cawnecny · 4 months
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Travis Konecny at All-Star Media Day!
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riosnecktattoo · 2 years
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“You are so pretty.”                                   “Fuck you.”
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bichazards · 4 years
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i barely have enough muse for the things i write currently but now i want to make a merlin blog because i love my idiot magic son.
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evenofbae · 4 years
your tags on that seungyoun set about his chin 😭😭😭 never thought i’d be relating to loving someone’s chin so much but here i am
HE’S SO SCRONCHY!!!!!!!!!!! i mean just how does a boy have so many chin wrinkles and how is he so cute and how does he have such an expressive face i have to know these things!!!!!!!!!!
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5ace · 5 years
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his scronchy face
📸: light of december
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dykebarbie · 6 years
Coffee Shops and Car Rides
did i write reginald x juck fanfiction at 1:00 in the morning??? yes, i did. am i going to regret posting this??? yes i am. tw for death and car accidents
 “Ogg bog bobo.”
    “I love you.”
    Those words had been tattooed on Reginald’s wrist since the day he was born. He had no idea what they meant, and even when googled, the results came up with nothing that would help him figure out who his soulmate was.
    See, for some reason, every person on earth has their soulmate’s last words to them imprinted on their wrist. Kind of stupid to have it be the last words, instead of something useful like their first words, or their name or something, if you asked Reginald. But, no one asked Reginald. He didn’t have many friends. People thought he was weird, and being on the chubby side didn’t help anything.
    There were a few people who had been able to get past his looks and see him for the great person that he was. His friend Gurt for example, a furry with the tendency to threaten to murder people. He would kill anyone who hurt his friends. Next, Roger. Honestly, Reggie didn’t really know that much about Roger, but he seemed like a nice enough guy. Then there was Scronchie, Reggie’s best friend. Scronchie liked to mess with his hair a lot, using funky hair ties and ribbons, and was a big advocate for the LGBTQ community, especially lesbians.
    Last but certainly not least, was Juck. He was basically Reggie’s dream guy, not he would ever tell Juck that. With his five eyes, two mouths, and charming disposition, he was basically everything Reggie could want in a guy. Reggie had been in love with him for six years, and everyone in their friend group knew it, hell, even his whole family knew it. It seemed as though every person knew it except for Juck himself, and Reginald would rather die than tell him and possibly go through the embarrassment of being rejected. So, Reginald pined.
    It has been a slow day at the coffee shop where Reginald worked, NTU. No one actually knew what it stood for, as the owners had found a sticky note with the three letters written on the front stuck to the building when they bought it, but people liked to try and guess.
    Just when Reginald thought he was going to fall asleep at the counter, the bell chimed and his friends walked in, obnoxiously loud in the otherwise dead shop. Reggie quickly prepared their drinks, all of the orders committed to memory. A vanilla steamer for Scronchie, black coffee for Gurt, a long and complicated order that basically boiled down to weird iced tea for Roger, and a hot chocolate for Juck.
    Stuck in his thoughts, Reggie absentmindedly drew hearts next to Juck’s name on the cup, before making the rest of the drinks and handing them out. When Reginald handed Juck his drink, he recieved a weird look, but he didn’t take the time to wonder why.
    After he cleaned up, Reggie clocked out, and was going to take the bus home, when Juck offered to drive him. Reginald agreed, nervously rubbing his wrist where his soulmark was. The last time he had been alone with Juck, they had been kids, just becoming friends. To say the least, he was extremely anxious about everything that he could do wrong.
    As they drove along the highway, the sun setting, Vienna by Billy Joel playing softly over the radio, Juck kept looking at Reggie. Finally, it became too much to bear.
    “What is it?” Reginald asked.
    “Boogobleb.” Reginald looked over exasperatedly.
     “Don’t ‘nothing’ me. Why do you keep looking at me? Is there something on my face?”
    “Ag.” Juck replied.
    “Then what is it?” Reginald brain was working overtime trying to think of a possible explanation.
Juck was silent for a moment, before speaking softly.
    “Goob bggoa bbbbbbbbaoag?” Reginald gulped.
    “Me? I didn’t- I mean, not on purpose,, I drew those hearts on accident. Sorry for messing up your cup.” Juck looked down before speaking again.
    “Reggie, agggob goabbga.” Reggie began to panic as his mind filled with all the things Juck could possibly want to tell him. Maybe Juck didn’t want to be friends with him, in fact, Juck probably hated him, and only offered him a ride home so he could tell him to never talk to him again, and now everything would be ruined, and- Reginald’s thoughts were interrupted by Juck speaking.
    “Gob bogagob ag ogg.” Reginald’s heart began to pound, and even in the dark car he could tell he was blushing. Had he heard correctly? Had Juck really said that he liked him? Reginald looked up, making eye contact with Juck before quickly looking back down. Reginald looked up again, beaming this time, before speaking.
    “I have a crush on you too Juck.” Suddenly, the words began to pour out of Reggie, and before he knew it, he was telling Juck that he had liked him since sixth grade. Reginald found out that Juck had liked him for a while too, but had been too scared to say anything.
    He was watching Juck when they made eye contact again. This time, Reginald just stared at Juck before he saw Juck’s eyes flicker down to his lips. Reggie turned red, then slowly leaned over the center console, finally kissing Juck after what seemed like a lifetime of waiting.
    They pulled away an inch, and stared into each other’s eyes, before Juck murmured three words.
     “Ogg bog bobo.”
    White noise filled Reginald’s ears, and then everything seemed to be happening in slow motion. He felt like he was watching a scene in a movie instead of actually being there.
    He saw Juck push on the gas without looking.
    He saw the truck run the red light and pull around the corner too fast.
    He saw himself yell his soulmate’s name before the impact.
    He saw Juck look up at him one last time before going limp.
Years later, people would ask Reginald how he lost his leg, or what happened to his eye. He would smile, sadness in his eyes, before telling his story.
    “Ogg bog bobo. Those words had been tattooed on my wrist since the day I was born…”
@juckkelly @reginald-sylvester-bo
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breadnoise · 6 years
the way taehyung’s smile literally glows and his entire face lights up with his cute round cheeks and adorable eyesmile and scronchy nose
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