#Guzma imagine
Can I request Guzma with a stoic CisMale S/O with a Centiskortch? I love your stuff and your writing style :)
Guzma x male reader
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Hope your okay with me making the reader a team, I just really like making them ^^
I made reader a fire and bug type user :) He’s also at least the same height and build as Guzma or bigger, cuz I think the reader hovering over his shoulder is cool.
Heres the team I made, I used a card maker and just inserted a character as a placeholder ^^
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It was raining across Po town as always, the water pelting down across the rooftop of the large mansion Team Skull used as a base. It had been extra gloomy that day, and everyone on the team seemed in a lower mood than usual. None of the teams’ plans had gone as planned, many grunts had been beaten in battle and some had even had to flee as their families came for them.
It was no secret that a lot of team skulls members were people who weren’t accepted by their families, outsiders, the black mareep of the family. The same thing could be said about Team Skulls boss Guzma, the outsider of outsiders of his generation.
He sat upon his throne, chin his hand as Golisopod wandered out the room, chittering and making other bug like noises as it wandered around. Vikavolt and Masquerain were sitting on the bedframe of the large bed in the room, making noises at one another as they spoke.
Bug pokemon were the one thing that had helped a young lonesome Guzma many years ago, back when everyone avoided him and his fathers expectations became too heavy. After meeting Wimpod Guzma was still as much of an outsider as ever, but at least he had a friend. He was still bullied and looked down upon, but when Golisopod finally evolved, the bullies didn’t dare come near him as long as the large armored pokemon watched over him.
Guzma had accepted he would be alone forever, or as long as he was stuck on Alola. But then he had met Plumeria and a couple of the first grunts that would later make up Team Skull. They had all not fit into what society wanted them to be, and they found a friendship with one another.
They were stilled targeted by less than kind people, but they always stuck together as best as they could so no one was left alone. This was when Guzma met who would later become his boyfriend. One of the grunts had been alone, a bug using grunt on top of that. Their Cutiefly had posed by challenge to the bullies pokemon.
As the bullies had started to close in on the grunt, a loud hissed noise was heard before a long glowing body dragged itself between the bullies and their target. The large body twisted, and flames blasted from its face as it turned its angered eyes on the bullies. It hissed again as the bullies stood frozen, and it only seemed to somewhat relax as its owner approached.
The bullies turned as the pokemon they had never seemed hissed in the new persons direction, though this sound was much less threatening. There stood a tall man, with a calm or almost bored expression, his eyes tracking over the situation. The Grunt on the floor with a face wet from tears, being protected by his Centiskortch who had jumped from its pokeball, and the group of bullies.
(Y/N)s eyes turned cold as he stared down at the bullies, a displeased tone in his voice as he demanded an answer to what they thought they were doing. The bullies tried to come up with an excuse, and when that didn’t seem to have any effect on the man, they tried to explain how the grunt deserved to be bullied, and how pathetic the grunt was for using bug types.
The man had no facial reaction as he stepped in front of the grunt as he pulled a quickball from his belt, tossing it into the air and releasing a pokemon. It was clear it was a bug type, the new pokemon placing itself between the man and the bullies, releasing growls and chitters at them and their pokemon.  Centiskortch had quickly pushed itself to the front as well, its flames large and enraged.
The bullies didn’t back down though, their pride too powerful as they made their pokemon attack. That was when Guzma and Plumeria arrived, their eyes wide as they watched the man’s two pokemon completely wipe the floor with the bullies teams. The bullies had cursed him out when they lost, but the stoic expression on his face and in his voice had them running away.
(Y/N) had turned and crouched down to the grunt and helped them to their feet, he also offered to heal their pokemon for them. The two fire-bug types had stayed outside of their pokeballs, both ready if the bullies should return. That’s when the two leaders of Team Skull stepped in, and one thing led to another and (Y/N) decided to join the team, at least somewhat.
Guzma learned that the man was a traveler, had had traveled across many countries, had met and battled many people, and that Alola was his last stop. They had bonded over their love for bug types, and Guzma had been so excited to meet pokemon from outside of Alola. The leader of Team Skull hadn’t planned on developing feelings but it just happened, and one thing led to another and he ended up confessing on accident, and right when he was scared (Y/N) was gonna reject him, the usually stoic man had smiled a very tiny and careful smile as he confessed he felt the same way.
As if summoned by the thoughts, (Y/N) stepped in through the doors of Guzmas room, his Scizor following close behind him, his Alolan Marowak not far behind, both carrying large sacks with them. (Y/N) was carrying another large sack over his shoulder as well. He stopped in front of Guzma, his expression as stoic as always, but there was a faint glint in his eyes that meant he was excited about something.
“Whats up babe?” Guzma asked, still leaning on his hand, trying to ignore Vikavolt who had flown over to his chair and was nudging against his hand for pets. That’s when the tiny barely noticeable smile pulled onto (Y/N)s lips and he plopped the sack down at his feet, the fabric pulling open and z-crystals pouring out. Bug z-crystals.
Guzmas jaw dropped as the two pokemon following the man dropped their sacks as well, exposing even more crystals. It had to be all the crystals on the island there were so many, the Team Skull boss didn’t know how to react as his felt a grin grow on his face. Of course his handsome and strong boyfriend would be able to do something like this, why was he even surprised.
Guzma chuckled softly as he got to his feet, stepping over the many crystals as he leant in a kissed (Y/N), the other mans hands coming up to rest on Guzmas hips as he pulled him closer. They both ignored the sound of (Y/N)s pokeballs snapping open and releasing all his pokemon, the room becoming slightly cramped at all the pokemon in it alongside the two men.
That’s when they felt something coil around their bodies, the warm length of the body and the hissy noises it made as if laughing immediately let them know it was (Y/N)s first pokemon and trusted friend, Centiskortch. The bug-fire pokemon seemed to snicker at them as Guzma squaked at the action, but (Y/N) just rolled his eyes and leant down to kiss Guzma again.
Centiskortch got itself into a comfortable position around its trainer and its trainer’s partner, holding the two humans close as the pokemon decided to take a short nap. Guzma rested his head against (Y/N)s shoulder and released a sigh he didn’t know he was holding, maybe it wasn’t so bad as long as the stoic man was with him, he was sure tomorrow would be better.
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r0-boat · 7 months
If requests are still open and it's not too much trouble, can I request Bull Guzma, Adaman, and Leon reacting to S/o pregnancy? (Ps Please have a Happy Thanksgiving.)
Aaaaaa Happy Thanksgiving this is my gift to you! I'm grateful for all my readers!
Bullfarm au! Pokemen react to S/o's pregnancy
(feat. Guzma, Adaman, Leon)
Cw: pregnancy talk, all about babies!
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Puffing out his chest in Pride strutting around like he's the giant bull on the farm, he's a winner, and he knows it, wearing the fact that he is The Big Bad Guzbull with a pregnant mate as a badge of honor, rubbing it in the faces of all the other Bulls that he was the one who claimed S/o. With you by his side he feels as though he could take on the sun and win. Behind that prideful bull was a terrified one. Frantic and worried for your safety, he demanded and even forced you to stay in this soft nest of blankets that he had stolen and made for you. This big bad ball Cooing soft words of endearment as he snuggles closer to you to keep you warm. Refusing for you to go anywhere else but by his side because to him he is the only one that can protect you and if anything happens to you he would never forgive himself.
Promising to you that he would be the best father to your calf. As big bad, and rough as he still appears to be, he has vowed to leave the life of troublemaking behind him when he first arrived on the farm. He wants to be an excellent example for his child, a good father, a fatherly figure he didn't have.
The bulls that see Guzma for what he betrays himself to be will never understand how soft and sweet he really was. Brushing his head against yours as his eyes glaze over feeling his fingertips gently brushing against your tummy.
But you don't understand why he still puts on this tough exterior.
" it's to protect you." he murmurs now rubbing his face against your tummy. "Cuz no male will ever bother ya if they know who they will be messing with."
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Impatient Adaman over worries and over prepares for the arrival of his child because the longer he waits the more anxiety he feels. What if something goes wrong?! What if another hybrid tries to hurt you?! What if you don't sur-. Is grateful that you're always there to soothe his anxieties before they spiral. The only thing you could do now is prepare and make sure you are pampered.
Adaman is a busy bull, he knows he couldn't waste his time worrying he'd rather be caught dead then under prepared if you need him he needs to be ready for anything. He couldn't be wasting time so there he was you're serious hard-working bull fluffing the nest he had prepared for you for the fifth time before going to the orchard part of the farm to grab you and sneak you some fruits. He needs to make sure you are healthy he needs to make sure that you are eating. Because of your healthy his child is healthy.
It finally got your busy bull to cuddle with you after trying to convince him that you'll be fine and it's okay to relax with you occasionally. Adaman finally relents as he joins you in the nest, wrapping his arms around you, finally enjoying this cute moment, his hands feeling your stomach, his heart touching whole. For your sake, he will take breaks, but he's reminded why he is trying to get ready. It was for you and his future child.
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Happiest bull in the world as soon as he found out, he told any bull who would listen about the calf that was coming Raihan was already sick of Leon since his child was all he would talk about. Sonia and Milo thought it was cute I know is that possibly most new parents go through that phase . Staying glued to your side with that big smile on his face, Leon was already a very lovey person, now it seems like He can't keep his hands off you! As if leaving your side is torture even when you have to work chores on the farm Leon won't be too far away watching intently until you're finished so he could scoop you up and have you all to himself once again. It seems like that's all he wants to do now. When he is not sparring with others on the farm he's cuddling and laying with you in the nest whining when you try to get up and leave him. Giving you the biggest puppy dog eyes until you cave to his demands.
This whole body is practically against you, his face buried into your neck, mooing to you about what a beautiful parent you'll become—vowing you that he'll be the best father. If you are ever feeling scared or doubtful, Leon will instantly ease those fears, because he knows that you are a hard-working kind and caring person and you will try your best and your child will love you unconditionally!
He knows that there will still be some time till your child is born, but he can't help but fantasize about holding them in his arms—the baby he made with his beloved mate. And you already look so cute laying in the blankets, your belly already beginning to show. Laying his head against your tummy, his tail thumping against the hay from how hard it's wagging.
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mintsdraws · 6 months
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what if mech pilots....
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roseboysstuff · 7 months
Hellos! I really like you’re writing, so I have a smol request. Guzma being a dom (and potentially breeding) to a ftm childhood friend?
I will happily oblige I love a good guzma fic and there is like no ftm smut for him Also explanation of the nickname that I gave reader in the tags
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Guzma had known you since you both were young. You had stuck with him even when he started Team skull, and although you never technically joined the team, all of the grunts loved you and treated you like a brother. They all had a nickname for you, they called you baby blue. Guzma was especially protective of you, he knew what being associated with his team meant for you. His feelings for you were clear, and you reciprocated them. Everyone in the team was supportive of both your trans identity, and guzma being the gayest of the gays for you. One night, he locked the door to his room, and sat on his throne, pulling you onto his lap. "Gunna make ya feel good, baby blue. My baby blue." And with that he lowered you onto his cock, thrusting into your pussy. He was slow, making sure you could really feel it. His cock twitched as he entered you, he loved the feeling of your pussy around him. It was heaven. The best friend he had grown up with, spent most of his life with, now his boyfriend who he loved with all his heart. He cherished these intimate moments. You got to see parts of him no one else did. His soft, affectionate side was all yours. And he wanted to remind you of that side, the side that would protect and love you, even as he fucked up into you, filling your cunt with his cock. He loved your little moans and whimpers, all the little noises that were forced from your lungs as you rode his cock, gripping onto his shoulders for support. "Gonna fill ya up, my sweet boy. Get ya all full of my seed." And he did just that, his cock twitched as he filled your tight pussy with his seed, making it drip back down out of you, even as he kept himself inside you.
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r0-boat · 1 year
Since requests are open maybe Bull Guzma stuff? Sfw/nsfw works,
This ask made me realize I never actually wrote headcanons for Guzbull.
Bull farm Guzma
Before he came to the farm, he was the leader of his own hea
rd of wild bull men that would cause massive trouble to the nearby towns. Even taking over an entire Village at one point.
This group of Monsters has since disbanded after a nameless farmhand successfully overthrew their leader. they say the leader of this Troublesome heard has retired the same Farm after he fell for the farmhand.
He calls members of his old herd The Boys. They gather together in the abandoned Barn every Friday night for some human poker or sparring.
Guzma is a valuable member of the farm hand protection Squad. he is a lot bigger than most Bulls so they tend to stay away. Guzma is a brutal bull to work with. Your boss even admits that he has a hard time with Guzma, but with you, he seems so gentle and sweet; you see how he had butts and spars with other bull men/cows but with you he treats you like glass.
Guzma doesn't seem to want from you when he follows you around, in fact the slightest touch from your soft hand has his face turning red as he grumbles about how you treat him like a baby, he argues and protests with every touch or compliment you give him but his eyes seem to gleam when he sees you smile.
Guzma doesn't talk to you much he just sits there and watches you work, but oh boy does he talk all about you to his Boys. He cannot shut up about you.
Guzma is old school; to claim someone as a mate, you must prove your strength and fight off suitors.
Guzma has a hard time explaining his emotions with words or displays of affection
Guzma it's just as gentle with you in bed as he is with you normally, in fact maybe even more gentle.
He just loves how big he is compared to you, humans are more fragile than Bulls one wrong move and he could break you, your body Underneath Him nuzzling into his arms wrapping your legs around him, the warm heat of your sex just inches below his. The thought alone makes his cock pulsate.
Even though he wants to drill you into the ground until you become nothing but a cum drunk whore, he knows he could never harm you. however he folds easily at your begging and your whimpering. Growling mooing and clawing as he pounds into your tight human hole.
Guzma hates being milked by hand or by machine; he'd rather feel the ache of his balls being full than feel something that isn't your hole or spilling all over you.
With a wide smirk, he takes you in your own bed, the bed creaking underneath his weight, caring little of what the farmer, your boss, would think, claiming you like a beast, covering you in his scent and Seed, emptying his balls deep inside of you
Nothing drives him more crazy than when you grab his horns, even keeps them nice and clean for your hands to grab and tug.
He practically creams when he feels your teeth sink into his shoulder, you marked them as your mate, your mate, he's going crazy speeding up his thrusts marking you back.
But nothing beats when you ride him, cute tiny farmhand human, hands where they belong on his Ivory horns, drool dripping from his mouth as he grips the grass, humping and bugging up into you every time you slam back down onto his hips, his gray eyes clouded with lust as he encourages you to milk him more.
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charcadett · 1 year
Can I get headcannons of sleeping with Guzma? Like LITERALLY sleeping
Yes! Hello! First official Guzma request. I am more than happy to do this. Sorry his bed is kind of gross but look at Guzma and tell me he regularly washes his sheets. Your lucky he’s not just sleeping on a bare mattress. /lh
LITERALLY Sleeping With Guzma
- Guzma’s bed is only comfortable because he’s in it. The first time you sleep over, you wash his sheets the next morning. Not because of any nighttime activities, but because Guzma has a habit of eating in bed. It's covered in crumbs, which he'll, at best, vacuum before you get there. Sometimes. Not to mention it smells intensely of old sweat. When you wake up that morning and find an old pickle attached to the back of your pajama pants, you rip the sheets off the bed and take them to the nearest laundromat. Guzma wakes up only to laugh at the pickle on your ass before falling back asleep. He will pay you back for the laundromat, though. Accompanied by a genuine apology and an offer for you to pick the next movie you watch together.
- What Guzma wears to bed is sparse. He never sleeps with a shirt- he prefers to give that to you to use as your own pajamas. Depending on the temperature, he’ll wear either sweatpants or boxers. Considering its Alola, it’s usually the latter. He always wears socks to bed, surprisingly matched. Guzma is bulky, though he’s got a bit of softness to his belly and hips. (Guzma needs love handles, or I’ll die) If he catches you staring, he’ll smirk and flex for you. It’s cheesy, tease him or not, you can’t deny that his biceps are worth showing off.
- He’s a blanket hog. That’s no problem considering he runs hot, it’s like sleeping next to a personal heater. Even if he’s unconsciously holding the comforter hostage, he’s always got you wrapped tight in his arms. He particularly likes to have you sleeping on top of him - your weight comforts him - or sleeping on top of you himself. He’s heavy and, thankfully, a light sleeper. Give him a few taps, and he’ll roll off you. Whenever Guzma has nightmares, it’s obvious. In his sleep, he’ll hold you as close and as tight to him as possible. When you ask him about it in the morning, he’ll pretened like he doesn't remember it.
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tinyhuman826 · 6 months
Guzma Fluff Alphabet
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A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
He's honestly down to do whatever. But if you let him pick he'll spend the ENTIRE DAY catching Wimpods. And end it off at the beach. That's his idea of a perfect day. He names a lot of Wimpods after things you like
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
You could look like an opossum dragged down the street and he'd still think you're drop-dead gorgeous. Also I don't wanna hear shit, he is a titty guy all day. He loves bazongas. And also thick thighs. And a nice ass. Thick everything honestly. He does not care. He WILL end up kissing you everywhere anyway
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Emotional Support Wimpods. But also a comforting hug. If hugs aren't your thing...well, he'll sit with you. He won't let you feel alone.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
He honestly doesn't think you'll like him for long. But when he's feeling hopeful he tends to think about how cool you two would be together. Him as a Bug Type gym leader, you doing whatever you wanted to, it's great.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
I'd say he tries to be neutral but he does have kind of arrogant bossy tendencies just because he leads Team Skull. It kind of gets to his head a bit.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
He forgives, but I feel like he never really forgets. Small things, sure, but if you exchanged some harsh words he'll still think about them. He tends to yell a lot, especially when he's upset. He doesn't mean to hurt you though.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
I think he's learned to appreciate it. After he and Plumeria took Team Skull under their wing, he's recognized nice things that people do more often.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
He hesitates to open up about his family life. It really just depends on hjow long you've known each other, whether the relationship is going well or not. He'd tell you if he trusted you enough. But he needs time to be ready.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
You inspire him to be a better person. Well, he tries. A little harder. Plumeria very often has to get on his ass about being better to you. But he really does try.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
It depends who you're with. Team Skull? Not really. Some random person he doesn't know? Much more likely. He's not the angry type of jealous but he can get a little snippy.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
He was kind of bold with it. A cheeky little grin on his face as he leaned in and gave you a peck on the lips. Then realized he just actually kissed you and got a little flustered.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
I feel like he'd do it on a dare. Somewhat begrudgingly, until you accept his confession with a smile. He doesn't regret it for a second after that.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
He propose on the Hau'oli City beach at sunset. Right as the sky turned orange, he's down on a knee. (He recruited Plumeria to take pictures from a distance)
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
Babe, boo, some cheesy nickname he can give you based on your name
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
It's so goddamn obvious. It's what people would describe as puppy love. He cannot take his eyes off of you and he gets all giddy when you smile at him. He tries very hard to keep his tough exterior but anyone who's known him for more than a week can tell.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
He shows you off all. the. time. To the point it's a bit embarrassing.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
He can hop fences. And he can lift pretty decent weight.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
He's kind of basic but he makes up for it with his weird personality. He's pretty goofy behind closed doors. So you two have gone on some chaotic dates, but also some more toned-down, more traditional dates. It really just depends on your mood.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Absolutely. He needs someone to believe in him, so why wouldn't he believe in you?? He recruits ALL of Team Skull to help you with whatever you need.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
I think being with Guzma is thrilling enough. Constant chaos. So yeah, in short, he's very willing to try new things.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
He's like a big brother to Team Skull. The protective instincts are craaaaazy with him. He's got your back and honestly he doesn't care if you're in the wrong or not. He'll be wrong with you.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Pretty damn important. If you asked him to disband Team Skull for you, he'd say no...but he'd hesitate slightly. That's how much he loves you. But Team Skull is such a special part of him too.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
He will have Friday night pizza and movie every week. Most of the time it's for all of Team Skull, but there are a few times you two go into his room for a little more time alone.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
CUDDLE MONSTER. He always is hugging you in some way. And don't you even try to move away, he will hold you against him like his life depends on it.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Oh my god Plumeria BEGS you not to leave unless you have to. Guzma is already a lot to handle, and when you're gone? Oh my god he gets so whiny and pouty and she's the one that has to deal with it.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Totally. As mentioned in letter U, he really doesn't care. He'll do a lot for you.
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elbdot · 11 months
Did you know that I think in ultra sun and moon that lusamine and gladion see mohn earlier than this, at least according to what I think is this story's timeline as it has lusamine meet mohn and decide not to remind him instead of gladion. Still a good story, just curious.
I saw that secret ending and while I think letting him go was a good choice, I'm just not a big fan of how they executed it. Overall there were a lot of writing choices in USUM I had a problem with, while other moments I appreciated. It's a shame how they tried to downplay Lusamine as a villain and an manipulative, abusive parent and instead made her a "sympathetic anti-hero". I like that they added interactions between Hau and Guzma, but Hau having to "grow up" by becoming more serious instead of just enjoying battles I'm also not a hUGE fan of in its execution, because I think Hau should be able to be both. Serious when he needs to be but otherwise upbeat and lighthearted like he used to be. I think just having FUN battling is OKAY and Hau's optimism and joy is in my opinion one of his greatest strengths as a character. He lights up the room! :D
This is why I continue to stick to the original Sun and Moon storyline and don't include anything introduced in USUM, except for maybe some of the additional Pokemon some characters get.
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bellafragolina · 2 years
Good Morning! I just woke up with domestic fluff on the brain so I figured I'd ask you for some more lol. Might I have a crumb of Guzma/Plumeria/Piers waking up to their s/o cooking breakfast? I'm just feeling the soft vibes this morning. - FTM Anon
I love domestic! I know I’m a horny monster, but domesticity is my fav kink (after breeding lmao)
You’re cooking eggs (what varying success) for endless little monsters when a warm, heavy hand ruffles your hair. Guzma leans on the counter, bleary eyed still from your extended nap on the living room couch. He offers no help, but gives a lopsided smirk. It’s affectionate, so you smile back, wrinkling your nose.
“I dunno how we survived without ya.” Guzma drawls, shooing off hovering grunts that try to peer at your pan.
“You survived off of take out and junk food.” You drawl, smacking Guzma’s ass with the hot spatula. He yelps, whipping around to balk at your gall, but you’re facing the busy pan. “Get plates, boss man. We’ve got kids to feed.”
He grumbles and mutters halfhearted threats and insults, but there’s no real malice. In all honesty, Guzma can hardly keep his eyes off you. You look so. . . at home, cooking and smirking and playfully threatening the grunts with smacks of their own if they don’t leave you be.
Guzma fingers along the seams of paper plates. He wouldn’t mind this being the rest of your lives, if that’s what you want too.
“Plumsss.” You whine aloud. Your girlfriend doesn’t hear, arm firm around your waist. “Babe, c’mon. I gotta cook breakfast before the idiots raid the kitchen.”
Plumeria says nothing, her position in the argument clear. You lie next to her, glaring, but she keeps a perfectly neutral sleeping expression. She doesn’t care; she’s getting her cuddles like this.
But you’re stubborn too.
Plumeria barks out a bad word when your suddenly fall off the bed. You laugh, darting out of the room to make it to the kitchen before she catches you. Her footsteps thunder through the manor after you, but you have a head start.
Plumeria pins you in the kitchen, glaring into your eyes. They’re bright, sparkling with mirth, and while she kisses your nose, she flicks it too for your bedtime betrayal.
“You better be makin’ pancakes.”
A terrible noise drags Piers out of sleep. He scowls, reaching across the bed for you, but it’s only cold, empty mattress. He peels at an eye open, already in a foul mood.
But then he smells it. Roasting coffee beans, heavy and dark.
Piers shoulders relax, and he crawls out of bed, shuffling down the hall. He peeks around the corner, and snorts at the sight of you frantically trying to shush the coffee machine.
“He’s asleep!” You scold the machine, like it can hear or understand you.
“Not anymore!” Piers calls. You jump with a yelp, Piers catching you back in his arms. “Thank you, love.”
“So much for breakfast in bed.” You grumble, glaring at the loud machine. It seems to only grow louder out of spite. “Overpriced kettle!”
Piers just chuckles, pressing a kiss to your shoulder. Man, does he love living with you.
Ta da! Here we are!
Hope you enjoy! <3
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teamskulladventures · 18 days
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✿ ⁺ 🎀‧₊˚🩹⋆ ✩ ✿ ⁺ 🎀‧₊˚🩹⋆ ✩ ✿ ⁺ 🎀‧₊˚🩹⋆
Current Team:
Sylveon, Gothitelle, Ribombee, Comfey, Vivillon (Marine)
•A few weeks had passed since your outing with Guzma and in that time you've gotten accustomed to the rest of the gang.
•You spend your days, battling, hanging out, and going on more adventures with Guzma that the two of you had gotten pretty close.
•Today was like amy other day in Alola, sunny, hot and perfect for some battling and relaxing.
•Sitting amongst the many flowers of Ula'Ula Medow you brush your Ribombee, thanking them for giving it their all against Guzma.
•Guzma: *Stretching before seating himself next to you* Augh! Haha you did pretty good out there today. Swore you almost had me beat this time.
•(Y/N): *Giggling* Hmpf You really think so?
•Guzma: Ehhh. .
•You playful punch his side while your Ribombee proceeds to circle around Guzma.
•Guzma: Haha hey! I do mean it! You're crew put up a good fight. Shame you don't have more.
•(Y/N): Tsk well you knowww, you could just not use all your team!
•Guzma: And wheres the fun in that? *Guzma is now petting your Ribombee* From what it sounds like you just don't want to get another member. Why is that?
•You sort of give him a side glare, not the mean kind, more along the "are you seriously asking that?" variety.
•Looking you up and down, Guzma laughs to himself while ruffling his hair.
•Guzma: Right! Right! You have your theme thing going on.
•(Y/N): *You playfully scoff* As if! Says the guy who only specializes in one type!
•Guzma: Come onnn! That ain't so strange now. Plenty of trainers specialize in one type! Not that many have a theme as intense as yours though. *he starts waving his hands to try and backpeddle once he sees the lool on your face* Not.. Not that it's weird or anything! Just makes it pretty limiting. Hmmm.
•Guzma starts to think about any Pokemon that would come to mind that might align with your style.
•(Y/N): Hehe. Any grand ideas genius?
•Guzma: *He waves you off* Tsk girl let me think!
•You roll your eyes. Typical leave it to the bug specialist to only have bugs on his mind. This wasn't the first case his bug brain got you in hot water. Barely scrapped by during last weeks triva night when the topic of "who:s that pokemon" was assigned to his and yours team. You were doing so well up until that poimt until Mr."The bad boss who beats you down and never loses" made you look like a fool due to his lack of pokemon knowledge beyond just bugs!
•To be fair it's not like you had any luck either. Growing up you only familiarized yourself with Pokemon that you deemed "pretty" to some extent.
•Which became your downfall when forming a proper team for the Alola Trials as you became the picky type when searching for Mons'.
•Being on an island was already limiting in its own right to the kinds of Pokemon that could inhabit it so sucking it up and traveling with three Pokemon has been your norm thus far.
•The sound of Guzma standing up rapidly only to shout "I got it!", snapped you back into reality.
•He was holding out his hand ushering you to stand were he promptly started dragging you along near the docks.
•(Y/N): Yo Yoahhhh! Whe. . where are we going?!!
•Guzma: Uhh the boats? Where else?
•(Y/N): Isn't it a bit early to be going on some grand adventure right now?
•Guzma: Nope! Perfect time! Ain't no one's gonna be around besides us taking that boat to Akala.
•(Y/N): What?!? I thought you hated leaving Ula'Ula island? Besides aren't you kinda banned from taking the boats?
•Guzma: Yeah so? What are they gonna do, fight me? Now move it or lose it! I wanna get to Akala and off of it as soon as I can!
•(Y/N) *Catching up to Guzma's speed* Ack! Alright! Arceus you're so pushy!
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•Walking through Lush Jungle you couldn't believe how peaceful this place could be. Thanks to your trial and all the trainers, you hardley spent any time in this forest.
•Since it was stupid early in the morning any trainers that did cross your path quickly turned the other way when the noticed Guzma with you.
•The hum of pinsirs and wooshing sounds of trees swaying made this forrest feel otherworldly. Being able to walk past various Pokemon from Butterfrees to Morelulls was lovely as well. From what you remember from your trial, many of the Pokemon were hiding away from the comotion of trainers and of those that were around fled the scene when the Totem Laurantis appeared.
•Walking around aimlessly, admiring all that was around you, Guzma had finally pulled you back to reality, calling you over to show you something.
•(Y/N): Ouhh uh Yeah! I'm coming! *You run over to where you heard his voice as your body is pulled to the ground* Dude! Warn a girl next time you want to get all handsy!!
•Guzma: Shhhs if you stay quiet we can get this done and over with before more people spot me!
•(Y/N): Oh! SORRY! Ever the informative are we? You have a terrible habit of being so secretive you know that?
•Guzma: SHH!
•(Y/N): UGh!
•Sitting in awkward silence you begin to wonder what you guys were waiting in a bush for. Well logic would dictate it has to be a Pokemon but what did Guzma know that you didn't? There were nothing but bug types and fomantis around that didn't exactly interest you.
•Waiting and waiting and waiting some more you jolt into alertness when Guzma starts rapidly tapping on your shoulders trying to guide your sight to what he spotted.
•Guzma: Look! Look! Look!
•(Y/N): Whatttt! I'm looking. I'm Looking!
•Guzma: *He spins you around so that you can face his direction. He points to a nearby clearing* See! Now's your chance!
•(Y/N): Chance for whaaa whoahh!
•You've been pushed into the clearing where a Comfey can be seen flying about. The Pokemon is a bit frightened by the sudden appearance of you, but it doesn't immediately run away.
•(Y/N): *You turn back to face Guzma* So this is what you dragged me out here for?!
•Guzma: Yes! Now quit talking and get to catching that Comfey before it runs away!!
•Turning back to face the wild Comfey you noticed it was gone. Feeling a tad sad you let it get away, and after all the waiting Guzma did, you turn to face Guzma again but there was the Comfey. It was entrenched, as it circled your body with awe and wonder. You were wearing a pastel yellow dress, with a nice fluffy petticoat underneath. The pattern resembled a florgess playing amongst a field of wildflowers and sparkles. This wild comfey must have mistaken the flowers and ruffles to be real petals as it inched closer to get a better look.
•You slowly reached out to it, as it drew back only to realize that your hand wasn't a threat. The comfey allowed you to gently stroke it  but any more than that and you were sure it would run away.
•Your other hand began to search for any pokeballs tucked away in your bag. Finding one and presenting it to the comfey you were surprised when it brushed up against it. It didn't go in just yet. Flying back into the middle of the clearing the Comfey looked at you with seriousness and determination in its eyes.
•Guzma: *smugly* I think you're gonna have to earn its capture dollface!
•(Y/N): *shrugging* at least its giving me the time of day. I was for sure it was gonna fly away the second I popped up.
•The comfey waiting in anticipation you decided to send out your Ribombee as the battle began.
•(Y/N): Ribombee use Pollen Puff! *a blast of pollen knocks the comfey back yet despite the shove it seems unscaved* Wait .  uhhh? I thought that was for sure a knockout or at least a bigger impact.
•Guzma is currently cackling in the bushes at your confused state.
•Guzma: Ahah oh man. . gets em every time.
•(Y/N): Huh? Ah! Wait Ribombee dodge that! *The comfey goes for a sweet kiss which your Ribombee narrowly dodges*
•Guzma: Listen (Y/N), bug moves ain't gonna do shit.
•(Y/N): *to yourself* Oh great! Another Pokemon who looks nothing like its type.
•With a failed Pollen Puff you decided to go with a dazzling gleam which didn't do a whole lot either but at least it was slightly more effective.
•Despite its flowery appearance this Comfey was tough, huh sounds familiar. This onlt made you want to get them even more.
•With a bit more dazzling gleams you noticed the Comfey was getting weaker but your own Ribombee wasn't doing so hot either.
•Welp this was your only chance to make it work and you only had three Pokeballs on your person.
•Throwing one, the Comfey went out of it as quickly as it went in.
•Damn. It must not be that weak yet. Standing in that forrest you tried thinking of a strategy that would make this Comfey weaker without knocking it out. Another dazzling gleam would be too strong but maybe another pollen puff would do the trick but would that not be enough and if so would your Ribombee survive the next attack? You decided to give it a shot with Pollen Puff again, and lucky for you the Comfey survived. Now you just had to make sure Ribombee had the stamina to dodge.
•Flying around Ribombee was unfortunately unable to dodge the next attack but with grit it held out for you. You needed to catch this Comfey or your certain Ribombee wouldn't be able to hold on any longer. Attempting for the second time you threw the Pokeball and in Comfey went.
•*Shake Shake Shake*
•But it broke out. Damn.
•Not wanting to subject Ribombee any longer to the battle you decided to throw your last Pokeball praying to Arceus that it would work. The Pokeball began to shake again.
•*Shake. Shake. Shake.*
•A sigh of relief left your body as you ran to your new friend.
•Picking up the Pokeball you excitedly showed it off to Guzma who looked just as relieved as you did that the process was now done. The sun shown brighly between the tree tops as a gentle breeze filled the air. It was quiet. . . too quiet.
•Your celebration was short lived as the ground shook beneath your feet. Looking at the time on your phone it read 12:38. From the sounds of the shaking and the timing you knew that Mallow's trial was starting soon as the Totem Guardian Laurantis was currently walking around the forest.
•(Y/N): Uhhh Guzma . . we need to
•Guzma: Leave!! Yep already on it.
•The two of you start booking it trying to avoid the foliage and any trainers now entering the forrest. Looking back at the clearing your eyes go wide as the totem Laurantis is already hot on its pursuit towards you. For all it knows you to are just normal trial goers and sees no reason to stop.
•Trying to high tail it faster, running in heeled boots was not doing you any favors.
•(Y/N): Guzma!!! Wait!!!!
•He turns back to look at you, sighs, and runs back to grab you.
•In a blur you no longer feel the ground beneath your feet as Guzma has lifted your body and is currently carrying you bridal style out the forest and back to the docks.
•You only look up at him, blushing madly at him carrying you like this, as you grip onto his shoulders.
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•Catching your breath on the boat you didn't pay any mind to the onlookers as you laughed along with Guzma about what went down today.
•(Y/N): *Giggles* I can't believe you managed to carry me and run that fast at the same time!
•Guzma: Well yeah? I was fighting for my life! You know if someone *He says poking at your cheek* decided to wear something else besides heals I wouldn't have had to worry.
•(Y/N): *You playfully tease* Awww you worry about meeee?
•Guzma: Tsk you know I should have just left you in the forest.
•(Y/N): Hahhehe but cha didn't!
•Guzma: *rolls eyes*
•(Y/N): Besides I think you liked carrying me! My knight in shining sweatpants. I mean why else did you feel the need to still carry me even out of the forest.
•Guzma: *blushes* Shu. Shut up. I was just rushing to get us back to the boat.
•(Y/N): Hmmm alright whatever you say, but *snicker* hahaha you still almost tripped on the pyukumuku!
•Guzma: It ain't MY fault those damn things are so tiny. Your boi almost ate shit today and here you are . . laughing!
•(Y/N): *in a semi-mermer* well it wasss kinda funny.
•Guzma: *blushing* yeah whatever.
•You enjoy this peaceful moment with Guzma as the boat pulls into Ula'Ula docks.
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•A few days have passed since you got Comfey and she's been a sweetheart to the team. Getting to train and battle with her has been nothing but amazing yet, like always, it still wasn't enough to defeat Guzma. You've pretty much brushed the idea of ever getting to beat him, instead focusing on ever loss as an opportunity to grow and learn.
•On this particular day most of the local tourists were gone leaving many of the city life for the locals. You took the opportunity to have a small psudo-date with Guzma to get food and tapu coacoa, luckily at a different spot this time.
•Loking up from your cell, you noticed Guzma was towering over you.
•(Y/N): Oh hey! I didn't even hear you come in! How are you?
•Guzma: *shrugging and grinning* Eh not terrible. That comfey of yours any stronger yet or are you ready to accept defeat?
•(Y/N): *scoffing* Hey well you're not entirely wrong. I don't think I stand a chance unless I have as many Pokemon as you do . . but eh that's definitely not gonna happen.
•Guzma: And what makes you so sure? I'm sure there's gotta be another Pokemon that fits your vibe . . not that I'm rushing you or anything. I mean if I get to keep beating you down like this I'm fine with your team staying the way it is.
•(Y/N): haha yeah well still. I wouldn't mind another member it's just that I definitely checked this time. Went down to the library the other day and borrowed some trainers dex and yeah it confirmed that, unless I trade with someone who has it, there is no way I am getting a full team with the Pokemon that live on these islands.
•Guzma: Well if you need someone who can get you a Pokemon you're talkin' to the right guy. *he smirks* What Pokemon you need sweetcheeks? *he asks leaning towards you*
•Blushing softly you begin to rub the back of your neck: (Y/N): Oh it mmm. .it really doesn't matter. . trust me it's pretty much impossible.
•Guzma: hmm still no need to be keepin' secrets. Just spill it already.
•(Y/N): *sighing* it's a vivillon. .
•You can sense Guzma is happy at the sound of you mentioning the bug.
•(Y/N): Well don't get all happy! *blushing* like I said... can't get em here and no scatterbugs either. *you grumble* you of all people should now that Mr. King of the bugs!
•Guzma laughs at your tone and words but he doesn't seem shaken up by the idea of not being able to find a vivillon.
•Guzma: Haha . . well if it's a Vivillon you want that shouldn't be any problem. *He says that last part to himself*
•You know the look on his face means he is thinking about causing trouble.
•(Y/N): H. . hey!! Don't go getting any wackjob ideas in your head!! I am NOT asking you to steal one for me.
•Guzma: whoa whoa whoa easy on the accusations! *smirking* I ain't thinking like that . . . anymore .
•You try to stay mad at him.
•Guzma: *snickers* . . tsk . trust me (Y/N) I have other methods. .
•You roll your eyes. Knowing Guzma that could mean anything: (Y/N): hmpf. . well *you cross your shoulders* I am not asking you to do anything for me. . I believe I am content with what I have just fine. . now finish your food so we can do something else.
•Guzma: Hmm sure . . whatever you say doll. *Guzma has a feint blush on his face*
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•It's been a week since your last outing with Guzma. Walking along the wooden walkways of Ula'Ula Meadows you were supposed to meet with him as he "wanted to show you something hella dope" apparently.
•With Sylveon walking in tandem with their ribbons wrapped around you arm she was keeping an eye out for the Bug Boss as the two of you scanned the sea of red flowers.
•During your walk, the gentle Alolan breeze blew past and the sounds of ruffling leaves filled your ears. In the moment you began thinking back on all your moments with Guzma and how despite his gang affiliation and what everyone thinks of him you know that he is a great guy deep down. He has been nothing but supportive and accepting of your style and personality that your heart started pounding in your chest the more you thought about him. He had this sort of gruff charm to him that only he could pull off and you are thankful that he was so willing to let you be a part of his busy and reckless life. You know he isn't one to open up to others besides the grunts and his admin and friend Plumeria.
•Before your mind trailed off too far your sylveon pulled you towards the direction she saw Guzma.
•Heading a bit south towards a more secluded part of the meadow you saw Guzma slouching on the ground talking to his ariados. As he pet him the look on Guzma's face was that of nervousness that you've never seen on him before.
•Your sylveon happily called out to Guzma as it ran towards his direction. You jogged behind her, stopping just a few feet away from Guzma as he stood up and began dusting off his sweats.
•Guzma: Oh . he hey? *coughing* what's good yo?
•(Y/N): *a bit suspicious* Gooood? What's good on your end?
•Guzma: ha he uh nothing. . *coughing* nothing . . just same shit as usual. *he starts rubbing the back of his head as his usual confidence is disappearing each second that passes*
•(Y/N): *giggles* uh oh okayyy? . . *You walk a bit closer to him* you good? You seem a bit .    off.
•Guzma: *trying to stay casual* tsk yeah that's what I just said right?!  . Your boi is good. . and shit. yeah .
•Your eyes noticed that he was fighting with something in his pocket as you stood in silence observing his every move. It was starting to freak him out a bit as he turned his back towards you not before tossing you whatever he had in his pocket.
•It was a pokeball. An all white Pokeball with a gold band around it with the feint initials "A.F" carved into it.
•Guzma spoke up in defense before you had the chance to chew him out.
•Guzma: *his cheecks start to turn red* Listen . .I . I didn't take it from no trainer or anything.
•(Y/N): *softly* Guzma . .
•Guzma wasn't expecting to feel your arm tug on his sleeve. He had nowhere to turn to try and hide his flustered face as your (colored) eyes staired back into his.
•Guzma: *trying to cover his face with the back of his hand* Don't give me that look??! What .  w mmm you said it yourself *he crosses his shoulders* what your like birthday is soon or somethin' . . got you an early gift is all.
•(Y/N): *You're blushing too as you shake your head at Guzma's blushing form* hehe yeah sure . if you think two months away is pretty soon.
•You gaze at the ball in your hand. Well whoever gave Guzma this Pokemon must have been from a different region as you had never seen a pokeball like this before. You only hoped they weren't going to miss whatever Pokemon was inside it if they were willing to carve their initials into this ball.
•Guzma: *a bit frustrated* argh you know that thing won't pop out on its own!
•(Y/N): *giggles* Alright! Alright! Arceus! Pushy as always.
•Releasing the Pokemon you gasped in away at what flew in front of you. Your heartbeat fast as you gripped onto Guzma's arm to keep yourself from stumbling.
•Before your very eyes was a beautiful light blue Vivillon. The bug type danced around you a bit too eagerly for a pokemon that is meeting it's new trainer for the first time.
•Drawing your hand out the Vivillon did not hesitate to launch itself at you in a welcoming embrace.
•Guzma: Sorry. .  it's not the right color.
•(Y/N): huh?
•Guzma: You clearly wanted the pink one. . . but blue was the best I could get.
•Holding onto Guzmas hand you begin rubbing it gently.
•(Y/N): Thank you . . thank you so much for . . everything.
•Guzma: Whoa whoa whoa?! Hold on whats with the . . everything talk . everything? I ain't done shit to earn that .  *He's covering his blush with the back of his hand* the fuck are you on about?
•(Y/N): well uh . .you know . you've done a whole lot for me just by being close to me . . for not judging my appearance . . and for sticking by my side when my appearance causes unwanted attention. . and for trying to understand me and support me. You know better than anyone what it's like to be judged and hated on by people who don't try to get to know the person they're judging. And I say all that because it does mean something to me. . it is my everything.
•Guzma: *his whole face is red* .  ye yeah .   likewise . . *Not one for words he opts to pull you into a tight embrace.* s . still he's blue . . *Guzma grumbles out that last part*
•Hugging him tighter you can't help but giggle into his chest.
•(Y/N): No. He's perfect.
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*Click click click*
•The sound of your mary janes hitting the pavement as you walked without a care in the world to who was starting at your appearance.
•You were happy today because today you were going on another date with Guzma.
•Approaching Guzma he couldn't help bit stare in awe at your choice of outfit.
•Guzma: Yo (Y/N). .h hey now! That's a new color on you. *Walking up to you* It's nice. *he says with his signature grin*
•(Y/N): Thank you! I've been meaning to wear this one for a while . . just didn't have the right "accessories" to wear it with . but I guess I should thank you for that. *saying all that your vivillon happily flitters by your side as you go to pet the top of his head*
•You are wearing a plain baby blue dress with a white accented corset, white mary janes, blue ruffled and sparkling stockings, and a blue bow atop your head.
•(Y/N): *Reaching out to wrap you arm around Guzmas* So . you ready?
•Guzma: *Ruffling the back of his head* sure I am dollface.
•Walking down the busy street the two of you brace for your next lovely adventure.
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pomefiore-visitor · 11 months
Tumblr media
FtM Guzma pussy eating with a gn reader (terms used for Guzma: pussy, cunt, clit, hole, core)
I do not consent to minor interaction, minors DNI
“Good fucking God. ” Guzma grits through his teeth, his fists balling into your hair.
 He grinds on your face the way that he does everything; quick and dirty, like he's cheating at a game he knows he’ll win. Slick drips down your chin and coats the bottom half of your face and his plump thighs squeeze at your head. 
“Fu-fuck” He stutters, his mind racing a mile a minute. “You look so fuckin’ good like that. Look so fuckin’ good getting your face fucked.” He punctuates that last word with a mean roll of his hips, grinding his wet core against your swollen lips. “God you love this pussy, don’t you?” He asks you with a satisfied, smug smirk. His head is tilted back in pure ecstasy, and his eyes are screwed shut.
He fucks your mouth frantically, and cries out something sinful with every brush of his painfully erect clit against your hot warm mouth. His hole flutters against your tongue, desperate to ride the slippery muscle but oh so content to rut against you like a beast in heat. “Doin’ such a good job in between my legs, angel,” He moans, his hips stuttering as he watches you tongue his insides. 
You moan against his pussy (which causes his fingers to dig into the crown of your skull because it feels that fucking good ) and he almost breaks. That carefully crafted mask that he wears near permanently, the one that no one is able to see past besides you and Plumeria. You love seeing him vulnerable, and you adore that you’re able to take him apart with just your mouth. Obscenities pour from his lips and he has to shift his grasp from your hair to his sheets. Strong arms grabbing at the fibers there.
“God– Fuck. You’re so good at eating pussy.” Guzma babbles, going on a tangent as the pleasure muddles his brain. “Feels so damn good. Wanna watch you go down on me for fuckin’ hours sweetheart.” 
He pants and lurches forward as you give a particularly good swipe of the tongue. And when you start sucking on his sensitive clit he shouts . Overstimulated and needy from all the pleasure he was feeling down between his legs. And without realizing, he's screaming something guttural, hanging his head as drool dribbles down his chin. You keep sucking at his twitching clit while an orgasm rips through his body, choosing to torture your poor boyfriend.
Guzma screams so well, his voice coming to a peak whenever you make him cum as hard as you do. And come hard Guzma absolutely did. The compact white curls of his hair stuck to his face in tight waves as beads of sweat rolled down his deep skin. He was breathing so heavily now, and his chest was heaving. He came with a force that rocked his body to its core as he shook and trembled above you.
You give him a moment to catch his breath, and then tap his thigh twice to get him to climb off of your mouth, a thin string of his own slick and wet mixing with your saliva. He flops next to you, clearly spent. 
“Jesus fuckin’ Christ” is the only thing he's able to choke out after a while, voice hoarse. When you turn over to look at him he stares back, pupils blown. He looks at you like you’re sacred, like he could worship the ground you walk on for eating him out like that. And despite him looking like he had something to say, he curls up under your chin, clinging to you as tremors wracked his body. 
“You did— gh” He swallows a breath. “So good.” You laugh at this and pull him close, looking down at the form cuddled up to you in your arms. 
“Yeah? You like it?” You say with smugness in your voice, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. 
And he's giggling into a seedy moan, turning over in your arms with his hands dragging down his face. He could very well be kicking his feet and twirling his hair like a giddy teenager at the question. You laugh with him, although not for the same reason. He’s cute like this, needy and wanting. 
“Okay.. okay. Calm down lovebug, you’re okay” you say sweetly at him, holding him closer in your arms. Eventually getting comfortable as you lean over the side of the bed and turn off the lights, bringing a silk pillow under Guzma’s head so he doesn't complain in the morning (And of course he’s already nodding off, mumbling something incoherent and making grabby hands at you when you leave his side.) You kiss him once, twice, and finally lay with him, eventually joining him in sleep.
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fluffabutt · 1 year
Decided to write another yandere prompt
Thank you @bellafragolina and @wertello for letting me bounce ideas off you
Gender Neutral Reader x Nanu/Guzma
More of a guess to see which one is the yandere, and this boy is long
assault and implied stalking
You walk down Route 17 in the pouring rain, when you walk into the Pokémart your sneakers squeak with every step as you walk towards the back room.
You lock up your stuff, and put on your apron, switch out with Cayden who looks at her student portal with such dread you don’t give her any grief when she forgets to log out of the cash register.
You look out the window to the one or two desolate street lamps you can see standing as little beacons home. Almost pitch black like the bottom of the ocean it feels like, and you won’t see the sunrise for another 8 hours.
You tell Cayden have a good night as her sneakers squeal in the wet tracks you left on the floor. You log into the cash register, and as you grab the mop and bucket punch into work.
This is the routine you’ve grown accustomed to for the past few weeks.
You’ll be here tonight.
And the night after that.
And the night after that.
For how ever long it takes you to save enough money to move off Ula Ula Island.
You get into the rhythm of cleaning the floors, some hokey country song about youth and friendship and pie plays over the store speaker system. You wish the owner would just spend the money to buy an official music service, if only because you realize you’re almost fond of how terrible it is.
You hear a thumping sound from the windows that damn near causes your heart to leap out your throat, but you turn to see your regular idiot Masquerain bashing it’s head against the flood lights on the exterior of the building.
So you sigh, roll the mop back into its place, grab the wet floor sigh and the push broom and start to walk outside.
You put the sign up and then walk out into the humid, muggy rain.
“Hey! Dumb Bug!” You say, pushing at the Masquerain with your broom under the extended roof so it’s wings don’t get any wetter than they already have.
The poor thing cries and whines until you turn on the portable lamp you hung there for it to mash it’s head against.
You just sigh before walking back inside, you have no idea how that idiot gets stuck here almost every night, but you don’t mind if that’s the only returning customer.
Route 17 doesn’t get a lot of trainers this time of night, and you’re thankful even though your ankles are already aching by the second hour. The owner doesn’t allow you to sit at the cash register so you patiently set an alarm on your Rotomphone for an hour and half from now for your break.
The sound of pounding feet run up from outside as you see a small cluster of Team Skull members burst in from outside with the chime of the automatic door. They keep their mumbled complaints to themselves as they look at you.
You just give them a wave while you check social media on your Rotomphone. You were paid to mind the store, and you could mind your business for free.
Team Skull was part of the reason you never saw trainers much less regular schmoes around route 17, it was their turf.
You didn’t understand the hype, a bunch of kids trying to rap at you wasn’t intimidating in your opinion. Even when the beatboxer was steady most of them still couldn’t rap on beat.
So you idly tap at your phone while they shuffle around through the aisles, arguing over chip flavors and candy bars. Your heart hurts a little when one quickly shuts down that argument with a “What’s the point? We can’t buy it anyway!”
You look up at the chime of the automatic door, and try to put on your customer service smile when you see it’s an adult.
You see a hunched over guy in what looks to be his mid 50s, grey hair matted down from the rain when he closed his umbrella. But it’s his eyes, and the dead stare he levels at you that gives you a sudden feeling of anxiety.
It’s broken when he looks away with a click of his tongue as he walks toward the Pokéfood section of the store.
You place a hand over your heart to try and calm down when you realize how quiet the teens have gotten since the guy walked in. They watch him with caution, a respect you haven’t seen them give to anyone.
You realize you don’t get paid enough to focus on that.
Even if the sound of his sandals clopping on the wet tile drive you crazy.
The ring leader of this small pack walks up to the register with purpose, and slaps down some 100 pokedollar hot dogs that you ring up. It’s some hushed arguing of who’s got how much while you stare blankly thinking of what your “dinner” is tonight, until they pool the total together with spare coins.
You pop the register, drop the coins into the necessary slot, and give the expected “Thank you for shopping at Pokémart” as they run back into the rain and up to Po Town… you assume.
Your guy ambles around for another 10 or so minutes hemming and hawing about the prices of the wet food cans and then walking to the front.
He plops about 10 cans of food on the counter and you start to scan them while he pulls out his wallet.
“Oh, and one pack of the Motostoke Reds.”
You give an affirmative noise and turn to pull a pack off the shelf. It’s when you turn back that you’re stuck with his very intense stare.
Like he’s expecting something.
What that could be you don’t know.
You just push the barcode under the scanner and tell him the total.
Outside of the grunts and young trainers, nobody really pays in cash anymore, so you’re surprised when he flips through a large wad of bills to pay with.
His tongue sticks out while he concentrates and hums the count.
You take the cash from him, pulling up the coins that you owe before dropping them into his open palm with his receipt.
“Thank you for shopping at Pokémart, have a good evening.” You say, rehearsed and robotic.
“Uh-huh.” He drawls, and finally walks out of the Pokémart, his sandals clacking against the tile as he leaves.
You just breathe a sigh of relief when he disappears back into the rain with a… Meowth umbrella??
It’s a super cute umbrella pattern. You want it.
Next paycheck.
The evening goes by uneventfully, mop the floor again, give the Dumb Bug a berry when you take your meal break.
You take out the garbage around five am when there’s just enough light to see and the rain has finally stopped.
You see a couple cigarette butts and grumble under your breath, but clean them up anyway.
The owner comes in at 6 and you clock out.
Another day, another night.
Same old same old.
Except for your old dude buying cigarettes once a week.
The times he walks in are sporadic but at least he tends to avoid coming in on your meal break. Same thing every time: wet food, pack of Motostoke Reds.
Except tonight he grabs some prepackaged Basculin rice balls.
You don’t know why that spurs you to actually talk to this guy.
“Oh, those are super good.” You keep ringing up the wet food cans.
He looks shocked at your voice but he gives you an appraising look.
“Is that so?” He trails off.
“Yeah, they’re pretty solid.”
He hums contemplatively, before you ring up his total and you give him back his change.
“Thank you for shopping at Pokémart, have a good evening.”
He gives you a smile, though it’s more of a shitty grin.
“You too.”
Then he and his clopping sandals walk out the door and into the night.
You get a surprise visitor that week, a tall dude with bleached white hair and tats struts up to the cash register. It would’ve been more intimidating if he wasn’t soaked to the bone and his sneakers weren’t speaking with every step.
And you’re gonna have to fucking mop. Again.
He slaps his hand on the counter, and of course you jump because why the fuck is this guy trying to pick a fight at 2:20 in the morning.
“Gimme a pack of Motostoke Reds.” He orders gruffly.
You take a deep breath and grab the pack from the shelves, you scan the barcode and tell him the total.
He mutters under his breath some obscenities about how expensive cigarettes are getting and how bullshit it is as he rummages through crumpled up bills from his pockets.
You don’t get paid enough for this.
You notice he sticks his tongue out while he counts the money.
“Hey!” He barks, your eyes dart up to his face. “You got any of those Basculin rice balls today?”
You nod.
You both stand there, silence.
What does this guy expect? You don’t get paid to go fetch, you get paid to stand here damn near all night.
“Over in the back over by the premade sandwiches,” you almost forget your retail politeness,” sir.”
He’s got a vein bulging in his forehead before he stomps to the back over by the sandwiches. Muttering fuck word after fuck word.
You think about your account balance, and sigh.
You pray to Arceus this guy fucks off and never comes back.
He slaps the rice balls on the counter and you give him the new total.
“Thank you for shopping at Pokémart, have a good evening.”
“Yeah yeah whatever.” He says shoving his purchase and his change into his pockets before stomping off into the rain.
You find even more soggy cigarette butts outside when you take out the trash.
The Asshole and The Old Dude pop in intermittently, along with different clusters of Team Skull members. Very rarely you get a couple of older trainers, veterans and martial artists who find some satisfaction in almost catching hypothermia from standing in the rain all night.
You make polite conversation with The Old Dude and the trainers that come in.
Every so often The Asshole walks in and asks for some bizarre food item, a rice ball, and his cigarettes. It’s starting to become satisfying to just tell him where to find it, since he still expects you to go get it for him.
His squeaky sneakers and sopping wet hair only make him look like a grumpy toddler.
You get more and more trainers coming in though, which keeps the nights busy even if you have to mop so much more often with all the water being tracked in.
You still hook up Dumb Bug with its lamp and a berry.
You still take your meal break at 3:30am.
You still take out the trash to find soggy cigarette butts, but this time there seems to be a collaborative art project because they’re leaving them in shapes.
You don’t think it’s one person, there’s more cigarettes here than in just a single pack of the stuff.
But you don’t stop the “Mother Fucker” you bark when you have to get the broom and dust trap to scrape them up off the sidewalk.
The new influx of trainers typically dies down around 1am.
But tonight seems to be dragging.
Your card reader malfunctions, so you have to hand write a post-it note to stick on the reader.
Cash Only.
Doesn’t mean that grown adults know how to fucking read apparently.
Yes, the card reader is down.
No, I can’t take any card transactions.
You’re almost pulling your hair out by the time a customer walks up to the counter and throws a fit.
The Asshole was an asshole, but this guy is the fucking King Asshole. Asshole to end all assholes, waving his hands like if he throws his shoulders out of socket you’ll get the card reader working.
“Sir, either you use cash to complete your purchase or leave, I can’t fix it-“
“This is un-fucking believable! This is the new kind of low The Pokémart brand has sunk to?!”
“Sir, you’ll have to wait to buy until the morning with your card when the owner comes in to reset it. I don’t know what else to tell you-“
You typically are fighting the best of a migraine with the shitty fluorescent lights, now your ears are ringing with how loud he’s yelling.
“Oi. You buying this shit or not?!”
Oh great.
You pinch the bridge of your nose as you look past King Asshole to The Asshole looming behind him.
Good. Two assholes.
“I-I-“ King Asshole tries to get some traction to start his impassioned tirade like a pull motor.
“No? Get the fuck outta my way then.”
At least The Asshole isn’t yelling.
God damn does your head hurt.
“Oi!” The Asshole speaks up, snapping his fingers obnoxiously to get your attention. It seems King Asshole has left, and all of his purchase is on the counter.
“Oh, yeah,” you blink to give yourself a quick reset before you start scanning The Asshole’s items.
There’s a heavy silence as The Asshole scowls and shuffles his feet before he opens up his mouth when you turn to grab his cigarettes.
“You okay?” He says gruffly, though with a pinch of softness you’ve never heard before. It doesn’t help the tears bubbling in the corners of your eyes.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” You say, your voice cracking on the “yeah”, and you’re so fucking frustrated.
He just clicks his tongue and starts counting out his wadded up balls of bills.
You scan his cigarettes, and read him the total.
“Thank you for shopping at Pokémart, have a nice night.” You plop the change and his receipt in his hand.
He looks at you and you feel just so drained you just stare back. You don’t know what he’s looking for, but he turns around and squeaks back into the dark with the little automatic chime.
You walk to the back to take your break early, sighing and softly dabbing at your eyes while you eat your sandwich.
Fuck man, just a couple more weeks.
You just needed a couple more paychecks, and then you can leave and get away from this place.
You find your cigarette savant has put a smiley face design today.
You mutter a quick, “fuck off” to nothing as you scrape it off the sidewalk.
The back of your neck aches. Like a weight settling there.
You don’t see King Asshole, thank Arceus, but you run into rude customers occasionally. Aside from The Asshole.
You’d noticed a couple of blocked off areas, but you thought it was construction or something. The owner put a Pokémart on Route 17, there was probably some other developer willing to be stupid enough to build something else here.
Cayden is clocking out when she looks up from her Rotomphone and taps your shoulder.
“Did you hear?”
“Hear what?” You put on your apron.
“A couple of people have been getting attacked on the way back from the Pokémart.”
“No shit?”
“You didn’t notice the caution tape?” She gives you a look, but you just roll your eyes.
“I saw the tape, I just thought it was construction.”
“Who’d build anything out here- ah shit nevermind. But! Either way, be safe out!”
You clock in and meet her eyes. You feel a little floaty feeling in your stomach.
“You think it’s Team Skull?”
She sighs as she pulls out her stuff from the locker. Looking up trying to remember something.
“Nah, they have been pretty quiet since the whole Aether Island stuff. I think I read something about the victims said it was only one person.”
Oh good. Great. Fantastic.
“Cool I’m probably gonna get murdered after standing around here all night.”
“Probably,” she says with a snarky tone.
You put away your stuff and lock it up but you hear a quiet thump of the cash register counter and look in that direction.
Cayden gives you a serious look, you’ve never seen so much trepidation on her face outside of an exam or a paper. You feel your gut churn.
“Be careful okay?”
You swallow, and clench your hands to ground yourself.
“You too.”
You scroll more on your Rotomphone than usual, trying to just pass the time out of your own head so you don’t flinch and look at whoever walks into the store with complete fear.
Even the thumping Dumb Bug does has you on edge. But it seems the Masquerain can sense your nerves after you walk out to turn their lamp on, because they flap over and nuzzle your face before they continue their bizarre little lamp dance.
You feel a little bit of tension ease, but you try to keep yourself busy nonetheless. When the last of the late night crowd dissipates you just stand with your nerves going haywire at the register.
It’s just you, the hum of the fluorescents, and the darkness outside. At least it isn’t raining.
Old Dude walks in today, and you’re almost relaxed listening to the clip clop of his flip flops against the tile. Even with the shitty country song playing over the loud speakers.
He brings his spoils over to the counter and you ring him up like usual.
“You seem tense.”
You were so startled, you almost drop the wet food can you scanned.
“Huh?” You look at him.
“I said,” he drawls. “You look tense.”
“Oh,” you let out a nervous laugh, and turn to get his Motostoke Reds. “Yeah, did you hear about the attacks lately?”
“Attacks?” He arches a very thick brow at you. Ugh you don’t want to talk about this anymore.
“Yeah, my coworker said people were getting attacked on the road back to Ula Ula Meadow. Isn’t that crazy?”
“Hm, that’s… unusual.”
“Yeah,” you say, the awkwardness makes you want to get out of this conversation so you can go back to standing at the register and panicking to yourself.
“Thank you for shopping at Pokémart, stay safe.” You say, change and receipt placed onto his open palm.
“You too. Oh, if you need any help,” he pauses standing in the doorway. Your interest firmly captured on him. “There’s always the police station up the road.”
You’d forgotten about that, mostly because you didn’t have any business walking towards Po Town at all.
“Uh, sure. Thanks mister.”
“Oh, you don’t know who I am do you?” He seems to give you that smug smirk. Though you wonder if he just seems to not know how to smile properly.
“Uh the dude who buys wet food and Motostoke Reds?” You say, your shoulders rising with a shrug.
“Yeah… we’ll go with that.” He says with a chuckle as he walks out.
“Oh… okay. Cool.”
What the fuck was that about? You sigh and count to ten before going back on Pokégram to watch shorts to focus on.
Even if you can’t seem to shake the feeling something is watching you.
Your shift ends with a heart made of cigarettes butts.
It makes you queasy.
The Old Dude and The Asshole visit more frequently.
The Old Dude seems to have fun forcing you into polite conversation. Talking about the frequency of attacks on the road, and you’re pretty sure it’s just to make you squirm.
He always smirks when he gets a reaction out of you. And your stomach drops every time.
The fucker seems to revel in watching goosebumps run up your arms.
And you’re almost thankful to see the asshole, until he starts to intimidate other customers in the line.
Any bad manners from customers are met with him loudly complaining about how they’re wasting his time to get them to hurry up. Only to… just awkwardly try to make conversation with you.
“Yes sir?”
“Fuckin’, the weather…”
You just look at him, blinking. My brother in Arceus, what were you supposed to say?
“Yeah, it’s not raining tonight.”
Weeks of that.
Of the two of them coming in almost every night, to get the same stuff. To trap you in the same circling conversations.
It was sick.
The anxiety they were giving you left you barely able to eat.
You put in your two weeks notice quietly to the owner, tired of feeling like a Rattata being hunted by Meowths, counting down the days until you could leave.
For weeks the feeling of eyes on you at all times doesn’t leave until you go home after your shift.
You clock into your shift, getting a hug from Cayden before she leaves wishing you luck with your fresh start.
You go through the usual routine of the crowd, ignoring the bids for attention from The Old Dude. He just quirked an eyebrow before leisurely strolling back out the door.
And you turned the lamp on one last time for Dumb Bug. There wasn’t anybody on the route path, so you just sat and reminisced with the fluttering insect Pokemon. It wasn’t until you got up to go back inside that Dum Bug acknowledged you.
By grabbing your shirt sleeve with its delicate little grippers.
“Hey bud, it’ll be okay, the next person on Night Shift will be nice to you. Just don’t get hurt flying around in the rain okay?”
The bug just grabbed onto your shirt even further settling onto your shoulder. This dumb fucking bug and your dumb fucking heart so full of love.
“What fucking pair you two make.”
Ah. The Asshole.
You turn, putting on your retail smile to acknowledge him.
“Oh my apologies sir, I will ring you up at the counter, please give me a moment.”
“‘S fine- you’ve been building a bond with ‘er for a while yeah?”
You feel your heart stop.
You put your hand over your Rotomphone in your pocket.
“Hey! Don’t look at me like I’m some kind of bad guy, ey?”
You feel like you’re gonna throw up.
“Look just, alright lemme explain.” He says taking a step towards you.
You realize now how tall he is. How bulky he is.
How easily he could hurt somebody.
How blind you’ve been to the obvious.
The fucking skull pendant on the chain around his neck.
You never noticed.
“Hey,” he says and you hear a loud whine as your breathing picks up. “Woah wait don’t-“
Your Dumb Bug flaps quickly in front of you and oscillates it’s wings to unleash a horrible loud whine that has The Asshole clutching his ears with you.
Dumb Bug pulls you in the direction of your home but Asshole quickly steps to the side while getting his bearings to cut you off.
So you pivot: the Old Guy had told you there was a Police Station up the road right?
That’s where you run to.
“HEY! WAIT- agh, FUCK GET BACK HERE DAMMIT LEMME EXPLAIN!” He shouts after you, and you feel tears start to well up and run down your cheeks as you haul yourself up the hill.
Dumb Bug tries to chirp to cheer you on, especially when you can hear Asshole catching up with you. You let out the loudest scream you can before you’re cut off by him grabbing your collar and choking you.
You kick and jerk away from him as he pulls you close. He grunts when you manage to catch his shins and land a hit to his nose with a lucky flail.
Dumb Bug tries to start up another loud screech but Asshole holds you against him like a meat shield and your sweet little Masquerain clearly doesn’t want to hurt you. He’s got your arms caught behind you while you howl and scream for help.
“Gah-fuck! You couldn’t just- stop moving-“ he jerks you roughly enough to make your shoulders pop and you yelp at the pain. “Look all you had to do was let me explain-“
“Explain what?! How you fucking stalked me?!” You shriek, still fighting against his grip while he pushes you steadily up the hill towards the police station.
“Look I wasn’t stalkin’ ya- you weren’t being secretive about it!”
“And now you’re fucking assaulting me!”
He wrenches you back to yell in your ear.
“Because you ran away dumb ass!”
It hurts your ears, and all you can do is struggle and yell for help as he shuffles the both of you up the road. When you see the police station you get a surge of energy.
If you don’t get away from him now- god you don’t want to even think about what he could do to you.
So you lean back and stomp your foot on his toes as hard as you can. He grunts as the grip on your arms loosens when he flinches.
You pull forward, and Dumb Bug releases that horrible sound from it’s wings again, thankfully slipping out of Asshole’s grasp and you push one last sprint away towards the Police Station.
You manage to sprint towards the station, the faded white exterior with striped columns standing ominously with a few sconces lit up. Probably on a timer.
You beg to Arceus and the Tapus and whatever else can hear that somebody is in the building.
You slam into the blue doors of the entrance, making the windows rattle. You slam you palms against the door and beg for somebody, anybody to open up.
You hear multiple Meowths hiss and shriek while you pound on the door, begging through tears and gulps of breath for help.
You know Asshole wasn’t going to be distracted forever, that guy was the Leader of Team Skull, he had pokemon.
You left the poor Masquerain with a sicko.
You hope the poor thing was okay.
Eventually the lights turn on inside and you can see the shapes of the office interior through the clouded glass. A figure quickly rushing to the door backlit in shadow.
You heave a sharp gasp of relief as the door opens-
“Oh, thank you please- I’m being chased by-“
“Hey,” it’s his voice that makes you nauseous so quickly you sway on your feet. “Woah, hold on what’s got you so riled up?”
He clasps your shoulders in a firm grip to keep your legs underneath you.
You weren’t specific enough in your pleas for mercy, because the gods had gifted you the old creep as your beacon of hope.
“Oh look at you, you’ve been all roughed up. Scaring the clowder- tch, the boy’s so rough sometimes.”
You wonder if the universe had a specific grudge on you at this point.
“Oi! Guzma!” You look down at the badge on the old guy’s shirt, Police Captain Nanu, it says. You never had the desire to know anything about him before this point.
You were stupidly hoping you could ignore the both of them and leave Ula Ula Island.
“Yeah yeah! I get it-“
“Do you now?” You look into Nanu’s eyes as he speaks with his casual drawl. “Tears and bruises on the arms don’t imply to me that you in fact “Got it”.”
“Oi! They threw the first punch not me! Besides, I was busy grabbing this-“ he holds up your boarding pass for the morning flight out of Ula Ula Island, out of Alola. “Seems they weren’t going to tell us they were leaving.”
That had been in your bag. In your locker.
In the office.
Had he only just gotten to your stuff?
Or had he been rummaging through there this whole time.
Guzma holds Dumb Bug, unconsciously flopping it’s little wings as they jostle with each of his footsteps, and he finally leans down to get close to your face.
“It’s okay though, me and the old geezer ‘ere will make everything crystal clear.” He says with a mean sneer, a wild look in his eyes and you stand there and shake.
“Guzma, enough, we’ve got all night to help them understand. And besides,” Nanu says, his arm curling over your shoulder while Guzma opens the other door to flank you. “You’ve got every day afterward to accept your situation.”
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The line "Golisopod is babey. If I saw a Golisopod coming towards me, I'd give it a pokebean and a pat on the head" popped into my mind, so.
Imagine Guzma's Golisopod overhearing someone say this, and running from Guzma to meet the person who said this. Guzma gives chase, only to see Golisopod happily being spoiled by a stranger who loves Golisopod! They gushing over how handsome and polite the pokemon is, all while said bug is chattering happily. It looks up and sees Guzma, and promptly runs over to bring him to the other person, as if to say "Look! Another person who likes bugs!"
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onestepbackwards · 2 years
Hiii! Can I please request Maxie, Guzma, and Kiawe with a S/O who is chaotic as all hell??? Thank u! Have a nice day and stay hydrated! :)
Hello! Thank you, I will make sure to do so! ♪(´▽`) I hope you enjoy!
-Help this man.
-He loves you. He really does. But sometimes he feels he’s going to go grey just from keeping you from doing something crazy.
“If we erupt a volcano, that will surely expand the land, right??”
-The idea has merit but he doesn’t want you to do that. You will die.
-More than once though he has had to pull you from fighting Team Aqua with your bare hands. He does this reluctantly though, and keeps you as his back up. He knows they fear you.
-More than once has nearly had a heart attack, thinking you have gone mission, only for you to show up sometime later in the base.
“Where were you?” “Oh, I fell asleep in the vents again.” “Wait, whAT DO YOU MEAN AGAIN?”
-More than once has had to bribe you with food just to stay still to keep you from wandering off. He knows if he loses sight of you, you would probably be causing trouble.
-Loves your passionate nature through it all though. It’s what caught his attention in the first place. So he deals with your chaos.
-Just let him rest every so often. He can only handle so many near heart attacks.
-He REVELS in your chaotic nature.
-Fighting someone? He’s immediately your back, not even asking what the issue is. He’s already throwing hands.
-Sees you climbing the hideout? He yells at you to be careful, while pulling out a phone to record you.
-Plumeria ends up being the one to wrestle you down before you get yourself killed.
-Loves bringing you to random parts of the islands just to see what you will do next.
-Almost died laughing when he found you at an All-You-Can-Eat Buffet, with a mountain of food about half your size in front of you. Each piece of food organized to keep the small mountain perfectly stable.
-The poor waiters were amazed an horrified, especially as you attempted to eat all of it in one go. You did not. He had to help you put it in boxes to take home.
-He loves your energy, even if its a bit much for him sometimes.
-Has found ways to help you focus that chaotic energy into other things. Hobbies, exercise, and so on. He’s probably one of the only ones here that can actually reel you in with a good distraction that doesn’t just involve food.
-But still secretly loves letting you loose and causing chaos. He won’t admit it though.
-Nearly cried laughing when he found you in one of the town parks, somehow having joined a paint balloon fight. You were winning by a long shot, noticing the poor fools who looked horrified to face you.
-Doesn’t like having to clean up after your messes after causing havoc, though. You make a mess? You’re on your own.
“Hey, so I may or may not have caused a huge wave to hit the beach-”
-Kiawe, without even looking in your direction: “You are on your own.” -Is amused by your pouting. Maybe will help you if you ask nicely. Good luck though.
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*pssst* hey you! you wanna read team skull imagines and guzma x reader works? well now you can!
Just come on down to this blog:
And start reading your hearts out today!!
*P.S. I only have one work posted so far but I hope to post more soon*
Have fun my peeps!
Yo yo yo
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