fagtainsparklez · 1 year
mcyt 2023 predictions
ranboo will have a "meet my boyfriend" clickbait stream where the boyfriend in question is something like a reigen arataka body pillow
youtooz goes bankrupt/otherwise closes
members of the mianite team will begin writing for origins at tubbo's behest, triggering a mianite renaissance
among us will have an mcc crossover where mcyt-related items will be added in the game
lil nas x plays valorant with foolish and karl
tommy will make a youtube video where he goes through the legal process of adopting tubbo
a new life series drops. jimmy is, miraculously, not the first to die, but he is the second.
another mass twitter migration occurs. wilbur admits to having a tumblr, but it isn't @sootings
karl jacobs and captainsparklez kiss, uniting the two generations of menkissers
EDIT: ant and velvet will get engaged
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arorgripi · 1 year
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This guy.
The more I look at this picture, the more I see silliness:
the two lamps at 5 cm from one another
the lint roller???
the printer used as a glorified shelf and a fire hazard
the military grade looking cover
snacks (as he should, just the positioning behind the mic is hilarious to me for some reason)
the Philza (I think) and Wilbur's youtooz peaking out from a box ripped open
the headphones not managing to keep all his hair out of his face
HIS GLASSES ARE SO THICK. Man was really struggling. This is really the thing that (as someone who has very thick lenses) makes me completely lose it
This is fantastic and heartwarming.
The Guy ever in a picture.
Thank you Technodad.
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orfisheus · 3 months
An elaborate thoughtpiece on the recent state of EW
With the recent Youtooz announcement, I've been having a lot of thoughts regarding Eddsworld and the rumors about them returning Tord back to EW canon, so consider this a dump?? (For clarity's sake, the IRL people will be referred with their name and last initial. :])
I'd like to preface this by stating that I wouldn't mind the character coming back, as long as there's consent with Tord L. I'd assume that they would do this with the full intent of respecting his boundaries, so I'll give that the benefit of the doubt.
My issue, however, comes with HOW they're doing it. We are all aware that they've been teasing the episode, first with their post teasing their scriptwriting, and then Matt H. on Twitter confirming something big is coming with whatever they're working on next. Along with the YouTooz release and the removal of the Tord FAQ, it's very likely that this is what they're teasing. And yeah, that's fairly big news. The return of a fan favorite character who had a major impact on the plot? That would shift the current trajectory of their presentation and of the fandom. But, in regards to the fandom, they're aware he's a fan favorite. Want a quick buck? Be it for a charity or for themselves, he's the perfect tool to weaponize. Especially with a prevalent neurodivergent population in the fandom, he's especially easy to use. These fans will be dedicated, and they will buy it. I've seen multiple people say that they would for this sole reason. In no way is this a jab at any neurodivergent folks. I hope y'all enjoy your figurine. I would too. However, it ties into my next point. The dedicated fanbase that Eddsworld has isn't all too dedicated to the actual episodes. Look at content creators on tumblr. A majority have created their own elaborate AUs or headcanons so estranged from the own canon that the real canon holds little value. As each episode comes out, it will gain minute traction, only to swiftly be buried in the sea of fan-derivative content. I wouldn't be surprised if they weren't aware of this. In their comment sections on Instagram, oftentimes people will post GIFS of older episodes. Nothing to say about current content. Just GIFs. There's no drive for people to consume this media outside of their already preestablished footholds. So, how can people say something? How to bring in the quiet masses? Give them what they want. Give them Tord.
I made a theory a few days back with my friends. If a piece of media's lore has people begging for more, you'll likely see more AUs, more explorations of the characters outside of canon. I've seen this frequently when shows were coming out. The Owl House, for example, had budding fan theories and prevalent fan works and creators, such as moringmark, who played with fan theories as the show came out, exploring the potential the narrative had. However, by the time it ended, and the story was satisfactorily brought to its conclusion, this content diminished. Audience members felt fulfilled. When people aren't fulfilled, they ask for more. They make more. In this vein lies Miraculous Ladybug, a show known for egregious writing, to the point where content creators have basically transformed the entire show, disregarding a lot of the lore and establishing their own. Unfortuantely, with Eddsworld's current trajectory, the trend of AUs and headcanons feels more aligned with the latter rather than the former.
Another issue that's been plaguing my mind is narratively how his return would work. From the fandom, I've seen a few conflicting perspectives. Some people enjoy him as a villain/antagonist, whilst others prefer him as a member of the main crew. It would be impossible to satisfy both sides. Do they regard The End or not? And if so, how would they treat his facial scars and potential amputation? Ableism has been a plaguing issue in this fandom, and it makes me weary to see it potentially play out in the biggest form of media that Eddsworld uses. And I don't think people would be 100% okay if it was ignored, either. It's an extremely strange gray area where, no matter what, the consequence will be that someone will end up disappointed. To pull it off, they'd need a much more stable foundation and reputation. By the way the last few episodes have gone, I'm not too confident that they do.
After all, they've used this big episode so far to address a few criticisms I've seen for previous episodes. Aside from Tord's presence, they've teased the episode, which many had previously criticized Matt H. for his lack of transparency with the fandom upon production. The same goes with making it a sort of big episode. Beyond's episodes so far have been tamer and less narratively focused in comparison to later Classic and Legacy. That isn't a bad thing, but it's a major tonal shift that has felt awkward. Going back suddenly to the old formulas of narrative also feels a bit strange. The new narrative hasn't had success, sure, but every new creator will always have things to improve upon. Using what made Classic and Legacy successful in an era more focused on simpler narratives makes it seem like the showrunners don't know how to run in their own shoes, so they need to use someone else's to be successful. Here's the thing, you don't gain merit from being derivative, you gain it from making your own stuff work. Beyond wants to focus more on comedy than storytelling? That's great! That's what I've felt like those episodes were focusing on. Improving in that department will help overall. But changing something entirely because it wasn't working feels less confident, less focused on growth, and more on personal achievement. Especially when they have to use a fan-favorite character to get there. They couldn't make it on their own, so use what they know the people love.
I was discussing a book in one of my classes earlier, White Noise, when my teacher brought up how he wants us to constantly be aware of our society after reading this book, and how consumer culture greatly impacts our day to day lives. That's what the author wanted his readers to get out of it. Awareness. Every good work comes with a goal. What is Eddsworld Beyond's goal? What do they get out of bringing Tord back?
To me, it's the epitome of the current state of the entertainment industry. In Hollywood, where the animation corporations don't trust risk or exploration, they remake the old movies or produce soulless sequels. Kung Fu Panda 4, Megamind's sequel, every single live action Disney remake. And yet movies that take risks, like Strange World, no matter the quality, are shoved aside with little marketing. Cash grabs are easy ways to garner attention. They ensure profit. But they never garner the same soul as the original. To me, at least, the showrunners feel less confident in their own works because they've garnered little success from the 3 major episodes they've released so far, not including the shorts. Compared to Legacy and Classic, current Eddsworld has had nothing to say and very little gains from it. Legacy is a bit of a stretch for a standard, but it is a standard previously set by the show. This inflation is something so hard to achieve when a majority of fans have moved on, so I can't entirely blame them for potentially wanting to achieve this same success. It's just an empty way to do it.
I want to see this show succeed. I have a lot of love for it. I know there's a lot of love being put into it by the crew, and in no way do I want this to discredit their work. I see it as a current work in progress that's working out its kinks to reach its true potential. I just don't believe using the character of Tord is the right way to improve and garner traction. This is more of a critique on the writing and overall direction. Please understand this. I hope that, in the future, stuff starts going right for Beyond. Someday it'll succeed. But potentially using, for the lack of a better word, cheap tricks in order to obtain this is not the way to go as a creator.
Feel free to share your own thoughts. I'd love to hear what y'all have to say. And feel free to give helpful critiques as well! I'd love to make more elaborate writing pieces like this, so anything helps! Thank you, and farewell.
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the-solar-system52 · 10 months
Eclipse Theories
(strap in this is gonna be LONG. I'm so hyperfixatied right now.)
Theory 1: Eclipse isn't a third AI, they are Sun and Moon combined into one AI.
Edit: Youtooz basically just confirmed this!
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This theory has quite a lot of evidence that I will go through in this post, but I must get something out of the way first.
I've never watched The Sun and Moon Show, but to my knowledge, SAMS Eclipse IS a third AI separate from Sun and Moon. So I'm guessing that's where the misconception about Ruin Eclipse comes from, since that series is quite popular.
But there have been SOME fans (not all SAMS fans, but some. no hate to the nice fans or creators.) that are spreading around misinformation about Ruin so I'll just say this.
The Sun and Moon Show is fan-made. It is not canon to the actual FNAF storyline. Therefore, it shouldn't be brought up as evidence when discussing theories about canon DCA lore. It is also rude to complain to Steel Wool when their lore doesn't match up to a FAN-MADE story.
With that out of the way, onto the theory!
1. Eclipse's Name
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defintion of eclipse: an obscuring of the light from one celestial body by the passage of another between it and the observer or between it and its source of illumination.
An Eclipse is when the Sun goes infront of the Moon, obscuring it (or vice versa).
But in most media, an Eclipse is a mixture of the Sun and Moon. So by naming this character ECLIPSE, its pretty clear that Steel Wool is trying to tell us that they are a mixture of Sun and Moon.
Think about it, if they wanted Eclipse to just be a third AI separate from Sun and Moon, why on Earth would they name them ECLIPSE? There are plenty of other space-related names they could've gone with! (Star, Cosmo, Nova, a roman planet name, a greek god related to space name, a constellation name, etc.) It'd be silly to name them Eclipse if they weren't an Eclipse!
2. "Reboot! Reboot! We need to be whole."
Listen I don't know how else to put this, but I think this line pretty much confirms this theory. He doesn't tell us to get rid of Moon, he doesn't tell us to remove any sort of virus, he doesn't just say "Reboot us!" and leave it at that. Sun specifically tells us that rebooting him will make them 'whole' again. He even says 'WE'. As in, him AND Moon. And he confirms that being whole is a good thing because otherwise he wouldn't have asked us! He even says they 'NEED' it.
I know Sun has a habit of speaking in riddles, but there are THOUSANDS of other ways he could've worded that if SteelWool intended Eclipse to be a third AI.
Like. C'mon. What more do you want from me?? I'm going full English teacher on this single sentence!
3. Personality
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Okay now let's go full PYSCHO-ANALYSIS mode on them! May be a little hard since Eclipse only has one scene of screentime but I can make it work!
So, Moon's personality is very aggressive. He was 100% okay with killing Cassie and Gregory, was implied to dissemble staff bots and glamrock endos, and is very intimidating and creepy. (Plus, has succeeded in killing at least two kids if you count the books.)
Moon cares more about rules then he does people. He's so determined to make kids sleep at naptime that he attempts to KILL them, without any thought of their life.
(Sorry for all the Moon slander. He is a silly billy I know but I'm trying to make a point here, it's necessary I promise.)
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The only time we see Moon acting friendly is in merch and posters. But this was confirmed in the Security Breach Files to just be a cover up by Pizzaplex publicity department to make Moon seem less creepy.
Edit: This note from the FNAF Cookbook also confirms this:
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The one trait Moon DOES share with his fabricated merch personality, is calmness. Moon is aggressive and creepy, sure, but he's not loud or panicked like Sun is. He chases us very slowly and carefully instead of charging at us, he waves at us in the elevator and after knocking out Freddy, and his voicelines are menacing but in a quiet way, yknow? Idk how else to describe it.
He IS a lot louder and panicked in Ruin, but that's probably because of the bad state he's in and the fact he doesn't want the lights on. Hes angry, but not in the way Monty or Roxy are in the first game. SteelWool still makes it clear to point out this personality trait.
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Now onto Sun!
Sun cares about people and isn't violent. It's clear he doesn't want to see people hurt. This is seen when he invites Gregory to arts and crafts, warns him about the lights, warns Cassie when it isn't safe and thanks her for her help.
But although Sun has good intentions, the situation he's in makes it hard for him to really be comforting to people. It's been reported on several occasions that kids are just as scared of Sun than they are Moon. This is probably due to his paranoia. He's constantly afriad of Moon coming out and hurting someone, and is desperate to keep the lights on. He's going...a small bit insane, but who can blame him! He's in a very stressful situation, and I feel very bad for him. Hes definitely TRYING to act the way Eclipse does but something is MISSING! Still, it is worth pointing out that the fandom tends to mischaractize him and take away some of his more eccentric traits. Traits that are essential to his personality and story.
He's also very energetic and loud. Overall, it seems he is missing the ability to CALM DOWN. Calm down?? You see what I'm getting at here??
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All this considered, do you see now why I think Eclipse's personality is a mixture of Sun and Moon. He is calm and cares about rules, but also cares about people. He was very comforting to Cassie without a hint of violence or anxiety. He even wished us a faz-errefic day!!
I don't think Sun and Moon are SUPPOSED to be apart, and that's why they act the way they do. In Eclipse, all their personality traits balance out. But when they are apart, there's nothing to balance it out. Moon is violent and only cares about rules, because SUN is the one that is friendly and cares about people. Sun is anxious and eccentric, because MOON is the one that is calm and collected.
Edit: This line from the FNAF Cookbook also implies this?? Specifically the phrasing of "everything moon isnt."
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Thats why Sun specifically ASKED us to make them whole again, because he understood that they needed to be together to have a stable personality!
Moon isn't dead or anything, his personality has just be incorporated into Eclipse. Y'know Steven Universe fusion? Y'know that one TPOH theory I made? It's like that.
Not to mention that this is literally the plot of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and the explanation of why Hyde is evil. DCA has been compared to this book twice, once in Tales of the Pizzaplex: Bobbiedots Conclusion, and again the FNAF Character Encyclopedia.
But, if Eclipse is obviously the safer and kinder option for a daycare attendant, why were they split apart into Sun and Moon in the first place?
Theory 2: When, How and Why was Eclipse split apart?
I'm not 100% confident in my theory about this yet, so I'll do this differently. Inside of saying my theory and THEN giving the evidence supporting it, I'll do it backwards. I'll lay out all the pieces of evidence first and make a theory after. This way, you'll understand where I'm coming from and it'll be easier for people to correct me if they find a better version of my theory.
Fazbear Entertainment must've wanted this to happen because rebooting them is very easy and there is merch of Sun and Moon around the Pizzaplex.
Eclipse must have worked in the Daycare at some point, because they talk about kids coming in and cleaning up in their dialogue.
Eclipse was most likely the original DCA because rebooting them restores them to factory settings, aka how they were first made, aka Eclipse.
Fazbear Entertainment must've had a reason not to reboot them after they realised Moon went wrong.
Vanny/Vanessa must've had something to do with this. There is purple glitches in the Eclipse Arcade machine, a drawing of a bunny in the daycare and graffiti of Vanny outside the Daycare.
They can't be effected by the same version of the Vanny Virus the Glamrocks are because that is implied to only take effect the night Gregory came to the Pizzaplex, and Moon has been evil a lot longer than that.
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Okay! To start off this story, Eclipse was the original daycare attendant. The way we see them in Ruin is just Ruined Sun and Moon, so I'm guessing they used to look like Arcade Eclipse. (Yeah I know they look creepy but let's be honest they all do.) Arcade Eclipse looks a lot more like an actual ECLIPSE and has the lore implications I mentioned.
Eclipse worked at the daycare and the kids weren't afriad of them because their personality was friendly and caring, just like the way we see them in their one scene.
(Or if you follow the book narrative. They worked in the theater and acted the PART of Sun and Moon, but weren't the real deal since obviously you couldn't have a real murder robot on stage. Offstage they were just Eclipse. That's why they already had the transformation mechanic, plus merch. When they were moved to the daycare, they could have met Cassie when it opened, or before it opened, since she was been established to get early access to stuff like the Foxy Logride. Since its implied Cassie went to the daycare before and talks about it positively. Which wouldnt make sense if she met Sun and Moon. But I don't know if the books are canon or not.)
Its revealed in SB that Vanessa got the job as security with no experience and with a recommendation. She's also the ONLY security guard. From this we can infer that she is somehow able to pull strings in Fazbear Entertainment to get things going in Vanny's evil plan.
With this information, I think it was HER that confirmed Fazbear Entertainment to re-theme the Daycare to Sun and Moon. They might have wanted to use Moon as a Naptime AND Security Bot. The switch to turn off the lights is in the Daycare SECURITY office, Moon patrols the Pizzaplex at the end of each hour like a security guard, and Vanessa never seems to question it during her patrols.
Vanny specifically split them so that Moon was evil. And when Fazbear Entertainment realises what happened, Vanessa convinced them to not go through the trouble of re-theming the Daycare again so they just added generators and told Sun to keep the lights on.
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The problem was that Sun still remembered being Eclipse. The drawing on the bottom seems to be of Eclipse. The one on the top has Moon's hat and different facial expressions for both of their face sides.
This also explains why the Eclipse Arcade Machine is in Sun's room, he probably stole it. Plus, in the AR version of Sun's room in Ruin, there's an image of Arcade Eclipse on the ceiling.
Thats why Sun told us to reboot him, because he knew they'd go back to being Eclipse.
So overall I think Eclipse is a happy ending for both Sun and Moon, and completes their mini character arc! That said, the amount of screentime they got was CRIMINAL and I hope we see more of them at some point.
(Edit: Updating this with more evidence!)
4. Design
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In scenes where Moon is in control of their body, his left eye glows red and the right one is black.
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In scenes where Sun is in control of their body, his right eye glows yellow and his left one is black.
The eyes are clearly meant to represent which personality is in control.
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When Eclipse is in control, their right eye glows yellow AND their left eye glows red. This represents that both Sun and Moon are in control of their body.
If Eclipse was a new person, then their eyes would glow a completely new colour to represent them being in control. Or they wouldn't glow at all, to represent neither Sun nor Moon being in control.
Eyes are the window to the soul, and eye colours are known to have a lot of significance in the FNAF lore, like with Circus Baby!
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In Ruin, Sun and Moon's arms don't glow at all. They barely have any colour because they are so broken and damaged.
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But Eclipse's right arm glows yellow (Sun's signature colour) and their left arms glows blue (Moon's signature colour). I also think this represents both Sun and Moon being in control.
If Eclipse was a new character, then their arms would glow a completely new colour, or not glow at all.
This feels almost MORE intentional than the eyes, because someone had to 3D model an entirely new glow effect for ONE scene.
If that isn't visual storytelling, I dunno what is.
Edit: I also noticed that in the cutscene when you reboot them, there is a moment where they seem to be shaking and struggling, before they stop and start talking as Eclipse.
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Its kind of hard to see since Sun's pupil are very bright but in this scene, both of their eyes are glowing, but they are looking around in different directions. This gives the impression of the eyes being mismatched and not yet working in unison, as eyes normally do.
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Then they go quiet, their head looks down for a second, springs back up, and we have Eclipse! Eclipse's eyes are both glowing and facing the same direction, and continue to work in unison even as they move around during the rest of the cutscene.
The fact that the animators took the time to add both of their eyes glowing as they were struggling, instead of just waiting for when their head leaned down (and their face went out of the camera shot) to change their eyes, means this was important.
I kind of see this as Sun and Moon's personality "recalibrating" with eachother as they rebooted. As in, it took awhile for their code to get used to the fact that they were now both controlling their body now. Their body convulsing in this moment as they became un-paralysed also suggests this. Plus you can see their arms start glowing.
Sort of like when you reboot a computer and it takes awhile for it took clear out all the bad data and start up again.
Edit: But! When I watched their cutscenes in slow motion, I notice that Eclipse still moves a bit out of sync even while they are talking and fully rebooted. Not the same way they did when they were split up, but enough to give the impression that this body is controlled by two people. And that they aren't completely used to it yet.
You could make the argument that I am overanalyzing these animations, but as an animator myself, I know how long it takes to complete and animation and these details being intentional is a lot more probable then you might think.
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After Eclipse says "Happy Birthday" he brings both his hands up to his chest in a friendly pose. But, if you slow the clip down, you see that Sun's arm clenches its fist awhile before Moon's arm does, while his arm is still off to the side and not at his chest. It's only after awhile do they actually hold hands, with Moon's arm grabbing onto Sun's. This gives the impression of them being slightly out of sync, but still trying their best to work together.
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This may just be because Sun's pupil is harder to see, but I also think their eyes look very vaguely out of sync in some parts if you slow it down.
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And Eclipse even does Moon's signature wave with their Moon hand when they say goodbye to you. Showing that some of their characteristics still carried over after being merged together.
Also-also, the one peice of evidence that is flimsy in my theory is Sun's 'thank you' at the end of this sequence. Some people interpert this to mean that Sun is still conscious within Eclipse so therefore he has to be a third AI.
I think the fact that it takes a moment for Eclipses system to fully reboot could also explain this moment, but not disprove my theory.
The whole Eclipse talking scene takes up around 20 seconds. It's not crazy to believe that some of Sun's code may not be calibrated yet. Plus, it's implied that Eclipses losses some if not all of his memories when he reboots, so this could be what's left of Sun's individual code thanking Cassie for helping them, since they would forget to do so when they are fully rebooted. This is backed up by what I said about Eclipse still moving a little out of sync.
Or its meant in a more symbolic way. Since we don't SEE them say this, it gives it a ghost-like vibe. Like a final send-off for Sun's character, as we know it. Confirming that they are finally OK.
Or or Eclipse is able to subconsciously slightly split themselves apart again to allow their Sun half to talk to Cassie. (or maybe they can just use Sun's voice if they want to.) Reminder that partial eclipse's exist! That's something to think about!
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Either way, I don't think this scene necessarily deconfirms my theory on Eclipse. But it is very interesting.
5. Writing
Ok so this section will get into more meta stuff like the rules of storytelling and the future fnaf games. If you think that stuff is too subjective to be seen as evidence, then I see your point, but I want to add it anyway since its an element of theorising that is often overlooked.
(Feel free to just skip this part tho if you don't like it, since this theory already has decent enough evidence without it.)
So let's be honest, I think that Ruin was the end of DCA's story. Sure they had cameos in help wanted 2 but that all took place before Ruin and therefore didn't feature Eclipse. We have to remember that DCA is a side character, so even if they do get more cameos in later installments, I doubt it would be anything substantial. The writers dont have much reason to place all the spotlight on him. And from how little we see characters from older fnaf characters in modern games, I don't think the SB characters will be any different, unfortunately.
And from how it's treated narratively, I really think that them getting rebooted is supposed to be the end of DCA's character arc. And a happy one, at that.
And, if we assume this is true, then Eclipse being a third character makes absolutely ZERO sense. The entire storyline falls apart.
And, like I said before, they way people view DCA is often influenced by fanon AUs, headcanons, etc.
And in fanon, this isn't a problem! It doesn't matter that this is the end of DCAs story, because they could just write more fan story! They could explain everything about this new character, Eclipse, how Sun and Moon feel about him, what happens after that and after that. And that's fine, I'm not trying to be the fun police and say you can't do that.
But when you make the jump from "fanfiction" to "legitimate theory I think is canon" you need to keep in mind that SteelWool has...actual professional writers writing their story. So therefore you need to play by their rules if you want your theory to be solid. And the rules say that they don't have much time to develop DCA's story after this.
So, let's see how Eclipse being a third character wouldn't make sense for a proffesional writer to do, in the context that this is the last we will see of DCA, for the most part.
First of all
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WHO THE FUCK IS THIS GUY??? We've been following Sun and Moon this whole time and now you are just gonna drop this random third twink on us?? And then end the character arc and leave this new guy with exactly one scene of screentime??
I mean, he had a little build-up but not enough for him to stand on his own two feet as a full character! Where's he been all this time?? What's his job?? What do Sun and Moon think of him?? Why does rebooting them to factory settings trigger him to take control for some reason??
Eclipse being a combination of Sun and Moon fixes this problem. Because we already know who he is! Technically any Sun and Moon screentime we had at this point counts as Eclipse screentime, because we can guess how Eclipse would act by combining the two. And I think his lore involves just a little less 'making stuff up'.
Second of all,
What the hell happened to Sun and Moon?
No but seriously. Are they dead? Because that's the only explanation people are giving me!
People say stuff like "oh they were finally put to rest 😔" NO??
This whole narrative was about Sun and Moon fighting for control over their body, and how much pain that caused them. How is that suddenly a good thing when some other THIRD GUY takes control of their body instead? Don't they just get send to whatever subconscious purgatory they are in when they aren't in control? Sun is still paranoid mess, Moon still wants to murder people, and they both still hate eachother. Nothing has REALLY changed.
How is that a happy ending? Why on earth would Sun THANK us for that??
Again, my theory clears that up because now Sun and Moon are BOTH in control, and don't have to fight anymore.
Do you see now how Eclipse being a third AI destroys any type of closure and satisfaction the ending gave? Plus I think it's just makes everything CANONICALLY less interesting, in my opinion. And because of that I really don't think it's how Steelwool intended the ending to be interpretated.
Again, if you just like the idea of Eclipse being a third guy for fanon reasons, than thats fine. That's what AUs are all about! But if you spread misinformation about the CANON lore, then I just have to disagree.
Edit: Another thing!
When we turn the lights on, Sun doesn't take control of their body. Instead, they are paralysed and can't move at all. Helpy mentions that they are malfunctioning, and I think this means that whatever mechanism diverts control of the body between Sun and Moon is broken. This means, in the physical world, only Moon is able to take control of the body. And the AR World is just where Sun's consciousness ended up.
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If you look closely you can see their circuit board has multiple broken wires. These broken wires may have been what causes the control to divert, and they were damaged when the Pizzaplex went into ruin. This means that Sun is unable to take control of the body even if the lights are on, and the control is stuck on Moon and causes him to instead be paralysed since the system still recognises that Moon can't be in light, but can't solve the problem by giving Sun control.
With this established, it doesn't make sense for Eclipse to be a third AI that took control when they were rebooted, because the system that diverts control is broken. That system couldn't be fixed with the reboot either, since it's his actual PHYSICAL wires that are disconnected. Even if Eclipse became consciousness, there's no reason for him to be un-paralysed if he was a third AI that needs to take control away from Sun and Moon. Even if Eclipse was triggered by something other than light, if he is seperate from Sun and Moon, then the control system would still need to be used.
But if Eclipse was a fusion of Sun and Moon, then it wouldn't matter if the system was broken, because they wouldn't need to divert control to anyone! There's no one else inside their brain, it's just them now, and they are one person. Sun and Moon fusing together eliminates the paralysis because their code recognises Sun as being able to move in the light. And since Sun is already a part of Eclipse, there no need for the broken control system to be used. This allows Eclipse to be unaffected by light and can move away from the generator without anything happening. The reboot restores them to their factory settings, and those settings have no use for the control code because there is only one of them.
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lil-bits-grooving · 2 months
"tord-coming-back" theory time cause we doin this
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We've seen the teaser. We know the character. The question is, where does he fall in the story? I'm not talking about the timeline because why would they put a bleeding wound where his bandage was if it wasn't to signify that the teaser takes place BEFORE The End? (Also, the absence of his not-so-injured left arm further proves the timeline.)
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What I'm actually asking is, will tord take on a protagonist or antagonist role if he comes back? That's really up to the scriptwriters but I'm on the internet so it's PLOT HEADCANNON TIME!!! It goes a little sumn like this:
He starts targeting/pranking/ew classic bullying style (think Dudette Next Door mixed with Spy vs Spy) his friends from afar with an undertone of revenge cause they blew up his stupid robot.
Eventually confronting the characters trying to get on their good side again after the previous step doesn't work.
And then it splits off from here with different story ideas:
(Protagonist) He actually apologizes at the gang's apartment doorstep after failing so much to kill them, characters react as they would, and the boys OFFICIALLY take him back into the group to do more dumb adventures as the Red Army plotline looms over tord as he keeps it a secret or slips up. The whole "at first I hated you but now I don't but I already sent bombs to your location so now we have to fix this together."
(Antagonist) ORRRRR they reject his apology and he sticks with his classic bullying ways, hurting the gang more than he intended to but has to stick with the whole Red Army leader tough guy attitude while secretly regretting his actions. Not the whole "take over the world" part but the "you blew up your friend's house" part. he finally attempts to take control of the UK while the three try to stop him again as he gets closer and closer to actually succeeding. AND WE AIN'T DOING A TBATF SITUATION HERE. HE'S NOT MAKING THOSE STUPID FUCKING MASKS HE JUST WANTS THE GOVERNMENT.
A quick reminder that this isn't The End. If he's back it only makes sense that he'll be here for a while as another one of the boys. But if not, it's more realistic he'll just keep coming back kinda like zanta, showing up to be an antagonist with an actual background and motivations for an episode then dips again until next time. Hell, it's an absolute possibility that the teaser was just a way to get more people to buy the youtooz.
But I'll be DAMNED AND SHOT DEAD if they don't do SOMETHING with his character. Not after that dope ass teaser all hidden and stuff. It's been 8 years man, make this happen.
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loganslowdown4 · 2 years
I’m gonna attempt to break this down and point out all the stuff in the guys’ rooms for the newest episode because there’s a ton of Easter eggs in here and it’s fun to compile a list!
And I’m a complete nerd 🤓
Ok let’s start off with
* Ernie plushie (Sesame Street) in homage to LNTAO
* Light blue dad pyjamas
* Chocolate (baby Pound Puppy plushie) from Moving On
* Winnie The Pooh quilt
* Reindeer plushie bean baby from the 80s (I literally used to have these)
* light blue Cat poster
* Orange tabby cat statue (he loves cats, ok?)
* Mrs Fluffy Bottom (bunny plushie from Prince vs Villain short)
* The creepy glowworm from babyhood
* ‘You make me want to die.. of laughter’ misleading compliment card from Virgil from the 12 Days of Sanders Sides (Xmas)
* His glasses
* A plate with a cookie (and a second cookie because he earned it)
* Framed photo of friends (combats the lonely feelings)
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* Catholic Youth Bible (from swearing Oath in SvS)
* Braided friendships bracelets in the Roman Virgil and Logan’s colours
* Embroidery thread to make more friendship bracelets in his, Janus and Remus’ colours
* Pizza plushie (from opening shot Thomas saying ‘YouTube Time’)
* Light blue lamp
* The smell of Christmas (in a box!) from Moving On nostalgia episode
* Stitch plushie from opening scene ‘YouTube time’
* Plus the room has the glittery quality that his room did in the moving on episodes
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* Red plush blanket and red silk pillow case fit for a prince
* Red/pink full face cooling sleep mask for beauty sleep
* Wearing his (Beauty and the) Beast onesie from ATHD
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* Up poster (part of his 101 Disney poster collection) (plus it mentions ‘adventure’ which is what Roman would want to dream about)
* Glitter/sparkle aesthetic in his room magically flying around; also a soft rainbow glow overlay
* STAR THINGIES (he got them back from the echo-y mind palace)
* Reading Lord of the Rings (TFOTR) (red and white cover!) plus dudes on an adventure with a king and hot elf? It does scream Roman, doesn’t it?
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* Plus multiple bookmarks so he can reread his favourite parts (or find parts that the other sides would like)
* Oh hey Katana
* Little Roman fan made wooden dolls
* Pictures from skirt PS, 80s PS, selfie as Prince from vine days
* Sticky notes (red): YOU GOT THIS PAL! (either from himself or Patton); WWLOJD? (What Would Leslie Odom Jr Do?) plus a picture of the man himself (a crush? 😏); Take Dance Classes AGAIN (is this in reference to Thomas can’t dance? ‘I can box step with the rest of them! 5 6 7 8 no need to demonstrate!’)
* Scented candles for sleep
* REMUS omg was I right about them sharing a room? Hahaha he steals a star thingie because he knows Roman loves them
* Roman Youtooz toy from last year
* Lavender sprays for sleep
* Moisturizer for skin care (a prince has got to slay)
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* Dark aesthetic from Accepting Anxiety episode
* Purple and grey bedding
* Watching a Jack the Ripper conspiracy video on his computer (re: what videos he would make if he had his on YouTube channel from Q&A)
* Green Day t-shirt (specifically American Idiot album) (also featured album on wall in Accepting Anxiety episode)
* Plain purple sleep hoodie (the man cannot be without a hoodie)
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* Whiteboard with ‘# of days since last total disaster: 5’ but who knows what his definition of disaster is…
* Black dry erase marker for whiteboard
* Cobwebs on night stand
* MARCUS! Plushie spider
* Patton’s FamILY card
* Huge (almost empty) purple bottle of melatonin (used to aid sleep)
* Book for Grimms fairy tales (decidedly did NOT swear on his ‘bible’ from SvS)
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* Nintendo switch
* Not sure what the things standing up are? Maybe candle/lights?
* Also a mood light off to the side
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* The periodic table on the wall with rainbow colours (that’s just perfect)
* Dark blue dad pyjamas and eye mask (probably for a proper nights sleep) plus he replaces his glasses with an eye mask
* Dark blue matching bed sheets because UNIFORMITY
* All the plushies! All of them. I think he needs the most comfort
* Gravity Falls journal #3
* Another self insert fanfic from Roman! (Possibly not the Sherlock one that Roman wrote for Christmas because this is thinner and has different stickers on the cover, but ahhhh that’s so SWEET)
* Blank cue cards for new slang words to learn
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* A FINISHED Rubix cube
* His glasses
* A crossword day by day calendar
* A blue alarm clock 11:30pm? (although it’s pretty late, Logan, is that really a good sleep schedule?)
* An empty jar of crofters (because they are so darn collectible)
* A 10th doctor funko pop (and a Tardis underneath all the plushies!)
* A blue mood light behind the plushies
* And he has a Clapper lol
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melonteee · 9 months
I enjoyed OPLA and really did like some of the changes they made but now that it's marinated in my brain a bit. It's hard out here being a Sanji enjoyer fr
I feel like it didn't really show his sensitivity and vulnerability. You said something about Baratie arc feeling like a checklist and GOD yeah it really felt like that :'D I always forget the Mihawk fight happened there honestly and am disappointed that parts of the episodes were dedicated to tension between Nami, Luffy and Zoro about the duel rather than... you know... blorbo from my shows
He really did feel like a side character to his own story cause some of the most memorable things about him were completely missed or skimmed over. I h8 that he just talks about the All Blue and it's not that goofy smile from the animanga. Also that he doesn't watch the fight or have this moment of "wait, my dream is worth fighting for". It's kinda said to our face that "he doesn't leave cause he owes Zeff" but I don't feel it the same way I do in the animanga. I have so many weird feelings cause I love some aspects to OPLA. But as a Sanji fan, I'm sad that he's kinda barely in it? And that what they left in were just surface level observations about him: "he's a chef who fights and flirts" um, where's that self-loathing and self-destructive kindness huh??
At least he calls Zoro mosshead once though and I got the joy of replaying that scene in different languages and now know what "mosshead" is in a plethora of languages.
...also have you seen the YOUTOOZ figures for OPLA cause I'm haunted
I just...everyone was stripped of character but Sanji and Usopp were especially so ruined I really do not understand it. Like I'm sorry, using Sanji's pain and trauma as a lesson for Luffy IS a despicable way to frame it, even worse with Luffy not even ACKNOWLEDGING IT??
One's pain in One Piece does not exist to teach any other characters a lesson, Sanji starving on a rock for 2 months does not exist so he can just tell Luffy how hard it is to be a captain. Which doesn't even make SENSE because Zeff wasn't even SANJI'S CAPTAIN AT THE DAMN TIME. NOR HAS HE EVER BEEN?
I feel crazy because everyone seems very lukewarm on it, and maybe I am just insanely attached to Sanji and feel greatly touched by his story, but is using a character's original written trauma as a plot device for ANOTHER character not insulting? Is there ANY respect for Sanji's 2 months of hell there? There's a damn good reason Sanji's story existed to be his OWN and not a motivational speech for LUFFY??
Imagine if Zoro was like "My best friend died, changing the course of my life and putting me through a grief so heavy I now carry her dream with me. Sometimes death of a loved one is an inevitable factor" and Luffy's like "L+ratio+I would kill MY best friend for Sanji" LIKE...WHA....
This is pure insanity I feel like I'm being shot left and right with everything I hear, like I'm glad people are enjoying bits and pieces, truly, but the flaws and disrespect of original character are just so apparent they're doing my head in - especially with how tons of people are choosing to just ignore it.
They tried to give Luffy this weird Water 7 moment, where he had to learn how to be a captain, but this script failed to consider Luffy had to learn that HIMSELF of his OWN circumstances and decisions with Usopp. Yes he was helped by Zoro in Water 7, but Zoro didn't suddenly just trauma dump about how awful a past he had for Luffy to go "Cool. ANYWAYS!" LIKE I JUST...REALLY? Am I crazy or overly biased or what because god damn I'm just jaw dropped at all of this fhgkd
The Baratie is meant to be Luffy witnessing SANJI'S character, and learning of SANJI'S personality and morals - with Sanji then being inspired from Luffy. Where was that? Where was any of that? Why was Sanji's kindness, stubbornness and self-sacrifice side-lined for a character we've been with LONGER at that point to get a bigger spotlight? It's so weird I don't GET IIIIT DFGHJKD
HOWEVER, yes I have seen the merchandise and it scared me KHDFGJKD sorry for that I...truly had a lot of thoughts hhh
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peony-pearl · 1 year
The Jasmine Dragon - Another Look
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So... you all know how I feel about Iroh returning to The Jasmine Dragon.
How do I feel about the tea shop in particular? I... don’t mind it. I mean, I have an Etsy shirt with a logo that is well loved and within 12 hours of discovering the Tea Shop Iroh Youtooz that was a Books-A-Million exclusive, I was buying him and unboxing him before one of my earlier shifts at work.
It’s how the tea shop is handled in the context of the narrative that doesn’t sit well with me.
The Jasmine Dragon is established while Iroh and Zuko are still hiding out, still on the run. Iroh gets them both jobs at Pao’s tea shop, and I hesitate to say that ‘oh Iroh just wants Zuko to serve tea’. Iroh has a SKILL he can make money off of. A very good skill and passion. Tell me what job Zuko, a 16 year old mess that had resorted to thievery at a couple of points, was going to find when he already wasn’t doing well with the situation he and Iroh were in? If he resorted to stealing again, it would end badly now that they’re in Ba Sing Se, and they need the protection of the city and it’s walls from the Fire Nation.
So Iroh uses a skill he has to find them both a job to bring in money; enough to live on and keep them afloat. (I’d be willing to say if Zuko found something else he wanted to do, Iroh would give him his blessing; but hesitantly because he would worry about not being able to keep an eye on his hot-headed nephew)
Eventually, Iroh’s skill draws attention. He is a talented tea brewer with an obvious passion.
Which leads to my first positive with the tea shop. It was what Iroh wanted outside of his Fire Nation life. Iroh was born and raised to be a warrior, and he was. He was successful and great at it. He raised his own son to be the same way until Lu Ten died while following his father, who, in turn, was following his own father. Iroh gives Zuko the ultimatum ‘Who are you and what do you want?’, and I think it echoes that Iroh is finally living his own version of that. He’s getting his own business in a trade that excites him, that defines him. No longer is he war mongering, no longer is he hunting avatars or burning down villages. He’s going to have a business that is HIS. It’s IROH’S place. It is who and what he is. As a place that will keep him and Zuko living in luxury, it’s the next best thing to living back at the palace.
But it’s not Zuko’s. And yet, again, I don’t think Iroh intended for Zuko to serve tea his whole life; I think he was hoping Zuko would begin to make friends, to find his own passions. Maybe even begin getting an education in Ba Sing Se.
But the city was their only refuge for an indefinite amount of time; Iroh has lived a long life. Zuko is only 16; and a brash boy like that living the rest of his life in this one (big) city? It was going to drive him mad.
But then Zuko joins Azula and Iroh is taken back to the Fire Nation in chains. When he and Zuko reunite, Iroh denies the throne and decides to go back to The Jasmine Dragon.
I’m not concerned about Zuko taking the throne (they could have done more to make him WANT to be a leader for the Fire Nation, but hey at least he knew the war had to stop and he wanted Aang to defeat Ozai; but I’m getting off topic); but I DO hate that Iroh steps back into the shadows of the teashop.
The Jasmine Dragon is situated in the upper ring of Ba Sing Se; where the wealthiest and most important citizens live. Iroh, a man who spent his tale of Ba Sing Se helping people, is a Grand Lotus, and loved music night on his boat, is now alienated from the majority of the world. A man who knew the war had to end, a man who is enlightened, just goes back to an enclosed life; away from the boy who cried when he forgave him.
Honestly, The Jasmine Dragon needed to change with Iroh and Zuko’s relationship. It either needed to leave Ba Sing Se, or be reopened in the Fire Nation. I think it would be important for Iroh to continue his tea shop; it’s what he wants, and Zuko would see that. But I think it’s obvious Zuko wants his family. Ozai is imprisoned and Azula is hospitalized. Regardless of Zuko’s age, not only is he a new royal, he was away for 3 very formative years and is suddenly Fire Lord. He’s gonna need a little bit of backup.
So while the overall concept of the Jasmine Dragon is something I enjoy, the way it’s used in canon just kind of really bothers me. It’s built on survival and Iroh and Zuko finally being able to use their new luxury to live the best lives they can while forced into Ba Sing Se’s walls. But now they don’t need that promise as they’re free and essentially pardoned from both the Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom.
I do believe, though, that Iroh has pretty much lost his connection with the Fire Nation; but that doesn’t mean he should just leave Zuko Alone (haha). I think it would be interesting to see Iroh struggle with what he feels to be ‘home’ after everything that’s happened. As a man created to destroy, he was all over the world waging war; but now he feels little attachment to his birthplace, and yet, even with his place in the White Lotus and alliance with the Avatar, there are bound to be reservations about him being in different Nations. Yet, there are reparations to be made, and I think that would suit Iroh to travel and be an agent of the new Fire Lord, sending supplies and help to places to oversee rebuilding, again, especially as a member of the White Lotus.
But also, Iroh is probably ready to stay in one place for a little while. But for it to just straight up not be with his nephew? The Jasmine Dragon was created to support them both - I feel like going straight there without having been at Zuko’s coronation or ensuring his reign began as strong as it could cuts the foundations of the importance of the Jasmine Dragon.
I love the thought of Iroh being able to have his tea shop, a thing of beauty that he can share passion and art with others instead of being the Dragon of the West - but not in a way that drives a wedge between him and the most important person in his life.
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pnkq · 11 months
The entire history of Eddsworld based on my knowledge of nothing: alright, so pretty much in 1992, Wayne’s World was made and you’re probably thinking, what does that have to do with eddsworld? But I have answers for you, my friend. This guy Edd who was only like 4 years old at the time made a comic called Edd’s World, with correct grammar because sure. Then timeskip like 7 years later and kaboom Eddsworld begins. But it’s like Edd’s World cus sure. And then Edd meets this guy named Matt and friendship ensues. Then the first Eddsworld animations are made but they’re just GIFs about characters dying and stuff like that. Then in like 2001 Edd joins Neopets and makes a guild or something called Edd’s Kill-a-thon but that gets changed to just Edd’s World later on. And then Edd’s World comics start getting made. But digitally this time. Cool. Then in 2002 Edd gets flash which will be important later on. He makes a lot of stuff on flash and it’s pretty cool so yeah. Then he makes his first ever game, Interactive Stickfaces. Nice. But then the Edd’s World comic ends and there’s a cartoon called four-limbed freak but that only lasted like 4 episodes. Then he makes more stuff. And in June 2003 he joins Newgrounds, which is cool as well. Then more stuff is made by Edd. Like a lot of stuff. BUT THEN SOMETHING INTERESTING HAPPENS!! So basically Edd meets Thomas, or just Tom. Nice. Now there’s like 3 people. But then in November 2004 Tom and Tord like officially join. Tord came in like somewhere not 100% sure. 2006 bad shit happens. Like Edd gets cancer and Tord gets suicide threats but Tom and Edd joined Youtube so cool. Luckily in 2007, cancer ends. 2008 Tord gets sick of this shit and leaves. 2010 WTFuture releases which is apparently Edd’s favorite Eddisode. Nice. But then 2011 comes along and Edd gets cancer again. Shit. 2012. Tragedy. Edd makes his last ever animation: 5ever. Edd dies from leukemia in March. Then Tomska gets diagnosed with depression. Edd’s funeral happened. Tomska hires another guy to voice Edd and another another guy to animate. This is the start of Legacy. Well now that that terrible year of 2012 was over we got 2013. More animators, that’s pretty much it. 2014. Fun Dead comes out, and that’s like the most popular one. Then in 2015 Mirror Mirror comes out but that’s not really that important. AND THEN IN 2016 The End comes out and everyone’s hopes got way too high and they thought Tord might come back. Spoiler: he doesn’t he just leaves again. Then a ton of people leave, including Tomska, the voice of Edd, and the animator. So pretty much now we have: Matt and Edd’s family. That’s all. 2020 and George Gould (Edd’s brother) voices Edd now. 2022 and another Eddisode comes out in over a year. 2023 and Eddsworld gets their own Youtooz but woops nevermind it sold out. And that’s pretty much it because I don’t see us in 2024 yet, you? 
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Yyyooooooo requests are open???😳😳😳😳
Please, Can I get a Ranboo x Affectionate!Reader? Ty!! :D
And please, don't worry about your writing, it's pretty good. At first get might get a little bit nervous and anxious about our own writing, but trust me, with the time you will enjoy it more. Just keep it up the good work!! :]💞💗🌺
THANK YOU @anima-chara YOU SAVED MY SANITY :D I really appreciate the support!! It means a lot <3
Thanks to everyone who liked the first set of headcanons as well!! Hope you guys are doing well and enjoy these ones too :D
ONE MORE THING REQUESTS ARE STILL OPEN!! I'm gonna get them out as quickly as possible once they're sent in! I'm only writing for Ranboo, but I'm open to writing one-shots as well as headcanons, so go wild!
(if the cut gets put in a weird spot I'm sorry I tried to fix it 😂😭)
Ranboo x Affectionate! Reader
-Ranboo would be a great hugger, first of all.
-you need a hug? you wouldn't even need to ask. he probably knew you needed it before you did
-gives you one of his YouTooz plushies in case he's not around and you need comfort :3
-he would love holding you. being so tall, it's easy for him and if you enjoy it? that much more worth it
-be prepared for him to flex his height. resting his arm on top of your head, patting your hair, etc.
-if you have long hair he would definitely play with it
-probably tried to put little clips in your hair during a stream once
-and wasn't surprised to get a pink hair clip of his own not long after
-really he would love a clingy partner <3
-or if your love language tended to be more gift-giving/making things for him he would cherish every little thing
-you buy him a sweatshirt? he's wearing it as often as possible.
-you make food? he's gonna keep on telling you how good it is whether or not you trust your own cooking (dw guys this was aimed at myself-)
-matching necklaces. if you got matching necklaces he would wear his almost everywhere
-he'd especially like wearing it when you were there as well and he could show off that the necklace matched yours
-if you prefer just spending time with him over gifts or any of that? be ready for him to plan so much fun stuff to do
-like. probably if you tried there could be enough footage for a vlog every other day
-he plans walks through little parks, streaming, or even just playing Beatsaber with you for fun without doing a stream.
-if you like coffee he'd find a nice quiet little place where you two could stay and chill
-in general he enjoys having you stream with him
-when he streams horror games and you start getting scared? nope that's not allowed
-this man whips out a blanket so fast
-"blanky mode time, chat" and then he's back to the game once you're comfy. still turning around to check on you every so often
-he would definitely keep a close eye on your mood in general
-if you're out and about and you start looking tired, he notices
-"we should go home and watch a movie, how does that sound?"
-just really enjoys you and being with you no matter how clingy you might be
-be prepared for all the dad jokes while you sit together doing nothing much
-he wants to make sure you don't doubt your worth to him
-especially if you have a loud personality/think you're annoying to people
-or if anyone ever called you annoying
-he would comfort you as best he could
-reassures you that he loves you for your personality and no one else's opinions make any difference to what he thinks
-genuinely cares and wants to be sure you are okay and confident in yourself
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-here have another picture of oreo boy-
So that's all I have for now, hopefully it was what you wanted!! I tried to include a few different points if yk what I mean xD
Hope you enjoyed and thank you all for reading!!
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tscritical · 1 year
hey my dude! i got a weird question if that's alright, and you don't have to answer it if you don't want to. i'm just really curious what your thought process is (in a casual/lighthearted way dw).
anyway, i notice in a lot of your criticisms here you mention thomas not giving fans what they want/were promised. you also (i think) criticize thomas for falling into capitalist/advertising shtuff like he's a company like disney? (those were the vibes i got anyway). anyway, if he's just another creator online who shouldn't be acting like a company, why is it an issue that he isn't producing the content that fans want? since he's not rlly a company, he doesn't necessarily owe fans anything in particular. also please disregard the whole patreon thing in this, that's a whole different gross can of worms and yeah i agree with what you've said about it
lmao can you tell i'm just getting used to hearing criticisms at thomas sorry xd
anyway! another reminder i respect you and your blog. I just think i might be misunderstanding something possibly?
basically what it comes down to is the false promises. like, thomas has made so many announcements that were like “hey we’re doing this thing in order to make more content more quickly!” including the asides videos, the patreon (i know you said disregard it but it’s an important factor), and… whatever the fuck that What Is Coming Up Everybody video was supposed to do
the asides didn’t do shit, the patreon isn’t worth it, and WICUE is nothing but fan service
and the fact that he won’t just admit that somethings screwy is. grrrrr
it’s hard to like. express my thoughts correctly. but basically i know he doesn’t technically owe us anything, but it’s the fact that he’s made so many promises of “more content” and we’re still starved for it. does that. make sense
like if someone promises me a cake, and they don’t follow through, im gonna be pissed even though they don’t technically owe me a cake. but they went back on a promise of cake and damn it i was looking forward to that cake!
and yeah the ads piss me off to no end. he’s basically saying “i know sanders sides hasn’t been updated since the dawn of time but you guys still love it so here’s a bunch of merch instead of actual content! now give me your money” and it’s like. weird
pretty much, it’s the false promises, lack of communication, and capitalizing off a series that may or may not be abandoned because when’s the last time we got an update on the progress
like i love the merch aside from the youtooz bullshit (fuck youtooz) but come on. you could be working on the finale. but yeah. the jam tastes good i guess
i hope this answers your questions i tried ksjdkd
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anxiety-party · 2 years
I didn’t expect to be so effected with emotion over this.
I was a fan of Technoblade for almost a year now through my friend getting me into dreamsmp
I made text posts after watching the video but it didn’t feel enough.
Cancer sucks.
Let’s start with that.
I’m not good with words but Technoblade was an awesome person.
Someone who inspired a lot of people.
He’s one of the many YouTubers who inspired me to make a YouTube channel of my own.
It’s funny how literally the day before that video came out YouTube was recommending me Technoblade clip completions and I was watching some of them with his youtooz plushie in my arms not knowing what was coming the next day.
About a month ago one of my teachers died of cancer too.
I considered him as one of the best teachers ever and he had been battling this long before I got into high school which I never knew.
I think they would’ve gotten along in another life honestly
Never dwell on the fact someone isn’t here anymore, be happy they existed, be happy they were here
As fans we never truly knew him but we loved the videos he made, his humour, his mad skills in this block game.
You’ve impacted so many people in your life and through your YouTube career, you will never be forgotten
Technoblade, you fucking badass legend of a human being, I wish your family and friends all the best while you’re off on your next battle against god.
Good luck
We’ll miss you
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a-door-to-somewhere · 2 years
Ive been watching him since minecraft monday. I remember the elation. not really knowing who anybody else was. how scuffed the games were. My first vid of his was of an admin interrupting his bedwars game in hypixel, and I, a hypixel player at the time, thought ‘who is this guy and how is he friends with the admins???’ I remember being so proud when he started becoming infamous in mcm. I drew him fanart when he hit 1 mil. I wish i had posted it like i’d wanted to. I miss SMPearth, for all of the ways that era was, it still provided good moments. I was there when he conquered the world. I was there for bannerlord. I was there to watch that pay to win charity livestream, though I couldn’t donate. I wish I had. I was there at his first mcc, and his last. I was there when making merch beyond youtooz was just a dream. I was there for his ace race records and battlebox kills and every time survival games screwed him over. I watched him play vr. I watched him on other streams, on ultimate chicken horse, on among us, talking.. I remember becoming a channel member. I wish id done it sooner. and the thing is, every part of it was imbued with waiting, hoping for the future. I remember wishing he would play a game besides minecraft just for the meme. I think it’d be funny to see him play a horror game. I remember wishing he’d collab with someone or another, wish he’d tell more greek myths on stream, wish he’d play build battle on hypixel so I could feel better at something than him. there was always hope. the next stream, next video, next crumbs. I was optimistic. Hed been gone this long before, and he’d been fine. his arms were getting better, he could lift them in the vr video. everything seemed fine. 
i hope he wasn’t in pain. i hope he knew we loved him, i hope he got to say goodbye properly. 
i didn’t mean to make this sad. i just wanted to write my feelings out, and remember some of my favorite memories of him. Please interact if you want to add your own. 
I think I’ll post my fanart of him. Even the old cringy ones. I wish I hadn’t waited.
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heyitsjamsai · 4 years
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conarcoin · 3 years
can ccs please stop collaborating with youtooz already considering they have a fucking insane track record of treating artists and other people like shit
tommytooz artist
technoplane art theft
youtooz’ use of copyrighted characters without permission
technotooz ad artist
blocking for mentioning copyright holder
ranboo plushies + poor compensation
youtooz refunding a minor’s purchase and threatening to sue them for making a website criticizing them (more)
ugandan knuckles figures (ugandan knuckles is a racist meme mocking ugandan people.)
original mob schlatt design
l’mantooz contest
using someone’s dog’s likeness without permission for profit
and then trying to contact the owner LATER to make another youtooz of their dog
youtooz copyright striking independent artists on redbubble for using schlatt’s ram character (schlatt has stated he is ok with fan merch.)
youtooz stealing from jschlatt’s emote artists and paying them under $100 each
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frog-writes-for-fun · 2 years
so its pretty much known that youtooz often steals designs & doesn't credit artists (or so i believe), so can you make ranboo getting another youtooz of his own but he isn't aware that his friend, reader, is the OG designer of it? and like- youtooz did the ol' "steal design" thing since reader uploaded a design of a youtooz as a joke, but then boom, an actual youtooz looks like the exact design you uploaded, but youtooz didn't pay you, credit you, or somesort. and then ranboo found out about it, and then ranboo was like "oh, crap, i'm so sorry" and tries to make it up to them, even though reader reassured him that it was okay and that he didn't know? thanks.
they them pls, gn reader
Hello anon! Thanks for the request, I enjoyed writing it!
Ahh… Capitalism
cc!Ranboo x gn!Reader (platonic)
Summary: Y/n, an artist on Twitter, creates a fake merch design. Soon after, one of their friends announces that they are releasing a suspiciously similar piece of merchandise.
Warnings: Capitalism? There’s not really any warnings for this one.
Note: Stealing art is not cool guys! Share and reblog art and fics, don’t repost or steal them!
Tumblr media
You had recently reached a follower goal on Twitter. As a thank you, you set up a poll for your next art piece so your audience could vote.
The project was going to be a fake figurine design, but you wanted your followers to pick who it would be for. The options were a few of your friends’ canon characters, and Ranboo won the poll in a landslide.
You ended up quite happy with the final result of your design, and posted it. Before you closed the bird app, the likes started rolling in. You hadn’t tagged Ranboo in the art, assuming he’d see it anyway since you followed each other.
A few days later, you were watching one of your friend’s streams. He was chatting with Tubbo and the viewers while drawing the lore of the Dream SMP and you were only half-listening as you worked on a commission piece.
Something caught your ear and you focused on the stream in time to catch it. Apparently your friend was partnering with YouTooz to release a new figurine.
“‘Can we see it yet?’ Well, chat, they haven’t printed any that I can show you yet.” Ranboo finished the stick figure of his character in MS Paint.
“You should see the concept art chat! It’s really good.” Tubbo sounded excited as he added his commentary.
“I think YouTooz is releasing the art on Twitter tomorrow.” Ranboo switched to a blank canvas. “I could give chat a bit of a spoiler…” He trailed off, seemingly thinking about the pros and cons of showing off the merch.
An image appeared on his canvas, a silhouette of what must be the figure. You looked at it briefly before turning back to your work in progress.
You didn’t plan to linger on the image long, but something stood out to you. It was almost like you’d seen it before, but you couldn’t quite place it. You tried to put it out of your mind, but it kept coming back.
The next day, the full design was posted on Twitter and you immediately realized why it seemed so familiar. That was 100% your art. The artists’ mark you had put in the corner of the canvas had been covered up with the company logo.
Several of your followers had already commented under the post, tagging you and asking YouTooz for artist recognition at the least.
You took a moment to sort through your notifications, trying to figure out what to do about this, when a private message came from Ranboo.
“Hey, y/n, I see you’re being tagged in a lot of comments about the YouTooz. I’m hoping you can straighten this out. Is that your art?”
You quickly replied, saying that it was and attaching the original file with the artist's signature intact.
His response was vaguely panicked, something along the lines of “oh shoot I’m so sorry I can get it taken down if you want or at least get them to pay you or something”
You reassured him: “Hey, you’re fine. You didn’t steal the art, that was the company. Ahh… the joys of capitalism”
As it turns out, he hadn’t seen the art before YouTooz showed it to him as a piece of concept art, since it had gotten lost in his Twitter timeline.
Ranboo was absolutely willing to negotiate with YouTooz to get you proper credit and pay for the work, or even cancel production if you didn’t want your art to be used for that purpose.
He both explained on stream and on Twitter that you were the one responsible for the amazing art that had gotten stolen, and encouraged people to check out your other art.
Ranboo (@ranboosaysstuff)
Hey everyone! This amazing piece of art that was recently used to promote my YouTooz was actually made by my good friend @y/ndraws! Go check them out and give them all the love!
The shoutout definitely gained you a few thousand more followers, so at least something good came of this mess.
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