#First time doing realism like this
imactuallysoup · 1 month
Hroo Hraa
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The crow man
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stealingpotatoes · 5 months
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every year i think "there's no way I can draw as much as I did last year" and then then I make myself look like an idiot. ending 2023 with a genuinely disgusting number of arts this year:
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anyway call me a tree bc i'm abt to get real sappy: thank you all so much for a genuinely INSANE year in terms of how much i drew, how much i improved, and how much LOVELY support i've gotten!!!!!!! like my followercount more than quadrupled from the start of the year and i just can't believe?? there's this many of u?? that like my art???????? dead on the floor i love you all SO much!!!! thank u!!!!!!!!
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stark-lord · 21 hours
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My frame (that I clean forgot to post) for the @gomensframes project. Sometimes group projects have 700 people, entertain you, and offer a low pressure avenue to kick your ass out of a multiple year art rut. [commentator voice] join one Today!
close ups under the cut
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My first time drawing msheen and my god his face is so incredibly satisfying. This baby’s got some solid planes
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fleshadept · 2 years
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Rocky + magic
Boy (2010) dir. Taika Waititi
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skunkes · 10 days
finally successfully figuring out an issue that needs to be solved with my art for me to improve and be happy wit it but not knowing how to solve it
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#talkys#and also spiraling bc i look back at old art and like some of it but i really dont like the way i draw ykwim#i dont like that this is my style it doesnt make me happy. but i dont like anyone elses's style enough to emulate either. sucks#OH the issue is i have specific ways i like drawing heads/faces that cant comfortably go on a body#furs are easy bc you can draw huge necks short legs smaller bodies etc#if i had drawn a recent smunker with a human head the head would look too big ykwim#the way i like drawing heads means they have to go on a bigger longer more realistic body. and i dont like that/cant draw bodies easily tha#way. as it stands rn my heads either fit kinda big on a body‚ which is more in line with how humans actually are#which makes my work feel more rigid and like i have to align more with realism#or the heads are too small and make the bodies look even longer. and i dont like. long bodies. i cant figure it out. it just doesnt look#right. no human full body ive done ever looks right to me. like i cant hack it and make it stylized enough for me to not care abour#the Rules like i do with furs#idk if this makes sense. i keep seeing styles like urasawa with small facial features and i love that i wanna do that#but the proportions mean id have to draw a more realistic body....idk...!#and also theres 500 billion ways to draw a face. i cant draw the same body proportions for all of em.#this is why it feels like im drawing for the first time every time i draw a new character...!#cant draw heads first bc then the body looks bad...cant draw bodies first bc i cant attach the head...#cant thumbnail the whole silhouette bc then when i add details the head still looks too big or small compared to the body...#and simply scaling the size does not fix it...
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fideidefenswhore · 14 days
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the downfall and execution of a tudor queen (2023) / the boleyns: a scandalous family (2021) / the king's pearl: henry viii and his daughter mary (2017), melita thomas / anne boleyn (tv miniseries 2021) / the mirror and the light (2024) / elizabeth (1998)
#web weaving#sort of?#i never feel like my edits really fit#they're more like collages#anyway...me on my island with the one other tudor fan that liked AB 2021 lol#'our expectations were low but holy fuck' sounds like a lot of consternation about a pretty...solid script?#what i loved most about it was moments like the above#the ability to summarize really complex dynamics borne of circumstance#in such a way that you can believe in the world and it serves as its own 'previously on' that a miniseries inherently lacks#esp when it only covers five crucial months#tl; dr there's a lot of smugness evident in many books of this genre#when it comes to anne's attitude towards her stepdaughter#bcus she was quote proven wrong unquote; becaues mary got quote the last laugh unquote...#when really. as per the quotes i've been posting#it doesn't seem like mary's reconciliation with her father was the idyll many have made it#thus we have anne's letter#and offer. knowing that others are offering her better futures#but saying this is the best future you could have. limited time only.#and it seems the future proved her right; not wrong (at least the immediate future)#bcs while matters; had she accepted; might not've been substantially better than they were under the auspices of a 'more gentle' stepmother#it also doesn't really seem like they would have been substantially worse#anne was right that her enemy's supporters wanted her disgraced and/or dead. she was right in that they wanted elizabeth disgraced#and/or dead. she couldn't have predicted what happened to herself in the exact matter it did- mainly bcus it was unprecedented#but it seems she had a pretty clear view of what mary was doing: playing both sides. attempting to ingratiate herself to her father while#also conspiring against him. and she knew it would have been better to have her on side#(and in a more jaundiced view: have her where she could watch what she was doing; who she was seeing)#but perhaps underestimated how impossible it would be to get her there in the first place#('on side' ; that is. not at court. although probably not that either. with the conditions she demanded)#but her fears of mary were not paranoia. they seem to have been grounded in realism#and a clear view of the situation at home and abroad
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thedrotter · 11 days
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as a little treat i am sharing with you little Aya doodles I've done over the last few days to unwind ww just little expressions based on lines in-game because those are always fun to draw. nothing too special just biscuit
it's Aya because upon doing bizarrely throughout playthroughs of the game for still unspecified project purposes I've gained a soft spot for her she's my daughter now my mental tier list on my favorite characters is so confusing right now
#re:kinder#fanart#aya re:kinder#aya hibino#i state shes my daughter NOW because before i didnt pay too big of a mind to her#but honestly in each different playthrough of this game i gain new appreciation for each character#because fun fact ryou was my favorite character at first just because he seemed nice and was a healer and was nice#second playthrough brought in rei and shunsuke in my mind because they ate it up wirh their roles in the story#meanwhile as time passed yuuichi started to grow on me as i realized he was a little too relatable BASICALLY THINGS LIKE THAT#and spoilers for the unspecified project mentioned in the text just because i feel like it#i also did this because having a transcript of every line just spurred me on becquse of how easy it made things#its much more fun to start doing these kind of line based doodles when you dont have to manually go througj hours of gameplay to find stuff#so just being ablr to ctrl f through a document made me very glad HEUEHEHEBEHR#im still working on it it needs proofreading and polishing on some sides but overall it should be here soon i hope#if anyones interested in it do let me know HUEHEHEBRB i will post it regardless but it would be nice to know if anyone is interested#ANYWAY#as to why Aya seems to have a purse when her sprite doesnt its because her equipment mentions her carrying a yellow pouch#its meant to be that!!!#she looks very goofy with it on made me giggle ngl#(as in. amusement)#it adds more interest to her visual design so its nice to have it there im glad its there#OH YEAH SOME COMMENTARY ON ONE OF HER LINES HERE THAT REALLY PIQUED MY INTEREST#if sayaka dies and shes there to see it (thus. you chose to bring her with you) she has this line#where it implies that shes afraid of dying which makes things sad when she's suicidal#she already states i think her desire is more to disappear than to die exactly but even then it's quite sad#like even if she wants to disappear with how gloomy she's feeling and all the things going around with her parents#shes just a little girl who doesn't want to die😭😭#it really adds a sense of realism to how depression is tackled in game at least for me#that when one is depressed and suicidal a lot of the time it's the wish for this state of suffering to end rather than to actually die#SUCH A GOOD CHARACTER ITS ONE OF THE THINGS THAT UPPED MY APPRECIATION FOR HER
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bmpmp3 · 2 months
i do think its kinda funny when i see someone in the year of our lord 2024 talk about vocal synth music like its all gone downhill since like 2010 because like dont get me wrong i love a good niconicodouga-ass 2008 ass vocaloid joint BUT also like. the past couple years have had the most fascinatingly creative and expressive uses of vocal synthesizers ive ever heard in my life DJFSKHJDFS dont write it all off just yet!!
#usually i only see that from people who havent actually listened to any vsynth music from the past 15 years so i understand why they got to#that conclusion. and also usually theyre people who didnt listen to much vsynth music in the first place LOL they just dont know#but it is still a little funny. brother there are things beyond your wildest dreams if u just look#like some personal highlights: the stuff by rinri - particularly their use of the meika girlies#dont carry our memories away is LIFECHANGING the whispers. the spoken parts. the BELTS#plus the haunting and unrelenting instrumentation. fantastic song#and naisho no pierced's propose + birthday + gift sort of trilogy of songs. gift especially has been unreal#again the dynamics of soft intimate whispers to belts but also those fuller high notes with edges of growlyness.#plus the songs just generally rock. and those LYRICS. absolutely intense like physically painful and frightening like#yearning and codependency and possession. and the tuning and production just amps it up more#OH and slave.v.v.r has been doing crazy things for even longer but i only started getting into his stuff recently and holy shit#love eater is like. the scariest vocaloid song ive ever heard not because of the lyrics. but because of the tuning#im like. scared. i cant stop listening to it. the heavy synthesized breathy main vocals and whispered harmonies plus the VOCAL FRY#i didnt realized vocaloid5? i think? has a vocal fry option built in i heard? thats crazy#but specifically in love eater the fry and growl is amped up so deep and loud and clear compared to everything else it like#emphasizes the artificiality of the voice while also amping up the expressiveness#its awesome. and on the older slave.v.v.r songs i heard i will hit you 8759632145 times with this piano. also so fucking cool#addicted to that song. 1) its a great jazzy rocky piano tune with this piano flourish at the end of each phrase that sounds fantastic#but also 2) the lyrics are insane. using kanji to write english??????#people are doing wild ass things with vocal synths rn you guys#this isnt even getting into some of the really unique synths themselves too. adachi rei is awesome i love that shes just like#the perfect inbetween of sample based and reconstruction based vocals. shes a sample based synth#but her samples were drawn by hand LOL shes like dectalks granddaughter to me.....#a really good use of adachi rei is iyowa's heat abnormal/heat anomaly/whatever its called ITS AWESOME thats what it is hjrkfdgfd#i think the fact that vocal synths can be so realistic and clean and noiseless out the gate now has made people really stop worrying#about like. realism all together and looking more into expressiveness. omg vocal synth modernist movement
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mymarifae · 9 months
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going back to these tags. this shit literally haunts me like i haven't touched bnha since watching the first season when it came out YEARS ago but i still lay awake in bed some nights grieving the loss of This story. i was watching it with my high school ex and i started complaining when all might told deku he'd give him one-for-all and my ex was like "but it'd be so boring if deku didn't get powers. the story wouldn't mean anything." and i was so in shock that i kind of wanted to kill him because WOW . we are not on the same creative wavelength AT ALL are we . like you're telling me you saw alllllllllll that build-up with deku being bullied for not having a quirk and everyone mocking his dreams of going to UA and becoming a pro hero - the build-up that culminates in the scene where he rushes headfirst into danger in a desperate attempt to save someone's life when all the so-called "heroes" with their "superpowers" stood around doing jack shit and you... still wanted him to magically get a quirk via the powers of Lazy Plot Convenience ?!??! you didn't start expecting a story about defying a world that hates you and wants you to fail... ?!?! that's boring to you? nothing about that resonates with you? at all¿!?
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avensartt · 2 years
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tbookblurbs · 2 months
The Atlas Complex - Olive Blake (The Atlas #3)
1.5/5 - disappointing conclusion to the trilogy; no real satisfying character arcs or conclusions to those arcs; truly baffling character decisions
To be completely honest, I read this book more out of a desire to see how, exactly, Blake planned to wrap up the character arcs than any real desire to engage with it because I also found the second book to be disappointing.
Basically, none of the characters are truly served in this book. The one with the best outcome is Callum and he ends up dead anyway. Every single character spends this whole book whining and complaining about their lack of purpose. Over 200 pages of the book go by before anything of note happens. Truly, I think Blake needed an editor and/or someone to tell her the harsh truth - that everything in this nearly 500-page novel could have been said in 200.
I just found myself extremely dissatisfied with the arcs. Reina gets no screentime and undergoes no real change. Nico/Gideon are stagnant. Parisa doesn't do anything interesting until page 350/474. Tristan whines, literally, the whole time about how he doesn't know what his purpose in life is. Libby undergoes a "corruption" arc and still manages to hem and haw and bite her nails the entire time, even though she's supposed to have grown a spine by now. By the end of the book all I wanted was for someone to just do something instead of overthinking their place in the world.
This book also continuously asks questions that I find to be overwritten and that Blake attempts to answer in text. The meaning of life and why humanity is the way it is does not need to be answered in your trilogy about six people without an ounce of backbone or direction between them. Even more so, the answers that Blake provides are not answers I find terribly interesting or useful. I am no longer interested in debating if humanity is fundamentally awful or if people with talent are always directionless and easily swayed to power schemes or if somebody can be both a good and bad person at the same time. These have all been done and, frankly, been done better elsewhere. To have multiple of your characters claim that ethics isn't really "their thing", that their experiments are just that and have no consequences is ... not a good look, particularly after the summer of Oppenheimer and the moral imperative of scientists everywhere. Like, yes, your experiments do have a greater ethical cost. That's common sense, actually.
The worldbuilding remains frightfully vague. The prose used is purposefully convoluted, which meant I had to read probably a third of this book at least twice to actually understand it. And I don't mean that in the there-are-complicated-metaphors-here sense. I mean it in the this-sentence-structure-and-word-choice-are-so-odd-and-complex-as-to-be-useless-to-the-reader sense.
By the time something interesting came up, I was so done with slogging through the rest of the book that it felt like a relief that might come in death. I just wanted it to be over.
Chief among these sins is that Blake also introduced new characters in this (already overstuffed) book that were substantially more interesting than our POV/main characters. Why tease me with concepts that are actually interesting before throwing me back into the weeds? It's cruel.
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Anyone else feel like they’ve been walking around in a lucid dream since they were born?
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beforewecame · 7 months
alternatively if we don't stop talking about killing and murder i really will end up writing some sort of serial killer au. or something
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dc-bitchin · 7 months
i pressed record on my phone because I wanted to really *quickly* summerize an episode for an animated Batman series I would LOVE to make and it ended up being 15 minutes long and makes references to shit only I know about... :|
#batman#TO BE FAIR the actual episode would be like. 45 minutes long. IF NOT LONGER#so yeah 15 minutes is a quick summary when the theoretical episode also ties into about a dozen OTHER theoretical episodes#for a theoretical series that you do not have the skill money or time to make....#right?#like legit it would be like. both a season finale AND a halloween scarecrow episode#that takes HEAVY inspiration from the original BTAS episode where he first goes “I AM BATMAN!”#in a fit of fear toxin-induced hysteria screaming at a hallucination of his father#AND ALSO REFERENCES LIKE A TON OF OTHER EPISODES THAT TAKE HEAVY INSPIRATION FROM#/ ARE DIRECT RETELLINGS OF SOME FAMOUS AND NOT SO FAMOUS COMIC STORYLINES AND MOMENTS#LIKE THE DRUG / STEROID USE ONE WHERE HE GETS ADDICTED AND KINDA FUCKED UP#(i would be a lot more respectful to what drug use and abuse actually looks like than that story but IT'S STILL A GOOD STORY)#AND THE GUN / “MY LIFE WAS WORTH LESS THAN A ROUND OF AMMUNITION” MOMENT I REBLOGGED EARLIER#AND ALSO WOULD HAVE SOME MOMENTS INSPIRED BY THAT MOMENT IN “THE BATMAN 2022”#WHERE HE'S WEARING THE FLYING SUIT AND ABOUT TO JUMP OFF THE BUILDING AND HAS A PANIC ATTACK#but it would be with the grapple gun because honestly. rule of cool wins out over realism with that one#GOD somebody please hit me up i'm going insane over this and need to scream at somebody about this hypothetical episode / series#but i literally have NO friends who are into batman#I WANNA MAKE THIS SO BAD BUT I CAN'TTTT
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catmask · 2 months
okay hey wait art suggestion time. stop locking yourself in to an art style. especially if you're anyone whos still in/under highschool. but even then stop fucking doing that.
theres nothing wrong with having a preferred style to draw in (clearly as a guy writing a multi book comic i know. trust that i know) but if you catch yourself thinking 'i cant draw that its not my style' or 'i want to learn to draw like that but its not my style' you gotta knock that shit off
you are not a brand. you are not a company. you are a person learning a skill and how the hell do you know what 'your style' is without trying to learn to draw in different ones? please do style studies. please try drawing realism even if it looks like shit at first. try doing abstract works. you dont have to like them but im begging you at least to try, because the things you learn carry over into your main body of work. and youll see yourself grow in ways you didnt think you could 'in your style'.
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myersesque · 7 months
today is gonna be fun bc i have to do coursework but also i've been fixating so hard on the sims that i literally played it for 24 consecutive hours
anyway i have been abusing the shit out of the selfie feature so i may throw some sim selfies up here at some point
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