#Gregory:............ Seems legit
monty-glasses-roxy · 1 year
Making this a new post so not to flood people’s dashes with one giant AU post!
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Ooooo being away gives him enough time and the space necessary to have the strength to come back at all and Gregory gave him the focus he needed not to get swept away by his own mind... Maybe he stays in touch with Vanessa and they can be talking buddies or he gets an over the phone therapist or something I dunno. Could be fun. Definitely space and time for him to come to appreciate that sometimes arson is the answer to your problems.
Also lmao Roxy yelling at him from across the room to keep his gremlin on a leash. “He don’t bite!” “YES THE FUCK HE DO”
No one tell Gregory the power he has over her now. He will absolutely abuse the fuck out of it.
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oddlittlestories · 6 months
Okay so this is an extremely lukewarm take but uh. Advances in pain management (and the fact that the writers do not know enough about medicine) aside—what if Wilson doesn't start out writing House's pain prescriptions?
What if House had a really shitty specialist who was just like "Oh you've got pain, sure here's some vicodin why not."
and House is over here like. okay well this kind of works ig? and he's exhausted. He's got fatigue, pain, and a recent huge blow to his autonomy and independence.
Let's say House's shitty specialist isn't even at PPTH. And the other one is in the next city over, nine months out. He can't even drive yet.
He could reach out to Wilson or Cuddy—who shouldn't even be treating him, who he's already asked for too much, who he already relies on too much—or he could just let it go.
He lets it go. The vicodin kind of works anyways.
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how have i gone from not caring at all about da ocs to wanting to commission art of greg holding baby kieran in the span of like… three days, help
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thesoulbox · 5 months
I was reading one of his fanfics (THEY ARE SO GOOD BTW) and Gregory mentioned that his father died and that apparently, his mother is always busy. I know you only put this with the power of ✨plot✨ but I was thinking: What do you think happened to Gregory's mother in the middle of the mind control thing? (Sorry if this got a typing problem🥲 English is not my first language)
Okay I did kind of think of it a little bit, just for funsies! I'd like to think that Gregory was glitchtrapped a bit after his father died because he was trying to find some kind of escape from the stress of it all, and wowie! He found out about this new secret game at the pizzaplex and he just had to try it! Little did he know that he'd slowly get more and more addicted to it, because he absolutely had to *reach* the end. Becoming obsessed with this new game seemed to push all of his problems aside and relieved him of his stress, so he just kept going until he was eventually glitchtrapped.
But as for his mother and his home life in general, I'd like to think that he had a pretty nice family. His dad was always really silly and goofy and friendly and his mom was very sweet and kind, especially to Gregory. Which totally startled him out of his domestic bliss after his father died in a car wreck on his way back from work.
Ever since tthen, his mother has been taking double shifts at the hospital (I HC THAT SHES A NURSE) in order to make enough money for them all, she doesnt get home until late at night and rarely gets to talk to Gregory anymore, which would obviously stir a bit of pain inside of someone after losing so much and not having much support from the only support figure that he had left.
He saw glitchtrap as a support figure over time, he seemed..pretty nice, and what he said always sounded legit, so he couldn't be all bad right?
But as Gregory delved into the madness, his mother began to notice his increasingly erratic behavior. The sweet boy that she once knew was now much more violent and aggressive, his mood switching at a rapid pace whenever he talked to her. Over time, they began to argue more and more often.
Because Glitchtrap had been feeding him lies to fuel his slight resentment towards his mother, to make it into something bigger. Telling him that his mother did not care for him anymore, that she was a liar, that she was happy that his dad died.
Now typically one wouldn't just outright believe this, but Gregory had been so sucked into it and trusted this rabbit guy so much that he hadn't realized how insane some of the things he said were.
One night after a really bad argument, Gregory goes to apologize to his mother, as sweet as can be. And of course, that's her baby boy right there so she instantly forgives him. He offers to make her something to eat to make up for it, and she lets him, because she'd just gotten home from an all nighter and she was really tired of having fast food.
Glitchtrap had convinced him to get his mother out of the picture, saying that he didn't need her anymore. So he poisoned the food.
He thought it was rather merciful, his mother had died in her sleep and no one had even known it happened until it was too late, he buried her and then never spoke or thought of her again until after he was freed.
...trauma 😭
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I have finally got some art AKA info Sheets on my FNAF SB AU! It took so long because my brain is killing me with depression haha! Anyways!
Sorry if nothing makes sense! I legit came up with the AU while showering and I have been trying to build it up with the help one my older sibling!
Idk what to call the AU so yeah
So Micheal Afton owns Fazzbear entertainment in this AU and due to protests and for his own sanity he makes “The Fazzbear apartments!” It can also be called “Afton towers” but I prefer the first one! Here is I guess the shape and Vibe? I’m not good at drawing buildings!
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So now Animatronics live with humans in this apartment building! And they have second bodies they can Bluetooth connect to! these bodies look human and allow them to go out in public and not be swarmed by fans! Sun and Moon still share a body but can Bluetooth connect to a smaller version of themselves, this mini version allows the inactive one to do stuff around the apartment like cleaning, waiting for packages and spying on the neighbours , they have asked Micheal for separate bodies but he is busy fixing Bonnie.
In comes Y/N (based them kinda heavily off of me but you can choose if you want to keep the disabilities I share with Y/N) a poor artist that just moved into Fazzbear apartments for the cheap rent and discounted pizza delivery, Y/N had unpacked and then fell asleep so they missed the animatronics welcome so they don’t know much about them, they keep to them self so people think they are just not a people person! First time they saw Sun they legit thought he was a hallucination.
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Sun and Moon seem to be kinda obsessed with Y/N tho, you know like they want their attention all the time! They get to know each other tho! Y/N doesn’t always think they are hallucinating when they see them!
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Also here have Sun and Moon’s casual clothes!
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But what happens during things to make Y/N get to know the animatronics and others? Well I’ll have to work on a comic or something for that but it involves Gregory and the breaking of an arm!
✨Enjoy the cringe I have made so far ✨
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paper-lilypie · 2 years
Idk how well I can describe this but, Gregory has seen Michael at his worst, he's grown to care about him and he is one of the few, if not the only person who truly knows Michael Afton.
And one of the last times he sees him, it's the 2024 Mike who really is Michael at his lowest point, he's the culmination of everything that's happened in the Afton saga and it shows.
So it's it's so unbelievably heartwarming that after going through what was probably the most stressful 10 days of his life, Gregory gets to see the direct positive consequences of what he's done by meeting the well and alive 2024 Michael of this new timeline. Its like seeing for yourself that everything you did was worth it in the end if at least you made one person's life better.
Like Gregory might be worried when he wakes back up in 2024 because it might not look too different but then he's found by Michael and he's different but in a good way. He seems happier and lighter in a way the other versions of him never were and he's actually alive and not a corpse so that's a big step up. But then it's the realisation that even after 40 years, Michael went out and found him. He made a better future and still has his dad, now with slightly less trauma.
Your au gives me feelings man :)
your thoughts on my au gives ME feelings. like,,,,, I legit have nothing to add. I’ve resonated with all of this. just a resounding YES.
congratulations, you’ve broken the ball pit au down to its bare essentials!! Love heals.
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mable-stitchpunk · 10 months
Do you reckon there’s still a way for Steel Wool to make Mimic an interesting villain? Much as I also dislike his book lore (and the books in general), i will say imo his presentation in Ruin especially the ending reveal and chase was legit cool. Had to do my best to ignore the books in the back of my mind, but it made him more creepy and I’m glad SW didnt try to give his backstory - woulda been a super awkward exposition dump most likely.
I ask, because it seems likely the books are going to remain the source material you need in order to know where Mimic came from, and maybe this is a good thing? Not for the storytelling of FNaF as a whole, that’ll never not be a problem. but for SW and their games specifically, could this approach maybe give them the creative liberty to really *do* something with this villain? Or am i just grasping at straws here for a character that doesn’t deserve it?
The ending reveal was, admittedly, waaaay better than I was expecting. Because it didn't involve an info dump- save the little one Gregory had at the end- and it worked into the plot of Ruin. It felt a bit hasty and probably would've worked better as its own game- like as Security Breach proper- but it actually worked relatively well.
But I'm not entirely sure... The problem with the Mimic is that it's just sort of not that intimidating. In the books it's portrayed as an endoskeleton that blindly runs around and kills with an empty head, just vibes mentality. That could make an okay villain for one game, but... but if it's just going to turn into a constant guessing game of, "Oh, is this suspicious animatronic actually Mimic?" then it's going to get tired fast.
It's sort of the same issue I had with Eleanor. Save that at the very least, Mimic is more tangible. He climbs into suits and acts like various characters while Eleanor straight-up broke reality by just looking like whoever or whatever she wanted. Therefor inserting herself into scenarios where there was no indication she had ever been planned to be there.
Plus, after the Vanny situation, I don't exactly have faith that Mimic won't abruptly get abandoned for a completely different other villain. Switching villains isn't exactly a bad thing, but building up a character for games and then dumping them for the next idea is extremely anticlimactic.
At least Mimic's design doesn't allow for him to become as much of a merch magnet. That might actually do him well.
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dykevanny · 8 months
Actually let me talk abt the wererabbit au cause I think about it on the bus sometimes
Basically william’s messing with weird magic and decides to use his faaavorite employee as a lab rat(rabbit?) and now vanessa turns into a giant killer rabbit thing and he sics her on people for funsies
You see, william and Henry still have fredbear’s diner and the aftons are alive! Vanessa and Gregory (along with freddy, who along with the other glams also work at the diner) live in town, ness works at the diner as a security guard and she and greg have basically been dragged into the afton family lol. Mrs afton sees both of them on their first week in town and is like damn. I need to feed them like stray cats. So ness thinks of will as a fatherly sort of mentor figure. And he’s like aw hell yeah cause while he does care about her as well he needs someone to turn into a gucking beast you see. And so he does! He basically is using her to also you know kill people. For funsies.
Ness isn’t aware thsat she’s a werebunny thing for a while, she’s just been having weird gaps in her memory and waking up in the woods covered in blood which isn’t normal. So ofc who does she go to? William! And he’s like ohh I’m sure it’s fine ^.^ you can crash on our couch if you want ha ha greg’s staying over for a sleepover anyway..! Which is FUCKED UP but she stays with the aftons bc unfortunately she trusts that wretched man. Anyways so vanny as the Giant Killer Rabbit has gotten away from will (chewed through the chain thumbs up) and ran into the kids (sneaking out from sleepover) and of course michael is like WHAT is that thing. That’s dangerous. What the fuck. Meanwhile the younger kids are like holy shit bunnay… they see it’s hurt (and also the fact that it has broken chains on it) and are like WE HAVE TO HELPPP… and michael is only one boy who cannot control them all. the rabbit is ofc panicked and scared and now there’s people but it trusts greg right away so you know. He has his horse girl moment and. The kids drag it back and put bows in it’s fur and also glitter glue probably. Anyways they have it sleep under the bed and in the morning well ness turns back and they’re all like. HUH !? And ness is like how did i get hereeeee ……… luckily they all lie and say they dragged vanessa in bc they needed more people for a game (and someone else who’s hair they can mess with) and mrs afton was like yeah that seems legit👍 umm hey ness what’s the um. Red marks on your neck though that looks painful and ness who does not remember SHIT is like. The what 😀 but then William who was ‘at work late’ shows up like heyyy guys ^.^ sorry there was umm a robot explosion it was crazzzy. And everyone’s like haha that’s wilddd
Oh also the rabbit murders are like in the news like thats a wholleeeee thing. And freddy like highkey nearly got attacked but got away through some slasher movie convenient timing. Anyways I’m tired of typing so this is what you get ok bye
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bluegamerchick · 10 months
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So I recently got FNAF Security Breach on my Xbox! Chica seems to hate my guts for just existing and the daycare is so pitch black I legit at one point was begging Moon to chase me JUST SO I COULD SEE! Because for some reason my flashlight decided to be shit :).
BUT! I was able to snag some Moon screenshots and decided to use one for some art and tried to make it...creepy? Probably failed but oh well lol.
Under the cut is the version with no heavy shadows or lighting...it seriously is not creepy since its just Moon approaching Gregory hfkdjsf
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meggettes · 17 days
Bridgerton spoilers I am live-blogging below LEGIT SPOILERS
—Spoiler Break—
Episode 2 (blazed thru e1)
Eloise is a stand up comic that’s why she sucks so much lol at least now she’s found an audience maybe she might calm down (no im not thinking of my sister why would you say that)
Will Colin finally woo Penelope with writing? With his pen even??? 👀
i am feeling Francesca so hard the quiet observant pianist is so strong
Benedict is my FAVORITE would he third for the mondriches I could believe it
Was totally unprepared for Cressida character development but am surprisingly fully here for it
Also what the fuck even pen’s own mother believed she isn’t lovable that is so messed
Colin is the only one who is like of course you’re lovable (i know because it me, he doesn’t yet think to himself)
STAHPPPPPPPPPP “kiss me it’ll mean nothing just pls” IS NUTS AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
This is only episode 2!!!!!!!!! Way too early in this trope!!!!!! Unless…
Unless it’s a turned table!!!!!!! Aaahhhh!
Episode 3
he dreams in bodice-ripper 💀
Better than I could have anticipated he is so down bad what a puppydog babygirl
Oh my god who is danbury’s guest is it Sophie’s stepmother??? Is that how Sophie is going to bewitch Benny boy at the final ball of the season??? (I am Benedict centric in case you couldn’t tell) (so much so that I actually read his book) (they’re gonna change it a bunch but I can’t wait to see how that season goes. and then the Francesca and Gregory seasons)
Alone under the willow tree scandal-scandal-scandalous (if anyone saw)
They are so— I am so on board now the mutual pining I had no idea this was what we were in for thank god legit better than I expected
Wow literally what the fuck is wrong with people saying this fucked up shit to this girls face
if Ben wouldn’t third for them I would 🥵
GALLANT that’s the word! He is being very gallant! Not enough gallantry about I’m afraid
I am here for this Debling guy and our shiny Penny! The banter is superb :)
Also is he a Shakespearean actor is that why he knows what to do with his arms (nothing, properly)
Also I fucking love Eloise’s embroidered surcoats they are glorious
Is Cressida more likeable now because there’s a persistent sadness in her eyes instead of the meanness of previous szns
Is Colin really looking so different this season because his tailoring is different than everyone else’s? And they claim it to be “French”??
Speaking of tailoring, Penelope looks like a leading lady now instead of previous szns because her new wardrobe finally gets her waistline correct. It was much too high previously, making her look uncomfortable and juvenile. This proper underbust empire waistline is so gorgeous makes such a difference
Omg Cressida’s spark of interest in lord naturalist is so sweet!
camel thru eye of needle ✨Jesus Reference✨
ok Cressida and rugged bird man endgame
has anyone else noticed each of the Bridgertons has a prevailing one of the five senses? Daphne touch, Antony smell, (Benedict I would say is sight,) and Colin seems to be taste. Or maybe it’s just a mouth kissing thing. But I guess we shall see. Oh and Francesca sound.
And as a potential interest for Benny okay!! Two faves sharing the screen let’s watch em cook
Francesca is so pretty wtf who is this actor she looks like belle from the animated beauty and the beast disney like fr right off the cel n her big baby browns
This balloon hullabaloo! Dashing strong menfolk! Let the swooning and fluttering commence
The innovations ball!
Oh? OH?? Violet suitor???????
Put this dress of Cressida’s on the Met Gala carpet!
TILLY DO LESS (love her all about her)
Violet mom of all time aww she loves her kiddos
Stop he is not
Please COLIN
oh thank god
Debling is a great guy
randomly this cellist looks like Daniel Brühl kinda
Aw Violet sad for her boy
Ditzy sister preggers??
this episode y’alllllllll
Episode 4
Iike this red hair pale blue dresses combo on my girl Nicola is STUNNIN make those Irish eyes SPARKLE
This Francesca suitor is so WONDERFUL
they are CUTE
John Sterling!!!
her tweed over-jacket is taking me out of it a bit
Sitting in companionable silence!! Sparks flying among introverts!! Dare I say
Ok Mondrich, keep the club just don’t work in it! easy solutions
sweet Fran is such a quiet lil cutie pie aww
oh shit Colin realtalk wow cook king the lads were not ready for it not on his level
Violet, mom among moms
Can there finally be a season with no broken proposals pls it upsets me how much that happens on this show like it’s a casual thing to do
widower slow burn with widow ready for it here for it golden bachelor
is this……. ship inklings bw Eloise n Cressida rn
Omg Danbury isn’t one bit a fan of her brother
Lord Kilmartin WROTE her SHEET MUSIC
She’s Not Drinking The Lemonade
Lol Colin gonna get a front row seat to Pen’s proposal ughhhhhhh tensionnnnnn
JK about the ship-inklings actually but that was a nice moment
Oh Debling is iq-eq smart and I like him he is a sharp cookie he can’t propose to her now he likes her too much to get in the way of all that
Oh no his feelings are hurt :( no proposal
He’s a straight shooter girl he’s straight shooting you oops
HATE when diagetic music is off key with the score it is a PEEVE
Frannie is so happy awwww
POLIN are they going to KISS in the CARRIAGE
momentary 💔 but immediate 💓
Carriage hookup!! Titanic who!! Steamy!!!!!
way to go girl speedrun from never been kissed to finger blasted in the back of the family limo
this part 2 teaser what drama what will he do when he finds outttt
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sleepyjuniper · 2 years
Moon seems more like the cool uncle than a dad
Honestly?? I don't even think that really fits him. He's not a dad or an uncle. He's like. So confused and actually scared? He is trying to fulfill his one purpose which is 'care for child' but there's so much added to the situation that he wasn't ready for. First of all, there's NO ONE ELSE to rely on for this. They're all by themselves, no other animatronics, no humans, nothing. Second, they weren't designed to be constantly caring for any child, they were designed for routine. This is partly why his battery takes a hit- they're meant to charge on a routine. The Pizzaplex isn't safe, but neither is the outside world. And of course he understands the basic needs of the human body, but he hasn't had to constantly monitor one body for so long. And, to top it all off, he's missing a massive chunk of memory and barely had time to process that before stuff started happening. He's honestly going through it and he's doing his best not to affect Gregory with his own internal struggles
This legit just sent me off on a rant SHSHHDJJS I'm sorry but I've been thinking about this for a while and I see him more as 'guardian' in the sense of like, a sentinel and a knight, almost. Who also happens to know a lot about sleep, and children. The situation has kind of molded him into the role he's serving for Gregory now
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Something I’m annoyed by from security breach, it shows the animatronics are sentient, it hints at the 3 being mind controlled, it even shows how freddy isn’t with Gregory hurting them, I thought it would go a route where you get a choice to either destroy or save them and there would be pros or cons to both sides
But no
It’s basicaly glossed over, freddy doesn’t even make some comment if he ever sees his friends shattered forms, like it’s pushed to the side and is legit treated as this good thing
And something I’m annoyed about even more is how a lot of people either say they deserved it or in game rewrites still make it so you have to destroy them
I honestly wish it went the route of all 4 animatronics protecting Gregory and vanny legit being the one you have to run from, and have it so the staff bots are lethal or alert vanny
Honestly yeah like.
That's what I intend to do if I ever do a proper fic rewriting SB. They just get the others to join the party and all.
But yeah it's.
I mean I guess since Day 1 all of fnaf has been questionably sentient animatronics who are just kinda left there to get fucked over.
I do wish Canon showed a bit more sympathy. Freddy does at first, but not always. Gregory seems totally fine with it.
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alister312 · 2 years
what is ur least favorite christophe ship and why? signed, someone who is absolutely not pnjrnk
well gosh, hey there mysterious anon!! lemme think.......
i've mentioned before that i do hold gay christophe near and dear to my heart so any ships with him and women definitely throw me off? like, i need a second to think about it. people pairing christophe with girls often isn't hurting anyone, though, so while it's not for me, i usually can't find a legit reason to not recommend it to others.
outside of any of those... i've certainly seen depictions of certain christophe ships i disagree with. i don't want to name names bc that seems crass, but friends of mine likely have heard my grievances with one such christophe ship in a particular fic. i've also been going back and forth lately on my thoughts about pipstophe. on one hand, i think they'd absolutely hate one another. on the other hand, in a polycule also involving damien and gregory, i think they would be forced to not reactionary want to strangle each other and could occasionally find things to agree on. additionally, there's characters who i don't really like or have a lot of thoughts on. i'd be reticent to pair christophe with any of them because i love him so much and i don't want them dragging him down lol
but yeah that's probably the closest i've got to thoughts on christophe ships i dislike!
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supercreig · 3 months
🗣 Gregory
Send '🗣' + a character to hear the mun's opinion about that character.
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Sadly he was only shown in the SP movie. Kinda wish they brought him back to the show at some point along with Christophe, but SP seems to never bring back these minor characters. Maybe it's best that way.
I didn't think or care a whole lot about Gregory until when I first started writing Craig on here, I came across Blaze's blog and was like "A Gregory RPer. Never thought I'd come across one. And it's active! -reblogs promo and hopes kouhai notices me someday-" I already expected SP to have such a small RP community since it's not everyone's cup of tea with the crude humor and all.
There's not that much to go from with canon-Gregory since he's not given that much screentime, so I can't say a whole lot. From what I saw of him in the movie though I thought he was neat too and thought him being around Wendy as Stan gets jealous was funny. I'm not sure if Gregory had a little bit of a thing for Wendy, but I tend to think he kinda did maybe when he told Wendy to hold him while she literally went "Noooo. Gregory nooooo" LOL. Or maybe he didn't have a little thing for her but just wanted to be a good friend and offer her to hold onto him so she feels less scared. idk.
Let us not forget how if it wasn't for Gregory, La Resistance would have gotten nowhere. He's definitely a smart kid (he legit says he has a grape point average of I think a 4.0). He's well-educated enough to have even help start the revolution group, even called Stan out on only wanting to lead the revolution to impress Wendy. And even though Gregory went out of his way to help with the revolution, what does he get in return?
"Fuck Gregory! Right in the ear!"
I honestly don't take that part seriously though cuz it's South Park and nothing it meant to be taken so seriously, and anything can be up to our own interpretation.
Also he's the parody of Enjolras, and his song provider is the guy who played Prince Derik, I'm sure. Howard McGillen, I think that's his name.
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namacub95 · 5 months
Alison Weir and the claim Anne Boleyn was pregnant when she was executed.
I’m convinced that even tho Alison Weir is a historian that she’s determined to out-crazy Philippa Gregory on Tudor History. She screams to me of someone who cares more about selling books than legit history using the idea “no publicity is bad publicity”.The claim that Anne Boleyn was pregnant when she died comes from Alison Weir’s book Henry VII: King and Court. Quoting from the book:
“Henry had every reason to be pleased with Anne, for the evidence strongly suggests she was pregnant again. Just as she conceived rapidly after the birth of Elizabeth, so her reconciliation with the king after her miscarriage in January had quickly borne fruit. Henry made what was probably an oblique reference to her pregnancy that April, when he rounded on Chapuys for suggesting God had not thought fit to send him male issue because He had ordained that England should have a female succession. ‘Am I not a man like other men? Am I not? Am I not?’ shouted Henry ‘You do not know all my secrets’. On the 25th April, in a letter sent to Richard Pate in Rome and duplicated to Gardiner and Wallop in France, Henry announced ‘the likelihood and appearance that God will send us heirs male’, implying that ‘our dear and most entirely beloved wife the Queen’ was once more expecting a child. Had Anne conceived towards the end of February, it would have been possible for the King to state this with some certainty, and clearly, he was eager to do so.”
Firstly, Weir brings up a letter sent to Sir Richard Pate who was ambassador to the Holy Roman Empire from 1533-37. She seems to have combined two events together as Weir recounts a conversation between Henry and Imperial Envoy, Eustace Chapuys. According to Weir, Chapuys was reported to have ventured for Mary to be reinstated to the succession as “God had ordained a female succession” only to have Henry explode on him. This conversation did happen as it was reported in a letter back to Charles V. Now the big clincher: this letter is from April 15th 1533. Catherine of Aragon is referred to in the letter in the present tense which would be impossible in 1536 as she died in early January that year. Next, its contents are not as Weir represents them. Yes, the conversation between Chapuys and Henry is there but with context its meaning is very different. The relevant portion (because it is a very long letter) is here:
"Made unto Us certain overtures for the advancement of such a renovation. The first was that He would be meane to have a reconciliation between Us and the Bishop of Rome. The second overture and request was that for as much as there is great likelihood and appearance that God will send unto Us heirs male to succeed us in the Crown of this our Realm, We would vouch safe at his contemplation to legitimate our daughter Mary, in such a degree as in default of issue by our most dear and entirely beloved wife the Queen , she may not be reputed unable to some place in our succession."
Third is from the accounts ordering a cradle for a prospective new prince/princess. The receipt is undated (which wouldn’t exactly be the kind of clinching evidence I’d use to back up this claim) but we can deduce some kind of date. Thomas Cromwell is named as Lord Privy Seal on the receipt and therefore would narrow down the date range from 1536-1540. Whilst this at first looks like it could be a point for Weir (since it's at least in the correct date range) I would counter with this: why would anyone be ordering a crib so early in a pregnancy when the mother had a history of miscarrying? It seems very optimistic on Henry's part. I would argue this is more likely a cradle for the expecting Jane Seymour's baby, the future Edward VI who was born 12th October 1537.
Finally, let’s look at logistics. Could Anne be pregnant in May 1536? She was pregnant in the January but miscarried a boy on January 29th. Henry was very explicit about his lack of faith in Anne’s childbearing capabilities by this point, famously stating after the miscarriage that: “[he’d] have no more boys by her”. This would imply Henry was not going to be sleeping with Anne from that point. Still, for the sake of argument, they are still attempting for another child up until Anne’s arrest. In an age before pregnancy tests, the earliest Anne could suspect a pregnancy is one month due to missing her period. The earliest she could be 100% certain she was carrying a child would be 3/4 months when the baby would begin to move in utero (colloquially known as “quickening”). This would mean that for Henry to have known Anne was pregnant she would have had to conceived again by the latest in mid-February, but ideally earlier almost immediately after her miscarriage in January. That doesn’t seem very reasonable for a woman recovering from something that would have been quite traumatic on her both in medical and emotional terms.
Next, there is no evidence from her time in the Tower of any pregnancy. Weir brings this up as suspicious that Anne wasn’t examined for a pregnancy. This could either be explained in two ways: 1) Henry was certain she wasn’t because he hadn’t been sleeping with her (and if she was then it could be fathered by one of her co-accused) or 2) she had her period whilst incarcerated thus proving for certain there was no baby. There are no official records of Anne's trial so there is no evidence we can pull from there to say one way or the other. However, there were letters and reports of Anne in the Tower sent from the Lieutenant William Kingston to Thomas Cromwell. None mention a pregnancy or suspected pregnancy. Also, if she knew she was pregnant, why not speak up? It would have at least delayed her fate until her new child was either born or she had a miscarriage.
Finally finally, why would Henry kill a potential male heir? It goes against his entire motivations at this time. Henry was desperate for a male heir. If there was even the possibility that Anne was carrying another boy, why not wait a few extra months to see the outcome? It’s ludicrous that he would kill his own child when it could be the heir he had caused a schism to obtain. Even if there was some dubiousness around the legitimacy, Henry had already shown he was willing to declare what he wanted no matter what the truth was (Mary was illegitimate despite being born in wedlock to legally wedded parents).
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eveninsight-com · 11 months
Test Products Now Review: Legit or Scam?
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We will examine Testproductsnow.com in this post to see if it serves as a reliable platform for Amazon Product Testers. It's crucial to do extensive research and read reviews written by people who have used Testproductsnow.com before taking the plunge. You've come to the right place if you're interested in joining Testproductsnow.com. Let's delve into the details and determine if Testproductsnow.com is worth considering.
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Testproductsnow.com is a website that claims to offer opportunities for individuals to work as Amazon Product Testers.
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