#I don’t usually think about endhawks content
kickbutts-singsongs · 3 months
Back when Hawks was acting as a double agent
Hawks: Everything’s under control: the heroes don’t suspect a thing, and the number one hero Endeavor has been surprisingly easy to work with.
Dabi: . . .
Dabi: Uh— you’re working with the number one hero Endeavor?
Hawks: Oh I haven’t just been working with him; we kissed a little.
Dabi: *scared and affronted noises*
Dabi: NO!!!!
Hawks: . . .
Hawks: What??? What happened?? What’s wrong???
Dabi: *aimlessly opening and closing mouth*
Dabi: Y—you just made out with my dad…
Hawks: . . .
Hawks: oh.
Dabi: *resumes affronted noises*
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autumn-foxfire · 3 years
I think you're really sweet and really love that you're so polite about people's opinions but something you (and other anons) don't seem to be aware about is that we KNOW some ships are toxic. I myself ship dabihawks and I know realistically it would be the most toxic shit ever but that's exactly why it is, y'know, kept in fiction. It's not about condoning abuse or excusing toxic behavior- we all know it's wrong!- but more about playing into a fantasy. We all have kinks so I kindly ask that even if you don't agree with a particular ship because it would be toxic in a realistic setting, don't shame anyone for it. Please don't shame people for making silly AUs or having absurd headcanons, they're nothing more than fantasies and I think we all should be allowed to like what we like without being discriminated (as long as nobody is being harmed!). Our ships might be toxic but that doesn't mean we're toxic people nor that we condone abusive behavior in real life- we really don't!
Anon I’m really confused what prompted this to be honest.
I have nothing against people shipping or exploring toxic relationships in canon, half of my own ships fall into that category too (I shipped DabiHawks too, in fact you can check the tag full of content for it on my blog. And I’ve never shied away from hiding the fact I love enemies to lovers and similar ships).
I don’t shame people for ships, in fact, I don’t think I’ve ever shamed anyone for a ship. I’ve commented on ships I don’t enjoy like Endhawks but have always ended it with a “you do you, it’s just not for me”. If you’re talking about the DabiHawks rants I’ve posted in the past *with a tag so people can filter them*, they were posts inspired by myself as a shipper for them being annoyed at how the fandom writes them. They were posts about what I, and like-minded anons, wanted to see from the pairing
The anons I usually get on this blog are usually about how people in the fandom act like their HC’s and previous interpretations of characters that have been proven wrong by canon are actually the canon charactization and then insult the actual canon. We don’t care about people’s fanon interpretations and what you want to imagine for them in fanon, we’re just tired of it leaking into canon analysis and meta.
Anon, you may think this message is polite but it’s not. You’re accusing myself and my anons of something we haven’t done, claiming we’re shaming people for their ships and preferences when we’ve never done so.
I really don’t know what prompted this ask but I’ll tell you now, I don’t care how you write DabiHawks, if you want to imagine them as fluffy or if you want to follow canon and write them as toxic as possible then go ahead.
But I’m still allowed to talk about my preferences and annoyances with my ships and what I would like to see more on my blog and you don’t get to tell me otherwise.
Please, if I’m upsetting you so much, block me. I’m not trying to be rude but I honestly think this is the best solution for you if you don’t like what I post.
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milanosbitch · 4 years
rec list for endhawks gems
as usual during this quarantine, i went through a challenging quest, searched through every single fic on ao3 about a single ship and made a rec list, ended up with around 25 works out of 630. nearly all of them should be free of explicit, problematic and triggering content besides one or two in the mature content sense. and i’ll note those down separately but i always suggest reading the tags before starting a fic regardless the rating, just so you know what you’re diving into. furthermore, there’s this author note at the end of a fic that i’ve found which pretty much sums up my feelings about a mess that’s called todoroki friggin’ enji:
“ I love Hawks and Endeavor together. They're a great dynamic, whether it's platonic or not. I'm a pretty open guy when it comes to shipping, and me and a certain lilviathan love going back and forth with dumb ideas about them.
And that's kind of where the contradictory feelings for the Flaming Garbage Man that is Endeavor kind of come from? Because I really do think he's a very interesting and well-developed character, but I also have a very strong urge to stab him at any given time.
I want to make his life miserable and hurt him, but I also want someone to sit him down and tell him that while he owes his family an apology, they do not owe him forgiveness. I want to see him grow. I want to see him face the repercussions of his actions and move forward. ”
—by Canarianyellow on archiveofourown.org
last notes; starred ones are my personal favorites, and i'm adding to this list as i go,, so look out for updates!! you can find a better formatted version of this list here on google docs.
that being said, here are the gems i found on a yet another holy quest:
Walk Alone by adastrad*
Rating: Teen & Up
Word Count: 3.6K
Summary: You've lost your wings, you've lost your speed, and in the crowd ahead, you've lost him too. How do you know what name to call out when you don't even know what to call yourself?
as usual, kick-starting the list with one of the first fics i’ve read about them. we have some pretty good angst related to the latest manga chapters in our hands and a fascinating second person pov here. the ‘stream of consciousness’ style of wording kicks you right in the ribs, in a good way.
It's Cold, I Don't Want To Be Lonely
by onlyatitagain
Rating: Teen & Up
Word Count: 3.7K
Summary: When in the presence of Todoroki Enji, it was easy to feel warm and overwhelmed by heat in more ways than just physical. Hawks was very aware of the fire burning in his heart that roared to life whenever he was with his childhood hero, who was now his best friend. The relationship they had was special in the way of how close they had become, Hawks trusted the number one hero with his life and could always count on him no matter the circumstance.
What would happen if he said something and ruined that trust, the friendship they had built over months of knowing each other?
You should never play with fire, unless you want to get burned.
truly a beautiful hurt/comfort fic. enji’s characterization is gentle and might feel slightly OOC, but give it a chance. there is also some pretty cheesy couple stuff at the end and that might not be your cup of tea, just a heads up.
Fallen by copper_leaf**
Rating: Teen & Up
Word Count: 7.3K
Summary: Hawks’ attempt to infiltrate the League goes wrong.
Enji is the one he turns to.
both its part one and part two, this series can take my soul. literally 7K of sheer hurt/comfort, and a caring enji. hawks’ eyeliner is probably ruined by now. can i say this is probably the best fic i’ve read about them softness-wise? i can.
Burning Embers by copper_leaf**
Rating: Teen & Up
Word Count: 6K
Summary: Hawks wakes up, wingless, in Enji's arms.
the continuation of the fic above, here’s more content that will make you feel all mushy. a beautiful excerpt from it:
“It’s a flicker of light in the darkness, the last ember left in the heart that still has the power to bring all else to flame.”
The Bird Who Swallowed a Star*
by angyhawks (Soll)
Rating: Teen & Up
Word Count: 4.5K
Summary: Endeavor remembers Hawks' small hands, how they didn't burn as he danced on his palms.
How Hawks had whispered sweet nothing into his flames, words not important as his lips moved and his voice chirped.
He remember Hawks finding him, small and spent, and gifting him a feather to feed on.
Endeavor wishes a feather had been his only offer.
//in which Endeavor is a fire demon, Hawks is once again tied to the ground, and wouldn't it be nice if they could kiss?
Light by Caahs*
Rating: Teen & Up
Word Count: 2.1K
Summary: Since he was a boy, Hawks gathered an eternal distaste for darkness, which was preserved until his most recent days. However, the blazing figure of Endeavor always came up like his warm source of light, illuminating the most obscure paths and clarifying the most difficult decisions.
Emotions Are Hard, Love Even More So...
by aurora_whitlock
Rating: Teen & Up
Word Count: 4.4K
Summary: Hawks and Endeavour at the end of a long week. Alone. Together. Its just some cute, fluffy bullshit basically. Warm your hurt little hearts.
Cuff me to the truth of failure
by Not_A_Valid_Opinion
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 3.4K
Summary: The kid’s eyes are so wide, Hawks can see the entire silhouette of his wings in their reflection. “I want to be you.”
“No, you don’t, kid,” he can’t help but promise, can’t stop the sadness in his eyes from flickering into view.
Hawks has dinner with Enji after a bad interview.
Look at what amounts from the jump
(and I'm never coming down) by
Rating: Teen & Up
Word Count: 3K
Summary: He stares at Endeavour with something close to regret, maybe closer to suspicion, but before Endeavour can catch the look it’s gone and replaced with a pursed lip and a glance at his phone. “I’ve gotta go. See you around, Enji.”
But the burly man stops him with his name. “Watch where you’re flying,” he says gruffly, though it’s different. It’s not an order. It’s not a request.
Whatever it is, Hawks takes it as a challenge.
Endeavour is worried about Hawks. Hawks doesn't know what to do with that information.
You mesmerise me in red and gold
by Arayne
Rating: Teen & Up
Word Count: 4.2K
Summary: Enji has never gotten to tell Hawks what's on his mind so he tries, in several ways, to make it clear how he feels.
We've got a good thing going
by lehnsherry
Rating: Teen & Up
Word Count: 3.7K
Summary: Enji is watching Shouto, so he notices the way his eyes snap to the kitchen doorway just before he hears the soft footsteps and the rustling of wings, and his heart jumps into his throat. He turns in his seat just in time to see Hawks walk in, eyes still closed and a hand scratching at his messy hair.
“Mornin’, babe, do you know where my -” Hawks breaks into a huge yawn, and then opens his sleepy eyes, and freezes in the doorway like Shouto used his power on him.
Enji’s mouth makes an involuntary sound of embarrassment, and Hawks flushes all the way down to his chest.
As He Lived by uzumae*
Rating: Teen & Up
Word Count: 2.3K
Summary: Hawks wants to imagine that he still has a place in a world he no longer belongs to.
future hearts by rire
Rating: Teen & Up
Word Count: 1.2K
Summary: When the rest of Hawks is putting on airs, it’s his wings that give him away.
Break off a piece of your heart by kettleowl
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 890
Summary: The High-End incident, but they are actors who are too emotionally invested in their roles.
to take a fall by rire
Rating: Teen & Up
Word Count: 2.3K
Summary: “What’s with that look, Endeavor-san?” Hawks smiles. It doesn't reach his eyes. “Don’t worry about me, I’m fine. I got what I wanted, didn’t I? Now I’ve got more free time than I know what to do with.”
A Thousand Flowers by adastrad*
Rating: Teen & Up
Word Count: 440
Summary: "Let's hope the next time the cherry blossoms fall, we will all be smiling."
#fantheflames by adastrad
Rating: Teen & Up
Word Count: 54.9K
Summary: Todoroki Shoto accidentally, on purpose, and with great regret helps make Hawks/Endeavor happen.
this is wholesome. one hundred percent cheff kiss. peak comedy with a dose of stan twitter. actually a shouto-centric fic and more like an outsider pov of slight endhawks.
This Gentle Earth by adastrad**
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 4.2K
Summary: Hawks buys a better excuse to keep visiting Musutafu, but damn it. Enji hadn't been looking to adopt.
guaranteed to melt your insides. enji ends up being a plant parent.
The Winner Takes it All by adastrad
Rating: Teen & Up
Word Count: 25.2K
Summary: Endeavor's eye is gone. He may say his injuries are his own responsibility, but it's Hawks' fault, isn't it? He will give Enji everything he can. His top secret mission will take the rest.
slaps the roof of the fic this baby right here is a shortcut for a brain burn. with a complicated storytelling and equally complex characterizations, which results in a slow but satisfying reading if you’re looking for a detailed story!! there’s seriously so much pining that it keeps you on your tiptoes until the end of it.
Roasting the Roaster
Rating: Teen & Up
Word Count: 3.7K
Summary:  Hawks gossips with the receptionist at Endeavor Hero Agency about what a dork the boss is, discusses Endeavor lookalike porn, and then ropes Shouto into lunch with Endeavor, whereupon Shouto just roasts his dad the whole time.
Can you roast a man who's already on fire? Apparently, yes. Yes you can.
(includes the hit single Did You Need Some Ice For That Sick Burn by Hawks, ft. Shouto Todoroki)
[Only tangentially related to the other fics in this series.]
slight crack fic for humor but it’s truly well-written. a shouto and hawks team up over endeavor was something i never deeply gave attention to yet it is gold and i need more of it. hawks writes a bop, endeavor’s whole agency thirst over the said man and everything leaves you with tears in your eyes from cackling at these dorks.
the fics listed below the cut are rated mature or
explicit by the authors, and therefore contain sexual content:
Penumbra by Nicolefrickle
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 1.8K
Summary: Enji wants to touch Hawks' wings. Badly.
this one is rated mature but the theme is only minorly implied so i can say it is safe to read without worrying about the rating. more like a fluff fic with hawks being a happy birb.
An Imperfect Cage by Crandberrycrush
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 55.5K
Summary: Hawks is an orphan, brought up in a charity school and thrust into the world at eighteen to work as a governor for the Todoroki family, a family that has more secrets than he can hope to unravel.
*A gothic romance based heavily on the novel Jane Eyre*
Liquid Nitrogen by surveycorpsjean
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 23.8K
Summary: Enji can't figure out why the hell Hawks keeps sleeping in his office.
the plot? the writing? the characterization? everything is perfect. i’m normally uncomfortable with this much amount of smut and debated if i should put this on the list or not, since it might consist of triggering content for some. please read all the tags beforehand starting this piece.
Palindrome by Nicolefrickle
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 7.9K
Summary: Hawks doesn't realize just how much he needs Endeavor, or why it feels like he's still racing time.
A character study of Hawks with flashbacks and inner thoughts, heavy on the Endhawks, heavy on the hurt
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transhawks · 5 years
really hate to say this, but ei-bi ships endhawks. Also there's /post/180335143305/urrrrggegghhhh-oh-jeez-oh-yeesh-i-love-the-fact
Okay, this might disappoint you. I don’t wish to disappoint anyone, but I’m going to make this fairly clear.
First off, I totally appreciate what you’re doing. I’ve seen both that post and seen other posts. But I’m still following them on tumblr. This is why: 
I, as a person, cannot change others by excluding them or moralizing to them when they do not wish to listen. 
I dislike en//awks, I even find it bewildering when people I think are intelligent, critical, and morally sound in other areas ship it. 
It’s confusing, actually, because very often these are the same people who completely seem to understand the prevalence of powerful (mainly male) abusers and predators in the world and how they are protected by our institutions, and yet compartmentalize that as ‘not real’ (ignoring that no fiction exists in a vacuum and that our decisions and views are most certainly influenced by the media we consume, otherwise there’d be no desire for greater representation in fiction, or critical analysis of popular fiction).
But… I also have no desire to go around and asking them “how can you???”. I don’t have the relationship, the right to really go out asking people I do not know why they are able to put aside cognitive dissonance in favor of escapism. 
And if I do, I listen. I thoughtfully give my critiques. I strive to be kind in a world where kindness, empathy, and compassion are increasingly undervalued. I don’t believe in shutting any opportunities for dialogue unless its clear there’s no respect to be given. And if I cannot change someone’s mind, I hope that at least my efforts have expanded someone to think twice about the media they consume or create. And, if we can agree on other things, I have no problem offering friendship.
This isn’t a ‘love trumps hate’ or some other liberal platitude, it’s me expressing my commitment to being a good person on my terms.
And so when I share content I suspect to come from a questionable content creator, I strive to figure out if it makes sense for that particular piece of media to be on my blog. I weigh how bad the transgression is against my ethics. I think twice about the content creator and what they engage in. Is it just En//awks or is there transphobia? Racism? Pedophilia?
I will not have any en//hawks that is not being critically looked at on my blog, that I can promise you. I’m like this with many pairings, and many fans of characters. If I do participate in discourse, it will be on my terms and in the tone I wish to keep. I refuse to let anyone break me into a person I dislike.
So, thanks for looking out for me, but I’m usually aware of whose content I share. If that upsets you and you wish to remain a follower, I’m more than willing to tag any content I reblog from more questionable people - I can AND will spare a few seconds for your comfort. 
Also please feel free to actually reach out to me one on one. I  would rather discuss fandom ethics person to person, and I have no judgment about anyone bringing this to my attention. That said, please don’t let this stop you bringing others to my attention. I’m human, I’m not infallible. 
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