raccoonzinspace · 2 months
I better count my blessings that I haven't had a rock thrown at my car or worse because I sometimes fly my paw print aroace flag.
Granted, a lot of people in my area don't know what "aroace" even means and are pretty chill when I tell them.
Not to say that queerphobes don't exist in my area.
They probably don't say anything to my face and some of them probably go to Facebook to complain about "the woke mob indoctrinating our children". (<This last part of the sentence is a joke, btw. A bit of satire, you could say).
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nyasperrin · 10 months
Kotoko guilty idc what anyone says, just because the people she killed were bad people, she still did the crime, there could have possibly been other ways, in my opinion, to do justice, along with not feeling no remorse, like i'm sorry if I happened to full on kill someone even if they were bad I would still feel a bit guilty, and along with her just attacking guilty prisoners, in which it was just their first trail, like what if they were found innocent later on?? she just going be like "oh, my bad bro" and shake it off??? Help idk what i'm even talking about anymore, but just saying, her second trail is going to have to take a lot of convincing for me to vote her innocent.
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nytephox · 8 months
1, 12, 15, 38
What are 3 things you'd say shaped you into who you are?
That's a hard one. I usually think of life as things that change you as you go along in life. After every struggle or exciting time, some part of you can shift.
I think one thing was when I meddled in my first Tae Kwon Do tournament. It was something I was extremely proud of because I have always had issues thinking I was actually good at anything. Objectively, I was good at this because I had worked for it. It taught me that the voice in my head wasn't always right. :)
The second was when I got out of a pretty. . .bad relationship. There was so much that I went through to get out of it and stay out of it. That taught me so much about myself and the love my family has for me.
The third is hard to choose. My husband has changed my life in the biggest of ways as far as how I should treat myself. However, the opportunities that I have been given to go to other countries has also changed by life perspective. So between those two at the end. Lol
What's some good advice you want to share?
Something I am still learning is that you can't control everything. Dig up the courage to let go of something you can't change. Let go of control.
What do you think of when you hear the word 'home'?
My family. I know it sounds cliche but honestly, I don't know where I would be without my family. Blood and not.
Fav song at the moment?
No Sleep Tonight by Shinedown (my favorite band ever lol)
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hezuart · 2 years
To keep things more organized, I made a second blog for all my Youtube Asks: https://askhezuneutral.tumblr.com/ @askhezuneutral Hezuart will stay my art blog. Any questions about the art or commissions, feel free to ask away here! Otherwise everything else, please go to my alt tumblr, thanks!
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wandering-night19 · 1 year
Lonestar Proud Thoughts and Feelings
Okay, so to start this off the two most important things to know are 1. I took my sister with me who has never seen an episode 2. I have crippling anxiety. I’m not being sarcastic or funny it can be truly debilitating at times. In fact it has me replaying everything that happened in a loop and not in a good way. But I left Saturday afternoon happy and having had an amazing time, so I keep reminding myself of that.
So this is going to be very long winded and I will put it beneath the cut along with every picture I took that day.
We were assigned to table 5 and at first it seemed like it was just going to be the two of us at the table, but we were later joined by four of the volunteers. I had no idea it was going to be so small and intimate, so I was immediately terrified because it would be impossible to be lost in a crowd of people. 
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They gave us the lineup for the day saying we’d start with autographs, then photos, then lunch, and after would be the Q&A. I swear to god it felt like an out of body experience when they came out. All day I couldn’t quite believe it was real. 
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Because we were at table 5 which was basically the volunteer table we went last for everything. Which was fine with me, I promise! I very literally could not let go of my sister the entire time. If I didn’t have a death grip on her sweater she was holding my hand. When we were called up for autographs there was no one at Rafa’s table and a line at Ronen’s, so we started with Rafa. 
I was absolutely frozen. I couldn’t even say hi and I barely made eye contact. I just stared at the table. My sister did all the talking, which resulted in one of our favorite quotes from the day where she asked Rafa if he spoke Spanish. (I die a little every time I remember it.) Because there was a slight awkward silence while he read the poem my sister apologized for both her hand writing and any spelling errors as she doesn’t speak Spanish and was merely copying it down. He said there were no mistakes and commented on how beautiful it is before asking if it was for him. My sister explained I wanted it signed, he hesitated and said it was way too pretty to ruin with his autograph and then signed it anyway. We then had him sign a blank piece of cardstock because my plan is to turn it into a sticker for my hydroflask. He smiled and thanked us for coming and I feel like I smiled and nodded back, but who knows because my soul had left my body.
Both my sister and I were near death and automatically headed back to our table before she remembered we still needed Ronen’s signature and we had to turn around and get in the line for him. When my sister handed him the poem he asked if it was Italian and she said no it was Spanish. He asked if he was supposed to sign anywhere specific and she said no anywhere was fine. She explained it was my favorite poem and how I thought it fit TK’s and Carlos’ relationship. So then he yelled for Rafa to translate it. (I may have jumped when he yelled and he apologized.) Rafa said he would tell him about it later. He signed it and then my sister explained the sticker thing and he signed the other paper. Finally, we went back to the table. Me still not having said a single word. My hands were shaking so bad it was ridiculous.
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There was then a small break while they set up for pictures. And then some very tense moments were we were told it would be a group photo with our whole group and not individual pictures. But the miscommunication was resolved and everyone was happy.
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Again, my sister and I were last in line for pictures. I was terrified I was going to have to do it alone because no one else got pictures with two people. But then the husbands that were sitting at the table with us went together. This is the one regret my sister has. She really wishes she had made me do the photo on my own. I will be forever grateful that she didn’t because I would have blacked out. 
I am not a hugger. I barely hug my own family. I also have this fear that famous people aren’t able to consent to hugging and feel obligated to hug fans whether they want to or not, which makes me want to not hug even more. There was a moment where Rafa started for a hug, but with my death grip on my sister it would have been a group hug, so he stopped. He read my t-shirt and it seemed like he opened his mouth to ask a question, but then my sister was pushing her way in and getting us into position for the picture.
Ronen accidentally pulled my hair because I don’t think he realized how long it was and he was super quick to apologize. The photographer took about a million photos. Like I was beginning to wonder when it was going to end. But then it was over and they were super sweet and thanked us (which still blows my mind) and we headed back to our table.
And while on the way back my sister whispered in my ear, “when would be a good time to tell you my hand accidentally brushed Rafael’s butt? Just let me know when.” I died. I think I was more embarrassed than she was.
Next was lunch and the Q&A. Everyone’s been over the Q&A, so I’ll just put up the pictures I took during it (and one snapchat.)
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Then it was time for the meet and greet. Two of the volunteers sitting at our table left before the Q&A and did not go to the meet and greet. We ended up being a group of I believe four. We were definitely the smallest, quietest, most anxious group. I felt a little bad because they kept trying to get us to ask questions and there were lots of long silences. But I thought they were so kind and gentle with all of us. There was an older woman in the group that asked a lot of questions, so at least it wasn’t completely silent. But they made me cringe, but both Ronen and Rafa were so kind and answered them.
She asked about bringing back the bartender and having him be a guest at the wedding to cause some drama between TK and Carlos. Ronen said he didn’t think there would be much drama as TK wasn’t interested in the bartender at all. And Rafa stated that TK and Carlos were it for each other there would never be anyone that came in between them.
She then said the he could be the bartender at the wedding and that could be funny. Ronen said it could potentially be funny.
She then asked if Lou would be at the wedding. Rafa looked very confused for a minute and Ronen asked if she meant the lizard. She said she did. And they both said Lou had been set free and Rafa said he was probably busy making his own family and wouldn’t have time for the wedding. Ronen made the comment that he didn’t see any pets in TK and Carlos’ future.
There was one other question asked by the guy that asked the question during the Q&A about how to handle being so anxious for the characters. And I really, really wish I could remember it because Rafa answered it and was really sweet. The guy was sitting right next to Rafa and they had their own little conversation. And I know he was just as nervous and anxious as I was because his voice and hands were shaking whenever he spoke. But I also felt so proud that he did speak and ask his questions because I couldn’t. I was absolutely paralyzed. And i knew how hard it must have been for him.
Anyway, then it was time for pictures. Ronen was very much in charge of the whole meet and greet thing. He explained how it worked when we all got in the room and then he took charge during pictures and told us what wall had been designated as the selfie wall. Then as he and Rafa were walking towards it he said “and we’ll start right here” and touched my shoulder. I definitely blacked out.
So my sister and I got up. She had my phone and was going to take the selfie herself, but Rafa told her to give the phone to Ronen because he’s a professional selfie taker and my sister made a joke about her long arms, but that she didn’t have much selfie experience. He took a few pictures and then we were done.
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When it was finally time to leave we had parked on the convention center side of the hotel when we had first arrived and had to make our way back over there. My sister was trying to tell me I had done a really good job and I had made it through the whole day without a panic attack and I could breathe now. AND I TRUSTED HER AND THEN WE RAN INTO RONEN IN THE PARKING LOT!
I for sure thought he was going to think we were crazy stalkers. But again he was just super nice and thanked us for coming and then saw our California plates and asked if we were from here. My sister said that she lived in Lakewood (it’s about 45 mins from Burbank), but that I had flown in. He told us to have a good day and then we got in our cars. There was the awkward follow through the parking lot with me screaming in the car at my sister that he was going to think we were following him, but thankfully we turned different directions when leaving the parking lot.
I just want to end by saying that even though right now I’m beating myself up because I wasn’t able to say a single word and I barely made any eye contact, not once did they ever make me feel bad for it. They didn’t try to force anything or say anything rude. They were just so patient and kind. So even though I have convinced myself that they probably think I’m an idiot and the most awkward turtle to have ever turtled, they were very, very nice about it. And I’m so glad I stepped outside of my comfort zone and decided to buy tickets and go. Maybe next time, if they do this again, I won’t be so awkward. 
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whump-in-the-closet · 11 months
would you ever write a cheesy romance, be it within a whump story (such as a flashback or life before) or not?
hmm….i might imply it or maybe, possibly write it as a subplot within a whump story. Never by itself though i don’t think. My skills at writing ‘cheesy romance’ are subpar and i would cringe writing it and i think i would make everyone who read it also cringe
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I'm choosing my own topic, Robert and children. Would you do it, pretty please?
Hello, darling. Of course, I will.
This is an interesting one. There’s a scene in the first episode of series 5 when the family is in the library after tea waiting for Nanny to bring the children down, and Robert is about to leave. Cora asks him to stay and see them, to which Robert answers something to the effect of, “As soon as they can answer back.”
I have to tell you that that kind of destroyed my original headcanon a bit. Up until that point, I had pictured Robert as spending lots time in the nursery with the girls and being this insanely doting and adoring father. I know he loved his girls so much, but I think that — at least in the early days — he was much more reserved. I don’t think he kept them at arm’s length, necessarily, but I don’t think he was as openly affectionate as we see in later seasons. I think that developed over time. And, of course, he became a doting grandfather once he learned to loosen up a bit.
I think you could chalk it up to the way he himself was raised. We were given hints throughout the series that, while loving, his own parents were very much of the “an hour every day after tea” mindset.
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trhor · 1 year
sorry gurl how on earth is you first post THAT good??? omg. just passing by to congratulate you, you have had me right at the beginning <3
Honestly, it feels like pure luck at times. I had ideas of how I wanted it to look and feel, but I was afraid it wouldn't turn out well. So I've been genuinely surprised by the response and kept thinking I might have peaked too soon. So sorry, to ramble but thank for for the congratulations it makes me feel very warm and fuzzy. And I hope that I can keep you engaged.
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
Hi! In your let’s go cloud watching page, it says you moved your fic ideas to a google doc. Is there a place where we can see them, or did you remove it from the public eye for yourself?
Heyo anon! So, ultimately I did remove them from the public eye for myself- having them on the cloud watching page was making me feel kinda guilty- like: I didn't want to get people's hopes up that I'd write them one day but then I never do. I hope that makes sense.
That said, I do plan on writing for at least some of them- this way just works best for me and actually doing that instead of saying I'm gonna write it and never following through. Also with a private doc I can comfortably expand on them for said fic! :3
Thanks for asking!
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shadowbends · 2 years
Did you enjoy s3? I'm only a couple of episodes in and I'm really not sure how I feel about it yet :/
No spoilers beneath the text aside from some vaguery, but throwing up a read more just in case:
Honestly, I'm still processing how I'm feeling. In hindsight, I wish I hadn't binged all of it at once—not because it isn't good, but because it's a very emotionally heavy season. There are a lot of scenes that are intentionally uncomfortable, sometimes even viscerally painful, and I think I'd have been able to both digest and consider the weight of them better if I had watched the season at a slower pace.
This being said, without going too deep into spoilers, I'd say the theme of this season is the ways families can disappoint one another. Season 1 had a bit of that, but it was introducing us to that dysfunction—this season took the gloves off and punched to hurt. If you preferred the lighter tone of Season 2, you're probably not going to enjoy this as much.
That being said, I do still think it's worthwhile. As painful as it was, the acting was incredible this season. Completely off the charts. And I think characters who've previously had spottier plotlines shone the most this time. What they did with Klaus entirely makes up for what an unsatisfying plotline the cult thing was in S2, and he really comes into his own here. This is also by far the best Viktor's ever been—he feels fully actualized as a character now, and finally comfortable in his own skin. It was wonderful to see!
And then—this might be a controversial take because the fandom's always hated him—but I loved what they did with Luther. His scenes had some of the most heart imo, and despite all the bad things that go down, seeing him grow as a person and find a speck of happiness was very endearing to me.
Aside from that... Well, like I said, I'm still processing everything. The only other thing I have to say is: I think they were very ambitious with the plotline this time. Furthermore, whether or not they bit off more than they can chew depends entirely on if they get a Season 4 or not. Season 3 is a very dark chapter, but it's not the end. If the series concludes here, I think it would be a crushing finish for these characters, but there's a chance for strong emotional payoffs if the series continues into another season to see them through.
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backlikeineverleft · 10 months
a healing relationship ? wow, wonder what that’s like.
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risestarkiss · 6 months
On His Own Terms
Rise Ramblings #2
In my post, “This Whole Situation,” I discuss how Donnie doesn’t see himself or his mutation as something that needs to be hidden away. He wears clothes when he's out and about, and that’s about it. However, as turtlemen in the middle of NYC, sometimes they need to actually wear disguises. So, what does Donnie do in those cases?
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Old ladies? Well, that’s a choice. And the way Leo phrased the question is interesting as well.
“Why do you always make us dress up as old ladies.”
This means that every time it’s up to Donnie to choose the disguise, it’s not up for discussion. They’re going to be old ladies. Period.
But the most interesting part of this scene is Donatello's answer to Leo's question.
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You would think that blending in would be the main goal, but no. Donnie’s main goal with his chosen disguise is: comfort. He’s not willing to sacrifice his own comfort just to make other people comfortable with his presence.
He’ll wear a disguise if he must, but only on his own terms.
And I’m happy that he can set his boundary and stick to it.
Never change, Donnie, never change…
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…Does anyone else see Leo’s old lady drip?! Where did he get those pearls from? Forget the pearls, where did he get the pantyhose? Did he style his own wig? How long did it take for him to put on his makeup? What color eyeshadow is that? Look at those lashes! Look at those bazongas! He put so much work into his fit, no wonder he received a compliment.
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kaiserouo · 2 months
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Well someone has to give it its driver updates, Gabriel
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foldingfittedsheets · 13 days
The original goat curry recipe I use was made by a white lady. I was making it for a cooking class I was taking at a local college.
I needed to make a practice run of it, but I was skeptical that the flavor would really pop, so I doubled all the spices from the recipe as it was written.
It came out… fine. But afterward I tripled the spices for the one we made in class which came out phenomenal.
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somnimagus · 9 months
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My page for @kairizine. It was such a huge honor to be part of this wonderful book with everyone, I had so much fun!
[id in alt!]
#kingdom hearts#kh#kh kairi#kh xion#kh namine#i don't really feel proud of my own stuff usually but#i really think this is the drawing i'm most proud of from this past year!! it made me think 'oh maybe i can draw' haha#i'm still kinda bad with colors but something clicked with this one. and i feel like i got the sentimental feeling i wanted!#ooh but this project's about flower symbolism so ramble incoming:#protea symbolizes resilience transformation and diversity; hollyhock means 'please remember me.'#so my general theme was finding a sense of self.#these 3 have struggled with finding their own identity; they tend to get left behind both in-universe and in general plotwise#and naminé and xion both resemble kairi and were overshadowed by her memory. but i feel like all 3 have transformed into their own people#xion and naminé have their faces covered partially by hollyhock to show their wish to be remembered for who they are-#instead of the parts that they share with someone else#and the protea bouquets show how they each held on and resiliently grew into their own person despite it all#i put a little swervy path on the hill behind kairi to give that hopeful sense of growth and moving forward. it's a little hard to see#hopefully that makes sense! i really love symbolism but i think in visuals so i'm really bad with words#but gosh working with everyone on this project was so fun. it was like impossible not to get swept up by the team's hype for this zine#i need to hunt down everybody's work and rb it#ohh and everybody's flowers are so crisply drawn it's insane!! i think if i lined all these flowers and leaves i'd die haha#fan art#my art#project stuff
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soranker · 1 year
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some doodles from last week 😁🤞
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