#Henry Cavill mood board
livesinfantasyland · 2 months
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Gus March Phillips x Spy Reader
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oddsnendsfanfics · 2 years
Rancher Sy
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S Valley Ranch has been in the Syverson family since 1885, when Jeb and Doris Syverson bought the piece of land and put their modest two bedroom home and three stall barn on the land.
Handed down over the generations, it now belongs to RS Syverson. Former military man, turned full time rancher. Cattle and horses dot the landscape, along with the original house and barn.
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ktficworld · 11 months
"Nothing comes before nation... Not even myself."
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Please, reblog if you liked it.
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princessmisery666 · 1 year
Daily Mixes Challenge - 2K follower celebration
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I wasn't sure about doing a follower celebration as I'm quite sporadic with posting but I just surpassed 2K followers, I will be celebrating my birthday in May (the same day as Sam Winchester), and my blog will be turning 3 and I wanted to celebrate.
A multi-fandom challenge with no end date for sign ups or posting entries.
Music inspires me in my day to day life and as I have progressive hearing loss I listen to A LOT of music. I want to consume as much as I can before I can’t do it any more.
So my challenge is this: send me an ASK picking one of the below categories: 
Daily Mix 1
Daily Mix 2
Daily Mix 3
Daily Mix 4
Daily Mix 5
Daily Mix 6
Hip Hop
I will hit shuffle on the corresponding Spotify playlist and give you the first song that plays. You then have to write a fic or create a mood board, aesthetic or piece of art based on that song or the feelings it gives you.
More Info below the cut.
I will make sure no one gets the same song.
For anyone who doesn’t use Spotify, it creates “made for you” playlists that are personalised to your tastes and they change from day to day. It changes DAILY, so I don’t know what song you could get. I listen to anything from cheesy pop to hardcore rock.
Info & Guidelines - cause no one likes rules: 
Fandoms I’m interested in but you can write for any fandom you wish. Supernatural, Marvel, Top Gun: Maverick, DC, Shadow & Bone, The Witcher, Outer Banks, Yellowstone-verse, Sons Of Anarchy. And probably more feel free to ask. 
Bonus points for: Sam Winchester/Jared Padalecki, Sam Wilson/Anthony Mackie, Erik ‘Kilmonger’ Stevens/Michael B Jordan, and Geralt/Henry Cavill.
MARVEL NOTE: I won’t read Tony Stark fics. He can be a supporting character but I won’t read anything that is centred around him. Sorry. I have a reason for this that I’m happy to discuss but it’s a bit dark and this is supposed to be fun.😉
Feel free to combine this with any other bingos/challenges you are partaking in if they allow the same. 
Can be fluff, smut, angst, kinks, crack, A/B/O, AU’s whatever floats your boat. Dark themes welcome. 
Any and ALL trigger warnings must be highlighted. I’ll step out of my comfort zone and read anything - except Tony Stark, paedophilia, necrophilia and scat play (don’t look it up).
Any and all ships welcome.
Can be reader insert, 1st/3rd person, OC or character’s POV. Whatever you prefer.
Fics can be any length, but PLEASE use a ‘keep reading’ line for long posts or fics over 500 words.
If the song you get doesn’t spark any inspiration, there’s no pressure to do it, and feel free to ask for another.
Can request as many songs as you want. 
You don’t have to be following me.
No end date for requests
No due date for entries.
Use the tag #666DailyMix so I can find it and don’t forget to tag me in your work.
Would appreciate a reblog for a signal boost
I will reblog all entries
I will create a master list and update whenever there is a new submission
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thequietesthing · 1 year
Okay so this season felt different than the previous two, maybe for the best. I am not that into the original witcher lore (books and games) that i’m that fixated on canon events so i’ll just judge what i’ve seen on screen.
Geralt: my darling mr. Cavill you are the brightest light in this show, I don't think that anyone will be able to understand and portrait Gerald better than you. Now said that, I don't think Geralt has been very Geralt-y this season (pls don't kill me for saying this). Yes, he should have changed by the power of love and family but they didn't show it. I assume that this magical transformation, that has started in season 2, should have continued and evolved in the 6 months in which Geralt, Yennefer and Ciri live together, of which we see incredibly little. Yes, the letters (very nice touch btw), yes the nice dinners together and Yen's grovelling but not very much on how this affects Geralt intrinsically. So we end up six months later that he is a mostly changed man, and good for him but I wish we could have seen more of a development. Also this season, now that we have finally placed all of our pieces on the board, inevitably focuses less on Geralt and his moods and adventures and more on the general plotting of the entire cast. Also they didn't give my man enough monsters to hunt (maybe the budget was cut seeing how many actors they had to pay). However I loved when he went to Annika's house and the moment when he recounted his childhood and the relationship with Visenna; I feel that in that moment the true talent and acting ability of Henry came through. I thoroughly enjoyed how uncomfortable he was at the mages ball; he's always so put together and firm that it was extremely funny seeing him a bit out of his depth. Anyway as long as it's played by Henry Cavill, Geralt will be always a 10/10 for me.
Yennefer: Contrary to common opinion I liked Yennefer last season. Yes she was selfish, yes she's willing to sacrifice Ciri and betray Geralt to get her magic back, but people don't seem to understand where she's coming from, and I think that a bit of explanation is given in this first part of the third season, through conversations that she both has with Ciri and Tissaia; this is not the place to write an entire apology of Yennefer but the core is this: to her, before, magic was everything; she was mistreated as a child, she never felt in control of her life, and the only way she found her way out of that was through her magic, of the power that she discovered within herself that helped her to finally stop feeling like a nuisance, to finally matter. Once she meet Ciri and she gets to know her however her priority shifts (as often happens with motherhood) and she finds out that she doesn't care whether she is powerful or not, as long as her child is safe. Now, with this out of the way, I loved Yennefer this season (as always). Anya Chalotra has grown so much into herself and her acting in these three seasons and it shows. Her relationship with Ciri is just beautiful (I was skeptical about it before because of the close age between the actresses but they embodied the mother-daughter bond perfectly), her and Geralt will never not be my favourite (I wish they had more scenes tho) and her and Jaskier are hilarious (also, more scenes pls!); but what I found very fascinating about Yennefer is the relationship she has with the other mages, of which we have always seen stunningly few. I found interesting the accusation Ciri moved to her when they were in that spa(?) to which Yennefer responds that that is the version of herself she "needs" to be around those people (strong, uncaring, playing the centuries old politics game of saying one thing and meaning another), and I really liked that because before Ciri was only "coddled" by witchers who are authentic and never had the need to play politics because they stay well away from them. Digression aside, Yennefer with other mages was really nice to watch, how she plays in the duality of who she is and who she needs to be and how she doesn't trust anyone between her peers, only Tissaia that has assumed a kind of a mother role for her. So, long story short, I love Yen and I always will.
Ciri: this poor girl has been through so much. Everyone wants her and she doesn't know what to do with herself. I felt like in this part of the season things just have been happening to her, rather than her having an active role (being dragged around the whole Continent like a package by a Witcher and a mage certainly didn't help) but it seems so me like her developing story and the general plot are going at two entirely different paces: she's still unsure of what to do, of her magical training, while the rest of the story feels almost like is at it's end and she's still there. Anyway, other than her most obvious relationships (Geralt and Yennefer) I liked her relationship with Jaskier this season; he's very protective of her and they act like he's a young uncle with his niece. Also I liked how her spending a lot of time with Yen and Geralt is starting to filter through her character, as she has become a sassy, brave, curious, know-it-all, but still she sometimes acts impulsively or foolishly as apt for her age.
Jaskier: We see him for more than 3 episodes! I would count this as a win already. I genuinely like Jaskier, I feel like he's always been the most relatable and funny character, and this season is no exception. I think Joey Batey is a comedic genius and his acting, and singing, skills are really unparalleled. I loved his journey with Radovid (who to be honest I didn't like at first, even though he is played by Hugh Skinner), they are very cute, especially their scene before the kiss, I was like awwww. Also Jaskier rivalry with Valdo Marxx is iconic, when they meet on the ship and he has a whole band backing him up and Jaskier only has Geralt and Ciri, it was really funny. Also finally Jaskier gets some well deserved love from Geralt, after 3 seasons he calls him "Jask" ♡.♡ (man, our standards are low)
Anyway, you'll forgive me but I'll give a rapid view of all the other characters because otherwise we'll be here all day.
Francesca's role this season has been practically null, other than making the final alliance with Nilfgaard she's going after Ciri (like everyone) and we did not see any repercussion or regret for the murder of hundreds of babies which had me like... ok.... Fringilla is freaking hilarious but I have also not understand her point in the story for now Cahir goes back to his murderous master after killing his elf friend, but I still like him; I think the actor is jumping through hoops trying to show us the duality of this character and how what he does actually affects him Emhyr, other than scheming and burning family pictures he seems to be doing nothing else (for now) Triss is the smartest in the freaking room, also the only one who cares about those poor girls! Everyone is like Ciri,Ciri all the time and she's like what about those poor vanished girls, I love her, but please don't let her have a romance with Istredd, who still after 3 season is going after that freaking Book of Monoliths; I hope that now that he's found it he will find peace and a good barber Tissaia and Vilgefortz I don't trust either of them, even though at the end of this part we find that is the latter and not Stregobor to have taken the girls, and if I'm honest until that scene I believed that "the woman with the funny voice" was Tissaia; also Vilgefortz is also leading on that poor Lydia... nope don't like the man Philippa Eilhart is a legend, didn't like her at first but she's smart as a whip and I think she's playing Dijkstra like a violin (also if they don't show the creation of the Lodge of Sorceresses I'll riot)
One more thing before I shut up, just a quick thought on the last episode: the idea was very well thought, to switch up the linearity of narration by including some back and forth between before and after as Yennefer and Geralt recount the night's event to each other and us (a bit Ocean's 11 style) but the execution.... I didn't particularly enjoy how it was done; maybe I need to see it again but while the change of camera angles through the same scenes helped (so that except for two moments maybe, we heard the same lines but the cameras were in different positions) it felt very repetitive and stagnant. The only positive thing was the music!! That fucking song is now stuck in my head forever: all is not *thud thud* as it seems *thud thud*, stuck all night in my head, anyway also very appropriate lyrics lol.
Ok, I think I'm done(?) I'm sure I've missed something but if it comes to mind I'll edit it in later
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wwenhlimagines · 2 years
Wardlow getting jealous of your celebrity crush? 👀
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Real or Fake
You sat on the couch watching another interview of your celebrity crush like you have been for the past hour.
Wardlow comes into the room and stands in front of the TV.
"Hey handsome! Could you scooch to the side for a minute? I'm trying to watch this interview."
He turns around and sees Henry Cavill on the TV before he walks away and you smile as you watch the rest of the interview.
A few minutes later, you see Wardlow come back into the room without a shirt and he starts to apply baby oil to his abs.
"What exactly are you doing babe?"
He smirks "Just trying to get your attention babygirl."
You shakes your head and laugh to yourself "Go right ahead babe. You might run out of oil."
He pouts and flexes his pecs as he walks closer to you. "C'mon babe. I just want attention. I miss my girl!"
You put your phone down and stand up "I've missed you too, but I'm not in the mood right now. Later, I promise."
You walk past him to go get a drink and he groans before going back to the drawing board.
He tries to mess with his hair making it floppy curly like Henry's before stripping down to his boxers.
You are eating an apple when you see him walk out of the bathroom chest puffed out and chin up.
"Hello there gorgeous, want to be the Lois Lane to my Clark Kent?"
You smile and walk over to rest your hands on his chest "You will always be my Superman babe!"
He smiles and kisses you pulling you close to him before whispering "You are my Wonder Woman."
Sorry if this sucks, I just can't imagine him getting super jealous. He knows how secure your relationship is and he trusts enough to not get too worked up over it.
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thethirstyarchive · 4 years
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Autumn Date with Henry and Kal pt. 2
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rmtndew · 2 years
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Celebrating the new year with Captain Syverson in his cabin.
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faireelou · 2 years
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Like aqua marine, ocean's blue ⛵️🌊
So I’ve made this moodboard for this amazing and stunning work! It belongs to @louehvolution who allowed me to translate it into spanish 🥰
While doing the translation I was listening to “honeymoon” by lana del rey and I think it really fits
The original work! 🤍
My translation!⛱
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livesinfantasyland · 16 days
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Sangeet Night
A Sangeet ceremony is an important part of Indian weddings – it’s like a pre-wedding reception where friends and family ceremonially welcome the couple into their lives and wish them the best for their future. This welcoming celebration often includes lots of dancing and music, religious traditions, ethnic games, ceremonial attires, delicious food, and more! A typical Sangeet ceremony involves music and dancing, typically in the form of a dance-off between the bride and groom’s families. There are also religious rituals such as a havan or puja to bless the couple and their upcoming union, as well as traditional games they can engage in together. The dress code is usually festive – bright colors and traditional sarees or lenghas for women, while men usually wear kurtas or Sherwanis.
Mehndi Ceremony
Haldi Ceremony
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More Mood Boards
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treatbuckywkisses · 3 years
ooooh blue for henry :)
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i hope u like it 🥺
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lxttle-bxrd · 3 years
Oh to be having a picnic with Sy in the woods... 💞
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nuggsmum · 3 years
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The amazing @luna-aestas made me a mood board for Unexpected and I might faint. It’s PERFECT! Thank you darling!
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fineosaur · 4 years
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gendry waters || ser gendry, knight of the hollow hill
lommy had named him the bull, on account of this horned helm he had that he polished all the time... he was older, and big for his age with a broad chest and strong-looking arms.
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arabescapr · 4 years
Hi everyone!!! Is there some place I can learn to make a mood board and the rules for them ? Thank you
@angrythingstarlight @iguessweallcrazyithinktho
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thethirstyarchive · 3 years
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🥂 Happy New Year! 🍾
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