gods-graveyard · 3 months
Incorrect Hp quotes based on my fic (pt2)
Percy- I have high standards in any partner
Oliver and Marcus-
*arguing over if they can catch a Bludger mid air to throw it at someone without breaking a hand*
Percy- ...I am a weak man.
Fanart https://www.tumblr.com/gods-graveyard/745520432147578881/i-made-fanart-of-my-own-post-i-give-you-my?source=share
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elisedonut · 11 months
Marcus: I think I got your lunch. *Holds up a note that reads: ‘I am very proud of you. Love, Percy’* Oliver: Oh yeah. I didn’t think this was for me. *Holds up a note that reads: ‘I love you but for the love of merlin, Please behave.’*
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alcoveofconcealment · 9 months
Perciverus(Percy x Oliver x Marcus) will never not be funny because it's just three guys who are all individually unnecessarily hyper-intense about literally everything, while also being 100% convinced that they are the one(1) normal person in the polycule
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hchollym · 11 months
Oliver: What should we get Percy for his birthday?
Marcus: Therapy.
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ulouism · 11 months
i feel like marcus’s awkward ass would’ve been flirting with percy like this. pureblood little loser mf
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thekraeuterhexe · 1 year
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Percy’s trying to study, Flint has other things on his mind… (as always)
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schmem14 · 3 months
A Gentleman's Duty
Do you want to read some light regency smut featuring Percy Weasley and Marcus Flint? This 2000-word ficlet is for you!
Rating: M Pairing: Marcus Flint/Percy Weasley Tags: Regency AU, Muggle AU, Top Hat, kissing, ETL, hand jobs, engagements, balls Summary: Percy Weasley is determined to marry the wealthy Miss Selwyn, as is expected of him. *Written for the Rare Pairs hat-tastic Flash Comp*
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girlyteengirl1031 · 2 months
idk ik I was supposed to be retired but why did I find time to write 40k words of Percy Weasley glorifying fanfiction… 🕴️that I only maybe will post cuz it’s just bs
on another note, chatGPT CANNOT replace ao3 writers 😔 not even Wattpad
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supersharkgentlemen · 2 years
So what made you ship Percy x Marcus? Just curious 😊
Thanks for asking! <333
Well, my history of shipping tells me that i like unconventional stuff, consisting of background characters and crack ships being treated seriously. And what more fits into this niche than reading fanfics abt background character being shipped with even more background character, despite them never interacting in canon?)
But seriously tho, it started many fics ago, when i was nearing the end of my perciver phase. I read that one fic where marcus had a crush on percy and was discreetly pursuing him in a very forceful way that made everyone uncomfortable. Fortunately, oliver noticed this and tried to help percy. They were both oblivious to their crushes on each other. Eventually marcus got expelled and perciver for the win.
Despite marcus x percy not being portrayed nicely, it was a new ship ive never encountered before. I got interested in this ship, cuz man, this bad boy can fit so many ship dynamics in it!
Romeo and juliet-esque relationship (gryffindor vs slytherin), nerd x jock, balancing personalities, indulgent wish fulfillment thru either of them, pining, enemies to lovers. And also speculations on how they met! Was it during first years in hogwarts? Maybe it was in infirmary? During percys patrol? Government mcgonagall assigned study sessions? During war? After war? Prior to hogwarts? Ive read fics with each of those scenarios and i. Want. More. I crave it!!
And thats not even bringing up any aus or 3rd persons pov! Like from the perspective of oliver or their families (yes, in that order). Cuz not so many fics depict olivers side of the argument, as percys friend, marcuss rival (sometimes enemy) or maybe having a crush on one of them (ive seen him crushing on percy in one of marcus x percy fics, but never on marcus. This can bring so many conflicting feelings! Cuz on one hand, its his (house and quidditch) rival dating his (maybe, the only) friend. On the other hand, that body plus another quidditch loonatic!) But then, we aint got nothing on marcuss family and weasleys would react something like this (imho): "but percy, how could you! Merlin, hes a guy slytherin!"
So, yeah. Its all about that potential!
Sorry for the long post and getting off topic. I actually have some ideas for marcus x percy fics, but due to reasons i cant execute them. If only someone would hear me out and write it for the flintley nation!~ *wink winking at you*)))
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mors-mvrdre · 11 months
I know I've been MIA ( im sorry )
however. please consider my big brain thought of the day: building onto the "steven meeks is percy" theory, I introduce marcus flint, for the flintley shippers on my dash lol
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gods-graveyard · 7 months
They are in love your honor.
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(Fic link is pinned on this blog)
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elisedonut · 1 month
Molly: you are not good enough for my son.
Marcus: you’re not good enough for your son.
Molly: excuse me?
Marcus: you heard me.
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alcoveofconcealment · 8 months
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My favorite polycule: Repressed War Trauma, Toxic Familial Issues, and Childhood Cultist Survivor. Surely they won't throw their entire being into any given interest and instead take breaks like a reasonable person. They are so normal
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hchollym · 11 months
I had fun making the other Percy Weasley memes, so here are a few more:
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ulouism · 10 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Marcus Flint/Percy Weasley Characters: Percy Weasley, Marcus Flint, Arthur Weasley Additional Tags: Birthday Presents, Birthday, Awkward Marcus Flint, The Burrow (Harry Potter), Percy Weasley's Birthday
Percy doesn't have many hopes for his 16th birthday—that is, until Marcus Flint comes along. And what an arrival he makes.
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thekraeuterhexe · 2 years
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The things Oliver Wood has to endure for his best friend’s happiness…
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