#Galactic Commander Charon
catboy-cyrus · 1 year
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A collection of all my Team Galactic Palette drawings! Very sad they're so smalled :pensive:
All but Mars were requests! Palettes from here!
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estomia · 6 months
H8ers: your otp will never be real!!! 😠😡🤬
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Credit goes to @frozenskyv2
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lorekeeper-backset · 1 month
Looker and Charon are the first major characters to show up in the Platinum opening even before the protagonists and I think that's very funny. Like, look at these two random guys.
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Charon: my science experiments are soo ethical. u can trust me bc i wear glasses btw
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edgeanescence · 2 years
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Filing this one under a bit of a stretch theory, given some conclusions I’ve drawn, but I do think the commanders are partially inspired by the creation trio. Perhaps not to this exact extent, but still some fun food for thought.
Above is a few things that I believe connects the commanders designs to the pokemon respectively. Worth noting is Palkia’s top ridge goes down to the back of its neck like Mars’s hair, for space reasons its not shown. Charon is a bit more of a stretch, and Jupiter’s bottom bun could be tacked on to be Dialga’s neck ridges, which I feel unlikely. Liberties were probably taken with the hair designs if anything, but just fun to note.
To get into my theory proper:
Cyrus isn’t exactly Arceus in terms of design, if anything he’s more like a human Azelf, but for the concept of being god I believe he can suffice here.
Mars and Jupiter are Dialga and Palkia. They are the closest to their boss, both literally and metaphorically, the most devout. One could measure this devotion to the fact both Dialga and Palkia’s origin forms partially mimic their creator. They are often seen together, just like Dialga and Palkia are in old paintings and in the games. In fact, they follow Cyrus to Spear Pillar to guard him while he summons the deities. Yet they also reflect a bit of rivalry that Dialga/Palkia are often depicted as having. Still, they work together to keep the universal vision in tact, be it from Arceus or Cyrus’s vision.
Saturn and Charon are a bit more interesting. They measure up more with Giratina. They notably have a bit more distance from Cyrus, seeing through him sooner compared to the other two commanders. This distance is also reflected in the fact that neither visit Spear Pillar to help with summoning. Despite this, they are still entrusted with power over creating the red chain, with Giratina’s entrusted power being over antimatter. They reflect two stages in Giratina’s life, a stage where it was pursuing revenge and evil, and a stage where it decided to use its power for good. Charon is the evil part, deciding to use the remains of Galactic to extort money. The Giratina shunned by the world and said to be locked away in the Distortion World, because he is actively pushed away by the commanders and eventually arrested. Saturn is the reformed Giratina, trying to use the remains of Galactic for good and making it into an honest company. He’s done bad in the past, but seeks to rectify it much like Giratina after Volo is defeated. Both have committed a ‘betrayal’ to Cyrus’s vision of Galactic by using it for their own personal wants.
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ourobororos · 1 year
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au only pandering to me and me alone
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grey822aaa · 27 days
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I love Jupiter so much
And I also got sick🎉🎉🎉
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hollowsart · 2 years
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-insert zelda item get melody here-
It’s my grandpa!
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Mars: Okay, what is this? Am I being punk'd? Or is this a secret intervention for crushing on the boss?
(Cut to Saturn, Jupiter, Charon, and Cyrus standing under a banner that says "INTERVENTION - you really could do better")
Saturn: ...No. What would possibly give you THAT idea
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estomia · 7 months
Watching a Pokemon UM Hardcore Nuzlocke Video and remembering that in 2020-21 i wanted to write a redditshipping fanfic of the two old men going to Alola, like I imagine them finding eachother on some online forum talking about those ultra space wormholes and they then decide to meet up in Alola bc they want to do evil scientist shit And idk i really like them being loosers together..that usually dont go outside and them due to circumstances of idk problems with public transportation(IDK?? IM FROM GERMANY IM COPING) being forced to spend more time than wanted there and doing silly tourist stuff
BUT I SADLY NEVER WROTE DOWN ANYTHING!!Argh im so angry bc they brought me joy
yeah idk i really needed to yell about anything
and silly niche pokemon characters, like my hc charon and xerosic are my meow meows
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s1nn0hh · 5 months
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The Commander Mercury AU
This is a version of events that could have occurred after Platinum.
I’ve checked with other Pokémon fans, and it is, as far as I can tell, 100% canon-compliant, so if it makes you happy to believe that this is what happened, well, canon won’t stop you.
-Cyrus lost his rotom at twelve, which was very painful for him because he had almost no one else to fall back on. They met again a few months before the Spear Pillar event, but their reunion was brief: to protect the creature from finding out what he’d become, Cyrus gave it to Charon for research, giving him orders to keep it comfortable but also out of his sight.
-Directly after Platinum, Cyrus stays in the Distortion World by choice. He’s desperate to find a way to make his new world. He’s given too much for it to not happen. He’s ruined his reputation and that of his company. He’s ruined his friendship with Saturn. He gave up his rotom. He believes he has nothing left to lose. Time moves strangely in the Distortion World, but he can tell he’s been there a long time. He gradually loses all hope in completing his goal and decides to step out into the real world. It’s been over a year in their time, and Cyrus wanders back to Veilstone to see if Team Galactic still exists.
-It does. Cyrus enters the building, not quite sure what to expect. Some of the workers give him strange looks, like they’re not sure how to act around him. Others are practically falling to their knees upon seeing him again. Someone calls Saturn down.
-Cyrus and Saturn’s reunion is… bittersweet. Cyrus regrets the harm he’s caused now that he knows there won’t be any payout, and Saturn is glad that he’s come to his senses. He also demands honesty and transparency from Cyrus going forward, and admits that Cyrus pretty much traumatized him. He’s not willing to let Cyrus have control over the company again, but he can still work at it and Saturn does want to help him.
- Saturn catches Cyrus up on a few things, like that they threw Charon under the bus to save the company’s reputation, and that he got himself and the other commanders off the hook. He also invites the other commanders over to see him. Even though Mars and Jupiter aren’t working for Galactic Corps anymore, the ex-commanders are practically family, just as they were before. It confuses Cyrus that they’re happy to see him. He’s useless to them. He’s not their leader, the world he promised is never happening, he is nothing, why should they treat him otherwise? It takes him a while to wrap his head around the idea of them caring about him as a person.
-He’s especially surprised that Mars, who knew him least and looked up to him most, still cares about him. She admits that it was a serious disappointment to realize that you can’t actually solve all the world’s problems in one fell swoop, and that she’d just have to content herself in this one and try to put some warmth into it.
-They decide on changing Cyrus’ name and dying his hair to keep law enforcement at bay. Since the commanders are already no longer considered a threat, they decide that his new name will be Mercury, and if anyone asks about his past, he’ll say that he is an ex-commander.
-Cyrus tries to do as Mars suggests and make the most of the fact that he’ll be in this universe for the rest of his life. He is better off than he was pre-Distortion World, in ways. He’s in an engineering role in the company, which he’s better-suited to than being a cult leader in some ways. He’s also able to be a little more genuine around the ex-commanders now that he knows how much they care about him, not just as a leader or a deliverer of his false promises, but as a member of their family. It’s a much less lonely life.
-It’s months before Mercury even thinks to ask about it, but he eventually asks Saturn about what became of Charon’s rotom research. Apparently, it was abandoned after Charon was framed. Saturn takes Mercury to the secret room. Everything is coated in dust and Mercury’s childhood rotom is long gone, but Mercury finds some very interesting ideas there: namely, ideas for rotom phones and dexes.
-This strikes Mercury as an amazing idea. Rotoms feel they have no place in society except as a disruption to it, or at least his rotom did. Imagine creating something they’re made to possess. If something like that had existed when he was young, he wouldn’t have had to hide his friendship with the Pokémon. If these things became widespread, how many lonely children would be able to find a friend in them? It’s something he wants to start working on right away. And, well, canon happens. He works alongside others, including Samson Oak, and they do become widespread.
-Mercury seeks no glory. He’s a prestige-driven person and it will probably take him a while to silence the voice that tells him that he needs to Be More and Try Harder to be acceptable, but it simply isn’t practical to become well-known now- people could start digging into his past. Any of his achievements as an advisor to Saturn, as an engineer, or as an inventor will have to stay relatively under-the-radar, probably for the rest of his life. But he has the love of those close to him and a way to put a little warmth into the world. He’s the most content he’s ever been.
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cosmic-showdown · 1 year
cosmic showdown round 1
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team galactic (pokemon): Licherally Team Galactic. They're dressed like spacemen and the commanders are named after planets (except Charon is named after Pluto's moon bc he's a loser) and the leader Cyrus is named after the sun.
outertale cast (outertale, undertale au): It’s Undertale, but in space! All the classic Undertale characters - Sans, Papyrus, Undyne, etc. - but now all galaxy themed! I love the way the galaxy aesthetic is pretty much everywhere in this AU. https://outertale.tumblr.com/
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edgeanescence · 2 years
i love the fact that all of team galactic fits so well together in a symbolic sense
what do i mean that? well all of them have names relating to a planetary object, directly or indirectly. jupiter, mars and saturn are all obviously planets, charon is the moon of pluto, and cyrus is a name that relates to the sun in meaning. they are the solar system, albeit an incomplete one
which that alone is fun and all, it makes the team more befitting of the name ‘team galactic’, but it goes a bit further then that. take into consideration their personalities and positions within the group
in most languages his name refers to the sun. the very center of the solar system. cyrus is the boss of team galactic, which is fitting enough for his placement, but his goals line up nicely too. he wishes to craft a new universe, a world without spirit, and he wants to be the sole one to do that. hes extremely self centered in his goal, even if cyrus believes it to be for the betterment of everyone. everything will revolve around his ideas, much like how the planets orbit the sun.
in japanese, at least with how his names written, akagi translates to bishopwood. this is probably the most drastic departure from the other names he has, but i wouldnt be surprised if the aka, or red, aspect of his name was a very loose sun reference. the sun is commonly red in japan, even being red on the flag after all.
in russian, his name is sirius, which is actually a different star that is more bright then the sun. although, it does vaguely sound like cyrus too. likely chosen because of the brightness aspect and the fact it sounds similar? but it throws off the ‘center of the solar system’ thing quite a bit.
the innermost planet of the bunch. mars is interesting as a choice, because its the fourth from the sun. this indicates that while she is close to cyrus, there is a certain degree of distance between them. shes arguably the most passionately devoted, vowing to continue searching for cyrus after getting beaten at stark mountain. she doesnt seem to want to give up on him at all.
in spanish her name was changed to being venus. this is likely for the same reasons as jupiters name change. theres no real statement given for the change, but since it happened to jupiter too, its likely it was due to referencing a masculine god, as dumb as the reason is. venus would still be considered the innermost planet despite the name changes.
jupiter is next in line, often showing up next to mars, if not surely after her. fitting, considering jupiter is right after mars in the solar system. she sticks with mars when charon tries to lead his branch of galactic, but quits alongside her after they get a clue about where their boss mightve headed. she cares plenty about cyrus, probably following charon because she was seeking answers just like mars was. she doesnt seem to reconsider her actions even when she quits galactic, instead debating if going on a journey would be right for her. whether that journey was also to find cyrus or not, its hard to tell.
in spanish, jupiters name was changed to ceres, which is actually another dwarf planet. they still attempt to maintain rough placement by picking ceres, which sits in between mars and jupiter in the asteroid belt.
saturn is the only commander who never had a name change. hes always been saturn, although i feel like the addition of charon later on further contextualizes his planet namesake. being further out then mars and jupiter but much closer to the sun then charon, it explains why saturn feels ready to move on sooner once spear pillar has transpired, yet still attaches himself to cyrus. he still sort of laments his time with galactic, reflecting almost nostalgically as he takes hold of the remains. he still finds his boss admirable, but understands that he should move on from extremism. hes not as devout as mars or jupiter, given the fact he declines the offer to join charon to search for cyrus like the two of them. yet like charon, he started to see through cyrus as the game went on, realizing that he wasnt truly aware of everything that was going on.
charon isnt even a planet. no matter what language, he is always othered, being a moon or a dwarf planet. pluto became reclassified as a dwarf planet before platinum came out, and charon is just its largest moon. this lines up neatly with the fact he states he is the most junior of the commanders; a dwarf planet or moon could be considered as lesser to them. in addition, his devotion is barely existent, hes quick to disavow cyrus after the events of spear pillar, and focus on his own goal of gaining money instead. charon and pluto are in the farther reaches of the solar system, beyond the main planets. his interactions with the other commanders is often met with disdain, matching with the distance between him and even the planet closest to him, saturn.
it is interesting to note that he is only referred to as charon in english, and is pluto elsewhere. likely a strange translation decision to make it more obvious how different he is to the other commanders, although i could see a god reference as a point of contention. charon is a ferryman sometimes depicted as an old man and is expecting to be paid for his business transporting the dead; while pluto is more a general god of wealth being conflated with hades due to a similar name
on a bit of a side tangent, bdsp is also worth noting here, because they went as far to add varying backgrounds for the various galactic fights. the grunts are just a starry sky with some space dust. theyre not really notable, but still part of the team nonetheless.
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the commanders are the stars and dust with three planets as there is three commanders in bdsp. the planets are nice and big here, and while none of them match up with their proper planets design wise, still get the message across as representing them.
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and cyrus is the stars, three planets and a quasar. the quasar is an interesting choice, as it aligns less with the idea of the center of the solar system and more of an entire galaxy, which is still fitting for depicting cyrus as their boss. probably chosen to fit over the sun because not all of his names reference it, and also because it looks cooler.
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