#German Alphonse
illustratus · 1 month
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Attack on a Moorish camp - Defeat of the Saracens at the Battle of Tours, AD 732 — by Alphonse de Neuville
The Franks led by Charles Martel attack the Saracen camp at the Battle of Tours, halting the Muslim invasion in the year 732
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ceru-draws · 18 days
I can always tell who among you dungeon meshi fans were previously fullmetal alchemist fans because you guys draw Laios like a discount (or upgraded?) copy of Alphonse Elric
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(two examples of canon drawings) THEY COULD BE THE SAME
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dangans-ur-ronpas · 2 months
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the pixie chihiro (and alter ego)
chihiro's wings are warped and damaged from birth, so flying is impossible. as such, they built and enchanted a wooden puppet to carry them around, and named it alter ego
alter ego is also sentient...in a way it is an extension of chihiro that can also think for itself? the string tied around alter ego's wrist links it to chihiro
instead of computer programming, chihiro specializes in making enchanted objects, including enchanted dolls. alter ego is not their only puppet but its the one they like the most
chihiro is self-conscious about keeping up with others given their size and inability to fly, so will usually only introduce themself when piloting alter ego. because of this most others assume chihiro is a magic, sentient doll
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mothmanperson · 7 months
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songs i think fit to YuuriVoice characters and listeners, maybe with and maybe without elaboration
Charlie(my love <3)
i’m german so i know what the lyrics say and it just fits you get me, also just the beat n stuff- it sounds very much ‚my life is going downhill and i’m getting chased by people who don’t like me‘ and it- just fits charlie‘s storyline so so well i think
now just for funsies we’re doing vamp!auron hehe
for him i have Overtüre from the dance of the vampires musical which i very much adore. even if you don’t know german, go listen to the whole musical(i know there’s an englisch version but the german one is just superior<3)
now onto Boo which is very mich meant as a joke but like:
how could i resist, please tell me. boo just shot bro and did a lil dancey dance like c‘mon the joke writes itself
now going onto charlie‘s(<3) listener to me they’re just so lady gaga coded like-
and especially government hooker????? YES PLEASE
and obviously IT GIRL like-
they are- they really are
and the boys, the bæs Al and Seth(YEA BABY)
another german song bc :P
for them ‚diamanten‘ by kontra k fits super well to. the beginning stages of their relationship when they were deep in the gang shit.
and yea that’s it for now, thanks for listening(go listen to ‚tanz der vampire‘ now >:( or else)
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eileennatural · 7 months
i liked conquerer of shamballa but like. did it freak anyone out when al started dressing exactly like his presumed-dead older brother that he couldn't even remember. or did someone give him that outfit and suggest he grow out his hair. because that would be kind of fucked up for other reasons
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alicenpai · 11 months
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my piece for the Hemisphere: a Witch Hat Atelier seasons themed zine! thank you for having me! they're having a leftovers sale until stock runs out 🖋🍀🌷🍁❄🌧 WIPs + inspiration board + symbolism under the cut! got some requests to put this on my inprnt! the site has sales very often & you can grab it as a small or big size print.
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I had a pretty good idea of the composition from the get-go. I took inspiration from art nouveau (primarily Alphonse Mucha), German fairy tales, and some 1920s perfume ads. I wanted the girls to look like fairies, akin to The Root Children by Sibylle von Olfers.
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Olly just didn't work out in this drawing due to time restraints. I do love him very much though.
I actually kinda stopped making illustrations like these (including the TGAA/DGS tarot card + TGAA/DGS zine pieces a while back) because they were starting to get very hard on my arm, as I had an RSI (repetitive strain injury) a few years back during school. (Not putting the onus on the zines at all ofc! I genuinely love working with zine projects! it's def a me thing WAHAHAHA. my style was getting too anime and too detailed for my liking and everything was just taking forever to finish ngl. but I didn't have time to experiment with a more simple style outside of all of my deadlines)
I think that realizing you need to stop is okay. It's something that Shirahama teaches us in her story and I want to learn to take it to heart.
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MILD SPOILERS AHEAD (for those who havent read the story I guess)
each character's symbolism:
- Coco - spring, clovers - Coco is the quintessential spring girl, and I wanted her to symbolize new beginnings, and oh boy did Coco bring a big one. The four leaf clover in particular symbolizes luck and good fortune - to some characters, Coco may have brought fortune, to others her presence brings misfortune, take that as you will.
- Tetia - summer, gladiolus - the name "gladiolus" comes from the Latin word "gladius", meaning "sword", based on the shape of the flower. you can interpret it as "you pierce my heart", perfect for a girl like Tetia, who has a contagious energy, with a romantic and grandiose nature.
- Agott - autumn, marigold - I read somewhere marigolds symbolize strength and power, perfect for our little magical powerhouse Agott. They can also symbolize jealousy (yellow flowers in particular have this association), which reflects on her rivalry with Coco in the beginning.
- Riche - winter, snowdrop - The white color of snowdrops has a strong connotation to innocence, which reflects on Riche's wish to stay a child forever. It can also symbolize rebirth and new beginnings (like Coco's clovers), as the snowdrop is the first flower to bloom in the spring, when the snow has not yet melted. I wanted the concept of "rebirth" to associate with Riche's friendship with Euini, and of his sort of "rebirth" into a new being.
- Qifrey - he does not have a flower per se, but as the caregiver and educator of the four girls, he represents the rainy season - precipitation being the one thing that binds all of these seasons together. (Note some areas of the world do not have a rainy season like where I live). I think somewhere along the line I wanted to put hydrangeas behind him, to really bring out the "rainy" theme, but the thought probably got lost somewhere in translation...
- bg flowers - honestly I just picked whatever. white lily, daffodil, hydrangea, zinnia, tulip
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amateurvoltaire · 3 months
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When you get publicly slapped by 4 surrealist poets because you insulted a guy's historical crush
(translation and context under the cut)
Gallantly Defending Robespierre’s Honour
In the conservative daily paper, Le Gaulois, on March 3, 1923, the journalist and man of letters, Wieland Mayr, expressed his pleasure: there would not be, he wrote, a "vile apotheosis" for "that holy scoundrel" Robespierre. On the other hand, Mathiez had the Surrealists with him. Following the article in Le Gaulois, Robert Desnos (1), accompanied by Paul Éluard (2), Max Ernst (3), and André Breton (4), summoned Mayr in a café and publicly slapped him for insulting the memory of "the Incorruptible."
Why did Mayr get Slapped?
In short: studying history in the 1920s was a messy business, especially when it came to the French Revolution….
To explain why Mayr ended up getting slapped, please allow me to briefly dive into the French Revolution's historiography during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Keep in mind, that this is a grossly oversimplified version.
Before 1848, it was pretty standard for French republicans to proudly see themselves as inheritors of Robespierre’s legacy. (If you’ve ever wondered why in Les Misérables, Enjolras’ character is very much channeling Robespierre and Saint-Just, here’s your answer!) However, things start to change with the Second Republic.
In 1847, Jules Michelet brought back the negative portrayal of Robespierre as a tyrannical "priest" and leader of a new cult. This narrative helped fuel an increasing dislike for Robespierre, with radicals like Auguste Blanqui arguing that the real revolutionaries were the atheistic Hébertists, not the Robespierrists.
Jump to the Third Republic, and the negative sentiment towards Robespierre was only getting stronger, driven by voices like Hippolyte Taine, who painted Robespierre as a mediocre figure, overwhelmed by his role. This trend was politically motivated, aiming to reshape the Revolution's legacy to align with the Third Republic's secular values. Obviously, Robespierre, the "fanatic pontiff" of the Supreme Being, didn’t quite fit this revised narrative and was made out to be the villain. Alphonse Aulard (a historian willing to stretch the truth to make his point) continued pushing Danton as the face of secular republicanism. Albert Mathiez, one of Aulard’s students, was not having any of it and strongly disagreed with his mentor’s approach.
The general disdain for Robespierre began to shift after World War I. One reason was that people could better appreciate the actions of the Revolutionary Government after experiencing the repression during the war themselves. Albert Mathiez and his colleagues were actively working to change Robespierre's tarnished image. With tensions high, it's no wonder Mayr ended up being publicly slapped by a bunch of poets who were defending the Incorruptible's honour!
Robert Desnos (1900-1945) was a French poet deeply associated with the Surrealist movement, known for his revolutionary contributions to both poetry and resistance during World War II.
Paul Éluard (1895-1952) was a French poet and one of the founding members of the Surrealist movement, celebrated for his lyrical and passionate writings on love and liberty.
Max Ernst (1891-1976) was a German painter, sculptor, graphic artist, and poet, a pioneering figure in the Dada and Surrealist movements known for his inventive use of collage and exploration of the unconscious.
André Breton (1896-1966) was a French writer, poet, and anti-fascist, best known as the principal founder and leading theorist of Surrealism, promoting the liberation of the human mind.
Source: The text in the picture comes from Robespierre and the Social Republic by Albert Mathiez
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anotherrosesthatfell · 8 months
E.L.A characters nationally because why not.
Good guys
Dream - Romanian/Spanish
Ink - Japanese
Blue/Swap - American
Hope - Russian
Bad guys
Corrupted Nightmare (Alphonse) - German
Killer - Indonesian
Dust - Ukrainian
Horror - German
Neutral side
Error - British (he already has the British accent so-💀)
Cross - Hellas (Greece)
Core Frisk - Korean because why not
The dead one-
Passive Nightmare- Japanese/???
Nim - Japanese
Frieda - Vietnamese
I think that's all 🤔
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businesstiramisu · 4 months
@canyourfavesurvivecastledracula -- I'm trying out the "argue at you" approach. tagging you b/c you don't have submissions open and I think this long enough to be an annoying ask. I don't think you know or care about this character, but *I* do, so here's my argument :P
Can Alphonse Elric survive Castle Dracula?
[the answer depends a LOT on which part of which canon we're using, but we're going to go vaguely with "middle part". That is to say, armor]
Al has one HUGE advantage against Dracula, which is that he has no corporeal human body (for now). He's not completely free of blood though -- if Dracula learns about the blood seal tethering his soul to this mortal plane, I fully believe he's learned enough Dark Magicks at Scholomance to fuck it up. So the question is, would he find out? Al is usually pretty good at hiding it… unless he just decides to tell people. So it depends on how their dynamic plays out.
Al would accept the crucifix from the townsfolk, and listen to their other advice. Even if he doesn't believe them, he's a polite boy, and you never know what information might be useful! Maybe their folktales have clues about the Philosopher's Stone, you never know. (Also in one version of canon he can understand German, so let's say language barriers aren't an issue.)
Dracula is bemused when an alchemist in full plate armor turns up asking to see his library instead of the solicitor he requested. Alchemists? He hasn't run into any of those in a while. But hey, the lawyer's not here yet, he's got time to fuck with this guy and have an extra snack.
The shaving incident wouldn't happen obviously, but Dracula might realize something is amiss because Al doesn't sleep. Or will he? Does Dracula pay enough attention to know when normal humans should be sleeping and Al isn't? If so, he will probably investigate, push boundaries, or stage a confrontation until he finds out Al's deal, and then he will be PISSED. No lawyer, and now no snack! This is bullshit! From here on out, it's WAR. If not, then...
If Al realizes this is a kidnapping and not a library loan, he will play along. He might not even mind. He's been kidnapped before, and it always worked out fine. Dracula might be more creepy and threatening than his other kidnappers, but Al's dealt with a wide variety of creepy and threatening in his quest, I just don't think he'd be fazed. And he is, as already mentioned, a polite person who would want to be a respectful guest! Hmm kinda creepy that he just implied I'll never leave this place alive... oh well! Nice table setting, sir, compliments to your staff.
Being a respectful guest might not extend to staying in his room as instructed; he's a curious guy and only a stickler for the rules compared to his brother. The girlies aren't a problem for him, because he's still wearing the crucifix, but they might clue him in that Something Is Wrong and lead to Al himself forcing a confrontation with Dracula.
But even if everything goes smoothly, Al would eventually get bored with Dracula's library (if there was anything useful about the Philosopher's Stone in there, Dracula wouldn't be a vampire). At some point, Al would decide this kidnapping is over, and he would provoke the confrontation in trying to leave.
I haven't written any reason for Al to tell Dracula about his fatal weakness, so I'm gonna say Dracula can't actually do much to Al; but unfortunately I don't think Al can harm Dracula either. I don't actually remember what allowed Jonathan to hit him with a shovel but I think it involved special circumstances that do not apply to Al. However, Dracula also can't prevent Al from leaving -- neither thousand foot cliffs nor wolves are much of an obstacle to him. (Well actually, if you physically overpower him and take the armor apart, he can't walk away -- but people almost never think of that, and Dracula probably won't either.)
Which is all to say that Alphonse can survive Castle Dracula, but he probably won't have as much useful intel as Jonathan did. Mind you, he took notes! He just didn't get personal experience with as many of Dracula's powers.
And of course, his goal after this is to track down his brother -- if anyone can figure out how to kill a vampire it's Ed. Where the fuck did he get to, anyways? He'd better not be stranded in Weimar Germany. Al can absolutely walk to Munich from here, but waiting around 25-30 years for Ed to turn up would be a drag.
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flowertab · 3 months
PL Character Name Meanings Pt. 2
Clark—“scholar, scribe, cleric” (English and Scottish origin)
Brenda—“sword, torch” (Scandinavian origin)
Arianna—“most holy, chaste” (Italian and Greek origin)
Tony—“priceless, flourishing, praiseworthy” (Latin origin)
Randall—“wolf shield” (Old German origin)
Angela—“messenger, angel” (Italian and Greek origin)
Henry—“ruler of the house” (German origin)
Alphonse—“noble, ready for battle” (Old German and French origin)
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nihidea-art · 8 months
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Trans Alphonse to go with Punk!Ed 🤭
16: Trying to express Al's exasperation in his expression and signing... I used the ASL sign for Brother simply because it seemed easier to draw than the German one. 14: Of course the Hughes's let Al have a kitten.
again, if I've made you curious feel free to ask any questions 👀 I may even answer with a doodle
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nocnitsa · 1 year
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Tragedy, a mural study by Alphonse Mucha for a New York German Theatre, 1908
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ojo-rojo · 1 year
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Alphonse Mucha: Cover illustration for Cocorico magazine, 1899. Cocorico, was the french response to Jugend, the seminal german humor, arts and poetry magazine that featured the foremost german and austrian art noveau practitioners. 
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ghostyolive · 2 years
no little german boy! don’t go into the dubious bar you’ve been invited to!
alphonse elric: oh mein gott. zis dämonennest ist full of fürrigayen
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dreamtydraw · 8 months
i wanna know more about erinna! what's her story like (`∇´)! and what's something about her that most other characters don't know?
*crack knuckles*
Tw: abusive relationship ,depression and parental neglect
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Erinna Alphonse ( full name ) 's parents died when she was a baby and she ended up in the orphanage. She was lucky to get adopted young by a lovely couple who wanted to have a daughter.
All her childhood, she was pampered like a princess. It all was going well until she tuner 6 years old. After years the couple finally managed to have a legitimate child.
A majority of the family didn't consider Erinna as legitimate in the family but it's wasn't too serious because she was young and the subject didn't come back often. With the arrival of a « legitimate » child the question came up again, they had no valid reason to not count her as a family now they did. It’s simple, outside of her grandparents most of them started to simply tolerated her « when will you send her back ? »
Little iris is now the center of the family and takes all of her parent’s attention.That created the syndrome of the King child. You give everything to Iris the younger because we are so proud to have her, after all, she is the little one of the family, we must pamper her. Erinna is old enough, she can understand, right?
Erinna Understood very well that we favorise the youngest, after all, it is a baby and she has no rancor. She loves her little sister, she looks after her, she takes care of her... So why would she hold a grudge against her?
Years pass and her parent enrolled her in multiple private lessons because failing to grant her their presence in her life, they wanted her to do big and great language studies. In some way, it was for them the only reason she was worth getting attention.
For that, she started an international program in middle school with English for history and literature, added Latin optional, Spanish in LV2, and the following years a study of Russian, Japanese, Polish, German, and in the end Finnish, switching constantly when her level isn’t judged good enough to begin with.
Just by reading it, you can feel how much this program looks heavy for a midlescholer and it is. Above it, she takes care of herself since her parents trust her to be big enough to do it alone. They are too busy and they didn't want to waste money on a nanny when Erinna is capable enough to do everything alone.
growing up too early ruins a childhood and at the age of 15, she is already in Burnout.
No time to make friends you have to work, no time to sleep you have to do your dinner, no time to go out you have to clean your house.
As she’s busy, her parents take even less time for her, ut's a pitty excuse as they are the ones overlooking her and then complain. They go on vacation with the youngest one and leave her the keys for her to study at home because exams go first, they go see the family without her because she's not that welcome now that grandpa is gone. They do not celebrate her birthday because it is too close to Christmas and after all, they can just mix the two and that if they remember to wish her a good day.
The problem is, nothing is all bad or all good for her, it’s a gray area in the heart of the girl.
They are neither bad nor good with her, it's neglect. She’s just so tired, the simple idea of opening a book makes her want to cry. she’s tired of it all but doesn’t want to complain because she doesn’t see the injustice. For her, it's just that she’s rubbing herself for nothing and her parents are doing a lot of stuff so she should stop complaining.
During her last High school year, a person who draws her attention, a boy named Ricky.
Ricky is nice to her, he remembers their little discussions, she gets along well with him and it’s a light of comfort in the ocean of her life. He always try to reach out to her, sometimes walked her home. So when he asks her out she happily says yes, she feels loved for the first time in a while.
No one gives her attention, apart from asking for homework, she has no interaction with the people in her class. She is alone, she is tired, but it is the end of her white exams, which means it's the Christmas holidays and soon her birthday. she will turn 18 and she thought that for the occasion her parents would prepare something, after all, Iris got a giant event for her 10 years.
Their answer to her question :
Oh, we thought you wanted to celebrate it with your friends, we won’t here here for the holidays.
She didn't recover from their answer and that’s the last time she’ll talk to her parents face-to-face because she snapped. She can't handle the pressure anymore, she’s heartbroken, tired and upset.
Ricky moved in his appartement and freshly 18, she takes all her belongings and move in with him.
(This part is about mental and physical abuse)
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At first, everything was nice, just a little couple living together. Erinna is at the lowest of her depression, she don’t go out, she sleeps all day, she takes little care of herself and simply loose her sense of time.
Ricky who was once a loving boyfriend is more and more controling. At first it felt genuine but it slowly grew on possessiveness and control, she can’t do anything on her own and he makes sure she can’t. At some point he doesn’t bother no more, simply locking her in the appartement.
The relationship grew violent, he got irritated, she got scared and it escalated in the bedroom.
One days where she cries about her life she thinks about it and how she dosent want to live, not like that, not here, not that way.
So she escapes.
She search for one of her blood relative, she finds the manor and that where her story starts.
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myhauntedsalem · 1 year
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The Haunting of Al Capone
At the height of the Prohibition era an incident of gangland violence stands out above all the rest—the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre. These murders that took place in February of 1929 where especially brutal—even for the time. This bloody violence in Chicago resulted in two distinct hauntings. One at the location where the murders took place and one that plagued the man responsible, Al Capone at the end of his life.
In the 1920s violent gang shootings in Chicago were not uncommon as warring fractions battled for control of the cities various lucrative bootlegging, speakeasy, gambling and prostitution operations. Alphonse Capone, a rising gangster who ruled Chicago’s south side and George “Bugs” Moran who controlled the north side where two of the most powerful gangland leaders in 1929. Capone, ever ambitious, decided to hit Moran where it hurt so he could eliminate his only competition.
Moran operated out of a garage, S-M-C Cartage Company on North Clark Street. Capone who had this garage under surveillance for weeks arranged for a man, who Moran trusted, to call and tell him to expect a shipment of bootlegged whiskey on the morning of February 14. On this date, seven of Moran’s men where inside the garage as what appeared to be a police car drove up. Five men, three in uniforms and two in plains clothes got out of this car and entered the garage. Ironically, Moran who was late that morning spotted this “police” car and he and one of his men ducked inside a nearby coffee shop.
Meanwhile, in the garage the fake cops had informed Moran’s men that they were there for a raid. They ordered these seven to stand facing a wall and to place their hands above their heads. These men thinking they were caught did as they were told. Capone’s thugs then pulled out Thompson machine guns and shotguns and brutally shot them in the head, chest and stomach, killing them.
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The bullets they used had been brushed with garlic—a superstition that it was said ensured death. These fake officers then led out their two buddies dressed in plain clothes at gunpoint in order to make it look like they had made arrests. They got in their car and drove off unchallenged. A passerby discovered the slaughtered men inside when he heard a German shepherd owned by one of the murdered men, crying pitifully inside. One man was found barely alive—he had fourteen bullets in him. He was rushed to the hospital where he refused to say who had shot him. He died shortly afterward.
At the time of the massacre Capone was in Florida. Both he and Moran accused each other of the killings. The identities of Capone’s five hit men have never been definitely established. No charges were ever filed against Capone for this massacre. This violence did succeed in breaking apart Moran’s north side operations. But ironically Capone was never to reap the rewards of this power grab for these brutal murders caused a major public outcry. Federal agents headed by Elliot Ness—the Untouchables—were brought in to crack down on crime in Chicago.
The bloodstained garage where the massacre occurred was torn down in 1967 for an urban renewal project. Before the building was torn down countless witnesses heard screams, sobbing, and moaning sounds coming from inside. Today what remains of the site is a grassy area with five trees. It is said that dogs that pass by the area whine, bark and snarl at something unseen.
Capone and one of his men were arrested in Philadelphia in 1929. They were charged with carrying concealed weapons. Capone was sentenced to one year in prison. When he was released he returned to Chicago but he found the city now was much less tolerant of crime. In 1934 he was nabbed for tax evasion and sent to Alcatraz prison. Finding himself beaten by guards and evading threats on his life from fellow prisoners he spent most of his time in isolation. It is said he played a banjo his wife sent him and wept for all that he had lost.
Suffering from the advanced stages of syphilis his guards reported that they heard him pleading with someone in his cell. It appears that the ghost of James Clark, one of the men killed in the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre was haunting him. He claimed that Clark would not let him alone. He was often found in his cell babbling and crying about this ghost that tormented him. At the time he was released one of his mobster compatriots stated Capone was, “nuttier than a fruitcake”. In 1947 Capone died of a brain hemorrhage caused by syphilis.
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