suziesybil · 6 months
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hashtag homelight
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moon9931 · 3 months
hey @the-little-knight
this little freak is my favorite one
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i want to pop his balloon with my claw and go "haha" /j
should I have tagged @batshit-circus-pizza-tower instead?
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writeouswriter · 1 year
Not enough protagonists passing out and waking up in random fields or something anymore, need me some more characters passing out and waking up in random fields
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I'm turning your blood's pH to crabs
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respectthepetty · 3 months
I was going to opt out of Two Worlds because time travel and other dimensions confuses me, but there might be a possibility of colors.
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So . . . kombucha GIF.
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comfysofti · 2 months
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We split ANOTHER voice(and i was wondering why the fuck are we blurry. IT'S BECAUSE OF THIS HEART LUNGS LIVER NERVES BITCH)
God fucking damnit
I really am a Long Quiet irl, oh my god/j
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therelentless · 5 months
vampires sleeping with their hands over their chest to protect their hearts u.u
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stellaluna33 · 1 year
Thinking about how Logan talked Rory into bungee jumping off a platform by telling her she was "sheltered" and needed to be braver and impulsive enough to do dangerous things... but at 17 Rory was getting on a bus by herself to one of the biggest cities in the world to search for one boy who only might be in one location she didn't know how to get to, and navigated there by herself after approaching random strangers for directions. And Jess didn't even ask her to.
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chthonion · 9 months
Writing is hard
Some days you manage to pull together an intense and meaningful emotional moment that has been 200k words in the making.
And then other days you're sitting there going "How do I make this scene stop happening?"
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iolypse · 1 year
the potential of politics on the qsmp
(aka why I think it's a bad fucking idea)
I haven't actually seen the clips yet, but quackity allegedly mentioned that he's been thinking of doing some kind of politician election arc on the qsmp, and I thought I'd toss in my two cents about the idea.
it's bad, and I'm not saying this because I was a dsmp watcher who didn't enjoy the dsmp's take on it or anything. dsmp did it as well as dsmp honestly could've— it entertained the players, and it entertained the viewers, and it created some truly iconic shit that'll be remembered for years and years to come.
from what has been established about the qsmp already, however, I simply cannot see where the fuck you'd add politics into the mixing pot.
the qsmp story as we know it is this: there's a fucked up island, supposedly some kind of Bermuda Triangle dupe, and after the first batch of people came here willingly, told it was a vacation resort, more began to show up in horrific accidents. there's a weird duck who's supposedly the spokesperson of the federation, there's a fucked up white bear blowing bubbles and revving chainsaws, and there's literally glitches in reality itself roaming the islands. there's eggs— children, they're children, that have been given to the smp members to take care of. there's a school for the children to learn, and they graduated recently, and they've been dying quite a lot lately. there's a group of people trying to uncover everything wrong with the island, wondering why they can't leave and why people keep disappearing.
qsmp is a paranormal, psychological mystery with a side of comedic gay sex.
in comparison, a political plotline just sounds fucking boring, doesn't it?
frankly, I think the players and viewers would both MUCH rather see the secrets of the island unraveled, watch terrible, impossible shit unfold before their very eyes, than watch a few parties squabble amongst each other to see who gets to rule whatever nation they decide to make.
the island already has its rulers, fucked up as they may be. the census bureau, the federation, whatever. aren't they their own form of government? why the fuck are we making a government at a vacation resort?
idfk yall. just doesn't make much sense to me, especially when they already have so much stuff to work with here
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i think it would be funny if all the anonymous asks ur getting are just from one guy. like the same guy. who really likes ur content.
one very busy and excited superfan ahahaha
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ragnarlothcat · 2 years
Hi i'm not sure if you've gotten this ask before but can you recommend some pining Obi-Wan fanfiction?
I've gotten a sort of similar one here! That anon requested Obi-Wan's POV and potentially some pining so many of those recs fit pretty nicely!
But I've got some more that I think you'll like! I have recommended some of these before but in my defence the tumblr search function is unusable so I cannot go check my old fic recs with any degree of certainty.
ambrosia by demi_fae - very sweet mutual pining fic, flower crowns,
My Anankē by intermundia - WIP but each chapter really stands on its own, non-linear, professor Obi-Wan and brilliant student Anakin my beloveds
Seed by bell (belldreams) - probably one of the first obikin fics I read and a classic, mutual pining (is it pining? I think so), fuck or die premise
dreams of summer by elysianprince - soulmates au, mutual pining, fluff and softness
The Face of Antiquity by Lemon (lemon_sprinkles) - WIP, artist Obi-Wan and muse Anakin!
Your Presents is Requested by edge_of_night - Christmas fic!!! Fluffy and sweet and only from Obi-Wan's POV so the pining is really heightened
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This sucks because I was planning to change Gale's battle outfit after the next chapter...but I feel like it's too iconic to change now. He looks too cool.
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running-in-the-dark · 3 months
quietly freaking out right now :)
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electricbroo · 2 years
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last night I finished reading this wonderful story about an underwater journey
It was a great time
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headcompost · 2 months
control food control the world.
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