#Fairy phee
loveofaddy · 11 months
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educationaldm · 9 months
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Have a lovely Butterfly Fairy for your weekend colouring pleasure.
By Phee McFaddell.
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the-pink-quill · 3 months
Phee's Reaction to Non and Keng makes Perfect sense for the Character
And he's have felt very fairy-godfatherly if he had reacted any different.
Let's step back a bit, into Phee's shoes. Give up, for a moment, your omniscient knowledge of events as a viewer, and work only with the information and emotions of Phee, a 15/16 year old teenager. He's not an adult and not mature, so we will not judge his emotional response as such. He is also, far more privileged than Non, be it socially, financially, or in regard to his relationships with his family and his mental health. So, we shall keep that in mind.
Phee has no family pressuring him to prove himself, rather, from how politely his father talked to him in ep 9 despite having to cover for him in the accounts case (something which will anger any reasonable parent upon finding out their child was involved in illegal dealings), we can see he is fully secure in the knowledge that his father will back him up whenever he needs him to. His father probably also knows and is okay with the fact that his son is gay.
He is also charismatic, enough to wheedle into this friend group probably years after its formation and still have acquired enough authority to make them do something they didn't want to (the film) and take charge immediately after the fall of Por. He's also physically strong. That makes it extremely unlikely that he had ever been bullied or had to deal with bullying, and if you've never dealt with it, you don't know how hard it is for the victim.
Lastly, his family is not shown to be struggling and he is mentally sound (so far as we're shown).
Non is his boyfriend, who was, prior to the leak of the video, abnormally close to his teacher, enough for Phee to question Non about this. Despite reassurances, the doubt never went away. Phee asks Non, as any good boyfriend would, if he needs help, and Non says no.
And then the video drops. Phee is angry enough as is, as anybody, especially a teenager already frustrated with his boyfriend's secrecy would be, but then he catches him embracing the same teacher.
Again, I would reiterate that Phee is
1) a 15-year old child with the emotional and logical range of a 15-year old sheltered teenager,
2) not shown to be particularly taken with global scale activism which would be the only way he'd figure out, logically (and I would argue logic is not at the forefront of your mind when anger is the reigning emotion), that Non was being exploited.
Considering the response of the Thai public to the video and the fact that Keng wasn't immediately fired, the situation is not considered 'exploitive' by social standards. It seems to be taken for granted that the relationship was consensual. Coming from a country with similar values, let me tell you that students marrying their teachers is considered 'romantic' where I live. Heck, in my school, there was a teacher who flirted with some select students all the time, and was never fired. He was actually very popular, and it wasn't until years after I left school that I realized how problematic that was. It was not something we were taught, socially, was predatory.
Phee would have to be involved in global level activism, to see others from vastly different backgrounds talk about how problematic this behavior is, to realize that his perception of the situation was warped.
So, back to the video leak. Phee watches the video, and gets emotional fast. Despite his patience with Non thus far, he is not Buddha (if he were, he'd not have gotten involved in New's scheme). He sees proof of all his fears being proven true, and then sees, with his own eyes, further proof of the same. Of course he lashes out. Of course he leaves, because I suspect had he stayed, Keng would have gotten a lot more bruises, and not much talking would have been done.
Of course he says what he does to Non, from the innate urge to hurt him just how much he himself was hurting. In that moment, he may very well have used his knowledge of Non's insecurities and mental health issues to pointedly attack Non, because he is not thinking beyond his own hurt. And if you think you'd have reacted any differently, you're probably too old to remember what it felt like to be a teenager.
And of course he blocks Non.
If this were a reddit post, this is what it would read like:
"AITA for blocking my boyfriend after watching a video of him being intimate with his teacher, who he assured me repeatedly he was not involved with?"
Fill in the rest with Phee's knowledge of the situation (I do not think he knows about the mafia or the money he got from Keng or the true extent of the group's bullying; correct me if I am wrong) and tell me the replies, even from you, wouldn't be a resounding "Well Done!"
He finds out about a lot of things from reading Non's script, but the breakup was long before that. And I don't feel it right to blame him for a normal teenage reaction to his first relationship imploding in such a way.
Not when Chay from Kinnporsche was lauded for the same reaction.
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mikuni14 · 3 months
Dead Friend Forever - Ep 12
My opinion about the finale: tl;dr I liked the finale, although the execution could have been better 😄
My dream ending (a bit delulu, a bit fairy-tale): they all get punished (no matter how, it could be death), Tan comes out of it all safe and sound, it turns out that Non survived and 1) for some reason he couldn't contact them 2 ) Non survived and helps Tan (with his knowledge or not), he is the Ninth Person. Bonus: White, after learning about Tee's sins, falls out of love and leaves the house with Tan hehehehehehehehe 🤭
My expectations for a story with revenge/justice for wrongs come down to the aspect of sin, punishment and redemption. And what I like most is the narrative that: if you drag someone else 1 meter through pain, you then have to crawl 2 meters through the same pain yourself. And only then apologize. And if you don't do it, you have to accept that someone could and would do it for you, when you least expect it, only this time they will drag you 10 meters throug pain and probably involve innocent people close to you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ And what I appreciate about The Glory and DFF is that they used this particular motif. Because isn't it true? If the boys had done what I mentioned above, that is, if they had acknowledged their sins, been punished and apologized, then NONE OF ALL OF THIS WOULD HAVE HAPPENED. Because no, being sad is not a punishment, feeling guilty doesn't help Non, a late apology doesn't save Tan's family. Only decisive action and taking the consequences would have probably saved Non's family. And who knows, maybe it would have saved him too!
I really like what @befuddledcinnamonroll wrote about purgatory element in DFF. My littles addition: each of them committed a sin and would have avoided this fate if they had gone "through purgatory" and simply gone to Non's parents with information about him. None of them could do it, on the contrary, they kept lying about him. So Purgatory came to them and it brought its friend Hell with it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Overall, I think hallucinations were a good solution under the circumstances. Because I believe that punished people should be aware of WHAT they are paying for. (that's why I don't like the fact that Por simply died as if in an accident, not aware of what is going on - although it could be seen as... taking away his chance to live his pampered, comfortable life.) Therefore, hallucinations are somehow a crash course in punishment lol If Jin, Phee and Tee stayed in this hallucination, that would also be ok, because it means that they will never be free from Non, who can randomly appear in the background at any time 😆 and they know it and have no way out of this situation. It's like a prison for them.
Random notes:
Fluke's visions and his eye gouging. Symbolic. Personally, I think he should survive in this condition.
Top should die as a service to the community.
Tee should survive and lose everything again, but this time more painfully, because White is probably a first thing that is all HIS. I think he, living after White's death, is *chef's kiss* (it would be even better if White hated him and dumped him for Tan). In general, I like the repeated motif: Tee didn't want to kill Non, he didn't want to kill White. No one cared about his wishes.
of course, I would like White to survive and become Tan's boyfriend, but I accept his death because it's in convention, like in Elm Street, Scream franchise, where innocent people died. I have a feeling that for White to survive, he would have to reject Tee in some way in order to be "rewarded" with life 🤔
so it was Jin who released this video… well, until the last moment I was sure that due to the different backgrounds of the laptops, it was someone else and Jin simply took the blame/ thought it was him because he was drunk. For me it made sense because he wanted to show this video to Non's boyfriend and not to everyone and I felt like he was drunk because someone else uploaded his video and Jin knew he screwed up. Ok, whatever. I liked his hallucinations the most. Jin must have seen what his actions did to Non and he must have been afraid of what would happen if it were him.
until the last moment I was counting on Phee working with Tan and I didn't want to judge his recent stupid antics. I must admit that I am disappointed *deep sigh* well…. Phee paid with his life because he wanted answers but showed no commitment. He could have just left the case, and instead he snitched on Tan to the enemy.. In the end, even Jin's confession didn't move him (that's why I was so convinced it was part of some plan). From Tan's perspective and the narrative, this amounts to betrayal, Phee betrayed Tan and Non and therefore had to be punished. (And shooting Tan when Phee couldn't shoot Tee knowing he got Non killed???? Bitch.)
I liked Phee and Jin's dynamic and was even rooting for them up to this point, as an interesting and potentially fucked up couple (especially if Phee was working with Tan all the time). Ultimately, their relationship turned out to be boring and banal.
The absolute winner of this series was Tan, he is the perfect hero, loved by the masses for his absolute dedication to the cause. He has a clearly defined goal and is working towards it, even if others and him pay for it. We may discuss this character's morality, but we cannot deny his unconditional commitment. And that just appeals to people. And that was what Non needed and never got. Tan sold his own soul to the masked blorbo devil to avenge Non and therefore the narrative shows him as the only one worthy of "saying goodbye" to Non, whom Non thanks. Because each of the characters, including those who should have helped him, i.e. parents, teachers and the police, as well as "friends" and "good boy Jin", in the end always found some excuse not to help him, there was always something standing in the way. For Tan, money (which he stole from his parents), law, social status, social norms, his own life and future did not matter. And that's why he could die without remorse (if he did, which I doubt).
What I didn't like, plot holes, mistakes:
what was it about the mafia uncle and his death? was this a very important to the plot character who just… died off-screen? Likewise, Perth's character, the woman who was investigating the gang… what about them?
an ax left outside, the camera pans over it, suggesting that it is important to the story. What for?
the first scene in the series with Jin and Non running away from the masked blorbo? where did it come from?
who was the 9th person?
did Tan really do everything himself? like the wire? we only know this from Phee's stories...
......who knew things he couldn't have known. I thought it was all part of his plan with Tan, but since we now know it wasn't, how did he know about the wire? about the poisoned and hypnotized Top? A GIANT PLOT HOLE.
total fuck up with clothes. For example, Non appears in visions wearing the shirt he died in, which no one but Tee could have seen him in
the clothes of the masked blorbo fighting Tan and Tee were different than those of Top
complete lack of White's history, which makes it unclear where his visions came from. Who is he (also, who is Top?)
what is actually real? As I mentioned, I don't like open, ambiguous endings
and most importantly: NON'S BODY WAS NOT FOUND, it was not buried with the respect, no one cried at his funeral. There is no one who remembers him. That's part of why I wanted Tan to survive. That there would be someone who would remember Non and remember him with tenderness and love. Non deserved at least this!!!
If you think about it, the ending itself is just funny and very old school. It immediately reminded me of the nightmare from Elm Street and Final Destination, when everyone thinks everything is ok, and then oops 💀
What has always surprised me in part of the fandom and creators is the equation of actors with characters and the making the entire series about the branding couples. It seems to me that DFF was losing because of this, forcing couples which was completely unnecessary, which in the end affected the quality of the story. In addition, the actors were criticized for the actions of the characters they played and even had to explain them, which is another level of bullshit to which fans can stoop.
Overall, I rate DFF highly. This is a really great series, the actors are GREAT, the series didn't fuck around, it just showed the brutal reality, it wasn't afraid of gore, bold sex scenes, or problematic topics. It wasn't afraid to kill most of the characters either. As a theoretically BL series, it paved new paths and crossed new boundaries. The ending could have been done differently, but I still liked it. Regardless, I rate it 9/10 💖
Remember, it's about THEM:
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You will be in my heart forever, King 💖
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panther-os · 1 year
human biology is so fucked probably literally every other species in the gffa including the near human human passing and human compatible ones have an estrous cycle instead and most of them think menstruation is a myth from a popular horror fairy tale or something
this post brought to you by:
the latest tbb episode giving me force sensitive omega thoughts
the idea of omega meeting/being trained by ahsoka
every fic ive ever read where ahsoka joins tbb and helps omega with her first period (also smn write phee and/or cid doing that please bc they're clearly women canonically significant in omegas life - im thinking smth like the scene in doom patrol with the gas station attendant who gets dorothy pads and new clothes and tells her everything's gonna be okay)
my headcanons that jango and therefore also the clones aren't 100% human
my frustration at having a uterus
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mortemamarehq · 23 days
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Her love is pure. Her love is cruel. Her love will be all that you know from now on.
Fairy Knight Gawain
Phee Genoa
MORTEM AMARE is a discord based, 18+, multifandom, oc friendly roleplay group centering around ST. AMORRA COLLEGE, an All-Girls Academia located in a strange island. Here, muses live in dorms and attend their daily classes, but also attend masses for the world's God named Love. The group includes a rolling system, death, and an exploration system, with themes inspired from HORROR RPG GAMES, SLAY THE PRINCESS AND FEAR AND HUNGER!
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ao3feed-clydephelia · 2 years
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hadeschan · 2 years
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We’re sorry, this item has sold out
item # K18B46
VERY RARE Nang Prai Tani, Kruba Sanay Wat Chiang Khang, Nua Pong Aataan Pasom Namman Prai Tani, Fang Tapu Lohng Phee Tai Hong, Tagrut Ngern Pak Phee Sagot Winyan, Pong Tao Gradook Phee Tai Hong Jet Pa Cha, Chin Gradook Nang Phannee Phee Tai Tang Klom. A Banana Spirit amulet made from Pong Ton Gluay Tani Tai Prai (Wild Balbisiana Tree died of old age), bone fragments after the cremation of the body of  Mrs.Phannee who died during pregnancy, mystical plant powder, and ash of people killed from violent death taken from 7 most haunted cemeteries , and blended with fragrance oil of Banana Spirit. In the back was inlaid with a Tapu lohng-phee Tai Hong (coffin nail), Tagrut Ngern Pak Phee Sagot Winyana (a roll of metal sheet engraved with cabalistic writings inside, the sheet was mixed with money coins taken from the oral cavities of the dead. It was painted with gold, red, and black colors. Made by Kruba Sanay of Wat Chiang Khang, Chiang Mai Province in BE 2561 (CE 2018).
Nang Prai Tani
Nang Prai Tani or Prai Tani or Nang Tani is a female spirit of the Thai folklore. According to folk tradition, this ghost appears as a young woman that haunts wild banana trees (Wild Balbisiana Tree), known as in Thai language as Gluay Tani.
Nang Tani belongs to a type of female ghosts or fairies related to trees known generically as Nang Mai (Nymph of the Tree) in the Thai lore. Legends of the Thai oral tradition say that this spirit may harm men, especially those who have wronged women, but she is mostly considered benevolent. Nang Tani generally has a gentle disposition and may give food to passing Buddhist monks. Amulets featuring Nang Tani are popular and come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some people tie lengths of colored silk around the trunks of the banana trees reputed to be haunted by Nang Tani.
BEST FOR: Nang Prai Tani is a beautiful nymph with high esteem power of temptation and Manipulation of Desire. Nang Prai Tani could create visual hallucinations in anyone at any time. Nang Prai Tani is a lucky charm whilst gambling to win money from the house, and Nang Prai Tani guards wealth by reducing money loss and making the business more stable. Wealth Fetching, bringing money luck, and good fortune, Maha Larp (it helps bring Lucky Wealth), Kaa Kaai Dee (it helps tempt your customers to buy whatever you are selling, and it helps attract new customers and then keep them coming back). Metta Maha Niyom (it helps make people around you love you, be nice to you, and do whatever you ask for), Maha Sanay (it helps turn you to Prince Charming through the eyes of people who happen to meet you). Nang Prai Tani warns you of danger, and Nang Prai Tani can bring safety to your family while they are at home. Ponggan Poot-pee pee-saat Kunsai Mondam Sa-niat jan-rai Sat Meepit (it helps ward off evil spirit, demon, bad ghost, bad omen, bad spell, curse, accursedness, black magic, misfortune, doom, and poisonous animals). Nang Prai Tani helps protect you from manipulators, backstabbers, and toxic people. And the Nang Prai Tani may give a hint to winning numbers for the upcoming lottery.
Contents of the amulet
1)Pong Aataan
Powder and fragments of mystical plants, and sacred minerals.
2)Pong Ton Gluay Tani Tai Prai
Pong Ton Gluay Tani Tai Prai refers to powder crushed from sundried Wild Balbisiana Tree, scientific name: Musa balbisiana Colla or Gluay Tani in Thai. The Wild Balbisiana Tree must die because of its limited lifespans, the Wild Balbisiana Tree lives for about six years. Thais believe that there is a beautiful Nymph staying in Gluay Tani.
3)Pong Tao Gradook Phee Tai Hong Jet Pa Cha
The human ash and bone fragments after cremations taken from 7 most haunted cemeteries. The Phee Tai Hong in Thai refers to death due to violence for example; homicide, suicide, traffic-related death. The spirit of Phee Tai Hong is believed to be trapped in the purgatory, and sunk in its own thought. Purgatory, also called The World between Worlds, is a spiritual realm that traps lost and tortured souls. Guru monks or White Robe Archan who has highest ability of magic to pull spirits of Phi Tai Hong out of the purgatory, and later enter the physical realm (human world), and ask his/her spirit to stay in the amulets. The spirit in this amulet will help its master to do anything his/her asks for, and the spirit would gain merits from helping its master, and carry its merits to the next world.
4)Namman Prai Tani
Namman Prai Tani refers to fragrance oil taken from the Banana Spirit. It is believed to have magic power of temptation, Metta Maha Niyom (it helps make people around you love you, be nice to you, and do whatever you ask for), and Maha Sanay (it helps turn you to Prince Charming through the eyes of people who happen to meet you).
5)Chin Gradook Nang Phannee Phee Tai Tang Klom
The bone fragments and ash after cremation of the body of Mrs.Phannee who died during her pregnancy. Thai believe that women who died during childbirth would return as vengeful and unhappy ghosts from the afterlife. Kruba Sanay perform rituals for the spirit of Mrs.Phannee to allow Kruba Sanay to blend parts of her body into the amulets, so Mrs.Phannee could help the amulet owners for her own merits to the next life.    
6)Tapu Lohng Phee Tai Hong
The coffin nails, a metal nail extracted from a wooden coffin; a used coffin to be exact, taken from a used coffin that held a human corpse and was buried underground for an unspecified length of time or after cremation.  The coffin nails are considered a very powerful in ritual magick. They have been used for Centuries in ritual magick, sometimes for positive spell work, but most often for hexing or spells of malice and harm.
7)Tagrut Ngern Pak Phee Sagot Winyan
A roll of nickel alloy sheet engraved with cabalistic writings that have power to force and contain the spirit of the dead to stay in the amulet. Suck nickel alloy sheet was made from silver blended with money coins taken from the oral cavities of the dead after the bodies were cremated. It is believed that those coins have magic power of wealth fetching, gambling lucky charm, Kaa Kaai Dee (it helps tempt your customers to buy whatever you are selling, and it helps attract new customers and then keep them coming back). And Ponggan Poot-pee pee-saat Kunsai Mondam Sa-niat jan-rai Sat Meepit (it helps ward off evil spirit, demon, bad ghost, bad omen, bad spell, curse, accursedness, black magic, misfortune, doom, and poisonous animals).
*This amulet contains human remains. Not suitable for people who have Spectrophobia (the fear of ghosts). People who have Spectrophobia cannot control themselves while experiencing ghosts, they might have sudden cardiac death or cause harm to themselves from temporary loss of consciousness.
DIMENSION: 6.70 cm high / 2.50 cm wide / 1.20 cm thick
item # K18B46
Price: price upon request, pls PM and/or email us [email protected]
Item location: Hong Kong, SAR
Ships to: Worldwide
Delivery: Estimated 7 days handling time after receipt of cleared payment. Please allow additional time if international delivery is subject to customs processing.
Shipping: FREE Thailandpost International registered mail. International items may be subject to customs processing and additional charges.
Payments: PayPal / Western Union / MoneyGram /maybank2u.com / DBS iBanking / Wechat Pay / Alipay / INSTAREM / Remitly
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weasleywinchester · 3 years
Begin Again
Pt. 2 | Pt. 3
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Saul Silva x OC (Reader?)
Ok ya’ll I FINALLY watched the season finally on Fate: The Winx Saga and oh boy I’m excited to see what happens next season! ANYWAYS, I realize that the main cast is somewhat close to my age (Riven is actually my age IRL), but I be thirstin over my man Robert James - Collier (Loved him in Downton Abbey!)
I mean... he’s a very physically fit, grumpy, Soldier/Dad. Who else would I drool over? So here’s where my very smutty mind went after binging the whole of season one.
Warnings: Cursing, smut 
Timeline: Before Season 1, I’m thinking about the year before? 
Additional side note: Plus Size Reader/OC? (I write for me, and I do indeed posses body fat, although this particular fic doesn’t focus on that).
Your name is Phoenix Kin, a fire fairy that graduated from Alfea a lifetime ago (or so it feels). An opportunity for an amazing job gave you two options: to stay with the two people you loved most or to serve your people. Sky was ten when you left, a growing boy with no parents and so much strength and love. But he would always have you and Saul. Saul was a mentor for your combat training when you were at Alfea, which quickly turned into something more after he asked you to help him with Sky’s training. Now you’re back and everything clicks back into place.
Additional Additional Side Note: Sky shortened your name to Phee.
“It’s wonderful to see you back in Alfea.” Farah comments as the two of you walk the grounds. You two don’t have much of a history together, but you’ve been associated with similar circles of friends. 
“It’s very nice to be back actually. I always loved school, and this place.”
“I imagine Sky will appreciate you being around again. He’s become one of the most promising specialists.” She turns onto the grass and leads you towards the fighting stages. You can’t make out the details of his face but the bright blonde head and superior fighting skills must mean it’s him. As you reach the stage as he puts his classmate on his back, winning the round.
“Nice job Sky.” You laugh. He whips around to face you, leaping off the stage and swallowing you in a hug.
“Phee when did you get here? Wait, why are you here?” He pulls back to look down at your face.
“Ms. Kin will be teaching a new art course at Alfea. I do have a meeting to get to; Sky I would like you to finish showing Ms. Kin around.” She gently squeezes your shoulder and walks back towards her office.
“Help me up?” You gesture to the stage. Sky quickly kneels so you can easily step onto the stage, his opponent offering his hand to you as well. “Ok, so to not get you assed kicked, when he throws a hook, block just the same but one hand will tug on his wrist and the other should come to hook around his neck. Leaves his middle completely open and, if you’re lucky, he’ll turn into your arm and get a nice chop to the throat.” You show him on Sky, who giggles at the serious expression of his friend.
“And you mister,” you poke Sky in the shoulder, “You need to watch those elbows. They’re a dead giveaway in your hook.”
“Told you!” His friend laughs.
“Shut up Riven.” Sky grits through his teeth.
“Alright, why are we fightin’ with words and not fists during practice?” Saul shouts. Your heart begins to race. It’s been five years since the last time you saw him, you’ve played every scenario on how all this would play out... well, all but this one.
“Silva, look.” Sky smiles, stepping aside to reveal you. Saul stops dead in his tracks. Whatever lecture he had planned has now flown right out of his brain.
“Phoenix” He whispers. His eyes focused solely on your face, as if he looked anywhere else you might disappear.
“Hi.” Is all you manage to push past your lips.
“Class dismissed for today” Someone else shouts and the kids disperse with noises of glee. You wait until the noise dies off, making sure that Saul won’t be embarrassed when you close the space in between you two and wrap your arms around his middle. You instantly feel his arms envelop you, his hot breath fanning into the crook of your neck.
“What are you doing here?” You can practically hear his brows furrowing in concern.
“Teaching apparently.” You answer into his chest.
“For fairies only?” Sky frowns. You unwillingly move your face from Saul’s chest to look at Sky.
“No, it’ll be open to all. The way fairies portray themselves here, and how they’re seen in the Otherworld should be knowledge for all. Plus you’ll get to create some art yourselves, for when everyone ends up in the history books.”
“So you’ll be staying the whole school term then?” The corner of Saul’s mouth twitches a little. You, in Alfea… with him. 
“Unless I get fired.” You smile at him, wishing you were in private instead in the middle of the fighting fields. 
“But what about your mission? Is that over? Are you allowed to talk about it?” Sky is bouncing around you and Saul like a lunatic. 
“How about we talk over dinner. My place, just the three of us.” You smile at both of them.
“Yes!” they answer in unison. 
_______ You flit around the kitchen as you prepare dinner. You set the table for three, adding a dash of salt to the soup and wash the last of the cooking mess. You managed to have Ben Harvey’s daughter make a lovely table arrangement of flowers, which you place in the middle of your little round table.
“Phee, did you ever know my father?” Sky asks as he nibbles his sandwich, his bright blue eyes following your every move.
“I only met him a few times. Nice, very good soldier. From the way Mr. Silva talks about him, he would have been a good father for you.” You give Sky a small smile, tilting his chin to look up at you. “At least you have Mr. Silva, and me. You’ll always have me, Sky.”
A knock at the door startles you from the memory, you quickly place silverware on the table and answer the door.
“Phee, you look beautiful!” Sky kisses you on the cheek handing you a small chocolate cake as he waltzes past you.
“Pour the soup into the bowls!” You shout after him. He turns, giving you two thumbs up. He automatically goes to the cabinet with the plates, remembering where you kept everything all those years ago. 
You turn back to Saul, the butterflies in your stomach stirring as his gaze works it’s way up your body. You wanted to be a bit sexy, but not overtly so, for Sky’s sake. It was a simple dark burgundy dress that accentuated all the things you wanted, with a nude colored mesh over the top, giving a very high fashion but casual look. And mesh drives Saul crazy, just the smallest barrier between his touch and your skin.
He wraps one arm around your waist, the other holds a bottle of wine.
“You do look beautiful, stunning.” He whispers, planting a gentle kiss where he knows it makes your knees buckle. You will yourself not to lose control, not to push him into the wall and attack him with your mouth.
“Ok the tables set!” Sky announces proudly. You and Saul walk to the table, and you see he actually learned how to serve food! Saul quickly pops the cork out of the bottle, pouring you and himself a large glass, and letting Sky have a sample.
“A toast, to the return of one of  Alfea’s finest students.” Saul raises his glass.
“And the confidant to both of us.” Sky adds. The three of you clink glasses and dig in. Both boys dig in like they haven’t eaten in years, the sound of slurping and satisfied mumbling making you smile.
“So, what have you been doing all this time Phee?” Sky asks in between spoonful's of soup. 
“I’ve been in a few different realms. Mainly updating the visuals for things that have been long discovered; plants, animals, humans, fairies. A lot has changed in the realms and mostly the fact that paperwork is slowly going away!”
“Then why the change? And why now?” Saul frowns.
“I’m not sure honestly. I was meant to be working in Solaria for the next few years. Myself and a few others started work but when I tried to gain access to the more ancient records Queen Luna almost had me beheaded. ”
“Queen Luna? I can’t imagine anyone that angry at you.” Sky muses.
“That’s because Phee here doesn't give up on her projects so easily. You tell her she can’t know something that is crucial to her assignment, she’ll fight tooth and nail for it.” Saul sasses. Sky raises his eyebrows at you, his mouth dramatically agape.
“Ok so I pestered her for a bit...” 
“That’s why she’s simultaneously the worst and best soldier.” Saul grins.
“ANYWAYS, after prodding everyone for access, I must have gotten too close to one of the many secrets the Queen keeps. I was removed from the project and asked to come teach here.”
“And now the three of us can have dinner every weekend. And you have to come train with the specialists. Sure Silva would love to use you as an example for something.” Sky laughs as Saul pushes his shoulder.
“Oh don’t worry, I will. But not until everyone has judged that I’m just a bat crazy art teacher. That way when I bring out the fire they’ll be dazzled!” You laugh. 
And dinner seemed to last for hours, and yet was still too short. Sky caught you up on five years of training, complaining about how much Saul said he could be a good man just like his father. Saul praised Sky for all the work he put in, which both of you knew he would only ever say within the walls of your little cottage. Sky told you many stories of pranks he and his friends would pull, which made you belly laugh and Saul would simply shake his head. This little bubble the three of you were in felt like it used to be. Everyone was just a bit older now. Feelings that you had pushed away for the last five years were resurfacing. And now you were understanding why the old job didn’t feel like the right fit: it didn’t involve the two gentlemen sitting on either side of you. 
A hand gently lays on top of yours, and you automatically threaded your fingers through his. Saul let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding in. He spent the last five years fully involved in Sky’s training. Training Sky to be a better soldier, a better man, then Andreas or himself could ever be. And he was, which made Saul proud. But there were always moments, as he laid waiting for sleep to overtake him, that he would think of you. Think of what it would have been like if you stayed. Would he have been brave enough to ask you to marry him? Or would the two of you ended up hating each other?
“Isn’t this the part where both of you agree that I should go to bed?” Sky asks, his eyes flitting between you two.
“Oh goodness, yes! It is quite late.” You unthread your fingers and gather the plates. Sky walks to the sink, turning the tap on and splashing soap into the basin.
“Wow, a true gentleman you’ve become.” You remark as he takes the plates from your hands.
“Don’t believe the act, it’s only for you.” Saul stage whispers as he sets the empty wine glasses on the counter.
“It is not! I do have manners… if I use them or not depends entirely on the company.” He laughs.
“Well, I imagine your friends would like to hang out with you, so run along. I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon at the assembly.” You give him a squeeze.
“I can help, I promise.” Sky mumbles into your hair as he squeezes back.
“Run, before I change my mind!” You laugh, scooting him to the door. 
“Alright, alright! I’ll see you tomorrow.” Sky flashes one more brilliant smile before stepping into the night.
“I’ve missed that kid.” You murmur as you watch Sky jog back to his dorm. He’s grown at least a foot, he’s incredibly strong and disciplined. And he thankfully doesn’t seem to be carrying the weight of the world just yet.
“He’s missed you as well.” Saul comments as he washes the dishes. You close the door and walk over to the sink, picking up the clean dishes and drying them. The familiar routine is welcome after five lonely years. The two of you wash and dry in silence, the faint clinking of the dishes mixing with the crickets singing outside bringing a sense of peace. 
Saul hands you the last dish, unplugging the sink before drying his hands on the towel that you’ve thrown over your shoulder. You take no mind to his action, but the urge to be close to you outweighs the thought that he should let the past be the past. He gently pushes your hair to one side and places a gentle kiss at the base of your neck. 
You bite your lip, eager for him to continue. He gently rubs his nose along the exposed skin and whispers “I miss you.”
You set the last dish down and turn to him, your lips quickly finding his. He kisses back, hungry for something he hasn’t felt in so long. His large hands gather your dress until he feels the warmth of your skin. 
His calloused hands gently squeezing along your thighs until he’s able to seat you on the counter. Your lips part from his, your head lulling back as he attacks your neck, remembering each little patch of skin that makes you melt into him. Your legs quickly wrap around his waist, heels digging into his back so he wedges himself against your core. 
“Saul, bed!” You moan and he rolls his hips in response. Once your words compute he slides you off the counter, your feet hit the floor as he brings his mouth back to yours. He still has the map of your cottage burned into his brain, and thank the ancestors you unpacked everything just the same. 
You both stumble into your bedroom as Saul yanks off the blasted mesh dress, his hands finally in contact with more than just the heat of your skin. He moves his mouth down your body, your legs so wobbly that he pushes you onto your back with ease. You feel him slide your lace panties off, his hands massaging your legs as he throws them over his shoulders. 
Before you could tell him he doesn’t have to, he flattens his tongue, sliding it through your slick folds. You moan his name, your mind going blank with the amount of pleasure coursing through you. He laps at your clit, the gentle rock of your hips against his face sending him into overdrive. He can feel you’re close, dying for you to gush all over him. He moves his tongue to your entrance, his prominent nose rubbing your clit as he swirls his tongue inside you.
Your hands thread into his short hair, his name mixed in with noises you haven’t made in the last five years. And with a moment of piercing silence, you’re pushed over the edge. Your orgasm rips through your veins as Saul drinks you like a water fountain. You push his head back, his mouth quickly moving up your body until he’s reattached to your neck. 
“Saul, more.” You beg, reaching to feel his hard cock through his pants. He grunts, breath catching in his throat as you rub him. He quickly gets to his knees, ripping his clothes off as fast as he can. Your mouth meets his half way, the feel of his skin on yours burning you to the core. You quickly grab a condom off the bedside table, easily slipping it on him.
He gives you an open mouthed kiss before gently pushing inside you. You both moan as his slides in with no resistance, the sensation of him inside you almost too much for you both. He tries to pull himself together, no way would he ever release before feeling you cum around him. 
“Baby, I need movement” you whine, clenching him gently. He grabs your hips, pushing you a fraction away from him and pulling you back. That small movement makes you moan his name, and that’s all it takes for him to snap his hips against yours. His pace quickens the less you talk, and the less you talk the more your fingers dig into his back. 
“Let me fuck you into the mattress.” He moans when you try to flip the two of you over. You don’t want to be selfish, but when he fucks you like this. And that’s when you feel his fingers rub against you, the slow burn of your orgasm picking up speed until it crashes into the apex of your thighs. Your walls flutter around him, your hips moving in sync with his, and he opens his eyes to your blissed out face, your mouth wide open for a silent scream. 
“Saul!” You moan once more, and he spills into the condom, pumping in and out of you until he’s soft. Both of you still panting, the last bit of that high coursing through you as he gently lies next to you. 
His hand lightly traces the curves of your body, his eyes following the movement. When he reaches your jaw you stop his hand, bringing each finger tip to your lips.
“I miss you too.” You whisper.
“Can we start over?” He whispers, sadness reflected in his eyes.
“No. But we can begin again.” You smile.
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fodlansfables · 4 years
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PRE-ORDERS OPEN FOR “Fódlan’s Fables,” a fairy tale & folklore fan anthology.
Drawing inspiration from fantastical storybook literature and Fire Emblem: Three Houses, we've woven together an incredible collection of fairy tale pieces from artists and authors alike in this fan anthology.
30 Artists ❧ 10 Authors ❧ 90+ pages ❧ 7x10” Gold Hot Stamp Fabric Bound Hardcover ❧ Full Colour ❧  
❦ PRE-ORDER TIERS •  Relic Edition: “Fódlan's Fables” anthology, 3 enamel pins, 3 bookmarks, and 4 sticker bookplates •  Brave Edition: “Fódlan's Fables” anthology, 1 enamel pin, 1 bookmark, and 1 sticker bookplate corresponding with the House of your choosing. •  Silver Edition:  “Fódlan's Fables” anthology with one random sticker bookplate. •  Iron Edition: Digital PDF copy of “Fódlan's Fables” anthology
❦ ARTISTS  5ft ❧ Caemi ❧ Casper Pham ❧ Catherine ❧ Delaney Januzzi ❧ Dot ❧ e ❧ emi hartana ❧ Ester ❧ Fergie ❧ Hanromi ❧ Holly McGillis ❧ Ikei ❧ JAUNE ❧ Jessica McGinnis ❧ jununy ❧ Koi Carreon ❧ Liefe ❧ Misha ❧ Natalia Klimczak ❧ Oahelios ❧ Phee ❧ qpeura ❧ Rauviel ❧ Sangcoon ❧ Stevie Doan ❧ Sy ❧ Tracey ❧ veroniikus ❧ Yimmygee
❦ AUTHORS Af-fection ❧ Ancestral Lizard ❧ Bohemienne ❧ Celia Daniels ❧ Haru ❧ Jess ❧ lumailia ❧ Matty TG ❧ PastelClark ❧ Sirius
Find updates here @fodlansfables on tumblr or fodlansfables on twitter
Pre-orders are open until July 31st.
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subjectsix · 3 years
if i may have Two...raster ⛱ & 😥 for the OC perspective asks
ABSOLUTELY you can <3 I combined them into one :]c
⛱ Write your character describing one of their happiest memories & 😥 Write your character telling a lie.
"You still should've never done that," Raster chides, weaving through the crowd behind Phoenix. "If you-- if you had gotten hurt or caught or something like that I would've-- I don't even know, I would've--"
"That was AGES ago, Raster!" the girl laughs, dipping under a couple holding hands, leaving the TV Head behind her to quickly dodge out of the way and catch back up. "And now we know even more! And you got your jacket back. That must've looked pretty hilarious to you. I just popped up out of nowhere! Bam," she stomps her boot into the ground to emphasize the bam, continuing to hop on one foot through the city.
"Ages ago? It was... I think that was three weeks ago. But I guess it feels like a long time," his screen flickers a loading symbol as he considers it. "And you did come out of nowhere! I feel bad that I fell asleep."
"It was super super late! And you had a long day of running away from cops and bad guys and stuff."
"That. Is a way to put it!" He can't suppress a chuckle at the memory. "You did really change that whole night. All I saw was your hair and your eyes reflecting in the dark like a-- like a raccoon," he emphasizes, knowing it'll make Phee laugh, and she nearly doubles over with giggles. "And unfurled the jacket in front of me like a scroll. I was barely even booted up yet! I just knew some red puffball was offering me my stolen belongings in the early hours of the morning. Red panda raccoon jacket fairy... thing." He takes his time to embellish the story for her sake, but it really was a shining ray of hope on the darkest day of his recent life. But she doesn't need to know that.
Phoenix crumples on the sidewalk at the mental image of a Red-panda-raccoon-jacket-fairy-Phoneix, and the bigger robot scoops her up by the suspenders and sets her upright again.
"Thank you, though. I felt... that... you changed the directory of the night! And the past month."
"Ages," Phoenix corrects him.
"Ages," he agrees.
"I can still go back to your place and get you stuff," Phoenix suggests. "They kinda were just looking for you. And I know they have it left there like... like as a trap, or something, in case you come back. They're not renting it out."
"Wh-- Phee, you just said it was a trap--"
"For you!"
"Please do not go to places you know are traps," the TV stresses, metal fingers clasping together nervously. "We don't even know what-- or who-- or just... why they're looking for me."
"But getting your jacket back was like getting part of you back," she says, ever observant in ways that make Raster equal parts proud and uncomfortable. "There has to be stuff that would cheer you up. I know it would help me if I was feeling really anxious. It helps me at school and stuff if I bring stuff I like with me to cheer me on. Like a stuffed animal or something."
Raster tilts his display back up to scan the skyline, anxiously checking for anyone still looking for him. "I'm not anxious! I'm not even worried. We've been making plenty of progress," he says, realizing his smile is lopsided and tone unconvincing. He tries to pull his expressions back to something more neutral and instead opts to tune into the baseball game being broadcast, displaying it on his screen. Some announcer yells Foul ball! "I'm sure if we just lay low for awhile this will all work itself out! My brother can help us."
Phoenix stares at him long enough to make him feel like she's burnt a hole through his head. But finally she flashes a gap-toothed smile.
"Let's hurry up and talk to him then! Before someone does catch up to us and it doesn't blow over."
Is she trying to make me worry on purpose? he thinks, static buzzing through his mind, but she just grabs his hand and pulls him along the sidewalk.
thank youuuuuu :')
oc perspective asks
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kristinkemper · 7 years
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I can finally share my piece for To Worlds Unknown, a collaborative otayuri zine!!! My imagination MIGHT have spiraled out of control while brainstorming for this illustration and produced an entire fairy tale AU, and I MIGHT now be actually planning a short comic that expands upon it... stay tuned!
I’m so grateful to phee and med for organizing this project, and to all my fellow artists for making such good stuff!!! see y’all in otayuri hell forever ✌️
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educationaldm · 1 year
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Fairy with a moon balloon of a floating tube. Nice colouring page from Phee McFaddell.
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discordrpbythalia · 5 years
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Muse Name & Pronouns: Ophelia Smith, she/her Muse Age: 21 Role: bride / [ step ] sister to the dj Stereotype: the naive one Brief Biography: ophelia smith, 21, was always a dreamer. even when her dreams seemed to crash down around her when her mother died when she was 9. she seemed to retreat into her dreams a bit more after that, longing for a fairy tale life after dealing with a death so young.
when she was 12, her father met a wonderful welsh woman and they hit it off immediately. much to the daughter’s dismay, the two got married, but phee soon found herself part of the family, clinging to her older step brother, ianto jones, for safety and security as she grew up. life seemed to along less like a fairy tale as she aged, but she still longed for that idea of a happily ever after.
and here she was, at the young age of 21, getting married and having her fairy tale ending. she reached out to her brother for advice, support and most importantly, music to fit her perfect wedding. she couldn’t imagine such an important event in her life without him there, even if she wished some of her family didn’t have to be invited.
| STATUS: ACCEPTED. @theresastargirl !
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Ginger fairies
On the day before I met Phee, I spent the early hours of the morning lying on the grass under the tree house with Kai, talking about the stars and whether fairies would like ginger biscuits. "Maybe only the ginger ones would like them" "Oi!" "Okay! Okay! I'm sorry! It would explain why you love them so much though" He was almost quick enough to dodge the biscuit I hurled at his head. It made a satisfying crunch before falling into the grass beside him. "I wonder if they can see the stars" Fairies probably can't see stars, because their eyes are tiny and I suppose they never get very close to them. It was a puzzle I mulled over all day. Whether we can see the stars because our eyes are bigger, or whether it's because we spend an awful lot of time looking at the sky. It's what I was doing in my weekly free afternoon, as I laid with my hands folded behind my head on a trampoline whilst watching leaves slowly dance through the air to settle on the ground around me.
It's my favorite time of year, between summer and autumn, when leaves start to fall from the trees but still retain their green colour. This was something unique to the trees in Hallie apparently, their ability to fall whilst green and then turn orange on the ground.
I was laid at a point just between two branches so the falling leaves landed around me but never on me, leaving me in a sort-of strange leaf forcefield and bathed in the warm sunlight that the gap between the branches allowed to reach me.
My eyes were going crazy trying to watch every leaf on its journey without missing one. In case it felt left out.
What if leaves had feelings?
It was a thing I seemed to do a lot, coming here on a Friday afternoon when everyone else was at work to bathe in the sunlight and think.
Thinking is something that I do a lot, about the foods eaten by imaginary fairies or the visibility of the stars, what it would be like to be a leaf. To spend your whole life waiting for the few moments when you are free to drift through the air, being taken this way and that by the breeze. Being powerless to stop your inevitable descent. Would that be terrifying? Or liberating? As I pondered this I felt myself slowly drift off, I knew I only had an hour at most until the children were let out of school and came bounding over to the playground wanting to bounce on the trampoline and being upset when they saw a teenage girl laid in the middle. Yet despite this knowledge I felt like a leaf, powerless to stop myself falling into the warmth and comfort of sleep.
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subjectsix · 3 years
Hello, dear! You've been visited by the random character question fairy! :D ~☆
What does your character believe the future will hold for them? Why do they believe that? Are their predictions correct?
awww yay!!! hello!!! :D
oh man okay I’m gonna answer for my Botan City trio since I don’t give them much attention on here:
Phoenix (who’s 9 going on 10) is kind of scared that when she turns 10 or 13 she’ll have to start “becoming adult” and give up all the things she likes. Phee wants to be taken seriously and not just treated as a kid, but she keeps seeing adults and older kids imply that you have to stop liking stuff and just become a business-minded, serious-all-the-time adult. She knows not every adult is like that, but she’s scared she’ll have to change entirely as she gets older. She’s learning that she can be responsible and “adult” but still love all the things she does unabashedly though!
Raster didn’t think about the future much because it made him anxious, but now he’s technically considered a wanted criminal and has bounties on his head, and he doesn’t know why! So he’s now really anxious about the future ksjehfjsehf He wants to be prepared but he gets overwhelmed trying to think about it, especially since he has a very difficult time standing up for himself without feeling stupid, mean, or inauthentic. He thinks he needs to “toughen up” but doesn’t like the idea very much. He just wants to safely go back to his apartment and job not have to sneak around everywhere.
Quentin (who’s like, 15, or something) thinks he’s already done with all this school stuff and has quietly dropped out to do his own thing. He thinks he knows better-- and he is really smart and knows what he’s doin (mostly)-- but he has a whole lot to learn as well and refuses to admit it. He doesn’t want to be perceived as stupid or “just a kid” so he does his best to be a Cool Edgy Adult so he’ll be taken seriously (and so nobody notices all those insecurities he’s so sure are weaknesses). He’s pretty convinced that his big break is just ahead and if he just takes the time to prove himself, he’ll find the perfect place to fit in where he’ll be accepted. And I mean... he’s not wrong. But it’s definitely not in the way he’s picturing. 
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