#I do think the wording was fitting to this situation
satorisoup · 3 days
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ft. kuroo tetsuro
cw : mechanic!kuroo. fluff. petnames ( sweetheart, girl ).
wc : 1096
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of course. of course your car decides fizzle out into broken sounds of rusty engines when you’re on your way to an extremely important interview. oh, but that’s just your luck.
it was inevitable, really. you should’ve known that your car would give out on you as soon as you heard its slight struggle to turn on this morning, a faint clicking noise when you had put the key in the ignition.
dressed to impress in your recently ironed button up and steamed slacks, you fret to bang your head on the steering wheel at the smell of old car oil. the summer heat was not doing you favors when you stepped out to take a look, beaming down on you in a heated mockery. you can practically see your new job opportunity flash away before your eyes as you notice the steam that rises from the hood of your car, cursing to yourself under your breath as you dial up the number of what could’ve been your new boss.
“ need a hand ? ”
there’s a pause in your actions as you turn to the source of the rhetorical question, and you’re pleasantly surprised to see a rather handsome man who stands in front of his car door.
“ if you could manage to salvage my interview instead, i’d take all the help i could get ”
the man chuckles at your disheartened words, walking toward your car with a tool box in hand.
“ unfortunately im just a mechanic, so i can’t help you with that. but hey, duty calls right ? ”
you honestly couldn’t tell whether to call this situation lucky or unlucky. your car broke down, but a mechanic who just so happens to have a daringly attractive face stops to help you. could you complain ?
you admire the man who pops your hood open, tight fitted t-shirt and lazily strewn overalls that fall over his workboots in a denim curtain. his hair is a shiny black, hanging over his eyes as his forehead sheens with a dull sweat from the hot sun.
he inspects your car with his calloused hands that over time dirty up from the oilish debris, pulling and twisting at the foreign car parts with vein popped arms. you’re staring, and maybe it’s the heat outside that’s making you crazy, but this man had to be an angel sent from heaven with how incredibly beautiful he looked, even while wearing dirtied up overalls.
“ hey, girl. might just be my head talking, but it looks like you haven’t gotten your oil changed since the stone age. ”
he pulls the dipstick out to show you, and it indeed was incredibly low and colored with a tarish black. that’s when you realize that you in fact dont even remember the last time you had been to the shop to keep your car in check. how embarrassing.
“ i hate to say your assumption is probably right… that’s so humiliating ! i’ve been so busy trying to find a job and getting my life back on track i didn’t even think to have it checked. im so sorry ! ” you ramble in embarrassment, face feeling hot in your hands at the discovery that you might just be a complete idiot.
“ no need to get so worked up, sweetheart. luckily, you ran into a mechanic. sit tight. ”
you watch as he steps aside to his car, retrieving a jug of what seems to be car oil and a bucket.
the man slips under your car, working what you believe in your heart is mechanical magic, pacing around as you realize the clock as already struck 11:45, you missed your interview. you feel as though you’re in a disney movie, playing as cinderella with your carriage falling apart before you make it to the ball.
the man scooches his way out from under your car to pop open the lid of a brand new oil jug, pouring it down into the oil pan, and you realize that throughout your series of unfortunate events, you’ve barely said a word to this kind stranger.
“ i forgot to ask, what’s your name ? ”
his head cocks to the side as he continues to pour the jug, strokes of motor oil smudged onto his cheekbone and staining his clothes.
“ tetsuro, kuroo. or, you could just call me your life saving mechanic, because your car’s all fixed. ”
your face lightens up when he tells you the good news, which is something you never thought you’d hear on such a disaster of a day like this one. he turns on your car for a final check, no annoying clicking noises along with the smoothest sounding start up you think you’d ever heard.
“ thank you ! oh god, thank you so much ! you don’t understand the day i’ve had, you seriously just saved me. ”
“ happy to help a damsel in distress. but, maybe change your oil more often, yeah ? your car might explode next time. ”
your face drops in fear at the thought of your car catching on fire due to your scatter brain, and kuroo laughs at the worry written on your features.
“ i’m joking, don’t worry your pretty little head. sorry i couldn’t get you to your interview, though.”
relief washes over you as he confirms your car wouldn’t explode, and you move yourself to give an appreciative bow to kuroo.
“ thank you so much again. please, how can i repay you ? i dont know if i have cash on me… ”
kuroo’s hand raises as he waves in dismissal, a sly, handsome grin covering his muddied face.
“ no need to repay me. it’s my pleasure to help a sweet girl like you, it’s my job after all. ”
“ thank you… but i insist ! it’s so hot out, and you got all dirty just because i decided to be forgetful. ”
kuroo thinks for a moment, but in his mind he didn’t even have to reflect on it. he knew what he wanted to ask since the moment he stepped out of his vehicle to find you on the verge of tears by the side of the road.
“ well, if you insist… i wouldn’t mind a date with you. is that negotiable, sweetheart ? ”
you may feel like cinderella, but at the end of the day, you managed to score a hot date with the mechanic prince.
oh, but that’s just your luck.
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simplybakugou · 2 days
Story Mode | Mystic Academia: Kirishima Eijirou's Route
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⋆ PAIRING: jpop.member!kirishima x fem!reader ⋆ WARNINGS/TAGS: kidnapping ⋆ WORD COUNT: 1020
A/N: omg the first written story mode i’ve ever done! initially i was going to make this part like the regular story modes but i realized i think it would be executed better if i wrote it out instead. for other longer story modes like this, they will also be written out in the future for kaminari, sero, bakugou, and izuku’s routes!
NOTE: the kirishima cap is from @eraserhead-transparents. this part is inspired by the reader story mode in day 10 of zen’s route.
Mystic Academia: Kirishima Eijirou's Route Masterlist
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Everything felt hazy the minute you opened your eyes. Your vision was blurry, only for a moment as your eyes fluttered open. Looking around you, you sighed a breath of momentary relief. You were back at the office, your new home. Perhaps everything that had happened was a dream, or a nightmare rather, and you were finally back home in your apartment.
That sentiment was immediately eradicated the minute you realized you were tied to a chair with your arms pinned back and around the chair. It was very much not a dream.
“Ah, you’re finally awake,” an unfamiliar voice greets you. A man dressed in all black walks from behind you and stands before you. He had a black face mask covering his face and the hood from his jacket covering his head. The only feature you could discern were his piercing crimson eyes. 
You could feel your whole body shivering in fear. The last thing you remembered was waiting to watch Kirishima’s conference when this Unknown person broke into Kirishima’s apartment. Who knew you’d have to have security guarding the balcony door as well…
“If you’re wondering how I brought you here, I simply used a chloroform rag to knock you out. Then I just dragged your body here.” You could hear the smile in his voice as well as on his face, despite it being half-covered, as his eyes crinkled up. He spoke so nonchalantly about doing such revolting things to you.
“What do you want?” You mustered up the courage to question him. You hated how shaken your voice was and despite wanting to seem strong, it was hard to do so when a strange man had been stalking you and finally found you only to hold you hostage in your own home. 
“Oh, I don’t want anything from you. I’m just a pawn and I will do whatever it takes to help my master carry out their dream.”
He started pacing around your room, looking around at the things you had moved in with you. You had paperwork all over your desk as the party was just two days away and you were still working on inviting guests to the event. 
“You see, you’re just a pawn, Y/N.” You shivered at his utterance of your name. “We don’t have any issues with you personally. In fact, I was ordered to lead you to this place to help take down those five imbeciles.”
Five imbeciles… He was referring to Bakugou, Mina, Sero, Kaminari, and Kirishima… He most likely left Deku out due to his absence from the group.
“Just leave them alone. What could they have possibly done to deserve anything?” You could feel yourself getting angry for your new friends. Despite only meeting them almost a week ago, you could tell they were all genuine, including Deku. I mean, who hosts events for charity if they weren’t good?
Unknown bursted out into a fit of laughter. It was an unpleasant sound. He approached you once again and if it weren’t for your being tied to a chair, you would’ve attempted to move as far away from him as physically possible. He crouched down in front of you, bringing his hand up to pat your head. “Don’t you worry. As long as you don’t fight back, everything will be fine. After all, I was ordered to bring you back alive.”
Just as you were realizing the severity of the situation, the doorbell ringing ripped you away from your fears. Several pounding knocks on the door followed.
Unknown chuckled, standing to his feet. “That must be Sero Hanta. Since he’s the only one who knows where this place is.”
“Help!” You screeched. 
Several beeps could be heard on the opposite side of the door, indicating that someone knew the password and was entering it. The door swung open and, to your surprise, revealed Kirishima, who was out of breath and his leg was free from the boot you remember he still had on that morning.
Kirishima’s scarlet eyes scanned the room briefly as they stayed focused on you. “Let Y/N go!”
Just as Kirishima attempted to move towards Unknown, he swiftly removed the rope tying you down to the chair. Unknown grabbed you by your collar, forcing you to your feet as you felt the cool metal blade of a knife to your throat. 
Kirishima stopped in his tracks, his eyes widening. “You take another step and I can’t promise you Y/N will be unharmed,” Unknown threatened in a low voice.
Kirishima’s hands balled up into fists at his sides as he felt powerless. “What the hell do you want?!”
Unknown shrugged. “I’ve just been ordered to take Y/N with me.”
“Yeah? Over my dead body will I ever let you take her away!” Kirishima’s voice was strained out of the pure rage he was feeling. You felt tears threatening to spill out as you were doing your best to keep it together. 
“Oh, don’t you worry, Kirishima Eijirou. Eventually you and the rest of MFA will go with her.” Unknown smiled sinisterly through his mask as his eyes crinkled upwards once again. “You can all have a little family reunion then! How fun!”
You were getting fed up with all of this nonsense. Who was this strange man to impose on your life and think he could do whatever he wanted in the name of following orders? Unknown’s hand was right below your chin and so you bit down as hard as you possibly could, certain that you drew blood. 
Unknown screamed out in pain, dropping the knife to your feet and recoiling back in pain as he fell backwards and held his hand to his chest. You swiftly picked the dropped knife up, spinning around and back towards Kirishima. You held the knife out in front of you, nonverbally threatening Unknown not to take another step towards you.
“You stupid girl,” Unknown grumbled, struggling to get back up to his feet.
Kirishima grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards him. He took advantage of the slight pause before he screamed, “RUN.”
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anti-kawaii-daily · 2 days
Anti-Kawaii Character Archetypes You'll Probably See Here Part 1
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Yandere: Arguably the most well-known "Anti-Kawaii" character archetype in pop culture. The word "Yandere" is a portmanteau of the Japanese word yanderu or 病やんでる in the original kanji (which is another way to say that you or someone is mentally sick, not to be confused with Menhera), and the word deredere or デレデレ in it's original kanji (this word basically means "lovey-dovey").
This archetype consists of character who when they fall in love with someone, they fall harder than most normal people. By that I mean that they obsess over their love interest in ways ranging from mildly unhealthy all the way to destructive to themselves or others. The most known type of Yandere is the type that hurts or kills anyone who may try to "take" the love interest away from them, but Yandere behavior is more of a spectrum than a one-size-fits-all type of situation. And despite most people associating this archetype with unstable, knife wielding, boy-crazy girls, Yanderes can be of any gender identity and sexual orientation.
Here is an example of some characters that fit into this archetype:
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Left to Right: Yuno Gasai (Future Diary), Kotonoha Katsura (School Days), Himiko Toga (My Hero Academia), Alex Forrest (Fatal Attraction) and Eobard Thawne/Reverse Flash (DC Comics)
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Yangire: Other than the Yandere archetype mentioned above, whenever someone thinks of crazy and violent characters in Japanese media, they tend to refer to the Yangire archetype. The word is a portmanteau of the word yanderu or 病やんでる but unlike the archetype above, the "dere" is replaced by the word gire or ギレ in kanji and gire basically means "to snap".
This archetype consists of a character who may be a decent or maybe even a nice person, but if they were to snap in a mental breakdown, then they get very aggressive, violent, dangerous and unpredictable. There are commonly two types of Yangire characters: they either A, have a split personality or any other mental illness that makes them act violent; or B, they just happen to be cruel and deranged people. But occasionally there are characters who are a mix of both. What truly separates Yangires from Yanderes is that Yanderes tend to do messed up things out of love, while Yangires do messed up things because they can.
Here is an example of some characters that fit into this archetype:
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Left to right: Kurumi Tokisaki (Date A Live), Rena Ryugu (Higurashi: When They Cry), Yoshikage Kira (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure), The Postal Dude (Postal series), and Agatha Trunchbull (Matilda)
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Dorodere: A lesser known "Anti-Kawaii" character archetype, this term's name is a mixture of the word "dorodoro" (ドロドロ in the original kanji) which translates as muddled or confused, and the word deredere or デレデレ.
This is a character archetype that refers to characters who are mentally disturbed, or has lots of bad feelings (such as grudges or resentment) towards people like their loved ones, but they hide all of that behind a sweet and friendly façade. In western countries this archetype was misunderstood as describing a character that has violent thoughts but who doesn't act on them, but Doroderes while mostly malicious, they can reach a level of violence similar to a Yandere or a Yangire once their true nature is revealed. In most cases there are two types of a Dorodere; type 1 Doroderes have the character genuinely liking their love interest/best friend and type 2 Doroderes who feel a mixture of love and hatred. What separates these two types is that with type 1 characters their "doro" side is hidden by the "dere" side, while with type 2 characters their "doro" side has a small amount of "dere" in there.
Here is an example of some characters that fit into this archetype:
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Left to right: Luca Trulyworth (Air Tonelico), Nagito Komaeda (Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair), Makima (Chainsaw Man), Billy Loomis (Scream) and The Other Mother (Coraline)
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muninnhuginn · 11 months
For character bingo: Camilla Hect
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Thanks for asking! I accidentally deleted my initial response to this so I'm going to go hide in a corner, I think. Anyway, I used little spiral things so hopefully it's clear what I went for.
Honestly, when I first read GtN, I liked Fifth and Sixth House but it was in a kind of "we hardly knew ye" way. So I thought Cam was neat and I thought Pal was super neat, but I was much more into the mystery aspects of the book. It actually took me until NtN for me to actually become properly attached to Cam, but I suspect I'll understand a lot more about her when I get around to a full reread of the series.
I think with Cam, she's generally the most sensible person in the room, unless it's about Pal and then her objectivity goes out the window. But her objectivity goes out of the window in a self-aware way? She knows she's biased here and she doesn't care to shield herself against it, which is why it's so tragic when she has to face the consequences of that. You can't talk about Cam without also talking about Pal because they're so codependent. That's why Paul was inevitable.
"If anything happens to them" and "canon isn't real", well, let's just say I have some mixed feelings about Paul. I'll have to see what happens with them come Alecto, but at least as of Nona, it feels like both of campal are gone and it's an irreversible reaction as far as we know. And yes, it was their choice. It seemed like their only route to some form of survival.
But Paul still told Nona that they would pick an option that neither Cam nor Pal would. What is it like to lose yourself to the very one you would dedicate yourself to? To mutually subsume each other until you're neither pink nor blue but purple? They aren't either of Cam or Pal. They're gone and someone entirely new is in their place.
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lovecoredeity · 21 days
fun scene idea that I’ll probably never get around to drawing: someone grabbing a wanted poster from a board or wall only to reveal a missing persons poster featuring the same person as on the wanted poster underneath it (also the reward for them as a wanted person is higher than the reward for returning them when they were missing)
#basically this is something fun I imagine for my oc cashmere#as of right now she’s simply missing (presumed to be kidnapped at least that’s what the family she is from told people)#as of rn in her story she isn’t wanted for anything but that can change I’ll probably have her (attempt to) commit treason against her#own family or something#I think it would be fun that her family is willing to spend less when she’s missing than when they’re mad at him and want him back to be#punished for angering them#I have attempted to draw this out before but was like#it would be better as like an animation tbh but#I can’t animate I’m not going to animate my tablet does not even have the storage for me to animate#maybe a quick animatic if anything but like#idk#it’s more of a fun idea than anything#I imagine what leads to cashmere committing treason is that upon being back in the hands of their family they begin to realize that they#can’t lie to theirself anymore their family is terrible and the reason they died in the first place and snaps#i feel like they found themselves in a situation where they attacked someone out of fear and rage and blah blah that is seen as treason#it would probably be his dad that gets attack im ngl conquest deserves it#or they accidentally hurt them out of fear#I am unsure#*shrug emoji* I’m just making up shit for cashmere as I see fit and per what I find most interesting and fun <3#also cashmere is my only oc rn who would have both a missing and a wanted poster#sure most of my ocs would find themselves wanted for one reason or another or targeted by others#but some cashmere is useful as a tool to their family and having a runaway child is bad for their reputation they’d ofc want her back to#keep her quiet and keep people from finding out that she ran away#they also still think she’s sickly and wouldn’t want anyone to find out who she is that she’s sickly and for word to spread#basically they want cashmere back so their reputation isn’t damaged and so they can go back to using her as they please#I put a lot of suffering into this character#and I will continue to do so because as my favourite this is what happens#sorry I’m babbling
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kyouka-supremacy · 4 months
#This is about the last thing I could have imagined happening to me but.#A girl just slid what pretty realistically is a love letter under my door and. I really don't know what to do about it#God. I like her a lot but I also really just love her as a friend??#I don't. I have no idea what to reply because on one hand if I said something like#“yeah every second we spend together is precious to me too I love you <3 ” I would probably. Definitely come across wrong#But at the same time I can't just reply coldly I don't want to be rude. I do enjoy the time we spend together.#I just feel that if I don't reply with the same love and dedication I will come off as rude and make her sad and I really don't want to#But also I'm like. 100% sure I'm not into her romantically#It's just. The way she talks to me in the letter makes me feel... Odd in the bad way.#She spent words of admiration on me I really feel like I can't own you know.#She seems to look up to me a lot and I don't think I should be looked up to at all.#“You're a wonderful‚ very strong‚ and intelligent person” HOW DO YOU EVEN REPLY TO THAT.#“Uh I disagree but you're entitled to your opinion”... ?#Thank you?#This is. Ugh. I'm really not fit for this kind of stuff.#I LOVE exploring characters being in love and putting them in awkward ridiculous situations that make them miserable.#I HATE to be in such situations#As if exams weren't enough. How do I deal with that#Posting this just in case anyone has genuine advice btw. How do you reject a girl you actually like a lot#And how should I even write her back. Because she said to and I'm the WORST at writing back#Sis this is stressing me off so much. I want to dig a hole and disappear in it. I'm not getting out of my room for the next six months.#(For context we live in the same students dorm)#random rambles#I'm so distressed right now this is the absolute worst.#Like I was pretty fine with where we were at but now I feel like I really don't want to spend time with her again for a long time.#Deleting this soon hopefully
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icys-junkyard · 2 years
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Ingo was eeby deebied clean out of the Pokémon universe and is now hanging out with the wrong purple cat creature
I made an Ingo player in ACNH recently and I’m stuck imagining this normally proportioned, probably 6ft Human Guy hanging out with these 2ft chibi animals.
 At least the worst he has to face here is wasps and the occasional angry arachnid.
Maybe skill in catching Pokémon will translate to skill in catching fish and bugs. He’ll be rich in no time.
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Did you guys notice that from when Leo was thought to be dead up to the shot of them a couple weeks later Donnie doesn't say a single word, like he's absolutely there and is an essential part in bringing Leo home but the thought of his brother dead literally made him unable to speak
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sysig · 10 months
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Eyesome propaganda (Patreon)
#Doodles#Wander Over Yonder#Commander Peepers#Emperor Awesome#Eyesome#So hey I love them also#Have I mentioned lately that I'm a polyshipper lol#Then again Peepers is like impossible not to ship with multiple cast members so there's that lol#He just so happens to very neatly fit into my niche!#I'm sure he's very happy about it lol#Stick that man in situations stat#This is also slightly Awesome propaganda because I do genuinely think he At The Very Least has the potential to be very interesting#He's misused in episodes like Bad Neighbors but tbh who isn't :P Shame it's one of his and the Fist Fighters' few episodes unfair#My favourite appearance of his is probably The Cool Guy :D He gets to show off some of his more interesting facets!#Like the fact that he's decently good at reading people - owed to or reason for his popularity? You decide lol#And to that end manipulating people - he sees what someone wants and ''gives'' it to them for a price >:)#That's honestly why I think him pursuing a relationship/manipulation strike with Peepers would be so interesting#Peepers is ''real'' for lack of a better word lol - he's highly dedicated to his beliefs and motives and isn't one to fold easily#Awesome is the opposite - he's a cowardly hedonist who enjoys his shallow lifestyle as it affords him carnal comforts above all else#So their dynamic is an interesting one I think! :D I think they'd serve each other well haha ♪#Peepers gets to cut loose a bit and Awesome is forced to develop a genuine relationship to some degree#And then there's also the size difference again lol - look some things are allowed to be exactly their face value! Haha#Peepers is so flipping cute hhggg I love him <3 And Awesome is so fun to draw in that mix of cartoony and Slight-slightly more realistic#His proportions are still extremely cartoony but drawing him with proper pectorals and a ribcage and the like is so fun <3 <3#Peepers is still the most fun to pose tho I just feel so free to stretch and squish him around haha#Him sitting! Him laying down blustered! Pressing his feet against Awesome's chest to try to push away from him!! He's so fun!!#Plus finally drawing the more-than-half-closed eye style as sometimes featured ahhhhh <3 <3 This show man I swear#Not even mentioning going back to three-finger after so long on four haha ♪ It's been a while and it's just as fun!
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sonknuxadow · 10 months
one thing i wish was explored more in sonic is the like. dynamic between humans and mobians i guess is how you could describe it. specifically in the games and other continuities where theyre all living on the same planet together.. like are there any major cultural differences between humans and mobians? holidays or religions that are common among mobians but not humans? eating habits that are common among humans but not mobians? stuff like that
are there many towns or cities that have equal amounts of humans and mobians living in them, or are they usually mostly or exclusively populated by one or the other? would restaurants have multiple types of chairs to accommodate for things like height differences or big bushy tails? idk its just interesting to think about
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whiskeyswifty · 9 months
#this is such a niche gripe i guess idk its why it's in the tags#but i really get so annoyed by how a lot of this fandom acts like they know everything about her especially like where she goes#and what she does in her free time because they think they KNOW about everything but#all you know is what she chooses to show you like specifically paps like...... she calls them. all celebs do. 99.999999% of the time#these days it's how that industry works which i KNOW for a fact but like don't take my word for it if you don't believe me fine#but it's how it is and i can tell you that from professional experience but also like#the amount of friends and people i know who've seen her places all over the city for YEARS now#and there are no pap photos of her in those places nor did anyone know she went to that building/restaurant/bar/event#there are a feeeeeew places in the city which are celeb hotspots and the paps might skulk around there but that's cuz#they are known spots for that and waiters and staff tip them off for profit shares#like i know someone who saw her literally last night at a restaurant#there are no photos of her there and no paps outside#like if you think she doesn't leave the house or go somewhere without you knowing cuz you think she's papped everywhere...#thats just simply not true lol couldn't be FURTHER from true#she goes so many places and does so many things that you just don't know about. it's VERY easy to live a private life in the city#EVEN THIS WEEK she's gone more places than you've seen her getting papped at cuz i know people who've seen her!#i can't tell you the amount of famous people i've come across in these situations and the press and social media were none the wiser#people i've sat next to at a crowded brunch counter or people walking their dog or taking their kid for a bike ride like.... ALL THE TIME#famous people love new york cuz new yorkers don't bother them and they can live in relative obscurity#idk what i'm getting at i guess this weirdness like I AM GONNA SHUT DOWN ANYTHING THAT I DONT HAVE PROOF OF#is so deranged to me because...... you only have ~proof~ of like 10% of her life#so the other 90% of it didn't happen cuz.... you a blogger on the internet don't have photographic evidence of it????#IS THAT NOT THE MOST INSANE THING TO SAY????#idk really weird that people just think they know her and shut down any one who poses something that doesn't fit into their#frankensteined version of her that they made out of a bunch of paparazzi photos and flight trackers and deuxmoi posts taped together#as if THATS somehow MORE sane and a more realized person#idk if i'm making sense i'm annoyed whatever whatEVERRRRR
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vargaslovinghours · 2 years
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Incoming, Outgoing
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merrymorningofmay · 5 months
ofmd?... "premature end"??....... ofmd???.........
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todayisafridaynight · 10 months
The bookmark tag was #holder until i think of a tag for these asks but To Be Real even I forgot what it was...
BUT YEAH thanks so much for reading and I'm glad it's :] Intelligible At Least :] obviously I would be up for reading anything that came to mind after putting you and your followers through All That but understandable... A lot of people I've shown the checklist items or pointed out specific behaviors to have actually said similar [i.e. I'm In This Picture And I Don't Like It], so I totally get what you mean, too!
I think a lot of my picks wound up being generalized trauma responses/aftereffects of abuse or neglect [hence I meandered off into just talking about Jo's father half the time], so I guess it's to be expected a lot of them don't read as being CSA-specific or are broadly relatable; it's not like he's supposed to be read that way, after all. I just wasn't able to zero in on many of the more specific ones because I've Never Seen Jo In This Situation Chief I Don't Know What He Thinks About His Name Or His Body Or Mirrors Or Sex Or Affection I Don't Know How Well Or Poorly He Sleeps [Presumably Poorly Though He Has The Second-Reddest Eyes In The Whole Game]
I don't really think I'll have anything to add though unless Infinite Wealth goes off the rails or I actually continue reading the book... so that will have to do... I originally was just riffing on RGGJo's attachment issues, self-destructiveness, and specific entwinement of sexuality/aggression/romance, and his portrayal in my fic lined up pretty closely, so I thought it'd be interesting to apply the same lens to Y7Jo...
But Yeah x2 thank you for the opportunity to talk about it and I'm Glad It's Intelligible At Least x2
THANK YOU i really should change that tag to something better... <- i will immediately forget to do so like a jackass
BUT YA OF COURSE OF COURSE i was truthful when i said it was a real good read (but once again. i have -5 speech skills so i can't properly word SHIT) and was a thorough examination of jo's trauma and how it manifests in him and how it's exhibited through his actions. ALWAYS a big fan of that :)
#snap chats#IN REGARDS TO Jo In Situations that is. VAGUELY my specialty#ive at least thought of jo's attitudes towards affection/relationships#and i Do Not Think he sleeps AS adequately as he should whether it's due to just. Overworking or#If I May Dare To Think he might be prone to night terrors#the Danger Zone of me thinking of Jo In Situations that dont have a lot of background is that i end up projecting a LOT of my issues LMAO#i dont know what it says about me when a lot of those issues seem to fit him#i do try my best NOT to over project of course i try to keep everyone relatively in the bounds of believability to their charas#which is why its funny when i do end up doin a lil projection it works out. Apparently#not sure i could do the same when it comes to jo's POV on his name and body tho. i hate those things bout myself for uh#VERY different reasons LMAOO tho i could imagine jo harboring some feelings of. hm. whats the word.#not Total Disgust But Some and Some Agitation whenever he has to acknowledge he exists outside of being a tool. To Put It Bluntly#cause we know he sees himself as a tool in some aspects- a bullet more specifically. so i can imagine instances where he has to Be A Human#its just. Ew Whats That LMAO YK WHAT I MEAN i do. i know what i mean. mirrors are evil#SORRY IM RAMBLING i shouldnt be.. i got gameritis <- i fucked up my wrists playing sonic riders somehow and it hurts to move#point is i very much enjoy thinking of jo and i enjoy looking at him through a multitude of lenses so AGAIN#thank you much for writing in :] im sorry i have three jewel beetles and a cicada shell for a brain#i am always interested in reading what you have to say tho... cant stress that enough..#truly curious for how jo will be in infinite wealth now that he Doesnt have to be a bullet anymore. what are you like my guy.. lemme see..#now pardon me while i fuck up my wrists more. i do not want to do my job today (i will soon im just delaying the inevitable. as a treat)
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that moment when: everyone's lives are restricted and constricted and these imposed consequences are attributed to anyone's continual individual failures to seek, find, and follow the Correct Path through Life, and so everyone is left on their own to only be seeking & finding these failures as well as the only answer to how their lives can be better....versus Not seeing the world as the free marketplace meritocracy of everyone's personal failures/successes, nor everything in your own life, and thus not forever having to scrutinize Where You Must Be Bringing It Upon Yourself by fucking up or at least failing to do the correct thing, and exist only in perpetual punishment for your ongoing failure and occasional temporary reprieves from it. recognizing everything that wasn't & isn't & wouldn't be [this is because you're bringing it upon yourself] and thus having more capacity & capability to look at the realm of your personal individual self, reality, experiences, life through the perpetual instances of seeking, finding, and following your own needs/wants through one's inherent personhood and exercises of autonomy and recognition of where & when & how one recognizes moments of their existing freely & in more resonant genuine alignment with themself, you know? endless examples to be found in endless fractals of [where & how are people's lives made smaller]. and that of course this doesn't preclude the ability/option at any time to question one's choices, since you'll be able to find more Actual choices available to you (and, also crucially, find more actual choices made by others that are in the pursuit of limiting Yours) to look at, and people getting to exercise their autonomy isn't the same as "everyone doing anything they want regardless of how it affects others" since that [how does it affect others?] element instead being Regarded would be able to lead to recognizing that, in fact, an effect might be the infringement on others' autonomy, hence: There's A Problem....like the ability to just go ham with [questioning???] anything in existence, certainly including oneself, b/c the "norm" is such that rather you're only supposed to be able to question yourself for your failings (or those positioned as less than, thus, beneath you) and not even have the language to express a questioning of aspects of life beyond that b/c stop calling anyone "cis" they're just Normal, Just Be Normal and it would all be fine
#brought to you by: i think one of my feelings lately of A Shift is in my less than ever running this like continuous background function of#looking for Thee Answer (just like the black suits) in any & everything that could serve as the Key to like. whatever could fit into place#to like set things on a [hell yeah. life? better] path. juxtaposing this recent sense of things with the [lol. in retrospect i Do see a new#context wherein i can Recognize smthing abt myself] past going on of like. granpa greentext story be me be fifteen i'm in college b/c i hat#school i also mostly assumed i'd probably fail out freshman yr but didn't. i've never known what i'd wanna major in & as a sophomore i'm de#supposed to figure it out in time for scheduling my jr yr classes (though Ideally have known from the start / been scheduling thusly) & so#many evenings during dinner i'm furiously perusing the daily print news as i've been doing for some yrs to Keep Up W/Current Events but now#also consciously like ''boy i hope in the course of doing this i stumble across some info that sparks some eureka moment of Getting what my#major should Obviously be so i can understand the rest of my life around [do job] b/c i sure as hell don't understand it around [be married#much less [be parent] so one option remains obvi'' whereas now i realize like lol you Were figuring out a guiding light in doing so & that#perspective being honed was one of Having A Political Analysis times....which also provides another Example of [only being able to interpre#what makes your life & your world the way it is: via Your Personal Failures to have already Had Better] in that just like i often forget i#misguidedly (but also reasonably; clearly also using & seeking that autonomy & freedom) tried to have a better existence within the#situation i was in by Coming Out As Trans to parents via an email that was then not directly discussed ever; b/c any legitimate discussion#was not permissible like how so many matters of [supposed correct existence] are Unspeakable so as to be Unquestionable#languaging that succeeds & sustains itself having to be expansive / flexible / creative / evolving too. Making Up Words hell yes#anyways so i also forget i Did try to propose majoring in things that Did more approach what i was suspecting were things i'd wanna do#but even the first like expression of anything on the periphery of that was met with ''no you'd hate it b/c you'd have to deal w/Stupid Ppl#every day'' (by which was meant; with believed inherent synonymity: poor people) & then i also will oft forget i pushed for it any further#which i Know i did b/c of it next being met with angry & aggressive ''i've never heard you talk abt that interest before So''#(wonder why? withholding info to protect yourself=finding room in one's life for existing more freely; exercising the autonomy to Do That)#but it's easy to forget b/c The All Encompassing Perspective was rather [i'm sure Failing to just Know my major for the sole possibility fo#defining one's entire life: The Correct Dream Job] & then Failing to push it or just express it & be understood ''correctly'' even if i Did#have any ideas in that realm. vs seeing how i Was succeeding & was recognizing shit & pursuing it & looking out for myself & etccc#it's undeniable lol like the framing even that Blaming Oneself is an autonomy seeking response. b/c your autonomous power in your own life#sure Would be more immediate if Everything Really Was Your Fault (when ofc really this is abt obscuring & denying the responsibility of ppl#who have the power over others' lives & then have to act like this is all the fault of the Others; they themselves have never Truly Chosen)#no victim blaming no condemnation of anyone's ''passivity'' here babey#re: the undeniability it's how like. maybe you've only Just realized you're not cis but in doing so it's like ''oh That's what i already#recognizing in various ways throughout my whole life'' it's all always Been there/going on & perspex shifts + new lenses can reveal them
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leatherbookmark · 2 years
actually yknow what, yeah jgy’s relationship to the Atrocities he committed IS interesting! it’s just that people are so fucking annoying about them,
#like the tingshan he sect extermination? so fucking unnecessary#and like. 'i warned you over and over again' maybe that's exactly what he wanted to avoid! knowing that jgs would have no scruples ordering#a whole sect thrown to become xy's enrichment#he su was right! jgs Was after becoming wrh 2.0! but in such a situation literally nothing could have been done#even if jgy nobly and heroically refused... he'd die. jgs wouldn't even kick him out of the sect -- despite how powerful the jin sect is;#jgy with his knowledge of jgs's plans would be simply put a threat. he'd die and then he'd be dead and jgy really Really doesn't want to#be dead. therefore: gestures.#like... the sheer Difference between jzx -- beloved best dad and a wife guy but above all a human equivalent of a soggy french fry#what are his political opinions? what kind of a sect leader would he be? what does he think about his father's policies? WE JUST DON'T KNOW#he's perhaps the blandest of the great sects' young masters. he was born blindingly rich and privileged -- all that built on other sects#suffering in whatever meaning of this word; because i don't believe jgs was a benevolent ruler who gave to the poor with a generous hand#-- and he. either is unaware of dgaf. and then you have jgy who has/stands by and watches as people are fiercecorpsified alive#For Nothing. as in i assume there was Something with a jin cultivator -- from what he su says there Was something -- but it was obviously#just a situation artificially engineered for this exact purpose. it's actually fascinatin; the way it all works#because it's... almost 1:1 what the wen/wlj do. fabricate an excuse (wwx being mean to wc/one of the jiang shidis playing with a kite#that looks like the wen symbol) -> intervene -> extreme retaliation in case the offending sect doesn't agree with the intervention#though llj have perfected it because they didn't even 'intervene' as much as 'captured the whole fucking sect'#~60-70 people. this also makes the question of jrs's death so interesting because if you look at the steps above it all checks out!#except it feels a/ needlessly cruel and b/ too...  smart? calculating? for someone who's decided to keep sisi alive out of sentiment#on top of that... the timing...  it just Doesn't Fit for me!#but if you don't approach it from this angle it just really creates a whole neat vortex of 'hhhhhhholy fuck llj is SO unnecessarily cruel#and horrible and for what! for what!!!'#good luck a-ling!! good luck buddy.#good luck.#shut up shrimp
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