#Government Benefits
imkeepinit · 1 year
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chronicallycouchbound · 11 months
I refuse to call government assistance programs “welfare” or “benefits”.
I’ve been on government assistance programs my whole life. I have never lived above the poverty line.
It’s a system that doesn’t care about my wellbeing, they care about doing the bare minimum to keep people alive enough to function and work, and if you’re disabled and cannot work, they give significantly less of a fuck.
And benefits?? What benefits?
Food stamps that run out within two weeks because I am budgeting with 8$ a day with literally dozens of dietary restrictions? Or do you mean the housing voucher that I have to never even have a gift card, penny to my name, Sams club membership, phone bill, literally anything that could be “income” in order to qualify? That same housing voucher system that if I mess up even once with I not only lose all government aid for at least 5 years, it’s also mandatory PRISON time for 1 year?? “Oh but they would never do that, right?” Nope! I have several friends who are now felons for minor lease violations and unhoused as a result! Oh maybe you mean the state health insurance that doesn’t cover most treatments, specialists, and testing I need and if I tried to make a gofundme to cover, I would lose aforementioned housing? Oh and we can’t forget all the money I get for being disabled, which is exactly 0$. I’m still fighting for SSI and have been for 6 years! That’s over 6 years with absolutely zero income. ZERO. And guess what, whenever I *do* get on SSI, I will lose my housing voucher. And I won’t be able to afford my current apartment because even in subsidized low income housing it’s too expensive for the maximum SSI “benefit” amount. And on SSI you can’t have savings over 2000$. Oh and they do make housing for people who are low income where you pay 30% of your income but I can’t even be on the waitlist since I don’t have any income. And on top of all this, I can never get married because I’ll lose all of the programs.
I could keep going. That’s not even half of the programs I’m a part of.
• None of them give me cash in hand. Even for vouchers I have to provide receipts for everything.
• Food stamps just straight up won’t even cover ineligible items. Which includes hot foods.
• I genuinely don’t believe that there’s a way to “game the system” and why would you? You would gain literally nothing.
• It’s designed to keep people poor. Once you make over a certain amount, you lose all or almost all benefits. There’s no way to slowly transition out of the programs, if you’re someone who’s able to. It’s all in or all out.
• All of these barriers are made significantly worse while unhoused/homeless. I’ve been homeless for over half of my life and there’s so many fucked up rules. If I missed one night staying in the shelter, I lost my housing voucher because I no longer was “verified as homeless” even if I was sleeping outside still.
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arctic-hands · 11 months
Now that cannabis is legalized in Maryland, does anyone know how that effects welfare benefits programs? (In my case, SNAP, SSI, and Medicaid.) I know before legalization, at least with SNAP, if you were caught using (or dealing) drugs then they would take SNAP away from you, permanently, with no way to get back on it. Has that changed, and will other welfare programs be at risk of being lost if I use?
Hell I don't even want to smoke a joint, I just want CBD oil for the chronic illnesses and pain that meant I had to go on all this welfare to begin with. The above is why I never went in for a medical cannabis card even tho that was legal first, that and the fact Medicaid wouldn't cover what I bought and even CBD is pricey
I tried looking this up but all I got were articles about how cannabis legalization is great for "the welfare of the country"
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margaretlsgp · 10 months
Biden creates new national monument at Grand Canyon [Video]
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themoneysavvyblog · 1 year
Determining When to Take CPP
The Canada Pension Plan -CPP- is one of the 3 government programs available to Canadians to live in retirement. It’s currently aiming to replace 25% of employment income. It will increase to 50% over the next 40 years. Since 2019, both employees and employers are required to contribute additional amounts each year to the CPP program. Currently, the maximum pensionable earnings subject to CPP are…
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dykealloy · 6 months
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nelkcats · 11 months
Hide and Seek
When his family decided to play hide and seek, Danny always participated. He was an expert; after months of running away, coupled with the fact that he had invisibility, the game was very easy, the halfa had always been the best.
So when his family decided to team up to hide from Gotham and their heroes Danny did it too. He could see Officer Gordon searching for the "dangerous" couple and Batman tracking the "meta" but they would never find them. They were too good at the game.
Oracle would despair at their blurry, seeing corrupted images as they led the rest of the vigilantes in a circling search because it was fun.
Of course, they were so distracted paying attention to them that they forgot the other bats. No wonder Red Hood asked for payment after founding them in Crime Alley a few days later (Danny wondered if the vigilante would be willing to play with him, it was strange that he didn't accuse them)
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when I took a month off work I was lowkey worried I'd come back and find everyone had been fine without me and I wasn't needed at all (because being terrible at every previous job I've had did some ✨damage✨ to my self confidence)
but that is not what happened
I have never encountered someone so fucking happy to see me as my boss' wife was on my first day back, her face lit up like it was christmas, she was practically jumping for joy because now that I'm back she doesn't have to do the ops team's fucking timesheets anymore
I have been told by one of the ops guys that my leave of absence had caused a genuine rift in the boss' marriage because his wife hated doing my job so much they were actively fighting about it
to be clear, his wife is lovely, she doesn't usually throw a shit fit about just anything, it was just that my job is just so fucking annoying that she hated every second of it, and that was the most validating shit I have ever experienced in my LIFE
and the reason she was pissed off at my boss/her husband about it is because he's too soft on his crew and doesn't make them all report their hours for the week
which, as you can imagine, makes building their timesheets extremely fucking difficult
it basically turns the whole process into a puzzle that I have to solve using roughly three different sources of information, one of which is the boss himself who isn't always easy to get ahold of when he's on a site
this puzzle is made even more difficult by the fact that a glitch in our form system keeps messing up the dates on the timecards, so I have to cross reference the time cards from the two (2) ops team members, who actually DO fill out their forms, with the roster, but my boss often changes the roster at the last minute without telling me or noting it down, so then I have to cross reference with the reports they have to submit for certain ongoing jobs because they'll have correct dates and also a list of who was present (if they were doing one off smalltime jobs that week I'll have no physical records and will rely entirely on the boss' memory to confirm dates and staff numbers, unless I can get ahold of one of the ops team members themselves and there's only one who will reliably communicate with me but only when he's not currently on a site)
I tried to explain this process to boss' wife before I left and, looking horrified, she asked me 'is there no way to streamline this?' I replied 'this is streamlined'
as far as I'm aware, as long as I've worked there, there has only been a handful of times people were paid incorrectly, and it was because I was not given correct information by the boss, in the time I was gone, his wife told me that she had incorrectly logged several pays because of this broken ass system
so, as you could imagine, my ego is through the fucking roof right now, I am GOOD at this bullshit job, I took an impossible system and made it work, I am playing on hard mode and killing it, in a field I had zero experience in before taking this job other than a natural inclination for organising and scheduling
and to be clear, I love this job, the boss is too soft on his staff but he's a good guy, he makes us all feel valued and appreciated, he paid me above my award rate, he's absurdly accommodating, and I have an insane amount of freedom to do what I want with company files
I may be working with a bullshit system but I can take naps in the office whenever I want and tell my boss off when he's being too soft (one time his wife literally started clapping when I told him off for sending clients their reports before they'd paid for them) and I get to control when I work, and whether I work from home or the office (which is GREAT when my back flares up)
I might not get many hours (only 16 hours per week) because the company is so small and I run out of things to do because I've streamlined everything (boss literally called me TOO EFFICIENT), but he'll give me those 16 even if I spend half of it playing solitaire and watching youtube
so just, yeah, it feels so good to be confident in my work, to feel valued and appreciated and like I'm actually successful at something after being handed dud jobs for years that I wasn't cut out for, and now knowing that what I'm doing is actually genuinely hard but I've been doing it anyway without fail, makes me feel good!
so tldr; taking a month off work taught me I have phenomenal job security because if my boss ever fires me his wife might actually fucking kill him
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delphiniumjoy · 11 months
I do not want to get married. I acknowledge that equal marriage rights are incredibly valuable for a multitude of reasons and that the fight for marriage equality is nowhere near over (disabled people being unable to get married at risk of losing their benefits comes to mind). But I do not want to get married.
I am however deeply frustrated by the complete lack of legal rights that exist outside of marriage. My next of kin will forever be my parents and siblings, no matter how much of my life has been devoted to a chosen family. They will have first rights in legal, medical, and even funerary decisions. And don't get me wrong, I am close with my blood family, but I ache at the thought that some of the most important people in my life will never "count" by these metrics. If I'm hospitalized, they won't even be allowed in the room.
Legal care of kinship only applies to children with insufficient guardianship (this is where a godparent or friend or neighbor can serve as a substitute guardian, basically). I as an adult can't get my friends to legally adopt me (also that would be a little weird). At best, I can list them as an emergency contact and hope. Why am I not allowed to sign a piece of paper saying these people are loved and trusted and should be recognized as such.
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ballad-of-the-lamb · 4 months
I mean, if you start a patreon or something, I'm certain people would pay you for hot sheep content
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for as much as i am honored people want to Give me their Money i literally cannot accept money from u guys go donate to charity orgs instead!!
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thanks for coming to my ted talk on how the government makes me feel as a disabled person
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chronicallycouchbound · 9 months
Rent strikes aren’t always an option.
I live in an area that has some decent tenant’s rights laws, and it even protects things like when your landlord won’t fix major issues in your apartment, you can withhold rent until it is fixed.
But since I use government aid vouchers to pay my rent, I can’t participate in rent strikes/rent withholding.
My apartment has some pretty serious issues: broken windows, overhead lights out, a fairly large crack in the floor next to my toilet, the shower almost always only sprays scalding water, all my appliances break frequently, the electrical system is fucked, my door lock doesn’t function properly, and I could keep going. I can’t do anything but call my maintenance guy and hope they eventually get around to it. These problems have been going on for years.
My housing is nearly unlivable, at best it’s unsafe, and there’s no end in sight. I had to stop living at my apartment for several months because of a combination of factors (I’m also being stalked by two separate people) but nothing changed when I went back. There’s no other wheelchair accessible ADA apartments available, and I’m not a high priority for other apartments anyways because I’m not currently legally homeless.
I’ve been considering signing off of my lease and sleeping outside again because it would put me at the top of the wait lists for new housing opportunities, and I qualify for other services. I’ve spent over half of my life homeless so I know what it entails.
And what’s fucked up is that this is something a rent strike might not even fix. My apartment is in high demand (less than 1% of housing is ADA accessible, wait lists in my state are about 5 years long, I’m allowed to break my lease at any time because they have a long line of people who need apartments) so there’s basically nothing I can do.
We need systemic changes.
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papermonkeyism · 15 days
In a surprise twist of events I just got a text message from my boss in the warehouse asking if I can get back to work next week already. A whole month earlier than previously planned!
Awyeah, back to having an income, here we go!
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margaretlsgp · 10 months
The EPA’s ambitious plan to cut auto emissions to slow climate change runs into skepticism [Video]
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disabled-dragoon · 10 months
I've seen some bad takes in my time but "several members of the same family all apparently having the same disability sounds like a scam to me" is certainly something isn't it
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almostfini · 9 months
You really should have thought of that before you became disabled!
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Been trying to get on disability for over 2 years and I just found out they won't even review my appeal for another year. Shitposting through the pain as always
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