#I am unfortunately still unemployed
bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
The mirrorverse EMH should have a dastardly little damsel-to-the-train-tracks moustache and I believe this with my whole heart
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geckosquid · 7 months
So I was watching a game grumps compilation of Super Mario RPG since the remake comes out in a few weeks. I totally forgot about the “the forkies are enraptured” text and I am so looking forward to screenshoting that bit on my switch for posterity.
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altruistic-meme · 2 months
lmaooo at the person who replied to my reddit post ignoring part of my reddit post
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ghostickle · 3 months
I really be cursed for everyone I meet to just end up using me huh
#I live the next town over from a college town#that’s like. everyone fucking hates the college kids#especially cause this particular school it’s all just assholes with rich parents#unfortunately for me it’s also full of cool looking alt people who keep fucking me over#cause I fall for the crust pants and platforms and cool hair#then suddenly I’m talking them outta suicide every night and basically parenting them#like full on making sure they’re getting food this recent one giving him a place to crash so he didn’t have to live with his ex#driving them around paying for everything despite the fact they’re unemployed and their rich ass parents buy them everything#meanwhile I actually work and am struggling to pay my bills every month#I can’t afford to feed myself but god knows they’re getting everything they could ever want#and still being ungrateful and rude#and I’ll be like hey maybe u should go to a professional yk im not a therapist I can’t help with ur whole suicidal thing#and they get mad at me and throw me away cause oh no they have to work on themselves and take accountability#I’m not gonna keep spoon feeding some fucker who’s gotten life on a silver platter#idk there’s two very different sides to punks I’ve met#there’s either punks who are punk cause they have been through hell and fucked over by the universe and have a genuine understanding of the#beliefs it comes with and the morals#and there’s the punks who maybe sure like the music and the style but have never had to so much as raise their voice to be heard#never had to fight for anything#which isn’t inherently bad I wish I was that lucky#but they’re never really aware of that privilege and just expect to be handed everything#and get pissed if they are expected to be held accountable for being an asshole#ghost rambles
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elbiotipo · 2 months
So, to get serious for a moment. If you've been following me for a while you're surely aware of how bad Javier Milei's government is for our country and in particular for science and education. This has affected me very personally, as the recent funding cuts mean I'm basically unemployed right now. This is an undesirable situation to say the least, and because of the general crisis we're going through that affects virtually all institutions in the country, my job search is not easy.
This means I might have to move away soon, perhaps to another province or country, if I cannot find a job here, which is a huge expense I must consider and save for. And also, my family is going through legal expenses (nothing bad, but still a money sink) and I am unable to help them right now. Along with many other expenses that get worse every week (not an exaggeration) given our current economic crisis. So right now, I'm looking for any kind of income until hopefully I can get a stable job.
I would really appreciate if you could consider supporting me on Ko-Fi, even a little bit means a lot here on Argentina. And I want you to get something out of it! If there's something my years of study have been useful for, is to learn about how the world works, and if you know my passion for worldbuilding and love the things I write about it, please, do feel free to ask me questions, suggest me things to write about, or DM me to talk about your writing. I often take my time to answer, but if there's anything I have now, it's unfortunately time. So I hope you consider supporting me, and regardless, you can look forward to more worldbuilding, science and history posts. And Argentina shitposting of course.
In a more professional note, I am also a certified and experienced English-Spanish translator. If you're seriously looking for someone with that skill, you can DM me.
So, that's it. Thank you for reading.
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1980sactionfigures · 2 months
Hello everyone,
I was able to stave off using this for a couple of months, but I'm at the point again, I have no choice. I am still unemployed (9 months now) with no way of income except this GFM and selling my pop culture collection on Ebay and, unfortunately, I am now running out of things to sell there.
I was able to pay my rent and bills this past week, but that leaves me with nothing for the rest of the month. I cannot afford food, nor any of the medications I need for my congenital intestinal disorder and other health issues I have.
If you can help me, I would greatly appreciate anything you can do to aid me. I have no other recourse at the moment. I am sorry again for asking. Thank you for everything; you've helped me survive this past year and I would not be here without you.
~ Madison
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minustwofingers · 5 months
love is a laserquest p.2
series masterlist (read p1 here!)
pairing: rockstar!ellie williams x reader
request: @thatgiraffefromtlou so kindly included me on a post about writing something inspired by these beautiful edits :) thank you !
summary: after a serious of unfortunate events, columbia grad y/n y/l/n finds herself using her hard-earned journalism degree interviewing vapid stars and writing articles that she's convinced are rotting her mind. ellie williams has just dropped the album of the year and it's all anyone is talking about, but all she wants is to be off the press train. a certain interview with a certain interviewer might change this.
cws: explicit language, kind of suggestive phrasing? (i get a little feral with guitar playing descriptions), shitty bosses, mentions of nausea and throwing up (no one actually does tho dw), y/n is anxious asf, my writing is a little....yikes...in this one, loser!ellie
a/n: i lied i lied hehe. here's the next part. im still working on building this stupid app so i havent been able to write as much recently + holiday family stuff but oh am i back!
here's a playlist inspired by this fic
wc: 2.4k
tags: tags :) @intrnetdoll @dazedshoon @lovecaraya @pctcr @sariyaflowr @loser-keiji @prettyplant0 @666findgod @sawaagyapong @rystarkov @buzzybuzzsposts @addisonnie@galacticstxrdust @elliesbabygirl @pinkazelma @ariianelle @lu002 @blairfox04 @sparkleswonderland @elliesflower @muthafuckingstargirl @elliewilliamsissubermommyoml @eviestevie-14 @quicksilversg1rl @guacala @crtcrp @overtrred28 @diddiqueen @krisyslostsoul
enjoy mwah
It starts slow, like the drip of a broken faucet. It’s not like you’re actively seeking out anything Ellie William’s related, but somehow it seems like everything Ellie Williams related is seeing you out. 
In the grocery store, one of her hit songs from her newest album blaring over the speakers.
On the street, where you see crumpled pages of magazines with her face plastered all over them. 
And—perhaps the most offensively—on NPR and the New York Times, quite literally days after you’d met her. Suddenly Steve Inskeep and Leila Fadel begin the Up First podcast with a familiar song and devote an entire third of the morning podcast to Ellie and her band’s rise to fame. 
You decide to switch to the BBC World News for a while, but even they seem to be under her spell.
It’s not that you don’t like Ellie. She seems fine. Normal. Really cute, actually, and clearly very talented. But whenever you think about her, you think about the ill-fated, awkward, charmless interview.
“What happened?” Alyssa had asked you when she’d come back from surgery. “That wasn’t you out there.”
Which was actually very hurtful to hear, because you’d been holding onto the hope that you’d been all in your head about your interview being a failure. It all culminates in Eric, your 300 year old manager, sending you a strongly worded email that told you that your performance in the interview was so underwhelming that you were being pulled from the interviewer pool and exiled to article writing land. Which could be worse, you admit. You could be unemployed on the streets of LA. At least you’re still writing. 
And write you do. You spend all your waking hours either at your keyboard, on your yoga mat, or sat in a chair somewhere at a local cafe for a coffee chat. You’ve mostly deleted social media, since all you see nowadays are pictures of Ellie and Becca’s posts about her experience working and loving her life in New York (the algorithm apparently knows exactly what you want to see the most). 
It’s bizarre that, even as you try your best to place your focus on honing your craft and consuming only content that you think will make you a better writer, you still somehow learn everything and more about Ellie Wlliams and her band. It’s in the emails at work whose chains you’re CC’ed on. It’s in the advertisements and the billboards everywhere. It’s even in the conversations you have with your two roommates, Greta and Maureena. 
“She’s so fucking cool,” says Maureena dreamily as you sit around the TV in the living room. “I still can’t believe you got to talk to her.”
“It’s not like I actually got to, like, get to know her or whatever,” you say. “It was honestly kind of dry. Just awkward small talk.”
“That’s more than anyone else I know can say.” She reaches forward and grabs a fistful of popcorn. “How come she gets interviewed by the person who probably cares about her the least in all of LA? Like, what are the chances?”
“I care,” you say, and it sounds unusually defensive coming out of your mouth.
Maureena gives you a long, suspicious look, but before she can respond, Greta comes bursting into the apartment, purse swinging from her shoulder.
A greeting is halfway out of your mouth when she cuts you off. 
“You guys will not believe what I just did.” She’s nearly bursting with excitement, her eyes bright and wide. 
“Like, in a good way?” you ask. 
“Yes. Obviously!” Greta fishes around in her pocket until she pulls her phone out, waving it around. “Check your email.”
The last time Greta had come in with an entrance this energetic, she’d been coming to inform you both that she was getting engaged to her loser boyfriend Brian (which—thank God—didn’t actually last), so you and Maureena trade nervous looks. 
Maureena gets to it first. 
“Tickets to see Ellie Williams? Tonight?” Now she’s about to explode with giddiness, leaping from the couch and throwing her arms around Greta. “I love you, I love you, I love you. How did you get these? I thought they were, like, totally sold out. Or ten thousand dollars.” 
She grins wickedly, holding her hands out in a “who knows” sort of way. “You can all thank me later. We have to leave in about 20 if we want to get there in time. Y/N, you good?”
You’d been staring on in horror, jaw dropped and body completely frozen. You had registered that Ellie was playing in LA tonight—it’s all anyone you knew talked about at work today—but you never once considered actually going to try to see her. “Uh, yeah. Give me just a few.”
By the time you get to the venue, you’re convinced that you might actually puke from the nerves. It’s ridiculous. It’s not like three broke 20 some year olds were going to get last minute seats to an Ellie Williams concert that were genuinely good seats. It’s not like she would see you and realize that the girl who flopped while interviewing her was a big enough fan to attend. You’re going to be fine. 
“Shit, Grets, how are we so close?” asked Maureena as she leads you both closer and closer to the front. 
Horror steadily rises within you as you approach the front row. 
“I got these from my boss,” she says, turning around with a devilish glint in her dark brown eyes. “Her daughter got food poisoning, bless her. She had to stay back to take care of her, and I was the only one who stayed late to work, so…”
Greta’s boss was some filthy rich nepo baby who was a partner of a big talent agency. All of a sudden you feel stupid for not realizing this sooner.
“Shit,” you say, mostly to yourself. “Oh no. Oh my god.”
“Isn’t this so cool!” Greta jumps up and down, hands on your shoulders as she tries to rile you up. “Dude, what if she recognizes you?” 
“I think I’m going to puke,” you say miserably. Somehow the thought of her seeing you made you want to crawl inside your skin in shame and hide for the next calendar year. “Did you guys not see how ass it was? I was so fucking awkward.”
“It wasn’t even that bad.” Maureena pats your shoulder. 
“I literally was forbidden from ever interviewing again because it was so bad.”
“Because Eric hates women,” says Greta. “It’s not your fault he’s a horrible human being. Give it, like, a year or so until he croaks. Then they’ll let you back in the game.”
“Uh huh,” you say, feeling very harrowed. 
You remain in this state of abject terror for the entire opener performance. The nausea doesn’t subside. It only gets worse when you realize that if you actually puke, Ellie’s definitely going to see it. Just like she’s going to see you, with the stupid stars Greta had insisted you paint on your cheekbones with glittery eyeliner and eyeshadow. 
“She really likes space,” Greta had told you while you’d been getting ready, pretending like you didn’t already know all about this. “So all of her fans wear star stuff to see her.”
Before you can think to wipe off the glitter, everything goes black. Then the crowd goes wild. 
When the silvery blue light spills onto the stage, it illuminates Ellie, standing just a number of feet away from you. You barely have enough time to take in the black leather coat and loose white shirt she’s wearing before music explodes out of the speakers, her fingers flying up and down the fretboard. 
You’re spellbound as you watch her. Her voice rings loud and clear and slightly gravelly when it snags on her words. She’s nothing at all like the girl you’d met a month ago—there’s no discomfort, no awkwardness. She looks like she’s born to be on stage. 
When the first song ends, she steps back, grabbing the standing mic next to her. 
“Uh. Hi,” she says, and it’s so endearingly nervous compared to how she’d just sounded that something in your chest twists. She rubs the back of her neck. “I’m Ellie.”
Greta and Maureena join the crowd, screaming and cheering. 
“I LOVE YOU!” someone shrieks, louder than everyone else.
“You know,” she says, “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to people reacting like this to me just, like, saying my name. It’s really fucking weird. Oh. Shit. Sorry. Are you guys okay with me swearing?” 
The roar that comes from the crowd is entirely undecipherable. 
“Right,” says Ellie. “Um. I’ll take that as a yes. Sorry to anyone who brought their kids or something. Anyway, this one’s about the ex who cheated on me and gave me mono.” 
Before you can react to that, she starts playing. 
As she proceeds through the setlist, you’re struck by just how close you are to her, how many things you can notice that hardly anyone else in the crowd can see. You see the outline of her phone in her pocket, the pieces of hair that have fallen out of her little half bun and are sticking to her face, the way that the glitter on her collarbones trails down her shirt in little rivulets. 
And, above everything else, you can see the horrible way her fingers straddle the fretboard, curling and pressing with ease so practiced it looks tender. 
Apart from this bad, bad development (you can feel your mind going a million miles an hour about things you should not be thinking about), things are going great. Ellie hasn’t noticed you. Or even looked in your direction. You’re not even sure she can see you, given how little light is shed onto the crowd. The false sense of security makes you feel comfortable singing along with Greta and Maureena, your lips forming the lyrics you’d been pretending to not listen to whenever her songs came on. 
It happens during a slower song, a sort of ballad that makes your heart thud harder in your chest to hear from her mouth. The lights on stage dim a little. Light spills just the slightest onto the front of the crowd, and Ellie’s eyes fall and snap onto yours so decisively that it almost feels audible. 
For a moment, you can’t breathe. Ellie’s voice suddenly catches mid-word, faltering and missing a beat. She thrusts her hand with the mic into the crowd, which eagerly picks up where she left off and finishes the verse. 
It’s impossible to see on the screen projecting her image behind her, but you can see the flicker of recognition in her eyes, the stiffness that comes with realizing that you actually know someone from somewhere. 
You’re the one who breaks eye contact, focused with a sudden intensity on the way the thin fabric of your sleeves are situated on your arms. 
Greta pokes you so hard in your ribs that you gasp. 
“What the fuck!” you snap, but the words are swept away by the noise around you. 
“Why didn’t you wave?!” she hisses in your ear. “She totally recognized you.”
The realization falls over you with the subtlety of an anvil. Oh my god. You totally should’ve waved. That was the normal, well-adjusted thing to do. Now she was going to think you were weird. And it was too late now. But she didn’t wave to you. Wasn’t she supposed to wave first? Because you of course remembered her, but she might not remember you. Yeah. You could go with that.
Maybe she didn’t remember you. 
You can’t relax for the rest of the concert. You try your best to just act normal and dance along with your friends and casually mouth the words, but it’s hard when it feels like she’s staring at you. Which is completely impossible. The light doesn’t fall back onto the crowd until the concert is over and Ellie and her band are long gone backstage. 
Two months later, all you can think about is the way that Ellie stuttered over her words when she saw you in the crowd. Of course, this is definitely something you’ve made up in your mind, because there’s a number of reasons why she might’ve slipped up. Maybe she just thought she knew you from somewhere and couldn’t place it. That’s why she (allegedly) kept looking in your direction afterwards. Or maybe you’re completely batshit insane, and she didn’t look at you at all. Because if she had, wouldn’t she have waved? Right?
It’s almost bad enough to distract you from work. You find yourself prowling on Twitter, watching the #elliewilliams tag blow up following every concert date. It doesn’t give you any clarity, because in every picture, she looks just as perfect and cool and confident as she was at the LA show. You don’t know why you assumed she’d look different if it was true that she’d recognized you. More human, maybe. But she’s just as bathed in starlight as she was that night many weeks before, just as far away and untouchable. 
You spend so much time thinking about her that you’re convinced you might’ve slipped into a dream when Eric appears at your cubicle with the news.
Instead of saying hello, he plops a stack of papers on the desk in front of you, all labeled “PopNow! Interview Etiquette”. 
“Excuse me?” you say. 
“Start reading up, kid,” says Eric. “You’re back in the game.”
“You have an interview scheduled later this week.” He scowls down at you, gum smacking in his mouth. He smells faintly of tobacco. 
“But I thought I was removed from—”
“You still are,” he says. “But someone requested you. Their manager told us they wouldn’t talk to us if they didn’t get you.”
He huffs out a short laugh. “Believe me, I was surprised too. Don’t know what they’re on about after the last time you talked to their client. Fuck this one up and you’re out, okay? Got it? The info’s in your inbox already.” 
Somehow the words don’t quite sink in until you open the email and see the words on paper. 
SENDER: Maria Miller
CC: [email protected], y/ny/l/n@popnow!.com
Great to hear back from you. Glad that 3 next Wednesday works. 
final a/n: lmk how u guys feel about this...feeling a little unsure about where this is going but enjoying writing it anyway there are two wolves inside of me etc. etc. also ive missed u all! i hope everyone is doing well! dont b shy!
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balkanradfem · 19 days
I am reporting live from the SlugVillage, which is something we all agreed to rename this city into. There are slugs wilding in the streets, there are slugs on every strand of glass, if you stop and stand anywhere for a minute, a slug will find you. And climb you.
In this time of slugness I am still determined to grow those damn beans if it's the last thing I do, so I have been in the garden every morning at 6am, and every evening at 8pm, collecting endless amounts of slugs and relocating them to places that are not my garden. I have now confirmed that there is a limit of how many slugs a person can experience in a day without getting mentally affected by it; unfortunately I have breached this limit on the first day after rain. I come over there and there's a conference of 320 slugs in my strawberries, they're all discussing which ones of my plants to devour first. I have been trying to appeal to their emotions; every time I see them eating a baby plant, I go 'That is a baby! How could you?' and thus far they did not care for my antics. This morning I've seen a centipede strolling in my garden and I went 'What a beautiful and sleek creature, bless you!' and I don't even have a special place in my heart for centipedes, I was just so damn happy to see one creature that isn't a slug.
Other gardeners have also been doing the same thing as me, and constantly complaining about the biggest epidemic of slugs this place has ever seen. One of them is very smart, so she poured down sawdust around each of her bean plants, the idea being that slugs won't touch sharp stuff.
Yesterday morning I saw a slug going 'sawdust shamwust I have a bean plant I need to eat'. It slid directly on the sawdust without a care in the world.
I've even seen them eating potatoes! I could not believe my eyes, what are the potato bugs supposed to eat? They're gonna be out of a job! The slugs are not considering the economy and the potato bugs will go unemployed if this continues.
I believe that slugs need their designates spaces, that is not 'the community garden' and they need to change their dietary preferences because we all know this is not about survival. I've seen them eat nettle. They'll eat anything. But the garden is 'snacks', this is their version of gorging on potato chips and fries, they're eating fast food produced by human gardeners, it's not sustainable. They need to go back to their roots and by this I mean spain from where they were imported from and became invasive species immediately.
The only thing that could stop the slugs is scorching sun that makes it too hot and dry for them to live, but.. the forecast says rain. We shall continue being in the slug era.
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innitmarvellous · 2 months
Part 2 of my ace contemplations - Part 1 can be found here - or more like: more whining, haha. Sorry.
First off something more general: I'm happy about the responses I got on the original post, but I think it's a bit sad that there isn't a hashtag or something for people who want and need the support of the aspec community here on Tumblr (without having to join a special forum or sth). Because it seems that while the community is quite active, it's mostly for sharing memes and snappy textposts and stuff, and less about more helpful things and discussions. I'm not saying the memes etc are wrong and shouldn't be a part of it too, but idk, I just wish there would be more of an actual community bond, if that makes sense? To help the people who aren't yet at the stage where they can view their identity as something great, people who are still struggling and are reliant on online communities for that kind of help.
Because for all the talk about the very active Tumblr aspec community...I personally haven't seen and benefitted much of it, apart from the memes etc. And I hope I'm not the only person who don't just want to agree with meme posts and would wish for more. Or am I just unfortunate? Looking in the wrong places? (In short, where are the nice supportive ace people of Tumblr? I'm desperate here...well, kind of.)
Something related to the books I mentioned in the original post:
these books are all written from such an US-centric, university-educated and creative business viewpoint. And that's just not my world at all, as an mostly unemployed European with crappy education.
Like, one time it was mentioned that aces always look out for each other and how great that is. And yeah, sure. It is. It would be great, but what about the people who aren't part of that lucky network or community? People who possibly haven't met another aspec person in real life? They are missing that kind of support, and maybe it would be the one thing that would make everything easier.
Another thing: I found the probably supposed to be inspirational stories from other aces in the books rather disheartening. Yeah, fine, so person XY found their perfect partner by luck, despite whatever made them think it would never work out, yadda yadda. Good for them, but that's not gonna happen to me, right? I'm not gonna strike that jackpot and will find someone who accepts me as I am. Maybe I'm just a really, really spiteful person, but stories like that don't inspire me or show me what's possible for me personally in any way.
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Well, yeah, I never encountered that. Like, truly never. That's one thing where I'm very ace: I don't get what's supposed to be sexy about a (mostly) naked body. I understand a appeal of a open top button and bit of chest being visible or something like that (lol that sounded so stupid), but the body being in full view? Nah man, put on your shirt again before you catch a cold, lol. (And it's not just guys actually, but people of all genders, if I'm honest.) I should probably add that I absolutely don't mind seeing anything like that, it just doesn't do anything for me.
I guess my takeaway from all the reading I did isn't like for other people who don't feel wrong or broken anymore when they find out there are other aces out there. Even after knowing a lot about it I still feel like some crucial part of me is missing, and I could be more than what I am if that were possible. But then again, there isn't really a possibility for change, so I need to do my best to accept this. I just wish I had it easy one single time...why is basically everything about me so hard to accept? lol
Idk, but if I ever manage to convince myself that inevitably dying alone one day (and spending the time until then alone too) is a good thing, then I'm sure I'll be able to do anything. Now I only need to figure out how to convince myself and that's where it gets difficult, lol.
Being both aspec and too dumb/awkward to make friends is such a curse tbh 😓 And I can't even become a crazy cat lady because I'm bad with animals too, ugh...
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In connection with the previous bit, I'm kinda envious of that way of thinking. Would make things much easier, I assume. And it's great if it worked for her, but I on the contrary would find it quite painful if I look back at my in a sense similar life.
And to counter all the hopelessness a little bit - we're supposed to do that kind of thing, I guess - I tried my best to come up with some positive points, although I take them with a grain of salt myself.
- Well, it does give me an explanation for whatever is going on with me. (Although I only need that explanation for myself, since I seem to give off so much sad loser energy that no one ever bothered to ask me whether I want a boyfriend or kids. They just look at me and think "nah, that's obviously impossible for her". Which is oddly funny yet a little bit hurtful... ^^')
- I'm kind of glad that I never actually have to hug people or cuddle with them since I hate physical contact so much, lol. Doesn't matter if it's platonic or not. Remember when everyone missed being hugged during the pandemic? Couldn't be me :D
- I guess someone who is a rather bad person with way too many negative traits like me shouldn't be on the dating market anyway, so it's a plus that I'm no relationship material. Although that's more of a plus for others, not so much for me, lol. But it is a plus in the sense that everyone I would fall in love with would be unattainable for me anyway, so it's good not to be tempted in the first place.
- Idk, that's about it, I think? Maybe I forgot something, but I believe that's the gist of it. Kind of sad, but I tried, haha.
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ell-arts · 5 months
I am looking forward to new chapter of The Veil >_<
I'm glad you are! I know that many are looking forward to a new chapter, and I'm sorry for it taking so long 😫
Unfortunately, it's going to take a while before The Veil gets a new chapter. I finished university just last month, and atm I'm still resting and recovering from it, so it will still take some time for my fanfics to be written and get their updates.
As a fresh graduate, I am also currently unemployed, and getting a job is going to hold priority for a while, too.
A new chapter of The Veil will come later in the year, and a new chapter for Call Me Cyli will hopefully come out in a month or so.
However, I also have a brand new one-shot that's going to be released first, before the end of this week (I'm making it official now, I'm getting this darn fic posted no matter what!)
So nothing new for The Veil yet, sadly, but fanfic content is still coming!
For the new oneshot, this is the title to be on the lookout for:
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soaps-mohawk · 4 months
hi sorry if it feels like i’m pressuring you, but will there be a new chapter of cherry red, crimson blood anytime soon? i’m in love with it and i check your blog everyday
I'll tentatively say yes, there may be a new chapter coming tomorrow.
I originally wanted to finish a new chapter like every couple days but...they're long chapters and unfortunately, though I am unemployed currently, I still have things I have to do during the day.
I'd say realistically my goal is two chapters a week between appointments and other things. I've got a decent part of the next chapter done, and I was hoping to get it out today but unfortunately I spent the ungodly hours between 1:30 am and 5 am this morning violently ill, so my attention span today has not been great. 😬
That being said, after my appointment tomorrow, I'm planning on working on it for a bit, and hopefully I'll get it done and posted. If not, it will be out Friday by the latest.
There may be a bit of a delay on chapter 4 as it is quite the beefy chapter, and I'm planning another playthrough this weekend because I am constantly terrified about my characterization of the guys and I want to be sure that I really nail each of them.
So tl;dr - new chapter maybe coming tomorrow, and probably twice a week update schedule from this point on 💚
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rotten-games · 4 months
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"Well, you certainly wouldn't describe me as 'confident', would you?" Herron mutters, reluctantly allowing you to peel him off his chosen wall. His expression clouds into resignation as you take up a hand and link your fingers. His palm is somewhat sweaty but the skin itself is soft and unmarred by hard labour save for a few stubborn calluses at the base of his index and middle fingers. Before you can grab at his remaining hand, he wipes off any remaining sweat on his robes.
Just putting this here to let ya'll know I'm still working on things.
Personal circumstance stuff under the cut if you feel like reading. It's not long, just a slight insight into what's going on.
I am still unemployed unfortunately so the work isn't as productive as I might like. An unfortunate downside to spending most of my suddenly free time writing up cover letters is that my own personal writing suffers for it.
I have the unfortunate belief that there will be a lot of segments within the latter part of chapter 4 that I won't be happy with once I hopefully do find a job.
I'm still gonna try to get this chapter done asap but 'asap' is in the biggest of quotation marks at the moment due to, well, priorities.
Sorry for the downer folks but I just didn't want to leave the blog dead. Not for too long at least haha.
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Help Ahmed get his family to safety
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Message from the creator:
My name is Ahmed Al Daalsa and I am from Gaza, Palestine. I am writing to you with a broken heart and seeking your help for me and my family. We have lived in constant fear for 180 long days, not knowing what each day will bring. With your kind support, you can give me and my family hope and a chance to escape this horrible life that we have endured and still do on a daily basis.
I am a visual artist, cartoonist, and photographer seeking to develop my talent. I was very active in the art community before this war started. I have also participated in many art exhibitions and was active through workshops, and have previously worked with children to entertain them in schools. During this time, I also took on small projects to help and support my family as we went through this difficult time. Unfortunately, it seems that no matter what, we are not able to get through this without asking for your support.
In addition to myself, I have 6 family members I am also supporting:
My father is a 52 year old security man in a bank and my mother is a 48 year old teacher, both are currently unemployed. I am the oldest.
My sister Raghad is 20 years old, married, and has a baby boy that she delivered during this war, afterwards her house was destroyed and she moved in with us.
My brother, Mohammed, 18 years old, is a senior in high school and feels like all his dreams have faded away.
Hala, my youngest sister is 14 years old, now without education or schools to go to.
And my beloved youngest brother, Hassan is only 4 years old. He doesn't have a clue what war is, he is just too young to understand, and only wants to play. All of us are living together in this nightmare that we wish we could wake up from.
We fled from our house 60 days ago. In the Deir al Balah camp, we live in terrible conditions. There is no safe place in Gaza. We all live in fear that we will lose our lives in this cruel war. When we went back to our home, we found that our house was partially destroyed. We have no windows, doors, electricity or water. We have faced significant loss, and I have lost a lot of my friends. My dreams of creating and selling comic books together with my friends has now been replaced with grief, as several have passed away or relocated out of Gaza.
All my family and I seek is the hope that we have lost along this war. We ask for your kind support in helping us relocate to Egypt for safety, a chance to survive, and a better life. The cost for leaving Gaza to Egypt from the Rafah crossing border for adults is now between $5000-$7000 USD per adult and $2500-$3000 USD for minors younger than 16 years old. For us, this is extremely expensive and not something we can afford or save up for. Life in Gaza is extremely expensive and all essential goods have skyrocketed. Everyday we are struggling, but we keep on going because we all have dreams to live for and, hopefully, we can pursue our lives and dreams one day because of your kind support.
Your donations will directly help us cover costs of crossing the borders, coordination fees, transportation, and provide essential cash assistance to cover living expenses in Egypt.
Please share this campaign wildly to help us reach our goal and bring my family to safety. Any of your support means a lot, no matter how small the contribution.
If you are interested in following more: My recent art is the reflection of the devastation around me and my attempt to keep dreaming of the life I wanted for me and my family. I am illustrating coping with my family's displacement through art as an outlet. You can see more of this on my Instagram and TikTok.
Thank you for your generosity, compassion, and taking the time to read this.
Ahmed Al Daalsa
I'm Hoda Amel in Oslo, Norway and I am supporting & organising this fundraiser on behalf of my dear friend and talented artist, Ahmed and his family in Gaza.
All donations will be transferred to Joan Campmany Jiménez a friend of Ahmed's in Spain, and then to Ahmed Al Daalsa as the final beneficiary.
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molsno · 5 months
I'd be lying if I said I didn't look upon all those people who talk about giving up on life and just becoming a neet with envy. maybe that's problematic or reductive of me but like damn I wish that was even an option for me. if I did that, I would simply be homeless. that's all there is to it. nobody in my life has the means to support me indefinitely; certainly not my family, who are basically all poor women struggling to support themselves, multiple of them having been evicted from their homes very recently. even if they were able to financially support me (who are my options? MAYBE my cop sister and her cop husband? fat fucking chance), how would I get there? I live on the other side of the country, thousands of miles away. should I give up on the few nice things I've been able to afford (which I am still in debt paying off) that have given me some basic securities - namely my bed and car - and use the last of my money to board a plane there? or should I risk my life driving across the country as an inexperienced driver hauling a trailer full of my belongings?
the fact is that I'm the only person in my entire family to have ever earned a bachelor's degree, but even passing through the classist barrier that is higher education was not sufficient to free me from the chains of poverty. I'm an autistic tranny faggot who never learned any of the necessary skills to succeed under capitalism because nobody in my life could have ever taught me that. because I transitioned, I have no connections from my college days, and I lack the social skills to engage in networking, which bars me from most jobs that are actually worthwhile. essentially, even as lucky as I am to hold a degree in computer science (which technically is not even issued under my name as I've never had enough money to get it reissued after my name change), I still have to contend with the fact that the actual benefits of said degree will continually be gatekept from me due to my background.
it is so tempting, especially now as I discover how much more time I have for personal fulfillment while unemployed, to simply give up and resign myself to the fate that seems so fitting for me. unfortunately, I literally Can Not do that, as the only thing waiting for me on the other side is a life far, FAR worse than anything my family has suffered, and one which I will never recover from. I'm forced to play the capitalist game no matter how much misery it brings me. the only thing that I can dream about is one day feeling even the slightest bit of stability.
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miss-may-i · 10 months
Miss May I: Season 4 Part 18
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Attorney: Hi Mr. Lowry, it’s nice to meet you.
Vivian: Nice to meet you too. Thanks for getting me in on such short notice. 
Attorney: Of course, let’s sit down to discuss the matters. 
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Attorney: So, I looked over the case briefly last night, and from what I understand, your mother lost custody of your sister six years ago, sending her to foster care. Then about a year ago you got custody of her, but now the mother wants custody returned back to her. 
Vivian: Yeah, that’s about it. 
Attorney: Under what matters was the child removed from her care? 
Vivian: Neglect and child endangerment. She is a drug addict and the house caught on fire while she was high and Julie was inside. 
Attorney: And that’s when the child was removed.
Vivian: Correct. I tried to get custody of her, but I was only 18 at the time and homeless after the fire. I actually wasn’t able to gain custody until after I graduated from college and started my career. 
Attorney: What do you do for a living? 
Vivian: I’m a high school English teacher. 
Attorney: That’s a great career. Do you know what your mother does? 
Vivian: As far as I know she’s unemployed, but I heard her new husband is a cop. 
Attorney: Okay so she is married. What about you? What is your marriage status? 
Vivian: I am currently going through a divorce. 
Attorney: I’m sorry to hear that. 
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Attorney: So right here I have a statement from your mother’s attorney stating their side of the story. Jade admits that she did struggle being a single mother, but claims she has her life back on track. Says she has a house and a stable marriage and believes she can provide a more stable environment for the child.
Vivian: I’ve known that woman for a long time and I can tell you that is not true. 
Attorney: That is a possibility. She claims that while under your care Julian’s behavior has been out of control and she is now currently pregnant. 
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Vivian: ...
Vivian: Okay that might be true, but that’s because of all the years she spent being abused in foster care. She’s been doing much better. She hasn’t broken any rules and is getting straight A’s in her home schooling. 
Attorney: Alright, so this is what I’m going to do. I am going to file an objection to the change in custody and from there we will have what is called mediation. It is where we will talk with Jade and her attorney and hopefully come to an agreement before going in front of a judge. 
  Vivian: What kind of agreement? 
Attorney: Hopefully some kind of visitation. 
Vivian: No, that can’t happen. Julie never wants to see her again. We saw her just a few weeks ago and you should have seen the hatred in her eyes. 
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Attorney: Unfortunately, since she is the mother she still has rights, which at the bare minimum is visitation. If we end up going in front of a judge, she could end up getting more than that. Even full custody. I looked over the paperwork and the original judge in your case said she could be eligible to regain custody if she completed the required hours for drug rehabilitation and community service, which she has. 
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Vivian: You mean by trying to protect her, I could end up losing her again?
Attorney: That is a possibility. 
Previous | Beginning | Next
Season 1 | Season 2 | Season 3  
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glittergroovy · 6 months
Hi I have applied to so many jobs & done so many interviews but still have not gotten hired!! I don’t have much past work experience because of disability & thats making it so hard to get hired now. Being trans also complicates it. I am completely out of savings and can’t get things like groceries, subway fare, or household cleaning supplies.
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(it’s a photo bc I can’t screenshot in the bank app^)
If anyone can help out, trust me it is so so so appreciated. Especially rn as I try to get on food stamps. I've lost 15% of my body weight from being unemployed & broke the past year. I'd worked so, so hard to put that weight on and having to watch myself waste away is more devastating than I know how to express. Every cent towards a meal helps.
ways to help-
Ko-fi: grubcore
Venmo: @Grubcore
WishTender: this has prices for specific things I need listed! (groceries, public transport costs, laundry)
Redbubble: buy stickers etc of my art (unfortunately this only gives me a tiny portion of the item's price + I don't get the money right away)
I'm setting up some other ways to buy my art, I'll post about them when I do!
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