#I actually hate collegeboard sometimes
iwasyouonce · 1 year
questions that are so vague irritate me so much. Like what do you mean "Which of the following statements best explains a limitation of the political map shown in conveying economic information?" and it's just a picture of a map with the EU countries shaded in.
And then all the MCQ options are talking about how certain things in the map are irrelevant (like borders)
Like....shouldn't it be "(some stuff) are not labeled and included in the map which makes (coming to some conclusion) hard/impossible"
WHY USE THE WORD LIMITATION if the mcq answers aren't talking about limitations? Also literally the only thing on the map were EU countries. Um....besides the economic information that they are countries that are part of the EU there is nothing else you can gather (strictly without outside knowledge) just from the map.
Like am I just understanding the question too literally or does the question just suck.
If the map had numbers (like the GDP) labeled on the countries or smth then yea I would know that economic information about the countries, but "you don't know what you don't know" so.....
It's so frustrating
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blossom-hwa · 5 years
Do you have a study habits to share?
oh boy i’m really not the best person to ask because my study habits vary greatly from class to class depending on how invested i am in the coursework but i’ll do my best! i’ll keep it all under a cut :)
I’ll explain what I did to study for each of my classes (assuming I did study lol) and maybe you can find a few habits you want to try out!
In general:
- Since most of my classes are AP classes, all of the past FRQs are online. I do a shit ton of those, especially when exam season comes around. It gives me a feel for what I need to write in order to maximize my points, but sometimes things are unpredictable (fuck AP statistics) so it doesn’t always help much. Typically it does, though, especially for classes like AP Music Theory that don’t have a lot of content to review but where you need to practice a certain skillset.
- I can’t read the textbook over and over again. When I study, I have to be doing something. So typically I rewrite or type up my notes as my way of studying, like I’ll create a study guide with all my notes from the year or something. With history classes, like AP US History, I make timelines for every time period using my notes, the review book, and my textbook. I have to physically be doing something, I can’t just read things over and over again or I’ll get bored. 
- I don’t study at my desk, especially not when exam season rolls around. There are too many distractions, and I end up cleaning more than studying. So I take my laptop and books to the kitchen table and study there. Also, don’t study on your bed or someplace where you’re used to falling asleep, because it tricks your mind into thinking you’re going to fall asleep and that typically happens.
AP Music Theory - As I explained before, theory doesn’t involve a lot of content (it’s just an extensive vocab list of terms you need to recognize in music and stuff) so I just did a bunch of FRQs. I did buy a review book, Barron’s, for the class, but it didn’t help much.
AP Statistics - I did 3 years worth of FRQs, timed like the actual exam, and typed up my notes. I hated the class and my teacher barely prepped us, just taught us the content and let us go, so I didn’t study much and it kinda showed :/
AP US History - As I said, I brought together all my notes from the entire year and took my review book (AMSCO) and textbook and made timelines for every time period of the course (there are 9). Also, for exams where you have essays to write, try to find the rubric online (Collegeboard publishes rubrics for exam essays) and figure out the bare minimum you need to do to get all or at least most of the points. Then try to do a little more than that. 
AP Language and Composition - I didn’t study for this. I don’t know how you can study for an English class. My teacher gave us a lot of MCs and timed writings in class, so I felt prepared, but there wasn’t much I did on my own to prep.
AP Biology - Many, many FRQs. I probably did like 5 years worth of FRQs and MCs in all, not including the ones we did in class. Additionally, my teacher made it mandatory for us to do this sort of review project thing, where we had to make outlines of every chapter in the book and then we’d go over the big topics and take more notes in class as review. The outline-then-write-notes-on-the-outline format helped a lot in my opinion. It got my head on straight about what was important and what actually wasn’t.
And there you have it! Hope this helped, anon. If you have any more questions feel free to message me. I’ve got a lot of resources (including a stash of past released AP exams :D) so if you want those, I’d be happy to give them to you!
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haechanfairie · 6 years
nct 127 as ap students
“i’m not that smart lol :)”
gets 5s on all their ap exam
did they even study???
ends up teaching the class like a week before the test but is super humble about it
“come on guys, you’ve got it!! if i can do it, so can you!! :))”
literally no one can even hate them they’re so sweet and willing to help djsdjsdjfj
saw someone desperately trying to memorize before the actual ap test and just smiled encouragingly and looked away sipping their orange juice (bc a balanced breakfast is the key to success)
is the someone desperately trying to memorize before the test
they’re ap world history teacher was a Coach
actually no
john greene Is they’re teacher
his notes are kinda messy and filled with useless worksheets that his world history teacher gave him
literally has nightmares about the chinese dynasty song like,, this was never a game
they also took programming and are not having a fun time
surprisingly pulls off a 4 on their world history exam and a 3 on comp sci.
gets a 5 out of nowhere for self study physics tho??? literally when the fuck?????
trying their best
left all of their ap research shit to the last minute and is having a Bad Time
tries to help out the younger kids as much as they can
is doing pretty okay in all their ap classes
their government teacher can’t teach for shit
probably has to self-teach about half of their classes
in their ap euro class the teacher had the bright idea of students teaching the chapter and they are Suffering
collegeboard basically owns their ass
literally has never taken notes in their entire ap career
they sorta just zone out during class
gets 100s on all their test and hmwks????
(they just write down what the teacher talks about that day and googles it later)
everyone thinks they’re cheating
they excel at comp sci,, like java is their bitch
literally a programming god
also taking biology
not having a good time
their teacher doesn’t believe in evolution,, its wild
has cute utensils and neat notes
highlighters and sticky notes are their god
they get all the review books at like,, the beginning of the school year
they look like they’ve got everything under control
lmao they don’t
they are struggling so hard
but they’re a hard worker
“the collegeboard works hard but i can cry work harder”
literally never goes to bed before 1 am
tries their best
they get a good range of 3s through 5s
a student athlete who just fuckin wishes their coach would teach the fuckin class instead of watching sports news
wants to clock their coach in the face tbh
studies with the person trying to cram before the test
loves either putting work off until the last minute or doing it the minute they get it there is no in between
turned in the first physics mock exam after like 20 minutes and then cried and took a nap
skypes friends and organize study group stuff at their house and provides snacks
somehow pulls off a 4 on the next physics mock
gets a good range of 3-5s on everything, except the class that his coach taught :/
takes all the chill ap classes and is Thriving
knows how to pace themselves and study
cries a lot during environmental science bc those documentaries are mad depressing no joke
takes an ap language class (ap chinese language and culture) knowing the language already
plays dumb the entire year
takes naps in class sometimes (the teacher let’s them bc she knows he’ll do well)
everyone taking the class thinks that they’re gonna get like a 1
gets 5s and 4s on all their exams
taking seven (7) ap classes, plus two self-study ap tests
are they okay???
never sleeps,, ever
once literally gave up for a week and watched nothing but barbie movies on Netflix and everyone was so worried it was a Wild Time
they once took a nap in class and then went up to the teacher to apologize
the teacher gave them a cookie and told them to take it easy lmao
is taking physics and chemistry at the same time
has a mental breakdown at least once a week
collegeboard owns the rights to their life
friends with all the teachers
is friends with the person who is taking seven ap classes and together they are too powerful
roasts them during lunch (in the choir room office)
takes ap music theory as like,, a freshman
has almost perfect pitch
a generally good student who is surprisingly good at chemistry
got a 5?????????? in both chem and physics????????? and took them in the same year????? literally what the f u c k
voluntarily learns calculus bc they don’t actually take the class and are worried about not knowing it in college jsjdnskx
a pretty good student overall
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