#I don't dislike 13 herself
Thinking a lot about how in RTD and Moffat Doctor Who the Doctor saying 'I'm always alright' is treated as an obvious lie they tell themselves and their friends to distract from their obvious distress/trauma vs In Power of the Doctor Yaz saying with full confidence, 'She's always alright' about 13, and it's portrayed as this triumphant thing
Did Yaz buy into the lie?
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thefloatingstone · 5 months
Not to be like "haha I'm better than you guys!!!" or elitist or anything because that very sincerely is NOT the point of this post.... but I never really understood people extremely love for Harry Potter.
I read them as they were coming out. Most of the time they came out soon enough that I was the same age as Harry. I liked them. They were cool. Goblet of Fire was my favourite and I was always happy to see what story the next book would bring but that's all it was. Interest to see the next story whenever it came out. Like a sitcom you enjoy but you didn't set your tv to record for you in case you missed it.
And then the word "Chosen one" was uttered and, just like that, I fucking lost all interest. Honestly there was "Chosen one" talk in the 4th book and already I was like
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Honestly I think I liked Goblet of Fire the most because there was no friggen Quidditch. And there was less focus on the SCHOOL part of Harry Potter and more this weird Video game Quest setup which just appealed to me more.
In retrospect, I think that might be a big part of why I enjoyed it but never LOVED it like other people.
"Oh boy my absolute biggest most favourite fantasy! THE BRITISH EDUCATION SYSTEM!!!!"
The fact that the books take place in a school seemed like a default to me because, well, most teenage focused cartoons and shows I watched had the main characters at school. Because they're teenagers. But the school wasn't why I enjoyed the books. The school was just a location. No I didn't want to go to Hogwarts. No I didn't want to get attached to a specific school house (although I feel it worth mentioning that when I was 13 I did the online house quiz thing on the official site and it said I was Hufflepuff so make of that what you will).
I really disliked whatever the one was that came after Goblet of Fire. So much so that it completely killed any and all enjoyment I had in the series. Which, considering I was only mildly entertained by them wasn't a massive loss or anything.
I know I read whichever book it was where Dumbledore died but I very genuinely cannot remember one single thing that happens in that book whatsoever. I read half of the Deathly Hallows after coming back from College and gave up because I wasn't enjoying any of it and I never picked the book up again.
I saw the first movie in theaters when I was 13 and I did not like it. It was visually very very dark and gloomy and just... extremely uninteresting to me. Idk how to explain it. The first book just felt so much more vibrant than what I was watching on screen.
I know I saw the 2nd movie although I have no memory of where or why. And I... THINK I saw the third one??? I think??? I'm actually not sure. But that's about where I just stopped and completely lost interest.
Because it wasn't very good.
They just weren't very good books.
They weren't TERRIBLE or anything like that but they were just so.... blah. The earlier ones 13 year old me enjoyed the one time I read each of them but I don't think 13 year old me had the best taste considering I also disliked the Princess Bride at this age.
But I was reading other books because I was a kid with ADHD in high school who desperately needed something stimulating to stop myself from going insane. And frankly, there were just far better books out there. Books I actually re-read. Books I borrowed from friends which ere just... so much better and more interesting.
So I just don't understand this insane appeal so many people have for it, even if they have severed that connection due to Jowling Kowling Rowling's bufoonery and showing herself to be a withered old crone with a shrivled heart and mind every time she opens her mouth.
I grew up with these books the same way as a lot of people. I was the exact age to go through the series' highest popularity and I just did not click with them despite reading them.
So seeing so many people my age or a little younger try and do their best to re-analyse and de-tangle what the books actually are and that... maybe.... just maybe.... they might not have been very good?? Maybe?? is very weird to me because I'm just like.
"Yeah they're overrated as hell and not that interesting."
It's a very weird thing to live through because it's like looking into a bizarro version of the world you remember living through... but not like THAT. I remember the Pokemon craze and yes, it was like that. I remember when anime started to become big and yes, it was like that. I remember DBZ airing and yes, it was like that.
But this insanity around Harry Potter while it was releasing?
Yeah I don't remember it being like that at all.
They were just mediocre books I read because I needed something to occupy my attention and eventually they got worse and worse and I just stopped reading them. That's all.
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WIBTA for telling my brothers that their dad is dying?
TW for child abuse, death, and cancer.
I have a lot of siblings, but the only two I talk to anymore are two of my half brothers (R and K. R is 13 and K is 19, I am 26). They share the same dad, while the rest of my siblings either share my dad or were adopted by my dad. The three of us share the same mom while the rest of my siblings do not. This is semi important information (it might not be but it seemed relevant).
Growing up, their dad abused the three of us and our mom. He was a chain smoker and an alcoholic who would hit us, throw things at us, scream at us, chase us, stolen from us, and he's been sexually inappropriate with me on a few occasions. So needless to say, I dislike this man a lot.
I was talking to my mom today about her financial issues. Their dad (T) was not paying her child support. I asked why and she said that T works a summer job, he doesn't get paid in the off season. I said "well, why doesn't he just get another job? He's qualified for quite a bit and he's still young enough" and my mom said "it won't matter since he's not gonna be around for much longer". That threw me off guard, and I asked her what that meant and she told me he had lung cancer. It's inoperable and the doctors said it's bad enough to where he could go from stage 1 to stage 5 in a matter of weeks. That's all the information she told me, I don't know anything more than that about it.
She told me that he hasn't been seeing the boys at all lately. He's just stopped spending time with them. She told me he hasn't told them about it, and that he told her not to tell them either.
Now I'm sitting here thinking that, they deserve to be told that their dad is literally dying? And could be dead any day now? Especially since he's denying them the opportunity to spend time with him before he goes. He's a piece of shit, but they love him and they did everything they could to let him have a second chance at being their dad. And I feel like he's wasting it on feeling bad for himself, instead of showing the boys that he actually like, cares about and loves them if he even does.
Im considering giving her an ultimatum, that one of the OTHER adults in this situation needs to be the one to tell them because they deserve to know, K is especially old enough to understand what's going on. Or I'm gonna do it for her. If she wants to force their dad to tell them, fine. If she wants to tell them herself, fine. But if neither of them do it, I want to tell them. Because I would want someone to tell me if my dad was dying. My dad abandoned me for 18 years but after I met him, I still loved him, even if he was an asshole a lot of the time. I would want someone to tell me.
But part of me still feels like this... Isn't my place to say. That it's not my fight to be putting into, that I shouldn't be the one to tell them. It's not my battle. But it's still my family. A family I care deeply about. And I'm just especially worried about K.
So WIBTA if I told them their dad is dying?
What are these acronyms?
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mhsdatgo · 3 months
What fire and blood version do you read? https://pin.it/5zmnMIik4 this? Alicent and otto start claiming that viserys should name Aegon heir the moment he was born, that's why otto was litterally sent away. And alicent instead of creating a good relationship with rhaenyra cause yk she was an adult and rhaenyra a child, she make every effort to be sure to create dislike between the family. She start spreading gossip about rhaenyra’s sexuality, her first three sons claiming that their eggs would have not hatch and sequentially that viserys egg was a sign of bad omen (like girl none of your children eggs hatch shut your mouth), impressing her sons about them being the rightful heir over rhaenyra's sons, infact the book point out how aegon aemond and daeron were bullying rhaenyra's sons. If there was a damage alicent increased of 1000%. You would like to have a relationship with a woman that spread venom on all your family all the time? Alicent create all of this, rhaenyra had welcomed her when she marry Viserys. She made sure to create animosity only to end up like "rhaenyra will hurt my children!!!! " maybe if she didn't torment her she wouldn't have doubted? And that is really funny you to claim that alicent fight for her children as if rhaenyra wouldn't spare all of them only to aemond killing luke and aegon celebrate it. Please listen to yourself and re read the book, the only one who were in danger were rhaenyra and her children at the hands of alicent and her. The green were litterally write to be the villain stop pretending alicent was acting due to her good heart nor the care for her children. And stop pretending she was a victim of viserys's since she was marry to a men only 10 years older that adore her and cover her with gifs, litterally the only thing he denied her was taking a five years old eye and name Aegon heir, how could she lived with such abuse??
She was in a better situation that most of the ladies of Westeros, rhaenyra was married at 16, same rhaenys with a man of 37, haelena at 13. Also, ask Robert Baratheon or most of the men in Westeros what would they have done if their wife had disrespected them all the time like alicent did with viserys, and you will understand how privileged alicent's situation was.
"And Alicent instead of creating a good relationship with her because yk she was an adult and Rhaenyra a child, she make every effort to be sure to create dislike between the family."
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WHAAAAAAAT a horrible stepmother. LOOK at her, trying in every possible way to break the family she was made to wed inside, look at her disobeying to her KING!!! What a bitch move!
Instead, look at the way our beautiful perfect QWEEN Rhaenyra proved herself to be loving and compassionate towards her brothers, TOTALLY not showing just how much of a threat she was to their lives ❤️:
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Note: sharply questioned means TORTURED. I'm tired of people saying it's not.
Breaking news: people have eyes. People had been whispering about these children's legitimacy since Jace was born. Alicent simply believed it as well, probably out of scorn not gonna lie, wasn't afraid to say it out loud and just happened to be someone with a lot of influence. Moreover I don't think it's ever been mentioned if Alicent's children ever HAD eggs put inside their cradles, it wouldn't be the first time. Neither Daemon nor Viserys had their dragons as hatched eggs in the cradle.
Seriously, we have the court, the whole Queen's party, the kids looking awfully similar to Harwin Strong (and leave Rhaenys out of this, she has black hair and purple eyes and the boys have brown hair and brown eyes) and you still believe all the speculations over Rhaenyra is to blame entirely on... Alicent?
Yes, all six of the children ended up hating each other, and yes, we have a quote entirely about the way their mothers' hate for each other was passed on to them, the key word is that it was both.
Again, blaming ONLY Alicent for what kids and preteens probably repeat from the elder people they hear it from. If saying that "Jace, Luke and Joff stole Aegon and Aemond and Daeron's birthright" and pushing a three year old down sounds like bullying to you then you don't know what bullying is. And honestly, (not saying they are necessarily right) who could blame them for thinking this way? They were the first trueborn sons in the history of that dynasty that were passed on in favour of a woman that basically had the word "treasonous" painted on her forehead, all because of favouritism.
No, Rhaenyra wouldn't spare them. She wouldn't have a choice, no matter if she wanted to or not. To a lot of lords, Rhaenyra's claim had been rid of any kind of ground the moment Aegon and his brothers were born. Viserys of course did nothing but make it worse, by never reaffirming Rhaenyra as the heir during a ceremony like the one we see in S1 or anything public, and never even changing the laws of succession.
If your reference for this is the statement she made after becoming a Queen, namely:
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Then sorry, but after the way she treated them, spoke of them, threatened to do to them, then sorry but I don't believe she wouldn't do anything when most of the lords who had sworn loyalty to her were dead and their sons weren't bound by that oath like Jason Lannister. They were threats, serious threats, and needed to be put down.
And even if Rhae actually cared for them, y'know what? It would change nothing.
"The Greens were written as the villains" you're just proving my point. You didn't understand the whole point of the Dance of the Dragons. There isn't good or bad, there's a family that destroys itself over their own safety and a fucking throne.
Oh yes, I guess Viserys hoping to shut Alicent up (when she was making valid complains that excuse of a man did nothing but ignore) by giving her gifts surely means he adored her, wow. Best marriage ever. But hey, at least she wasn't beaten up, handed over as a child or groomed! How lucky Alicent is! And she still complains?
Greedy Alicent! No way to behave! Should've been slapped across the face like any other man would've rightfully done!
Seriously, calling Alicent "privileged" because her husband reportedly "only" ignored her all the time and saying Viserys adored her because he gave her gifts is... Wow. If you want to see a man who ACTUALLY adored his wife, go see Aegon V and Betha Blackwood.
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sonicasura · 2 months
Let's be honest with ourselves that Transformers Earthspark has its issues. It isn't uncommon for the series to have a few messy iterations throughout the years. However those at least have something going for them.
Bayverse is a junk pile yet there's a lot of material you can build off on and some pretty interesting concepts. RiD15 is an awful sequel to Prime but does decently well as a standalone although there are much needed changes to be had. Earthspark... Well, it's just there.
I can be lenient with the plot holes and poor pacing as Nickelodeon is notorious for interfering with any show that isn't SpongeBob to the point of cancellation. The issues truly land on the characters themselves. I'm gonna try to simplify it without devolving into a rant like the previous draft.
Edit: Gonna add some further edits as I wrote this in the middle of the night. Plus my simplified version skipped some key details.
Robby. Somehow they made a human character I actually dislike instead of be neutral about. In the official Transformers wiki, he's labeled as a big brother who cares for his siblings but his actions so far say otherwise. Robby literally ran away in the first episode because they moved then decided to try and hide the Terrans from his parents.
Yet he rarely gets enough consequences for his actions. I think we don't just need less Emberstone saves not just because of plot armor but force actual character growth on him. Like a life changing to one of his siblings as consequences for his actions and strained relationship until he gets his head outta his ass.
Edit: Yes, I know Robby is a teenager but that isn't a decent enough excuse for his behavior. Seen the trope about big brothers who do act closed off or at some points rude but they haven't done shit that put their family in serious danger. No, I didn't try to purposely forget the times he was injured badly.
There honestly needs to be less of those and his consequences be adjusted to it affects someone else badly. *
Next issue is lacking confrontation with Optimus choices alongside the obvious misplaced trust in the 13 Primes. Quintus Prime literally emotionally manipulated and scarred Mo through a fake bad ending reality because she doubted herself. No good person would do that, much less an actual ally. Even moreso on a child.
I seen this shit in Trollhunters but at least Jim, the main character, was a teenager. (It still was wrong though.) We also got remember that Liege Maximo and Megatronus/The Fallen are Primes. Yet somehow it is best to trust them.
Don't get me started with some of Optimus' choices when it comes to GHOST. He probably did it to protect his Autobots but what about the Decepticons who are locked away? Why are there so little of his companions with him especially since Bumblebee had fucking went into hiding before the show began.
There needs to be tension between Optimus with his Autobots. Someone is bound to snap and Bumblebee would have the biggest impact. The man clearly isn't okay as he's doing things that even Megatron admits ain't like him.
Mandroid needs to be written differently. He has the making of a sympathetic villain but oh boy. First off it is clear that his depiction is ableist aligned since the reason he doesn't like Cybertronians is because he lost his arm. Major thing to change right there.
Give him a narrative where his interest been genuine but slowly declines as the Autobot/Decepticon war increases the number of destroyed lives. Let him become a victim to this than just 'I lost my arm so death alongside experimentation to all Cybertronians'. Also don't make Mandroid ignore the obvious fact that the Transformers parts he puts into his body is slowly poisoning and instead come up with ways to fight the infection. Kinda like in Ironman 2 where Tony's arc reactor began to do the same thing.
Edit: Mandroid's negative views on Cybertronians are about the war and he's aware of the Energon poisoning. It is just that it is poorly portrayed to the point you rarely see it over his Arachnamechs/his ruined life.
Have the man present various evidence of destruction the war caused by both sides at the Malto children or anonymously spread such info around town to sew discontent with the townsfolk. 'These are the people who you consider heroes. Who you see as family and friends. Or should these tragedies be forgotten?'
Do a Baxter Stockman where you frequently see him try to fix the Energon poisoning than just simple dialogue. Even have testing on organic subjects to see how they react and find ways to counter it. Don't keep these key points as simple dialogue. *
I don't think Karen needs much changes either. 'But her taking over Cybertron doesn't make sense!' It actually does for one reason: hubris. Have you ever seen what happens when you give a control freak power? Their behavior becomes more erratic as they begin to think they deserve more. She is xenophobic in nature so imprisoning Decepticons and ordering around the Autobots is a drug to her.
Karen wants to treat them like slaves so the next step in her mind is Cybertron. Her death is well deserved and well played. Just like Icarus, the bitch flew too close to the sun.
I think the last major issue, other than out of character racist Shockwave, is the Terrans. No offense but they need a bit less screentime so the rest of the cast can shine. We barely see Alex and there's unclarified issues involving Bumblebee with Arcee if he's uncomfortable around her.
I also want their flaws to be at the forefront. Thrash is the only one who gotten such character development from his encounter with Swindle. We need more of that! Like Hashtag's overreliance on the Internet biting her back as she is forced to use real world skills.
Edit: I accidentally put in Terrans when I really meant Twitch. The screentime for everyone needs to be balanced mainly for the Malto family. Alex alongside the three younger Terrans rarely get involved or their characters further build upon. Twitch needs to get benched more.
Also the Dad Number 2 should really be addressed. Wheeljack was clearly uncomfortable when it been brought up. Plus it is way too fast to even consider such ideas unless you plan to have it addressed properly. Like 'Kid. We barely know each other yet somehow I became a father figure in an instant? It's best not to do that until you truly certain "Dad Number 2" doesn't mean harm or feels comfortable with it.' *
Earthspark clearly has potential but these problems need to be handled better. Addong the deleted scenes help add some clarification but canon needs to present it. We are supposed to get a second season so hopefully some of these are addressed.
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rainbow-crane · 11 days
I'm feeling like being controversial today. Here, take some DR character opinions. Clutch your pearls besties
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17- Makoto. I feel nothing for this character, in any positive or negative direction. To me, he's only ever been the vessel for which THH takes place for the player. That's kind of it. Bro is just chilling. (Note: these opinions are exclusive to the THH game.)
16- Leon. He suffers from what I like to call chapter 1 syndrome. Not only was he killed extremely early, but he had no plot or character significance before or after the fact in-game. I think the idea of a character that hates their talent is really interesting, and his design slaps, but he just didn't have any sticking power for me.
15- Yasuhiro. He's got funny moments here and there (the ghost bit in the ch 5 trial never fails to make me laugh) but he has no story. They don't do anything with him besides 'stupid occult man' jokes, and I can't help but feel like there was wasted potential to do something with his fortune-telling talent that was only ever used as another gag of his stupidity. Disappointing as a character, but at least he was around longer than Leon.
14- Byakuya. Asshole characters are always hit-or-miss for me, and Byakuya missed by a ton. I know he *technically* got showed up during the chapter 4 trial, but getting upstaged once and acting like nothing happened afterwards isn't enough of a character arc for me to find him surviving over so many others in the cast worth it. He's also just pretty weak as an antagonist in comparison to the others in the series(not to mention there was an objectively better option for antag in this very cast). He's the type of character I'd probably like way more in like, Ace Attorney, but here I just got so sick of hearing him speak.
13- Hifumi. I can appreciate the attempt to make a subversion of the 'perverted nerd' character, but they failed the second they actually made him a perverted nerd, even if they gave him that bare minimum ideal of rape being bad. Fanon interpretations of what could've been prop him up for me a good bit, too.
12- Mukuro. Similar to Makoto, she feels like a character that exists to serve a narrative purpose, and we never really meet her as herself in-game. Unlike Makoto, we actually got FTEs playable in the post-game that allude to a greater story with her and her doubt in despair that makes her retroactively more tragic and adds both to herself and her sister.
11- Toko. They just didn't do enough with her in THH to warrant me placing her any higher than this. I think the differences between her and Genocider are interesting, and I wish they'd been given more growth in the game instead of spending the entire game post-chapter 2 pining over and stalking Byakuya. Toko gets ranked lower because she wasn't as fun to have onscreen and I got sick of her insisting people disliked her for being ugly, even though she's pretty conventionally attractive beyond having glasses.
10- Junko. She was an incredible mastermind twist and had a ton of charisma and presence in the final trial, from her sprites to the VA's performance, but they just didn't use her enough to warrant putting her any higher than the characters above.
9- Mondo. I like the characters he's attached to more than I do Mondo himself. I like the 2-sided coin of toxic masculinity they write between him and Chihiro, and I love his relationship with Taka, but I just don't care much for him outside of what he provides for those characters. He's fine.
8- Genocider. Basically everything I said with Toko, but she's way more entertaining from her cheery and violent personality and is just more expressive and fun. I got excited whenever she came onscreen because I knew I was about to have a good time.
7- I don't think you could change Kyoko's role in the story much at all without drastically altering the game as a whole. Makoto may be the POV, but Kyoko is undoubtedly the main character of THH and not only is she the most capable member of the class, but her growth as she opens up to Y/N Makoto and puts her faith not only in the absolute truth, but also hope is beautiful to watch, especially as we get to learn the mystery of who she is and where she came from. In another world, she'd be my #1, but I've never actually shed tears for her so she ends up as low as 7th.
6- I'd say from an objective standpoint, Sakura is probably the most well-written character in THH. Her internal conflict as she's forced to play the role of spy paired with her rapidly growing relationship with Hina as she finally, finally finds someone that sees her as the woman she so desperately wants to be acknowledged as, growing past her greatest weakness- her fear- to stand up to Monokuma, and having to take the role of a fighter on for a class of people that hated her to be both victim and killer, freeing her classmates from having to become either- I think I've made my point. I still wish we'd gotten that 3rd-person fighter about Sakura.
5- When I went into THH, I fully expected Hina to be a dumb blonde character for the entire game, with no substance beyond her character design. Maybe that low expectation was what made her shoot so high up my list. She wasn't the smartest character, sure, and the game definitely focuses on her body an uncomfortable amount, but she still has an incredible arc in her relationship with Sakura. Her depiction of grief is so deeply emotional, and her sense of justice, which up until then had been alluded to but never put into her hands, became a weapon that almost took down the entire class with her tears. Not only does she lose her best friend, but she's then manipulated by Monokuma to make that pain so much worse by pinning the blame for her loss on everyone around her and herself. Her attempt of a murder-suicide of the entire class followed by the reading of Sakura's real will and her guilt and regret afterwards is one of the strongest moments of the series. I've always thought if Makoto didn't exist, Hina would've been a great choice for a protagonist for this game, since she starts with that same optimism and easygoing ability to make friends that Makoto does, but is a strong character in her dedication to her sports and fierce love of those closest to her.
4- As a trans man, Chihiro's story was a lot like looking in a mirror, especially when I was playing the game as someone who'd only just started opening the closet door. His insecurities due to his body and his attempts to forcibly feminize himself to receive acceptance and masquerade as something he wasn't was something I was intensely familiar with, and the tragedy of his finally gaining enough confidence to open up to a close friend and seek out help to try and become his true self, only to be betrayed by said friend and killed before he ever got the chance, was one of the best personal gut punches I've gotten from this series. Regardless of the transphobia and misogyny written into said storyline, he's a character I'll never not relate to. There's a ton to dive into with Chihiro's character writing, and he's one of those characters I can tear into like a raw steak and go not only into how he's treated by the show, but also by how many ways there are to write him better than the game actually did and all the different ways different corners of the fandom have treated him. (Also, to be clear, I'm not opposed to transfem Chihiros hcs, I'm using he/him bc that's what's canon.)
3- Taka. My beloved boy, underrated outside of his relationship with Mondo. I'll defend this man until the day I die, and will always believe he should've been a member of the surviving cast over Hiro. His constant uphill battle with trying to connect with and protect his classmates only to fail at every turn from his lack of understanding of social norms, going as far as to rationalize hobbies as a form of studying in his first FTE, and his pure joy in finally connecting with someone being decimated by the reality that that man went on to be a killer is so powerful. Watching him completely snap and go near comatose, only being pulled out of stasis by the news that an AI of Chihiro still exists and begging for forgiveness for not being able to prevent his death was shattering, and his fusion with his perception of Mondo pushing him over the edge only to be killed unceremoniously in the background of Celeste's plan was infuriating. This man struggled and clawed his way through the first half of the game for whatever scraps of screentime the creators would leave him, and then they tossed him out when they couldn't think of anything better to do. Justice for my man!!!
2- Celeste. Remember when I said there was a character more well-suited for the role of antagonist than Byakuya in this game? Well, this is she. Not only would she have worked as a narrative foil to the player, as Makoto and Celeste are both in the class for their luck-based talent, but she would've had a much more powerful and thematic rivalry with Kyoko, the girl who seeks out absolute truth, as the girl who wraps herself in a veil of lies. I already found her fascinating as she was, having a character that's unashamedly a bad person and follows her own ideals with no regard for the effects on the rest of the class beyond how easy it'd be to manipulate them, but her lack of regard for the class trials and refusal to cooperate could've been how she functioned as an antagonist, refusing to help the group when it didn't immediately serve her or intentionally leaving out details that put her in a bad position. Essentially, she'd function as an antagonist in a way inverse to how Kokichi functioned, which not only would've been phenomenal for THH, but for the parallel storytelling V3 later goes on to employ. That said, that's all hypothetical, but even without all of that, she's still an intriguing character that I can't stop thinking about.
1- Sayaka. I hated Sayaka when I first started playing, not because of anything she was doing, but because I didn't like how the game was seemingly gluing her to Makoto's hip. I didn't like having to slough my way through tutorial after tutorial going through her to talk to the entire rest of the class, and I didn't like being forced to burn my first FTE on her when there were other characters I wanted to learn about. I cheered when I found her body because it meant I wouldn't have to jump through hoops to speak to the other characters anymore. All that hatred dissipated as the first trial took place. Taking the cutesy sidekick girl and making her not only the first victim (something that was huge for the genre at the time) but also going on to reveal that she was actively betraying us and plotting to frame us for murder to save herself and her fellow idols was a genius move. Since then, Sayaka has become a stronger presence in my mind for this series, and her impact on the series as a whole can't be overstated. She put the first killing game into motion. She carried with her the first despair, and inspired the first hope from Makoto. Her desperation for a dream she had to fight tooth and nail for, that desire to hang onto her dream that'd kept her going for so long pushes forward everything. 11037 became a staple point for the series and the fandom, not just because of the poor western translation, but also because that was her point of regret, the guilt that stopped her from killing Leon successfully and ultimately saved everyone, her final moments being to save Makoto and the others. Every moment spent with her at the beginning is designed not just to make her seem like the desirable sidekick girl, but also to weave into your perception of her the darkness she carries on the inside, the dedication and determination to remain liked and retain her fame by any means necessary, feigning being agreeable yet still unwittingly developing genuine feelings for someone who's nothing but genuine. The money I'd pay for a prequel anime about Sayaka's rise to the title of SHSL Idol is unreasonably high.
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soleminisanction · 5 months
What comic issue did the whole kon v steph showdown happen? In which he basically called her a poser? I’m wondering what the rest of the young justice teams reaction to her was. I think greta tried to kill her at one point? I don’t think she’s very well liked among that team, but it also makes me wonder if she’s very well liked in the wider hero community at all besides her small group of vigilantes she’s enmeshed herself with through getting involved w Tim and to a lesser extent Batman? What are your views?
Teen Titans (2003) issue #13:
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That's it in its entirety. The bit with Tim and Conner is very much the story's B-plot, the A-plot is focused on Beast Boy and the rest of the Titans back in San Fran.
As for Steph and Greta -- it is true that Greta is the one member of YJ that Steph ever truly interacted with during that time period. I actually wrote up a whole thing here about the arc of those interactions, but it was kind of off-topic with your question and also long enough that it really deserves its own post, especially because lining it all up together without the multi-year gap between plot points gave me a revelation about how the story actually went.
I'm going to try to get that post up in the next day or so to prove my point but the summation here is: the first time they met, Greta explicitly didn't try to kill Steph -- but afterwards, Steph framed it as "she tried to kill me in a jealous rage" and people took Steph's side because part of Greta's story was that her "good people bad powers" thing made her kind of sus and that's what eventually drove her to join Darksied.
So while Steph did get mentioned in YJ, including getting brought in to help as part of the invasion of Zandia in issues 50-52, her only significant contribution there was a very brief stand-off with Greta and getting stuck in a bubble with a several other 90's characters who I'm pretty sure don't exist anymore.
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The only other person I recognize here is Lagoon Boy. The pink filter doesn't help.
Other than that, the only interaction Steph's had with any member of Tim's friend group is the one issue of Teen Titans (2003), #66, where they're doing this membership drive thing and Steph (recently back from faking her death) tags along so they can pretend that maaaaybe she's going to join the team, but actually she's just there to have a very brief interaction with Traci 13 and Bombshell.
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And an even briefer, awkward stare-down with Cassie that's only there because she and Tim's budding romance had been awkwardly cut short just so he could back to Steph the very instant she got back from faking her death no matter how little sense that made.
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And then Steph wasn't even interested in joining the team anyway she was just there for quote, "moral support" as Tim told Cassie he needed to take a break for a while and focus on the pre-Final Crisis chaos going down in Gotham.
Stephanie has never spoken to Bart, Anita, Slobo, or Ray so far as I know. She's never even met Cissie because the Arrowette who went to Zandia turned out to be Bonnie in disguise.
Pre-Flashpoint, the only other people she'd met outside of Gotham are Supergirl (whom she met in World's Finest (2009)) and Squire, who's still technically a Bat even if she lives in England. Stargirl and Miss Martian show up alongside Bombshell and Supergirl towards the end of Steph's solo series but they come out of nowhere only because BQM had wanted to make them part of Steph's entourage at some point but didn't get the chance, so I don't really count them. Nor do I count her showing up in a group shot at the end of the Gail Simone Wonder Woman, since that was just a line-up of cameos from every female hero she could get at the time.
So with all that as the preamble, to answer your second question: no, I don't think Steph is very well-liked by the wider superhero community. I also don't think she's disliked. I think the vast majority of heroes and villains have no idea who she is.
If they know her at all, it's probably as, "That girl in the purple that Cass is always hanging out with" or "Robin's ex-girlfriend who faked her death that one time" or maybe even as, "There was a girl Robin at some point right? I feel like I heard that somewhere," particularly since there was a big media shake-up after War Games. Heck, they might even know her as, "Cluemaster's daughter; she runs with the Bats, yeah? Heh, sucks to be Arthur" since he's actually gotten around more than her just by virtue of being on the Suicide Squad.
But as Spoiler, as Batgirl, as a hero? Basically unknown outside of Gotham. She's always been too much of a supporting character to develop those kinds of connections.
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akaisenhatake · 10 months
behold my hpma ocs, they've been reborn at last
they're not the mc but dw ill post my mc next time
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Summarized Info below:
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Name: Lan Wang
Alias: Bark
BoD:??? [1996]
Blood Status: Pure-Blood
House: Slytherin
Wand: Cherry wood, 10 1/4 inches, Dragon Heartstring
Best Subject: Care for Magical Creatures
Worst Subject: History of Magic
Friends(?): Cassandra, Frey twins, Sand [@/stupendousbookworm]
Enemies: Whoever he starts beef with.
Other info:
Very Competitive [mostly duelling but he'll challenge you to a speedwalk contest too. Gets mad easily when he loses]
Experienced in Duelling
Raging Simp [ Is constantly fighting with frey twins on who gets to impress cassandra]
Quite tall [taller than the twins and enjoys rubbing it in their face]
Dislikes Ivy [wish he could pick her and toss her out of the window from the tallest tower. Reason is unknown.]
Goes to The Forbidden Forest often [I mean. For one, he wants to practice his spells without sending another student to St. Mungos. Second, he wants to see a dragon. Third, breaking rules are funny]
Protective [He's a ladies man only to cassandra, literally but those fists and spells are gender neutral to his rivals if something happens to Woof]
Parental issues, yes.
Afraid of bugs [will set the room on fire if necessary]
Wears Leather Jacket 24/7 [school uniform ugly]
METAL [he has the vocal point for it, screaming is his talent]
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Name: Lan Qi
Alias: Woof
BoD:??? [1997]
Blood Status: Pure-Blood
House: Hufflepuff
Wand: Ash wood, 13 3/4 inches, Dragon Heartstring
Best Subject: Charms
Worst Subject: Potions [Allergic to some ingredients / smell of potions]
Friends: Slythetin Gang, MC & some of the main casts(?)
Enemies: [Doesn't want any]
Other info:
Small & Short
Sleeps in Class [Mostly nocturnal]
Wears Mask [Dislikes her teeth, so she hid it]
Kinda Chill [Makes her an easy target to be bullied but she's used to it by that point]
Decent at duelling [sharp observation]
Ukelele nice :)
Lonely [despite her preference of being left alone, she still can't help but feel lonely
Always wear long sleeves [It's cold outside]
Broom surfing nice :)
Friendly [Though she doesn't go out to make friends, she doesn't mind others wanting to do the same for her.]
Goes to the Forbidden Forest often [Huh, for what? it's not like she can collect potions ingredients or practice burning acromantulas. She doesn't like taking care of magical creatures either. Sure you can say she probably only wants to accompany Bark, but they go there on different times.]
Height Difference
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Most of the contents about their past life are currently unknown, as they avoid sharing their personal life. Though, Bark constantly complains about how relieved he felt to 'not share bed with other children', solidifying the idea both siblings used to be in an orphange. He also appears to have gotten his eyebrow scar from a 'fight' while he was exploring the woods right before starting Hogwarts.
Current Story
While their existence don't change much of the plotline, MC and the casts will have to deal with another Slytherin twat for the time being. Bark, being the most aggressive out of the three, probably starts more fights and arguments. Although he doesn't win in most of them, they should still keep an eye out on him, as quoted by his sister.
Woof in the first few years mostly lurks around behind, considering she doesn't have much to do with the events happening in the current plotline. She appears in a few class sessions with MC, but it's only her sleeping in most of them. They might bump into her while exploring the Forbidden Forest, but she'll excuse herself to continue whatever she was doing before interrupted.
Profile content will change as the canon story progresses.
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graciliss · 1 year
seraphina shaw - character information
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EDIT: this reference sheet is old and I no longer use this account (for now). for seraphina's latest reference sheet, click here
HELLO EVERYONE IT'S FINALLY HERE. ignore how I said this'd be finished by halloween bc that turned out to be a fucking lie
anyways <3 new OC. this is seraphina and she's been stewing for a pretty long time. she's a part of the hellcrew (which is lead by @sanityisforlosers but I'm sure you know. check his shit out if you don't know though please and thank you)
info below the read more cut! please click the image for higher quality.
name: seraphina shaw alias: N/A nickname(s): sera gender: female (trans, mtf) pronouns: she/her
age: 24 (agelocked), 41 (actual age) date of birth: 7 november, 1981 date of death: 13 september, 2006 location of birth: glasgow, scotland location of death: glasgow, scotland cause of death: two gunshots in the back
race: white ethnicity: scottish species: human (formerly), entity (current) sexual orientation: pansexual relationship status: single. seraphina claims to be ‘above’ romance
seraphina shaw is a demonic entity primarily known for her knack for prolonged torture, which in most (but not all) cases leads to death. all harm inflicted upon her victims is done within a torture room she herself has set up. 
seraphina has no particular type in mind when picking victims out, but they most often are individuals in the range of 18-25. they can be older, but are never younger. within the captive time, the victim will endure physical, psychological and sexual torture. oftentimes, the victim either succumbs to their attained injuries or due to neglect.
notably, seraphina keeps track of how long she has kept her victims in what would be angel numbers if it weren’t for her victims not making it past double digits. these would include days 11, 22, 33, etc… while the anguish caused does make seraphina stronger, what she does is purely with the goal of satisfying her whimful desires, and the primary reason for it all is for her own enjoyment.
while she has amassed plenty of tools to her disposal, her go-to weapon remains a blade that, while closely resembling a flat-ended carving knife, appears to be several inches longer than the average blade of that category. a gun does the trick if necessary too, though.
loud, crass, hedonistic. all words that describe seraphina accurately. she is the kind of woman who puts her own needs first before thinking of anybody else (if she does at all). such attitude would normally not pass, but seraphina carries herself with enough swagger and is charismatic enough to often get away with her often ludicrous endeavours.
she can be alarmingly easy to get along with, her natural charisma and flirtatious personality making her less desirable traits appear more like manageable quirks at first. 
seraphina has a notable disdain for authority and deeply dislikes being told what to do. tell her to do one thing and she will do the opposite purely to spite you. paired with this rebellious nature is her urge for excessive, lethal indulgence; sex, booze, drugs, murder. little is off limits in her books, and her inappropriate behaviour could nearly equate to insanity. however, seraphina thinks clearly, is self aware and instead simply does not care for her amorality or its consequences.
despite her seemingly outgoing personality, seraphina is surprisingly closed off. while amiable on a surface level, getting to know her on a more personal level is incredibly difficult due to her refusal to speak of her past, or to open up emotionally. this is due to a lot of her zaniness heavily being played up and exaggerated, nearly as a character of sorts. in reality, she is rather dry and especially terminally bored with a lot of things. this leads to a negative feedback loop in which she continues to edge towards further extremes just to keep herself engaged.
from head to toe, seraphina strives to exude one thing, and that is sex appeal. she wouldn’t actually have to do much, as her appearance already is quite striking: albinism renders her chin-length hair a near-white blonde and her skin as pale as can be. her eyes are a lilac colour, the hue taking up the entirety of her eyes, leaving no distinguishment between sclera, iris or pupil (a feature inherent to entities).
much taller than average, she stands at 6’3”, and her height can often vary depending on the high heeled boots she wears. while appearing feminine, dainty would be the wrong word to describe her. being robust in build, however, does not subtract from her grace, instead serving to embolden her boisterous demeanour.
choices of clothing either fall under the following: leather or latex, and the tighter-fit, the better. contrasting her complexion, she most often wears black, but isn’t afraid to wear a splash of colour (the colour of choice often being purple, which matches her eyes, or red). despite seemingly dressing to impress, there still seems to be a modicum of practicality to some of her outfit choices. enough space in her clothes to conceal a weapon, heels often sturdy enough to be able to run in. most importantly: she exudes an intimidating aura.
a notable feature is a pair of bullet wounds on her upper back, which appear to be aligned surprisingly symmetrically. she jokingly claims it’s ‘where her angel wings used to be’.
in life:
unspecified mother and father (deceased) several unspecified romantic partners (status unclear)
in hell:
seamus wrynn (© me lol) - the man seraphina died to. despite all the events that have happened between them previously, they both seem alarmingly unbothered by their history and instead are friends. seamus claims that she was one of his ‘favourite’ helpers.
julius doherty (© @sanityisforlosers) - the demon seraphina is a proxy to. the two of them appear to get along quite well.
killian lynch (© @sanityisforlosers) - fellow proxy. weirdly enough, the two get along decently. however, due to the both of them being the way they are, they aren’t particularly close.
kelly duffy (© @sanityisforlosers) - fellow proxy. despite past seamus-related incidents, they seem to get on just fine.
having grown up in poverty-stricken glasgow in the 90’s, life was destined to be rough for seraphina. being born in a run-down neighbourhood and surrounded by heroin exposed her to hardship early on, and it played a big part in the way she is today. she was a troublemaker from the start, frequently getting into physical altercation and consuming substances at a relatively young age.
having realised that something wasn’t quite right in her teenage years, she still suppressed feelings of gender incongruence both out of denial and a fear of being fully expelled from her social circles.
at 19, she eventually came out and started living her truth as a trans woman, effectively leading to her being cut off from everybody she knew. due to her consumerist tendencies and severe addiction to gambling, seraphina got into pretty bad debt and lives in a financially precarious position.
desperate for money, she took up a rather suspiciously well-paying offer in which she was required to assist in unspecified photography. this later turned out to be help with seamus wrynn’s latest snuff-adjacent project. initially horrified, she considered opting out. however, much to her initial horror, money ended up not being the only thing that enticed her into staying. as she was beginning to enjoy this more and more, her behaviour became increasingly more out of line and more difficult for seamus to manage. now inconvenienced, seamus killed seraphina by shooting her twice in the back after she attempted to sexually assault him.
due to unclear reasons (presumably because seamus considered her to be one of his favourite ‘assistants’), seraphina was brought back from the dead as an undead entity and now is a proxy to julius the dressmaker.
🌟 seraphina has albinism. as a human, she struggled quite a bit due to the condition and a lack of general accommodation. as a demon, however, the drawbacks of her condition are rendered null.
🌟 upon being brought back from the dead, julius assisted seraphina with her medical transition, being the one to give her gender affirming surgery.
🌟 seraphina was initially intended to be written as a cis woman. however, upon examining her involvement with seamus and the events leading up to it, I sniffed out a metaphor for queer self-discovery (although under very dark circumstances). however, if she had been written as such not much about her character’s base premise would have actually changed.
🌟 her name was initially supposed to be seraphine. however, it was changed to seraphina because it flowed more nicely into her surname
🌟 she wasn’t actually supposed to be a standalone horror character at first. her initial role was to serve as a protagonist for one of the stories planned for seamus, but I grew attached to her quite quickly and found that she had more potential.
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praetorqueenreyna · 1 year
ACOTAR Fandom Demographics Survey Results!!!
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(Hold onto your schlong, this post is gonna be LONG)
Thank you, ACOTAR fans, for participating in the fandom demographics survey! There were a total of 351 participants who took the survey, and I am extremely grateful for everyone's contributions. I've spent quite a bit of time sifting through the data determining how best to share my findings. I've decided to break them up into several categories, and each section will have the methods, results, and discussion of that category all together.
I do want to remind everybody that this is meant to be in good fun. I don't want any ship wars or character hate in the notes of this post, nor do I want anybody to take these results as a personal attack. Without further ado, let's get into it!
Table of Contents
Overall results of the survey
Preferences of fans based on age and sexuality
Trends based on the characters/ships that people like/dislike
Conclusion and overall thoughts
1. Overall results of the survey
This is, essentially, just the raw data with each option visualized as a percentage of the total number of participants. Click on the pie graphs to see them better.
Age, Gender, and Sexuality
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The largest percentage of fans are in the age range 18-24 years old (44%). 26% are 25-30 years old, 16% are under 18 years old, 12% are 31-40 years old, and 2% are over 41 years old.
An overwhelming proportion of fans identify as female 92%. 5% are non-binary, 1% are other, and 1% are questioning. There was one male who took the survey (whoever you are, keep your head high king!)
The most common sexuality was straight (46%), followed by bisexual (30%). 8% are asexual, 6% are questioning, 5% are pansexual, 3% are lesbians, and 2% are other.
Based on this, most ACOTAR fans are young women who are attracted to men, which makes sense, considering that is the target demographic. I also did not do any further comparisons between fans based on gender, simply because there aren't enough non-women to draw any real conclusions.
Favorite and least favorite book in the series
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The second book, A Court of Mist and Fury, is the favorite book in the series (40%), followed by A Court of Silver Flames (23%). 17% chose A Court of Thorns and Roses as their favorite, 17% chose A Court of Wings and Ruin, 2% chose A Court of Frost and Starlight, and 1% couldn't pick a favorite.
The novella A Court of Frost and Starlight was the least favorite book (41%), followed by A Court of Silver Flames (25%). 20% chose A Court of Thorns and Roses, 6% chose A Court of Mist and Fury, 6% chose A Court of Wings and Ruin, and 2% couldn't pick a least favorite.
Overall, A Court of Mist and Fury is the fan favorite and not a lot of people liked A Court of Frost and Starlight. A Court of Thorns and Roses and A Court of Silver Flames are pretty controversial: about an equal number picked them as their favorite AND least favorite book. It makes sense for ACOTAR, since that book is so different from the other books and focuses on Tamlin and the Spring Court, whereas the other books focus on the Night Court and Inner Circle, which are fan favorites. ACOSF also seems to be pretty controversial, with it's focus on Nesta, who herself is a somewhat controversial character.
Favorite Character and Least Favorite Character
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(Note: for characters, I differentiated between all the top contenders and combined all the ones that only got a few votes into the section "Other.")
The favorite character is Nesta Archeron (23%), followed by Lucien Vanserra (18%). Next is Elain Archeron (12%), Feyre Archeron (10%), Rhysand (7%), Azriel (7%), Cassian (6%), Eris Vanserra (6%), Gwyneth Berdara (5%), and then other characters fill out the remaining 7%.
The least favorite characters were pretty evenly split between true villains (Ianthe, the King of Hybern, Amarantha, etc) and non-villain characters (Rhysand, Morrigan, Tamlin, etc). The most disliked character was Ianthe (19%), followed by Rhysand (16%). Then Amarantha (13%), Beron Vanserra (9%), the King of Hybern (7%), Morrigan (5%), Tamlin (5%), Nesta (4%), Elain (4%), Amren (4%), and other characters for the remaining 15%.
The Archeron sisters, Vanserra brothers, and the Bat boys make up almost the entirety of the favorite characters. The least favorite characters were a lot more diverse and spread out, but generally the true villains were disliked the most.
Favorite Ship and Least Favorite Ship
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(Note: I did the same thing for ships as for characters, where the lowest voted for ships are combined into an "Other" category)
The number one favorite ship is Feyre/Rhysand (22%) followed closely by Cassian/Nesta (19%). Next is Lucien/Elain (16%), Azriel/Elain (13%), Azriel/Gwyn (6%), and Azriel/Eris (5%). 6% said their ship wasn't present in the survey, and the remaining 10% is in the category "Other".
The number one least favorite ship is Azriel/Elain (26%). Then Feyre/Tamlin (12%), Tamlin/Elain (11%), Feyre/Rhysand (10%), Azriel/Gwyn (7%), Tamlin/Rhysand (4%), Cassian/Nesta (4%), Lucien/Elain (4%), Rhysand/Nesta (3%), with the remaining 20% being covered in the "Other" category.
Most of the ship likes/dislikes seem centered around who Elain is paired with, and who Azriel is paired with. Feyre features surprisingly little in the ship wars (other than between Feysand and Feylin), and she isn't shipped with any other characters despite being the main character.
Favorite and Least Favorite Aspect of the Series
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The characters themselves are overwhelmingly fandom's favorite aspect of the series (44%). 16% said their favorite was the romance/smut, 13% is the character development, 12% is the worldbuilding, 5% is the canon ships, 5% is the plot, and 5% is any other aspect.
The "other" category had the most votes for least favorite aspect of the series, at 32%. The worldbuilding aspect had 20% of the votes as least favorite, then 17% for the plot, 15% for the character development, 7% for the characters, 5% for the canon ships, and 5% for the romance/smut.
People really like the characters in this series, which makes sense for fandom! I'll admit that this section's flaws are the lack of options, so it also makes sense that so many people chose "other" as their favorite/least favorite aspect of the series.
2. Preferences of fans based on age and sexuality
For this section, I wanted to see if there were trends in favorite/least favorite things based on age and sexuality. I ran a chi-square test, which looks at differences between categorical variables with a significance factor of p=0.05 (or, there being a 5% chance that any differences between categories are due to random error and not actual differences).
A chi-square test works best with 2 categories that have an approximate equal number of samples. To this end, I combined ages and sexualities in the following ways:
"Under 18 years old" and "18-24 years old" are combined in a category of "younger" fans. The remaining three age groups (comprised of fans aged 25 and older) are combined into a category of "older" fans. This gave us 209 younger fans and 142 older fans.
Every fan that didn't identify as straight was combined into a single category of "queer" fans. This gave us 163 straight fans and 188 queer fans
There was no difference between younger and older fans in their least favorite book, favorite ship, and favorite/least favorite aspect of the series (p>0.05).
More younger people have Rhysand and Amarantha as their least favorite character than older people (p=0.02), and more younger people picked Feylin, Feysand, and Nessian as their least favorite ship than older people (p=0.05).
While not statistically significant, there were also trends in more younger people having ACOTAR as their favorite book (p=0.1) and Feyre as their favorite character (p=0.1).
There was no difference between queer and straight fans and their least favorite book, favorite/least favorite character, and favorite/least favorite aspect of the series (p>0.05).
More queer fans have ACOTAR as their favorite book, and more straight fans have ACOMAF as their favorite book (p=0.0007). More queer fans have Azris as their favorite ship, and more straight fans have Gwynriel as their favorite ship (p=0.03). In general, queer people had a much greater variety in their favorite ships (they had more favorites in the Ship Not Present and Other category).
While not statistically significant, there was also a trend of queer people having Feylin, Feysand, and Tamlain as their least favorite ship, and more straight people have Gwynriel as their favorite ship (p=0.08).
In general, there are actually not huge differences between younger/older fans, and queer/straight fans! I do think it's interesting that both younger people AND queer people prefer ACOTAR as their favorite book.
3. Trends based on the characters/ships that people like/dislike
For this section, I wanted to isolate all the people who voted for something in one category, and look at the other choices they made. So, for example, looking at the least favorite character from people who voted for Nesta as their favorite character. So these stats ONLY take into account the people who voted in that category. I restricted the characters/ships that got the most votes in each category.
General trends
To keep this from getting too long and dull, I will only report on the findings that I find particularly interesting. Some general trends I saw that don't seem specific to each category are:
the "least favorite character" being a true villain (Ianthe, Amarantha, King of Hybern, etc).
The least favorite ship being Azriel/Elain
The least favorite book being ACOFAS
I'll write out all the results, but here's a table of the trends I saw
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Favorite character
People who voted for Nesta dislike Rhysand, and their favorite ship is Nessian. They also tend to dislike Feylin and Feysand, and their favorite book is ACOSF.
For Lucien, they dislike Ianthe and Rhysand, the favorite ship is Elucien, and the least favorite ship is Elriel (the most popular rival ship for Elain). Their favorite books are ACOTAR and ACOMAF.
For Elain, the overwhelming favorite ship is Elriel (85%), and they dislike Tamlain and Gwynriel (both rival ships for Elain and Azriel, respectively).
For Feyre and Rhysand, the favorite ship is Feysand and the favorite book is ACOMAF (true for people who voted for either of them as their favorite character).
Least favorite character
Again, most people voted for true villains in this category and there weren't many interesting trends. I did find that people that voted for Rhysand as their least favorite like Nesta and Lucien, and their least favorite ship is Feysand. Their favorite ships are in the "Other" or "Ship Not Present" category, and their favorite book is ACOTAR.
Favorite ship
For Feysand, the favorite characters are Feyre and Rhysand, the least favorite ship is Feylin, and the favorite book is ACOMAF. Interestingly, Feysand fans voted for the "true villains" for their least favorite character over Tamlin, who only got 8% of the vote for least favorite character. More evidence that the villains and non-villains should be split up for the "least favorite character" category.
For Nessian, the favorite character is overwhelmingly Nesta (only 22% of Nessian stans voted for Cassian as their favorite) and the favorite book is ACOSF.
For Elucien, the favorite character is Lucien, and the favorite book is ACOMAF.
For Elriel, the favorite character is Elain, least favorite ships are Tamlain and Gwynriel, and the favorite book is ACOWAR.
For Gwynriel, the favorite character is Gwyn, and the favorite book is ACOSF.
Least favorite ship
For people who disliked Elriel, the favorite character tends to Lucien, and the favorite ships are Elucien and Gwynriel. They also like Nessian and Feysand. Favorite books are ACOMAF and ACOSF.
For people who dislike Feylin, the favorite character is Nesta, and the favorite ships are Nessian and Feysand. Favorite book is ACOMAF, least favorite book is ACOTAR.
For people who dislike Tamlain, their favorite character is Elain and the favorite ship is Elriel. I'm honestly surprised that so many people HATE Tamlin/Elain this much, I didn't even know it was a major ship?
For people who dislike Feysand, the favorite characters are Nesta and Lucien and the least favorite character is Rhysand. Favorite book is ACOTAR, least favorite is ACOMAF.
For people who dislike Gwynriel, the favorite character is Elain, and the favorite ship is Elriel.
4. Conclusion and overall thoughts
So here we are! I'm sure there are some things here that are not a surprise (e.g. Feysand stans liking ACOMAF and dislike ACOTAR), and some things that are a surprise (nobody likes ACOFAS). If anybody else has more thoughts on these results and what they mean, I would love to hear them.
In general, I hope this survey reveals that there is no one, singular, overwhelming "fandom" making decisions and casting blame. Even the most popular characters/ships didn't get more than 25% of the total fandom vote! There is not one ship ruling the rest of us, there are about 5-6 popular ships with plenty of fans who love that ship. I hope that fans will read this survey and see ACOTAR fandom as a diverse community of fans with plenty of space for everybody to co-exist.
I welcome any and all questions and comments! Anybody that wants to see my stats or raw data need only ask, and I will be more than happy to share. There were some issues inherent in the survey that are due to my own mistakes, so I would not be OPPOSED to running an updated survey sometime in the future.
Stay safe, be kind, and thank you again for your participation.
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luvring · 1 month
mmm i hope im understanding this character ask game right.. how about 1, 2, 6, 8, 9, 24 for the last legacy trio
(chara ask game) Oh Mamma Mia. i'm back in the fawking building ?! my memory of everything is so So minimal i'm gonna hope i can answer these. they might be incredibly sad looking answers though
1. Why do you like or dislike this character? — i don't remember specific moments or dialogue really but in general. i thought all of them were good-looking first of all. LOL. and they had rlly interesting plots!! the way they changed based on our choices (e.g. felix's treatment of rime in the last chapters) was just ?? so interesting to me?? even if i Was fawking it up. Idk guys I love character analysis and development. liked how their issues existed/manifested outside of their relationship w mc
felix: i thought he was kind of unique?? as an LI... with his personality and interests and the whole Necromancy thing. liked how he could be super smart and powerful but also be silly and. read smut. LOL. i could relate to him and found him endearing
anisa: i always thought she was lovely but realizing she's also silly and a mess at times made me more affectionate !! something about her star choices really hit. the dialogue and vibes Oh man she was everything. i think the thing was anisa trusting herself or mc but i can't remember which one we were supposed to aim for. i think i'd replay her route first if i ever installed again
sage: meow meow. IDK it takes..a lot.. for me to Really feel for charas like sage (flirty/charming + emotional vulnerability issues).. like i empathize but i always end up caring more about another chara. but he got me. he did. i think chapter 12-14 definitely made me like him more because you don't usually see Shit get Fucked AND try to help recover after. like that's usually It y'know. bad ending. so. i miss sage. goddmyogdn
2. Favorite canon thing about this character? — ...... ruh roh. someoneheplp.
felix: EXISTENCE! Chapter 12 Cg
anisa: EXISTENCE! Chapter 4 Cg
sage: EXISTENCE! and Loud Purr :3c Chapter 6/12/13 Cgs.
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
felix: ....we like to read... BDJGBJBSJD
anisa: #GIRLS and I, too, like shrimp.
sage: ...my god. i love sage i couldn't tell you what we have in common. problems with vulnerability and long hair
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise? — ...my memory truly evades me. i also didn't pay much attention to. fandom things. Habit of mine. i know felix could've been treated better with the babygirling thing. i think i was asked to write smth where he was jealous (or something??) and i was like . this feels ooc. but. that was my bad and about all i got..
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
felix: yes!!
anisa: yes!! i would like 2 be her roommate :3
sage: .... ? i feel like i wouldn't end up in a situation where this would happen. going to say. no? i mean maybe? sage isn't my first choice if it's only one other roommate...
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them? — I'm blanking So hard on All of my interests rn. i think if i couldn't think of stuff for sage hcs i'd look at kuroo posts. maybe?? like for energy and dialogue. i'm blanking so hard My god
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sweetestpopcorn · 8 months
rereading the end of part 3 and just amazed at alicent’s audacity at denying rhaenyra her right to see her father like pidge wtf??? honestly like that’s her father!
alicent really did lose any remorse she had.
Hi there ☺️❤️
My goal writing Alicent was someone who became more and more blinded by her hate and her anger to the point where she is consumed by it and starts to forget who she was to begin with -> in the books we do see this progression, she goes from resenting Rhaenyra and trying to spread rumours about her (at 12-13 and using Criston for the matter), to mocking her, to plotting against her, to wishing her dead, to actively trying to have her killed, to then wanting her own son killed and then trying to convince her own granddaughther, the only family she had left and a little girl who suffered so much, to kill Rhaenyra's son.
If this isn't being blinded by hatred of a person then I don't know what is.
Note: Although Alicent stans can try and deny the "Mayhaps the wh0re will die in childbirth." as another of Mushroom's lies, they can't deny the "bastard blood shed at war" thing. Proud moments for Alicent <3
In the context of "The Blacks & the Greens", Alicent is someone who kept seeing her rival succeeding, and more than that, someone who saw her rival doing all the things she was told not to do and never get punished for it. Alicent was someone who was raised to please others, to do things for others. Rhaenyra on the other hand was someone who grew up having others do things for her. It's others who want to please her. Unlike Alicent, Rhaenyra doesn't sow or sing (as she herself notes she both didn't have a talent for it, and saw no point in knowing these skills), she doesn't care about charity work either. She talks to men like she wanted, with no presumption of trying to please them. This doesn't mean she wants to fight with a sword, or she doesn't like to be a woman. Nothing could be further from the contrary. Rhaenyra loves that she is a woman and she does enjoy some feminine activities, but most of them are things to please herself, and in some cases, things others do for her -> having poetry read to her, listening to stories and music, reading... other activities she sees as pointless. But bottom line about her, and this is how I perceived her in canon, it's other people that have problems that she is a woman, not her.
Rhaenyra also dresses as she likes, quite feminine dresses that show a lot, because again she gives no weight to what others might think of how she dresses. To her the important thing is that she likes them and feels desirable, and because she is the king's daughter, no one would do something without her consent (she thinks).
The general theme is that all that Rhaenyra is and can do is undeserved in Alicent's opinion, and more than that, she seems to break the rules Alicent was told to follow without having the negative consequences Alicent was told she would have if she didn't follow these rules.
At the same time what little power Alicent achieved -> becoming queen by marrying the king - is mostly disregarded by Rhaenyra, who still sees herself as the most powerful lady of the court. She never bothers herself with pleasing Alicent, and since she is quite spoiled and is only charming when she wanted to be (the latter described by George himself), she doesn't treat Alicent as Alicent thinks she earned the right to be treated (and respected).
Her relationship with Rhaenyra during part 1 was for something that started as more of a petty dislike where the two threw some small hits at each other here and there. This evolved to the dislike growing progressively more, and the hits started to become harder, and the plotting more intricate.
A turning point for Rhaenyra is in Part 3, when she learns about just what had been said of her while she almost died giving birth to Visenya. She knew she was hated by Alicent, but not that deeply. For Alicent her turning point is at the end of Part 3, when she decided she has had enough and does what you all remember XD
I won't give any spoilers but I can say that it's just going to go down from here between these two, and that the bottom is much deeper XD
Anyway, sorry I took so long to answer. And in honour of the Princess and the Queen (of Karens), I'm sharing the amazing piece Ammmy did of the two <3 just as asoiaf intended.
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And please leave Ammmy a like below if you haven't already!
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ro994art · 3 months
A very specific nitpick I have with 'Megamind vs. The Doom Syndicate'
I don't do text posts here very often. This feels odd, let's just get on with it.
I was originally going to write down a full-on review expressing my utter disappointment and disgust dislike towards the horrible and cheap "sequel" to my favorite Dreamworks movie, Megamind. A sequel which, by now, we all know was nothing but a glorified extended pilot for a Peacock series that I have not watched, but it honestly looks just as mediocre, so I have no current plans to.
Hoooowever, I have since seen many reviews of this "movie", most of which have been able to express my feelings and thoughts pretty well. So it felt like I didn't have much else to contribute to the discourse.
Except for one thing that I have not seen anyone talk about (or maybe they have talked about it and I just haven't seen it), and it was one of the things that bothered me most about the film. So this post's entire purpose is to publicly point it out.
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No, I'm not talking about Keiko herself (although yes, she was my least favorite character and completely ruined the movie and this franchise for me thanks for asking). It's more the purpose of her character.
You see, and allow me to put my cranky old lady pants for just a moment, I believe most people have been able to guess that the entire reason this character was put into the movie was to be a target audience insert. So the 8 to 12 year-olds watching can go "Hey! This character is around my age and has the same interest as me! I'll keep watching for her!" (Do no ask me how well that's going because I personally do not find the excecution of it all that great, but I digress). And although, as a more mature viewer and long-time follower of the franchise, this does feel a bit annoying, having this kind of character when you're trying to appeal to a new audience is, technically speaking, not a bad thing in itself. And when executed well, this can totally work.
But here's the problem.
It makes no sense for a character like this to form part of Megamind's story.
You see, my friends, for those of you who have not seen this movie (which, for your own good, I sincerely hope is the majority of people who are reading this), "Megamind vs. The Doom Syndicate" is VERY explicitly supposed to take place two days after the events of the first movie.
Just two days.
This is explicitly said at least two or three times in the first act of the movie alone (I value my sanity too much to rewatch the film to double-check that fact, but I'm fairly confident in that).
If you all remember, the masterpiece known as the original Megamind movie came out in 2010. Therefore, the most logical thing to assume is that the events of the film itself also take place in 2010, if not before that, right? It's never explicitly stated, but since there is nothing that confirms or denies this, I think it's the default assumption we as an audience should make.
Now, I did not own my first cellphone until the year 2012 when I turned 13 (don't make fun of me for that fact), so, correct me if I'm wrong. But I don't think in 2010, we were seeing thing such as:
Smartphones like the one Keiko has throughout the film,
People using said smartphones to make livestreams in which people leave likes and comments in real time,
Kids who are content creators gaining half a million subscribers in TWO LITERAL DAYS (I cannot stress this enough) by getting information and newsflashes from goodness-knows-where,
App equivalents to TikTok and Instagram with as much popularity as we saw in this,
And overall, just social media getting the same treatment and functioning the same in 2010 as it does in 2024.
I mean yes, in 2010, things such as the ones I listed above were probably beginning to take popularity and to become a thing. But they surely weren't as well-established as they're being presented to us in Megamind "2".
This cheapquel "sequel" is suppossed to be only two days after the first one, and yet, everything that revolves around THIS KID'S existence suggests to us that we're in the 2020's era of internet, influencers, and social media. Heck, the earliest I could buy any of this believably happening is like, 2018. 2015 as a stretch.
We went from 2010 to (at least) 2015 in two stinkin' days.
No sense whatsoever.
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Logically speaking, there's no way TikTok Childstar Keiko was even born in the year the first Megamind took place. Like, her birth year is 2011 at the earliest, and you can't convince me otherwise. Why do you even exist two days after Megamind was renowned as the hero of Metrocity? Please go back to the womb.
(That got personal, sorry. This kid gets too much on my nerves)
"Well, TECHNICALLY since it's never stated when the first Megamind took place, nothing's stopping them from making it so that it's been 2024 all along"
If that seriously does not sound like gaslighting your audience in order to force "hip" references that resonate with the kids watching almost a decade and a half after the original film came out to you, then I don't know what does. I don't even care if "you're not suppossed to think too hard about it" (which is a lame excuse for lazy writing btw), just watching both movies back-to-back, the tonal differences and any chronological references just clash way too much for me to buy this as a legitimate follow-up taking place in the same universe, same city, and even same week.
So yes, "Megamind vs The Doom Syndicate" sucks, and the inclusion of this character and this anachronistic plotline, for me, is a huge reason why. It's insulting to the audience and a clearly desperate attempt to appeal to a new generation of kids that frankly, if Megamind had gotten a genuinely good sequel, they would've liked it all the same, even if it didn't include a 12-year-old TikTok influencer with a half-baked personality and forced role in the story. Because seriously, don't even get me STARTED on how forced her joining the gang felt, holy crap. 😓 But that's a tangent for another day. Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe I'll just leave this meme here and move on.
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This was, of course, only one of many flaws this movie had, but I feel like other people have ranted enough about how the writing, character portrayals, poor animation, bad humor, and lame attempts at world-building did the original Megamind dirty.
Here's hoping one day Dreamworks wakes up, thinks smart, and decides to give us the Megamind 2 we deserve, so we can all happily toss this... project, into the realm of non-canon media, where it belongs.
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roseluwakcoffee · 7 months
Apparently I have autism so now Kyoko has autism. Sorry I don't make the rules, I just enforce them
Assorted Kyoko headcanons below:
(Sorry for the double-bullet point formatting. Tumblr refuses to put Regular spaces between bullet points and it would be hard to read otherwise)
First of all Kyoko has no idea she has autism until she's an adult. I don't think her grandfather even considered it when she was younger
Since she lived with him since she was 6, her special interest is in detective work. She also genuinely loves mystery stories outside of that
Also she says she’s secretly passionate about coffee, which she must’ve picked up from her grandfather. She probably has particular brands she prefers and has her own coffee maker because it’s her lifeblood, and can give a full analysis on whatever cup she tries if you ask
I can’t confirm but it seems like Kyoko doesn't have any friends at the all-girls school outside of Yui in DRK when she's 13, so yeah. Probably kept to herself for most of her time in school as a kid because she wasn't encouraged to make friends, and her main focus was on becoming a detective
This definitely leads to her talking to everyone like they're an adult coworker, regardless of age
When she first joins Hope’s Peak she barely speaks to anyone unless prompted to. Multiple students probably think Kyoko dislikes them because of that and how direct her responses can be, but she warms up to the rest of the class over the course of the months and some mandatory group activities
And she doesn’t like small talk, like she says in-game. I feel like she was raised thinking there had to be a clear point to conversations, and gets actively frustrated/confused when people try to talk to her about meaningless things
Even though she came to Hope’s Peak just to settle things with Jin, she avoids him like the plague and barely speaks to him the whole first year. Every time she considers it she realizes that’s a lot of emotional baggage and does not know how to deal with it, so avoids it entirely instead. During the break she has more time to think and over the course of the second year, they're on speaking terms
She stims without really knowing it. When her hands are free she's either fiddling with her braid, her sleeves, or thumbing over the studs on her gloves. She also bounces her leg sometimes if she's working at her desk
And her hands. First of all in DRK it does say her nerves weren't damaged, luckily. But look with how scarred they still visibly are in DR1 and the fact that she was caught in a literal explosion I call BS. I imagine there's some permanent damage and the gloves help deal with the sensitivity
She probably deals with random pains and involuntary movements that get better over the years, but still deal with occasionally dropping/knocking over things
She can do most things fine, but writing can be difficult/painful. She still feels the need to take notes on anything important, so that doesn't stop her, but her handwriting is slightly hard to read unless she writes slowly. When she's older she probably figures out it's easier to use a computer
She hates any sort of loud or sudden noise. Just in general I think she loves being in silence and finds it comforting, but usually uses quiet music when she’s working. (Once she gets her hands on some noise-canceling headphones tho… she’ll never take them off and you might never hear from her again)
She really likes the dark too. Like in her own house she would hardly have the lights on when she isn’t reading or working bc she loves sitting in the void, it’s just relaxing
And she gets real attached to her personal belongings. She doesn’t own much but keeps the things she gets forever. Gifts are like prized possessions to her. And even with things like her work shirts, she will be personally hurt if one of them gets stained or torn. As soon as she can fix it she’ll calm down but she’s very protective of her stuff
She takes getting hurt or betrayed very seriously too. Even just opening up to someone is a big step, so if she trusts you and you break it the rejection sensitivity hurts bad. She’ll get very upset and shut down emotionally, completely avoiding you until she can process her feelings (Like did u see how she treated Makoto for keeping one thing to himself once she didn’t even wanna eat in the same room with him at breakfast)
She hates crowds and loud spaces, she finds them both overwhelming and irritating and will not hesitate to find a way to leave or step out for a while if she can. If she needs to she’ll endure them anyway but anyone who knows her does not expect her to stay long at most events
And she finds the heat unbearable. She will complain internally if it's anything above 80 degrees, and it probably makes wearing her gloves uncomfortable. (Also when Makoto mentions how humid it is in the garden room she immediately says it's pretty uncomfortable and leaves)
She loves the cold tho, like she actively enjoys snowy weather and looks forward to it every year. And in general she keeps her room at like icebox temperatures
She admits she likes plain cereal for breakfast already so… I don’t need to elaborate. Kyoko probably has like five meal options she cycles between but basically still eats the same thing everyday. Especially if she lives on her own I think she has no idea how to cook beyond anything w basic instructions so she’ll buy 20 packs of something premade or microwaveable and hope it’ll last her some weeks
Also Kyoko gets so offended when you ask if she likes cup ramen and she says the thought of it makes her ill so… probably certain kinds of tastes and smells she cannot handle(Edit: Like coriander. Whether that's cilantro or the spice is up to your imagination!). Like she mentions being sensitive to fragrances so perfumes probably give her a headache if they’re too strong
And I think she does the thing of always looking like she frowning slightly about something, but not because she’s upset, just because there’s always some slightly uncomfortable sensation outside the comfort of her room. Either that or a blank stare, depending on her mood
Thats it. If you somehow made it to the end of the post, congrats and thank you for listening to my kyoko thoughts!
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capybaraonabicycle · 4 months
You know something I am really sad about is how the TARDIS interior changed for tenteen. It would have been a whole different story if the clothes had been normal but like this? Everthing the Doctor was just vanished and got replaced. The screwdriver coming out of nothing? The outfit? A new fancy TARDIS?
10 kept the TARDIS from 9 and 12 from 11. 13 had to fight to get her TARDIS back and built herself a new screwdriver in the meantime. 11 had to let her recalibrate until she was usable again and gave him a new screwdriver (? I think ? Don't quite remember where he got the sonic) All of them CHOSE their new outfit and had a whole thing where they searched for it.
And tenteen just gets all those things like this, appearing in his lap. Which is convenient, sure, but I feel like he really lost the identification process on the way. Maybe not as important for him as he knows the body and mind and companion already (in theory) but like, I am not surprised he is going through it like this. He just wanted to hang on to Yaz, wasn't allowed that, lost her, decided she was gonna be excited for change, didn't really get change either and then everything they could hold onto as part of their last identity, everything that was theirs to let go off, just got ripped out of his hands replaced with a weird mixture of 'look how new and nice and shiny' and 'isn't that lovely reminiscent of 4 bodies ago'. No wonder they are running on their gingiva*, I would be so lost and disoriented in his place.
And then obviously from a meta pov I dislike that 15 is apparently copying tenteen's TARDIS now. We got a scene of tenteen exploring the new TARDIS and being excited but for 15 he has already had 1.5 adventures with her. And while we couldn't put tenteen into the old clothes it was okay to put 15 in underwear? Wouldn't it have made much more sense to have the weird clothes' thing happen with the mitosis regeneration? (like, I wouldn't have liked that either but it is a little weird how tenteen got a full suit and 15 got the bare minimum)
And I hate how it feels like every part that made the Doctor 13 got erased as quickly as possible. Luckily, there were a few references at least - if no one got me I know the psychic paper got me <3 - and I GET why the fam didn't show up in the puppet show but like, couldn't you have left tenteen the TARDIS interior at least? I am sure Donna would have liked the crystal columns <3
It feels very rtd to have tenteen showered with gifts he can't even want and that are way too much while others are erased or overshadowed by him and get the leftovers.
On a similar note, I was also direly missing post-regeneration haze for both of them. Who knows (well people who have watched the Christmas special, I guess), maybe that's yet to come for 15? But like how are they supposed to function without running about without a clue and passing out every 5s for a day or two?
*German expression, means to be on one's last legs
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annierosaart · 3 months
Ask game:
Fandom: RWBY 3, 19; Arknights 13, 15, 16.
Ship: FiaExu 10, 16; TexLapp 1, 9
Character: Exusiai 5, 7; Gavial 17, 20
Forgot to answer, my bad!
3 - ...which scene I would like to erase from the universe and why.
Weiss getting stabbed so Jaune could unlock his semblance. Yeah.
19 - ...one behind-the-scenes trivia fact I've learned somewhere and my thoughts on it.
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from the Volume 9 commentary. get this shit away from me.
Arknights: (presume when i say fanon, i mean the queerer part of it, not the very reddit part)
13 - ...which canon or popular fanon relationship I can't stand or feel 'meh' about and why.
i've talked about how on the best of days i'm neutral towards FiaMos, and usually just don't like it, but here's a 'hot' take specifically for the side of the fandom i'm in:
PL just. does not read as a polycule to me. for various reasons i won't get into, you can DM me about it, but i'm really just meh on it, they don't feel close in that way.
also despite loving Mumu, SaMuel as an actual thing just doesn't do much for me, soz.
15 - ...which character I would choose for the chopping block if I knew the writers wanted to kill someone.
I think one that has the potential to end up being a meaningful death would be Hoshiguma or Swire. Note that I don't dislike them, far from it, I just think the death of either would shake things up for the LGD gang's dynamics in a compelling way.
16 - ...which character's death would (or did) make me rage-quit.
knowing Outcast's fate has made it difficult for me to start catching up on Act 2, haha. but not enough to rage-quit. if i had to say... Blaze. her hypothetically dying at this point would be for cheap shock value alone.
10 - ...rate the level of stupid they reach in their pining.
on a scale of "regular" to "no media literacy" in stupid... burns ramen in the microwave. hopelessly pining, thinking the other has no interest in them, when it's mutual, extremely so. like lovers exchanging sexually charged letters in the 1800s.
16 - ...three of my fic recs for this ship. And (in the event that I've written something for them) one of my fics involving them that I'm most proud of.
brother there's barely that many to begin with. but!
Birdhouse In Your Soul by burstfoot on Ao3 (and tumblr! hi @burstfoot)
The movie was a pretense to curl up on the couch with you. by inRemote on Ao3 and tumblr as well, made for me as a gift!
aaand the Arknights Drabble Collection by wolfgirlsmooches, the FiaExu sections :3
... aand of course, the one I'm most proud of?
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1 - ...about my absolute favorite of their scenes and why I love it so much.
a tie between the sexually charged chocolate feeding (for obvious reasons) and the truck scene. the truck scene has a place in my heart specifically because it is the most direct homage Arknights has made to Yakuza/Lika A Dragon, specifically to Majima's various truck stunts!
9 - ...what my ideal endgame for them is.
what Kiryu and Majima end up having: a bittersweet, tenuous rivalry that at the same time is lined by an understanding that only they are allowed to kill each other, no one else.
5 - ...if I feel like the writers mistreat them or if the story would be better if they were taken down a peg.
please for the love of god let her participate in laterano events i'm begging on my knees it's literally her place of birth
7 - ...the scene that I think adds depth to their character or the relationship this character has with someone.
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2-7 after. despite an earlier comment of Exusiai's showing she still has a lot to learn about Infected, this is one of the first... and also few examples we get of a Sankta directly sympathizing with others.
other examples of this always come from Ezell and herself, which I think is no coincidence.
the anime emphasizes this further by having her get mad on the Infected's behalf
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17 - ...how well they'd do if they got dropped in a horror movie.
gavial is half serious, half gag character. that gag half protects her from any serious harm a horror movie villain could do to her.
20 - ...my queer headcanon for them. Unless they're canonically queer, in which case whether or not I think they're good representation or kinda badly explored.
Bisexual, demiromantic!
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