#I don't know why but I felt a strong need to say this- 😭
aroace-spec-empire · 1 month
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scatteredskittless · 4 months
hello!! i saw you wanted requests and I was wondering if you would be willing to write some platonic headcanons for the Hazbin Hotel crew with a reader who has chronic pain. (i totally get if you don't want to) thank you so much and I'm excited to see what you write in the future 😺
Hazbin Hotel Crew x Chronic pain having! GN! Reader
A/n: tysm for the request !! This is my first time writing something like this so I hope it’s okay :3 (if there’s anything I got wrong, please correct me)
Warnings: Mentions of chronic pain and disability (but like.. that’s pretty obvious lol)
Fluff✔️ Comfort✔️ Angst❌ Smut❌
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‧₊˚✧ Alastor ✧˚₊‧
📻𖤐 After a while of Alastor observing you, as he does with most, he’d notice your body language and think the way you acted was a bit odd…
📻𖤐 Not in a bad way, he just didn’t understand at first why you sometimes visibly look like you were in pain or even just hobbling around to get somewhere
📻𖤐 it definitely raised his brow…
📻𖤐 Before actually approaching you and asking you about it, I’d like to think he made one of the egg boiz spy on you like he did in that one episode 😭😭
📻𖤐 I don’t know what he was expecting though. The only somewhat valuable piece of information he gathered from what the little talking egg had told him was that it saw you taking pain medication. Which did not narrow it down at all and not much of his curiosity had been quenched quite yet..
📻𖤐 So, one peaceful and early morning in the hotel, he decided it’d be best to just ask you about it.
📻𖤐 “My dear, are you feeling alright? You look to be quite discomforted…?” He’d ask casually as he took a sip from his coffee mug, one brow raised and his eyes fixed on yours, pretending like he hadn’t noticed this before today.
📻𖤐 After a chat, he was informed you had something called “chronic pain”. He asked a few questions, nodding when he got the answers and once he was satisfied, he walked off back to his quarters in the hotel.
📻𖤐 After all, he had so much research to do.
📻𖤐 Adding onto that last once I do feel as though Alastor would do more research on it when you decided to tell him about your condition.
📻𖤐 Mostly for his own benefit of learning something new since he hadn’t heard of this before… but it came in handy if you ever needed a bit of a helping hand.
📻𖤐 Like, if you happened to have a flare up or just a particularly bad day he’d sit with you and made sure you rested up.
📻𖤐 He wouldn’t verbally express it but he did take pity on you. How unfortunate you were in constant agony.
📻𖤐 He is a sadistic little fuck though so he’d probably find it mildly entertaining or at the very least fascinating to see what’d make you tick or was a challenge for you
📻𖤐 Although he’d try to be careful not to push you too much.
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‧₊˚✧ Angel Dust ✧˚₊‧
🕸️ᥫ᭡ We all know Angel Dust doesn’t have much of a filter so it wouldn’t take him long to ask you why you could barely stand upright for too long or look like you’re genuinely struggling all the time.
🕸️ᥫ᭡ In fact, he’s more perceptive than people would like to think he is. He noticed it shortly after you two had met.
🕸️ᥫ᭡ He’d probably come off a bit strong, saying something along the lines of “toots? Ya alright over there? Ya don’t look so uhhh.. you don’t look too hot.” As he gave you a one over.
🕸️ᥫ᭡ You could tell he wasn’t trying to be insulting to you though, he was just concerned and wanted to know what was troubling you. It showed ever so slightly on the spiders face.
🕸️ᥫ᭡ Once you explained to Angel your condition he felt bad. Like, huh? Whatdoya mean you sometimes have trouble even getting outta bed in the morning because of how much pain you’re in?? Sometimes you neglect your own basic needs because you’re in constant pain?
🕸️ᥫ᭡ As he tired to wrap his head around the thought, he’d ask if there’s anything he could do to help. Of course though, there wasn’t much he could do.
🕸️ᥫ᭡ From that day on, Angel would try to make things at least a little easier for you. You had earned the title of his friend, after all. Why would he let his friend suffer alone?
🕸️ᥫ᭡ He loves to cook and is pretty good at it so expect a few homemade meals on him at least a few times <3
🕸️ᥫ᭡ If you ever had a flare up you better fucking believe he’d sit there with you and just talk. He rambles like an old man lol
🕸️ᥫ᭡ Also 100% has movie nights with you with both of you guys’ favourite snacks.
🕸️ᥫ᭡ Oh and of course his pig Fat Nuggets would be joining you two
🕸️ᥫ᭡ And thankfully the little guy adores you. Which gains some points with Angel
🕸️ᥫ᭡ The piggy would crawl into your lap if you were up for it. He’s pretty light and his oinks and squeals are bound to make you crack a smile
🕸️ᥫ᭡ Angel is no stranger to feeling pain, so he knows how much it sucks.
🕸️ᥫ᭡ That’s why I believe he’d be one of the best people to tell. You’re his friend and wants to make sure you’re okay as possible.
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‧₊˚✧ Husker ✧˚₊‧
🍺🃁 Husker, much like Angel, would notice almost immediately that something was up with you…
🍺🃁 At first Husk couldn’t place it. He just knew that he didn’t often see you standing up straight for long periods of time and that you looked like you were constantly unwell.
🍺🃁 Was it just bad migraines? He’s never really seen you drunk before so it’s not like it could be really bad hangovers.
🍺🃁 Plus, this has been going on since you arrived here so that seemed highly unlikely.
🍺🃁 Husk was the type of guy to keep it to himself though. If it didn’t concern him, why bother saying anything about it?
🍺🃁 One day though, you sat yourself down at the bar and asked for some water. This time however, you looked worse than usual, practically doubled over as you stared down at the bar.
🍺🃁 Even though Husk usually kept his mouth shut.. he couldn’t help but ask if you had a headache or something and if you needed some migraine medication.
🍺🃁 He wasn’t heartless.
🍺🃁 When you shook your head no slowly and told him you were just having a “flare up” he asked what you meant to which you gave a brief explanation of the condition you have.
🍺🃁 Suddenly, it all made sense. That’s why you looked like you were constantly in pain. It’s because you were.
🍺🃁 He slid you the ice cold water gently and observed you for a few moments before going back to wiping the glasses as he spoke to you.
🍺🃁 “If you need something don’t be afraid to ask for it.” He’d say, his deep voice trying to be as comforting as it can while also maintaining somewhat of a nonchalant tone.
🍺🃁 Then, after that, it became routine for you to sit at the bar with him.
🍺🃁 He definitely wasn’t complaining. It was nice getting to know you and since you had a place to just sit and rest, he got to see you more often.
🍺🃁 you swiftly became good friends with him and he was pretty helpful when it came to your condition.
🍺🃁 he’d do his best to check up on you often :)
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‧₊˚✧ Vaggie ✧˚₊‧
🗡️☪︎ Vaggie heard about your chronic pain from Charlie so there wouldn’t be a need to tell her about it lol
🗡️☪︎ I have a feeling she’d be a little awkward with attempting to help you out…
🗡️☪︎ Like it’s not like she can really make you feel better so it’s a bit of a struggle for her..
🗡️☪︎ But she does try her best though because she cares about you. You’re her friend.
🗡️☪︎ After a few motivational words from Charlie she’s good to go, attempting to comfort you.
🗡️☪︎ I have a feeling she’d try to help by grabbing you stuff you wanted or needed and chatting with you.
🗡️☪︎ She’s actually quite fun to converse with, she’s pretty sweet when she wants to be and can hold good conversations :))
🗡️☪︎ She’s a good listener so if you wanted to vent or just had something on your mind, she’d listen.
🗡️☪︎ During flareups, Vaggie would just stay by your side and wait it out with you, if you needed anything, she’d be on it and would be back pretty fucking quickly too 💀
🗡️☪︎ Would put a random show on if you wanted a distraction and might let you rest your head on her shoulder if you so desired
🗡️☪︎ I can’t think of much else for her other than the fact she’d try her best. Maybe mess up a few times but ultimately she means well and tries to be as understanding as she possibly can be <33
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‧₊˚✧ Charlie ✧˚₊‧
⭐️☀︎ The first thing you did when you arrived at the hotel was inform the very excited daughter of Lucifer that you had chronic pains so you might have to take it a bit slow when showing you around the Hazbin Hotel..
⭐️☀︎ And of course, Charlie being who she was, was very understanding and accepting of that fact.
⭐️☀︎ She’d heard about your condition before so making accommodations for you wouldn’t be an issue
⭐️☀︎ She’s a sweetheart so quite literally your biggest supporter
⭐️☀︎ Like, oh? You need something??Ohmygodwhydidntyoutellmesoonerhereitis :33
⭐️☀︎ Much like Vaggie, she’d sit and talk with you during your flareups
⭐️☀︎ Maybe make you a tea and discuss future plans and such for the hotel to get your mind off of things. Works sometimes surprisingly enough.
⭐️☀︎ She’s nice to talk to, very comforting vibes
⭐️☀︎ But it may get a bit annoying how many times she asks if you’re sure there’s nothing she can do to make your pain go away somehow lol
⭐️☀︎ Or even just how many times she asks if you need something. “Do you need anything? No? Are you sure? Okay…. But are you really sure?”
⭐️☀︎ Might stress herself out on occasion over it tbh😭🙏
⭐️☀︎ But she only means well, you know that.
⭐️☀︎ Her cat Keekee I’m sure would love to cuddle, the cute cyclopean kitty pushing its forehead against your hand for pets (only if you’re up to it, of course.)
⭐️☀︎ Asides from Angel, Charlie would definitely be the best person to tell in the hotel because like… genuinely she just wants to help In any way she can lol
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‧₊˚✧ Niffty ✧˚₊‧
🧼𐙚 Niffty is quite blunt as well, very out there and doesn’t really think before she speaks half of the time it just kinda comes out 😭
🧼𐙚 So.. she’d probably take one look at you, and ask why you’re in pain.
🧼𐙚 To which you’d explain to the little one eyed maid your condition, she’d think about it for a moment before asking a shitload of questions about it to which you answer :))
🧼𐙚 Other than that I don’t think Niffty would like… really do much?
🧼𐙚 Maybe clean for you
🧼𐙚 But there’s not much else she would do, realistically, she might forget about it and then ask again. Once you remind her she remembers tho lol
🧼𐙚 During your flareups I do believe like the others she’d sit with you for a while…
🧼𐙚 Before spotting a roach and scurrying off to go take care of the pest. Once done, she’d come back and the cycle repeats.
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Please do not repost, translate, or plagarize any of my fanfictions/writing/headcanons without permission ◟( ˃̶͈◡ ˂̶͈ )◞
ᯓ★ Scatteredskittless
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webslingingslasher · 3 months
ok this is random but😭
i had a dream the other day and idk why i didn’t tell you sooner bc it’s so you/trouble/us coded but i had a dream where i bit my man’s shoulder (im single) (hypothetical dream man) but i but it OFF and woke up crying like his flesh was in my mouth and there was blood and now i csnt jokingly bite my future bf bc i’m traumatised
oh my god. telling this to bf!peter im-
'wake up.' stiff pokes, your touch is swiped away. 'no.' you poke harsher, peter hisses around a breath. 'wake up.' he pulls towards the edge of his bed, you follow right behind.
'go away, i'm sleeping.'
'that's fine, i just need to tell you something.' peter lets out the most dramatic sigh you've ever heard. 'tell me.'
'i can't bite you anymore.'
two days ago you bit him so hard it left a perfect bruise in the shape of your mouth. when you saw it the next day, you cried and told him how sorry you were, peter said it was fine and it didn't hurt. it was kind of sad, peter had never seen you so guilty before.
'don't tell me you're still crying over that. it was an accident and i promise it doesn't hurt.' you frown, you weren't talking about that but you think that's where the idea came from.
'i just had a dream i bit you and like, i bit your arm off.'
peter rolls over, he's got two perfect arms. 'trust me, trouble. you've got jaws of steel, but they're not that strong.' peter's the one who brought it up, you point at the fading purple.
'i did that.'
'and it's still attached.' peter shakes his arm out, 'see? wanna give it a nibble?'
'no! no more biting. no biting ever again, i can't control myself, obviously.'
'it's a minor flesh wound.'
'for now! what if i gave you a staph infection?'
'you didn't give me a staph infection.'
'how do we know that?'
'because you didn't break the skin, trouble.' you stare at the mark, it haunts you still. your lower lip trembles, you hurt him. 'petey,' it's that broken voice, the one that makes peter feel like a teddy bear, the mix between bringing comfort and a sense of protection.
it's all it takes for him to scoop you into his hold. 'c'mere, give me a hug.' you press against him tight. 'i hurt you.' peter holds his lips to your forehead, you caused damage and he's comforting you.
'minorly. i’ve bruised you before, too. i didn’t beat myself up over it.’ you snort, he didn’t cry but he felt terrible. peter went in a little hard on sex one night, his fingertips bruised little marks into your hips where he held you. the next morning he kissed them over and over while he whispered apologies.
‘liar. you freaked the next morning.’ peter hums, he remembers. ‘of course i did. i bruised my girlfriend the same night i got her.’ you want to squeal, each time he says it feels like you take flight.
‘then you understand why i’m upset. i mortally wounded my boyfriend, the person i love most.’ you gasp, you hadn’t even thought of it like this, but it’s even worse.
you push back to stare into his eyes, your thumb brushes over the purple ring. ‘i hurt spider-man!’ you kiss over the bruise, you can’t believe you hurt your hero like this.
‘i almost bit spider-man’s arm off.’
peter rolls his eyes, ‘no, you almost bit your boyfriends arm off.’
‘spider-man is my boyfriend.’
‘peter was your boyfriend first.’ you hold up a finger, ‘technically- you told me you-‘
‘technically nothing. you’ve known peter for longer, that’s who your boyfriend is.’
you shake your head at him. ‘well, technically-‘ peter flips you to your back, you blink wildly at the sudden movement. ‘technically nothing. spider-man was collateral to get peter to be your boyfriend.’
you raise your eyebrows, peter hides his hands under the warmth of your shirt. ‘baby, i only said yes because i knew i’d be dating spider-man.’
peter pouts sympathetically, ‘i hate to tell you this, trouble. but… spidey is pretty upset about the impending staph infection. peter on the other hand… is strong and brave.’
you agree with him. ‘yeah! you’re the strong one, you can handle your arm being bit off. i mean, i’ll never bite you again, but you could handle it.’
‘trouble, as long as you’re the gnawing my arm off, i’d be fine with it.’ you pout up at him, peter thinks he said the wrong thing again and tries to backtrack.
you stop him. ‘i’m not sad, petey. i’m in love. you’d give an arm for me.’ peter gives you three quick kisses, ‘i’d give you anything.’
you murmur against his lips, ‘like being able to call spider-man my boyfriend?’ peter presses in harshly, you think he might’ve bruised your bottom lip in retaliation.
‘almost anything.’
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appleblueberry-pie · 10 days
When Gojo asks why we won’t just be with him we tell him that he isn’t worth it 😔🫰
He isn’t worth the body or the history… I know a lot of people like to brag about having exes and body’s but that shit is so embarrassing to me 😭 like I feel like a whore because a boy kissed me in like middle school and he was a BOY. Boys are so gross omg-anyway-
Like why would I date you if we’re gonna break up? Get out of my face bro 😔
"....Is that what you became friends with me for? I'm not interested in dating you, Gojo."
Gojo never knew you were the type to reject people like him. He was everything you wanted in a man and he knew it. Money, extroverted, very fine, strong, tall, sexy, intelligent, all of the above. So....why did you say no to his confession? I repeat, HE CONFESSED and you rejected HIM. He couldn't help but accidentally voice his thoughts.
He leans back in surprised and scrunches his eyebrows at your response. "What?" You raise your eyebrows at his answer and continued eating the food he bought you at this expensive cafe that you now loved. ".....What? Never been rejected before?" You laughed at his response and kept eating. He wasn't gonna pressure you into dog shit, he could kiss ass. You did like his qualities. But with how the dating pool is currently, you wouldn't be surprised if he had three bitches lighting his phone up currently. You had zero hope in all men unless they don't use their phones at all and instead told you the worst jokes on planet in hopes of swooning you.
You would rather not date him. He was nice eye candy though. He gains his composure back and leans on the table. "Yeah, I have been, but I felt like we were both interested in each other, you know...?" You nod, understanding what he meant. "Yeah....sorry if it seemed like I was leading you on." He shakes his head, still incredibly butt hurt inside. "No, it's not your fault."
Why did you say no? He wants to ask desperately. Too many questions filled his mind at the possibilities. Were you lesbian and he was too stupid to realize? Was he not your type at all whatsoever? Was he too stuck up like Suguru said? He doesn't know. "Is it okay if I ask what made you say no?"
You shrug and look up in thought. "Well, it's not you, it's just....too much is happening right now. And I mean with everyone. Too many people are love-bombing each other, there's no genuine connection ever, then there's 'situationships', and a looot of people my age don't have patience for long-term relationships and it's just....i feel like- ugh i guess I'll say it. But I feel like you're the perfect person to have all of those qualities. You're very attractive, Satoru, so....I don't know if I'm ready to trust you enough not to put those labels on your head. It's dumb, but yeah. And I do too much with relationships. I put too much time and energy into the person I'm with, and i hate doing that knowing that there are so many people who've just neglected my needs in return. Basically, I love trauma."
Satoru watched you the entire time you spoke, so you found it hard to continue speaking, but you managed to push through. "Fuck them." You roll your eyes and he takes one of your fries, eating them. "I'm serious. I can give you everything you want and need y/n. I wouldn't ask you out if I didn't have a major attraction and connection to you."
You didn't look impressed, but he was determined. "I agree with you. None of the girls I tried to date just wanted me for sex. I know you would treat me better than that. And I would be willing to give you the love and respect you deserve. I get....I don't want to say this, but I get really happy at the thought of being able to provide for you. All I want is you. And it's okay if you don't want me now."
He takes a piece of your cake and eats it without your permission. "I'm willing to wait."
I'm sorry I took forever with this omg. This is the start of many. I might do like 6 more tomorrow. I need sleep.
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thelov3lybookworm · 4 months
My Fault (part 3)
Part 1 Part 2
Summary: Starting over.
A/n: Lol i just know half of you all gonna hate me for this, but this is the only way i could think of that would be good. I dont think making her end up with someone ese would have helped, so if you dont want her to end up with cass, then please dont read this.
also, why does sarah not tell us how people who cant winnow travel??? 😭😭😭
anyways, enjoy!
Nina's excitement was palpable as Y/n slowly inserted the key into the front door of the home she shared with her husband, trying not to make too much noise in case he was in there, probably sleeping.
It was no use though, Y/n found out once she entered and ran up to her bedroom. Nina had just plopped down unceremoniously on the couch, telling Y/n to hurry up.
The moment Y/n pushed open the closed door to her and Cassian's bedroom -which she was sure was open when she left- she was hit with the strong scent of her husband.
Y/n froze on the threshold, staring wide eyed at her husband, who was on his knees in the middle of the room, fat tears rolling down his face.
He looked up, his eyes containing a world of pain and sadness and guilt and too may emotions that Y/n could not categorise them all.
"Cass?" Y/n mumbled, daring to take a step towards him. He released an anguished cry and launched forward, a dull thud echoing in his wake.
Cassian wrapped himself around Y/n's legs, sobbing into her abdomen. Y/n stared at the top of his head with furrowed brows, then rose her eyes to where he had been kneeling previously.
There, she found a worn diary lying on the wooden floor, left haphazardly. Y/n's blood chilled.
It was her diary.
Y/n usually hid it in her drawer, but she had been writing in it before she left to get coffee with Nina and everything went south.
Cassian had been gone more and more in the recent months, and to cope with all the sadness and need, Y/n began jotting down all that she felt in her empty diary.
And now he had read it all.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
Y/n was still frozen when she realised that her blouse was sticking to her skin because of his tears. "Tell you what?"
"Everything. Why did you not tell me how much you'd been hurting? Why did you not tell me that I'd been a shitty husband?"
Y/n watched his shoulder shake with every violent sob that ripped out of his chest, numbness spreading through her. "You were never around long enough for me to say anything."
He sobbed harder at that, and Y/n couldn't take it anymore. She let her hand drift to the top of his head, gently caressing his soft hair.
"My love, why are you crying?" Y/n reached down, cupping his jaw and tilting his head back. She ran her thumb across his cheek, wiping away the tears that never stopped, her other hand still resting in his hair.
More tears flowed from his eyes, and he opened his mouth to speak, but right at that moment, Nina spoke up from behind Y/n. Y/n hadn't even heard Nina walk up the stairs, so busy was she getting lost in her lover's eyes.
"Get away from her you bastard."
Y/n turned halfway, Cassian's death grip on her lessening just a little as he too peered from around Y/n. Y/n absently noted that Nina had left her bag down in the living room.
"Nina, please-"
"Y/n, don't. You just told me you wanted to leave, heal. What happened now? Are you having second thoughts?"
Y/n felt Cassian freeze, and she sighed, glaring at Nina. "You... you are leaving?"
"Thank you so much Nina, just what I needed." Y/n bit out, turning her back to her friend and glancing down at her kneeling husband. His skin was pale, paler than Y/n had ever seen him.
"What! I just helped you out! You had to tell him anyways!"
"Yes Nina, but I would have been more gentle!"
Nina huffed as Y/n grabbed Cassian's forearms and tugged. He complied, climbing to his feet as new tears gathered in his eyes. Y/n ignored her friend and grabbed Cassian's face tenderly in her hands.
"Cass? I... I need to leave."
"Why?" He whispered.
"I don't think I can handle letting your family walk all over me anymore. I need to stand up for myself. I'm sorry Cass, but I need to do this. Even if it kills me, I need to leave."
"I- they're your family too." His voice was quiet and uncertain, as though he knew Y/n would not believe him.
Y/n gave him a small, pained smile. "I don't think they feel that way."
"Please don't go Y/n. Rhys is feeling guilty for what he did. I'm sure everyone else is too. Maybe they're on their way here to apologise."
"Never seen anyone more delusional." Nina murmured from behind Y/n.
Before Y/n could even get a word out, Nina piped up.
"If you really want to be with her, you can come with us. Leave this hell court."
Cassian ignored Nina again.
"Y/n, please don't go. I need you. We can all start over again. I promise they will realise how wrong they were."
"It's too late now. Give us a straight answer. If you love her, leave this place and come with us. If not, stay here and rot."
"Come on, Y/n. I can't leave them. They're my family."
"And she is not? You should not feel obligated to love someone because they're your family or whatever."
Cassian glared at Nina, then mumbled to Y/n. "Are you not going to defend me from her?"
"Like you defended her from your asshole family?"
Y/n could see Cassian trying to hold back a snarl at that, and she sighed, pinching her nose bridge between her forefinger and thumb. "Y/n. We need to talk. Alone."
Y/n nodded, glancing at her friend, who rolled her eyes. "I will be standing outside. Call for me when you're done."
She looked like she wanted to slam the door shut as she left, but she simply pulled it until it made a soft click.
Y/n turned to Cassian, offering him a tentative smile.
Cassian took a step back. "I- I'll start from the beginning."
Y/n nodded uncertainly, wondering what he wanted to tell her. He grabbed Y/n's hand, gently tugging her to the end of the bed and sitting her down onto it.
"I... I don't know how to explain, but I'll try." Cassian took a deep breath as he settled into a kneeling position in front of Y/n. "First of all, I need you to know that I only ever kissed Nesta, and that was when I was drunk out of my mind."
He released a breath before continuing, clutching Y/n's hands as if they were his lifeline. "I... I know that isn't an excuse for what I did, and I never should have been at Rita's that night, but it happened, and I don't think anything I do or say will justify it.
"It started that day a year ago. When Rhys wanted to send me on a month long mission. Asshole, now that I think of it. I just now realise it for the plot it was." Cassian shook his head in disbelief. "He told me no one else could do it and that only I could do it. That should have alerted me, but alas, I now know that I'm very thick skulled."
A small giggle left Y/n, and Cassian's eyes rose to her lips, a little of life returning to the dull hazel. He smiled softly as his eyes met Y/n's, and her breath hitched. It had been far too long since the two of them had time like this.
"I remember you cried that day. That was the first time I'd seen you cry. I was so stressed because I did not want to leave you. That would have been the first time that I would be away from you for longer than a day. You told me you would write to me everyday."
Y/n could remember it very vividly. The way she had sobbed into Cassian's chest just as he was about to leave, the way she had stared up at him as his tears fell too. It had been a nightmare, to put it nicely.
"But you never did-"
Y/n interrupted him. "What do you mean I never did?"
Cassian glanced up at Y/n from where he was playing with her fingers, meeting her eyes with furrowed brows. "You never wrote to me? I never received any letters."
Y/n's lips parted in confusion. "I- I wrote to you everyday Cass. Sometime even multiple times a day."
Cassian stared at her in disbelief, and Y/n could see the gears in his brain churning. His mouth opened a few times, wanting to speak but no words coming out before realisation set in his features.
Y/n searched Cassian's eyes as anger and betrayal entered them, coming to the same realisation.
"Oh Cass." Y/n mumbled, reaching up to cup his cheek.
"Fucker." Cassian said under his breath, his wings flaring slightly.
After a moment of Cassian cursing Rhys and his entire family line, he continued. "I never received those letters, so I was a little upset because I was looking forward to writing you. When I returned, I decided that it would be best to give Rhys all the information I had before coming home so I could spend some days with you, locked away with no one interrupting us.
"But when I arrived, Rhysand said things about you that riled me up. He told me that he had asked you multiple times if you had to send any letters and that each time you told him to, basically, fuck off. I did not believe him, but it kept happening every time I was gone, to the point where I was starting to wonder if you liked me at all."
Cassian rested his head on their joined hands, releasing a deep breath. "I never should have believed that bastard, never should have doubted you. And I will forever regret that. Rhys also kept up with his manipulating to get me away from you, I see that now. I should have stopped him the first time he said things about you, but I guess I didn't want to upset him after everything he's done for me."
"He is your family, isn't he? He would not have expected anything of you." Y/n told him, making him nod.
"I know. Recently, after Feyre and her sister's arrival, Rhys started to gaslight me into thinking I liked Nesta. He made me spend more time with her, train her. He got so much out of it. For one, he could get me away from you, whatever his reasons. By assigning me to Nesta, he could keep her busy and out of the way.
"He... he really fucked up my mind. He is a daemati after all. Yesterday at Rita's, I realised something was wrong. That I couldn't put up my shields properly. Then the next thing I knew, I was kissing Nesta. I left soon after, not wanting to be near any longer."
He sucked in a tired breath, his hold tightening on Y/n's hands. She gave him a gentle squeeze and he continued. "Today, when I was about to come home, Rhys convinced me to stay till dinner. And I just... somehow couldn't say no. It was like- like..."
Cassian trailed off, his wide eyes meeting his wife's.
"Oh Cassian." Y/n slid onto his lap, pulling him close. "I'm so sorry he did that to you. I wish I had known what was happening sooner so I could stop it from ever happening."
Cassian shook his head, staring at the wall behind Y/n's head, his features distant.
"Not your fault. You could not have stopped it from happening."
Y/n knew that, but that didn't stop her from wanting to rip off Cassian's brother's head. Hell, she wished at least she's gotten a little bit of power from her parents so she could do anything to stop what Rhys had been doing to Cassian.
She could not even winnow, so what was she even worth? At least this Nesta was powerful enough to be mated to Cassian.
"I just- I just don't understand why he wanted you to be with Nesta."
Without moving his eyes, still that far off look on his face, Cassian mumbled. "She is my mate, and the mother pairs people who can produce the strongest offspring." Finally, Cassian met Y/n's gaze, his eyes haunted. "He wanted me to produce as strong as an offspring I could."
Y/n's heart broke for her husband. She knew how much the high lord mattered to him, and the betrayal she felt would probably not even compare to what he was feeling.
Cassian opened his mouth on a gasp, about to say something when knock drew their attention, stopping Cassian from speaking.
"Are you done yet?" Nina's voice called out. Y/n looked from the door to Cassian. He stared at the door like it had caused him some personal offence. "The caravan will not wait up for us, and only an hour is left-"
"Caravan?" Cassian questioned Y/n, turning to look at her as his hands fell to her waist. Y/n nodded.
"Neither of us can winnow, so Nina had to contact a friend who knew of an agent. He technically transports people from one court to another on horse and carriages."
Understanding entered his eyes. "You- you really were going to leave."
Y/n nodded, making to pull away from him so she could start packing up. His hold on her tightened.
"Please don't go. I need you. I will make it up to you, I promise. I will wait forever if that's what it takes to earn your forgiveness." His eyes were again filled with tears, making it harder for Y/n to turn away.
"Cass... I won't forgive you. Not anytime soon at least. But... maybe I can give you one last chance."
The tears overflowed from his eyes even as a huge grin split his face. "Thank you. Thank you so much my heart. I will not let you down again."
Y/n studied him for a moment, smiling when he started laughing softly while wiping at his tear stained cheek with the sleeve of his shirt. Y/n gently pushed back some stray strands of hair from his face, placing a kiss on his forehead.
"Maybe we can start all over again. Like we never knew each other."
Cassian nodded. "Even though what good times we had together are precious to me, I don't think we can mend this. We need to start over."
Y/n smiled wide for the first time in what felt like months, genuine joy singing through her blood. "Let's get ready then."
Nina's pov.
It was around ten minutes after that the door opened, and Nina nearly fell to her knees and thanked the mother for it. She was getting bored standing out here all by herself.
And in the next moment Nina wondered if she was dreaming.
Y/n stood in the doorway, a huge smile and blush on her face. That was not what shocked Nina, though it played a part in it.
No, it was Cassian, who stood behind Y/n, holding two duffel bags over his shoulder, a quiet joy on his face.
Nina rose a brow at the couple, who only grinned. Releasing a disbelieving sigh, Nina pushed away from the wall she was leaning against.
"I had booked an extra seat just in case. Thank the mother I did."
Y/n grabbed Nina in a quick hug, and her happiness brought a small smile to Nina's lips as well.
Y/n turned and practically skipped down the stairs, happy to leave. Cassian moved to follow, but Nina caught his arm. He looked down at her, his brows raised high.
"Don't you dare hurt her now. Or I will fucking carve your wings from your back. Understood?" If possible, his eyebrows rose higher, almost disappearing into his hairline. Obviously, Nina wished Y/n never forgive him, but Nina also knew how happy the brute made her best friend, and that was all Nina could ask for.
He studied her for a moment, then nodded, pulling his arm away from her. "Hmm. Good."
With that, both of them followed Y/n, ready to start all over again, make a new life.
Taglist: @mybestfriendmademe @awkwardnerd @cleverzonkwombatsludge @blogforficslol @fasoaurore @fanboyluvr @darling006 @sonics-atelier @saltedcoffeescotch @lees-chaotic-brain @leeknows-wife
General Taglist: @bubybubsters @eos-princess @nightless @harrystylesfan2686 @cassie6392 @kennedy-brooke @tele86 @miluiel1 @hnyclover @minnieoo @sidrapotter @piceous21 @mybestfriendmademe @anuttellaa
Cassian Taglist: @moonlwghts
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httpiastri · 3 months
can we talk about how soft paul would be when he just wakes up?:(
imagine you wake up first and you go to the bathroom to wash your face and do all the things you need, a little distracted and lost in thought so you didn't realise when Paul got in ??!? his big arms around your waist:((( asking you why you're not in bed with him, his voice all sleepy and his curls all messy but so beautiful and he'd definitely start giving you lazy kisses on your neck and shoulder bc he wants all your attention and you're just there melting at every little thing he does 🫠
:(( paul :(((( you're out here doing god's work angie, loved this idea so much 😭
– paul is a heavy sleeper me thinks. i see him as someone who is pretty hard to wake up (he'll have to have several loud alarms in a row if he's sleeping alone just to make sure he actually does wake up lol), and who always dozes off again if there's a chance. he'll wake up, say just a few words but keep his eyes shut, and then fall asleep again, and you'll be wondering if he ever even woke up in the first place or if he just talked in his sleep 😭 thoughhh if he fell asleep next to you, and you're suddenly not there, then he'll subconsciously know that something is wrong and he'll wake up much quicker than usual
– oh and he's a cuddler in his sleep, 100%. if he's got you in his arms when you fall asleep, you won't be able to break free. if you go into bed after he's already fallen asleep, you'll still find yourself in his arms when you wake up. he loves to bury his face in your hair or in your skin. or if it's been a rough day/week or if he's just missed you a lot, you can expect to have him rest on top of you, head propped up on your chest as he holds one of your hands 🥺
– i think he might be a light snorer…. i just get that feeling? idk? not so much that it bothers you, but you just find it cute and coo over it :(
– overall, i think sleepy mornings with him would be so so cute. the softest, cutest and most pure version of him and he's all yours? you're so lucky 🫶
oh and i felt like writing just a little little blurb…… sorry not sorry 🤭
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it's always hard to leave paul behind in bed, but not only because of his tight embrace around your body; it's almost painful to roll out of bed when the person you leave behind is him.
him and that sweet pout on his lips, the messy bed hair practically screaming at you to come brush your fingers through it, those rosy cheeks that you wish you could forever hold in your hands…
i'll be quick, you tell yourself, tiptoeing into the bathroom and quietly closing the door behind you. you hurry to brush your teeth, wash your face and do all of your other routines, but when you wipe the water off your face with a towel, you don't hear the door opening again. instead, the only sound that fills the room is your own squeal when you feel a pair of strong arms wrap around your waist.
"paul!" you whine, dropping the towel and giving his forearm a smack. "christ, you really scared me!"
he only hums as a response, and it just frustrates you even more – but then, all of your anger disappears when you take in the sight in the mirror.
his chin is propped up on your shoulder, eyes shut and body bending down to meet your height. the feeling of his warm breath and bare chest against your skin sends a shiver down your spine, and the way he leans his head against yours makes you pout subconsciously.
"come back to bed," he mumbles, words slurred as he nuzzles his nose into the crook of your neck.
"in just a minute," you lean forward slightly to grab a moisturizer out of your cabinet, the action triggering a groan to rumble from his chest. "i just have a few more things to do…"
he lets out a dismissive sound, shaking his head into your skin. "no, i want to go back now."
"you go back, then. i'll be right there." you twist off the lid off, taking some of the moisturizer onto your hands and massaging it into your skin. paul doesn't budge, though; he stays put, his hold around you tightening even further.
after a few seconds, his eyes slowly open and he lifts his head from you. the lack of contact immediately disappoints you, but just seconds later it's been replaced by his lips.
his kisses start behind your ear, slowly tracing down the side of you neck, not leaving even a single inch of skin unkissed. when he reaches your bare shoulder, his hands also begin to roam around your body and you can't help but squirm. "please, paul. that tickles," you say, doing your best to pretend like you don't love every second of it – but he can read you like the back of his hand. there's no way he'll stop now.
you leave your bottle without its lid on top of the sink, not caring anymore. he won.
"okay, oka–"
you don't even get to finish your word, because less than a second later, he's already pulled you back into bed and flopped down on top of you. "cuddle me, please?"
and how could you ever say no to him when he asks so nicely?
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facefullofsadness · 3 months
can u write bbangsaz x fem reader bsdm non-con with like mommy kink? thank uu
these newjeans ones always be so kinky bro like not my babies! 😭
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content - idol!bbangsaz x 6th member!reader (idol!au), not a lot of build-up or exposition/story, smut (threesome, non-con, blackmail, shower sex, cunnilingus, fingering, edging, bdsm themes, mommy kink, degradation, corruption kink, anal fingering)
wc - 2173
a/n - why is it so hard to find bbangsaz pics lmao, anyway I've been obsessed w this for days, minji and hanni are so fucking fine in this (unrelated to fic content but I needed to share :D)
hanni and minji were really good at acting like they liked you.
you were the last addition to newjeans after them already being 5 for a few months was decided. those two were deadset on them being complete at five members, but when ador told the girls that you would be added as a last minute addition, the two oldest girls were livid. dani, haerin, and hyein didn't mind, if anything they were excited to have another unnie. but bbangsaz felt threatened by your presence.
hanni was already the best vocalist and minji was a good contender for center, but both of those titles were swooped from their hands when you joined. not only had they assigned you as main vocalist, but also center. you were ruining everything the two oldest members had built in the amount of time they were five, and they had to stop you from getting too much power.
you three had left and went home after practice ended, the three younger members staying to get some extra practice in. you headed straight towards the shower and ran the warm water, getting in and letting it cascade down your bare body, relaxing under the warmth. suddenly, you hear the shower curtain slide open, feeling a strong grip around your wrists pinning you to the wall. your eyes shoot open to see a half naked minji towering over you, a half naked hanni outside the shower, holding up the camera you guys used for vlogs, arms crossed and a mischievous grin on her face.
"wh-what the fuck are you doing?!" you ask confused, raising your voice and trying to break free of minji's grip.
"putting you in your place princess! because that's what you are right, ador's princess?" hanni taunts behind the girl in front of you.
"what are you talking about?!" you continue to try and break free, turning red as you realize that you're literally wet and exposed to the two girls.
"stop being such a brat and quit fucking squirming my god, it's annoying," minji growls, digging her nails into your wrists, making you wince in pain.
"you took everything we worked so hard to get, I think it's only fair you give us something in return," hanni's voice echoes through the bathroom.
you panic and your heart beat starts to quicken with anxiety, "please! don't do this! stop, let me go!"
"shut the fuck up and just be the whore we know you are y/n. let us do what we want or else we'll make sure that video ruins your life," minji says lowly into your ear, her tone and breath making you shiver with fear.
"you heard her y/n-ie, just be our little slut and you'll be justtt fineeee," hanni says in a mocking tone, setting up the camera on the bathroom counter, entering the shower with you and minji.
your eyes start to water with tears as minji holds your hands behind your back and sucks at your neck, hanni's hands groping your tits and rubbing her thumbs roughly against your nipples.
"please stop!" you cry, sobs slowly starting to leave your throat.
hanni shuts you up by forcefully making out with you, shoving her tongue down your throat and whimpering in your mouth. you squirm in minji's hold and try to move away from the two girls forcing you into submission, but much to no avail as their touches and mouths just become more and more greedy with every kick of your legs and flail of your body. the tears that fall from your eyes join with the warm water hitting your cheeks as hanni pinches your nipples, making you scream on her tongue.
she pulls away and you sob hard, "please! let me go! what do you want, I'll do it!"
the two girls start to laugh on both sides of you, minji's laugh on your skin creating vibrations. she sighs, "you stupid little girl, can't you see we're already doing what we want and you're helping us. if you want to help even more, stop fucking resisting."
you close your eyes and hang your head in defeat, letting the tears escape and sobs leave your mouth. hanni continues to laugh in front of you, minji leaving hickeys wherever she wanted. you watch through clouded vision as the girl in front of you gets on her knees, parting your thighs and bringing her face close to your center.
"please..." you weakly sob out desperately once more, but it leaves in a whisper left ignored.
you feel a tongue flicking at your clit making you scream out and cry harder. joining hanni's tongue were minji's fingers, sliding between your entrance and teasing your hole.
she chuckles into your ear, "are you fucking wet?"
you shake your head, denying the accusation of the question. in truth, your body was betraying you, it was so sensitive to the girls' touches and advances so of course, the pleasure started building.
"no? why are you lying to me? you're obviously enjoying this if I could just slide right in..." minji slips two long fingers into your tight cunt.
hanni's mouth sucked so perfectly at your clit, tongue flicking against it inside of her mouth, minji's fingers found the delicious spot inside of you quick, curling her digits repeatedly against it at a pleasurable pace. you absolutely hated how good the girls felt fucking you as you sobbed with your head thrown back over minji's shoulder, biting your lip to suppress moans.
your body continued to betray you, feeling your hips grind down onto hanni's sloppy tongue and fucking yourself back against minji's skilled fingers.
the girl behind you whispers into your ear, "you like this don't you? your pussy just begging to get fingered and eaten out by us. bet you've been fucking yourself to the thought of this like the little horny bitch I know you are."
moans slip from your mouth and continue to fall out at her words, the feeling of her fingers now ramming into you and hanni's tongue spelling her name on your clit being so overwhelming. you feel the mouth on your pussy smile at your loss of control over your noises.
you begin panting and your moans get louder the closer to the edge they bring you. "wanna cum you little whore? want us to fuck you till you're begging for more?"
your eyes barely make out minji looking down at you. you don't respond, instead chasing for the release they built up inside of you. but of course, they take it away just as quickly, feeling the fingers deep inside slip out and the tongue swirling your throbbing clit slurp for the last time. you whine and whimper at the loss of contact and your thighs tremble, hanni holding your hips so you don't stumble and fall over.
you hear the sound of the water being turned off before they drag your drenched body into your room, manhandling you onto all fours. you're so dazed and confused, you barely process the lacey material tying your wrists together behind your back. your body jolts and you moan out as you feel a tongue thrust deep into your pussy, head collapsing against your mattress. someone pulls your head up by your hair and you open your eyes to see hanni sprawled out in front of you, legs wide open with her bare cunt.
"go on then, stop crying and put your tongue to good use," she says before forcing your face into her pussy, muffling your moans as minji eats you out from behind.
you go to work between her folds, sliding your tongue over her clit and burying your face between her legs, whining into her core as you feel the same movements being done between your own thighs. hanni moans melodically into the air at your tongue on her, giggling here and there at the reality of the situation, watching you intently eat her out like you wanted every bit of her cum down your throat.
she taunted above you, "thirsty there? and here I thought you didn't want this, turns out you just wanted to please us huh?"
you open your blurry eyes to look up at her, a sinister smirk on her lips, looking down at you with half-lidded eyes. she caresses your cheek as another tear fell down your face, your crying never having stopped, petting your head with her other hand.
"keep going y/n-ie, turns out singing isn't the only thing that mouth is good for."
she suddenly pushes your head down into her, forcing your face further into her heat, making you insert your tongue into her hole and suffocate with your nose against her clit. her moans rile you on and you flick your tongue against her walls, whimpering into her pussy while minji continues to pleasure you from behind. you feel her thumb rub against your clit with her tongue mimicking the same movements inside your cunt, slurping noises and moans filling your ears as you fuck yourself back against her mouth.
hanni ruts her hips against you, her breathing picking up and head thrown back with her mouth wide open and eyes closed. you quicken your pace of your tongue, licking against her g-spot and humming into her pussy, rubbing your nose against her clit. her grip on your hair tightens and she thrusts herself into your mouth one last time, cumming down your throat as her thighs tremble around your head. you hear her heavy pants as you slow your movements, hands caressing your head and face.
you're so close to cumming too with minji behind you, but she suddenly pulls away, making you scream in protest. hanni's gentleness disappears right away, pulling you up making you face her, your back against minji's chest.
"what? you thought you were just gonna get off so easily? there are things you have to work hard for, you know that surely."
you sob uncontrollably looking up at her weakly as you beg, "pl-please! I'm sorry! fuck, just let me cum! I've done everything you wanted! I know I've been such a bad girl, but mommy, I deserve it! please just let me cum! please please! I can't take it anymore, just fuck me..."
you ramble with tears flowing down your face. hanni's eyes are wide with amusement and minji chuckles behind you, the two of them exchanging a look. they've ruined you, bad.
hanni pushes you back roughly against minji's chest, using her front to pin you against her.
"oh y/n, you really are just our little plaything now, aren't you? I hope you know what you're so desperately begging for."
you feel her fingers slip into your pussy and pump fast, screaming out at the sudden pace. your eyes shoot open as you feel fingertips circle your asshole, collecting cum and saliva around the area before pushing in, making you let out a deafening cry. both of the paces of their fingers in you are merciless, pumping in and out of you like they're taking turns. hanni's fingers would push in when minji's fingers would come out, pushing in with a harsh thrust when the other's fingers would come out.
minji's teeth sank into your skin, leaving indent marks all over your body, hanni leaving hickeys anywhere your skin wasn't red.
"fuckkkk!!! oh my god, yes give it to me!!!" you're so fucked out, tears a constant stream down your face, eyes rolled back, drool seeping out of your mouth hanging wide open, head thrown back.
they never let up with the speed of their digits. the squelching lewd noises coming from the sheer cum leaking out of your aching hole is so loud, adding on to the girls' heavy breathing and your blood curdling cries. the pleasure burns, your holes taking so much forceful pumping, but it hurts so fucking good. your back arches, pushing your tits against hanni, to which she pinches your nipples with her free hand, adding onto the blinding delight coursing throughout your numb body.
you feel your stomach churn at the feeling of your orgasm coming in fast.
"please don't stop, I'm gonna fucking-!" you never finish your whiney sentence, cumming with a scream.
your pussy squirts juices all over everything, hanni's arm and thighs are covered, your sheets are soaked, minji's knees bathe in the drenched material of your blankets. you swear you blackout, body jerking with every aftershock of pleasure that rolls over you. you let your body fall, collapsing against hanni, her pulling away and letting you flop onto the bed.
you feel minji's fingers withdraw from you, hearing the digits slip out with a pop from your asshole. you feel them both get up from your bed, leaving your limp and lifeless body to recover by itself, not even bothering to untie you.
as your vision and consciousness fades, you hear the faint voice of one of them say, "that better teach you to stay in your place."
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halsteadlover · 10 months
Jealousy, jealousy
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*Gif not mine credits to the owner*
• Pairing: Jay Halstead x Female!Reader.
• Requested: no.
• Summary: you and Jay get in an argument and don’t talk to each other, meeting again after some time at a wedding. What will happen when he sees you talking to another man?
• Warnings: angst, lots of swearing, fingering, nudity, unprotected sex (always use protection don’t be like them), semi public sex.
• Word count: 4530.
• A/N: PLEASE READ THIS ONLY IF YOU’RE 18+. I’m such a sucker for jealous Jay but I don’t know how to feel honestly, I feel like whenever I try to write it doesn’t succeed my expectations 😭 But here we are, let me know what do you think, comments, likes are reblogs are really appreciated ❤️ Love you all xx
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Jay was about to lose his mind.
He was on the verge of going crazy, his patience running thin as he watched you from a distance laughing and joking with your friends, as if nothing could upset you.
He couldn't take his eyes off you even though his mind kept projecting and reminding him why you were in that situation. He couldn't take his eyes off you because you were gorgeous, the most beautiful woman his gaze had ever laid on, because you belonged to him but he couldn't even talk to you.
His blood boiled in his veins, his hands closing into fists. He hated everything and everyone in that moment and he hated you. He was hating you for the way you were acting like nothing happened, for the way you tucked your wavy hair behind your shoulders, the way you kept adjusting your dress, that dress so terribly perfect he just wanted to literally rip it off you and never let you wear it again.
He hated the way he was there, at a distance, hawking your every move, analyzing everything you did and your lips when he wanted to do nothing but get close to you, circle your hips with his arm and never let you go. He hated that he was pining for you and couldn't do anything to make up for it because you hadn't said a word to him.
You hadn't given him a single look, not even a glare, and Jay couldn't blame you because it was all his fault, because he had taken you for granted and now he was in danger of losing you forever.
Jay got back home, not realizing it was now midnight and that, once again, he had broken his promise to have dinner with you.
“Hey bab…-” he said to greet you as soon as he saw you on the sofa, a book in your hands. You closed it with more force than expected before placing it next to you.
“No, no 'baby,'”you interrupted him, your tone strangely cold and calm and Jay knew immediately that something was wrong. “We need to talk.”
He sat next to you, his heart pounding. “If it's for the dinner…”
You interrupted him again, not wanting to listen to the umpteenth excuses he would’ve made. You were tired. “I want a break, I don't know if I want to continue this relationship.”
Jay's heart stopped for an instant and a horrified expression came over his face. “W-what?”.
You stood up, your eyes on his wide and full of fear. The way you were looking at him, so coldly, so detached, Jay felt like dying. “You heard me.”
“No, no, no, you can't. W-we can't take a break, we can talk about it…” he stammered.
“No Jay, there's nothing to talk about,” you retorted. “I'll be gone for a couple of days.”
“No, like hell you're going away, I won't let you...”
“Where have you been all this time?”.
“I was working you know this, there was a case that hit us up to the neck. I'm so sorry…”
“It's the fifth time this month we've set up a date and you stand me off,” you said, feeling tears prick your eyes but forcing yourself to stay strong “I'm tired Jay.”
“No, you can't say that. Y/N I love you, you can't leave me...”
“How do you love me Jay?!” you blurted out, louder than you meant to, unable to keep your composure anymore “Is this your way of loving me? By standing me up on every date? Forgetting our anniversary? How are you loving me?!”.
“Y/N…” he mumbled your name, not knowing what to say other than 'I'm sorry' because you were so damn right.
“No Jay! I'm fucking tired! I'm tired of feeling like your second choice! I'm tired of feeling taken for granted because you think I won't have the balls to leave you since I love you too much. Great news Jay, I'm going to leave your ass because I can't take this anymore!” you almost yelled, now in a fit of anger “I don’t want to beg for affection and love from my boyfriend! Asking you to please spend some time with me! All you think about is work, work, work, always this fucking job, and when do you think of me?!”.
“I'm doing what I fucking can Y/N! I am sorry! You're right, I neglected you but you can't leave me...”
“God I hate you so fucking much right now,” you ran your hands through your hair in frustration “I hate you so much because I feel like a selfish bitch who only thinks about herself! I know you work, I know your job is very important but I'm tired! I tried to understand you, to stay silent, to meet your needs… But I'm human too Jay! I exist in the relationship too, I too have my desires, my needs and my fears fuck, it's not just you! Have you ever once asked me 'how are you' or 'how was your day’? You never fucking did! All you can say is 'sorry, sorry, sorry' expecting this will fix everything but it doesn't work like that! And I've fucking had enough, I'm tired of fighting for a relationship you don't even give a shit about!”.
You left him no room to reply because you went into the bedroom to get the suitcase you had already packed. Jay tried to stop you, tried to apologize but it was in vain, you left the apartment, never looking back.
And that was the last time he saw you before meeting you again at the wedding you were both invited to, almost two weeks later.
There was no shortage of attempts of reconciliation from Jay, all of which were rejected and after which he understood he had to respect you and give you your space.
But God, how he missed you.
“Halstead,” he heard someone call to him, looking away from you for an instant only to see Adam beside him with a glass of liquor. Jay stood in the back of the room, leaning against the wall and hands in his trousers’ pockets as he withdrew from the festivities.
“Thanks,” he replied before taking the glass and downing the liquor, which turned out to be whiskey, and looking for you in the crowd. You were still talking to a group of your friends, a glass of champagne you occasionally sipped. A veiled expression of disgust appeared on your face as you took a sip of the champagne and Jay smiled, knowing it wasn't your favorite liquor and that you were most likely just drinking it for company.
“You're ridiculous man,” Adam commented, taking a sip of his drink when he noticed the direction of Jay's gaze. “Why don't you just talk to her?”.
Jay sighed. “She doesn't want to talk to me and I don't blame her.”
He saw the way you adjusted your dress, running your hand up the skirt, smoothing it. His ravenous and hungry eyes traveled all over your body, watching the way that dress hugged you and showed off every curve of your body. It was a long ice silk mermaid gown, the thick straps of your dress dropped past your shoulders leaving them bare and a long deep slit on the right side showed off your leg. Jay was losing his mind, he was literally going crazy.
“Standing here and watching her like a hawk isn't going to fix the situation. You look like a creep.”
“I know, fuck, I know.” His fingers drummed on the glass, feeling a grip in his stomach when he saw you laughing heartily at a joke from a friend of yours, your head tilted back and your hand resting on his shoulder.
Jay began to smoke with rage and jealousy, about to break the empty glass with his own hands. Your friend placed a hand on your lower back, saying something to your ear. Jay swore he saw your gaze flicker to him and a small smirk on your lips but he was too focused and angry about that filthy hand on you to make any logical thought.
He'd always been jealous, that funny jealousy you always teased him about, but in that moment seeing that bastard so close to you, the way he was blatantly hitting on you, the way you didn't even realized it and kept laughing and joking with him, making him think he had a chance… All of this was too much, too much for Jay to bear.
He was the only one that could touch you like this, the only one that could make you laugh, get close to your ear and whisper something to you.
That’s why, when he headed towards you, with a furious and angry look on his face, Adam's attempt to stop him was in vain.
Before you knew what was happening, Jay's hand was already around your wrist and he was dragging you away from the reception room, leaving the man you were talking to standing there.
“Jay stop! I’m wearing heels, I can't run!” you exclaimed as you struggled to keep up with him, your other hand holding up your dress to avoid tripping. You walked into one of the bathrooms there and Jay wasted no time in locking it.
“What the hell are you doing?!” you asked trying to keep your voice low so no one would hear you. His breathing quickened, his chest heavy as his fingers rubbed his temples, a gesture he used to do when he was particularly frustrated.
“You’re really asking me what am I doing? What the fuck are you doing?!” he exclaimed angrily, his eyes on yours “Do I need to remind you you're not fucking single, Y/N? Or did you end our relationship without even having the courage to say it to my face?”.
“You had no right to drag me away like that Jay! My goodness!”.
He ran a hand through his hair, letting out a nervous chuckle. “I can't believe it,” he threw his hands in the air “We haven't seen each other for two weeks and this is your fucking thought!”.
“And whose fault is that for ending up in this situation, huh?!” you spit angry. He was looking at you with an angry expression on his face, his jaw set, his hair messy from fingers constantly running through it, but he was so incredibly sexy it took your breath away. And you hated yourself for these thoughts, because you were locked in a bathroom and you couldn't help but think about how damn beautiful he was, how pure sex the suit he was wearing was.
“I'm doing everything to make it up to you, Y/N! I've been coming to your house for two weeks and you won't even open the door and give me the opportunity to talk and I know it's the least I could do and you deserve the world but you think I can try to improve if you keep acting like that?!”.
“How am I acting?!”.
“You’re even asking me!” he exclaimed, taking a step towards you and waving his arms in the air. “You let that son of a bitch touch you and put his filthy hands on you! You… You laughed at his jokes, joked with him all of that in front of me!” he panted “What?!” he snapped, noticing the smirk that had appeared on your lips.
You took one step towards him, and then another until you were just inches apart. His words died in his throat as he tried to keep control. But he couldn't, not when you placed a hand on his chest, not when you looked at him with those 'fuck me' eyes, not when your scent and your proximity were intoxicating him so much it took his breath away and made it impossible for him to think of anything that wasn't you.
“Are you really that jealous, huh?” you asked in a whisper, your tone low and sensual. Your fingers caressed his chest and he squeezed his hands into two tight fists, because if they touched your body he would no longer be able to control himself. “You don't like when someone touches me? When someone whispers how good I look in this dress?”.
“Y/N,” he said in a warning tone. “God. Keep your fucking mouth shut if you know what's best for you.”
“Or what? What are you going to do to me detective Halstead? Do you want me to go back to Ben?” you whispered after you leaned into his ear. You inhaled his scent deeply, that scent you missed so much, that made you dizzy, that scent you wanted to smell on every corner of your body.
Jay grabbed your face with his hand and your heart skipped a beat, his gaze alternating between your eyes and your then slightly parted lips. “If your aim is to make me lose my goddam mind darling, you are succeeding.”
You couldn't answer, the intense green of his eyes made you waver and his grip so strong but so delicate at the same time had made every single cell of your body ignite and he knew it, he understood it by the way he you looked at him, by the way your body pressed against his.
He started taking steps, making you walk backwards, slowly, until your back touched the cold tiles of the walls.
“Did you like playing with me? Driving me crazy?” he whispered as his warm breath tickled your lips. He pressed his body against yours, your chests pressed against each other and despite the various tissues that separated you, you could feel his hard erection pressed against you and that was enough to leave you wanting to have him, to feel him.
“It's one of my favorite hobbies,” you replied and he tightened his grip around your jaw.
“Just shut up for once in your life,” he hissed through his teeth. He tilted your head to one side and with his other free hand brushed your hair behind your shoulders, exposing your neck. As his lips left a small kiss on your skin, a rush of shivers ran up your spine. “I'm so fucking mad at you right now Y/N,” he planted a series of wet kisses down your neck until he got to that point he knew would drive you crazy “Even though I miss you like air,” he licked your skin, nibbling it with his teeth while sucking it lightly with his lips. You were already a mess and the heavy sighs you exhaled while trying not to moan and half-closed eyes were proof of this. “You drive me so fucking crazy.”
Your hands closed in a fist around his jacket, trying to release all the frustration and desire you were feeling. His free hand was squeezing your hips with such force you thought he’d leave some marks but a gasp left your lips as he groped your ass. God, it was so fucking good.
“But maybe you could use a little reminder,” he nibbled your ear. In one motion he spun you around, pressing you face against the wall, his dick pressed on your ass. He leaned back to your ear as his hands traveled along your body. “Because you seem to forget you're only mine. Those,” his hand covered your breasts almost moaning at the sensation “They’re only mine,” with his fingers he unzipped the dress, making it fall ruinously to the floor and leaving you exposed to him, only panties to cover your body. He kneeled behind you, leaving a wet kiss on your ass biting and leaving a mark on it. “This is mine.”
He stood up after squeezing your ass with his fingers again, making you wet like never before. “You're so fucking beautiful,” he bit your shoulder as he circled your throat, tilting your head back and exposing your neck again which he wasted no time sucking and kissing it, leaving numerous marks. “And so fucking mine,” he whispered in your ear again “All mine.”
You could no longer form a single coherent thought, your mind too foggy as his hands touched you everywhere and leaving you wanting more.
“Do I need to remind you who can make you lose your mind without even touching you?” His fingers caressed the hem of your panties, torturing you. “Do I need to remind you who you're rubbing against now silently begging to get fucked in a fucking bathroom?”.
“Jay please,” you managed to mutter.
“No, you don't get to say please now,” he replied “Not so big anymore huh baby?”. Without warning he slipped his hand into your panties while the other covered your mouth as a moan escaped your lips. “Do I need to remind who you're so wet for now?”.
Your eyes narrowed in pleasure as you moaned against his hand, his fingers skillfully touching you and making circular motions over your swollen, throbbing clit. God, it was so intense you were afraid your knees would give out sooner or later.
“Shh, you don't want anyone to hear us don't you?” he said when despite the hand on your mouth your moans came out muffled. You reached up behind you, stroking his hard dick, earning you a grunt that reached your throbbing core. “So fucking dirty,” he breathed out with a small smirk on his lips.
Two knocks on the door made you jump and your breath stopped for an instant. Jay, on the other hand, didn't seem to be fazed and kept touching you, inserting a finger inside you and you whimpered, feeling the orgasm already getting closer and closer.
You were so afraid the door was going to open and someone would see you almost naked as Jay had his hand inside your panties, but the pleasure he was giving you was so fucking good you couldn’t care about anything or anyone beside him. It was a long, long time since he touched you and it was almost embarrassing the speed with which you were already almost at the limit.
“Shh… Do you want to come baby? Do you think you deserve it?” he whispered, noting the shadows in front of the door were gone. You nodded vehemently, but at that precise moment he stopped, removing his hand from your mouth. “Too bad. Open your mouth,” with embarrassing speed you did what he told you and the finger that was inside you until recently was now in your mouth as you sucked it and tasted yourself “Good girl.” This simple phrase almost made you faint.
Before you knew what was happening, Jay spun you back towards him and his hands were on your face, his lips pressed against yours. He kissed you until your breath was taken away as his tongue explored every corner of your mouth. It was a sloppy and hungry kiss, almost pornographic, hands in the hair, hands wandering everywhere and pulling off clothes.
“I want you so bad,” you panted as your frantic fingers unbuttoned his pants which fell along with his boxers rolling around his ankles.
“Fuck,” he moaned under his breath as your hand circled his dick and your thumb stroked his pink, throbbing tip, wet with seminal fluid. But he grabbed your wrist, pulling your hand away and you looked at him with a confused expression. “You don't get to touch me now,” he said and spun you back to the wall.
He was turning you, tossing you around, using you like a doll for only his liking and you had nothing against it, you were so excited you’d make him do whatever he wanted to you.
“Jay please, I'm so horny please… Touch me,” you literally begged, not caring how ridiculous you sounded. He placed his hands on your hips, slipping off your panties and making them fall to the floor along with your dress, leaving you completely naked at his mercy.
Jay was quivering, he couldn't take it anymore, and as you continued to press your ass against his rock hard dick. “Such a needy little whore, do you want me to fuck you in here? In this bathroom?”.
“Yes, fuck, yes.”
He had you positioned in front of the sink and only then you realized how awful you looked, the way your cheeks were flushed, your hair messy, your lips swollen.
He was so breathtaking it almost hurt. How could be someone be so beautiful? So imperfectly perfect?
“Look at you,” he whispered returning your gaze through the mirror. His hands began to touch your breasts as his fingers pinched your hard nipples, “Look how gorgeous you are,” he bit your shoulder. Without warning he penetrated you from behind, making both of you let out a moan you were sure the whole restaurant had heard.
“Shh,” he breathed into your ear “Or I'll stop. Fuck, baby you feel so fucking good.”
He started moving in and, damn it, he was going so hard, you knew when you were done you weren't going to be able to walk straight. The bathroom reverberated with the sounds of your skins touching each other after every thrust, of your muffled moans, sighs.
His hand went around your throat, forcing you to tilt your head back again as his lips bit, sucked and his tongue licked your skin, making sure to leave as many marks as possible.
He knew he was acting like an animal, like a caveman but he didn't fucking care. He wanted everyone to know you were his only, that it was only him that made you bend over a sink like that making you drip on his dick while he fucked you in a filthy bathroom.
You bit your lip trying not to moan but it was so fucking good, so intense, so carnal, you couldn't help yourself. Jay returned his eyes to you through the mirror and as his dick slipped in and out of you with ease, the vision of you being ruined like that drove him crazy.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he groaned and how sexy it was to hear him moan like that in your ear. Your hands stayed on the sink, trying to find support as the force of his thrusts made you go forward.
“Oh yeah, just like that…” you moaned, louder than you ever meant to and he tightened his fingers lightly around your throat. “Shut up or I'll stop, do you understand me?”.
You nodded. “Holy shit Jay,” you muttered, biting your lip again. You felt out of breath, every muscle in your body was jelly and you thought you couldn't make it.
The way he was fucking you, God, he was angry, it was determined, strong and so intense it almost hurt. But you wanted it all, you wanted his dick inside you and fucking you so hard he made all your thoughts go away, you wanted him to come inside you, you wanted to feel him so deeply inside you that you couldn't sit still for the next days, you wanted him to mark you, his lips and his calloused hands all over your body. You were his. Soul and body, hopelessly, irrevocably and forever his.
The hand that was around your throat ended up around your hair, which he pulled back into a messy ponytail, pulling it. “All mine,” he moaned, now on the verge of bursting as he felt his orgasm building up “All fucking mine.”
Your fingers gripped the edge of the sink even harder, your eyes watering with tears. His thrusts were almost even stronger, his dick managed to hit that point inside you that always left you craving for more and you couldn't resist anymore. He was animalistic, passionate, possessive and god if you loved it.
“I-I can't...” you stammered. He pulled your hair making you lift your head and leaned slightly towards you, leaving a sweet kiss on your cheek, in stark contrast with the roughness he was fucking you.
“Of course you can,” he whispered letting out a moan “Oh god I’m so close baby… This pussy feels so fucking good I can’t resist anymore…”
From the way your wet pussy was clenching around his dick he knew you were close too but he was already coming. His cum poured inside you in an intense, blinding orgasm, filling you up to the last drop.
He was breathing heavily, his heart pounding and it took him a second to come back to reality and remember that you were still under him, still needing an orgasm.
“You were such a good girl,” he whispered into your ear as his fingers touched your clit, “My baby deserves to come.”
“Oh Jay…” and his name sounded like melody in his ears“Yes, yes, fuck, yes. I want to come so bad…”
His hand grabbed your face turning your head to the side and pressing his mouth to yours. It was a messy kiss, interrupted by your moans which he completely swallowed.
Your orgasm was unexpected, sudden, almost paralyzing, making your vision blurry and your head dizzy. Your knees were about to give out and it was Jay who held you up, wrapping an arm around your hips and supporting you. “My beautiful, precious girl,” he kissed your cheeks and shoulders softly “Are you okay?”.
You let out a sigh. “Oh yes, God, it was so good,” he chuckled “But don't think this fixes everything,” you continued pointing a finger at him. “I never even thought about it.”
He helped you get dressed and you both tried to regain at least a normal look but, after looking in the mirror, you realized there was no way anyone was going to not understand what had happened in that bathroom. Your neck was covered by the hickeys he left, your hair was a complete mess, your legs where just jelly.
“Come home with me,” he whispered, grabbing your face, gently stroking your cheeks with his thumbs “Please. Y/N, I need you. I… I don’t want to spend another second without you.”
You looked into his eyes for a moment, your heart beating wildly. “But we need to seriously talk. I don't want to go back to same situation, Jay.”
He shook his head before placing a soft kiss on your forehead. “No, no, it won't happen again and I will do everything in my power to make you forgive me. You’re the most important thing in my life Y/N, you are and you’ll always be my number one priority and I don’t want to ever make you feel like you weren’t again. I haven't been good at proving it lately but I swear, I love you to death baby and there's nothing I wouldn’t do for you, just…” he paused for a second, looking at you so intensely you almost wanted to cry “Just let me prove it to you.”
You nodded slightly, a small smile on your lips that quickly disappeared when someone started knocking on the door.
Well, this was about to get very embarrassing.
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General tag list: @hngbrooks, @alexxavicry, @mrspeacem1nusone, @halstead-severide-fan, @allivzs, @omniaimy
Jay Halstead tag list: @burgstead, @bebataylor84, @ares-kelani-wayne, @ixna-mikaelsn, @sande5098, @smoothdogsgirl, @withakindheartx, @jess2013, @maddu-oliveira, @lovemesomepietro, @onechicagodrawings, @jinxfan18, @ready-hit-it, @rainroo2, @tinfoilhat2719, @upsteadlovingheart, @secondaryjob, @nevaehstreater18, @sophiatellerrhodes, @dedlund82, @kellykidd, @rippi3s, @stephanie708, @annahargrove, @smutlOver, @kuroe-san, @caroldanverwife, @baby, @nosy09, @luvreading67, @danielmarie, @saiyuo12, @nachodaze, @waywardhunter95, @fighterkimburgess, @ephemeral314, @mads-weasley, @itskellysev, @lovemedlife, @atarmychick007, @amazedbyitall, @glodessa, @xeleni-dutchnurse, @ossypooh, @itriedtoexplain, @randomwriter1021, @averyhotchner, @ellavanderberg, @mrshalsteadxx, @junevoidzombie, @nocturnalherb16, @croissantthief, @jayhalsteadsbadge, @youngblood199456, @dreamss-wavess, @halsteadloversworld, @laaaauuraaaaa, @firerusher, @itserickalove, @23victoria, @slytherlight, @goingwiththewind, @notanordinaryprincess95, @mel0809, @cadyfanninger, @acewritesfics, @iloveest, @instantpizzacat, @wickedlovely121, @hart-kinsella
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578 notes · View notes
madschiavelique · 10 months
was a bit hesitant to ask this but thoughts on how Miguel would feel if reader was vv self conscious abt their body/said anything negative abt their appearance..? (talking abt this as someone who's also self conscious abt their body cuz i need to know how he would react/what he would say to the reader tbh 😭)
AAAAAAA BESTIE I FEEL YOU !! I'm part of the self conscious about their body gang - i just had to write more than just a thought on this<3
when it comes to self consciousness about my body, there's always one line from the song Paradis by Orelsan (french rapper), that says "Je comprends pas pourquoi tu t'inquiètes quand tu prends du poids. Pour moi, c'est ça de pris, ça fait toujours plus de toi." which i used in this text (clue : it'll be in italic)
summary : miguel reassures a self conscious reader on their body content warnings : comfort, fluff, miguel being a worshipper of you, genderneutral!reader, no use of Y/N word count : 739 tag list : @fandom-ash
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Miguel is a man who notices details, all the more so when those details are related to you. He noticed how you looked at yourself in the mirror from time to time, how you sometimes stood on your tiptoes when you were sitting to make your thighs look less large, how some days, even when it was hot, you wore a sweater covering you completely.
You were used to wearing baggy clothes, oversized sweaters and t-shirts, baggy pants, nothing that showed too much of your curves.
He'd noticed how you'd changed your diet lately, and how the portions you allowed yourself were... far too small for a normal meal.
You were depriving yourself of your favorite snacks, and even when Miguel offered you some, you begrudgingly refused. He could see the pain in your eyes, and he couldn't understand.
Then one day, standing in front of the mirror in your underwear, you started to cry. Miguel came running straight to you, taking you in his arms as you wept silently, little jolts shaking your body.
He stroked your back and hair gently, letting the sobs take their place as you sniffled against his shoulder.
"Hey hey hey," his voice was low, as if he felt that a word or a gesture a little too strong could break you into a thousand pieces, "nena, what's wrong?" he asked, stepping back.
He wiped your tear-streaked cheeks, your eyes were reddened and your lips bulged with heartache.
"I hate my body."
His heart cracked, and he came to take you in his arms again. So that was the reason for all this, for your restrictions, for all these choices that were doing you more harm than good. He couldn't understand how you could think such a thing, because he worshipped you like the goddess or god or deity you truly were.
"I wish I just looked different," you murmured against him.
"Why?" he asked, pulling away from you again to cup your face.
"Because, I look ugly, I feel ugly..." you sighed, your brow furrowing as hot tears rolled down your cheeks.
His lips were parted, he couldn't understand how it was possible for you to feel this way, to think this way about yourself. He found you so beautiful that the very thought of you thinking that way seemed almost impossible.
"I'm not pretty enough to be with you. There are so many prettier girls and boys than me-" you began, but he cut you off, not even letting you finish your sentence.
"Don't ever say that again," he said, his tone serious and almost warning.
He looked at you, sorry and almost angry. Because he was wondering who he was going to have to correct (annihilate) for having succeeded in making you think you weren't beautiful.
"Come here," he said, lifting you with ease to rest you on the sink while you were still wiping your cheeks. "Listen to me: Your body is not the reason I love you. I've fallen in love with your soul, your qualities and your flaws... even if I'm still trying to find the flaws."
You blew out a quick laugh from your nose, a tear running down your cheek as he brushed it away.
"It doesn't make you a failure, or undesirable, or ugly not to have the body of a celebrity on the cover of a magazine." he said softly as he kissed your cheek, his hand gently caressing your thigh. "Why should you worry about gaining weight?"
"Because it makes me ugly." you murmured, but he gripped your chin between his fingers so your eyes observed the truth in his.
"No, it doesn't make you ugly," he assured. "Even if you do gain weight, for me it's a given, because it always gives me more of you."
Your chin trembled slightly, and you bit the inside of your cheek.
"No matter how long it takes, I'll make you love yourself," he confirmed. "I don't care what you look like, I'll still love you."
You smiled, tears still gently flowing, Miguel coming to place both his hands on your cheeks to clear them. You let out a little laugh:
"Even if I was a worm?" you joked.
He smiled, sighing softly.
"Yes, even if you were a worm." he laughed, kissing your forehead before hugging you again.
"Lucky worm." you whispered, wrapping your arms around his back.
"Lucky me." he whispered against your hair, stroking it gently.
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xxkissesforchanniexx · 3 months
I just read pretty thing and oml, you're writing has me! All the praise 😩
Could I request a needy I.N? Something where like he's just horny and wants you so you guys go to your room and he fucks you. Something sweet?
I'm not big on requests so idk what to write lol. If this is something you'd be willing to write I'd appreciate it, I've been so crazy over Jeongin lately and idk why 😭😭
Have a good day 🤗
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Pairing: softdom!Jeongin x fem!reader Word count: 927 Genre: Smut 🔥❤️ Warning: Jeongin is a troll, not proofread, sweet name calling, possessive themes, mighta gone a lil crazy with what Jeongin says >.>, idk what else... A/N: I LITERALY FEEL SO BAD THIS TOOK ME SO LONG TO GET TO OML 😭 anyways >.> I hope you like it I apologize for the wait
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You were in your kitchen, contemplating what to make for dinner when you felt him hug you from behind, his head resting on your shoulder. Jeongin had been in his office/game room playing with Felix and Seungmin since late in the afternoon.
"Did you have fun?" You asked as he nuzzled your neck.
"We lost.." he muttered.
You pet his head gently, "You'll win next time."
"Seungmin sold." He huffed. "Awful tanker."
You laughed softly as you remembered Felix "suing" Jeongin for being a bad healer. "What do you want to eat for dinner?"
"I don't know." He said, licking your neck as his lips parted.
"Hmm? We won't eat then?" You rolled your eyes.
"No, just... order something." He said softly.
"Why?" You huffed.
Jeongin frowned slightly against your neck and you giggled, turning to face him.
He leaned in. "Let me kiss you?"
You kissed him gently quick and chaste. He frowned as you pulled away, before grabbing you face gently and kissing you again, his tongue prodding for entry. You opened your mouth with a soft sigh. His tongue moved into your mouth and wrestled against yours for a moment before pulling away.
Your eyes met his.
He smirked slightly, "Up." he said quietly.
You jumped and he caught you, securing your weight at your thighs and carrying you to your bedroom. "Wow, baby is so strong." You teased.
He rolled his eyes and gently set you on the bed. "Who're you calling baby?"
"You." You pinched his cheeks. "So cute, my little baby."
He kissed you hard, "Baby?" he huffed. "You don't give me enough credit."
You giggled as he pulled at your shirt kissing your jaw.
"Can I take this off sweet girl?" he asked pulling away.
You nodded and squirmed.
He pulled it off and quickly hooked his finger between your breasts pulling your bra up, smiling to himself. "I'm so lucky," he muttered, pinching one of your nipples. "these pretty tits are all mine.." he squished your breasts for a moment before smiling at you. "Can I have you, baby?"
You buck slightly. "Yes."
He smiled and kissed your nipple, taking it between his teeth and pulling gently. You let out a squeak and felt him smirk against your chest as his free hand moved into your panties.
"So wet already?" He chuckled. "Baby wants me to take care of her?"
You blush furiously as he smirks at you. "Stop talking like that."
"Doesn't matter if you say you don't like it. I can tell you love it."
"Jeongin!" You moaned out as he started rubbing your clit.
"Let me take these off you? Need you so bad baby." He kissed you, his tongue rolling around yours for a moment before he pulled away.
You nodded and he pulled your pants and panties off your legs in one motion.
"So perfect for me." he muttered before kissing you as he slipped his long fingers into you. "This pretty pussy is all for me?"
You moaned. "Yeah- P-Please!"
"Are you gonna come for me like a good girl?" he asked curling his fingers to find your g-spot.
You moaned as his fingers moved in and out of you, "Yes."
"Good girl." He pulled his fingers out. "Want me to fuck you?"
You nodded and whined.
"Magic word?" There really was no way to describe how much he loved seeing you like this, all needy for him, it made him feel less flimsy like he wasn't the one begging you earlier.
"Please." You huffed.
He smiled at you before removing his clothes, "Don't smile at me like that, it's embarrassing.."
You giggled as he leaned over you. "Not my fault you're so pretty."
He laughed and kissed you again, the room suddenly feeling hot and heady. He rubbed his tip against you, gathering your slick and his precum before muttering something about coming too fast. He kissed your neck gently and slid into you with a soft relieved groan.
You sighed a moan and held onto him tightly, "Move."
"If I say no?" he breathed shakily.
"Why would you?" Your nails dug into his arms.
He let out a gentle laugh and finally pulled out, hissing at your heat before pushing in again, and again, gaining speed with each thrust. "Feels good?" He muttered.
"Uh huh." You whimpered.
"You feel good, look at that pretty pussy stretching around me like that." He groaned softly, angling his thrusts to hit your g-spot.
You moaned a high pitch cry, it came out a squeal and Jeongin swallowed it in a deep kiss, pulling away to breathe as his hand grabbed your breast. He groaned into your neck, biting down gently, his low moans muffled by your flesh. His hand moved between your bodies and he pinched your sensitive bundle of nerves.
You gasped loudly and held onto him tightly, your brain going foggy as he whispered sweet nothings in your ear.
"Are you going to come?" He groaned into your ear. "Come baby, come with me, please?"
You nodded and squealed, toes curling as Jeongin pushed in deeper.
"Come on, come for me." He panted, thrusts slowing as he rubbed your clit.
You came hard, legs jerking slightly, Jeongin moaned, "So cute when you do that." He thrust in only a few more times before coming deep in you.
You lay there for a moment until he muttered. "Thought you woulda called me daddy."
"I can't call a baby that." You laughed.
Jeongin gave a sarcastic laugh. "What did you want for dinner again?"
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Again I apologize for this taking so long to get out. the other requests will be out when i get time. -Khxndle
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185 notes · View notes
vainvenus · 2 months
you could do a second part of the ff "eli x reader" (cobra Kai) in which Eli is targeted by Kyler (in the library as in the series) and the reader does something about it (like protect him and kiss him in front of everyone because Kyler has said “I don't know how -reader- I manage to kiss you). the first part was so cute🥹 sorry for my english it's not my language🫶🏻😭
⌲;꒰ Favorite Boy in the Valley. ꒱ ꒰ Pt.2 ꒱
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Pairing :: Eli Moskowitz x Fem!Reader
Synopsis :: Kyler comes back to continue ridiculing Eli but luckily you're there
Includings :: Includings - S1!Eli no Hawk, established relationship, bullying, harassment, crying, cursing, threats, lots of PDA and just lots of fluff, short but sweet
An :: I'm so glad you liked the other one! I hope you like this one too ^^
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Since your talk with Eli things had been back to normal and just the way you had loved it.
Your movie nights continued, he started walking you to and from classes again and he didn't mind PDA as much. He held your hands in the hallway and accepted any kisses you gave to him despite the looks the two of you would sometimes get.
He started to care a little less what others were thinking of him after your talk. He realized that as long as he had you, it didn't really matter because that others thought.
Which was why he was open to picking back up your after school study dates in the library, offering to help you study and work on some of your late work in the library after school even though you kept getting distracted.
You had barley made a dent in getting your work done when you had got up, saying that you needed a snack break.
"You want anything, hun?" You asked as you grabbed a few dollars from your purse and he had thought for a second as he wrote down the correct answer instead of yours.
"Skittles, and after this can you please focus? I want you to pass this class so can-"
You had placed a small kiss on his cheek, pulling away and smiling at his face which was starting to grow a faint shade of pink.
"The sour ones?" You asked, referring to his choice of candy and he had nodded quietly, looking back down at the paper.
You hummed, leaving the library and Eli had smiled down at the paper as he continued to correct you mistakes. He knew you were at least trying, math wasn't everybody's strong suite.
"I thought freaks left the school strictly at three."
His body tensed up at the familiar voice, his grip tightening around the mechanical pencil in his palm.
He kept his eyes on the page, hoping that if he ignored the boy for long enough he would grow bored and go torture somebody else.
"Yo, we're talking to you, freak." One of Kyler's friends hissed, slamming one of the textbooks shut, the slam echoing throughout the library which earned him a harsh glare from a couple of the students.
Of course, none of them cared care. Kyler walked over and grabbed Eli by his face and forced him to look up at him.
"Jesus Christ. I still don't get it." He shook his head as he stared the other boy down with a harsh glare. "Just how does she manage to kiss you without puking."
There it was again.
He felt tears pricking his eyes, his vision growing glossy as he tried to blink them away and he heard Kyler snickering in front of him.
"Are you crying? Stop being such a little bitch." Kyler let go of Eli's face, making sure to push his head back a bit as he did so with a smug smile.
"She's dating a freak and a crybaby? How low are her standards?" His friends snickered as Kyler titled his head with a narrowed gaze. He opened his mouth to speak again but a voice spoke up.
"Why are you guys talking to my boyfriend?"
They had turned their heads to you as you were holding a few snacks and a bottle of water. You placed them on the table beside your stuff as you looked at the three.
"Hello? I asked a question, so don't stand there and look stupid." You repeated, looking directly at Kyler who crossed his arms over his chest.
"We were just talking-"
"About what exactly?" You interrupted with furrowed brows, barely giving any of them a chance to muster up a response as you looked over to Eli.
"What'd they say?" You asked, trying to make your voice a bit softer since your were talking to Eli but your frustration was obvious through your tone.
He muttered something you didn't quite catch so you leaned a bit closer. "A bit louder for me, please."
He glanced away, wiping the corners of his eyes with his sleeve. "Just the same stuff as last time..look, it's not really a problem. Can we just lea-"
You had cut him off as you leaned forward to place a kiss on his lips, your lipgloss leaving a glossy residue.
And for good measure you had placed another one right on his scar with a small smile.
"We're not going anywhere. They can leave." You stated, turning your attention back to the three with raised eyebrows as you noticed they were still standing there.
"Can you guys hear? Get lost already, Jesus Christ. It's like you have nothing better to do." You rolled your eyes, waving the group goodbye.
It seemed that Kyler's two friends got the hint as they muttered something under their breaths and walked away.
"I just don't think I'll ever get it." Kyler scoffed, shaking his head as he stared at the two of you in disgust.
You shrugged your shoulders. "It's not for you to get, obviously. Why don't you worry about your own relationship that's falling apart?"
He scowled at you, narrowing his gaze into a glare before muttering; "Freaks." under his breath and turning on his heel but you heard it.
You stood back up from your seat much to the dismay of Eli who was urging you to sit back down so the two of you could finish studying.
"Say that again?"
"I said-"
Eli wasn't fast enough as you swung your fist at Kyler, hitting him straight in the nose. His hands flew up to cover it as he squeezed his eyes shut, tears pricking in the corner.
"You bitch! You probably broke my fucking nose!"
"Good." You scoffed, shaking your fist and squeezing it a bit and Eli had started to pack up your things before the librarian could ask what was going on.
As the two of you walked out of the library he noticed you wincing slightly as you touched your knuckles.
"I'll ice it when we get to my house." He reassured you as he grabbed your non dominant hand to hold it so you would stop poking at the other.
You smiled, placing a kiss on the back of his hand. "Aw, you're the best."
"Well, you did punch Kyler for me. I think you're the best." He hummed, copying your movements and placing a kiss on the back of your palm.
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melodic-haze · 10 days
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REQUEST: A reader much more powerful than Arlecchino and not doing anything about it.. except in bed.
☆ — DEMO TRACK: sub!Arlecchino x dom!Reader
☆ — CONTENT WARNINGS: Mention of bloodplay at the very end but like. Very minor. Otherwise there's nothing 🤷‍♀️
☆ — NOTES: I'M NEVER TOUCHING MY DRAFTS WHEN I JUST WOKE UP EVER AGAIN I'M SO SORRY 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 this was kinda bad dawg am sorry 😞
☆ — PARTS: Part 1, Part 2 (you are here)
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Tall AND powerful??? Ohhhh she's gonna die you KNOW I had to mix it hahaahahha powertrip goes CRAAAAZYYYYYY I have such a thing for it I'm gonna cry
Anyway ok so I would like to first state that extremely powerful chrs that don't actually do a lot w their power is like one of my top fav tropes it's so fucking funny 😭 like dawg you have the power to change the world wdym you're just gonna sit here like it's summer vacation (there's a reason why my Akivilicarnation au exists (even though I gotta work on it one way or another))
This is rather different from the stuff I usually write bc I usually write the reader as. Kinda weak for the sake of putting us all on a powerscale between the chr and our average strength as a human being omg bare with
Okay so. I do feel like she'd be a tad bit frustrated with you, at least at first. Like you could do so much more than what you're showing and yet here you are, not using your strength for important stuff? Lazy bitch, her children are much better than your example 💀 at least, that's her initial take, really
But give her a demonstration, both in a time of need and yk ☺️☺️☺️, and she'll soften up
Anyways it's just the fact that you're both tall AND powerful??? Nevermind her doing anything, she'll find herself dazedly thinking of the ways in which you can quite possibly manhandle her with such brazen 'disrespect'......and also? In the ways you two can actually COMPETE. Or well, 'compete', esp when she finds herself actually WANTING to lose for once. Crazy, how the great Knave would actually prefer to lose compared to the usual want to win against her opponent
You sighed, "I know we talked about it two days ago but do we have to? Really?"
"I would like to test you. Unless you would rather skip such pleasantries?"
"I don't think fighting until one of us surrenders counts as 'pleasantries'. Quite the opposite, actually."
While you've always known Arlecchino to constantly have a stony expression that doesn't usually change, you see the bright crosses of her eyes dim just a fraction, "So I suppose that's a no, then?"
"Well, now," you stepped back with an amused look on your face, getting into the fighting stance you're familiar with, "I didn't say that... Especially not when the reward is something I really want."
And she gains that glow once again as she brandishes her weapon with a fraction of a smile and.. something else much more heated behind those eyes of hers, "Do not get ahead of yourself, my beloved. The results have yet to be concluded."
..She speaks as if she hadn't actually wanted to lose. Laughable, really.
(You know from the way that at the end of it all, she lies underneath you as her eyes scan you with that same heated look in her eyes—lust, a sin in which The Knave hadn't thought of ever committing.. until you came along.)
The whole thing about her being able to reverse your positions? THROW THAT TO THE FUCKING WIND IN THIS SITUATION you can easily EASILY fold her without a care in the world. The fact that she KNOWS you can too gives her a rush she hasn't ever felt without that extra layer of threatened rage
Push her up against the wall, hold her up in the air, pin her down so she can't squirm away..........if you're much more powerful than her, she actually makes a show of 'trying' to escape you. Keyword: 'trying', especially when at the end of the day she resigned herself to losing already
She tells you not to hold anything back, no matter how cautious you are. She says she can handle it, that she isn't strong without reason, that she can endure whatever you give her, no matter what. Usually she kinda ends up forgetting anything she's said though, especially when you're fucking her SOOO hard she starts seeing stars behind her eyes
If your strength applies to endurance too??? Ohhh bye she's not lasting. Like okay she definitely has stamina and endurance but against you? SHE'S QUITE LITERALLY DWARFED....BYE.........
In some way, she actually likes the fact that you don't show your power other than in private with just the two of you—it makes her feel special, to know exactly what you're capable of. Dare I even say she's a tad bit possessive over every side of you? Who can say 😜
Just think that whenever she kinda stands beside you in public w her heels on, she's very very VERY easily reminded of the fact that you tower over her in height, capability AND position.......and really, in comparison to what everyone else may think? Arlecchino wouldn't have it any other way 🫶
....oh side note, just think about how rough you can go, biting each other to the point where you draw blood. Sorry I had to get that final bit out ANYWAY
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elsa-fogen · 6 days
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Ngl this is my first thought when i found out i was aroace 😂
Before i found out i was aroace, i thought i was special because girls and boys my age literally just spends all their time talking on and on about their crushes when they could do more productive things like idk studying, reading books or fanfics, freaking finish all the chores so you have free time, draw or whateva your hobbies and talents are, spend time with friends and families, etc.
But when i found out tho; i thought "damn i ain't special? (Tʖ̯T)" I honestly wanted to both choke and hug them at the same time to all the other aroaces out there 😂
Sorry for the long rant i couldn't help myself 😅
You know, so true 😭
I was in 7th grade when girls in my class were talking about who they slept with, like, WE WERE 14, WHAT THE FUCK and it felt like they have NOTHING ELSE to talk about, like, gurl don't you have hobbies or anything better than go to parties and fuck?? Me meanwhile drawing dragons 'n shit in my notebooks. this memory for some reason is very strong in my head.
i thought i just slow developing but 10 years passed, nothing changed, i still don't understand and don't find all of this entertaining or interesting
I think i'm just now discovering that i'm somewhere on the ace/aro spectrum, and mostly thanks to Alastor and how people reacting on my portraying of him, saying that i'm providing good ace rep 😅 And my reaction is like "oh okay then", probably because i never faced the "why r u alone, you need to find a boyfriend" thing (although i think my mom is starting it...)
(tho i'm still not sure, some of this may be caused by some health or mental problems, that's totally possible)
anyway yeah, sorry for that too lmao
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authoreetea · 6 months
𝐭𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 (pt. 2)
pairing ; rafe cameron x reader
summary ; you come back to the obx three years later for a work thing, and rafe is adamant on trying to get you back. it's the christmas season 🫣
warnings ; i don't know 😭 THIS IS MY LONGEST WORK EVER? feminine terms maybe. reader is a fashion designer and probs ooc rafe
note! it's december, once again, so i thought why not give losing you a happy ending. part two! I'm in my christmas feels, ill make a part three. you can kinda end it at the first part but christmas feels gets me wanting happy endings so here i am 🫣
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Being back at Outer Banks after three years brings back the good and bad memories. It wasn't just a stroll down memory lane; it was a strong plunge into the depths of shared history. The salt air greeted me, it carried whispers of laughter and echoes of heartache.
My return wasnt purely for nostalgia, I had to be here on a work obligation. One of my clients live here, and apparently needed me here for the whole december.
Figure Eight was decorated with festive christmas lights, the holiday spirit clashing with my uncertainty that lingers in the air. I've debated with myself over and over again, that going back was a bad idea, yet I can't turn down my clients.
Unfortunately, the only hotel by figure eight is fully booked and I have nowhere else left to stay. I thought about Rafe's sister, Sarah, but I don't even know where she is now. We've fallen apart since then and I don't know anyone here, but him.
Taking a deep breath, I swallow my pride and went to the Cameron estate. I repeat 'it's for work' in my head as if it's a mantra.
The place I used to call home, the place where Rafe and I share all kinds of memories. It looked sad, it was the only house around the neighborhood that had no christmas decorations, yet it was still clean.
I compose myself, and knocked on the door three times. I hear shuffling and a slightly muffled "hold on" from the inside. I can recognize his voice anywhere, I only now felt the anxiety rushing back to me.
He opened the door, his hair damp and messy. He was in a navy blue polo shirt, with black shorts and his scent wrapped around me. Rafe smelled fresh and citrusy, my body felt comfort and resentment at the same time.
I muster up a small smile, you can barely even see it. Rafe looks shocked, his eyes were wide and his mouth slightly agape. Time had etched its mark on his face, a complex canvas of emotions hidden behind those familiar blue eyes. "You're back," he stated, his voice a mixture of surprise and a vulnerability he couldn't quite conceal. He looked as if he just saw a ghost.
I give him a curt nod. "Yes, for a work thing. The only hotel near here is fully booked, and this was the only place I could think of. I can find something else, if you mind."
Rafe shook his head and opened the door wider. "You can stay, it's just me, anyway." He said, the shock still evident in his voice. I gave him a quiet thank you, smiling at him as I walked in.
The inside felt cold, the ghost of our past danced around every corner of this place. It looked fine, it was obvious Rafe re-decorated and made it more- him.
"Thank you, really, for letting me stay. I didn't know figure eight was such a tourist spot at Christmas." I said, a slight hint of humor in my tone in attempt to lighten up the mood.
He gives a half-hearted chuckle, yet I could sense his guarded demeanor. "Uh, yeah. Ever since I finally took over, I made a few tweaks and this place became a tourist attraction." He said, scratching the back of his neck.
God, he looked so good.
I smile, trying to contain my thoughts. "You're doing really well, Rafe."
He smiles and thanks me. "Anyway, I have to excuse myself. You can take Sarah's old room for the time, you know where it is." He says, grabbing his keys, wallet, and phone, before walking to the door.
"I'm glad you're back, y/n." And with that, he left.
I felt my cheeks getting warm and I sure as hell looked red as a tomato. I think I'm gonna be sick, He looks so good and it's so hard not to miss him. In those three long years, all I could think about was if he was doing well. And I'm glad that he is.
Over days that blurred into nights, work obligations mingled with the tentative reconnection between us. Small talk and shared glances became the thread by which we delicately wove our way through unresolved emotions. Rafe's eyes held an unspoken plea, a desire to mend what had been broken.
It has been 14 days since I've been back, and it was already starting to get cold, only 10 days away from christmas. It was midnight at the Cameron estate as I went down to the kitchen to make some hot cocoa. I've been working all day figuring out new designs for this "gala" thing my client is asking for.
I prepared my ingredients, reaching for a mug when I was interrupted by a deep "Hey" from Rafe.
I gasped and held onto my chest. "Jesus, Rafe, don't sneak up on me like that!"
He smiles sheepishly, and mutters a soft sorry. "Sorry, can't sleep. What are you making?"
"Hot cocoa, you want one?"
He replies "sure" and sat by the kitchen island. It's been like this lately, small conversations with tension lingering in the air. It felt like something heavy was being put above our heads, threatening to fall down in a second.
Rafe looks deep in thought as I made his cocoa and mine. His eyebrows always go upward when he's thinking and he gets fidgety with his hands. Until today, I have all his mannerisms memorized. He wasn't someone I could ever forget.
"Y/n, look. I owe you an apology." He says, quietly as he still fidgets with his heirloom ring. His blue eyes carried a mix of regret and sincerity. "You didn't deserve that. My fear pushed away the one thing that mattered the most."
My heart ached, I felt like it was beating a thousand times a minute. "Rafe-" I started, yet he cuts me off
"I wasn't done, sorry. I just want you to hear me first." He says, giving me a pleading smile. I whisper an okay and handed him my special cocoa.
"I knew I would mess it up. Hell, I feel like I really messed up back then. Fear took over me and I thought that it would protect you, but it only hurt you. " He said, his gaze switching from me and the old christmas mugs I bought that he still kept.
"Rafe, it's in the past. We've both grown up and I forgive you, I can never stay mad at you forever." I say, giving him a warm smile and held his hand for a second. He eyed my hand before giving me a half hearted smile.
"In the three years I was alone, I had time to reflect and I realized that some risks are worth taking. " He pauses, standing up next to me.
Rafe was tall, and he towered over me. "I'm sorry for not giving you what you deserved, for being to scared to accept the love you had to offer." He admitted, his blue eyes finally meeting mine. We were less than a meter away and I could basically feel his warmth radiating off of him. and his scent engulfed me like a hug.
"I want to show you I've changed, y/n. I'm willing to do anything, an whatever it takes, to make it right with us." He says, his hand reaching for mine and immediately met warmth. "Come home to me, y/n."
His apology hung in the air, and I stared at him, blinking. I was shocked at how he expressed his feelings, it wasn't something he was open about before and maybe now, he's really doing better.
"Rafe, I accept your apology. But you really did hurt me rafe, and it's gonna take a lot more than this for me to come home. " I say, giving him a tight lipped smile.
What surprised me was the smirk on his face as he looked at me.
"I understand." He says, a smile on his face before getting closer to me. I felt my blood rush to my cheeks at our closeness. The mood definitely changed from emotional to frisky really quick.
"There's ten days left before Christmas, think I can win you back by then?" he says proudly, smirking at me as he maintains eye contact.
I chuckle, "Sure preppy boy. I'd like to see you try."
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creedslove · 1 year
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Post outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader
Summary: Joel needs to face his feelings for you, he is even determined to do so, but when you face someone else who also likes Joel, you begin doubting yourself
(This can be read as a sequence of SLEEP BLISS 💤 and SHOWER BLISS 🫧 or as a stand alone, it's up to you)
Warnings: angst, jealousy, age gap, insecure!joel, insecure!reader, fluff a lot of fluff like so much fluff
A/N: I know it's out of character Joel but I don't care, I want my sweet handsome middle aged man to be happy 😭
3.3k words
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Sage was the complete antithesis of you. She was tall, strong, badass and older. A woman who managed to get by 20 years in the apocalypse and still look extremely good and attractive.
Some people in Jackson said she was the female version of Joel, but you couldn't disagree more. She was obnoxious, rude, mean and kind of a bully to whoever she didn't like.
And you would fight anyone who dared say Joel was like that.
He wasn't a ray of sunshine, but he was definitely not entitled like that bitch, he kept to himself and he didn't open up to others, but he was never a dick like that woman. Well, he was never a dick to you.
You even forgot the last time he'd been rude towards you, as you and him had been getting along so well in Jackson. It was like you had a connection, each passing day stronger, even if you didn't have a romantic relationship, you certainly had an emotional relationship.
You took care of Joel and he took care of you.
You might not be like Sage, you were shorter than her, your breasts weren't as big as hers and she was closer in age to Joel, maybe eight or nine years younger than him.
But you were fast, you were decent at shooting and you were not afraid of killing as many clickers as you could in order to keep you both safe. You know Joel took care of you, but you weren't a damsel in distress, and you didn't throw over his shoulders the weight of having to protect you, you worked well as a team, so you didn't know why that woman's small provocations bothered you so much.
Maybe it was the fact she had it bad for Joel.
She didn't like him, as in having feelings for him, but she wanted him bad. He was by far the most attractive guy in Jackson, that was an agreement between the two of you, and you knew it pissed her off to see you two together all the time.
It always made you feel pretty good about that, though you weren't romantically involved with him.
No matter if you shared beds and even showers, Joel would never make a move, and that made you sure the problem was you. You were in love with him, but he wasn't in love with you and even if it hurt, you had to be okay with it, you couldn't force him into having feelings for someone.
You hated that woman because she always looked down at you, as if she was so much better, but you hated her more because she always eye fucked Joel.
It always felt to you he was yours, because you felt his, even if that wasn't your reality, you didn't want to wake up from that sweet dream. It was dangerous, but it was the only way to soothe your lonely heart.
You sighed lost in your own thoughts as you brushed the horse's fur very gently, you loved having stable duty, you could spend the whole day among them. They were usually so calm and you just loved to feed them, brush them and play with them. It would be just another day of fun if you hadn't been paired up with Sage.
She didn't like animals, or kids, or people, you were sure she only liked Joel because she dreamed of his cock filling up her old dry cunt. You felt a hint of embarrassment to think that you shouldn't be doing it, but each time she teased you about how young or naive you were, or how easily you'd get Joel into trouble if you two were cornered in a physical confrontation you felt like shooting her.
You were petting a beautiful horse named Caramel he was one of the gentlest ones you've seen and you had to admit you felt a little jealous when someone took him on patrol. You only trusted Joel who was always careful and respectful with animals, he knew they meant a lot to you, and he always made sure to take good care of them.
"So, are you and Joel a thing?" Sage broke the silence and looked at you.
You were caught off guard by her question.
Were you and Joel a thing? Technically no, but technically yes.
You thought you were emotionally attached to him enough to say yes, you both shared a bed, holding each other in your sleep, you had literally showered together once, but much to your dismay, you knew the answer was no.
"Well, we're partners, we've known each other for a few years, we traveled together to Jackson and we share a house… I like Joel, a lot" you let it slip, though it was an understatement, you felt much more than just like him and though it was pretty obvious to anybody, you felt regret immediately, you shouldn't have told that woman that, and it didn't help when she laughed out loud at you.
"Yeah yeah yeah, you have the heart eyes for him, no one is that stupid not to see, it could be cute if it weren't pathetic really, but I mean are you two fucking?"
You looked at her with so much anger but your silence was all she needed to have her answer.
"Good to know that, I'll make a move on him, it's about time I find some good fuck around here, not to mention Joel will definitely enjoy a real woman"
You couldn't stop staring at her, you wanted to ignore everything she was saying but you just couldn't hold yourself back, you knew you were about to get hurt but you did it anyway.
"Why pathetic?" You asked "why do you say liking Joel is pathetic?" You reframed your question.
She furrowed her brows and then chucked
"Oh please Y/N… isn't it just cliche? You fall for your savior, your protector, but he's much older than you, yes, Joel's hot but he could be your dad… he knew the world before things went to shit, she's met women, do you think he would be hooked on a little girl like yourself? Of course you probably clean up and cook for him, and he sticks around, gives you some of his attention, maybe crumbles of affection, but it's only because you are a comfortable option for him. Men like Joel need real women, not weak girls like yourself"
A mix of anger invaded your veins and spread all over your body, you wanted to punch that smug expression away but you knew you didn't stand a chance. She was stronger and she wouldn't hesitate in hurting you.
"Listen, Sage I-" you were cut off by Joel who called your name.
You turned to him and saw him stepping closer, at the same time the woman put on a smile on her face and you could swear you saw her opening her jacket some more, so she'd expose her cleavage.
You groaned under your breath and looked at Joel.
"Hey, I didn't know you were coming here" you told the man, finding it odd as you knew he had some services here and there with Tommy through the town.
Joel scratched the back of his neck and gave you one of those embarrassed looks he often did when he needed you to help him, so you were sure he was thinking of an excuse.
"Tommy asked me to check on the horses" he told you and glanced at Sage, who kept watching your interaction in an intrusive way, making him not uncomfortable… that was not the word, it was making him angry.
"Well, you can see the horses are alive" you chuckled though your smile didn't meet your eyes and he could tell you were upset over something.
When Sage made a sudden movement, Caramel got agitated and took a step back, you could tell the animal didn't like nor trusted her and well, you couldn't actually blame him.
You walked to Caramel and carefully held his face between your hands, having a lot of eye contact with him "shh, it's okay, you don't have to be afraid, it's just Joel and me" you reminded him, pecking his fur so gently and caressing him.
Joel watched in awe as Caramel immediately calmed down. He could never admit it out loud, but the reason why he ditched his own lunch break and went after you was just because he wanted to see you dealing with the horses.
He didn't know how you did it, but you've always been so good with animals and kids. They all seemed to like and trust you instantly. It's like a sensibility that he never had. But even when you were on the road, you'd still look out for stray cats that would appear here and there.
When you two got to Jackson and you volunteered for working with the kids, his heart tightened in his chest. Whenever he saw any kids he couldn't help but think of the time he was a dad himself. Of course his sweet Sarah was already a beautiful young lady when he lost her, but she was once the sweetest child he'd ever seen, she used to like butterflies and watch princess movies with him.
The way you paid attention to the kids around, and played with them, made him think of how Sarah never had that with her mom, but you seemed like you could be a great mom, and he was once a good dad, so maybe one day you two could…
And he stopped himself right there.
He was going nuts, he was sure of it, that was the only explanation to have delusional thoughts like that.
You looked at Sage and how she wasn't going anywhere and sighed.
"I'll take Caramel for a walk, I'll see you later" you told Joel and smiled, though he could tell it was a sad one.
He nodded softly and watched as the winter sun made you glow while you took off with the horse.
Sage smirked and took a few steps towards Joel, she was finally glad to be alone with the man and licked her lips.
He saw her approaching and took another step towards her, closing the distance before them. He could see her excitement, her anticipation and her joy to have him so close, she was sure he was going in for a kiss but all he did was point a finger toward her face.
"What goes on between Y/N and I is none of your fucking business. She owes you no explanation and if I ever see you taunting her or talking shit again, you'll pay" he said angrily. "You are the pathetic one, not Y/N, she's much more of a woman than you will ever be" he barked at the woman and turned his back to her.
When he was getting to the stables earlier that day, his mind was cloudy as he thought to himself if he should do it or not. Joel had crossed too many lines with you, he'd promised himself he wasn't going to touch you, to lead you into thinking he could ever be a good partner or give you anything romantic. His biggest fear was waking up some day and seeing you fall for him, you didn't deserve that burden, he wasn't a good person, he wasn't a good man, he wasn't a good partner, boyfriend or husband. You were too good for him and he could never succumb to the temptation of having a moment with you. But you made it all so hard for him, you were all the time so sweet, so gorgeous, you cared about everybody, but above all, you cared about him.
For the first in twenty years he had someone doing something without expecting anything in return. He didn't have to trade favors or rations of food, all you did was make sure he was alright and you were so painfully kind, like people weren't anymore.
So Joel's nightmare shifted slowly, and instead of fearing you would fall for him, he realized he had fallen for you.
And he'd fallen hard.
He was so ashamed of that realization, how could he just wake up one day and be in love?
But it was too late, Joel had it bad for you and the morning he came to the stables he didn't just want to watch you deal with the horses, he wanted to ask you out.
It wouldn't be a big deal, of course. He'd invite you to go to the bar, have a couple of drinks and take it from there. It would be a nice change to just staying home like you always did. He was having his hopes high enough to even maybe see you doll up a little for him.
He spent the whole morning gathering courage to ask you, but as soon as he got behind the stable and overheard you mentioning his name, he stood as silently as he could, curious to know what you had to say about him.
His heart raced the moment he heard you liked him…
You liked him, but how? As a friend? As a man? Joel closed his eyes and prayed to the Lord you didn't like him as a dad. That would be the end of him.
But then Sage opened that sewage she called a mouth and she ruined it.
He had hoped you would brush things off, you gotta know him better than that, he thought, to know he would never go after a woman like that. But then he saw your sad eyes, how upset you felt and he knew she had ruined things up.
You spent the whole afternoon away with Caramel, you two settled in an open space, where he could rest and play around while you thought about what Sage had said.
You were a comfortable option for Joel.
But was that all you were for him?
No, that witch couldn't be right, he cared for you, he liked you, surely not the way you liked him, but he thought of you more than a comfortable option, right?
You felt a pang in your heart the more you thought of it, because what if he didn't? What if that was exactly what you were for him, just someone easy to be with, someone who would cook and clean and keep him warm.
He never told you love words, he never touched you the way you longed to be touched, so then, what was all of that to him? Did he even care if you just went like Sage and tried finding yourself a lay for the night?
You shook all these thoughts away, you didn't want to feel bitter about might-have-beens, plus the sun was setting down and you needed to be home before dark.
You took Caramel back to the stable, saying goodbye to him and headed home.
When you got there, you could see Joel was wearing his flannel shirt and his nice jacket. He had just gotten out of the shower and…
Was he wearing cologne?
You frowned softly at seeing him like that and felt your heart drop to your toes at the realization he was going out. Possibly on a date with Sage. Of course, you had left them together, you'd handed a platter of meat to the lion.
"Hey Y/N…" Joel said in his hesitant voice, you said hello and sat down on the couch.
"So darling… I'm going out tonight.."
There it was.
You tried your best to hide your jealousy and bitterness.
"Alright, have fun" you replied with a small smile.
And Joel stood there, like a moron. He stared at you but words didn't come out of his mouth, all he had to add was a few words. He just needed to ask you out. The worst that could happen would be you saying no. Of course it would break his heart, but he went through worse so he figured he would overcome things.
You looked up at him with a puzzled expression, why was he still staring at you?
"Do you need anything, Joel?"
You widened your eyes and gasped.
"You heard me, Y/N, I need you… to come with me, of course" he quickly fixed what he'd said but you knew there was more to it. Your heart raced as you got up and walked to him, holding back your smile.
"You don't have a date with Sage tonight?"
He frowned and shook his head immediately dismissing the idea.
"Not with her"
You closed the space between the two of you and leaned closer, Joel also leaned in, his heart hammered his chest, waiting for the kiss that never came. Instead, you whispered into his ear:
"I'll go get ready"
You walked through the Jackson streets together, shielding yourselves from the wind. It was a cold night, but the sky was clear and the moon was shining brightly. It didn't matter if the temperatures were low, it just felt so good to be walking with Joel. He offered you his arm and though neither of you mentioned anything about your weird interaction earlier, you were pretty sure that was a date.
Joel still didn't tell you where you were going, but anywhere with him would be good enough.
He looked down at you as if he had read your mind.
"So… I haven't really thought of where we could go… I didn't think you'd say yes" he gave you a shy smile and looked away.
"Why wouldn't I say yes, Joel?" You replied and slid your hand down his arms, finding his hand and entwining your fingers together.
"Come with me" he said as he thought of a perfect place you could go to.
At first, you thought he was taking you to the stables, but then, you walked around it and went for the hills, where you climbed it and sat down comfortably.
"I thought it would be nice to see the moonlight or something" Joel shrugged and looked at you "sorry, I'm nervous, I haven't been on a date in so long" you felt a warmth in your heart and you held his head making him look at you.
"It's perfect, it reminds me of when we were on the road, you didn't really like me back then, but we had some good times" you chuckled softly and felt Joel's hands on your hips, holding them with a soft grip.
He scoffed.
"I've always liked you, but you always made me run out of patience" he admitted, making you laugh.
"Maybe, I was cranky, but I think I've gone soft, and it's your fault, sweetheart"
You looked into his eyes and then at his lips, you felt your heart pounding as Joel's grip on your waist tightened and he pulled you towards him.
You felt his lips against yours for the first time and it was so much better than you could ever imagine. The way your skin burned at his beard brushing and how he deepened it. You felt his tongue on yours and what began as a slow, gentle kiss, turned into an urgent, fiery one.
You moaned into his lips and tugged his hair, as you broke the kiss, Joel panted softly, worried he'd done something wrong but he smirked as you straddled him and sat on his lap.
"Are you sure you want this, darling?"
He mumbled against your skin, kissing down your neck and kneading your ass gently.
"I've never been so sure, Joel. I need it"
You whispered to him, enjoying the moonlight bliss with the man you loved.
A/N: it wasn't my best work, but I just wanted to make Joel have a happy moment 🥺
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A love that will last an eternity
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ft. Jing Yuan, RaidenEi!reader
synopsis. You are the ruler of Inazuma, a planet that is known as "the nation of eternity". You come in contact with Jing Yuan, the general of Luofu. How does your relationship bloom?
Warnings: Fem!reader, spoilers of Ei's backstory, unlike Ei, you do not trap your people and try to take their visions, you'll just be trying to find eternity, might be ooc.
This is so long lmao. I tried to make it short but I had too many ideas to make it short 😭
Resources were running low on the Luofu, hence, the General was sent to the closest planet to negotiate plans to stock up resources. The planet in question? It was Inazuma, known as the nation of eternity. JING YUAN was arranged to meet the ruler of Inazuma, you, the Raiden Shogun.
Jing Yuan found you to be very stoic. And he thought that was just how you were. But to his surprise, he found out from your long time friend, Yae Miko, that the Almighty Shogun he has been meeting was actually a puppet. And that you were inside the Raiden Shogun, finding your so called eternity. Jing Yuan, admittedly, thought it was quite strange. But, upon realising what you've been through, your sister's death, losing your friends one by one, he completely understood your choice. He himself went through many deaths in his life, but he knew that confining yourself and having a puppet rule your planet was wrong. Even if he hadn't properly met you before, he knew that he had to try convincing you to come out.
So with Yae Miko's permission, he entered the Plane of Euthymia for the first time. Of course, you were surprised. He has trespassed without your permission, yet you weren't surprised that Yae Miko was the one behind his entry. However, due to him trespassing without your permission, you decided to propose a fight. If he were to best you, then you would allow him to talk. Though he accepted the challenge, he was unsure of how strong you were. He considered to decline, since this wasn't even his planet that he was saving. But he decided that if he were to save your planet, then he would gain more connections with other people. Leading to him accepting. The battle was long, and tiresome, there didn't seem to be a clear victor. And this was starting to drain you guys' stamina.
"It appears that the rumors hold true; you are truly a formidable warrior," you say, your voice slightly strained from the prolonged battle, your breath still catching up. A genuine smile graces Jing Yuan's face,
"you flatter me, Almighty Shogun. You, too, are a strong opponent. How about this, this fight has been going on for far too long, and just like you, I have some business I need to do in Xianzhou Luofu. Why don't we talk things out instead of fighting?"
After a few negotiations, you both agreed on a conclusion. Jing Yuan will show you the Xianzhou Luofu, as an example to how a nation will look with their ruler present for centuries.
Fast forward to when you and Jing Yuan arrive on the Luofu. As you walked around with Jing Yuan, you two got a lot of stares from the people in Xianzhou. But it's no surprise, it's not everyday that you see the Almighty Shogun of Inazuma and the General of the Luofu in one place. Strangely, you didn't quite understand why everyone was staring.
"why are people staring at us? Don't they know it's rude to stare?"
"well, it's their first time seeing the Almighty Shogun and the General walking together. Of course they would stare at us."
"it's not like we're here to cause trouble. Why can't they just mind their own business..."
As you two walked around Xianzhou, trying different foods, looking at different attractions, you both were indulging in some small talk. Jing Yuan thought you were very cute. You were more casual as compared to your puppet, and he felt like this was a breath of fresh air. Especially since you acted like he was just a normal person, instead of fearing him due to his position.
After a long day of walking around Xianzhou, you both decided to sit down for a while to eat some Xianzhou delicacies. While eating some dessert, you noticed something poking out of the general's pocket.
"what is... this strange device?" You say, pointing at his phone in his pocket. Judging by his face, Jing Yuan was caught off guard. You don't know what a phone was? Have you been in the plane of euthymia for so long that you had lost touch of the real world?
"this is a phone? Do you not know what a phone is?" He says while taking out his phone, and letting you look at it. "It's so slim... This is unlike anything I've seen before. Oh! What's this..?" He moves his head to watch from over your shoulder, and sees that you've accidentally opened the camera app.
"this is the camera app. You can take photos with this app." He looks over to see your face, he expected to see amusement displayed on your face, but he was met with the sight of your confused face.
"photos...?" Oh. You also didn't know what photos were. After an attempt to explain what photos were, you were left with even more confusion than you had before, so he proposed to take a photo of you to demonstrate how they work.
While taking a photo of you sitting down and drinking dango milk, he couldn't help but admire the way your hair moves in the wind, and how elegant you were in your inazuman clothes.
"is it done?" You say, interrupting his thoughts,
"wait a moment, I just need to find the right angle" he reassures, as he crouches down, he could hear you complain under your breath about how photos were such a time consuming activity, making him chuckle a bit.
After a moment, he walked back to the seat right as you were finishing up your drink. Upon seeing your photo, he loved the way your face morphed from confusion to admiration.
"this photo... Is so beautiful..." You quietly mumble, unknowingly leaning closer to Jing Yuan, causing him to slightly blush. A few passerbyers were shocked to see the well-known general of Luofu blushing because of a girl.
The day where you had to go back to Inazuma came. And Jing Yuan absolutely dreaded for the day to come. He loved spending time with you, and if you went back, he had to travel so far just to visit you again. So, on the morning of your departure, he surprised you with a little gift.
"is this... The device with the camera app?" Jing Yuan gave you the phone for you to examine
"yes, but not only can it take photos, but you can also communicate with others"
Jing Yuan taught you everything about how to text, how to call, and how to send voice messages. By the time you guys were finished talking, it was already time to go. You both decided that you would walk together one last time before you depart. As you walked, he added your contact to his contact list, he was about to name your contact before you interrupted
"no need for the formalities. You can just call me y/n." You say, looking at his screen, where your contact was named "Raiden Shogun"
Jing Yuan chuckled, he was glad he could finally call you by a shorter name, it was getting quite tiring saying "Raiden Shogun" every time to address you.
You finally reach the ship that will be carrying you back to Inazuma, and Jing Yuan doesn't feel like letting you go just yet. Even if you guys have contact with each other, it doesn't feel the same as walking with you in real life. Before boarding the ships, you both exchange your goodbyes, and Jing Yuan reminds you to text often.
As you board the ship, you look back one more time, just to see his face one more time. Once you board the ship, you begin to realise how fond you were of Jing Yuan. You seemed to enjoy yourself more, you were smiling more, and it was even the first time you had someone address your actual name for a long time. For the first time, you wanted to land as quick as possible, so you could talk to Jing Yuan again. You look at your contacts, which only contained Jing Yuan. You felt like your visit to the Xianzhou Luofu was refreshing, you finally realised that your ways were not right, and you were ready to correct them.
1 year has past since you met Jing Yuan, and you two have been texting almost everyday. You were updating Jing Yuan on your nation's situation, and he was giving more advice on what choices need to be made, and what was needed for a fully functioning nation. You completely trusted him, after all, he's lived for centuries and has witnessed the Luofu's growth. But you could also feel the way your chest felt warm whenever you had a video call with him. And he's felt the same way. You both really wanted to see eachother again, to walk together again, maybe even have Jing Yuan visit Inazuma again. But you both knew that being in charge of a nation means that there is hardly any time to visit other planets. Especially since you've taken full control of Inazuma now.
The summer festival in Inazuma was just around the corner. Thankfully, the one in charge of planning the summer festival was the company owned by Yoimiya, Naganohara Fireworks. Though you had a short break, you weren't planning on watching the fireworks. Whenever you saw the fireworks, you were always alone, and it always hurt to be reminded that all your previous friends were no longer here. Coincidentally, Jing Yuan has gotten a two week break around this time. As well, just a few days ago you were complaining how lonely you would be on the day of the festival, which really made Jing Yuan's heart ache. He relates to the feeling of being alone, he's lost many of his friends too. But something in him doesn't want you to feel lonely ever again. Something in him wants you to feel what it's like to celebrate the summer festival with someone you love.
The day of the summer festival comes, but all you're doing today is going for a walk around the beach, you didn't usually go to the beach, but that's precisely why you came. Just so you could escape the way your heart aches whenever you go to a place where you used to visit with your sister. So you went to the beach, where you didn't have any memories of your past. Suddenly, you stop in your tracks. A few steps ahead of you, sat the general of Luofu himself. As if he could sense your presence, Jing Yuan turns his attention away from the ocean and to you, smiling as he sees the way your eyes widen in surprise. Still in a daze, you begin to sprint towards him, excited yet confused to see him. You had thought he was busy, why was he here?
Still a bit bewildered, you unknowingly hold his hand, which caused Jing Yuan to blush a bit, but you didn't notice.
"Jing yuan..? What are you doing here?" He chuckles, he could see the hint of happiness from the way your voice sounded slightly more high-pitched.
"Well I just so happened to be on break for two weeks. So I decided to accompany you today in the summer festival." He felt his heart thump faster when he saw how happy you were to see him, still unaware of the stares they were recieving from passerbyers, who were surprised from how happy the Almighty Shogun was. Upon realising how close the two of you were, you both quickly pull away from each other, embarrassed from how your lips were so close to touching his.
After calming down, you both talked about your past experiences and the friends you used to have. Which almost had you tear up.
The two of you silently stared at the ocean, simply enjoying each others company. After all, you both have lost many friends in the past, it's always nice to find a new friend that you can spend the rest of your immortal life with. That was when Jing Yuan suddenly grabbed your hand,
"come on, the fireworks lightshow will begin soon. I heard it's best to see them at Amakane Island, mind showing me the way?" You gently smile, as he pulls you up, and the two of you make your way to Amakane Island. On the way, you point out certain stands that you recommend, just like how he had done when you first came to the Luofu.
The two of you arrive at Amakane Island, of course, many people were staring. The last person they expected to watch the fireworks show was the Raiden Shogun. But at this point, the both of you could not care less. You were only here to have a good time after all.
After looking around for a good spot to see the fireworks, you finally settled on a spot where you could fully see the fireworks, it was also far away from any people, so the two of you could have the space to yourselves. The fireworks erupted in the sky, though this wasn't your first firework show, this was the first in a long time that made your heart warm instead of it aching. While you were mesmerized by the light show, Jing Yuan broke the silence
"you know, you really make my chest feel so warm." He begins, but this sentence alone made you blush, which didn't go unnoticed by Jing Yuan
"I'm really grateful to have someone like you to be by my side. But I know that, one day, we might never get to see each other again" You began to wonder what he was trying to say, you were a bit nervous that he was going to leave you, forever. Which made you worried, but your worries quickly vanished when his eyes met yours.
"would you like to become my girlfriend?" It took a while for you to truly process what those words meant, did he actually mean it? Should you accept it? After all, you two would have a long-distanced relationship, so wouldn't it be better to just stay friends? You slowly lower your head, but, you couldn't bare to stay friends with him, because you also returned his feelings. If you had declined, then it would feel like you were lying to yourself. I mean, you can handle a long-distanced relationship, right?
"don't feel too pressured to agree. I don't want to force you to be in a relationship you don't lik-"
"No." You say, cutting off Jing Yuan, you lifted your head back up to meet his eyes once again, his eyes looked shocked, he didn't expect you to cut him off like that. You lightly smiled, just to reassure him, this causes his eyes to soften at the sight of your beautiful smile.
"I'd like to be your... Partner." You say, embarrassed to say the word "girlfriend". Jing Yuan found your embarrassment amusing, causing a chuckle to escape his mouth. He grabs your hand and bows down to kiss the back of your hand. A firework explodes in the sky, just as he mutters a sentence into your hand,
"then let's spend the rest of our immortal lives together."
Jing Yuan: the ship just landed back in the Luofu, hope to see you again soon ^^
Y/n: I would like that too, any festivals coming up?
Jing Yuan: there are no festivals coming up... but it's okay, you can just visit when I'm on break.
Y/n: alright then, will you message me when you're done working?
Jing Yuan: of course. Well, I'll see you later, my love.
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Jing Yuan: ...
Y/n: that's how you use them, right?
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