#Freedom From Overreach
hyssdddd · 5 months
Abolish the shield of privilege from justice's gaze. Release the captive fortunes seized in the name of law. Unchain the struggle against substances, let liberty thaw. Liberate the accused from the heavy yoke of criminalization. Banish the silent intrusions, no-knock warrants' dark incantation. Dismantle the fortress of force, let peace and trust prevail. Undo the rigid grip of sentences, where freedom tends to frail.
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strawberrystepmom · 5 months
gojo x f!reader. very self ship coded. fluffy, a little hurt comfort-y. cw for light misogyny from higher ups. wc 1.5k
divider thanks to @/cafekitsune like usual
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“Anything in those bags for me?”
You snort, bare feet padding across the shiny wooden floors of Satoru’s apartment that is also technically your apartment despite the fact you keep your apartment across town in case he’s really on your nerves, dropping them on the floor in front of you. He looks over the edge of the sofa, one arm slung over the back carelessly, and you can’t help but smile at him looking so relaxed despite the fact you lack the same ease.
“Nah, these are for me,” you retort, not mentioning the small box with the delicately wrapped lingerie at the bottom of the largest bag. He’ll have to wait until later to find out about that one. You leave the bags behind and walk toward the couch, leaning over the edge to give him a kiss.
“What’s the occasion then?”
Reaching down to wipe your gloss from his bottom lip, he nips at the tip of your thumb and you smile. He’s good at disarming you, something both of you have learned over the years spent side by side, and you climb over the edge of the couch and plop down on top of him.
“Higher ups.”
He hums, the sound laced with disbelief.
“I don’t think you’ve ever broken a rule in your life. What do they want?”
Giggling, you roll your eyes. Sometimes he behaves as if he forgets you’re milder now than you used to be, the fury of your youth something that became unimportant entering into your twenties.
“You know very well I’ve broken many rules in my life, especially theirs.”
“That still doesn’t answer my question.”
Sighing, you snuggle into his chest and press your cheek to the area right above his heart, the steady beating comforting your anxious nature. He wraps one arm around your back and traces lazy circles over the back of your arm.
“They think I’ve given my students too much freedom, Maki especially. It’s a scolding.”
Admitting your anger aloud would feel like a loss so you simply sigh, pressing your face against Satoru’s chest and closing your eyes. He continues rubbing circles into your skin, watching the tension slowly melt out of your limbs, but now he is wound up.
How dare they question your methods? None of them have any clue what it’s like to be in the role the two of you both are, strength removed from the equation, and it feels like yet another overreach of their power.
“They’ve been on my ass for months, this is just the latest thing they’re mad about.”
Satoru scoffs, shifting and sitting up. He pulls you with him, keeping you pressed to his torso while getting comfortable. His face gives away every ounce of his concern, brows furrowed and eyes narrowed.
“What do you mean months? How often have you been seeing them?”
Your face doesn’t hide your surprise that he has somehow missed out on the last five times you’ve been summoned to address what would otherwise be very routine issues to be handled between yourself and your immediate supervisor Yaga.
“This is like the sixth time they’ve asked me in to talk…” you trail off and he reaches up to cup your cheek.
“There’s more you want to say.”
You nod and half shrug.
“Feels kind of pointless to say it though.”
He pinches your cheek and you smile, trying to shake him off of you but giving up and after a moment, giving in.
“They’re mad at me because we’re together. This is a punishment for distracting you and everyone else I’ve mentioned the situation to agrees with me.”
Despite being a tiny bit annoyed you’ve seemed to discuss these meetings with everyone but him, he understands. The mythical heads of the sorcerer community have always tried to keep his leash just loose enough to let him roam but tight enough to keep him controlled and now that is extending to you in the form of bureaucracy and bullshit.
Gojo Satoru, head of the Gojo clan and the strongest sorcerer, won’t allow it.
“What have the other meetings been about?”
A serious Satoru is a beautiful and terrifying sight, his jaw ticking and his face set in a hard glare. It isn’t often he gets this fired up and you’ve intentionally kept the situation quiet to avoid giving him something else to worry about. Selfishly, it makes your heart beat faster knowing that he’s so willing to jump to your defense.
“First one was about my technique and the logs I’ve been keeping of exorcisms performed in my domain, three of them were about my students, the most recent one was about, well, you.”
He frowns and you know he’s asking you to elaborate although you’re embarrassed to even be discussing the most recent meeting. You cried the moment you left the meeting, tucking into a corner long enough to compose yourself to keep Nitta from worrying about you the drive back to the campus.
“They reminded me we aren’t allowed to go on missions together.”
A humorless chuckle is all he can manage. The gall of these people shouldn’t surprise him the way that it does after all these years yet they still manage to pull one over every now and then.
“What exactly was said?”
He sees the shift in your face and knows immediately their words must have been full of bluster and cruelty disguised as tradition. Of course they aimed them at his partner, his girlfriend, rather than the man they have so many issues with. Satoru softens, pulling your head toward his lips and pressing them against your forehead.
“They said they won’t pay for us to go on “little lover’s vacations” just because we are unprofessional.”
The mocking serious tone you use to mimic these powerful men makes him laugh and he kisses your forehead again. He knows you well enough to know that you are still holding back everything that was said to you but he understands why.
“Well, fuck them.”
Laughing and shaking your head, you lean into Satoru’s big body with a contented sigh.
“We’ll see how tomorrow goes. Maybe I’ll tell them just that.”
You both know that you would never but he laughs at you anyway.
“If you don’t I will.”
You were happy to let the conversation die there, instead mentioning that there may be one thing in your shopping bags for your spoiled boyfriend. It served as distraction enough that you didn’t have to discuss the heavy stuff and the evening was spent focusing on more pressing matters.
This morning, though, Satoru isn’t willing to focus on other matters.
Riding the elevator to the bottom floor where these meetings take place, you straighten out your new blouse and ensure your skirt is acceptably pressed above the knee. Anxiety runs wild through your body but you breathe through it, sweaty palms clutching the handle of your purse.
The elevator doors slide open and you step out, jumping and shrieking in terror at the sight of a blindfolded Gojo standing in front of you.
“Holy shit, what are you doing here?”
He grins and you swear it lights up the dim surroundings.
“I’m not going to let them treat you that way.”
The support means the world but the notion of him saving you makes you uncomfortable, shifting your weight from foot to foot where you stand.
“You don’t have to stand up for me, Satoru…”
He shakes his head and puts one hand on your shoulder, burying the other in his pocket nonchalantly.
“Oh I’m only going to be supporting you from the outside. I know you’re more than capable of telling them to stick their old man opinions up their asses, isn’t that what got you in trouble your third year?”
Smiling at the memory, you nod. That was indeed what got seventeen year old you in enough trouble you were off missions and in detention for a month.
Yaga let you watch TV and tap away on your handheld game device the entire time in lieu of actual punishment.
Satoru’s grin softens into something sweeter and just for you.
“Don’t forget who you are. You aren’t just my girlfriend.”
His emphasis and both just and my make you laugh but you quickly compose yourself, straightening your shoulders and spine and letting Satoru pluck a bit of lint off of your top. He claps your shoulder and shakes you just enough that you strangely feel steadier, ready to face whatever opposition lies down the flight of stairs a few feet away.
“Thank you, Satoru.”
He shrugs.
“I’m just looking forward to listening to someone else handling you while you’re mad.”
Another nod is exchanged between the two of you and he squeezes your shoulder one last time before turning you in the direction of the staircase. He pats your ass once and you slap at his hand but confidence is all you feel heading down lower.
Gojo has never been more certain he picked the right one in his life.
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esinofsardis · 11 months
The letter I wrote to my state reps about the KOSA bill, which is going to vote this morning
I am begging you to reject and publicly oppose the Kids Online Safety Act. This bill is a huge violation of privacy as well as places undue restrictions to citizens freedom of speech and freedom to choose for themselves the kinds of content they wish to interact with. No matter how well intentioned, this bill erases the ability of families to self determine what their children can access. IT IS NOT THE JOB OF THE GOVERNMENT TO MAKE PARENTING DECISIONS FOR EVERY CHILD IN AMERICA. This is an egregious overreach of federal power. It is the responsibility of families to monitor or restrict children's internet use. Additionally, this bill allows BOTH the government and private corporations to further track and target the online use of adults. By requiring age proof from websites, these profit-driven companies will have even more ability to violate users privacy with aggressive advertising, social discrimination (shadow banning), and online profiling. This bill infantalizes the American people, who have a right to self determination when it comes to online content for themselves and their young children.
Feel free to copy or adapt! I'll be calling and reading this to them this afternoon--but if you're available now please call immediately!!
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How do you see the Vees ultimate downfall playing out?
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Greetings my pal!
You come up with some great questions. I honestly never thought or consider the Vees having a downfall or anything they have plan next. Which I suppose is inevitable considering the sending off on season one is setting the stage for the Vees playing a large antagonist role for season two and we know they are not going to be the winners.
I guess it really depends on what their goal is. Vox goals is rather transparent as Vox only really comes alive if Alastor involve. So his personal goals would involve around Alastor. He will definitely try make himself feel more superior by trying to expose the footage of Alastor losing and weaken. If not that, and more likely this, force Alastor into a deal to keep it from going public in exchange for Alastor servitude or something similar. That latter may segue for the audience to see who truly holds the chains to Alastor collar as Alastor force to reveal he doesn't have procession of his own soul aymore to barter with which Vox would absolute lose his shit about.
I am sort of hoping yet unlikely, that Vox has even larger goals like controlling all of Hell. So he tries to make a deal that Alastor has to find a way to get rid of the royal family, Charlie, Lucifer. Just so there's more drama and Alastor angst. Because it just another agenda he has to work with while trying to hide his other agendas and contractors from knowing all the while fighting his own conflicting and struggling of emotions that he does, in fact, care about the Morningstar family. That he has multiple hidden agendas-one that brings him closer to his much desired freedom- that makes him actively work against (probably feeling remorse for the first time in doing so) the family while simultaneous appearing he working along them. It be delicious to watch him juggle (and hide and juggle well) while trying not to have a mental breakdown and more then likely trying to hide his injury and weaken state.
But the overall goal of the Vees? They seem to be more power and control hungry. Which seem flat and inspiring storyline but its what drives that group the most. I don't think they are out to control all of Hell or the pride ring. I think that's too overzealous even for them. That's just too much of an overreach and how are they going to maintain that strength to keep it?
So assuming that's their goal, trying to control most of the city... you have to look how they achieve what they already accomplished to guess how they going to go about it.
The overlords do seem to have actually have physical territory claim in different sections of the city. You can sort of guess who and where in the scene when Vox powered out the city.
Not only do the overlords have physical territory they have other claims and ways to extend their reach by providing some type of service.
Rosie I assume has claim on selling and serving particular dietary interest in her town. I imagine, its very scarce outside her town limits. So Rosie has claim on that service. Rosie demeanour probably helps as well that helps her take in souls
Carmilla service is more limited and only available to those tho afford it. But her service in weaponry helps extend her control past her boundaries.
Alastor has his broadcast. He doesn't really do it as a service but it reaches everyone. He not really providing anyone anything with it but just more amusement for himself and putting his name out there and a fear tactic. I do think he does have a station that plays jazz nearly 24/7, but overall, he only uses his broadcast to override all the stations momentary to announce something, feel like being a annoying little shit and disrupt all the other stations on his whims or to terrorize by the airwaves.
Zestail, Zeezi and unnamed overlord is a mystery to me.
But then you have the Vees who have the greatest reach of everyone in the city that's not directly tied to them by territory or contracts. They basically monopoly everything. Nearly everything in the pride ring that sells its from them. Clothing, entertainment, or any electrical thing, sex products, perfumes, tonics...etc. There's probably not one sinner or demon who doesn't own one thing that came from them. Thats there real power. They influence everyone, even people not under their control. That's what they will weaponize. That and their consumers trust with their motto "Trust us with...."
Whatever they are planing its probably something going be done by with an app on the hellphones. I have yet seen any fic call their cellphones Hellphones...I can't be the only one who thought this. Like....why am I not hearing this term coined in this universe??? It seem obvious? but anyways, their attempt at total control may be perfecting Vox hypnotism through an app and whatever (Probably Alastor radio waves) disrupts it, the Vees will lose their consumer trust in their products. Their consumer base and their influence is really the bulk of their power. If something interrupts that, that will bring them down several large notches.
So ultimately, their downfall will be themselves. They will overreach, grasp too much and won't be able to hold it. Its happens to most great empires in the history. They still be alive and around but much less of the powerhouse then they once were.
But I'm hoping there really isn't a downfall at all. That midway through the season, in which the Vees are being little shit terrors and things seemingly seem to work out for them then a bomb drop. Either it be Heaven/Lute realtation for Adam or Roo finally making themselves known, etc... The game change. That the Vee's will reluctantly team up with Alastor and the hotel and fights alongside of each other to survive. (and the other overlords! I want to see what they truly bring into a fight! I mean....we want to see Rosie being badass power fight!) It's a fight for Hell survival and all of the pride ring will take a stand to fight.
How fun would it see every overlord go full out. Throw out any reservations they had with each other and protect each other. Just watching Vox and Alastor be comrades, even if its temporary, would be satisfying. The look of pure shock when one saved the other, followed by an extend hand to help stand them back up into battle. They would be backhanded insults to each other on top of their usual petty banter. Alastor probably making a comment of "You do a better job protecting me and keeping me alive for someone who claims they want me dead, old pal." But Alastor said "old pal" more genuinely instead of the mocking term he use to do. Vox replying a little flabbergasted "Only, I get to kill you, not these fuckers!"
So I really, hope there is no "downfall". I hope the game change midway and everyone force to be on the same side and leaving feeling more respect for the other while they rebuild what's left.
Love to hear any answers or anything you have to your questions. :) Or anyone opinions really. I'm up for casual discussions
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discord-lurking · 6 months
Dungeons and Daddies Wiki Drama: A Greek Tragedy Told through the Medium of Forum Posts (Part 3)
Act 3: Death of a Mod Team
A sockpuppet by any other name would smell just as sweet.
Stay tuned for a late-breaking update later today- wiki admin Gaycowboyrats has gone on the record about their experience and I'll be sharing that with you all this afternoon!
In this, our last Act, we explore the consequences of wiki overreach of power.
First, the silent downfall of Gaycowboyrats.
December 5th, 2023:
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The main concern? Inactivity.
Notable PawnSum quote: "I am sorry for not catching my mistake for three hours. I feel so foolish. I wish I wasn't autistic."
TwoRatner response: "I promise to keep you safe."
(A quick, sincere note for any readers- while I think many of the admin actions were... inadvisable at best, there's absolutely nothing wrong with being autistic or making an easy typo. I genuinely hope that whoever is behind the PawnSum account doesn't feel that way about themselves).
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The secondary concern? Racism in a Thor: Ragnarok movie review, and being a "trimmer of life."
(The link provided was https://rate.house/user/Gaycowboyrats, for anyone curious. It appears the page has since been deleted, but stay tuned for more on this in a separate post later).
The tertiary concern? Account security.
Another reference to site breaches and administrator account hacks. Interesting.
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Thus, the admin privileges of Gaycowboyrats were revoked. In a chorus of moderators and users with, again, suspiciously similar speech patterns, they were voted off the island wiki.
December 7th, 2023:
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The next Admin Discussion Zone begins where A New Development left off- with the transgressions of Brazil86.
"Please don't vote to remove me. I can still help. He's gone, so everything should be fine."
What this tells me, and the questions it leaves me with:
The most obvious conclusion is that getting voted out of administrator power is a very real and present threat, even for active wiki administrators.
By "he's gone," I wonder if Brazil86 means Gaycowboyrats, the admin who was just removed a day before (though Gaycowboyrats does not use he/him pronouns, to my knowledge). If so, this implies a coordinated effort on the part of the other admins to remove Gaycowboyrats greater than what we saw in the forum.
Or is this referring to some other event yet unaddressed in the forums? Maybe this is about the aforementioned account security breaches?
HungerBunger: "I think we're all mad at you."
My kingdom for a look at their Discord server.
TwoMarshall: "I just want you to not be me." An interesting turn of phrase for accounts that tend to speak in remarkably similar ways.
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Brazil86: "It is fixed, so please don't make me fall."
This Admin Discussion Zone is a dramatic depature from the ones that precede it.
The admins admit doubt, worry the rules are too restrictive, and yet Marth8204 still expresses optimism that the wiki will grow soon.
December 9th, 2023:
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In the immortal words of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and wiki administrator TwoMarshall, it is done.
The split was complete. No more season 2 material would be allowed on the original Dungeons and Daddies wiki.
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Another wiki user, Notapissboy, attempts to talk sense into the moderators. They're informed in no uncertain terms that they, in fact, are the one being stupid here.
Nicoh Watonshing: "Are you an admin? No. Am I? No. I however understand when I am being too big for my britches."
An interesting framing. Do any of us really know when we're being too big for our britches?
What is hubris, if not being too big for your britches?
Iconic Nicoh Watonshing quote: "It's free parking on Park Place."
(It must be noted for posterity that the Park Place spot in Monopoly is the second-most expensive property in the game.)
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FunderStun sagely responds to this with the lyrics to the song Shooting Star by Bag Raiders.
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HungerBunger: "You have the freedom to do good."
Users November Jane and Sol-Has-An-Obsession come in with more questions and critiques. By this point, the administrator team seem to have gotten tired of the whole issue.
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After this, wiki forum discussion and activity appear to have moved past the drama. Perhaps they just moved on with their lives. Perhaps the only ones left to discuss things were the administrators who instigated the issue.
Only time will tell.
December 16th, 2023:
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December 19th, 2023:
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Even in the face of blatant personal attacks involving an insult to TwoMarshall's dead brother, administrators simply ask the culprit to not do it again. This is a strong tonal difference from their harsh responses to earlier reasonable critiques.
December 19th, 2023:
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The last forum post as of writing was a discussion on removing an inactive moderator.
Have they exhausted the wiki drama well, or are they merely biding their time?
Maybe TwoRatner was right, and the wiki is cursed.
Maybe all of this was one person with dozens of sockpuppets, feeding message prompts through ChatGPT to stage a coup on a niche fandom wiki and enact an extremely detailed, drama-filled LARP.
Maybe multiple trolls wormed into an already-struggling wiki through a security breach and decided to destroy it from the inside.
No matter the cause of the current wiki issues, user Chekovsnakess was correct. This was the hubris of the administrator team: by making a wiki for the administrators and not the users, they made a wiki for no one.
This series has left me with more questions than answers: what security breaches happened and why? What did Brazil86 do to cause so much animosity among the other mods? Why go through this much drama in a fandom wiki, of all places?
While I may never know the answers, I do know that the Dungeons and Daddies fandom remains, on the whole, one of the most positive and engaged groups I've ever been a part of. That's what makes this drama stick out the most, in my opinion: it's so completely out of left field from the fandom I've known. The wiki may have quickly gone from bad to worse, but I trust the community of this show, and I know we have the potential to make something better.
December 8th, 2023 (immediately after the last Admin Discussion Zone):
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TheOneTrueGod41: "I don't know what's the matter with me. Sometimes I don't feel whole."
Words to remember them by.
Stay tuned for the epilogue and final post(s) in this series, including word from former wiki administrator Gaycowboyrats!
And speaking of trusting this community, I'd like to take this chance to remind everyone to PLEASE not interact with the forums/wiki admins because of this!!! They may be making some questionable decisions, and I clearly enjoy deep dives on random internet drama as much as the next person, but please don't go trolling them in return.
We're better than that, y'all. Remember, "you have the freedom to do good."
On a personal note, I never expected this to go as far as it has: this evolved from people in the Patreon Discord wondering what was going on with the wiki and why it was splitting apart, to me sharing screenshots of funny non-sequiturs in the forums, to an entire Internet drama investigative journalism piece framed as a tragedy of wiki administrator hubris.
I've loved to see how much the community has rallied around this wiki situation- from people assisting me with research, to people offering to make dramatic readings or video essays out of my posts, to fans even working to create a new show wiki after this came to light. (More on that as it develops, hopefully!)
This is absolutely the kindest, most supportive fandom I've ever participated in, and everyone reading this has been a part of that. If our wiki is being brigaded by trolls, I sincerely hope that they realize the futility of what they're doing and move on with their lives. Several of them (assuming it's more than one person) have posted about really difficult personal circumstances. I hope that everyone involved gets the help they need and that they grow from this.
In the words of Ron Stampler: You are enough, just as you are.
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Trump loyalist Russ Vought pushes fascistic ‘post-Constitutional’ vision for second Trump term
Beth Reinhard at WaPo:
A battle-tested D.C. bureaucrat and self-described Christian nationalist is drawing up detailed plans for a sweeping expansion of presidential power in a second Trump administration. Russ Vought, who served as the former president’s budget chief, calls his political strategy for razing long-standing guardrails “radical constitutionalism.” He has helped craft proposals for Donald Trump to deploy the military to quash civil unrest, seize more control over the Justice Department and assert the power to withhold congressional appropriations — and that’s just on Trump’s first day back in office. Vought, 48, is poised to steer this agenda from an influential perch in the White House, potentially as Trump’s chief of staff, according to some people involved in discussions about a second term who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe private conversations. Since Trump left office, Vought has led the Center for Renewing America, part of a network of conservative advocacy groups staffed by former and potentially future Trump administration officials. Vought’s rise is a reminder that if Trump is reelected, he has said he will surround himself with loyalists eager to carry out his wishes, even if they violate traditional norms against executive overreach.
“We are living in a post-Constitutional time,” Vought wrote in a seminal 2022 essay, which argued that the left has corrupted the nation’s laws and institutions. Last week, after a jury convicted Trump of falsifying business records, Vought tweeted: “Do not tell me that we are living under the Constitution.” Vought aims to harness what he calls the “woke and weaponized” bureaucracy that stymied the former president by stocking federal agencies with hardcore disciples who would wage culture wars on abortion and immigration. The proposals championed by Vought and other Trump allies to fundamentally reset the balance of power would represent a historic shift — one they see as a needed corrective. “The president has to be able to drive the bureaucracy instead of being trapped by it,” said Newt Gingrich, the former House speaker who led the GOP’s 1994 takeover of Congress. Vought did not respond to interview requests and a detailed list of questions from The Washington Post. This account of his plans for Trump’s potential first day back in office and the rest of a second term comes from interviews with people involved in the planning, a review of Vought’s public remarks and writings, and Center for Renewing America correspondence obtained by The Post.
[...] Vought’s long careera s a staffer in Congress and at federal agencies has made him an asset to Project 2025, an initiative led by the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, to lay the groundwork for a second Trump term. Vought wrote the chapter on the executive office of the president in Project 2025’s 920-page blueprint, and he is developing its playbook for the first 180 days, according to the people involved in the effort. “We’re going to plant the flags now,” Vought told Trump’s former strategist, Stephen K. Bannon, on his far-right podcast. “It becomes a new governing consensus of the Republican Party.”
From fiscal hawk to MAGA warrior
Vought was raised in Trumbull, Conn., the son of an electrician and a teacher and the youngest of seven children. Brought up in what he has characterized as a “very strong, Bible-preaching, Bible-teaching church,” he attended Christian camps every summer. He received a bachelor’s degree from Wheaton College, an evangelical Christian school in Illinois, and headed to Capitol Hill near the end of the Clinton administration. Vought mastered the federal budget working for fiscal conservatives, including Sen. Phil Gramm and Rep. Jeb Hensarling, both Texas Republicans, while getting his law degree from George Washington University.
Years before the Freedom Caucus enforced right-wing ideology on Capitol Hill, Vought was the bomb-throwing executive director of the conservative House Republican Study Committee. His prime targets: big government and entitlement spending. He worked under Pence, then a congressman, who called him “one of the strongest advocates for the principles that guide us” in 2010. That year, as the populist tea party movement was surging, Vought joined the Heritage Foundation’s new lobbying arm. From a Capitol Hill townhouse dubbed the “frat house,” Vought and his other brash, young male colleagues tormented Republican leaders by grading their fealty to fiscal conservatism. “Russ was determined to make our scorecard tougher than others out there,” said Republican strategist Tim Chapman, who worked closely with Vought at Heritage Action. “He wanted to separate the wheat from the chaff.”
Joining the Trump transition allowed Vought to put his principles to paper. Later, Pence cast the tiebreaking vote for his confirmation in 2018 as deputy director of the Office of Management and Budget. Vought ascended to the top post in 2019. But instead of slashing spending as Vought and other budget officials recommended, Trump resisted significant reductions to domestic programs and backed trillions in emergency pandemic assistance. The national debt ballooned by more than $8 trillion. Vought blamed Congress. And he stood by Trump throughout his tumultuous presidency, as a procession of other Cabinet officials balked at breaching what they viewed as ethical and legal boundaries. “A bunch of people around him who were constantly sitting on eggs and saying, ‘Oh my gosh, he’s getting me to violate the law,’” was how Vought later described the mat a Heritage Foundation event. By contrast, Vought found workarounds to fulfill the president’s ambitions that tested legal limits and his own record opposing executive overreach and deficit spending.
When Congress blocked additional funding for Trump’s border wall, the budget office in early 2020 redirected billions of dollars from the Pentagon to what became one of the most expensive federal infrastructure projects in U.S. history. And it was Vought’s office that held up military aid to Ukraine as Trump pressed the government to dig up dirt on Joe Biden, prompting the president’s first impeachment. Vought defied a congressional subpoena during the impeachment inquiry, which he mocked as a “#shamprocess.” The Government Accountability Office concluded that his office broke the law, a claim Vought disputed.
Near the end of Trump’s presidency, Vought helped launch his biggest broadside at the “deep state” — an order to strip the civil service protections of up to tens of thousands of federal employees. The administration did not have time to fully implement the order.
After the 2020 election, as Trump refused to concede, Biden officials complained that Vought was impeding the transition. Vought rejected that accusation — but wrote that his office would not “dismantle this Administration’s work.” He was already planning ahead; bylaws for what would become the Center for Renewing America were adopted on the day of Biden’s inauguration, records show. “There’s a marriage of convenience between Russ and Trump,” said Chapman, senior adviser at Pence’s group, Advancing American Freedom. “Russ has been pursuing an ideological agenda for a long time and views Trump’s second term as the best way to achieve it, while Trump needs people in his second term who are loyal and committed and adept at using the tools of the federal government.”
Radical constitutionalism
Since Biden took office, Vought has turned the Center for Renewing America into a hub of Trump loyalists, including Jeffrey Clark, a former Justice Department lawyer later charged in Georgia with trying to overturn Biden’s victory in 2020. Vought called Clark, who has pleaded not guilty, “a patriot who risked his career to help expose voter fraud.” “I think the election was stolen,” Vought said in a 2022 interview with Trump activists Diamond and Silk. He is no longer in touch with Pence, his longtime patron, who has said Trump’s efforts to overturn the vote disqualified him from serving as president again, according to people familiar with the relationship who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe a sensitive topic. The Center for Renewing America is among several pro-Trump groups incubated by the Conservative Partnership Institute, founded in 2017 by former senator Jim DeMint (R-S.C.). The center, a tax-exempt group that is not required to publicly disclose its donors, raised $4.75 million in 2023, according to its annual report.
As Vought and other Trump allies work on blueprints for a second term, he is pushing a strategy he calls “radical constitutionalism.” The left has discarded the Constitution, Vought argues, so conservatives need to rise up, wrest power from the federal bureaucracy and centralize authority in the Oval Office. “Our need is not just to win congressional majorities that blame the other side or fill seats on court benches to meddle at the margins,” he wrote in the 2022 essay. “It is to cast ourselves as dissidents of the current regime and to put on our shoulders the full weight of envisioning, articulating, and defending what a Radical Constitutionalism requires in the late hour that our country finds itself in, and then to do it.”
In practice, that could mean reinterpreting parts of the Constitution to achieve policy goals — such as by defining illegal immigration as an “invasion,” which would allow states to use wartime powers to stop it. “We showed that millions of illegal aliens coming across, and Mexican cartels holding operational control of the border, constitute an invasion,” Vought wrote. “This is where we need to be radical in discarding or rethinking the legal paradigms that have confined our ability to return to the original Constitution.”
Vought also embraces Christian nationalism, a hard-right movement that seeks to infuse Christianity into all aspects of society, including government. He penned a 2021 Newsweek essay that disputed allegations of bias and asked, “Is There Anything Actually Wrong With ‘Christian Nationalism?’” He argued for “an institutional separation between church and state, but not the separation of Christianity from its influence on government and society.” Looking at immigration through that lens, Vought has called for “mass deportation” of illegal immigrants and a “Christian immigration ethic” that would strictly limit the types of people allowed entry into the United States. At a 2023 conference organized by Christian and right-wing groups, he questioned whether legal immigration is “healthy” because, in a politically polarized climate, “immigration only increases and exasperates the divisions that we face in the country.”
WaPo reports that Trump loyalist Russ Vought is set to push for a fascistic "post-Constitutional" vision for second Trump term should Donald Trump get elected.
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naturalrights-retard · 6 months
The FDA is a wholly captured and criminal unconstitutional government agency that is guilty of Crimes Against Humanity. They, along with the CDC and WHO, were in on the democide since well before Event 201; in other words, the FDA was instrumental in creating the optics of a “pandemic,” suppressing life saving drugs (that also cure diseases like cancer), and then pushing their endgame slow kill bioweapon injections.
by Megan Redshaw
America First Legal (AFL) is suing the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for failing to turn over documents related to the government’s suppression of the COVID-19 treatments hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and ivermectin.
According to the lawsuit, AFL filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request in August 2022 with HHS and the FDA seeking information related to the anti-malarial drug HCQ from March 1 to Sept. 1, 2020. AFL received confirmation and tracking numbers from both agencies that its request had been received.
AFL filed similar FOIA requests in September 2022 with the same agencies seeking information on ivermectin—a popular antiparasitic medication—and also received confirmation that the requests were received, along with tracking numbers, according to an AFL press release.
AFL, a nonprofit “working to promote the rule of law in the United States, prevent executive overreach, and ensure due process and equal protection for all Americans,” sought information to determine when and why government officials, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, discouraged and suppressed the use of HCQ and ivermectin to treat COVID-19. Neither agency complied with the requests.
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tomorrowusa · 9 months
What Putin is doing in Ukraine is not just reckless, not just a war of choice, not just an invasion in a class of its own for overreach, mendacity, immorality and incompetence, all wrapped in a farrago of lies. What he is doing is evil. He has trumped up any number of shifting justifications — one day it was removing a Nazi regime in power in Kyiv, the next it was preventing NATO expansion, the next it was fending off a Western cultural invasion of Russia — for what ultimately was a personal flight of fancy that now requires his superpower army turning to North Korea for help. It’s like the biggest bank in town having to ask the local pawnshop for a loan. So much for Putin’s bare-chested virility.
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Putin lately has stopped even bothering to justify the war — maybe because even he is too embarrassed to utter aloud the nihilism that his actions scream: If I can’t have Ukraine, I’ll make sure Ukrainians can’t have it, either.
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This is as obvious a case of right versus wrong, good versus evil, as you find in international relations since World War II.
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Ukraine needs to inflict as much damage on Putin’s army as fast as possible. That means we need to massively and rapidly deliver the weaponry Ukraine needs to break Putin’s lines in the country’s southeast. I’m talking the kitchen sink: F-16s; mine-clearing equipment; more Patriot antimissile systems; MGM-140 Army Tactical Missile Systems, which could strike deep behind Russian lines — whatever the Ukrainians can use effectively and fast.
— New York Times columnist Thomas L. Friedman, just back from a visit to Kyiv. (archived)
If you're in the US, contact your representative in the House and urge him/her to support the proposed $24 billion in aid to Ukraine.
Representatives | house.gov
If you have the misfortune to be represented by a dumb-ass MAGA zombie like Matt Gaetz and they say no, write back and ask: "Why do you hate freedom?"
Wars don't end just because people in third countries get bored with them.
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mckitterick · 4 months
i wish all super bowl parades will forever be cancelled for people’s safety
I completely understand where you're coming from.
We live in a cultural environment where large gatherings coexist with angry teenagers and angrier adults armed with deadly weapons, in a culture where so many are radicalized by so many things brought about by end-stage capitalism and the decline of empire, when technology hands deadly power to even individuals who very soon could release far greater death than a gun, mass casualties will continue and even rise in number and magnitude as long as people gather. And larger gatherings equal larger potential tragedy.
But I believe that soon - hopefully before the chaos following the fall of empire and greed-driven economics, hopefully while there's still hope - good people will recognize the coming end of the bad old ways and update our systems to become more resilient to change. Hopefully we'll soon see the urgency of ending rule by might and management of resources by greed. Hopefully we'll recognize our position in the timeline of civilization and stop granting power to the forces of self-destructiveness.
And hopefully we'll do these things before we entering the next age of humanity.
Because when we coexist with minds far greater in almost every way than our own whose programming (and programmed allegiance) could determine our fate, when we possess weapons technology that could enable a handful of individuals to commit mass murder in the scale of billions, when manufacturing and food and every other resource-exchange necessary for life and comfort could be freely shared or hoarded by the selfish - when all this comes to pass (and it will, soon) is not the time to leave greedy, selfish, bigoted, hateful, and otherwise compromised people in control of our government, resources, militaries, or economic engines.
I look forward to living in a world that's beyond such petty but world-changing horrors as mass shootings over arguments.
I look forward to living in a world where those empowered to govern see their duty as a service to their community or nation, where those in charge of creating things we need and want do so out of genuine enthusiasm for invention and creation to benefit all they serve.
I look forward to living in a world where all these forces for division, hatred, and selfish motivation lead not to military invasions or police overreach or individual violence, but instead one where physical restrictions or violence are reserved only for dealing with forces that threaten people's health, well-being, or freedom which are beyond the ability of individuals to fight.
I look forward to living in a world where none are driven to hatred or violence (which includes economic and emotional violence) by fear over scarcity or losing comfort, happiness, or freedom.
I look forward to living in a world that transitions smoothly from what we now endure to a place where all may achieve whatever greatness (or anonymity) they choose to the benefit of all our human and other-Earthlings family.
But to live in such a world we need to stop giving power to those who seek it - political, military/police, economic, or otherwise.
We live in a world now where our economic engines could serve everyone alive to bring about the dawn of this beautiful possible future, where we could begin healing the pain wrought by so many generations of hatred and greed, where we could learn the lessons of history and prediction, where we could allow our machines (physical and digital) to manage society, resources, and services to the benefit of all rather than feed the greed of the few.
I look forward to living in a world where people can attend mass celebrations without fearing the worst.
Thanks for the prompt, @mayodayo
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alilloserboy · 9 days
I am getting major armchair therapist vibes. How on earth do you justify telling someone that their coping strategy is not working if you know nothing about them and their history? You are not their therapist or a specialist in this subject. You are overreaching about what you assume must be true based on your own bias. Take a good look at that before having the gall to advise people on their mental health, especially when you are telling them to stop something that helps them personally and is frequently recommended by actual therapists.
If you say no good therapist would recommend it, then you are operating from bias. You have assumed something must be true, so you are fitting the world to match your worldview.
Alright, here’s a basic ass explanation. I’m not saying exploring dark topics in fiction is bad, it’s actually really good and what creative freedom is about: what I AM saying however is that sexualizing such subjects is proven to have harmful real life effects.
why do you think it’s (factually proven) that a lot of pedos are fans of Loli/shota?
SIMPLE: Problematic things being sexualized in fiction is potentially dangerous. Mainly because if people with IRL philia’s indulge in that content it ISNT going to help their problem. It’ll make it worse.
Also, as a minor, a lot of ‘proship’ material was used to justify really problematic things for me. Aswell as minors being OPENLY WELCOMED in the proship community which is mainly sexual content. im not saying EVERY proshipper is a disgusting degenerate who will offend, im just saying those people are definitely more likely to be attracted to the idea of proshipping than others.
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theconcealedweapon · 2 years
When the government limits what poor people are allowed to do (public sleeping, selling drugs to make some extra money, using drugs to cope with the stress of being poor, etc), they're able to enforce those laws easily with minimal opposition.
When the government limits what rich people are allowed to do (raising rent, hoarding houses, price gouging, etc), there's a massive wave of opposition from those who worry about tyranny, government overreach, or loss of freedom.
For some reason, when people worry about the dangers of big government, government actions that benefit the rich don't count as government.
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profgalvarez · 11 months
Gabriel had always been abnormally proficient with attention to detail. Perhaps it was his need for perfection, and only with certain things, but he wanted everything to be to his keen eye. He liked to think it was appreciated by others, his ability to listen, retain and remember. He hoped it meant even more to Beau and that she would feel no hesitation in making the choice to go out with him. It was a silly, baseless worry, as she could do no more to convince him of her interest, but the thought lingered all the same.
As the hours passed by, he knocked down each task by means of their longevity and what would be most important ground to cover first. The most daunting and overthought task was one of where to take her, caring less about the cost and more of the impression. He settled his decision in a place where they could work with their hands, freedom of movement and interaction, a comfortable setting for them to get to know each other better.
And he wanted to know everything. It seemed a mountain of a task to learn it all in one night, but he had a thirst for knowledge in all sorts of things, the quest to collect more and all he could beginning to nag him. It sort of bothered him he didn’t know more, but in reality he knew much more, just not much to help with planning their date. Once the task had been handled with a call and subsequent reservation, then came the process of better preparing himself. A good impression had already been made with his current self but even if it had, he cleaned himself up regardless.
In those moments of stillness, during his haircut or during a drive he found himself in quiet glee, stomach flipping within itself like an anxious joy. He dressed casually enough, a button down shirt and pants, looking a little less like a teacher than when they met. A long unused cologne made a rare appearance from its dusty place in his sock drawer, and he smoothed his shirt as 6:40 rolled around the corner.
Picking her up went smoothly enough, though his nerves were shaking him, eagerness and anticipation long dormant emotions come to the surface. If even possible, she looked even more beautiful than on her stoop, sun light shining around her as if shaped for her in nature. He could hardly contain himself in their small talk on the way there, trying to contain his excitement like a bottle bubbling over.
When they were finally sat across from one another at the table, drinks already on their way, he settled in, drinking in the way she looked under the light. “What did you do between now and then?” He smiled and sort of laughed, playing with the menu in front of him. “I’d say you clean up nice but you were spotless when I met you.” He sighed and took her in, not caring if it made her blush or feel sudden exposure.
He’d been thinking about her face, her smile, for hours. At least now it was in front of him, better committed to memory. He took the confident stride in reach for her hand across the table and kissed her fingers softly once, letting them rest on the table once his lips left her skin. “Been thinking about doing that all day.” He slid a thumb over her hand and returned to his menu, not wanting to overreach. “How was your day? Tell me all about it I wanna hear everything, spare no detail. I need you to do that thing where you do all the talking and I do all the watching and listening, I’m getting real good at it and worse at speaking words.”
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aressida · 21 days
My entry: "A Dream: The Digital Siege of Australia's Journey into a Digital Prison Island: From Freedom to Fear." - Aressida. 23.5.24.
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I looked up and was greeted by digital billboards scattered across the old outer city wall, flashing with an array of propaganda news and bad information. Among them, I noticed the captivating bounty lists of dissenters. I chuckled when I saw my own name there, curiosity taking over.
"Government of Australian Digital ID System - Dissenter Description: Subject: Aressida Fox. Description: Aressida, a known dissenter and member of the resistance movement, is being actively pursued by the Australian Government. Marked as a criminal - Accused of sedition, cyberterrorism and not paying fines. Background: Aressida's profound involvement in the resistance movement is rooted in her unwavering belief in safeguarding individual liberties and challenging the oppressive grip of government control. Public Notice: WARNING: The Australian Government has marked Aressida as a criminal for her involvement in the resistance movement. With her exceptional ability to ghost around undetected, caution must be exercised when approaching her. Exercise caution and report any sightings or information regarding Aressida's whereabouts. Approach with discretion and prioritize personal safety at all times."
I did not feel too conflicted about seeing my name on the bounty list, my participation in the resistance movement, my steadfast commitment to defending individual liberties, and my challenge to governmental power have made me a target. I understand that their portrayal of me as a threat to society is inaccurate, since I am actually a lawfully protesting digital soldier against oppressive restrictions.
I want everyone to know that although though we, the Digital Soldiers, may be perceived as a threat, we consider ourselves to be defenders of the truth and of a society that is free.
The fire of rebellion, the strength of unification, and the power of knowledge are all burning within us. We call for transparency, stage public demonstrations, and enlist the support of our fellow citizens in our struggle for a brighter future. We are going to take back our country from this virtual jailhouse together. But the road to change is filled with peril and death. The government is working harder to apprehend me and put an end to our voices. They have already declared us to be enemies of the state for years, they will not give up easily.
History's scars serve as a reminder of the dangers of unchecked authority, right?
I steadfastly make my way towards the city walls before nightfall.
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Before I could meet the other resistance teams, I blend in, a vast symphony of unhappiness is emitted by the multitude of people gathered in the central plaza of the burning city. I knew it had to express their anxieties and urge them to take action, to speak out against the government's overreach. Signs, posters, and banners with the slogans "Down with the Digital ID System", “In the end we said no!” and “Give me liberty, or give me death!" are waving in the wind there, inspiring optimism among the dejected masses.
When tear gas is released, arrests happen often, and riot police are sent in. The government uses intimidation and physical force to suppress dissent and hold power. With their cutting-edge monitoring equipment and unrelenting drones, it’s annoying.
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“And remember, the power of the people cannot be silenced. We are still strong and resilient in our pursuit of justice and freedom. Stay united, stay peaceful, and continue to make your voices heard. This is Aressida, standing with you in this city. Let’s move. Over and out.”
To Be Continued…
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crosstheveil · 6 months
Anthroposophy: Lucifer, Ahriman, Christ
"Lucifer" is a spiritualizing force of temptation and distraction that brings higher knowledge, freedom, unrestrained creative exploration, and the dissolution of structure. Following him is a path of depersonalization, foregoing personal history and possessions, spiritual bypassing, overindulging in fantasy and mythology, change for the sake of change, anarchy, delusion, false ideologies, seeing the world as an illusion with no real value, retreating from life, hedonistic confusion of what maximizes enjoyment and states of ecstasy or mania with what is divine; the desires, passions, and aspirations that lend to overreaching ambition or hubris. He motivates us to find bliss (lifted from the weight of physical existence) by chasing anything that excites or voices itself from spirit in spite of lacking the ability to discern (regressing into animal nature) where those impulses are coming from, leaving us in a perpetual state of wandering aimlessly with infinite potential.
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"Ahriman" is a materializing force of deception and lies that reduces things into forms and processes of physics that can be preserved in one differentiated state. Following him is a path of developing an overly analytical and mechanistic worldview, scientism, dogma/orthodoxy, reluctance to change, not being able to see beyond genetics, consumerism and commodification, acquisition of wealth, rationalism, weaponized intellectualism, becoming cold and dehumanized with a lack of empathy and compassion or any emotional depth; the fear, doubt, and pessimism rooted in material concerns such as survival, loss, and limitation. He motivates us to keep our essence contained in the physical realm (immortalize the body) by making us more like a machine (transhuman), looking for the solution to every problem through more effective systems of technology and surveillance, developing algorithms to recognize patterns and make predictions on a massive scale (artificial intelligence), and determining your value based solely on social credit. 
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"Christ" is the harmonizing solar force that balances the Luciferic and Ahrimanic impulse. Jesus himself was an advanced soul that carried the essence of Christ to perform a ritual that changed humanity by his sacrifice. When Christ incarnated to serve this purpose, it allowed for humanity to ascend out of matter into the kingdom of Heaven represented by the soul. Through the essence of Christ, we attain a natural sense of morality and we’re able to evolve by working from within ourselves to develop a conscience and see clearly. This Christ consciousness rests in the heart chakra, a center of truth. Unless we are centered in the heart, we’re not truly participating in life. We find balance by grounding spirituality, refining the knowledge received from spirit, aligning our ego with the truth of our soul and using that to serve others in a more meaningful way, realizing our physical body as a temple of the divine.
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Without Christ consciousness, we fall under the influence of Lucifer or Ahriman and worship them as God. These forces then become parasitic and feed on our potential as individuals by draining and misdirecting our essence to serve them.
The names of these entities are ways of identifying forces at play that are higher cosmic impulses which drive and personify through us to greater or lesser extents at different phases of our evolution. Our consciousness is seen as a vessel which carries these impulses but the force itself transcends its personification. We may or may not be aware of the spiritual forces that are acting upon us but it’s only by learning what we can about their essence that we can start using them to transform ourselves.
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coochiequeens · 6 months
Stating biological facts is not hate
By Genevieve Gluck. December 8, 2023
A Hobart City Council member is under investigation by the Anti-Discrimination Commissioner for “inciting hatred” after declaring “trans women are men.” Louise Elliot is now facing a costly formal inquiry by the Tasmanian Civil and Administrative Tribunal in a case which has the potential to restrict freedom of speech. If the tribunal rules against Elliot, she may be ordered to publicly apologize and pay a fine of up to $4,000.
In March, Elliot attended a Let Women Speak demonstration organized by Standing for Women and led by British women’s rights campaigner Kellie Jay-Keen. The event was intended to provide women with a platform to express their concerns or criticisms of gender ideology.
As part of a prepared speech she gave during the event, Elliot stated that it was impossible to change sex, that “trans women are trans women and remain biological men.”
During her speech, Elliot also highlighted how gender ideology poses safeguarding risks, noting how such policies impact women and girls.
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“While the majority of men are decent, kind and caring people, men present an inherent danger to women. The vast majority of sex offenders and violence perpetrators are men. It is completely understandable that women would want spaces for females only, especially vulnerable spaces like changerooms, toilets, and showers. It is absolute insanity that we have a law that allows a man to at 10am declare he’s a woman and by 11am be sharing changerooms and showers with young girls.”
On May 5, Elliot received a letter from the Tasmanian Anti-Discrimination Commissioner (ADC) informing her that they had received a complaint about her statements and had opened an investigation into her activities for “inciting hatred” under the Tasmanian Anti-Discrimination Act.
The complainant, who cannot be named during the ongoing investigation, also took issue with a statement made by Elliot in the context of male violence and the defense of women-only spaces, wherein she stated, “You cannot be raped with a penis if there is no penis present.”
In November, Tasmanian ADC Sarah Bolt ruled that Elliot’s case would proceed to a tribunal inquiry. In response, Elliot has been vocal about her situation on X (formerly Twitter), and has promised to appeal her case to the High Court should she be found guilty of inciting hatred.
“If it is found that I have incited hatred with these accurate, factual, accurate, and true statements, then I won’t be standing for that. And I know that the majority of Australians don’t believe the truth can be hate. So we will absolutely be taking it all the way to the High Court, because this is a massive overreach on our implied right to freedom of belief, freedom of expression, political communication, and we need to defend that,” Elliot told Ben Fordham Live.
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Elliot also noted that the legal attack against her is being funded by taxpayers. “The threshold for inciting hatred needs to be really high. It can’t be just because someone is offended. What really gets me is that it’s our taxpayer money that is funding this attack on freedom of speech.”
However, Elliot is expected to pay her legal fees out of her own pocket, and is crowdfunding to cover costs. In the event of a ruling against her and an appeal to the High Court, Elliot has said she estimates the process to cost $100,000.
In addition to the litigation, Elliot says she’s also been experiencing harassment from her colleagues for criticizing gender identity ideology. In a video she shared to X in October, Elliot described how she had been singled out for her views.
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“Over the past several months, I’ve been copping some pretty heavy bullying by some of the Hobart City Councllors, and collectively as a council. You hear the Hobart City Council talking a lot about inclusion, diversity, and being welcoming and kind… But inclusion is welcomed if you agree with their thinking. If you don’t agree, then you are heavily excluded and targeted and bullied,” she said.
Elliot went on to explain that she does not believe that humans can change sex, and that women and girls are entitled to single-sex spaces and sports.
During one meeting, the Deputy Lord Mayor Councilor Helen Burnet put forward a motion that the council write to three different organizations to complain about Elliot. The councilors wrote to the Integrity Commission, the Anti-Discrimination Commission, and local government officials to request action be taken against Elliot over a series of posts she made on X.
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“We had a training session from a local organization, and I questioned some of the details that were in their fact sheet. Some of the details I found quite concerning, for example, statements that, ‘Trans women are not dominating women’s sport.’ I disagreed with that and tweeted some pictures of trans women playing in women’s soccer, and it’s happening globally,” Elliot said.
“In the fact sheet we had, they also tried to say that because black women are women, trans women are women. And I found that really quite a disturbing statement, quite racist and far from the truth.”
The fact sheet presented during the diversity training session, run in September by Working It Out Tasmania, also argued that trans-identified males do not pose a risk in female-only spaces.
“There is very little evidence of women’s spaces being secretly infiltrated by people with criminal motives, eg, sexual assault. Nearly every story that has emerged in the media or research regarding this has been disproven or discredited,” the document stated.
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Elliot further revealed that she had been sent a letter by Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor Helen Burnet chastising her for her views.
“You have consistently spoken out against transgender people and have on the public record refuted that transgender women are women,” the letter read. At Burnet’s request the city council asked the Anti-Discrimination Commissioner to consider that Elliot had, in their view, breached the Anti-Discrimination Act of 1998, which was amended in 2019 to include the subjective category of gender identity, but does not presently provide legal protections on the basis of biological sex.
Elliot has said she has received a flood of supportive messages from constituents. In September, a small demonstration was held outside of Hobart City Council Town Hall, wherein protesters called on the Deputy Mayor to “call off the witch hunt” against Elliot.
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mooncaps · 1 month
They're all for small government, until a woman wants to have control over her own sex life. They're all for "parents' rights," until the parents of a trans kid want to support their child. They're all for state's rights, until a state wants to enact tougher gun laws. They're all for guns and wanting the option to revolt against an overreaching government, until the Black Panther Party shows up armed to monitor the oppressors. They're all for the free market, until the consumers get angry and try to change the market. They're all for free speech when they want to say awful things, until college students start protesting, then they want to deport dissenters into the middle of an active genocide. They're all for Christianity, until you ask them to love their neighbors or do unto others as they would have done unto them. They're all for the idea of freedom, until someone makes a choice they don't like.
Do their contradictions come from a belief that there should be an in group who the law protects, but does not bind and an out group who the law binds, but does not protect? Or do they just not have any genuine principles at all?
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