#I got my coworker to start watching it but she’s only like on ep 3 😭😭😭
leverage-ot3 · 8 months
so I’m about to start work but I have to get this god tier concept out. may post more about it later
derry girls leverage international crew
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taxinealkaloids · 14 days
I do adore how absolutely unhinged all of the Eye-aligned characters are; Jon is trying his best to be normal but is also the "it's remarkably easy to buy an axe in London guy," Gertrude mutilated a man and threw his body in a hole, and Jonahelias did...all that. Maybe the spooky eyeball really does eat social skills/morality because the 3 of them are freaks of the highest order
Oh I think you’re sort of getting at something that I consider one of the defining features of the Beholding as an entity! (Keep in mind this is all just my interpretation and I don’t claim to be the defining authority on this subject.) 
 While the Eye certainly could be the reason for the general unhinged-ness of our three featured avatars, I would like to submit the alternate theory that it was the other way around; they were Already Like That, and that’s what drew the Beholding to them. I feel that the Eye is kind of unique in how it views its avatars. Many of the entities behave primarily as predators; they are interested in their avatars only insofar as they can use them as tools with which to hunt, and they override their original form and personality to facilitate this. They don’t really exercise their own will anymore; rather they exist as an extension of their patron. In ep 47 Jon asks The Distortion, Michael, whether he owns the hallways Helen got lost in; in response, Michael replies, “Does your hand in any way own your stomach?” I think this sums up the way avatars become incorporated into their patron entity really well. Michael isn’t a person anymore, he’s an appendage, grabbing the Spiral’s prey and dragging it into the hallways to be digested. Now some entities, notably the Web, clearly DO have agendas beyond simple consumption, but the Web is, to put it lightly, a control freak. It doesn’t have any interest in its avatars having free will. Annabelle is a puppet with a head full of spiders. She’s not herself anymore either. Basically, most of the entities don’t gain anything from their avatars having free will, so they take it away. 
The Eye, though? The Eye does gain something from its avatars having free will. In fact, their free will is kind of the POINT, isn’t it? Elias, Jon, and Gertrude aren’t puppets, because puppets aren’t any fun to watch. In my opinion, the Eye isn’t USING its avatars so much as it is excitedly observing them like lab rats. You wouldn’t want your lab rats to be puppets subsumed by your own will, because that would be boring as hell and also pointless. You wouldn’t learn anything that way, and nothing exciting would happen because you’d already know everything the rats were going to do. You want them to participate in the experiment! Their participation is essential, actually! So, instead of taking over their minds or twisting them into monsters, the Eye provides its avatars with the necessary tools (compulsion, partial omniscience, etc) to be really great at data collection and then it just sort of…sets them loose and watches to see what they find out! Of course, for this laissez-faire approach to work, it needs the sort of people who are already inclined to do the necessary legwork. If you’re a voyeuristic eyeball god and you have the ability to bestow individuals with cosmic powers, you’re gonna give them to people who are gonna do something interesting with them, and Elias, Jon, and Gertrude certainly don’t disappoint. Even before Jon started to feel any of the physical effects of Beholding’s hold, he was exploring the murder tunnels, stalking his coworkers, and  throwing himself in the path of avatars in a desperate attempt to satisfy his own curiosity. Gertrude was basically running around trying to fistfight every single entity and blow up their shit. Both of them were basically putting on the best show possible. Tragically, we don’t know much about Jonah’s own path to Beholding, but I bet the room the Eye allows for its avatars to retain their free will and find things out for themselves would have drawn him to it over the other entities. (I do also headcanon that he originally was quite impulsive, inclined to throw himself into potentially dangerous situations in order to satisfy his curiosity like Jon, and had to learn over the years to temper these inclinations in the interest of not dying.)
Anyway, tl;dr, the eye WANTS freaks of the highest order and that’s why they’re all Like That. Thanks for your ask <33
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bengiyo · 1 year
Me, My Husband & My Husband's Boyfriend Eps 1 -5 Stray Thoughts
This is an unusual release schedule, giving us five episodes now and five more later. Still, I'm curious what TV Tokyo does with this, since they also gave me What Did You Eat Yesterday?
Episode 1
Man, Japan just really knows how to start a show. You can feel the strained optimism of this poor woman in just 30 seconds.
This has barely started and I feel claustrophobic. Misaki's friends have no idea how unhappy she is, and what is this incredibly pained look she shared only with Maki?
Oh, they may have been in lesbians with each other. This is already fraught queer angst.
Ah, it feels like it might have been just Maki.
You know someone is up to something when they fake sleep when their partner comes into the room.
That's right, girl. Blog your problems.
I tell you, I hoped I would avoid teen pregnancy when I was a teacher. I was wrong.
Poor Masaki. She and Yuki are just not in alignment when it comes to intimacy. Now she only has one day a year to look forward to for marital sex??
Nice use of Dutch angles when Masaki sees the kiss.
Episode 2
My goodness, this was an intense opening scene in how Misaki immediately starts to try to suppress everything and bargain her way into an explanation that doesn't spell the end of her marriage. Yuki doesn't lie, but he's already hurt her deeply.
I hope that's not the product placement we're throwing away.
I'm so sad about this nice dinner going to waste.
I agree with Misaki that what happens next with their relationship should be her choice, considering he's been making lots of choices without her for a while.
The coworker seems kind. She can tell that Misaki is masking.
Yo this old dude shoulder checked the fuck out of her.
I was not expecting to see Honda Kyoya again so soon after Jack o' Frost, but I'm not going to complain. However, if Shyuuhei is an artist like Ritsu was, this offers up a fascinating lens into a potentially alternative story.
It is correct of Misaki to put distance between a student who expresses romantic interest in her.
This is a lot. I feel for Misaki. Not only does she need to reckon with the fact that her husband is gay and seeing someone else. She also has to contend with it being her former student who still wants to be with her, who knows that he's been hooking up with her husband.
The transitional shot after Misaki's hyperventilating looks like it might be in the same spot as the intro for Midnight Diner.
Through sheer confidence and will alone, Shyuuhei is going to get both of them.
Misaki leaving to probably go to Maki is valid, though I feel bad for Maki, too.
Episode 3
I already like Daichi and the house dynamic Maki and he share.
I was kinda excited about what changing homes might do for Misaki, but I appreciate her wanting to clear things with Yuki first.
I wonder if Yuki might be aro-ace spectrum. Seems like he wasn't aware of his potential attraction to men before he married Misaki?
Honda Kyoya is honestly so pretty.
Look at this, TV Tokyo has me watching a man and woman kiss and such in BL when I got none of this in What Did You Eat Yesterday? They're even open mouth kissing when the men haven't done so! I'm salty!
And here I was hoping that it really was just a pregnancy scare. Now Satou hasn't been coming to school.
I'm gonna need Masaki to go out with this veteran teacher.
What is the truth with Satou!
Shyuuhei is with Satou, too? And he went in her raw? She said he was only a year older, so is he 19? GODDAMN
Someone is always spying and taking goddamn pictures! You just gonna anonymously meddle? Own your actions!
Episode 4
Trigger warnings: Discussion and prevention of suicide in this episode.
This is so messy. Shyuuhei has such a hold over Yuki, who doesn't desire his wife physically at all.
Daichi's family's apples are enormous.
What is she to do with all these apples?
Oh, Yuki, I really just can't with the continued lies. Something has to give.
Is the spy the other teacher who wanted to get a beer?
Well, Shyuuhei is way out of line, but he's not wrong about Misaki's marriage.
Ah, the spy was the other teacher, whose name is Misumi. At least she's confronting him with her qualms.
Interposing the conversation with Misumi and the interview with a woman talking about her gay husband's death makes the point loud and clear.
I think Honda Kyoya is well-cast here. He has an ethereal quality that I think works really well for Shyuuhei.
Wanting to disappear is a question I get on mental health surveys, and Shyuuhei seems way too comfortable talking about suicide.
Episode 5
Trigger warnings: Discussion and prevention of suicide in this episode.
I'm really glad we saw Honda Kyoya in Jack o' Frost first. I find myself wanting to dig into this performance just as much as I want to understand the character. Polyamory is hard; I don't think I'm built for it. I like how sympathetic they're making Shyuuhei feel through his earnestness, even if he's giving me red flags in so many other areas.
This scene of the first meet between Yuki and Shyuuhei is making me sad, because I don't think we've seen Yuki be this intent on Misaki.
Okay, taking them to a place to disconnect briefly is much better than where I thought this was going.
Misaki suggesting they all live together was an excellent scene. The way the camera pans through her dialogue from her being alone, to her and Yuki, to her and Shyuuhei, to finally all three of them works so beautifully. Then having her be nervous and struggling to crack an egg perfectly underscores her uncertainty.
I love Misaki. I'm glad we're letting her uncomfortable feelings come through clearly. This isn't the life she thought she was getting, but she's trying to make the best of a difficult situation.
Furukawa Yuki is so good. I remember again why Restart After Coming Back Home sticks with me as we see the range he's shown this episode.
I like the ground rules Misaki established. They don't realistically expect Shyuuhei to help with expenses now, but she wants to make sure he's contributing to the maintenance tasks and is at least working in his field.
Hotta Akane is also doing a great job. She completely performed the complex nervousness, relief, and bemusement she felt at seeing Yuki clearly relaxed in the house again for the first time in a while, and also the strange sense of attraction she felt at Shyuuhei expressing his feelings to her again.
Final Thoughts at the Midpoint
I think it was an excellent call to release this show in two batches. It's covering some complex emotional places that I don't think the audience would be able to take in stride each week for two months. Giving us the chance to go through this at our own pace and trying to connect with the characters feels like the right call.
I'm looking forward to the back half of this, and I find myself hoping that however they all end up, they all find what they need for their own sense of fulfillment.
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xiuminscheeks · 6 months
Biiiig paragraphs incoming cos im all caught up now!
So um. I fully didnt realise this was eunwoo until he sang in the wedding episode and i was like ok shoehorned in singing scene, this has to be an idol right? (In other words I should look at credits more often T.T) in my defense i only know like 2 astro songs lol
Also im adopting yul T.T hes so pure and helpful and all he wants is a pet dog someone pleaaaase get him a puppy...edit: holy fuck they make him deal with so much they make him pull like 3 all nighters, they rly brought him in as a fake bf... and then take him out as the third wheel xD hes so dramatic about it too acts like hes dying 10/10 oscar for the kid (nvm looked him up hes actually 2 years older than me thats not a kid skskks)
The bullying storyline made me SO nervous i fully thought shed succeed in ruining mr jins reputation (i cant handle storylines where people get unjustly framed for things it proper stresses me out skdjsk) or that something terrible was gonna happen to the poor student as a revenge from the bullies. but also seeing teachers actually care about students wellbeing over the reputation of the school is something that can be so 🥹 you love to see it
I rly loved the school trip episode!!! her coworker is still so set on trying to match her with mr lee skdjsk shes winning the wingman points but not the 'keeping up with the news' points (and also the cotton candy scene. What if i passed away. What if i straight up died. what then)
Oh and the cryptic new shaman girl? Shes def connected to mr lee right, cos shes got way too many mystic powers like he seems to have, what with his teleporting around to scare the bully. Oh and shes tryna break into his basement and all (and ofc yul gets roped into that too, he can never catch a break poor kid)
Edit; hes the MOUNTAIN SPIRIT RIGGGGGHT that explains the magic (i have to say i prefer him with long hair, men should have long hair more sksksk) super curious to see what his angle is since he cursed this family and is still keeping tabs on them but keeps implying mr jins gonna die or smth 😳
It was satisfying as fuck to watch him wreck the conspiracy theory streamer in one flick though, i was chanting KILL HIS ASS at the screen lmao
And YEAAAAAAAHGGHHH infinite fist pump!!! they finally confessed and kissed!!!!!! The way he instantly went for it too as soon as she said thr curse is over, you knooow hes been waiting for 3 months to do that,, wail theyre so sweet im holding them both gently theyre perfect for each other orz
Okay okay im done for now, youre free from the ask spam....but I didnt realise i was getting into an unfinished series when i started this so uh, i guess ill see you next week after the new episode airs xD
your ask got me all excited again so I might rewatch the whole show before the new ep airs ajbfajflf
yea, Yul actor deserves an oscar, an emmy and even a grammy for his performance I WAS LITERALLY DYING
"i cant handle storylines where people get unjustly framed for things it proper stresses me out" SAME OMG I was so worried but thankfully the whole thing resolved during the same episode.
"hes been waiting for 3 months to do that" considering he fell in love with her the moment he first saw her, its WAY longer than that, which makes it even more precious (in episode 3 we saw a flashback of their first time meeting when Hae Na started working at the school, which was never clear if it was a while ago or just this year) check episode 3 33:27-34:54 (I speed watched the episode at work, I'm not that obsessed to know the exact timestamp, dont worry)
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aliciaphen · 2 years
hellaurrrr!!! I hope everyone had a great August. Recently, my poem + art piece about August starting making the rounds and I’m very grateful for everyone who supported and shared it - thank you! I hope as the season comes to a close, we all transition into a smooth year end. I didn’t make as much as I wanted to this month; but it has been quite eventful! I finished my summer job :( I miss it very much, hung out with my coworkers, got my full license, spent two weeks alone at my home, and had my first experience as a background actor (!) (I'm very surprised I got to cross that off my summer bucket list lol). Please forgive me - my media list might seem a bit short this month, but I hope to discover more throughout September ♡
Music: (August 2022 Playlist)
NewJeans 1st EP ‘New Jeans’ - NewJeans
Girl group debuts have been KILLING it these past two years. NewJeans is no exception. These girls slayed. Attention is a great debut song, Cookie is also super cute! I didn’t like Hype Boy on my first listen - it just didn’t sound much different than what other groups were putting out - but as soon as I saw some MEN hating on it, I flipped switch because I know (!) they’re making fun of those girls for no reason. Hurt is my least favourite track off the EP, but only because the other songs are so fun! A great summer release, and I wish these girls a bright future. I’m also unsure of the scandals going on with Min Hee Jin, but she is someone I really admire creatively. I trust she’s going to do NewJeans good, and I’m happy she’s founded a new group to be her muses and creative outlet. 
Stupid - HYO
I go crazy to this shit honestly I wish I could dance well ‘cause this song is so fun to dance to, but alas....
Ending Credit - Uhm Jung Hwa
A great song to listen to if you’ve gotten over Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God) by Kate Bush, but still want to enjoy those 80s synths. 
Darkness - 2021 Remaster - Sweet Trip 
LOVE this song. I wish I could make music so that I could make a song like this. 
Off To The Races - Lana Del Ray 
Ok. I never had a Lana phase, and I don’t think I ever will, but this song slays! She’s so expressive with her voice. She should release one of those Recording Behinds like idols do because I’m genuinely interested in what her process is. 
Aubrey Plaza - Nick Ward
This is a very chill song - apparently it was in Never Have I Ever season 3, but I genuinely don’t remember it at all. Inspired by the cover for one of my latest art endeavours. 
If you constantly listen to BP, listening to the live albums are a bit more refreshing because of the different mixes. Particularly Don’t Know What To Do - Live has me ASCENDING into heaven. I say this with my chest - it’s better than the original. The transition between the songs in Love To Hate Me + You Never Know - Live is so sudden but SLAPS!!! 
Fantasy - Mariah Carey
I murder this song when I sing along to it (and not in a good way). 
This Is A Life - Son Lux, Mitski, David Byrne 
I only watched Everything Everywhere All At Once one time - and quite frankly I don’t remember all the details of this mindfuck movie, including this track! It makes me feel like that gif where Kermit is floating in a circle in an inflatable pool.
Alice in Borderland (2020)
Surprised to see just how similar Squid Game was to Alice in Borderland. I NEED to know how they got into the game world. It’s a great show. I like the fashion/styling in the show as well. I actually recently got some grandma shirts, so I feel like I’d fit right in at The Beach. 
Seulgi GOT The Beat Fancam
What can I say? Seulgi is the ace of the 3rd generation. 
Ugly Delicious - Season 2
For some reason, I accidentally watched Season 2 before Season 1. I loved learning about different foods. I particularly found the episode on Indian cuisine interesting. The biodiversity of bananas and the importance of food at Indian weddings were particular points of interest for me. 
Enya Umanzor and Drew Phillips Talk ‘Emergency Intercom’ - Bailey Richards
I’ve been watching Enya since Vine and Drew since they started collaborating on YouTube. They’re both people I really admire creatively, and honestly the ‘Media of the Week’ segment on Emergency Intercom is the whole reason I started these Monthly Media Mentions. I’m happy to see they’re getting mainstream recognition and that they can express themselves beyond their podcast and own streams of social media.
The Wealthy Barber: The Common Sense Guide to Becoming Financially Independent - David Chilton
My aunt recommended me this book. I’m still in the middle of reading it. Honestly I don’t prefer this ‘storytelling’ style of giving advice because it is fictional. So far, investing 10% of your monthly income in mutual funds is all I’ve picked up.
Luca Meneghel for Vogue Portugal with Caterina Ravaglia
Such an awesome shoot. I love the unnaturally bright colours against blue hour and the intensely textured fabrics in the woods. Really makes the fashion stand out, but somewhere melds together to curate a great concept.
This New York pizza dough recipe!
Takes like 2 days. Excellent outcome - worth the effort. I made a bunch of pizza for my family once they got back from vacation and they really appreciated it! 
This red velvet crinkle cookies recipe! 
I’ve NEVER made cookies that turned out so good. I always burn them. Leave them in the oven at 500 degrees Fahrenheit for 8 minutes and 30 seconds EXACTLY (suggested by my coworker)!
This chocolate cake recipe! 
AMAZING. I did add a bit extra flour to make it more “solid”, but the original recipe is SO moist and delicious. Please make all these recipes.
0 notes
mimiri22-6 · 4 years
Oh my fucking god holy shit, my guys! This show. This fucking show. Where do I even start! First off
So I will be taking the extra step of taking my laptop out, and continuing this on there(and after I wake up because it's 4am and I regret absolutely NONE of this whatsoever because, guys, I love this show with everything I have left to my being, I swear, I will die for a third season)
Warning: This is a long one.
OKOKOKOK! I know I know! It’s been uh...A Month since I first posted this! BUT I am Here Now and Ready!!! I am less than 10 seconds into the first episode of season 2 and I am already So Ready to relive this!!(Dream SMP has Nothing on this show, God I Love This Show Far Too Much!!!!!!)
...First ten minutes...I have So Much I want to say...Just-just a lot of love...
okokokokokokokokokok!!!!!! I think I know how I’m going to do this now! One bullet for each episode! Let’s see if I stick with it.
Gentle Touch
In the first episode we already get a big game changer for Bee and her development. Bee becoming more responsible as a favor for Deckard. He asks her to take care of his family while he’s at cooking school and we already see her doing this. Going out to the ocean with Weasley, going out of her comfort zone for people she’s practically family to, which is why we got the beginning flashback, once again going out of her comfort zone to stop Puppycat from punching kittens, And Finally, coming out from her nap cupboard to face Howl and help pay for bills by eating ugly food.
Little Fingers
Ooh, this one has foreshadowing dream sequence. I would say more about it if it had more significance, but it’s really just what happens to Bee in the last ep. This episode brings more of Bee being responsible, trying to take her phone away from Puppycat so he stops making bad purchases. This episode made me realize what Puppycat’s role is this season, the child. Or something among those lines. He’s the same as he was last season, but it seems/is a bit more exaggerated because Bee isn’t doing the same things anymore. She’s started to care about consequences. And speaking about consequences, Toast announces she’s pregnant while confirming that she’s been staying...in Cass’s room(?)...weird, but ok, and by Tim pointing and Merlin’s reaction, it’s Merlin’s...but also everyone else seemed like they thought they were the culprit and I don’t want to think about the implications of that....MOVING ON-OH WAIT, And Cardamon’s mom is spouting magic tears that messes with the plants, so there’s that.
Snow and Violets
I’m going to be honest, I’m not 100% sure what to put here and I’m loosing steam. (I’ve been awake since 3 am...) But I think I can put something. The situation with Mr. Cup is the definition of being haunted by your past. The guilt and regret of cheating in the past has made him lose his motivation to give it his all in racing because, what’s the point? Motivation and not caring was his norm, so he just stuck with it. Until Bee, and now he can be a rainbow and sleep with less guilt and regret on his conscience. The thing with the island rapidly changing could be one of three things. Something to do with the ship that  Is the island, a metaphor for change, or something really cool the creators just wanted.
Day off Work
Not Too much to note for this ep overall. Puppycat totally did do the ‘wrecking the house in search for the owner’ thing dogs do. Finally, a dog trait! Every time I see Cardamon now I just get sad cause he’s 7, and should Not be doing landlord stuff. Bee showing worry about how Cardamon’s mom is still asleep and being worried about Cardamon himself, I’m just glad someone’s noticing. I keep forgetting that some people haven’t watched the pilot so they don’t know about Puppycat being a Space Outlaw, so when he found all his stuff under the apartment I was less surprised and more excited. The two last things I want to say is I think it’s interesting/cool/intriguing how the Wizard family just takes every weird thing either in stride, unquestioningly, or ignorance. Just trying to pretend it didn’t happen so they don’t have to deal with it(other than Crispin, but he’s coming up). And the last thing I just want to bring to light is CARDAMON BEING SO CUTE IN THE LAST SCENE! JUST BEING A CHILD! AND LAUGHING WITH HIS DOG! ON A FUNNY CHAIR! I LOVE HIM YOUR HONOR AND I WILL PROTECT THAT SMILE WITH MY WHOLE BEING!!!
My Favorite
Note, Pretty Patrick is also The Mayor. Alright. It’s definitely been a few months and you can see the relationship between Howl and Bee has gotten better, not that it was too bad to begin with, just a bit less peeved on Howl’s end. The theme of Bee being responsible is brought into play again with the train station scene. Telling Puppycat to not hit and the way Puppycat was acting around Patrick. All little kid stuff. Which also kind of clashes with what I thought was Puppycat being older than Bee by a lot, I’m honestly slowly getting more and more confused exactly how I should perceive Puppycat. THE FIRST REAL LOOK AT THE HAND GUYS! I’m still not sure what their deals are, but they have a corpse on their hands and that is already the biggest red flag. I have a guess as to what/who they are in relation to Puppycat and, by acquaintance, Bee, but I could be wrong, but I also can’t think of any other people they may be. I’ll bring it back up either the next time we see them or at the end.
Did You Remember
Grampa Puppycat cares about his granddaughter a whole lot. Don’t @ me, their dynamic is more confusing than a moving maze...Now this episode, ooh boy, it feels like a lot, but in a minimal way? First off, Cardamon finally breaks down about the stress of being a 7 year old landlord and Bee takes care of him for the day. Big Sis Bee For The Win! DON’T @ ME I MAKE UP MY OWN FAMILY DYNAMICS!!! Kind of continuing from the first sentence, Puppycat and Bee love each other(I Stand By Platonically For Them) so much already, for them it’s been a little over a year considering Puppycat fell into Bee’s life before her last birthday and now they’re celebrating another one. And I must admit, I can not for the life of me figure out wtf the deal is with the tears. They have little shapes of recent events in them and they make plants weird/straight up just make life! Like, What Even Is That?! Also, Cardamon finally gets a good sleep.
Bird Friend
Ok, so we got more ship pieces, a most likely reason as to why Puppycat was Like That in the last few episodes of season 1 and has been goopy every now and again in this season. Apparently eating things he shouldn’t eat make him Extremely off model and goopy. More hands! But not the rest of them this time around. I wonder if Sticky’s hunt for all the birds has any significance other than showing us another piece. Puppycat breaking down and spilling a few secrets after stress eating off the floor and Bee immediately saying no to someone else telling her what’s wrong with Puppycat and letting him come to her first instead of forcing him is always such a good lesson to have. Also, Cass is into weirdly shaped shiny things.
Two Clown Noses
Ah, it’s this one. The one that Really throws a wrench into the Bee/Deckard ship. THEY’RE BOTH SO CUTE! I CAN’T CHOOSE!!! This entire episode is just Crispin and Bee hanging out with the added angst of the beginning ‘story’. This world is full of such amazingly crazy characters and Crispin’s backstory is one of those crazier ones. Bee and him Lived Together and Know Each Other, he knows she’s a robot! My only question is, what happened that they broke up? WAIT- DID THEY EVEN BREAK UP?! It would be weird if they weren’t because they were living together and then they decide to live separate again would make no sense. I think I just jumped to the weirdest conclusion...Anyway! How would Puppycat get sick? I feel like that was just another thing they added to create different dynamics. The beginning birthday thing and the conclusion felt so real even though the cause was something so out there that I feel like only animated shows like this could pass, but also I feel like someone out there has done something similar, so what do I know. Yeah, not much else about this episode, it was mostly just Bee/Crispin stuff and character stuff. Gosh they’re so cute...but so is Bee/Deckard. Being a multishipper is hard...
Funny Lying
RIGHT! THEY’RE CALLED THE WARLOCKS! THAT’S THE TITLE I WAS FORGETTING! Tim knows everyone’s secrets, comes with the perk of having a lot of time and not talking much, you observe everyone else while they think you’re doing something else. I know from experience. Eavesdropping is a specialty of mine. SHIT THIS IS THE ONE WHERE CASS GETS THE MESSAGE DISSING HER FOR FALLING FOR TOAST FROM A COWORKER! I caught those vibes during the first season, but then the first half of this season came along and I was forced to drop those vibes in favor of cannon because TOAST WAS PREGOS WITH ONE OF CASS’S BROTHER’S KIDS! I’m good at catching gay vibes in fictional worlds, but I’m shit in the real world, just like everything else. And the thing is, we don’t get Any kind of explanation/closure for the entire rest of the season! We see Toast totally shocked reaction, probably moments before she was going to sneak attack Cass, but froze upon seeing that text. AND WE GET NOTHING ABOUT THAT FOR THE REST OF THE SEASON! Anyway, that was only like 2 minutes into the ep, this is taking forever. We got more Bee being responsible for Cardamon and getting rid of the tears, but the biggest part of this episode is undoubtedly Puppycat’s scenes. We got him sinking to the bottom of the ocean and getting cradled by flowers created by the tears next to the ship. We find out he was bullied and ridiculed in school as a kid and his best friend(idk what else they would be counted as), Violet, convinced him to leave their planet after they accidently summon their ship, leaving Puppycat’s mother behind. seeing how he cried about leaving her she seems to have been a great caretaker and he loved her immensely. We get the scene of Bee’s dad as a baby/Very young child on a mission, giving a presentation, and finding the candy to be a source of energy by cracking it open. Making me think, ‘Is that Bee’s fuel source? If it is, how would not taking full doses for two years effect her?’ because in the first season she splits the candy in half to share with Puppycat and in this season she didn’t eat the candy at all. Makes me even more worried for the future knowing what state she’s in when this season ends. With the last flower fever dream/memory it seems that the princess that he fell in love with was the one to make the final move to turning him into a ‘monster.’ Don’t worry tho, Bee saved him from the bottom of the ocean 
Golden Eyes
(I’m getting more and more tired as this goes one. I started doing this at around 12 this morning and now it’s nearing 6 pm. I’m loosing it!) We got another birthday and it’s Howl’s this time, though it’s not really his episode. The fish are attracted to the wish crystals for some reason and one eats a bit of it to be ‘human’ for a day. I love how the fish hated being a human and Weasley didn’t even notice it was a date. I don’t know if it was or not, but ending on that was funny. We got the return of the major douche from the season 1 finally and a mention of Moully. 
Why Don’t You Help Me?
(I took a break between episodes, aka I went tf to sleep, because I was falling asleep at the table and not really processing everything enough for what I’m trying to do) Ok, so this is a day in the life of Cardamon episode with supposed parelles to the Warlocks. We start with the red one stuck and the others unwilling to help...and then they start drawing Puppycat’s face on the 5th one’s corpse and these guys just do not care that it’s a dead body that they supposedly killed themselves. In short, they have all my fear because they are uncaring about body counts. Cardamon still goes to school on top of being a self proclaimed landlord and gets made fun of for being responsible and tattling at every chance he gets. Something I just noticed too is, at first I just assumed he was finally getting tired after being an adult in a child’s body for who knows how long, but now I’m thinking if he’s supposed to be asleep with Violet, his mom, then the reason for him being so tired is being awake too long. It could most likely be both, too. Just like Cardamon, I have no idea what all the tears mean. In the most recent one was see Moully as the charm in the center. What’s the pattern with these? Again we see Bee being responsible and taking care of Cardamon, making sure he gets home safe, tucking him in, and pulling an all night favor so he can sleep and get to school in the morning. Speaking of that, I can’t say I like Cardamon’s teachers all that much. I could rant about them, but this is already long and they’re not worth it. My only real question is, why the hell are their clothes so ragged and dirty? Do they not know how to bathe? Just, WTF? (either that or they’re Really not trying to hide their *ahem* activities from the kids, which just makes me want to punch sense into them or something)
Now I’m Really Alone
MOULLY!!!! Sorry, I just love him a lot. From what I can put together, he’s some kind of gift giving being. Giving wishes, exchanging good deeds and quick favors for other good deeds and favors. Just being Really nice and wanting to help everyone he comes across. This episode makes me see so much in common between Bee and Moully. They both want to help even when they don’t know how. Making messes and finding ways clean up those messes out of guilt and the feeling of obligation. They both have lost things they need to pick up and the knowledge that they have all the time in the world because they’ve both been alive for so long. It keeps getting hinted, but now kind of confirmed, that the Wizard’s know Bee is Weird because they haven’t seen her age. Hell, seeing how she interacts with Cardamon she could have even baby sat them. So all the Wizard’s know she’s Weird and, supposedly, only Crispin knew she was a robot. That was until Deckard found out in the season 1 finally. Once again bringing up the point of people in the Wizard family finding something out and ignoring it and hiding it. In the season 1 finally, Tim asked Cass if Deckard wasn’t depressed anymore, practically saying that Deckard has some form of depression. Depression being a mental illness that runs in families, it wouldn’t be a stretch to assume that some other members of the family have similar problems. One of the things I remember depression doing is the person will see a problem and ignore it. Something that many people in this show do with the weirdness around them and the emotional states/situations of the other people in the show. This season is about finally seeing the thing you’ve been ignoring and doing something about it. And that’s what Bee’s been doing this season, taking charge and finally getting her junk out of the ocean and getting REALLY far out of her comfort zone. She HATES water and the ocean, but she’s diving in to take back what’s hers and cleaning up a mess. There’s A Lot to analyze with this episode, the similarities of Moully’s and Bee’s situations and personalities, Puppycat being the responsible one again for the long run of things, the tears and how the wish crystals work, and the state of multiple character’s minds. Ignorance is bliss until it isn’t.
I Won’t Leave You Alone
Ok, SO MANY NOTES! Which makes sense seeing how it’s the last episode. First off, THOSE WARLOCK BASTDARDS VIOLATED MOULLY AND IF THEY WERE REAL I WOULD THROTLE THEM TILL THEIR HEADS POPPED OFF!!! I am a very protective person when it comes to things I care about. And I’m going to say it here and now incase something comes up of it, Cooking Prince gives be Colorful Vibes, if you know what I mean. You don’t follow someone home and bother them when they don’t want to be bothered unless you’re Into into them. That’s all I’m saying and if nothing comes of it, I will drop it. I’m barely hanging onto it to begin with. So, last episode we watched one of three hands punching the other hands to let Moully go, and in this episode it’s confirmed that the day Moully was pulled through the void, the 5th warlock died. My theory with that is, the 5th one was against getting Puppycat in some way and retaliated by fighting them off of Moully and then the others retaliated by killing them in some way. And the tears in this episode didn’t give life to the corpse, but grew new life over top of it, the tears can’t bring the dead back. The ship gets put back together and we see Puppycat being pretty selfish again, bringing the ship online while Bee gets scooped trying to help Moully. He indirectly helped, but only after he got what he wanted. Cooking Prince, an outsider, brings up how everything going on on the island is Weird and Cass celebrates someone acknowledging it. Once again, bringing back the ‘ignorance is bliss until it’s not’ thing going on around here. Cardamon does more childish things this episode, making a wish and crying in his mother’s arms. He got to finally let go of his responsibilities and let it out until he passed out, and now he gets to sleep again. Moully and Bee are out of commission and the Wizard’s+Cooking Prince stay one the island/ship to be with Bee even though they are mostly confused about EVERYTHING going on rn. Bee has multiple Bees now while she’s out, and so, they go looking for Bee’s dad. I have a feeling he has at least some white hairs by now.
I remember watching this season for the first time. I remember I definitely cried at multiple points, but I can’t exactly remember what points now. I didn’t cry this time, I was too busy taking everything in and trying to put what little pieces I could find together. The first season was to get us used to this world and get comfortable for a chill ride, but then it smacks you in the face with something much bigger at the very end. This season was to make you pay more attention and to question your surroundings. It was also about the first steps to taking charge of your life. If Bee didn’t do all the responsible things she did this season, the warlocks would have probably gotten Puppycat while the island went to shambles. Actions have consequences and that’s what this was about. I believe next season is why ‘Lazy in Space’ was the title. The characters are going to be in space, looking for Bee’s dad, and will acknowledge all the weird things going on while developing, excuse the pun, in out of this world ways. 
I can’t wait for season 3.
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lizacstuff · 3 years
Sen Çal Kapımı and Eda/Serkan asks
Hey all, thanks for the asks, I got a bunch after episode 23, so I’m answering them in one big post under the cut. 
Anonymous said: Thoughts on how or if Eda & Serkan finally reconcile in the next few episodes? The show does a nice job of making you feel bad for both Eda & Serkan when it comes to them not being together. It is tough not to melt when Eda & Serkan look at each other and also touch not to yell at the screen “kiss, just finally kiss again please” because the actors have so much chemistry together. Eda has the willpower of a freakin goddess honestly that is the only explanation for them not hooking up post breakup. That aside, I am not crazy about the fact that the show really ramped up the Serkan flirting, love declarations and sweet gestures. While it is totally understandable that Eda would rebuff a lot of it especially initially sometimes it feels like it has also prevented her from ever getting a chance to sort through her feelings. I took the contract as her way to put space between them especially the clause about only work related talk but it feels like she never really got that space. She is just in a constant state of trying to juggle her worries, fears, doubts, desires, a lot of which she probably had before the breakup with her pain from the breakup & secret and she has to constantly be on her guard so as not to give into Serkan. On top of work, trying to be a good friend, school, etc. And now there is another woman in the picture trying to make moves on Serkan which is clearly upsetting her as well. I get Serkan wanting to show Eda that he is willing to change and how much he cares about her but how about just saying “ you know I love you and I will be ready to move forward whenever you decide you are too” and just have them be coworkers for a bit. It would honestly be interesting to see what kind of reaction that gets from Eda.
You make a lot of great points. Honestly, I think Serkan’s actions can be chalked up to a few things:
A) He just can’t help himself. He probably, intellectually wants her to have the time she needs, but when they’re together he just doesn’t know how to hold back. It’s completely in-character and it’s how he acted when they were broken up too. He broke up with her for her own good, and logically knew he needed to stay away from her for both their sakes, but in reality he couldn’t do it and took every opportunity to spend time with her.  
B) They are drawn to one another so when they’re together, neither can resist so it always escalates beyond what either was planning.
C) She always responds to him, and he knows how to get to her, so I think in any given moment he thinks he’s just one move away from her being ready to get back together, and he pushes his luck. He just wants it so badly. 
I also think that Eda would be in a very different emotional place if they hadn’t been thrown for a loop twice.  If she and Serkan had gone to dinner at the end of Episode 20 and talked, they’d be in a better place. Instead, of a nice healing dinner, we got Eda being emotionally scarred by thinking he abandoned her again, because that's how she felt after the break up. Even though she now knows he didn’t stand her up, she still went through those emotions, and they still lost the opportunity to spend that time together and come to an understanding.  
Same thing goes for movie night. She was excited, she wanted to go to his place, she wanted to watch a movie with him, but she gets there and finds this woman who has already unsettled her trying to take her place in his life. So again instead of having time together, alone, when she’s made an overt move, she leaves upset. 
Also, practically, TPTB know that this show’s entire thing is the sexual tension between these two characters so they just want to keep it ramped up to eleventy at all times. Which I can appreciate as a viewer.
As far as the reconciliation, I just want it to be emotional and beautiful and I want to see them happy. Happy like the ice-skating scene, but fully back together and that happy.  I don’t want to put expectations on the next episode, HOWEVER, it is a holiday episode, it is exactly 10 episodes since they broke up, so the time feels right for something good to happen. 
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Hi I would like to have your opinion on episode 23 what do you think about it ? I found that there was too much balca she’s almost in every scene. Also the writing felt a bit inconsistent?? especially for serkan and eda (idk how to explain it, but it was weird at times maybe because of the writers changing).  
Full episode thoughts are here.  
At this point any Balca is too much Balca. I’m already ready for that crazy lady to be vanquished. 
As far as the writing feeling inconsistent, maybe it's because the last two episodes had different writers, but I think it's more that they're trying to pad out the series and they needed a few filler episodes until they get back together.  They want to give us the sexual tension and the heart-melting moments, because that is the entire point of the show, but if the emotional momentum kept pace with every scene they gave us, Ed and Serkan would be married by now!  And then the show would be over. So, honestly, I think they're struggling trying to give us those moments without getting them back together too quickly, which results in some of those inconsistencies you talk about. 
In the end, I have full confidence that this show will deliver in every way most of us want it too, but it may be trying for some to watch in real time.  My advice is to be patient and don't judge it too hard. It's a sweet, silly confection of a show. Let the beauty of Eda and Serkan and their shippy moments spark joy and don't think too hard about the rest.  
Anonymous said: I can't wait to see the reconciliation between eda and serkan especially since this time it will be eda's turn to confess her feelings and finally tell him I love you. How would you like this to happen? I think that the confession could not have come at a better time with the arrival of the grandmother.
Can’t wait for their reconciliation and an Eda “I Love You.”  I’ve very much of the opinion that she has already expressed that sentiment several times, and I am very sure Serkan knows how she feels, HOWEVER, I also, badly want her to say it and tell him what he means to her. The audience deserves it! I don’t have many preconceived notions about it, I just want it to feel like a big moment and I want it to be properly emotional. And then I want them to have sex. Because frankly they’re gonna explode if they don’t. 
As for grandma, I was wondering if they were going to bring her in when they were still apart, or right after they got together, or right before they were about to get back together.  It appears it’s the final option, right before they were about to get back together. It was about to happen, Eda was ready to turn the page and go to Paris with him and that would have cemented everything. Let’s hope Gran’s appearance does not derail that, and they still get back together. All I want is to see is them united and working as a team. Perhaps they’ll get back together, but keep it on the dl so they can suss out what Grandma wants.  We shall see. 
Also I want to see Serkan’s reaction to Grandma having arranged a marriage for Eda. Dude is not going to be happy! 
Anonymous said: I can't get enough of this scene when he described it all through her, every word was describing her actions and showed her why he is so sure around her. He can read her like a book like she is so naked in front of him. She can’t hide anything any more.
They sizzle! 
Anonymous said: I really like how the writers ended up reversing roles with serkan and eda. Serkan was so closed and cold in the beginning and eda was the one who tried everything to make him open up a little more to her. Now it's Serkan's turn to do everything to make Eda open up to him, trust him again and reveal his feelings (after the break-up and everything that happened it's understandable that she acts like that, she needs time).
This is really well observed! Great point.  They really did have a role reversal.  
I think some people forget how cold and punishing Serkan was in the first handful of episodes. Like go back and watch the second half of episode 3, watch how he treats her, it is HARSH.  (By the by, can we get that Serkan to make an appearance and put Balca and potentially Babaanne, in their place?) 
I love Serkan, his pain gives me pain, but it’s okay that Eda has taken a little time and has had a few stops and starts on her way back to him.  
Anonymous said: why didn't eda say anything when serkan told her i love you in french? I know that given the situation she couldn't have said it back but I expected her to at least say something.
DUUUDE, she did say something. She said that she understood what he said, then she went a bit weak in the knees, looked at him with stars in her eyes and was about a millimeter away from kissing him before coming to her senses. Then, with a huge smile and in a very flirty manner, she told him not to speak French anymore, pretty much admitting to him what his speaking French does to her heart, body, soul, mind, everything!!!!
If you’re reading that scene in any way negatively, you’re watching this show entirely wrong. Seriously, reset your perspective and get a better attitude, you’ll enjoy everything about your life more. 
Anonymous said: I saw something around here and I would like to bounce on it eda clearly has the attention to leave and no longer see serkan but she continues to act (with her scenes of jealousy) and give false hope to serkan why?
Eda is confused, the last four eps she’s been in a constant emotional tug o war. On one side is her aunt and her stubborn pride telling her that she needs to leave and start fresh. On the other side is her heart and her soul knowing that she loves him and that they are inevitable. 
It’s only been a week or so since she found out everything and Serkan is the one putting the hard press on her. He’s a big boy, he can handle the situation. He has demonstrated multiple times that he knows exactly where her heart is, she’s not giving him any false hope by having a hard time resisting him. Her jealousy is an honest reaction, even if she won’t admit it, and her succumbing to his flirting and declarations is an honest reaction.  Which is exactly what he wants, he wants to push her into recognizing and admitting her honest feelings. Besides, Eda had pretty much decided to move forward with him by the end of the last episode, which is pretty dang quick in the scheme of things. 
If you want to enjoy this show, don’t tie yourself into knots trying to pit these two lovers against one another. They’d be the first to defend the other if you did it in front of them. 
Anonymous said: Do you know if there is a new episode of SCK this coming Saturday or are they taking a break till 2021? Episode 23 just about did me in and I need the next one ASAP. I loved all of the Edser scenes! I hated all of the scenes with Blaca but am trying to stay optimistic that the writers know what they are doing. It cannot always be smooth sailing for Eda & Serkan but every time they finally start moving toward reconciliation, a problem arises that understandably (in my opinion) causes Eda to put her wall back up. I get since we never have Eda saying she loves Serkan out loud/openly that this is the show’s way of telling us that she does want to reconcile & loves him as much as he loves her but dang, an “I love you Serkan” at some point would be amazing. But like Serkan was being a total idiot about Blaca that whole episode. He focused solely on Eda being jealous which is true but kept him from seriously considering that Blaca was bad news. It was frustrating to watch even though there has to be drama to keep things interesting. Staying positive that Eda & Serkan (and hopefully Ayfer & Aydan as well) will be a United front against Grandma & Blaca in the next episode.
I believe episode 24 will air on December 26th, no new episode on January 2nd. 
All I want is for them to take on Grandma and Balca together!  Bring it, show, I know you want to. No misunderstandings, no miscommunications, just facing them together.
You’re right about Eda’s walls going up and down. The last four episodes have been all about Eda and Serkan making slow progress towards each other and then the end scene is something that resets the progress. The dinner sabotage which picked at Eda’s abandonment issues and prevented them having a heart-to-heart talk which probably would have done them a world of good. The kiss which was followed by a slap. Then Eda once again working up the emotional courage to make a move, but she shows up at his house only to find Balca there and that derails everything. Then in the last episode, Eda had decided to start fresh, go to Paris with him on the most romantic date in the world, but boom there’s Babaanne. 
She’s going to say I Love You, and it’s going to be glorious. Now when that happens is another matter. We shall see, however it wouldn’t hurt to...
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just-honey-dewd · 4 years
Ok so, just rewatched Violet Evergarden all over again, And got to say, that ending was so vague yet subtle that I completely forgot it. 
(This is not gonna be a structurally-sound rant, just a disclaimer for anyone that actually reads this.)
So, ignoring the special and the movie (that came out just last year), the season officially ends with this little scene of Violet walking up to the home of a no-named individual to write as per usual. She does her decade’s version of “Hi I’m Connor the android sent by Cyberlife” 
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But she pauses. And she looks so stunned... only to smile so warmly. At who we the audience can only assume is the person standing before her. And just by going off reaction alone, on the surface....
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...maybe this was her beloved Major? But then... It wouldn’t make so much sense narratively-speaking. This whole show focused on Violet overcoming her past and starting a new life of her own separate from orders and an exploitative environment, plus dealing with the major loss of the one she loved most.  That, and it wouldn’t make sense logically. All this time, these characters were so certain that he was dead. Even if he was truly “MIA”, this show had established itself as being grounded in logic. So to even suggest, that somehow, for some inexplicable reason, Major Gilbert survived the explosion against all odds, consciously decided to abandon Violet, basically tricked the world including his friends and family that he’s dead, and chose to wait nearly a year before he made his presence known to only Violet... It just wouldn’t do the show or character any good if that were the case. It’d be “Captain America choosing to be with Peggy yet apparently doing nothing during the majorly bad events that took place in history/MCU” levels of unpleasant. I haven’t watched any theory videos or public analysis discussing this yet, but I think there are multiple possibilities that Violet got abruptly shocked. I’ll look into each of these possibilities in the order as follows:
-  the unexpected survival of some other character we’ve met
-  a friend that she wouldn’t have expected would request for her/request in general
-  an old friend/a rarely-referenced or appeared-in-show friend
-  the change in appearance of someone she knows
-  two kids in a trenchcoat 
1) The unexpected survival of some other character we’ve met
If we were to look at all the characters that have appeared in the show and could’ve been presumed as dead, we would have; Aiden (from the Ctrigal war ep). Yep, that’s the only notable and closest thing to realistic option we have.
Only glaring issue here is.... Violet knows for a fact that he’s dead, he died right in front of her... so he is in no way alive. So this theory’s debunked.
2) A friend that she wouldn’t have expected would request for her/request in general
Violet at this point in time only considers her coworkers as friends, her boss, some of her clients; Princess Charlotte, Luculia (technically was her client), Leon (scholar from the observatory episode) and Anne Magnolia (little girl w/ deceased mom).
Quick fire round. None of her coworkers or boss would go through the trouble of requesting her under a pen name just to get her to write for them, Princess Charlotte wouldn’t be living separately from her husband in some unassuming house, Luculia isn’t a friend that would elicit shock from Violet for requesting her (and the likelihood of her moving to a new house wouldn’t make sense narratively and realistically), Leon’s more likely travelling then settling down (he’s not the type to have anyone in particular to write to anyway), and Anne never moved (her episode literally disproved any possibility of her ever changing house). So this theory’s dead too. 3) An old friend/a rarely-referenced or appeared-in-show friend
Violet has no previous relationships other than the Major. No dice, not even gonna humor it. 4) A change in appearance of someone she knows
This wouldn’t make sense since Violet’s a very stoic person. Something as insignificant as someone she knew getting a haircut or dressed up out of character wouldn’t get her shocked silent that she stopped her iconic greeting. This reason alone wouldn’t make sense for her character. 5) Two kids in a trenchcoat
Violet has grown to have a notable soft spot for children. While developing empathy, she’s shown to connect with children; whether it’d be substituting as a temporary mother figure for the lonely Anne Magnolia, encouraging the childlike Princess Charlotte to write her own letter to her love, to teaching the spirited Taylor Bartlett how to read and write. I wouldn’t be surprised if children have a higher likelihood of making Violet smile.
Which is why is see this theory actually being possible, seeing as the client(s) that meets Violet stands to eye level with her directly looking at the camera [equivalent of mystery client(s)’s eyes]. Only thing that contradicts is that trenchcoats haven’t been invented yet, presuming that this world vaguely ties to real life history.
In the VE movie, the increased presence of automobiles and the notable construction of the Eiffel Tower would indicate that the time the events of this movie take place in is around 1888 (where the first floor of the Eiffel Tower has been constructed). However, trenchcoats were invented around the time of WWI (1920s). Luckily, a man by the name of Thomas Burberry, invented “gabardine” in 1879.
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This might as well have been the 1800s equivalent of trenchcoats. 
So, surprise surprise. The two kids in a trenchcoat theory was a no-go. However, I think we’ve reached a sound verdict. _____________________
The mysterious client in the last scene of Violet Evergarden, are two kids in a gabardine. Case closed. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Top 10 Regular Show Episodes
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Close Enough is Close! 2 more days and a show i’ve waited without hyperbole years for will finally land offically. While i’ve seen three episodes preelease, one because of a french film festival the other two because HBO made an oopsie, and it’s more than likely i’ll be seeing those episodes again thursday, it dosen’t make it any less special, as with an offical release comes the fandom finally becoming a thing and the ablility to watch the episodes over and over again.. on computer till HBO gets it’s shit together but still. IT’s a great time.  And my hype for the show made me revisit it’s big brother: Regular Show. Created by what would happen if you condesned california into a person, JG Quintel, Regular Show, as you all damn well know but I like doing anyway so as rigby would say, STOP TALKING, was about two slackers and best bros: Laidback hipster and hurricane when it came to talking to women, Mordecai and Rigby a high strung, idiotic, impulsive, and frequently angry racoon who worked, when they absolutley had to, at a park. Joining them at the park were their coworkers and later closest friends: Benson, their constnatly angry boss who constnatly belts out empty threats to fire them and has a rather sad personal life, Skips, a centuries old yeti whose literally seen it all and despenses advice for the duo and is voiced by everyone’s faviorite grandpa/jedi/murder clown Mark Hamill, Muscle Man, a grotesque blob of a man who likes  “My mom” jokes and breaking things, Hi Five Ghost, Muscle Man’s sidekick who got like.. one episode focusing on him alone over 8 seasons moving on, and Pops, an odd but unfailingly sweet and kind vicotrian era gentleman whose also basically immortal and is Bensons’ boss in name only.  The Park Crew spend their days working, or in our main duo’s case trying to get out of work to do anything else,  while dealing with every day issues that would quickly ballon into insanity. Getting pops a birthday present of Fuzzy Dice from a local pizza place ended up with the crew having to fight a bunch of anamatonic animals that were stashing diamonds in there. Trying to get concert tickets involved getting caffine from the nipples of a giant sentient coffee bean in order to stay awake long enough to do the extra work. And Mordecai trying to delete an embrarassing message off his crush Margret’s voice mail lead to him and rigby getting hauled in front of a bunch of a message guardians, one of which is a sentient smoke signal that wanted to burn them while the other replied with “we’ree not going to burn them when have we ever burned anybody”... I love and miss those guys. Oh and it’s resolved by having to playt he embarassing song he sang while said message beings groove to it then ask him to colaberate with them on their album. THis show was on all the drugs and I am all the hear for it. I could go all day obviously but this section is long enough as is, let’s move on. 
Regular Show came at JUST the right time for Cartoon Netowork: Similar to how the 80s doom patrol comic started off really bland and cookie cutter and not at all doom patrol and then grant morrison came in, had hte previous writer kill almost everything, then rebuilt it from scratch with crazy, CN had few shows left and was coming off a really terrible attempt at competeing with NIck and Disney Channel’s live action dommance with a bunch of dude broy reality shows and other ill conceved ideas. The network had a few shows, Total Drama, The Clone Wars which got better and I need to watch those better seasons at some point, but they weren’t enough to make the network thrive again.  SO enter adventure time and regular show: BOth were creative, funny , a bit rough around the ages, and kind of nuts, but both were massive hits: The shows hit almost every demographics sweet spots: Kids like the bright colors, fun designs, and insanity, teens loved the edgy bits of the humor and also the insanity and 20 somethings and older both found refrences they got and loved, and well.. insanity. I mean being fucking nuts but also wonderful is kind of the watchword for most animation nowadays. While in the past in my own head i’ve played down Regular Show’s part in things, after all it came second and had a rough patch I told myself.. but I was wrong. Both shows had a lot of the same elements; insane stuff, great voice acting and good humor especially as they evolved.. but both also evolved in largely the same way and that way helped change animation for the next decade: Both, despite being comeidies, regular show keeping to it a bit more than adventure time did as they evolved, had the characters grow, something a lot of animated comedies didn’t do as much ast the time, even the good ones. THey had season long arcs, things that are now standard features in most cartoons for good reason were MADE standard by these shows. It’s just regular show’s legacy got diluted by shows that TRIED to copy it but both failed to see that it grew past season one or that it’s being okay for kids but really based in adult life and problems meant copycats like fanboy and chum chum, sanjay and craig and breadwinners, all thankfully long dead, eventually sputtered out and died. That and Nick is REALLY shitty at maintaing shows or treating creators with anything resembling respect. Somehow Teen Titans Go is still alive despite having similar failings but you can’t win everything. It didn’t help gravity falls came along right after and proceded to be even more influentail than both of these shows. Hmmm I just realized I haven’t done any gravity falls reviews here.. I gotta get on that. But while the show got eclipsed in quality and popularity I do still think it holds up for the most part as funny, charming and with , for the most part, good character arcs, it’s just that a bit of incosntientcy, some abrubtly done actions and a REALLY fucking terrible arc in season 6 dull the show a bit in comparison to what came after, but I do realize now it’s still worht watching, remembering and laughing at. It may of not been the greatest, but damn it was good.  So with my nostaliga for the show popping up, my faith in it restored, and it’s sucessor showing up in a few days, I decided to do a little something for the ocassion. I WAS going to do a full on review, but had troulbe finding an episode as some of my faviorites are part of a larger arc that was hurt by a later arc, and the show ping ponged between slice of life and utter insanity enought hat it was hard to peg down to jus tone or two episodes. So while I WILL review the show eventually, it has both good and bad episodes needing it, I decided instead to dig out something I hadn’t done in far too long: a top whatver lists! Now while I do get these things are clickbaity, because they are, I.. honestly just love making them. Even if i’ts not for any specific purpose I just love ranking, the stress, even if I normally hate stress given my anxiety, of trying to narrow them down, and the satisfaction of taking a ton of episodes and melting htem down into the best of them. And with a show as long and varied as regular show, If igured this was the best way to show it off before I dived into it eventually. I’ll obviously be doing more top, and bottom lists in the future, but for now this seemd like a godo place to get back to it. As  Now a few more things before we finally get started. Yes I know i’ve gone on for a few years now but i’m almost done. This list is obviously, my opinon. If you disagree fine, and feel free to comment or shoot me an ask about it but I stand by my list and what I choose. I had to boil down over 60 episodes I picked to possibly  be on the list and even after it was down to 40 cuts were really difficult, .. Also just as a quick note there are no episodes from seasons 1, 6, 7 and 8, and that’s not on purpose, as the last two seasons are really good, it just fell out that way and i’m sorry about it. So with that out of the way grabs some sodas and wings, get out your maxi gloves, and bring out your best sentient earworms wearing sunglassses, after the cut I count down the top 10 Regular Show episodes. OOOOOOOOO!
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10. I Like You, Hi (Season 5, Episode 26) As you’ll be able to tell by the rest of this list Season 5 is my faviorite, and it’s where I feel the series hit it’s peak before next season lead to it’s valley. It’s got a ton of great episodes, as this list will attest, some great character development, and was still really damn funny.  But what put it over the top for me was the Mordecai and CJ arc. At the end of the last season as you probably know the show wrote out Margret, having her finally get into college like she’d wanted since she got an actual character back in “Camping Be Cool” instead of just being “that hot girl mordecai really likes but is too scared to persue”, and another fantastic episode we’ll be getting to, Mordecai was in position to move on.  Re-Enter CJ. CJ was introduced earlier in the season 3 ep “Yes Dude Yes” which itself is really good, where Mordecai thought margret was engaged and with Rigby’s encouragment, ended up meeting CJ, stands for Cloudy Jay if your curious, a sentient cloud voiced by the wonderful LInda Cardenelli, aka wendy from gravity falls and currently co star of the equally wonderful show Dead to Me. Seriously go check it out on netflix, it’s really good. It naturally went pearshaped since Margret wasn’t engaged, he tried going out with both, she turned into a thunderstorm out of rage... as you do.. it’s like the season 6 plot but less infurating and more understandable.  But the two remeet, and had a kiss on new years while not knowing it’s the other person under am ask.. and then CJ ran and both thought the other was upset: MOrdecai for him being MOrdecai, and CJ for running out on him and agreed to be friends. That didn’t last, though it did give us another classic on this list, as while exes can be friends and all, the two still had something between them. Thus came this one. And it was a hard one as it barely inched out the finale of their relationship arc, Real Date, which had the ceo of a dating company try to break them up and be really damny funny but it’s ulitmatley this one being just as hilarious while being a great character piece that gets it the rub.  As the episode opens Mordecai and CJ have been spending a LOT of time together and i’ts clear there’s a spark there.. but Mordecai insists it’s platonic. And yes there is a bad habit of animation being unable to accept females and males who are into the oppistie sex can’t be friends without being attracted to each other. It’s being cleared up more lately, but as Star Vs showed it still happens sometimes. But it works here: The two STARTED with dating, made out on new years, and are attracted to each other it’s just clear both were in denial about it. It’s not saying “well they have chemstiry so fuck their partners’ like star vs or “if you loved someone once those feelings will return and destroy yoru current relationship” like next season.... season 6′s arc is a tirefire burn it.  But the issue is forced when, while texting about an extreme baking show together while CJ’s at her job at a sports bar, it autocrrects from Yuji, the show’s host, to you hi, sending the title message “I like you, hi”. Mordecai, being even less adept with his feelings and anxiety towards women than me and trust me that’s saying something, spirals and we do get the episodes best scene, narrowly beating out it’s climax, where Mordecai summons a war council.. aka the rest of the main cast minus benson but plus Thomas, the intern who I wish stuck around longer even after he turned out to be a russian spy because they ran out of ideas for him, voiced by Roger Craig Smith and distractingly using his future sonic voice. 
I just.. love everything about the scnee. From the term pulling a mordecai, to Rigby joining in, deservedly as he’s had front row seats for a lot of this bollocks, to everyone’s suggestions especially Muscle Man’s half assed one that somehow, but unsuprisngly, works for him and Starla.  Naturally Mordecai comes up with what Rigby HIMSELF admits is a Rigby level half assed scheme to get an actual photo with Yuji rather than just admit the truth. Yuji himself is an utter delight, having had his star not rise as fast as he’d like thanks to autocorrect and being entirely on board, and when it backfires as MOrdecai ends up autocorrected and sends the message thrice and gets sucked into the phone again, admits i’ts “pretty extreme’. I love the guy and i’m prety sure he showed up again, to my delight. 
In the phone Mordecai meets some old friends, the message guardians who I mentioned in the “insane shit this show has done” bit earlier: old forms of messaging who police texting, all voiced by Rich Fulcher of the Mighty Boosh and Snuffbox Fame. 
I love Rich and wish these guys could show up in close enough. Maybe they can, I don’t know how rights issues with turner properties work when it comes to two diffrent audiences entirely. Anyways what really makes the episode, besides the great callbacks in this scene, is when confronted with everything going on, Mordecai.. tries to run into the void, with Rigby, The Message Recorder and the Smoke Signal all encouraging him to come back. “There’s nothing out there for you, literally it’s just a blank void”. With the leading tape recorder pointing out from their text history not only how great CJ is but how much he seems to like her with Mordecai finally coming back and admitting the obvious: He does like her.. he’s just scared of beefing it again. Which he does but that’s not the point. Rigby, who as part of his character development helps Mordecai quite a bit with this stuff by being a neutral party, though he also likes CJ better than Margret which is a mood even though I don’t care which one you ship mordecai with frankly, you do you, I have my prefrences. And with that Mordecai finally texts her and asks her out, with her accepting via winky face.. with an added text to clarify it for his neuotic ass.. which is also a mood as my neuortic ass could use that a lot. Overall just a wonderful , hilarious and good bit of character growth.. that season 6 throws in the oven, but that’s a long rant for another day. On it’s own, “I LIke you, hi” is a good character piece for mordecai whlie still being really damn funny. 
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9. Thanksgiving Special (Season 5, Episode 15)
Regular Show was really damn great at holliday specials. Their terror tales from the park every halloween were always a nice treat and a good replacement for Simpsons “Treehouse of Horror” which still exists, it’s just no one cares at this point, and their christmas and new years episodes are both really damn good, the first Christmas Episode being in contention for this list even. But to me the best of the best was easily Season 5′s  thanksgiving episode. 
The premise is simple: Mordecai and Rigby accidnetly destroy thanksgiving dinner, which the park crew is having for everyone and their famllies and, refusing to take Benson trying to dismiss their attempts to help fix their mistake, end up joining a songwriting contest to try and win a Turducken.. a natural one that’s born every 1000 Years because this is regular show. To do this they have to beat a parody of everyone’s least faviorite president Donald Trump, Rich Buckner.  The fact that trump was basically the main villian of a holliday special a year before he became president is not lost on me and  is one of the most accurate depections of the man i’ve ever seen. The fact Rich steals the prize despite our boys winning from his blimp with a grappling hook is peak trump. The fact Trump has’nt stolen more things with a grappling hook in real life is only because his hands are too small to use one. 
Getting past our president for my own sanity, the episode also has really great subplots: Muscle Man and Fives go to  a sports bar to get sides and end up pissing off a former football player and getting into a touchdown dance comppetition, sadly not set to the super bowl shuffle, while Benson, Pops and Skips go to get a turkey and end up fighting over it with men dressed up like a piligrim, a first thanksgiving era native american and a turkey, to which they don’t even really give an explination for.. granted most explinatoins on this show are insane but even by regular show standards, this gets none. And I love it for it.  While as you can tell the episode is really damn funny, what really sells it is the emotional core: For once while they do fear for their jobs a bit Mordecai and Rigby’s main motivation in this messup is genuine guilt and wanting to fix their mistake, and they work hard at it, even giving a genuine and awesome heartfelt song that notches itself up with other thanksgiving classics “That thankstiginv themed soul sketch on snl” and adam sandler’s turkey song also from snl. Not a high bar but it’s really good regardless
The episodes’ real strength though is it’s emotional core: For once instead of saving their own asses or understadnably wanting to get one over on the cranky and in the worse written episodes obnoxiously overbearing benson, they simply feel terrible about possibly runing the meal for their arriving parents and everyone elses parents and families and their friends and work to right the wrong. It’s not the first time they worked to do something genuinely good with no benefit to themselves, but it’s probably the best and Benson’s I forgive you, while hilarious is also really sweet. And speaking of sweet
It ends on a really sweet and touching note, as Mordecai and Rigby, after escaping a blimp via a wish on a golden wishbone because of course, make it home to find the various weirdos the park crew met have brought them thanksgiving, and their parents will be there and we get a nice touching ending as the main duo get a well earned toast from Benson. Just an out and out amazing thanksgiving special and a good reminder of what the holiday means.
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8. Trucker Hall of Fame (Season 3, Episode 37)
Moving on from Season 5 for a second, Season 3 was where the show really started to hit it’s stride to me. While Season 2 was a nice increase in quality from the sometimes choppy and heavy on “everyone is an asshole” comedy season 1, Season 3 was where the increased focus on the rest of the cast outside of our main duo balloned and what seeds of character were planted in season 2 beautifully bloomed. And this episode is one of the best examples of that.  This one focuses on Muscle Man, who earlier on was basically the main duo’s rival alongside his buddy high five ghost, and kind of a dick. While “Kind of a dick” never left any discription of Mitch Sorenstein, this and previous episode muscle woman showed there was more to the goblin man than we thought. It’s also one of regular show’s few early mostly serious episodes and unlike the benson ones, again this list was tough don’t come at me with a machete, and realy showed why muscle man is the human tire fire he is. The episode introduces, and quickly kills off, muscle dad, mitch’s dad who gave him a love of pranks and was a truck driver who died as he live: mistaking a fake bear for a real one during a prank. Muscle Man being not the most stable person on a GOOD day, spirals, as seen above, and Benson tasks mordecai and rigby, since Fives isn’t good with death ironically and isn’t holding up much better, and as a much later episode shows the two became besties in high school so he probably knew muscle dad for a good ten years so he’s probably not in a great place either, nice stuff, to go with him to put his dad’s ashes in the trucker hall of fame.  What follows is a sweet and damn sad episode. While Mitch’s frequent breakkdowns can be hilarous their also really sad and having lost my grandpa since this episode aired, I can relate to being fine one minute and a total shrieking wreck the next over the smallest thing. But it also shows that Mitch genuinely thinks of our main duo as his friends, and that beneath his testorrone positned exterior he’s a decent guy, being genuinely greatful. Of course being regular show the 3 end up squaring off with some truckers, while Mitch also grappels with the revelation his dad wasn’t one but a forklift opperator who faked being a trucker for his son’s benifit and dleft a tender note in his picture, figuring correctly his son would break it open when he found out... oh and because this show is still nuts his ghost ends up saving them at the end which is really sweet , as mitch decides trucker or no his ashes deserve to be there. Also his ghost shows up again at thanksgiving so apparently he can just come back once in a while, which is nice but dosen’t demnish the bittersweet feeling of this ep. And as I said the show has a good grasp on continuity as this ep marked a turning point for our main duo and muscle man: while the’yve bonded before after this, aside from mitch’s habit of christmas pranks and his faking his death, they really don’t nearly get as annoyed by him ever again. i’ts a sweet touching ride tha’ts uncharacristic of the show’s usual chaos but really works. 
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7. A Bunch of Full Grown Geese (Season 4, Episode 19) After a few episodes that were more sentimental on this list, it’s good to get back to some good old regular show madness for this one, which was also the series 100th in production order and is a worthy milestone episode. Season 4 was really good building on the good will from Season 3 and FINALLY having payoff to the margret and mordecai thing, more on that in a bit. Not as much to say as seasons 3 or 5, but it was still spectacular.  The sequel to another ep, fittingly given it’s #100, full grown geese has our duo tasked with removing a bunch of obnoxious geese, with Benson in dick mode refusing to give the two more help, though it does lead to one of the show’s best scenes when he gives his usual your fried threat.. and fitting a milestone episode, Rigby calls him on never going through with it and the threat being as empty as my dreams. Benson responds by going nuts and angrishing them out of his office.. really funny. But yeah with the geese attacking them and , in their first attacking, poor pops, and no way to combat them, the two turn to the baby ducks, a bunch of baby ducks from the episode titled that who show up to help.. and this being the 100th episode of an already grant morrison level nuts show, it turns out the geese seek to conquer earth, voiced by david warner of course and have laser eyes.. and can combine. And the ducks do so again, mecha style, and add in our heroes and a bunch of call backs in one of the series best and most batshit sequences> The ending is also throughly satisfying as while our heroes win, Benson chews them out for tearing up the park in the process.. only for the ducks mom to call him out for not only yelling at the ducks, who are just kids, but at mordecai and rigby after they just saved the park from being a smoldering crater and not just trashed and he backs off. Just a fun episode where the crew just went nuts and the results speak for themselves. 
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6. This is My Jam (Season 2, Episode 13)
Now this one I couldn’t NOT include. This is one of the series best even after it’s immense growth, and a beloved classic for a reason. And like the above it’s a good classic case of regular show hyjinks while also being relatable this time: Rigby gets a brainless but catchy pop song from the 90′s stuck in his head and despite growing to hate it, and Mordecai hating it because this episode establishes him as a hipster, and seemingly exercises it.. only for it to manifest as a GIANT CASETTE WEARING SUNGLASSES THAT PLAYS THE SONG JUST BY EXISTING AND DANCES CONSTANTLY. it’s utterly glorious and used to great effect, also annoying benson because he’s constnatly annoyed. To beat it the main duo get the rest of the park’s help at Skips suggestion to form a band and craft an even BIGGER earworm to cast it out. Oh and there’s a great scene where Pops is forced to awkwardly dance with the incarnation of the 90′s “But I won’t use my best moves”.  The climax also has one of Benson’s best moments as, after he’s irritated all episode, he comes in hot, with both the cast and audience expecting him to chew out mordecai and rigby.. only he’s mad because they forgot drums are key to an earworm and saves the day with his drumwork. It’s a great subversion and one of the first times Benson was more than just the angry but understandable, at times, dickhead boss. Just an utter standout and one of the show’s most memorable episodes for a reason. Also the line “you can’t touch music but music can touch you’ is great. 
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5. Meteor Moves ( Season 4, Episode 28)
This one was a long time coming and to me is a great example of writers taking their own shortcomings and making something awesome out of them. I prefer that: instead of just retconning away bad writing use it as a tool.. I try to do that myself when possible. See early in the show as you all probably know, Mordecai’s crush on Margret was just a plot device: he had a crush on the cute waitress at the coffee shop so they used it to get him to do things. A gratioutis shot of her in bike shorts got him to bet all computer rights for life that sort of thing. The show.. wasn’t great with female characters till season 3 and even as it grew, as season 6 and just.. forgetting to give CJ a proper ending as a character shows, still grappled with it. It took writer Kat Morris saying “no no stop go to jail” to them wanting ot make CJ a difficult woman type, whatever horrifying thing that is. I don’t want to know, let’s move on. The point is it wasn’t till season 3 that Margret and her best friends, and Rigby’s future wife, Eileen got fleshed out a bit: Eileen got smarter and turned out to be good at wilderness stuff while Margret was chill, nice, if annoyed by the chaos around mordecai, and funloving, while also having a clear goal in stark contrast to her future boyfriend: going to college. Even after coming back it was botha fter finsihing college and to start a career. It wasn’t incredibly deep, but it made me not be ehhh to her mere existance like before. The show also started developing her and Mordecai’s relationship seriously with the two bonding and the previously shown Butt Dial showing for the first time, after previously having a terrible taste in men and then just not noticing his crush, that she was receptive to how mordecai felt. And the two had several moments and two dates even, it just.. never went anywhere for some reason.
And this was INFURATING to me: See back then shows had a tendency to just pop in love intrests SOLEY for plot fuel like margret with no intention of following through with things either through rejection or a relationsihp upgrade and by then I was sick of it. The whole spike and rarity thing in MLP (which to be clear I wanted her to just reject him but nope, even after I stopped watching she never did. ), Isabella and Phineas. I was fed up so I went from being “eh” about it to annoyed supremely.. but the thing is the writers realized this.. and course corrected. The first step was picking up Margret, where Mordecai agrees to pick her up to get her to the airport for a college interview and we get a nice deconstruction of things as Margret is anticpatiing things going wrong, and wrongly blames Mordecai for it.. I mean it is his fault sometimes but half the time weird shit just follows him. However she’s won over by him working past it, getting her there in time and kisses him.  That blew me away and made me think well it’s finally here.. and it was.. ALMOST. However the creators wisely, if frustratingly to past me, took one more episode to iron it out: Metor Moves has the two growing closer, and semi-going out, but Rigby pops mordecai’s bubble pointing out he never actually made a boyfriend girlfriend move and her move could’ve gone either way. So Mordecai , after seasons of being wishy washy and awkward, finally decides to go for it as he, rigby, eileen and margret go to a metor shower.  Being Regular Show it dosen’t go as planned as his attempted kiss is blocked by the guardians of the friend zone.. which is a real, phantom zone esque place here and that’s just fantastic. And it’s also clearly mocking the hell out of the concept, which is dumb. if you want to ask someone out just do it, I learned that the hard way. And if you really are friends, if she says no then you’ll accept it and keep a friend anyway as I have. But it’s clearly parodying it and Mordecai get sreplayed all the times he ALMOST made a move but didn’t but refuses to accept this clusterfuck, realizes he was a screwup when it came to this.. and kisses her.. and this time the two enter a relationship> Granted it barely lasted but still, it was nice while it did and this ep is just great for it. While not the funniest, it’s up this high because it took somethign the show did wrong.. and turned it on it’s head and into a character flaw and had mordecai grow past it, with a genuinely romantic moment on top as well as an utterly funny and batshit concept. It also had some Rigleen, as by this point rigby stopped being a hateful wastebasket to her and warmed up to her, and I regret there’s no reigleen episodes on this list. Their the shows best couple and utterly adorable. Just wanted to mention that at least once this list. 
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4. Laundry Woes (Season 5, Episode 1) From the begining to the end. While sadly Morderet didn’t last too long in canon, which blows, it did give us some great episodes while it lasted, as with the above entry and their breakup in Steak Me Amedeus. As mentioned before Margret left for college, which while abrupt feeling did pave the way for great stories: The Mordejay arc mentioned above and that will pop up again very soon, This was one of them: the ep while lacking on laughs is a good emotional rollercoaster and starts with an amazing montage that catches us up from the end of season 4: Mordecai is miserable, as you’d expect and wallowing in it with Benson, of all people, letting him. And given Benson seems to have a heart attack any time Mordecai and Rigby aren’t working, that’s huge. But eventually his friends refuse to let it go on and in a really touching montage help him through it, taking him out places, giving him good times and eventually.. the fog starts to lift and he starts to enjoy himself and by the end.. he’s himself again. It’s one of the series best sequences, told with no dialouge and showing just how far the rest of the cast had come: Benson actually wants to comfort mordecai but is encouraged not to at first, underfstandably as it probably woudlnt’ help, and a crew that were once, aside from Pops who much like Krillin is everyone’s friend, just coworkers who barely tolerated each other, and are now close as family and help their own in need.  But Grief isn’t a straight line and just as Mordecai’s recovering he’s sent spiraling when he finds Margret’s sweater and uses ita s a flimsy excuse to go return it. It’s here I also get to talk about Rigby, who grew from an impatient idiot who hated Mordecai’s romantic endevors and actively sabtoaged them at times, to an understandting wing man who, while understandably frustrated with his best friend’s own idiocy with women, turned out to know more and be the wise council he needed, triggering both is relationships and only bailing out during the season 6 clusterfuck and even then was there to comfort him after it was all over and go to his aid to pull him out of another misery hole. And here he gives Mordecai the hard truth: He shoudln’t do this, it’s just going to tear both him and margret up again and he just put himself back together. He’s not going to let his best friend do this to himself. And while there is a supernatural elment, the sweater comes to life and tries to get Mordecai to force margret back with him and give up college, likely voicing his darkest wants that he hates himself for wanting, but it feels more like a manfiestation of Mordecai’s own issues than the usual madness. Like “Trucker hall of Fame”, a rare senntence, it’s a less funny packed more grounded episode. And in the end it’s mordecai himself, after rejecting the ghost sweater and seeing his ex truly happy , that gets him to NOT talk to her and just.. let it go. IT’s a good emotional episode and SHOULD HAVE BEEN the end of their relationship... but i’ve ranted about the cheating storyarc enough here, moving right along. 
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3. Portable Toilet (Season 5, Episode 16) Back to the Mordejay arc. And yes this arc is my faviorite and while I didn’t make it clear at the time I really shipped the two, even before it became canon. I had nothing against morderet, these two simply had more chemistry and these episodes built CJ up as more of a character than Margret was at the time. It’s why that later arc sucks so much to me: it destroys a perfectly good relationship and story arc for dumb reasons and never really did enough with it to justify doing so. I’ll get to it some day, or if someone comissions it soone rthan some day, but as you can tell i’m still sore over it and great eps like this are part of the reason why. It’s the same reason i’m sore on how Tom was handled on star vs. But as you can also tell as bitter and lemon scented as I am.. these eps are still objectivley great and thus took up a third of the list basically.  Case in point Portable Toilet, which zooms back a bit to when neither would admit they were into each other but were now friends at least. Also Eileen was CJ”s friend now because plot convience. I mean they worked, and it bothers me a lot that the creators claim cj washed her hands of her even though she’s not the one who made out with margret... which come to think of it adding her to rigleen.. not a bad idea. I mean Rigby didn’t really like margret true, but they did almost go out before mordecai killed him and then reset time because Mordecai’s always kinda sucked. I’ll file that away for later. But my new OTP aside, I did like the two bonding and what not.  Anyways with their outside park friend/RIgby’s future girlfriend now friends with Mordeai’s future girlfriend the four have apparently been hanging out which, while i’ve bemoaned off screen stuff at times, works here and regular show uses it better than most shows. While Rigby can clearly see Mordecai and CJ are into each other Mordecai is as we covered in denial and while that dosen’t really progress here, it does lead to one of teh shows finest hours. When talking would you rathers, CJ semi-flirtly dares Mordecai to eat his lunch sandwitch in a portable toilet, which he agrees to and drags a reluctant rigby along for. This being regular show, it goes south fast as the two get stuck, with Rigby’s clautrophiba kicking in leading to an amazing exchange Mordecai; Dude that makes no sense! Rigby: You’s makes no sense! While our dynamic duo try to get mordecai and rigby out the two are carted away and repalced with a new portable toilet, a deluxe one. Also we get another great bit when our dynamic duo find Muscle man, in a robe with choclate’s claming “Eileen, other girl, this isn’t weird” before screaming “This isn’t weird”. Turns out old portable toilets are taken to be blown up by the miltary and we get one of the shows best one off characters in the general, who not only explains it as “toilets being about the same size as the enmy” but when told he should call the president says “the preseident is not my father i’ll blow up as many toilets as I want.”. Spectacular. So now it’s a scramble for one twosome to rescue the other, Rigby lets out a cathartic “THANK YOUUU MORDECAI” over the flirty toilet dare, and the day is saved> This one is another pure comedy one, even if it ties into a plot I really like, and i’ts gold for obvious reasons and manages to take blowing up porta poties, a premise that dosen’t seem that funny, and make it utter comedic gold. Speaking of pure comic episodes that are utterly insane...
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2. Cool Bikes (Season 3, Episode 7)
This one feels like regular show boiled down to it’s core: semi-relabtale hyjinks dovetalling into pure madness. And the premise sounds like a shit post i’d make: Mordecai and Rigby want benson to admit their cool and get into progressively weird outfits and tricks to their bycycles to do so, eventually becoming so cool their put on trial by the council of cool , ending up having to make a runner when Benson finally breaks down and admits it.  The premise is utterly stupid in the best way possible, with the conflict being the kind of petty bullshit we all get into from time to time with our aquantinces: not wanting to admit something and loose the argument withthings escalating. And in regular show terms it escalate sperfectly into the entire unvierse being threatned adn our heros being on trial for their lives. There’s not much to say here, it’s just pure comedic gold with a premise that just works. It also has good moments for Benson with his finally admitting they are cool and saving the duo’s lives whne he realized he just gave them a death sentence. Utter fun. And now we come to the finale, my faviorite episode...
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1. Dodge This (Season 5, Episode 15) 
Yup this arc again. But this one has more than my ship going for it, and it’s why it soared to the top: It takes the excellent character work of other episodes and weaves it with excellent comedy to create an utter delight and the episode I remember most fondly and most often. It’s just great. The second part of the Mordeijay arc, not counting yes dude yes, the episode is half that and half sports movie: The Park Guys have been taking part in dodgeball as a team bulding thing and it shows how far Benson’s come as he not only praises mordecai, and launches the mordecai and benson ship in the process, but gives his team full wings and his full support, a far cry from his usual self. It’s also the first big instance of him getting hammered on wings and it’s glorious to see drunk flirty benson.  Benson is also genuinely congratulatory to the team’s ace mordecai, and most of them realy for b eing valuable and hopes to win this year.  IN their way are two things: The magical elements, aka the floating baby heads that gave skips his immortality, his friend with sparkly eyes who works for them and death himself whose a recurring character and fucking great and who were their bowling rivals too. The other is CJ is back, and Benson in another good moment actually talks mordecai through it and his nerves over it assuring him. So we get a great sports piece as our heroes work through various callbacks and even beat the magical elements iwth Rigby’s hilarious and rediculous rignado manuver, which is as dumb as it sounds and winged a guy hilaroiusly before with Benson scolding him like a toddler.  Of course it ends up with Mordecai and CJ against each other, both incredibly awkard over things as mentioned before, and both ending up in a stalmate that magical dodgeball guardians have to resolve because, let’s do this one last time. IT’S REGULAR SHOW. We do get a good moment though as the two work through their awkwardness: both thinking the other is rightfully mad: Mordecai for his two timer date with her and Margret and CJ for running out without talking to mordecai after they had a moment on new years. The both work past it, the park strikers loose,benson likely gets hammered again off screen.. it’s a good one and I have no shame in putting it at number one. It’s got heart, really great jokes, and some good charcter stuff, not to the level of other episodes on this list, but it wasn’t a full episode of that like those were and still works to move the plot forward and is still a classic. Just a fun, breezy, well done epsidoe fully rooted in the cast’s characters and getting laughs out of that.. mostly benson.  And with that this giangantic list comes to a close> I hope you enjoyed it, if you liked it follow me for more. I’ll be doing close enough coverage every week, as well as amphibia and owl house among other reviews. Until we meet again, later days. 
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grizztheexplorer · 4 years
Ep 5 Love Victor live reaction:
- what do you mean you don’t understand a Madonna reference how old am I??
- girl they hate u bc u are cheater I think u are gonna have to at least try getting along with the in laws💀 like starting a fight over it is not it💀🌚
- I hate that Victor has to do shit he clearly doesn’t want to do to turn off the fires in his family. People (THE PARENTS) need to start actually listening to their kids and not just want they wanna hear
- she said piñata for a 16 year old😭 ma’am piñatas are until ur 14 year old bday and then never again until like 18 or up ONLY when everyone else is drunk at the party and the piñatas turn ironic. Thats the rule.
- omg Lake invited Benji!!! Let Victor have one break from his gay breakdown omg (but also yesss)
- “he’s a very macho boy” [squeals] ajdjdjdjd i loved that😭😭
-omg Pilar stfu???? Sjdjjddjdj i love the family drama but let it stay in the fam not with in laws that already hate ur mom
- ik they were gonna be homophobic but jesus christ💀 let the little kid play with the damn wand fuck
- Mia!!! Looks!!! So good with the hair half up and blue eyeliner!!!!!!!! Fuck it up girl!!!!!
- they need to stop watching soccer if the guests come
- omg Mia JUST arrived and i am now realizing grandpa could be racist too fuckkkkk
- omg they are not god bless
- aah :(((( that dad is so happy bc he had a girlfriend 😭😭
- omg the mom is gonna hate the girlfriend?? She’s been so rude what a boring cliché. Bitch you cheated and have a bad relationship bc grandma is a bitch. U planning on continuing the tradition?? Even if shit is bad bc if u?? THE LEAST U CAN DO IS BE NICE💀
- follow him around with google translate LMAOOOO
- 😭😭😭 i only like the kids in the family I don’t really like the parents or grandparents someone save Benji and his bf they aren’t there yet but I don’t want them there
- its been a sec and i hate the bf omg rip. Him and Benji have interacted so little but god the actors!!!!! They have this eye contact thats so good!!!! The actor who plays Victor totally has chemistry with Mia and has these cute ass looks but with Benji!!!!!! Is such a loaded look too!!!!!! This actor is killing it!!!!! Is like less dopey and more in trance whenever Benji is around😭 Benji too bitch got a bf but be staring at Victor.
- Victor noooo how u gonna introduce them like that. He should have let them know beforehand of his grandparents. For a friend i would be in a uncomfortable situation but only if they let me know beforehand. Being surprised at the moment and caught off guard is so much more disrespectful (at least in my opinion).
- Benji is pissed and he has every right to but also i wanna die
- I can’t with grandma saying devil music lmaooooo. Thank god my grandma didn’t give a shit about those things even tho she was religious af
- also where is victor going pls don’t make Benji feel worse
- in a way I understand if Benji’s bf is pissed at him for hiding it. On another, this is benji’s FRIEND’S house. Its his family. And he asked a very ride thing last min, but it is better to leave than to flatout make a scene when you were asked to avoid it. I respect Benji for that, bc he 100% didn’t have to but it was the nice thing to do. He would be justified to make a scene or to just leave. But i feel like that should be Benji’s call more than his bf’s and the bf shouldn’t be upset at it. The relationship that can be affected is Benji’s. Its his friend and coworker. While the bf is involved and is disrespectful to him too, the call here isn’t his. And he needs to stand by whatever Benji decides to do, whether that’s cause a scene, leave, or hide for the day.
- Felix is cute. He looks like the Benji from My Babysitter is a Vampire and WHO didn’t have a crush on THAT Benji growing up??? Get him Lake. The Stiles of this world are always worth it.
-Now i stand with the bf tho. If Derek wants to go Benji could talk to Victor and go. I do think is unfair to make Derek stay in a circumstance he wasn’t told beforehand. And Victor’s fam might not necessarily be physically violent, but Derek nor Benji know that. Derek could not only be extremely uncomfortable, possibly triggered, but also might feel in danger. Benji SHOULD understand that and tell Victor they can talk it out later and head out. He just won’t leave bc he is also lowkey crushing on Victor tho.
- shitshitshit they kissing and they saw it. Omg thank fucking god the grandpa didn’t make a scene.
- no omg don’t ask for a word for it?? Is not a big deal jesus fuck. Omg fuck this a “family party” nah just leave.
- yes omg confront them. Hell fucking yeah.
- i love the mom confronting them over her shit too but sjdjdjdj do they know there’s other people in this house💀💀 his girlfriend AND crush and crush’s bf are all there i would die
- not dad pretending like he’s standing up for his fam when he was talking about “is a family party” 3 mins ago. Nah son u blacklisted unfil further notice.
-i really thought Pilar was gonna fuck up and i was about to scream
- aaaaah that’s why shit they do is similar to me. They are colombiannnnn. Made me wonder bc the bendicion thing is something we venezuelans do but never heard cubans, mexicans, or any mainstream latinx family do before. Makes sense, venezuelans and colombians have a lot in common (more than other latinx cultures)
- where the fuck did the kids go to lmao. After all these speeches i would have lowkeu gone too💀💀
-Benji bitch im sorry too I can’t imagine being out into the position he was put on. Even if Victor stood up for him. Benji also most be so confused about Victor bc they def have had moments.
-omg the direct eye contact with the candles these kids are BOLD
- y’all Mia and Victor would have made a power couple if he hadn’t met Benji and salivated for him sjdjdjdj. Once they figure their shit out they are gonna be fucking power friends dude.
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tortoisesshells · 4 years
me? ditch my hobbies to rewatch a show I literally just watched? doesn’t sound like me.
Signal episodes 1 & 2 under the cut.
I wasn’t kidding. I started tearing up under a minute. At least this time it was mostly just seeing the opening credits again ...
But also: Kim Yoon-jung’s mother standing outside the police station with the same sign for 15 years, asking for action on her daughter’s kidnap and murder, juxtaposed with how “well” Park Hae-young deals with the years between his brother being arrested/killing himself and the present.
Park’s initial confrontation with Cha Soo-hyun after being accused of stalking for going through a celeb’s trash to prove a point seems ... more significant, considering how many plot coupons come from going through the garbage as the show goes on. There’s a metaphor here about the cases the police department discards as not worth pursuing, I’m sure.
The Batman photo. “It’s a bit much”? ohh. oh man. I definitely thought it was a little ridiculous the first time. Hurts much more now.
Flashback to August 3rd, 2000: uh. I missed a lot the first time through: that it’s Lee Jae-han that kid!Park bowls into at the station, that then-Captain Kim Bum-joo makes an off-hand comment about the world being full of bad people & then-detective Ahn Chi-soo reluctantly tells Lee to back off (which Lee, of course, disregards). And what Lee tells Cha: “I think I can sort it out this weekend.” and “Let’s talk after it’s all over.” 
pretty sure they’re referring to Cha’s confession in the ambulance after Lee got stabbed the first time? in 1999?
kid!Park runs away when Lee exits the station; I suppose that makes Park one of the last people to see Lee alive?
Ohhhh, but this is where it gets good: the ticking clocks, both in and out of focus, the quiet of the late night, and then ... 
The Transmission! I’m trying to keep track? It’s the first for Park in 2015, and the second-to-last for Lee back in 2000. remind me to come back and renumber Lee’s after I’m done again.
Honestly, I think Lee’s half of the conversation/actions to get there tell you everything you need to know about him: alone outside a recently shut-down mental hospital, staring at the corpse of a murder suspect who was probably murdered himself, he hears someone or something moving behind him. “Why did you tell me not to come here?” he asks. hmm. 
nb: you can see the yellow sticker at the bottom of the walkie-talkie when Lee’s holding it.
Park and Cha arguing about what the discovered remains mean for the Kim Yoon-jung case is ...  really good. Narrative foils and mirrors! Park, who was dismissed by the police in 2000 even though he witnessed the kidnapping; who watched his beloved older brother be scapegoated and then kill himself because of a crime he didn’t commit, expresses his anger and frustration that the police either can’t or won’t do anything. Conversely, Cha only says that with cold cases, “You don’t even know why and how your loved one died. You can never let it go. It’s like a living hell.” Neither recognize that each other is speaking from a position of personal pain, and they don’t recognize their own pain in what the other is saying. Yet. (they will, of course, realize that Park’s older brother was Park Sun-woo, from the Inju case, and that the cold case Cha can never move on from is Lee’s disappearance.)
Ohh, man. The anxiety to the end of the statute of limitations. my poor fingernails.
[into ep. 2]
I thought I had been anxious! That was before the stopwatch through the last 10 minutes, trying to get Kim Yoon-jung’s (& Seo Hyung-joon’s) killer to confess ... which failed. And honestly, the first time through, I was flabbergasted. The main characters failed? Was the clock wrong? Was that a ploy to get the killer to confess after she thought time was up and she was safe? But, no. Hard lesson of the first case: the protagonists don’t have plot victory armor. 
Public outrage about the inability to prosecute Yoon-jung’s murder (though not Seo Hyung-joon’s) gets the statute of limitations overturned, which seems to neatly side-step a conversation about why such laws exist and who they benefit or privilege. In narrative, though, the major effect is the creation of a dedicated Cold-Case squad, led by Cha and manned by Park, Kim Gye-chul, and Jung Hun-gi, theoretically under the control of Ahn Chi-soo. Because Kim Bum-joo, now a superintendent(?) doesn’t want them poking around in cases that he’s interfered in in the past, they get stuck with the unsolved South Gyeonggi serial murders, which everyone thinks are unsolvable.
at any rate, Park goes to the school where he last saw Kim Yoon-jung to leave a chrysanthemum for her. He sees her ghost, and this perturbs him far less than the transmission from Lee Jae-han. hmm.
meanwhile, Cha goes to visit the murderer, asking if Lee ever approached her back in the initial investigation in August 2000; when told no, she goes back to stare at the files on her desk & the framed Batman photo, which is of course not just Batman, but has Cha’s photo of her and Lee from her rookie days, and the flashback really is ... something to behold. I’m not exactly sure what year it is? Probably somewhere before the 1997 serial killer case? Of note: Lee, disgruntled, telling Cha to pretend that Kim Jeong-jae is a criminal. That aged like fine wine.
Transmission! (#2 for Park, Last for Lee) Park, despite being told the radio is (1) broken & (2) has no battery anyway, believes that the transmissions have a sane explanations and Detective Lee on the other end of the line inhabits the same world he does. This is immediately shaken by Lee, badly injured and expecting to die at any moment, telling him that the transmissions will begin again in the past, and that Park needs to convince Lee to listen in 1989. Before Park has a chance to ask for clarification, he hears a gunshot - and the radio goes dead.
Park is still talking into the radio up to the gunshot; theoretically, Ahn could have/would have heard the transmission in 2000. Would he have recognized Park’s voice 15 years later? Did he even think it was significant? I only ask these things because Ahn’s reaction to the radio in 2015 is one of my favorite moments of the narrative.
Cha goes to get her watch (THE WATCH) repaired. Of course, Lee’s the son of a watch-maker/-repairman. Somehow I missed the senior Lee’s line, “You used to pursue my son with a vengeance”, which honestly would have cleared a lot up for me in the first half of the season, since, from Cha’s words and actions alone, it’s not immediately clear why she can’t let go of Lee’s disappearance - was he that good of a boss and coworker? Did she feel personally obligated in some way? Personally, I suppose I didn’t mind wondering.
ah, but the throw-away line: Lee Jae-han always said he expected someone else would arrest the South Gyeonggi killer. 
Transmission! (#3 for Park, #1 for Lee) It’s 1989, it’s Lee Jae-han’s first case, and he’s not having a good time. Honestly. Major props to Cho Jin-woong for going from “world-weary man grimly accepting his fate after getting one last word out” to “anxious rookie beat cop tripping over tree-roots in the woods” in the space of hmm... a half hour? At any road, Park still doesn’t quite accept what Lee told him from 2000, that the next transmission would be from 1989, so Park, unthinking, tells him where the next two victims’ bodies would be found - Lee, never having heard this man before, thinks Park is a slightly deranged superior, until they find the next victim exactly where he said she’d be.
Ah, but now Lee knows something no one should: where the eighth victim of the serial killer will be found, and spends most of his off-duty time hanging around there. It helps he’s sweet on a woman who lives nearby?
The scene of Lee following Kim Won-kyung is such a good fakeout, but also ... great foreshadowing? That in 1999 and 2000, Lee follows kid!Park and tries to look out for him; in 1999, he follows Cha because when he didn’t, in 1997, she nearly got killed searching for a serial killer. Lee’s always at a distance, afraid/too reticent/unable to interact with a lot of the people he’s closest to or feels responsible for?
for the first time, THE TIMELINE CHANGES.
Spare thoughts: have I mentioned I love the intro credits? I love them. Unreasonably excited when they’re used as diagetic music in a flashback to 1987.
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jinjeriffic · 4 years
Finally got around to watching Titans Season 2 so here’s a dump of my thoughts/nitpicks.
First off, THANK FUCK they got rid of the Hooker Starfire outfit. Jfc she looks like the princess we deserve now <3
Eh, I’m generally not a fan of the practice of ending a season on a cliffhanger then defeating the big bad in the first ep of the next season. ESPECIALLY if you don’t even know if you’re gonna GET another season.
Trigon’s defeat felt kinda anticlimactic? I mean Raven is the only one who got to actually have a go at him. This is an ensemble cast, dammit!
What is with the bystanders in this series? So a girl crashes through the boardroom window and they just... sit there? No screaming, diving for cover, calling security or checking if she’s still alive? Just sitting at the desk with a mildly startled look on their faces? Whatever.
One thing that really bugs me is that the heroes almost never put on their actual costumes. Yeah, it’s hard to emote in a mask, but other superhero shows manage it! Hell, even if we go with No Secret Identities (the show seems super inconsistent on this??) you’d think that when the heroes go out to face down ARMED AND DANGEROUS SUPERVILLAINS they would at least put on some bodyarmor ffs. The Titans set out to chase down Doctor Light in jeans and T-shirts and Hawk gets a fried leg for his trouble. How are they this stupid?
The Donna/Garth relationship is just... eeeehmmmmm. I mean we see that Garth is flirting with her and Donna is just suuuuper uncomfortable in his presence. Hell, she asks to be transferred back to Themyscira just to get away from him. At first I thought “Okay, it’s the classic dilemma of a woman being stuck with a coworker who keeps hitting on her, but she can’t tell him to FUCK OFF because she doesn’t want to be seen as the overdramatic, difficult to work with hysterical woman. Gotcha.” I thought they were gonna make a good point about “nice guys”. But nope. She sleeps with him, then fucks off into the sunset. Then they confess their feelings for each other but they can’t be together because Destiny Says So. Then he dies. Fucking what? This is just encouraging guys to keep hitting on women when they are visibly uncomfortable because it’s tru lurve, yo~! Bite me.
Garfield is a precious baby and Kori is a badass queen. I swear they are the only characters with a modicum of sense and compassion on this show.
So Rose gets thrown across the room and everyone immediately goes “oops she dead”, sending Raven into a panic. Dawn is the only one to think to actually check for a pulse. You’re superheroes, you should be better at triage and crisis management!
I’ll admit, Dick’s hallucination of Bruce is a fucking RIOT. Best jokes on the show go to Batman, who’d have thunk? But is it just me, or is Bruce’s accent all over the place?
Why does everyone blame Jason for trying to screw with their heads? Okay, the crucifixes could have been a tasteless prank by him, but the orange soda?? There is no reasonable way for JASON to know about a Titans in-joke from five years ago. The only people who knew about that were the OG Titans! And no one thought of this??
Conner is definitely the stand-out episode of the season. I fucking love Doctor Eve <3
I gotta wonder though - why on earth would they send out a team of goons to capture a Kryptonian hybrid that they KNOW is bullet proof and give them neither proper instructions on how to handle the situation OR kryptonite weapons just in case it goes pear-shaped? It feels like Saturday morning cartoon villainy.
Am I meant to believe that Bruce Control Freak Wayne wouldn’t immediately know when his adopted kid gets kidnapped? The other arrested? Or when the superhero HQ he built gets invaded by hostiles? I get that they didn’t want this to be the Batman and Titans show, but come ON.
Also, what is the timeline here? Does Dick get arrested, tried, and sent to prison within just a few days? You’d think this would take longer ESPECIALLY since Dick Grayson is the adopted son of a billionaire and you’d expect a MAJOR media circus to surround the whole affair.
Speaking of cartoon villainy - so Cadmus brainwashes Garfield and sets him loose in public, then they sic Conner on him in an attempt to sell the idea of supersoldiers to various governments. That is some Grade A stupid. This is a world where heroes like Superman, Wonder Woman etc. are running around. If you cause a major ruckus with rampaging metahumans IN PUBLIC, it’s a surefire way to lure in every cape within a 500 mile radius to foil your evil scheme! They could have just staged a demonstration within a secure compound and they could have gotten away with it! Also it seems like Conner is the first successful clone, so shouldn’t they hold off on selling their only working prototype until they have all the kinks worked out and the production line is reliable? Lex Luthor is supposed to be the smartest guy on the planet, why would he sign off on this??
Donna gets electrocuted and all Dick can think of is to cradle her body like a pieta. Someone should have started CPR immediately! Get Rachel to run over there and try to heal her! Even if they were gonna kill her off in the end, have the heroes do SOMETHING to try and help! Did noone receive basic first aid training in this universe??
What the hell are they going to do about the legal side of things? Conner is wanted for beating up cops. So is Kori. Ditto for Rose plus grand theft auto. Garfield (under mindcontrol) mauled a bunch of people. Dick was sentenced to prison for 7 years, aided in the escape of other felons, then escaped himself. That shit isn’t just gonna go away! Plus they are in the public eye as superheroes, someone is bound to recognize them.
I think one of the main pacing problems is that there are just SO MANY characters in the ensemble cast that there just isn’t enough runtime to properly flesh them out. It would be better if they didn’t try adding so many major characters to the series at once and instead space them out a bit. I mean in this series we find out the OG Titans were Robin I, Wondergirl, Hawk, Dove and Aqualad with Jericho as a late addition. Then the new Titans lineup added Robin II, Raven, Starfire, Garfield, Rose, Conner and Krypto, That is a LOT of people to juggle and it feels too thinly spread tbh.
For all my nitpicks I actually really like the series, but I feel like it could do BETTER. Hence the enthusiastic nitpicking :P
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migleefulmoments · 4 years
"That’s because she’s a toddler that stomps her foot and throws a tantrum when she doesn’t get what she wants or the attention she feels entitled to for doing absolutely nothing meaningful with her life." Hahahahahaha, Abby talking about herself again. This miserable woman has some serious psychological issues if she can't recognize that what she is describing is her own pathetic attitude and existence. It really is woeful behavior, Abby. For the love of god, stop and employ some introspection.
I’m always amazed at her complete lack of introspection and her inability to understand who is doing the feet stomping and attention-demanding but I’m more floored that the tinhat enablers can’t see it. The endless narcissism memes and quotes posted without an iota of irony by Leka, Cassie, and Flowers are frankly baffling. How can they not see it? 
I suppose Mia could be a stomping toddler princess-we would have no way of knowing because we hardly ever hear her speak and we certainly do not get to hear her thoughts and feelings about life. The only time we get any access to anything that might resemble a thought or feeling is when a friend reblogs s social media post from her private IG. It’s super rare and we have never seen anything resembling a “toddler princess”.  To get from a smiling photo of Darren and Mia on the red carpet to “she is stomping her feet and making demands” one must believe a long, fabricated backstory created purely to fulfill Abby’s fantasy-a fantasy that is rooted in deep-green jealousy rather than anything real.  
Mia is well-liked by her friends, her bar staff, and Darren’s friends, coworkers, and peers. We know this because they post it on social media. People write really nice -and often very specific-comments about what they like about Mia or what she brings to their lives. Abby, on the other hand, spends her days raging over Darren maybe might possibly could ogle men on the Hollywood set and that would be someone’s fault-ok it would be Ricky’s fault. She’s angry about Darren’s new home-shocker, she doesn’t like it. She’s pissed that D-Criss News reports Darren’s life like it happens aka she doesn’t scrub her blog of all mentions of Mia and/or Photoshop her out of pictures like DACN does. The only one demanding respect is Miss Abs who was quite angry after being called out and argued “I am the one who constantly tries to explain his actions and constantly tries to assert my opinion”
There is only one person stomping her feet and making demands and her name starts with “Abby”. 
“I was just saying to a good friend, with SK, my patience has expired. And that’s how I feel about everything involving d and this tragedy. At least if he was working there would be a distraction. It’s May. We’ve gotten one night about d. One. The rest have been overshadowed and that includes his 3 awards.
And if my patience has run out, imagine how d&c feel. I just wish I knew how we got here. It’s my worst nightmare times a thousand, maybe a million. And I’m disgusted with everyone surrounding him. And angry. Very very angry.
Please may he win. If he wins, this will just be a difficult bump on a long road to the finish line and victory. Please, please, please. This can’t be his life. Because he’s not living”.(X)
“...your one sentence resonates, “fans of d who want him straight see M as the only one who makes him straight…”. That’s not a me problem. That’s a them problem. That’s pathetic. Essentially, what you are saying, and truly what I believe so we agree, they support m because they realize without her d would be allowed to be his queer self in love with another man. And that truth petrifies them.
And this fandom, in which I am a loud voice, points out every damn flaw and they hate it because they know they can’t erase it. So they counter by praising that worthless, vile, malicious, greedy woman. And bullying us. And creating blogs to hate us.
And yes a side effect, m gets same increased praise because of it. And that’s a negative. But we also make her life hell but continuing to publish facts. And we scare the fuck out if her fans. And I have no intention of stopping. Because the truth always comes out in the end. M will lose. Maybe not today or even next year. But in time. And I will take pride in knowing I was a massive thorn in her side and played a part in her demise.
D is going to win. And I will see it happen.
Love this gem of demands 
You know what I miss?
D having projects that I was excited about and looking forward to.  The ONLY one he has upcoming that i am remotely happy about is M/idway, and that makes me sad in many ways as that is the direction his career should be going and instead it has stalled.
Instead, this entire year was things I do not care about and I am not interested in.  
SK? No thank you, not only do many (not all) use him mercilessly, but everything they touch, whether professional or personal, is the PBB show.  And while I appreciate his loyalty, i really do, and I understand he is an owner, he has grown so far beyond them, this should not have been a primary focus of the entire first half of the year.
R/oyalites?  That one is hard no for me. first we have the Jumping Jackass as executive producer. Need i say more?  Of course I will.  It is also in a format i found wholly uninteresting and is being written by 2 people that i don’t believe have grown beyond their college years.  In addition, i think it will be used as a vehicle to promote ass kissers, but that remains to be seen.
TB?  Nope, have not even watched it in its entirety more than once.  A commercial for a food chain i don’t like and that supports Donnie as the ONLY acting he has done until just recently seems like an utter joke.  I recognize it was well done, but not when it is the only thing. Commercials and ads should be supplementing his acting career, not be his entire career.
EF? I should be excited, i have a ticket. But to see who?  6 weeks from Saturday and not even D is confirmed as performing.  And even if it is an amazing line up, RR and PBB have their fingerprints all over it and pull focus. (future Abby LOVED Elsie this year) 
I WAS excited about CG music, but what happened there?  They started a fan club, promised an EP and nothing.  Instead C/huck has released his own album and included at least one song that was supposed to be on the CG EP.  
Fine, there is CIM, that was fun, but fleeting. So i guess I was happy about this.  Wonder what happened to the video?
I think this is the thing that makes me almost more angry than anything. Fine, they forced him to marry that woman, and that breaks my heart and is near impossible to watch. I hate every second of it.  But not only do I have to watch that shit show nearly everyday as their life may as well be a reality show, there isn’t even the work to use as a distraction.
I assume and hope there is a plan and this is temporary. I do.He deserves so much better than what has happened in 2019.
Sorry, in a glum mood and this is what happened.
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kdrama-anime-world · 5 years
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Love Affairs In The Afternoon
I want to start by saying that I don’t agree with cheating in my personal life but dramas about cheating always have some good drama. (I feel like Hyeon on WWW Search when she was watching her drama)
This drama is about Ji-Eun who is married but falls in love with a married man named Jung Woo and ends up having an afternoon affair.
Ji-Eun is not happy in her marriage and it seems like she never was. She is a good wife but at this point in her life feels very indifferent about her marriage. Even though she cooks and cleans for her husband she feels like she is not appreciated and taken care of. Looking at her and her husband I don’t know why she married in the first place and I would’ve liked to see the beginning of their relationship but I guess that’s not how the story goes. We also learn that her husband and her don’t have sex and did not sleep together for years only held hands in bed 😩. We also see that her husband becomes attracted to his coworker who is very nice to him, makes him laugh, and feel wanted. I think that he also got caught up in the routine and didn’t feel loved either. My problem with Ji-Eun is the fact that she doesn’t communicate with her husband. She doesn’t tell him how she feels or what she wants. She can’t expect for him to just understand what she feels. We can see that he is a good hearted husband And at one point he acknowledges that he hasn’t been taking care of her and he was sorry for that even saying to her “ let’s live a happy life.” Unfortunately by that point her heart is already confused. I feel like if they married because of love and they would’ve just talked about their wants and needs things would be different.
Jung-Woo on the other hand, was married for only one year before he moved back to Korea. His wife left him living alone for 3 years before reuniting with him. I feel like he probably wasn’t as in love as he thought he was and after all that time apart he couldn’t get those feelings back. He also feels mistreated and like his wife is embarrassed of him because he didn’t get his masters. I also have a feeling that she either cheated on him or for raped because she took a pregnancy test but he hasn’t been sleeping with her. I am not defending him, but he did try to tell her how he felt but she talked over him by saying they should register their marriage in Korea ASAP her already knowing she was pregnancy and now had that urgency to get married officially.
In this drama we also meet Choi Soo-A who is having affairs with different guys. She explains that she only married someone with money but did not marry him for love. She eventually falls in love with a painter but her husband finds out about her affair. We will see more about how this affects her family as they deal with the affair and all it’s repercussions.
This drama doesn’t encourage cheating but I like how detailed it is about exploring the emotions and feelings behind failed marriages. I binged episodes 1-10 because I couldn’t stop watching always fearing that someone was going to get caught and after ep 10 I know that shit is about to go down and I can’t wait to see what happens.
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eucharistintact · 5 years
OMG interaction on tumblr.com i’m shocked!!!!! lydz @hockeydilf tagged me in the top 10 songs i’ve been listening to currently!!! i’ve been in a really heavy deathcore/music of my emo days kick so please excuse all the teenage angst and brutal rage and random shit, leggo:
1. DARKEST SPAWN BY LORNA SHORE oh my fuckin goddddd!!!!!!!! so HEAVY AND YUCKY and black metal-esque omg!!!!! the best. out of all the times i have said i’m obsessed with a song, i never really knew what it meant to b obsessed. honestly. i got SERVED by this mf song. “none of us are fucking safe, in a sick world full of snakes”
2. my disguise by currents highly recommend this song even if u arent into heavy music, it’s more metalcore and less screaming
3. maleficium by lorna shore honestly the song and the entire EP (even tho my fave song on the EP is a toss up between uhhhhh lets face it ALL OF THEM gdi) tom barber’s voice is so powerful and the whole tracklist from start to finish is spooky as fuck and i love it. it gives me goosebumps. maleficium is the latin word for “an act of witchcraft performed with the intentions of causing damage or injury” per wikipedia and it matches the tone of the album in its entirety. HOWEVER what i love so so so so much about lorna shore, who are basically my perfect all-time favorite deathcore group, is that their lyricism in my opinion is far above their competition in the genre. most bands think every song being a variant of “fuck your religion/god” which yes i get the sentiment but its boring and worn out and lorna shore provides such a depth of emotion and a way with words that is only intensified by tom’s growls and thrilling highs jsjsksjzkzk okay i’m done
4. without me by halsey ...look i don’t know shit about this girl other than that baby pull me closer chainsmokers song but the moment i heard this i was HOOKED. BRUH. her voice in this song makes me MELT
5. wornout by traitors “my generosity has turned into a ball and chain, that’s the cold hard truth.. i’d stay the fuck away from me IF I WERE YOU” perfect for headbanging the FUCK OUT
6. imagine by ariana grande because lets b honest...who isnt obsessed w/ this song (is it problematic for me to say that i dont like 7 ringz)
7. do bad on my own by z-ro like i said this list is fucking random and while i acknowledge wholeheartedly that this is a bop, idk why it always fucking ends up stuck in my head!!!!! like i’ll be cleaning tables before the dinner rush and BAM the next 4 hours my subconscious elevator music playlist gets jammed on this track.....so involuntarily this is a top song in my spotify
8. hour of abhorrence by signs of the swarm after getting acquainted with lorna shore replacing tom barber with cj mcreery and of course tearing thru LS’ entire discography, i decided to check out cj’s old band and ONCE AGAIN i’m fucking obsessed with his old sound like the “senseless order” album is so PERFECT and hauntingly heavy. the intro to hour of abhorrence embodies that tone that reverberates through my chest and chills me deep to my bones!! perfect gym music too!!! love cj like have a huge fucken crush on him he’s so pretty
9. the conscience killer by a skylit drive TOTALLY fucking indulgent of my emo phase from age 11-15 but in all honesty a skylit drive will always be one of my favorite bands. she watched the sky (the best), wires, adelphia, identity on fire— ALL SO MONUMENTAL IN MY YOUNG ADULT LIFE. i remember going thru some shit and being so DEPRESSED but i would take my giant red cd player, plug into the outlet on the back porch and lie down in the sun and listen to indentity on fire cd on repeat. wow. the memories and the emotions associated with the songs are heavy!!!!
and last but not least.... (finally, right?😭😹)
10. no show by toro y moi like dude....i dont want to listen to anything but metal atm man but i was just reminded of this amazing musical group that my fellow metal-loving friend and coworker is seeing in concert right now. this song is heavenly i swear and it’s a bop u can get down n grind to. “my baby got fed up with my ego”
okay this is alot and if u made it all the way through thank you for sharing my thoughts and parts of my heart as i am connected to the music i love in thatnway!!!
💭💭🔅🔆fuck i’m so blitzed i almost forgot i have ti tag people so i choose @escarjorts @ursamini @clammylemon @egertin @jordanstaalsmugshot @buyerns please this is so fun to share your passions and seeing everyone’s unique musical interest! dont forget to tag me so i can go back and take a look at your list of top 10 current faves ;)) :$
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eaglesfan986 · 6 years
Christina Grimmie: One Of My Idols, Gone Too Soon.
WARNING: This is going to be a very long post, so unless you have the time or patience to read it all the way through, I suggest you keep scrolling.
Christina Victoria Grimmie was an American singer who started off on YouTube. She and I both grew up in New Jersey, she lived only a few miles away from me, before moving to Los Angeles. She was only a couple months younger than me. As I’m typing this, it’s been over a week since the 2-year anniversary of her untimely death in Orlando, Florida. I’ve been having a hard time getting her off my mind all week, so I figured the best way to get this off my chest would be to just let it all out. Share my story about Christina, like how I was introduced to her, what I liked about her, and how I heard of her tragic passing. So, here goes.
I first heard of Christina some time in 2011, when I heard that she was touring with Selena Gomez on her We Own The Night tour. At the time, I was obsessed with Selena, so when I heard of her, I looked her up, and sure enough, I came across her YouTube channel. In her first couple years on YouTube, Christina just uploaded song covers on YouTube. Some of my favorites were her covers of Skyscraper by Demi Lovato, My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion, We Found Love by Rihanna & Calvin Harris, Impossible by Shontelle, and of course, Just A Dream by Nelly with Sam Tsui. Before I looked her up, I realized that I had seen her YouTube videos before, her videos at the time were titled, “Me Singing _____,” so I didn’t really think about checking them out at the time. I’m glad I finally gave her a shot. When I watched her more and more, and followed her on more social media sites, I realized that she had more than just a beautiful singing voice, she also had a heart of gold, and was very goofy. She loved making people laugh, and she participated in many charity events that she could. In fact, her last video before her death was her asking her fans to participate in this charity for animals in need that she was a part of, called the Humane Society of The United States (HSUS).
When I heard that she had made original music, I knew I wanted to buy them myself. I remember waiting to receive an iTunes gift card, so I could download her music, Throughout her music career, she had released two EPs, a studio album, and a few singles. Some of my favorite songs of hers are: Liar Liar, Counting, Advice,  With Love, Get Yourself Together, Make It Work, The One That Got Away, My Anthem, and more.
One of my favorite segments on her YouTube channel was her Above All That Is Random series, that she would do with her friend, Sarah. In those videos, they would sing just a bunch of random, goofy things in autotune. For the last 3 episodes, they asked the fans to write down some lines that they could use in the final cut. Her sense of humor also consisted of posting April Fool’s videos. Her first one was her crying, saying that she had enough of people harassing her, that she was giving up music, and moving back to New Jersey from Los Angeles. She almost got me, but when I saw the date on the video, I was like, “OK, say [April Fool’s].” She did manage to get many of her fans, some of which posted videos begging Christina not to give up, and that they were there to support her. Later that day, she did release another video, saying that the first one was a joke, and she apologized for freaking her fans out.
In early 2012, Christina introduced in a new video this new hand gesture for her fans, who she called, Frands (friend and fan), and Team Grimmie. The hand gesture was simply holding up 3 fingers, as if someone was saying they wanted a quantity of 3 of something. She called it, “RAWWK Fingers.” No, that wasn’t a typo. Christina loved misspelling words, she would often say on social media, “Team Grimmie RAWWKS,” that’s what the hand gesture was supposed to represent. For my high school graduation later that year, I actually did the RAWWK Fingers when posing for a few pictures. My friends thought I was throwing gang signs.
In early 2014, Christina auditioned for season 6 of NBC’s The Voice. Her blind audition was her singing Miley Cyrus’s Wrecking Ball, and within 10 seconds, she had 3 chairs turned for her (Usher, Shakira, and Adam Levine), however she did manage to make Blake Shelton turn his chair at the end. Christina ended up joining Adam’s team, and the two of them became inseparable, he even went backstage to hug her mom, who Christina said on stage was her inspiration, and had battled breast cancer 3 times. I never watched The Voice before, but when I heard that Christina was going to be on it, you bet I watched the entirety of that season. I did everything I could to help Christina win, I called the phone number that they showed us to call to cast a vote, and I even helped save her on Twitter, with the hashtag, #VoiceSave. Unfortunately though, I didn’t have the money to buy all the songs that she sang on the show at the time, so I couldn’t do much to vote for her there. Me watching The Voice was how my family was introduced to Christina, they said they loved her, and were rooting for her throughout the season. She made it all the way to the finals, but in the end, she only got 3rd place. I was a little disappointed, but I was happy that she at least made it that far.
Then, in the morning of July 11, 2016, I heard of the tragic story of Christina’s death. I was on YouTube, and I saw a video from Keemstar’s Drama Alert titled, “Christina Grimmie Shot.” Seeing how that was from Keemstar, I knew I couldn’t trust him for accurate news, so I looked it up on Google, and unfortunately, Keemstar was right. Christina was performing at The Plaza Live in Orlando, Florida, opening up for the band, Before You Exit, and after the concert, she had a Meet-and-Greet, and one of her fans took out a gun, and opened fire on her. Her brother, Marcus, tackled the gunman, who then killed himself. The police later reported that Christina was rushed to the hospital, but died there. I was utterly shocked, I couldn’t believe it. I thought, “Who would kill such an innocent, fun-loving, caring girl like Christina.” I later realized that the guy who killed her was an obsessed fan, who fantasized of marrying her, but then found out she had a boyfriend from one of his coworkers. What’s most disturbing is that the guy actually had 2 guns on hand, 2 fully loaded magazines, and a hunting knife. I was disgusted to find out that The Plaza Live at the time had no metal detectors, and no pat downs, they just checked people’s bags. Of course, many people, including myself, were outraged that this happened, and part of me felt like suing The Plaza Live for having inadequate security. All this happened only a couple days before The Pulse Nightclub shooting in the same town.
I talked to some of my coworkers about Christina’s death, and as it turned out, one of them actually met her in person one time. This coworker said that Christina was friends with someone in his family (I can’t recall if it was his daughter or niece), he even had a picture of them together, and I asked him if I could see it. He let me see it, and I was delighted to see Christina’s smiling face on that photo.
Adam Levine, Christina’s former coach on The Voice, was of course heartbroken over Christina’s death, and offered to pay for her funeral. Christina was buried in a private ceremony on June 16, 2016 at Berlin Cemetery in Berlin, New Jersey. 
In early 2017, Christina’s family released her first posthumous song, Invisible, which would later have an animated music video. That year, Christina’s family released one posthumous EP, Side B, and her 1st posthumous (2nd overall) album, All Is Vanity. I, of course, bought them as soon as I could. A couple of my favorite songs on All Is Vanity are Echo, and Everybody Lies, while on Side B, I really like Invisible, I Only Miss You When I Breathe, and her cover of Jason Mraz’s I Won’t Give Up   In April of 2017, Adam performed Hey Jude by The Beatles on The Voice with his team, in memory of Christina.
Earlier this year, Christina’s family released another posthumous single, Little Girl, which I bought only a couple days ago. Christina’s mother actually released a video a day before the song was released to talk about how much that song meant to her, and Christina. She goes on about how Christina was a toddler, she was worried that her mom was going to die because of her cancer at the time. It gets very emotional, and truth be told, I didn’t even watch the whole thing, because I didn’t think I would be able to take it.
A few days ago, I came across this Creepypasta reading on YouTube. It was titled, “Christina Grimmie Final Goodbye.” The story was basically, this guy hears about the death of Christina Grimmie, and a few months later, he discovers this playlist of alleged unlisted videos of Christina Grimmie, and he comes across this one video of hers that was uploaded on that day. He clicks on the video, and he sees Christina in her room, her face covered in blood, she’s crying hysterically, and choking on her own words. Basically, Christina is thanking her fans for all the love they’ve given her over the past few months. She then tells them that she wants them to be strong, that she’ll always remember all the good times she had going on tour seeing their smiling faces, and that she’s sorry she never got the chance to say goodbye. The guy is confused as to how this video was uploaded months after Christina’s death. The video eventually starts buffering, and he reloads the page, only for the video, and playlist, to suddenly vanish. 
Of course, people were outraged over this Creepypasta reading, saying that the guy was only profiting off of Christina’s death. While I can understand their point, I actualy enjoyed the video, it felt very uplifting, and truth be told, I wish that story was based on a true story. What that story said that Christina said actually did sound like something Christina would say. I tried looking up the original story, but no luck, it must have gotten removed because of Christina’s angry fans.
A couple days ago, Scribbler released a video on YouTube of a big brony collab cover of “You Will Be Found from the Broadway musical, Dear Even Hansen, to raise money for The Trevor Project, a charity dedicated to help prevent suicide from those in the LGBTQ community. I ended up leaving a comment that consisted of a quote from one of Christina’s songs. The quote was, “You are an extremely unique and individual person. And I’m telling you, don’t let those invalid opinions of others just bring you to the pits, OK? You’re strong, so own it. Love, me.” I also went on about how recently was the 2-year anniversary of her death, that she was my idol, and how I missed her so much. In hindsight, I think it may have been a little bit selfish to talk about Christina on a video that had nothing to do with her. Like I said earlier, I’ve been having a hard time getting her off my mind, and I want to get it off my chest.
We all miss you so much, Christina. Hope you’re singing with the angels as I’m typing this. <3 <3
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