#This took me awhile but I think I like it now yay
imactuallysoup · 27 days
Hroo Hraa
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The crow man
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neobisexual · 1 year
absolutely unfair and unjust that i can’t fall asleep next to my boyfriend every night
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hyuckmov · 9 months
haechan — settle down (rockstar hyuck) | part 2 of 3
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wc: 18k (yay!) genre: angst, smut (18+ minors dni), a bit of fluff warnings: wet dreams, jerking off, fingering, oral (f receiving), protected sex, making out, praise kink, strength kink (? he's strong...) crying during sex, dirty talk, aftercare...? petnames (baby, princess), and ... names needs to be read after part 1 i think! a/n: shorter warnings list lmfao anyway.... i....this took me awhile but i really hope u enjoy this and the way it reads. let me know what you think and please be kind :) thank you thank you THANK YOU to every single one of you on my taglist and if you've sent me an ask, reblogged, or left a comment. i could not have finished this without u
haechan almost always knew of the hurt he caused — especially to you. 
he knew what he was doing each time he showed up around you at a party, love bites staining his skin and hair messy and wild. he noticed the way you recognised the perfume on him with a crinkle of your nose, or the slight flicker of sadness in your eyes when his phone would vibrate against the bedside table, wandering to the names on his phone. he could feel the way your shoulders tensed when he smiled blankly at you, track your movements as you looked away when he was cozying up with someone else. 
and most of all – he knew that beyond that, you couldn't go to him for all your hurt. and that was what would be most painful, the knowledge that everything you had to suffer was unjustified, feelings not tied to reason, because he never made you any promises.
haechan almost always knew of the hurt he caused — and he always hoped that his touch could be a good enough apology. 
all throughout rehearsals, when they took the trip to the venue, back to when he had woken up that morning, something had stirred in his chest. he was never nervous before shows, but this time he fiddled with his guitar mindlessly, wandering over to the bar and ordering just a few drinks to hopefully dull the way his heart was racing in his chest, alcohol burning a path down his throat. he picked at the way his hair fell over his eyes, re-doing his makeup before the show with the black eyeliner that he couldn't hold without thinking of you. his bandmates watching him carefully, not knowing what had changed. he wouldn't be able to tell them if they'd asked. 
it was only when the girl in the bathroom had stumbled away on shaky feet, leaving one last slick touch on his arm as a goodbye, when all his feelings that had ached in him that day came crashing down in his chest, that crushing weight he couldn't ignore each time he tried to breathe. 
you had kissed him — and it felt like a promise. 
it was this thought that now stung at him, as he watched the numbers on the screen of the elevator flick higher and higher. he had made his way to your apartment as if on autopilot, driving down streets now too familiar. he always knows the hurt he causes you — and he feels it now, like retribution, because even now he has no right to be angry at you. no right to blame you for his hurt, because while he had never made you promises, in reality you hadn't either. 
but the reality was he was here now, knocking on your apartment door. 
there's warm light seeping out under your apartment door, he can see all your shoes on the rack outside. jaemin's not home, but you definitely are. 
he knocks again, a bitter taste in his mouth. 
"y/n, i know you're home." 
his hand curls into a fist, and he hits it against the door, twice. he thinks he can hear something beyond the door, a clink of something like keys, so he raises his voice, the tone of it rough. 
"are you happy now?" 
mark has told him he gets vindictive when he's hurt or scared, has urged him to think before he speaks. 
"does it make you feel like you have the upper hand? standing me up?"
but haechan can't distinguish what he's feeling right now. 
"because i don't care at all," he spits, lies he'd never rehearsed, the alcohol mixing with thoughts he didn't even know he had, to inflict the cruelest hurt. "at least i know the girl i fucked didn't feel any different." his voice dips low, cold freezing over each syllable. "i hope you know even if you went, i still would've picked her. it didn't make any difference." 
the night is still, and quiet. his words seem to swell in the air, ringing around in his head. he stands in front of the door, head lowered, hand still lingering on cool surface, breaths dragged out of his lungs painfully. he waits for so long, that he wonders if he was speaking to no one at all — if you'd been asleep, if he imagined the sounds beyond the door.  
but then there's a soft click, and the door drifts open. 
the moment haechan sees you, he feels it like a shot to his chest, because something was terribly wrong. 
it's not just the tears running down your cheeks. 
your face is blotchy and red, dark circles under your teary eyes, your hair mussed up and tangled. you're wrapped in layers of clothing despite the cool summer night, your body still trembling with cold, and when you speak, your voice is so hoarse and broken that it makes goosebumps break out over his skin — and an achy tone he never wanted to hear from you ever again.
"it didn't make a difference?"  
his lips part. he tugs on his jacket, trying to to close it, to pull up his collar a little higher, but it's too late — your eyes are already reading the marks on his skin, drinking in every last detail of him. 5 minutes ago he had wanted nothing more than for you to open the door and see him exactly like this — lipstick smudged lips and fucked out eyes, the smell of fake roses clinging to each fibre of his clothing, the rips in his jeans tugged this way and that.  
and all at once he knew — you had wanted to go, and he just accused you of the worst thing. you were going to go, and now he was forcing you to look at him like this. if the trip here made him feel vulnerable and bruised, he knew it must have felt like this for you too on the nights he didn't ask for you — the two of you sharing feelings that you weren't supposed to have, that you couldn't justify.  
now haechan sees the way your face crumples, tears gathering on your waterline. you lift your hands to wipe them away, and it's like he can feel the way your chest shakes with wounded sounds and choked sobs, your fingers clenching into fists as you bite your lip to keep from bursting into tears.  
"y/n-" he breathes. "are you…is everything —" 
"s-so you didn't mean it? when you invited me?" you're trying to steady your breathing. every second that passes where he's watching you fall to pieces in the doorway feels like it's searing into haechan's skin, the heavy feeling in his chest increasing tenfold with guilt. he swallows, as he watches you take a few deep breaths. "i thought… i thought it meant…when you invited m-me you said you weren't making empty promises —" 
"i wasn't." he bites his lip, taking a step towards you. "y/n —" 
but you back away. "i was going to go, haechan. i was really going to go –" 
"i know." he knew now. 
" — but i've been sick since yesterday, and it wasn't getting any better, i couldn't leave the house –" 
"why didn't you tell me?" he desperately wants to run away, but he knows it's worse for you. 
your voice is small. "i don't have your number."
it had slipped his mind. it was something so stupid, something so small – how he never wanted to give you a way to talk to him, or give himself an easy way to access you, didn't want things to be too easy. all of it had slowly built up to that feeling each time he glanced at his phone that night, clutching the lifeless device in his hands. 
the last thing he should do, if he ever wanted to see you again, is blame you. he bites back his question of why you didn't ask jaemin for help, wrapping his jacket around his body self-consciously, running a hand through his hair.  "i forgot," he whispers. hurt flickers across your face again. 
"i d-don't know why i thought this would be different." you wipe at your face, biting your lip again to keep from trembling. "i hoped that maybe, even if i couldn't show up, you'd come here and take care of me. when i heard you outside the door…" 
the words have a bitter bite to them, and you spit them out like you hate the taste in your mouth, hate every memory associated with his care. 
"i'll take care of you," he pleads, quickly, stepping towards you. 
he doesn't know what he expected, if you'd showed up. maybe he'd play for you, and leave with your hand in his. maybe he could have taken you in his car, or in his soft sheets at home. brought you out for a late dinner, sit with you and let you pry him open as you always did. or maybe he'd say nothing at all, and nothing would have changed – he didn't know. 
his touch has always been his apology, always his way of reaching you through the only sure thing the both of you wanted from each other. but the look on your face tells him that the brush of his fingertips against your skin is only cruelty. 
"you're fucked up if you think i'm letting you take care of me now," your voice is grating, rough on his skin. 
"but i-"
"you'll hold me like this? force me to stare at the marks on your chest? breathe the perfume that isn't yours?" your tone is harsh and accusatory. he takes it all. "what were you going to do, if i showed?" 
and for once, haechan can't help but be honest. "i don't know," he mumbles, and he sees the words hit you like a strike to your face.
"you knew i wanted more," you whisper. "you knew i wanted to be close to you, but you always…you always –" 
"wanted?" he asks, quietly.  
"you can't think i still want to know you, after everything. whatever person lies behind all that…" your tears have stopped, your voice unfeeling. the numbness in you mirrors his own. "i want nothing to do with him." 
he can't think of anything to say. he reaches out a hand, and for a moment you let his fingers graze your arm, fear and hurt in the way they curl around your wrist, begging you to hold on to him too. you're scaring him, and he doesn't know how to go back, but he knows he deserves everything you're saying to him. deserves the way you shake free of his hold and close the door, his feet stumbling over themselves as he backs away. 
you said you didn't want to know him, that you didn't know him at all. but he can't help thinking that's not true, because you knew him enough to know exactly how to hurt him through the walls, through the boy he pretended to be, right through his chest and past his ribcage, right into his aching heart. 
ever since your fever broke, your life had been quiet. 
you go to all your classes. you cut down on coffee by getting sleep at night. you take walks with jaemin around the neighborhood, falling back into old routines. movie nights, and grocery trips. he was coddling you, and you felt it every day — coming home to warm meals, the way he was more forgiving over little disputes. you didn't deserve it, watching him slip out of the front door quietly, camera bag slung over his shoulder. 
you didn't deserve it, because you ached to follow. 
some part of you was still trapped inside your room, heady and aching, desperately trying to reach him. needing his apology, needing him to recognise the way he hurt you. you couldn't look for answers in your memories, but you played each scene back in your mind like a looping film reel, letting images suffocate you — his jacket falling open, love bites marking his skin, all the times he's slipped from your grasp. and yet, other fragments come back too — the warmth of his hand on yours in the car, the slight tilt of his head as he brought his gaze level with yours, seeking you out when things got too much. his quiet answers in the dark, the slow smile that spread across his face that made you glow, knowing you'd made him happy. 
"he got off lightly," you tell jaemin one night, the both of you on the floor by the couch. ice cream and wine drip condensation on the table-top, and the both of you are too heavy with the rush of sugar and alcohol, the clock ticking in the silence of the room as you sit.  
"you just want to see him again," he'd replied, quietly. "don't you?" 
"i just wish we could have talked." your voice is small. you and haechan never truly talked, except for some nights in the dark, lying in his arms afraid to breathe, afraid of breaking the tenderness that swelled in the room, afraid of turning on the lights to see who you were holding in the shadows.
"and then what? you'd be together?" jaemin glances over at you, and the concern in his eyes makes you shrink back even more. you were supposed to be doing better. everything in your life was right, it was exactly the way it should be — but why did you feel empty? 
"then i'd at least have closure," you mumble. "i'm never going to get any answers unless i talk to him." 
a brief expression of discomfort crosses jaemin's face, but it's gone when you blink. 
"i just don't want you to see him again, and forget all the ways he hurt you." 
you don't say a word. both of you knew that it was something too likely to happen. 
it's dark in haechan's room. the boy liked it shadowy, black-out curtains drawn over the windows, the air cool from air-conditioning, an air humidifier spewing light blue mist in the corner. the boy sitting in bed had his guitar in his lap, picking at the strings quietly, his phone face-up on the bed next to him, recording his ideas. he was swaddled in a large hoodie, swallowing his frame, shorts riding high on his thighs as he curls into himself. 
he doesn't look up when mark shuffles in, closing the door behind him quietly, blinking as his eyes adjust to the low light. 
"jaemin's outside." 
haechan nods. "i heard you." his voice is a soft sound, boyish. mark has heard it enough growing up, that he knows haechan is scared. he knows haechan is waiting for answers, waiting for the verdict.
"he says he'll only continue to work with us if you stop seeing… y/n." 
the name trips in his mouth, clumsy. it feels strange to use it, especially around haechan, who knows you more than any of them do, like he's saying something he's not allowed to, a boy using an expletive he doesn't understand. haechan's body tenses when he hears your name in mark's voice, predictable, almost laughable — the slight tightening of his nimble fingers on the neck of the guitar, slip of his fingers on the guitar pick. 
"okay." and the boy goes back to playing. 
"you'll stop seeing y/n?" 
"yeah." mark moves closer to the bed, sees haechan's lower lip caught in his teeth. 
"haechan, stop." 
the boy shakes his head roughly, plucking at the strings a little harder. 
"what happened? what happened between you and y/n?" 
"i'll stop seeing her." 
"stop acting like i don't know you," mark mumbles, finally sitting down on the bed. haechan stills, as mark pulls the guitar away from him, his hands going limp as he lets mark set it down at the foot of the bed. "i hate it when you do that."  
"i'm sorry." a beat, then haechan buries his face in his hands, pulling at his features, before letting his arms drop down to the bed again. "could you…could you at least tell her?" 
"tell her what?" 
"that jaemin told me to stay away." haechan fiddles with the hem of his shirt, head still lowered. "i…i shouldn't be the one avoiding her. she should be avoiding me." 
"is there a difference?" 
"yeah." he mumbles his words, plush lips barely forming each syllable. "because i hurt her. i can't hurt her and then ignore her…that's…that's not right."
"so you want to keep seeing her?" 
"i just want…" his voice is hollow, and when he looks up at mark — the dim light in the room catching on the features of his face, mark can finally see the way his lips were raw, skin torn and bitten. his eyes, usually sharp and piercing, are puffy and swollen from crying, dazed pupils blinking up at him. "mark, i don't think i've ever hurt someone like this before."
mark wonders what he could have done, but he doesn't ask. "do you want to make it right?" 
"i don't know how." he swallows, throat bobbing. "i don't know if i can." 
"maybe avoiding her isn't the best thing…" mark starts, putting a hand on haechan's arm, but haechan flinches. 
"the band will kill me. jeno will kill me." mark opens his mouth to argue, but already haechan is leaning back against the headboard, head lowered and looking down at his lap. "i'll do it. i won't see her again."
"it'll be fine" mark reassures, softly. "in a few weeks, after a few more people, you'll forget all about her." 
neither of them really believed it. 
as jaemin sits on the couch — jeno sprawled on an armchair with jisung perched on the armrest, mark sitting cross-legged on the floor in front of him, he thinks about how these boys have become his close friends. he fits in with them in a way he never has with his other clients — evenings spent photographing them, understanding them through the lens of his camera. cycling trips with jeno, bringing out mark's competitive streak as they drank in the kitchen, babying jisung and taking care of him when the other bandmates weren't around to do so. 
and of course, getting to know haechan — teaching him how to use a camera, chatting with him easily about the city. if jaemin was to be honest, haechan intimidated him a little with how guarded he was, every sentence he spoke to jaemin felt like it'd been turned over a million times in his head, each word careful and poised. he also disappeared for long periods of time, sometimes never there during parties. 
now jaemin knew what the time had been spent on. who he'd spent it on.
"we're really sorry." it's mark who speaks up first. jisung nods in agreement, while jeno looks on. 
"i don't need you to be sorry," mumbles jaemin. "it's not your fault." 
"still…" mark scratches the back of his close-cropped hair tentatively. "he mentioned it."
"what did he say?" 
"he didn't tell us everything," jisung says, voice hushed. his hair falls over his eyes as he ducks his head in thought. "mostly just told us to stay away." 
"did he sound like he wanted them to be exclusive?" 
mark and jisung exchange a glance, but it's jeno's voice that answers just as mark's lips part. 
"no." when jisung bites his lip, jeno raises his eyebrows, annoyed. "are you kidding? he just said he fucked her more often, and that we should fuck off." 
jisung looked wounded. "he didn't say that." 
"but that's what he meant." 
jaemin calls out to the boy, bringing him out of his thoughts. mark was staring at his own hands, a frown creasing his face.
"haechan agreed," he says, slowly. your name lingers on the tip of his tongue as he says it, like he's tasting the sound, the unfamiliarity of it in his mouth. "i…i think i might know what's going on with haechan, but it's up to him to explain, not me." 
"so he won't see her anymore?" 
the words come easily to jaemin. he knew it was the deal he was going to make the moment he texted mark to ask if they could talk. he was willing to lose his growing friendship with the rest of the boys if it could give you peace, if all of you could go back to the way things were. 
he think back to how he found you — struggling to head out of the door the previous day, barely able to make it to the door, the fever burning up your brain and making your bones ache. he thinks of coming back home to you after he'd went to the pharmacy to get you medicine, slipping his shoes off at the door and immediately knowing that something had changed, from the tears streaming down your face. 
"how did this happen?" 
"he came to see me" you mumble, struggling with the sleeves of the thick sweater you were trying to pull your arms through. the moment you straighten, you wince as a dull pain throbbed through your head, hunching over again as stars blinked in your vision. 
he sets down the bag of medicine on the kitchen counter, picking up the thermometer and pointing it at your forehead. the light on the screen blinks red, and his eyebrows furrow, the displeased expression on his face only growing stronger. 
"why did you open the door?" he asks, slowly. "i thought we talked about this." 
"i thought…." your voice is scratchy, as pressure seems to rise inside your skull, pain that made your eyes tear up. it's laughable that you thought he would take care of you, and instead he ripped you to pieces. tears well up in your eyes again, and your lips part, only to let out a small sob. 
he grips onto your arm, gently but firmly, steering you back towards your room. you don't have any strength to fight back, it felt like the temperature in the room was at freezing point even though jaemin was only wearing a thin shirt and shorts, and the ache in your bones made every movement shoot pain through your nerves. even after lying down on your bed, swaddled in blankets, the dim light slightly easing the pain in your head, you were too weak to lift your head, stretching your fingers out over the blanket and crawling towards where jaemin's hand rested on the sheets. 
he held your hand and listened to you talk, knowing you needed to let it all out. he didn't judge, he didn't make faces. just listened with his eyes closed as you told him about meeting haechan, the way he pulled you away from everyone else and how you'd followed. he observed you quietly through his lashes as you sniffled, breaths breaking up your words. 
the story got harder to tell when you recounted moments of his tenderness — when he'd call you his, when he took care of you, when he'd promise to be harsh with you but never went through with it, the way his face fell when you cried. you stuttered and hesitated through it all, because you didn't know if any of it was real or just imagined.
jaemin knows he could have hurt you further — broken every last illusion, pierced through the image of haechan you had in your head. but he didn't have the heart to, so this was the best he could do — making sure it stopped. 
"it's done," mark nods, but he looks unhappy. 
jaemin doesn't feel the weight lift from his chest like he thought it would. he feels jisung move to sit next to him, a hand on his shoulder as he observes his face. 
"i'm really sorry," he mumbles, lips barely moving. 
"it's not your fault," jaemin replies, leaning back against the cushions, letting out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding. 
haechan is dreaming again. 
except it's more memory than dream, the way you're laid up against the pillows, fingers tangled in his hair as he leaves kisses on your inner thighs. it's so vivid, the way you taste, the twitch of your muscles as you tense around him, the small gasp as he pulls away to sit back on his knees. 
"please-" you whimper, needy from being teased. scrabbling, you bring your knees to your chest, hands trembling as you hook them on your thighs, tears smearing your cheeks with a dewy glow. you were trying to keep your voice quiet, small sounds barely escaping your lips as you bit down on them, pleading with him through murmurs and barely coherent words. his shirt on your body crinkled everywhere from how he'd been grabbing at it, the long sleeves falling over your palms. it was straight out of a wet dream, which it now was, as you begged him to fuck you, your wet folds slick with spit and arousal as you bared yourself to him, pleading with him to sink into you. 
in memory, he croons. he gives you what you asked for — pressing your weight into the mattress as he pushes into you, feel you pulse around him as he goes in hard and deep, feel your body trembling against his. 
but in dream, he can be honest enough with himself to admit that it scares him when you cry. that his stomach twists when he hears you beg, like missing a step on a staircase, a second where he's rushing into nothing — not knowing if he'd made you like this, not knowing if he was hurting you. from the girl shaking against him, clumsy hands finding purchase on his shoulders, and you now — hips rocking into nothing, desperate for him. 
"i'm here," he whispers, gently taking your hands and slowly lowering your legs down to the bed. he kisses you until your breathing calms and slows, your hands now on the sides of his face, caressing his cheeks. he likes how you touch him as if you could ever bruise him, loving brushes of your fingertips, urgency making your fingers curl into his skin, hesitant scratches on his shoulders that your hands skitter away from. 
in dream, he pushes into you slowly, watching the way your lips part, breath caught in your chest, eyes fluttering closed as you take him in. wet sounds fill the room as he begins to move his hips, your face shyly tucked into his chest, your ankles sweetly hooked against his lower back as you melt together. the feelings in his chest intensifying the pleasure he feels from you wrapped around him. his eyes meet yours as you blink up at him, and it's so real — the way you glow against the sheets of his bed, eyes all soft and sparkling with tenderness. 
but then he wakes in the same bed: the feeling of you under him, the crash of his heartbeat in his chest, all of it hanging in the dark, a lingering tattoo on his body. 
so it's almost like a dream, when he opens the door to the stranger's bedroom, to see you slumped on the floor. 
the din from below echoes through the hall, the sounds of the overwhelming crowd seeping into the room and reminding him of why he was here. he'd been looking for a quiet place to be alone — the constant eyes on him making him feel self-conscious and jumpy. 
back at the apartment, jeno had said he wasn't being like himself, that he hadn't been himself in a long time, the memory of his laugh ringing in haechan's ears as he climbed upstairs. when has a crowd ever bothered you? when have you ever hated attention? 
he didn't know the answers. 
now haechan stands in the doorway, not believing his eyes. there was no way you'd known he would be here, alone. you're curled in on yourself on the floor, leaning against the bed with your knees tucked to your chest, eyes shut. your body is still, and for just a while longer he lets himself watch you for just a moment — drink in every single detail he'd missed even if it felt like teasing open his own wounds with fingers caked in salt. the rise and fall of your chest, your hair mussed up and falling over your face, the slope of your shoulders, your arms. 
and suddenly he's back in his bed, your weight the only thing he was sure of against his chest, drunk on the soft sounds you made, lips barely forming his name. 
you don't know he's here yet. he could walk away, leave you by yourself. but something in him told him he couldn't leave you like this in the middle of a party, barely conscious in a stranger's bedroom. before he knows what he's doing, before he can fathom the consequences, he's kneeling before you, slipping his jacket off his shoulders and draping it over your body. you reek of alcohol, stirring when you feel the weight of the leather on your body, your tongue numb and heavy in your mouth, eyelashes feeling stuck to your cheeks as you struggle to open your eyes. 
"y/n?" haechan whispers, choking on the sound of your name. 
"haech-" you trail off, fingers coming up to rub your eyes sleepily, the jacket slipping slightly. "haechan." it's the way you say it, like your tongue is too afraid to form the syllables, like something you can't bear to say. 
"i-i'm going to find someone," he mumbles, backing away from you, clumsily trying to get to his feet. "you stay here, i'll –"
"don't go-" the words almost get lost from the way you're slurring, lips barely moving, shaking your head as you reach for him again. your fingers slip on the sleeve of his shirt, before curling and holding on tight. "please don't leave." 
"i…" pain flickers over his features. he bites his lower lip, body moving towards yours instinctively, your hand crawling up his sleeve and grasping for his arm, fingers digging to the bone as you tremble. but then he feels your breath on his neck, and he pulls away again. 
"what happened, y/n? did someone hurt you?" he feels like a hypocrite. 
"no," you say, meekly. "i think i just had too much to drink." 
"did you come with jaemin?" 
you shake your head, nuzzling into him in a way that makes his heart pulse painfully in his chest. "i don't know anyone here." 
he still thinks he should get help from any of the girls downstairs. even as you meld yourself a little closer to him, he's almost certain you wouldn't be acting this way if you were sober. 
"y/n, i can't. please just let me call jaemin–" 
"want you here." you reach for him again, trying to pull him impossibly closer, fitting his body against yours. "don't want jaemin to see me like this." 
it dawns on him that besides jaemin, he was the only one you felt comfortable around like this. it wouldn't be the first time he's taken care of you when you were vulnerable or weak, and his body reacts out of habit — pulling you into his arms, his hands gently patting your back as you blink back tears in the crook of his neck. but it still didn't feel right, knowing he was the one who had caused this, and yet he was here holding you.
"let me talk to someone downstairs – i'll see if they can take you home," he murmurs. you bury your face deeper in his neck, shaking your head. "just 5 minutes, okay? i just need 5 minutes —" 
"don't want someone to bring me home," you rasp, and his gut twists painfully when i feels your tears damp on his skin. "i don't want to go back to my place. i want to go with you." 
"you're going to regret this," he says, softly. to him it's the truth you're not sober enough to see, even if it hurt to tell you. "you don't really want this, y/n." 
"is it because you want to find someone else?" your words are soft-edged, lips forming the words carefully, but it pierces him all the same. "is it- is it because you want to bring someone else home?" 
"no," he answers, quiet. "i haven't…not in a while." 
"so you just don't want to be around me?" 
his mind is racing, desperately trying to think of how he could help you, but his mind was coming up with nothing. that same feeling he always had around you — protectiveness intersecting with the ache in his chest everytime your eyes met his, all of it roaring in his ears, louder than the cacophony from any party. for all the times he's claimed he knew what was good for you, he's begun to realise that he has a terrible grasp on how not to hurt you. 
"you don't want to be around me," he corrects, but his fate is sealed when you let out a small sob, muffled against his shirt. 
and he takes you home. 
you watch him through your lashes, as he swipes a cotton pad on your face, cleaning off your makeup. 
"close your eyes," he mumbles, a slight pout forming on his lips from how hard he was concentrating, trying to be gentle with you. his touches are far too light, and you're sure your makeup is still on your face, but you let your lashes flutter shut anyway, feeling a featherlight brush against your eyelid as he holds it against your eye. dropping the used pad into a small bin, he brings a warm, damp towel up to your face, the material of it soft against your skin. 
"can you brush your teeth?" he holds a toothbrush up to your face, but he withdraws it once your hands come up to hold it, completely misjudging the distance and landing on his shoulders instead. "open," he coaxes, parting his own lips so you'd mimic him. he smiles fondly as you open your mouth wide, a hand coming up to hold your face in place. "good girl," he mumbles, and you preen at the praise that shines through your drunken haze, following his instructions to rinse out your mouth.  
there's a short pause. having brushed out your hair, removed your makeup and brushed your teeth, the only thing to do next was to get you to bed. 
your legs squeeze around his hips, your back against the mirror on his bathroom counter. "haechan," you mumble, tipsiness making you swallow your words. "don't…my clothes…" 
"i'll leave them on," he promises, ignoring the way your tight dress looks uncomfortable and unclean to sleep in. "don't worry." of course you don't feel comfortable around him, not after everything.
but for some reason, you're shaking your head, two clumsy hands closing in on one of his and guiding them to your back. "take them off. please–" you add, when he hesitates. "please help me."
"of course," he murmurs, familiarity sparking in his fingertips as they grasp for the zipper, a sense of dejavu in how he drags it down your spine slowly, your back arching slightly. you look at him, drink in the proximity like the first taste of rain after a heatwave — the pretty cut of his eyes, the way his pupils float upwards as he focuses on your back through the mirror. the round tip of his nose, and finally the plushness of his heart-shaped lips. it feels like reprieve, the ache in you finally soothed by the way his breath fans over your cheeks, a gentle balm on an open wound. you lean forward slightly into him as if drawn by a magnetic field, one of your hands coming up to trace the arches of his cupid's bow. 
"y/n?" you can feel his lips move, soft like rose petals on your fingertips. "what are you doing?" 
"you haven't called me baby all night," you blurt out. "or…or princess." your thumb dips to brush against his lower lip, before he's catching hold of your hand and pulling it away from his face gently. 
"i shouldn't," he mumbles, pressing a light kiss to your fingertips before letting go. "i can't."
your dress has gone loose around your body, and you push the sleeves off your shoulders with your hands, letting the fabric drop to your waist. you observe him, watching the way he swallows, throat bobbing when his eyes dart to your chest, lace draped over your curves. 
"haechan," you murmur, but then he turns, hands now fumbling with a pile of his clean clothes. he holds out a clean shirt to you, bunching it up at the collar to slip your head through it, but you stop him with a hand on his chest. 
"i want that one," you say, softly, pointing to a long sleeved shirt you'd remembered wearing before in the room he'd shared with the boys. something flickers in his eyes, his hands curling into fists before he picks it up. he's putting it over your head, the soft cotton hanging off your shoulders, his hands coming close to your body to guide your arms into the sleeves, until you can't take it anymore. 
"haechan, don't you want me?" 
his lips part, his hands stilling, slowly unfurling his grasp on you and placing his palms on the counter. "y/n…" 
"why aren't you-" you look up at him, biting your lip, your tongue too slow to form the thoughts your mind was racing with. "why haven't you touched me yet? do you not want me like this?" 
his heart splinters and fractures. you were so used to it — used to all his touches leading to kisses, kisses leading to him all over your body. "you're drunk." it's the only thing he can say. 
"i know what i'm doing," you fire back, but your words lilt and smear together. "ask me anything and i can answer you right now." 
but all he does is resume putting your arms through the sleeves, your limbs pliant against him as always, and soon you're completely covered up, and he can breathe a little easier. his strong arms grip your waist, and you're like a ragdoll in his grip as he guides you to stand, the dress at your hips falling, the shirt brushing the top of your thighs. 
it gets worse when he sets you down in his bed. in another universe, this might be a moment of bliss for him, something romantic and sweet in the way your body curves against his pillows, sinking down into them and blinking up at him hazily. but guilt still thunders in his chest, his vision split by lightning bolts of fear. you would wake up hating him. he would never stop hurting you. you would never want to see him again. 
your arms slide up his, grasping for him. "please," you plead, your voice small. "what did i do wrong? why don't you want to touch me?" 
"you didn't do any wrong," he murmurs, as he lets his weight sink into bed next to you, feel you curl up against him. just for a minute he tells himself — just until you fall asleep. your weight on his chest feeling like someone had doused his body with warmth, a comfort that made his eyes prickle with tears. "y/n, you're perfect," he whispers, the words melting into the dark.
"don't say that." he feels tears wet against the soft fabric of his shirt over his chest. "stop saying my name." 
"baby," he amends. "sweetheart, go to sleep." 
you hum. "haechan." 
"don't," he echoes. 
"what's wrong?" you mumble, your question heavy with sleep. 
he grips onto you tighter, holding you fiercely as tears cloud his vision. 
"i'm sorry," he says, his voice cracking. "i'm so so so sorry." when you don't respond, he nuzzles into your hair, freckling wet kiss on your forehead. "i'm sorry," he repeats, long after you've fallen asleep. 
you wake up to the sound of laughter ringing out against the walls. 
the room is as dim as it was last night — dark curtains drawn and the lights turned off. time seemed to have come to a standstill, you couldn't tell if it had been days or weeks or even months since you'd fallen asleep. your body ached, still heavy with sleep while your mind cleared — it had been a while since you've slept this well.
blinking your eyes open, you slowly sit up, feeling sheets warm and soft against your skin. you sit there, dazed, getting your bearings as you survey the unfamiliar room again. your clothes, folded on a small couch next to the window. your jewelry on the bedside table, your phone plugged in to the charger. 
the only thing you recognised was the long sleeved shirt unmistakeable on your body, the familiar smell of perfume and body lotion in every fiber of the sheets.
stumbling over to the bathroom, the warm light brings back every memory — the party, the drinks, stumbling upstairs into a room as your consciousness slipped away, and then haechan, haechan, haechan. haechan leading you out of the party, taking you home in his car, taking care of you. your fingers ghost over your forehead, where you swear he kissed you just before you woke up.
you turn off the tap. in the silence, there's another round of giggles, bright like a child's, and then —
"baby, don't move!" 
haechan's voice rings lighter than you've ever heard it, and the smile in it is evident. this is a voice without shadows, fondness in every lilt and inflection. with something like urgency, you dry your hands on your shirt, padding out of his room, hesitantly blinking into the sunlit living room. 
you almost don't believe your eyes. 
haechan is sitting on the couch, eyebrows furrowed in concentration and pink lips stuck out in a pout. sitting on the floor, cross-legged between his knees, was a little girl — her hands busy with a doll, while her own hair was being meticulously braided and arranged by the boy…whose head snaps up the moment he hears the creak of the door. 
"you're awake," he blurts out, and the girl looks up. 
"hi!" she waves shyly, leaning forward towards you, but whining as the motion tugs on her hair instead. "hyuck! it hurts…" 
his eyes finally dart away from yours. "i'm sorry," he murmurs, lightly massaging her scalp with the tips of his fingers. 
"you're making it messy —" 
"right, sorry." he grabs a sparkly pink hairbrush and combs through her hair gently, beginning to rebraid. the girl goes back to her doll, settling back down and quickly losing interest in you. 
his eyes flick up to yours again, the tiniest hint of blush on his cheeks. "did you sleep well?"
you nod, feeling like you'd walked in on something you weren't supposed to. 
haechan studies your face, a strand of hair falling from his grasp before he tucks it in diligently. "are you hungover? there were painkillers on the bedside table, i don't know if you saw…" 
"i'm fine," you croak out. 
"and there's breakfast on the table," he murmurs, ducking his head back down to focus on the impressive french braid he was attempting. he looks back up when he feels you staring, as if fixed to the ground beneath your feet. 
"is she…?" 
"this is my baby sister," he answers, smiling softly. "sorry, i didn't know she was coming over today. her kindergarten is near here so sometimes i walk her to school." and then, with a nod towards the table, "please eat — i made too many sandwiches." 
the girl smiles, mumbling softly to herself. "hyuckie makes the best sandwiches." 
you can see 'hyuckie' blush at that, his lips pressed together tightly to keep in his smile as he pokes the little girl's cheek softly, going back to the braid. you cross over to the dining table, feet shuffling slowly, reluctantly tearing your eyes away from the two siblings, watching the fondness in haechan's eyes. quietly pulling out a chair, you sit down and pick up a sandwich, holding it gingerly between your fingers. 
a hushed voice breaks the silence, and you turn to see his sister, cupping her lips against haechan's ear whispering so loud that her words fill the room. "is she your friend?" the girl asks, pointing her pinky finger at you, head tilted with curiosity. haechan's head tilts too, but his eyes wander over to yours as he hesitates. 
"yes, she's my friend," he says, slowly. "we're…good friends." sliding the hair ties from his wrist, he finally finishes tying off the braid, before giving the girl a gentle pat on the shoulder. "you can play for 5 more minutes okay? hyuckie needs to talk to his friend." 
her round eyes blink at you as she slowly gets to her feet, before tottering over to the window, where another pile of dolls lay. haechan clears his throat, before shuffling over to you and sitting down in a chair next to yours. 
although he adjusts himself to face you, he keeps his distance – legs drawn in under the chair, hands placed carefully on his knees in a way you'd never seen him do before. it feels like the space between the both of you spans for entire oceans and continents, an invisible force field that holds weight against your limbs, keeping you from leaning in, incapable of even moving your fingertips. 
"are you sure you're okay?" 
he looks at you — his expression soft like wax melting around a candle wick. 
"do you…do you remember how you got here?" 
you nod, taking a deep breath. "the party?" 
"i'm sorry that you're here like this," he says, quietly. "i didn't know you were going to be there, i wasn't trying to corner you, i swear." 
you nod, dazed. 
"are you upset with me? for bringing you here?" at the conflict in your expression, he adds on, hurriedly, "i-i know it wasn't the best thing to do. i could've called jaemin, or mark, or anyone downstairs…it's just that i didn't know…i didn't know if it would be okay–" 
" — i'm not upset," you cut him off, the pressure easing as you raise a hand jerkily to place it over his. "i believe you. thank you for taking care of me last night."
he exhales slowly, and when he speaks he sounds even more troubled than before. "you…you shouldn't thank me. you shouldn't thank me for anything."
his eyes dart over to his little sister, checking in on her, and the sense that you're intruding on something creeps up on you again. 
haechan had been right — there was so much of him you didn't know. you hardly recognised the boy sitting beside you, despite a vague sense of comfort and familiarity in the slightest traces of his expression, the look in his eyes, his thumb absentmindedly stroking yours. it scared you. 
you withdraw your hand, pushing your chair a little further from his, the scrape of it dissonant in your ears. "so, uh, i'll just wait downstairs for the taxi if you don't feel comfortable —" 
"taxi?" he looks at you, confused. 
"i…i should go now, right?" 
"i wasn't going to ask you to go," he says, his voice small. "i was…i was hoping we could talk." 
"talk?" you echo. after weeks of nothing? "now?"
"i mean, not right now-" he glances over at the clock, wincing. "but can you stay today?" 
there's a pause. you don't think you've ever been able to read him — you've spent days second-guessing every emotion you thought he had, the meaning behind each expression, whether he ever told the truth. but something about him like this makes you hesitate, made your breath catch in your throat. all the ways you've tried to learn how to be immune to his words and his touch slowly melting away, because that was your defense against the version of haechan you thought you knew before. 
"i'll understand if you say no," he says, quietly. "but i have things i need to say to you. please." 
you don't know what to do. 
you both turn. haechan's baby sister is waddling over, her fist clenched around her hair ties as the last remnants of the french braid unravel from her head. she sniffles. "it fell." 
haechan's eyes dart back to you quickly, before refocusing his attention away. "it's okay-" he soothes, taking the hair ties from her as he swipes the pad of his thumb on her cheek, brushing off the teardrops that have begun to spill from her lashes. his lips jut out into a pout, his head tilting to meet her gaze. "let's just tie it up and go to school, hm?"
"but i want it in a braid…"  
"i can't finish it in time," he says, gently, touching the strands of her hair. "i'm sorry. i promise, we'll do it next time, okay?" 
her lip wobbles. "but…"
"let me help," you say, suddenly. 
he turns, round eyes wide. "what?" 
"i'll do her hair. you still need to get her things right?" 
he nods, a little dazed. "really?" 
"i'll stay," you murmur, and you slip the hair ties from his loose fingers and sling them around your wrist. "i need to talk to you too." 
you can feel his eyes on you as he coaxes his sister towards you, the girl shyly hiding her face in your hands as you swiftly braid two pigtails down her back. he still watches you out of the corner of his eye as he packs her bag, noting the way you listen to her babble on about her days at the school, the way you help adjust the straps of her backpack onto her tiny frame.
he looks at you like he's never seen you before. you think you know the feeling. 
the bed dips under his weight as he sits down. 
"hey," you hear him murmur, and you stir. his hair falls over his face, and he's changed out of his clothes, and a pair of thick-rimmed glasses perches on his dainty nose. it's foreign, and new…until he pushes back his hair boyishly with an open palm, flicking his head like a puppy after a swim, and the skip in your heartbeat feels all too familiar in your ribcage. 
"did you get her to school?" 
he nods. "i got us lunch too. and stopped to get groceries." studying your face, he leans in. "i didn't want to wake you up so soon. do you feel better?" 
you hum. the morning now seemed like just a dream — haechan and his sister, the breakfast sandwiches. he'd left to walk her to school, telling you to rest in his bed until he got home. now, late afternoon light seeps into the room through the open door, until haechan gets up to close it, once again sealing the room in cozy darkness. 
"may i…?" he lifts up the corner of the covers, and you nod, easing yourself to the side as he gets into bed, leaning up against the headboard, his eyes trained on his lap. you lay on your side, that same feeling — as if you couldn't reach out and touch him, as if he existed in a world of his own without you, slowly settling in your body like a familiar ache. 
but then there's a shift — and you can feel his gaze warm on your skin. you blink up at him, his pupils focused on yours, pools of the darkest molten brown sucking you into his world. he wets his lips with his tongue nervously, taking a shuddering breath. 
"y/n, i'm really sorry." 
your heart squeezes a little in your chest. "for?" 
"for what i said that night…when i thought…when you didn't show up." he takes another breath. "and for not trusting you, for going to your place after i...." his fists clench the fabrics of the sheets, twisting it in his hands. 
you bite your lip. "haechan —"
" — i'm not done." he swallows, voice dipping low. "you were right. i knew you wanted more, i always knew exactly when i hurt you. but i never tried…i never tried to change anything. i'm sorry." his hands reach towards yours for a second, but he hesitates, dropping them back on his lap. 
"what would you have changed?" you ask, softly.
"i could have stopped seeing you," he murmurs. 
you smile, sadly. "i'm not convinced that would have hurt any less." that was something you knew for sure. 
"and i don't think i could have stopped myself," he admits. 
"haechan," his eyes move to yours. "why did you invite me?" his breathing picks up, and you want desperately to comfort him, to curl up on his lap and soothe him, but you knew the both of you were afraid of what would happen if you touched. knew the possibility that you'd try to find answers in skin-on-skin, lips-on-lips, and the possibility that it would all be lost in translation again.  
"i'm sorry, –" he looks at you sadly. "i think i was just trying to get you to stay. i…" he chews on his lip, glasses sliding a little lower on his slender nose bridge as his head dips. "i regret what i said, but some of it was true. i don't know what i would have done, and i don't think i was ready for…for what you thought it was." 
you nod, cheek rubbing against soft sheets, thinking about what he said. "haechan, i don't regret not going. i only wished i'd done it intentionally." 
"yeah?" he whispers. the sound sticks in his throat. 
"if you hadn't found me yesterday…would you still have looked for me? talked to me? i'm not hurt that you didn't find me sooner-" you cut in, when you see the guilt on his features, the parting of his lips in apology. "time apart….time apart was good. i needed it to clear my head. i….i couldn't stop myself around you." 
he doesn't say anything, for a while. "jaemin came over," he says, slowly. "and he said i couldn't talk to you or he would stop working with the band and it was decided for me." 
"he what?" 
haechan shakes his head. "i don't blame him. i'm not going to pretend that i couldn't have still talked to you if i really wanted to. i'm selfish enough to do that, i'll admit. i didn't reach out because i didn't know what to say, and i didn't know what i wanted." 
"and now?" 
he closes his eyes. "time apart was good," he murmurs, echoing your words. "it gave me a chance to go back to a time before." 
your breath catches. 
" — but i couldn't. i don't think i can take it any longer. i missed you, y/n. i miss you now, even as you're here." 
"you miss me?" 
something bothered you about it, hearing him say those words. when he'd pulled you away repeatedly in the weeks you've known each other, when he came for you time and time again, was that missing you too? were things different now? 
"i miss spending time with you," he says, almost timidly. "not just…not just sex. everything. i know it's selfish…" his eyes blink open, and he pushed his glasses up, avoiding your gaze. "i didn't mean to pressure you to come back. you can forget i said that." 
he shakes his head, trying to clear it. 
"i just wanted to tell you i'm sorry for hurting you." 
you'd never dared hope for a real apology from him. some part of you expected, or even secretly wished, he would find you again after that night, lie through his teeth to win you back. and in the weeks that followed, you took his silence to mean he didn't even care enough to do that.
and now here you were, sitting with him. after days and nights, he's had time to really mean his words — he wasn't himself, which is maybe why you believed he was telling the truth.
you think you know now, why he refused to let you in. why he hadn't wanted to take your first time, something so intimate and romantic that it would have pierced right through the layers he'd built up around himself. why he drew away so many nights when your touch lingered on each others' skin, when you wanted him to stay. 
"haechan," you say, quietly. "i need you to understand that i…that i've learned how to be hurt by you. i don't want to go back to how we were before." 
he nods, quickly. "of course." 
"and…you say you knew i wanted more. so you know that i wanted to be with you…romantically, right?" 
"i know." the words are so quiet, you barely catch them. 
"if…if i come back, i don't think i want that anymore." you say, gentle, but firm. jaemin was right — you couldn't let yourself forget all the ways he hurt you. "i associate us with too much hurt. i can't trust you with my heart, can you understand that?" 
there's silence. he's nodding, but when his lips part, he's wordless. 
"i understand," he murmurs. "i'm…i didn't…" he breaks off, fiddling with the covers, lip caught in his teeth. "whatever happens next will only happen on your terms," he says, softly. "i only want to do what you want to do, okay?" 
your brow furrows. "but haechan, if you don't feel comfortable with something –" 
"i'm fine as long as you still want to see me," he whispers. 
"if you don't want to let me in, i won't push anymore." you realize you truly mean it when you make the offer out loud. even if it hurt to know that you may never see him like this again, you press on, jaemin's advice resurfacing in your mind again. "you don't owe me any more of yourself. if you want it to just be sex, we can do that – but you have to commit to it too. so no more getting jealous, or —"  
" – that's not possible." 
"you're not making any sense." you should've been hurt, but sitting here now — looking at him, the way he melts into his room, fuzzy at the edges, soft curves of his face, you can't feel any of it. finally, you're beginning to see that he's just as lost as you are. his head is still bowed low, taking in every word you say like a weight he carries upon him. 
"it's not possible because you already know me. you know enough of me that i couldn't perform with you in the crowd, can't be myself around you at a party. i can't stand there onstage, do things like eyefuck girls and play the guitar and pretend to be someone else, while feeling your eyes on me. you'd see right through me."
he sounds like he's on the verge of tears, his voice achy and raw. and as you look up at him, tears are smudging on his waterline, his cheeks glistening as he sniffles. 
"i said i'd be fine with anything," he breathes shakily, as he starts to cry, sharp inhales punctuating his words. "and i am, i really am. i-i'm not in the position to set terms. it's fine if you don't want to know me, but i can't pretend we're just strangers anymore. i won't be able to." 
words you'd said to him — you can't think i still want to know you, after everything. 
for a moment, you entertain the idea that you've hurt him too. 
"i don't think i can pretend either," you murmur. "i hated it when you pretended like you didn't know me. like you'd never seen me before." 
i'm s-sorry, he chokes, but the syllables scattered across his sobs. he claps a hand to his mouth as his breathing speeds up even more, tears wetting his shirt, achy sounds muffled against his palm. and finally you sit up, limbs still clumsy and heavy from sleep, and you wrap your arms around him, and arm slung over his chest, another around his waist, just like you wanted to all this time.
his breath shudders against your palms, warm body against your skin. you bury your face in his neck, breathe in the familiar smell of him that changed no matter who he was or whoever he was pretending to be, until his breathing slows and his sobs come to a shaky stop. 
"i missed you too, haechan," you breathe. he shakes his head. "i did-" you insist, but he shakes his head again, a hand coming to touch your arm on his waist, squeezing tight. 
"not haechan, donghyuck," he whispers. 
"donghyuck," you correct, stroking the side of his cheek lovingly, your fingertip stained with his tears. "i missed you." 
"i missed you too." he says it like the words are dangerous, hushed and quiet. "are you…are you really coming back to me?"
"do you think we can be friends?" you ask, tentatively. not lovers, not strangers. this was the only in-between you knew that could do justice to the ways you knew each other, the only way you could see yourself holding on to him now.
he looks at you for a long time, until you forget your question. his nose is tinted pink, his eyes still watery as he drowns in his thoughts. 
he swallows. "are you sure?" he asks, softly. "your first time being with someone…and it's not even a real relationship." 
"you're doing that thing again," you murmur. "where you tell me what's good for me. how i should do things." you soften when you look up, seeing the guilt in his face, as if he had been caught red-handed. "i'm asking you again," you say, slowly. "do you think we can be friends?" 
this time, he nods. "yeah," he murmurs. "friends who…"
you nod too, feeling your cheeks burn, and then you lean in — slotting your lips against his. 
for a second, he doesn't kiss you back, and your stomach swoops. 
but then his mouth is moving against yours, soft and gentle. a close-lipped kiss, just the feeling of his soft lips on yours, the brush of your noses together, your eyes slowly fluttering shut to focus on the feeling. and even though you'd just agreed — even though you were the one who suggested it, a part of you wondered if you could ever only want to be friends with lee donghyuck.  
you sit at the dinner table, and haechan's entire body aches with a longing that crests over him like a tidal wave, knocking the breath from his lungs. 
he recalls the way he'd felt earlier, walking back across the park from the kindergarten, stopping by the grocery store and wandering the brightly-lit aisles, turning over pasta sauce and soup stock in his hands. the knowledge that you were in his home, sleeping, that he would turn the key in the lock and you would be waiting for him — burned down his throat like alcohol, a bonfire in his stomach. it felt like playing pretend. he was afraid to even drive you back to your apartment, to walk you to your door, to look at you too long in the moments after. and yet here he was, tipsy off the sweetness of being able to come home to you. 
after the talk, neither of you had gone much further than kissing. 
"i missed you so much," he murmurs – his voice crumpling under the weight of his own words. 
"do you want to show me?" your tone is lightly teasing, dipping low as you keep your smile on your face. the warmth coursing through your body has nothing to do with the blankets pooling around your thighs, and everything to do with the boy sitting across from you — doll-like legs with miles of silky skin splayed out over the sheets, back slouching against the headboard, all crumpled in and soft and worn. 
if you had gone to the bar weeks ago, let him guide you to this home, to this bed, you might already be familiar with this soft mattress in a whole different way.  
neither of you can deny the way your minds wander there still, despite everything. him missing your body framed against his, you craving the sink of his chest, the curve of his waist.  
there's silence, as his words register in the boy's head, pain flickering over his features. if he was feeling more like himself, he would pulled you in, caged you under him. tugged at that side of you that was always so pliant and easy for him and watched you unravel under his fingertips. the words are on the tip of his tongue — i'll show you. did you miss me too? kiss me. stay with me.
instead, his fingers withdraw, and gently touch the soft cotton of his shirt's hem, warm light flickering in his eyes. "not like this," he murmurs quietly. "not…not now."
you let out a breath, tension dissipating. "yeah," you'd murmured. "you're right." 
you'd gone to take a shower while he prepared dinner. there was something terribly domestic about all of it — you padding into the living room again, each fiber of your being smelling so much like him. the way he turned from where he stood guarding the soup bubbling on the stove to see you in one of his shirts, a towel draped over your shoulders. the feelings he hadn't learned to pin down, hadn't had the time to sort, intensified in his chest, an ache lodged inside him. 
friends. he'd introduced you to his sister as his friend, watched you braid her hair and laugh with her softly, heard your sweet voice wishing her good luck with school. the nights he'd spent with you by his side — talking about the band, about his tattoos. asking about how he did during the show, seeking your praise, wanting to know so badly how he appeared in your eyes. the way you somehow reached right through him and made him listen, made him stop. was that friendship? 
now with all the plates cleared and washed, the sounds of your clothes tumbling in his washing machine in the background, the smell of black nail polish prickled his nose as you leaned over. your fingers brushing his, holding them in place. 
"should i make it a little messy?" your voice is light. 
"it's usually messy because i get my sister to do it," he tells you, softly. "you don't have to mimic how it looks." 
you nod, a small smile on your face as you dip the brush back in the bottle. there's silence, for a while, as he watches you, studying the way you look with your head bowed, feeling each careful touch of your fingers, and then — 
"do you want to talk about rules now?" 
you look up at him just briefly before going back to the task. he swallows. 
another pause. and then quietly, "you can't get jealous anymore, you know that right?" 
"i know," he murmurs. "you told me to stop before…but i didn't. i'm sorry." 
you nod. "you can't be possessive of me, either." 
he hesitates. "so…no marking?" 
slowly, you let go of his left hand. "you can still leave hickeys and bruises," you mumble. "just don't…don't call me yours you know?" 
he didn't know if he could do that. "okay," he says, softly. "i'll try." and then, slowly and carefully, he asks, "are you going to keep coming to our shows?" 
the slide drag of the brush on his nail stops. "do you want me to?" 
he bites his lip. "i want you there," he says, slowly. "but i don't know if i'll be okay with having you in the crowd." 
"maybe you can watch from backstage. or the wings. i want you to," he adds, when you look troubled. "please." 
"are we still a secret?" 
his lips part. he wanted to say yes — but it was the way you'd asked it, like it was something you feared, that made him hesitate.
"because," you continue. "it didn't feel good, keeping it from jaemin. and as i said, i hated it when you pretended we were strangers." 
he felt your hands leave his, capping the bottle of nail polish as you leaned back in your chair, tucking your knees to your chest. he keeps his hands splayed on the table, taking a deep breath.
"no more secrets," he agrees. "and stop going to those parties, y/n. if you want to see me, just tell me." 
you raise your eyebrows. "we're not exclusive," you point out, slowly. "i don't go to the parties just for you. haechan, if you don't think you can do this…" 
"i can," he says, hurriedly. "i'm sorry. if i see you at a party…i'll say you're my friend. i'm sorry, it's just that i…i'm just…."
"it's okay." giving him a small smile, you get to your feet, shuffling over to the kitchen. you don't hear him come closer as you fill up a glass of water on the kitchen, only know of his presence as his hand touches your shoulder carefully. 
"don't go," he murmurs. his arms slide around your body, gently pulling you towards him, and you turn slightly so you can see his face.
"i'm still here," you respond, softly. 
but he shakes his head. "don't go." 
you turn around in his arms and your lips brush, his own parting against yours, seeking permission. all the time he wonders when he'll stop kissing you like he's swearing an oath — devoted in the way he wraps his lips around yours, patient and true in the way his tongue moves against yours, and even now, something loving in the way he murmurs your name into the cavern of your mouth. his hands move carefully on your skin, nail polish still drying on his fingertips, and if either of you question the way you kiss, you keep it to yourselves. 
it's different, watching haechan perform, when he's not performing for you. 
you saw the way his eyes flitted through the crowd, making and breaking eye contact so fast it was hard to keep track of, each twitch of his expression rehearsed and calculated. a teasing part of his lips, sinful face fluttery and slack as the music crashed all around him, like he could physically feel it. he was right — you didn't see him the same. you knew it was the performance, that he was really the one trying to please the crowd, riding off the pleasure of attention. but despite seeing through it as he had said, it still had you feeling tightly wound inside, pressure building up inside you, a craving for his touch intensifying with each time his hips shifted against his guitar. 
and even worse was the way your heartbeat would trip over itself every time haechan's eyes flickered over to you. never during a song, but in the moments between — mark's voice speaking through the mic, the rest of the boys checking on their instruments or interacting with the crowd. he would look over at you briefly, almost shyly, his heart-shaped lips creasing into a smile. 
the moment you'd arrived home, you had pleaded with jaemin not to be upset with haechan, but it turned out you didn't need to. haechan had left a message the night of the party, and when you'd walked in looking more well rested and collected than you'd had in days, jaemin knew that you had been safe. you'd reassured him too, when he asked if keeping you from him only made things worse. both of you had needed that time to come to this conclusion. only time would tell if it was the right one. 
"so you're going to be friends with benefits?" jaemin raised his eyebrows. "was this his idea or yours?" 
"mine," you mumble. feeling the need to defend yourself, you raise your voice just slightly. "i just think that…i want to keep seeing him, and i want to get to know him…but i don't want him in that way. anymore," you add, when jaemin bites his lip.
"did you really lose feelings, or are you just not ready?" he asks, quietly. 
you force a laugh out of your chest. "you think i'd still have feelings for someone who hurt me that much?" you try to say it sarcastically, but you don't have the heart to. the words have no bite, and instead truth echoes in the spaces between.
"that's not the worst thing in the world, y/n." his voice is steady, and calm. "it's okay to take your time. if you remember that lying to yourself will only hurt more." 
but there are things to soothe the ache. 
"did you like the show?" 
haechan roughly tugs off his jacket, letting it slump off his shoulders and onto the floor. the moment the last song ended he'd rushed off stage and right to you, eyes blazing under his heavy makeup, the both of you stumbling into one of the small storerooms backstage. 
a single small lightbulb barely illuminates the small space, bathing you in warm light and shadow. shelves of boxes line most of the walls, except for a sliver of space that currently presses against your back, your fingers touching the cold surface. 
"it was good," you murmur. 
he's still hungry for more. you can see it in his eyes — for all his good girls and you're perfect, you knew he craved to be adored too. 
"you were right," you say, softly. "it feels different, watching as your friend." 
his smile falters.
"i…i like it more," you continue. "being in the wings…makes me want to get your attention." 
"you have my attention now, princess," he points out. he touches a hand to your waist. 
it's almost scary, how you slip back into old patterns. a heady rush filling your senses, slowly dragging you under. this is why i couldn't stop, you think, as he leans in ever closer, his eyes glazed over as his gaze slides to your lips. 
there's a beat. 
"i forgot to ask," he mumbles. "no possessiveness right?" 
your mind clears, just a bit. you nod, breathlessly. 
"what else?" he asks. looking at you, timidly, he asks. "can i…are pet names okay? can i still call you baby?" 
"baby's fine," you whisper. 
"no," he smiles fondly at you. "i was asking if calling you princess was okay." 
you want to bury your face in your hands. or his chest. "princess is fine." 
his smile grows wider, before he suddenly turns serious again. "are we starting anew?" he asks, hesitantly. "can i…can i bring up things from before? or are we pretending that this is our first time…" 
"no more pretending," you murmur, feeling like a hypocrite. "why? did you want to bring up something?"
"kind of," he nods towards the door. "just thought you're going to love this," he says, slyly. "hearing stage crew and bandmates walking by, knowing that at any point someone could hear us, someone could come in…"
and now you do bury your face in your hands, and when he reaches around to hug you, you lean against his chest, feeling his laugh vibrate against you, feeling you with warmth. 
"it's okay," he murmurs, as his hands slide down to squeeze your waist. "i won't play with them this time, baby. today's all about you, hm?" 
his hands falter, perhaps realizing the words were too tender, a little too loving for what you both claimed this would be. 
"lets try not to do anything…romantic?" you mumble. 
you regret the words as soon as you say them, your teeth biting into your lip sharply. 
haechan's face has shuttered down. you can't read his expression, as he nods, taking your hands in his and kissing them. 
"please." you look at him, this time taking the dive, feeling yourself free-falling towards that familiar desire, letting the current swallow you whole. "i need you." 
in spite of everything, haechan's lips are as gentle as they've always been. 
his lips brush yours, once, twice, before he locks in his kiss, hands trembling slightly as he touches the side of your face, cups you in his palms. you want to ask him what's wrong, pulling away slightly, but he makes a wounded sound from the back of his throat, pressing you against the wall, his head dipping to kiss you fiercely. his tongue slides against yours, and he groans low against your lips. 
your hands fumble on his shirt, skimming his broad shoulders, strong arms. he pants into your mouth when your drag your nails down his chest, breaking away. tugging his shirt roughly over his head, he grabs your hands and places them on his chest before leaning in to kiss you again, this time working his way down your neck, his wet kisses making your body shudder as you cling onto him for support. 
"please," you murmur, wondering why he was staying so silent. "please-" 
but he shakes his head, fingers tracing your jaw, tilting your head up so he lap his tongue over a newly formed bruise. the room is silent save for the sound of his lips, but you crave his voice, his words guiding you through everything, the lilting cadence of it. 
"haechan-" a foreign feeling spikes in your stomach as he ignores you, continuing to kiss his way down to your collarbones, fingers tugging your collar wide open. it felt like he wasn't there at all. 
he breathes heavy against your skin as he curls his hands around your hips, holding on tight. still he doesn't say a word, or even make a sound, as his caress the back of your thighs.
"stop-" you blurt out. roughly, you take his hands in yours, gripping them by the wrists. 
he lifts his head. 
"haechan," you start, but he just looks at you. your heart squeezes painfully in your chest. 
"haechan, you're scaring me." your voice is panicked and tight, the tension so overwhelming that tears begin to blur your vision, your chest rising and falling faster. 
"baby?" he asks, alarmed. "what's wrong?" 
"please talk to me," you beg, wiping away the tears on your cheek. the ache has soothed slightly at his voice, but you need more. "why…why aren't you talking? you always…you always used to-" 
"i'm sorry," he whispers, pulling your body into his, wrapping his bare arms around you. "i'm here," he soothes, in your ear. "i'm here," he mumbles again, and again, until your breathing calms down. 
"i'm sorry," he repeats, kissing you softly. "i'm here now, baby, okay?" 
you nod, and now you guide his hands to your thighs, feel the way his breathing hitches.
"can i…?" 
"please," you say, breathlessly, and his hand cups your warm core. 
"fuck," he blurts out. you were so warm, the seat of your panties completely soaked through. he slides them to the side with nimble fingers, inhaling sharply as he strokes your folds. 
"how are you so wet? fuck-" 
"take them off," you plead, the fabric sticking uncomfortably to your skin. immediately, he tugs your panties and skirt down roughly, almost frustrated, barely waiting for you to step out of them before encouraging you to spread your legs wider as he strokes you, fingers dipping to catch at your entrance, your swollen clit. 
"so fucking wet," he marvels, groaning slightly as he swipes his fingers softly . 
"from watching you perform," you say, softly. 
the words send pleasure thrumming low in his navel. "yeah?" he murmurs, eyes meeting yours. 
slowly, he drops to his knees, and suddenly you feel hypersensitive — his breath on your thighs, hands gripping you tightly. he suckles a kiss close to your core, and you whine, loudly, the sound too loud in the small space. 
he looks up at you, sultry eyes framed in dark eyeliner. "let me hear you, baby," he coaxes, easing your legs open. he sticks out the tip of his tongue, and gives your clit a gentle flick, your hips bucking into his face before you can stop yourself. "i've been dreaming about this," he sighs, before he closes in and suckles on your clit. 
he lapped at you like all he'd done in your days apart was think about how best to do it — alternating between suckling on your clit, licking your folds with his tongue wide and flat, and prodding at your entrance. one hand keeping you pressed against the wall, his other slips around your entrance, sliding in one long finger, the way your walls suck him in making him moan, vibrations sending another wave of pleasure through you. you can feel the jut of his finger joints, the pad of his finger curling against your walls, while his tongue focuses on your clit, drawing shapes and letters expertly. 
you slump further against the wall, the pleasure making your legs shake, unable to hold yourself up, your hands tangled in his hair, knotting them around your fingers. 
"i can't stand-" you're cut off by a moan, as he bites into your thigh, licking up the wetness that stains them, a mix of your arousal and his saliva. "please," you wish you were on a bed, wish both of you had had more patience to go somewhere and do this right, feel the whole weight of his body on yours. 
"cum," he pants, sucking on your clit with his plush lips as he coaxes another finger into your warm, now mimicking a vibrating motion with his hand as he pushes in hard and fast. he doesn't break away even as he moans out, now curling his fingers languidly against your walls. "fuck, baby, i need you to cum now because i can't wait any longer-" 
his tongue presses onto your clit, and the pressure pushes you overboard. his hand the only thing keeping you upright, pushing roughly into you, he eats you out until your orgasm is over, kitten licking your clit as his head moves this way and that. you open your eyes and see him staring right at you, desire pulsing in his pupils, eyes blown out and dark. 
"good?" he breathes, both hands now gripping you tight. you nod, swallowing and gasping. his face is smeared with you, mouth and nose shining and glossy. he licks around his lips, mouth hanging open as his eyes glint. 
"more?" he asks, and you nod, gasping, falling to your knees. now, you're finally able to touch him, as your body crashes into his, causing him to nearly tip over from how he kneels, sitting back on his ankles to draw you into him. you kiss him deeply, letting his lips wrap around your tongue just the way you loved it, feel his hum vibrate against your own chest. 
his hands ghost under your shirt, and you help him pull it off, his hands cupping your breasts with his familiar touch, sucking kisses down your cleavage as you gasp for air. his hands roam your body indulgently, as if he was afraid you'd dissolve if he wasn't mapping your skin with his palms, his tongue, his lips. one hand trailing up and down your back, unclasping your bra, while the other squeezes the back of your thighs, resting his hand on your ass. 
he suckles on your nipples like he had all the time in the world, as if you weren't in a cramped store room feeling as if you were about to explode from his touch alone. gentle tongue drawing circles around the bud, eyes staring up at yours with devotion. your hips move against his, and his eyes flutter shut as he sighs, his hips starting to grind up against you as well. 
"turn around," he mumbles. "now, princess." 
"i want to see you," you protest, hands gripping onto his arms as he slowly walks forward on his knees, pushing you towards the wall. 
"i'm sorry, baby-" he kisses you, placatory and sweet. "we'll go again in my bedroom later, okay? need you like this now."
you let him maneuver you until you're facing the wall, legs spread apart as he kneels in between. trying to soothe you, he rubs a hand over your stomach, reminding you of his presence the entire time he rids himself of his jeans and underwear, rolling on a condom, tension building with every small sound, until you can feel something thick and heavy press between your legs. 
"haechan-" you pant, your back arching just slightly as you lean towards the wall for support, feeling his hand squeeze your hip. 
"i know," he mumbles, making slight shushing sounds as he eases himself against you. "i know, baby." 
even though he was behind you, you knew the face he would make as you felt his tip slowly push past your entrance, the way his eyebrows would float upwards as his eyes went unfocused, lips parting in a lovely 'ah- ah' that he tried hard to contain behind hisses and bitten lips. part of you still wants to see it, but all thoughts are lost as he fully sheaths himself into you, feeling him deep inside from the position. his hand on your hip creeps over to your navel, and he pushes gently over where he was buried inside you, the pressure somehow intensifying as you feel full from all sides. 
slowly, his body presses you further into the wall, and you gasp as the cool surface brushes your chest. he kisses the nape of your neck, and your body trembles, shifting against him and whining as you clench around him from sensitivity. behind you, haechan mumbles out a string of curses, hips jolting forward unsteadily before he stops himself. 
"please move," you whisper, and he moans, finally thrusting into you. he finds a rhythm that's slow and deep, feeling full and stretched out each time you throb around him. a particularly harsh thrust has you whining, your hips tilting towards the wall, trying to get away, but suddenly the solid weight of his body presses against you ever harsher as he rolls his hips, his chest pressed to your back. he feels stronger, and sturdier than he ever did before, as a hand creeps down to your clit and begins to rub slow and lazy circles, his body attuned to yours. you jolt away from the simulation, ass suddenly jolting back against his length, making you cry out again, sandwiched between pleasure. 
"don't run from it," he coaxes. "just take it, hm?" 
you had nowhere to go as he fucks himself into you, wet sounds filling the small space, and you're sure the floor is wet with your arousal, can feel your next climax approaching fast, making you forget about the ache in your knees and in the way your head pressed against the hard wall. you begin to shake in his hold, trying to fuck yourself back on his cock while he bullies your clit relentlessly, but once again his chest presses into you, strong arms holding you firmly in place as he overflows your body with pleasure, a hand slowly grasping yours and squeezing.
"i missed you, baby," he says, quietly, voice surprisingly steady despite the way he was ramming into you. "i really missed you." his lips brush the shell of your ear. 
you cum unexpectedly, crying out, squeezing tight around him as all the muscles in your body tense. your hand squeezes tight around his as the other rubs quick circles on your clit, working you through your orgasm. you can feel him still behind you as he cums too, whining in a pitch and tone you'd never heard from him before, desperate and achy as you clench around him again from the sound, so sensual that it rekindles a fire inside you despite the soreness in all your limbs. 
your weak hands fumble against him, scrabbling against his strong grip. he pulls out with a hiss, helping you turn around to face him. in the semi-darkness, you can see the concern pooling in his eyes, bright and scared. 
"was it too rough?" he asks, breathlessly. his hands skim your frame, pulling you onto his lap. 
you shake your head, nuzzling into him. you're torn between watching that silvery glow in his eyes, makeup smudged around all his corners, and burying yourself deep inside his chest until you can feel his heartbeat on your cheek. 
"baby? are you alright?" he rubs gentle circles on your back, as you nod. "use your words, please," he says, softly. 
"you got stronger," you blurt out. 
"did i hurt you?" he moves against you, something protective in the way he holds you that makes your body sing with warmth. 
"no," you say shyly. "i loved it." 
you lift your head just quick enough to catch the way his face crumples. before you can ask, he leans in and he's kissing you again — soft, gentle, sweet and almost shy. when you part, he looks dazed, eyes drifting down to your lips and wandering back up to your eyes. 
"you deserve better," he says, quietly. 
he looks down, at the way you're sitting in his lap, and then tilts his head sharply to look around the store room, as if he meant you deserved better than this for your first time back with him. as if this was about sex at all. 
you take a deep breath, and shake your head. "haechan, you're exactly what i deserve." 
the name rings out in the space. it seems to ground him, and he shakes his head to clear it, slowly untangling himself from you as he gets ready to help you up. 
you swallow. "take me home," you tell him. "take care of me." 
he does exactly as you say. 
attention simmers on your skin, a palpable heat you're unable to shake. 
girls circle the kitchen island like sharks, eyes glinting under the fluorescent lights, but they're never able to come close as it's so clear haechan's focus is entirely on you. haechan's back is turned to the party as he sits on the counter, long legs spilling over and the muscles in his thick thighs accentuated by the way he sits, denim stretched tight and each gaping hole making you doubt your decision to come to the party here, instead of going over to his home. 
it was his party, and he should go. the fans would be upset if he didn't at least show. now you were seriously regretting it, as you ducked your head to avoid the glare of another crowd as they passed by, while haechan knocked back another drink. 
he had been alight with energy ever since the show ended — agreeing amiably when you suggested going to the party, his smile only wavering when you reminded him he couldn't get jealous. and while your eyes wandered around the party, drinking in the scenes you hadn't seen in awhile, he was doing everything in his power to keep your attention on him, camera strap hanging from his neck as he clicked through the photos, pointing out the parts where jaemin had helped him, explaining the stories behind the pictures. 
"i didn't know you were into photography." it's a stupid statement, that you want to retract immediately. of course you didn't – you didn't know much about him at all. but it makes him smile a little proudly, clicking on the dial to speed through the photos. 
"yeah well, i've never taken a photo of you." he mumbles, scratching the nape of his neck. "i know for sure because when we…you know…when we weren't seeing each other, and i missed you…" his cheeks are burning up, his mouth barely moving as he tries to fumble through the rest of the sentence, plush lips swallowing his words. "i couldn't find any photos of you. on my camera or in my phone or…" he trails off. 
your heart thrums harder in your chest. "yeah?" 
"do…do you have photos of me?" he asks. timidly, softly. his eyes trained on his camera, unseeing, breath held in his chest waiting for your answer.
"of course i do," you murmur. you hope he can hear the smile in your voice, know that it's for him.  "rockstar." 
his fingers twitch, and he looks up at you, a searing intensity in his eyes that wasn't there before, flames licking at your cheeks as you hold his gaze, a warmth that sparks down your spine like fireworks. the sounds of the party fade away, sealing you in the vacuum of his attention.
"y/n,"  his voice drops an octave, all the softness drained out of it. 
"let me take a photo of you," he murmurs. "please." 
"no, not now," he says, slowly. "you know what i mean, princess." 
but you never get to clarify, because someone taps you lightly on the shoulder. haechan's eyes flicker behind you, all the intensity faded out, and it feels like your lungs fill with air again as you turn to see jisung, holding two cups in his hands, one of which he's holding out to you. 
you're torn between crushing guilt, and relief that he doesn't hate you. 
"j-jisung," you splutter. "jisung, hi." 
"hi, y/n." he smiles, nudging the cup towards you again, and you take it. almost against your will, your eyes dart over to haechan, but his face is impassive and neutral, camera laying forgotten on his lap as he turns quickly to survey the party behind him. was he trying to offer you privacy, or was he upset? 
you sip from the drink, trying not to make a face at the overwhelming sweetness that floods your tastebuds. the boy had barely put any alcohol in it. your hand almost inches towards the cup haechan made for you, wanting to balance out the taste, before you stop yourself. 
you didn't want to hurt his feelings again. 
"it's been a while," you say, sheepishly. "and again, i'm really sorry about last time."
"it's okay," he says, cheerfully. "haechan already apologised. besides, you can make it up to me on our date."
jisung's words have a physical effect on haechan. you feel him tense up behind you, body going stiff as he turns back to watch you, eyes trained on the side of your face. 
"you still owe me a date." you don't know if it's determination, or sheer recklessness, that inspired jisung to say this to you as you stood in the kitchen with haechan just inches away, the side of his thigh still brushing your waist. "are you free tomorrow night?" 
you try your best not to look at haechan. he had no right to care, you didn't owe him anything. you didn't know what you wanted to see on his face either way — whether his jealousy would make you angry, whether his sadness would hurt you instead. 
"i am," you agree, hesitantly, and jisung's close-lipped smile blooms. 
"you know there are other boys out there right? that there's a world beyond the band?" 
"shut up, jaemin," you mumble, checking your reflection in the dressing room mirror one last time. 
"this is good for you." his tone has changed, as he leans against the locked door. "jisung is nice. i hope it works out." 
tonight's show had been different. jaemin had reluctantly confirmed that it wasn't just your imagination — the way haechan was quieter throughout, more self-conscious in his performance, eyes barely scanning the crowd, taking longer glances at you throughout the show. jisung's confidence, on the other hand, poured off him in waves, his jacket unzipped, gums showing as he smiled wide. 
"i know." you sling your bag across your body, adjusting your skirt, as you turn to face him, taking a deep breath. "i'm really giving him a chance, jaemin. i'm…i'm taking this seriously, even if you don't believe me." it wasn't a lie. you barely knew anything about jisung, and jisung barely knew anything about you — but he was always sincere and sweet, quietly brave under his shyness. you couldn't forget the way he looked at you even with haechan by your side. it made you want to give him a chance too.
"i believe you," he reassures. "good luck, okay?" the door unlatches with a small click, and he gives you one last wave before heading out into the corridor. 
your eyes dart back to your reflection one last time before you turn back, satisfied with your appearance, and start towards the door. you barely take a step before there's a creak, and you think it's jaemin coming back, or perhaps jisung, wondering why you took so long. 
but of course, things are never easy. 
a familiar face enters the room, pushing the door open wide. he doesn't bother to close it, just takes you in for a second — eyes sweeping your frame, taking in your jewelry, the hints of makeup on your skin, your clothes, your neat hair. dejavu crawls over your skin, remembering the first time you'd met jisung, the way haechan had cornered you in the dressing room after, too. you tense your shoulders, preparing for the fight. 
"you look nice," he says, quietly. 
your lips part. "haechan-" 
but before you can speak, he's blurting out his next words. "j-jisung's going to love it," he stammers out, shadows flickering in his gaze as he swallows, throat bobbing. "i… i just came here to say good luck." at your surprised expression, his lips curve up into a sad smile. "that…that's what friends do, right?" 
"yeah." your hands grip onto the sling of your bag tightly, afraid of what your hands would do if you let go. 
"i'm going to go now," he mumbles. "i…have fun, y/n." 
there isn't a trace of sarcasm in his tone, his eyes soft and fond. he leaves before you can say another word, not closing the door behind him. you can hear his boots all the way down the corridor, can hear him disappear up the stairs. 
you try not to think about his voice, as you take the back exit out of the venue, see jisung standing in the warm summer night, smiling under a streetlight. try not to dwell on the fact that haechan might have actually wished the best for you – no more layers of pretense under pretense, no more feelings without reason. 
it's easier said than done.
two hours pass, your food gone from your plates, only the dregs of your drinks left in their glasses, before jisung finally clears his throat. 
"this isn't working out, is it?" 
"i'm sorry," you say, biting your lip. you'd walked to see a movie, something jisung had picked out, but had been mind-numbingly dull to you. you settled to watch his reactions instead, the way his hands flew over his eyes at the more intense scenes, the way he bit down on his fingers when the tension spiked. it was cute, but less so when he started asking you questions about the movie, and you had to admit you didn't remember any part of the plot past the first 20 minutes. 
late night dinner hadn't been better, each topic running itself to the ground quickly, your opinions and lack of opinions causing each conversation to crash to an uncomfortable halt. good things take time, had been jaemin's text to you when you asked for help. you were sure that jisung and you weren't acting like your true selves, the prospect of the date altering the way you talked and responded to each other, until you'd finally come to the conclusion that perhaps you just weren't compatible. 
"i really thought this would work out," jisung says, a tinge of sadness coloring his words. 
"i wanted it to," you confess. selfishly, you had almost been excited at the prospect of things working out with jisung — needing confirmation that you could still feel for others. excited for the date leading to the next, to fall in love with surety. 
excited to find the first relationship, the first 'you and i' that haechan seemed to think you deserved. 
"it's okay," jisung reaches out, pats your hand clumsily, shyly, as if surprised that reaching towards you meant he actually got to touch you  "i didn't know much about you when i asked you out, anyway. just thought you were really pretty." he looks mortified again, and it makes you laugh — everything about him still endearing.
"do you want to just be friends?" you ask, gently. 
it's like a weight lifts from the conversation, and he sighs, relieved. "yeah," he echoes. "friends." 
the silence that follows is a lot more peaceful. jisung slumps slightly in his seat, like the tension has left his body. his deep voice somehow still manages to sound timid when he speaks up next. 
"since we're friends…" 
you nod, encouragingly, taking a last sip of your drink. 
"can i ask…do you like haechan?" 
you nearly choke. jisung was looking at you carefully, although he smiled at the expression on your face. 
"a-are you sure you want to talk about this?' you stammer. 
he shrugs, but there's something unreadable in his expression. "i'll always be curious about it, and i guess this is my chance to ask." 
you don't have the heart to answer him directly. 
"i…i used to," you say, slowly. "but that was when i didn't know him." 
"know him?" he asks, confused. 
you nod. "yeah. i didn't really know him as a person….just…knew the performance, i guess." 
jisung still looks confused, but he nods along. "well, do you know him now?" 
you think of the sunlight in his living room. the faint dimple on his cheek as he showed you a photo of his sister running towards the camera, her face alight as she called out for her big brother. his arms around you in the kitchen, as he asked you to stay. the slope of his neck as he turns towards you at the end of a song — the fading sound of his guitar as his eyes sought yours. 
"maybe," you say, softly. 
"and?" jisung prompts. "could you like him now?" 
you don't answer him aloud, but your unspoken words ring in your head. 
it's different this time, haechan tells himself, as he grips his phone in his hands. 
it's different this time, because he knew where you were. he knew why you weren't calling. 
he slumps back against his bed, his body heavy with alcohol but his mind racing wild, each thought outpacing the next. 
the apartment was silent and empty. both jeno and mark were gone for the night. haechan hadn't bothered to go to the party, knowing that he would feel jisung's absence like a pain lodged in his ribs. he wonders if jisung will bring you home, here, whether you'd let him, even if he knew jisung wasn't the type of boy to go further than hand-holding on the first date. he thinks of it anyway — of hearing your sounds through his bedroom wall. whether it would make you needier to know haechan was listening. 
he feels like a loser. he's never felt more uncomfortable in his own skin, more unclean, more ashamed. but then again, there's no one around to know, as he lets his mind wander a little farther, away from you and jisung, away from his phone, sinking deep into the last time he'd touched your skin, images and sensations jumping out eagerly at him when he closed his eyes. flicks through moments that caused a heat to lick down his spine, the familiar hum of pleasure buzzing low in his navel — your legs on his shoulders, your hands in his hair. your taste, the patterns he would draw on your body so you'd shake just the way he liked, the spot on your neck he could kitten-lick to feel you tense up all around him. 
that night, even after he'd fucked you in the store room, you had been insatiable. 
he'd tried to touch you like the other girls he used to play with — never speaking much, preferring to use his mouth for other things, let their own imaginations run wild with what he could be thinking behind his hooded eyes. he'd taken you with your face turned away from him, pleasure without intimacy, sucking bruises as a keepsake for you after the night ended, not as if you were his to keep or to lose. 
let's try not to do anything romantic. 
but then you'd begged him to talk to you. told him to take you home. he'd hated it — hated the way you folded for him, like someone had given him powers he couldn't help abuse. do you know how tender this is for me? he'd wanted to ask, as he was touching you again in his sheets back home, racing to meet your every demand before you asked for it. 
your legs parted for him as he entered you, trying to keep his eyes open through the pleasure to watch your every expression, the look he'd been dying to see — your eyelashes fluttering, lips parted silently, the sharp gasp as he found your soft spot, your hands scrabbling against his skin. he held your gaze even as he let you wrap your legs around his waist, ankles locked in a sweetheart's cross behind him as he pushed your legs even higher, letting him in deeper. he'd never imagined himself with anyone like this before — a position so full of love and closeness, feeling your body and ripple against his, leaning in to kiss your lips softly, kiss away your desperation. 
he'd almost gone crazy when you found your voice amidst all the pleasure. 
"donghyuck," you'd breathed, saying the name like a prayer. "feels so good." 
he had stilled, slowing to a stop, even though he was painfully hard in you. his heart racing in his chest, pounding so hard he felt like it was about to burst out of his chest.
"you," you mumbled, slowly grinding your hips against him. "you make me feel so good, 's like no one else-"  
"yeah?" he picks up the pace again, tilting your body at an angle now so he could go even deeper, watches the way your face changes. he was the one who pulled that sound from your chest — sated but desperate at the same time, needy but satisfied. "i make you feel this good, right? i'm good for you, everything's for you-" he babbled, not making sense to even himself, your praise burying itself deep inside him like a siren song. 
you'd choked out more praises, pretty words tumbling from your parted lips, your eyes never leaving his. 
"more, hyuck-" you pulled at him, nails scratching down his back. "hyuck-" 
it's like he can hear your voice, as his hand slides down to his hip, down to his leaking cock. 
he jerks himself off like that — to the images of you pressed under him, your voice calling his name. he does it fast, with no finesse — tugging roughly, the slide too dry, but he doesn't care about drawing out the pleasure, doesn't think it matters if you're not here with him. 
he feels even filthier after he finishes — peeling off his soiled shirt, as he stumbles to the bathroom. he knows he won't hear from you tonight, that you wouldn't do that to jisung, but still he keeps his phone unlocked with the ringer on next to his bed as he lays down again. 
maybe he would wake up, and you would tell him he could never see you or touch you again. his mind wanders in another direction now, away from your body, away from pleasure — to the ways you made his heart squeeze tight in his chest. when you said his name. when you'd comforted him as he was crying, the kindness in your eyes despite all the ways he hurt you. sitting on the kitchen counter, thinking of ways to keep you with him as your eyes wandered off. look at me, he'd wanted to beg. think of me. just me. 
he goes to sleep thinking about how this could be the last night before you'd really only exist in memory and fantasy, before everything changes.
@neochan, @ahncosette, @18shy @kittydollzz @jenoslutie @pussymode @yyfka @cheolctrl @jaeminsballs @mysummerhyuck @strawberrytyong @rosiejunnie @nctzen4eva @haechskies @wickedrei @sundamariis @liliansun @lanadreamie @nodisdino @angelwonie @foxydumps @manooffline @moonsmias @skzct7 @iscocohere @ficrecnctskz @makiswrld @itskkung @simpforarmihn @aryraaaa @rbf-aceu @laubyrinthine @yujuvly @nctevia @hyuckenjoyer @guhhfgbbj @girlwholoveslpreppyattire @kasperneo @eneiyri @toroufriteh @cauliephays @jisoung @niinjo @wonaoi @yuskitty @strawbabyz @readingisgodly @daegalfangirl @minkyuncutie @feat-sun @chaoticstrawberryland @shawnyle @sofix-hc7 @scftharu @spageddy @adorejaehyn @manooffline @02mrk @tyongspice1 @runahways @neosdaisy @hotmessexpress35
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luna-lovegreat · 4 months
So... Warriors
It is obvious by now he's not ok. He's irritable and tense.
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I've had thoughts and ideas on this for awhile, so I think now's a good time to speak them. Very important detail at the end.
There are some really big and some small things adding to his stress
The drama with the sword. Wild went against the agreed plan, and lashed out in anger fear for twilights injury. From things Jojo said, Wars is mad about it for a while.
I have said this in other posts, but based on things Jojo has said and some details, I do not think Wild likes wars. He has not really gotten close to him, which adds on to the negativity between them
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But Wars... is a captain. This journey is different, and he's doing amazing at setting aside expectations of how to work with rank. But that is still a clear stressor- to him that was unacceptable in battle
^this is one big thing we watched go wrong and has clearly been upsetting since
Another thing is
Wars has been taking on too much. We've seen him break up a fight at the inn, comfort Time (time!), and tell him he'd take care of the others.
Twice he said "let them", and "let him be"-making others have space they needed. He asked Four what was wrong and followed up with helping with smithing.
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^^These are all small things. None of these are huge- practically tiny tasks. But they add up- all the attention to others feeling but not his own
... and
Wars has not smiled. Yes, he smiled, but it was not his smile. Since Twilight went injured to the inn, there has only been smiles in a way expected, but not much beyond when he found out his friend wasn't dead. (And when he helped Four at the blacksmiths)
In the updates, I have seen others saying how cool/pretty he looked. Which he did! But emotion wise, I only thought he looked angry. Even when teasing Twilight...
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^Not his smile
But here's the biggest thing that I believe is bothering him...
I've wanted to point this out for awhile. The thing is, Wars was really hurt when he found out Twilight didn't tell him about Wolfie
It's small details. A few sentences and facial expressions. But they add up over the chapter, and I don't think he felt trusted or trusting when he found out
He tried to find out who else knew
And why he was one who didn't
*read the blurred words:
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"No one said anything to me, I'm just left out of the loop. Who else knows? Just us?"
Wolfie being secret wasn't necessarily about trust, but wars took it personally. He really didn't understand or want to accept that Twilight would have told some of the others but not him...
Wars is distinctly closer to the ones his age, who the younger ones often turn to. And as someone who's been through war, who bonds closest with those he feels he works with best?
Twilight having a major secret he didn't share with Wars, but did with others,
Felt like a knife to the (back?) chest.
And it hurt him
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Look at his face when saying "we couldn't do a thing for him". He's looking away, directly after asking four and wild if they knew. I don't think he felt trusted. Or trusting. From thinking someone wasn't who he thought he was, and maybe was closer to others...
^^this is what I think is perhaps the biggest stressor- yet most unnoticeable
Wars never spoke to anyone about his feelings. He pushed it aside and went and helped.
This is ok. Between people so close, anything can be worked out. This is very revealing of how much Wars cares about twilight and the others
As far as Warriors pushing aside his needs and focusing on others... it's hard.
But I can confidently say this: Warriors would never want to not help all he could, when the others needed him
Here's this screenshot that makes me laugh (and somehow sky is just chill with this?)
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Wars: oh my god my friend just came back from a wolf what the Hylia who can I even trust I'm having an invisible crisis
Sky: oh yay the sword helped he's back :)
Twilight: I'm fine *currently dying*
Wars is stressed right now. He's taken on too much, he's probably still mad at Champion, and... he feels betrayed (god wars should never have to feel betrayed) and untrusted
Like literally everyone ever others, wars deals with his hurt. Sometimes he can't deal with it alone, and sometimes he can. It will all work out, and I love how much he loves his brothers.
But nothing, I repeat nothing
Will be ok
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Ok I'm calm <3
Art and comic by Jojo @linkeduniverse :D
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pholla-jm · 1 month
Sukuna with a S/O who has a sweet tooth/Loves eating sweets ?? :00
Like imagine most of the time they go on a date it's basically just reader and him going to different shops trying out desserts and sweets
Hello! Sorry it took me awhile! I got busy with work and my new class had just started. I decided to add some more to this. I hope you like it!! *********
Sweet Tooth
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IMAGINE: SWEET TOOTH~ SUKUNA X READER FEAT: GOJO GENRE: FLUFF cw: modern au! implied female reader, sukuna calls your woman. not proof read. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Whenever Sukuna took you out, you would make him stop for a sweet treat. It could be for the slightest thing. Groceries? Sweet treat. Getting gas? Sweet treat? 
You will use any excuse to get sweet treats. 
This time, there was no real reason to convince Sukuna that you needed a sweet treat. Only that there was a new café opening up. Taking a quick glance at what would be on their menu, you already decided that you needed to go. It had most of your favorite pastries and drinks. 
“Please, Sukuna.” You pleaded to your boyfriend with your hands clasped together. You had asked him to take you, but you knew how much he didn’t care for places like that. He didn’t like the options they provided; they always smelled so sweet. And it sometimes stuck to his clothes. 
Sukuna has already decided to go with you, though. He would do anything for you. However, that didn’t mean he wouldn’t make it easy for you. He loved to see you like this. 
“Please, I’ll make it worth your while.” 
Sukuna smirks at your words. 
“I’ll hold you to that.” 
Your face lit up at his words, “so does that mean you’ll take me?” 
“Yeah, brat.” 
“Yay! Thank you!” You say while wrapping your arms around his ample shoulders. 
Sukuna chuckles, squeezing you tight in return. 
When the time came, Sukuna couldn’t believe he agreed to something like this. Since the place was pretty new, there were a lot of people. The theme was coquette, which Sukuna wasn’t fond of. 
Sukuna settled with matcha mochi and coffee. In contrast, you had the most sickening sweets in front of you. 
When Sukuna looks at all of it, his stomach almost churns in disgust. But when he sees you gleam at the desserts and take happy bites, it erases his dislike for the sweet treats. He would spend hours in places like this to see your happy face. 
“What’s so great about these treats anyway?” Sukuna asks you. 
You were about to answer, but someone interrupted you. Someone that neither of you wanted to see. 
“Ooh, can I have some of that?” You look up to see the bright blue-eyed man named Gojo. 
“Ugh, no get away.” You say while shoving him away. 
“Awe, come on.” He pouts at you. 
Sukuna frowns at seeing Gojo. “Get away from (y/n).” 
Gojo’s eyes flicker over to the brooding man. His arms were crossed as he glared at Gojo. 
An annoying smirk now sits on his face, “why? Scared I might take her away?” 
Sukuna’s hand slams down on the table, and your face twists disgustingly. 
“Oh my god.. You’re so embarrassing niisan.” You whisper to Gojo, but Sukuna hears it. 
The anger slowly dissipates from his body, and confusion fills his head. 
“Brother?” He mumbles. 
“What? I can’t protect my little sister?” 
While the two of you bicker, Sukuna glances back and forth. 
Gojo and you didn’t look alike. Not a single feature looked the same. Some things are similar, like the hyper personality… and the major sweet tooth. 
“Well, I got to go. Thanks.” Gojo says after taking a bite of one of your cakes. 
He gives you a smug look before waving bye. 
“Ugh,” You groan before turning to Sukuna, “I’m sorry about him.” 
“Why didn’t you tell me he was your brother?” 
You look at him in confusion, “I didn’t?” 
Sukuna gives you a look, “I think I would remember something like that.” 
“Huh, sorry. I guess it just slipped.” 
“How does something like that slip?” 
You purse your lips, “well whenever I’m not around him… I just seem to not worry about him. You know?” 
Sukuna looks at you, a bit confused, which means you will explain it further. 
“Satoru and I aren’t full siblings. Same mom but different dads. But Gojo has always been the golden child. Everything is about him. He always got everything he wanted, but me? I was lucky to even be in the same room as him.” You chuckle while shaking your head. 
“So, it’s nice not having him around. I can do whatever I want without him around.” 
Sukuna nods, “and have whatever you want as well.” 
You smile at his words, “Yeah. I guess you’re right.” 
Sukuna scoffs, “of course I’m right, woman.” 
You laugh and shake your head. “It wasn’t long ago that I discovered my love for sweets. I never got sweets as a child, since Satoru hogged them all.” 
Sukuna smiles at you and leans forward. He grabs a napkin, wiping some of the icing away from the corner of your lips, “that just means I’ll have to spoil you more than.” 
Your face turns pink at his words and actions. 
“I’ll hold you to that.”
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hoe4doe · 4 months
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pairing: fem!reader x nathan doe
summary: you are the little sister of the sturniolo triplets, you get invited to a party and your 3 older brothers best friend Nate (who you have a crush on) happens to be there..🫣
authors note: this is my first fic so please please please be nice if theres any grammer errors since i also wont be proof reading(im to lazy for that😓)
NSFW below!!
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It was 4 in the afternoon and my friend Halle had invited me to a party a senior was throwing. I never was a fan of parties but she begged me to come and I have a hard time saying no…
I really need to change that.
Halle said the party started at 7 which really meant 8. For the time I was waiting I decided to pick out an outfit. I didn't have a lot of party-appropriate dresses. I decided to text Halle if I could borrow something of hers.
y/n y/l/n:
Hey can I borrow a dress?
ofcc!! come over ill help you🙏🏻🙏🏻
y/n y/l/n:
alright i’ll ask matt to drop me off.
I click my phone off and put it in my pocket, I grab a jacket and head downstairs. Seeing Matt sitting down in the kitchen. I walk over to him. “Hello, my amazing, handsome brother,” I say to him. “What do you want?” he asked, I put my hand to my chest, and my mouth ajar “I can't compliment my brother?” I say, “Exactly.” He responds, “Okay fine. I need a ride to Halles.” I admit, he rolled his eyes at me. “No.” He says, “pleasee, I will do your laundry for a week! Please!” I begged even putting my hands together. “Why can't she just pick you up?” Matt argues, “Her sister took the car!” I lied, Matt sighed and got up from his chair, “Fine.” He said. I gave him a hug hug “thank you, thank you, thank you!” I repeated. He just smiled at me.
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We soon arrived at Halle's house, “you're welcome.” Matt said parking. I opened the car door and stepped out, “Appreciate it, big bro.” I said before shutting the car door.
I watch him leave and walk up to Halle's front door. Before I could knock, Halle opened the door. “Heyyy!” she said with a huge welcoming smile on her face. I walked inside and headed upstairs to her room. Halle and I had been best friends since 6th grade. We're now sophomores in high school so I guess that means we've known each other for 4 years.
I laid down on her bed sighing, “So, you needed help with clothing?” Halle asked, “yes…” I sighed. “You've come to the right place!” She smiled. I sat up and observed her searching through her closet, “So, do you think we're getting a little sum tonight, or not?” She asked, still looking through her closet. “I mean…you never know” I said, “well just incase, you should wear this.” she said turning to me, she was holding a lace set of lingerie. “That's so extra though.” I told her, “it would be so cute! And if you do get laid, you don't wanna be wearing basic clothing???” She questioned. I knew she was right, so I caved. “Fine.” I sighed, “yay! And it would go great with this black latex dress!” She showed me. “The dress is cute…” I said, “I sense that comes with a but?” She replied, “But, isn't it a little short?” I asked, “That's okay!” She told me. I got up from the bed and grabbed both of the things she picked out from her hands and went to the bathroom to change.
After changing, I saw that you could see the underwear, if I bent down. Which made me a bit cautious but, I wanted too get laid today! It had been awhile since the last time I've had sex…
Also why was it so hard to put that damn dress on!?
I got out of the bathroom and saw Halle waiting for me on the other side. already dressed. “You look adorbs!!” she said, putting her hands on my shoulders. “Thanks…” I said, “What's wrong?” she asked. “Like I said, it's short…” I told her, and she rolled her eyes, “who cares! You look hot AF” she said. I just smiled at her.
I checked my phone to see it was already almost 8, “now let's go!” Halle said grabbing my hand and heading downstairs.
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We arrived at the party, music blasting through the house, Halle saw some of her other friends, “hey guys!” She waved before walking over to them but then stopping and turning to me, “be safe okay?” She told me. I just nodded my head at her, she then walked over to her friends. I stood there awkwardly for a bit before getting the courage to walk inside.
I walked inside seeing plastic cups everywhere, and people making out left and right, I found my way to the kitchen and poured myself a cup of vodka. “Y/n?” A male voice said behind me causing me to turn around. To my surprise, it was Nate. He was the best friend of my triplet brothers and also someone I had the hugest crush on. “Nate! What are you doing here?” I asked, “I’m friends with James!” He replied, “James?” I repeated. “He's the one who threw the party!” He said, “Ohhhh” I said, “so, why are you here?” He asked, “Oh, uhm, Halle asked me to come.” I said, “Where is Halle?” He asked. I shrugged my shoulders since I had no idea where she was and before I knew it I was out of vodka. I turned back around to pour myself some more. “I didn't know you drank.” Nate said, “If you tell my brothers I’ll kill you.” I told him, “My lips are sealed.” He said as he gestured to him zipping his lips. I looked up to see him smiling at back. I tried to fight my blush but I think he saw it. I continued to take sips of my drink while we just hung out. It was nice knowing somebody here. And I'm glad it was Nate. Another song had started playing. “I love this song!” Nate expressed, “Wanna dance?” He asked, lending out his hand. “Uhh, I don't know.” I said.
What's the hell am I saying!!! Of course I wanna dance with him! Am I insane!?
Nate started at me with puppy dog eyes, “Please?” He said, “I’m not sure it's appropriate.” I told him. “How is it not appropriate?” He asked, “your friends with my brothers,” I replied, “There's nothing wrong with a little dancing!” He said, “Fine.” I said grabbing his hand and pulling him to where people were dancing. I soon felt a rush flow through my body. I wasn't sure if it was the alcohol or me dancing with Nate. “Not so bad!” Nate laughed, “can't say the same about you.” I said jokingly. He rolled his eyes at me, I just couldn't help but smile at him. “What are you smiling at?!” He yelled over the music, “I just said never noticed how pretty you actually are…” I yelled over the music as well. “I don't think your brothers would like you flirting with me!” He said into my ear. “They're not here!” I yelled. I was completely drunk. I only had 2 drinks though… “I can do whatever I want! Whoever I want!” I yelled over the music. “Oh really?” He questioned, “Yes, really!” I said, I was then getting lost into the music, still dancing. “Then show me.” He said into my ear. My face went red, his words making me completely sober.
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The next thing I knew I was making out with Nate in a random bathroom. I knew it was wrong but I had been dying to do this ever since I saw my brothers introduced him to me. Nate left my lips, placing his down on my neck, not caring about leaving marks, I tangled one of my hands in his hair as soft quiet moans left my mouth. “Jump,” Nate demanded. I simply followed his instructions, and jumped onto him. Nate had his hands around my ass putting me down on the sink. He smashed his lips onto mine, our tongues fighting for dominance. Of course he won. “You have no idea, how bad I've wanted to do this..” he said in such a starved tone. He slid his hands under my dress, meeting my damp panties. I gasped at the touch. He slides his hand into my panties pushing two fingers into me without any warning, “Oh my god!” I moaned loudly. Nate connected our lips together again as he put his two fingers in and out of me slowly. Then fast. And faster. Making it harder for me to keep quiet. “Don't try to fight it…I want everyone to know how good I make you feel.” He said in between kisses. I started to feel a familiar feeling in my stomach. “Nate, I’m gonna cum!” I moaned. Letting go of our kiss, “Cum for me, baby…” He said, moving his fingers faster, my legs starting to shake uncontrollably. “Let it out, let it all out baby.” He said before leaving marks all over my neck. I let out a gasp as I feel the knot in my stomach subside. “Good girl.” He said as he removed his fingers from me and into his mouth, “you taste so good, baby..” He whispered into my ear before grabbing a wipe and cleaning my area up. I jumped from the sink and pulled my dress down and we both left the bathroom.
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a/n: I hope you enjoyed this!! let me know if you wants a part two😖😖🙏🏻
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elleloquently · 1 year
i can’t explain how much i love your posts i-😭😭😭 they make me feel so safe and loved🥹
if u take requests, can i kindly request some headcanons with videogamer!ellie x reader!gf ?
thank u sm beauty!!💕💕💕💕💕
| a/n : i am so happy to hear that, that is so sweet!!! i'm so sorry this took so long, i'm rly behind on requests ): as a reader tho i adore this idea. modern au bc yay modern technology!
gamer!ellie with a reader!gf :
-having different interests definitely didn't keep either of you from spending time together. you would just do separate activities, together.
-if ellie was gaming you would always take the opportunity to read, and if you wanted to read then ellie would play something. you sorta correlated times that way someone wasn't feeling left out if you wanted to actively spend time together (ellie wouldn't want to see your pout when you saw her gaming while you were missing her lmao)
-if there was a game ellie was really into at the moment, she would def be guilty of surprising you with a book from your to read list so she could spend more time than usual playing ,,
-you are privy to her ways but you would certainly never complain about getting a new book !
-ellie always listens while you sit with your legs over her lap, ranting and raving about whichever book you're reading at the time.
-if you burn through books quickly she might get the side plots or characters mixed up, interrupting your rambles with a follow up question about a character that was definitely from like, three books ago.
"ellieeee," you would pretend to whine, though the look of interest crossed with confusion on her face made it difficult to stifle a giggle. "that was my last book, this one is different now."
"oh! right! but he did turn out to be bad, right?"
"yes. okay, anyway..."
-sometimes she gets distracted and loses or has to pause for awhile because she just likes . watching you. it's sweet, the way you look so peaceful with a book in your hands.
-ellie thinks it's funny when you mimic the facial expressions that you're reading about. rushes for her phone sometimes bc the faces you make while reading crack her tf up. you get so flustered when she shows you later but she absolutely adores the photos.
-especially if you're making an expression in regards to what is happening in the story. you're so quiet and ellie looks over to check on you, only to be met with your bewildered expression or a deep set frown. she'll pipe up and ask what's happening, grinning when you snap your book closed.
"oh my god," you start, leaning forward to clue her in.
-sometimes you find yourself rereading paragraphs over and over, finding it difficult to focus as your eyes wander to ellie instead.
-the look of concentration on her face... muttering and swearing under her breath... her hands.
-tugging ellie's hand in a book aisle at the store, pacing around the shelves with mumbles of "i promise i'm just looking, not buying any today"
-(ellie carries your books when you leave the store)
-displaying the same patience while she's browsing games, debating and comparing. you make sure to pay extra attention cause you love surprising her for special occasions.
-you try some of her games occasionally after much convincing on ellie's end. she's such a backseat gamer though and it ends with you either getting a lil grumpy or laughing too hard to take it seriously.
-she tries to find some low stakes, silly games so the two of you can play together. if there's a book you're really crazy about, you'll pass it on to ellie and she'll read it so you can have someone to discuss it with <3
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pigtailedgirl · 2 months
Now I'm curious how you got into due south originally, if you feel like explaining :)
Sure! It's nothing too exciting I guess, but my Dueser origins begin as a wee girl. I know my family must have vaguely watched it because I remember the image of All The Queen's Horses mountie chase pre-dates my series watch beginnings. I know my grandma later confessed as I had it on tv one summer that she watched it. Cause cute Benton Fraser lol.
But real seeing and watch began with a random catch of Free Willie one morning on the Showcase Network. Thank you kindly Showcase.
Yeah, I caught it one morning and stayed to watch because I think I vaguely recognized it, and just fell in love with it's charm and wit and Fraser and Ray. It was the first episode so great timing too. And they had it schedule set to air one episode in the morning, the same at night, five days a week. Perfect for catching up.
Promos were hilarious too. I should see if any are online.
Oh, and it was original edit, so it had extra scenes like the different Victoria's Secret ones.
So I caught up on the series quick. Also, what I think really cemented my season 1 and 2 love was they played that set for months at least before switching to the 3/4 season. That highlighted the difference in tone to my POV too I think, and it's why I kinda view them apart still.
But I really got to experience show first this way.
I think I found fandom when starting Livejournal same time the show hit resurgence there. And I happily caught the tail end of Yahoo Groups so got to back read fan stuff there. Missed most of Ray Wars. Yay. There was the 2000's snippets, but everyone was so fun at content creation and love, that was the best take-aways. It made for a great time. I participated in a watch-along! A big highlight of fannishness for me! That's when I saw The Pilot. Or my fav was squeeing about Pizza and Promises.
Just, some of the many wonderful fans like Nina_DS and movies_michelle and duenorthlaurie for episode discussion, and Sdwolfpup, Belmanoir, Aingeal8C as content creators, or Scotchsour, and Lozenger8 who made some banging icons....Truly, there were so many wonderful people, I couldn't even name them all. Due South provided so many wonderful glimpses of other fans to share with. LJ friends were so lovely.
I fell out in LJ world strangely cause I felt kinda outside the fandom wave as it crested I think, not shipping F/K or really loving those seasons as much. And just personally felt not into fannishness as whole after awhile. It's a me thing across everything, not just Due South. I took an internet break for a long time. I still watched the series on tv, with Showcase and TV Tropolis and DejaView lol, and by then DVD often. Along with new TV of course, although not much cause Tumblr me is not too different from old LJ me. Still kept an eye of forums, sometimes, or such, cause I love discussion as you can see by my screeds versus tech/creative skills, but not actively or with comment.
I return cause, I don't know, seeing people express love for the series again is hitting a happy place of nostaglia I think. I had a rough bout with real-life and comfort fannish stuff is reminding life was full of small good moments. The joy of the endearing nature of the show and the spirit of love for it in the fandom is proof of stuff enduring. Joy that it's still on rebranded Showcase here on the weekends lol, even if you never know which season.
And a new vidder made a wonderful F/V fanvid that, timing again as I hit Tumblr, I stumbled into, and just had me crying when I watched at the beauty and love I remembered in the pair. It spoke to my love of them so hard I think it jolted me into thinking hell yea that love deserves happy expression, I can do it too maybe. Sadly they took it down, but yeah, that was the spark, and that's me fannish story.
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dinomite2 · 5 months
Female Agent 8 x male reader relationship headcanons
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Yay ! Another Agent 8 x reader fic !
also what month do think side order going to release it said that it was going to be released sometime in spring so think March to April is a good time
Featuring: female Agents 4 & 3
● when 8 got out of the surface after a few months after she got out the deep sea metro defeated Commader Tarter she settled in for a new home at inkopolis Square to meet new people and to have fun in turf wars and ranked battles and so far things have been normal for her
● That was until 8 met you for the first time in the middle of inkopolis Square she was about to get a the new Quadruple fried Cosmic Shwaffle Meal from the crust bucket, but she didn't have a ticket for it since it was very rare ticket to get
● But luckily you were nice and lucky enough to get the ticket and share with her and you two ate together ,started to know about each other and what you do and quick became friends
● Your usual activities together would either be mainly just hanging out together and uncommonly at times you'd either see one or both of 8's friends Aka Agent 3 and Agent 4 and both of them are mysterious wonders to see
● we start with who seems to be the most rowdy of the two Agent 4 when she First Met you She was a friendly fellow but at times she'd be strangely and jokingly flirty with you and it mostly happen at random times but Don't worry 3 will take care of her if things go weird
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"And that how it takes 6.79 seconds to refill a ink tank with no ink recovery up while it takes exactly 4.19 to fill up with ink recovery up everyone got that? " 3 said questioning 4, 8 and You
"Yep!" 8 said happily
"Yeah" you said giving a smile and a thumbs up
"Y/n would fill up my ink tank in 3 seconds~"
"4!" 8 groaned and covered her face looking down while blushing you did the same too keeping a straight face while blushing wildly while 4 just sat laid back with a smug smile on her face
3 threw her shoe Mach speed at 4 after she said that
● And secondly we have Agent 3 who's not a bad gal herself but she takes care of both 4 and 8 while also keeping a close eye on you, and making sure that your not taking advantage over any of them
●and by that a friend group was made ! And everything had gone swell for awhile hanging out and having lots of fun and doing lots of turf wars Until 8 started to show more "feelings" for you
● she blushed whenever you looked at her she stuttered 8 when was talking to you, when she looked at you from afar she looked at you with a wavy smile on her face and would sometimes do REALLY stupid stuff to try and to impress you
"um 8 are you sure about this this doesn't look safe" you said looking at 8 holding a VERY spicy pepper
"I'm a trained agent Y/n I can handle anything" 8 said with high amounts of confidence as she ate the pepper
"See nothing happened im fine" 8 said As her entire body was sweating and slowly starting to turn entirely red
"is sweating excessively and your body becoming red count as normal?" You questioned
"Nope I'm still fine" she said with a strained smile and was now melti- WAIT MELTING!?
"OH COD 8 now you're melting now do you want me to get 3!?"
"don't worryyyy" she said melting into a puddle of herself eyes and mouth separated like 3 cereal pieces in a bowlful of milk
"I'm getting 3 " You said walking backwards looking at the liquidfied agent 8
● and while this frantic loveshowing was in tow 3 and 4 both took notice of this and eventually found out that 8 has a crush on you!
● And 8 couldn't really hold her secret to 3 and 4 as it was eventually found True so they planned to teach 8 how to show her feelings toward you By a beautiful picnic date!
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(I took this pic during the start of a big run/splatfest)
It was a crisp night on top of a hill up standing there was a tree plastered with warm colored lights and under there was picnic carpet, basket and a boombox and 8 sitting as she was waiting for you to come thanks the invitation that 3 gave you hiddenly.
"Um guys are you sure this will work?" 8 said questioning 3 and 4 on her hidden mic
"Don't worrrrrry 8 me and 3 will guide you through " 4 said reassuring 8
"And ill make sure she doesn't say anything STUPID "
"Ok ok geez I won't, look! He's coming greet him!"
"Hey 8! What's up you invited me here?"
"Uh-h hello cmon over !" 8 said blushing as you both sat down on the picnic Blanket she then pulled out a disk and placed it into the boombox
(Ost/video not mine) (also new fav music ever man)
"ohh pop 'n' schlock that's my favorite! How did you know ?" You said questioning 8
"I-ii heard from 4, uhm want a drink?" 8 said quickly pulling out a bottle of fruit punch
"Yeah I will !" You said picking up a cup
8 poured the punch into your cup and then you drank it
"Ok you're doing good Now complment him, say that you have pretty eyes " instructed 8
"Ok, um Y/n"
"I have pretty eyes "
"Uh yeah they're nice -they're" You said feeling a bit awkward about what 8 just said looking away
"No not yours his !" 3 said into the mic
" Oh! I meant you have pretty eyes not mine ok mine work" 8 Said embarrassingly
"So 8 why did you invite me you wanted to say something?"You said As pop 'n' schlock was playing
"Ok now tell him how you feel"
"Ok uh-m Y/n I like you"
"Yeah and I like you too"
"No I meant a bit more than that I love you Y/n i had a crush on you since we met"
"Oh uh well um uh i" you blushed while looking away until 8 kissed you on the cheek causing you to blush even more
"Well I'm great you showed your feelings to me 8"
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And done SORRY MAN for the massive wait it was supposed to be done in the early December but I caught up on school, Christmas and my own laziness a three distraction combo lol
Also requests haven't been coming in for the past few weeks so if can request.... plz i need something else to do for Christmas break
Anyway enjoy!
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dorisslut · 1 year
Cuddle buddies
Lee Felix x Fem reader
Summary: Felix is feeling lonely and he texts y/n and asks her to come over and cuddle.
bestfriends to lovers, Itzy is mentioned
A/n bro i love him sm he’s so beautiful :(
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You were at your friend Yejis house, sitting in her room talking about random stuff but you got a text from someone.
Lixie🐥❤️: heyy y/n!
y/n: hey lixie! what’s up?
Lixie🐥❤️: can you come over? i need my cuddle buddy :(
y/n: awe i wish i could i’m with yeji :(
Lixie🐥❤️: can you come after?
y/n: i might be sleeping over but i’ll see :)
Lixie🐥❤️: ok! text me if you can come over!❤️
You smiled at the messages, feeling butterflies in your stomach.
“Was that felixxx?”
“yess” Yeji always teased you about felix, she thinks you have a crush on felix. But what no one knows is that you do. You have a crush on your best fucking friend. You got snapped out of your thoughts when you saw a hand in front of your face.
“y/n? are you ok?”
“yeah i’m good, just zoned out”
“we clearly” i stuck my tongue out at her jokingly at her sarcasm.
“um i might not be able to sleepover today” you were nervous telling her because you cancel out on sleepovers to see felix a lot.
“why this time? are you going to see felix?” you knew you couldn’t hide it anymore.
“yes, i’m sorry he asked me to come over and i feel bad saying no to him” you said being sincere with her.
“nah it’s all good! go get your man!” she yells happily pushing you out of her room. you texted felix letting him know your coming over right now.
Y/n: I’m on my way right now, i’ll be there in about 5 minutes!
Lixie🐥❤️: Yay!
After 5 minutes you go up to his door ringing his doorbell. You hear him come running to the door, next thing you know the doors open and felix has thrown himself on you in a tight hug.
“Hi lixie!” you wrapped my arms around him trying to gain heat since he wont let go of you and its snowing outside.
“ah i missed you so much n/n (nickname)”
“lix, can i come in it’s freezing out here” He unwrapped him arms from you, taking away the heat he gave you and let you in the door. you took your shoes and jacket off and as soon as they were off he pulled you into his bedroom.
He jumped on his and got under the covers opening his arms, signaling he wants you to come in bed with him. You comply and hop on his bed and nuzzle your face in his chest, since you were just outside in the freezing cold for awhile.
“what movie to you want to watch?” he asked trying to move out of your grip to grab the remote.
“noo don’t leave, just want to stay like this” you whined st him sounding like a child who just got their toy taken away from them. He laughed at you coming back to you. That’s one thing that made you fall for him, his laugh.
“Do you not want to do anything? just stay like this?” he looked down at you only to see you looking at him, you put your head back in his chest quickly like nothing happened. But he tilted your chin to look up at him.
The heavy eye contact giving you butterflies and feeling your face heat up.
“What’s the blush for, hm?” You feel him he’s teasing you, as of he knows somehow.
“I’m not” you tried to put your face back into his chest but he kept his fingers under your chin to keep you looking at him.
“What’s wrong, why are you blushing?” he asks not teasing you this time.
“Nothing, i’m just hot” In reality your freezing cold.
“Then why are you trying to keep close if your so cold?” now he was teasing you again. You were stuck, you had no words to say, no other excuses you could say. So you decided, fuck it just tell him how you feel about him.
“I-i like you felix” you felt so embarrassed, you just confessed your feelings for your bestfriend and stuttered while doing it. ‘Shit y/n you probably just ruined you friendship! you shouldn’t have said anything!’
“I like you to, i have been waiting for you to say something for the longest time.” he leaned in brushing his lips against yours.
“Can i kiss you?” without answering you lean in and kiss his soft plush lips.
“Would you want to be my girlfriend y/n?”
“Of course” He grabbed the remote and put a movie on.
“what movie is this?” i ask looking up into his beautiful eyes.
“i have no idea” we laughed and cuddled together watching the movie until we fell asleep.
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inherstars · 4 days
Spring Thaw | The Last of Us (7 of 7)
Yay, last part! Previous section here.
A flutter of lightning lit the sky outside the dark seclusion of their tent, rendering the trees in brief, swaying, wind-tossed negative.  Thunder cracked like a shotgun, making Ellie jump, and Joel laid a steadying hand on her knee again.
“That was way too close.”
“Yeah,” he agreed, the whites of his eyes shining warily.  “But there’s not much we can do about it right now.”
She distracted herself with the more practical concern of tending his fever, cupping her hand around his brow and holding it there, gauging.  Uncomfortable heat still simmered from his skin, but the cool of her touch made him shiver suddenly and deeply, teeth setting with an ivory click.  He pressed a fist to his mouth, bottling a cough.
“Okay,” Ellie breathed.  “I’m… I’m gonna zip our two sleeping bags together.  Maybe if we make, like, one big sleeping bag--”
“Hey, shut up, it’s the best option we have.  If you think so much of me, you’re gonna have to start listening to my hair-brained ideas once in awhile.”
Joel uttered a hesitating half-laugh, propping himself up on an elbow, to give her room enough to extract herself from under his head
“Maybe so.  But this don’t mean I’m agreeing to every hair-brained idea you come up with.  Keeping goats in the back yard is still a hard no.”
Ellie pushed to hands and knees, crawling to their packs, and jerked the first sleeping bag free from its securing strap.
“We’ll see,” she whispered in the tiniest voice.
“I’m sick, I ain’t deaf.”
The zippers on the bags were in no mood to be married together, but she managed to get them started.  Halfway through the process the dull vibration of something lower, softer, and nearer than thunder rumbled below the percussion of rain.  Joel stiffened up onto his elbows, seizing Ellie’s shoulder, silencing, as they listened.
“Raiders?” she mouthed at him.  His head nodded, small and tight, the tendons in his neck standing out as he braced himself for the inevitable.
“Where’s the rifle?” he whispered.
She stretched for it, trying to catch the stock in her fingertips, when another sound joined the overlapping earthstrike of hooves.
“Joel!  …Ellie!”
They shared a look, Ellie shoving aside the rifle in favor of her boots.
She threw her slicker on without fussing with the laces, scrambling from the tent and out into the rain-lashed dark.  Lightning illuminated the silhouette of restless horses near the river’s edge, another yell of Tommy’s name drawing them all up short as they finally heard her.
“Ellie?  For fuck’s sake--”  Tommy’s bay mare half-reared as he jerked the reins, and in her mud-slipping haste Ellie nearly took out all three horses like a bowling ball.  She couldn’t make out the identity of the other, hooded rider, but the third horse was saddled and riderless, no doubt to bring them back.  "Thank fucking Christ.  We been out here for an hour, where the hell have you two been?"
"Joel fell into the river,” she panted, wiping muddy palms on her pajama bottoms.  “We had to make camp."
He sat forward, suddenly alert.
"He alright? Where is he?"
“In the tent--I got it up in that clearing there,” she pointed.  “He’s OK, but he’s sick.  He really shouldn’t be out here.  He came out of the water kind of cranky and irrationally angry.”
Tommy relaxed immediately, as if this explained their entire ordeal.
“Oh, alright, he’s fine.”  He gestured to the other rider, who passed the empty horse’s reins down to Ellie’s waiting hand.  “Look, the storm’s gettin’ worse, we had to open the overflow gate.  We’re not taking any chances stranding you two out here.  Leave the tent and whatever else you can’t throw in your bag, we gotta get back before Maria tans me alive.”
She led the extra horse back up the slope, slipping as she went, and loosely tethered it outside their waiting tent.  By the time she ducked inside, Joel was hurriedly shoving whatever they couldn’t leave behind into his rucksack, already donned in his jacket and boots.
“I heard,” he said roughly, then turned his head to cough again.
“You're going to bed as soon as we get back.  You know that, right?"  She paused. "I'll stay in the house tonight."
He got his breathing back under control, if raggedly, and stood as best he could under the tent’s low roof.
"You don't go to do that."
"I know that.  I already told Tommy what happened."
"Heard that too."
"And that you came out of the river extra grumpy."
He sighed, aggrieved. "Ellie, why you got to give him ammunition like that?"
Joel grimaced in pain as she helped him shoulder his pack, jamming the rifle down into one of the holster loops.  He didn’t want her to fuss, but she circled in front of him and focused intently on the task of zipping up his coat, flipping the hood up to frame his face.  He watched her all the while, smirking faintly.
“You ‘bout done?”
"I mean can you blame me? You're sort of a whole mess."  Ellie picked up her own bag and slung it to one shoulder.  "There's a horse for us.  I'm riding in the front this time."  She mocked his drawl shamelessly, "Scoot back.”
“M-hm.  Just this once.  Did a number on my back when I hit that tree.”  He sighed, pushing open the tent flap.  “Tomorrow's going to be fun as hell."
"Yeah, well.  Tomorrow won't be that bad if we're both still there in it."
Joel looked back at her, breath held, then drew her to him with one arm.  He crushed her tightly against his side, his lips pressed to the crown of hair exposed from her hood.  He held her a moment before letting her go.
"Come on, kiddo.  Home's waitin'."
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You meet up with Law, boyfriend Law, Punk Hazard Arc
Context: You have the Calm-Calm fruit and eventually meet up with Law only to join his crew from the Strawhats crew. Some parts Zoro wants to be with you.
Some minor plot holes minor mistakes.
This is a long ass post, took me forever episode by episode <3
50 likes for a Part 2 Dressrosa Arc
Currently working on Part 2
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Ever since you could remember your devil fruit was lame.
You were living out in the North blue when the Strawhats recruited you. You had so many adventures with them from going underwater to the sky.
Forward to right before being teleported from Sabaody.
" Let's all meet back here in two years! Were not strong enough yet!" you heard Luffy yell right before Kuma palms you out of existence.
Feeling like your coming back to life, your eyes flicker open only to see medical equipment.
"Am I dead?" you quietly ponder to yourself. Trying desperately to sit up you snag something on yourself loose and you hear a long low tone beep. You all ready knew what it was a heart monitor. 'So I'm safe?' you thought to yourself.
Suddenly you hear "Shambles" low and behold to your surprise.
"So your awake Strawhat. Thought you may not make it. You had multiple broken bones and internal bleeding." Law states looking at you from left to right. Then giving you a check up.
" First off my names (n) I have a name. And secondly I'm assuming you helped me so thank you very much. But how did I get here? My memory is fuzzy." You blurt out then mentally slap yourself for being rude to him.
He looks at you for a second before answering.
"You fell on my sub. Do you not remember anything before it happened?" Law asks quizzically.
You cock your head to the side thinking while he unplugs all the cords attached to you. Then it hits you!
"We were in Sabaody then Kuma showed up and teleported us to different locations I'm just guessing here but I think he meant for us all to go to different locations but I'm unsure. Why would he teleport me to you?" You ask intuitively.
Law stays silent for a solid minute then says.
"I'm not sure why but considering that you were in a coma for 3 weeks I'd guess that's why. Otherwise you would have died from exposure." Law states bluntly.
"I was what for 3 weeks?!!" You yell panicking. You thank him again for his service and he nods at you as a your welcome.
"Well Kuma must have done this for a reason. I know! would it be okay to join up with you until I have to go back? I can help with many things I helped Chopper with paperwork all the time." You exclaim. Taken aback from your loudness Law thinks for a minute.
" I suppose I could use the help and your all ready here" He states defeated but not showing it, knowing hes backed up on his paperwork.
"Yay! you wont regret this I promise" you beam at him with such a cute face causing him to gain a light pink over his face then it fades as soon as it appeared.
And that's how you joined up with Trafalgar Law.
One year and a half later. You and law have grown quite close well close to you considering you are distant with everyone. But you've made friends with Bepo, Penguin and Shachi also with most of the crew. Close like being able to talk about your feelings close at least with Law.
"Let's gather supplies everyone (n) that includes you too" You hear Law say. You reluctantly obey.
After awhile of collecting herbs and plants off the island you sit down on a log deep in the clearing snap your fingers and say " silence" as you start to sing knowing you've done a good job of collecting so you can relax for a little while. Soon however you forget the time.
Laws POV
' Where is (n)? She should be back by now. I better go look for her' you think quietly to yourself as you walk off the Polar Tang in search of a (color) haired woman.
After some time and the suns starting to set you make your way through the trees only to come to a clearing. (n) is sitting on a log singing but you dont hear anything. You just see her lips moving eyes closed. As you make your way to her you enter her barrier with a tinge of purple in a sphere shape. Then it hits you. Hard. You couldn't help the tears welling up. All this time you thought she didnt have a devil fruit but ... she did. Her melody singing away. You couldn't help your self.. It just was too much.You started to sob and (n) snapped up to see you.
"Captain... Law are you okay?" She asks with deep concern in her voice. You just make your way to her and embrace her gently. You couldn't even speak you were still in shock. Bearing your face in her shoulder you cried and she held you rubbing your back until you could cry no longer.
"Is that better" she asks sweetly.
"It's you (n)..." you mumbled off.
"What's me?" she asks shyly.
"I thought I'd never see his fruit again but it was with me the entire time." you say gaining your voice back.
"Whose devil fruit was this Law?" Quietly asking.
"Corazons ... he.. my dear friend.. he gave his life for me" you say quietly.
Trafalgar and you sit on the log as you listen to his stories of Cora and him. This goes on until theres no more light in the sky. Feeling even closer to him you couldn't decide to let your feelings be known to him or if you had the wrong idea about him. He couldn't possibly like you back. You knew it may be best to wait and see.
"Thank you for listening (n)" Trafalgar says quietly.
"Of course Law I'm always here for you. You can always come to me." you say boldly.
Four months later
Using your sword you take out 5 guys all around you then some more who jumped over the others bodies. After the battle you went over to Law who was collecting their hearts. You both have had deep conversations in the past about his goals of becoming a warlord or avenging Corazon and even other things.
"All right pack it up let's go" Law yells to the crew. Your techniquly apart of the crew but you dont have to wear that boiler suit. Everyone heads in except you and Law.
"So do you have enough or still need more?" You ask quizzically. He pat's your head gently and says "patience young one"
"young?! Trafalgar Law we are the same age!" I exclaimed and his signature smirk made it's way to his face. You puff up your cheeks. He pokes them letting all the air out of your mouth. "heyy stop teasing me all ready" you whine. He chuckles.
"Your such a good girl" Law states.
'Wait what? What does he mean by that?' You think to yourself. Feeling bold you confront him.
"Sooo what do you mean I'm a good girl?" looking at him with puppy dog eyes. That blush creeps up to his face as he loves to see you like this so cute.
"I mean your a hard worker, strong, reliable, and ...cute" Law says pulling his hat down a little to hide his blush but you all ready know theres one there. Now was your chance your only chance.
"Well Trafalgar Law I think your cute too." you say as you lean up and give him a kiss on his cheek. His shock shown on him and his blush deepened.
"Let-" As you were about to say something he pulls you close and kisses you on the mouth embracing you as you embrace him after a second. He deepens the kiss using his tounge to gently flick yours. After releasing you both breathless he speaks "I cant handle it anymore (n) will you be mine?" Law asks blushing a wine red. You blush deeply and reply. "Of course Trafalgar I've actually liked you for awhile now" He hugs you close "I've liked you for awhile as well" he states.
Heading to your now shared room you come around the corner to see Law at his desk doing paperwork.
"Let me help, have we gotten the pile down any?" you say sweetly.
"Actually were now ahead of schedule thanks to you" Law states leans over and kisses your cheek.
"Law .... you know I only have two months left before I meet up with my crew." I say softly and he doesnt speak, you assume hes waiting for you to speak more.
"But I'm thinking about leaving the Strawhats..." you finish. He looks at you with a bit of shock. Then you explain.
"Well since were boyfriend and girlfriend now, I just cant bring myself to leave you... I really really like you" you explain. He thinks apparently pondering something before speaking.
"Well you can still see them. I was planning on making a temporary alliance with the Strawhats." You look at him in shock.
"Um you know my captain?" I ask.
"I patched him up on Amazon Lily he seems strong" Law states simply.
"Ohh that's right his brother died..." you say melancholy.
"How is Luffy doing?" you ask Law.
"From when I last saw him he was stable and moving around" Law states.
"That's great news so hes fine yay! Though I do wonder how everyone else is doing I mean it's almost been 2 whole years" saying softly.
"Wow your right" Law looks you in the eyes.
"The days have gone by so quickly I almost didnt notice" Law says quietly.
You take his hand and lead him to the bed.
"Enough of work, it's time to sleep Trafalgar" you simply put it as you lead him to bed and you both laid down.
"Why do you like using my first name?" Law asks quizzically.
"Um because it means your mine silly!" you say as you lay on him hugging him close burying your face in his neck.
2 months later
You stretch your arms up as you walk off of the deck of the Polar Tang with your boyfriend Law. It's time to see your crew again.
"Thank you for coming all the way here for me Trafalgar" you give him a quick squeeze then let go and the crew goes awe. You know it makes him uncomfortable to do pda in front of the crew or in public in general that's why you were quick about it.
" Let's go!!" you exclaim as you and Law leave the Polar Tang and head to the meeting spot.
"Let's see if I see anyone" you spot Zoro who had just cut a ship in half.
"Zoro! Hey!" you yell as he turns around waving at you then clutching his swords when his eyes met Trafalgar. You both walked over to Zoro.
" Hey Zoro how have you been its obvious you've gotten stronger" you say happy for your comrade. You then notice the tension between the two of them so you decided to say something the cool off the situation.
"So let me introduce you to Trafalgar D Water Law my boyfriend, and Trafalgar this is Zoro Roronoa my crew mate" You state quickly and Zoro dropped his hands. He didnt seem too happy about it.
"Law the warlord?" Zoro asks.
"The very same" Law answers.
"I cant believe you (n) while we all have been getting stronger, you've been off with your .. boyfriend. I cant sit by like this." Zoro complains gripping his swords again.Confused you were about to say something but Law forced you behind him.
"Room!" Law says while Zoro prepares his swords.
"Theres no way I will let (n) go" Law states coldly. There fight begins but as soon as it starts it ends .. with Law holding Zoros heart. Law gives it a squeeze, and Zoro clutches his chest.
" Attack me or (n) and your heart will be stabbed" Law states cold as ice.
"How did you?!" Zoro looks so confused.
" Please stop" you stand in between them with both your arms up to them both.
"Zoro why havent you ever told me before?" you ask.
"There wasnt a good time for it" he states.
"That's a lie theres always a good time sometime. Anyway you must accept defeat please let's all just go." You plead.
"Would it have even made a difference?" Zoro questions you.
"I'm sorry Zoro but I didnt and dont feel the same" you say looking down. Zoro and Law look at you and put away there weapons. Law walks up to Zoro and extends his hand with the heart as the blue sphere dissapears. Zoro takes it and places it back in him.
"Luffy knows I went with Law Zoro, he just doesnt know I'm together with him" you state. Zoro raises an eyebrow.
"And just how do you think he will take this? Obviously if your together you may not stay with the crew" He says harshly.
" Well that's why were all meeting up to talk" I state blankly.
" Were just wasting time let's go" I say grabbing Laws hand which surprised him but then you caught his famous smirk. He must have liked putting Zoro the pirate hunter in his place.
At The Meeting Room
You decide to have a couple drinks while waiting for everyone to show up. Law just leans against the wall occasionally glancing at you. After everyone shows up and talks about everything you decided to bring up the subject.
"Hey everyone theres something I need to talk about" you say for everyone to hear. They all turn to you waiting.
"Gosh well after these two years me and Law have become close hes my boyfriend now basically so I was wondering if I could join his crew permanently but if you need me you can use my viver card?" You blurt out but not loudly.
Everyone besides Law and Zoro looks shocked.
"Yea (n) that's fine you have to live your life! It sucks your leaving though but I know you'll be back one day" Luffy says.
"Please dont leave us with himm" Nami points at Sanji
"I'm sorry Nami and everyone but as I said if you need me you can use my viver card the captain has spoken" I state firmly which was very hard to do.
" I'm sure well go on more adventures together guys! You just wait I can feel it!"
Punk Hazard Arc
Law wanted you to stay on the Polar Tang when you and the crew went to Punk Hazard, he didnt trust anyone especially Caesar and Monet but he could change his mind.
You did his documents for him then made a game out of paper cards like cards against humanity for the crew. You all were enjoying the game.
" I cant believe you made this (n) it's so fun" Bepo said heartedly.
"Awee thank you so much Bepo I do hope everyone else enjoys it too" you state and most of the players nod in approvment.
"I miss Lawww" you exclaim.
"Itll be okay (n) hell be back soon" Penguin says.
" Yea itll be okay just hang out with us" Sachi says happily.
"You know what you guys are right your all awesome!" You beam. They smile. You all play games well into the night. You then go into yours and Laws bedroom after getting ready for bed. You feel a presence behind you as you turn around in a karate formation.
"Hiya!" you yell and do a chopping motion, right onto Laws head making his hat fall off. After the shock that hes really here wears off you squeel.
"Trafalgar!!" you yell hopping onto him.
" hey (n) it's been a minute" he states tiredly as he wraps his arms around you. You hop off still hugging him burying your face in his chest.
" You've had no idea how much I've missed you Trafalgar" You say almost whining.
"I've missed you as well." he says letting you go to undress his coat and put Kikoku to rest.
" I've done the paperwork all ready. Are you hungry. Thirsty? Tired?" you ask everything possible. He looks at you with tired eyes.
"All of the above (n)" Law states matter o factly.
"Okay be right back handsome" you say then swiftly head to the mess hall and prepare Law some tea and onigiri then head back to your shared room.You see Law at his desk and set the cup and plate on it then sat on his lap like you always do.
" Please eat and drink dear" you say sweetly.
"Why thank you um dear" he managed to say something endearing as he started eating and drinking. After he was finished he swooped you up and layed you on the bed then layed beside you with the only source of light coming from the night stand.
" I'll be right back I need a shower" Law states and you nod. You hear water flowing as you get snuggled under the blankets so happy that hes back. After some time you hear a click and the water stop. Law comes out just in pants and your loving staring at his abs and tattoos. You blush and he notices.
"What are we blushing about? See something you like?" Law smirks.
"Yes I do hehe now gimme!" you say motioning him over. He goes over and lays down next to you turning off the light.
"Law what happened to your heart" you say somewhat upset as you trace your fingers over the rectangular shape of where his heart was supposed to be.
"Its a long story, but dont worry about it" he says quitely.
" Now you have me all to yourself" he says with a small smirk. You both start cuddling with his arms wrapped around your waist pulling you closer once you snapped your fingers and said
"(n) I need to tell you something" Law speaks.
"What is it dear?" you question nuzzling the crook of his neck.
"(n)... I love you.." he whispers in your ear. You blush deep red as you look up to meet his eyes.
"Trafalgar I love you too..." you whisper back. He pulls you into a kiss and you deepen it playing with his tounge until you both break for air.
"Glad I told you" Law stated.
"Me too sweetheart" you say kissing his face.
The Next Morning
"Oh by the way your coming with me today" you hear Law state at his desk.
"I have a surprise for you,but... you'll have to be my secretary" Law states with somewhat remorse. You just look at him confused but willing.
"All right sir" you say cutely making him blush slightly. Since your devil fruit wasnt the best especially for fighting, you understood why you had to pretend to be his secretary. You nodded and got ready with a long sleeve shirt and pants. You've only been outside on the island once when you first got here. You knew about the snow and fire since Law told you.
"All ready let's go get your heart back" you exclaim making a peace sign.
You find you, Law, Teshigi, Smoker, Luffy, Franky, and Robin trapped in a metal cage.
With Laws help you are all freed, while Luffy jumps out and Franky goes to the Sunny. All of Laws plans have fallen apart but theres still hope.
"So who is this Law?" Ceaser asks quite annoyed while Monet pushes her glasses down her nose.
"Her she's my secretary" Law states coldly but you dont mind your just unsure if Ceaser and Monet will believe him. You pulled out a notepad and pencil.
"Is there anything you require sir" you ask politely pencil and paper ready.
"Not for now" Law says. While your fantastic at acting it is a bit awkward for you to be so close to the enemy. Dont get me wrong you definitely can defend yourself and can use Haki but your calm calm fruit powers are pretty much completely useless. You could definitely tell that they weren't buying this secretary stunt.
"Law I granted only you permission of the island not some secretary too" Ceaser has a fit.
Back to the cage. You all escape and managed to get inside before the poison gas gets you all. You follow Trafalgar as everyone else does there own thing. Sword at your hip ready to go.
You and Law make it to the SAD factory door, as it opens you both walk in. After a couple of minutes. In walks Vergo and they exchange a few words before Vergo disappears then reappears only to slash Law with his bamboo stick about 4 times in the face before saying
"This is it Law, its a shame your a traitor" Vergo says coldly. He turns his attention to you and you quickly use armorant hardening everywhere, before he attacks and sends you flying into the wall. You spit up a little blood as you knew you weren't that strong but you still had tricks up your sleeve. Law glances at you but knows if he goes near you Vergo will get the idea hes protecting you.
"Let me guess your pissed off because your scheme came crashing down all around you, this thing is really important to you guys. It's a hunk of junk." Law states to Vergo.
"I would watch my mouth if I were you" Vergo says with little irritation. Just then you hear Law groan in pain as you look up to see Vergo squeezing Laws heart.
"Dammit room! Now my heart come back to me" Law grovels. Just as soon as Law says those words does Vergo teleport to Law and beat him again catching Laws heart. You knew you would only get in the way so you stand and stare. You were no match for Vergo your specialties are for stealth. Vergo teleports again to law who was trying to get up Vergo uses armorant haki and punches him three times to where Laws hat falls off into the darkness. Law looks up arms up to Vergo.
"Heres a counter shock" Trafalgar says as he defibrillates Vergo causing Vergo to spit out some blood. After a second Vergo speaks.
"I have a message from joker, he says that it is a shame"
"I knew exactly how to get my heart back from Ceaser I didnt except you here too Vergo" Law says.
"Mr. Vergo" Vergo says while squeezing Laws heart making Trafalgar fall to the ground.
"I'm kinda in the middle of something does it have to be now... Vice Admiral Smoker, whatever, been meaning to kill you might as well get it over with" Vergo states.
"Go ahead and try I can only look at trash for so long before I have to take it out. Especially filthy pirates like you" Vice Admiral Smoker says.
"What are those they look mighty ominous" Smoker says looking to the green liquid tanks.
"They are but that's none of your concern" Vergo says
"Vergo I dont want them to know about you, these men look up to you like a father" Smoker states
"Well too late now they know now I saw them moments ago"
"What did you do to them!?" smoker yells.
"Looks like I hit a nerve dont tell me you look up to those subordinates" Vergo says.
"Its a shame it had to end this way but now that you know my secret I must kill you" Vergo coldy states. Smoker takes the first move as they engage in action. Smoker gains the upper hand and punches Vergo into the railing.
"I'm warning you dont ever lay a hand on my men!" Smoker yells. Smoker slashes at Vergo but he blocks it. Smoker and Vergo use armorant haki and exchange blows. Smoker attacks with a fury of blows but none land.
"Watch it Smoker" you hear Law mumble from over to your left. Smoker attacks but it's not effective.
"Too slow" Vergo says to Smoker.
"White glove!" Smoker yells as Vergo grabs Smokers smoke arm and punches him with armorant haki causing him to crash into the railing and cough up some blood. Vergo uses moonwalk to match Smokers smoke form once Smoker gets up. Vergo punches Smoker with armorant haki yet again and Smoker crashes into the railing.
"What do you want?" Vergo asks law who managed to stand up now.
"I just want to get my heart back from you, once I have it I can kick your ass easily Vergo"
"Its Mr. Vergo" as Vergo squeezes Laws heart. You see smoker look at you as you quietly say "silence" engulfing Smoker in your silence.
Smoker attacks engulfing Vergo with smoke in a circle.
"Demon bamboo" as vergo slams his bamboo against Smoker straight into a wall cracking it.
"You wanted to kill me so bad for the navy and your people but recklessness wont save your people or make them proud of you"
"Its over now" Vergo states blankly.
"Well done Smoker thanks for keeping your end of the deal I can take it from here" you look over to Law who has his heart as he places it back into his chest. You lean against the wall knowing it's over now and so happy Smoker kept his side of the secret deal.
"This makes us even Law, will you finish him all ready" you hear Smoker sputter.
"You really cant stand owing a pirate can you?"you hear Law state blankly.
"Its unbecoming I'm only glad my people arnt here to see this" Smoker sputters.
"And yet I'm only alive because of what you did"
"Now it's time to end this Mr. Vergo" Law states.
"Its about time you remembered your place in the world" Vergo states.
"Tell your self whatever lies you want to hear, ya I know your listening hello Joker!"
"Your about to loose your right hand man meanwhile Strawhat is gonna take out Ceaser and that means you can kiss your SAD goodbye, so you wont be laughing for very much longer" Law states to the snail Joker.
"Hahahaha you do a pretty decent job of acting tough runt, take a good look at Vergo pissing him off isnt a good idea. With his haki your no match for Vergo and never will be" Joker laughs maniacally. Vergo is in full body armorant haki.
"Let's do this" Vergo states as he is in full armorant charges at Law. In a flash Law cuts Vergo clean in half as you gasp in happiness its over. You see Trafalgar swing Kikoku and the whole facility is cut clean off in half. You walk up to him entering his sphere.
"You always told me a new era was coming the age of the daring ones and here we are Joker I opened the gate the gears are broken there is no turning back .. for anyone" Law states coldly. You knew something huge was coming but Law didnt let you in on the whole plan just yet, most likely to try and protect you. The blue sphere dissapears as you watch Trafalgar cut up Vergo into tiny pieces like he does for his crew punishments and put each piece on a different part of the railing. The snail goes click and you breath out hard enough for Law to look at you.
"Are you all right (n)?" Law asks concerned. He saw how hard you were throw against the wall.
"I'm just glad it's over I'm good tip top shape, I used armorant hardening so I should be good" you say really wanting to hug him because he almost died. Though with Vergo still alive you didnt want to take any chances so you pretend your just a Strawhat. Vergo goes on a rant about how Law will regret this then Trafalgar slices Vergos face down the middle.
"Dont waste your breath worrying about me you've got your own problems to worry about"
"This rooms gonna explode soon, so long Vergo the pirate" Law says calmly. You follow Law out of the room and find a huge half tank that could fit many people inside.
"Well use this to transport the kids, marines and Strawhats" Law states and grabs a rope on the right while Smoker grabs the one on the left. They start walking with it and eventually you all make your way to door R-66.
"Hey (n) ,Traffy and Smoker!" you hear Luffy yell to you guys.
"Theres no time for introductions again let's go" Law states pulling the gaint cart. Everyone makes there way through door R-66.
"Hey Strawhat where did Ceaser go?" Law asks Luffy.
"I blew him through that door see he sucks let's just leave him behind" Luffy says.
"I should have known not to trust you with anything. The point of having a plan is to follow through with it. We need to capture him now" Law yells.
"Hey Luffy you think there okay?" Nami asks worriedly.
"I know they are" He says.
"The hell you Strawhats standing around for?!" Law yells.
"I'm waiting on my crew" Luffy says as you nod. You see Brook and Chopper running for their lives and barely made it through the door.
"The gangs all here now!" Luffy yells.
"Where you trying to make us worry?" Nami asks.
"This is no time for a reunion let's go!" Law yells. You jump onto the cart along with both your crews.
"Allright let's go!" Luffy yells as he pushes the lever making the cart go super fast. You hold onto Laws arm for balance not wanting to fall down.
"I dont see any light ahead how far did Strawhat punch Ceaser exactly" You hear Trafalgar state.
"Hey Law when you and I get off this island you and I will go our separate ways, but theres something I gotta ask" Smoker states bluntly.
"And that is?" Law questions.
"I was under the impression that my heart was in Ceasers possession how did you get your hands on it?"
"Simple I gave Ceaser my heart and in return he let me hold onto his secretaries heart, he got mixed up on the details. So our little encounter put me in possession of two hearts" Law states.
"Ceaser just made the assumption but I gave him back Monets heart out of kindness"
"When you do kind things well, that good karmas bound to come right back to you" Law says.
"Dammit the passage is blocked!" a marine yells.
"Dont slow down" you hear Zoro say. Everyone cheers as Zoro cuts through the blockage.
"Dont get comfortable just yet" Zoro states. Everyone looks behind them to see the poison gas running after everyone. Once turning back around your and Zoros eyes lock for a second then disconnect.
"If the fallen rubble doesnt kill us the gas surely will" you hear Robin say.
"Stop being morbid" You hear Usop say.
"Theres sure to be a gas cloud when we get out, can anyone conjure up some wind?" Law asks.
"Sure I can do that" Nami says raising a hand.
"Move faster!" You hear Luffy yell. As soon as the gas gets closer everyone besides you Law and Smoker start freaking out.
You let go of Laws arm.
"I see a light up ahead" Luffy yells. The cart bursts out of the tunnel with everyone cheering. The cart halts with a thud.
"Baby Five, Buffalo what are you doing here?!" You hear Law yell.
"Law turned traitor Joker saved a seat for you and you go and betray him!" You see Bafflo say.
"They took Ceaser and made a run for it" Usop says.
"Those batards" Law says
"Hang on Law, Usop says he has it" Luffy says.
"First class sniper even if he has a gaint snoz" Zoro says
"Your crazy what if he misses this could ruin our whole plan" Law states.
"Yea any day now" Zoro says
"Go high weather egg! Time to hatch weather bolt!" Nami yells
"Oh no not so fast thunder breed tempo!" Nami says.
"Special attack meteor storm assault! Fire!" Usop yells.
"That last part, Sea prism handcuffs!" Usop yells as the shackles wrap around Ceaser dragging him down. After that ordeal you see Sanji and brook building a fire pit. Franky is helping the marines fix the ship. You see Nami and Tishigi on the ship talking while you walk over to the fire pit you realize Law is gone.
"(n)- Swannn! Hello again!" Sanji fawns over you making you blush slightly then it dissapears.
"Hello Sanji nice to see you and everyone again" you say.
Suddenly Chopper comes running out of the ship.
"Luffy! You gotta stop him immediately! Hes committing murder!" Chopper screams
"Dont worry Chopper hes just treating the children!" you yell up at Chopper.
"Ahhh I also committed murder!" Brook screamed.
"You killed him again?!" Sanji and Luffy yell.
"What if we glue him back together?" Luffy yells
"Momonosuke!" Kinemon yells as he breaks out of his shelling.
"Father your alive!" Momo yells as he puffs into human form again.
"Father I thought you were dead!"
"Momonosuke!" Kinemon yells.
Suddenly Momo collapses.
"So they finally been reunited" Brook says.
"Hu hes not normally this naked though" Kinemon places a rock on Momos head and poof he is wearing a kimono.
"Hmm smells good I wonder what Sanjis cooking up for us?" you hear usop say.
"A cold exhausted body needs a healthy meal so I made sea pig pork soup. I know you've been running on an empty stomach for days now so start with the soup" Sanji says to Momo.
"I do not want your strange food" Momo yells.
"I humbly accept this feast, delicious! I'll try this next. There food is fine to eat son. accept their kindness. My life was saved by them" Kinemon says.
"There food is safe to eat?" Momo says with tears in his eyes.
"All this time you havent had a single bite to eat what a strong boy" Kinemon says.
"We need to talk Strawhat their gonna be right on our tail so we need to ship out now" You hear Law say to Luffy.
"Allright listen up guys we got trouble headed our way so hurry up party fast and dig in" Luffy says. Seeing Trafalgars face says it all hes in shock and you giggle. As everyone parties and eats you take two bowls as well go over, and hand one to Law. He takes it silently and starts to eat. Once finished Smoker says
"Law although I made you a promise you cant expect me to keep it. Your a pirate but if you wanted to silence me you had many possibilities. Just what are you using Strawhat?"
"Using him? What makes you think hes not using me?" Law states simply. You just sip your soup while listening to them.
"Not that I wanted you alive, that's just how it worked out. Dont read into it. After this I'm planning on heading to Greenbix who knows, Strawhats might be useful or who knows maybe I'm useful to them" Law states then walks off to Baby five and Buffalo chopping off their heads. The marines start talking but you drown out there words deep in your own thoughts.
'All this walking and running has me tired' you think quietly to yourself and rub your back.
You snap back to reality You see the kids crying.
"Stop it this instant shame on you all" Tishigi yells to the marines.
"You dont get it Tishigi we might do the unthinkable and start liking these guys" the marines shout. Eventually the ship sets sail with everyone saying their goodbyes.
"Hey why is this one tagging along?" Zoro questions about Law.
"Luffy made an alliance not sure what hes gotten us into again" Usop says. As your all walking to the Sunny you board with Ceaser still knocked out laying on the ship. You stand next to Law.
"Let's set sail!" Luffy yells. On the snail phone.
"Well color me surprised it's the boss didnt expect you to show up in person." You hear Law say.
"Hello Law it's been far too long, it's a shame you didnt show your face" Doflamingo says.
"I figured you want to know where Ceasar is hes safely in our hands" Law states.
"Question where are my cohorts bodies?" Mengo asks.
"I couldn't say neither does it particularly intrest me" Law says.
"Come on Law quit acting like an adult and let's cut to the chase tell me where you are. Answer quick or I'll get mad" Doflamingo says.
Law says
"Oh you'll get mad, whose your business partner oh that's right Kaido, I wonder how hell react when he finds out you cant produce smile" Law states.
"Okay you've carried the joke long enough now let's discuss the terms like adults" Mengo says.
"Resign from the warlords, come now I'm only asking you to abandon a decade of work. If I look tomorrow at the paper and see you've resigned then the deal is on. But if I dont then the deal is as good as gone" Law states coolly as he clicks stop on the transponder snail.
"Silence" you snap your fingers.
"So I'm guessing were headed to Dressrosa next?" You ask quizzically.
"Yes we are, the sub is following us as well, we will be going up against Doflamingo so I'm unsure if you should stay in the sub or come with me. It would be nice to show him that Cora lives on through you but it will be extremely dangerous." Law says to you and you nod. Moving closer to him you wrap an arm around his. This makes him blush slightly but not enough for anyone to notice you thought. You look around and lock eyes with Zoro who huffs then turns around.
"I'm worried about you Trafalgar please come back to me alive" you whisper to him. He nods and says
"Dont worry (n) I will" as he put Kikoku down and rests his hand on your arm. This is the closest you'll get to him before the fight so you soak up his warmth. After awhile you both break apart. You snap your fingers.
"Silence" and the sphere dissapears.
"What's our next stop Nami" Luffy yells.
"Oh well let me-" she was cut off by Law
"There are no stops straight to Dressrosa" he states boldly walking up to most of the crew. Luffy nods
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fictionfixations · 2 months
i have a confession
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i love blade (also holy shit hello second blade ssr, goddamn.)
so anyway i just started playing nu: carnival lmfao. I heard of it awhile ago, but at the time had no interest in mobile games. And then I got an ad with like the animated opening and thought 'huh, that's cool. You know what? I'm gonna give it a shot.' so blah blah blah. anyway the second i saw blade, i knew i loved him. he's my favorite. (ngl his appearance reminds me a lot of floyd leech from twisted wonderland. except brighter. and from the few appearances ive seen of him from going through the current events and reading the wiki page on him a little, he's like. kind of more. innocent?? naive??? uhh. ye.)
so. then i spent the next 9-10 hours grinding up as many of the thingies that you use to wish as i could. because it lasts until the 4th. and i think the timezone's different cuz the other event due on like the 4th too had like '[] hours left'. (i took a nap at one point tho)
so for one. i am very lucky that he was there (what are the chances). and two. holy fucking shit. i fall way too easily to gacha time limits temptations lmfao.
anyway my hands hate me. ive mostly just been replaying chapter battles (ive just finished the fourth now, idk how many there are) to get my level up cause i also wanted to finish reading through the story of the event that was due soon cuz i was stuck since the enemies were too strong. i did tho so yAY. (im probably never going to play the game in such a large quantity though lmfao.)
this just proves i dont have a life. *headbang*.
(anyway this game is 18+. just a warning.)
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midnightmah07 · 6 months
Part of his world (pt. 2 - 2) YAY :3 they kiss
“Maizie?” The shy voice of Daisy comes up as the red-head turns around, with curious raised eyebrow, leaving back for Royal Sword Academy, since she finished the duty of that night’s show girl. “Hey… I wanted to ask… Uhm-“
She tilts her head slightly at the Daisy waiting for what she had to say. As the princess particular driver waited infront of the campus.
“So, I was wondering… Do you still like Azu-“ The question from the blonde didn’t even came to an end, and Maizie was already nodding happily. “Oh! You- do?” Daisy asked again, and Mazie nods once again. “Really? We all thought-“
Daisy shakes her head, maybe Maizie was really taking Azul’s “advice” on staying away from him, it made Daisy slightly sad, even tho she was respecting his boundaries. “Well, you have the time… Uhm… Please, go back to flirt with him.” Maizie chuckles softly confused by Daisy. “No! I am serious. Azul told me he was finally accepting what he feels for you! But then you grew distance from him, and well… He thought you no longer felt the same!”
Maizie lips parted in shock, unsing sign language: “So, what are you telling me, is that he likes me now, but feels shy to talk to me, since he believes I no longer feel the same? Even though, I stopped being frequent to his side because of what he said?”
Daisy laughs at the question, along with Maizie. After all, it was pretty much it. “Yes, basically it.” Daisy holds her belly as her laugh died down. “Say, you will do it or…?”
A small laugh escaped her lips: “Don’t worry. Just leave it to me and the tweels.” Daisy could swear she sees a sassy wink on Maizie’s face. Her confidence was always admirable from her part. The small horn from the car called both attention of the girls. Maizie waves at Daisy, leaving the campus just soon as she got in there.
The following week, Azul hadn’t took any break. Maizie hadn’t come for the whole week, which is really unusual for her, after all, she works there. He would constantly check his phone, over and over again. Hoping to see her notification, yet nothing.
Sudden in his office, Floyd and Jade go inside with shocked looks upon their face, that somehow a already made him alarmed.
“Azul, you should really go at the lake behind the school. You won’t believe what happened. Ne, Jade?” Floyd kept the surprised face, talking about the shocking news.
“Yes, Floyd.”
Azul stands up with a scowl, forgetting to ask about it. As he leaves his office, Floyd gives a big grin to Jade, who slyly smiled on his side. Floyd opens Azul’s drawer, taking the golden sea shell necklace inside of it.
“Would he fire us?”
“The least he can do, is to thank us, Floyd.”
“Do you think Grace will be mad at me?”
“That won’t be my problem.” Jade pats his brother back.
Azul finds the lake over the moonlight, but… There was nothing. Nothing weird at the slightest. He then see both twins going to the left side, he raises his eyebrow. “Where are you going?” The question was left on read. He notices the collar in Floyd’s hand, and when he looks forward he sees Maizie, putting the necklace on. What she was doing there? How Floyd found the necklace? Wait, that doesn’t matter. It matters to know: What is going on?
Floyd and Jade leave awhile Maizie charmingly smiles to both twins. “Thank you Floyd, thank you Jade.” She waves, Azul looks to Maizie, now wearing the shining sea shell necklace.
Maizie’s voice was something that made him mad, how could such a curse affect such a soothing voice like hers? Calming like sea waves, gentle as a night breeze, warm like the sunlight in a summer day. He was mad, because a talent like hers for a confident person was hidden.
“I believe you are the one who made the twins bring me here.” She nods. “For what reason?”
Her smile doesn’t fail to never fade away, as he messily and shamelessly blushes. “Just follow me,” she opens her hand for him to take it. “okay?”
“Y…Yes.” He takes her hand but somehow slightly frightened to hurt it or break it, as if Maizie was made out of porcelain.
The walk was previous and short, he sees himself looking to a small wooden boat. “Isn’t it… Too small for both of us?”
“It’s just for you. I am aware you don’t like your octopus form, but I wanted to dive a bit into this lake but still be close to you. So, you use the boat and I will swim.”
“You… Didn’t had to.”
“I wanted to.” She smiles more brightly once again.
Azul hangs his coat on a tree, and take off his hat and gloves just to be sure nothing would get dirty in this… Supposedly date. Wait! On Sevens’ sake, is this an date!? Well, they are both alone, and she kept the hold of his hand even in her mermaid form, awhile pushing the boat without too much effort.
On the topic of her mermaid form… Her tail was in a green shade, and her upper body was covered by a purple top, awhile a pink floor took the hold of her hair. Different from him and the twins, her skin didn’t had a different tone from the human form. She was actually, naturally, perfect.
Makes him even feel dirty for the way he treated her… And so he spoke.
“I’m sorry.”
Maizie’s heads turned to him, as she stop swimming to pay full attention on him.
“I am terribly sorry, Maizie. For everything. I lied to you, I just used for costumers purpose. I deceived you, more than once. I turned you down in every opportunity. And here I am, helpless. Just like that! Wrapped around your damn finger.” He puts his hands on his forehead, slowly trailing down to his hair line.
Maizie takes her hand of the boat. And when she does so, the boat instantly loses balance. Flipping it, Azul end up falling into the water. He immediately comes out from the water, holding into Maizie, since his glasses fell.
“Shit, there you go.” She gives him his glasses back. “Azul, I am so so so sorry-” Her words were interrupted by Azul’s sudden laugh. Her lips parted in surprise.
“You are a fool, Maizie.” He shakes his head. He raises his head, noticing her gaze on him in awe.
“Yeah… Maybe I am.”
She gently gets closer up to him, Azul cheeks instantly go warm and red, as their lips sealed with a kiss.
“SHE DID IT!! FLOYD, SHE ACTUALLY DID IT!” Grace aggressively shakes her boyfriend, with a huge smile and proudness shinning through her. As they both watched the newest couple from afar.
“Can I get mine as well?” Floyd gives a big grin.
“Don’t push off your luck.” She crosses her arms, as he leans down giving her a peck on her cheek, making her pout with her cheeks warm like the sun.
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giggly-squiggily · 5 months
and now... in honor of the modern au sanemi os having surpassed... *drumroll*... the 10k word mark *hold for applause* (thank you thank you) i shall bother you with THOUGHTS
modern au kamaboko squad and their childhood trauma movies (heavily inspired by me and my friends)
tanjiro: harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban - listen zenitsu said it was good (he had a crush on emma watson) and their parents wouldn't find out anyway (they watched it at a sleepover when they were seven and eight respectively) so tanjiro let himself get talked into it. long story short they both ended up crying and running to zenitsu's grandpa when the dementors showed up and tanjiro never let zenitsu pick a movie again.
zenitsu: every movie was scary to him as a kid disney's hercules, seeing meg get crushed by that pillar gave him nightmares for MONTHS.
inosuke: little inosuke was too busy running around outside and eating things not meant for human digestion to bother with movies but he watches princess mononoke at tanjiro's birthday when they're fourteen and ends up being so distraught by the death of the forest god that he joins green peace.
nezuko: her mother took her to watch a princess lillifee movie when she was four and she ended up crying because they were the only ones in the theater and that scared her. (true story, except i didnʼt have a meltdown over it and my mom told me years later that she wished i had gotten scared so she would've had an excuse to walk out of the movie)
genya: sanemi had a sleepover with mitsuri when genya was nine and they were watching pirates of the caribbean. genya had hidden under sanemi's bed to spook them but then he couldn't come out and ended up sobbing when the ghost pirates showed up and then sanemi and mitsuri spent the rest of the evening consoling him and watching lego ninjago to help him calm down. (genya doesn’t like pirates now and sanemi knows it's mean but he thinks it's kinda funny)
kanao: kanae LOVES old disney movies and tried to drag all of her little sisters into it until five year old kanao watched snow white with her and got so freaked out at the entire final fight against the evil queen that they had to turn off the movie. kanao slept in kanae's bed for two weeks and she never actually finished the movie.
aoi: watched mulan when she was six and couldn't sleep properly for weeks. she told everyone who asked that it was the huns that scared her but she was actually super paranoid that mushu would crawl under her blanket in the night and bite her. he was her monster under the bed until she was like thirteen and she would rather die than tell anyone about this.
AHHH YAY!!! :D I'm so hyped for you and your work friend!
KJRKJEKJRJERKJEJKRJKE HELP! I relate so hard to Tanjiro and Zenitsu in that; those freaking dementors messed me UP when I was a kid! Nowadays I find them pretty neat, but little 9 year old Squiggily? Nope, not happening akjrekjajkr
AND OOF- I haven't seen Hercules, but I can imagine how scary that scene was holy-
HELP INOSUKE KJWJREJKRJKER He's sitting there eating a bug he found while watching the movie- that scene comes on and he's absolutely distraught and can't even look at the bugs he usually watches for awhile.
KEKRKJEKJRJEKRJKEJRJE The anxiety is real, I feel you Nezuko! (and good lord the movie was that bad? kjarkekjrajkrjkeajkrj No but really that's both adorable and utterly hilarious kjarkjeakjr)
OH NO GENYA!!! Poor little guy; all was fine and good until those ghost pirates showed up! Sanemi probably has the caribbean theme song set for his ringtone whenever Genya calls him. No one gets it cause Sanemi rarely talks about the movie and Genya's too embarrassed by the childhood memory to explain akjrjkeajkr
OH NO KANAO! Bless her- that scene was pretty intense! Though the idea of her sharing a bed with her older sister is beyond wholesome oh my goodness kjaerjkajkrajke I like to think she eventually finished the movie as an adult- or at the very least in highschool but still gets freaked out over it somewhat.
OH AOI! I think she'd really love Mulan besides that part cause Mulan herself is so amazing- she's got that complicated relationship cause she watches it but also gets paranoid whenever she does for the Mushu reasons until like you said, 13.
These are absolutely amazing and now I wanna share a few to add to it hehe!
Giyu: He watched The Nightmare Before Christmas with Sabito when they were around 11; everything was fine until Boogie got his sack ripped off and all the bugs came out. He has a somewhat mild fear of bugs since- if there's one in the apartment he'll text Sabito a picture of it with a "Help."
Shinobu: She doesn't get scared of movies too often but that one scene in Pee-Wee's Big Adventure where Large Marge made The Face (TM) freaked her out so badly she had nightmares for weeks. It's on her "Will burn it before I watch it again" list.
Akaza: You know that blue trumpet thing from Courage The Cowardly Dog? "You're not perfect"? That whole show was a time but like- that one thing was the kind of scary it creeped up on Akaza. He watched it, and slowly over the course of a few days he was too scared to touch the VCR tape of the cartoon. He still quotes things from the show- mainly King Ramsey quotes cause he found it funny. (Plus it freaks Douma out jarkjeakjrje)
Thank you for sharing these- they were absolutely DELIGHTFUL! (And I got your Askeladd ask friend! I'm just really slow to reply to things lately lols)
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losille2000 · 1 year
Hello and a Fun Outtake from Digital Get Down
Howdy! It's been awhile. We don't know if you're still here, but if you are still here, yay! We were playing around with the new AI ChatGPT program and put in a section from Digital Get Down. We loved it, so we decided to share:
This is when Henry and Opal first officially meet in person in the hotel room, from Chapter 2.
He stepped inside the entryway, and immediately froze. She was a bloody goddess in human form, and in the split second he had to look her over before she realized she wasn’t alone, he knew with some deep, primordial certainty that this was right. All his previous misgivings fled from his mind.
“Who the hell are you?” she exclaimed, standing up so suddenly from her seat that it nearly toppled over. When it dawned on her who he was, she took a step back. “You are very clearly in the wrong room!”
He smiled softly. “No, this is my room.” He held up the keycard that let him in and watched her squint at his hand. It was his opportunity to take a lengthy perusal of her physical form, in all her splendor. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t feel an immediate need to touch her many glorious curves, but it was her bright blue eyes that truly did him in. They were altogether extremely different, but also very much the same, as he pictured when he dreamt about her. He knew they were blue, because she had said so. However, his expectations did not compare to how amazing they were, especially now that they stared right back at him.
Albeit, staring at him critically.
“Oh… oh… then I’m in the wrong room,” she said, breathlessly. Opal turned away from him and reached for her purse hanging from another chair.  She straightened up, meeting his eyes briefly before blushing and looking away. Just checking to be sure her eyes hadn’t deceived her, probably. “Fuck, sorry. Now I know why the girl downstairs looked at me like I was crazy. Clearly you wouldn’t be having someone like me show up to your room. I’m so sorry…”
That statement killed him. Why the fuck would she think that? Why would she think she wasn’t worthy of him, when he was not worthy of her? He hated that she thought these things about herself.
She pulled out her phone.  “I’ll just text my boyfriend and work this out. Give me a sec.”
When she sent her text, she glanced back at him cautiously. His phone chimed in his pocket; Opal visibly startled at the chime. Her plump, pink lips parted slightly as she let out a squeak of disbelief.
He set down the juice bottle and took out his phone. He silently read the words. Cleared his throat.  “Yes, I do know that Henry Cavill is staying on this floor. And you are in the right room.”
“Holy fuck.” Opal collapsed back into her seat. She looked like she’d seen a ghost, but eventually a deep red blush surfaced as the silence stretched between them. Finally, she looked at him again and held his gaze. She spoke softly, faintly, “Hank?”
He nodded. “That’s what my family calls me. I am Hank in my brothers' phones. I think I’m just ‘Number 4’ in Mum and Dad’s... but I’m so glad you are here Opal.”
He watched her face change with a whole host of emotions. He wanted to say he could read them, but if he could read a woman’s thoughts, then he wouldn’t be an actor. He’d be selling his secrets to men all over the world for billions of dollars. “But you’re... you’re Superman.”
“Among other things.” He smiled.  “I am mostly here because of Geralt.”
“You’re fucking Superman. You… you’re famous,” she stammered.  “Oh, fuck. I feel lightheaded.”
Henry closed the distance between them and knelt before her, taking her hands in his.  She didn’t jerk away from him or seem to be angry, so he figured that was a point in his favor. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I felt like if I did, it would have ended before it even got started. Who would believe it? I just... damn it, Opal, I love your heart. You are incredible and you make me so happy. And trust me, this is not at all how I expected this to go.”
“But the last time we were going to meet, you cancelled?” She looked at him. “What… why?”
He smiled his little boy sheepish smile.  “Reshoots. I really did want to see you then and sweep you off your feet.”
She reached her hand out and slowly touched his face. “You are… you’re really him? That sweet, gentle man from the internet?”
He pressed the palms of her hands to his cheeks. Her long fingers were warm to the touch but lit something else in him, as well. Something primal and insatiable. “I am, in the flesh. I'm really that sappy and romantic in real life. I promise. I am who I say I am, only my career is a little different than I said. The Henry everyone sees is the façade that I put on. You know and see the real me, and that’s because we got to know each other without my image getting between us.”
Her fingers moved slightly, along the ridges of his cheeks, as though the tactile perusal was enough to convince her that this was real. That he was kneeling here in front of her. He turned his head and brushed his lips against her palm.
She shuddered at the contact. “I can’t believe this is real.”
“It is, Opal.”
“But you’re the nerd who builds his own computers and games online for hours,” she said, her voice wobbly with emotion. Her beautiful eyes turned glassy with unshed tears. Her delectable lower lip quivered slightly. “You can’t be... you can’t be... you.”
“I assure you, it’s me. And you’re the only girl I have thought about since we met. Everyone else pales in comparison to you," he said, with all the certainty that he felt, deep down. He prayed she would understand.
The tears in her eyes finally spilled out onto her cheeks. “You don’t mean that. I’m not going to be good for you. I’m not your type.”
Henry looked at her.  “Are you a human female?”
“Do you have a heart that I love?”
“Are you the girl who I have spent the last eleven months, two days, and four hours fretting about? The girl who I want to give the world?”
“I guess?”
“You are.”
She shook her head again. “I just don’t understand... maybe I’m tired.”
He inched closer to her, placing his own hands on her face, using his thumbs to brush away the tear tracks. “Opal, I love you. Every single inch of you. I don’t have a type. I like women. So, you fit the bill. But it’s you that I’m interested—your brain, your heart, your soul. Forget about all that other shit.”
Opal nodded at him.  “If you say so.”
“I do,” he whispered. “Forget whatever you think you know about actors. It’s not all true.”
She gave him a watery laugh.
“Let me prove it to you this weekend,” he said. “The world is our oyster. And I intend to spend every minute of it together convincing you of it.”
“Even when I go to the bathroom?”
Henry threw his head back and laughed with her, the tension between them breaking. This was the woman he had fallen in love with, not the wilting flower who didn’t think she belonged with him. “If want me to, I’m up for anything.”
Opal chuckled. “That’s okay... I think some mysteries are good.”
“Just not this one?” he asked, motioning to himself.
“It’s not a mystery now.” She grabbed his hands and squeezed them in reassurance but removed them from her face and physically distanced herself a bit more by sitting back in her seat. “We have a lot to talk about, but I need to eat. My lightheadedness wasn’t all from shock.”
Henry nodded and rolled back onto his feet to stand. He didn’t like this distance one bit, but he figured he needed to give it to her, so she had time to come to terms with this. So he sighed and motioned to the table, “Please, eat.”
Opal sighed heavily, the last of her weighty emotions seemingly releasing from her shoulders. “Only if you join me.”
“As my orc princess commands.”
The same, but in the style of Shakespeare:
He stepped within the entryway, and did freeze, For there she stood, a goddess in human form, And in that fleeting moment, he didst see That this was right, and all doubts did flee.
"Who the hell art thou?" she did exclaim, As she stood up, her seat did nearly maim. But when she saw him, she did take a step, And with a voice of fear, she didst yelp.
"Thou art in the wrong room, I do suppose," But he did smile and show her the key he chose. He gazed upon her form, in all its glory, And felt a need to touch her, a love story.
Her eyes did meet his, blue as the ocean, Different and yet the same, as his dream had shown. But she didst think herself unworthy, it seemed, And this thought didst make his heart ripped and screamed.
She didst take out her phone and text her man, But when he read the message, he didst take a stand. "Thou art in the right room, my love," said he, "For I am Hank, known as Superman, to thee."
She didst stare at him in disbelief, But as the silence stretched, her emotions did cleave. She looked at him and spoke softly, "Hank, thou art Superman, and famous, truly."
He knelt before her, took her hands in his, And spoke of love, and how it didst begin. He apologized for not telling her before, But her heart he loved, and that was the core.
She didst feel lightheaded, but he was there, To hold her hand, and show her he didst care. He was Superman, but to her, just Hank, And with her love, his heart didst thank.
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