#Grayson arcane x reader
th3h0nkz · 3 months
Some x Reader fanfics plots for my favorite milfs/dilf from Arcane part 3
Part 1 and Part 2 for those who are intrested
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A plot that I miss seeing in fanfics is the whole "I used to hate you, but one day I woke up and we were married", that's so much angst there to explore that it feels like a waste not to write it. I can see this plot happening either to Sevika or Ambessa.
For Sevika, I can see Reader being someone from a rich family from Piltolver and them both end up meeting because Silco and Readers parents became associates so they have to deal with each other daily, till one day, at a fancy gala both Sevika and Reader end up fighting again so reader decides to drink till they can't remember anything but, at the next day, they woke up in a bed that is not theirs and with Sevikas arm around them.
With Ambessa I see more them being "forced" to marry each other as a political move, but Reader is obviously against the idea since they know Ambessa's fame between.... everyone practically, so they made sure to make Ambessa's life a living hell so she would give up on the wedding idea but, one day while trying to run away from the Medarda's palace, Reader end up hurting themselves and the next day wake up on Ambessa's bed thinking this is all a punishment from Janna herself for trying to make the wedding not happen.
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Another plot that I think is kinda cute is the "they're the babysitter of my kid so I've to keep myself professional", and obviously this plot is perfect for both Silco and Grayson
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For Silco i can see the typical "you save my daughters life and now she wants you on her life forever" BUT with a twist, this hole time saving Jinx life was part of the plan to destroy Silco reign, unfortunally, Reader ends up falling in love with Silco and gets attached to Jinx and now they have to choose between helping the rebellion or leaving everything behinde to keep living their with their "perfect" little family
Now, with Grayson is more of the whole cliche of the plot, Reader is hired by the Kirammans and since Caitlyn is begging her shooting clasess and Cassandra is still against it, it kinda becomes Reader jobs to find any excuse so Caitlyn dosen't take the classes anymore but, obviusly, they end up falling for Grayson at first sight I might add so things end up complicated because they don't want to loose their job as much as they want to spend the most time with Grayson as possible.
And that's it :), if you guys ever write any of the things i post please tag me or send me the link ;)
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rarestdoll · 2 years
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key: 🧁 = smut, 🍦= fluff, 🎀 = angst, 🐚 = songfic, 🫧 = rambles, 🛼 = requests
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ellie williams
pillow talk 🧁🍦: “falling asleep in the same bed w ur best friend ellie is never a problem… until it is.”
LOVERS ROCK 🧁🐚: “u and ellie have been teetering on the edge of friends and lovers for awhile now and finally u decide to make the first move.”
STONER!ellie 🫧
headcanons 🧁
abby anderson
headcanons 🧁
i got u 🧁🛼: “u and abby finally have the morning and abby finds more than enough ways for u guys to make up ur missed time together.”
fall into u 🍦🎀🐚: “after sharing a near death experience with u, abby finds herself feeling like she’s almost lost everything she loves once again. u help her see that ur still right by her side.” (soon to be posted ♡)
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cloud nine 🧁: “it’s simple, sevika loves fucking u with her favorite purple strap.” (in progress ♡)
love is a (winning) losing game 🐚: “when the usual bands main vocalist doesn’t show for tonight’s performance at the last drop, u decide take the chance to save the performance while also managing to catch a certain someone’s eye.”
to be continued…
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eivor “wolfkissed” varinsdottir
to be continued…
kassandra (the eagle bearer)
to be continued…
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carol danvers
to be continued…
yelena belova
to be continued…
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anna the huntress
to be continued…
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mariaabigsalmon · 2 years
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After an exhausting work, this place is what she deserves to be…
Credits: IMVU
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sleepyangelkami · 2 months
smut's fun. have you ever read soul crushing, heart aching, head throbbing comfort that makes your eyes burn out of your head to the point where you just have to crawl into a ball because your inner child feels so safe? haha... yeah smuts fun.
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pathetic-sapphic · 7 months
arcane characters and their toxic traits in a relationship?
Arcane characters and their toxic traits
a/n: it is almost 5 am so i haven't proofread it yet ;; hope you'll enjoy it regardless
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Tries to take on all the burden and suffering on her shoulders. She never wants you to get hurt or to bother you so she'd rather suffer in silence. This greatly affects your communication as she may get distant whenever she's dealing with some problems, which in turn may make you think that you did something wrong and that she's ignoring you. This simply comes from a traumatic past where Vi always had to take accountability and sacrifice herself for others. She will work on it once she sees the way it affects your relationship though. She just doesn't want to be a burden.
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Very insecure when it comes to your love and loyalty towards her. Jinx is so used to thinking that everyone will eventually abandon her and you're the one person she really cannot lose. Because of this, she will often come off as overprotective and possessive. You will need to make your boundaries clear and reassure her often. Because she's so scared of losing you, sometimes she will go to drastic ends in order to make sure you're still happy with her and don't want to break up. Can also be very impulsive and has trouble sticking to the plans you two made.
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Can come off as insensitive when it comes to finances. Of course, she understands that many people aren't quite as well-off and Caitlyn genuinely cares for everyone but sometimes she doesn't quite understand how affluent she is. She might overwhelm you with expensive gifts, luxurious trips or over the top galas. She won't understand if you're ever hesitant when buying something or why you always make sure to see what's on sale at the market. It will take some time getting used to and you'll have to explain to Caitlyn the differences between your upbringings. Caitlyn isn't a judgemental partner, she just likes to spoil you, though she will tone it down if she notices you getting uncomfortable.
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Very stubborn when it comes to asking for or receiving help. He will push you away and hide his wounds or problems from you. Ekko is just so used to handling things on his own that he hates the idea of letting you bear his burden. He needs a long talk with you where you'll show him your support and help him realize the importance of confiding in one another. Ekko doesn't realize that it isn't a one-sided thing, meaning that if he helps you out when you need it, you'd do the same for him. Sure, he has the Firelights, many of them who are his friends but he rarely felt comfortable enough to confide in anyone. It's easy to forget that he is just a boy, trying to shoulder the weight of the world, and that he doesn't have to do it all alone.
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Surprisingly inexperienced when it comes to romantic relationships. Sevika rarely gets attached to someone, beyond the sexual sense. For her, lovers are people she sleeps with to release the tension and frustration that builds up during her shift. She never truly had a partner, someone to whom she can show her soft side, someone who will cherish her beyond her body and money. Because of this, she often struggles with showing love towards her partner in a non-sexual way or a way that doesn't include physical touch. Words. That is the biggest problem for Sevika; expressing her appreciation and adoration through kind declarations is something that will take a while for her to learn.
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Silco is often too focused on his cause towards Zaun and forgets his other priorities besides that one. This causes him to overwork and come off as cold towards anyone he deems a threat to his goal. Because of this, he may ignore his partner whenever he's stressed out and deep into work. He's also rarely home, and since he isn't a fan of PDA, it can be hard to deal with the feeling of missing him so much. He tries to make it up to you with gifts but you'll need to explain to him that such luxurious things cannot replace his touch and company.
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Similar to Vi (where do you think she got that trait from?), Vander is so used to shouldering everything on his own. He wants to assure for you to live a comfortable and fulfilled life, even at the cost of his own happiness. He works tirelessly to keep the Last Drop and the Lanes afloat and seldom shares the workload with you. You can see how the stress wears him down but he will deny it until he completely bursts under pressure. Vander doesn't understand how much it hurts to see him like this, but some kind words and gentle touches can help when coaxing him into leaning on you too.
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Workaholic who never takes care of himself. So burdened down with the little time that he has left, Viktor doesn't plan to waste any of it by doing trivial stuff such as eating or resting. As loving as he is, Viktor can be an insanely stubborn partner. You'll probably have to hoist him over your shoulder and lock the door to his office in order to take him away from work for a couple of hours. He doesn't realize just how detrimental the negligence when it comes to taking care of himself is to his health. You need to explain to him that he won't get anywhere by working himself to the grave and you'll probably have to beg him to let you take care of him.
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As smart as he is when it comes to his field of work, Jayce can be quite dense and heedless of other people's feelings. If you're the type of person who doesn't know how to talk about their problems or struggles with communication, there will be some issues in your relationship with Jayce. He's the type of person who asks you what's wrong and, once you give him a half-assed 'Nothing, I'm fine.', he goes all 'okay :D', pats your back and wanders off. You need to be direct and blunt with him because hints and exaggerated sighs simply won't do the trick.
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Mel is an incredibly intelligent woman who knows how to get what she wants. This means that she can be quite manipulative at times, I mean you have to be if you want to succeed in politics. She'd never act that way with you on purpose, of course not, but it may happen unintentionally. She is also another workaholic who may appear too cold with her feelings but this is simply because she's hesitant to bring her walls and defenses down. It'll take a lot of time and patience to see her vulnerable side.
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Grayson is sort of a combination between Viktor and Vander; works too much and is too selfless for her own good. Grayson takes her job very seriously, safety of the citizens is of the utmost importance to her. This leads to her neglecting her own well-being and health. Lots of caffeine and many long nights in the office are spent by Piltover's Sheriff and, the older she gets, the more it wears down on her. It's hard to ignore the bags under her eyes or the tiredness in her voice as she drags herself into your shared home late at night.
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Quite cold and guarded, someone who doesn't appreciate or understand feelings like mercy or kindness. She believes that every single person is inherently selfish and wants something from her. This is why she doubts your good nature so much in the beginning. It has been a long time since Ambessa let herself get involved romantically with someone so she has a lot of re-learning to do. This may come with a cost of your feelings being hurt from time to time, especially if you're a sensitive and kind-hearted person. As much as Ambessa loves you and tries to show that, it isn't easy to sweep years of experience under the rug. You'll need to be strong while she gets used to upholding a romantic relationship.
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Cold and regal, oftentimes comes off as strict. Cassandra only wants the best for you but sometimes she just doesn't know how to say it. So instead she might go behind your back in order to ensure your safety and happiness. This often backfires, especially because of your opposing opinions. You feel as if she's treating you like a child while Cassandra simply thinks that she's looking out for you. Is also insanely stubborn, it'll take time for her to learn to look at things from your perspective.
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sapphic-woes · 2 years
How it be all the time sometimes.
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ellabsprincess · 11 months
What arcane characters that you have on your list do you think are doms/subs/switches.
thank you anon i love this!! feel like this is a good way for me to get started writing for the arcane fandom <33
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 18+, mdni, sexual themes, not beta read
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬: @dropsofs4turn @hehatesmati @zethd
𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐣𝐨𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭? 𝐜𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞
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i feel like vi definitely comes across as a dom at first, but i think she's actually more subby. like she portrays herself as a dom just to be less vulnerable, but once you get to know her, i feel like she's definitely more of a switch.
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SHE'S A DOM GOOD LORD. definitely "tops from the bottom", like i feel like with her and vi together, vi is giving a lot, but caitlyn is always in charge, and like calling the shots and tell vi what to do.
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THE MOMMIEST OF DOMS OMFG. sevika just radiates dom energy, like jesus fucking christ. definitely more of a hard dom, like i see her being pretty aggressive and more into like bdsm and rough sex. but yeah, sevika loves subs and just taking care of you. she may be harsh but i feel like she's be amazing at aftercare.
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out of all of them, i think mel is the most subby. she definitely will give and receive, but i don't think she likes to be in control that often. if she is in charge, she seems like she would be very very gentle if anything. yeah i see her as more of a pillow princess (nothing wrong with that, we LOVE pillow princesses here)
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definitely dom. has the same energy as sevika honestly. i'm such a simp for grayson's voice so this is probably just me projecting but i feel like she's a very vocal dom. while sevika is more of a physical dom, like restraints, physical punishments, etc, i feel like grayson is in control just through her words. doesn't even have to touch you to get you under her control.
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so fucking dom. like, JUST LOOK AT HER. she uses her height and build to her advantage for sure. honestly i feel like she's more of a dom bottom though, with the way she loves to be pampered and waited on, i feel like she would love to have you sit at her feet and explore her with your mouth while she leans back and enjoys some expensive food.
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a/n: i did not proofread this, so if you see an error, no you do not
also, thank you to all of the wonderful lovelies who sent in requests! will be getting to those sometime soon :)
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arcanefans4gaza · 16 days
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Donations are now open! 🍉
Remember our prices for every piece! They're the same for art and writing pieces:
Get 1 SFW work for $5 USD.
Get 1 NSFW work for $8 USD.
You can pay for multiple prompts in one donation, remember you can ask for up to three prompts per form, if you paid for more, you will need to fill it in again for the rest.
Now, follow these steps:
Step 1: Donate to one of our three confirmed fundraising projects (Links: Care for Gaza, UNRWA, or Direct Aid for Gaza), remember to take a screenshot of the receipt or e-mail you receive from the organization to use it as proof, it's mandatory!
Step 2: Fill in our Donations Form with the proof and the prompt(s) you paid for, each will be assigned to a random volunteer to work with.
Step 3: The work will be posted/reblogged on our official accounts (Our Twitter, or this Tumblr blog) when they're finally finished!
If you have any doubts, contact us on any of our official accounts or on our e-mail, or read all the information we have of the event on our Carrd.
We also want to thank everyone interested and willing to donate to this cause, as well as everyone that joined us as volunteers. We hope it's as entertaining and good for our fandom community as it is helpful for the Palestinians your aid will be reaching ❤️‍🩹
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shimtarofstupidity · 6 months
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(Part two)
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sevikasenby · 4 months
god imagine being in between them. i need to go and lay down
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greenaway-torres · 7 months
The way I act up on purpose so that they can put me in my place, which is on my knees in front of them. I want to be teased and broken down and brat tamed. They’ll kiss me through my whimpers just to make me more of an incoherent mess . They don’t care how ridiculous I sound, it only makes them want to keep going.
“Stop running, princess. This is what you wanted right? You can take it. Don’t keep crying like that. You know it only turns me on more.”
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ichorai · 8 months
OK COMPUTER ; the series.
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a series based on the album ok computer by radiohead for our 8k milestone! fandoms included ; marvel, succession, harry potter, the walking dead, arcane, dc, game of thrones, and bridgerton.
main masterlist. about.
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ONE. airbag ; steve rogers (4.3k) five time steve tries to propose to you, and one time he actually does.
TWO. paranoid android ; coriolanus snow. (27k+) when you laughed, airy and light and reminiscent to that of wind chimes, coryo wished he could bottle up the sound and keep it as his, only his.
THREE. subterranean homesick alien ; fred weasley. you were looking up at the stars, and fred was staring right at you, a dopey, lovesick sort of smile playing at the corner of his lips. “do you think there’s life out there?” you asked, but instead of getting an answer, fred surged forward, a hand curling over the back of your neck to pull you closer, freckled nose bumping against your cheek, his warm lips slotting over yours, extinguishing any and all lingering existential questions on the tip of your tongue. 
FOUR. exit music (for a film) ; rick grimes. blood all over your torn shirt, giving way to teeth marks. his horrified eyes met yours. you were bit, it was clear as day—and you had to make sure rick knew a couple things before you left for good.
FIVE. let down ; viktor (arcane). it was his fault, really. he knew better than to fall in love with his coworker, who was just recently engaged to someone else. someone better than him.
SIX. karma police ; dick grayson. he skimmed his fingers down your side—your waist, your hips, your thighs. your chest was rising and falling rhythmically, features mellowed with sleep. he couldn’t help but wonder if “no strings attached” was really a good idea.
SEVEN. fitter happier ; miguel o’hara. there was a dangerous red glint to miguel’s eyes as you stepped between him and the kid. a muttered curse, a clenched fist, a twitching jaw. you weren’t afraid of the man you loved—but maybe you should be.
EIGHT. electioneering ; siobhan roy. tom had said he wanted to watch the two of you—but he didn’t exactly want to, not really. shiv didn’t quite care. it was his loss, after all.
NINE. climbing up the walls ; sansa stark. sansa begins to pull away from you after her father’s death.
TEN. no surprises ; sam wilson. the two of you go off to look for wanda, supposedly in a quaint little town called westview. but in a blink of an eye—you’re a smiling housewife and sam is your loving husband, trapped in a house that didn’t quite feel like home. 
ELEVEN. lucky ; theon greyjoy.  he thinks you look so very pretty laying on the snow, frost clinging to your lashes.
TWELVE. the tourist ; benedict bridgerton. it was typical of him, of course. to fall in love with the traveling artist with keen eyes and calloused hands.
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nyctophiliq · 2 years
requesting kisses with the arcane ladies, please? 🥺
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description. headcanon type of writing of what is the arcane ladies' favorite way to kiss you
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pairings. cassandra kiramman, grayson, renata glasc, sevika, ambessa medarda, jinx, caitlyn kiramman + f! reader
cw. lowercase writing intended, sfw content, jealous characters, hints of possessiveness maybe
moss' notes. this was hard to write not gonna lie because kisses yes, everybody loves them! but how do they kiss, what is their favorite kiss? now that's a little harder to headcanon for moss but they hope you enjoy it non the less :D
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— cassandra kiramman...
...oh how cassandra loves to kiss your cheeks, they are soft and warm, the best way to gently grasp your attention. she works so long that she finds you standing in front of the stove or the sink, seemingly deep in thoughts. she stands behind you, her hands gently taking a hold of your waist as her head rests on your shoulder and she leans forward a bit to press a sweet kiss on your cheek. she murmured something softly as you turn around, returning the feelings before she leans in once again, pressing a lingering kiss on your cheek that barely misses the corner of your lips.
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— grayson...
...it might seem unusual or sound ridiculous but grayson whenever out in public craves to kiss you she kisses the inside of your wrists. she guides her hand gently down from your shoulder to your forearms, gently gripping it before bringing your wrist up to her lips and placing a delicate kiss on the soft kiss. the sensitive skin lets her and you enjoy the kiss just as if it was a lip to lip contact but she also loves how you shiver a little, always guessing why. is it excitement? surprise? or maybe embarrassment? either way, she really enjoys the warmth and the tickling pulses of your blood veins.
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— renata glasc...
...it sounds so childish for a woman as serious as renata that she enjoys the kisses she leaves on your nose rather than anything else. squishing your cheeks together, smiling as you struggle to just your lips out into a pout. she finds you extremely cute, like a little child who is being showered with affection by her mother and not at all enjoying it. she places a tender kiss on your nose, chuckling as your whole face scrunched up. so she places another, and another until you are laughing along with her and ask to be given a kiss on the lips.
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— sevika...
...sevika might just be the epitome of seduction with her jaw and neck kisses she treats you with on the regular. the pinch of uncertainty and surprise is something sevika adores because non of you can tell which route she will go. every time she is on the verge of kissing you on the lips or will she bite your pretty neck, just graze her teeth against the thin skin to show how hot of a lover she really is. it's lascivious to kiss someone's neck, light bites, and skin sucking are something that she associates with showing affection she can't put into words. sevika also, won't admit it out loud, but loves when you cradle her head with your arm, scratching her scalp while muttering some sweet words for her to enjoy.
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— ambessa medarda...
...ambessa acts like a knight in shining armor and you are her princess', there is little to be surprised of when she reveals that her favorite kisses are the ones she plasters on your hand on top or on the knuckles. she even goes to lengths sometimes to kneel down, playing out that little fantasy of courting you time and time again. she loves how hesitant you always are when you give her your hand, the way you turn your head to the side but with one eye watching as she kisses up and down on your hand with your cheeks flushed up to your ear. she tugs your on our hand to pull you lower while also pushing herself up and meet you in the middle to seal your lips together.
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— jinx...
...jinx loves peppering kisses on your face, all over, quick pecks without any reason just to kiss you. does she need a reason to kiss you? that's what she thought, she needs non. they are quick, energetic, and messy just like her. jinx likes it when you try to outdo her with the kisses, both of you loudly counting between laughs and kisses who have more. it is one of her favorite things to waste her time on before coming up with new ideas for flame chompers or new designs for fishbone. who wouldn't love a kissing competition?
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— caitlyn...
...ear kisses are so playful and caitlyn absolutely adores them. in her opinion it gives both of you a much-needed break from everything in general but she also knows how sensitive of a place it is, very prone to tickling, to her nice breath, to her wet but hot tongue to tease you. these kisses are private, always accompanied by sweet compliments. the back of your ear is also something she often aims for, gives her the perfect angle to bite the shell of your ear with her perfect teeth and get you flustered. ear kisses are intimate, something that shows much affection towards the one you truly love in caitlyn's opinion and she just can't get that breathy whimper out of her mind when she catches you off guard.
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jaydenarmy · 7 months
Hello I wanted to write a preference page for the arcane Milfs cause why now
Arcane Milfs
Cozy mornings
Women Involved: Sevika, Grayson, Ambessa, Cassandra
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-You would wake up to a massive, muscular arm around your chest (or stomach) and you instantly knew who it was and you wake up with a big smile on your face.
-If you have big thighs, trust me Sevika is a thigh worshipper. You would almost always wake up to her human arm on your thigh bringing you closer in her sleep.
-Neck kisses 100%
-Once she wakes up you bet she will move to lay ontop of you and buries her face into your chest or neck
^or she will pull you ontop of her with your face buried in her neck.
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-Grayson is like Sevika in some cases but instead she would fall asleep with her head buried in your chest or the other way around
-She is more of a chest person (Regardless of the gender) so while you lay in bed her hands would be on your chest and she would trace your surgical scars (if your a trans male then top surgery scars but for any other genders it would be scars from war
-She wakes up early alot to be able to treasure you while your asleep
-Grayson is like a big teddy bear and you love to tease her about it while she is blushing a deep red.
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-She would fall asleep with your head on her chest and your arm around her waist, listening to her heartbeat
-I don't think it's shown in scenes but I headcannon that she has a small birthmark on the crook on your neck just below her jaw on her right side that you love to kiss which drives her crazy (in a romantic way 😉)
-Gets super tense during the day with jobs and tasks (like talking to Mel cause it drives her crazy) so ambessa loves when you massage her before bed
-Like Grayson, Ambessa will almost always have her hands on your chest (but just below your chest so your ribs) and traces little stars while she falls asleep
^I can imagine you would want to get stars tattooed on your ribs but you would ache in pain
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-She actually the opposite of Sevika, she prefers to be cuddled instead of cuddling her S/O
-She would be the one calling you teddy bear and you blush (cause your obviously her teddy bear)
-your heartbeat= her favourite sound
^regardless of her status she would rest her head on your chest to hear her favourite sound
-Like Ambessa, I headcannon that she has a small scar but it's closer to her ear than the jaw, it's a little burn mark that has since scanned over and you love to touch it because of the feeling of the mark
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pathetic-sapphic · 8 months
can we get arcane milfs with a fem reader wearing lingerie? nsfw if you’re comfortable with that! thank you so much ♡
Arcane characters reacting to their S/O wearing lingerie
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VI may or may not go feral. She just can't help herself and pounces on you, running her hands all over your pretty body decorated with lace and ribbons. You just look so alluring and charming, like a literal deity and she is your worshipper. Almost rips the damn thing off of you but is more careful when you remind her of how expensive the material is. Vi just can't get enough of how perfect you look and keeps telling you that all throughout the night as she completely ruins you and fucks you until you see stars.
''Damn, muffin, you look good enough to eat. Look at you, so fucking pretty and all mine. This must have cost a fortune though! You know that you don't need to spend that much money for me to fuck you properly, hm? Hahah, relax, I'm just teasing you now c'mere, it's time I show my appreciation and worship you like you deserve.''
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When she sees how beautiful you look, CAITLYN needs to sit down for a bit and just stare at you for the next ten minutes. When she notices you squirming under her gaze, she pulls you into a bruising kiss. Best believe she's fucking you in front of a mirror tonight, she wants you to see how pretty and perfect you are, especially when you're dressed so prettily and bouncing on her strap.
''Darling, you look positively ethereal. Don't be shy, lift your head up and look at your beautiful reflection or I'll have to punish you, understood? Just like that, good girl. My, you look so perfect and cute, do you like the strap? It matches the color of the little number you're wearing perfectly, don't you think? Remind me to take you lingerie shopping soon, I need to see you in more numbers like this one.''
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JINX lets out a low whistle at the sight of you and circles you like prey, admiring all your curves and the way the color of the material accentuates your pretty features. She is positively smitten with how cute you look, like a treat and you're all hers. I hope you're ready for a long night because Jinx doesn't want for you to think that she doesn't appreciate you getting all dolled up for her so she will be fucking you until you lose your voice.
''Woah, toots! Look at you! You look good enough to eat and that's just what I'm planning on doing. What? Did you think I'd let you do all the work when you're looking this adorable and all for me? Not a chance, you just lay down and look pretty while I show you how grateful I really am, okay? Good, you're gonna love this, baby, I promise. We're in for a wild night.''
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EKKO's jaw drops once he enters your shared room and sees you for the first time. He cannot believe he got so lucky to have such a perfect and thoughtful girlfriend. He seriously thinks that you look like an absolute angel. Will ask you to ride him so that he can touch and gaze upon your perfect body and praise you to hell and back.
''God- fuck, baby. All for me? Oh, you're so perfect, look at you. Come here, I want you to ride me so I can get a good look at how pretty you look in this. You don't have to take it off although you know I love seeing you naked more than anything. But you went through so much trouble that tonight I want to appreciate this, I'll just move your panties to the side while I fuck you, yeah? Hah, with that blush, you look as pretty as a painting. You're so hot, babe, and all mine.''
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SEVIKA's grin widens as soon as she sees you waiting for her in your bedroom, lying on the bed, dressed clad in lingerie and looking like an ethereal being. Immediately starts taking her clothes off and joins you on the bed, only to pull you on top of her and grip your hair to get a good look at you. You look so wonderful, this is just what she needed after a long day at work and you always know how to treat her well. Now, she's gonna make sure to return all your thoughtfulness by making you feel more loved and cared for than you ever felt in your entire life.
''Gosh, babygirl, if I knew that this was waiting for me at home, I would have left work so much earlier. Doesn't matter, I'm here now. Lemme get a good look at you. So fuckin' perfect, baby, the prettiest girl in the world and she's all mine to kiss and fuck. How does that sound? Such a good girl for me, always treating me so well.''
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GRAYSON honestly feels so touched that you're willing to go through all that trouble just to surprise her. She embraces you tightly and gets a good look at you once she pulls away. Rest assured that tonight you are going to be spoiled rotten and showered in praise. Grayson loves treating you well and is a service dom so she figures that she ought to show you just how much she appreciates you by fucking you slowly and passionately whilst whispering words of praise and admiration into your ear.
''Oh, darling, you're so wonderful. My, you look absolutely charming, like royalty and I ought to treat you as such, don't you agree? Don't go all shy on me now, I'm really touched that an angel like you did this for me so I plan on showing my complete appreciation and thankfulness. You're going to look even more beautiful once you're screaming my name.''
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CASSANDRA immediately dons a knowing smirk on her face, approaching you slowly and gripping your chin gently as if inspecting you. She hums appreciatively and sits down on her lounge sofa, beckoning you to join her. She will spend the rest of her evening sipping wine and teasing you while admiring your beauty. She will touch you lightly and unexpectedly, chiding you if you dare to whine or complain.
''You look so cute, beloved, if only you learned to be more patient. Ah-ah, no talking back if you wish to come tonight. Give me time to sit back and enjoy the piece of art that you are, be good, and do not rush me. You look marvelous, my love, I ought to commission a painting while you're looking like this, hm? Don't be shy, it'll be for my eyes only. Shh, quit whining or I'll leave you without letting you orgasm, understood? Good girl, now where was I? Ah yes, the painting...''
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At first, SILCO is annoyed at being interrupted during work but it's hard to stay mad once he gets a good look at you. He quickly lets go of the papers, inviting you over to sit on his lap and gripping your hips firmly as soon as you do. He will massage your thighs while hungrily gazing up at your pretty body, toying with the soft ribbons and lace of your lingerie. After making sure that his office door is locked, Silco will lead you over to the sofa where he will appreciate you by fucking you like there's no tomorrow.
''What do you want- Oh, hello darling, do come in. My, what has prompted this? You just wanted to surprise me? Well, you've more than succeeded in that. Come, sit on my lap, and let me get a good look at you. Absolutely stunning, my dear, I am one lucky man to have an angel such as you looking so pretty for me. Come, let me show you my appreciation properly, it's the least I could do for you, beloved.''
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Oh, VANDER is so so touched that you'd do this for him. He hates the thought of you spending money for him but he cannot deny that you look absolutely stunning, looking up at him with doe eyes and waiting to hear his opinion. Gathers you up in his arms and takes you to bed, fully intent on giving you all his love and praise so that you may never doubt how positively wonderful you are to him.
''What was it that you wanted to show me, darl'? Oh, look at you, this must have been expensive, love! You shouldn't have, although I cannot deny that you look like a literal angel. Most beautiful woman in the world, I tell ya! This color looks so lovely on you, you're just the sweetest thing, ya know that? Well then, the only thing that's left for me to do is to show you how much I love you and all the things you do for me, my sweet angel. C'mere, love, let me worship you tonight.''
a/n: hi! i decided to add some more characters, i hope that that's okay :) i couldn't make it too nsfw bc then tumblr won't show my work in the tags so i hope that this is alright! also i didn't get to proofread this yet bc i just got back from my trip so i'm sorry if there are any errors ;;
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sapphic-woes · 2 years
Pov ur lesbian and simp over buff women
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