#H50 series finale
cowandcalf · 9 months
Tonight in Italy they'll air the final two episodes of H50 and I'm like....not ready, despite knowing exactly what I'm going to see. You know what the saddest thing is? I'm reading a s10 codas fic by flowerfan, and knowing that the show was ending, all people in the comments were hoping just for this (despite the somewhat awkward Steve's babbling about the sunset in 10x18): they they would keep Steve and Danny together, drinking beer in the sunset by the ocean, like they did at the end of the pilot. Nothing else. Together at peace. Nothing big or life changing. Nothing homo, even. Just....let them have peace, together.
I know you brilliantly explained and interpreted the (thankfully!) open ending we got, but honestly? We didn't even need an open ending, and we didn't need to see Steve taking that plane, if they really wanted him off in case of a s11 renewal which didn't happen. They wrote off Danny with zero explanation so many times, that Steve "waiting to take off on a plane for his soul-searching trip" would've been way better!
Hi there😃thank you so much for your message. I enjoyed reading your thoughts and I feel your heavy heart. I know the ending is not what the fandom wanted and it hurts. I also know that I’m one of the few who are okay with it and understands Steve’s intentions to leave. And I just look at the ending as a version of a fanfiction written by someone. I can’t change it but I feel you! And I’m thinking of you when you‘ll be watching the final episodes. It will hurt and cause anger and the never ending wish that it had happened differently. If you know the TV show Grimm you know that that pairing was canon and got the perfect ending, happy and marvelous, after six seasons. In my mind, the ending was McDanno. I always fix it to my liking. You hang in there, love.
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stellagioia · 9 months
One of our local channels just aired a rerun of the h50 series finale.
It still has great moments, but it is also still ten kinds of wrong. Everything that pi$$ed me off three years ago… still pi$$es me off. And I still turned it off after the last McDanno beach scene.
Current mood ⬇️
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racoonsa · 2 months
I’ll be disgusted with Peter Lenkov forever for ruining my H50 love and enjoyment in the final retcon ooc 3 min of the series.
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emphasisonthehomo · 5 months
Fic Review of 2023!
I was tagged by @stephmcx!
Boy howdy I uh..... managed to write a lot last year. I genuinely have no idea how I did it.
Words & Fic (on Ao3)
Words Posted: 116,930
Fics posted: 17
First Fic: Sewing on a Different Kind of Seam, the first of PI Trans Danno!
Last Fic: Home Run, Steve gets whacked in the junk!
Ships & Fandoms
It's all been McDanno H50 because I guess I got BIT but the FUCKING BUG.
Top 5 Fics by Kudos:
ONE: (When You Hold Me) Press My Skin Until It's Sore H50, McDanno, 15.7k words. Steve and Danny finally get their shit together in the PI au.
TWO: Sewing on a Different Kind of Seam H50, McDanno, 8.7k words. The beginning of the PI au.
THREE: Shudder H50, McDanno, 5.4k. Danny calls Steve ~sir~ and gets plowed.
FOUR: If I had a Choice I'd Tear it Asunder H50, McDanno, 7.6k. Steve offers Danny a job w/ Five O in the PI au.
FIVE: Deep Inside Your Hands are Tied H50, McDanno, 7.9k. Danny tells Steve about the trans thing in the PI au.
Top 5 Favorite Fics: (In alphabetical order)
Agitated States of Amazement The start of t4t McDanno. My newest baby. I need to finish this series so badly, but for whatever reason it's been a struggle.
Home Run I just really like how this one turned out y'all. I never thought I'd write about CBT, but here I am.
Salt Porn.
Shudder More porn.
Where Waters Do Not Curve Is this technically cheating? Just putting the entire series for PI Trans Danno? Maybe. Do I care? No. This is my baby, I'm so proud of it.
Projects for 2024!
The big obvious one is to work on t4t, I gotta get my girl Stef finished.
I have several other WIPs floating around, including a Mob au, Professor Danno, and a soulmark one.
I'm also in the middle of a disgustingly fluffy xmas fic, that got sidelined because I got sick and then uhhhhh my cat died. So I don't care that it's not really the holiday season anymore, I'll post it when I'm finished.
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satashiiwrites · 1 year
Mana’olana, Chapter 5
Knocking another chapter off my to-do list for April. It’s not looking like I’ll get the only other task done since i have work-related social plans this evening but never say never….
title: Mana’olana, Chapter 5
Fandom: H50
Pairing: Endgame McDanno. Canon other pairings up until end of season 5.
Fic summary:
Mana’olana: to hope, to have faith. 
Finding out he’s Charlie’s father sets in motion a series of changes for Danny. Some for the better, some not. But once the first domino falls it sets off a cascade and it’s not only Danny and Charlie that are effected. As the extended ohana gathers for Kono’s and Adam’s wedding, Danny finds that maybe not everything is lost.
Chapter summary: Danny has a rough night and then the team catches a case right before Kono’s big day.
Tags/warnings: season 5 finale-fix-it, endgame mcdanno, not nice to Rachel Edwards, discussion of child custody agreements, canon-typical cases/violence.
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Read Chapter 5 here on AO3
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mcdannoangelwolf · 1 year
McDanno! Because of law enforcement I'm curious of what you'd do with Arcanine/Growlithe
Ahh finally posting this story. THank you to my amazing Alpha @merlin-wolfgang-trades-hale for the prompt. I loved writing it.
This story could technically be part of my future Pokemon/H50 fusion as it features Pokemon from Steve and Danny's teams in my Pokeheroes series. However I have no idea where it would place in the story as I don't know the full universe yet lol.
Anywho, enjoy everyone. Pics of featured Pokemon, (Arcanine, Luxray, Arbok), can be found at the bottom the story.
 Luxray shooting to her feet broke Steve from his unfocused stare at his computer. He hated the quarterly supply and requisition paperwork. Following her gaze to the bullpen he saw Danny throw open the doors and stalk in.
 Danny’s shoulders were hunched, his face was flushed, and Steve could see a tic going through his partners' jaw where he was clenching his teeth.
 “This can’t be good,” Steve spoke aloud as Danny stomped to his office and stalked inside.
 “Lux.” Luxray chirped in reply before laying back down in her bed. Despite working together, and dating, Luxray still had a contentious relationship with Danny. Steve wasn’t sure why but he’d have to figure it out before he and Danny moved into together.
 Not that they were planning that…yet. Well, they weren’t planning it….But if Steve himself was making some tentative plans for the future…well no one needed to know. Still, Luxray not particularly caring for Danny was an issue. But not one he needed to solve today.
 “Stay put, I’ll be back,” Steve told her before making his way to Danny’s office. Luxray just watched him go out of one eye.
 Steve found Danny at his desk glaring at an extremely wrinkled and slightly torn piece of paper.
 “Bad news?” Steve questioned, rhetorically. It obviously wasn’t good news. In answer, Danny shoved the paper across the desk toward him.
 “ ‘Dear Mr. Williams I am deeply disappointed that my previous attempts to reach you have gone unanswered,’ “ Steve read aloud, “ ‘Please understand that my client is highly motivated and will happily discuss whatever compensation you desire in exchange for the specimen. As a reminder, our current offer stands at-‘”
 “Whoa, that’s a lot of zeros.” Steve broke off at the number listed on the crumpled paper.
 “Almost what I make in a year. Before taxes.” Danny replied scathingly. Steve looked up to find Danny glaring at the paper, a scratched and dinged-up pokeball clutched in his left hand.
 Arcanine’s pokeball.
“This about that article?” Steve didn’t really need to ask as he dropped to sit opposite Danny.
“‘Course it is, stupid fucking thing. Never should have given that fuckin interview. Haven’t had a moment's peace since it was published.” Danny replied bitterly. Steve could sympathize a little.
 The article had been about pokémon in law enforcement. Steve and the Team had been ordered to participate by the governor, it was good publicity she claimed, and while Steve’s Luxray had garnered a fair bit of interest; Danny’s Arcanine had stolen the show.
 Growlithe, as an introduced species in Hawaii, was pretty rare. They had to fight for territory with the Rockruff, Rattata, and Meowth lines so it was rare for Growlithe to be seen, in person, on the islands. Much less an Arcanine. A canine the size of a horse had been a huge hit with the people born and raised on the Islands.
 “Previous attempts? How many times have you been contacted, who’s it even from?” Steve asked, once more looking over the letter. That amount of money, for a pokémon, wasn’t unheard of. Especially for a poke’ of Arcanines pedigree, but Steve didn’t think anyone on the islands would be able to shell it out.
 “I dunno,” Danny sighed tiredly, “A few dozen. Letters mostly, but a few phone calls. I don’t know who it is. Everything just comes from a law firm in Honolulu.”
“Dozen’s,” Steve replied, shocked, “Danno that’s ridiculous. Why didn’t you say anything?” Steve asked and Danny just shrugged.
 “That’s just from this place. I’ve been getting requests from all kinds of folks. Breeders, PokeVets, Labs, and Researchers. Not just from here, but the mainland too. Seems like everyone wants a piece of him.” Exhaustion bled into Danny’s voice and Steve felt shame and upset filling him. He and Danny had been dating for months, how had he not realized Danny was being harassed?
 “Don’t do that,” Danny’s statement caught Steve’s focus, “It’s not your fault. You didn’t know because I didn’t let you know. I didn’t want to deal with it. It’s not your fault for not noticing something that I didn’t let you see.”
 Danny’s words; spoken with a wane smile, put a little bubble of warmth in Steve’s chest. Danny knew him better than he knew himself most days. It seemed. Steve smiled in return and got to his feet. He rounded Danny’s desk and pressed a kiss to his boyfriends’ hair.
 “Watch the do, you maniac,” Danny grumbled as Steve stood up. He patted his bulletproof quaff needlessly but smiled up at Steve.
 “I’m in the know now, and I’m taking it from here. Get me everything got, emails, letters, and phone numbers. This is done for.” Steve replied, snatching up the letter as he headed for the office door.
 Danny just nodded at him as he left the room and Steve realized it was a mark of how tired Danny was with the harassment that he didn’t ask what Steve was doing.
  Danny breathed a sigh of relief as he checked the mail, finding only junk and circulars. It had been almost a month since Steve had started his one-man offensive against the different folks that had been harassing him about Arcanine. Danny didn’t know what exactly his boyfriend had done, only that Steve had spent days making phone calls, sending emails, and even meeting in person with a few people at HQ.
  A few of the people Steve had brought in had, initially, seemed interested in talking to Danny. He had braced himself each time, he had avoided meeting anyone in person to keep from losing his temper, but each time Steve had herded them into his own office before they could so much as approach Danny.
  At each meeting, Steve had locked his office door and closed the blinds. When the people left they didn’t even look in Danny’s direction. Danny knew he should be worried about who it was that Steve was likely threatening but he couldn’t bring himself to care. All he cared about was that the letters and phone calls had slowly but surely stopped.
 Dropping down onto his loveseat Danny picked up Arcanines pokeball. It was an old ball, faded, nicked up, and dented. It was the original ball Danny had been issued when he was given Growlithe after entering the Police Academy back in Jersey.
 Every cadet was issued a Growlithe when they entered the Academy. Part of your training was to train a Growlithe that would be your partner Poke’. If you washed out your Growlithe was reassigned. If you graduated you were issued a Pokeball and you’d be allowed to formally capture the Growlithe you had trained, imprinting it with your trainer I.D. and biometrics.
 Danny hadn’t discovered until years later that his Growlithe hadn’t been a standard Ditto-bred one. Danny’s Growlithe was a purebred, a dual-Arcanine pairing with a history of rarity-coloring in both bloodlines. A mix-up at the breeding facility had seen his Growlithes egg placed with the ones bred for the Academy. He should have suspected. There was nothing wrong or substandard with Ditto-bred Growlithe but Danny’s had always been a bit…different. A bit faster, a bit stronger, and a bit smarter.
 “Come on out buddy.” Danny triggered Arcanine’s ball and the giant canine, really too big for Danny’s apartment, appeared in a flash of white light.
 “Well big guy I think we might finally be done with people trying to snatch you up for study or breeding.” Arcanine gave a soft ‘awoo’ and padded over to drop onto his back at Danny’s feet.
 “Geez, you really are just a big puppy.” Danny smiled, burying his hands in Arcanine’s thick fur, scratching his chest and belly. Danny kept up his ministrations as Arcanine stretched sleepily.
 Sleep. Sleep sounded good. He was tired. It had been a long day. Danny sat back and looked up at the wall clock, surely it was time for a bed. Blinking hard Danny tried to bring the clock into focus, instead, it just moved more, duplicating and spinning around.
 “Fuu uk somsomtin wrong.” Alarm swelled up in Danny’s chest as he struggled to stand up, his feet didn’t seem to want to cooperate. Making it to his feet made Danny’s head swim and the world went topsy-turvy.
 Pain raced through him as his body hit…something. Everything was spinning, light and color twisting around. Danny rolled, arms flailing, trying to find some semblance of stability. Closing his eyes as his stomach churned and the world tumbled Danny came to rest on…something…something soft and moving.
 “Ar..arcarc we gotgo.” Danny mumbled as the world faded away.
 “Steve we can’t…what are we supposed to…tranq?” Voices broke through the pounding and fog in Danny’s brain.
 “We can’t…too…might crush...” Another voice cut in…images swam in Danny’s head. A tall brunette, muscular, tattoos.
“Chaaarr!” The screech directly above him sent a spike through his brain and Danny tried to reach out to smack at the offending cause.
 Tried being the operative word. His arms were pinned behind his back, his wrists cinched painfully.
“Wha…” Danny mumbled, the fog in his brain was clearing but sudden panic-induced adrenaline sped it up.
 “Danny, Danny if you can hear me, stop struggling. Your arms are zip-tied behind your back. Arbok is out and pissed off. He’s circling you. If you bleed it might set him off. Do. Not. Move.” This voice was a woman and Danny was finally able to put a face to it.
 “Ko…no.” The word slurred out, his tongue heavy.
 “Yea, it’s me. We’re trying to find a way to calm Arbok down so we can get to you.” Kono’s words registered through the haze in his head and Danny finally cracked open his eyes.
 The shitty beige carpet of his apartment blurrily took up his vision. He attempted to roll onto his back but was stopped by pressure on his legs and Arbok’s hiss above him.
 Danny didn’t know what was happening. The fog was clearing out of his head but in its place a jackhammer pounded in the back of his skull. Closing his eyes again he tried to think back but all he could come up with were fragments.
 “Arc…where’s Arcanine?” Danny forced the words out, eyes wrenching open in panic.
 “We don’t see him Danno…we…we think he got snatched.” Steve…that was Steve. The same voice from earlier. Jesus…what happened to knock Steve out of his head?
 “Get…Get Luxray.” Danny ordered and felt Arbok, who had been shifting above him, freeze.
 “Lux? Danny, we can’t attack. You could be caught in the crossfire.” Steve replied and even through the headache he could hear Steve’s worry.
 “Don’t need to. Get her…he’s ‘fraid of her.” Danny might not have known what was going on and his memory may have been Swiss cheese but he did know Arbok. He wasn’t going to listen to him like this. He didn’t know where his pokeballs were and the only ‘mon Arbok was afraid of, besides his Blastoise and Pangoro, was Luxray.
“Luxray!” Danny could feel Arbok tense where he rested across his legs at Luxray’s hiss.
“Tell…tell her to circle…he’ll move to avoid her.” Words were coming easier now and he could think a bit more clearly.
 “You heard him, girl. If he gets agitated, back off.” Danny heard Steve tell her.
 “Lux…ray.” Luxray purred and, even in Danny’s obviously drugged state, he could hear the danger in her vocalization.
 Military trained, like her trainer, Luxray was silent on her feet but Danny could tell the direction she was moving by the way Arbok moved to avoid her, while still keeping her in his sight. Slowly, she was able to herd Arkbok off of his legs.
 Once Arbok was fully off his legs he felt Luxray’s paw on his arms. For one dicey moment fear welled up in him, fear that Arbok might lash out, but the feline moved her paw after slitting the zip ties on his wrists. The action took him by surprise and his arms immediately fell to his side, pain lancing through his shoulders as the pins-and-needles of feeling hit his hands and wrists.
 Carefully, to not startle Luxray; who was standing at his side, Danny rolled onto his back. He brought his hands up to his chest, rolling his wrists and flexing his fingers against the oncoming ache, he surveyed what he could see of his apartment.
 The small coffee table and side table were flipped over and two of the couch cushions were thrown off, exposing the hide-a-bed underneath. Coiled in the small entry space between the living room and his dine-in kitchenette was Arbok. The cobra pokemon’s hood was fully expanded and his eyes were fixed on Luxray. To others, the tense snake probably looked poised to attack but Danny could spot his tells, the tight way he was coiled up to minimize his large size, the fine tremors in his hood, the way the tip of his tail flicked. He was scared.
 “Okay GI Jane,” Danny rasped to Luxray, “You did good. Back to your trainer.” Luxray didn’t move, remaining resolutely by his side, glaring at Arbok.
 “Steve, call her off.” Danny turned his head to find the man in question standing just inside the door to his apartment, Kono, Pua, and a few other HPD members behind him.
Steve glared hard at him for a moment, clearly thinking of arguing, but Danny just tweaked his eyebrows at him and Steve relented.
 “Luxray, return,” Steve ordered, gleaming black and yellow Ultraball in hand.
 Luxray gave a final growl before dissolving into scintillating red light and returning to her ball.
 Danny climbed shakily to his feet, waving Steve off as he moved to help, and turned to Arbok. The ‘mon was less tightly coiled, rearing up to his not unintimidating full height, eyes focused on Danny.
 “That’s a good boy,” Danny said as he moved carefully toward Arbok, “Keeping me safe while I was knocked out. But we talked about this. Steve and crew are family, ohana. Remember?” Even after years together, and the most stringent training Danny could give, Arbok could still be aggressive and mistrustful when he wanted to be.
“Chaaaarvok.” The pokemon hissed out quietly, lowering himself to Danny’s height, posture less aggressive.
 “I’m not mad atcha, something went down here; even if I can’t remember it. Why don’t you take a rest, where’s your Duskball.” The mention of Arbok’s ball had him rearing back, hissing in annoyance.
 “It’s here Danny,” Steve called out. Without taking his eyes off the grumpy ‘mon in front of him Danny motioned for Steve to bring it, adding a quiet ‘slowly’ as he did so.
 A moment later Steve was standing next to him, pressing the Duskball into his hand.
 “Arbok, return.” Danny lifted the ball as the beam shot out. For a moment Arbok glowed red but before he could dematerialize he reared back further, breaking the beam in a shower of red sparks.
“ChaaaarVOK!” Arbok hissed violently and Danny’s vision was immediately full of insane superSEAL as Steve jumped between them.
 “Move you goon,” Danny ordered as he pulled at Steve’s shirt, “He won’t attack me but I don’t know about you.”  Steve just shook his head.
 “You didn’t see him when we got here Danny, He was circling you, looking at you like you were lunch. We thought he’d attacked you until we saw the zip ties.” Danny felt fearful at Steve’s grumbled statement for an instant before his brain caught up. Danny moved his hands to grip Steve’s hips and leaned his forehead against his back.
 “I know how scared that had to make you, I know you don’t trust Arbok, but if he was gonna eat me he would have done it immediately after breaking out of his ball. But he was protecting me. He only breaks out of his ball if he senses something is wrong. Something big, trust me, just move to the side.” Steve, tense under his hands, relaxed after a moment and slid to the side.
 He didn’t go far, instead, he wrapped one arm around Danny’s shoulders and pulled him into his side. Danny leaned gratefully into Steve’s side, but also spied Luxrays’ ball in Steve’s free hand.
 “See big guy, I’m fine now. Safe and sound. Get back in your ball until I sort all this out. Then you can come out. I’ll take you for a nice swim and everything.” Danny addressed his ‘mon with what he hoped was a reassuring smile. Once again he lifted the Duskball to call him back but this time Arbok hissed quietly and dropped fully to the floor. Before he could react Steve pulled him backward and Arbok slithered off quickly down the short hallway toward the bathroom and lone bedroom.
 “What the hell, you overgrown worm,” Danny grumbled, dragging Steve with him to follow the snake.
 “Danny we don’t have time for this we need to get you checked…out.” Steve’s statement died on his lips as they stopped outside the bathroom door. Coming from under the door was a small trickle of blood.
 Steve immediately let go of him and reached for his gun. Before he could make contact with it though Danny grabbed his wrist.
 “You know how he feels about guns.” Danny nodded toward Arbok, who was now coiled, docile, in the open door of his bedroom. Steve grumbled but didn’t pull his gun.
 “Is that why you won’t go back,” Danny asked the serpent, “Something or someone in here?” Arbok’s only action was to turn and slither more deeply into Danny’s bedroom, eyes glowing in the gloom of his blackout curtains.
 “You don’t have to go back into your ball, yet,” Danny stressed the word harshly, “But stay put.” He raised a slightly shaky hand and pointed at his ‘mon. Arbok gave a low hiss that Danny chose to take as acceptance before turning back to the door.
 “Do your thing, Rambo.” Danny nodded at the closed door, feeling a bit nauseated as he did so. Shit, he really did need to get checked out. The longer he was on his feet the more his stomach wanted to empty itself.
 Steve grimaced, likely at the Rambo comment, and drew his weapon after placing Luxray’s ball on his belt. Danny moved to take shelter in his bedroom doorway at Steve’s glare, only just then realizing that Kono had followed them, as the two of them took up position on either side.
 Danny watched as Kono twisted the knob and Steve moved to thrust it open, only for the door to remain steadfastly shut.
 “What the…something is against it,” Steve said as he pressed more firmly. The door just started to open before someone screamed from within and slammed it shut, knocking Steve back a bit.
 “Fuck this…” Steve growled and before Danny could protest the SEAL stood tall and kicked the door open with all his might.
 Instead of the hail of bullets Danny had been expecting, another, louder, scream came from within. This time accompanied by what sounded like someone trying to climb up the walls.
 Steve and Kono, guns up, rushed in and Danny peered in behind them. There was blood all over the dingy tile of his bathroom and the shower curtain had been ripped down. Taking shelter in his tub was a Hawaiian man in a Team Skull uniform, his leg bleeding through a ripped-up pant leg from what looked like a V-shaped bite.
 “Arbok must have got him,” Danny mused aloud, “His saliva has an anticoagulant.” At the mention of his ‘mon the guy tried to scramble up the wall, backward, only to fall back into the tub when his leg wouldn’t hold him.
 “I’ll do anything, tell you anything you want, just keep that fucking thing away from me!” The guy screamed, pointing toward the door. Danny turned to find Arbok hovering menacingly behind him.
 “I told you to stay in the bedroom,” Danny grumbled at the snake. Arbok just flicked his tongue at Danny before flipping his tail toward Danny’s hand, the hand holding his Duskball.
 “Now you wanna go?” He asked and Arbok just looked at him, “Fine, return.” This time as he was enveloped in red light he only gave a short hiss before he dematerialized back into the ball.
  Steve stepped lightly through the hospital halls, heading for his Danno’s room. In the end, it was all very anti-climactic. He left Kono and HPD to get their Team Skull perp bundled up and dealt with while he took Danny to the hospital himself. After being assured that Danny would be okay, he had been knocked out with a gas derived from Butterfree sleep powder, Danny demanded that Steve join Kono in tracking Arcanine.
 Kono, as it turned out, hadn’t needed him. The Grunt, with a severe case of ophidiophobia, had told them exactly where the rest of the Team was holed up. After a trouncing by Chin, Kono, and Pua the other Grunts had given up easily. They returned Arcanine and even dimed out the rich collector on the mainland that hired them to snatch Arcanine for his breeding facility, as well as supplying them with the illegal knock-out gas.
 Steve often wondered why Team Skull continued to operate. The vast majority of them were terrible trainers and all of them were universally bad criminals. The few that Steve had battled that were decent were, he believed, wasting their talent. Especially as members of a wannabe Rocket replacement. They were a problem for another day though. For now, a half dozen of them were sitting in jail, a rich jackass on the east coast was being arrested for an illegal breeding ring, and Steve had an Arcanine to deliver.
 When Steve made it to Danny’s room he found his partner asleep. Quietly Steve dropped down into the chair by the bed frowning at the I.V. stand and vitals monitor. Everything seemed to be in order but he still didn’t like it. Steve dropped Arcanines ball onto the tray table and took Danny’s hand in his.
 “I got Arcanine back babe. He’s right here waiting on you for when you wake up.” Steve said quietly and Danny just slept on. Smiling, Steve leaned back in his chair to wait. He was just closing his eyes, thinking of working in a nap, when the shaking of Arcanines' ball caught his attention.
 As the indicator began to flash Steve lunged, grabbing the pokeball from the table and pointing it at the floor. In a flash of white light Arcanine appeared, stretching his bulk in the limited space of the hospital room.
 “Hey, why’d ya stop hol’ing my hand, we fightn?” Danny’s slightly slurred question caught Steve’s attention before he could scold the canine, who was now curling up at the foot of Danny’s bed. Glad Danny was awake and happy he had saved him from being crushed under Arcanine’s weight, Steve dropped back into his chair and took Danny’s hand again.
 “No Danno, we’re not fighting. I had to get Arcanine’s ball before he landed on you.” Steve replied, smiling when Danny cast a bleary eye around for his poke’.
 “He’s curled up on the floor, safe and sound, and there are several Team Skull numbskulls sitting in lock up,” Steve explained and Danny lay back on his pillows.
 “What’d they wan’ him for? ‘Sides his awesome hair?” Danny queried and Steve had to suppress a laugh. The Butterfree gas must have still been in his system, his carefully controlled Jersy accent was slipping in.
 “Rich guy on the east coast saw the article, hired them to snatch him. The guy has been under investigation for ties to an illegal breeding ring. Arc’s poke’napping will be the nail in his coffin.” Steve explained, he could give Danny the full details when he was more awake.
 Danny gave him a crooked smile and rolled onto his side to face him more fully.
“Coulda tol’em it was a waste of time. Tried to breed him. Females and Dittos. He’s got no interest. The only lady he’s ever liked is yer Pyroar...and thas different. Think he might be gay.” Danny trailed off with a chuckle before snuggling into his pillow, still gripping tight to Steve’s hand.
 Steve just shook his head and settled back in his chair, still holding Danny’s hand. Homosexual behavior had been seen in pokémon, but it wasn’t very common. Steve couldn’t help but chuckle. If that was the case that would just be Danny’s odd luck. Accidentally got a purebred Growlithe, with rare bloodlines, and it evolved into an Arcanine with zero interest in females.
 Not that it mattered, not really. Everyone was safe and sound, Danny was on the mend and Arcanine was home. They could talk more later. Maybe…just maybe Danny would think about moving in with him now. Arcanine gave a quiet snort in his sleep, like he could hear Steve’s pining thoughts, and curled into himself more.
 Leaning back Steve closed his eyes with a smile, deciding to join the pair in a nap.
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itwoodbeprefect · 1 year
*in Oliver Twist voice* Please, sir, may I have two more? (for the WIP meme)
17. I love you sounds different if you’re saying it to a guy you’re sleeping with
20. The soap opera fix
oh gosh. yes! and you can also have a cookie: 🍪
I love you sounds different if you’re saying it to a guy you’re sleeping with
this is technically part of a series i started once upon a time, but there are also four more parts between what’s already posted and this WIP, so that doesn’t bode incredibly well for this fic. i could decide to cut it loose, though - it could work outside of the context of that series just fine, potentially.
it’s pretty much what the title probably implies: they start sleeping together, things turn explicitly romantic between them, and one morning not long after they run into the fact that suddenly “i love you” is a very weighty combination of words. steve says it anyway, and takes great pains to tell danny that he doesn’t have to if he can’t, and danny has a ramble about how he couldn’t tell melissa he loved her, but the point isn’t (like steve briefly expects) “this is the past, so i hope you understand what you’ve gotten yourself into”, it’s “the i love you thing with melissa wasn’t really about saying i love you, it was about who and what is a priority in my life, and i’m buying a house with you, weirdo, of course i love you” (and also steve has always been a priority in danny’s life, and that doesn’t stop because they’re having sex now, so neither do the i love yous).
The soap opera fix
this one is part of the original run of roughly a dozen fix-it fics i started writing very soon after the finale aired, so there’s a certain degree of spite showing through here i think. it’s a finale... AU? tag scene? AU tag scene? in which after steve says goodbye, danny joins the team in the living room of the mcgarrett home and they all have a sad our-friend-left drink, and then the door flies open and steve falls inside with blood on his face:
Before Danny has another moment to take stock of the situation, he’s already up, forgetting about his cane or his own barely healed injuries in an attempt to help keep Steve upright. Steve barely seems to need it, but he’s harried-looking and disbelieving and a little furious when he squeezes Danny’s arm to the point of pain, looks around the room at all the wide-eyed faces, and spits, “Why the hell did none of you come to find me?”
which is when it turns out that steve has a doppelganger, oh noes! the real steve was kidnapped during his evening run, and the doppelganger was the one with them for the last day who said goodbye to all of them to go fly off with catherine, so pretty soon they’re all racing to the airport to keep cath from getting on a plane with a potentially dangerous definitely creepy guy, and this explains why steve heard danny say he’s depressed and told him he has a phone and then walked away (it’s because it wasn’t steve), and it has danny going “wow, i’ve never been more glad to be a coward” and steve’s like “you’re not a coward” and danny goes “well, i very nearly kissed you when you said bye, but it’s a good thing i didn’t, because it wasn’t you”.
in the end cath doesn’t get on the plane with the doppelganger, and it turns out he looks so much like steve because he’s steve’s twin brother that john never knew about because doris gave him up at birth, and he’s Evil because that’s what happens if you’re an orphaned twin on a soap opera (or, let’s face it, on h50), and he was trying to torture steve by stealing the One Thing steve truly cares about - [insert dramatic reveal music here] HIS GIRLFRIEND. (steve’s twin is not the best criminal mastermind.)
also. steve’s twin’s name is stan. because around these parts we like making danny suffer in irrelevant little ways.
also also. there’s some doris dragging involved:
“How is it possible that I never knew about you? Where were you all these years?”
“I was given up for adoption without our father’s knowledge. I spent the first thirty years of my life tracking down my birth parents, and when I finally found our mother, she told me never to contact you because you were her favorite and she was afraid it might be the thing that would finally make you realize she was not an entirely stable person.”
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eneiryu · 1 year
saw you saying that you read some really good sterek fics, would you mind recommending some? ☺️
So my absolute, hands-down, really no contest these-are-the-characterizations-of-Stiles-and-Derek-that-I-accept favorites are:
Aftershocked, Mixed Messages, and Brave New World by pyes (it’s a series, in that order), with Brave New World being far and away my favorite. I think I’ve read it over a dozen times? UNFORTUNATELY, the author deleted them (and themselves, apparently?) off of AO3, so I have no idea where one would find them now. But if you can find them, cannot recommend them enough. (Anything by pyes is pure gold, they’ve got a Wynona Earp fic that I just had to sit with, for a few minutes after reading.)
I also adore this fic, which is just extremely well-written with some excellent themes (it heavily inspired my own the only other sound’s the break):
This is another excellent one (anything by Siria is fantastic, check out their H50 fics too, if that’s your thing:
Another strong contender for absolute Sterek favorite:
And this one is just such an absolutely delightful slice of life, also featuring Stiles and Sheriff Stilinski:
And finally, anything in my bookmarks on my AO3 account under the Derek/Stiles tag (I’m just a little too lazy to copy them all over here).
And hell, if folks have sterek recs, I’d love some. 😆
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oldfangirl81 · 7 months
I was trying to think if I actually have a "Top 10 finales I pretend don't exist". And no. I can only think of 5. A lot that make ranked lists aren't series I watched.
And this isn't saying they are bad but I just prefer to be in denial about the finale.
In no ranked order what I came up with
• The Glades
• Supernatural
• How I Met Your Mother
• H50
• Angel
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enbyeddiediaz · 1 year
i'm with you, the hawaii five-o finale still pisses me off
I got my roommates into h50 and I told one of them how the series ended bc I read a really good fic abt it and wanted to send it to them but they needed context and for an entire week they were just like "they ended the show like THAT??????" it was so fucking bad
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cowandcalf · 4 months
Feeback Fest 2024: H50 Fic Recs
For International Fanworks Day, February 15 (for more information see this post by @transformativeworks)
Thank you, babe @stephmcx because of your great fic rec list I noticed this amazing Fic Rec Day! I'm not often on Tumblr anymore scrolling and discovering interesting things and I miss the interaction with other fandom folks. And here you are, posting a great fic rec list of the most epic OTP ever: Steve and Danny.
I have my McDanno 'go-to' fics I love dearly but for this list I put together a different number of McDanno stories from my bookmarks. I hope some of you haven't read them already. Maybe there's a chance you find an unknown great McDanno story. All of my recommanded stories always act like a large safety net of love I let myself fall into when I need those special, unique, and most magic McDanno vibes.
1.Blue Shorts and Gloves by WeirdoOfTheCentury - Summary: Danny... well Danny is Danny. Stella is a protective Sister and both Steve and herself wanna commit a crime when it comes to Danno. @shadowhunterdownworlderhybrid
2.Touch My World With Your Fingertips by kristen999 - Summary: Danny has plans for Steve when he returns home from his reserve drill.
3.More Than Words, Part One by Candy_A - Summary: The first chapter in a series based on the events that follow Danny's rescue from Colombia (Episode 5.17). In this installment, Danny returns to Hawaii and he and Steve begin to cope with the reality of Danny's ordeal there. (Nine parts belong to this outstanding series)
4.See You Tomorrow by bgharison - Summary: "When we were leaving the office, I said, ‘see you tomorrow’ to Chin and Kono, and they said, ‘yeah, see you tomorrow'. I said, ‘see you tomorrow’ to you, and you said, ‘goodnight’, And 'goodnight' sounded like 'goodbye', okay?""I wasn't saying goodbye," he said, finally. But he kept his eyes fixed on the water.
5.Why don't you try me? by azziria - Summary: Steve and Danny both want the same thing, they just don't know it yet.
6.Back To Back (They Faced Each Other) by harrycrewe - Summary: Danny didn’t even realize that Steve was a sentinel when they first met. That probably said a lot right there about what kind of a guide Danny was.
7.Like Death and Taxes by ariadnes_string - Summary: "One of these days," Steve growled, voice low and rough and filthy, "I'm gonna rip this thing off you and gag you with it." (That's my very first McDanno fanfic I read.)
8.Moments In The Skript by joannereads - Summary: Hello all! So, over the last few years I have dreamed of a few scenarios before, during and after the events of The Script. I wanted to add to it, but never found the time, so now I'm making a point of doing it. I'll add to this as and when I have time or the muse is singing. Some of the stories will be teen and up, some explicit. Hope you enjoy! (RPF)
9.Close To Me by joannereads - Summary: Danny Williams is 17. Steve McGarrett is 26. They all live in Hawaii. And their lives are about to get really, really messy. Because Steve? Steve's his brother's best friend.
10.Sock Monkey by Cattraine - Summary: He’s late; he’s running late when the call comes in. One minute he’s sitting at a traffic light on a perfect day on his way to work, bemoaning his lack of coffee and the next he’s screeching the Camaro’s tires towards the accident, heart pounding, keeping perfect time with the chant in his head. No, no, no. It can’t be.
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h50europe · 3 years
Why the myth about Steve's PTSD doesn't add up and other inconsistencies
In the last few episodes of H50, PL tried to sell us a mentally broken Steve suffering from PTSD. Only the whole thing came a bit too late. The clip you see is from season 4 and ended up - no, not in the series - but somewhere on the floor of PL's editing room. And why? after Kurtzman and Orci departed, along with their writers, PL took the helm and started turning Steve into a super-soldier. He stylized him into something that wasn't meant to be. Instead of developing the characters, PL began to incorporate more and more hair-raising action sequences into the series and then let Steve fight on the front lines. There was no mention of Steve's mental state, and a lot was explained by PL with: it just happened "offscreen." Yeah, sure. PL can't create a decent character. He can only produce stereotypes and one-dimensional beings. Like Adam. What potential would that character have had had he been turned into Five-0's antagonist? But no. So his role remained diffuse and monotonous. Sometimes even tragicomical.
Back to Steve. When SEAL Team started on CBS, PL also lapsed into SEAL mania. If someone who writes fanfiction were to produce as much garbage as this man did, he would be chased away from every writers' platform in disgrace. PL's Super SEAL also had to rescue his team members from a blazing inferno. Not man by man, no, he flew a helicopter right into the danger zone and lifted a whole cabin out of the burning jungle. If lunacy had a name, it would be PL. While the action became more and more exaggerated and unrealistic, the same happened to the protagonists. After the departure of Daniel Dae Kim and Grace Park, PL completely lost his mind. And please, don't blame the writers for the nonsense that was thrown at you. A series stands and falls with the showrunner. He dictates what he wants and passes it on to his staff.
And so, lovable Steve became a soulless robot who only showed feelings here and there. Danny diminished more and more into a sidekick. McDanno became a ship that drifted anchorless through a stormy sea and threatened to capsize again and again. From season 8, it became a reboot of the reboot. PL tried an ensemble show and failed more than miserably. Often the actors just stood around bored. At least that was the impression. The only highlight was episode 8.10. A feast for all McDanno fans. But even here, the outcome of "who shot Danny" was more than insubstantial.
Wait, there was something about SEALs... Oh, yes. Junior appeared on the scene and became Steve's lapdog. I really wondered when there was going to be an episode where he would fetch sticks for Steve. Luckily we had Eddie for that. And because he thought he was so clever, PL invented the episode speed dating. How many subplots can you squeeze into one episode at the same time? In some episodes, you couldn't even take a look at the bag of potato chips without losing the thread.
The case of the week became the yawn of the week. There were so many loose ends that PL then came up with something called retconning. That's what you do when you're no longer satisfied with what was once established in the series years ago, or it no longer fits. But PL went one step further and did the same with the characters. The more the series was dragged out, the more the characters deteriorated and became OOC. It means, often, they were not recognizable at all. And that's where we come to Steve. Because PL, in his desperation, didn't know what else he could do to Steve, and so he killed Joe White. He did it in such a cheesy way with a fake sunset that it made you sick.
Of course, one episode later, there had to be another gig of PL's favorite Barbie. He stuck a fake beard on poor Steve/Alex, so he couldn't even hug Danny/Scott properly. The episode also raised more questions than it answered any. And Steve? He still didn't suffer from PTSD, even though he had now lost Joe White and a fellow SEAL. Everyone is dropping like flies, except for Steve, who is standing like a rock. No matter what. He doesn't need in-depth talks with Danny, nor psychological care, nor any sleeping pills. No, he's doing great. He also opens a restaurant with Danny because apparently, the carguments are already getting on PL's nerves. Unfortunately, this plot device leads into nirvana. The idea was nice, but nobody thought it through to the end. And the merry-go-round continues. Until we get to season 10, where it gets even more absurd. Now PL is almost bombarding us with McDanno episodes, or at least it should seem that way. Oh well, he's already planning for season 11, so a new character has to come on board quickly. While in the beginning, Steve's mother, Doris, dies.
Alex was allowed to take on the subject. Of course, only under the strict eyes of PL. He then nullifies Alex's idea that Steve kills his mother. Because a good soldier and Super SEAL won't do that. Little does PL know. THAT could have been the opening of a PTSD scenario for Steve. However, apart from that, this episode would have had any potential for a multi-arc. Just imagine Steve chasing his mother across multiple episodes. Again, PL stepped in and butchered Alex's episode. You can really feel sorry for the guy. PL at his best or worse? He just can't help it. And then, on the very last meters of the series, he brings someone new, who is allowed to cruise around with Steve most of the time. Because Danny was kidnapped by Wo Fat's widow, PL also invented quite late to have some villain at his disposal. This wannabe mastermind must really have been living under a rock somewhere if she wasn't even mentioned by her husband or appeared earlier.
Because towards the end, PL obviously ran out not only of steam but also of ideas, everything culminated in a wildly illogical scenario. Steve has to live through a dramatic day with Eddie, who stands as a metaphor for Steve (as I said, PTSD was never a thing for Super SEAL), Danny bangs his brains out in a ladies' room with a complete stranger, who dies shortly after that in an accident with Danny's rental car. Apparently, there was no budget to turn the Camaro into scrap metal. Danny then also goes home alone, ignoring the incoming emergency vehicles. Everything remains open at the end of the episode. While Steve expresses his gratitude to Tani and Quinn and says, he would be just as lost as poor Eddie without the dog and all of them. The strange thing is that you never notice anything until that sentence. A few forced dialogues are supposed to make the drama visible, but they all happen way too late or are so poorly written that you miss them.
PL had decided early on to make Steve a Teflon hero. That also means he didn't need to put much substance into the character. Which you can clearly see if you compare the first three seasons to the rest of the series. But towards the end, PL wanted to turn the tide and forcefully rewrote Steve's past. There is a huge difference if you compare Steve from seasons 1 to 3 with Steve from season 10. It is only a sparse remnant of what made this character so great. This change in Steve's personality also affects his relationship with Danny. The witty, affectionate banter degenerates into a snappy, humorless bitch-fest that takes all the joy out of it.
The final two episodes could have been written for any other crime show. As mentioned, we have Cole, who even gets a book'em Cole from Steve, which can only be described as out of line. And it begs the question, was that what Lenkov originally had in mind? Danny out of the show and Cole in? Was the last episode, which mainly featured McCole, something of a test run? Did all the McDanno moments happen only to tear the two apart eventually? Was the real final scene the one where Steve and Catherine take Danny's coffin back to Jersey? Was Danny not supposed to survive? Was that the real reason Steve wanted to get out of Hawaii because he wanted to pay his respects to Danny? And would he really have returned to Hawaii later? Or would he have turned his back on Hawaii? To me, this ending is more plausible than what PL served us. Then, Steve handed over his credentials to Cole instead of Danny, his second in command. Honestly, you can't make the end of a series any more sloppy and dumber than that. And I won't even lose a word about the last 1:30 minutes because I think everything has already been said.
No PL, mission absolutely not accomplished. You created Teflon-Steve. You never wanted him to show any weakness. You turned him into a superhuman who can survive anything. Only to pull the rug out from under him on the last few meters to the finish line and spit on his legacy. How can you dismantle such a great series and its characters like you did? How much do you have to hate something to do that? In the final interviews, the showrunner didn't exactly cover himself in glory either. Everyone who grew up with the series from day one knows that its end was wrong on all the possible levels and that the showrunner is solely to blame for that. It takes a fair amount of egoism and carelessness to drive 10 years at full throttle against the wall. Not many people can do that. Whether you can be proud of that, however, I doubt.
My respect if you have made it this far. Each of you gets 10 extra brownie points for it.
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yoko787878 · 4 years
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“I won't let anyone take him out of my arms, i won't let anyone touch him, Danno is mine.”
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just-fandomthings · 4 years
10x22 Uplifting McDanno updates
I think we can all use this right now so here's a few uplifting things from Lenkov himself about Steve and Danny's ending:
"That next chapter may be a family with Catherine [Michelle Borth], may be running the task force and letting some of the younger guys handle the heavy lifting, but I think the idea of those two sitting in the Adirondack chairs as old men looking at a sunset…that is definitely the future if we were going to continue the show. And leaving is not goodbye forever. It’s just a temporary escape to decompress, and to get away from everything, from all the trauma that he’s faced over the last couple years, especially losing his mother, and Joe White.." (X) 
And this one: 
“I always felt that the end game would be him [Steve]...retiring, sitting on that Adirondack chairs with Danny — all those things that would equate to happiness for him were always a part of sort of the finale for me.” (X)
“People are confused, ‘Why would he ever leave Danno?’ He’s not leaving him. He’s going away to sort of clear his head, because he came to this island with such a trauma, and he’s been moving in one direction like a white shark ever since. He needs a moment to breathe, so the idea is that he will go away and then come back. And then if we were coming back for Season 11, he would at some point come back, and we may have done the first couple of episodes without him. (X)
This too:
“The idea of Steve and Danny on those chairs, looking out at the ocean, was always in the cards as well. That friendship will always be there, those two guys will grow old together...If somebody was going to take a step back and look at all 240 episodes, those guys started off this journey hating each other, and they end by McGarrett sitting besides Danny's bedside, holding his hand, telling God, "Take me, not him." It really shows the arc that those two have gone on, and they really became brothers. They're as close as anybody can get and they genuinely love each other. And that really was the engine of the show, and at the end of the series they can't live without each other. For me, that's satisfying and feels like a good arc for people to have gone through over so many hours of television.” (X)
So here’s where I’m at. Lenkov (and as a McDanno fan, I am reluctant to admit this) is the overall producer of the show so in the end, if he saw it fit for Catherine and Steve to become a couple... that was his call to make. No, we don’t have to be okay with it!! But we need to not let it ruin the show for us because as Lenkov pointed out over and over again- Steve isn’t leaving Danny. (It did feel like that when he left while Danny is still healing but...) Steve’s going to come back home and he’s coming back for DANNY. They WILL grow old together and retire together. And yeah, we got the hetero-normative plot (that we were all expecting, tbh) but we also got a pretty solid McDanno episode- the chapel scene, anyone?? The sheer amount of love that radiated from Steve bc his Danno was hurt.... ignore the last three mins of canon if you have to or change the ending with the plane- But no one can argue the fact that this was a McDanno episode. 
I know a lot of us are pissed off right now and, considering the queerbaiting... rightfully so. However, I love Steve and Danny and I love this show and I’m going to try and make the most of this finale by keeping in mind Steve and Danny do retire together, they did get a final I love you in, and that there’s also fanfiction and our own fanon ending if the plane scene just doesn’t work for us. All I know is, I love this show and three disappointing minutes from an otherwise stellar 57 is not going to stop me from shipping McDanno or being in this fandom. 
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mcdannowave · 4 years
Kono @ Steve, when she found out that he left Hawaii and abandoned Danny there:
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satashiiwrites · 2 years
Mana’olana, Chapter 2
Title: Mana’olana, Chapter 2
Fandom: Hawaii 5-0
Pairing: McDanno, past canon relationships including Danny/Rachel, Steve/Catherine, and Danny/Melissa 
Other tags/warnings: fix it for season five finale, not Rachel Edwards friendly, discussion of child custody arrangements, typical H50 stuff. 
Fic summary: 
Mana’olana: to hope, to have faith. 
Finding out he’s Charlie’s father sets in motion a series of changes for Danny. Some for the better, some not. But once the first domino falls it sets off a cascade and it’s not only Danny and Charlie that are effected. As the extended ohana gathers for Kono’s and Adam’s wedding, Danny finds that maybe not everything is lost.
Chapter summary: Steve finds Danny at his overlook. 
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Read Chapter 2 here on AO3
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