#Gundam the battle master
hellman55 · 21 days
Gundam: The Battle Master [PS1] Longplay Walkthrough Movie FULL GAME [4K60ᶠᵖˢ UHD🔴]
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unknown-mecha · 2 years
Undefeated of the East assisting Tekkadan in their time of need? This is that good Master Asia shit.
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Console Fighting Games of 2002 - Compilation Part 2
Compilation of Fighting Games released on consoles in 2002, this is part 2 of 3 and features Gundam Battle Assault 2, InuYasha A Feudal Fairy Tale, Kamen Rider Ryuki, Loons The Fight for Fame, Mike Tyson Heavyweight Boxing, Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance, Rage of the Dragons and Rave Master 
0. Intro 00:00 
1. Gundam Battle Assault 2 00:15 
2. InuYasha A Feudal Fairy Tale 13:06 
3. Kamen Rider Ryuki 23:03 
4. Loons The Fight for Fame 30:16 
5. Mike Tyson Heavyweight Boxing 37:54 
6. Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance 47:58 
7. Rage of the Dragons 57:56 
8. Rave Master 01:07:03 
9. Outro 01:12:36 
For Other Compilation videos check out this playlist 
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Twitter (Gaming & AI Art)
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I wanted to ask, what would it be like if Fischl had an S/O who not only plays along with her, but is just as much as a Chuunibyou as her? I'd kinda like to see her reaction to that. Maybe see what the other Mondstadt folks think as well? Oh, and bonus points if the S/O does the whole Shining Finger thing. from Gundam. That "this hand of mine glows with an awesome powerrr!" thing.
(Genshin Impact/Honkai: Star Rail)
Fischl, Ayaka, Rosaria, Eula, Furina, Shinobu, Bronya, and Seele with a very dramatic S/O
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Fischl's eyes seemed to gleam when she first realized that her S/O not only indulged her antics, but even joined her!
Their title was almost as impressive as her own, 'The King/Queen of Hearts'!
(Fischl) "Tell me dear, S/O, how can the fabled 'King/Queen of Hearts' measure up to the Prinzessin der Verurteilung?"
S/O clenched their fist and raised it in front of their chest triumphantly.
(S/O) "You may have your electric arrows, but I have these GOLDEN FINGERS!"
Oz on the other hand was completely suffering.
Well, at least he didn't have to translate for S/O, they were completely blunt and to the point, unlike his master.
Fischl did adore S/O for how brave and caring they were, but it was during a battle that made her heart first skip a beat.
(S/O) "HERE I GO!-"
S/O's pyro vision flared up as their fists began glowing a flaming gold, catching both Oz and Fischl by surprise.
(Fischl) "W-What?! S/O was serious with knowing an ultimate technique?!"
(Oz) "I thought they were in a similar boat to you, mein Fräulein-"
They rushed past Fischl and Oz, who could only watch in awe.
Their fist immediately crashed through a Ruin Guard (somehow), and lifted them off the ground with one arm.
The Ruin Guard exploded violently afterwards, with S/O's fist going back to normal.
(Oz) "Wow, really?"
(Fischl) THAT IS SO COOL! "...Ahem, a fine display, dear S/O."
Everyone in Mondstadt thought that Fischl had just found another roleplayer that took things way too seriously and were somewhat dreading talking to them.
Only to realize S/O wasn't doing a bit, despite the fact they were just as dramatic as her.
They were just insane.
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Ayaka knew her S/O was a bit on the...flashy side, to put it gently.
They screamed all their attack names at the top of their lungs, yet she knew no one was better and hand to hand combat than they were. Especially when they began actually glowing red or ignited into flames.
All that did not matter terribly much to Ayaka. S/O was someone she loved, for their caring and valiant nature.
But, someone like S/O was something she had never expected to face, and they both drove her insane, and yet brought contrasting calmness to her life.
Nothing however would ever compare to meeting S/O's master for the first time.
Ayaka and S/O were travelling down the streets of Inazuma, until everyone, including the guards were watching someone coming down the street.
(Ayaka) "...Is...that person standing on their horse?"
Suddenly, S/O's eyes widened, and rushed through the crowd, unintentionally leaving Ayaka behind. She quickly followed behind and saw a man standing perfectly on the horse as it trotted along the streets of Inazuma, arms crossed and an expression that was razor focused.
The man's head turned to S/O, and both of them exchanged a glance before Ayaka saw their master leap off the horse, extending a fist as they landed perfectly in front of them.
S/O knelt down as they struck a dramatic pose, answering their master.
In the middle of the city, they began exchanging rapid punches that traded perfectly blow for blow, so fast that even Ayaka struggled to keep track of.
(Strange Man) "ZENSHIN!"
Both their fists collided before their other arms extended outwards in sync, screaming once again.
Ayaka watched with a strange mixture of horror, second-hand embarrassment, admiration, and jealousy.
(Ayaka) ...I-Is it possible for S/O to teach me how to do that too...?
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When Rosaria first met S/O, she thought they were going to be a troublemaker.
She was correct, but they fought to keep Mondstadt safe as much as she did.
But while she did it with subtlety, S/O grabbed subtlety with their literal shining golden fingers, and made it violently explode, all while screaming their attack.
The first time she had watched S/O perform their "Shining Finger" attack on a treasure hoarder, she stood there completely slackjawed.
(Rosaria) "...Oh my Bratabos, you're completely serious."
Rosaria thought S/O was doing some kind of bit like this 'Fischl' character she had heard about.
No, they were just that dramatic for no real apparent reason, and they had the strength to back their nonsense up.
She even doubted that herself could take S/O in a straight fight.
In a strange way, it attracted her to them. They were clearly not afraid of what anyone thought of them, only caring if the people they loved were safe. She had respect for that.
But...why were they like this?
They couldn't just defeat their enemies normally, no, they HAD to explode. Every single one of them.
Sometimes S/O's Vision wasn't even active, she would just see them explode after they had shouted "HEAT END!".
(Rosaria) "You are both the best and the worst person I know of to clean up a mess of bandits discreetly."
(S/O) "Hah! The King/Queen of Hearts doesn't need to fight discreetly! I only fight with my fists!"
Honestly, as strange as this was, she also found it to be the funniest thing in the world. Maybe there SHOULD be more people like S/O and Fischl after all.
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Eula couldn't exactly call anyone out for being "flashy".
But her S/O took that word to a whole new level. Especially with their manner of speech.
It made Eula look polite in comparison. S/O appeared to be playing the bit of a mysterious, strong, and rude warrior who only thought with their fists.
She had seen them become soft and loving, hell they were a couple, she knows they can become serious.
But after watching them fight a few times, she's starting to believe that S/O wasn't doing a bit like herself, and she did not know how to feel about that.
Eula watched S/O pull out a sword made of pure flames from their hands, wielding it in both their palms.
S/O slashed apart the Ruin Hunter with every swing, scorching the grass ablaze with their passion.
With one final slash, the Ruin Hunter was split in half, with S/O leaping back as their pyro vision died down slowly.
Honestly, Eula didn't know if she should be impressed, cringing, or not be thinking that was one of the coolest things she had ever seen.
Probably a mixture of all three.
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Honestly? Furina kind of gets it.
You spend so long doing a bit, it kind of becomes a part of you.
That being said, Furina isn't entirely sure if S/O's behavior was entirely theatrics.
But that's fine! It's a part of them after all, not like she had any room to criticize.
Whenever S/O wasn't in the room, she would be clenching her fists and throwing punches in the air, mimicking their tone.
(Furina) "How did they say it...? Ah, right! This hand of mine glows with an awesome power!"
Furina giggled as she said it out loud before putting on a 'serious expression' frowning as she concentrated.
(Furina) "It's loud roar tells me to grasp victory! SHINING, FIINGEEER!" giggle
As she turned to face the door, she nearly leapt out of her skin to see S/O watching her with a highly unamused face.
(Furina) "GAH! S-S/O! How long were you-"
(S/O) "The School of Master Asia cannot be replicated by simply mimicking my actions, Furina. It comes from within!"
Furina pouted a little.
(Furina) "It doesn't look that different from theatre, S/O! You're as dramatic as I am!"
(S/O) "Dramatic? Don't be absurd, I'm completely-"
(Furina) "You are not telling me you can say all that with a straight face every single time!"
(S/O) "...Can you not?"
...Either S/O was the best actor, or they lacked the self awareness that she (kinda) had.
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Oh good Archons, please no.
Shinobu already had to reign in Itto and the others, now her lover was adding fuel to the fire.
Or more like an explosion to it.
S/O had taught Itto and the other members of the Arataki gang their strange dances.
Now instead of dealing with one, she had to deal with seven other idiots shouting about Erupting Burning Fingers.
(Shinobu) "S/O, you're a terrible influence."
(S/O) "Huh? What are you-"
(Shinobu) "Sara had just told me that Itto and the others were making a ruckus in the public square."
(S/O) "What ruckus can the dances my master and I-"
(Shinobu) "They're trying to match the speed of you and Master Asia, but end up only punching themselves in the face."
(S/O) "Hah! Looks like I need to train them harder-"
(Shinobu) "S/O."
S/O sighed loudly, adjusting their red headband.
(S/O) "Fine. I'll reign them in myself."
Personally, she thinks their nature is...strange, to put it mildly.
She has no idea how S/O and their master became so eccentric, but they meant as well as she and the others did so...Not too much harm could be done?
And admittedly, she did find it really cool that S/O's vision could make things explode in such a spectacular fashion.
But why did so many people in her life have to have some kind of screw loose with them?
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There was only one word that could come to Bronya's mind watching S/O in action.
(Bronya) "What?"
She had been trained all her life to be noble, courteous, and elegant.
And here came S/O with all the elegance of a cannon.
S/O fought inside a machine that mimicked their actions 1 to 1. While the suit itself was strong, it was S/O who made it surpass the limits.
Their knowledge on martial arts was unsurpassed by anyone she had ever known.
But in a strange way, it made Bronya admire them. They wore their heart on their sleeve, with no one telling them how to live. That was really admirable.
And secretly, she found herself quoting S/O many times as she was training with her weapons. Much to her amusement and horror.
But the first time she watched them in action could not compare to anything.
The machine's wings flared out and formed an energy halo, with S/O's hand becoming a blinding fiery light.
Their chest opened up and revealed a large glowing orb, with the symbol of the King/Queen of hearts flashing in front of it.
Before Bronya could even question what S/O was doing, she watched them fly past all the Silvermane guards and save them by driving their robotic fist into the enemy.
On command, the creature exploded into a brilliant light, making everyone recoil as their enemies fled in terror.
S/O turned around, their machine crossing its arms and standing dramatically on top of a hill, staring down at everyone.
(Silvermane Guard) "...O-Okay...?"
Bronya had much of the same reaction, but a slight blush overtook her cheeks.
(Bronya) "That was...incredible!"
(Silvermane Guard) "Ma'am?"
(Bronya) "A-AHEM! Men, we continue onwards! Remember our training, and show that we are not to be surpassed!"
It was completely stupid how S/O shouted their moves but...damn, if it wasn't effective.
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Seele sighs whenever she watches S/O in action.
Their moves were completely unnecessary, way too flashy, and the thing that annoyed her the most?
They worked. Like, there was nothing to counter S/O's idiotic moves, nor anything that could actually survive them.
It worked, and she hated that it did.
Seele simply steps out the way of an incoming monster part that had exploded spectacularly.
(Seele) "I will never understand how that machine of yours makes everything it touches detonate. It's like everything's made out of Natasha's grenades to you."
(S/O) "HAH! You are just watching the King/Queen of Hearts in action, Seele! Try to keep up!"
Her eye twitched. Oh now it was ON!
She had a great deal of respect for her S/O, truthfully. But it was dwarfed by her annoyance of them as well.
They would go on about complete nonsense, and yet when they were together, S/O could be a surprisingly normal and honest person.
Then she would watch them in the fight club and watch S/O in their machine grab someone's head, ready to make it explode.
(S/O) "Article 1: A Unit whose head section has been destroyed is disqualified!"
(S/O) "Then I have won this fight."
Seele had never heard about these articles, or schools on this planet. Maybe it was an offworld thing.
...God, she hoped that whoever trained S/O wouldn't meet Natasha or the kids.
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Red Character Bracket
Minor Bracket
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Hello, and welcome to the Red Character Bracket: Minor Bracket. This is how it’s gonna work- 64 contestants. Double elimination. Only one will make it out victorious. Now, for our contestants:
Apple White (Ever After High)
Hua Cheng (Heaven Official’s Blessing)
707/Saeyoung Choi (Mystic Messenger)
Matsuno Osomatsu (Osomatsu-san)
Riddle Rosehearts (Twisted Wonderland)
Opera (Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun)
Ikuyo Kita (Bocchi the Rock!)
Cromdo Face (Bugsnax)
Courtney (Dead End: Paranormal Park)
Char Aznable (Mobile Suit Gundam)
Alucard (Hellsing)
Anna Akagi (Kiratto Pri☆Chan)
Taiga Kagami (Kuroko's Basketball)
Tokiwa Anzai (Mewkledreamy)
Fuuta Kajiyama (MILGRAM)
Strawberry Shortcake (Strawberry Shortcake)
Ringo Akai/Mew Ringo (Tokyo Mew Mew)
Reimu Hakurei (Touhou Project)
Jibanyan (Yo-Kai Watch)
Shotaro Kaneda (Akira)
Jake Long (American Dragon: Jake Long)
Akito Takagi (BAKUMAN。)
Ruby (Battle for Dream Island)
Red Blood Cell/AE3803 (Cells at Work!)
Blast (Club Penguin)
Rosemaster (Cucumber Quest)
Honey Kisaragi/Cutie Honey (Cutie Honey)
Lilith (Darkstalkers)
Lina (DotA)
Red (Everhood)
Jack of Blades (Fable)
Wilt (Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends)
Major Motoko Kusanagi (Ghost in the Shell)
Nobuo Akagi/AkibaRed (Hikonin Sentai Akibaranger)
Ib (Ib)
Padparadscha (Land of the Lustrous)
Sally Yumeno (Sally the Witch)
ProtoMan.EXE/Blues.EXE (Mega Man Battle Network)
Dianite (Mianite)
Flain (Mixels)
The Spanish Inquisition (Monty Python's Flying Circus)
Orko (He-Man and the Masters of the Universe)
Camille Severin (Muted)
Tom Servo (Mystery Science Theater 3000)
Pop Harukaze (Ojamajo Doremi)
Scarlett (Papa Louie)
Pucca (Pucca)
Ranma Saotome (Ranma 1/2)
Benson Dunwoody (Regular Show)
Mira Hanayashiki (Sekko Boys)
Corporal Giroro (Sgt. Frog)
Kate (Shadows House)
Stereo Monovici (Space Goofs)
King Kazma (Summer Wars)
Lloyd Irving (Tales of Symphonia)
James the Red Engine (Thomas & Friends)
Captain Red Rackham (The Adventures of Tintin)
Clover Ewing (Totally Spies!)
Gold Ship (Uma Musume: Pretty Derby)
Rika Kawai (Wonder Egg Priority)
Pyra (Xenoblade Chronicles)
Yona (Yona of the Dawn)
Yugiri (Zombie Land Saga)
Polls will be posted every day at 12am EST, starting on April 2, 2023. The Major Bracket will be revealed at a later date. Good luck to all of our contestants ❤️
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skitterstan · 10 months
Egg as he is introduced in worm
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if he represses ///// after she comes out
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Egg is one of the more powerful case 53s, and eventually if he got on a team he’d probably get a tinker maintained super suit because he basically has no defenses of his own
my idea is that when egg comes out, she realizes she can inhabit the feminine body which she can conjure, that it’s in fact her real body, she’s a changer first with a master power piloting the body “egg”.
I think second triggers for case 53s are rare (? Idk) but I think it’d make sense in this case
she becomes a tinker and can collapse her (gigantic, 10 foot tall) angelic form into a tiny little robot body… cool for stealth, but once she’s in the ‘bot it breaks down pretty quick, can’t contain her amazingness. She can build bigger bots, but she’s less expert at it. She mostly make cool cute toys, treats it like painting a little gundam or warhammer, and she’s a little sad when she has to break them for a mission, so she mostly does the badass battling up front. Maybe the bots can have real lasers too
*truly drew this bc eggvangelion popped into my head
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kachikirby · 4 months
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I finished the reference for the Ultimate Battle version of my gijinka Knight Unicorn Gundam.
Because he's still wandering from place to place, I tried to make him look a bit more homeless-looking.
Yes, this is from the story I translated, it's in the master post!
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kasperl-ruprecht · 6 months
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The latest painted addition to the MURDER, a Stormcrow configuration Foxtrot. This is a 3D print based on the MechWarrior 4 design model.
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That's two anti-personnel guass rifles and a plasma cannon per arm plus two ER mediums and a ER small per side torso. At 37 pv for skill 4 in Alpha Strike with 2 heat at short, medium, and long range it's a menace. The battle value in Classic for the model is 2227 bv.
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Even gave it some turn signals on the backside.
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As always, I used fluorescent paint with glow in the dark pigments for the weapon effects and whatnot.
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I should also explain out a little bit on the decals chosen. I found a sheet of Gundam: 0080 Zeon stickers and used one of the thunderbolts from the Rick Dom II and put that up to and center. The number 6 on the right lower leg is in reference to the fact the F is the sixth letter of the alphabet. While I'd like to say the F on the upper right arm is for easier identification while playing, it's actually to hide where I had to glue the arm back together when I dropped it while finishing it up.
All and all, very pleased how it turned out.
A link to the Master Unit List page...
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screaming-skvll · 2 years
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Posting some of my Gunpla, starting with a project that took more than a decade to complete: the Wolfgar Team.
No doubt like many of you, my first exposure to Gundam was Toonami's landmark airing of Gundam Wing in 2000–2001, and I did build a few non-grade 1/100 kits around that time (if you can call tearing parts off runners, slapping them together, and drenching them with ink wash 'building'). However, it wasn't till my sojourn in Taibei in 2007–2008 that I got into Universal Century Gundam—the good stuff—and started more seriously building Gundam models. With the abundance of hobby shops in Ximending just a short light-rail trip from my residence in the Shida night market, building mobile suits became my hobby for most of 2008.
During that time, as I immersed myself in the extensive depths of the Universal Century canon, I became particularly fond of the short bit of original story told in the extra levels at the end of the SNES game Mobile Suit Gundam: Cross Dimension 0079. Having already become a devotee of the Zaku II, and particularly impressed with the excellent Master Grade Zaku II ver. 2.0 kit released just a year earlier, I set out to build my interpretation of the Wolfgar Team, the squad of desperate Zeon antagonists from the Cross Dimension story.
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I began with an MS-06J, the ground-type Zaku, for Wolfgar's youngest member, Saki Graham. The cut-down shoulder spikes, battle damage, and desert weathering all represented initial experiments in the kinds of customization I would apply to the whole team.
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Taking my cues from the gameplay in Cross Dimension, I equipped Saki's Zaku with a bazooka. On the other hand, I put my own spin on her armament, adding captured beam sabers from my spare parts.
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Next was Martin Hagar's unit, an MS-06F space-type. As Wolfgar's seasoned second-in-command, I figured Hagar might pilot the older F-type, even after his reassignment to terrestrial deployment. Also, this variation of the Zaku II ver. 2.0 kit was brand new, and included the bulkier 'giant bazooka' that I wanted to give to Saki.
I took the shoulder armor from the next kit to give Hagar's unit two spiked shoulders. (The extra shoulder shield from this one would come in handy down the line.) Hagar wields a flamethrower in the game, so I did my best to build something vaguely reminiscent from scratch. Finding the result lackluster, I added the leg-mounted missile pods from the J-type kit.
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Third up came Lester Carrot's machine, another J-type. In the game, Lester attacks only with the Zaku machine gun, making his unit the plainest. To give him more character, I decided Lester was left-handed, and customized his suit accordingly.
By the time I finished these three Zakus, midsummer had passed, and the end of my year in Taiwan was approaching. I had time enough to build a few more robots, but found myself in a bind concerning the Wolfgar Team. A Master Grade version of the Zaku cannon type had been announced, but wouldn't be released till just after my departure in August. That model would be perfect for the fourth Wolfgar Zaku, but I couldn't obtain one before I left.
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When I returned from Taiwan, the Wolfgar Team remained incomplete. I knew it would be some time before I'd be able to resume the work, let alone finish it—but I had no way of knowing how long.
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casliveblog · 2 days
Custom Toonami Block Week 178 Rundown
The Witch from Mercury: So the shadowy organization trying to oust Suletta as an illegal Gundam user is kind of having a problem seeing as the government seems to solely define Gundams based on their ability to set their pilot’s soul on fire and kill them and since Suletta’s not dying they’ve got no proof, seems like a roundabout way of doing things honestly. Enter Elan Ceres, local emotionless boy with a tragic backstory. Turns out they suspect Suletta may be enhanced to resist the inherent Gundam soul-burning capabilities rather than… idk, just making something that doesn’t do that. Since Elan is one such enhanced person secretly using a Gundam, he’s the perfect person to tell if Suletta’s doing the same. His plan is kind of ridiculous because he’s just like ‘hey wanna go out? And bring your Gundam’ in the most monotone way possible and it’s kind of hilarious but because Suletta has the social intelligence of a five year old it works. Either way, Elan does get to try out Aerial and finds it doesn’t have the same pressure as a normal Gundam so Suletta wouldn’t need to be enhanced to survive piloting it which makes him REALLY pissed off since he’s basically still dying when he uses Gundams but is physically enhanced to not die so easily. It’s like your car being really fast but the seat’s made of sandpaper and broken glass but finding out the sandpaper and broken glass seat was just an optional feature and this new girl has a satin and goose down seat. Either way Guel gets pissy because Suletta’s exceeded her three fiancé limit in five episodes and challenges Elan to a duel where the stakes are part of the cast never interacting with the main character again or Suletta fighting the guy the whole arc is building towards her fighting, like they’re not even trying to hide how obvious the outcome is, they even make Discount Jimmy Olson bet against Elan again just to seal the deal that Elan’s gonna win. Though even so it’s kind of a humiliating defeat since Guel steals his brother’s mech when he’s not even supposed to be fighting anymore and gets it absolutely destroyed by Elan’s Resident Evil laser grid of stungun lasers, so yeah that’ll be fun to see Suletta fight.
Inuyasha The Final Act: We kinda jump right in on this one, like idk if this is how it was in the manga but it feels like there’s an episode missing here because we jump straight into the climax of a different filler episode, not that I’m complaining about skipping the preamble. Inuyasha’s useless because of the New Moon and so Miroku and Sango have to fight the bone demon and its daughter trying to heal it because apparently every single plot point in Yashahime was reused from the original. Anyway throwing both characters into a filler battle at the height of their self-destructiveness for each other was a terrible idea and Miroku’s more poisoned than ever and Sango ends up destroying Hiraikotsu to save him. It’s funny because Inuyasha’s broken his weapon like three times by now so he’s just like ‘there’s gotta be some plot device we can use to fix it’ and he’s immediately proven right when they go to the Master of Potions who as far as characters of the day from Final Act go is pretty fun, if only because he’s a perv and gets Inuyasha drunk as fuck. He has two tests for Sango and Miroku because we’re getting our lategame upgrades out in packs of two. Sango has to confront the spirits of the demons that made up Hiraikotsu who surprisingly feel kinda betrayed despite being made into a weapon by the woman that presumably killed them they thought she was cool and don’t like getting rubbed poison all over. They give her the ultimatum that next time shit’s getting real she has to ditch Miroku and not destroy them and she’s just like “I’m sorry about that but it will definitely happen again, our relationship is basically a series of standing in front of buses for each other”. Meanwhile Miroku basically gets the diet version of the Yusuke screaming in a cave arc from YYH and gets a poison that will allow him to suck up all the poison he wants, like he’ll still die if he gets too much but it won’t hurt so he’ll die but faster. Inuyasha finds out and chews him out for it which is nice to see, like I think Inuyasha’s relationships with both Miroku and Sango are kind of underplayed in the series since about halfway through they start doing filler episodes strictly across shipping lines but it was saving Miroku that let Inuyasha first unlock the Wind Scar and it’s nice to see he’s still equally not up for Miroku pulling martyr shit as he was back then, it’s just funny they have to try and hide Miroku slowly dying five feet away from Kagome, like these guys do not trust her to not freak out at all. Both Miroku and Sango confront their respective tests by saying they don’t intend to die for the other but want to get stronger to live with them and in a funny little twist they kind of accidentally solve each other’s tests instead of their own. Sango’s demons don’t know shit about love so her speech does nothing but they sense Miroku’s equally fighting for his life and they get that so they let her go, while Miroku can sense Sango’s impassioned speech and pulls through. So yeah, Sango’s got a bigger better Hiraikotsu for like two months before she hangs it up/gives it to Hisui to get an infinitely cooler model, and Miroku now has the power to die faster, upgrades successful.
Castlevania: It’s a big ol’ wrap-up episode for the Season Finale, Trevor gives over the Belmont Estate to Alucard, basically walking us through the symbolism of it but it’s still a very nice gesture given Trevor’s kind of gone back and forth about whether the place actually means anything to him and Alucard’s basically living on top of his own family’s cemetery now which probably isn’t as creepy as living in the same room where he killed his own father but oh well. Isaac is off in the desert which is probably the worst place Dracula could’ve thrown him but whatever he kills a bunch of racists and makes them zombies so he can basically start over and make his own genocidal zombie army. Carmilla’s abducted Hector to do similar and it’s like… bro, have a little backbone, call her bluff, what’s she gonna do, kill you? I feel like I’ll like Carmilla more as a main villain than a side one because she’s not fucking shit up and ruining the main evil faction’s integrity to let the heroes win anymore she’s just being a colossal bitch but I can’t help but shake the feeling that we’re back where we started with two villains exactly the same as Dracula just without the moral complexity and ambiguity which was what made Dracula fun in the first place, idk time will tell I guess. Also always feel like Carmilla has her carrot and stick backwards like she seems to be trying to seduce people when they’re not into it and then beating the shit out of them when persuasion and gaslighting would be more effective but far be it from me to be an armchair Vampire Countess. But yeah the twin Forgemasters take off to remake their own armies, one the master of their own fate and one a slave (and thank god they dodged making this racist as fuck). Trevor and Sypha have a long talk where Sypha basically has to hammer into his head that she’s basically proposing to him and he still friendzones her but generally agrees to go off with her so they can do the cleanup sidequests now that the main quest is done which is nice, like a lot of this finale is very grim and bleak and upsetting but the scenes with those two are very beautiful and warm. Meanwhile Alucard comes to the crushing reality that his two best friends have just ditched him and he’s killed anyone else that have ever meant anything to him and he’s got a big empty castle to let that sink in within.
Jujutsu Kaisen: It’s getting to the end of the arc and Kenjaku has appeared (also there’s a scene of naked Meimei telling her brokers Japan’s gone to shit that’s animated with so much love and horniness but it’s not really relevant) Anyway Kenjaku genjutsu’s Yuji for a bit and it’s kinda fun seeing someone with the ‘copy low-level techniques’ powerset actually be threatening because that’s usually such a lame power. Meanwhile the Kyoto guys finally show up and Miwa even does her whole Dark Gon Nen vow to make her attack super effective and it does JACK SHIT so I hope she got a refund on that like if the guy immediately Aizen’s your career-ending final slash it shouldn’t count. Like I know Mechamaru told Miwa to find a way to be happy and that’s not necessarily in fighting but I’m kinda sick of all the girls getting the ‘I never really wanted to fight’ and then conveniently getting written out of fights like bitch NOBODY wants to fight and by no means is fighting the only show of character strength but this is a shonen show and your plot relevance does hinge on your ability to fight. Also Mahito just gets sacrificed so Kenjaku can use Geto’s attack from the movie which is basically just a big getsugha tensho but Kenjaku realized he can make it a Mahito-flavored getsuga tensho by injecting Mahito into it but I think it also throws away the spirit like I don’t think Geto’s technique lets you reuse your stock. Also a neat little nugget where they say Geto was basically fighting Yuta at half power during the movie or else he would’ve kicked his ass, always sucks to have someone fucking die when they’re at half power but it makes it more understandable at least. Anyway Choso shows up, says Yuji’s his brother and refuses to elaborate but good news is he’s on the good guys’ side now, it’s nice to gain an ally after losing like five throughout the course of this arc. It basically really is that scene from the end of the Soul Society arc with everyone ganging up on Aizen though luckily Kenjaku doesn’t solo oneshot everyone and he does have help from random ice lady who’s Sukuna’s retainer I think. Either way ice lady’s pissed and is about to kill everyone but Yuji when Yuki shows up and is ready to bring this bloodbath to a close with the Shanks energy she exudes.
Delicious in Dungeon: This one’s kind of a light episode, Laios hops around magical paintings like it’s Super Mario 64 only to find the food inside doesn’t come outside and doesn’t fill you once you leave. It is kinda funny to basically watch him skirt through all the important moments in this prince’s life and I thought this’d lead to more worldbuilding because god knows this series could do with some worldbuilding but it seems to just be a gag for now, if this ends up being important later that’ll be nice though. The next bit is a little more interesting with another Chilchuck outing, this time with a Mimic which are apparently just kinda Hermit Crabs in this world. There’s a fun little puzzle and Chilchuck’s grumpy personality biting him in the ass again and he actually gets a little fucked up for a bit which is a first, like I think this is the first time I’ve seen blood on one of the main characters and we’re like half a dozen episodes in. But yeah, turns out Chilchuck’s old but not as old as me so it doesn’t really matter and the oddest part of this is that Laios is the leader but is the youngest and stupidest of the group like why is he in charge is it just a rule that the human’s always the leader of the party?
Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End: Nothing too special happens this episode but it’s still probably one of my favorites of the two vignette episodes. First we learn Himmel is kind of a pseudo-King Arthur figure and there’s a legendary magic sword because there’s always a legendary magic sword but when it came down to it Himmel couldn’t pull it but still beat the Demon King with sheer pluck and shonen determination but people couldn’t reconcile his failure to pull the sword of prophecy so they lied and said he did it anyway and it’s kind of a neat little piece about heroism and myth and how every person you look up to has probably farted in public at one point. The next bit is about Stark’s birthday and we get the ICONIC clothes-melting potion scene and I deliberately avoided watching the whole thing in the dub so I could see it here and it was worth it, absolutely fantastic. And it’s kind of nice, Fern going through town seeing how Stark just naturally helps people wherever he goes and she’s kind of trying to reconcile the idea that all men are pervs with him not doing anything particularly pervy except like one or two small things which was alluded to last vignette where she refused to let him carry Frieren despite him literally just wanting to help. I get the feeling Fern’s only close ties being a sinful yet overprotective religious father figure and an antisocial female elf has not given her the best outlook on men so she’s got some adjusting to do. Still she powers through and confronts how he feels about himself with the reality of his actions she’s seen in him and it’s a nice scene so Fern’s now officially become a level 4 friend and unlocked Stark’s tragic backstory. Basically his clan is known for being great warriors and his brother Itachi… I mean Stoltz is better than him at everything and his family relentlessly shits on him for being shit at fighting despite him being like five but Stoltz really did love him and cared for him despite his parents’ neglect, even telling him to run when the village was destroyed, the decision he’s internalized for the whole rest of his life despite again BEING FUCKING FIVE so yeah it really is kind of Sasuke’s backstory but Stark chose to help people and internalize his grief instead of making it everyone else’s problem. Also Frieren makes Hamburg Steaks which just raises many questions about the world of Frieren like specifically hamburg steaks are only called that in Japan and are called such because of the reference to Hamburg, Germany, lots of things in Frieren have German-ish names so it’s not inconceivable for there to also be a Hamburg in the world but for it to ALSO be the place hamburgers are named after and then they also use the Japanese entomology for the hamburg steak just makes my brain go back and forth on how that works in a fantasy setting, like it’s like having French Fries in a world without France and it bugs me more than it probably should. Still it’s a very sweet episode and the fact that Frieren of all people remembers Stark’s birthday and ensures Fern treats him as well as she treated her on her birthday is just kinda cool and the extra backstory is good for Stark’s character.
Vinland Saga: Thorfinn’s in the middle of taking his one hundred punches but Snake distracts him during his punch-taking stance and he gets fucked up. Thorfinn ends up telling everyone they ain’t done shit but try and kill each other so he’s gonna double down and really try to talk things out. He ends up taking all one hundred and earning the respect of everyone in the crowd in a daring remake of Rocky 4 and his response of ‘yeah can’t exactly come out swinging for a peace negotiation’ is really funny, glad Thorfinn hasn’t lost all his sarcastic edge just cause he’s a pacifist now. He even gets the whole “I have no enemies” speech which is as impactful as it needs to be for this point in the story and he finally gets his audience with Canute. We find out that Canute is actually the one that enslaved Thorfinn which seems like an odd choice for that point in his character before he’d gone fully crazy. Like I was under the impression that Thorfinn just kinda BSOD’d so hard he wandered into someplace that was being pillaged and ended up enslaved but learning Canute did it because he attacked him is kinda weird like you’d think with all the shit going on that day he’d have wanted to keep Thorfinn close so he could cool off like maybe imprison him or something but not enslave him and throw him out somewhere else considering what a valuable asset he was during the war. Still, Thorfinn’s grown a lot and apologizes for cutting Canute and is thankful that he wasn’t just executed on the spot. And it’s just funny because Thorfinn brings Einar to the meeting and Einar is not afraid to mouth of to Canute when he disrespects farming or farmers and I just imagine Canute being like ‘who the fuck is this? Why’s your new boytoy so mouthy Thorfinn?” like it’s like how Darth Vader knows everybody on Cloud City in Empire Strikes back except Han Solo and it’s wild that he just comes there and starts shit. Anyway Canute has gone full anime villain and thinks he’s in a JRPG because he’s going to use the power of friendship to kill god… idk what exactly that plan entails because you’d think stopping war and slavery would start by… not doing war and slavery but Canute has some plan in his troubled head about salvation for the worst of humanity through the unification of all people so yeah idk how he plants to ‘kill god’ or what that’ll even accomplish but the bottom line is ‘murder and enslave all I can rn so we can end murder and slavery’ he’s more on the Lelouch side of megalomania than the Light Yagami side because he knows this is a terrible plan and doesn’t expect to get off scot free but he’s definitely lost it. Thorfinn respects the idea but still disagrees with the method so Canute’s like ‘oh cool, respect, now tell me which one of us remembered to bring a legion of elite Vikings to the peace talks, oh right it was me, so you have no leverage’.
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hellman55 · 20 days
Gundam: The Battle Master 2 [PS1] Longplay Walkthrough Movie FULL GAME [4K60ᶠᵖˢ UHD🔴]
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rjust-1 · 1 month
I think I should do this one -!
My name is Roong (It means Rainbow🌈 in my country, you can call me like that)​
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I don't know how to play the Tumblr (Wow✨can customize the font color!)​ I'm trying! ( My time is​ GMT+7​ but I tend to sleep late.)​ This account is mainly terribledadshipping
Messenges: 24/7 (Open)​
English is not my native language I am an imaginative(?)​Shipper That can draw a little bit. I tend to post frequently drawings (maybe every day) periodically,
but if I stop drawing, I will stop drawing for a long time.
I belong to many fandom but this main!
ㅤFate Series : FGO/FateSR
ㅤPokémon: (Sorry, but I don't follow anime)
ㅤSD Gundam : Sangokuden/World Heroes
ㅤJourney to the West: (Literature)
ㅤThree Kingdoms:(Literature)
ID Pokémon Master EX: 1202741223970212
​Dragon Ball (only until Super), Battle Spirit,​Undertale​( but I don't draw anymore sorry,,,)​, Noel the mortal fate,Nura,Beet the Vandel Buster,Keroro,Kamen Raider, Sentai,Fairytail, H×H etc
I don't mind if you want to interact! But I'm so confused by the Tumblr system (What is reblog??Wait, what's that??​)
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ♪𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈!​♪
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Console Fighting Games of 2000 Compilation Part 2
Compilation of Fighting Games released on consoles in 2000, this is part 2 of 4 and features Gundam Battle Assault, Kengo Master of Bushido, Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 New Age of Heroes, Plasma Sword / Star Gladiator 2 and Project Justice Rival Schools 2. 
0. Intro 00:00 
1. Gundam Battle Assault 00:10 
2. Kengo Master of Bushido 08:06 
3. Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 New Age of Heroes 23:05 
4. Plasma Sword / Star Gladiator 2 36:40 
5. Project Justice Rival Schools 2 53:04 
6. Outro 01:02:29 
For Other Compilation videos check out this playlist 
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slpytired · 4 months
Watching the whole Gundam series in 2023 #16: Mobile Fighter G Gundam Review
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Mobile Fighter G Gundam was directed by Yasuhiro Imagawa and ran for 49 episodes from April 22, 1994 to March 31, 1995. Set in the Future Century year 60, the plot follows Domon Kasshu, Gundam Fighter of Neo Japan, as he travels the world participating in the 13th Gundam Fight, while searching for his brother Kyoji Kasshu and his Devil Gundam.
I was quite interested to start this series as I had heard it was very different from most other Gundam series. I was definitely not expecting a battle shonen with Gundams and martial arts, but it worked surprisingly well.
Domon feels like a very common archetype of a shonen main character - headstrong, stubborn, rushing into action at the drop of a hat. He was not plagued by the moral dilemmas that many other Gundam characters faced throughout their journeys, but instead faced many opponents and situations that challenged his resolve and sharpened him into a strong warrior. It was nice to see the development of his relationship with Rain Mikamura over the course of the series. They work well together as colleagues, and though Domon was pretty cold to her on numerous occasions, he realised the error of his ways and made every effort to get her back at the end of the series.
The series also featured many twists that I genuinely didn't see coming, from Master Asia's betrayal to Neo Japan's attempted takeover of the whole Earth Sphere at the end. I initially thought the series would be a villain of the week sort of format for most of it, but it took a more story-driven turn early on that I didn't expect. Master Asia was an enjoyable villain and more than a match for Domon and the Shuffle Alliance. I liked that his antagonistic relationship with Domon was influenced by their past as master and student, and that he always believed in Domon's strength, which was most evident in the Hong Kong arc. I was genuinely sad that he died at the end of the series, with Domon mourning his master even though they were enemies for most of the series.
i felt that the Shuffle Alliance was a good supporting cast. They didn't feel like Domon's sidekicks, but more like his friends and rivals in the Gundam Fight. Despite their many battles throughout the series, they always supported each other, and respected each other's strength.
Overall this series is a 7.5/10.
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fostersffff · 2 years
Master Asia taunts Domon to make him GET MAD
Mobile Fighter G Gundam, Episode 23: “Destined Battle! Domon vs. Devil Dark Gundam
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ultraericthered · 10 months
My Top 75 Favorite Anime Villains
Had to put a lot of thought into this, but here it is in full evil glory!
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1. Cell (Dragon Ball)
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2. Light Yagami (Death Note)
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3. Johan Liebert (Monster)
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4. Gendo Ikari (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
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5. Vicious (Cowboy Bebop)
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6. Myotismon (Digimon Adventure)
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7. Freeza (Dragon Ball)
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8. Dewey Novak (Eureka Seven)
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9. Zorc the Dark One/Yami Bakura (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
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10. Askeladd Olafson (Vinland Saga)
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11. Sir Crocodile (One Piece)
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12. Father (Fullmetal Alchemist)
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13. Griffith (Berserk)
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14. Shinobu Sensui (Yu Yu Hakusho)
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15. Queen Beryl (Sailor Moon)
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16. Giovanni (Pokemon the Series)
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17. Gakuho Asano (Assassination Classroom)
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18. Maximillian Pegasus (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
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19. Reiji Miyabi/Head (Star Driver)
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20. Kyubey (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
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21. The Major (Hellsing Ultimate)
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22. The Dark Gundam (Mobile Fighter G Gundam)
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23. Marik Ishtar (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
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24. Ken Ichijouji (Digimon Adventure 02)
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25. Katsuhiko Jinnai (El Hazard)
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26. Rosemary Applefield (Nadja of Tomorrow)
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27. Suzaku (Yu Yu Hakusho)
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28. Makoto Shishio (Rurouni Kenshin)
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29. Younger Toguro (Yu Yu Hakusho)
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30. Blackbeard (One Piece)
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31. Piedmon (Digimon Adventure)
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32. Zofis & Koko (Zatch Bell)
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33. Master Asia (Mobile Fighter G Gundam)
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34. Xellos Metallium (The Slayers)
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35. Yukio Oikawa (Digimon Adventure 02)
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36. Lord Darcia III (Wolf’s Rain)
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37. Akito Sohma (Fruits Bakset)
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38. Akio Ohtori (Revolutionary Girl Utena)
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39. Lelouch Vi Britannia (Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion)
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40. Vegeta (Dragon Ball)
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41. Rezo the Red Priest (The Slayers)
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42. Wiseman/Death Phantom (Sailor Moon R)
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43. Colonel Muska (Castle In The Sky)
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44. Shinsuke Takasugi (Gintama)
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45. Ryoko Asakura (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya)
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46. Toya Todoroki/Dabi (My Hero Academia)
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47. Shion Sonozaki (When They Cry: Higurashi)
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48. Akane Shinjo & Alexis Kerib (SSSS Gridman)
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49. The D-Reaper (Digimon Tamers)
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50. William James Moriarty (Moriarty the Patriot)
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51. Chrollo Lucilfer (Hunter x Hunter)
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52. Miyo Takano (When They Cry: Higurashi)
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53. Professor Tomoe (Sailor Moon S)
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54. Meruem (Hunter x Hunter)
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55. Lucemon (Digimon Frontier)
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56. Lord Ilpalazzo (Excel Saga)
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57. Roswaal L. Mather (Re:Zero)
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58. Suigintou (Rozen Maiden)
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59. Nui Harime & Ragyo Kiryuin (Kill La Kill)
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60. Yuno Gasai & Murmur #1 (The Future Diary)
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61. Masquerade (Bakugan Battle Brawlers)
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62. Creed Diskenth (Black Cat)
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63. Izaya Orihara (Durarara)
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64. Ladd Russo (Baccano)
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65. Kagato (Tenchi Muyo)
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66. Satou Matsuzaka (Happy Sugar Life)
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67. Lucy (Elfen Lied)
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68. Kirei Kotomine (Fate series)
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69. Naraku (Inuyasha)
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70. Medusa Gorgon (Soul Eater)
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71. Yuri “Yurippe” Nakamura (Angel Beats!)
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72. Atsumu “Yukiatsu” Matsuyuki (Anohana)
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73. Fumito Nanahara (Blood -C)
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74. Dilandau Albatou (Vision of Escaflowne)
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75. Edmond Dantes & Gankutsuou (Gankutsuou)
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