#Francois deserves the world
giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Imagine Francois pre-petrification being the backbone of the Nanami household (mainly for Ryusui) and being appreciated by everyone, especially the Nanami family. Then, post-petrification, Francois just following everyone's orders, doing them favors, and of course they get tons of "thank you's" and such. At the end of the day, when everyone is asleep, they can finally rest and tell themselves "I have done everything I can to make sure everyone is satisfied, now I can rest" <3
Oh this makes my heart so soft! 🥹 They deserve all the thank yous! They really are the one keeping Ryusui afloat when you think about it- having the patience to handle his antics and helping out in every way imaginable!
And ahh the end of the day scenario! :D I love how cozy that is! (Unless this is some sort of angst moment in the manga, I haven't gotten that far so we're just gonna say it's a regular day dkjajrejkarjke) Everyone is just beyond grateful for Francois; I think they'd do a little thing by making some sort of comfort basket for them. It's nothing too fancy, given the world they're currently in- but it's fresh clothes, a bowl of warm stone-age ramen, some manga pages about the world's greatest assistant (Do they go by Butler? I have no idea). Just little things to show their appreciation.
Francois would sit by a snoozing Nanami, trying not to cry over the gifts as they stroke the pirate's hair. Then they say as you've said: "I have done everything I can to make sure everyone is satisfied, now I can rest." Alongside with a soft "I am truly grateful to have woken up, Nanami-san."
Thank you for sharing!
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thetisming · 4 months
brighter timeline dashboards simulator!
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🌹 beautiful-rose Follow
i can't believe he's my husband now, this feels like a dream come true i love this man so much oh my god 💖
🇫🇷 frenchbastard Follow
I am sure I could be better for you, mon canard
💙 francois-dubois Follow
Wow what the fuck I hate him
🌹 beautiful-rose
thank god for Williiam's shitty driving skills
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🏳️‍⚧️ its-super-dope Follow
killing zombies for no reason is fucked up and evil, if they're actually attacking you it's fine but DON'T think that just because they're doing that they actually want to attack you! maybe the newer types of zombies do but when i was a zombie i never did!
🏳️‍⚧️ its-super-dope
wow i lost a lot of followers for this
you should fucking kill yourself. 'when i was a zombie'? you'll always be a zombie you fucking monster, i hope you and your zombie positivity get fucking killed!
🌹 beautiful-rose Follow
🏳️‍⚧️ its-super-dope
lmao they died
🐯 hearmeroar Follow
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🌅 peshtigo4ever Follow
I can't believe I have my precious baby girl back, she's so cute and precious and baby and girl!!
🌅 peshtigo4ever
She just threw up on me
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💙 francois-dubois Follow
Please stop flirting with my partner, it makes both of us really uncomfortable and yes, I know they're the most beautiful person in the world and they're literally perfect but they have a husband! Me! And neither of us like when people flirt with them!
🌹 beautiful-rose Follow
and while you're at it, stop flirting with my husband! yes he's the most handsome person you've ever seen in your life but he's very happily married! we're together and very happy about it so leave us and our relationship alone 💖
🇫🇷 frenchbastard Follow
I bet I'm better than him lol
🌹 beautiful-rose
kill yourself 💖
#nobody is better than him
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🦅 eaglegreetings Follow
🦅 eaglegreetings
hey why did my boyfriend reblog this from me
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🇮🇹 aromantic-annie Follow
🇮🇹 aromantic-annie
thanks guys she's my girlfriend now
40 notes
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🐯 hearmeroar Follow
remember to love yourself even in a zombie apocalypse! take care of yourself no matter what, you deserve it!
🇫🇷 frenchbastard Follow
Thank you 💙🤍❤️ very kind of you to say this
🐯 hearmeroar
not you
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inamindfarfaraway · 1 year
The Collector's Theme Song Takeover
[Inspired by these videos. Watch them to get context, a feel for the rhythm, and because they’re good! Takes place during “For the Future”.]
Collector: King! King! I thought of a new fun thing to do now that I’m free!
King: What’s that?
Collector: Well, when I was stuck with that meanie Belos, I heard him do a theme song takeover.
King: I’m sorry, what? The theme song doesn’t even have lyrics.
Collector: I know. He rapped to the tune. It was so weird.
King: Belos… rapping. (shudders) Oh Titan.
Collector: (giggles) You’re a Titan, remember? Anyway, it was surprisingly good, so since I’ve taken over the Boiling Isles I think I should do my own theme song takeover, about my story. I am the main character of this game, after all.
King: Right. Go for it, BFF.
Collector: As a child of the cosmos, nothing’s out of reach for me but freedom
I have so many awesome gifts I offer up to those who need ‘em
‘Cause that way we get to play together and I love to make new friends
But then they always leave me once my side of the deal ends
King: (genuinely impressed) Wow, that was cool. I didn’t know you could rap.
Collector: I can literally do anything. Listen to these lines - they’re even faster than I stopped the draining spell!
Phillip pinky swore and turned just like that
You can’t say he didn’t deserve to go splat
Good thing I met King and our bond’s set in stone
‘Cause nothing stinks harder than being alone
Now we’re gonna have a ton of fun
Playing Owl House forever with everyone
I can create such spectacular things
Just remember who holds the puppet strings
King: (a little nervous) Haha, yeah. So what do you want to do now?
Collector: Where do I begin?
We’ll hang out in our crown palace, have tea with the Coven Heads
I’ll race you to the moon and back
King: Well, that one would make me dead
Collector: Then I’ll bring the moon down here for you, or draw us in the stars
Eat a rainbow topped with gravity, maybe even hold Francois (King: Eh...)
You must see the world was boring without my magic everywhere
And no saying you’re not playing, guys, you know that isn’t fair
All my old friends have been fibbers, but there’s no way King is the same!
Which is good, ‘cause if you break the rules, I have to change the game
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imsparky2002 · 1 year
Class of Heroes: For the First Time in Forever
For the first time in what felt like forever, the eldest Prince of Arendelle woke up with a smile on his face. He stared at the marked date on his calendar. The first day of school at Francois! The start of his treatment! He was finally going to be cured of this awful power!
“It’s orientation day.” He whispered, before letting out a laugh of joy. He jumped up and down on his bed. “IT’S ORIENTATION DAY!” He quickly got dressed, brushed his teeth, and ran out of his room. Marc gasped as he saw the light that had entered the dark castle grounds.
They’ve opened the windows and the doors
I won’t miss out on sunlight anymore
And once I leave, the outside world awaits!
I’ll go beyond these empty halls
No longer imprisoned behind these walls
Finally, they’ve opened up the gates!
He stops and lets the breeze from outside flow through his body.
I won’t feel a chill through my fingers
I’ll admit that it’s totally strange
But wow, am I so ready for this change!
The prince twirls around in joy, dancing throughout the ballroom.
‘Cause for the first time in forever
I’ll be normal, I’ll feel right
And when I come home for a visit
I’ll hug Kiran really tight!
The future was dark and cloudy
But now it feels so clear!
‘Cause for the first time in forever...
I won’t live in fear!
Marc decided to make a visit to Kiran’s room. He knocked on the door, and saw his little brother, as he opened the door. 
“Marc? You look so happy. What’s going on?” Kiran asked, yawning and rubbing his eyes. Marc furrowed his brow in confusion. He had never seen his older brother so joyous before.
“Didn’t Su-Han tell you? I’m going over to Francois for Orientation Day. I’m finally getting cured, little brother!” He cheered. Kiran gasped in shock.
“Cured? You mean you’re not gonna be sick anymore?” he asked. Marc nodded eagerly.
“Y-Yeah! And I’m sure there’ll be ways for you to visit. And when I come home for the holidays, we can spend more time together. Not just meals, but all day! That’s what I always wanted.” Marc replied, noticing the frown on Kiran’s face.
“M-Me too! But... how is going away gonna fix you?” Kiran asked, looking a little sad. Marc let out a sigh of regret as he looked away for a second.
“I can’t tell you here. I don’t want Su-Han to get upset. He’s always been trying to prevent me from seeing you. But once I get to Francois and begin the process, I’ll explain everything.” Kiran nodded, but he could tell the boy was gonna miss him a lot. Marc gently put an arm on Kiran’s shoulder.
“Kiran?” Kiran looked him in the eye. “Yes, Marc?”
“You... you know I never wanted to shut you out, right? I hope I made that clear.” he said, worriedly. Kiran nodded understandingly. Every time his invitations for Marc to come out had been rejected, he could hear the soft pain in his older brother’s voice. He knew that it was hurting Marc even more than it hurt him. “I... I know, big bro. I was never mad at you for that.”
Marc began to tear up as he held his brother tight, a mix of sorrow and joyful relief washed over him. “I love you, brother. I will always love you. And when I get back... we’re going to build the biggest snowman.” he said. Kiran couldn’t help but laugh at this, as he broke down as well.
“It... it doesn’t have to be a snowman.” he whispered. Marc let go, and started to make his way to the castle’s entrance, before looking back one more time.
“Ok... bye.” He said, waving at Kiran, before leaving his sight.
The little prince kept on a mask of happiness as he saw his brother enter the carriage that would take him away. He had to be strong... strong for Marc. It’s what he deserved.
Just smile and wave
Don’t let him see
A good brother is what you need to be
He needs to leave, be free, I know
But still I really wish he wouldn’t go!
But while Kiran avoided acting his age, Marc embraced it for the first time. He felt like he was floating on air as he made his way to the school. He let out a whoop of joy as he left the carriage and entered the school. All different types of students looked on with curiousity as he jumped for joy. It didn’t matter to him. He was happy enough to make friends, but what mattered most was the cure. And for the first time in forever... Prince Marc felt hope. The feeling of warmth never felt so good.
And that’s Marc’s introduction! Big thanks to Weeby for helping me write Marc and Kiran’s conversation. Our Anciel bros are so sweet! As always, reblog, reply, ask, and post for your thoughts on the content. @artzychic27 @msweebyness 
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Wholesome Random Headcannons for The Owl House Characters, because I don't know what else to post about.
Luz's favorite princess is Areil, Amity's is Tiana, Hunter likes Bell.
Lilith and Eda's middle initials are the inverse of each others first. Making their respective initials L.E.C and E.L.C.
Luz loves to get those hardback books that have those 2-3 pages in the back, because she uses them to write continuation epilouges for minor characters who she feels deserved more page time.
She thinks about making a fanfiction account online and posting some of her stories, but is ultimately to nervous about people not liking her work.
Hooty favorite game to play it dress up, and the largest closet in the Owl house is full of Hooty's costume collection. Anyone who so much as touches the door will find themselves stuck playing dress up with Hooty for minimum of 2 hours... it's actually pretty fun...ssshhh
King is actually French and his little bunny buddy Francois, has the same name as his Titan Dad. King subconsciously remembered hearing the name at some point, and liked it.
"Mike Socks", Lilith's palisman, is named after a bard tailor who invented white no-stain fabric for making into tank tops, socks, and undergarments. Lilith bought a biography on him as a teen, and for weeks he was all she wanted to talk about.
Eda found this really boring and would beg Lilith to drop it and talk to her about anything else...after meeting Raine Eda stole the book from Lilith and started quoting it whenever, to try and impress them. Lilith would have been angry, if she hadn't found the whole thing so hilarious.
Gus's first "Human artifact" was an unopened pack of cartoon stickers Perry bought from Eda. Gus is as enthusiastic about stickers as Mabel was and if the two ever met they would race to see who could cover a room with them the fastest.
Eberwolf's fur is actually as soft as it is fluffy. Only Darius knows this. His secret reason for "letting Eber force him into carrying him around" is that feeling Eber's fur is relaxing to him.
Willow's favorite plants are actually different types of ferns, vines, and constrictor plants. She finds flowers kinda basic/uninteresting (similar to Isabella Madrigal). But after adopting Clover she turned a corner of her yard into a flower garden for her, and tries to fill it with more exotic blossoms.
Palisman are notorious gossips, and will totally meet up to laugh over all the silly things their witches do.
Emira Blight is really talented at Math, and plays chess. Edric is skilled at science and cards.
After the events of the Day Of Unity, and his and Odalia's divorce, Alador insists he and the kids start getting up on Saturdays and going to the flea market as a way to spend time together. All three Blight kids expect it to be incredibly boring. All three of them are pleasantly surprised when they actually have fun, and find some cool stuff.
Edric eventually adopts two more bats, whom he names Batira and Battins.
Steve and Mattholomule used to sit at their table and work on crafts or draw together before Steve left for the Emperor's Coven.
Now that he is away so much the pair stay in touch by sometimes sending each other pic's of things they made over pentagram. Steve's uses the pictures Matt sends him to decorate his walls.
Hunter sadly doesn't get the dolls he left at the castle back. But between Darius's lessons and tutorials he finds on Penstagram he learns how to sew dolls. He remakes his old toys, and then he starts making then for his friends too.
King tells him that " the Titan has big plans for you to make him the greatest stuffed animal army in all the world." Hunter is not sure what exactly that means, but hey, if that's the titans plan.
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straightbaittournament · 10 months
only the option with the lowest percentage will be eliminated! propaganda under the cut:
fitzroy angursell and pali avramapul:
I’m pretty sure even the author thought they were straight and endgame when she started writing them. Although initially Pali is portrayed as the love of Fitzroy’s life so that you think you’re going to have to put up with this straight relationship, she’s later canonically confirmed aroace with a lot of subtext around two other women, while it becomes clear in later books that Fitzroy has a growing interest in another man. Tfw you are sure they’re going to kiss by the end of the book and then it turns out that previous marriage proposals were plausibly about friendship in the first place
oscar francois de jarjayes and andre grenadier:
Okay, so this might sound kind of weird but bear with me because I really think they should count. Oscar was afab but her father gave her a boy's name and raised her as a boy (by 18th century standards) because sexism and he had 5 daughters and decided she was going to be a son because they were a noble family and he wanted a son to become a high ranking military official because they're rich so they can just do that. Oscar joins the army and becomes Marie-Antoinette's personal guard. Her and childhood best friend Andre are very close through out the series (he supports her throughout the many scandals that she has to deal with because she works for the royal family) and at the end of the series it is revealed that they are in love, but they are both killed in the war before they can actually get together. The dying before they can be together might fall into the buried straights category but they relationship also has really queer energy because throughout the series it becomes apparent that Oscar usually Does Not Vibe with only the gender she assigned at birth. She sometimes refers to herself as a woman, sometimes refers to herself as a man, but her attitude is usually basically 'I'm a man, I'm a woman, I'm both, I'm neither, stop asking'. So I think they should count as straightbait because we find out that Oscar is nonbinary and Andre loves her no matter what her gender is (and then they die before they can get together).
abbie mills and ichabod crane:
They both start out as main characters, working together since the ep. 1. Next three seasons follow the regular m/f protagonist duo pattern: they need each other's help, there's chemistry going on, there are heartwrenching scenes and dramatic sacrifices, they learn they can only truly rely on each other - so the next step is to let them be together, right? Wrong. The next step is to let lt. Mills make a final sacrifice, which on top of killing the pairing insults her as a character - suddenly from the POV protagonist she started as she's demoted to secondary character who always was just there to be the main guy's support. There are some feelings acknowledged, but no confessions or promises exchanged during the final fleeting reunion. Three-seasons-worth of build-up and then she dies.
angel and cordelia chase:
They met as characters on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but their dynamic doesn't take off until the Angel spinoff Because the showrunners of Angel didn't go in with the idea of putting these two together, the characters' friendship was allowed to develop organically without the assumption of romance, which then made the realization of their feelings for each other more satisfying. Unfortunately the shadow of Bangel (Buffy x Angel) still held over Angel's character, so I think it was a hard sell at the time and didn't gain a lot of popularity in the years since. Both these two characters grew alongside each other, supported each other, and despite knowing that they loved each other, let each other go to pursue their destinies. A really underrated het pairing!
entrapta and hordak:
Heavily heavily heavily hinted/slow burn?
joseph cooper and amelia brand:
These two are explicitly set up as the male and female leads of the movie and shown to have a close relationship with each other, one where in any other movie I would have expected them to end up together by the end of the movie, especially since one of the central themes of Interstellar is love as a force that can change the universe. However, the two do not get together by the end of the movie and there is never any explicitly romantic scene between them.
akko kagari and andrew hanbridge:
Very typical hetero-love-interest introduction, rival vibes, aloof rich boy & headstrong "commoner" girl, learning to see each other's point of view, she dresses up for the first time in the series to sneak into his party to try to talk to him. Just classic 'ugh they're clearly gonna get together' but... they don't. Nothing romantic is ever explicit, and by s2 they're friends and that's it. there's no discussion or drama. they're good friends. literally shocked me. apparently a guy and girl who fit a bunch of romantic tropes... can just be friends
kurosaki ichigo and kuchiki rukia:
Oh man, where do I even begin? So, for some context, Bleach starts when Rukia (a shinigami) gets critically injured saving Ichigo from a monster, and she transfers her powers to him so he can finish it off. Instead of transferring half her powers as planned, however, she transfers all of them, which forces Ichigo to take over her job as a shinigami. During this time period, Rukia... lives in his closet. Yeah. The entire first arc of the manga is dedicated to their relationship, and while a lot of it is playful banter, Rukia's presence in Ichigo's life fundamentally changes it for the better. Rukia then gets kidnapped by the rest of the shinigami who aren't at all happy she gave her powers to a human, and the main plot ensues from there. Throughout the story, Rukia and Ichigo constantly save each other when they're at their worst. When Rukia thinks she deserves to die, Ichigo is there to tell her she deserves to live. When Ichigo is in a funk about his superpowered evil side, Rukia is there to snap him out of it (something his canon love interest explicitly realises she was unable to do). They share a sun/moon motif for crying out loud, and yet like that last sentence said... they don't end up together, but with other people instead. Yeah. No shade to the canon ships, but Ichiruki is peak straightbaiting, honestly. They have a lot of banter/chemistry, fundamentally change eachother's lives for the better, save each other when they're at their lowest, and have a very deliberate sun/moon dichotomy... but they both end up paired off with different characters instead asdfghkl
bow and glimmer:
They didn’t get together until the VERY END of the whole show and even then it was a little ambiguous (was it a BFF “I love you?” 🤷🏼‍♀️)
hardwon surefoot and moonshine cybin:
They’re DnD characters so they’re bi disasters canonically. Just not for each other The best way to describe Hardshine is this: “They’re soulmates” “Platonically or romantically?” “Yes” Literally they care so much about each other. Moonshine cured Hardwon’s vampirism by reincarnating him into a half elf and he told her “I’ve been half elf ever since I met you”. Moonshine is a high level elf druid which means she’ll basically live forever and literally the most emotional scene where she asks her mom “How long do half-elves live?”. Hardwon was always a fish out of water who never really fit in until he found Moonshine and the Crick. Are they dating? Queerplatonic partners? Siblings? Idk man they’re just in love it doesn’t matter how.
good luck everyone! now go vote!
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your best friend is so undeserving of his love. really, you two should be together. two worthless people in the world's most underwhelming and patheticly ugly relationship.
no we shouldn't! Francois and i are best friends! we don't have feelings for each other because guess what? SOME OF US can talk to people without needing to either flirt with them or insult them! and Francois deserves May way more than you, you transphobic piece of shit
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nyxisadyke · 1 year
For the random get to know you asks - aloe vera, sage, cactus!
thank you!!!🖤🖤🖤
cactus ⇢ something you’re currently learning (about)?
i’m mostly doing a lot of background reading for uni, so general art history and theory stuff especially trying to fill in blanks in my existing knowledge so my self assigned reading for tonight is about modern art. also, to acquire texts books because all of my classes have the worlds longest reading lists, i’m learning more about pirating since it’s harder to get to zlib now.
sage ⇢ what ‘medium’ of art (poetry, music, fiction, paintings, statues etc.) is the most touching to you? why do you think that is?
so anything that’s like- this is a mundane object and someone decided it deserved to be beautiful. just gets to me like yes!!! art should be everywhere on everything at all times!!! celebrate ornamentation and folk art and diy art!!! but also painting, van gogh goes hard, skeleton with a lit cigarette fucks and i like thinking about him deciding to paint it cause like, yeah!! that does look cool!!! i also want to acquire a print of another van gogh, shoes, after reading about it, and i saw a van gogh in person, it was the flowering orchard, and like, it felt like i could feel the brush strokes and see his motions and just!!! (i am desperate for a textural impression of any van gogh, that exhibit had a few but not one for this specific painting). there was also francois boucher toilette de venus in the same exhibit and i sort of went into a trance looking at the doves because it’s matte oil paint but those doves look like they’re carved out of pearls, the shine and iridescence of them was hypnotic and!! it’s matte paint!!! how??? just. art dude…
aloe vera ⇢ what’s something (mundane) you really want to experience in life?
i think the only mundane experiences i haven’t had are a job interview and driving alone, i’ve had jobs but they’ve mostly been like family or a friend needed a worker and asked me, i’ve applied to a handful of jobs but never gotten an interview so like?? i dunno feels like it would be fun which i know sounds deranged but i like playing pretend and talking about myself. (note that i do not want a job beyond i need one to pay bills) i will experience driving alone before the end of the year though, i am going to get my license this year.
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE ROUGE PRINCESS get what she deserves?” She is NEUTRAL & CLOSED to finding out.
— she walks through the world as;
name → claudette tremblay née delacour pronouns → she/her identification → cis female year of birth → september 1954 - september 1955 face claim → vanessa kirby blood status → pure-blood sexual orientation → bisexual occupation → private investigator at a brief case in carkitt market future information → n/a
— she is best described as ;
As POISED as a ballerina on point, she is the DASHED FREEDOM of a pegasus, who longs for LIBERTY but who is doomed to fail with clipped wings. HEADSTRONG, while she dons champagne crystals and delicate heels, her lack of materialistic desires leaves her as RADIANT as the SUN chasing the night. Grounded in reality, while their WIT is captivating, they are as BEAUTIFUL as the gartered KNIFE at their thigh; silent in DISCIPLINED DEFIANCE.
— her story starts with ;
tw: death
Born amongst purist rhetoric with her three siblings, LYNETTE DELACOUR [sister], DOMINIQUE DELACOUR [brother] and AIMEE DELACOUR [sister], they lavished in the allure of the French aristocracy as idealistic as a fairytale; but for her it was a mere inconvenience. Tedious were the restrictions that came with being a family deemed royalty, which she had no mind of following. Abandoning etiquette lessons in favor of exploration with partner in crime GABRIEL DUMONT [best friend]; despite her mother’s efforts, her heart was boisterous with a lust of life that was difficult to quench. Hiding among muggles, Claude found herself encapsulated by them. Riveting conversations with a sense of normality filled the simplicity she craved that was lacking in their manor. After her uncle disgraced the family and ran off with his harlot; her father stepped up as the sole male heir. The line passed to a man who never wanted to be seen high, though his love for his family outweighed any of his desires. Out of any, Claudette was most like her father. The last thing she wished, was to disappoint her family like her uncle had. While she longed for normality; she knew it was merely a fantasy. Instead she bit her tongue, stood straighter and smiled, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t throw in a quick witted remark to put even the most pompous of noble sorcerers in their place. 
With Beauxbatons, came escapism, freedom and life. Corralled by RAPHAEL FRANCOIS [close friend] and Gabriel, they dueled until sunset and acted as each other’s wingmen. While many of the girls spent their days gushing over romance, beauty potions and braided hair like her sister Lynette, Claude saw no interest; instead she sought liberty and her own voice. Bolstering the determination to stand up for others against the likes of ALEXANDRA ROSIER [rival] and her entourage, Claude made friends in unexpected places; particularly in Muggle-Born JACQUELINE LEJEUNE [best friend]. While her oldest sister sought to be friends with the ‘right people’, Claude made genuine friendships to last a lifetime. Possessing a politically inclined mind, summers brought time with her father at learning the intricacy of his work at the ministry. Leading to her quick decision to study to become an Auror much to her mother’s dismay. She excelled in her studies, although she was often in trouble for her quick wit and prejudiced demeanor; she was an excellent student. Acquiring a job as an Auror within the Ministère des Affaires Magiques de la France after graduation; she’d found a profession she loved and a witch in whom to hold her affection. 
EVANGELINE SELWYN [former partner/potential love interest], was someone that Claudette never expected. A summer whirlwind romance the pair quickly fell deeply for one another. Encapsulated in each other’s arms, the problems of the world seemed to evaporate at the simple brush of a hand. Despite having to hide their relationship from Claudette’s family, the pair were passionately connected. Summer turned to years. Having met at twenty two, after four years together it felt as though nothing could pull them apart. Unfortunately fate had other plans with Claudette’s mother orchestrating an arranged marriage to pure-blood ALEXANDER TREMBLAY [husband/potential love interest]. Outraged, having sacrificed her freedom for so many years, her heart was non-negotiable. Desiring to love freely, she refused. Unbeknownst to anyone, she was planning to propose to Evageline. Visiting home one last time to share news with her siblings, her plans of a quick escape were rifled. With her mother discovering her intentions, she trapped her in her room; adamant that she couldn’t stand idle and let her ruin the family for a ‘wishful fantasy’. Charmed locks, no wand and no means of escape. Despite efforts to contact Eva, it was too late. With word from Gabriel that she’d left back to England heartbroken thinking Claudette had changed her mind.
With the love of her life gone, Claudette caved. Accepting Xander’s hand, having spent little time with her ‘beloved’, a day that many dreamed of was one she was dreading. Holding him guilty for her unhappiness she became cold and aloof. Transferring across seas with rumors of war encapsulating London, she disguised the move as playing ‘happy fiance’. Knowing her heart was really set on protecting one particular witch no matter the cost. While she had prepared herself for chaos, it was unlike anything she’d experienced. With the murder of BOOKER BAGNOLD [person of interest] and the rise in creature attacks, The Ministry was scrabbling to hold onto control in a society struck with chaos. Investigations only led to empty leads and convenient evidence that the Ministry blindly agreed to to fit their own narrative. Political warfare on the wise, any claims against what those in power wished were dismissed. However their silence shattered with the solstice of summer 1983 tearing the community to shreds. Fighting against masked figures who claimed to be ‘Death Eaters’, the witch had been helping civilians to safety one moment before a blow to the head turned everything black. Awaking only to be found in handcuffs for the murder of AMELIA BONES [close friend/former romantic liaison].
Detained and awaiting trial for a crime she didn’t commit, with the invasion of her mind it was proved Claudette’s innocence and that the guilty was under the influence of Polyjuice potion. Despite The Ministry’s statement, the hate spiraled towards her was maddening. Returning from Italy, Alexander became her saving grace. Averting the tabloids eager for a statement from the ‘killer’, his valiant protection eased her. For the first time she saw him as a person and not a pawn in her parents' schemes. Hidden in the Tremblay house, the witch was confined for her own safety. Leaving only under the disguise of beauty potions at the cusp of night. With the world unstable, her constant became Xander. His support, especially after being fired for ‘appearance sake’, kept her steady. While proud, it was against her better judgment that she let herself fall. And just like he had her, when MASON TREMBLAY [rival/brother in law] was found guilty for Amelia’s murder it was Claude that held him strong. Xander believed in their union, promising that in time their love would grow. Hopeful, they married privately as a commitment to each other outside of their families. Despite reservations, she didn’t feel obligated to his hand like she’d once did. She’d chosen him. Not out of sacrifice to her heart, but because of it. 
Going out on her own to investigate cases piling desks high, while ANNABETH PEBWORTH [former colleaguer/friend] warned her against it with the danger rising, it isn’t in her nature to stay on the side lines. That was until PRUDENCE OWENS [friend/colleague] approached with a card and an offer of a new place of residence. A Brief Case was filled with ex-aurors and those thrown out by the system were a breath of fresh air. Their bite for the truth filled Claudette with pride as they helped those the ministry ignored. While her work has her reluctantly investigating PERSEPHONE WILKES’ [acquaintance] distrusting claims against GENEVIEVE AVERY-WILKES [person of interest] she can’t help but be more captivated by her own personal investigations. Gathering memories of civilians from the night of the solstice, Claudette is trying to identify suspected Death Eaters; and who framed her. Those eager to forget give theirs gladly, but with the rising turbulence honesty is something lacking. Attempting to gain the trust of socialites LUCRETIA FAWLEY [person of interest] and VERUCCA BUCKTHORN-SNYDE [person of interest], Claude hopes their memories could be the missing piece she needs. However with their alliances unknown, can she afford to put herself on the line if it leads to more false trails?
— she is a LEVEL 8 WITCH & readied for war ;
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Another review of the book of Joseph E. Skinner “The Invention of Greek Ethnography: From Homer to Herodotus”
“The Invention of Greek Ethnography: From Homer to Herodotus.
The Invention of Greek Ethnography: From Homer to Herodotus. By Joseph E. Skinner. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2012. Pp. xii, 343. $85.00.) In this work, Joseph E. Skinner examines the sources and motivations of Greeks writing about themselves ("cultural identity") and about non-Greeks (ethnography). He analyzes the origins of Greek geographical descriptions and "overseas" ethnographies, and accounts of "barbarian" customs and their organic incorporation into historiography. He disputes recent explanations of how the Greeks came to write about others and objects to the application of modern disciplinary boundaries to authors working before academic disciplines developed. Hellenes bought, built, made, and sold stuff that provides material, inscriptional, and iconographic evidence supplementary to textualizations of their periploi (circumnavigations) recording peripheral (to the Greeks!) peoples. Multiple "discourses of difference" shaped creative literature, ethnography (Milesian Hecataeus), and history proper (e.g., Herodotus's Histories). "Ethnography before Ethnography" surveys ancient and modern discussions. It theorizes ancient awareness of "Hellenicity" and centripetal disunities permeating Hellenic identities (Homer, Pindar, Herodotus; vase-painters). "Nodes and networks" models problematize entrenched, simplistic (Greek) producers and (barbarian) consumer explanations. What led the Greeks to think about Greekness, not just aggregated parochial poleis? Hellenes clearly regarded neighboring Spartans to be as exotic as any barbaroi. Skinner contests claims that Persian War victories catalyzed this awareness, claims that deny Greeks any significant earlier intellectual engagement with aliens. Skinner regards the material record of contacts (eighth century onward) as more pertinent than the Athenocentric "abstract imaginaire" (sixth century on) or too-tidy "Self" and "Other" structuralist polarities. Skinner then explores accounts of twelve real, or imaginary, peoples, among them Scythians, Ethiopians, "prehistoric" Pelasgians, the sensational Cyclopes, Arimaspians, and Amazons. He rather too briskly reports Egyptian habits and contacts. Chapter 3 "maps" the larger known world by considering texts and surviving manufactures (e.g., coins, Florence's Francois Vase). Perishable and imperishable commodities also exemplified, described, and sometimes stereotyped unfamiliar peoples on the (Hellenic) margins. Skinner argues that extensive economic exchanges produced fluid, bi-directional cultural borrowing, even "indigenization" of the Hellenes. He rejects one-way influences flowing from the impervious Greeks to "parochial tribesmen." Three case studies follow: Olbia on the Black Sea's north coast; southern Calabria on Italy's foot (Oinotria, where Skinner excavated); and, returning to the "imagined centre," Delphi and Olympia. Panhellenic athletic and spiritual venues ("nodes") exhibited intercultural memorials (e.g., Etruscan votives) and spilled-out trade goods. Skinner describes local topographies and relatively obscure excavations. He speculates from the impressive range but skimpy material residues resulting from Hellenic contact with local populations and from puzzling finds that suggest evolving cultural hybridity (e.g., Pontic pit-dwelling "dugouts"). Surviving structures, artifacts, and ecofacts (e.g., roads, fortifications, foundations, utensils) deserve close "readings" comparable to those afforded fragmentary pre-Herodotean accounts and consonant with Skinner's broad synthesis of "ethnographic activity." The last chapter surveys the eastern Mediterranean from the Archaic to the Early Classical era [750-450 BCE]. Skinner briefly considers, indeed minimizes, the fifth-century upsurge in ethnographic prose, while he urges historians to develop more holistic models of commercial and intellectual cross-fertilization. Increases in archaeological data from less glitzy digs justly demand historical reconceptualization. This sharp-elbowed, critical revisionist synthesis challenges linear, evolutionary narratives that still dominate modern historiography situating Greek anthropological thought. Donald Lateiner Ohio Wesleyan University “
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Donald Lateiner
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toa-kirhan · 2 years
First time watching ToH S1E4 (The Intruder). Thoughts below:
Detailed thoughts:
WOW! what an episode! I can already tell that episode is setting the groundwork for a lot of future storytelling.
I loved the tone and atmosphere of this episode with its horror/‘base under siege’ story.
Even better is the character exploration and relationship building between King and Luz. This episode is a good reminder that King is more than just a cute face or a source of laughs; he’s another person like Eda and Luz with his own feelings and emotions. As he says himself “even demons have inner demons.”
In his conversation with Luz, its clear that King relates to her and her feelings of wanting to feel special and to be taken seriously, although he doesn’t vocalize it.
This episode also builds on what we saw with Luz and Adegast in episode 2: that Luz’s interest in magic is because she wants to feel special, to feel like a somebody when being who she is gets her treated like a nobody in the human world.
Although most of the episode is focused on King and Luz, they don’t forget about Eda either, especially considering that she indirectly plays the role of the antagonist this episode. While we do get an answer as to why Eda is the Owl Lady, everything about the curse just raises bundles of questions. Who was she cursed by? Why was she cursed? And why does she relive that same memory in her dream?
Also, given how she emphasized it, there’s definitely going to be a point in the future where someone takes Eda’s elixir and/or Eda is forced to become an owl demon again.
On another note, while Luz now knows that Eda wants what’s best for her through her unconventional lessons, it’s clear that the two still operate at a really different pace.
In addition to the nice moral lesson, there’s also a simple practical lesson: remember to take your meds. A curse and a elixir to keep it at bay is a very apt way of describing a chronic medical condition and the prescription to treat it.
In terms of lore, we get a (rudimentary) explanation of how magic works. Magic obeys the laws of thermodynamics. Witches on the Boiling Isles naturally produce magic in their bodies which they channel through spell circles. The size of the circle determines the power of the spell (and presumably how much magic bile it requires - a very humorist concept).
Interestingly, Luz’s magic seems to be based on runes (or symbols in general), which humans can use. While it is explicitly stated to be an older form of magic, it seems it is still used in the creation of spell circles.
There is a question of what the source of Luz’s magic is, given she doesn’t produce it herself, but I imagine the show will answer this at some point.
General thoughts:
RIP ducky sock o7
Giraffes come up again in King’s lesson. Apparently they’re demons, which makes sense considering why they were banished.
The Boiling Isles have some wild weather.
Boo-boo buddies!
I love Hooty, him and his stucco. After everything he goes through on a daily basis he deserves to be so sassy.
I really feel for King, when you want to share your hyperfixation with somebody but they’re too caught up on something else.
Living bear trap! Also it talks!
Cool adventure music! I hope we’ll get more of it in future episodes.
It’s good to see Francois again.
Luz’s phone screen is cracked and the camera on it is damaged. I’m not sure if this’ll be relevant in future episodes.
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thetisming · 2 months
okay heres my favourite fics ive written (this might be most of the recent ones i fear)
check tags for TWs
now i feel guilty when i hold onto you (i dont know how to love you right): angst, 911 words, chapters 1/1, Frankie focused + maycois
let the whole world melt away: hurt/comfort, 793 words, chapters 1/1, maycois
7 Times Francois Realised Something + 1 Time He Already Knew: angst/fluff (mostly angst), 2,361 words, chapters 1/1 (7+1!), Frankie focused + maycois
hold on to that feeling: fluff for now, 2,496 words, chapters 2/?, maycois & jumeo for now
giving my whole heart to you: hurt/comfort, 1,762 words, chapters 1/1, maycois
just dont give up: angst, 483 words, chapters 1/1, maycois
is this my body? (do i deserve this love?): angst, 906 words, chapters 1/1, May focused w/ the gang mentioned
life goes on (but i'm gone): angst, 797 words, 1/1 chapters, May focused + mayliet
yours until the garden calls me home: fluff, 2,822, 1/1 chapters, maycois
we were staying in paris: angst & fluff, 4,835 words, chapters 1/1, maycois & mayliet (May focused)
something must be wrong: angst, 869 words, chapters 1/1, Frankie focused
i know i kissed you before (i didn't do it right): fluff, 595 words, chapters 1/1, jumeo
my love, my life: fluff, 667 words, chapters 1/1, maycois, sickfic
can i go where you go?: fluff, 1,079 words, chapters 1/1, maycois
when you said forever & always: fluff, 1,124 words, chapters 1/1, maycois
de boi band's back, alright!: fluff, 1,809 words, chapters 1/1, maycois + fromeo & jumeo
everytime i try to fly, i fall: angst, 1,006 words, chapters 1/1, May focused but fully maycois
when you gonna love you as much as i do?: fluff, 1,572 words, chapters 1/1, fromeo <33
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Marinette for the ask game
First impression:
Oh wow she's cute (and very relatable.)
Impression now:
Oh my gosh baby I would die for this girl I wish people would just leave her alone for five minutes she's amazing and deserves the absolute world
Favourite moment:
You really expect me to choose? I can't pick just one moment, so I'm gonna have to say all of them.
Idea for a story:
It may seem really mundane and boring, but an AU where the Francois Dupont kids just never get involved with the miraculous business and Marinette is just able to live her life, be happy, have fun with her friends and hang out more with Adrien. I'd just like to see her in a calmer and more mundane setting where she can just be carefree and herself.
Unpopular opinion:
I'm pretty sure that at this point in some corners of the fandom even liking Marinette is an unpopular opinion, which is honestly kind of depressing.
Favourite headcanon:
Since her love language is making gifts and giving people tokens of her appreciation, this girl totally has a catalogue of all of the likes, interests and styles of all of her friends and classmates so that she can always make them the perfect gifts.
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hockenheim · 2 years
francois cevert, nigel mansell, and ayrton senna hehe
classic f1 bingo game!
francois — pretty and amazingly talented, all too underrated unfortunately. i want whatever he had with jackie
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nigel — i would die for this man but i’ll settle for writing and rambling in the meantime. he deserves the world (and in my opinion, more than one wdc)
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ayrton — where do i even start with this man?
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kevrocksicehouse · 1 month
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The very idea of Roger Corman. The idea that the producer/director of Swamp Women, Attack of the Crab Monsters, Teenage Caveman and The Little Shop of Horrors could be considered a titan of films sounds condescending if not absurd when you say it out loud but it’s also undeniably true. As the leading director for the low-budget American Releasing Company (later renamed American International Pictures) Corman worked cheap and fast, putting his stamp on literally hundreds of films marketed to drive-in theaters and aiming squarely at an emerging teenage audience. But unlike other peers such as William Castle, Russ Meyers and Herschel Gordon Lewis his films avoided gimmicky hucksterism and sleaze, instead forming a genuine cinematic underground that increasingly explored (and exploited) a youth culture of teenage hot-rod racers, (1954’s The Fast and the Furious),  rock and rollers (1957’s Rock All Night and Carnival Rock)  motorcycle gangs (1966’s The Wild Angels) and drug users (1967’s The Trip) without a hint of moralism (Corman tried a “message” movie, 1962’s anti-racism The Intruder but it became one of his very few money-losers). He was even able to make a drive-in hit out of Edgar Allen Poe  (1960’s House of Usher, The Pit and the Pendulum, 1962’s The Premature Burial and Tales of Terror 1963’s The Raven and 1964’s Masque of the Red Death).
He also had an almost unparalleled eye for new directors, giving big breaks to Francis Ford Coppola (1963’s Dementia 13) Peter Bogdanovich (1968’s Targets) Martin Scorsese (1972’s Boxcar Bertha), Jonathan Demme (1974’s Caged Heat) and Ron Howard (1977s Grand Theft Auto) and actors, giving early work to  Charles Bronson Jack Nicholson, Dennis Hopper,  Robert De Niro, Sylvester Stallone, Peter Fonda, Bruce Dern, Diane Ladd and William Shatner. 
And after he bought Ingmar Bergman’s Cries and Whispers in 1972 and released it through his recently founded studio New World he was able to bring films by Francois Truffaut (1975’s The Story of Adele H. and 1976’s Small Change) Fredrico Fellini (1974’s Amarcord) Akira Kurosawa (1975’s Dersu Uzala)  and Volker Schlondorff  (1979’s The Tin Drum) to bigger distribution than most subtitled films (all four won Oscars as well). 
In 2009 Corman got a Lifetime Achievement Academy Award. It was richly deserved.
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ptvsport · 2 years
Ecuador get well-deserved draw vs. Netherlands as Valencia eyes Golden Boot
Ecuador get well-deserved draw vs. Netherlands as Valencia eyes Golden Boot
Ecuador’s hopes seem to rest on Enner Valencia’s shoulders, who has so far scored all the goals for his country in the 2022 World Cup. (Photo by Francois Nel/Getty Images) AL RAYYAN, Qatar — Ecuador continued its strong start to the World Cup, coming back from a goal down to draw with the Netherlands, 1-1, at Khalifa International Stadium. The South American side equalized through Enner Valencia…
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