a mountainhead?
i think this comes back to a well everything everything go to a lot -- to the blade, the wheel is turning now, magnetophone, run the numbers, lost powers, lord of the trapdoor -- even when they present a viewpoint that the song straightforwardly derides or disavows in the broad strokes, they are always concerned with the people who don't. capitalism, imperialism, fascism, nationalism, terrorism -- everything everything describe them in bloodsoaked apocalyptic language, but they at the same time capture the seduction of it, the temptation, the reasons people might have for looking at the monsters they are painting and joining themselves to them (re-animator is in fact entirely about reconciliation and submission to the monstrous). and i think this lyric does that for the mad stone. yes, the capitalist hustle-culture financialized grindset is a false hope, but it's a hope. and if you reject that, what do you have?
(of course, this is not a rhetorical question without an answer, a lot of people, including, presumably, jonathan higgs, have answers to that question -- but i think it is a powerful question.)
i don't know, i just think it is easy to write a song that can say 'this is a lie' and more interesting to complicate it by adding 'but without the lie, you need something else'. i honestly read it as aspirational, as a reminder. if you're going to reject the mad stone, if you're not a mountainhead, you need to keep singing and you need something else to sing.
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comealivediana · 4 months
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'come on, you've only lost your mind'
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leavetheengineroom · 2 months
Sorry for giving y'all a mental breakdown but this is important research
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marim-bruh · 2 months
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Is. Is this anything
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paz-45 · 7 months
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This is exactly how I imagine the EE creative process
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cannibal-nightmares · 2 months
everything everything is so awesome im glad someone i follow also likes them <3 thats all sorry i just love music
Never any apologies on my page 8D I can ramble about music incessantly, so thank you for your ask; I'm so glad to hear the same that you like them, as well! I've not organically met anyone in person who has heard of them, only friends who've discovered them through me or the wonders of finding shared-interest-mutuals on the internet. "Warm Healer" was my first Everything Everything song I had heard back in 2016-2017ishh; the tone of the polyrhythmic bass guitar INSTANTANEOUSLY hooked me in for good, then their interesting lyrical narrative was swift to follow suit... Also let's not ignore the madness of the fantastic cover art of "Get To Heaven," my god the colors, the design, the lines, the figure... And then, of course, the subconscious love for Radiohead (unknowing this was an element at play until around the release of "Re-Animator" when--to my knowledge--the band was more upfront about their inspirations and it all suddenly made sense).
Before the release of their lyric book, "CAPS LOCK ON," I had a list of B-sides and rarities, including stuff from Modern Bison, which featured Jonathan Higgs and Jeremy Pritchard from EE. On the list was/is "Wizard Talk," which has to be my favourite Everything Everything song on two points: Firstly, as much as Higgs loves to bend and snap vocal capacities with unimaginable peaks of falsetto + fast vocal cadences that leave their music uncategorizable to genre (and etc...), "Wizard Talk" is--in my opinion--unlike anything they've ever put out stylistically. "His voice sounds like he's playing marimba runs," I have repeated to friends over and over and over again, begging people to listen to this song. And then, secondly, comes the profound lyrics of this song. EE loves to play with elaborate metaphors to dance around politics, the state of the world, and social narratives, but "Wizard Talk" feels emotional on a level beyond their common frustrations, especially having been such an early track from the "Man Alive"(?) era, and also in contrast to the stark emotionality of "Re-Animator." Idk man. It hits hard. It's sad. It's hopeful. It's beautiful. You feel the character's defeat and his acceptance in that the hope he seeks is, will be, and always has been abstract in nature while he has spent so much time looking for a concrete and tangible handle to hold onto. It feels like their most vulnerable glimpse at what Jon really has to say. That song has meant a lot to me for a long time, so I am glad EE finally released (some of) the extras from "Man Alive" in the Deluxe re-release.
Ah, anyways, the B-side archive. Something something something, if I remember correctly, there's a few songs missing from the Man Alive deluxe release and even "CAPS LONG ON" is missing a few songs. I won't be cross-referencing this information right now, I'm in bed. Regardless, I will say that a song or two off of the re-release are completely different recording takes and mixes which I find of intruige (again, only if I remember correctly, I think it's at least "The Kids Are Obese" but dooonn't quote me on it..)
Anyways, what else... I've done a ton of art based around EE, some of which is lyrically inspired, others of which are direct tribute art to the band (including a piece to "Magnetophone"!) They're currently sitting at my third-most listened to band of all time, according to my LastFM page. I love them so very very much and I'm so glad you do, too; I hope your ask could maybe inspire others, as well ^^
Can't ask me anything about music and expect a short answer, heh, I still have so much more to say about EE. I am very passionate about music.
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birdsy-purplefishes · 8 months
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Everything Everything at Black Cat, Washington DC, USA
October 4th, 2023
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fuckknowledgeandideas · 3 months
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You can sing, you can play My ribcage like piano
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dreamdancerdotfile · 8 months
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hellkitepriest · 1 year
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everything everything @ festival no. 6 2015 by ken harrison
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txttletale · 7 months
something i love about everything everything and i think the top thing that draws me to them as a Media Theory Pervert is their obsession with mediation and duplication and replication as explorations of identity. thomas silhouette. the actor. dragon twin. the hoax moon. what would happen if i'm cut up? you took my mind and left a hollow twin. she dresses like a documentary made about her. something very strange about your picture in the mirror. her phantom head. if i could clone you i could take the western world. what have you done with my father, why does he look like a carving? a picture of a picture of a man who was the double of me. & so on
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comealivediana · 2 months
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look at him go
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leavetheengineroom · 1 month
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