#First time an Inkigayo stage is hard to colour?
atlantis-area · 4 months
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TAEMIN - WANT (Inkigayo, 190224)
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nctinfo · 6 years
[TRANS] NCT’s Johnny, Doyoung & Jaehyun Interview for ‘Arena Homme Plus’ June 2018 Issue!
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Your feelings on the last day as an <Inkigayo> MC I did not cry. But should I say I was a little upset? <everybody bursts into laughter> I will be honest, it was the best to meet up close with the fans who came to see me once a week. Every week we have fun and even joked around together, and the thought of not being able to do that anymore made me sad. Of course, in the future during promotions, I will often be able to meet with the fans and have a chat with them, but it's like I won't meet them during a regular period anymore. But still, I did not cry. Doyoung is this kind of man Ah, how should I say this? Uhm, first off, I like singing. I really like my voice so I enjoy both recording or singing. Also, I think that I can speak very well without panicking. I'm rather a calm type of person. But will this explanation about me appeal to those who don't know me though? (laughter)  Anyways, I would like to introduce myself as someone who likes to sing for other people. First time meeting Johnny and Jaehyun Johnny-hyung was in America for a while when I became a trainee. So I first met him when he came back. He had very long hair and wore a thick sweater which had a lot of patterns on it. He was tall and had great body proportions which made him feel like a model. He seemed cold at first, but now, he jokes around more than anyone, and he also takes jokes from others' well too. I saw Jaehyun for the first time during a dance practice. He came in wearing a purple uniform, it left a deep impression on me (everybody bursts into laughter). He had white skin and he really looked like a 'baby' back then. That Jaehyunnie has now become a man. Something I want to achieve before 2018 ends Not long ago I was able to meet with over 5000 fans. We had a 'Fan Party' and it was really exciting. I ran around the stage and had a lot of fun, and I want to have another opportunity like that. I will work hard so that if more people will they won't feeling disappointed and will have fun together with us. I wish a day like that will come.
NCT's <Night Night!> When me and Johnny hyung are reading the stories from listeners, our worldview becomes broader. And another thing, at first I spent the hour engrossed in hosting (the radio). I read the script as it was, mind focused on having to DJ for an hour somehow. However as 1 year passed, it became different these days. Now I can show myself and have a comfortable convesation. Jaehyun is that kind of a man One time fans sent a text message on the radio broadcast, saying I have a "lovable person charm". (everyone screaming) Usually I just have lots of aegyo. I like meeting people and I like people. But I also have a twist. That twist is still deep inside me and I'm going to show it off a little in the future. When I first met Johnny and Doyoung Even though I entered as a trainee first and Doyoung-hyung after me, because we got close he had that "church-hyung" feeling to him. As soon as he became a trainee he started dieting and was only eating nutty foods so he lost a lot of weight. It felt like he became the person that could achieve anything he was aiming for. Johnny hyung was training the longest out of us so he had that familiar and experienced feel to him. (t/n: "church-hyung" has a similar meaning to neighborhood-hyung/boy next door, so someone who's friendly and looks after you) Something I want to achieve before 2018 ends I want to become closer with NCT fans. I think we need to work hard when promoting in order to have more opportunities to meet. We'll try really hard.
NCT's <Night Night!> It is over one year that I did radio with Jaehyun. It feels like an hour of chatting with listeners. Normally I do not really think about anything else other than activities as a singer, but through radio, I got to know how others are doing, my views have widened a bit. That's the biggest difference. 
Johnny is that kind of a man When you look at Johnny's image as a guy, they call me a bit of a 'cold guy'? (A chorus of laughter) I also hear they say that I am cold. But the radio listeners tell me my different image. Being 'sweet' is my charm. I am a guy who can be both cold and 'sweet'. It's like opposite charms?
When I first met Doyoung and Jaehyun I will try to describe our first impressions as friends in my own words when I first met Doyoung and Jaehyun. Doyoung gave me the feeling of a watercolour painting. He's combined of very delicate colours, you felt a light charm from him. Jaehyun was like pastel colours. Rather than a deep blue, it was a warmer, very soft pretty sea colour? He gave me that kind of feeling. 
Something I want to achieve before 2018 ends Things I want to achieve before the end of 2018. Obviously I want NCT to gain more notice and myself too. Like our music as well, our members are very charming too. I hope more people get to know NCT. I want to show you, with diligence, more before the end of 2018.
Translation: Alex, Teddy, Esmee @ FY! NCT (NCTINFO) | Source: Arena Homme Plus Scans (1, 2, 3) — Please take out with full credits 
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peachesandsodas · 5 years
Bullet Bomb ! ; Debut Single
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Bite that bullet, make it pop; Bullet Bomb in the house !
“ Bullet Bomb; a girl-group duo consists of Rose and Scarlett, debuted with their first single YOU&ME (Cherry Soda). A song that tells young, wild love, feels like tasting a cherry soda; sweet, sugary, fizzy, and bursting out with flavours. They produced the song (and spoilers : album coming soon) are expected to be on the TOP10 line ups in music charts across the country. The music filled with electro-synths pop vibes, upbeat music, getting you back to the raved 80s and 90s with that bright coloured neon lights, contrast colours, and striking visuals. Refreshing just like a cherry soda!”
listen to their song ! 1 2
“ They’re the most talked duo at this current moment. When their song was released a few hours ago, it became an all-kill on music charts. Prepare, the monster rookie is coming. “
[+500] [-213] oh my god their visuals are insane TT TT
[+435] [-279] finally a new vibe coming up from a new group!
[+31] [-43] heol~ are you sure the market will like this kind of music? it feels old already
[+324] [-34] let’s get ROTY this year, Bullet Bomb!
[+4321] [-78] the visuals, aesthetics, songs, tunes, lyrics, mv, their outfits, EVERYTHING! On point! Daebak, daebak!
[+890] [-342] it’s hard to listen at first, i think i’ll try to listen a few more times to get the feel of it. it’s 50-50 for me
[+932] [-575] i don’t think they could top the charts? we’re not used with these kind of tunes. remember when wonder girls goes retro? ugh. 
19/01 Debut Stage MBC Music Core
20/01 Debut Stage SBS Inkigayo
21/01 Weekly Idol 
22/01 Debut Stage MTV The Show!
22/01 Single Fansigning Event
23/01 Single Fansigning Event
24/01 Debut Stage Mnet Mcountdown
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hello! how are you doing? ooh i don’t think i’ve seen ‘extract’ before; i’ll definitely look into it since the others you mentioned are amazing picks! i used to be obsessed with the maze runner series lol i even have the entire series as hard copies—my favourite is ‘the death cure’… i think i read the first part in my school library and got hooked so the next time we got any sort of gift i asked everyone for the other parts! one of my friends got me ‘the scorch trials’, my dad bought me the third + fifth parts & i think one of my neighbours had gotten ‘the kill order’ for her granddaughter so she got one for me too when i completed freshman year. if i may ask: what’re some of your favourite skz stages this year + any hair colours you’d like to see lee know try? - 🌨
omg yess i definitely think you'll like extraction if you liked the other movies. I thought it was good although it was a bit sad.
I still loove the maze runner. I read the books and watched the movies. The book is always better though one thing which I thought was better in the movie was the way Teresa betrays everyone. It had a bigger impact on everyone than the way she betrayed them in the
ooh some of my favorite skz stages would be the 'I'll be your Man' and '신뚜두뚜두' stages from kingdom. I also really liked their MAMA stage this year. There were also two stages where they performed 'Domino' I think on Inkigayo and one more show which I really liked.
hmm for lee know I think I'd really like to see him in some sort of silver-blond color? I also really want him to go back to the green hair from double knot. That's probably my favorite hair color on him. But omg he has purple hair now!!! a nice change from the blond/brown/black. But I doubt it'll last for long, he usually doesn't keep hair colors like these for very long :(
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busanbunnie · 6 years
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In regards to my previous post, 2NE1 will always have a special place in my heart. Words don’t actually describe how much they mean to me but I’m gonna give it a damn good go!! 
These girls are what got me into Kpop, the reason behind finding them is extremely odd and probably the weirdest way of finding out about Kpop but... it’s what brought me here so I’ll hold onto that. Back when I was 12, we had a house fire in the middle of the night, one which could have killed us if we hadn’t been aware of it just seconds later and since then I’ve suffered with multiple hardships. Depression, severe OCD, PTSD, eating disorders and panic attacks. My anxiety is constantly on full alert but I have learnt to deal with it. Not a day goes by where I don’t think about this traumatic event which essentially ruined my life. 2NE1 were the ones who helped me through it when I needed help the most. In my teenage years, I struggled A LOT. I didn’t have the correct mindset and I didn’t know how to cope with everything that was happening to me. Now I’m an adult, while I do still struggle on a daily basis, I feel I have more control over the situation and I’m able to take care of myself better with coping strategies. 
Long story short as to how I found them, curiosity got the best of me one night (despite it being years after the incident) and I ended up typing ‘fire’ into youtube, I don’t know what I was planning to achieve or what I was looking for. I just had this morbid curiosity to search for it. I don’t know if it was to see how people coped after such a thing or for a documentary or even something to make it seem less scary but 2NE1′s fire popped up. Now I’m a dancer and the immediate bright colours and what looked like to be the still of a dance routine drew me in straight away. I got 30 seconds into it and I was hooked. They had only debuted for about 3 months at this point so unfortunately I wasn’t there from the very beginning in May but I was there from pretty much the starting point. (Almost).
I remembering spending the entire night searching for them, watching every single video there was at that point and falling in love with them. I went to school the next day and gushed about them to everybody. At first people did the whole “you can’t understand them though” and it angered me but the more I played them, the months that went by until I knew everything about them, the majority of my year respected and knew of 2NE1 because of me. They were supportive and people would always do the fire ‘eh eh eh eh eh’ dance. It made me happy to know that these girls had such a positive impact on everybody even if they didn’t understand why I personally liked them so much. As the years went on, I found myself taking solace in 2NE1 TV. I’ve watched all of it about 40 times over. I know it back to front, off by heart. It was the thing to calm me when I was upset. They calmed me when I was down. They were there for me through their music, performances, interviews and dorky moments even if it wasn’t physical. 
I have every single song they have ever recorded on my iPod and I know them all. From covers to all their live concerts to live performances on music bank, inkigayo, etc. The numerous versions of each song also such as ‘hate you’s ‘fuck you’. They’ve been my world for 9 years and even if they’ve gone on their separate ways now, they continue to be my world. I follow and support each member continuously, I will NEVER leave them behind. My biggest dream was to go to a concert but unfortunately I never got the chance to.
I have all their albums and singles!! My favourite album is 2NE1 1st Live Concert (Nolza!) It’s so feel good, you can hear them talking to the audience in the audio and they seem so upbeat and happy. You can feel the electric atmosphere through your speakers and just hearing them so excited and happy is honestly the best thing a fan could ever hear. My favourite performance in the world would have to be the MAMA 2011 performance. That stage was mind blowing and while others HAVE topped it, I do agree, there is just something really special about that performance to me. It’s ingrained in my heart and it just sums up 2NE1 for me. I would always show that stage to people first if I was introducing them to these babies. Last but not least, my favourite song!! ‘Love Hurts’ from their 1st full album, ‘To Anyone’, I love it so much, I adore the vocals, the melody, everything. I heard it for the first time and fell in love and it’s been my favourite ever since.
Now, this is something I definitely have to touch up on. I do NOT have a bias. They’re the only group where it’s impossible. They all mean so much to me and it’s genuinely like you’re forcing me to pick through my children. Instead, I will tell you my favourite aspects of each girl and perhaps write a little note to each of them even though I know it’ll never reach them.
Gong Minji, my lil’ minki. You’ve been through so much. Leaving the group was probably one of the hardest decisions you ever had to make but please don’t worry. We don’t blame you, we could never hate you and we will support you no matter what. You’re album is incredible, I bought it straight away and your vocals are perfect as always. As a dancer you always inspired me to push myself that little bit more. You always made me believe in myself that I could be better with more practice. You continuously showed me that being the youngest didn’t mean you had less experience or talent. You worked hard for every single goal and you achieved. I wish I could come and experience a dance lesson from your studio, it’d be a dream of mine. I love you, maknae! You’re strong, courageous and beautiful. 
Sandara Park, oh how I miss your antics Tokki!! Well, I still see them on instagram and other places but seeing them daily on musics shows or 2NE1 TV, I miss them. You never failed to make me laugh, you were the energy, the vitamin, the one who never aged! Or aged backwards so to speak. Everything you have ever done, you’ve worked hard. You always expressed your worry about not being as ‘talented’ as the other girls but you are. Your voice is beautiful and you worked hard on your fitness and dancing, don’t ever underestimate that! Plus, your acting always blew me away--you never gave up even if you struggled. When you bought your guitar and practised so hard until your fingers almost bled, I was so proud of you. You always fight for what you believe in and that’s a strength I’ll never possess. I love you, sweet angel!
Park Bom, the actual comedian. You had me in stitches on a daily basis and now I’m lucky to get a small glimpse of you on instagram. I long for the day I see that beautiful smile on your face again. You’ve had a shit four years but you’re slowly coming back stronger than ever and words don’t describe how proud we are of you. You stand up to the haters, you continue to be yourself and I have so much respect for you. Nobody will ever take that strength away. We got your back, beautiful girl. I look forward to hearing your new work, I’m so happy you haven’t given up singing. Your unique voice gives me chills every time I hear it and ‘You and I’ will always be the one song which gives me goosebumps. We’re all waiting for you but take your time! I love you, moomin!
Lee Chaerin, what people see as a fierce, powerful woman on stage (which you are) don’t realise just how soft and wonderful you are. CL will always be an alter ego I aspire to be like but Chae, you’re the dorkiest little bubble of sunshine in the world and I WISH more people would see that side of you. You became unconfident without make up around 2011-2012 and that broke my heart because you’re so beautiful inside and out. Never be afraid to show your true self again, you’re so talented and the love and care you have for your members despite the shit you have gone through and the hate, it’s one of the strongest bonds I have ever come across in my life. Keep strong, lil one! I know you act tough but real fans know the real you. I love you, rilakkuma. 
I’m gonna wrap this up because it’s getting stupidly long but there were two days that broke me being on such a long journey with these girls. The day Minzy left the group and the day they officially disbanded. They’ve been through hell and back and even to this day, I STILL can’t listen to ‘Goodbye’ fully. I’ve only ever listened to it once and it’s on my iPod but I have to skip it. The second they start singing, I feel the pain in my chest. I just can’t bring myself to do so. I don’t want to talk about their disbandment much because it’ll bring back a lot of negative emotions and this is supposed to be a positive post. Just know that it still hurts me to this day and nobody will EVER replace them. They will always be my girls, my favourite group and the best thing that ever happened music wise for me. 
Thank you if you managed to read all this! I would LOVE to hear your guys stories! ♥
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vskpop · 7 years
June 2017 ⋅  Critical Cute Concept
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As If It's Your Last - BLACKPINK
In the last few weeks, I’ve been fascinated by k-pop fans’ obsession with finding similarities between Blackpink and 2NE1. I was particularly struck by the huge deal made about the fact that As If It’s Your Last is not a new song, as if songs weren’t composed and left there until the right person comes along since the beginning of time (and as if all Teddy songs didn’t have elements in common).
Just to make one example, Russian Roulette had been doing the rounds at SM since before Red Velvet even debuted, but I didn’t see anyone reacting with outrage to this, even though the song might well have been for f(x) for all we know. I am seriously shocked by the amount of energy that the k-pop fandom is putting into trying to take Blackpink down, as if that even made any difference in their favourites’ career.
That said, before the comeback actually happened, I had one real problem with it: the fact that it would be a single digital release. Blackpink have never been generous with their releases: they only put out two couples of songs so far, with no b-sides. I’m not sure why they would waste a perfectly good song and delay their “actual” comeback (and a physical release) even more.
All in all, I think it still worked out well for them. Even though it is just one song, it’s clear that YG is not doing things cheaply (despite people finding problems with the MV as well, of course): each member has seven or eight changes in the video, there are a thousand sets, everything is lusciously designed and studied down to the last detail.
As If It's Your Last is the limit of how many mismatched sections I can take; it switches quite jarringly from the head-spinning bass of the verse to the slower pre-chorus to the super-pop chorus to Lisa’s intense rap section (which is also, quite confusingly, entirely in English). It could have done with being a bit more cohesive, but with more listens, the haphazard structure of the song is drowned by how catchy it is.
Before the song was released, it was described as the first “pink” release from them, as opposed to the “black” of the previous edgier songs. I think that they made a seamless transition between their signature style and this colourful, more joyous version of themselves. They are cute, but not saccharine, “innocent”, baby-voice-y.
I’m waiting for Blackpink to do something I hate, but for now, I will keep following them as if they’re my last love (get it?).
Kwon Ji Yong - G-Dragon
 June has been a terrible month for Big Bang fans.
 The short story for people who have been living under a rock is that T.O.P was charged with smoking marijuana (a criminal offence in South Korea), expelled from the police where he was serving his military service, he overdosed on anxiety medication, was unconscious for a couple of days, then recovered and was moved to a mental health unit, then was tried and sentenced to two years of probation with ten months in prison if he breaks the terms.
 In the midst of this, G-Dragon had announced his comeback and had to go through with it because he was about to start a tour with 30+ announced dates, which would have been pretty complicated to cancel.
 I don’t think it’s necessary to explain that, like anything put out by G-Dragon, it’s a masterpiece. As usual, it has very little to do with what people expect when they talk about k-pop, and I would argue it doesn’t have a lot to do with pop in general.
 To me (and to him, considering the title is his real name) this is the definitive G-Dragon album. Even if he didn’t put out anything else, this would complete and explain his oeuvre. Each of the songs captures a particular time and feel of his career, and he has space to examine his public life, his persona, and his personal struggles. This comment on Reddit really explains the trajectory and the meaning of the album and I don’t think there is a lot to add.
Ceremony - Pentagon
I love everything that Cube is doing with Pentagon right now. Fresh from the good run of Hui and E’Dawn in Triple H, as well as the stellar success of the song that Hui penned for Produce 101 Never, Pentagon have a lot going for them right now.
 In a sea of tropical house (drink!), they reference Elvis Presley’s Jailhouse Rock and find their voice with a hooky chorus and an image built around being ironic instead of trying to be edgy at all costs (which, granted, they had tried to do before).
 The costuming of this comeback deserves an honourable mention: they have been wearing some extraordinary suits on stage, and they are always tailored perfectly. Some favourites: M Countdown on 15/06, Music Bank on 23/06, Inkigayo on 25/06, Music Core on 01/07.
 I have especially come to appreciate the fact that the members of Pentagon have different enough physical builds (some tall, some short, some bulky, some skinny) to never look like a shapeless mass of people even though there are ten members. Each of them gets a moment to shine on stage, which is not always the case when a group a lot of members. I don’t like big groups, but this one just works.
Cherry Bomb - NCT 127
I have a long history of loving NCT despite the mess of their structure, but why do they always look so unhappy and try-hard on stage? I can’t find a single performance where they seem to be enjoying what they are doing.
While I appreciate that they are trying to be edgy and experimental - something k-pop always needs more of - I feel that they missed the mark with Cherry Bomb. The dissonant voices, the distortion, the intense bass, the mismatched sections are too much to work as a pop product this time.
The repetition of various sentences (“I’m the biggest hit on the stage”, “빨리빨리 피해 right / Cherry bomb feel it yum”) in Cherry Bomb makes up for almost the entirety of the song, which gets really obnoxious really quickly. I found “If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands” funny the first five times, then I was tired of it.
Differently from Cube with Pentagon, SM just can’t seem to find a song that gives space to every member of the group. Johnny and Haechan are basically invisible in the performance; WinWin and Yuta get to mouth to some of Taeyong’s lines, without actually singing any of them.
Once again, the rest of the album is quite good, but sounds like they were given the scraps of other groups (especially SHINee, in this case). What’s important to note is that literally any song would have been a catchier single than Cherry Bomb (full disclosure: they’ve still sold like 70,000 physical copies).
Archangels of the Sephiroth - Stellar
 I ended up sort-of following Stellar because they were someone else’s unfortunate favourite - that group that’s always on the edge of disbanding or worse, wallowing in their trainee debt until the end of time.
Archangels of the Sephiroth is a sharp turn from their previous concepts; they have added a new member, and to celebrate this they have gone down the fantasy/dark route with a music video in which they literally drown the new girl in a bathtub full of blood.
I don’t know why I’m so excited by the pseudo-satanic concept, but I love it and I love their new song. I like the intensity, the sort-of-mystical vibe, the shouty chorus, the big drums. I’m not so enthusiastic about the weird use of the Kabbalah they made in the insane additional material/game/alternate universe for the comeback (I was sure it was a Final Fantasy reference, oops), but I don’t have the instruments to understand how bad it is, so if you do, let me know. 
It’s bizarre to consider the title track Archangels of the Sephiroth in the context of the mini-album; the rest of the songs definitely belong to the “old” Stellar vibe, and most of them could have been good lead singles without the witchcraft.
Stroke - Gummy
Whether Gummy qualifies as k-pop is part of a larger debate on what the label actually means, but this is hands down my favourite album of the month, so I will put it here anyway because I want to. Don’t miss Stop Talking and Room Service.
Shine Forever - Monsta X
Is this at all meant to be a conclusion to the story Monsta X started with All In (aka the song that got me into Monsta X)? Who managed to give some decent hair to Jooheon for the first time in his entire career? “I’m fascinated by the bright light of your beauty”?
Jinsoul - Loona
 I’ve been following Loona very very closely since the beginning of their debut project and I’ve been loving almost all of their releases (my favourites are still Heejin and Haseul). This second sub-unit of the final group has been receiving much more interest than any of the first five girls ever did, and I have to admit that I have fallen for Jinsoul’s future bass track Singin’ In The Rain. I’m curious to see how she and the other “girl crush” members will fit with the “innocent” ones ... in a year or so.
I Smile - Day6
Finally - Mamamoo
Never and Hands on Me - Produce 101
What’s My Name? and Diamond - T-ara
Happy and Babyface - WJSN
Dreamcatcher save the day once more with their amazing rock covers:
iKON’s Bobby on King of the Mask Singer. His singing voice is incredible:
Is there anything better than Taemin’s Japanese releases? I don’t think so.
Day6 cover a bunch of Twice songs:
Kings of everything Seventeen on Immortal Songs:
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