#I adore them and I think marriage could have definitely been in their future if things went in that direction but
lunar-years · 5 months
Also. Especially after the first like. 2 episodes of s3 aired. It is kind of shocking to me that anyone still thought RoyKeeley were going to be engaged by the finale. I’ve seen people saying they expected proposals onscreen weddings baby announcements by season’s end and that’s AFTER they watched the season open with their offscreen breakup. ?!?! Like. You guys do know there are only 12 episodes in the season right. If they start out not talking to one another how are they going to—
Frankly, even during s2 I would love to know which episode led them to think “proposal incoming!!!” because if we’re being honest with ourselves. at what point during the series did those two seem ready for marriage?
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songbirdseung · 13 days
pinky ring / sim jaeyun
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synopsis: jake made you a promise to marry you when you two were toddlers. he would fake propose until he really did get down on one knee.
pairing: childhood besties jake x reader
wc: 1.1k
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To your parents, it was all good fun. Seeing their child being proposed to by their childhood best friend at their favorite beach. Documentation was highly important to them, filming little you and little jake holding a candy ring pop in his hand, asking your hand in marriage. To them, it was adorable.
For young child you, you were petrified. At the time, your dad just gave a small talk on how to stay away from boys and you're definitely too young to get into a relationship. This happened when you called the actor on scene handsome when you were having a family movie night.
"We are too young Jake" pouting your lips, feeling bad for rejecting his proposal. Jake shrugs and hands you the ring pop anyway. "Fine, I'll just wait and get you a real ring".
That didn't last long because fast forward to the next year, he does it again. He has done it so much that for the next few following years, it had become an inside joke to everyone in your immediate family.
"You have rejected me for 4 years now" crossing his arms in a fit, Jake looks at you disappointed. "Maybe because we are only 12 years old?"
At this point, you aren't sure if he's doing this because he really wants to marry you or just to tease you and lead any guy interested in you far far away. Remembering all the instances where a boy would approach you during lunch and sit next to you and confess and say that they think you' re cute. There then comes Jake, wearing a smug smirk and says something along the lines of "I'm actually her future husband, please go away".
It makes you think about how you could never get away from Jake and his antics.
Even when you guys reached your teenage years, almost reaching adulthood, Jake never dropped the fake proposal joke. Like on your 19th birthday, at the restaurant he took you both to, he claims how he's your boyfriend and he's planning to propose soon, the waiter thought he was weird for saying that he wanted to propose soon with you sitting right there but nonetheless, he gave you both free desserts.
You thought at by the age of 14, he'd stop since you both are going through puberty, his feelings would change and he'd drop it due to his own pride and embarrassment, but no.
Now you both were 20, if you had to count how many fake proposals Jake has done over the years, it would reach 100.
"You can't say that we are too young, we're both legal adults and we basically known each other our whole lives." You turn over to him and flick his forehead, causing him wince in pain and shoo you away from him. "You're mean"
"You're the one that wants to marry me, so get used to it"
"Oh, so you're playing along now" He removes his hand from his head and pokes your side. "After years, you're finally warming up to the idea"
"Keep that up, I won't be anymore" Once you said that you realize how you didn't even deny it. Looking back at Jake who went back to playing video games, you take in his appearance and guide your eyes to follow the lines that make his side profile.
Jake was good looking, you knew that. He's always been the apple of your eye since you two were kids, then as you got to know him, his humor, personality, and behavior kind of sealed the deal for you.
"If you keep staring at me, I might disintegrate."
"Then, who is going to marry me?"
"We're still on that? I thought you didn't want to?"
"Make me your girlfriend and I'll rethink it" Now it was your turn to cause a ruckus in Jake's mind. He pauses the game and looks over to you, reading your expression wondering if you were serious or not.
That night, Jake stayed over. Unlike the other past sleepovers that you two had, this one was different because the way you cuddle into him now, it felt different. He was always yours and until now, just a different kind. He was now your boyfriend, not boy-friend.
With your dynamic and bond with Jake, it felt like sunshine and rainbows most of the times, being around each other all the time and knowing each other too well, you always found ways to fix things or any miscommunication that would come along.
Transitioning to relationship from friendship was surprisingly easy from the outside perspective but the thing with you and Jake was he was always a gentleman and treated you right and how you deserved to be treated, and of course vice versa.
When you told your mom the news, she did not show any surprised reaction, simply telling you how she saw it coming and was just waiting for this moment to happen, you dad shared a similar reaction, happy that it was Jake to be the one you were dating.
Fast forward to a whole year of dating Jake. People would say that you two were like a fairytale love, match made in heaven, meant for each other, all that. "Hey yn, maybe you should do that trend where you call Jake your husband"
"I'm pretty sure he's already seen that on tiktok, no?"
Still, even if he did, you were going to do it just to see his reaction. That same day, you two meet up after your last class ended. Waiting for you somewhere in the university's campus, you run up to him and give him a hug. "Someone missed me?"
In the car ride home, you guys both agreed to stop by your favorite restaurant and get some take out. Which was a perfect time to put your little prank in action. Just like everyone else, after placing your order, you ask Jake what he wants and tell the waiter. "Then my husband would like ___"
Once the waiter leaves, you finally take notice of Jake who is wide eyed, staring at you in awe. "There's no way you just called me that" To say he was a lovesick puppy after that was an understatement.
But now since you called him that, you have to keep calling him that. Because if you call him or introduce him as your boyfriend, he'll act surprised and startled. "Are you asking for a divorce?" "Do you not love me anymore?" "I thought I was your husband?" to name a few.
"I'm gonna have to propose now, for real this time"
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i-cant-sing · 3 months
so they offer that noritoshi (who is secretly in love with teen!fushiguro reader) marry her, the zenin and the kamo have made this type of alliance for years, it is totally normal for them
but definitely the kamo did not wait for naoya to come to his house shouting that no kamo spawn is going to sully his sweet daughter---- NIECE
when the others hear the news, toji, gojo, nanami, megumi, mai and maki arrive, ALSO SUKUNA WHO TOOK POSSESSION OF YUJI'S BODY
poor noritoshi
AHahaha yesss, I mean the elders just wanted to form an alliance, and neither clan really knew just how strong Fushiguro reader was as a toddler, so it was right to arrange a marriage for you.
As a child, Noritoshi didnt really care much for you, especially since he had battles of his own- being born to a mistress, being the heir of the clan because the head wife couldnt bear sons so, he has to deal with that.
But youre adorable and you grow on anyone, even the Zenin clan, so when toddler Fushiguro reader meets 9 year old Noritoshi, the latter only thinks of you as a spoiled brat at first. And why wouldnt he? Youre running around barefoot in the garden, dressed in sparkly pink hello kitty pjs with servants chasing after you, with Naoya screaming from the shed that he'll lock you up if he catches you grabbing his million dollar koi fish.
Noritoshi's disgust is quite understandable when you come upto him, hair disheveled, face sweaty, and you stick your muddy hand to his face.
"Hi! Im Y/n Fushiguro!" "ZENIN! Y/N ZENIN!" Naoya yells before dragging you away for training (Naoya didnt want you to meet your future husband).
As time goes on, Noritoshi would be sent to the Zenin estate on different errands (by this point, the Kamo clan has heard rumors of your powers and now want Noritoshi to go and woo you, which is a huge task since Noritoshi isnt someone who is able to express emotions, much less romantic ones). But even though he might not be able to express his emotions, doesnt mean his heart hasnt turned soft for you. Youre pollar opposite to him, loud, energetic, carefree- and yet Noritoshi cant help but feel that you... sort of complete him. Youre everything hes not and he likes that. Like 2 puzzle pieces that fit together, he completes you too. Hes quiet, calm, realistic- he brings peace to you, especially when youre mind gets overstimulated by- well, you.
How many times has it been that Noritoshi has stopped your panic attacks when you realised that your father Toji, wasnt coming back? How many times has Noristoshi had to pull you into his robes when your cursed energy started to lose control, risking himself just to calm you down and help you control it as his soft monotonous voice guided you through it?
And how many times has it been that Noritoshi would have his terrible day turned around with just you calling him "Nori!"? Or the times he'd be questioning his worth in the clan and all he needed was you to lean your head against his shoulder to feel like a million bucks? Noritoshi would be the type of man who people would think doesnt really care about love and marriage, when in reality, he just spent the entire night listening to you yap about your day, about Hello Kitty, about uncle Naoya, pausing in between to say "hmm, okay its getting late, we should sleep" only to suddenly remember a new topic to ramble on about. And youd think Noritoshi wanst listenting to you with the way hes staring at your face in awe, but really- he remembers every single word. You could quiz him. Its funny listening to man like him talk about Hello Kitty.
When the time comes for you two to actually get married, Naoya throws a fit, and surprisingly, the Zenin clan also doesnt want to marry you off to Kamo clan (or anyone). People opposing the marriage from your side would be the Zenin clan, the twins (who start telling you all the reasons why marriage is a trap and youd be dead in 2 days.), Gojo (he just chuckles and tells you not to worry because he wont let you be forced into marriage), Nanami (my man wholeheartedly believes youre being a victim of child marriage, BUT NOT ON HIS WATCH! GONNA KILL ANYONE WHO EVEN THINKS OF U LIKE THAT- just sit in his condo and eat the sandwhich he made for you. And dont argue.), Megumi (who doenst get why he wasnt ever informed that you, his baby sister, was in an arranged marriage, and why the hell didnt Noritoshi try to get his blessings/permission considering THAT HES YOUR CLOSEST FAMILY MEMBER??? Also, no- youre not marrying Kamo) and then... theres Sukuna (if you thought Naoya threw a fit, youre in for A WORLD OF TANTRUMS AS SUKUNA SCREAMS AND MOST LIKELY KILLS WHOEVER IS IN A MILE VICINITY, just to let off some steam and calm down before he talks to you and REMINDS YOU THAT YOU PROMISED TO MARRY HIM! HAVE YOU BEEN PROPOSING TO EVERY GUY YOU MET?)
People supporting this union would be all from Noritishi's side, including- the Kamo clan, Choso Kamo (cause ofc, youre just a precious baby like Yuji, and with you being part of the clan means he can protect u better), and surprise surprise Kenjaku (because youd be strong addition to the clan and then you and Nori will have babies with SUPER STRONG CURSED ENERGY AND HE'LL ACCOMPLISH HIS PLAN FOR WORLD DOMINATION).
Anyways, its a sticky situation and it all comes down to you really. Do you want to marry Noritoshi or not?
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overtaken-stream · 1 month
What's your opinion on Katakuri being a dad ^-^, ik he doesnt pull out
Father!Katakuri headcanons
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This is all my brain can come up with. It's a bit short, and I'm not satisfied with this, I feel like I could have added more, thus this has been collecting dust in my drafts. I hope you like it anon.
Warnings: End of Wano spoilers, this is meant for F!Reader.
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I imagine he had children after Big Mom passed. Or a few years before she died, and of course, the marriage was arranged once Big Mom realized that she might just be left without any offspring from her third child.
And as much as I'd like to get lost in Father Katakuri, I can not ignore the warning signs this road presents.
The man doesn't see his children often enough. He always wanted to spend time with his family, but in this job, that isn't possible. Big Mom often holds his family over his head, making empty promises about him having a week off to help take care of the children, only to call him back before the sun rises on the fourth day. He had the courage to ask her for more time at the beginning, or to not disturb him during that single week where he spends time in metaphorical paradise with kids whom he loves and his partner whom he tries to shower with affection. He asked that of her once and when Big Mom does not deliver, Katakuri learns to cope with the dissatisfaction, it's a song he has heard of all his life, he knows every word and note that plays, he wants nothing more than to stop listening so that his kids don't step away from him again. It's impossible, and he comes to terms that he won't have that fatherly privilege. He feels like a stranger around the kids. No amount of comfort will be able to hide the truth.
It isn't the first time Big Mom pushed away a father from his biological children.
Although his time with his kids is short, it's always full of adorable moments, Katakuri is trying very hard to be a father even with his mother standing in his way.
I see Katakuri as a father of 3. Two girls and one boy, who is the youngest.
The man loves sweets, donuts, chocolate bars, cinnamon buns, and all, so he will be DEVASTATED if one of his kids isn't a big fan of sweets. He'll try to make them change their mind, maybe persuading them to eat a different kind of dessert, but once it becomes clear that they aren't into it, he accepts the fact with great pain, since he cannot share the simple pleasure of eating sugar with his child.
Katakuri often can't get his emotions across to others, including his siblings, but with his children, he tries, he really tries. This can be seen in spending quick yet platonically intimate moments with them alone and making small talk that he isn't a big fan of.
He also hopes that when the children grow up, there won't be any distance between them, it's basically a death sentence for him.
The moment Big Mom dies, Katakuri is finally able to keep his promise to his family and breathe with no one holding his leash.
I also think of him as a laid-back father who's strict when needed. His behavior is the result of countless years he spent mulling over his future family and what type of parent he would be. So this led to him walking on metaphorical eggshels that he imagined every time he got close to his children. Which they definitely took for granted.
Katakuri is very careful with his children because of it, I'd say that he is so scared that the kids would build a wall and be mad at him for not spending enough time with them that the man unconsciously started constructing the said wall.
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neptunes-sol-angel · 6 months
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Alright guys! I finally got that tingly feeling that I should do this kind of love reading. I still didn't want to make this a future spouse reading because I honestly overthink the concept, like "um divorces happen!" or some people just don't believe in marriage, but I thought I'd do something adorable and Christmas related. I hope that you guys enjoy!
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Pile One🎄
Their letter to Santa
Dear Santa, For so long I've been in the darkness, alone with the glass pieces of my heart, thinking that it's better this way for me to be on own. I don't believe in fairy tales anymore and my ability to imagine a world where I can be in love with someone and in that same way be loved back. My mind is splintered to where I flinch the minute someone to me gets close or when they mention a promise, that I without a doubt know they won't keep. Socially, I feel numb, meeting allegedly new people, seems to be a broken record in different physiques. If you could grant me any present in the world, would you change my definition of what I know to be love? Falling away from the stranger(s) that used to be who I knew from head to toe, has damaged my beliefs that I'm worthy of something more. And should you succeed in bringing my love, may they be my most divine contradiction in my life. My love will be someone new, yet possess familiarty in which I'll take pleasure in spending the rest of my lifetime finding all of the ways that we just understand each other. The sound of their voice and the words that they speak will be the fire that warms instead of scorching me. They'll be my rock that I won't have to tip toe around. Right now, I ask for their forgiveness for the person that I am right now, but for every tear that I currently shed to release the pain of my troubles in romance, builds my strength to be the person that really loves again, and the confidence to give my all despite my mistakes in giving it to the wrong people. Don't let my reserved aura fool you, deep down, I'm a hopeless romantic, that will work hard to find any and every single way to give you the world to prove the depth of my feelings for you. The same way that I'm learning my lessons, you are too, we both share that agony of why this has to hurt so much, but it's the bitter that goes along with the sweet to lead us to each other in the end.
Your Christmas Traditions:
Life with your partner could already be luxurious, meaning they gift you with presents on a regular basis that are both as an expression of love and desire to get the things that you want, so Christmas, traditionally, will feel like a normal day. What makes it stand out to you guys as a couple is how you guys seem to always unlock a new level of intimacy around this time of the year. For you or them, Christmas could make some not so good feelings resurface and put someone in a mood. Whatever that may trigger this, it usually leads to a peaceful resolution that doesn't just prolong the tension for another day. It's like getting to the root of the issue that'll eventually lead you and your partner to a place of comfort, understanding, and confirmation that this relationship isn't based on surface level things.
Pile Two 🎄
Their Letter to Santa:
Dear Santa, There's this ethereal figure in my dreams that I keep seeing. Without a doubt, I know that this is my person. And maybe it's not realistic to ask for you to make the time go faster for us to encounter each other in real life, but I really want answers, I'm craving to know this person. Their face alone, is enough to put me into hypnosis. Not knowing what their voice sounds like, ignites my obsession. I've never been a believer of the supernatural, or even a big fan of religion, but this sensation of the person of my dreams that makes me desire to stay asleep, has to be an indication that we're spiritually connected. I know this person doesn't say a word in both their presence of visions in day and night, but I have this clawing feeling that you're what home feels like. To the lover of my fantasies, I  know you spiritually, but emotionally, with you, I'll finally have someone that doesn't think my expression of feeling is a foreign language. I could talk to you for hours without getting bored and your nature in every capacity makes me feel that you're out of this world with a love that I'm determined to study and reciprocate. I'm already amazed by how gorgeous you are but indubitably I know I'll be stunned everytime I'm by your side watching you prove to me that magic on Earth is real. You're the breathing proof of it and I can't help but be adored by you and the way that you perceive making the most out of the challenges that you face and conquer.
Your Christmas Traditions:
You and your life partner BREATHE for Christmas. Valentine's day may be special but Christmas is the time that you guys will be all over each other. You guys could go all out this holiday, by buying and wearing matching pajamas, playing board games with each other, watching marathons of Christmas themed movies, maybe you guys have a specific drink like hot chocolate, egg nog, or cookies that you love to stock up on. You guys could also be the type to take a vacation around this time by renting out a cabin, or taking a trip to Disney World. This is normal for you guys and you aren't aware of this jubilant vibe that you have together but it makes others wanting to share the joy you have. Your public presence as a couple during Christmas is the type that will make a person want to use you guys as their mood board or inspiration to daydream about the love that that they'd kill to have. You guys are the power couple in terms of playfulness, affection, and how unique you guys embody your partnership. You could also experience people asking you for advice for how to liven up their own relationships. You guys are just that cute with each other.
Pile Three 🎄
Their Letter to Santa:
Dear Santa, I have a good feeling that the person that I will view as my everything is currently contemplating if there's something that they should change about themselves, but do me this favor homie and give my sweet firecracker this message. You. Yeah you. You know who you are. You are a boss! Walking royalty in this world that's meant to take up space, of course there are gonna be some jerks that want to dim your light, but the people who can't handle how bona-fide and wealthy your aura is, are people who are uncomfortable with the fact that they don't possess the tools to handle the blessing that you are. You were never asking for too much and don't let the grinch or scrooge convince you that you aren't enough. Believe me, I wish that fate would allow me to show up in your life right now, but you're meant to learn how precious your attributes you are. You're a damsel that can save yourself, who is meant to climb into power and achieve many things. I'm currently healing my tendencies of being codependent so that I don't distract you from your prosperity or project my insecurities onto you and make you think that it's you, it's not. Be patient, but don't get rid of how bold you are love or choose sides in how you're capable of being silly and someone with authority. Your strength isn't in your silence, but in your intelligence and maturity to express to others your feelings and what your needs are. You'll always be on top, even on days where you feel like you're at rock bottom. Keep pushing, things will make sense soon. You won't just find me in your happily ever after, you'll find your soul tribe too. And we will ALL match your energy. Trust me. Everything that you think is complicated about you is why we're grateful for you.
Your Christmas Traditions:
You and your life partner share a common tragedy and belief. You guys may have experienced toxicity in your family that inspires the both of you to do things differently with your own family. Christmas time is pivotal for you as a couple, because it influences you to reflect but also to take action on how well you guys do as a household. Your Christmas Traditions could be about trying your best to make sure that there's peace, openess, but most importantly your presence if guys have children together. You could go all out with making sure that they have the best presents, that they have the best indication that they're safe with you guys as parents, and that you make the most pleasant and fun memories that will symbolize how much that not just you and your life partner love each other but making sure that your children know how much they're loved by you.
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spacebarbarianweird · 1 month
Dadstarion prompt:
Caretaker takes the kid to a fair, playground, restaurant or shopping, just spending the day and having fun together
Ha! Take that. Pure fluff. What could possibly go wrong??
Synopsis: Tiriel and Astarion take Alethaine to a fair.
Tags: dadstarion, dhampirs, fluff, a snippet into the future
Another fluffy thing I have written! And there is also a snippet into the distant future with adult Tiri who hasn't inherited her mother's macabre nature!
Alethaine's age - 12-years-old
Thanks @themadlu for beta-reading!
Read on AO3
Guide on How To Skin Monsters
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Tiriel stops at the daggers’ stall. All of them look rather dull and Tiriel decides to search for something better for Astarion. Besides, he prefers to choose weapons for himself and Tiriel can always get something else – a book, jewelry, or a shirt. He always huffs when she brings him gifts, but she knows he is grateful for those little reminders of her care.
“Looking for something?” A merchant, a halfling woman, asks.
“Nothing in particular,” Tiriel says.
The halfling is definitely in the mood for talking and starts gossiping about a feud between two noble human houses, a serious plague “originated by giants” and someone’s wife cheating with an ork.
“Oh, and have you heard? There was a murder in Secomber! The whole family was slaughtered and by whom? A dhampir!”
Tiriel takes her eyes off the daggers.
“Yes! A half-vampire! Can you imagine sleeping with a vampire? But I think their mother was assaulted. Anyway, the dhampir grew up and slaughtered the whole family! Those half-undead are merciless cruel creatures, and they say there are so many of them!”
“Yeah… cruel monsters they are,” Tiriel mutters.
She heard of the slaughter, but there were no dhampirs or vampires involved. Just a young man possessed by a dryad. He was hanged a week later, but someone started spreading rumors his mother fucked a vampire and that’s why her child grew up so bloodthirsty. 
Tiriel feels pale hands hugging her waist from behind. Alethaine presses her face against her back – she is 12 but she is still cuddly as a little child.
“Oh, is this your daughter? Such an adorable little girl. How old is she?”
“Alethaine,” Tiriel touches her fingers.
“I am twelve,” she says, trying not to betray her fangs.
“Oh… I am sorry… didn’t notice she was an elf.” The merchant apologizes and then proceeds  to tell other gossip.  
“Have a nice day,” Tiriel says, taking Alethaine’s hand.
“You too! And beware the dhampirs!”
“Beware the dhampirs my ass,” Tiriel says, moving further away from the obnoxious halfling.
“I can bite her,” Alethaine suggests. She is twelve, but elves mature slower than humans and half-elves and Tiriel notices her daughter sometimes behaves like a younger child.
“No, we are not biting people we don't like.”
“Dad wouldn’t mind if I bit her!”
“Hm, good thing it’s daylight then!” Tiriel rubs Alethaine’s ear. She knows her daughter too well not to notice the merchant’s words upset her. 
Cruel merciless creatures? Alethaine cries her eyes out every time someone dies in the books she reads! Well, she mostly sympathizes with dragons and monsters – but also with orphan children, victims of arranged marriages and curses. 
And little dead animals. 
Little dead animals are a whole different story. It’s been three years, but Alethaine still feels sorry about an albino kitten killed by a stranger. The dhampir accidentally resurrected the pet and now Tiriel and Astarion also face the issue of raising a necromancer.
“Hey, don’t be sad!” Tiriel leans to a little dhampir. “Do you want anything?”
Alethaine doesn't answer. She stops by the book stall completely enchanted by a huge black volume covered in leather. 
How to Skin Monsters.
Aletaine immediately flips the pages, and Tiriel sees intricate and creepy pictures of the insides of different beasts and monsters. She’d fought many of them in her lifetime (beholders in the Underdark are still one of her worst memories), but never ever did she want to look at their remains, let alone study them.
“Hey, don’t touch it!'' The merchant tries to take the book away from Alethaine’s hands, but the dhampir keeps holding it with her iron grip. “I think this book is rather dark for a little lady like you.”
“Mum, look, the cover is made of human skin,” Alethaine casually says. “No. It’s half-elf actually.”
“No it isn’t!” The merchant protests. “It’s… wolfskin!”
Liar, Tiriel realizes. She has good perception skills, and the merchant lies. And the dhampir necromancer has already passed the verdict. 
Alethaine puts the book away and takes another one – a green volume with letters in Espruar. 
“Is it just a collection of stories or the real guide on Feywild?’” Alethaine asks. “People who have never messed with fey write all sorts of fairytale stuff about pink unicorns and fairies who grant wishes.” She opens the book which is written with trembling handwriting. “Oh, I see. Looks like a feverish nightmare. So the writer has been there.”
The book merchant looks at Tiriel with a facial expression she knows too well. 
What crypt did you find this child in?
“I have some ballads and traveler guides. Maybe...it is more for your age?” he asks
“Travelers guide on what places?”
“Icewind Dale, but it’s a rather uncomfortable read…”
“I’ve read about Icewind Dale,” suddenly something else attracts her attention and she points at a small book with a dragon on its cover. “Show me this!”
The merchant sighs in relief and reaches for the storybook. Tiriel looks at the pages – even though she still experiences issues with reading, she sees that it's just an adventure story about knights, princes, dragons, and treasure hunting.
Something her daughter stopped reading when she was five or six.
“I will take this too,” Alethaine declares.
“Eighty silver for all three,” the merchant says.
Too much, Tiriel thinks. Alethaine frowns but doesn’t try to bargain. For some reason, she is very shy when it comes to arguments.
“Thirty silver,” Tiriel intervenes. “And we are not telling anyone about the half-elf skin you’ve bound the book with.”
“It’s not made of anyone’s skin!”
“I can hear her screams,” Alethaine whispers, flipping the book pages. “They flayed her when she was still alive!”
The merchant gulps. Tiriel chuckles. So, this is true and the merchant knew it.
“All right. Thirty,” he mutters and Alethaine happily gives him the silver coins. 
Alethaine puts the books in her black bag and wishes the merchant good night. The man mutters something not appropriate for children’s ears.
“Did you catch the scent of the skin or it’s more like your necromancy skills?” Tiriel asks, taking her daughter’s hand as they stand by the stall with needles and threads. 
She shrugs. “I-I don’t know. Maybe both.”
“Do you know if Dad needs something to sew?” Tiriel still can’t really tell apart shades of the same color and all needles look the same to her. 
“Take the black threads,” Alethaine says, touching the samples of fabric. “He’s always out of them.”
Tiriel nods. She doesn’t know why and when Astarion decided to make all his daughter’s wardrobe black, but here they are. Alethaine got from black onesies to black dresses, from black nappies to black skirts, gloves, and coats. Only her shoes and boots aren’t made by Astarion - and they are as pitch dark as everything else.
A few hours later, at sunset, they sit on the grass outside the market. It’s a beautiful summer sunset and Tiriel adores the light. Alethaine sits on her traveling cape and takes out one of her new books. 
“Uh-um,” she nods, completely taken away.
Tiriel smiles to herself. She’s never been a stranger to violence and dark things – if you faint at the sight of a blood sacrifice, you won’t survive in the wilderness. But having a child like this takes everything to another level.
Death, dark arts, corpses – they have  a special appeal to Alethaine, the same one Tiriel feels towards fights.
The sun sets and Tiriel sits beside Alethaine. Darkvision allows her to see in gray colors and Tiriel sees a picture of the monster inside.
“All right, now I understand who all these people were who hired me to bring them certain parts of the beasts I killed.”
“Dad is coming,” she says. “Or another vampire, but I think Dad scared all of them away.”
Tiriel smiles. “Good thing vampires hate the presence of each other.” She stands up and approaches the edge of the hill. Yes, Alethaine is right – Astarion has left his daylight shelter in the nearby inn. She can see his silhouette from the distance – white hair and black armor she can’t mix with anyone else.
She waves to him and he quickens his steps. 
“Hello, darling,” he murmurs in her ear the moment he hugs her. Astarion pecks her cheek and Tiriel rubs his left ear.
“Dad! Look what I’ve bought!” 
Tiriel thinks Alethaine will show him the anatomy book, but, instead, she hands him the adventure story.
Astarion studies the first page, then another. Tiriel watches them carefully.
“I just don’t get it,” Alethaine admits. “Is it about how to enter the thieves’ guild or how to smuggle drugs?”
“None,” Astarion returns her the book. “It’s about how to find a job as a bounty hunter in Neverwinter.”
“Oh, I misread the symbols then,” Alethaine pouts.
“Wait, the book is in Thieves Cant?” Triel asks.
“Yes. Hidden deep under snotty stories,” Astarion answers. “And what are these two monstrosities?”
Alethaine proudly opens the anatomy book as Astarion studies the Feywild one. Tiriel barely prevents herself from laughing as she sees Astarion cringing at the pictures. Vampire or not, he saw so many disgusting and cruel things he hated looking at them. 
Then Alethaine yawns. 
“Let’s go home,” Tiriel says. It will take them till sunrise to return to Daggerlake. If they don't hurry they will need to set up a camp for the daylight - or leave Astarion behind which Tirel absolutely hates to do.
It’s not like it’s a big deal right now – thirty-two years since he gained his freedom, he has nothing to fear. More than that, Tiriel is sure there is simply no other monster in the area who could be a threat to Astarion. He is a vampire, an undead, a skilled rogue, a dangerous assassin.
But when he is alone, the nightmares slowly crawl back. The loneliness fuels his memories and there are so many of them. Thirty-two years are simply not enough. Astarion can handle that too – he’s learned to. But Tiriel doesn’t want him to face mental struggles if it can be avoided.
Alethaine walks in front of them and Tiriel takes Astarion’s hand in hers. They are her little family – everything she’s ever wished for. 
She looks at Astarion and notices his lips are squeezed and there is some anxiety in his eyes.
“Go for a hunt, we will wait for you”.
“Nonsense, let’s return home sooner.”
Tiriel doesn’t push it. They agreed years ago that Alethaine isn’t to see him dining on her mother (because it’s absolutely a sexual thing and must remain behind closed doors) and also that she shouldn’t see him feed on animals (because her dhamprisim might get awoken – blood will tempt her and they don’t want their daughter to become more a vampire then she already is).
Of course, she isn't stupid, she knows her father drinks blood. She often sees bite marks on Tiriel when she forgets to cover them – but the process remains out of sight.
It’s already sunrise when they reach Daggerlake and Astarion walks forward not to risk staying in the sun.
By the time they return home, Alethaine rushes upstairs to prepare for sleep. She sleeps a lot, even more than a human would – and Tiriel wonders how much dhampirism affects her sleeping habits.
“So, is the book really about how to be a mercenary?” Tiriel asks closing the door to the bedroom
Astarion has already put off his doublet and now sits on the bed watching Tiriel.
He waits.
“Yes. It was a guide on how to find people who will give her a job as a mercenary,” he slowly answers as if he had to concentrate on speaking. His eyes are focused on her neck. 
“And can she read this book?”
“She thought it was about smugglers and thieves. Her skills aren’t that good.”
Tiriel approaches Astarion and he tugs her closer, forcing her to sit on his lap.
Astarion is no longer a sweet caring elf – his predatory side is on the loose and he pierces her skin with his nails as the fangs are looking for the vein.
Tiriel wraps her hands around his neck and lets herself drown in painful pleasure. 
“Take as much as you need,” she murmurs. “I love you.”
She feels like falling into the warm dark void and, when she almost crosses the border of no return, the tender hands let her go and she finds herself on the bed with Astarion carefully applying a bandage on her fresh bite mark.
“Thank you,” he says, kissing her with his blood-stained lips.
“Will you stay with me when I sleep?”
“Of course,” he chuckles. “Besides Alethaine has occupied the bathroom – she isn't getting out any time soon”
“Oh… and I forgot…” Tiriel points at her bag. “I’ve bought you some black threads and new needles.”
Astarion kisses her cheek. “Such a caring and thoughtful wild girl. Now I have something to occupy myself with while you are asleep.” He takes her nightshirt from the floor. “Do you have anything in mind? I noticed you’ve ripped it.”
“Me? Astarion, you rip my clothes all the time!”
He unfolds the shirt showing the ripped collar. “Yeah, I agree. My fault. So, what patch do you want?”
“Maybe a dragon? A black one?”
Astarion covers her with a blanket – the one she uses when she sleeps alone – and sits on the floor with the shirt and the needle.
“I have a daughter who likes seeing monsters’ inside-outs and a wife who likes murdering monsters. Can someone in this family enjoy nice and cute things?” He pouts.
“Imagine Alethaine having a child who enjoys such things. She will pout then, ‘no one in her family has taste for macabre’”.
Astarion chuckles, and Tiriel wraps herself in the blanket. 
Safe. She feels safe. 
And loved.
Sewing has always helped Astarion to concentrate. It’s been centuries since he needed to shut the darkness up. Memories of his enslavement, memories of the misery have faded away and feel like a distant nightmare. 
But habits never truly go, and Astarion enjoys sewing patches and repairing clothes even though the old purpose of that process has long gone.
“You know, for someone who is an elf and was raised as an elf, you are very messy,” Astarion says looking at the ripped cape. It looks like it was chewed by a tarrasque.
“It’s not my fault! I was careful!” Tiri objects. She is making new arrows (as she lost the whole quiver while running from a particularly nasty behir in the Underdark the previous day).
Astarion chuckles. Tiri, his granddaughter, showed up at his place deep in the Fairgheight Range five years ago. Red-haired like her grandmother, she was eager to see the world beyond the Isle of Evermeet – and she still doesn’t show any desire neither to return to her parents nor leave him be and travel alone. 
“What patches do you want?” Astarion asks and takes his sewing kit from the traveling sack. 
“Well, I am an adult independent woman…” Tiri starts.
“You are thirty and you are an elf. You are basically a child.”
“Hm, you were a magistrate and mum would work for smugglers using her necromantic skills. Barely a child activity.”
“I want a unicorn patch,” Tiri finally admits. “Or a butterfly. Don’t laugh, ar’o’su!”
“I don’t, damia,” Astarion finds white threads. “Besides, Alethaine has never been fond of cute and nice things.”
“Mum has her own idea of what is nice and what is cute,” Tiri touches a thin tiara on her hair. While all Tiri’s clothes are made according to Wood Elves traditions, her father’s ancestors, the tiara is pitch black and with a small skull in the center. It definitely belonged to Alethaine and then she just passed it to her only daughter. 
Tiri puts the new arrows on the ground and lies on her bedroll to reverie. Her drake, Aurix, immediately nestles on her chest like a cat.
Astarion casts a glance at his granddaughter. She has a certain similarity to Tiriel – and Astarion knows she would have loved her. But half-elves have such an offensive short life span in comparison with elves she had no chance to see little Tiri. At the same time, her facial features are her mother’s and sometimes she speaks like her. There is something else, something unfamiliar – Tiri’s father and their ancestors.
And she loves cute and nice things - and cringes at the sight of monsters’ inside-outs. Necromancy scares Tiri and she admits she’s never been to her mother’s dungeons just because of how uncanny it was for her.  And elves would often joke that their “witch-queen” just kidnapped Tiri because no way someone like Alethaine could give birth to such a sweet young woman. 
Astarion pierces the fabric with the needle.
“Well, so be it, a unicorn.”
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just-1other-nerd · 15 days
I think the relationship between Cressida and Eloise is more developed than the one between Penelope and Eloise because having been friends with each other (and basically only with each other) for this long made things between them stagnant but Pen giving up on explaining her situation to Eloise and starting to have secrets was also not good for the friendship. And I think those secrets made Pen dull herself down a lot because of guilt and because she didn't want to El to find out so despite her strong character that made her more of a push over compared to Eloise who almost never hid anything (and never from Pen).
But since Cressida is always feeling like a lot more present and demanding since she's very open with her goals etc, Eloise and her feel like equals in that regard and since things are new their relationship is still growing and adapting, they're still very much getting more acquainted with each other each day. Cressida gets El to try out new things, to be more open and social, to converse more with other girls and I do like that but Eloise also influences Cressida in a good way. They are healthy for each other and I adore to see it, I also love how this new friendship offers a lot of social commentary about the time period and the marriage market and shows Eloise that things are far more complicated than she thought and this gives her new insights and makes her more empathetic and less judgy towards others. Even though Penelope definitely knew much more about the nuances of the situation of girls in different families than the Bridgertons she never really found a way to make El understand them. The new perspective Cressida offers Eloise lets her adapt more and finally understand the ways of the marriage market more, she gets on a rational level why girls want to marry, why they would marry even without love and this development is great. Eloise stated herself (infront of Colin) that she her "radical" thoughts, ideals and ideas are dreams that probably won't come true in her lifetime and she now gets the advantages that her family and society have to offer for her even if she doesn't intend on marrying.
I want to say that Eloises growth wouldn't have been possible without Pen giving her the first few pushes through the scandal and the argument they had when El found out about Lady Whistledown. These moments made her reevaluate lots of things. I very much do hope that the girls get it together and become friends again and if they do I know they'll come back stronger than ever because both grew in their time apart. But I do hope that this reunion doesn't happen at the price of Eloises friendship with Cressida. I really want Cressida to not overstep certain lines/boarders in the future plot and come around (and maybe get together with Eloise, I know I am delusional, but that won't stop me). I know that Cressida, who finally found a friend, feels threatened by Penelope because she knows that El and Pen can be so good together and could and want to be friends again and I really want her not to be a bitch about it and I want to writers to make it clear that a girl can have more than one fucking close friend.
And losing this friendship would indeed be such a loss since both Cressida and Eloise make each other less cruel and more understanding but they still don't lose their edge because of this. They reflect on what the other says to them and take in the criticism and support each other. At times both can be a bit tonedeaf and awkward around each other but they are very much trying and very forgiving and accepting of each other and each others flaws.
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macsimagines · 11 months
Yandere!Kisaki Tetta Headcanons
Ok so I feel like I'm dying of thirst for good Yandere!Kisaki content when there is a literal sea and plethora of other Yandere Tokyo Rev stuff! I mean, c'mon guys we obviously love the Yandere stuff and we have an actual YANDERE in the series.
This is final timeline Kisaki because I think he's fully accepted he doesn't have Hina.
PT 2: https://www.tumblr.com/macsimagines/722700210896355328/the-kisaki-yandere-post-was-so-good-i-need-to?source=share
WARNING: Themes of Manipulation, Dubcon, possible murder drug use, and Babytrapping
The start
First and foremost, he adores you. Literally worships the ground you walk on. Thanks to Takemitchy's influence you're his whole world.
Takemitchy set you two up, kinda. He made sure to keep Kisaki on a positive path and to surround the younger boy with supportive people and you just happened to be one of them.
It was pretty apparent with how genuine and kind you were that young Kisaki was pretty much almost smitten with you so Takemitchy, not thinking this could have any consequences, fostered those feelings and helped Kisaki along.
It wasn't his fault, really. He figured if he could get Kisaki to fall in love with someone else and have that person return those feelings then he could ensure that everyone could be happy!
Best of all you return those feelings. You put his mind at ease because you confess first, and Kisaki is floored that he doesn't have to plan to get you. You're just giving yourself to him. no one is happier about this than Takemitchy
What Takemitchy forgot was just how obsessed Kisaki could get. And Obsessed doesn't even begin to cover it.
Happy Life
Kisaki covets every piece of information, latches on to the tiniest details and makes sure to use them when he has to.
You mention something offhand once about pretty flowers are, and now Kisaki makes sure (Months later) that you two have tickets to go see an exclusive flower garden.
Remember telling Kisaki about an exotic type of food you got have as a kid and loooooved? Well now you two are at date in a fancy restaurant being served that same meal with the highest quality ingredients.
Hey, you know that one terrible teacher you mentioned that would always single you out in class? Well guess who just got arrested?
Its easy to play off at first. He's just a super great boyfriend.
Kisaki loves you with all his heart. He makes time for you, always treats you well and keeps you out of any trouble.
When things start to take a dive into bad territory is when highschool is about to end. Kisaki starts to talk about marriage...
Red Flags
You're completely floored by how sudden that is. Aren't you two too young? Isn't he about to enter into university? What about all your future plans?
Kisaki has an answer for everything. He tells you he knows he's gonna make it big, and that you two will be happy and comfortable for the rest of your lives. He just wants to make sure he has the most important things taken care of and this is biggest step.
You try to hold off on it. Come up with every excuse you can to not go through with it, but he doesn't give you much room for argument.
It becomes clear to Kisaki that you're not going to relent, so he decides that he needs to change his plans a bit. So a few nights after graduation on a surprise trip he planned for you two he takes action.
The Scheme
He's been planning this night for a few months now actually. He made sure to switch out your birth control, and he's been slipping vitamins into your food to boost your fertility.
The guy is dedicated because he's even done research on how to boost sperm count lol. He's eating better and he's working out more because he read that will definitely help.
This freak even tracked your cycle to know when you're gonna be ovulating
Most frustrating of all, he's been abstaining from any kind of sexual activity, saying he wants to focus on school and exams.
But that's all bullshit because he doesn't hesitate to start some heavy makeout and petting sessions just to cut it off short and leaving you wanting more.
It wasn't easy for him, he's addicted to that sweet body of yours, but its all worth it for how you're grinding down on his fingers..
He dicks you down within an inch of your life.
You two are so committed to each other and you've been together so long that he knows everything that drives you crazy. He knows where to kiss you, where to bite you, how to touch you to make you breathless.
The aphrodisiac he slipped you is also helping make this very easy. He's barely touched you and you're practically drowning the fingers he's got buried in your sweet pussy.
You're begging so cutely too, just crying about how bad you want him already, but Kisaki is meticulous he can't cave in just yet.
He eats like a man that's starving, spending so much time licking you and sucking that clit his jaw actually aches.
When he feels you've been fingered and licked until your practically braindead does he pull out the condoms. He poked holes in them of course. He was just planning on telling you they ripped, and giving you the Plan B he had prepared (Dont worry its a fake)
But you shock him
"Its ok, Tetta," you tell him with tears running down your cheeks, and your hands spreading your thighs wide for him, presenting yourself like a present, "J-just for tonight. I wanna feel you..."
He loses it. He planned on keeping his cool for you and taking it nice and slow for his sweet girl, but hearing you tell him he didn't need to wear a condom was like you were signing up to have his baby.
And trust me, you're getting knocked up with the way he's hammering into your cervix. Your pussy is gripping onto him and sucking him back every time he thrusts.
Of course you're just babbling at this point telling him he's perfect and how good his big dick feels in your gummy walls. The guy was always on the big side, but taking every inch raw? It's too much.
Your whole body is basically telling him you want to get pregnant and why wouldn't it? You guys are soulmates? Your destined to have his kids.
It doesn't take long for you, you're overstimulated to all hell, and soon you're gripping onto him for deal life when you cum, practically milking him for all he's worth.
And he's cumming thick ropes into your womb, filling you up and keeping his cock stuffed in your hole to make sure it takes.
Aftercare, Afterwards
Kisaki is the king of aftercare, idc who wants to say this is OOC I'll die on this hill, and he feels so bad for everything when he see you're puffy eyes and wrecked body.
He doesn't feel bad about anything else though. You two are written in the stars, if he had to push things along that's just the natural order.
But he does feel like an ass when he notices how your body is shaking from the over stimulation and how you're barely conscious from his onslaught.
His touches are gentle when he kisses you and wipes you down. He's so soft with your over sensitive body and he's soothing all the places he left bruises.
You can hear him whispering about how much he loves you and adores you when you're drifting in and out of conciousness. You can't even tell him how much you love him back with how raw you throat feels from all the moaning you were doing.
Kisaki can tell you're trying to say something but he just smiles and reassures you that its fine. Try to rest for now, he'll take care of everything.
And for some unexplainable reason, you feel as thought he means that in more ways than one.
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dribs-and-drabbles · 11 months
Be My Favourite ep 9
This was another fantastic ep, and the only thing preventing me from saying it topped last week’s again is that there was NO MAX! 😮
BUT there was so much more character development.
First, Pearmai, because I wrote last week that I was curious about her backstory, especially her relationship with her mother. And we got to know this week already.
We got confirmation that Pear holds things in, hides them, and masks her true thoughts and feelings. She’s carried the hurt of her mother’s abandonment for so long, whilst her mother doesn’t see the harm she’s done and her father expects her to be ok with it all.
And now I understand why Pear desires marriage and a ‘future’ with someone so much – she wants to build the life for her own children that she never got herself. She wants to have the relationship her parents didn’t have, and wants to have the mother/daughter relationship she never got. (This is something I identify with so if the show doesn’t explicitly tell us this, I can’t help but to read it this way because it’s all too familiar for me).
I loved the way that her mother’s obliviousness to the way Pear feels is reflected in their clothes and art – with them both in black and white, opposites devoid of colour and life, whilst her artwork is FULL of colour, so much so that’s it’s pushing out from the canvas. It’s no surprise Pear feels the way she does in the face of her mother’s freedom and creativity and life – a life chosen at the expense of being a mother to her own daughter. Maybe Pear needs to either find reconciliation with her or to close the door to her in order to have happiness in the future?
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I thought Pear’s reaction to Kawi, after learning from Not and then Pisaeng that he and Pisaeng were together, was a little disproportionate – she and Kawi weren’t dating, they were just friends. She may have been developing affection for him (or latching onto the next guy who showed her affection) and thought that he liked her and that they were on their way to dating, BUT they still weren’t together for this to be like Kawi went behind her back or cheated on her.
My interpretation is that this reaction could be a front to her real (maybe subconscious) feelings – disappointment that her future prospects at having the family she wants has disappeared again. I think that unless she can learn and grow from this and her relationship with her mother, she will just latch on to the next person who shows interest in her. I admit, I was afraid that she would do this with Not – we had seen in ep 7 that she eventually did do this in another timeline – but I’m so glad she walked away from him, deciding that if her future isn’t Pisaeng, or Kawi, it definitely wouldn’t be Not. Not in this timeline. And I think this does indicate that something has changed for Pear now. Maybe wanting to talk to Pisaeng about him and Kawi and therefore confiding in him about her mother as well has helped her shift her motivations behind her choices.
Some other smaller thoughts before I get onto Kawi:
At first, I was worried the show was transferring the drinking problem to Pisaeng…but I don’t think it is, because it seems that this occasion was him trying to protect Kawi. I don’t really like all this peer pressure to drink alcohol…but I’m also aware that it could be a cultural politeness thing, but it needs doing away with.
I ADORED the “Kawi, Kawi, Kawi” moment – has anyone gif'd the parallel to “Lao Wen, Lao Wen, Lao Wen” yet?! Paging @forcebook
Also, Pisaeng has a brown phone case?! Kawi’s colour! How have I not noticed this before?! @respectthepetty did you already know? If not, PSA: more colour-coded phone cases!
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I’m not sure I like Kawi holding back or pushing Pisaeng’s affections away. He declared he liked Pisaeng and couldn’t bear to be wthout him but it feels like he’s not showing enough affection to reflect that. (It’s bordering on the blushing maiden trope which I detest). Maybe this is Krist’s own discomfort…? Or just that he’s been directed like that (because the directing so far has been brilliant), which is disappointing because I’d hoped the story wouldn’t do this to these characters. It’s good, at least, that Kawi tells us that he’s simping over Pisaeng and how attractive he is but I wish they would show us in Kawi’s body language and reactions to Pisaeng’s advances. Smh.
Right on to Kawi. And what a lot to unpack.
Speaking of the morning in bed scene and Kawi questioning if him and Pisaeng being together is “the right thing” – I’m glad it’s not about them being a gay couple (which the show emphasises a few times during the ep) but it’s not really any better that it’s in relation to theirs and everyone else’s future.
Kawi is still thinking about ‘fixing’ one moment in time, and for multiple people, rather than living in the moment and listening to his present desires (emphasis on both ‘his present desires’ and ‘his present desires’). At the end he worries about how many mistakes he will make in life (mistakes that affect others negatively) but he still needs to learn that he has no control over how other people are affected by his choices for himself. And that he can’t let that dictate the choices he does make, he has to let other people live their lives and he has to live his own. (@dimplesandfierceeyes wrote a great post related to this).
And as much as I’m shook about Kwan liking Not (as we all are), their situation perfectly highlights why Kawi needs to focus on himself and not others. Because as much as Kwan and Pearmai (and Not to some extent but we don’t care about him, right?) are hurting and unhappy now it’s SO GOOD that all of this has happened for these characters.
First we have Kwan. As much as this is hurting Kwan, she is being set free now instead of in 12 years' time. She is being saved from 12 years of hurt and pain and unrequited love. (Oh Kwan, beautiful Kwan. You’ll meet someone better. I PROMISE!) (Check out this fantastic reblog thread about Kwan by @lurkingshan, @jjsanguine and @twig-tea)
Then Pearmai. She’s hurting from her parents’ situation, and from the revelation about Kawi and Pisaeng, but she chooses to not just turn to Not. She turns him down and sets herself on a completely different path. She now has the time and opportunity to find love in another place (hopefully a happier one) and still get the family she wants.
(And Not, if I have to… This is good for Not too, because he gets to declare now [to himself as well as Kwan] that he likes Pearmai more than Kwan [and maybe other people he’s sleeping with], he’s being honest with himself and others [is that a bit of growth I see there? *she squints*]. And it’s fucking fantastic that Pearmai turns him down [not only because she deserves better] but because he can move on and maybe use this experience to change [the jury’s out on that for a while. As an aside, this ep made me retract slightly the thinking there might be a possibility that Not is also gay/bi and will also have his own realisation arc…but the show’s not over yet!]). Anyway, THIS IS GOOD. This is good for all of them.
Kawi thinks they’re all unhappy and it’s because of him, but he’s not able to see the full picture. There’s so much nuance in what they do want and what will make them happy that he can’t even begin to know or understand how his actions play a part in that. And the reality of it is, there are so many positives resulting from his actions as well. We already saw this in ep 8, where Max tells him he’s made a huge difference in his life. I love that Pisaeng gives Kawi hope and optimism for the future but I don’t think hope is enough, Kawi also needs to trust that the results of his actions are not always bad – it might take time but there are positives.
Last thing (because I know this is long!), I want to talk about this: “I will feel more comfortable if we are more equal”. I understand Kawi’s motivations here, he doesn’t want their relationship to be influenced too much by differences that could negatively affect them and their regard for each other – and financial disparity can be a sticking point for a lot of people - but accepting and leaning into the ways they aren’t equal is also healthy for a relationship. Each side can’t always bring the exact same things into a relationship. Balance can be found in other ways. I'm interested to know if this ‘theme’ comes back or gets built on in future eps.
And speaking of…it looks like next week’s will be fluffy and domestic where they settle into their couple dynamic. I can’t wait!
(also tagging @grapejuicegay @waitmyturtles @rocketturtle4 @ginnymoonbeam @chickenstrangers @wen-kexing-apologist @bengiyo @plantsarepeopletoo and @williamrikers in case you're interested! And sorry if I missed anyone.)
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grievedeeply · 2 years
hello :D could u maybe do some hcs on wht dylan lenivy would be like as a boyfriend nd what kinda stuff him and reader would do together
sure!! decided to combine this with another request because they're essentially the same thing. i hope you both enjoy!
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tags: @alisblackgf @seasidesamir @pra-xiis @willowroom @evaavaughn @blackhoodlea @ziplokz | tag list form
tws: amputation (dylan's hand post game), mentioned violence but nothing descriptive
dating dylan lenivy headcanons (the quarry)
first off, he is so funny. he always knows just what to say to make you laugh and to cheer you up. he's the funniest person you've probably ever met and he knows it. he makes the strangest jokes ever but you always at least chuckle at them, just because it's him telling them
he's much more than just his jokes, though. he's compassionate and very caring. he's putting you before himself every chance he gets
dylan falls for you first. you're sweet to the kids and you're always checking up on him. you're able to read him really well. you know that his jokes are just a front right from the beginning
he confesses to you first and you almost think he's just being playful until you look up at him and see the completely serious expression on his face
it results in a long, heartfelt conversation about your feelings towards each other and you'd been dating ever since
when the events of the game happen, the two of you are stuck together like glue. you tell him, "if you die, i die" and he feels the insatiable urge to try to protect you
after dylan's hand gets cut off, he worries you won't like him anymore. of course, you reassure him and even make jokes about it to cheer him up. he thinks he's a fool for even thinking that you'd leave him because of his hand
as an amputee, he struggles with phantom pains (a pain that feels like it's coming from a body part that's no longer there). he pokes fun at it a lot, but you can tell that he's actually really scared because of the loss of his limb and having to adjust to a new life without it
he has to relearn how to do a lot of basic things with one hand and you're there for him every step of the way. he expresses his gratitude a lot. he'd be lost without you, and a lot more tears would be shed if he didn't have you around
he's definitely the type of guy to show you off to anyone. if someone even brings you up he goes, "oh yeah, my partner". he is so head over heels for you it annoys all of the other counselors
they're all really happy for both of you, don't get me wrong. dylan just rubs the fact that he got some in their faces (affectionately) and it makes jacob very frustrated
he's affectionate, both in public and in private. he's happy with PDA and he'll actually encourage it if it's something you're okay with. he does love to show you off, as mentioned before <3
an arm around your shoulders, his hand in yours, a light touch on your face to brush your hair away. he loves touching you, and it's one of his love languages
he's a gentle person. he can come off as loud and (slightly) annoying at first, but he's the opposite. he wants to be liked by people and usually just puts up an act in front of those he doesn't know that well in the beginning
he gives great hugs. they're so comforting. his height is an added bonus in any form of physical affection with him. he makes you feel so safe
dylan talks a lot about your future with him and it's clear that he wants to be with you for the rest of his life. he brings up marriage often and you just roll your eyes. you're both young, but you wonder what being married to him would be like
even though he makes jokes about 'wifing you up' (he'll use this term no matter your identity unless you don't like it), he actually means it. he's so serious about spending his life with you because he just adores you so much
he's defensive over you and your image, especially when you aren't around. he takes no one talking poorly about you and he makes it known that if someone has a problem with you, then that extends to him too
he's a great listener and he knows what to say to comfort you. he can be serious but his jokes also cheer you up a lot when you're feeling down
dylan's love for you is so obvious. he's completely fallen for you and you have him wrapped around your finger even if you don't realize it
he looks at you with the softest expression on his face and love in his eyes. he admires you and everything you do
he's so proud of you and he makes sure you know it. every time you do anything he's always telling you about how well you did it or how good it looks
he's never met anyone who understands him as well as you do. you never push him too far and you're checking in on him all the time, asking him about his day and how he's doing
it might be the bare minimum to some people, but you're doing that and more. if he's feeling bad, you bring him whatever he needs. he does the exact same for you
you both have a very heathy relationship and dylan knows for a fact that he found the one person destined for him
he's your number one fan <3 he plans on bothering (loving) you for a very long time
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woodsfae · 4 months
B5 s03e12 Sic Transit Vir table of contents - previous chapter
A two month break isn't too bad compared to my seven month break last year, right? hah
Ivanova seems to be having a naked-at-work dream?? Lol, yes it was. I am actually amused that even in her dream the staff had the nerve to act like anything was out of the ordinary.
Vir checking out his future throne! Get it.
Was Vir also having a dream? Interesting way to open an episode, if so.
Londo having a totally normal reaction to having a bug buzzing around your apartment. Maybe going after a bug with a sword is actually good enrichment for him? I'm impressed that he got it.
"Do you know that you are smaller than I thought you were?"
Ah, Londo's second-greatest weakness, a beautiful Centauri woman. (his first greatest weakness is someone offering to commit war crimes to elevate his political standing.)
Awww, Sheridan and Delenn are so cute nowadays I can hardly stand it. Just…oozing adorableness at each other at all times.
VIR. You are an ambassador in your own right. Don't be so deferent to Londo!!! You are peers!!
Who tf arranged this marriage?? I hope Lyndisty is nice if they do get married. Ah, answered immediately. One of Vir's uncles, and Lyndisty's mother.
She seems nice. I tentatively like her. And it seems that Vir does, too!
"If you give me a chance, I promise you: when we cross beneath the swords and boughs…it will be for love."
I hope so!! I don't like it when bad things happen to Vir. He takes it like a champ but it's like watching someone kick a puppy.
"Do you think I'm pretty?" "Oh, deliriously! But I always associated delirium with fever. So…there you are."
Wow! I feel like that was definitely his first kiss.
"If kisses could kill, that one would have flattened several small towns."
Lyndisty is coming on SO strong it worries me that she's going to be nefarious. But Vir probably would need any partner to be much more….bold than he is.
Sheridan made Delenn a Minbari dish!
Not well it seems. Their courtship COULD be so rocky, but both of them are so determined to be genial it's actually so smooth!
Well Sheridan did say that nothing stays calm on B5 forever. What instigated this attack, though?! And Zack Allen, if you wanted the attacker to survive, maybe don't shoot them in the head??
Personal grudge against Vir seems…unlikely. And makes me way more suspicious of Lyndisty.
As horrified as Ivanova is to be asked what ladies like in bed, she's definitely a better option to ask than Londo, Vir is right.
Well now idk what Vir is talking about and also don't want to know! Keep that cursed Centauri sexcapades knowledge away from me please.
Delenn is wildly good at speaking indirectly but completely clearly. Wow! If she flirted with me like that I would simply perish.
All two thousand Narns that Vir got off Narn are dead! That's a hell of a motivation for a revenge killing. And the immediate cut to Lyndisty, again, makes me very suspicious of her.
FUCK YOU LONDO. ugh. gross fucker.
Ahhh, Vir faked killing them. Good for him! But maybe he faked their deaths too well, since there's assassins after him now. Vir has been doing so much good work, wow!!
FUCK YOU LONDO. why does he always have to be such a nasty, power-climbing, fascist dick?
"They're Narns, Captain, they don't need a reason for murder." goddamn shut up.
Lyndisty is a "nice" racist. It isn't their fault they're an inferior species, but their inferiority is justification to genocide them!
oh god.
not such a "nice" racist after all, though none of them are, really.
Wow B5 always goes hard. this is dark as fuck. Lyndisty helped murder entire Narnuan villages to "curb aggression," She might be one of the most gleefully murderous characters that's appeared on the show so far. Perhaps second only to that panacea episode with the war criminal.
Here's the puppy-kicking. Stop, Londo. Fuck.
Someone else to be sad for Vir about! No more vacation on Minbar, and emotionally attached to genocidal fascist who has personally murdered hundreds of Narns with her bare hands. Yikes.
And we never found out what happened to the Narn that Lyndisty captured! Hopefully he got free and then snuck into her shuttle back to Narn so Vir can be a widower. He'd get over it.
time for some arthuriana
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atrwriting · 1 year
Request! 💜
something about Aemond trying to seduce reader? Could be modern or canon, headcanons or a Drabble, I just want to know how you think he’d act and how he’d try to win reader over!
love your writing and eagerly waiting for updates on your stories ❤️💛💜
omg tysm for the request!!! and tysm for saying such sweet things i adore u!!!!!!!! xo
this is a fun request im excited
this could go one of two ways honestly like there's definitely a side of him where he's mean and scary and doesn't really mean to seduce someone but then he's mad at them and screaming and he just cant help but want to kiss you and throw you up against the wall but
ok let's get inside aemond's head for a second. i know this man wouldn't shy away from using a sword, arguing about history, or deciding which battle strategy is best because there just isn't a challenge this man wouldn't face. he's seen women before at court, he's discussed his possible future marriage alliances before, and he's been flirted with, but there's never been a moment where he actually considered that he might actually want to flirt with someone
and trying to seduce someone? omg YOU KNOW that man would experience hesitation for the first time since he was a kid. it would make him super frustrated with himself, almost making him doubt even attempting to make conversation with someone he likes
but then there's you
he's felt sexual/physical attraction before, of course, but coupled with actually enjoying the person's company and the things they say? the man is down BAD
he finds it difficult to steal you away from the prying eyes of the court, but he always seems to find you at banquets or walking in the gardens
first he'd try small talk (as our prince is always good and proper)
he loves conversation with you because you always seem to enjoy the conversation and his company and that definitely does something to him
and let's be honest his family likes when you're around him too because he actually smiles and isn't as moody
and then suddenly you're not just the pretty and kind person at court that aemond enjoys spending time with
he's no longer nervous around you because now he wants you and aemond targaryen is always up for a challenge
i feel like this man's big shabang attempt at seduction would be in a very specific situation
no one can convince me that aemond targaryen is a dancer, but for you? he would steal you away for at least one dance
everyone would be absolutely astonished someone got aemond "moody" targarygen out on the dance floor because that man does not dance
this man would have one hand on the small of your back to keep you steady as he leads
and the other hand is keeping yours with his, but gentle and soft as you both look at each other and enjoy the song
he wouldn't be able to stop thinking about how beautiful your smile is and how he loves when your eyes grin with your lips
when the song ends and everyone is clapping, he would definitely whisper something flirty in your ear
"i would only dance for the most beautiful girl in the hall, my dear"
now you've got this man giving you a small, shy grin that FORCES him to look away and clap with the rest of the crowd
he knows he's big, bad, and scary but nothing stops him from being soft with you
and that's how he wins you over: but showing you a side of him that no one else sees, that being the side where he does not feel like he has to go on the defensive or into offensive mode
he feels safe with you, and when aemond targaryen is on your side, you would always feel safe with him
ty for reading hope you liked it :)
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acacia-may · 23 days
Hi Acacia!
I hope you're doing well and are feeling better now ❤️🫶
For the ship bingo what about Langris x Finesse, Vanessa x Finral and if you'll allow me to be self indulgent my Nozelena 💕
Aww thank you so much Lola! I hope you’re doing well too! Thanks for the ask 💕
Langris x Finesse
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I unapologetically adore this ship, and Langris (sort of) stepping aside for Finral to have a shot at taking over the House of Vaude out of real, genuine, selfless love for Finesse is a hill I will die on. Sorry not sorry. As conflicted as I am about this pairing because I generally have no patience for love triangles and this whole arranged marriage situation is a convoluted mess that makes me want to bang my head in a cabinet, I still love this pairing because it is easier for me to believe that it is Langris who genuinely loves Finesse for who she is as a person not this perfect, idealized view of her that his brother has. And this isn’t to say that Finral couldn’t eventually deepen his love for Finesse beyond that idealism, sentimentality, and infatuation but (I’m convinced) that Langris is already there. Why else hasn’t he married her all this time? He doesn’t think he can make her happy and that’s what he wants even if it means giving up his own dreams & what he has worked for his entire life. That kind of selflessness is real love in my opinion (regardless of whether you want to qualify it as platonic or romantic though I’m inclined to the latter seeing as they are engaged to be married).
And Finesse genuinely loves him too. She builds this friendship with him and grows to genuinely care about him in a way that (by her own admission) sees his flaws & has “no misgivings about him” but still recognizes the good in him and chooses to love him anyway. For Langris’ whole life all he has ever wanted was unconditional love. He has that with her (whether in a romantic sense or not) so of course I’m going to get a little feral about it.
I think everyone wants to be loved for who really are as a person, not this perfect, canonized version of themselves on a pedestal. In my mind, Langris and Finesse truly know each other and then choose to love each other anyway even when it’s hard or even when it means making sacrifices. And that’s why it’s my favorite in the whole “House Vaude Drama Cluster” (Not to mention the fact that I need this to be canon so Finral doesn’t go back to House Vaude, but that’s another story…)
Also, I’m a fan of people actually marrying their fiancee’s, you know? It would be nice to see that happen for a change instead of having somebody’s estranged brother swoop in to try to marry the girl who is engaged to his sibling… I don’t like when engagement or marriage is used as a plot device that can be discarded whenever convenient, and the execution of this entire Finral, Langris, & Finesse plotline has been beyond frustrating and unnecessarily complicated and I can’t stand it! Makes me root for this ship just on principle like…my boy, Finral, I love you but you can’t do this, sweetie! Ultimately I’m convinced Langris loves Finesse enough to just give up everything & step aside for Finral to marry her once he proves himself worthy of her (in Langris’ opinion) but that just makes me ship him with her more so…
Vanessa x Finral
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I like this pairing a lot, but I feel conflicted because I also really like them as just platonic friends, Vanessa hasn’t shown romantic inclination towards him in the canon (even if there is a possibility feelings could develop in the future), and most of all because I don’t think the story is going in this direction & while I like Finral x Finesse it doesn’t have that certain something this one has and I can’t shake the thought that this pairing being end game would be better for him than returning to House Vaude but I digress… In that way, I think I prefer the their story that the actual pairing itself, even if their dynamic is fun to me! It’s definitely a guilty pleasure ship of mine, but I feel like I ship it very conditionally/under specific circumstances, and don’t feel a feral need for them to be canon if that makes sense?
Nozel x Helena
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I love them so much! Nozelena has quickly become my favorite pairing with Nozel in it! Helena is such an amazing, dynamic and interesting character on her own, but pairing her with Nozel is just chef’s kiss. He deserves that sunshine princess and I adore how Helena and his love for her has inspired him to become a better person. Also I really just vibe with their opposite’s attract dynamic and find their interactions very fun! They’re so in love your honor! I don’t make the rules
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tojiwrd · 10 months
hana talking about how she doesn’t believe in marriage and gojo agreeing with her by breaking his engagement with reader 🥴
only for them to get engaged 3 months after they met and marrying shortly after…even if mr. gojo suggested the marriage so what? you are marrying out of duty? even if you supposedly don’t believe in it? make it make sense
pls tell me gojo senior will eventually find out what his son did to reader…if gojo was a man and told his parents he was engaged to reader his parents would have been happy and (don’t know if gojo senior would have gone to prison) the company would still be on their hands 🫣🤭👁️
geto really being delulu like his bestie, like cmon your bestie broke one of your friends’ heart and instead of give them closure by telling the truth bc she SEEMED to be doing fine you acted clueless 🤦‍♀️
@ gojo if someone you loved did what you did to reader (he broke and lied to her), would really NOT hate them specially AFTER waiting almost two years before apologising 🫥🫥
gojo why can’t you accept reader could hate(s) you…something is sus. aw pls don’t tell me, @ gojo, the honeymoon/infatuation phase is fading away 🤭🥴😏
him saying he didn’t want reader to think shw wasn’t important and he didn’t move on quickly…hello? do you hear yourself? THATS what you actually did!!
we need girlboss reina to make her appearance and spill everything unconsciously (not so unconsciously) to hana - knowing the truth by a third party hurt best 😈 - without forgetting the part where gojo still can’t seem to accept that yn could hate him 🤥
patiently waiting for you (author) to serve us a juicy batman revenge 🫢😏
ugghh i want to figuratively k word gojo at the moment 😤😤
question: did gojo leave when reader and geto got the confrontation or was he still in. the gallery?
ps. my toxic trait still wants yn x gojo endgame lmaooo
pps. sorry for the log ask
gojo and hana are literally the silliest and goofiest ppl i've ever wrote about. girly got her heart broke and expressed her feelings and gojo got to sympathetic,, put himself in her shoes and was like YEAH!!
mhmmm gojo said he didn't turn it down because he felt like that marriage ending would be better than if reader and him got married and had to end. it's literally pathetic !! and every man has done this at least once i'm not putting it up for debate. 🥺please, i have to end this or else i'll hurt u more in the future wahhh🥺
there will definitely be family drama!! these kids r going wild atp we need some interventions soon
geto is genuinely such a himbo like i love and hate him in this. he genuinely thought he was doing the right thing too like the audacity of him. but yeah a part of him definitely did it, even subconsciously, to protect gojo in a way even though i don't think he agreed with gojo's actions.
HONEYMOON PHASE FADING AWAY HAS ME CRYINGGGG. but nah fr he's acting too much n saying too much while having a lil ring on his finger right ???
i adore reina reina will be making several appearances i'm glad you are on the same wavelength. like my lil oc girly is out for blood every second we see her
answer!! : yeah, he was like a kicked puppy and left w his tail between his legs. so he definitely has no clue that yn literally went through hell and back bc of him
ps: i don't blame you gojo is so delicious like yesssss break up with me bc ur silly and stupid and your emotions have been stunted since you were in middle school yesss
pps: NEVER apologize for this i love reading these n i love u mwah kisses thank you so so much for reading it!! so glad you're enjoying it <3
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actual-bill-potts · 1 year
👑⚓️💀 for the ask game!!
tyvm for enabling me to procrastinate on all my current WIPs by doing something other than starting another WIP lmao
👑 answered here!
⚓️Pick a Silm ship to go down with. What is compelling about their dynamic? Oooooh I waffled for a bit between Russingon and Finrod/Bëor...but ultimately my understanding of Finrod's character (and hence most of the fic I write, lol) involves his doomed love for a mortal. So I gotta go with Finrod/Bëor.
What's compelling about their dynamic? Well what's NOT compelling about their dynamic! by law i gotta mention atandil by @eilinelsghost here as it pretty much captures perfectly the way I picture them. I think what first drew me to them is the idea of generational love. I come from a very (very) large family who all live pretty close together, and even though there's a lot that can be annoying about that, it also provides a tangible cross-generational web of love that is incredibly reassuring, and that I miss a lot now that I've moved away from all of them. So the first thing about Finrod that I fell in love with is how he really embodies that love with respect to Balan's family and people. I picture him as being a constant in the lives of the Bëorians, from Balan all the way down to Barahir and Beren. He's everyone's uncle/older brother/doting cousin. I have a lot of people like that in my life: people who aren't technically family but because of how close they are to someone in my family, they suddenly gain a whole lot of extra nieces and nephews. I feel extraordinarily lucky to have them, and I definitely kind of imprinted on that aspect of Finrod.
Of course, Finrod doesn't need to have been in romantic love with Bëor for this aspect of his character to work. But I adore the themes that emerge when you consider what it would have meant, for Finrod to marry someone who had already lost a wife, and had children from that marriage. What it means that Finrod, who knew at least in part the dark future ahead of him, chose joy where he could.
I also really enjoy the triptych of Bëorian-Elf romances that is formed by Aegnor/Andreth, Finrod/Balan, and Beren/Lúthien. Aegnor/Andreth is love lost, grief irredeemable within the bounds of Arda; Beren/Lúthien is love's great triumph; and Finrod/Balan is love that endures. Finrod the Faithful cleaving to Balan's memory, not in grief but in love for his family, is beautiful to me.
💀You have a "Get out of jail 'Doomed by the Narrative' free" card. Who do you give it to? You know what? I'm going to give it to Fëanor. Fëanor's fate is so tragic to me because he was trapped in an absolutely heartbreaking situation as a child that no one else could understand, and as such he was probably never given the tools to even fully understand how he was hurt, let alone how to fix it. He deserved compassion and understanding, and instead he was driven to increasingly desperate lengths first by Morgoth, then by all the Valar. also if you give Feanor the card it saves everyone else too
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(Skip this if you don't want to know about the enola holmes books or any potential plot points in a hypothetical 3rd film)
So, where to begin. I've only just read the books for the first time, so my memory is still quite fresh and weirdly interwoven with the films, so i thought i'd do this right off the bat. As far as i can tell, the plots in the movies are VERY vaguely based on the plots within the books (example: book 2 mentions the match girls and their strikes in one sentence, and jack thorne seems to have gone yup, i can work with that). This is why i'm guessing the same will be true for the 3rd film, if it happens (for which we should get a press statement in approximately march, presuming the movie is happening and there are no scheduling/overall organisational conflicts). However, there's one major detail that makes me believe film number three may stay truer to the corresponding book than the previous 2 adaptations (spoiler-ish content from here on):
Book 3, or enola holmes and the bizarre bouquets, is about (as many people have already pointed out) the case of dr watson's abduction and incarceration in a lunatic asylum, where he spends a week before enola figures out where he's being held and heroically saves him from the institution. She does this from afar, ie she gives mycroft and sherlock clues via missives in newspapers, which ultimately lead them to find john and release him from the asylum. The way enola figures out that watson is held captive there is a bit of a far stretch though and importantly without any help from her brothers whatsoever, which makes me believe they're definitely gonna change the logical chain of reasoning of how the case would be solved in the film. However, with john's introduction in the last movie, i am quite certain that we're gonna get the watson abduction case and that enola is gonna rescue him with the help of at least sherlock, as has been the pattern so far.
Now, what i'm a little uncertain on for a couple of reasons is the introduction of a new character: in each of the first 3 enola holmes books a new character is introduced that somehow becomes entangled in the case enola solves. In book 1 it's tewksbury, in book 2 it's lady cecily (obviously altered to sarah chapman in the film) and in book 3, it's no other than mary watson, john's newly wedded wife. The problem with this introduction is that, as known from the arthur conan doyle stories, john moves out of baker street when he marries mary, which also happens in the 2nd enola holmes book. In the enola holmes cinematic universe however, this would make little sense as we've only just been introduced to john as sherlock's future flatmate (whereas in the books, john and sherlock's relationship is long established). We can't just have john move out again in the next film as we'd hardly get to see his newfound friendship with sherlock and i think it would take too much screentime away from the case in order to introduce john's new place. I think we can be pretty certain that john will be living at 221b in film 3 and that he won't be married to mary yet. Although, i can see them introduce mary as a new character, to the audience as well as to john, and i guess a marriage could be explored in following films. Whether that's a good idea? I'm not so sure. Book enola adores the watsons and their relationship is quite adorable to read about in short encounters, but i think within a movie, dealing with all these classic sherlock holmes characters does create a danger of taking too much time away from enola as the main character (people were already unsure about john's introduction, so i'm not sure how they'd feel about mary). Plus, it'd be kind of sad if they had john move out in let's say movie number 4, and sherlock would fall back into his pit of loneliness and depression (maybe not as dramatic, but you get my point). There is of course the option of introducing mary as an important part of the case without making her a romantic interest for watson (sort of à la lady cecily turns sarah chapman), but i'm not sure how realistic that is as mary is kind of iconic as his wife and often a no brainer in the sense that the creative team of enola would have to make a conscious decision to discontinue the tradition of marrying john off (which would be quite interesting, in my opinion). I for one would be a fan of having mary involved in the case but simply as a badass and without the romantic connotations.
Anyway, that's a lot of rambling but i hope that kinda made sense and entertained you! If you have any other thoughts/predictions pleeeeaassee let me know : )
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