liberalsarecool · 7 months
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School choice and vouchers produce nothing but corporate greed and a 67% fail rate.
The kids/students don't deserve these adults.
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mysharona1987 · 2 years
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lenbryant · 2 months
Their war on education continues. They like their voters to be poorly educated.
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country-corner · 13 days
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With all the issues with food and other products, I keep hearing things like we need to bring back rationing, the government needs to hand out vouchers good for only so much food/product per person (think WIC type vouchers) per month, stores should restrict how much people can buy so everyone gets their "fair share". The problem is I keep hearing this from people ranging from about 30 to 45. Many I see driving hybrid cars/trucks or have some other nearly new vehicle. Many also gripe about the "hoarding" done by preppers and homesteaders.
Questions they never want to answer:
Who decides what is everyone's "Fair Share"?
Who, at the store decides what the limit on sales is? Now I can see if the store gets a limited amount of items (think nearly every Christmas or the last ammo shortage), they can limit to 1 or 2 per person. But think things like eggs, what is the monthly limit per person, 3? 6? 12? If it is a family of 6 does everyone need to go through the checkout to get their limit? Or can one family member go through with everyone's ID to buy the per person limit? What about meat? OTC Medications? How many aspirins/tylenols per person monthly? Sanitary items? Antacids? Bandaids and what size? Baby wipes? Diapers? The list goes on.
As for government vouchers, I see people who get WIC and Food Stamps that complain because it's not enough to make it to the next allocation date. But others have (FS) funds left at the end of the month, or trade with friends/family items from their WIC benefits because the kid can't, not wont but CAN'T eat what the voucher pays for and are told if they don't get everything they risk loosing their benefits.
What IS everyone's fair share? And how would that be determined? What if you was limited to something you can't eat/use but are prevented from buying what you can eat/use because it's not fair to others?
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emptyjunior · 7 months
Hey gang! Per request, I've started doing digital vouchers! Feel free to email me with the amount you want to gift a friend and once we're sorted then they can commission me like normal when I'm Open and use their voucher!
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And here's my price ranges again so you can see what amounts to be thinking🙏
(And genuine apologies I haven't been open too much this month, finishing off some work over the next few weeks but should be Active again soon.)
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David Fitzsimmons, Arizona Daily Star
* * * * *
Across Florida, spontaneous demonstrations against Ron DeSantis' gutting of public education. This summer, Iris Mogul – a junior at a Miami high school – found out that she wouldn’t be able to take an AP African American history course that she had planned for the coming semester because it had been blocked by the state’s department of education.
“As presented, the content of this course is inexplicably contrary to Florida law and significantly lacks educational value,” the department said in a statement. “It felt so far away when I first heard about all of this,” says Mogul, who only had a passing knowledge of book challenges and changes to school curriculum previously. “But that is really when it hit me – when it started to affect me directly.”
Now, Mogul is prominent among the growing number of students and parents in Miami-Dade county and across Florida who are speaking out in opposition to book challenges, the capture of Florida school boards by conservative activists and this summer’s latest policy changes, which includes the expansion of DeSantis’s Parental Rights in Education Act.
[‘Reading is resistance’: students and parents take on DeSantis’s book bans]
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davidaugust · 2 months
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Their “statement of nondiscriminatory policy” actually ends with the nonsense quoted in the post, and points out school vouchers are…not good.
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pauket · 5 months
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25 Brands onboarded within100 days | Pauket
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boozye · 2 years
Oh, a fun* thing I noticed, now that I have some SSR+ vouchers saved up:
These are the odds with regular Vouchers/Devilpoints summons.
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And these are the odds with an SSR+ voucher.
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Notice something? Yeah, the UR/UR+ odds are the same in both. They just raise the odds of SSR cards.
Not cool.
For reference, when other gacha games offer SSR+ voucher equivalents, the odds are usually UR: 20% SSR: 80%
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truetravelplanner · 11 months
Learn the best 9 tips to find hotel vouchers for the homeless online in this step-by-step guide. Discover eligibility criteria, & reliable resources.
Here, https://youtu.be/PHy_LrNINok
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influencegetem · 1 month
Leave me your email for $15 towards items. #imaproblem #Redbubble #RBANDME #findyourthing #ig730gotbars #fluseason #IMAPROBLEMBRANDCLOTHING @imaproblembrandclothing
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couponpay · 2 months
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voucher pay, couponglobal.com, https://www.facebook.com/couponglobal
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jkanelis · 2 months
School vouchers: bad idea!
Gov. Greg Abbott keeps spitting in the faces of what should be his most ardent constituency, the rural Republicans who vote overwhelmingly to keep the GOP governor in office. That’s right. He continues to push for his school voucher plan that would take money from public school districts and give Texans the choice of sending their children to private schools. Why is that such a spitter? Because…
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drjvh · 3 months
Reflecting on a Momentous Day: Testimony to Congress on School Choice
Today’s experience—testifying before the House Committee on Education and the Workforce about charter schools—represents a full-circle moment and, more importantly, in the ongoing dialogue about the future of education in America. This was an opportunity not just to present data or argue for specific policies but to engage deeply with the critical issues at the heart of our education system. The…
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Cupom de Desconto Prime Gourmet - use MEUPRIME como cupom e Ganhe R$10 de desconto na assinatura "Maximize sua experiência gastronômica em Gramado com o prime gourmet: sabores incríveis, descontos imperdíveis!" Introdução Maximize Sua Experiência Gastronômica em Gramado com o prime gourmet é um programa exclusivo que oferece aos visitantes a oportunidade de desfrutar de uma variedade de restaurantes de alta qualidade em Gramado, uma cidade conhecida por sua culinária requintada. Com o prime gourmet, os clientes têm acesso a descontos especiais e ofertas exclusivas em uma seleção de restaurantes parceiros, permitindo que eles experimentem o melhor da gastronomia local a preços acessíveis. Se você está planejando uma viagem a Gramado e deseja aproveitar ao máximo sua experiência gastronômica, o prime gourmet é a escolha ideal para você. Descubra os melhores restaurantes em Gramado com o Prime Gourmet Você está planejando uma viagem para Gramado e quer aproveitar ao máximo sua experiência gastronômica? Então você veio ao lugar certo! Com o prime gourmet, você pode descobrir os melhores restaurantes da região e desfrutar de refeições deliciosas em um ambiente encantador. Gramado é conhecida por sua culinária diversificada e de alta qualidade. Com uma variedade de opções que vão desde pratos tradicionais da região até culinárias internacionais, há algo para todos os gostos. E com o prime gourmet, você pode experimentar tudo isso a preços acessíveis. O prime gourmet é um guia de descontos que oferece vouchers para os melhores restaurantes de Gramado. Com ele, você pode desfrutar de descontos exclusivos em refeições, bebidas e até mesmo sobremesas. É uma maneira perfeita de economizar dinheiro enquanto desfruta de uma experiência gastronômica incrível. Ao adquirir o prime gourmet, você terá acesso a uma lista de restaurantes parceiros em Gramado. Cada restaurante oferece um desconto exclusivo para os portadores do guia. Você pode escolher entre uma variedade de opções, desde churrascarias tradicionais até restaurantes italianos sofisticados. Além dos descontos em restaurantes, o prime gourmet também oferece vouchers para bares e cafeterias em Gramado. Se você está procurando um lugar para https://ekr.com.br/maximize-sua-experiencia-gastronomica-em-gramado-com-o-prime-gourmet/
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thebookchamber · 3 months
When Will Mississippi's Public Schools Actually Become A Priority Of Our Legislature?
Well, it’s that time of year again, and it’s time to discuss a topic of much contention in the education world. Currently, our Mississippi Legislature is in session, and the idea of using public school funds for vouchers and allowing those public school funds to be used for private schools is being thrown around again. The debate is intensifying, and while proponents argue for the idea of school…
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