holymaccaronii · 2 months
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If I ever get to do a small comic for the prologue of my AU, I’d like it to be narrated as a myth of sorts and illustrated simply. I like it a lot when series / movies have these type of scenes since you get to understand the context from the surface, and they also look very cool :3. This reminded me of the intro of Hercules (Disney) too, kinda wanna get to that.
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candied-cae · 8 months
I know some folks have been saying “Ed wanted to die in the same place he laid next to Stede-“ WRONG! HE WANTED TO DIE WHERE STEDE LAID NEXT TO HIM!!!
The place Auntie points out as being where his head was crushed by the cannon ball is the exact spot where Stede’s head had been during the arrest and that’s even more insane than the first option. (Anyway, I wanted to correct that assumption. It’s only a matter of like 2 feet, but I still find it an important detail, and figured a visual might help!)
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justaz · 4 months
druids can NOT speak in people’s minds. when they are before a high priestess, they can pray to her directly and she can hear them (hence the scene between morgana and mordred when he spoke in her mind).
merlin who constantly has this buzzing in the back of his head that he can never understand besides the occasional odd word which makes no sense. but when he’s closer to a druid or when their prayer is super strong, then he can make out what they’re saying.
merlin who brings up the fact that druids can speak into peoples minds to gaius who casually unfurls a scroll containing his ongoing list of reasons why merlin is/evidence of merlin being a god of the old religion.
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spinjitsuburst · 3 months
i still haven't seen the trailer i'm waiting for my partner to get home from work so we can watch it together but what the fuck does cinder do y'all are talking like he's smiting children
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kazoologist · 16 days
congratulations to Mme. Pascale Leclerc, who has surely just experienced both the funniest and most unhinged weekend a mother could ever have. Dear fucking christ, I hope your middlest son brought you a bottle of champagne for yourself, ma'am.
#kazoo noises#charles leclerc#cl16#monaco gp 2024#zoomies posting#sports posting#like man. where to begin. one of your racecar children is back in town for the weekend. he has yet to have a truly good work#weekend it seems in town. now this year. we're feeling ourselves a bit. we're feeling optimistic even. and then ur son becomes talk of town#because he keeps doing fucking bits on twitter about adopting his coworker who is friends with your youngest son. this goes on long enough#for actual reporters to comment on it. no one is willing to blink first so by friday night we've yes-anded ourselves to a grandson#(congratulations mme leclerc)#things go well. and then at qualifying they go DAMN WELL#BETTER THAN EVER REALLY! but man. im superstitious. i dont trust shit until its over and the dust has cleared#(the adoption jokes have continued by the way) and MEANWHILE everyone is eyeing that starting grid. were humming. we're making vague hand#gestures when commenting. we're all thinking. Maybe? (the streets can hear u tho. keep it down)#race starts. lap one CHAOS. so many fucking crashes. i'd faint if i had a child even in karting honestly.#(every parent in this sport deserves a prescription for laudanum)#but he's not in it. hes at the front. and he. well. he just Stays There. Through It All. and the laps tick down. until the race is run. and#there he is. your middlest son. cross the line and into the books. first place. home town. what curse indeed. thats your boy!!!!!!!! THERE!#they play the radio of him winning and the audio is peaked because he screams out so loudly. you can hear the water in the laughter.#later theres gonna be videos and photos taken of him pushing his boss into the harbor and diving right in after the man. those photos are#gonna be fucking studied in photography classes one day. and STILL! everyone involved with that goofy joke about him adopting his coworker#(who. despite all the silliness of the race stayed second place and got a podium) is still carrying the bit like a baton relay. Do you have#him over for family dinner? might as well add a plate i guess! people are joking about your youngest son having two nephews? a dog born#maybe a month ago and a man born about... what twenty three years and about a month ago? fuck it! family dinner#sorry this bit got away from me but as someone who loves my homecity and my mom so much it might actually be like.#a visible growth inside my body if they do an autopsy on me at time of death or like. my love will eat me alive. sometimes the charratives#gets to me#anyway cheers mme leclerc i hope you party so fucking hard this week
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the-holy-ghosted · 7 months
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he probably broke up a few fights between fitz and crozier right? probably? that's the only excuse i have for this
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fangirlfreak08 · 4 months
RIP Lockwood & Co, you would’ve loved where is the justice from death note the musical
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humanmaybe · 10 months
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
Malice (Dad Squad)
Fair warning, this does have TotK content but none of it is spoilers. It's all literally stuff from the trailer. But anyway, I had fun writing it. :)
The lurch was absolutely nauseating.
Rusl shivered on his hands and knees, dizzy and disoriented and so unbelievably ill. He'd never been pulled in so many directions at once at such an unimaginable speed. He could barely make out his surroundings, having been torn from the jungle where they'd been wandering.
Taking steadying breaths, Rusl kept his eyes squeezed shut to reorient and not throw up. He remained stiff, not daring to move until the wave of nausea had passed. As his mind slowly stopped spinning,
The grass beneath him was damp, littered with little stones, which was the first thing he noticed. The stones felt... unnaturally shaped. Running a finger along it, he felt the curved edges, the too straight lines framing it.
Cobblestone. Cobblestone with grass growing through it, so withered and worn it was barely there anymore.
More ruins?
Exhaling, Rusl slowly opened his eyes. It was a dismally dark day, wherever they were. Storm clouds brooded overhead, he could tell by the lighting and the damp. Beside him, Abel was laying on the ground staring up at the sky, fingers pinching the bridge of his nose. The Fierce Deity was crouched just a pace away from the pair, apparently reorienting faster.
Rusl wasn't surprised.
The Ordonian leaned back on his knees and feet, a trembling hand reaching for Abel's shoulder. "Are you alright?"
"Headache," Abel muttered before sitting up. "I'll be fine. But..."
The Fierce Deity rose to his full height, helping Rusl to his feet. The blacksmith stumbled a little, dizzy at the speed at which the deity lifted him up.
Rusl's companion opened his eyes, glancing around before gasping. "This is--this is just outside of Castle Town! How did--did that item bring us here?"
This was Castle Town?
Rusl looked around again, horrified to see the ruined remains of what should have been a sprawling city. He'd seen pieces of ruins, leftover outposts, a destroyed wagon here and there, but nothing of this magnitude.
Spirits above. He swallowed, suddenly thankful that the Twili invasion hadn't reached this level of destruction.
"But how did we--?" Abel cut himself off abruptly, and Rusl was about to ask what was wrong when he noticed it too.
What was that aura? Why was there ominous mist emitting from all around them, oozing out of the ground like steam from a boiling lake?
The Fierce Deity hissed, collapsing to the ground, a hand clutched to his face.
"Fierce...?" both men made their way to him, hands hovering over him uncertainly.
The deity was trembling, in obvious pain with his sharp teeth bared and eyes glaring into the earth. His hand on his face slid up to his hair, fingers curling around it in a desperate attempt to alleviate whatever was wrong.
"What's wrong?" Abel asked.
Fierce curled in farther, shriveling from their attempts to touch him. "It's the mask."
"What mask?" Rusl questioned.
As the Ordonian tried to figure out what in the blazes was happening, Abel's eyes roamed forward towards the city, and beyond it, to the castle.
"This mist..." he muttered. "It's the same as..."
Rusl looked between Abel and the Fierce Deity, wondering what in the world was happening and how they could fix this. "We need to get him out of here."
"Kill him." Fierce suddenly snarled, pulling away when Rusl tried to reach for his shoulder. "I'll be fine. Get him."
"Who? Who are you talking about?" Rusl asked, growing far more nervous than he cared to feel. He was usually fairly adaptable and had seen so many things that had little explanation in his life, but seeing a war god writhing in pain was beyond unsettling, particularly since he was his friend.
Abel rose, eyes dark. "It can't be..."
Rusl was clearly missing something, a connection that both of his companions had made. Nevertheless, the priority was to help the Fierce Deity, not worry about whoever they were talking about.
Abel clearly didn't seem to understand that, gripping his sword with enough ferocity to make his knuckles white. He marched ahead.
"Abel, what are you doing?" Rusl called. "We have to get Fierce out of here!"
When he got no response from the world weary traveler, he looked back at the deity, who insisted through gritted teeth, "Go with him. I'll be fine."
He looked distinctly not fine, but watching Abel walk into a heavier dark mist made Rusl equally unsettled. The Ordonian sighed. "Get away from here. Find somewhere safe to lay low. I can help you--"
"No," Fierce hissed. "I do not require help. Abel does."
"I will retreat as instructed," the deity acquiesced shakily. "But help him."
Abel had almost vanished into the darkness. Rusl bit his tongue, standing stiffly, filled with dread and annoyance. "Fine."
Drawing his blade, he hurried after the former knight, feeling cold dread sink into his bones the closer to the castle he got.
Abel's world was a desolate place, filled with mausoleums for villages, but this place had to be the pinnacle of it all. Rusl didn't want to get any closer. Had those guardian creatures really caused such destruction?
Despite his misgivings, the Ordonian did manage to catch up to Abel, who was slowly descending a stairway into the damp depths beneath the castle.
"I don't understand," Abel said softly as Rusl approached. "There are no guardians here. There's... no sign of anything."
"I'd say this mist is a pretty clear sign," Rusl pointed out, grabbing Abel by the wrist. "As is our friend's ailment. We should go back to him. There's something wrong about this place."
Abel pulled out of Rusl's grip sharply. "I know. It..."
The two men stared at the dark abyss below. Abel's face glowed with equal parts determination and dread. He was just as scared as Rusl, but rather than listening to his gut instinct, he ventured forward.
Rusl sighed. This man was beginning to remind him of Link.
Rusl had been to many a place that gave unnerving auras, but that had always been milder sensations. A feeling of being watched, an innate sense of danger to the area that would linger near dungeons. This... this was something entirely different.
This, for lack of a better word, felt demonic.
Pulling out a lantern, Rusl lit the wick and glanced at his companion. "If you're insistent, we should at least have a means of seeing where we're going."
Abel nodded in thanks before continuing. Rusl sighed and followed him down the stairs.
The farther they went, the sicker Rusl felt. He broke into a cold sweat, shivers racking his body. He'd never had such a visceral reaction to anything - even the Twili barriers that infected his world, despite their wrongness, hadn't made him physically ill. They'd felt more like the sensation of being in the dark, an overbearing heaviness and fear of the unknown, whereas this felt like a violation of body, mind, and soul.
He honestly didn't know how Abel wasn't at least reacting to it. Even the Fierce Deity had been affected. It had crippled him.
Spirits. It had crippled a war god. What were they doing down here?!
"Abel," Rusl tried again. "We should go back."
"What happened to your cheer for exploration?" Abel asked in a monotone, not really asking so much as distractedly challenging. He was far more focused on what was ahead than his companion behind him.
"I have a sense of self preservation," Rusl replied. "We don't know what we're walking into."
"It's like the Calamity," Abel muttered, more to himself than to Rusl. "But it's... I don't understand."
"The Calamity?" Rusl repeated. "The destruction of your land?"
"The Calamity isn't just an event, it's a monster," Abel explained, walking ahead despite his ominous words.
"So... we're walking towards the monster that destroyed the entirety of Hyrule," Rusl supposed with a raised eyebrow, continuing to follow his friend.
Abel huffed, stepping hesitantly as they seemed to reach the bottom of the stairway. "I don't hear any guardians yet."
"Those aren't the Calamity?"
"No. The Calamity used the guardians."
Rusl looked around warily, lantern raised. "So we're potentially looking for a beast that is stronger than guardians. And a single guardian can annihilate both of us."
Abel's shoulders stiffened, and he shook his head. "Dammit, Rusl, I don't know. This... this mist surrounded the capital on the eve of the Calamity. But... then the Calamity happened. Nothing is happening here, except that our companion is falling ill because of it."
"We should be trying to help him," Rusl reasoned.
Abel turned sharply. "This is me helping. He... he said..."
"He said kill him," Rusl repeated, a little disturbed at the words.
Abel grew very still and silent.
"Do you really think we can defeat something that is incapacitating a war god?" Rusl asked solemnly, trying to get through to the knight. "I had an entire resistance to assist me in my journey to save Hyrule, and inevitably it was Link who did the most work."
"Yes. Link. A child." Abel hissed. "We left the fate of our nation in the hands of children and expected them to--"
There was the sound of a foot scuffing on a rock and both men immediately froze. It came from somewhere ahead, vague and distant and bouncing in the chilly air, steadily making its path to them. It moved rhythmically, steps on stone, growing ever quieter.
Someone else was down here.
Someone else was down here and they were walking further into the abyss.
Abel stepped forward, sword at the ready. Rusl followed, armed and on edge.
Who else was down here? Had they heard the two men arguing? Was it just Rusl, or was the mist getting thicker?
The pair walked through some unusual corridors, and though Rusl's lamplight wasn't the best, he could make out odd shapes and figures in the stone. Abel glanced at it in passing, noting it and moving ahead. Neither man spoke at this point, ears peeled for any indication that they had caught up to whoever else was down here.
For such a foreboding place, there was certainly a strange lack of monsters. Rusl didn't know if he should find that reassuring or not.
Finally, the two men descended further and emerged into a large underground cavern of sorts. A strange light shone ahead, dulling Rusl's lamplight to that of a mere stub of a candle. The pair paused, uncertain and leery. Rusl's eyes settled on a strange swirling pattern of light that emitted from a... severed arm? The arm was perched on a half rotted corpse, almost as if it were pushing the corpse to the ground.
As if this place couldn't get any creepier.
Notably, though, Rusl's eyes caught movement. Up by the mummified body were two other figures, their voices lost in the echoes of the large space. All he could make out was that one was a female and one was a male. The male had a sword with an uncomfortably familiar shape to its hilt.
Rusl squinted in the darkness. It was hard to tell from here, but something about the swordsman's blade... he tried to focus more on it but couldn't, not at that distance with the dim light. The Ordonian turned to his companion and saw Abel transfixed at the sight.
"Is... this the Calamity?" he whispered. Was the foe already defeated? Was it trying to recuperate its strength? Who were the two in front of it?
Abel didn't answer. Voices grew louder, a strange sound emitted from ahead of them, and Rusl jumped, turning to look at the scene ahead of him to find that the corpse was moving.
There was a flash of light and the entire room shook. Rusl grabbed on to Abel's arm, pushing both of them against the wall to brace themselves as the entire place seemed to crumble in a flash of red, hellish light.
Abel dove forward, and Rusl yelped, pulling him back and trying to fight his vicious energy.
Abel was frantic; he didn't even seem to notice Rusl was there anymore. Instead, a scream tore out of his throat, desperate and pleading and terrified.
The ceiling collapsed, and they were sealed into darkness.
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eiragon · 27 days
eragon is trans. send tweet
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mooseyspooky · 29 days
my top 10 songs right now for @lovely-lady-fox and @staticspxcelover (using youtube and Spotify cause I cannot be stopped)
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sukugo · 8 months
So as a fellow sukugo shrine sweeper, I feel like I have to share this with you first:
That's it. It was over. They all watched as Gojo fell to the rubble beneath his feet. Shallow, raspy breaths and the gurgling of blood would only be poetic in a moment such as this.
"You fought well, my sorcerer." Sukuna's words weren't a verbal sneer. He stated it as fact, therefore it was so. He walked to the highest pile of former buildings and sat down. "I will give you a choice, Satoru Gojo. You die here and now, or you can crawl to me. After all, it would be a shame to lose you. You've taught me something that no one else could."
Everything was shaking. It was too much but nothing at all. Gojo could only cling to the voice in front of him, to the eyes of the god before him. Crawl, Sukuna had said. What did he have to lose? The world was fucked either way, and he had caused so much destruction.
The refuge in his audacity had run out.
The refuge ahead was still here. Just a few steps away.
Stumbling was something he didn't think was possible when crawling. He never had to worry about it before.
A clawed hand raked through his blood crusted hair. If he wasn't using the king of curses as a bedrock for his sanity, he might have been startled.
"There we are, Satoru. I'm glad you made the right decision. Come here, and I will tell you what you taught me." He pulled Gojo between his legs and the sorcerer laid his head on the other's leg. He felt Sukuna healing his wounds right under his fingertips, and gasped as it overflowed into his bones.
Not quite healing, but more a brand. A mark of victory, pouring into his cracked cup of a body. He felt Sukuna filling every empty space, not just his mind, but his physical form as well.
He didn't know when his eyes had closed, but Malevolent Shrine was kinda hard to miss.
"Why so quiet all of a sudden?"
"It's not empty anymore. It's quiet." Was it always this dark?
"Your six eyes caused that void. I removed the problem. Made you whole. You were born rare, but also broken. Empty. I suspected that was what was wrong with you, but... you don't have to worry about that now."
"Explains why everything is so fucking dark."
A barking laugh came from above him.
"A small price for me filling your void."
"Careful now, I'm already on my knees." Gojo wise cracked. "But what did I teach you?"
"Love." That's... not what he was expecting. " You and I are very similar. That is the reason why our fight was as fulfilling as it was destructive. We fill and heal the void that makes us restless... but only you can give that to me. Just as I will be the only one for you."
The curse lifted him up onto his lap, and Gojo gently examined his remains of his eyes. Gone.
"When they regenerate, they will be no different than normal eyes, little sorcerer."
"I would prefer if my love could see me." Gojo parted his lips to speak, but an insistent press of lips took the words from him.
When they parted, Gojo could only formulate one solid question:
"What would I see, Sukuna?"
The god holding him, his grin unseen, leaned back into his throne.
"That I alone...
...am the exalted one."
Sorry if this is really long or seem ooc, I was vibing to Neoni and things happened. I hope you enjoy though!!
sorry i just. i need a fucking moment. IAUGHKDGAJFHKJLJASDLAJFKADKASÑ IM SCREAMING
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a junkyard dog ain't always pretty but you always love that toothless smile
#i miss tyler bertuzzi#liv in the replies#the absolute way i just got bodied by shake it out coming on as i uploaded the pictures to this post#um. sorry not sorry. the google doc/pdf of the quote that i used for this was literally titled#god fuckin curse the notesapp i wrote two years ago#directly referencing the note i have (pretty sure from when the maple leafs seemed really serious about wanting bert) & i remember#being slammed out of NOWHERE by the sudden thought (because i've been preparing for years for bert to leave) (andreas in feb moe in april)#verbatim: if tyler bertuzzi ever gets traded or retires it's catalog of unabashed gratitude the heart part and i will sob#S T O P#tyler bertuzzi#detroit ride or die#this does actually rival we don't have a future we have a dog for some of these for me which. fuck u past me for being so right about this#things that i need you to know for the narrative: oh dumbstruck is tyler's first nhl game (vs the flyers)#thank you every day is from tyler's hat trick & yes the bruins on knucklehead is intentional because it hurt my feelings#also should note. i'm sorry is from when tyler broke his hand this season & no i'm not okay about the narrative of who is he w/o his hands#yeah yeah yeah. the last five make me want to throw up screaming crying shaking wailing#i made it so much worse by looking at dyl's post#dylan larkin#anthony mantha#andreas athanasiou#catalogue of unabashed gratitude [abridged] - ross gay#my sincerest apologies to fabs i simply could not put him in here he was in we don't have a future we have a dog that was all i could take#should i have abridged the last one to say 'for every day'? yeah probably. did i think of that too late? also probably. wait hang on#ooooookay so i did it so now that tag doesn't make sense but it's fine i also have an alt for dumbstruckand pelican heart :)))))))#what i wish i could've made for u but the pictures don't exist is tyler running down the drive barefoot on the phone the day he got drafted#do you really believe in him? is he a good kid? no problems? you're gonna love him. you're gonna love him.#i'm also fully not even gonna talk to y'all about vrana. i can't do that red string tonight. we're also ignoring sunny#STEVE WHAT FUCKING TEAM ARE WE GONNA HAVE TO PLAY WITH#yes i made this exclusively for me no i don’t care yes i am a lil sorry i love him u’ve heard it all before. dilly i’m kissing ur forehead
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dinitride-art · 1 year
“Now I just want you to watch.”
El saw what Henry did to everyone in the lab. She didn’t die, but she had to watch it happen.
Max saw Billy die in front of her. She wasn’t the one in danger, but El was. And she watched her abusive stepbrother die in front of her.
Dustin saw Eddie die. He didn’t go back towards the bats. The bats didn’t hurt him. But he watched Eddie die in his arms.
Hopper didn’t die because of his exposure to the chemicals he was mixing. He watched his daughter die in a hospital bed.
Lucas wasn’t being targeted by Vecna. He wasn’t the one floating in the air, his bones weren’t snapping. But Max’s were. And he watched it happen.
Nancy wasn’t the one who died in the Upside Down, alone in Steve Harrington’s pool. That was her best friend, and Nancy had to watch it all go down. Had to see everyone unfold.
Mike didn’t get possessed. Or kidnapped. Or burst into particles. Mike didn’t die. Or almost die. He watched Will screaming like he was being burned alive. He watched his best friend nearly die and he watched as every adult around him was unable to help him. He watched Will bike away from his house before he disappeared. He heard his mom talking to Joyce the next day. He heard Will on the radio. He saw Will’s body in the water. He heard Bob die. He saw El die. He saw Will dead. He watched a man get shot trying to protect him, Will and Jonathan. He watched him die while putting pressure on the wound.
Mike was shot at.
He was told that he was wrong for trusting El. That Will wasn’t alive.
He had to run for his life because his friend’s body was taken by a being from another dimension that sent creatures to kill him and everyone around him.
He was knocked out by Max’s possessed brother.
He was shot at again in the desert, trying to rescue El who was taken by the government.
He’s been bullied his entire life.
And he did almost die.
Mike jumped off a cliff.
Dustin and El had to watch.
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hellsbedroom · 2 years
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okay but using “yes, chef” to carmy softly
yes of course you’ll whine it in bed and playfully call it out when you visit the beef. but you also try and help soften the word for him. use it where it’s not a weapon or an order or an undermining dig
when he’s cooking the two of you a late night snack, you’re already hugging him from behind, and he asks you to grab something from the fridge. “yes, chef”, you say in the gentlest voice, pecking him on the cheek before you step away
when he’s leaving at the crack of dawn and already apologizing because he won’t be home until super late, you just play with the curls at the nape of his neck and murmur, “yes, chef, won’t be a problem”
when he crawls into bed that night, even later than late, immediately curving an arm around your chest and pulling you close to press a kiss to your hair. “forgive me, baby?” he whispers, knowing it’s waking you up but needing the answer. “always, chef,” you whisper back, settling back into his arms and sighing sweetly
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aengelren · 5 months
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Attack on titan is now permanently over,
messages from the dub voice actors, go leave a comment on their pages
forever grateful for the memories of this journey and having shared it with you all
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