#His girlfriend was their and when she tried to explain her solution he was just like 'I know you did it my way :)'
ante--meridiem · 2 years
Biggest con of study group: contains arrogant condescending guy who likes the sound of his own voice too much and I'm spending about 20% of the time actually thinking about maths, the remaining 80% internally chanting "shut the fuck up" at him.
I thought a pro was "make friends?" but nope we're making enemies here.
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lucysarah-c · 5 months
"Alright, spill the beans," Erwin said as he sat down on the couch, opening a beer can and crossing his legs. He could hardly contain his smile. Mike and Hange stared intensely at the shorter man. Levi had told them he had something to "share," and he hardly ever shared anything. Therefore, all attention and the floor were his.
The group of friends grew more and more curious as Levi seemed unsure, almost shy. His finger tapped his beer can uneasily as he pressed his lips together. "Fine, but don't fucking laugh."
"I can't promise you that," Hange quickly confirmed, making the other two chuckle but also agree. Levi just sighed resigned.
"Y/N… Y/N found a thong that wasn't hers among her clothes."
Erwin, who was sipping his drink, spat it out in shock at how quickly the situation escalated.
"WHAT?!" Hange tilted forward as they heard what happened while the rest looked in shock, mouths open. "You CHEATED on your 9-year-long girlfriend?!"
"No!" Levi almost shouted back. "That's what I'm trying to explain!"
It was Monday night. We had dinner after coming home, the usual routine. I was doing the dishes after she got out of the shower, and I heard her steps going down the stairs very heavily. That was the first thing that caught my attention, and before I knew it was her, still freshly showered, looking at me and pulling out a red thong, stretching it between her hands. "Whose are these?" My mind went automatically blank. I saw her resting her hand on her hip and frowning back at me. "I-uh." "Because they are not mine," she insisted, her anger palpable. I swear I was trying to speak, but I could only mumble broken shit as she stared back at me as if she was searching for my soul. "Levi Ackerman, WHOSE ARE THESE?" "I- I don't know, I don't fucking know. I swear," I quickly replied as I blinked, trying to find a solution. My mind started to question everything. 'I'm Levi Ackerman… I'm conscious of my actions… I haven't cheated on my girlfriend,' yet I was sweating as if I had. I had no idea whose those were. It was obvious that they weren't hers, apparently, but I've not slept with another woman in years, so I didn't even know where they could have come from. I doubted my entire existence, I began to wonder if I had been drugged and perhaps did something that I didn't recall. The tears, when she began sobbing softly. I felt like the worst human being. "How could you? After all these years…" "No, no, I fucking swear," I said, growing anxious. I don't even own social media accounts; I don't have a password on my phone. I hate cheaters; I would never do something like that to her, to anyone. For a split second, I thought it would have been easier to lie and explain that it was mine somehow. In that moment, my phone started to ring with one of the numbers I have on priorities as she began to walk up stairs. I rushed to pick it up. "Call you later." "Bro, everything okay?" Isabel's voice came from the speakers as she had called me on FaceTime, as she usually does. Apparently, I forgot to hang up as I was walking behind Y/N. "Y/N, I swear on my mother that I don't know whose are those." I was trying to explain myself when Isabel's voice came from the phone again. "There they are! I was wondering where I left them!"
"Apparently, it was from one time they all came over to my house for the pool. I must have put it in the laundry and thought they were Y/N's," Levi finished the tale as the rest looked at him surprised and entertained.
"Didn't you think they could be Isabel's?" Erwin questioned back between chuckles.
"No! How was I supposed to know a red thong was Isabel's!" Levi commented as his cheeks got slightly red.
"Levi… Isabel is 23 already…" Mike said slowly as he tried to make his friend process the idea.
"Tch," Levi took a good sip from his beer as he processed the idea. "You've no idea how fucking scared I was, and when Isabel said they were hers… fucking shit, I never breathed more peacefully in my entire life."
"That happens to you because you do laundry. Since I never do laundry, I don't have those issues," Hange said entertained, but Levi looked back at the brunette dead in the eyes.
Tag list!: @nube55 @justkon @notgoodforlife @jimoonbeau @nmlkys @humanitys-strongest-bamf @quillinhand @thoreeo @darkstarlight82 @i-literally-cant-with-this @angelofthorr @aomio4 @levisbrat25 @fxnnyackerman @secretmoneybearvoid @trashblackrainbow @l3visthighs @hum4n-wr3ckag3 Wanna join my tag list? here!
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novastarrs · 5 months
I Can Explain|| Clarisse La Rue
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Paring: Clarisse La Rue x Demeter’s Daughter Reader
Summary: You find a bear cub while walking in the woods and bring him back to your cabin.
Nature has always been your favorite thing in the world. No matter if it was plants or animals, you were attracted to it and they were attracted to you. When you were six your father walked down stairs after hearing rustling in the kitchen, assuming it was just you trying to get a snack.
Imagine his surprise when he found raccoons in the kitchen with you petting them like they were dogs. As you got older it made more sense on why you loved nature because your mother was Demeter meaning animals adored you to death and your couldn’t say no to them.
This is the reason you found yourself in a sticky situation.
While walking in the woods you ran into a baby bear and couldn’t find its mother and you couldn’t just leave the little guy so you know what you did?
You scooped him up and ran to your cabin, how did no one notice a little fuzzy bear in your arms? You had no clue but you weren’t complaining.
Once you reached your cabin you locked the door and when your girlfriend tried to open it, you panicked.
You knew for a fact Clarisse wasn’t going to rat you out to Chiron or Mr. D because she loved you way too much for that but she’s already given you a talk about taking in animals after the flying squirrel incident.
Naturally you did what felt like the best solution…you threw a blanket over your new friend and ran out the door and quickly closed it before Clarisse could see inside and your temporary roommate.
A surprised look formed on her face but as quickly as it appeared it was gone as she smiled at you. Not a cocky smirk like she normally gave people to keep up her bad girl persona but a real smile that was reserved only for you.
“Hey, buttercup.” She said walking over to you and pressing a quick kiss on your lips, looking at you with so much adoration that you basically melted.
She never failed to make you feel shy under her gaze.
“Hi.” You said shyly, leaning your back against the door and holding onto the handle tightly.
Clarisse was the daughter of Ares and the children of said man noticed everything and she definitely noticed the nervous look on your face and the way you were gripping the door knob.
“Are you ok?” Clarisse asked crossing her arms with a raised eyebrow and you had to stop yourself from looking at the way her muscles flexed as she moved.
“Yeah, I’m great!” You said immediately, looking at her with big doe eyes and an awkward smile.
She knew you were lying but she didn’t push you for answers, knowing you would come to her when you were ready to her what’s on your mind.
“Anyways can I come in? I want to tell you about the new kid.” Clarisse tried to reach behind you to open the door but you shook your head.
“NO!” You shouted surprising both of you since you never raised your voice, clearing your throat you continued. “Uhm, my cabin is super messy. Let’s go to your cabin instead.”
Without waiting for her to respond you tried to usher her down the steps of the balcony when a crash came from inside your cabin and Clarisse didn’t miss the way you tensed up or how you avoided looking her in the eye.
“(Y/N), who’s in your cabin?” She slowly asked, grip tightening around her spear that she carried everywhere and you had to stop yourself from snorting at the accusation it was a person.
“No one.” You replied just as another crash came from the room.
Technically you weren’t lying, a person wasn’t in your cabin but an animal most definitely was.
Rolling her eyes, Clarisse moved you aside gently and barged into the room. Her spear glowing with electricity ready to fry the person her girlfriend was trying to hide.
You quickly followed her and your jaw dropped at the sight of your decapitated stuffed animal that was in the jaw’s of your new friend who was currently messing with the stuffing that was carelessly floating in the air and covering the floor.
Clarisse just stared at the sight in front of her for a moment before she slowly turned her head and raised an eyebrow at you but you just smiled.
“I can explain…”
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pitchsidestories · 17 days
Promise me II Ona Batlle x Lucy Bronze
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masterlist I word count: 1274
a/n: hi, this was inspired by the current transfer rumours, we hope that you still like it despite the topic.
Lucy was on the phone with her agent while Ona was napping in her lap on their sofa. They had a tough training session in the morning and untypical for Barcelona it has been raining the whole time, one could hear the rain drops falling against the windows.
This sound has been a constant background noise for the entirety of this afternoon. The weather seemed to know which news were about to break into this peacefulness.
 “I’m sorry, Lucy. They don’t plan to extent. Not with Alexia staying.”, he apologized with such sincerity that it hurts the English woman even more when he said it the first time a couple of seconds ago.
“Two old players are too expensive, right?”, she hissed.
 “That’s what you said.”, the man responded cooly.  
“Yes, because that’s what everyone is thinking!”, Lucy answered enraged. The player’s body turned tense. Even in her sleep her girlfriend noticed that change, struggling to find the comfortable position she was in before.
“It basically is.”, he admitted.  
“Fuck.”, Lucy cursed under her breath.
“Luce?”, Ona stirred up from her sleep.
“Sorry, love.”, the older defender bit her lip guiltily.
“What’s wrong?”, the Spanish woman asked big eyed, sounding deeply concerned.  
“Keep sleeping.”, Lucy tried to reassure her, pressing a kiss to the forehead of her girlfriend.
“But you said fuck.”, Ona gave her a mildly amused look.
“Yes, because they won’t extend my contract.”, the English defender explained, sadly.  
 “What?!”, the younger woman exclaimed furiously.
“I don’t have the Alexia bonus.”, Lucy added.
“We’ll find a solution, I’m sure.”, Ona shook her head stubbornly.
“Sorry, little one.”, the older player whispered unhappy.
“No, you can’t leave.”, she stated firmly and stood up from her sofa.
“Ona where are you going?”, Lucy raised an eyebrow. The Spanish woman mouthed an apology before she went to get her sneakers and left to meet someone who might help them.
Meanwhile Lucys mood was almost as bad as the weather outside, but Ona’s optimistic smile chased her sad thoughts away when she returned to their shared home.
“I talked to Alexia. I think she can help.”
“Oh, Ona. I’m not sure about that, but I appreciate your effort.”, the older woman was in awe of her girlfriend’s unshaken optimism.
“Of course, it’ll work.”, the younger defender replied confidently.
“We’ll see, okay?”, Lucy responded.
“Okay. Just promise to not go too far away. “, Ona nodded, although letting her girlfriend gave her a comforting hug.
“I promise it won’t be the USA.”, the older player joked.
“I was hoping you’d say that you stay in Spain. But that’s something.”, the younger woman remarked, the sadness was still lingering in between them, but that silly reply of the English defender made her smile again.
“I’ll tell my manager that I won’t take any clubs that are too far away from you.“, Lucy half-joked.
Ona bit back a small smile: “Thanks.“
“You’re welcome.“
“That calms me a bit.“, Ona admitted, unsure if she felt better because of Lucys words or the lightheartedness she brought back into this conversation.
Lucy smirked: “Anything else I can do for you?“
“Hug!“, Ona yelled and immediately bridged the gap between the two football players to jump into Lucys arms. The English defender had to react quick to catch her and not lose her balance.
Laughing, she looked her girlfriend that clung tightly to her body: “Better?“
“Agreed.“, Lucy grinned.
“Thanks, Luce.“, Ona said, relaxing into her girlfriends embrace.
Carefully, Lucy set the Spanish football player down and asked: “What do you want for dinner?“
“Something Portuguese.“,Ona ordered in hopes that Lucy would treat her with one of her delicious family recipes.
The older defender just gave her a nod of approval: “Alright.“
“No worries. Sit down, I’ll start cooking.“
Lucy disappeared into the kitchen, Ona following close behind her. The Spaniard sat down at the kitchen table and watched attentively as her girlfriend started to cut some vegetables.
“You don’t need any help?“, Ona asked.
“No, thanks.“
She shrugged: “Fine, I’ll watch then.“
“Good.“ Lucy continued to focus on the food. Ona, however, chose to focus on Lucys backside while she was busy.
“Nice view though.“, she remarked, her head propped up on one hand.
“Oh, yeah. I was pretty proud, the market still had this amazing fish.“, Lucy continued to talk about her cooking, completely ignoring what Ona had meant.
The younger defender smiled to herself, Lucy always was in her own world when she started to cook. So she decided to let work in peace.
Only as the ingredients started to simmer and fill the kitchen with a mouth-watering smell, Ona sniffed once: “This smells so good.“
“It’ll taste even better.“, Lucy promised her.
“Can’t wait.“
“It’s almost ready.“
Ona took this as her cue to jump up and set the table in the meantime. “I’ll get the wine.“
Lucy placed the pan on the table while Ona filled their glasses. “Here, we go.“
“Cheers.“, Lucy lifted her glass to clink it to her girlfriends.
“Cheers.“, she echoed.
Both of them took a sip of their wine before Lucy started plating the fish. For the time they sat there in the kitchen, having dinner, the conversation they had earlier seemed far away.
“Don’t be sad.”, the English woman stated after noticing that her girlfriend had stared absent minded at the wall.
“I’m not. I would just miss this.”, Ona quickly replied in a sincere tone.
“Me too.”, Lucy admitted seriously.
“Even though I do ask myself, who’s going to cook for me if you’ve to leave.”, the younger player only half joked.
“Maybe Olga?”, the older defender suggested smiling mildly.
“No. I don’t want to be third wheeling. It’s going to be alright, because I can cook.”, Ona reassured her girlfriend. She recognized the sceptical risen eyebrow by the woman sitting in front of her. That was why the Spanish player added:” I’ll survive.”
“I hope so because I’ll leave my heart here.”, Lucy told her earnestly. Hearing her saying this out loud made Ona’s heart sink.
“Oh, Luce.”, she muttered.
Immediately the English defender’s hands went up.
“Don’t say anything more, that was embarrassing.”
“It was the cutest.”, the younger woman responded, giving the older one a kiss to her temple. With a cheeky grin she continued:” I’ll get that tattooed.”
“No, it doesn’t go with the rest of your pretty tattoos.”, Lucy protested, while pulling the smaller player onto her lap.
“But it means a lot to me.”, she confessed, looking into the green eyes of the woman she loved and hoped her glance would transfer her feelings which run as deep as the tattoos on her skin.
“Ona, I love you.”, the English defender muttered in a raspy voice.
“I love you too.”, she said, while her girlfriend started to kiss the many freckles on her face to highlight what she was saying only a couple of seconds earlier.
“No, matter what happens.”, Lucy remarked in between the kisses.
Under the touches of the older woman Ona felt something like hope fluttering in her chest.
“We’ll make it work somehow.”, the Spanish player answered optimistically.
“Yes, we did it before too.”, the taller defender reminded her.
“Let’s enjoy this while it lasts.”, Lucy murmured.
“Hopefully longer than until summer.”, the smaller woman whispered into the ear of the older player while holding on to her like Lucy personified the little hope that was left of her staying and hopefulness always dies last.
There was the reassuring feeling that no matter what happened over the next months that they were going to be alright.
pictures are from pinterest.
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papercorgiworld · 3 months
You're uninvited
Draco Malfoy x Potter!reader
When tensions between your brother and Draco rise, your friend advises you to go talk to Draco since he'll listen to you. However, some meddling by Mattheo and Theodore complicates things.
For this story Iris (a cameo by @amongemeraldclouds ) will be your friend and Enzo's girlfriend.
For the darling who requested this, I hope you like it. I find that it misses something, but I can't quite put my finger on it. Maybe it's the lack of brother sister interaction, I don't know. I did my best. Also shittiest tittle ever, but zero inspiration. I had struggles with this one. Anyways Happy readings!
“Fifty points from Slytherin because you went crying to Mcgonagall, I’ll get you for this Potter!” Draco snarled as he walked past your brother, you frown as you approached them. Draco raises his eyebrows as he passes you as well. “What did you do?” You snap at your brother as his eyes still follow Draco’s figure. He ignores you and Hermoine frowns. “He looked seriously pissed off.” Harry shrugs. “What can he do-“ Ron raises his eyebrows at his friend. “He can break your nose again.” Your brother can see the horror in your eyes at Ron’s suggestion. “Don’t worry, (y/n). Most of the time he’s all bark, no bite.”
You walk with your brother and his friends in the direction of the great hall. Once there you spot your friend, Iris, waving at you from the Slytherin table and you make your way over to her. “Your brother lost us 50 house points.” She complains and you sit down next to her. “I know.” You sigh. “In how much trouble is he?” You question sheepishly and her eyes quietly move opposite of her to where her boyfriend is sitting. Enzo smiles, not really bothered by the loss of points. “I think we can all get over the 50 points lost, but Draco getting a week detention… yeah he’s definitely out for revenge.” Your eyes widen at Enzo. “A week’s detention?” Enzo and Iris both nod and you lose your appetite, remembering how bad Harry looked after Draco broke his nose. Iris’s brown eyes carefully watch you as you stare at your plate. Knowing that you’re probably worried about another fight she offers some advice. “Why don’t you talk to Draco and explain that your brother is just an idiot, I’m sure he’ll listen to reason… at least if it’s coming from you.” Enzo looks at Iris through his laches, knowing very well what his girlfriend is hinting at. “Yeah, he’ll definitely listen to you.” He tries to sound serious, but you notice a hint of mischief in his tone and frown. Iris narrows her eyes at her boyfriend for being obvious and for a moment you think about asking what’s going on, but you decide against it and just nod. “You guys are probably right. I can just talk to him and encourage a peaceful solution to the endless tension between the two.” 
Blaise takes a seat at the Slytherin table and his eyes immediately land on you. “Come on, Potter, sitting at the slytherin table after what your brother pulled, he lost us fifty points, you’re ballsy sitting here!” You know he’s only joking, but you notice the whole slytherin table looking at you and feel yourself get smaller. “Back off Blaise, you’ve probably lost Slytherin more points.” Iris snares at Blaise and he laughs. “Excuse me! I don’t lose us points. You must mistake me for your himbo boyfriend over here.” Enzo goes from smiling to dead serious in a split second, turning to Blaise. “Are you calling me stupid?” Blaise rolls eyes. “Yesterday you said a mandrake was a fruit.” Lorenzo narrows his eyes at Blaise. “In my defence she was sitting next to me and you can’t expect me to listen to Sprout when… you know, I was focussed on other things…” Enzo points at his girlfriend, blaming her for being distracted during class. You can’t help but smile, happy that for now everyone has forgotten about Harry. With the tension at the table gone your mind wonders what you’ll say to Draco to convince him to make peace or at least not get into another fight with your brother.
After class you spot Draco gathering his books while scowling at Mattheo who’s clearly trying to be funny. When Mattheo spots you he smirks and quickly leaves the classroom, you slowly approach Draco who’s still focused on organising his notes. You start fidgeting with your fingers as you notice everyone’s left and it’s just you and a very frustrated Draco who can’t seem to find a certain page. Just when your courage to talk to him sinks you spot a piece of parchment laying on the floor and reach for it. “Is this what you’re looking for?” Surprised, Draco circles around to you and frowns at your presence. You immediately notice how hesitant he is towards you. “I just saw it on the floor and I thought it might be yours.” You try to sound casual, but since the two of you rarely talk your words sound forced and awkward. “Thanks.” Draco whispers curtly and snatches the paper from your hands. When you don’t turn around to leave he watches you with a questioning look. 
After a bizarre moment of silence, he raises an eyebrow and turns back around to gather his notes. Sorry, Harry, but I’m doing this for you. “My brother’s an idiot.” The blond slytherin turns back to you. “He never thinks about the consequences of his actions.” Draco snorts at your words. “I don’t think he thinks at all.” You narrow your eyes at Draco. Don’t push it Malfoy, he is still my idiot brother. You look down and Draco notices that was not the best approach. You were different from Harry, but he was still your brother. “I heard Blaise gave you a hard time during lunch.” Draco tries to change the subject as he stuffs his notes into his bag. You nod and smile at him. “He was only joking, I know that.” Draco and you move towards the door. “I told everyone to leave you alone, I know you’re not a moron like you brother. Are you sure you’re family?” You chuckle at his question. “Yes, I’m sure Malfoy.” Your smile and he slows down his step, adoring your beauty, before his eyes lock with yours. There’s this soft moment between you two and you notice how Draco’s cheeks heat up, making him look away and walk a little faster than you in an attempt to hide his flustered face. 
“You don’t need to call me Malfoy, just because he does.” You're surprised by the gentle tone of Draco’s voice and a sweet smile tugs on your lips. “I know, but it’s not like you and I are friends or anything.” He stops and suddenly the two of you are standing way closer than either of you had intended. “Yeah, that’s probably why I hate him so much.” You frown, not really following and a soft chuckle rolls over Draco’s lips. “Your brother I mean… I like to think that if it wasn’t for him- maybe, I don’t know- maybe we would be friends or something.” Draco’s confession has you flustered and you press your lips into a line while avoiding his gaze at all costs. This doesn’t go unnoticed by Draco who suddenly even feels brave enough to take one step closer to you, leaving barely any space between the two of you as you stand there in an empty hallway. “Tomorrow before the Ravenclaw party, there’s a little pre-drink at the astronomy tower, rather exclusive, but Enzo and Iris will be there… You should come.” Your shiny eyes meet Draco’s as you nod. “I would like that.”
Unfortunately, the sweet moment between you two is mocked by Draco’s friends. “I bet that girl is willing to do all kinds of stuff now.” Theodore snorts at Draco’s confused face and Mattheo grins like a maniac. When Theodore notices that Draco’s getting rather annoyed he explains himself. “She’s worried about you hurting her brother, that’s why she’s suddenly being nice to you.” Draco’s eyes go emotionless at Theo’s suggestion and Mattheo licks his lips, mind still filled with dirty thoughts. “Enjoy it while it lasts, it should be fun. Pretty girl trying to gain your favour. I wouldn’t waste that opportunity.” Draco wrinkles his nose in disgust with his friends. “Keep your filth to yourself, Riddle.” With those words a furious Draco leaves the common room passing Iris and Enzo who immediately judge Theodore and Mattheo for whatever they had done this time. 
Draco spots you walking alone in the courtyard on your way to your friends. When you notice him walking in your direction, you smile and slow down so he can catch up with you. “Hi-” You’re immediately cut off. “You’re uninvited.” Draco snaps at you with a scowl on his face. That’s all you get, because he immediately turns away. Your smile falls when you watch him walk away. His anger makes you take a step back, but even regardless of his anger, you are really disappointed that you couldn’t go tonight. You looked forward to spending time with him, because you liked him. It was your most guarded secret, you liked him a lot and now you couldn’t help but feel a little heartbroken. Maybe your brother and his friends were right, maybe he really was just a horrible person and all those nice things he had done over the years were just a bizarre way of mockery. You stood still in the middle of the courtyard, feeling like a fool.
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However, Draco was about to feel like an even bigger fool, because when he returned to the slytherin common room he overheard Enzo and Iris lecturing Mattheo and Theo. “I can’t believe you guys would say something like that.” Iris says, shaking her head at Mattheo and Theodore. Lorenzo lets himself fall on the sofa, grinning. “Really, you can’t believe that dumb and dumber ruined or little plan, because I’m not surprised.” Iris sighs and Mattheo and Theo frown. “Draco and (y/n) have been crushing on each other for years.” Enzo explains and both slytherin boys look shocked. Iris stares at them for a moment not believing that they hadn’t noticed the obvious signs, before her boyfriend tugs her hand urging her to stop stressing and join him. “Iris and I have been looking for an excuse to get them to talk again, hang out more, so this seemed the ideal opportunity.” Softly stroking Iris her black hair to make her relax, Enzo explains their plan and Draco’s eyelids fall close as he curses himself. She had a crush on me?! After all those years of Harry ruining my chances, I know fuck it up myself.
Holding his friends equally responsible for his screw up, Draco hexes Theodore and Mattheo, leading to total chaos in the slytherin common room. 
Lorenzo and Blaise take Mattheo to the astronomy tower to cool down and Theodore pours himself a glass of firewhiskey as his dead eyes watch Draco hold an ice pack against his jaw. “Does it hurt?” Iris asks and Draco nods. Theodore snorts. “Good.” Draco grits his teeth, glaring at Theodore and Iris scowls at Theo, who decides to keep quiet and take a sip from his drink. “Iris, you need to help me fix this with (y/n), please.” Draco begs with heartbroken eyes and a bruised jaw.
The weekend ended up being miserable for everyone. Draco even decided to skip the party, knowing that you wouldn’t talk to him at all; there really was no reason for him to be there. Feeling heartbroken and not in the mood to talk to anyone you hide in your room as well.
As instructed by Iris you wait for Draco in the hallway after potions class. “Again, Enz? 20 points.” Blaise sighs and Enzo raises his hands in defence. “I got distracted.” Mattheo sighs. “You spent every night with your girl, how can you not focus for one hour? I mean Theo doesn’t get distracted by staring at Ella.” Lorenzo frowns at Mattheo’s argument. “Theo always skips class.” 
You hear the sound of bickering between the guys ebb away into the distance and it makes you wonder what’s keeping Draco. He hadn’t left the classroom, so your eyes peek through the open door as you lean against the wall opposite of it. To your horror you spot Harry and Draco talking and instantly your heartbeat quickens. You push yourself off of the wall and take a step closer, studying the two as they talk. Draco seems unusually calm and Harry just nods a lot, when your brother’s eyes accidently land on you he gives you a soft smile and for some reason you immediately return it without knowing what it’s about. 
The next moment the both of them part and you take a step back, acting like you had just been obviously staring at them. “See you later, sis.” Is all Harry says and with confused eyes you watch his back. “Your brother and I made peace… for now at least.” Draco pulls you out of your thoughts and you look up at him. After a second you look down, remembering how he had snapped at you the other day and uninvited you for no reason. “Good.” You nod and force a smile. An awkward cough from Draco, before he puffs his chest a bit announces his apology. “About the other day, how I snapped at you- it was wrong. I- Theo and Matt, they said- No, it doesn’t even matter. I should’ve known better and shouldn’t have uninvited you. I guess, I just want to say I’m really sorry.” Now your forced smile turns genuine and your eyes light up. A soft laugh escapes Draco as he sees you smile at him with sweet eyes. “What did they say to get you so upset?” You ask and Draco snorts, remembering his own stupid overreaction. “Stupid things, I should’ve known better. I guess my insecurities got the better of me.” 
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You press your lips together and nod understandingly at his honest confession. “I’m glad we’re good again.” You tell him as your eyes lock with his and Draco can’t help but drown in your eyes, as he nods once in agreement. “I was… wondering-” Draco takes a deep breath as he searches for his courage to finish his sentence. “if, maybe you want to go to Madam Puttifoot with me?” A soft laugh rolls off your lips. “Puddifoot’s?” You question not believing you heard him right, the blond slytherin nods and you can’t hide the giddy smile on your face. You feel yourself blush madly. Puddifoot was a place for couples so it was obvious to you that Draco malfoy had just asked you on a date. With a flustered face you meet his eyes. “I would love that.” You whisper, afraid that if you said it any louder your excitement would be embarrassingly obvious. 
“Malfoy?” Ginny asks you for the 10th time and you sigh. “Yes, I’m going out with Draco Malfoy.” Her eyebrows knit together. “Malfoy?!” You groan and push her onto your bed as you walk past her to get your cutest jacket and finish your outfit. You check yourself out in the mirror and Luna speaks up. “I don’t think he's that bad.” Ginny frowns and even you don’t understand why she’s sticking up for him. When she sees Ginny’s judgy eyes, she explains herself. “I think blonds should support each other.” You laugh at her logic and turn around showing off your outfit. “What do you guys think?” Luna smiles. “Absolutely perfect.” Ginny crosses her arms. “Too pretty for a guy like him, but okay if you like him I’ll support you.” You laugh at her reluctance to say those last words. 
The date was perfect, you had enjoyed every second with Draco. The awkward walk to Hogsmeade when you were both still nervous. The first order at Madam Puttifoot’s when you finally relax and opened up more to each other. That last order had you feeling you had been friends since forever. The most magical moment, however, was when you left the cute cafe and Draco reached for your hand, gently holding it in his own hand. You meet his eyes and simultaneously you both lean closer towards each other, shoulders bumping as you walk together. Suddenly, your mind can’t help but wonder back to what got him so upset. “What did Riddle and Nott say?” Your question has Draco frowning and he bites his lip for a second as he struggles to confess. “They had me convinced that you were only being nice because you were worried about your brother, that you didn’t actually like me.” He says it in one breath and immediately looks away. You stop walking and Draco stops as well. Still looking away he squeezes your hand as he fears that you’re mad at him for thinking like that. He fears your hand will slip away and he’ll never hold it again. You take a step closer to him and he finally looks at you, meeting your soft eyes. “Don’t ever think something like that again, Draco, because I really really like you.” Your voice is just above a whisper and Draco feels himself fall in love with you even more. 
When you lean in, lips getting dangerously close, Draco feels himself heat up and almost freaks out, but manages to pull himself together at the last second and meets your lips with more passion than you had expected. When the kiss ends you stay close to each other, smiling like love struck fools before Draco leans in for another even more intense kiss. However, your kiss is cut short when you hear someone call for you. “Ey! Ey!” You turn your head to see Harry, followed by Hermoine and Ron. As soon as you look at him his anger seems to subside and turn into something uncomfortable. “You… can do… what you… want… to do, but not where I can see it.” Draco’s first reaction is to get annoyed and grit his teeth. Then you better look away Potter. But when a soft giggle escapes you Draco relaxes. “Fine, we’ll just go back to the castle.” You look up at Draco, whose voice is calm but still has a frustrated tone to it. “G-Good.” Harry answers hesitantly. Hand in hand you and Draco walk away and Harry hears you laugh as Draco whispers something. Hermoine and Ron join Harry as he watches you. “Are sure it’s such a good idea to leave them alone.” Hermoine wonders out loud. “Why?” Harry asks, oblivious, and turns around to his friends. Ron gives him one obvious glance with raised eyebrows. “Because you know what people who are in love do when they're alone.” Panic fills Harry’s eyes as he sees Draco sling his arm around your shoulder and pulling you close to him.
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hoonfication · 8 months
━━━ 「 truth unfold 」
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— ♪ currently playing afterglow
In the soft, fading light of evening, you stood alone on Afterglow Avenue. The street was named for its breathtaking sunsets, and tonight was no exception. The sky painted shades of orange and pink as the sun dipped below the horizon
You stood patiently just outside a quaint café, with "Frozen in Time," a bustling restaurant, on one side and the charming "Daylight" flower shop on the other. As you observed the surroundings, you spotted Xiao outside the flower shop, clutching a fresh bouquet of pristine white tulips. It took him a few moments to notice you, but when he did, he made his way over.
"Name," he murmured, his face flushed, extending the tulips to you. "I wasn't sure if you still liked tulips," he added, a small smile forming on your lips as you accepted the gesture.
"Let’s take a walk?" he asked, and you nodded. The two of you walked in silence for a while until he suddenly broke it, asking, "Do you remember that restaurant over there?" You replied, "Frozen in Time?" He nodded in response.
"We went there for our 2nd year anniversary," he blurted out, and the flood of memories returned. It was the place where you and Xiao used to celebrate your anniversaries, but that tradition abruptly ended after that night, when he started acting cold and distant.
"Oh..." you whispered, your voice tinged with nostalgia. "Well, I only came here because I want to know the truth," you gently reminded him.
He sighed, his eyes filled with regret. "I'm sorry," he mumbled, his words heavy with emotion. "I really don't know where to start..."
You leaned in, pressing for answers. "The week before you left, what happened?" you asked, seeking clarity on the events that had led to your separation.
"The week before..." he repeated, struggling to recall the details. "Ah, the week of my mom's death," he finally voiced, and you listened intently.
"[Name], I don't know if you're going to believe me," he mumbled, his words laced with uncertainty.
But then, he dropped a bombshell. "My mom isn't dead," he suddenly declared.
"Excuse me?" Your jaw dropped, and you had to stop walking to process this shocking revelation. "Xiao, I know you miss your mom, but—" You began, but he cut you off abruptly.
"No, [Name], she's alive," he blurted out. You stared at him, wide-eyed, wondering if he had lost his sanity.
"I know it's a lot to take in, but I promise you I'll tell you nothing but the truth," Xiao assured you as you both continued walking. He took a deep breath and continued his shocking revelation.
"She ran away, the day before she was marked dead," he said with a heavy heart. "She was unhappy in her marriage with my father, and she tried to divorce him, but my father refused to sign the papers. In the end, she ran away with her ex-girlfriend," he explained, and you gasped at the unfolding story.
"But what made my father even more unhappy was when he found out my mom had still been in touch with me and my sister," he paused, looking at you to gauge your reaction before he continued. "My mom promised she was going to get me and my sister, so my father came up with a solution—he brought me and my sister to the States."
The shock and confusion filled the air as you tried to process this complex and unexpected turn of events.
You were still in a state of shock, processing the incredible revelations that Xiao was sharing with you. He maintained an unbothered look on his face as he continued to unravel the family's intricate history.
"I only came back three years later because my father wanted me to inherit his company," he confessed, shedding light on the reason for his return. "Ganyu is more suited for being the CEO, in my opinion. She's currently studying at Celestia University, and she's doing much better than me."
As he spoke, you couldn't help but wonder about the fate of Xiao's mother. He didn't leave you hanging for long. "You might've wondered what happened to my mom. Well, from what I've heard, she's currently in Sweden, and her ex-girlfriend, the person she ran away with, is now my stepmom," he revealed
Your emotions swirled as you tried to digest this information. "But Hu Tao's your stepsister," you gasped, connecting the dots.
Xiao confirmed with a calm demeanor, "Yes, Hu Tao's mom was my mom's ex-girlfriend—the person my mom ran away with, who's now my dad's current wife." The family dynamics were indeed complicated, and you were left with more questions than answers.
"Oh my God..." You struggled to wrap your head around the revelations. "How did that even happen?" you asked, your mind still reeling from the complexity of their family history.
"I don't know," Xiao admitted with a mumble. He turned his gaze to you, a look of regret in his eyes.
"[Name]," he continued, his voice filled with sincerity, “I'm the one who burned us down. But it's not what I meant,” he confessed.
“I'm sorry that I hurt you.” His words carried the weight of remorse, and you could sense the genuine regret in his apology.
Xiao's plea was heartfelt as he gazed at you, his eyes reflecting a deep desire for reconciliation.
“[Name], tell me that you're still mine,” he implored, his voice filled with longing. “Tell me that we'll be just fine, even when I lose my mind.”
“Tell me that it's not my fault, tell me that I'm all you want, even when I break your heart.” His words conveyed his earnest hope for a second chance, and it was evident that he deeply cared about mending what had been broken between you.
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— ✶ prev | m.list | next
NOTES | I’m not feeling my very best rn but here’s an update 🫶 there’s so much to take in tbh, like the Taylor Swift references, xiao’s “dead” mom, the plot twist
# IN WHICH — xiao, your boyfriend for three years suddenly breaks up with you through text and then leaves the country leaving you with no explanation at all three years had passed and here you are, you tell yourself you're over him and you're way more happy without him until you've heard that he's back oh that's fine you guys aren't even gonna see each other anyway wrong. seems like he's going to attend the same college as you and well you're just in luck turns out he's also your roommate
# TAGLIST — @thefandomcrow @sakiimeo @swivy123 @zappybatz @motherscrustytoenailclippings @chsyug @erisan01 @lylovw @scarletttcroww @retiredmommylover @sukunasrealgf @onmywaytoteyvat @mjtalksaboutanything @chronicfic @otomegame-oneshots @yukisluv @urdads @yuminako @etaerealboy @xxblackroses623xx @starringyau @dexocore @grvngexiao @tamikahoshiko @xoyumiqls @mechanicalbeat1 @ixromzi @lemo-nadde @moon-z0ne @articmaskeddemon @luvrzan @cayl33n @cupiro @lxkeeeee @rin-nyrasti-writes @nambii @livelaughlovekuni @quackimilktea @maxineshearts
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mixelation · 11 months
I’m sorry I have to ask how would a throuple Deidara/Tori/Itachi work in this au? Who drives who craziest? What does the village think? More importantly, what does Kushina think?
i'm not saying i'd make this ~canon~ to the reborn au, but if i did i'd write it like this:
so it's actually kind of tricky to add deidara to the itatori fake dating power couple because despite both of them acting insane about it, they're actually almost entirely on the same page about what they want out of a relationship. neither of them are super into actual romance or physical affection, but having another person socially bound to show up and back you up is nice even if neither will admit it. itachi will die if he has to learn to be vulnerable with someone else but following tori around like a weird ghost at social events is just how life is sometimes, and if he says something out of line she'll roll her eyes and not cry over it. tori thinks itachi is rude and controlling and also there was that period where he actively wanted to kill her, but if she insists a good boyfriend would help her with X, he'll.... usually do it, even if X is an absurdly selfish demand.
and i think deidara does want active sex life, and he won't ADMIT it but he likes being dated. he thinks tori and itachi's relationship is really weird and also very annoying to him personally, how dare they. so we need something stupid and contrived to make the throuple even happen. such as:
tori and deidara are roommates.
deidara obviously knows their dating is fake, because he KNOWS them. also because usually when itachi comes over, tori just like. ignores him
like itachi is only there because he likes having Away Time from home, and spending the night at his girlfriend's is a normal reason to not be home. he knows tori wants her own alone time. he's just going to quietly hangout in their living room and then crash on the couch
deidara: ....but why are you H E R E
itachi: ? i literally just explained it?
i think at some point it's going to become obvious to the wider konoha populace that there's something off about ItaTori.... like itachi is konoha's most eligible bachelor so people are Watching because everyone KNOWS mikoto periodically interviews kunoichi about a potential marriage match, and no one has seen them even kiss a cheek, and also a few people have definitely noticed tori being Obnoxious On Purpose. itachi IS an asshole but bc the entire canon is obsessed with him, i've decided only his inner most circle has realized this. clearly tori is his evil, overbearing girlfriend he can't get out of a toxic relationship with
itachi: no :( if the rumor gets too bad this won't work any more and then i'll have to date an actual 18 year old :( tori i care about her problems so little. what if she tries to kiss me :(
tori, sailing right by the idea they should attempt to be more publicly amorous, because LOL: okay we're going to have to redirect with an even juicier rumor then.... let's see, what do people know.... we're not into each other enough, and also they think i'm a gold digger*.... i've heard people wondering what happens when you spend the night here.....
*she kinda is
tori: oh!
tori: i'm your beard because you're fucking deidara :)
itachi decides this is GREAT because he knows "publicly date a woman who could make you heirs while fucking your boyfriend on the side" IS the solution to the uchiha heir being gay. they barely have to change anything. they just have to catch him shoving deidara against a wall at a couple parties and then dragging him into a private room
the thing is deidara reacts exactly correctly to itachi doing this. he gets red and flustered. he acts embarrassed and twitchy when asked about it later. he's been obsessed with itachi for years.....
anyway they forget to tell deidara what itachi was doing until AFTER the rumor mill gets around to him, and deidara has to go scream alone in a forest for a while
deidara wants to blow them both up but then he looks deep down inside his soul and actually he would. like. to fuck itachi.......
i think deidara gets more frustrated with the entire thing more often because he has more interest in the whole stupid arrangement not being fake, so if i wrote it i think his addition would catalyze it moving into more of a "real" throuple, instead of "friends who mutually enjoy tricking other people for fun and profit social benefit"
as for who annoys each other most.... i think deidara has it in his head that tori > itachi because he decided it eons ago when he had more of a grudge against itachi, and he's not actually very good at changing his mind. so he's more forgiving of tori's annoying quirks while itachi is more likely to drive him insane. tori is actually more likely to actively annoying itachi, because most of deidara's annoying habits are very "it happens and then it's done," whereas tori is irritating over longer periods, and also sometimes entirely on purpose. for tori, i think itachi is generally more likely to pick at her nerves, but also since they've been In Cahoots more, she's more likely to forgive/understand him than in original flavor plasticity, and also deidara is less good at Cahoots which can annoy her
i'm imaging the fake dating starts when they're 15/16, with deidara being added a couple years later, so they're not actively under kushina while it's happening but she's invested in checking in on them when she can. because she doesn't have a front row view of the budding "romance," i think kushina just kind of assumes.... tori and itachi realized they were both Like That in the same direction and that's why they seem like a weird couple to others. she's more skeptical of the "tori is itadei's beard" rumor because that seems.... wrong. but when she talks to deidara about it he gains the most pained expression in the universe and she's like "oh no" because ACTUALLY this is a WILD LOVE TRIANGLE---
anyway when they become vaguely official, she's happy for them! also she's told minato every single detail with the same excitement she relates bad movies she watches, sorry if that makes mission reports weird---
i don't think the village at large would be... super into it? and also confused. they already don't like tori not being a Perfect Girlfriend, and the beard rumor was very exciting for a few months, but itachi being gay (bi? why is tori still there?) ruins a lot of personal fantasies, because either you want to marry him, marry your cousin to him, indulge in the fantasy of what being married to him is like, or you're one of those dudes who idolizes other dudes and your dude-idol's sexual life being your own fantasy one is very important. also don't tell deidara or tori how obsessed with itachi the village is they know and they don't like it.
caveat to the above: i think there's a subset of konoha that's really, really interested in deidara's sex life because. uh. hands. so "what do you think he does in a threesome" is probably semi normal bar banter, sorry deidara
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somewosoloverrr · 2 years
max x fem! Reader where yk when chrissy goes to eddies trailer in the first episode? Yeah reader is there and max sees reader talking to chrissy and thinks they are flirting n gets jealous then goes in her trailer but in reality reader n chrissy weren’t flirting nd reader was just comforting chrissy about something, reader then goes to maxs trailers just for max to be lowkey mad n shit, she tells reader how she’s jealous and they makeout or something idk sorry if this doesn’t make any sense 💀😕
Omg I love this, it makes sense dont worry :)) . Thanks for requesting <3
Btw requests are open if anyone wants to request :)
Max Mayfield x fem!r
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Tw: making out, brief mention of ed, drugs, verbal fight
You put your hands in the pockets of your jackets as you let out a breath which quickly condensates turning into a white vapor, it was chilly.
The basketball game had just finished and since your girlfriend didn’t go to it you decided to skip the party after it and instead go visit her.
You where walking through the trailer park you noticed Eddie’s van arrive, surprisingly he went to open the passengers door and Chrissy got off.
What the hell? Since when does Chrissy know Eddie.
You jogged a little to catch up to the pair “Chrissy!” you said gaining both of their attention as the quickly stopped.
Somewhere not to far in the trailer park Max also heard Eddie’s van arriving but then she heard her loved ones voice, y/n. Her interests were therefore peaked as she watched the interaction, you hung around the popular groups a lot so you and Chrissy were good friends. However Max always feared you and her were more than that so every interaction you had she tried to listen to it.
“Can I talk to you for a bit ?” You asked the cheerleader and she nodded in response but you noticed Eddie was still standing there so you added “Alone?”
And that’s when the Munson boy waved goodbye as he entered his trailer mumbling to Chrissy “come in when you’re done”
“You okay? Why are you here?” You worriedly questioned, Chrissy was like the queen, popular girl of the school. It was so odd to see her with Eddie, the outcast, the freak.
The girl opened her mouth to reply but didn’t say anything, she had a look of horror in her face and tears started forming in her eyes. “I- I’m honestly not doing too good y/n” she confessed as her voice slightly broke and a single tear escaped from her eye.
You quickly took your hand out of your pocket and wiped it and then put the same hand on her shoulder. “What’s wrong?”
“I’ve been having like- like these weird visions” the girl said as you nodded for her to go on “they’re like about the messed up stuff my mom has said…” Chrissy finished almost whispering as you sent a sad smile knowing what a bitch her mom was, which caused a huge eating disorder for your friend.
You then quickly pulled her in for a hug as she silently cried a bit and you whispered soothing words while caressing her back with your finger to calm her down.
After she was done crying and both of you were still hugging she started to explain “I’m just here to buy some weed, something to make it go away for a little while, please don’t tell anyone”
“I won’t tell anyone, just- I don’t think the solution is drugs Chris, just be careful” you replied as you squeezed her shoulders and stepped back so you both stopped hugging.
“Thanks y/n, I’ll be careful don’t worry” Chrissy thanked you as she kissed you cheek and started heading inside Eddie’s trailer . “Bye Chrissy “ you waved goodbye as you stood still, thinking about what Chrissy had said, you were worried for her, she was by far the nicest person you knew she didn’t deserve this bullshit.
Max who watched the whole interaction was fuming mad, she couldn’t make out what you were saying the whole time but for her it was pretty damn sure both of you were flirting, especially since Chrissy kissed your cheek goodbye. So she ran back to her trailer forcefully shutting the door which let out a loud bang.
You where still standing outside of Eddie’s trailer but the loud bang broke you out of your thoughts, you looked around to see where it came from but you shrugged as it was hard to see in the dark.
You then started walking rapidly towards your girlfriends trailer, you missed her even though you saw her a few hours ago.
As you approached her trailer you heard the tv on, so you hardly knocked on the door so Max could hear you.
Soon enough you hear your girlfriend shout “Come in” so you turned the knob to open the door and saw her getting something out of the fridge. Huh weird why didn’t she open the door for you if she was so close to it? You asked yourself but shrugged it off.
“Hey red” You greeted as you walked to her and gave her a peck on the cheek.
The girl didn’t reply and shut the fridges door harshly as she went to put herself some juice. She looked mad, like really mad. “What’s wrong?- Are you okay?” you worriedly asked not knowing what was happening to your girlfriend.
Max scoffed in reply while sarcastically smiling as she put the juice box down and turned to you, “What’s wrong? Really?!” She angrily yelled at you.
You shrugged your shoulders innocently, having no idea what was making her so mad.
“Oh my god!“ she exclaimed while rolling her eyes an pulling her head back, and that’s when you knew you were screwed every time she did that it was when someone messed up big time. “You’re so full of shit, I mean you were just FLIRTING with another girl and now you come up and kiss my cheek like nothings wrong! “
“What are you talking about ? I haven’t flirted with anyone Max!” You defended yourself getting a bit frustrated about Maxs accusations.
“Oh really so you’re playing innocent y/n, like I just didn’t see you a few second ago with Chrissy!” She once again raised her voice
You on the other hand tried to remain calm “I wants flirting with Chrissy, she’s only my friend okay? She’s going through a hard time right now, I was just comforting her.” you explained
“Do you really think I’m that naive, like you didn’t touch her face to almost lean in, or like you didn’t hug” she continued as she pointed a finger to your chest and started pushing you back “or like she didn’t kiss your fucking cheek!”
“What the fuck Max!” You shouted as your back hit the door, “how many times do I have to tell you that we’re just friends, okay infact best friends, I would never cheat on you!” You exclaimed somewhat mad but getting where she was coming from. The redhead didn’t reply still looking at you like she was pissed off.
“Just admit it, you’re jealous” you stated as you knew you were right
In return you girlfriend scoffed madly “I’m so not!”
“You so are!” You replied as you smirked, Max looked so hot when frustrated
“Am not!” She shouted back
“Come on… you know you ar-” you kept on insisting but the girl cut you off pressing her lips against yours roughly.
You kissed her back as she pushed you once again against the door, lips molded together as she kept a hand on your waist and the other on your cheek. You on the other hand put both of your arms around her neck. Soon you both ran out of breath so you broke the kiss, now foreheads touching.
“Okay, maybe I was little jealous..” max whispered avoiding your eyes so you put your hand below her chin pulling her head up to met your eyes.
“It’s okay Max, I love you and only you” you whispered back as the girl smiled and pecked your lips.
“I love you too y/n”
Thanks for reading love u guys <3 request are open if you want to request :)
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softtdaisy · 2 years
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DESCRIPTION I you and Steve have to face some unsaid feelings when you bring him to your sister’s wedding as your fake-date 
PAIRING I steve harrington × fem!reader
A/N I I think I feel in love with Steve while writing this, oops
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“Tell me again why I should do this?”
“You need money, I need a date. So, I’m paying you to be my date at my sister’s wedding Harrington, it’s as simple as that.”
You heard Steve grumbled before he went in the storehouse. Either to look for a movie or to ignore you, you don’t know. Steve Harrington wasn’t your first choice. When your sister announced her wedding, and how important it was her for you to be there, what a hypocritical you thought, you started looking for someone. Because there was no way you would go there and give your parents the perfect opportunity to criticize you. It seemed like since you left the house, they took even more pleasure at finding you flaws.
You asked boys from school, explaining that you would gladly pay them for the trip, but they all had perfect excuses: they already had something to do this weekend, either a game or a holiday or something else, or their girlfriends weren’t a fan of them going to a wedding with another girl. Something you would probably thought too if you were in their shoes.
When you complained to Robin about your issue, she immediately had that expression that let you know she found the perfect solution. One that seemed like she was saving the world. In this case, she was saving yours so. “You should ask Steve! I know he hasn’t anything planned, he’s supposed to work that weekend. I’ll just have to take his shift.”
You refused. There was no way you would go somewhere, alone, with Steve Harrington. Choosing to go this wedding alone or with Harrington was like choosing to get stuck in a broken elevator with your ex or your worst enemy. But as the day passed, it seemed obvious that he was your only option. Not the best, but the only one. And you would rather die than go there by yourself.
So, there you were, trying to convince Steve to come with you. Not an easy task.
“I want you to pay for my shift.” He came back from the storehouse and gave the movie to a customer. “Are you kidding me? You’re fucking rich Harrington!” you slammed the counter and apologized to the poor lady who jumped. From the look Steve gave you, you knew he wouldn’t agree for less than that. “Fine. But you’re driving;”
He put both his elbows on the counter and brought his face right in front of yours. “Fine, but I’m playing my music.” This ended up in a gaze battle that only end when a new customer entered the store.
Next thing you knew, you were sitting next to Steve in a car driving to your sister’s wedding. Now that the event was coming closer to you, you were getting more stress each minute. Even hell wouldn’t be that scary. You tried not to think too much about it while guiding your driver/fake boyfriend as good as you can. “You can turn left after the church” you weren’t even looking at the road. Simply remembering how you felt the day you took that path in the other way, leaving your own home.
“You never told me why you left your town for Hawkins.” It was almost like Steve spoke out loud without realizing it. At least, that’s what you thought. Because when you turned your head to look at him, he gave you a quick look that said “so? I’m waiting.”
You crossed your arms on your chest, protecting yourself from what was coming. Opening your heart like that wasn’t an easy task. Specially not with someone you knew and forgot how it felt to be around. “Why do you want to know?”
“Since I’m supposed to be your fake boyfriend, I guess the least I need to know is why we meet.” Technically, Steve had a point. You still hadn’t talk about your relationship and what you were going to tell your parents. And you knew that they would allude to your past. It would be ridiculous if Steve was clueless and wasn’t able to say a word about it. You had to tell him and relive for a few minutes the worst experience in your life.
“Short story: I was dating a boy. We had sex. He told everyone what we had done. Like, everything from the place to the position. So, I did the only thing I could do. I punched him in the face when I saw him. I got expelled from high school. And instead of being angry at my ex-boyfriend, my parents were ashamed that their little girl had a sexual life. So, I was sent here, in Hawkins.”
You interpreted Steve’s silence as judgement. Like he was thinking that the guy was right, that you shouldn’t have done those things, that it wasn’t a proper attitude for a girl. All the type of things you heard multiple times before leaving your childhood home.
In reality, Steve was speechless. For obvious reason, he wasn’t surprised at you having a sexual life and enjoying it. And maybe he didn’t have the perfect parents, but he couldn’t imagine hearing those types of things from the people that are supposed to protect you. If it was his daughter, he would be the one punching that shitbag of ex-boyfriend. But not only did they treat you poorly, but they send you away to pretend you didn’t exist. Yeah, some people shouldn’t get kids, he thought. “I hope I don’t have to love your parents because I don’t.”
You laughed at this, mostly from relief than Steve was on your side. You didn’t even know why it really surprised you. You wouldn’t have tried to be with him in the first place if you didn’t think he would trust you.
For the rest of the trip, you worked on your backstory. You decided to go with something rather easy to remember. You met through your mutual best-friend, Robin, at a party. You both fell for each other pretty quickly, like it was obvious that you were made for the other. You started dating four months ago, and you didn’t tell your parents before in case it didn’t work out. But you knew you were going to insist on the “Mom, I promise you it’s the one!” Simple to remember, quick to tell and you would be free for the rest of the day.
But you were clearly not ready for that day. As soon as you saw your parents, or mostly when you noticed how cold they were with you, you knew you made the right decision by bringing someone with you. At least, you could complain to Steve. Or you could hope he would protect you.
“I can’t believe you brought that man.” You heard your mom say in your back. You barely had talk to her all day. She pretended that she was too busy with your sister, which would be believable if your sister wasn’t independent and hadn’t planned her wedding by herself. But you didn’t need your mom. You kinda wished she never came to you.
You turned around to look at her, confused. How could she know Steve Harrington? She never put a foot in Hawkins since you left, and you highly doubt your aunt called her to tell her stories about teenage boys. And since you arrived, Steve had been nothing but the perfect gentleman. You wondered what could be wrong with your fake date.
Until you realized it wasn’t your date, she had a problem with. “He’s too good for you.”
“Thanks mom, I really appreciate it.” You said with a fake smile. It hurt. It would always hurt to hear your parents talk to you like that. You thought things had change since the last time but apparently, they didn’t learn how to move on in school.
“Does he even know what you’re not living here anymore?”
“You mean, does he know I had a sexual life before him? Yeah, I think he does, considering we do a lot of different things when we are alone together.” You still had that fake smile painted on your face while your mother looked more and more furious. But you couldn’t care less. You almost wanted her to break down, but it wouldn’t be fair to your little sister.
And you didn’t have the time before Steve came back and took your hand so naturally that it felt…normal.
Truth was, Steve had followed your interaction from afar. He couldn’t hear a thing, but he saw how your face kept changing. He was pretty sure your own mother couldn’t notice the little expression that lasted only seconds on your face but that shown how hurt you were by her words. She was awful with you, he could tell. And even if you weren’t always on good terms, Steve could never think that you deserve this. You were too good. Even for him.
“Tell me, Steve, I was wondering how and why you fall for my daughter.” Steve hated how she sounded so surprise about that. When, in reality, it was so easy to fall for you.
“We met at a party, after I broke up with my ex-girlfriend. I knew [y/n] but we never really talked. But that night, when she saw me standing alone with my terrible beer, she came to see me. I felt notice, and I haven’t in a long time. Trust me. But your daughter saw me, and it felt natural to spend our time together. It didn’t take me long to fall for her. We had some good and bad moments, but I know she’s the one. Nobody makes me feel the way she does.” Steve turned to look at you with a sweet smile and kissed your forehead to conclude his declaration.
That your mother was speechless wasn’t a surprise.
But you were too. Because if it wasn’t what you had planned, it was still true.
You met Steve at a party, a few weeks after his break-up with Nancy. You were both feeling terrible that night and found comfort in each other. You talked shit about your exes, drank too much and laughed a lot too. You spend the night at Steve’s place, mostly because you were scared your aunt would send you back home if she saw you that wasted. It wasn’t until the next morning, when you were both feeling better, that you kissed for the first time. You spend the whole day in Steve’s bed, discovering each other’s body until you were too tired to keep your eyes opened. You watched old movies. It was like a dream. You probably would have thought it never happened if you didn’t do it again multiple times after that day.
You got attached to Steve. You really believed you had found someone that was understanding you and loving you. That maybe you could start a new life here with someone new who wouldn’t break your heart.
That was until Steve broke what you had, and you never talked again. At least, not until a few days ago.
“Good for you” your mother said before leaving the two of you alone in the middle of the room. She was clearly disappointed that this relationship was working. Or, at least, that this fake relationship was looking enough real to be believable.
You looked at Steve frowning, because you were also confused about why Steve sounded so convincing. He tried to not look at you, pretending you weren’t around until you hit his chest. “What the hell was that Harrington?”
“I just added my own truth in our lie.” He said, imitating a chef pouring salt on his plate. You couldn’t help but laugh at that. You weren’t sure about bringing Steve here until he said all those beautiful things. He even convinced you that you were in a relationship. But more important, he was just like the sun in the middle of a nightmare. You hated being there, but he made it look cooler. Maybe it was Steve’s secret power. Because as far as you remembered, it was also the way you were feeling when you were seeing each other. Nothing could go wrong when you were in Steve’s arms.
Maybe that’s the reason you felt miserable since you stopped sleeping together.
You were going to sit back at the table, waiting for the best part of the night aka the diner, when Steve pulled you by the hand. “If you think you’re going to miss the slow, you’re wrong. I’m not getting paid for sitting.” That’s when you realized Stevie Wonder’s voice was resonating in the middle of the room and your sister was dancing with her husband. You tried to convince Steve with a pout that you didn’t have to go, but it didn’t work.
You were now dancing with Steve. No matter how many nights you spent with him, it was the more intimate you’ve ever been with each other. You felt safe in his arms. You could feel his heartbeat even underneath your clothes and the loud music. It was almost like there were only two people in the room, and clearly the groom and the bride weren’t invited.
When you finished dancing, someone rushed to you too. “Here, I took this polaroid of you. You looked adorable!” And you were indeed, looking adorable on this picture. You noticed how Steve was looking at you so dearly and how his hands seemed to hold you like he was scared you would run away. But he wasn’t the only betraying himself on the picture. The smile on your face was speaking for you hidden feelings. You felt good with him, like you did before.
“Thank you,” Steve finally said since you weren’t answering the poor guy and took the picture from your hand. He winked at you before putting it in his jacket “I want a proof that you enjoyed that night.”
And you did, thanks to him. But you were glad to go back to your hotel room. You had enough of your family drama and just wanted to lay quickly on the bed. And have a good night of sleep.
Or at least, that was what you thought. Because as soon as you were lying on the bed, you couldn’t think about anything else that the man next to you.
You glimpsed Steve when he left the bathroom, only wearing a pajama’s pant. You always had a thing for his hairy torso and damn, that was the only thing on your mind right now. Maybe not the only one. But clearly at the top of your list with other Steve’s body part that were touching you that night. That man was driving you crazy.
“I’m sorry.” You heard Steve mumbled. You hesitated a few seconds before turning to look at him. He was still lying on his back, his arms crossed under his head, looking at the roof. You frowned, wondering if he even noticed you turned to him or if he was too lost in his mind. You slowly put a hand on his chest and when you noticed the small smile on his lips, you knew he felt you. You had many questions to ask, mainly about why he was sorry or about what he told your mother earlier.
But there was one thing you remembered from your days with him: he spent so many years not being listened to, that Steve was still afraid of opening up to people. He would rather hide his feelings than be honest and risked being laughed at. So you accepted to wait until he felt ready.
“When we met, I just had broken up with Nancy. I was miserable. And you arrived, with your fiery temperament and your beautiful body, I couldn’t resist. I needed you. You helped me a lot, made me feel good about myself. I felt desired with you. And I hope I helped you too, even if you never told me until today what was on your mind, I hope I did. But then…I fell for you, [y/n]. I fell hard and I was scared. Because I knew I wasn’t in my best state to start a new relationship. I was scared that I would treat you badly. That’s why I stopped everything, I couldn’t…I couldn’t risk hurting you so much you would hate me. Apparently, I did make the right decision since you still hated me and I started avoiding you too to not grow my feelings back. But tonight…”
You listened silently to every word Steve said. And now he was facing you and you could tell from his face that he was scared and insecure about what he was saying. Maybe you were going to reject him. Maybe you were going to say it was too late now to start something. But maybe it felt good to open his heart for once. “Tonight, you made me fall in love with you again.” he whispered, staring into your eyes.
Those were the words you hoped to hear so many times in the past. But coming from Steve, it meant even more. Because he was the guy that made you believe you could be lovable too, you could be appreciated just like you were, no matter your past or your action. And even if he hadn’t said those words, you would have known. Steve’s eyes weren’t lying. And there was so much love in them, you could only hope it was for you.
Now you knew it was.
You brushed his cheek with so much tenderness, he closed his eyes to appreciate your touch even more. He even slid his lips towards your hand to kiss it slowly. “You made me fall for you too, Harrington.” Steve looked up at you, like he was searching from the truth on your face, scared that you might not mean it. To prove him you were honest, you slowly climb on top of him and grabbed his face between your hands.
From all the kisses you shared with Steve, this one was the purest. Because it was full of loved and shared feelings. No more heading, no more fear, just love.
You and Steve were just two souls hoping to find someone who would understand them and love them. Thankfully, you found each other.
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lenteur · 6 months
random thoughts about tell me that you love me, episode eight
(the rest is under the cut because i'm worried about your eyes having to read ALL OF THAT and this post might contain spoilers)
I have a love hate relationship with the scenery in kdramas because I want to live there but I can't 💔
The more I learn about jin woo, the more I feel for him. He had to adapt to the school because no one knew sign language. It's unfair and I wish the school offered him some help but alas, he grew up in an area where not a lot of things could be done to help him.
It's cute how jo han wants to make things right with mo eun after his reaction to the dating news. Proves that he's a great friend (even though he wishes he was more to her)
The four leaf clover thing is cute beyond words. It's incredible how the only people jin woo gave them to are his best friend and his lover 💖
Where can I hire a jung mo dam to cook all my dishes? If anyone knows please hit me up ;)
Jo han not wanting mo eun to come to his house is so me. I am torn and too awkward to say anything lol
This drama is filled with nosy people. First mo dam seeing his sister with jin woo, then mo eun eavesdropping on ji yu and now jin woo's student catching his teacher with his girlfriend. Girl, I would have fit right in. I know it's bad but sometimes I can't help being nosy like that lol
The aquarium scene is so beautiful, there are hearts in my eyes 😍
Jin woo slowly but surely involving mo eun in his daily life, that's character development. It's so sweet to see him open up little by little to her.
It's sad to see sometimes the only option for bullied kids is to let out all their anger and frustration at once by using violence. We don't know much about tae ho (I think that's his name?) and if he tried telling people (teachers or other adults) about the other kids bullying him but it feels like there's no escape for him. And resorting to violence was his last option because he can't take it anymore. And the bully has the nerve to say "The one who's hit sleeps better at night".
It's heartbreaking to see the kid trying to end it all by using a brick against his bully. Shows how much violence he went through. What's even more heartbreaking is him being able to raise his voice at other people but being almost defenseless when it comes to his bully. The mental toll and control a bully has over their victim is unimaginable. Tae ho raised his voice at jin woo because the latter didn't help him the other time, not knowing jin woo is deaf. But it shows how desperate victims are. They're searching for a helping hand, no matter who it is because the weight of it all is too much for one person. I wish the bullying would stop and the bully to be punished accordingly. They want to scream and ask for help but most of the time, it's either of two things: the victim can't because they know there will be repercussions or their cry for help falls on deaf ears (pun unintended).
On a completely unrelated note, seeing and hearing people write on paper is so relaxing to me. I could fall asleep to it.
Take this from someone who never wears makeup but I find it funny when in a drama, they show someone putting on makeup because it seems like there is no difference. I don't know how to explain it but it looks like there's no product on the palette/conceler/blush things and it's just for show. I shouldn't have written about this because the lack of skills and vocabulary is obvious 💔
Mo eun and jin woo are facing the first obstacles in their blooming relationship. Jin woo because he can sense mo eun's family and friends are a bit iffy about him. Mo eun because she fears she won't be able to communicate as fluently as seo kyung can with jin woo. I hope they face all hurdles together and find a solution together.
I'm happy that mo eun and jin woo are friends with so hee and her husband (what's wrong with me today? I can't remember anyone's name) so they can see that despite it all, love triumphs and they live a happy life together
I like that she reassures him she's feeling comfortable in their relationship.
Ji yu is such a great friend, defending her friend and letting the parents know her boyfriend is a good person. Thank you for being the best of friend ji yu.
THE KISS!!! don't mind me i'm going crazy haha
It was a cute episode. I liked it.
For those reasons, I'm giving it a 9/10
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sad-brunnettee · 2 years
I’m just like you | Part 5
Billy Hargrove x reader
Part 4
A/n: this took me so long to write, is it good? No. Was it worth the wait? Also no.
Since your last conversation with Carol you tried to act like yourself. Tommy, who is always oblivious about his surroundings took notice of this. He will glance at your exposed skin from time to time, attempting to see any bruises or marks that will let him know that the abuse has gotten worse. Yet he’s never seen anything that would catch his attention.
He knew you didn’t like talking about your home life which is why he didn’t pry but he knew you needed a small escape. Luckily, another party was taking place this weekend. Getting wasted at a random party was his best solution, he was sure it will work.
“What do you mean no, y/n? This is the best distraction.” Tommy’s voice was filled with annoyance. His posture slacked as he stabbed his food with his fork.
“My mom said we’re going to this restaurant downtown. I can’t bail on her.” You tried to explain to him but he still looked exasperated.
Without trying to, Billy could see right through you. He noticed the way your body tensed and how you desperately tried to avoid eye contact with them. As much as he hates to admit it, he won’t be surprised if he were to find your parents are just like his dad. It was the new normal and there wasn’t much that kids could do in cases like this.
“Yeah yeah, whatever, what about you Hargrove?” Tommy’s attention shifted to Billy who seemed to be studying you. As much as you tried to pretend to not feel his intense stare you. It was hard, and you were sure they could see that. Whenever you attempted to pick up your food with the fork it kept on sliding across the plate. Your hand was getting shaky and your face was getting red.
Not only were you internally cringing but so was Carol. She felt bad for you, Billy’s stare was nothing like the others. His hit harder than those that stare after you got in a brutal fight, than when anyone sees you still hanging out with Tommy and Carol. Than whenever you get new bruises and nobody knows where they came from. Those times, the looks people gave you were easy to ignore. Yet you felt exposed at the moment.
When Billy didn’t answer, Tommy shoved him with his elbow. He snapped his head quickly to face him, it was intimidating enough to make Carol gulp. Meanwhile, Tommy kept his composure and raised his eyebrows to urge a response from him.
“Do that again, and I’ll disfigure your face.” Billy threaten through gritted teeth. But Tommy simply chuckled with a shake of his head. “I have shit to do that day.” As he spoke he raised from his seat after hearing the bell ring. You finally lifted your eyes up from your half-eaten food to see him already looking at you. Just as expected, he saw the sad look on your face.
If you would had paid as much attention to his face as he did to yours. You would had noticed a the look of empathy he held in his eyes. Maybe then would you see the similarities you share with him.
Without saying anything, he grabbed his tray and walked away. After a few more seconds you also stood up and left. You heard Tommy and Carol say something but you kept on walking.
As you walked to your car, you kept on wondering if the possibility of ever being with Billy will happen. It seemed as if you were subconsciously pushing him away. Yet you couldn’t help but come to the realization that no matter what you did, Billy wouldn’t think of you more than a school friend. He has made it clear that he isn’t looking for a girlfriend.
You told yourself that next time there’s a party, you’ll be there. Not just for Billy or to please Carol and Tommy, but for yourself. You definitely need a break from everything that’s been going on.
You were so engrossed in your own thoughts that you didn’t see y/s/n walking towards your car. It wasn’t until she got in and slammed the door that you noticed her. With furrowed eyebrows you turned tried to look at her face. It was hidden by her hair yet you pictured her with furrowed eyebrows like you and a pout.
“Y/s/n are you oka-” you spoke and reach your hand for it to rest on her shoulder but she moved away.
“Just drive.” She looked out at the window as she said that.
You debated on asking once more but decided against it. You retracted your hand and placed it on the keys but you must not have moved fast enough because y/s/n turned towards you in a rapid motion.
“Didn’t you hear me? I said drive!” She rolled her eyes and pulled her jackets hoodie over her head.
You wanted to yell back at her but you decided on staying quiet, not wanting to make the situation worse.
The drive was awkward on your part, there were so many things swirling through your head that you wanted to speak out. Yet they just wouldn’t escape your mouth. The only sound that could be heard was the music playing through the radio.
Your sister practically ran out of the car as soon as you came to a stop. Reluctantly you also got out of the car and walked home.
Saturday came by quickly and you were getting ready to leave any second with your mom and sister. You wore a brown turtle neck long sleeve shirt with light medium wash jeans. You were wearing your favorite pair of white shoes that seemed to bring the outfit together. The only thing left to fix was your hair, you decided on putting up in a half up half down style. Something that made your face look almost angelic.
You walked out of your room just in time to see your sister and mom walking out of the door. Aside from neither one talking to you, you felt happy. This was the first time in years that the three of you would go out.
During the drive you had to bite your lips to prevent a smile from forming. Your mom hasn’t told you why you’re all heading to a restaurant when there was food at home but you didn’t mind.
The restaurant was big and simple yet you felt out of place. There were groups of teenagers hanging with their friends. It seemed as if it was a place for young people since there weren’t that many families. The table you would be sitting at is near the back, the window to your left showed you the cars and people passing by.
“Your waiter will be with you in a few minutes.” Ryan, the host told you.
You picked up the menu that laid in front of you and it was then that you noticed an extra one next to your mom. Even if the restaurant wasn’t busy, you thought that maybe the host grabbed one too many.
Nobody else seemed to mind it, you tried to ignore it as well but it was hard. It stared at you, making you wonder who is supposed to be holding it.
“Hello, I’m Sam and I’ll be your waiter, can I get some drinks started for you?” She asked while her manicured hands held a notepad on her left hand and a pen on the other.
You were about to answer when your mom beat you to it. “We’re actually waiting for one more person, could we order everything once they arrive?” She asked while folding her hands on top of the menu.
“Sure thing.” She said with a tight smile.
As she walked away you looked at your mom about to ask her who would be joining the three of you. Thinking maybe a friends of her will be arriving soon. You didn’t have time to ask her because shortly after you heard the door of the restroom open and the voice of the host as well as another male.
A man who seemed to be a few years older than your mom stood in front of your table. He had a few noticeable wrinkles on his face and was well dressed. You wondered if that’s the reason why he was late.
Your mom smiled at him with admiration that left you wondering how long they’ve been seeing each other for. She patted the right side of the cushion she was sitting on. Y/s/n, looked at you with confusion, you mirrored her look but turned to the two in front of you when your mom cleared her throat.
“Girls, this is Tom, my boyfriend.” She briefly introduced him. You weren’t sure how to feel, you were happy knowing she had found someone. Yet you couldn’t help but feel conflicted, it could be from the way your sister and you met Tom. He simply showed up out of nowhere and you’ll now be seeing him a lot.
Your mom cleared her throat again, making you snap out of your thoughts. You stretched out your right hand for him to shake. “Nice to meet you Tom, I’m y/n.” He also extends his arm and looked at your sister afterwards, wondering what her name was.
“I’m y/s/n.” Was all she said and also offered him her hand to shake but it was brief. Your mom sent a glare her way but Tom didn’t see.
Dinner went better than you had expected, from your short encounter with Tom you already liked him. You hoped he will be a good father figure for y/s/n, from the two of you. She is the one who may need it more than you.
The four of you were walking out of the restaurant with Tom saying he has some ideas of what to do next time. Everyone seemed to like that idea except for your sister, she had a bored look on her face. Which made the drive home tense, your mom lectured her while you sat there in silence.
As you reached your house, you’re sure that everyone could hear your mom screaming at your sister even with the windows rolled up. You almost didn’t want to get out of the car, but you knew that if you did that you’ll also get yelled at. You unfastened your seatbelt when you heard your sister slam the door closed. She was followed by your mom who kept on yelling.
When you did get out you heard the unrecognizable sound of Billy’s car. You looked over your shoulder and sure enough there it was. He didn’t look towards you and you hoped that he didn’t listen to what was going on in front of you.
Taglist: @hellomyweirdos @mama-miya @kawaiibear0704 @queenofshinigamis @cluckityduck @ventingaboutmymentalhealth @lubsana @babyprincessharrington @n39ro-chann @mikeyswifie @parkjjams @yookayur @wittleespurr
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countrymusiclover · 1 year
69 - Drastic Vampire Measures
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Part 70
Her Life Means Everything
@mrs-fanfiction-2001 @the-big-bad-klaus @dragonixfrye @samsgirl93 @elijahmikaelsonbitch
“I can’t believe this. My daughters and my husband have flipped their switches. Alaric is in a coma and that has all happened in the spam of not even twenty four hours. I mean what the hell is going to happen next!” Slumping down in the desk chair of the main office I smacked a hand to my forehead feeling frustrated.
My sister was standing in front of the wooden desk moving to sit down in the chair in front that was pulled up. She had some of her hair curled while I had mine separated into two braids falling down my shoulders. “Look, we have to face one problem at a time, Mads. I mean you managed to break Klaus from his crazy spell before so I don’t see why you can’t do it a second time. As for the girls, I don't think we can bring them back without Klaus.”
“I agree with you on that. It just shook me you know…when I looked into his eyes he looked like a completely different person. It was like the first time I saw his hybrid face…I…I was terrified all over again.” Leaning back in the chair I wrapped my arms around myself shaking a little. I usually wasn’t afraid of Klaus but I was when he had his vampire switch flipped.
Caroline twirling her twin ring sends me a glance with a half smile in my direction. “It was so long ago that I thought he wasn’t capable of having any real human feelings until I saw he was around you. He has been there for you through everything including our mother’s death. It took me a long time before I realized it wasn’t just because of the soulmate bond.”
“It’s always been more than that, Care. It’s like he opened my mind to something that I never knew I needed. I mean think about it Caroline our lives completely changed for the better once we were introduced into the world of vampires and werewolves.” Throwing my hands up from the desk I explained to her before I heard Lizzie saying something to her friends in another room. Vamping into the room I saw that Josie was lying asleep on the bed.
“Mrs. Mikaelson. I didn’t know you were back yet. Where is your husband?” MG questions turning to face me with Lizzie standing beside him.
Leaning in the doorway I noticed that Jo’s girlfriend Finch was sitting at her bedside until I had entered the bedroom. “My husband has been turned to the dark side yet again by my eldest daughter Nikola. And I can only assume that Josie is trapped inside the box because of Hope or her. Now would someone care to explain what exactly is going on here.”
“I have a solution to our Nikola and Hope problem after what they did to my father, Aunt Maddie.” Lizzie stepped forward where I could tell that I wasn’t going to like what she was saying next. She avoided my gaze for a moment before she finally muttered. “I want to kill them…”
The veins underneath my eyes suddenly appeared where I snagged her wrist dragging her into the hallway trapping her in between the wall and my boys where she gasped never seeing me like this. I didn’t lose my temper normally but she was coming after my children. “Elizabeth Jenna Saltzman you will never utter those words ever again or I will make your life a living nightmare. I have not gone to almost hell and back so that you could say something like that. Do you not know that they are already dead there is no way of coming back - and besides they are Tribrid’s. They cannot be killed. Even if they could - they are your cousins - you’re family!”
“Aunt Maddie I…They tried to kill my dad. He is in a coma - urgh!” She grunted with her hair falling in front of her eyes. I heard her heartbeat quickening with my right hand wrapped around her throat.
Pushing her up against the wall some more I didn’t care. My fangs appeared where her heart skipped a beat in fear. “I am sorry about your father but it doesn’t change the fact that you are talking about coming after my children. I let Hope and Nikola go to this school so you can be close - but under no circumstances will I ever allow you to hurt my babies!”
“Mads I’m sorry…ugh you’re hurting me…please stop.” She whimpered under my fingernails where she gripped my wrist trying to get me to pull away.
Stepping away from her I growled hearing her drop on the floor while my nose picked up a hint of blood. Glancing back at my niece I noticed that my nails had drawn a very little amount of blood from her neck so I bit into my wrist holding it out to her. “Drink Lizzie and then go watch over your sister. If I catch you anywhere else I’ll tell your mother what you just told me.”
“I’m sorry Aunt Maddie….I just can’t believe she did this…Hope hurt my father.” She gulped down my blood until the wounds healed.
I put a hand on her shoulder sending her on her way before I heard the front door of the school get thrown open. Vamping into the living room my husband dropped a dead body on the carpet where I shook in my head I felt my fangs trying to pop through at the heightened smell of blood. “Klaus, seriously you really can’t drop dead bodies inside the school. We have little kids here in case you have forgotten that.”
“I didn’t, my beautiful wife. But you seem to forget that I have flipped that glorious switch we have so I don’t care about much.” He waved his finger around in the air heading down the stairs until he was standing directly in front of me. “Now what do you say to you and me taking a little trip to France. Elijah and Hayley say that it is so lovely.”
Knitting my brows together I took a step backwards from him remembering that I had hidden one of Mikaelson's daggers inside the couch. Even though they didn’t work on him it was better than nothing. I couldn’t let him possibly hurt any students. “Klaus, we can’t go traveling. Our daughters need our help. And I know you haven’t forgotten that we have children to worry about..” Backing up by the edge of the coach I wrapped my fingers around the blade handle quickly drawing it out attempting to stab him.
“Maddison…Maddison…how pathetic of you.” He clicked his touch snatching my wrist in his where I grunted feeling his nails drawing some blood. He drew the dagger from my grasp, tossing it away then jerking me into his chest. “Right before that little attempt I did care what I did to you but now…well maybe this will help you see what I want you to do.”
He revealed his fangs pressing them into my neck where I gasped sharply feeling him drink my blood but also that his werewolf venom was entering my bloodstream. “Nik….Caroline!”
“I love you, Mads. But if you want always and forever then you will agree to my terms in France when you wake up.” He moved his hands up to the sides of my neck seeing that my eyes were watering at the pain he just caused. He moved his fingers quickly snapping my neck where I collapsed into his waiting arms where he carried me bridal style vamping me out of the house.
Only a minute later the older Forbes blonde vamped into the room seeing the dagger and some blood on the floor but didn’t hear the pair. She had heard he cry but wasn’t as fast an Original Hybrid. “Maddie!”
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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rose-pearls · 2 years
A plan that Eddie doesn't like
Summary: while trying to find a way to defeat Vecna the groups thinks of a solution to distract the basketball team which is you.
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The world was ending because of Vecna and you all had to find a solution to try and survive and save Hawkins. Everyone was brainstorming and throwing ideas but there was always an issue in the plan that we couldn’t risk. 
“If we respect these four steps of the plan with Max, Lucas and Erica going into the house and the rest of us going to the upside down to distract the bats and flame Vecna, we could survive.”, I heard Nancy say as she explained her plan into details.
“Right but what of the football team that is still going after Eddie?”, as Lucas said this, I looked at my boyfriend who seemed tired of this whole situation.
“Well, we could distract them…”, everybody looked at Dustin as he said this. 
“And how exactly are we going to do that?”, Steve asked at Dustin who became a bit uncomfortable at the question.
“Just spit it out Henderson’”, I took Eddie’s hands as he said this to Dustin who looked scared.
“We need your girlfriend to distract Jason.”, I wasn’t sure if I had heard right what the younger boy had just said but by the angry look on Eddies face it seems I heard him right.
“No – No way in hell is my girlfriend getting close to that asshole”, I had to contain my giggles at Eddies screeching. His voice always seemed to go verry high when he got angry. But the idea of having to flirt with Jason was enough to make me stop laughing. 
“It’s actually not a bad idea, I mean Jason always talks about her in basketball practice.”, Lucas seemed to try to convince Eddie of following Dustin’s plan.
“I am not letting her near that ass”, Dustin tried to say something, but Eddie cut him off. “No way!”
“You do know that I am the one wo is the the most concerned in this, so I probably have the most to say in this.”, Eddie looked at me with big eyes like they were going to fall of his face. 
“Are you sure this is the only way to distract the basketball team from going after Eddie?”, I asked Dustin while ignoring my boyfriend’s protests. 
“It’s the only thing I can think of to distract him long enough for us to buy the weapons, but it depends if you want to do it or not.”, Dustin looked unsure probably because Eddie was being dramatic behind me.
“I will do it”, Eddie started to argue but I continued. “But I want Steve to be with me if something happened.”
Eddie started to groan and try to talk to me, but I looked at Steve who gave me a nod. “I’ll stay in the car and if you ever need me, you give me our signal and I’ll come over”, I felt better as Steve said this, but I knew I had to speak to Eddie first.
“This is unbelievable. Unbelievable!”, as Eddie continued to scream, I took him with me to his room to have a bit of privacy. 
As I closed the door of his room, he seemed to be angry and frustrated by the way he was going with his hands through his hair. To calm him down I took his arm and pulled him down to sit on the bed.
“Eddie, I know you don’t like this idea but It’s the only way to be sure that he is distracted.”, I tried to speak with a softer tone to make him understand my point which seemed to not be working because he scoffed.
“So, I have to watch my girlfriend go flirt with the guy that hates me and basically wants to kill me and be okay with it.”, he let out a shaky breath at those last words.
“You know that I would never do it if it wasn’t necessary. I love you and only you and you should never doubt that!”, Eddie seemed to deflate after hearing that but he still seemed on edge. I knew that in this moment I should not push him but let him say what he wants to say when he is ready.
I hear him mumble something but can’t hear what he is saying. “Eddie I couldn’t hear what you said.”, he took a deep breath before turning to me with glassy eyes. 
“I’m scared that if you go and flirt with him you will realize how much more you deserve than me.”, I looked at him in shock and as I tried to reassure him, he stopped me.
“I mean you are the little sister of Steve Harrington and – goddamnit – you are so beautiful, and kind and you deserve the world.”, I felt tears in my eyes at his words and pulled Eddie in a hug which he accepted.
“Do you know the first time I knew I loved you?”, Eddie seemed surprised as I said this. 
“It was first year of high school for Dustin, Lucas, Mike, and Max, I remember that they were all scared to start their first day because they wanted to fit in. I had promised Steve that I would look after them but after class my teacher held me back and as I ran into the cafeteria scared of seeing them alone or worse bullied. I saw them with you, well apart from Max, sitting at the Hellfire club table with the biggest smile on their faces.”, Eddie seemed to remember the moment because he smiled softly.
“They looked so at ease with you, and you were there making them laugh and I knew right there and then that I loved you and that you were the best man I could ever dream to be with.”, he let out a soft sob at that and then kissed me softly on the lips.
“You are so much more than that label that they gave you at school and you should never forget that. You mean the world to me and now you are stuck with me, so good luck trying to get rid of me.”, Eddie laughed at that and put his hands on my cheeks while staring at me with a gaze full of love.
“I love you so much you know that.”, I let out a soft laugh at Eddies words and nodded. Of course, I knew he told me that every day whenever he could.
While the both of us where in our bubble there was suddenly a loud knock on the door.
“I hope you two are not having sex because the rules were clear you can date but no PDA in front of me or near me and we are in the same place!”, I felt my cheeks flare up with embarrassment at my brothers’ words.
“For god sake Steve we are not having sex! Go back to the rest of the group we will be there in five”, I heard my brother huff behind the door but before he could go verry far my idiot of a boyfriend decided to open his mouth.
“Yeah, you would have heard her if we were, she is quite loud”, I looked at him in shock and knew that this was the day that Eddie Munson would die. 
Steve barged in and went straight for Eddie who went out the window. I thought that my brother would stop there but he seemed ready for battle. As I watched my brother go out the window to run after Eddie while nearly falling on the ground – stealthy like a ninja my ass -, I felt myself laugh at the two idiots who were now running around chasing each other, with Eddie laughing and screaming like a little girl and Steve promising vengeance.
These two were going to be the death of me but god I loved them. As I joined the others who were looking at the two chasing one another laughing I felt once again a smile come to my face. 
We still had to deal with Vecna and distracting Jason but in this moment we were just teenagers.
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vatican3 · 2 years
Do You have any thoughts about Nihil's friend. Would love to hear if you do.
Prefacing all of this with the fact that you really need to buy into my Nihil-is-a-girl canon for almost any of this to interest you.
I feel like I need to split this up into sections but as I'm writing this I have no clue what those sections will be. But they're all. General concepts.
Cishet. Sorry.
Except for when I sometimes hit him with the transbian beam because I can't help myself. But we'll get to that.
Despite looking like a massive douchebag this guy is so sweet and full of love. Assigned dogboy.
Best friends with Nihil for a long long time, Nihil is known and loved by his family.
They are roommates. They live in a shitty apartment together. They're in a shitty band together. They go to shitty parties together. They're having the time of their lives.
But he's like, hm, I do sort of want Nihil carnally but as far as I know I am not into men. They get drunk and make out constantly.
Nihil eventually comes around to telling him she's a girl and he's like OHHH THAT MAKES WAY MORE SENSE FOR ME, PERSONALLY.
Upon learning he is avoiding a sexuality crisis (for now. We'll get out the transbian beam in a minute) he's like okay, obviously we should have sex. Nihil also thinks this because she is bored and horny and thinks hey he's pretty sexy that would be fun. This is a great solution to the nights when neither of them experiences success with women.
So they fuck raw every single day basically.
It does not take long for them to individually figure out they are in love with each other but it does take them forever to say fucking anything about it.
There is a weird relationship limbo where they are really not sure if they're dating and are too scared to ask. Bestie has stopped trying to hit on other women.
Their friends in their shitty rock band do not understand what their dynamic is and they are trying to piece it together from context clues and it just is not happening. They are also confused about Nihil's general gender situation but they are beyond asking questions.
Despite the fucking raw every day they are somehow surprised when Nihil ends up pregnant (there is nary a brain cell between them).
Nihil is vomiting. They think it must be a stomach bug. And then she just keeps vomiting and now certain smells are making her nauseous that didn't before and her period is not making an appearance when it should be. And then they're like, don't think this one's a stomach bug, man.
Bestie is terrified for fatherhood.
But very excited!
Nihil has to speedrun going girlmode because pregnancy is not going to wait for that to get figured out.
Nihil, because of how she is, has about 50 books about pregnancy in her room. Bestie makes the mistake of reading one of them and is now gripped with anxieties about everything that could possibly go wrong.
Bestie tries to gather band friends without Nihil to tell them she's pregnant. They do not understand. He can see the gears trying to turn in their heads. It's not clicking. They are excited for this mystery baby regardless.
Bestie calls his family to explain that hey you know Nihil? Yeah you do. We're having a kid and also she's kind of my girlfriend not clear on that one yet. Try not to ask questions I do not have answers.
He wins some shitty arcade jewelry for them to wear as wedding rings to doctor appointments because they are already not stoked about this greasy freak having a kid with some nice girl but an unmarried greasy freak is worse.
They go to see Bestie's family for Christmas with baby Primo in hand. There are clearly questions. Nobody is going to ask. Bestie's siblings try to talk to Nihil like she's a new person and she's like, I have known you forever what are you fucking doing.
They can pawn off baby Primo on Bestie's extended family and cuddle and fall asleep by the fireplace together. They are so tired. Did you know having a baby is so hard.
You don't need me to explain this.
You've seen the Dance Macabre video.
They are so into each other it's either adorable or disgusting depending on what kind of person you are.
Bestie is at work exclusively talking about his girlfriend and how she is and how excited he is to go home and see her.
I don't have time or room to fit all of my nurse Nihil thoughts prompted by that other person in here. But please understand how much I thought about this concept.
Bestie is so into her and constantly brings home presents for her. Candy. Clothes.
They just fucking love watching horror movies and cuddling and eating Chinese leftovers together.
Someone tell this girl she can be butch.
Imp/Nihil/Bestie Femme4Femme4Butch throuple.
Nihil has two hands for two hot vampire gfs.
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AU Ideas - Leverage
Just a bunch of AU ideas (mostly OT3) that I've compiled but haven't been able to write myself and decided to share. Please let me know if you write something based on one of these ideas (even if it's not for the Leverage fandom) because I would like to read it.
Relationship Based:
Fake/Arranged Relationship
- Eliot and Hardison are dating, but the fact that Hardison’s friend Parker doesn’t technically exist has just become a problem and for whatever reason, the only solution is to legitimize her existence through marriage. - Couples Cruise: Hardison has been hired to gather information on a particular person/people, but the target is going to be on a couples cruise for the next month or two. The cruise has suspiciously good security protocols in place, so he can’t pose as a staff member and needs a hardline into the ship electronic systems. Parker is an occasional colleague who he asks for help, Eliot is on the ship working as a chef (either to gather intel for Moreau or as a legitimate job), Sophie is a “marriage counselor” working on the cruise, and Nate is there for IYS. - For Good Publicity: Parker is a former Olympic gymnast who now makes money by selling various merchandise she designs, doing visual/performing arts, advertising contracts, etc., Eliot is a Country singer/musician. Their managers suggest that they pretend to date to normalize Parker’s image/brand and soften Eliot’s (she’s a little too weird and he’s been getting in fist fights). Parker agrees because Sophie usually has good ideas, Eliot doesn’t agree but Nate makes it happen anyway. Breanna, Parker’s social media manager (a teenager she met doing graffiti who volunteered to help and didn’t expect to get paid for it), isn’t thrilled about the arrangement, because she’d been planning on setting Parker up with her older foster brother, Hardison. Since Parker agrees to Sophie’s plan, Breanna plans out a timeline of how to use both the relationship and the breakup to improve Parker’s image in the shortest period possible. After the break-up, Parker does actually start going out with Hardison, but then one day Eliot shows up on her doorstep (or third story balcony) having realized that he loves her. Ultimately OT3 happens. - Instead of training her as a thief, Archie brought Parker home and tried to raise her as a normal person anyway. Parker pursued a life of crime anyway, but now she has Archie and Marylin bothering her about finding a significant other and adopting them some more grand-babies. She convinces one or both of her crime buddies (Hardison and Eliot) to be a pretend boyfriend.
Occupation Based:
Artist AU: Hardison is a famous artist who agrees to do an exhibition/auction fundraiser for charity. Nate is there for insurance investigator reasons, Sophie is there grifting someone, Parker is casing the building for a future heist, and Eliot is trying to blend and avoid the guys chasing him. Eliot happens to have a concussion and is just standing around staring blankly at a particular painting. Parker is observing that same painting, which happens to be displayed near a skylight, and considering an on-the-spot heist. Hardison mistakes the intense staring for people being really into his art and goes to chat them up.
Assassin AU
- Parker is an assassin and Hardison is using the target’s credit card. - Eliot is an assassin and Hardison is using the target’s credit card. - Eliot and Parker are both hired to kill the same troublesome hacker. - Moreau sends Eliot to take out an accomplished international thief who refuses to become an asset (and is therefore a liability), Parker is bored of stealing and she accepts a contract hit on Damien Moreau’s boy-toy. - Eliot has just gone freelance after leaving Moreau and gets hired to take out a hacker, but when he’s doing reconnaissance on the guy, he sees Hardison petting puppies, helping old ladies with their groceries, and trying to explain Monopoly (or another board-game) to his girlfriend who doesn’t understand why robbing the bank is cheating. It turns into a conversation about the U.S. economy and capitalism and Parker has some good points and really Eliot can’t just kill these idiots without explaining the value of having a monopoly on railroads to them. - Eliot finds a convenient apartment to use as a sniper’s nest while the occupant is out of town. The apartment belongs to one of Hardison’s cover identities and he comes back into the country under a different identity and goes to visit Nana in another city. Parker isn’t ready to meet Nana, so she decides to break into Hardison’s apartment and hang out there until he gets back.
Independent Business AU
- Coffeeshop/Bakery/Cat-Cafe AU: Eliot buys out the retiring owners of an independent cafe/coffeeshop/bakery where Hardison regularly brings his laptop (having upgraded the wifi as a favor to the former owners) so he can truthfully tell Nana he’s getting out of the apartment daily. In return for custom pastries, drinks, and sandwiches, Hardison helps with the business logistics and finances; he also sets up an electronic ordering system. Parker has seen Eliot giving day-old pastries to homeless vets and shelters and decides that his cafe would be a good home for her collection of stray cats; she only has three to start with, but after breaking in and leaving those three in the middle of the night with a note to take care of them or else, she brings more stray cats (or other animals, possibly a disabled raccoon) when she finds them. - Restaurant (Chef/Waiter) AU: Eliot is the chef, Nate does the finances, Sophie is the hostess/manager, Hardison owns the restaurant, Parker picks up shifts as a waitress, bartender, line-cook, and hostess in between heists.
Prostitution/Brothel AU
- Eliot is tired of killing people and starts working at a brothel, mostly he does security stuff and keeps clients from ignoring limits and safewords, but occasionally he takes clients who make certain requests. Hardison goes to the brothel to update their electronic security system and ends up fucking Eliot instead of getting paid. Parker is gray-ace and doesn’t know it, so she comes to the brothel to ask questions and figure out why everyone likes sex so much. Sophie is the Madam (and possibly runs a high class escort service as well). Nate is an investigator of some sort who tried to shut down Sophie’s businesses for years before giving up (falling in love with her) and starting to bring her “good kids who’ve made bad choices” to rehabilitate. [Alternately Nate took over his father’s criminal operations, turned them into a small empire and despite Sophie operating in his (newly-conquered) territory, he agrees to trading favors instead of trying to make her pay protection] - Hardison is an author who gets most of his ideas from watching security footage illegally (maybe he’s got undiagnosed agoraphobia or he just doesn’t believe in privacy or both). One day he happens to be watching the live feed from a fancy hotel bar where Moreau is conducting business. Something (Eliot) keeps Hardison coming back and eventually tracking Moreau and compiling evidence of illegal dealings. Fairly early on, Hardison notices that Moreau prostitutes Eliot to favored business partners, but despite growing concern for Eliot’s consent and well-being, Hardison can’t do anything about it from the safety of his apartment. Nate (agent, editor, or publisher) shows up to nag Hardison about an upcoming deadline (which he totally forgot about), leading Hardison to hire Parker for leg work (and general crime) because he won’t be able to focus on writing until Eliot is safe. He also has Nate put him in touch with Sophie so he can get his amassed intelligence into the right hands without implicating himself. Meanwhile, Eliot knows he’s being watched, but is starting to hate himself enough that he really doesn’t care about anything. Once Moreau is arrested (any evidence of Eliot’s involvement having mysteriously disappeared), Eliot decides to track down the person/people who saved him.
Carnival/Circus AU: Parker is a performer and pickpocket, Eliot is involved in the drug-running and human-trafficking for which the carnival/circus is a cover, Hardison just wants to take his foster siblings for a fun day out. Nate is the rogue FBI investigator trying to bring down the take down the trafficking ring (which his bosses have dismissed for lack of evidence). Sophie is a criminal (not that Nate can prove she’s anything other than an actress/theatre director) that Nate asks for help with the case.
College/University/Student AU
- “it’s 3 am and I’m still in the library studying for finals and I’m losing my grip on reality and I think I just saw a ghost” AU: Hardison has been ‘studying’ for 28 hours without a break, Eliot is trying to prepare for a math final of some sort that he’s pretty sure he’ll fail regardless and Parker is the ghost. - “My computer crashed and you’re the student worker at the IT center” AU: Eliot got angry at his computer and punched it, Hardison makes extra cash fixing computers, phones, and the occasional mass spectrometer or gas chromatograph that a grad student needs reprogrammed off the books. - “I couldn’t help but notice you’re watching [security footage] instead of studying in the computer lab” AU: Parker is doing surveillance, Hardison is trying to study. - “you live above me and I’m going to murder you if you don’t stop throwing parties Sunday night” AU: Eliot is getting really tired of Hardison’s parties and how can a bunch of geeks playing boardgames make so much goddamn noise?
Hospital AU
- Parker is an ER doctor, Hardison is the hospital IT guy assigned to the ER, and Eliot is in an abusive relationship or participates in underground MMA or both. - Parker is an ER doctor/nurse, Eliot is one of the night security guards for the ER, Hardison is very accident-prone/clumsy.
Emergency Services (9-1-1) AU: Eliot is a firefighter, Parker is a paramedic, and Hardison a 9-1-1 dispatcher.
Lawyer AU: Eliot is on trial for a crime he absolutely did commit because the person who hired him gave him up in return for a lighter sentence on other crimes. Hardison shows up pretending to be a lawyer, and ‘proves’ Eliot innocent. At the end of the trial, Hardison takes Eliot out to dinner (Eliot is just confused and going along with it because he thinks it all might be a drug-induced hallucination or coma dream) with Sophie, Nate, and Parker. They’re all chatting happily until Eliot interrupts with something like “you know, I did kill that guy, I’m not really innocent,” and Hardison replies with “and I’m not really a lawyer, so what?”
Delivery Service AU: Parker works as a freelance courier and picks up shifts for various delivery services off-the-books, both of which give her the opportunity to case targets and find things worth stealing. Nate, Sophie, Hardison, and Eliot are all customers at one point or another. Eliot is usually a sender where as Hardison is usually a recipient.
Veterinarian (sort-of) AU: Eliot is a black-market medic of sorts, using a veterinary cover story to advertise his services on the dark web. Hardison thinks he’s contacting an actual vet who does house calls, but he’s so flustered by Megabyte’s injury/illness that he mixes up his browsers or doesn’t realize he’s searching the dark web instead of the regular internet. Eliot doesn’t like his new client’s attitude towards their subordinates (taking the dog metaphor too far) but he needs the money, so he shows up prepared for a high level lieutenant in organized crime or something only to be met by an anxious ‘computer engineer’ and an actual dog. Still, Eliot manages to fix up Meg and get Hardison to calm down, at which point Hardison realizes his mistake. They part ways agreeing to forget each others’ names and faces, but Hardison ends up keeping track of Eliot and later on calls him again when Parker gets hurt on a job and zip-lines through his window bleeding.
Blogger AU: Hardison is a social media entity with accounts on most major social networks, but his primary thing is a blog where he does honest reviews of just about anything (restaurants, movies, Met Gala fashion choices, video-games products and services, etc.), talks about cute animals he sees, shares what he learns when he goes down a wikipedia/research rabbit hole and writes non-identifying things about his personal life. As such, his crushes on both Parker and Eliot are talked about, and his readers are privy to his struggle to choose one over the other. Eventually one or both of them finds the blog and after they have a fight, Hardison talks about things on the blog, not realizing Eliot and Parker are reading it and know what it’s about. This causes problems because Hardison writes things about Eliot’s toxic masculinity that he would never say to his face, and express a desire for normal relationship milestones that Parker could never give him.
Survival/Apocalypse/Dystopia AU
- Population/Fertility Crisis: Dealer’s choice how it happens (perhaps by infecting the wheat supply – see Wakefield Agriculture and Dr. Ann Hannity), but most of the world ends up infertile. Ten years down the line, the world is still overpopulated, but there are almost no kids being born so some powerful entity (governments/corporations/etc.) enforces genetic testing, picks out the people most likely to still be fertile, and abducts them. Hardison and Parker are two of the fertile individuals, Damien Moreau controls the program, Eliot is Moreau’s severely abused right hand and is put in charge of monitoring the subjects and delivering security assessments. Eliot falls in love with Hardison and Parker from a far and as Moreau’s abuse worsens he thinks about helping them escape even if it kills him. Eventually Eliot is approached by Nate and Sophie, who are working with a resistance movement, and agrees to help them free the abducted fertile individuals and ultimately take down Moreau and the entity in charge. Meanwhile, Parker and Hardison have been using their respective skills to get information about their captors and the project, and plan an escape. Because Hardison has been in the computers and Parker has been in the vents, they know Moreau is hurting Eliot, so they decide he’s the best option for someone to turn. Harry is a lawyer who initially helps make the program look legal but then has a moral awakening and becomes a spy for the resistance. Breanna does social organizing and spy tech for the resistance and her relationship with Sophie is the reason that Nate and Sophie know about Hardison’s computer skills and choose to start by rescuing him. Archie lends his skills to the resistance (or just Sophie and Nate) in return for their promise to rescue Parker.
Castaway AU: Eliot steals a helicopter to escape an employer who’s trying to clean up all evidence of their crimes, but he’s got a concussion and it’s been a while since he last flew a helicopter so he crashes. Hardison is hired anonymously to find the wreck and since his employer is cagey about the ‘why,’ Hardison in turn hires Parker to check out the wreck before giving the GPS coordinates to his employer. Parker finds Eliot along with the wreck and he explains the situation. Hardison gets both of them back to civilization and they take down the guy who was trying to kill Eliot.
Neighbor AU: Eliot is hiding after getting away from Moreau, Hardison is just doing his hacking thing, and Alice White rents the apartment in between theirs because Archie told her to back up the identity better. Sophie is Parker’s crime friend, Nate lives one floor down from Parker, Hardison, and Eliot, and is working in a children’s hospital, helping the doctors and parents get insurance to cover treatment. Sophie visits Parker and happens to run into Nate who she met while he was still working for IYS.
Will be added to as I come up with things I can't write myself.
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syrupwit · 2 years
Re: DADWC, no but seriously though, I'm invoking the wildcard space for Hawke & anyone (or everybody in the flock) + "Can I propose a more anime solution?" if you so wish! Modern AU Kirkwall if you fuck with those, but if not, wildly out of context is also works
You have carte blanche for sending me prompts in any case, Goose! And I don't know why this is Carver/Merrill, but it is. I made up so much stuff here. (The post referenced is here.)
Under the cut, please find ~1352 words of Modern AU Kirkwall, with Carver/Merrill, silly het tropes, and striped socks, for @dadrunkwriting.
Carryingly, but not over-loudly, Garrett Hawke cleared his throat. Heads turned; tongues stilled; Fenris pushed Anders’ admonishing finger from his personal space. An anticipatory quiet fell.
Moments prior, as Varric had been going over the statistics of the monster they were supposed to fight, Garrett had appeared listless and unengaged. The sudden attention of his friends, however, revived his famed charisma like water flowing into a sponge.
He leaned forward on his elbows and rested his chin on steepled fingers. The stupid but accurate glasses he’d bought online, a replica of those worn by Gherlen the Blood-Risen in the original Tales of the Blood-Risen, glinted in the basement’s buzzing light. 
“My friends, party members, devoted followers. Your strategies sound great and all, but can I propose a more… anime solution?”
“Oh, here we go,” said Carver. He had come down to the basement for snacks, and found that  the six-pack of fancy soda he’d bought for himself the day prior was missing from the fridge, having been distributed among the D&D players. Garrett had two cans in front of him. Pig.
“Shush, brother,” said Garrett. “Now, my suggestion is…”
“Garrett doesn’t even watch anime,” Carver seethed to Merrill later, having texted her and then met up to hang out in the only laundromat in Hightown. He was lying on a bench too narrow for his back while she paired up her socks. “He’s only seen Wait, My Girlfriend Is A Noble-Hunter?! and two episodes of the second remake of Tales of the Blood-Risen, not even the original. If there’s an anime fan in the family, it’s me. But he just has to take that from me, too!”
“Anime,” Merrill mused, folding together the top cuffs of two mismatched striped thigh-highs. The basket in front of her brimmed with more and more colorful socks, like an assortment of cotton candy or the hoard of a tiny, pastel-loving dragon. It was lucky there were only a couple other customers at the laundromat. “I don’t think I’ve seen any anime.”
“I’ll make you a list of recommendations,” said Carver, shifting his shoulders. “I have a broad knowledge of the genre. Garrett’s a dilettante.”
Merrill put her thigh-highs in the basket and set it aside. “Have you asked if they’d let you play D&D with them?”
“Yeah, I tried once, when they were doing a one-shot campaign with him and Varric co-DMing. He killed my character off in the first dungeon.”
“He claimed it was supposed to be fixable and plot-relevant, but come on, Merrill. He lives to lord himself over me! I’m not giving him more chances on purpose.”
Merrill sighed and patted him on the knee.
The washing machine that she had been using beeped. She went across the laundromat to inspect it, and returned with an armful of damp lingerie bags, which she placed on the bench near Carver’s feet. With a twitch of her fingers, the bags began to emit a light steam.
“Um,” said Carver. He liked it a little too much when Merrill did magic so casually. Garrett was a mage too, but he was flamboyant about it; Bethany was ashamed of her magic and usually hid it. Anders, the only other mage Carver spent much time with, tended to over-explain whatever he did and also get defensive about it. But Merrill just did as she pleased, when she pleased.
Merrill bent, rummaged through another among her cluster of laundry baskets, and retrieved a complicated-looking hanger with about 50 clips on it. She looked around the room, chewing her lip, but apparently found nowhere to hang it. 
“Could you hold this for me?” she asked. “I’ve just got to clip these.”
Carver sat up, careful not to knock her bags over, and took it from her. He looked around to make sure the other two customers weren’t watching them. “Why are you washing your underwear in public?”
“My sink’s not big enough,” said Merrill. “And my shower, I have to get naked or put on a swimsuit to wash clothes in it, and then the bathroom floor gets all wet.” She studied his face. “Oh dear, I’ve embarrassed you, haven’t I? You don’t have to help.”
“It’s fine,” said Carver, who could tell he had gone red.
“Thank you,” said Merrill, quick and sweet. Too sweet. Carver looked at her with suspicion, and she gave him a guileless smile. “Here, be careful with the garter belts in this bag—they’re delicate…”
Carver ended up helping Merrill with the rest of her laundry, including her towels and linens. It wasn’t like he had anything pressing that afternoon, and he didn’t feel like dealing with Garrett and his friends back at the house. 
They got hungry, so she took him to a cafe and tried to pay for his tea and sandwich. Carver would have none of that. 
“I make at least twice what you do. Plus, I’m the guy.”
He winced as soon as he said it and prepared to apologize. However, to his surprise, Merrill seemed flustered rather than offended. Some Dalish cultural difference, maybe? She ordered dessert for herself when he suggested it, and didn’t hesitate to choose the pricier cake that she preferred.
Merrill was coaxing him to try a bite of her cake when Garrett tromped into the cafe. He was followed by the other players, two or three more of his friends, and the dog, Calenhad, who as usual was shamelessly soliciting attention from Fenris.
“They don’t even let dogs in here,” Carver hissed, as Garrett commandeered two tables and directed the others to go in search of additional chairs. The dog sat in Fenris’s lap. “I got kicked out last week when I came in with him. But look! He gets away with everything!”
“I really think you should just tell him that you want to play with them again,” said Merrill. “Oh, Isabela’s here.”
She got up and ran to Isabela, who made a big deal of it. They had this whole hugging dance that involved Isabela lifting Merrill up multiple times. Isabela looked at Carver over Merrill’s shoulder and waggled her eyebrows, and he put up a hand in reluctant greeting. 
Being around Isabela was awkward—she was blunt and fearless, she was devoted to Merrill, and she knew Carver had used to have a crush on her. He was always afraid that she would say something about his interest in Merrill, though she’d contented herself with sly looks and innuendo so far.
“Hey, Carver,” said Garrett from too close by, startling him. “Did we crash your date?”
Carver turned and fixed him with his most hateful glare. “You took my special soda.” He’d been saving it all week.
Garrett had the grace to look guilty. “I saved one for you! You left before I could give it to you.”
“Yeah, well, you owe me a replacement pack of soda.”
“Can I just get you some cake or something? They have good cake here.”
“We already ate,” Carver snapped. He glanced over at Merrill, who was absorbed in conversation with Isabela, and flushed.
Garrett’s eyes crinkled in that annoying way they did. “So it really was a date.”
“Shut up. I was just helping her with her laundry. We got hungry, that’s all.”
“Her laundry, huh?”
“Not one more word,” said Carver, bristling; but Merrill and Isabela were coming over now, and he knew it upset Merrill when he and Garrett yelled in front of her. She never said anything about it, but he could tell. So he was the one who shut up.
Garrett held out his arm, and Merrill went right under it. She fit perfectly. She looked so cute, and small, and comfortable where she was. Carver ground his teeth, conscious of Isabela’s eyes on him. 
“Can I join your next campaign, Hawke?” said Merrill. 
“You can join if Carver does,” said Garrett. He squeezed her.
“I’ll do it,” said Carver before Merrill could protest. “But on one condition. I want to wear those glasses.”
“Glasses?” said Garrett, then realized, and laughed. “I knew you thought they were cool!”
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